2011-01-25 12:31 CET Program World Economic Forum i Davo

Det årliga toppmötet med World Economic Forum i Davos, Schweiz, inleds på onsdag den 26 januari och pågår till den 30 januari.

Från svensk sida deltar statsminister tillsammans med finansminister , utrikesminister och biståndsminister . Årets möte är det 41:a i ordningen och närmare 35 stats- och regeringschefer, ett stort antal ministrar och närmare 900 CEOs m.fl. väntas delta.

Temat för årets sammankomst är "Shared Norms for the New Reality". Det handlar bland annat om att försöka hantera en värld som är mer och mer komplex och sammanlänkad, samtidigt som förtroendet för den framtida ekonomiska tillväxten och politiska stabiliteten sätts på prov. Temat utvecklas inom fyra områden: den nya verkligheten, de ekonomiska utsikterna och en politik för tillväxt, G20-agendan, samt ett nätverk för att kunna reagera på risker.

Statsministern kommer bland annat att leda en diskussion om en ny tillväxtmodell samt delta i en session om reformer av det internationella monetära systemet, ett seminarium om 20 år efter Rio-konferensen om hållbar utveckling och inte minst en session om de nordiska ländernas erfarenheter av ekonomisk krishantering och reformer.

Ur programmet:

Onsdag 26 januari

18:00 - 18:30, Gunilla Carlsson, Bilateral Josette Sheeran, Chef för WFP (Bilateral room ME19, Middle Entry level)

18:30 -19:00 , Gunilla Carlsson, Bilateral Robert Greenhill (Bilateral room ME19)

Torsdag 27 januari 2011 08:00-08:30, Gunilla Carlsson, Breakfast with Andrew Mitchell, Storbritanniens biståndsminister . Öppet för media, fototillfälle. (Hotel Alexanderhaus)

10:00 – 10:30, Gunilla Carlsson, Bilateral med Kofi Annan (Bilateral meeting room ME21)

12:30 - 14:00, Gunilla Carlsson, Development Lessons from High-growth Economies (Hotel Schweizerhof, Arvenstübli)

What are the development lessons - good and bad - that slow-growth, industrialized economies can learn from faster-growing emerging markets?

15.00 – 16.00, Gunilla Carlsson, Informellt arbetsmöte med FN:s högnivåpanel om “Global Sustainability” (www.un.org/wcm/content/site/climatechange/pages/gsp

16:00 – 16:30, Gunilla Carlsson, Bilateral Micheline Calmy-Rey, Chef för UN Women

16:30 – 17:00 Bilateral Michelle Bachelet (Huvudentrén till kongresscentret)

17:30 - 18:00, Gunilla Carlsson, Bilateral Helen Clark, UNDP (Bilateral meeting room ME23)

18.45-19.20 Pressmöte för svensk media med Fredrik Reinfeldt, Anders Borg, Gunilla Carlsson (kontakta Roberta Alenius för information om plats)

Fredag 28 januari

08.00 - 10.15, Carl Bildt, Governing in a new media age (Private Events for Annual Meeting) How will the roles and functions of government change in the coming years, and how will internet, social media and other dimensions of the digital revolution affect their abilities to deliver and execute? What is known about practices that work in the new world of networked governance? (Congress Centre, Rinerhorn Terrasse) 09.00, Anders Borg, Möte med Stanley Fischer

09.00 - 10.00, Gunilla Carlsson, Redefining Sustainable Development. (Öppet för media. Congress Centre - Congress Hall)

10.20 - 10.50, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Bilateral med Mexicos president Calderon

11.00 – 11.30, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Möte med ECB:s ordförande Jean-Claude Trichet

11.10-11.30, Carl Bildt and Gunilla Carlsson Bilateral meeting with Jakob Kellenberger, President, ICRC. (Congress centre)

11.45-12.05, Carl Bildt, Bilateral meeting with Mr David Drummond, Senior Vice President Corporate Development, Google (Congress centre)

12.15 - 14.15, Anders Borg, Lunchseminarium Currency Imbalances: Towards a New Bretton Woods? High volatility of exchange rates of the most important currencies has triggered renewed debates about the stability of the international monetary system. Questions on global reserve currencies, economic disparities, protectionism and financial imbalances are calling for a new Bretton Woods.

12.30-14.00, Carl Bildt, 7th Davos Ukrainian Lunch Debate: a) how to kickstart modernization, b) bring Ukraine and Poland closer together and c) foster Ukraine’s European Integration. (Morosani Scweizerhof Hotel, Promenade 50)

Media välkomna att delta (anmäl till [email protected] senast onsdag 26 januari kl. 16.00). Möjligt fototillfälle.

12.30 – 14.15, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Lunchseminarium - Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders – Torward a New Growth Model (Congress Centre, Parsenn/Pischa)

At their 2009 London Summit, G20 leaders pledged “to build an inclusive, green and sustainable recovery” and to “lay the foundation for a fair and sustainable world economy”. Yet, domestic pressures for increased protectionist measures continue to grow. With persisting and the path of recovery uncertain in many countries, how can this aspiration for more inclusive growth be translated more effectively into reality? What role do free trade and open economy play in promoting sustainable growth? How can surplus and deficit countries adopt a mutually reinforcing set of reforms to accelerate growth in global aggregate demand and median living standards?

Moderated by Fredrik Reinfeldt, Prime Minister of

14.00 – 16.30, Gunilla Carlsson, Designing a Policy Innovation Platform for sustainable Consumption (Derby Hotel Davos, Fluela 1+ 2 + 3)

14.30 – 15.30, Fredrik Reinfeldt and Carl Bildt, Confronting New Realities: The Nordic Experience (Congress Centre, Aspen 2) What are the underlying principles and policies behind the economic success and social innovation that are hallmarks of Nordic countries?

The following dimensions will e addressed: – Public-private collaboration – Fiscal reform – Gender and migration policies – Emloyment and social protection

The session will include: Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, President of Iceland (Panellists) Tarja Halonen, President of Finland (Panellists) Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark (Panellists) Fredrik Reinfeldt, (Panellists) Jens Stoltenberg, Prime Minister of Norway (Panellists)

Moderated by Klas Eklund, Adjunct Professor of Economics, University of Lund

15.45-16.15, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Gemensam nordisk pressträff

17.00 – 19.00, Fredrik Reinfeldt and Anders Borg, Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders - Reform of the International Monetary System (Congress Centre, Pischa) The international monetary system of recent decades has been characterized by wide swings in exchange rate parities, large and persistent current account imbalances and cross-border financial crises affecting developed and developing countries alike. Recent exchange rate policy tensions have evoked memories of the competitive devaluations of the 1930s. What longer-term lessons can be drawn from the experience of the past decade? What reforms would be appropriate and feasible in the areas identified by the French G20 presidency: increasing protection against capital flow volatility; answering the need for reserve asset diversification; and improving policy coordination? How should the mandate, capacity and governance of the International Monetary Fund be improved to support these objectives?

Moderated by Christine Lagarde, Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of France; Member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum

20.00 - 22.00, Carl Bildt, Middagsseminarium The Art of Negotiation (Hotel National, Living Room) Carl Bildt, Discussion leader

Lördag 29 januari

08.15 – 10.00 Fredrik Reinfeldt and Carl Bildt, Frukostseminarium Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders - Rio + 20 (Congress Centre, Parsenn)

The 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro galvanized environmental consciousness and cooperation on a scale never witnessed before or since. Attended by 108 heads of state or government, it resulted in landmark climate change, biodiversity, forestry management and financing accords. The Rio+20 Summit in 2012 presents a similar opportunity for progress. Should it pursue a top-down (intergovernmental) or bottom-up (national and multistakeholder) reform agenda or both? If the UN is to remain a central platform, should a World Environment Organization be created? If so, what should be its core mandate and functions? If not, in what other ways could a major upgrade in international environmental and developmental governance be achieved? How can other multilateral regimes, such as trade, advance the environment agenda?

Moderated by Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi 08.00 – 10.00, Anders Borg, Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders - Aligning Perspectives in the New Financial Landscape (Congress Centre, Pischa WorkSpace)

The G-20 summit in Korea produced agreement on an important set of reforms to international financial supervision. However, deliberations on financial governance and regulatory reform are far from complete. How can business and policy leaders ensure progress on financial government and regulatory reforms in 2011? How can they seek to advance the scope of the regulatory framework and the establishment of a level playing field as a means of improving global financial governance? What are the next steps in regulating key dimensions of the financial landscape?

1. Regulating systemically important financial institutions 2. Coordinating among regulatory frameworks 3. Levelling the playing field between regulated and unregulated sectors 4. Restoring trust in the financial system 5. Developing capital markets in emerging economies

10.15 – 10.45 Gemensam pressträff med Fredrik Reinfeldt, Carl Bildt, Anders Borg och Gunilla Carlsson (presskonferensrummet, övre plan, Congress center)

12.00 - 14.00, Carl bildt, Lunchseminarium Informal Gathering of World Economic Leaders - The Role of the Group of 20 in the Multilateral System

För mer information: Roberta Alenius Presschef hos Fredrik Reinfeldt 070-2707217

Daniel Valiollahi Pressekreterare hos Anders Borg 072-2254547

Anna Charlotta Johansson (ej på plats i Davos) Pressekreterare hos Carl Bildt 070-3563032 Evin Khaffaf (ej på plats i Davos) Pressekreterare hos Gunilla Carlsson 070-2839597

Om World Economic Forum: www.weforum.org