The Original Tualatins
PAGE X JULY 2013 The Original Tualatins BY: MARY FRENCH for its abundance of wapato, the tubers of Although we do not know “Then Chief Ki-a-kuts (KáyaKach)Ó Ó said, he told which were an important Native staple food.” what the exact population General Palmer, “alright, General Palmer, I’ll number of Tualatin give you my land now.” Although the Tualatin Kalapuya did not have Kalapuya was before the villages in what we now consider downtown white settlers arrived, it General Palmer said, “three years you [will] Tualatin, the members probably did utilize the has been estimated that stay on your land. Then I will move you to Grand land for hunting and fishing, and paddled their “14,000 Kalapuya lived in Ronde. That’s where your land [for] all time will canoes upon the Tualatin River to places such the Willamette River Valley, be. For twenty years I will give you: cattle, horses, as Willamette Falls – one of the most important its tributary valleys, and money, guns, blankets, coats; everything you trading centers of the region. the Umpqua River tributary need.” valleys”. Tragically, these “Each summer, thousands of people came numbers were decimated “Alright, we will take your word [for it]. You are to the trade fairs. These were festive events through disease in the late an honest man, you, General Palmer. You will take where fairgoers feasted, socialized, gossiped, 1700s. Small pox, malaria, care of us.” and exchanged information. It was through and influenza took their the trade network that the Kalapuya learned toll, so much so that by “Sure, all [of it] you will get, [every]thing that I about Euro-Americans many years before they 1840 it is estimated that the said to you.” actually arrived in the region.
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