
Chapter 5. for Discrete-Time and Systems Chapter Objec@ves

1. Learn techniques for represen3ng discrete-)me periodic signals using orthogonal sets of periodic func3ons. 2. Study proper3es of exponen)al, trigonometric and compact Fourier , and condi3ons for their existence. 3. Learn the for non-periodic as an extension of for periodic signals 4. Study the proper)es of the Fourier transform. Understand the concepts of energy and power . 5.2 Exponen@al Fourier Series (EFS)

Con@nue-Time Fourier Series Discrete-Time Fourier Series

Synthesis equa@on: Synthesis equa@on:

∞ N−1 jkω0t j(2π /N )kn x!(t) = ∑ cke x![n] = ∑ cke k=−∞ k=0

Analysis equa@on: Analysis equa@on: N−1 1 t0 +T0 − jkω t 1 c = x!(t)e 0 dt c x[n]e− j(2π /N )kn k ∫t k = ∑ T 0 N 0 n=0 5.2.7 Proper@es of Fourier Series


Con@nue-Time Fourier Series Discrete-Time Fourier Series

ℑ x[n]←⎯ℑ→c x(t)←⎯→ck k

ℑ y[n]←⎯ℑ→d y(t)←⎯→dk k

ℑ a x[n]+ a y[n]←⎯ℑ→a c + a d a1x(t)+ a2y(t)←⎯→a1ck + a2dk 1 2 1 k 2 k

Where a1 and a2 are any two constants 5.2.7 Proper@es of Fourier Series

Time shiL

Con@nue-Time Fourier Series Discrete-Time Fourier Series

N−1 ∞ j(2π /N )kn jkw0t x![n] = cke x!(t) = cke ∑ ∑ k=0 k=−∞ ∞ N−1 jkw jkw t j(2π /N )kn − j(2π /N )km − 0τ 0 x![n − m] = c e e x!(t −τ) = ∑ [cke ]e ∑ k k=−∞ k=0 5.3 Analysis of Non-periodic Con@nuous-Time Signals Discrete-Time Fourier Transform

Synthesis equa@on (inverse): Analysis equa@on (forward): ∞ 1 π jΩn x[n] = X(Ω)e dΩ X(Ω) = x[n]e− jΩn 2π ∫−π ∑ n=−∞

2πk − > Ω 2M +1 5.3 Analysis of Non-periodic Con@nuous-Time Signals

Con@nue-Time Fourier Transform Discrete-Time Fourier Transform

Synthesis equa@on (inverse): Synthesis equa@on (inverse):

1 ∞ 1 π jΩn x(t) = X(ω)e jwt dw x[n] = ∫ X(Ω)e dΩ 2π ∫−∞ 2π −π

Analysis equa@on (forward): Analysis equa@on (forward):

∞ ∞ − jΩn X(ω) = x(t)e− jwt dt X(Ω) = ∑ x[n]e ∫−∞ n=−∞ 5.3.2 Existence of Fourier Transform

Is it always possible to determine the Fourier series coefficients?

∞ ² Absolute summable: ∑ x[n] < ∞ n=−∞ ∞ 2 ² Square - summable: ∑ x[n] < ∞ n=−∞ 5.3.5 Proper@es of Fourier Transform

Linearity: ℑ ℑ x1[n]←⎯→X1(Ω) and x2[n]←⎯→X2(Ω)

ℑ α1x1[n]+α2x2[n]←⎯→α1X1(Ω)+α2X2(Ω)

Where a1 and a2 are any two constants


X(Ω+ 2πr) = X(Ω)

for all integers r 5.3.5 Proper@es of Fourier Transform

Time ShiLing:

ℑ − jΩm x[n]←⎯ℑ→X(Ω) x[n − m]←⎯→X(Ω)e

Frequency ShiLing:

ℑ − jΩ0n ℑ x[n]←⎯→X(Ω) x[n]e ←⎯→X(Ω−Ω0 ) 5.3.5 Proper@es of Fourier Transform

Convolu@on Property:

ℑ ℑ x1[n]←⎯→X1(Ω) x2[n]←⎯→X2(Ω)

ℑ ℑ x1[n]* x2[n]←⎯→X1(Ω)X2(Ω) X1(Ω)* X2(Ω)←⎯→x1[n]x2[n] 5.4 Energy and Power in Domain

Parseval’s Theorem: For a periodic power signal x(t)

Con@nue-Time Discrete-Time ∞ N−1 N−1 1 t0 +T0 2 2 1 2 2 ∫ x(t) dt = ∑ ck ∑ x[n] = ∑ ck T t0 N 0 k=−∞ k=0 k=0

For a non-periodic power signal

Con@nue-Time Discrete-Time

N−1 2 1 π 2 ∞ 2 ∞ 2 x[n] = X(Ω) dΩ x(t) dt = X( f ) df ∑ 2π ∫−π ∫−∞ ∫−∞ k=0 5.4 Energy and Power in

Power Spectral Density:

∞ 2 Sx (Ω) = 2π ∑ ck δ(Ω− kΩ0 ) k=−∞ 5.4 Energy and Power in Frequency Domain

Autocorrela@on Func@on:

For a energy signal x(t) the autocorrela@on func@on is

∞ rxx[m] = ∑ x[n]x[n + m] n=−∞ 5.5 System Func@on Concept

System func@on (frequency response)

Fourier Transform (h[n]) System func3on (H(Ω))

∞ H(Ω) = ℑ{h[n]} = ∑ h[n]e− jΩn n=−∞ In general , H(w) is a complex func3on of w, and can be wriJen in polar form as:

H(Ω) = H(Ω) e jΘ(Ω) 5.8 Discrete Fourier Transform


Synthesis equa@on (inverse):

N−1 N−1 1 π jΩn 1 j(2π /N )kn x[n] = c e j(2π /N )kn x[n] = X(Ω)e dΩ x[n] = ∑ X[k]e ∑ k 2π ∫−π N k=0 k=0 n = 0, 1, …., N-1 n = 0, 1, …., N-1 Analysis equa@on (forward):

N−1 ∞ N−1 1 − j(2π /N )kn − jΩn − j(2π /N )kn ck = x[n]e X(Ω) = x[n]e X[k] = ∑ x[n]e N ∑ ∑ n=0 n=−∞ n=0

k = 0, 1, …., N-1 k = 0, 1, …., N-1 5.8 Discrete Fourier Transform

Rela@onship of the DFT to the DTFT


N−1 ∞ − j(2π /N )kn X(Ω) = ∑ x[n]e− jΩn X[k] = ∑ x[n]e n 0 n=−∞ = The DFT of a length-N signal is equal to its DTFT evaluated at a set of N angular equally spaced in the interval [0, 2π). Let an indexed set of angular frequencies be defined as 2πk Ω = , k = 0,1,....., N −1 k N N−1 X[k] = X(Ω) = ∑ x[n]e− j(2π /N )kn n=0 5.8 Discrete Fourier Transform

Why do we need DFT?

² The signal x[n] and its DFT X[k] each have N samples, making the discrete Fourier transform prac3cal for computer implementa3on.

² Fast and efficient , know as fast Fourier transforms (FFTs), are available for the computa3on of the DFT.

² DFT can be used for approxima3ng other forms of Fourier series and transforms for both con3nuous-3me and discrete-3me system.

² Dedicated processors are available for fast and efficient. computa3on of the DFT with minimal or no programming needed.