and Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm

Those Present:- Councillors; Mrs. M. Raymond (Chairman), Mr. T. Green, Mrs. M. Jackson, Mrs. D. Kaye, Mr. S. Raymond, Mr. D. Robinson, Mrs. E. Robinson and Mr. M. Whitehead. Mrs. A. Pickering – Clerk

It is with great sadness that we had to announce the death in June, of Councillor David Jordan, our Vice-Chairman. David had served on the Parish Council since its inception in 2000. Councillor Jordan will be sadly missed. A two minute silence followed.

1994 Declaration of Interests


1995 Public Speaking - None.

1996 Apologies for Absence - None.

1997 Chairman’s Opening Remarks - The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mr. T. Green who spearheaded the Hands Off campaign, thanks were given to all the Councillors who had delivered leaflets and made financial contributions to the campaign. Thanks were given to Cllr. Mrs. M. Jackson for her work looking into the possibility of a new location for the Christmas tree. Cllr. Mr. S. Raymond was thanked for drilling and fixing the plaque on the memorial seat on South Ella Way. The Chairman expressed her gratitude to such a hard working team.

The Chairman welcomed Mr. J. Bailey to the meeting, a prospective new Councillor.

1998 Law & Order

Local Police Report - The current crime figures had been circulated. There had been a total of twelve reported incidents during the month of August, an increase on previous months.

1999 Minutes of Previous Meeting - The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th June 2014 were accepted as a true and faithful record of what took place, and were duly signed by the Chairman.

2000 Matters Arising from Minutes

Minute 1986 (1964) - The Clerk reported that Cllr. Mr. T. Green had been added to the list of signatories for the Parish Council bank account and the name of the late Cllr. Mr. D. Jordan had been removed.

Minute 1986 (1967) - It was reported that The Honourable Company of Masters Mariners had reimbursed the Parish Council for the plaque [£61.56] which had been fitted to the seat by Cllr. Mr. S. Raymond. Photographs of the seat had been emailed to them.

Minute 1986 (1969) - Cllr. Mr. M. Whitehead advised that E.R.Y.C. are not happy about the idea of traffic lights at the junction of Great Gutter Lane and the A164 but would consider installing a roundabout which would slow traffic down. The three Ward Councillors will be carrying out a survey of Kirk Ella and West Ella residents to obtain their views and collect signatures for presentation to the E.R.Y.C. Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

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Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm

Minute 1987 - A further £17.50 had been collected from Kirk Ella News from the sale of Heritage Trail books.

Minute 1988 - The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mr. D. Robinson for joining the Parish Council.

Minute 1990 - Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson advised that she would not have the time to assist Cllr. Mr. M. Whitehead with the preparation of an emergency plan for Kirk Ella and West Ella. The Willerby Parish Council had asked about the possibility of including a contact name on their emergency plan which could be used in the event of a major emergency. Cllrs. Mrs. E. Robinson and Mr. M. Whitehead agreed to be the contacts on behalf of the Parish Council.

Minute 1991 - It was reported that the applicants will not be appealing against the E.R.Y.C.‘s decision to refuse the application for the erection of a wind turbine (13/02629/STPLF). Residents are to be congratulated on their successful campaigning.

2001 Finance

Parish Council Cheques

The following cheques were approved for payment in July:-  101182 Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson (Plants/Bulbs/Compost) £28.80  101183 Staff Wages (minus Pension Contribution and PAYE) £520.89  101184 E.R.Y.C. (Pension Contribution Employer & Employee) £167.00  101185 Internet/Telephone/Fuel Allowance £125.42  101186 L & K Warcup Construction Ltd (Seat Base) £486.00  101187 Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson (Plants/Bulbs/Compost) £19.20

The following cheques were approved for payment in August:-  101188 Internet £12.09  101189 Staff Wages (minus Pension Contribution and PAYE) £520.89  101190 E.R.Y.C. (Pension Contribution Employer & Employee) £167.00  101191 Room Rental/Storage/Electricity etc. £600.00

The following cheques were presented for approval/payment in September:- st  101192 PKF Littlejohn LLP (Audit Fee Year Ending 31 Mar 2014) £120.00  101193 Glasdon Manufacturing Limited (Seat Plaque) £73.87  101194 Supplies (Stationery) £14.69  101195 Staff Wages (minus Pension Contribution and PAYE) £520.89  101196 E.R.Y.C. (Pension Contribution Employer & Employee) £167.00  101197 Internet/Fuel Allowance £95.42

The following deposits had been made into the bank account:- £88.50 Sale of Heritage Trail Books and Maps £200.00 Donations towards Seat, South Ella Way £46.50 Sale of Heritage Trail Books £10.50 Sale of Heritage Trail Books £0.77 Bank Interest

Report by Chairman of the Finance Working Group - Cllr. Mr. T. Green presented the finance report to the end of the financial year. An explanation of variances was given. Cllr. Green was thanked for his hard work with the accounts.

East Riding Pension Fund Statement of Policy - The amended Statement of Policy was presented to Council and subsequently approved.

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Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm

Annual Return for the financial year ended 31st March 2014 - The Clerk reported that the Annual Return had been signed off by the External Auditor. It should be noted that the Council Tax Support Grant figure should not have been included in box 2 of the return [annual precept] but in box 3 [total other receipts]. Cllr. Mr. T. Green and the Clerk were thanked for their hard work with the accounts.

2002 Correspondence

Election of Vice-Chairman - The Chairman asked for nominations for the vacancy of Vice- Chairman. Cllr. Mr. T. Green was proposed by Cllr. Mr. S. Raymond and seconded by Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye. All members were unanimously in favour. Cllr. Green was duly appointed and an Acceptance of Office form completed.

Co-option of New Councillor and Acceptance of Office - The Clerk reported that the vacancy notice had been advertised on the Parish Council notice boards from 6th August 2014 to 26th August 2014. A letter had been received from Electoral Services at E.R.Y.C. on 28th August, advising that a request to fill the vacancy by way of election had not been received within the prescribed time period and therefore the vacancy could now be filled by co-option.

The Chairman invited Mr. John Bailey to address the meeting to give some background information about himself. Mr. Bailey was then asked to leave the room to enable Councillors to have a private discussion. On Mr. Bailey’s return to the meeting, a proposal was made by Cllr. Mr. T. Green, to co-opt Mr. John Bailey on to the Kirk Ella & West Ella Parish Council with immediate effect. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. Mr. D. Robinson. All members were unanimously in favour. The Chairman welcomed Mr. Bailey to the Parish Council and invited him to join the meeting.

The Clerk provided Cllr. Mr. J. Bailey with an Acceptance of Office form and Register of Members’ Interests form for completion.

Hull City Council Boundary Change Update - Cllr. Mr. T. Green briefed members on the excellent work being undertaken by the “Hands Off” Campaign Group which was formed in June, headed by Mr. John Dennis, Mayor of Hedon. Residents had been kept fully informed of events via leaflets and grapevine messages. Banners and posters had been placed in prominent places around the East Riding. All residents are urged to submit their voting slips by the closing date, 26th September. Cllr. Green expressed his gratitude to all residents who had been involved with the campaigning.

Recording of Council Meetings - The Clerk read out an email from Mr. Mathew Buckley, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, E.R.Y.C. advising that Amendments to the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 now provide that members of the public can film, photograph or make an audio recording of proceedings at meetings of Town and Parish Council for those parts of the meeting that are open to the press and public. This was accepted by all members present.

Email from Willerby Parish Council re. Emergency Planning - See minute 2000 (1990).

Thank you letters for street sign planting and property frontages - Cllr. Mrs. E. Robinson was given permission to continue to send thank you letters to residents, Clerk to make changes to the current letter. It was also agreed to put a note in the next Chairman’s Message.

It was reported that ten bags of daffodil bulbs had been ordered from the E.R.Y.C. for planting on East Riding land.

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Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm

General Correspondence - The following general correspondence had been circulated to Parish Councillors since the June Parish Council Meeting.

Festival  Haltemprice and Hunsley CP Meeting 19 June  A Message from your Chairman  Biowise  Meeting 30th June 2014  East Riding Parish News June and August 2014  Town and Parish Council Event 9 July  No more wind farms in East  Haltemprice and Hunsley CP Notes  Guidance Note and Table  Reference: Forewind Annual Review 2014  About Healthwatch  Willerby, Kirk Ella & Branch, The Royal British Legion  Macmillan Walk Sponsor Cash  Haltemprice Flood Action Group Report of Meeting 30th June 2014  Code of Conduct Training  Application by Dogger Bank Creyke Offshore Wind Farm  Reference: Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm – Request for a written representation  The Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance  East Riding Local Plan and East Riding Local Plan – Strategy Document and Allocations Document Main Modifications Consultation  Planning Appeal – Land Rear of 5 To 7 Old Annandale Road, Kirk Ella  Haltemprice and Hunsley CP 31 July 2014  Boundary Referendum  Notes of Referendum Campaign Action Group Meeting  FW: Cllr. Parnaby’s Speech  Broadband East Riding Project Update  Consultation on a proposed legal event order in the parish of Kirk Ella  Minutes of the Haltemprice Skate Park AGM and Committee Meeting  Hands off the East Riding – 7 Reasons to vote No No  Public Notices – Referendum  Local Update August 2014  Vehicles Obstructing Pavements  Footway Improvement Works (Slurry Sealing) 2014-2015  East Riding Neighbourhood Watch Update  Email from CI James Glansfield  East Riding Local Plan Update Summer 2014  Haltemprice and Hunsley CP Notes and Info. about the next meeting  King George V Playing Fields Anlaby  East Riding of Yorkshire & Joint Local Access Forum 10th Annual Report 2013-2014  Notes from Hands Off Meeting 4/8/14  Application by Forewind Ltd for the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm  Message from Cllr. Stephen Brady : Leader of Hull City Council  Guidance on Speed Limits and Enforcement  FWD: Biowise/Wastewise Planning Application 09/00417/STPLF  FW: Revised Planning Application for the IVC Plant in Cutting and FW: Reference Planning Application 14/01989/STVAR  Letter from Mr Ingles  FWD: Planning  Delivery of 40,000 leaflets etc…

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Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm

 Street Surgeries  Reminder CP Meeting 17 September  Local Council Tax Support Consultation – For Information / Action  Newspaper Article – Top Five Yorkshire Postcodes Revealed  The East Riding of Yorkshire Rural Strategy (2013-2016) Refresh (2014-2015)

2003 Technical - Nothing to report at present.

2004 Environmental/Events

Christmas/Festive Lighting - A discussion took place about the positioning of the Parish Council Christmas tree. A request had been made to Reverend Juckes for permission to light the Yew tree near the entrance of the churchyard, it had been confirmed that this would not be possible for 2014 but the Parish Council could work towards obtaining permission for 2015. Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye advised that the Church Christmas Fair will be taking place on Saturday 6th December and it would be nice to hold the switch on event on the same day, making it a community event. The possibility of providing a tree outside St. Andrew’s Community Primary School was discussed, some Councillors expressed their concern about the safety implications of holding a switch on event near the roundabout. It was agreed that; Cllr. Mrs. M. Jackson work towards obtaining permission to light the Yew tree from 2015. Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye liaise with Mrs. Jean Harne about the Christmas Fair to include the switch on of the lights at 4.00pm. Clerk to invite the Head Boy and Head Girl from Wolfreton School to switch on the lights. Cllr. Mrs. D. Kaye to organise a choir of children to sing Christmas carols at the switch on. Clerk to order Christmas tree from Swanland Nurseries after seeking advice from Lighting & Signs about the most suitable size etc.

Historic Kirk Ella Display Board - The Chairman showed members the map of Historic Kirk Ella and suggested a suitable site for a display board for the map would be at Willerby Square near the other boards. Cllr. Mr. D. Robinson suggested a more suitable place for the map would be in the existing board on Hogg Lane as the quality of the map currently in there had deteriorated over the years. The possibility of obtaining donations towards the cost of a board was discussed.

Christmas Coffee Morning - Cllr. Mr. S. Raymond reminded members that the Beech Tree coffee morning will be taking place on Saturday 13th December.

Kirk Ella Shrub Beds - Defer to the next meeting.

2005 Planning

Recommendations by the Parish Council to East Riding of Yorkshire Council on Planning Applications since the June Parish Council Meeting  Erection of a dwelling and 1.8m high wall and gates to the site frontage (Amended Scheme of 12/04714/PLF) and amended plans application – 3 West Green, West Ella – Refuse. We feel strongly about this application and request that, if the planning officer is recommending a different decision, it should be referred to the appropriate Committee/Sub-Committee.  Erection of a dwelling (resubmission of 14/00383/PLF) – Land Rear of 5 To 7 Old Annandale Road, Kirk Ella – Refuse.  Erection of single storey extension to rear – 92 Road, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Erection of two-storey, first floor and single storey extensions to front and rear with alterations – Strathyre, Godmans Lane, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Erection of single storey extension to rear – 67 Fairfield Avenue, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Erection of two storey extension to side – 32 Annandale Road, Kirk Ella – Approve.

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Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm

 Erection of single storey and two storey extension to rear – 32 Westland Road, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing sunroom – 8 Swanland Butts Close, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Erection of a dwelling (Amendment to previously approved scheme 12/04714/PLF) – 3 West Green, West Ella – Refuse. We feel strongly about this application and request that, if the planning officer is recommending a different decision, it should be referred to the appropriate Committee/Sub-Committee.  Erection of 1 no. dwelling following outline planning permission 12/03463/OUT (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered) – Land South of 9 Riplingham Road, West Ella - Refuse. We feel strongly about this application and request that, if the planning officer is recommending a different decision, it should be referred to the appropriate Committee/Sub-Committee.  Erection of garage to side and construction of new roof to existing conservatory – 55 Wolfreton Garth, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Conversion of dwelling house to form six apartments and associated works – The Old Hall, 10 Church Lane, Kirk Ella – Approve.  LISTED BUILDING CONSENT – Conversion of dwelling house to form six apartments and associated works – The Old Hall, 10 Church Lane, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Erection of single storey extension following demolition of conservatory – 34 St. Julians Wells, Kirk Ella – Approve.  Tree Work – Crown reduce Norway Maple (T5) located to the front of the property, to a height of approximately 13m and rebalance the crown for safety reasons – Pebble Lodge, Godmans Lane, Kirk Ella - Approve.  Erection of single storey extension to rear, construction of dormer extension to rear following removal of secondary chimney stack and installation of roof lights to side and rear – 246A West Ella Road, West Ella – Approve.  Erection of single storey extensions to front and rear, external alterations, erection of extensions to existing garage and erection of boundary wall to front with creation of a vehicular access and paved drive – 7 Allanhall Way, Kirk Ella – Part Approve/Part Refuse.  Tree Work – Canopy raise to 6m and prune Maple (T1) to clean old wounds and lift away from the neighbouring house at Orchard Lodge – Pebble Lodge, Godmans Lane, Kirk Ella – No Observations.  Tree Work – To carry out arboricultural works as scheduled in the submitted arboricultural report – Riplingham Court, Rilpingham Road, West Ella – No Observations.

It was agreed that the Parish Council send in a letter of objection to planning application 14/01989/STVAR – Variation of Condition 8 (approved building dimensions and operation) of planning reference 09/00417/STPLF – Little Weighton Railway Cutting, Westfield Road, , applicant Biowise Ltd, Albion Lane, Willerby.

Cllr. Mr. M. Whitehead advised that the planning application for 3 West Green, West Ella will now go to the planning inspectorate after it was refused by the E.R.Y.C. Planning Committee.

Notices of recent Planning Decisions made by the East Riding of Yorkshire Council  Erection of single storey extensions to front and rear, external alterations, erection of extensions to existing garage and erection of boundary wall to front with creation of a vehicular access and paved drive – 7 Allanhall Way, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Listed Building Consent – Conversion of dwelling house to form six apartments and associated works – The Old Hall, Church Lane, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Conversion of dwelling house to form six apartments and associated works – The Old Hall, Church Lane, Kirk Ella – APPROVED

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Kirk Ella and West Ella Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8th September 2014 at 7.00pm

 Erection of single storey extension to rear, construction of dormer extension to rear following removal of secondary chimney stack and installation of roof lights to side and rear – 246A West Ella Road, West Ella – APPROVED  Tree Work - Crown reduce Norway Maple (T5) located to the front of the property, to a height of approximately 13m and rebalance the crown for safety reasons – Pebble Lodge, Godmans Lane, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Retention of tree house on southern boundary in rear garden – 3 High Meadows, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Construction of first floor bay window to front – Wester Lea, Godmans Lane, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of 1 no. dwelling – Land Rear of 5 To 7 Old Annandale Road, Kirk Ella – REFUSED  Erection of a two storey extension and first floor extension at the side following removal of existing garage, installation of a bay window and porch to front – 77 Fairfield Avenue, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of single storey extension to rear following demolition of existing conservatory – 1 Elms Drive, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  OUTLINE – Erection of 1 no. dwelling (means of access and scale to be considered – Land West of 11 Alma Close, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of garage to side and construction of new roof to existing conservatory – 55 Wolfreton Garth, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of single storey extension and alterations to rear following demolition of existing conservatory – Moss Brow Cottage, West Ella Road, West Ella – APPROVED  Erection of single storey extension to rear – 17 Cock Pit Close, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of single storey extension to rear – 9 Alma Close, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of single storey extension to rear and 1 no. velux roof light to existing roof – Avalon, 3 West Ella Way, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of single storey extension – 34 St. Julians Wells, Kirk Ella – APPROVED  Erection of a dwelling and 1.8m high wall and gates to the site frontage (Amended Scheme of 12/04714/PLF) – 3 West Green, West Ella - REFUSED

2006 Highways

Alteration to Speed Limit in the two Villages - Defer to the next meeting.

Accident West Ella Road/Valley Drive [July] - Defer to the next meeting.

2007 Date and Time of Next Meeting - The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 13th October 2014, 7.00pm in Room U17, Wolfreton Upper School, South Ella Way, Kirk Ella.

It was agreed to discuss the future of the Kirk Ella Preservation Society at the October Parish Council meeting.

______Chairman’s Signature – 13th October 2014

Meeting closed at 9.00pm.

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