Resources from “ and Facebook and Blogs, Oh My: Social Networking at ILTA ‘09” ILTA Sites of Interest

 ILTA ‘09 Conference Page  ILTA ‘09 Facebook Group  ILTA ‘09 on Twitter  ILTA ‘09 Blog  ILTA Web Page  ILTA’s LinkedIn Group 48740&sharedKey=78E0EB446265 Resources

Desktop Twitter Applications

 OutTwit  TweetDeck  TweetGrid   Monitter

PDA Twitter Applications

 TwitterBerry  TinyTwitter   Ubertwitter  (iPhone)  Tweetie (iPhone)  TwitterFon (iPhone)

Other Information

 Social Networking Increases Productivity cientists_say_workplace_social_netw.php  Twitter Squatting Policy mad-as-hell-at-twitter-and-hes-not-going-to-take-this- anymore/  Blogging/Social Internet Policy for a Law Firm policy-for-law-firm.html  IBM Social Computing Guidelines  10 Tweets about Twitter hour/2009/02/ten-tweets-about-twitter.html  Do Lawyers have good Facebook Manners? have-good-facebook-manners.html  How to Improve your Twinfluence and Twitter grade twinfluence-and-twitter-grade/  Law Firm Social Media Policy? How About Some Strategy First? social-media-policy-how-about-some-strategy-first/  Lawyers Exploring Twitter Communities exploring-twitter-communities.html The #ilta09 Tweet Stream During & Shortly After the Webinar (LONG!)

 kevinhell @jennsteele great presentation on Twitter / social networking for @ilta09 #ilta09. Thank you. 2 days ago from Power Twitter  TimV57 RT @lawyerkm: @jennsteele 's #ilta09 presentation ILTA Social Networking: Twitter & Facebook & Blogs [great for newbies] 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 kraftkennedy Announcing @davecarlson4, @mattliebowitz, J. Tsiofas will be speaking at #ILTA09 on virtualization and data center strategy 2 days ago from web

 lawyerkm @jennsteele 's #ilta09 presentation ILTA Social Networking: Twitter & Facebook & Blogs [going to watch this later] #km 2 days ago from web  jennsteele Many thanks to everyone who attended the #ilta09 social networking webinar! Such great questions! I'm going to go eat :) 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 reginakohn RT RAMarketing! @matthomann My Twitter How To: Follow, Care, Follow, Share, Connect, ReTweet, Repeat from: #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 LexMonitor RT @shaunjamison: RT @barrettdavid Law Firm Social Media Policy? How About Some Strategy First? - #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 barrettdavid How to Improve Your Twinfluence and Twitter Grade - #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 tyamar @kensingt0n Cool, I'll check it out. Thanks! #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 kensingt0n @tyamar Incoming tweets would get saved into Outlook then up to your Exchange server but outgoing tweets do not go through exchange #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck  shaunjamison RT @barrettdavid Law Firm Social Media Policy? How About Some Strategy First? - #ilta09 2 days ago from web  dja2law RT @barrettdavid: Do Lawyers Have Good Facebook Manners? - #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck  jeffrey_brandt RT The same company owned by Open Tet? @barrettdavid: Do Lawyers Have Good Facebook Manners? - #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 barrettdavid Do Lawyers Have Good Facebook Manners? - #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 ihemmans #ILTA09 I use to send updates to some of the many networks I participate in. 2 days ago from Tweetie

 tyamar @kensingt0n Does it route through Exchange? #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 barrettdavid Using Hummingbird for Twitter? #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 ihemmans Just finished participating is an #ILTA09 webinar on social networks, including Twitter & Facebook. 2 days ago from

 ebeaman #ilta09 - retweet/correction - Please help Sherry with her 1 question poll at: -- Thank you. 2 days ago from web

 kensingt0n for sending tweets I like using Outwit in Outlook since I always have it open, not to receive though #ilta09 2 days ago from OutTwit

 markpuchalski With Tweetdeck, you can select, per Tweet, to send to either Twitter, Facebook, or both. #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 coopchad Great presentation. Thanks! #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 mikemac29 @jennsteele Great job! #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck  jeffrey_brandt RT tru, most have problems in other areas 2 @mikemac29: ppl bein unproductive b/c of soc net is a personnel problem, not a tech 1. #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 tyamar I keep having to leave the meeting to answer Help Desk calls! #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 mikemac29 People being unproductive because of soc networking is a personnel problem, not a tech one. #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 barrettdavid Law Firm Social Media Policy? How About Some Strategy First? - #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 ihemmans Check out - a free scrolling search web application #ILTA09 2 days ago from Tweetie

 markpuchalski Ubertwitter and Twitterberry, both for BlackBerry, are free! #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 ihemmans Protected accounts are excluded from search. #ILTA09 2 days ago from Tweetie

 JeremySWright iPhone's free application is TwitterFon. #ilta09 Good for a free app. 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 ihemmans Tweetie for iPhone or Twiterrific 2 #ILTA09 2 days ago from Tweetie

 coopchad @lawyerkm I'm still uncertain about actual marketing value, but thanks for your firm's site. She'll be interested in that. #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 tyamar They are called Tweetups! #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 kensingt0n 1 great feature of Tweetdeck is the grp feature, I created a grp 4 #ilta09 would B professional then create group 4 photog - personal 2 days ago from TweetDeck  tyamar I've heard Facebook holds onto your info even if you delete your account. #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 melitaz #ilta09 Heard request for blogging/social media policy. Great starting point from KM Blog Thanks @DougCornelius 2 days ago from web

 lindsayweb Thanks Matt! RT @matthomann: My Twitter How To: Follow, Care, Follow, Share, Connect, ReTweet, Repeat from: #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 barrettdavid Lawyers Exploring Twitter Communities - #ilta09 (via @barrettdavid) 2 days ago from Tweetburner

 tyamar "Protect my updates" is under Settings. #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 michaelaginsky oh no! did i embarrass myself? @LawyerKM i see @michaelaginsky on @jennsteele 's #ilta09 presentation slides 2 days ago from web

 tyamar For the spam questions, I would also recommend not having the "autofollow" option turned on. #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 AAARenee @jennsteele On the #ILTA09 webinar & thought I'd share IBM's Social Computing Guidelines 2 days ago from web

 kensingt0n @sacmomma You can set your profile 2 private and when someone wants to follow you you have to approve it for them 2 see your updates #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 markpuchalski @sacmomma The spamm-ish ones usually fall off realitvely quickly, I've found. #ilta09 2 days ago from TweetDeck

 mikemac29 @sacmomma You can use the "block" feature on Twitter to lose those one you really don't want. #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 mbmills Great Job @jennsteele on today's Social Networking webinar #ILTA09 2 days ago from TweetDeck  mikemac29 @tyamar I know Jenn will be tweeting at conference, as will I. #ilta09 2 days ago from web

 tyamar Which of you are going to be at #ilta09 and will be using Twitter to live blog? I'd love to follow you! 2 days ago from web

 lawyerkm @coopchad DM me about marketing value of twitter. in the meanwhile, check out @GibbonsPC - my firm's twitter page #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 jmlong94 @#ilta09: Hello All 3 days ago from web

 dbirby #ilta09 What Wiki's are you using? 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 mbmills #ilta09 - InterAction Peer Group uses a wiki to manage conference sessions and monthly webinars 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 tyamar @onedamnthing That's pretty cool, right now I just use UberTwitter to update Twitter and Google Talk at the same time. #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 coopchad Our Marketing Director thinks Twitter is pointless. Trying to convince her.. #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 kensingt0n @onedamnthing TD is cool there is a way 2 back up UR config 2 files in C:\Doc&settings\user\App Data\TweetDeckFast\Local Store #ilta09 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 tyamar I just can't do Facebook. I'm on so much that I already don't use, I have to draw the line somewhere. #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 trelawrence RT @kensingt0n: #ilta09 For you Blackberry users I use and love UberTwitter for my Blackberry, awesome client (you get the new build?) 3 days ago from SocialScope

 melitaz I'm attending a webinar on twitter while posting, so meta. Thanks for the insights #ilta09 3 days ago from web  JeremySWright Requesting to join the #ilta09 facebook group now. 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 lawyerkm i see @michaelaginsky on @jennsteele 's #ilta09 presentation slides 3 days ago from web

 mikemac29 #ilta09 you can also create friend lists and set different security levels for different groups of friends on FB, i.e. coworkers v personal 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 tyamar My IT Director thinks Twitter is pointless. Wish he had been in this webinar. #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 kensingt0n @tyamar If U don't have the latest beta U should DL it, if there is a pic URL in a tweet it shows a thumbnail of the pic, very cool #ilta09 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 Annex I'm back on Twitter ... all because of an ILTA webinar. Yea, #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 CherBearLuv attending the #ilta09 webinar re social networking - ah, communication! 3 days ago from web

 tyamar @kensingt0n I use Ubertwitter as well, can easily see trending topics and people near you! #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 markstorts #ilta09 - listening to J Steele discuss features of twitter. 3 days ago from web

 barrettdavid Following your #ilta09 ! Plenty of social media for lawyers on The LinkedIn Lawyer blog - 3 days ago from web

 tyamar I don't follow people who only tweet "new blog entry" and the link. #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 kensingt0n #ilta09 For you Blackberry users I use and love UberTwitter for my Blackberry, awesome client 3 days ago from TweetDeck  tmlittle #ilta09 - watching @jennsteele presentation on one screen and twittering on my other screen 3 days ago from web

 barrettdavid The Rainmaker Retreat - 2 Day Marketing Boot Camp for Small Law Firms @StephenFairley #followfriday #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 mikemac29 @LisaKellarG FB is also a closed system, only FB members see status updates, Twitter statuses can be elsewhere, i.e. on blog sidebar #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 TJJohnsonILTA @LisaKellarG Jenn Steele responded live on the #ilta09 webinar - quicker response time in twitter 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 TJJohnsonILTA @wseanie68 Conference Co-chairs will talk about SN at #ilta09 at the end of the webinar 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 tyamar Attending an #ilta09 webinar on Twitter, neat! 3 days ago from web

 matthomann My Twitter How To: Follow, Care, Follow, Share, Connect, ReTweet, Repeat from: #ilta09 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 LisaKellarG #ilta09 how is tweeting different than a status update on FB? 3 days ago from web

 mikemac29 @wseanie68 Twitter in Plain English is decent #ilta09 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 edweiss2 #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 wseanie68 @jennsteele Any good social networking sessions at #ilta09 conf? 3 days ago from mobile web

 lawyerkm #ilta09 - watching but not listening to @jennsteele 's presentation (multi- tasking). I hope I can replay it later! 3 days ago from web  TJJohnsonILTA So far 450 attendees on the webinar #ilta09 - most are new to Twitter 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 wseanie68 @jennsteele r there any good twitter "how to" sites? #ilta09 3 days ago from mobile web

 TamiSchiller Exciting to know so much interest. RT @mikemac29: Over 400 folks on #ilta09 social networking webinar. First slide "Don't be Stupid"! 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 legaltypist ILTA conference twitter stream: and enter #ilta09 3 days ago from web

 lifeofriley73 Finally training on Twitter #ILTA09 3 days ago from web

 jkhogan 5 stages of "Twitter acceptance" - funny. Have never sen that before #ILTA09 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 mikemac29 Over 400 folks on #ilta09 social networking webinar. First slide "Don't be Stupid"! 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 jkhogan I like that you started with the golden rules - great idea #ILTA09 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 onedamnthing Attending #ILTA09 conference call. 3 days ago from TweetDeck

 jkhogan About to join #ILTA09 webinar with the great Jenn Steele! 3 days ago from TweetDeck