Doctoral Thesis

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Doctoral Thesis UNIVERSIDADE DA CORUÑA DEPARTAMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE DOCTORAL THESIS Blurring the Boundaries Between Real and Artificial in Architecture and Urban Design through the Use Artificial Intelligence. Directors Dr. Juan Ramón Rabuñal Dopico Dr. Adrián Carballal Mato Doctoral Candidate Rafael Iván Pazos Pérez ii A Coruña, 7th of July 2017 Mr. Juan Ramón Rabuñal Dopico, Associate Professor of Universidade da Coruña, and Mr. Adrián Carballal Mato, Associate Professor of Universidade da Coruña, Certify that: The thesis ‘Blurring the Boundaries Between Real and Artificial in Architecture and Urban Design through the Use Artificial Intelligence’, was done by Mr. Rafael Iván Pazos Pérez, under our supervision in the Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the Universidade da Coruña, and constitutes the Candidate Thesis for the Doctoral Degree in Computer Science of the Universidade da Coruña. A Coruña, 7th of July 2017 Signed: Dr. Juan Ramón Rabuñal Dopico Signed: Dr. Adrián Carballal Mato iii iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to acknowledge and thank to all the people that have supported me over that past years, both academically and professionally. I would like to specially thank and dedicate this thesis to my parents, whom have always supported and encouraged me during my academic and professional career. I would also like to particularly thank to Juan Ramón Rabuñal Dopico, Alejandro Pazos Sierra and Adrián Carballal Mato, for their motivation, support and dedication during the development of this work, at the School of Computer Science of the Universidade da Coruña. Some of the ideas developed through this doctoral thesis date back to 2001, during my Master degree studies at the at the Graduate School of Architecture at Columbia University, in New York. During that period, I was introduced to the concepts of self-organization by professors Manuel Delanda and Kramer Woodward. During that period, I was also introduced to digital design by Joseph Kosinki (Director of the animation films ‘Tron Legacy’ and ‘Oblivion’). Also, I would like to thank my former architecture school professors at Universidade da Coruña, from whom I learned some of the basic architecture and urban design concepts that have contributed to this thesis: Carlos Quintans, Jose Ramon Alonso Pereira, Juan Luis Dalda, Cebrian-Tello, Javier Peña, Fernando Blanco and Jesus Irisarri. Special thanks to my professional mentors in New York, who guided me at the start of my professional career, and have somehow contributed with their guidance over the past years to the work on this thesis: Steven Apking and Peter Eisenman. Also, I would like to thank to former colleagues, friends and partners in A Coruña, New York, Seoul and Tokyo, as they have contributed to my professional and personal development with their support: Nick cotton, Verena Haller, Jesus Colao, Max Sanjulian, Emilio Rodriguez Blanco, Pablo Otero, Omar Alvarez, Ashraf Abdallah, Eunice Kim, Inha Jung, Sookjun Roh, Karen Kim, Insun Cho, Jason Horton, Hojung An, Gorka Blas, Satoshi Yoshida, Atsumi Fujita, Joe Ginsberg and Mikako Oshima. Without their great help and support, the work in this doctoral thesis would not have been possible. III IV ABSTRACT / RESUMEN / RESUMO V VI ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis explores the use of three-dimensional (3D) technologies for architectural representation and modelling of both ‘real world’ and ‘artificially generated’ 3D objects. Current 3D architectural representation has reached high levels of reality, to the extent that it’s often hard to distinguish between ‘pictures from the real world’ and ‘artificially generated’ 3D renderings. The thesis will make use of the latest available 3D technologies in combination with artificial intelligence (AI) processes to increase the visual realism and geometrical precision of 3D models. The first line of research relates to architectural representation and visualization, by exploring the use of ‘Light Imaging Detection And Ranging’ (LIDAR) technology and proposing a point-based rendering (PBR) methodology, to seamless merge models obtained directly from the ‘real world’ with ‘artificially generated’ ones. The second line of research is related to geometrical architectural modelling, and proposes the use of evolutionary computation and self-organization logic to achieve more geometrical realism and accuracy in the 3D modelling process, by exploring the idea of auto-form generation. The research consists of three case studies, and algorithms are proposed for each one. The first one is related to 3D visualization through LIDAR scans and PBR rendering, the second to geometrical generation through evolutionary morphogenesis and the third one to human made self-organized systems (cities). From the results obtained from each case study final conclusions will be draw. The final objective is to determine the efficiency of using point-based technologies and artificial intelligence as a methodology to further blur the boundaries between ‘real world’ 3D models and ‘artificially generated’ ones. VII VIII RESUMEN La Tesis explora el uso de tecnologías tridimensionales (3D) para la representación arquitectónica y modelado 3D, tanto de objetos ‘reales’ como de objetos generados ‘artificialmente’. El uso de tecnologías 3D ha permitido a la representación arquitectónica alcanzar niveles de realidad similares a fotografías, hasta tal punto que a menudo es difícil distinguir entre imágenes reales y representaciones 3D generadas artificialmente por ordenadores. La Tesis estudia el uso de las últimas tecnologías 3D disponibles, combinadas con procesos de inteligencia artificial como una forma que permita aumentar el nivel de realidad visual y exactitud geométrica de modelos 3D. Para ello la Tesis sigue dos líneas principales de investigación. La primera está relacionada con la representación y visualización arquitectónica, explorando el uso de la tecnología láser para detectar imágenes y medidas (LIDAR) y proponiendo una metodología de visualización mediante el uso de técnicas de infografías basadas en puntos (PBR) con el fin de combinar directamente modelos 3D obtenidos directamente del ‘mundo real’ y modelos 3D ‘generados artificialmente’. La segunda línea de investigación está relacionada con el modelado de geometrías arquitectónicas. Mediante el uso de computación evolutiva y procesos de auto-organización con el fin de lograr un mayor grado de realismo y exactitud en el modelado 3D, mediante la introducción de parámetros del mundo real en los algoritmos de morfogénesis evolutiva, explorando así la idea de la auto-generación de formas. La Tesis propone a través de tres casos experimentales, algoritmos para cada uno de ellos. El primero está relacionado con la visualización, el segundo con la morfogénesis geométrica y el tercero con sistemas complejos auto- organizados realizados por el hombre (ciudades). A partir de la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos de cada caso experimental, la tesis extraerá conclusiones finales sobre el uso de técnicas de inteligencia artificial como metodología para difuminar los límites entre los 'modelos de 3D del ‘mundo real’ y los ‘generados artificialmente’. IX X RESUMO A Tese explora o uso de tecnoloxías 3D para representación arquitectonica e modelaxe 3D, tanto de obxectos ‘reais’, coma de obxectos xerados artificialmente. O uso de tecnoloxías 3D na representación arquitectónica pode acadar uns niveis de realidade similares a fotografías, na medida en que moitas veces é difícil distinguir entre imaxes reais e representacións 3D xeradas artificialmente por ordenadores. A tese estuda o uso das últimas tecnoloxías 3D dispoñibles, combinadas con procesos de intelixencia artificial como un xeito de aumentar o nivel de realidade visaual e exactitude xeometrica de modelos 3D. Esta tese segue dúas liñas principais de investigación. A primeira está relacionada coa representación e visualización arquitectónica, explorando o uso das tecnoloxías láser para detectar imáxes e medidas (LIDAR) e propoñe unha metodoloxía de visualización mediante o uso de infografías basadas en puntos (PBR) para combinar directamente modelos 3D obtidos directamente do ‘mundo real’ e modelos 3D ‘xerados artificialmente’. A segunda liña de investigación está relacionada coa modelaxe de xeometrías arquitectonicas. Usando procesos de computacion evolutiva e auto-organización a fin de acadar un maior grao de realismo en modelaxe 3D, a través da introdución de parámetros do mundo real en algoritmos evolutivos de morfoxénese, deste xeito explorando a idea de auto-xeración de formas. A tese propón a través de tres casos experimentais, algoritmos para cada un deles. O primeiro esta relaccionado coa a visualizacion, o segundo coa morfoxénese xeométrica eo terceiro cos sistemas complexos auto-organizados feitos polo home (cidades). A partir da avaliación dos resultados de cada caso experimental, a tese extraerá conclusións finais sobre o uso da intelixencia artificial como unha metodoloxía para difuminar as fronteiras entre os modelos 3D reais e os xerados artificialmente. XI XII TABLE OF CONTENTS XIII XIV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... I ABSTRACT / RESUMEN / RESUMO ....................................................................... V ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... VII RESUMEN ..........................................................................................................
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  • Metadefender Core V4.12.2
    MetaDefender Core v4.12.2 © 2018 OPSWAT, Inc. All rights reserved. OPSWAT®, MetadefenderTM and the OPSWAT logo are trademarks of OPSWAT, Inc. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks, service names, and images mentioned and/or used herein belong to their respective owners. Table of Contents About This Guide 13 Key Features of Metadefender Core 14 1. Quick Start with Metadefender Core 15 1.1. Installation 15 Operating system invariant initial steps 15 Basic setup 16 1.1.1. Configuration wizard 16 1.2. License Activation 21 1.3. Scan Files with Metadefender Core 21 2. Installing or Upgrading Metadefender Core 22 2.1. Recommended System Requirements 22 System Requirements For Server 22 Browser Requirements for the Metadefender Core Management Console 24 2.2. Installing Metadefender 25 Installation 25 Installation notes 25 2.2.1. Installing Metadefender Core using command line 26 2.2.2. Installing Metadefender Core using the Install Wizard 27 2.3. Upgrading MetaDefender Core 27 Upgrading from MetaDefender Core 3.x 27 Upgrading from MetaDefender Core 4.x 28 2.4. Metadefender Core Licensing 28 2.4.1. Activating Metadefender Licenses 28 2.4.2. Checking Your Metadefender Core License 35 2.5. Performance and Load Estimation 36 What to know before reading the results: Some factors that affect performance 36 How test results are calculated 37 Test Reports 37 Performance Report - Multi-Scanning On Linux 37 Performance Report - Multi-Scanning On Windows 41 2.6. Special installation options 46 Use RAMDISK for the tempdirectory 46 3. Configuring Metadefender Core 50 3.1. Management Console 50 3.2.
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