© Hélène Léonard INTRODUCTION of In Fine

In Fine is a multidisciplinary company created in 2014 by Sylvain Dubos and Guillaume Varin. In Fine’s artists can be musicians, acrobats, dan- cers or video makers but all of them have the same aim : be an interpret in the service of emo- tional connection.

Specialize in musical show and vertical dance, In Fine rises to all challenges and adapts his crea- tion to the structure (patrimonial, modern archi- tecture, windows, etc.) plus, to all the height.

The artistic team, variable according to the form of [Impromptu] :

Sylvain Dubos ; musician / Antoine Sergent ; mu- sician / Stéphane Norbert ; musician / Sébastien Jolly ; dancer / Marc Dubos ; dancer / Alexandre Leclerc ; dancer / Vincent Noël ; dancer / Guil- laume Varin ; dancer / Anne Delamotte ; dancer / Marion Soyer ; dancer / Lucie Astier ; dancer THE SHOW

[Impromptus] are directly inspired by the choregraphic and musical repertoire of «Ba[ll]ade d’un Stégophile» (2015) and «Les Olympiades Verticales» (2017), other creation of the compagny. His arrangement can rather be light and it’s adapting to all places of performance. [Impromptu] is a way to flood the public space, differently, and to reappropriate it with a poetic way.

This is an unique forms of show, because it is created and reinvented according to places of performance and the context. This show can be short, 10 to 25 minuts, 3 to 5 time by day, or long, until 1 hour. The artistic and technical team, plus the price of the show progress according to his form.


It is the opportunity for the public to ap- prehend with a different way a daily place, konck over the perspective lines, and indujge in a mo- ment where the time is in suspension...


In order to have an idea of [Impromptus] who can be fea- sible, we present you some technical feature and the cost of light and big form. Between the two forms and more, everything is possible.

[IMPROMPTU] Light form

See the teaser [Artistic and technical team ] 3 persons.

[Technical ] One day of installation.

[Duration ] 10 to 25 min, with 3 or 4 show by day.

[Cost] without appendix cost To 2 200 € incl. taxes. [IMPROMPTU] See the teaser Big form of the big form.

[Artistic and technical team ] 9 persons.

[Technical ] 4 days for the setting and rehearsal.

[Duration ] 45 to 60 min, until 2 performances by day.

[Cost ] without appendix cost To 8 000 € incl. taxes.

© Hélène Léonard [Impromptus] were welcomed here :

Festival Txotx! - Sotteville-lès-Rouen I Fête en Seine - La Roche Guyon I La Filature - Rouen I Les rendez-vous de la Métropole - Rouen I Fes- tival des Lumières - Alixan I Fête de fin d’ORU- Soyaux I Cléon en Fête - Cléon I Festival Beauregard - Hérouville-saint-Clair I Lady - Mor- mant I Les Ludofolies - I La Fête du Cirque - Saint-Romain- de-Colbosc I Emmenez-moi...Festival du Patrimoine - Longueville et I Un week-end à Robert le Diable - Moulineaux I Eglise de - Rampillon I Journées Européennes du Patrimoine - Châ- teaubleau, Rampillon, , Aubepierre-Ozouer-le-Repos...


SYLVAIN DUBOS Artistic co-director +33 (0)6 62 33 43 08 [email protected] GUILLAUME VARIN Artistic co-director +33 (0)6 09 43 86 47 guillaume.compagnieinfine.com

Distribution and communication [email protected]

Temps de Cuivres / Cie In Fine 54 avenue Gustave Flaubert 76 000 ROUEN +33 (0)9 53 23 27 58 Compagnie In Fine tempsdecuivres.com

N° SIRET : 479 978 231 000 13 — APE Code : 9001 Z Event promoter’s licence : 2 – 1068373 et 3 – 1068374