US 20090317881A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0317881 A1 Katz et al. (43) Pub. Date: Dec. 24, 2009

(54) METABOLICALLY ENGINEERED CELLS (86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2007/057484 FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PINOSYLVIN S371 (c)(1), (2), (4) Date: Jun. 1, 2009 (75) Inventors: Michael Katz, Malmo (SE): O O Jochen Förster, Kobenhavn (DK); (30) Foreign Application Priority Data Helga David, Kobenhavn (DK); Hans Peter Schmidt, Holte (DK); Jul. 20, 2006 (GB) ...... 0614442.2 Malin Sendelius, Lund (SE); Sara Publication Classification Peterson Bjorn, Lyngby (DK); Thomas Thomasen Durhuus, (51) y;',/22 (2006.01) Kobenhavn (DK) CI2N I/19 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl...... 435/156; 435/254.21 Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT BROWDY AND NEIMARK, P.L.L.C. 624 NINTH STREET, NW A genetically engineered micro-organism having an opera SUTE 300 tive metabolic pathway producing cinnamoyl-CoA and pro WASHINGTON, DC 20001-5303 (US) ducing pinosylvin therefrom by the action of a stilbene Syn thase is used for pinosylvin production. Said cinnamic acid may be formed from L-phenylalanine by a L-phenylalanine (73) Assignee: FLUXOME SCIENCES A/S, ammonia (PAL) which is one accepting phenylalanine LYNGBY (DK) as a and producing cinammic acid therefrom, pref erably such that if the PAL also accepts tyrosine as a substrate (21) Appl. No.: 12/374,659 and forms coumaric acid therefrom, the ratio Km (phenylala nine)/Km (tyrosine) for said PAL is less than 1:1 and if said micro-organism produces a cinammate-4-hydroxylase (22) PCT Filed: Jul.19, 2007 (C4H), the ratio K(PAL)/K(C4H) is at least 2:1. Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 1 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1

Figure 1 Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 2 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1


NH3 Cinnamic acid O2, NADPH ---.

COumaric acid ATP, COA 4-coumaroyl-CoA Malonyl-CoA as CoA, CO2 resVeratrol

Figure 2 Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 3 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1


NH3 Cinnamic acid

ATP, CoA cinnamoyl-CoA

malonyl-CoA is CoA, CO2 pinosylvin

Figure 3 Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 4 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1

70 r Pinosylvin Standard Pinosylvin 60 nanogram total


9 trif 600 S. cerevisiae strain: FSSC-control (empty vectors) Supernatant


2000 S. cerevisiae strain: f FSSC-PAL.24CLVST Pinosylvin (From Grape) Supernatant


2000 S. cerevisiae strain: pinosyl in a s FSSC PAL24CLVST (From Grape) Cell extract

() 9 fif Figure 4 Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 5 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1

*********•.….….….…. Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 6 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1

Figure 6

Pinosylvin standard A base peak chromatogram negative ESI

1200 Pinosylvin

800 Pinosylvins s



O 5 1. 15 20 m/Z

B Pinosylvin standard negative ion trace at 21 1.0759 Da?e +/- 25 mDa




800 Pinosylvin




mz 15 20 Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 7 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1

Figure 6 (cont)

20000 : s s 15000 s o e S. we

n S V o t v 10000 s : s 5000

10 15

D 16000


8000 S. cerevisiae Strain: FSSC-PAL24CL1VST1 (From Grape) supernatant negative ion trace at 21 1.0759 Da/e +/- 25 m Da

4000 Patent Application Publication Dec. 24, 2009 Sheet 8 of 9 US 2009/0317881 A1

nWULL aouedoSqw nWII aoueqIosqv

US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

METABOLICALLY ENGINEERED CELLS tris and -strobus) (Schanz et al., 1992; Raiber et al., 1995; FOR THE PRODUCTION OF PINOSYLVIN Kodan et al., 2002: Hemingway et al., 1977). 0005 Pinosylvin is present in the wood pulp of eucalyp FIELD OF THE INVENTION tus-, spruce- and pine trees such as Pinus Sylvestris, -densi 0001. This invention relates generally to the production of flora.-taeda and -strobus. In pine species, the constitutive the polyphenol pinosylvin. Furthermore, it relates to the use pinosylvin occurs exclusively in the heartwood (Kindl, of naturally occurring or recombinant micro-organisms that 1985). However, the compound is induced in the sapwood, produce pinosylvin for production of food, feed and bever phloem, and needles as a response to wounding, fungal attack ageS. or environmetal stress such as UV-radiation and oZone expo sure (Hart, 1981; Kindl., 1985; Richter and Wild, 1992: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Lieutier et al., 1996; Rosemann et al., 1991). The compound possesses potent anti-fungal activity against a wide assort 0002 Production of chemicals from micro-organisms has been an important application of biotechnology. Typically, ment of fungi (Lindberg et al., 2004: Pacher et al., 2002). the steps in developing such a bio-production method may 0006 Pinosylvin (FIG. 1 trans-form) consists of two include 1) selection of a proper micro-organism host, 2) closely connected phenol rings and belongs therefore to the elimination of metabolic pathways leading to by-products, 3) polyphenols. Unlike most other hydroxyStilbenes, pinosylvin deregulation of desired pathways at both enzyme activity lacks a hydroxyl group in ring B (FIG. 1) and originates by level and the transcriptional level, and 4) overexpression of condensation of unsubstituted cinnamoyl-CoA with three appropriate in the desired pathways. In preferred molecules of malonyl-CoA. That said, pinosylvin is structur aspects, the present invention has employed combinations of ally similar to the tri-hydroxystilbene resveratrol, which is the steps above to redirect carbon flow from phenylalanine found in red wine (Aggarwal et al., 2004). Much data has been through enzymes of the plant phenylpropanoid pathway generated demonstrating the health benefits of resveratrol. which supplies the necessary precursor for the desired bio For instance resveratrol's potent anticancer activity across synthesis of pinosylvin. many cancer cell lines has well been established (Aggarwalet 0003 Pinosylvin (or pinosylvine or 3,5-dihydroxy-trans al., 2004). Given the similarity instructure with resveratrol, it stilbene) is a phytophenol belonging to the group of stilbene is anticipated that pinosylvin possesses potent health benefits phytoalexins, which are low-molecular-mass secondary as well. Indeed pinosylvin’s effect on various cancers, includ metabolites that constitute the active defence mechanism in ing colorectal- and liver cancers, has been studied, and has plants in response to infections or other stress-related events. indicated it's chemopreventative- and anti-leukemic activity Stilbene phytoalexins contain the stilbene skeleton (trans-1, (Skinnider and Stoessl, 1986; Mellanen et al., 1996; Roupe et 2-diphenylethylene) as their common basic structure: that al., 2005 and 2006). Moreover, pinosylvin has anti-oxidant may be Supplemented by addition of other groups as well capacity as well, though to a lesser extent than, for instance, (Hart and Shrimpton, 1979, Hart, 1981). Stilbenes have been resveratrol (Stojanovic et al., 2001). found in certain trees (angio-sperms, gymnosperms), but also 0007 Presently, pinosylvin is mostly obtained in a mix in Some herbaceous plants (in species of the Myrtaceae, Vita ture of various flavonoids that is extracted from the bark of ceae and Leguminosae families). Said compounds are toxic to pine. Said extraction is a labour intensive process with a low pests, especially to fungi, bacteria and insects. Only few yield. In preferred aspects, the present invention provides plants have the ability to synthesize stilbenes, or to produce novel, more efficient and high-yielding production processes. them in an amount that provides them sufficient resistance to 0008. In plants, the phenylpropanoid pathway is respon pests. sible for the synthesis of a wide variety of secondary meta 0004. The synthesis of the basic stilbene skeleton is pur bolic compounds, including lignins, salicylates, coumarins, sued by Stilbene syntheses, which comprises a Small gene hydroxycinnamic amides, pigments, flavonoids and phytoal family in most species examined (Kodanetal. 2002). Stilbene exins. Indeed formation of Stilbenes in plants proceeds syntheses appear to have evolved from chalcone syntheses, through the phenylpropanoid pathway. The amino acid and belong to a polyketide synthase (PKS) superfamily that L-phenylalanine is converted into trans-cinnamic acid share more than 65% amino acid homology. Unlike the bac through the non-oxidative deamination by L-phenylalanine terial PKSs, both stilbene- and chalcone syntheses function as ammonia lyase (PAL) (FIG. 2). From trans-cinnamic acid the unimodular PKSs with a single , forming relatively pathway can branch into a resveratrol-forming route or into a small homodimers (Tropfet al., 1995). Stilbene- and chal pinosylvin forming route. In the first route trans-cinnamic cone syntheses use common Substrates, three malonyl-CoAS acid is hydroxylated at the para-position to 4-coumaric acid and one cinnamoyl-CoA/p-coumaroyl-CoA, forming their (4-hydroxycinnamic acid) by cinnamate-4-hydroxylase products with similar reaction mechanisms (Kindl., 1985). (C4H), a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase enzyme, in con Stilbene syntheses can be classified into either a 4-couma junction with NADPH:cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR). royl-CoA-specific type that has its highest activity with Subsequently, 4-coumaric acid, is then activated to 4-couma 4-coumaroyl-CoA as Substrate. Such as resveratrol synthase royl-CoA by the action of 4-coumarate-CoA (4CL). A (EC, or a cinnamoyl-CoA-specific type that has its resveratrol synthase (VST1), can then catalyze the conden highest activity with cinnamoyl-CoA as Substrate. Such as sation of a phenylpropane unit of 4-coumaroyl-CoA with pinosylvin Synthase (EC Genes encoding resvera malonyl CoA, resulting in formation of resveratrol. In the trol syntheses have been described earlier for peanut (Arachis latter route trans-cinnamic acid is directly activated to cin hypogaea) (Schöppner and Kindl., 1984; Schröder et al., namoyl-CoA by the action of 4CL where a pinosylvin syn 1988) and grapevine (Vitis vinifera) (Melchior and Kindl, thase (PST) subsequently catalyzes the condensation of a 1991; Wiese et al., 1994) whereas genes encoding pinosylvin phenylpropane unit of cinnamoyl-CoA with malonyl CoA, synthase have been mostly described for pine (Pinus Sylves resulting in formation of pinosylvin. US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

0009 Stilbene synthases are rather promiscuous enzymes carbon flux into the phenylpropanoid pathway. In yet another that can accept a variety of physiological and non-physiologi study (Hwang et al., 2003) production of plant-specific fla cal Substrates. For instance, addition of various phenylpro Vanones by Escherichia coli was achieved through expression panoid CoA starteresters led to formation of several products of an artificial gene cluster that contained three genes of a in vitro (Ikuro et al., 2004: Morita et al., 2001). Likewise it has phenyl propanoid pathway of various heterologous origins; been shown that resveratrol synthase from rhubarb (Rheum PAL from the yeast Rhodotorula rubra, 4CL from the acti tartaricum) indeed synthesized a small amount of pinosylvin nomycete Streptomyces coelicolor, and chalcone synthase when cinnamoyl-CoA was used as Substrate instead of cou (CHS) from the licorice plant Glycyrrhiza echinata. These maroyl-CoA (Samappito et al., 2003). pathways bypassed C4H, because the bacterial 4CL enzyme 0010. Similarly, coumaroyl-CoA ligase can accept both ligated to both trans-cinnamic acid and 4-cou coumaric acid and cinnamic acid as Substrate, albeit with a maric acid. In addition, the PAL from Rhodotorula rubra uses catalytic efficiency (K/K) that is 100 times less for cin both phenylalanine and tyrosine as the substrates. Therefore, namic acid compared to coumaric acid (Allina et al., 1998; E. coli cells containing the gene clusters and grown on glu Ehlting et al., 1999). We deduced from the above that it would be possible to produce pinsoSylvin in a pathway that would cose, produced Small amounts of two flavanones, pinocem consist of a 4CL and a stilbene synthase, even one that is brin (0.29 g/l) from phenylalanine and naringenin (0.17 g/l) designated as a classical resveratrol synthase. from tyrosine. In addition, large amounts of their precursors, 0011 Recently, a yeast was disclosed that could produce 4-coumaric acid and trans-cinnamic acid (0.47 and 1.23 resveratrol from coumaric acid that is found in Small quanti mg/liter respectively), were accumulated. Moreover, the ties in grape must (Becker et al. 2003, ZA200408194). The yields of these compounds could be increased by addition of production of 4-coumaroyl-CoA from exogenous 4-coumaric phenylalanine and tyrosine. acid, and concomitant resveratrol, in laboratory strains of S. 0014. Also described are studies in which the enzyme cerevisiae, was achieved by co-expressing a heterologous properties of pinosylvin Syntheses are studied by first cloning coenzyme-Aligase gene, from hybrid poplar, together with the genes into Escherichia coli. For instance, Raiber et al., the grapevine resveratrol synthase gene (VST1). The other 1995 report on stilbenes from Pinus strobus (Eastern white Substrate for resveratrol synthase, malonyl-CoA, is already pine) that were investigated after heterologous expression in endogenously produced in yeast and is involved in de novo Escherichia coli. For this a P. Strobus cDNA library was fatty-acid biosynthesis. The study showed that cells of S. screened with a stilbene synthase (STS) probe from Pinus cerevisiae could produce minute amounts of resveratrol, Sylvestris and amongst the isolated cDNAs two closely either in the free form or in the glucoside-bound form, when related STS genes, STS1 and STS2, were found with five cultured in synthetic media that was Supplemented with amino acid differences in the proteins. The genes were cloned 4-coumaric acid. on a plasmid and expressed into E. coli, and cell extracts were 0012 Given the promiscuity of the resveratrol synthase, it Subjected to enzyme assays. It appeared that both proteins may be that said yeast could produce pinosylvinas well when accepted cinnamoyl-CoA as a Substrate and thus were con fed with substantial amounts of cinnamic acid. However, sidered as pinosylvin Syntheses, however they revealed large commercial application of Such a yeast would be hampered differences. STSI had only 3-5% of the activity of STS2, and by the probable low pinosylvin yield, and the need for addi its pH optimum was shifted to lower values (pH 6), and it tion of cinnamic acid, which is not abundantly present in synthesized with cinnamoyl-CoA a second unknown . industrial media. Hence, to accelerate and broaden the appli Site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that a single Arg-to cation of pinosylvin as both a pharmaceutical and neutraceu His exchange in STS1 was responsible for all of the differ tical, it is highly desirable to provide a yeast or other micro ences. In another study three STS cDNAs (PDSTS1, organism that can produce pinosylvin directly from glucose, PDSTS2, and PDSTS3) from Pinus densiflora were isolated without addition of cinnamic acid or any downstream cin and the cDNAs were heterologously expressed in E. coli to namic acid derivative such as cinnamoyl-CoA. characterize their enzymatic properties (Kodan et al., 2002). 0013. A recent study (Ro and Douglas, 2004) describes the PDSTS3 appeared to be an unusual STS isozyme that showed reconstitution of the entry point of the phenylpropanoid path the highest pinosylvin-forming activity among the STSs way in S. cerevisiae by introducing PAL, C4H and CPR from tested. Furthermore, PDSTS3 was insensitive to product inhi Poplar. The purpose was to evaluate whether multienzyme bition unlike PDSTS1 and PDSTS2. The unusual character complexes (MECs) containing PAL and C4Harefunctionally istics of PDSTS3 could be ascribed to a lack of a C-terminal important at this entry point into phenylpropanoid metabo extension that normally is common to stilbene syntheses, lism. By feeding the recombinant yeast with 3H]-phenyla which was caused by a frame-shift mutation. In yet another lanine it was found that the majority of metabolized 3H study a genomic DNA library was screened with pinosylvin phenylalanine was incorporated into 4-3H-coumaric acid, synthase cDNA pSP-54 as a probe (Mülleret al., 1999). After and that phenylalanine metabolism was highly reduced by subcloning, four different members were characterized by inhibiting C4H activity. Moreover, PAL-alone expressers sequencing. The amino acid sequences deduced from genes metabolized very little phenylalanine into cinnamic acid. PST-1, PST-2, PST-3 and PST-5 shared an overall identity of When feeding 3H]-phenylalanine and 14C-trans-cinnamic more than 95%. acid simultaneously to the triple expressers, no evidence was 0015. Differences in promoter strength were then analy found for channeling of the endogenously synthesized 3H sed by transient expression in tobacco protoplasts. Constructs trans-cinnamic acid into 4-coumaric acid. Therefore, efficient used contained the bacterial-glucuronidase under the control carbon flux from phenylalanine to 4-coumaric acid via reac of the promoters of pine genes PST-1, PST-2 and PST-3. Upon tions catalyzed by PAL and C4H does not appear to require treatment with UV light or fungal elicitor, the promoter of channeling through a MEC in yeast, and sheer biochemical PST-1 showed highest responsiveness and led to tissue-spe coupling of PAL and C4H seems to be sufficient to drive cific expression in vascular bundles. The data Suggest that in US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

pine the gene product of PST-1 is responsible for both the absence of an external source of derivatives of cinnamic acid stress response in seedlings and pinosylvin formation in the formed therefrom in the phenylpropanoid pathway Such as heartwood. cinnamoyl-CoA. 0016 A further study showed that a stilbene synthase cloned from Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris) was earlier abor DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED tively assigned as a dihydropinosylvin Synthase, while it EMBODIMENTS showed to be a pinosylvin Synthase. The previous mis-inter 0023 Preferably, said pinosylvin orderivative is produced pretation was caused by the influence of bacterial factors on in a reaction catalysed by an enzyme in which endogenous the substrate preference and the activity of the plant-specific malonyl-CoA is a Substrate, and preferably said pinosylvin is protein that was expressed in E. coli. After improvement of produced from cinnamoyl-CoA. the expression system, the Subsequent kinetic analysis 0024 Said pinosylvin orderivative is preferably produced revealed that cinnamoyl-CoA rather than phenylpropionyl from cinnamoyl-CoA, preferably by a stilbene synthase Syn CoA was the preferred substrate of the cloned stilbene syn thase which preferably is expressed in said micro-organism thase. Furthermore, extracts from P. Sylvestris contained fac from nucleic acid coding for said enzyme which is not native tor(s) that selectively influenced the substrate preference, i.e. to the micro-organism. the activity was reduced with phenylpropionyl-CoA, but not 0025 Generally herein, unless the context implies other with cinnamoyl-CoA. This explained the apparent differ wise, references to pinosylvin include reference to oligo ences between plant extracts and the cloned enzyme meric or glycosidically bound derivatives thereof. expressed in E. coli and cautions that factors in the natural and 0026. Thus, in certain preferred embodiments, said stil the new hosts may complicate the functional identification of bene synthase is a resveratrol synthase (EC from a cloned sequences. plant belonging to the genus of Arachis, e.g. A. glabatra, A. 0017. Furthermore, vectors are described with stilbene hypogaea, a plant belonging to the genus of Rheum, e.g. R. synthase genes, which can mean resveratrol synthase and tataricum, a plant belonging to the genus of Vitus, e.g. V. pinosylvin Synthase, for the transformation of organisms and labrusca, V. riparaia, V. vinifera, or any one of the genera plants to confer enhanced resistance against pests and wound Pinus, Piceea, Lilium, Eucalyptus, Parthenocissus, Cissus, ing (EP0309862 and EP0464461). Calochortus, Polygonum, Gnetum, Artocarpus, Nothofagus, 0.018. Also, further vectors are described that contain Phoenix, Festuca, Carex, Veratrum, Bauhinia or Pterolo DNA sequences that will hybridise to pinosylvin synthase of bium. Pinus Sylvestris (U.S. Pat. No. 5.391,724) and said vectors to be used for expression in a plant (U.S. Pat. No. 5,973,230). 0027. The stilbene synthase may be one which exhibits a The incorporation of PAL and 4CL together with a stilbene higher turnover rate with cinnamoyl-CoA as a Substrate than synthase for the production of pinosylvin in a organism is not it does with 4-coumaroyl-CoA as a Substrate, e.g. by a factor however disclosed. Nor are any pinosylvin producing micro of at least 1.5 or at least 2. Thus, in further preferred embodi organisms. ments, said stilbene synthase is a pinosylvin Synthase, Suit 0019 Recently, evidence was shown that the filamentous ably from a tree species such as a species of Pinus, Eucalyp fungi A. Oryzae contained the enzyme chalcone synthase tus, Picea or Maclura. In particular, the stilbene synthase may (CHS) that is normally involved in the biosynthesis of fla be a pinosylvin synthase (EC from a plant belong vonoids, such as maringenin, in plants (Juvvadi et al., 2005; ing to the genus of Pinus, e.g. P. Sylvestris, P Strobes, P Seshime et al., 2005). Indeed it was also shown that A. oryzae densiflora, P. taeda, a plant belonging to the genus of Picea, contained the major set of genes responsible for phenylpro or any one of the genus Eucalyptus. panoid-flavonoid metabolism, i.e PAL, C4H and 4CL. How 0028 Preferably, said cinnamic acid may be produced ever, there is no evidence that A. Oryzae contains a stilbene from L-phenylalanine in a reaction catalysed by an enzyme in synthase. which ammonia is produced and Suitably said cinnamic acid 0020 Our co-pending application WO2006/089898 is formed from L-phenylalanine by a phenylalanine ammonia describes resveratrol producing micro-organisms, especially lyase. yeasts. 0029. In certain preferred embodiments, said L-phenyla lanine ammonia lyase is a L-phenylalanine ammonia lyase (EC from a plant or a micro-organism. The plant may SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION belong to the genus of Arabidopsis, e.g. A. thaliana, a plant 0021. The present invention now provides a micro-organ belonging to the genus of Brassica, e.g. B. napus, B. rapa, a ism having an operative metabolic pathway comprising at plant belonging to the genus of Citrus, e.g. C. reticulate, C. least one enzyme activity producing pinosylvin from cin clementinus, C. limon, a plant belonging to the genus of namic acid. In preferred micro-organisms said pathway pro Phaseolus, e.g. P. coccineus, P. vulgaris, a plant belonging to duces cinnamic acid and produces pinosylvin therefrom. the genus of Pinus, e.g. P. banksiana, P. monticola, P. pinas Especially, the invention provides the use of Such micro ter, P. Sylvestris, P. taeda, a plant belonging to the genus of organisms in producing pinosylvin. Such a micro-organism Populus, e.g. P balsamifera, P. deltoides, P. Canadensis, P may be naturally occurring and may be isolated by Suitable kitakamiensis, P tremuloides, a plant belonging to the genus screening procedures such as degenerate PCR, Southern blot of Solanum, e.g. S. tuberosum, a plant belonging to the genus ting and in silico homology searches, but more preferably is of Prunus, e.g. P. avium, P. persica, a plant belonging to the genetically engineered. genus of Vitus, e.g. Vitus vinifera, a plant belonging to the 0022. The invention includes methods of producing pino genus of Zea, e.g. Z. may’s or other plant genera e.g. Sylvin from Such micro-organisms, and optionally isolating Agastache, Ananas, Asparagus, Bromheadia, Bambusa, or purifying pinosylvin thereby produced. The culturing is Beta, Betula, Cucumis, Camelia, Capsicum, Cassia, Catha preferably conducted in the substantial absence of an external ranthus, Cicer; Citrullus, Coffea, Cucurbita, Cynodon, Dau Source of cinnamic acid. This implies also, the Substantial cus, Dendrobium, Dianthus, Digitalis, Dioscorea, Eucalyp US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 tus, Gallus, Ginkgo, Glycine, Hordeum, Helianthus, mole coumaric acid product/mole enzyme/minute and 530 Ipomoea, Lactuca, Lithospermum, Lotus, Lycopersicon, mole coumaric acid product/mole enzyme/minute, respec Medicago, Malus, Manihot, Medicago, Mesembryanthe tively. mum, Nicotiana, Olea, Oryza, Pisum, Persea, Petroselinum, 0034. The outcome of the combined reaction PAL-C4H Phalaenopsis, Phyllostachys, Physcomitrella, Picea, Pyrus, CPR will depend on the catalytic numbers and the amount of Quercus, Raphanus, Rehmannia, Rubus, Sorghum, Sphenos each enzyme present, especially the amount of CPR Support tylis, Stellaria, Stylosanthes, Triticum, Trifolium, Triticum, ing the electron donation, NADPH, for the C4H. An efficient Vaccinium, Vigna, Zinnia. The micro-organism might be a PAL will give ca 192 moles cinnamic acid/mole PAL/minute fungus belonging to the genus Agaricus, e.g. A. bisporus, a and the C4H enzyme following in the sequence will convert fungus belonging to the genus Aspergillus, e.g. A. Oryzae, A. ca 25 moles of this cinnamic acid/mole C4H/minute into nidulans, A. fumigatus, a fungus belonging to the genus Usti coumaric acid with native CPR activity. Thus the dominant lago, e.g. U. maydis, a bacterium belonging to the genus product from the combined reaction PAL-C4H-CPR will be cinnamic acid (167 moles cinnamic acid/mole PAL enzyme? Rhodobacter, e.g. R. capsulatus, a bacterium belonging to the minute and 25 moles coumaric acid/mole enzyme C4H/ genus Streptomyces, e.g. S. maritimus, a bacterium belonging minute with native CPR activity. Higher CPR activity will to the genus Photorhabdus, e.g. P. luminescens, a yeast lead to more C4H activity per mole C4H enzyme and ulti belonging to the genus Rhodotorula, e.g. R. rubra. mately to pure coumaric acid if overexpressed at high levels. 0030. Because, as described above, for the production of ACPR overexpressed only five times as in the Mizutani paper pinosylvin we require production of cinnamic acid by a PAL (Mizutani et al., 1998) would result in 125 moles coumaric enzyme and also its conversion on to pinosylvin rather than acid/mole C4H/minute and only 67 moles cinnamic acid either the production of coumaric acid from tyrosine by a would be the result from the PAL per minute. Thus the CPR Substrate promiscuous PAL or by conversion ofcinnamic acid must at least be overexpressed ca 8 times for (undesired) pure by a C4H enzyme, micro-organisms for use in the invention coumaric acid production. preferably have a PAL which favours phenylalanine as a 0035. In the case of a recombinant or natural organism Substrate (thus producing cinnamic acid) over tyrosine (from with several PALS/TALs and C4H one can prepare a cell which it would produce coumaric acid). Preferably, therefore, extract and measure the apparent catalytic turnover rates and the ratio K.(phenylalanine)/K(tyrosine) for the PAL is less Km values as a Sum total (or aggregated enzyme) apparent than 1:1, preferably less 1:5, e.g. less than 1:10. As usual, K. enzyme PAL, TAL or C4H. From these estimated sum prop is the molar concentration of the substrate (phenylalanine or erties it will be possible to determine if the organism will tyrosine respectively) that produces half the maximal rate of produce mainly coumaric acid or cinnamic acid and thus which product resveratrol or pinosylvin would be the out product formation (V). come when 4CL and VST are expressed in this organism. The 0031. The presence of C4H is not helpful to the production turnover rate will now be expressed as moles product/(mole of pinosylvin, but need not be forbidden provided that the total protein/time) instead of when using pure enzymes moles diversion of cinnamic acid away from pinosylvin production product/(mol pure enzyme/time). Therefore, the preferred toward formation of resveratrol via coumaric acid is not ratio K.(phenylalanine)/K(tyrosine) for the PAL less than excessive. Therefore, preferably C4H production is either 1:1 can be applied to the aggregate PAL activity where more absent or such that K(PAL)/K(C4H)es is greater than 2, than one PAL is present and the preferred ratio K(PAL)/ preferably greater than 4. As usual, in each case, K is K(C4H) greater than 2 can be applied to the aggregate of V/Enzyme, where Enzyme is the concentration of the the PAL and/or C4H activity (as modulated by CPR) where relevant enzyme. more than one PAL and/or C4H activity is present. 0032. By way of illustration, typical Km values for A. 0036 Preferably, the micro-organism has no exogenous thaliana phenylalanine ammonia lyase PAL2 and its homo C4H, i.e. has not been genetically modified to provide expres logue PALL are around 60 uM with phenylalanine as sub sion of a C4H enzyme. Any C4H production there may then strate (Cochrane et al., 2004) and more than 1000 uM when be will be native to the organism. Optionally, the micro using tyrosine as substrate (Watts et al., 2006). The catalytic organism without exogenous C4H may also lack endogeous turnover rate K for A. thaliana PAL2 is 192 mol cinnamic C4H. Lack of endogenous C4H may be due to a native C4H acid/mole enzyme PAL2 when converting phenylalanine to capability having been deleted by genetic engineering or gene cinnamic acid (Cochrane et al., 2004) but K is minute for the silencing methods or simply because the organism naturally conversion of tyrosine to coumaric acid. A PAL with the lacks the C4H genes, since the enzyme is not part of its above kinetic properties is specific for phenylalanine as Sub metabolism. strate and gives exclusively cinnamic acid formation from 0037 Also, as seen above, the presence of CPR is not phenylalanine and undetectable levels of coumaric acid from helpful to the production of pinosylvin and its overexpres tyrosine. sion, while not forbidden is not generally desirable. Accord 0033. The typical turnover rate for the hydroxylase reac ingly, the micro-organism preferably has no endogenous tion catalyzed by C4H is 25 moles coumaric acid product/ CPR, no exogenous CPR or has no overexpression of native mole enzyme/minute when native yeast CPR activity Sup CPR, or may have reduced expression of native CPR. ports the reaction (Urban et al., 1994). The activity of C4H 0038 Suitably, said L-phenylalanine ammonia lyase is may be limited by NADPH availability and this may be expressed in said micro-organism from nucleic acid coding increased if the enzyme cytochrome P450 hydroxylase (CPR) for said enzyme which is not native to the micro-organism. is overexpressed. If CPR is overexpressed as exemplified in 0039 Preferably, cinnamoyl-CoA is formed in a reaction the literature by 5 to 20 times (Mizutani et al., 1998, Urban et catalysed by an enzyme in which ATP and CoA are substrates al, 1994) the catalytic turnover rates for the C4H reaction and ADP is a product and suitably cinnamoyl-CoA is formed converting cinnamic acid to coumaric acid increases to 125 in a reaction catalysed by a 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (also US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 referred to as 4-coumaroyl-CoA ligase). Known 4-couma encoding a L-phenylalanine ammonia lyase is operatively rate-CoA ligase enzymes accept either 4-coumaric acid or linked to an expression signal not natively associated with cinnamic acid as Substrates and produce the corresponding said genetic sequence in said organism. CoA derivatives. Generally, such enzymes are known as 0043. Expression signals include nucleotide sequences 4-coumarate-CoA ligase whether they show higher activity located upstream (5' non-coding sequences), within, or down with 4-coumaric acid as Substrate or with cinnamic acid as stream (3' non-coding sequences) of a coding sequence, and substrate. However, we refer here to enzymes having that which influence the transcription, RNA processing or stabil Substrate preference as cinnamate-CoA ligase enzymes (or ity, or translation of the associated coding sequence. Such cinnamoyl-CoA-ligase). One such enzyme is described for sequences may include promoters, translation leader instance in Aneko et al., 2003. sequences, introns, and polyadenylation recognition 0040 Said 4-coumarate-CoA ligase or cinnamate-CoA Sequences. ligase may be a 4-coumarate-CoA ligase?cinnamate-CoA 0044 Optionally, at least one copy of a genetic sequence ligase (EC from a plant, a micro-organism or a encoding a 4-coumarate-CoA ligase or cinnamate-CoA nematode. The plant may belong to the genus of Abies, e.g. A. ligase, whether native or not, is operatively linked to an beshanzuensis, B. firma, B. holophylla, a plant belonging to expression signal not natively associated with said genetic the genus of Arabidopsis, e.g. A. thaliana, a plant belonging sequence in said organism. to the genus of Brassica, e.g. B. napus, B. rapa, B. Oleracea, 0045 Optionally, at least one copy of a genetic sequence a plant belonging to the genus of Citrus, e.g. C. Sinensis, a encoding a stilbene synthase, which may be a resveratrol plant belonging to the genus of Larix, e.g. L. decidua, L. synthase, whether native or not, is operatively linked to an gmelinii, L. griffithiana, L. himalaica, L. kaempferi, L. expression signal not natively associated with said genetic laricina, L. mastersiana, L. Occidentalis, L. potaninii, L. sequence in said organism. Sibirica, L. Speciosa, a plant belonging to the genus of 0046. Optionally, at least one copy of a genetic sequence Phaseolus, e.g. P. acutifolius, P. coccineus, a plant belonging encoding a pinosylvin Synthase, whether native or not, is to the genus of Pinus, e.g. Parmandii P banksiana, P. pin operatively linked to an expression signal not natively asso aster, a plant belonging to the genus of Populus, e.g. P. bal ciated with said genetic sequence in said organism. samifera, P tomentosa, P tremuloides, a plant belonging to 0047. In certain aspects the invention provides a metaboli the genus of Solanum, e.g. S. tuberosum, a plant belonging to cally engineered micro-organism of the kind described, hav the genus of Vitus, e.g. Vitus vinifera, a plant belonging to the ing an operative metabolic pathway in which a first metabo genus of Zea, e.g. Z. mays, or other plant genera e.g. lite is transformed into a second metabolite in a reaction Agastache, Amorpha, Cathaya, Cedrus, Crocus, Festuca, catalysed by a first enzyme, said reaction step producing Glycine, Juglans, Keteleeria, Lithospermum, Lolium, Lotus, ammonia, and in which said second metabolite is transformed Lycopersicon, Malus, Medicago, Mesembryanthemum, Nic into a third metabolite in a reaction catalysed by a second Otiana, Nothotsuga, Oryza, Pelargonium, Petroselinum, Phy enzyme in which ATP and CoA is a substrate, and ADP is a Scomitrella, Picea, Prunus, Pseudolarix, Pseudotsuga, Rosa, product, and in which said third metabolite is transformed Rubus, Ryza, Saccharum, Suaeda, Thellungiella, Triticum, into a fourth metabolite in a reaction catalysed by a third Tsuga. The micro-organism might be a filamentous fungi enzyme in which endogenous malonyl-CoA is a Substrate. belonging to the genus Aspergillus, e.g. A. flavus, A. nidulans, 0048. The micro-organisms described above include ones A. oryzae, A. fumigatus, a filamentous fungus belonging to the containing one or more copies of a heterologous DNA genus Neurospora, e.g. N. Crassa, a fungus belonging to the sequence encoding phenylalanine ammonia lyase operatively genus Yarrowia, e.g. Y. lipolytica, a fungus belonging to the associated with an expression signal, and containing one or genus of Mycosphaerella, e.g. M. graminicola, a bacterium more copies of a heterologous DNA sequence encoding belonging to the genus of Mycobacterium, e.g. M. bovis, M. 4-coumarate-CoA-ligase or cinnamate-CoA ligase opera leprae, M. tuberculosis, a bacterium belonging to the genus of tively associated with an expression signal, and containing Neisseria, e.g. N. meningitidis, a bacterium belonging to the one or more copies of a heterologous DNA sequence encod genus of Streptomyces, e.g. S. coelicolor, a bacterium belong ing a stilbene synthase, which may be resveratrol synthase, ing to the genus of Rhodobacter, e.g. R. capsulatus, a nema operatively associated with an expression signal. tode belonging to the genus Ancylostoma, e.g. A. ceylanicum, 0049. Alternatively, the micro-organisms described above a nematode belonging to the genus Caenorhabditis, e.g. C. include ones containing one or more copies of a heterologous elegans, a nematode belonging to the genus Haemonchus, DNA sequence encoding phenylalanine ammonia lyase e.g. H. Contortus, a nematode belonging to the genus Lum operatively associated with an expression signal, and contain bricus, e.g. L. rubellus, a nematode belonging to the genus ing one or more copies of a heterologous DNA sequence Meilodogyne, e.g. M. hapla, a nematode belonging to the encoding 4-coumarate-CoA-ligase or cinnamate-CoA ligase genus Strongyloidus, e.g. S. rattii, S. Stercoralis, a nematode operatively associated with an expression signal, and contain belonging to the genus Pristionchus, e.g. P. pacificus. ing one or more copies of a heterologous DNA sequence 0041 Whilst the micro-organism may be naturally occur encoding pinosylvin Synthase operatively associated with an ring, preferably at least one copy of at least one genetic expression signal. sequence encoding a respective enzyme in said metabolic 0050. In the present context the term “micro-organism’ pathway has been recombinantly introduced into said micro relates to microscopic organisms, including bacteria, micro organism. Scopic fungi, including yeast. 0042 Additionally or alternatively to introducing coding 0051 More specifically, the micro-organism may be a fun sequences coding for a said enzyme, one may provide one or gus, and more specifically a filamentous fungus belonging to more expression signals, such as promoter sequences, not the genus of Aspergillus, e.g. A. niger; A. awamori, A. Oryzae, natively associated with said coding sequence in said organ A. nidulans, a yeast belonging to the genus of Saccharomyces, ism. Thus, optionally, at least one copy of a genetic sequence e.g. S. cerevisiae, S. kluyveri, S. bayanus, S. exiguus, S. US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 sevazzi, S. uvarum, a yeast belonging to the genus Kluyvero 0060. The invention further includes a micro-organism myces, e.g. K. lactis K. marxianus var. marxianus, K. ther composition comprising micro-organism cells and at least 1.5 motolerans, a yeast belonging to the genus Candida, e.g. C. mg/gpinosylvin on a dry weight basis. For instance, yeast or utilis C. tropicalis, C. albicans, C. lipolytica, C. versatilis, a yeast containing or yeast derived preparations containing yeast belonging to the genus Pichia, e.g. P. Stipidis, P. pas pinosylvin, or pinosylvin so produced, may be provided for toris, P Sorbitophila, or other yeast genera, e.g. Cryptococ human or animal consumption, e.g. in dry form, Suitably as cus, Debaronryces, Hansenula, Pichia, Yarrowia, Zygosac unit oral dosage forms such as yeast containing tablets or charonryces or Schizosaccharonryces. Concerning other capsules, which may contain for instance at least 0.5g of said micro-organisms a non-exhaustive list of suitable filamentous yeast, e.g. 1-3g. fungi is Supplied: a species belonging to the genus Penicilli 0061 Any wild type enzyme referred to herein may be urn, Rhizopus, Fusariurn, Fusidium, Gibberella, Mucor, substituted by a mutant form thereof, suitably having an Mortierella, Trichoderma. amino acid homology relative to the named wildtype enzyme 0052 Concerning bacteria a non-exhaustive list of suit of at least 50%, more preferably at least 60%, more preferably able bacteria is given as follows: a species belonging to the at least 70%, more preferably at least 80%, more preferably genus Bacillus, a species belonging to the genus Escherichia, still at least 90% or at least 95%, whilst of course maintaining a species belonging to the genus Lactobacillus, a species the required enzyme activity of the wild type. This may belonging to the genus Lactococcus, a species belonging to include maintaining any substrate preference of the wildtype, the genus Corynebacterium, a species belonging to the genus e.g. for phenylalanine over tyrosine or for cinnamic acid over Acetobacter, a species belonging to the genus Acinetobacter, coumaric acid or for cinnamoyl-CoA over coumaroyl-CoA. a species belonging to the genus Pseudomonas, etc. Any wild type coding sequence coding for an enzyme 0053. The preferred micro-organisms of the invention referred to herein may be substituted with a sequence coding may be S. cerevisiae, A. niger, A. Oryzae, E. coli, L. lactis or B. for the same enzyme but in which the codon usage is adjusted. subtilis. This applies both to wildtype enzymes mentioned herein and mutant forms as discussed above. Nucleotide sequences cod 0054 The constructed and engineered micro-organism ing for mutant forms of wild type enzymes are preferably can be cultivated using commonly known processes, includ homologous with the wild type nucleotide sequence of the ing chemostat, batch, fed-batch cultivations, etc. corresponding wild type enzyme to the extent of at least 50%, 0055 Thus, the invention includes a method for producing more preferably at least 60%, more preferably at least 70%, pinosylvin comprising contacting a micro-organism cell with more preferably at least 80%, more preferably still at least a carbon substrate in the substantial absence of an external 90% or at least 95%. Source of cinnamic acid, said cell having the capacity to 0062 Mutant forms of enzymes may have a level of produce pinosylvin under the conditions, in which the micro enzyme activity largely unchanged from that of the wild type organism may be selected from the group consisting of fungi enzyme or may be selected to have a higher level of activity. and bacteria, especially yeast. Conservative substitutions of amino acids of the wild type 0056 Pinosylvin so produced may optionally be isolated enzyme may be made in accordance with known practice. or purified and suitable methods include solvent extraction Enzymes having improved activity may be developed by with n-hexane, followed by sequential extraction with 100% directed evolution techniques as known in the art, random ether, acetone, methanol and water, and chromatographic changes in the enzyme being produced by methods such as purification on a silicagel column using a n-hexane/ethyl introducing random genetic changes in the coding for the acetate (2/1) system (Suga et al. 1993). enzyme in a Suitable test organism such as E. coli or S. 0057 Said carbon substrate is optionally selected from the cerevisiae followed by expression and selection of improved group of fermentable carbon Substrates consisting of mutants by Screening for the desired property, or by imposing monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, e.g. self selection conditions under which organisms expressing glucose, fructose, galactose, Xylose, arabinose, mannose, an improved activity will have a Survival advantage. Sucrose, lactose, erythrose, threose, and/or ribose. Said car 0063 References herein to the absence or substantial bon substrate may additionally or alternatively be selected absence or lack of Supply of a Substance, e.g. of cinnamic from the group of non-fermentable carbon Substrates includ acid, include the substantial absence of derivatives thereof ing ethanol, acetate, glycerol, and/or lactate. Said non-fer Such as cinnamic acid esters (including thioesters), e.g. cin mentable carbon substrate may additionally or alternatively namoyl-CoA, which may be metabolised to the substance or be selected from the group of amino acids and may be phe which are immediate products of further metabolism of the nylalanine. Substance. In particular, lack of cinnamic acid implies lack of 0058. In an alternative aspect, the invention includes a cinnamoyl-CoA. method for producing pinosylvin through heterologous 0064 Pinosylvin produced according to the invention may expression of nucleotide sequences encoding phenylalanine be cis-pinosylvin or trans-pinosylvin, which are expected to ammonia lyase, 4-coumarate-CoA ligase and resveratrol Syn be formed from cis-cinnamic acid and trans-cinnamic acid thase and also a method for producing pinosylvin through respectively. Alternatively, cis-pinosylvin may be formed heterologous expression of nucleotide sequences encoding from trans-cinnamic acid by a process including isomerisa phenylalanine ammonia lyase, 4-coumarate-CoA ligase and tion. But it is to be expected that the trans-form will normally pinosylvin Synthase. predominate. 0059 Pinosylvin, including pinosylvin so produced, may BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS be used as a nutraceutical in a food product, e.g. a dairy product or a beverage Such as beer or wine. Accordingly, the 0065. To assist in the ready understanding of the above invention includes a food product containing microbially pro description of the invention reference has been made to the duced pinosylvin. accompanying drawings in which: US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

0066 FIG. 1 shows the chemical structure of pinosylvin; 0076. The coding sequence of resveratrol synthase (RES) 0067 FIG. 2 shows the phenylpropanoid pathway utilis from Rhubarb, Rheum tataricum (Samappito et al., 2003: ingresveratrol synthase acting on coumaroyl-CoA, leading to SEQID NO: 5, 6) was codon optimized for expression in S. resveratrol; and cerevisiae using the online service backtranslation tool at 0068 FIG. 3 shows the phenylpropanoid pathway utilis, yielding sequence SEQID NO: 7, 8. ing pinosylvin Synthase or resveratrol synthase acting on Oligos for the synthetic gene assembly were constructed at cinnamoyl-CoA, leading to pinosylvin. MWG Biotech and the synthetic gene was assembled by PCR 0069 FIG. 4 shows the HPLC-chromatograms of super using a slightly modified method protocol of from Martin et natant and cell extract of S. cerevisiae strains FSSC al. (2003) described below.

TABLE 1. Primers and restriction sites for the amplification of genes Restriction Restriction Primer for amplification of genek site: site: (Restriction sites are underlined) Gene primer Wector







*SEQ ID Nos 11-16

PAL4CLVST1, grown on 100 g/l galactose. A chromatogram (0077. Primers from MWG for the assembly of the syn of 60 nanogram of pure pinosylvin is included. thetic gene were dissolved in milliO-water to a concentration 0070 FIG. 5 shows the HPLC-chromatograms of a cell of 100 pmoleful. An aliquot of 5 ul of each primer was extract of S. cerevisiae strain FSSC-PAL4CLRES, grown on combined in a totalmix and then diluted 10-fold with milliO 100 g/l galactose. A chromatogram of 60 nanogram of pure water. The gene was assembled via PCR using 5 ul diluted pinosylvin is included. totalmix per 50 ul as template for fusion DNA polymerase (0071 FIG. 6 shows the LC-MS data for pure pinosylvin (Finnzymes). The PCR programme was as follows: Initial 98° and pinosylvin produced by S. cerevisiae strain FSSC C. for 30s., and then 30 cycles with 98°C. for 10s., 40°C. for PAL4CLVST1, grown on 100 g/l galactose. Both base peak 1 min. and 72°C. at 1 min./1000 basepairs, and a final 72°C. chromatograms, and negative ion-traces at M/Z 211.0759 for 5 min. From the resulting PCR reaction, 2011 was purified Dafe are shown. on 1% agarose gel. The result was a PCR smear and the 0072 FIG. 7 shows HPLC chromatograms obtained in regions around the wanted size were cut out from agarose gel Example 16. and purified using the QiaCuick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen). 0073 FIG. 8 shows the HPLC analysis of extracted prod A final PCR with the outer primers in table 1 rendered the uct from the fermentation of a pinosylvin producing Strain of required RES gene. Point mutations were corrected using the E. coli (upper panel) and a control strain (lower panel). Quickchange site directed mutagenesis II kit (Stratagene, La 0074 The invention will be further described and illus Jolla, Calif.). trated by the following non-limiting examples. 0078. The VST1 gene encoding Vitis vinifera (grapevine) resveratrol synthase (Hain et al., 1993) was synthesized by EXAMPLES GenScript Corporation (Piscataway, N.J.). The amino acid sequence (SEQID NO: 10) was used as template to generate Example 1 a synthetic gene codon optimized for expression in S. cerevi siae (SEQID NO:9). The synthetic VST1 gene was delivered Isolation of Genes Encoding PAL, 4CL, RES and inserted in E. colipUC57 vector flanked by BamH1 and Xho1 VST1 restriction sites. The synthetic gene was purified from the 0075 Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL2) (Cochrane et pUC57 vector by BamH1/Xho1 restriction and purified from al., 2004; SEQID NO: 1, 2), 4-coumarate:CoenzymeAligase agarose gel using the QiaCuick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen). (4CL1) (Hamberger and Hahlbrock 2004; Ehlting et al., 1999: SEQ ID NO: 3, 4) were isolated via PCR from A. Example 2 thaliana cDNA (BioCat, Heidelberg, Germany) using the Construction of a Yeast Vector for Expression of primers in table 1. PAL2 and 4CL1 were chosen amongst PAL2 several A. thaliana homologues due to favourable kinetic parameters towards cinnamic acid and cinnamoyl-CoA, 007.9 The gene encoding PAL2, isolated as described in respectively (Cochrane et al., 2004; Hamberger and Hahl example 1, was reamplified by PCR using forward- and brock 2004; Ehlting et al., 1999). reverse primers, with 5' overhangs containing EcoR1 and US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

Spel restriction sites (table 1). The amplified PAL2 PCR pESC-TRP-4CL1-RES (example 4), and the transformed product was digested with EcoR1/Spe1 and ligated into Strain was named FSSC-PAL24CL1RES. EcoR1/Spe1 digested pESC-URA vector (Stratagene), resulting in vector pESC-URA-PAL2. The sequence of the Example 7 gene was verified by sequencing of two different clones. Expression of the Pathway to Pinosylvin in the Yeast Example 3 S. cerevisiae Using PAL2, 4CL1 and VST1 I0085 Yeast strains containing the appropriate genetic Construction of a Yeast Vector for Expression of markers were transformed with the vectors described in 4CL1 examples 2, 3 and 5, separately or in combination. The trans formation of the yeast cell was conducted in accordance with 0080. The gene encoding 4CL1 was isolated as described methods known in the art, for instance, by using competent in example 1. The amplified 4CL1 PCR-product was digested cells or by electroporation (see, e.g., Sambrook et al., 1989). with Xball/BamH1 and ligated into Spe1/BglII digested Transformants were selected on medium lacking uracil and/ pESC-TRP vector (Stratagene), resulting in vector plSC or tryptophan and streak purified on the same medium. TRP-4CL1. Two different clones of pESC-TRP-4CL1 were I0086 S. cerevisiae strain FS01267 (MATa trp 1 ura3) was sequenced to Verify the sequence of the cloned gene. co-transformed with pBSC-URA-PAL2 (example 2) and pESC-TRP-4CL1-VST1 (example 5), and the transformed Example 4 Strain was named FSSC-PAL24CL1 VST1. Construction of a Yeast Vector for Expression of Example 8 4CL1 and RES Fermentation with Recombinant Yeast Strains in 0081. The gene encoding RES was isolated as described in Shake Flasks example 1. The amplified synthetic RES gene was digested with BamH1/Xhol and ligated into BamH1/Xhol digested I0087. The recombinant yeast strains were inoculated from pESC-TRP-4CL1 (example 3). The resulting plasmid, pFSC agarplates with a sterile inoculation loop and grown in 100 ml TRP-4CL1-RES, contained the genes encoding 4CL1 and defined mineral medium (Verduyn et al., 1992) that contained RES under the control of the divergent GAL1/GAL10 pro Vitamins, trace elements, 5 g/l glucose 95 g/l galactose. The moter. The sequence of the gene encoding VST1 was verified 500 ml stoppered shake flasks were incubated for three days by sequencing of two different clones of plSC-TRP-4CL1 at 30° C. and 160 rpm. VST1. Example 9 Example 5 a) Extraction of Pinosylvin Construction of a Yeast Vector for Expression of I0088 Cells were harvested by centrifugation 5000 g for 5 4CL1 and VST1 minutes. An aliquot of 50 ml of Supernatant was extracted once with 20 ml ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate was freeze 0082. The gene encoding VST1 was isolated as described dried and the dry product redissolved in 0.7 ml methanol and in example 1. The purified and digested VST1 gene was filtered into HPLC vials. ligated into BamH1/Xhol digested pBSC-TRP-4CL1 (ex I0089. The cell pellet from 100 ml medium was dissolved ample 3). The resulting plasmid, pESC-TRP-4CL1-VST1, in 2 ml water and divided into 3 fastprep tubes and broken contained the genes encoding 4CL1 and VST1 under the with glass beads. The crude extracts from the three tubes were control of the divergent GAL1/GAL10 promoter. The pooled into 10 ml 100% methanol in a 50 ml sartorius tube sequence of the gene encoding VST1 was verified by and extracted on a rotary chamber for 48 hours in a dark cold sequencing of two different clones of pESC-TRP-4CL1 room at 4°C. After 48 hours the cell debris was removed via VST1. centrifugation for 5 min. at 5000 g and the methanol was removed by freeze-drying overnight. The dry residue was Example 6 redissolved in 0.7 ml methanol and filtered into HPLC vials. Expression of the Pathway to Pinosylvin in the Yeast b) Analysis of Pinosylvin S. cerevisiae Using PAL2, 4CL1 and RES HPLC 0083 Yeast strains containing the appropriate genetic 0090. For quantitative analysis of cinnamic acid, coumaric markers were transformed with the vectors described in acid, and pinosylvin, Samples were Subjected to separation by examples 2, 3 and 4, separately or in combination. The trans high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) Agilent formation of the yeast cell was conducted in accordance with Series 1100 system (Hewlett Packard) prior to uv-diode-array methods known in the art by using competent cells, an alter detection at 306 mm. A Phenomenex (Torrance, Calif., native being for instance, electroporation (see, e.g., Sam USA) Luna 3 micrometer C18 (100x2.00 mm) column was brook et al., 1989). Transformants were selected on medium used at 40°C. As mobile phase a gradient of acetonitrile and lacking uracil and/or tryptophan and streak purified on the milliq water (both containing 50 ppm trifluoroacetic acid) same medium. was used at a flow of 0.4 ml/min. The gradient profile was I0084. S. cerevisiae strain FS01267 (MATa trp 1 ura3) was linear from 15% acetonitrile to 100% acetonitrile over 20 co-transformed with pBSC-URA-PAL2 (example 2) and min. The elution time was approximately 8.8-8.9 minutes for US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

trans-pinosylvin. Pure pinosylvin standard (>95% pure) was strains under well-defined growth conditions in batch- and purchased from ArboNova (Turku, Finland). continuous cultures, and/or optimizing the expression/activi ties of the individual enzymes LC-MS 0091 Samples and standards were analyzed by negative Example 10 electrospray LC-MS on a Waters (Micromass, Manchester, UK) LCTTM time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a Lock a) Construction of a Bacterial Vector for Expression sprayTM reference probe coupled to an Agilent 1100 HPLC of PAL2 in Escherichia coli system (Agilent Tecchnologies Walbron, Germany). The separations were done on a 50 mmx2 mm ID Luna C-18 (II) 0098. The plasmids that were used in the following column (Phenomenex, USA) fitted with a 4 mmx2 mm ID examples contained one or more marker genes to allow the SecurityGuardTM pre-column (Phenomenex, USA) using a microorganism that harbour them to be selected from those water-acetonitrile gradient at 0.3 ml/minute. Both eluents which do not. The selection system is based upon dominant contained 20 mM formic acid. The solvent composition was markers, e.g. resistance againstampicilin and kanamycin. In changed from 15% acetonitrile at injection to 100% acetoni trile in 20 minutes, which was maintained for 5 minutes addition, the plasmids contained promoter- and terminator before the gradient was returned to starting conditions. A 3 ul sequences that allowed the expression of the recombinant sample was injected in all cases and the column was main genes. Furthermore, the plasmids contained suitable unique tained at 40° C. All chemicals were of HPLC grade and restriction sites to facilitate the cloning of DNA fragments dissolved into Milli-QTM water. and Subsequent identification of recombinants. In this 0092 UV spectra were collected from 200-700 nm at 2 example the plasmids contained either the amplicilin resis spectra per second with a resolution of 4 nm. tance gene, designated as pET16b (Novagen), or the kanamy 0093. The mass spectrometer was tuned for maximum cin resistance gene, designated as pET26b (Novagen). sensitivity in negative electrospray mode to a resolution better 0099. The gene encoding PAL2, isolated as described in than 5500 FWH on a solution of leucine enkphaline (0.5 example 1, was reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC ug/ml in 50% acetonitril with 0.5% formic acid). Said solu URA-PAL2 (example 2), using forward- and reverse primers, tion was also used as mass reference in the LocksprayTM in with 5' overhangs containing suitable restriction sites. The negative ESI at 15ul/minute. The instrument was calibrated introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the in negative ESIona carboxylated-PEG mixture in 50% aceto gene allowed ligation of the restricted PCR product into a nitril. In both cases the calibration had a residual error less digested plT16B vector that contained the T7 promoter. The than 2 mDa on at least 25 calibration ions. The run conditions resulting plasmid, pET16B-PAL2, contained the gene encod were selected for minimal in-source fragmentation. ing PAL2 under the control of the T7 promoter. 0094) Mass spectra were collected from 100 to 900 Da/eat a rate of 0.4 seconds per spectrum with 0.1 second interscan time. A reference spectrum was collected from the Lock b) Construction of a Bacterial Vector for Expression massTM probe every 3rd seconds and 10 reference spectra of 4CL1 and VST1 in Escherichia coli were averaged for internal mass correction. 0100. The gene encoding 4CL1, isolated as described in 0095 Narrow ion traces were extracted using +/-25 ml)a example 1, was reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC around the protonated or deprotonated mass of the expected URA-4CL1-VST1 (example 5), using forward- and reverse metabolites. primers, with 5' overhangs containing Suitable restriction sites. The introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' Results ends of the gene allowed ligation of the restricted PCR prod 0096 Strains FSSC-PAL24CL1RES and FSSC uct into a digested pET26B vector. The resulting plasmid, PAL24CL1VST1, were cultivated on 100 g/l galactose as pET26B-4CL1, contained the gene encoding for 4CL1 under described in example 8, and analyzed for their content of the control of the T7 promoter from Lactobacillus lactis. pinosylvin. Additionally, a control strain FSSC-control was 0101 The gene encoding VST1, isolated as described in included that contained the empty vectors only. The HPLC example 1, was reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC analysis showed that strains FSSC-PAL24CL1VST1 and URA-4CL1-VST1 (example 5) using forward- and reverse FSSC-PAL24CL1RES contained a component with a reten primers, with 5' overhangs containing Suitable restriction tion time of 8.8-9.0 min. that was identical to trans-pinosylvin sites. The introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' (FIGS. 4 and 5). Said result was confirmed by LC-MS analy ends of the gene allowed ligation of the restricted PCR prod sis that revealed the presence of a component in the Superna uct into a digested pET16B vector. The resulting plasmid, tant of strain FSSC-PAL24CL1 VST1 with a retention time of pET16B-VST1, contained the gene encoding VST1 under the 8.2 min., which had a M/Z of 211.0579 Dafei.25 mDA that control of the T7 promoter. The T7 promoter and the gene indeed corresponded to the M/Z of pure pinosylvin in nega encoding VST1 were reamplified as one fragment by PCR tive ion mode (FIG. 6). In addition the UV absorption spectra from the plasmid pET16B-VST1 using forward and reverse were similar to the absorption spectrum of pure trans-pino primers, with 5' overhangs containing Suitable restriction Sylvin (not shown) as well, with a W of approximately 306 sites. The introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the DNA fragment allowed ligation of the restricted 0097. The results, therefore, demonstrated the presence of PCR product into the digested plasmid plT26B-4CL1. The an active phenyl-propanoid pathway in S. cerevisiae that led resulting plasmid, pET26B-4CL1-VST1, contained the to in vivo production of trans-pinosylvin. The production of genes encoding 4CL1 and VST1, each under the control of pinosylvin can most likely be improved by cultivating the their individual T7 promoter. The sequence of the genes US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

encoding 4CL1 and VST1 was verified by sequencing of two be overcome by using Escherichia coli as an intermediate different clones of pET26B-4CL1-VST1. host for the construction of recombinant plasmids. The plas mid contains one or more marker genes to allow the micro c) Expression of the Pathway to Pinosylvin in organism that harbour them to be selected from those which Escherichia coli do not. The selection system that is used for Lactococcus 0102 Escherichia coli strains were transformed with the lactis is based upon dominant markers, e.g. resistance against vectors described in (a) and (b), separately or in combination. erythromycin and chloramphenicol, but systems based upon The transformation of the bacterial cell was conducted in genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, peptidases and accordance with methods known in the art by using compe food grade markers, have also been described. In addition, the tent cells, an alternative being for instance, electroporation plasmid contains promoter- and terminator sequences that (see, e.g., Sambrook et al., 1989). Transformants were allow the expression of the recombinant genes. Suitable pro selected on medium containing the antibiotics amplicilin and moters are taken from genes of Lactococcus lactis e.g. lacA. kanamycin and streak purified on the same medium. Furthermore, the plasmid contains Suitable unique restriction (0103 Escherichia coli strain BL21 (DE3) was trans sites to facilitate the cloning of DNA fragments and subse formed separately with the vector pBT16B-PAL2(a), yield quent identification of recombinants. ing the strain FSEC-PAL2; and with pET26B-4CL1-VST1 0108. In the procedures below the plasmid contains either (b), yielding strain FSEC-4CL1VST1. In addition, Escheri the erythromycine resistance gene, designated as pSH71 chia coli strain BL21 (DE3) was co-transformed with pET16B-PAL2 (a) and pET26B-4CL1-VST1 (n), and the ERY, or the chloramphenicol resistance gene, designated as transformed Strain was named FSEC-PAL24CL1 VST1. pSH71CM. 0109 The gene encoding PAL2, isolated as described in d) Fermentation with Recombinant Escherichia coli example 1, is reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC Strains in Fermentors URA-PAL2 (example 2), using forward- and reverse primers, 0104. The recombinant yeast strains can be grown in fer with 5' overhangs containing suitable restriction sites. The mentors operated as batch, fed-batch or chemostat cultures. introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the In this instance fermentation was in shake flasks. gene allows ligation of the restricted PCR product into a 0105 Pre-cultures of Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) were digested pSH71-ERY vector that contains the lacA promoter grown in glass tubes at 160 rpm and 37° C. in 7 ml of LB from Lactococcus lactis. The resulting plasmid, pSH71 medium containing 100 g/ml ampicillin and 60 ug/mlkana ERY-PAL2, contains the gene encoding PAL2 under the mycin. Exponentially growing precultures were used for control of the lacA promoter from Lactococcuss lactis. The inoculation of 500 ml baffled shake flasks that contains 200 sequence of the gene encoding PAL2 is verified by sequenc ml LB medium supplemented with 50 g/l glucose, 5 g/1 ing of two different clones of pSH71-ERY-PAL2. KHPO, 80 ug/ml amplicilin and 50 ug/mlkanamycin, which are incubated at 160 rpm and 37° C. After 5 hours, isopropyl b) Construction of a Bacterial Vector for Expression B-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) was added at a final concen of 4CL1 and VST1 in Lactococcus lactis tration of 1 mM, as an inducer of the T7 promoter that is in front of each of the three genes PAL2, 4CL1 and VST1. After an incubation period of 48 hours at 37° C., the cells were 0110. The gene encoding 4CL1, isolated as described in harvested and Subjected to extraction procedures and analy example 1, is reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC sed for the presence of produced pinosylvin. TRP-4CL1-VST1 (example 5), using forward- and reverse primers, with 5' overhangs containing Suitable restriction e) Extraction And Analysis of Pinosylvin in sites. The introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the gene allows ligation of the restricted PCR product Escherichia coli into a digested pSH71CM vector. The resulting plasmid, 0106 Extraction and analysis were performed using the pSH71CM-4CL1, contains the gene encoding for 4CL1 methods as described in example 9. Results of HPLC con under the control of the lacA promoter from Lactobacillus ducted on the extracted materials from the fermentation using lactis. The gene encoding VST1, isolated as described in the engineered strain described and a control strain contain example 1, is reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC ing empty plasmids are shown in FIG. 9, upper and lower TRP-4CL1-VST1 (example 5) using forward- and reverse panels respectively. Pinosylvin and cinnamic acid production primers, with 5' overhangs containing Suitable restriction is marked in the figure. sites. The introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the gene allows ligation of the restricted PCR product Example 11 into a digested pSH71-ERY vector. The resulting plasmid, pSH71-ERY-VST1, contains the gene encoding VST1 under a) Construction of a Bacterial Vector for Expression the control of the lacA promoter from Lactococcus lactis. The of PAL2 in Lactococcus lactis lacA promoter and the gene encoding VST1 are reamplified 0107 The plasmid pSH71 and derivatives thereof, which as one fragment by PCR from the plasmid pSH71-ERY is used in the following examples, is a bifunctional shuttle VST1 using forward- and reverse primers, with 5' overhangs vector with multiple origins of replication from Escherichia containing Suitable restriction sites. The introduction of said coli and Lactococcus lactis. With that, the host range speci restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the DNA fragment ficity traverses Escherichia coli and other species of lactic allows ligation of the restricted PCR product into the digested acid bacteria. Though transformations in Lactoccus lactis plasmid pSH71-CM-4CL1. The resulting plasmid, pSH71 usually proceed without problems, putative difficult transfor CM-4CL1-VST1, contains the genes encoding 4CL1 and mations in other species of lactic acid bacteria can, therefore, VST1 that are each under the control of their individual lacA US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

promoter. The sequence of the genes encoding 4CL1 and g/l, 15.0 g/l or 18.0 g/l. The bioreactor is inoculated to an VST1 is verified by sequencing of two different clones of initial biomass concentration of 1 mg/1 and the feed pump is pSH71-CM-4CL1-VST1. turned on at the end of the exponential growth phase. 0116. An anaerobic steady state is obtained by introducing c) Expression of the Pathway to Pinosylvin in 50 ml/min of N (99.998% pure) into the headspace of the Lactococcus lactis bioreactor. Different anoxic steady states can obtained by 0111 Lactococcus lactis strains are transformed with the sparging the reactor with 250 ml/min of gas composed of N vectors described in examples 16 and 17, separately or in (99.998% pure) and atmospheric air at various ratios. The combination. The transformation of the bacterial cell is con oxygen electrode is calibrated by sparging the bioreactor with ducted in accordance with methods known in the art, for air (100% DOT) and with N, (0% DOT). instance, by using competent cells or by electroporation (see, 0117 For all conditions, the gas is sterile filtered before e.g., Sambrook et al., 1989). Transformants are selected on being introduced into the bioreactor. The off gas is led medium containing the antibiotics erythromycin and through a condenser cooled to lower than -8°C. and analyzed chloramphenicol and streak purified on the same medium. for its volumetric content of CO and O by means of an 0112 Lactococcus lactis strain MG 1363 is transformed acoustic gas analyser. separately with the vectorpSH71-ERY-PAL2 (example 16), 0118 Cultivations are considered to be insteady state after yielding the strain FSLL-PAL2 In addition, Lactococcus lac at least 5 residence times, and if the concentrations of biomass tis strain MG 1363 is co-transformed with pSH71-ERY and fermentation end products remain unchanged (less than PAL2 (example 16) and pSH71-CM-4CL1-VST1 (example 5% relative deviation) over the last two residence times. 17), and the transformed strain is named FSLL PAL24CL1 VST1. e) Extraction and Analysis of Pinosylvin in Lactococcus lactis d) Fermentation with Recombinant Lactococcus 0119) Extraction and analysis is performed using the lactis Strains in Fermentors methods as described in example 9. 0113. The recombinant lactococcus strains can be grown in fermenters operated as batch, fed-batch or chemostat cul Example 12 tures. a) Construction of a Fungal Vector for Expression of PAL2 in Species Belonging to the Genus Aspergillus Batch and Fed-Batch Cultivations 0.120. The plasmid that is used in this example, is derived 0114. The microorganism is grown in a baffled bioreactor from pARp1 that contains the AMA1 initiating replication with a working volume of 1.5 liters under anaerobic, aerobic sequence from Aspergillus nidulans, which also Sustains or microaerobic conditions. All cultures are incubated at 30° autonomous plasmid replication in A. niger and A. Oryzae C., at 350 rpm. A constant pH of 6.6 is maintained by auto (Gems et al., 1991). Moreover, the plasmid is a shuttle vector, matic addition of 10 M KOH. Cells are grown on lactose in containing the replication sequence of Escherichia coli, and defined MS10 medium supplemented with the following the inherent difficult transformations in Aspergillus niger and components to allow growth under aerobic conditions: Aspergillus Oryzae can therefore overcome by using Escheri MnSO (1.25x10 g/l), thiamine (1 mg/l), and DL-6,8-thio chia coli as an intermediate host for the construction of ctic acid (2.5 mg/l). The lactose concentration is, for example recombinant plasmids. The plasmid contains one or more 50 g/l. The bioreactors are inoculated with cells from precul marker genes to allow the microorganism that harbour them tures grown at 30°C. in shake flasks on the medium described to be selected from those which do not. The selection system above buffered with threefold-higher concentrations of can be either based upon dominant markers e.g. resistance KHPO and KHPO. Anaerobic conditions are ensured by against hygromycin B. phleomycin and bleomycin, or heter flushing the medium with N (99.998% pure) prior to inocu ologous markers e.g. amino acids and the pyrC gene. In addi lation and by maintaining a constant flow of 50 ml/min of N, tion the plasmid contains promoter- and terminator sequences through the headspace of the bioreactor during cultivation. that allow the expression of the recombinant genes. Suitable The bioreactors used for microaerobic and aerobic cultivation promoters are taken from genes of Aspergillus nidulans e.g. are equipped with polarographic oxygen sensors that are cali alcA, glaA, amy, nia), and gpdA. Furthermore, the plasmid brated with air (DOT, 100%) and N. (DOT, 0%). Aerobic contains Suitable unique restriction sites to facilitate the clon conditions are obtained by sparging the bioreactor with air at ing of DNA fragments and Subsequent identification of a rate of 1 VVm to ensure that the DOT is more than 80%. recombinants. During microaerobic experiments the DOT is kept constant 0121 The plasmid contains the strong constitutive gpdA 5% by sparging the reactor with gas composed of a mixture of promoter and auxotropic markers, all originating from N and atmospheric air, at a rate of 0.25 VVm. Aspergillus nidulans; the plasmid containing the gene methC that is involved in methionine biosynthesis, is designated as Chemostat Cultures pAMA1-MET; the plasmid containing the gene his A that is 0115. In chemostat cultures the cells can be grown in, for involved in histidine biosynthesis, is designated as paMA 1 example, 1-L working-volume Applikon laboratory fermen HIS tors at 30°C. and 350 rpm. The dilution rate (D) can be set at 0.122 The gene encoding for PAL2, isolated as described different values, e.g. at 0.050 h", 0.10h', 0.15 h", or 0.20 in example 1, is reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC h'. The pH is kept constant, e.g. at 6.6, by automatic addition URA-PAL2 (example 2) using forward- and reverse primers, of 5 M KOH, using the growth medium described above, with 5' overhangs containing suitable restriction sites. The supplemented with antifoam (50 ul/l). The concentration of introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the lactose can be set at different values, e.g. is 3.0 g/l 6.0 g/l. 12.0 gene allows ligation of the restricted PCR product into a US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

digested paMA1-MET vector. The resulting plasmid, 2005) and that is auxotrophic for methionine, is transformed pAMA1-MET-PAL2, contains the gene encoding for PAL2 with the vector p AMA 1-MET-VST1 (example 29), yielding under the control of the gpdA promoter from Aspergillus the strain FSAO-VST1. The transformation of the fungal cell nidulans. The sequence of the gene encoding for PAL2 is is conducted in accordance with methods known in the art, for verified by sequencing of two different clones of p AMA 1 instance, by electroporation or by conjugation (see, e.g., Sam MET-PAL2. brook et al., 1989). Transformants are selected on minimal b) Construction of a Fungal Vector for Expression of medium lacking methionine. 4CL1 and VST1 in Species Belonging to the Genus Aspergillus Example 14 0123. The gene encoding 4CL1, isolated as described in Fermentation with Recombinant Strains of Aspergil example 1, is reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pSC lus niger and Aspergillus Oryzae in Fermentors TRP-4CL1-VST1 (example 5), using forward- and reverse primers, with 5' overhangs containing Suitable restriction I0127. The recombinant Aspergillus strains can be grown sites. The introduction of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' in fermenters operated as batch, fed-batch or chemostat cul ends of the gene allows ligation of the restricted PCR product tures. into a digested pAMA1-HIS vector that contains the gpdA promoter from Aspergillus nidulans. The resulting plasmid, Batch and Fed-Batch Cultivations pAMA1-HIS-4CL1 contains the gene encoding 4CL1 under I0128. The microorganism is grown in a baffled bioreactor the control of the gpdA promoter from Aspergillus nidulans. with a working volume of 1.5 liters under aerobic conditions. The gene encoding VST1, isolated as described in example 1, All cultures are incubated at 30°C., at 500 rpm. A constant pH is reamplified by PCR from the plasmid pESC-TRP-4CL1 of 6.0 is maintained by automatic addition of 10M KOH, and VST1 (example 5) using forward- and reverse primers, with 5' aerobic conditions are obtained by sparging the bioreactor overhangs containing Suitable restriction sites. The introduc with air at a rate of 1 VVm to ensure that the DOT is more than tion of said restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the gene 80%. Cells are grown on glucose in defined medium consist allows ligation of the restricted PCR product into a digested ing of the following components to allow growth in batch pAMA1-MET vector to yield paMA1-MET-VST1. The cultivations: 7.3 g/l (NH)SO 1.5 g/l KHPO, 1.0 g/1 gpdA promoter and the gene encoding VST1 are reamplified MgSO.7H2O, 1.0 g/l NaCl, 0.1 g/l CaCl2.H2O, 0.1 ml/l as one fragment by PCR from the plasmid paMA1-MET Sigma antifoam, 7.2 mg/l ZnSO.7H2O, 1.3 mg/l CuSO4. VST1 using forward- and reverse primers, with 5' overhangs 5HO, 0.3 mg/l NiC1.6H2O, 3.5 mg/l MnC14H2O and 6.9 containing Suitable restriction sites. The introduction of said mg/l FeSO.7H2O. The glucose concentration is, for restriction sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the DNA fragment example, 10-20-, 30-, 40- or 50 g/l. To allow growth in fed allows ligation of the restricted PCR product into the digested batch cultivations the medium is composed of 7.3 g/l (NH) plasmid paMAl-HIS-4CL1. The resulting plasmid, SO, 4.0 g/l KHPO, 1.9 g/l MgSO.7HO, 1.3 g/l NaCl, pAMA1-HIS-4CL1-VST1, contains the genes encoding 0.10 g/l CaCl2.2H2O, 0.1 ml/l Sigma antifoam, 7.2 mg/1 4CL1 and VST1 that are each under the control of an indi ZnSO.7H2O, 1.3 mg/l CuSO4.5H2O, 0.3 mg/l NiC1.6H2O, vidual pgdA promoter from Aspergillus nidulans. The 3.5 mg/l MnCl2.4H2O and 6.9 mg/l FeSOHO in the batch sequence of the genes encoding 4CL1 and VST1 is verified by phase. The reactor is then fed with, for example, 285 g/kg sequencing of two different clones of pAMA 1-HIS-4CL1 glucose and 42 g/kg (NH)SO. VST1. I0129. Free mycelium from a pre-batch is used for inocu c) Expression of the Pathway to Pinosylvin in lating the batch- and fed-batch cultures. A spore concentra Aspergillus niger tion of 2.10 spores/1 is used for inoculation of the pre-batch culture at pH 2.5. Spores are obtained by propagation of 0.124 Aspergillus niger strains are transformed with the freeze-dried spores onto 29 g rice to which the following vectors described in (a) and (b), separately or in combination. components are added: 6 ml 15 g/l sucrose, 2.3 g/l (NH) The transformation of the fungal cell is conducted in accor SO, 1.0 g/l KHPO, 0.5 g/l MgSO.7HO, 0.50 g/l NaCl, dance with methods known in the art, for instance, by elec 14.3 mg/l ZnSO.7H2O, 2.5 mg/CuSO4.5H2O, 0.50 mg/1 troporation or by conjugation (see, e.g., Sambrook et al., NiCl2.6H2O, and 13.8 mg/l FeSO.7H2O. The spores are 1989). Transformants are selected on minimal medium lack propagated at 30° C. for 7-14 days to yield a black layer of ing methionine and/or histidine. spores on the rice grains and are harvested by adding 100 ml 0.125. A strain of Aspergillus niger that is auxotrophic for of 0.1% Tween 20 in sterile water. For all conditions, the gas histidine and methionine, for instance, strain FGSC A919 is sterile filtered before being introduced into the bioreactor. (see, is transformed separately with the The off gas is led through a condenser cooled to lower than vector p AMA 1-MET-PAL2 (a), yielding the strain FSAN -8°C. and analyzed for its volumetric content of CO and O. PAL2 and with pAMA1-HIS-4CL1-VST1 (b), yielding strain by means of an acoustic gas analyser. FSAN-4CL1VST1. In addition, Aspergillus niger strain FGSCA919 is co-transformed with p AMA1-MET-PAL2(a) Chemostat Cultures and p AMA 1-HIS-4CL1-VST1 (b), and the transformed Strain is named FSAN-PAL24CL1 VST1. 0.130. In chemostat cultures the cells can be grown in, for example, 1.5-L working-volume Biostat B laboratory fer Example 13 mentors at 30° C. and 500 rpm. A constant pH of 6.0 is Expression of the Pathway to Pinosylvin in Aspergil maintained by automatic addition of 10 MKOH, and aerobic lus Oryzae conditions are obtained by sparging the bioreactor with air at 0126 A Strain of Aspergillus Oryzae that contains a native a rate of 1 VVm to ensure that the DOT is more than 80%. The set of genes encoding for PAL2 and 4CL1 (Seshime et al., dilution rate (D) can be set at different values, e.g. at 0.050 US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 h', 0.10 h", 0.15 h", or 0.20 h". The pH is kept constant, ID NO: 22) with the 5' overhang containing a 27 base pair e.g. at 6.6, by automatic addition of 10 M KOH, using a adaptamer and the restriction site HindIII respectively. minimal growth medium with the following components: 2.5 0.139. The fusion PCR product of fragment trpC and gpdA g/l (NHA)SO, 0.75 g/l KHPO, 1.0 g/l MgSO.7HO, 1.0 with the incorporated restriction sites allow insertion into g/l NaCl, 0.1 g/l CaCl2.H2O, 0.1 ml/l Sigma antifoam, 7.2 pUC19-argB digested with BamHI and HindIII yielding mg/l ZnSO.7H2O, 1.3 mg/l CuSO4.5H2O, 0.3 mg/l NiCl. pAT3. 6HO, 3.5 mg/l MnC14H2O and 6.9 mg/l FeSO.7H.O.The concentration of glucose can be set at different values, e.g. is b) Construction of a Filamentous Fungal Expression Vector 3.0 g/l 6.0 g/l. 12.0 g/l. 15.0 g/l or 18.0 g/l. The bioreactor is With pyrC (Orotidine-5'-Monophosphate Decarboxylase) inoculated with free mycelium from a pre-batch culture as Marker For Expression of C4H (Cinnamate-4-Hydroxylase) described above, and the feed pump is turned on at the end of in A. nidulans AR1. the exponential growth phase. 0140. The gene encoding C4H was reamplified from the 0131 For all conditions, the gas is sterile filtered before yeast plasmid pESC-URA-PAL2-C4H (WO2006089898, being introduced into the bioreactor. The off gas is led example 3) using the forward primer 5-CG G CGCGC ATA through a condenser cooled to lower than -8°C. and analyzed ATG GAC CTC CTCTTG CTG GAG-3 (SEQ ID NO. 23) for its volumetric content of CO, and O, by means of an and the reverse primer 5-GG GC GGCC GCTTATTA ACA acoustic gas analyser. GTTCCTTGGTTTCATAACG-3 (SEQID NO:24) with 0132 Cultivations are considered to be insteady state after the 5' overhang containing the restriction sites BssHII and at least 5 residence times, and if the concentrations of biomass NotI respectively. The incorporated restriction sites in the glucose and composition of the off-gas remain unchanged PCR product allowed insertion into pAT3 digested with (less than 5% relative deviation) over the last two residence BssHII and Not giving pAT3-C4H. The construct was veri times. fied by restriction enzyme cut and sequencing. The argB marker was removed by using the two following restriction Example 15 enzymes BsiWI and Pcil. Extraction and Analysis of Pinosylvin in Aspergillus 0.141. The gene encoding pyrC including the homologous niger and Aspergillus Oryzae promoter and terminator sequence was reamplified from Aspergillus fumigatus genomic DNA using the forward 0.133 Extraction and analysis is performed using the primer 5-CGTGTACAATATTAATTAACGAGAGCG AT methods as described in Example 9. CGC AATAAC CGTATT ACC GCCTTT GAG-3 (SEQID NO: 25) and reverse primer 5-CGA CATGTATTCC CGG Example 16 GAA GAT CTC ATG GTCA-3 (SEQID NO: 26) with the 5' overhang containing the restriction sites BsrGI, PacI, AsiSI in Pinosylvin Production in Aspergillus nidulans Ar1 the forward primer and PciI in the reverse primer. The incor 0134. Aspergillus nidulans AR1 has deleted the following porated restriction sites in the PCR product allowed insertion genes genes argB2, pyrCB9, VeA. into pAT3 digested with BsiWI and PciI giving paT3-C4H a) Construction of a Filamentous Fungal Expression Vector, pyrC. The construct was verified by restriction enzyme cut with argB (Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase) Marker. and sequencing. 0135 The gene encoding argB including the homologous c) Construction of a Filamentous Fungal Expression Vector promoter and terminator sequence was amplified from with argB Marker for Expression of 4CL1 (4-Coumarate Aspergillus nidulans AR1 genomic DNA using forward CoA Ligase) in A. nidulans AR1 primer 5-CG GAATTCATACGCGGTTTTTTGGGG TAG 0142. The gene encoding 4CL1 was reamplified from the TCA-3 (SEQ ID NO: 17) and the reverse primer 5-CG yeast plasmid plSC-TRP-4CL1-VST1 using the forward CCCGGG TAT GCC ACC TAC AGC CAT TGC GAA-3 primer 5-GCGGAGAGGGCGCG ATG GCG CCA CAA (SEQID NO: 18) with the 5' overhang containing the restric GAA CAA GCA-3 (SEQID NO: 27) and the reverse primer tion sites EcoRI and Xmal respectively. 5-TGGATCCGCGGCCGC TCA CAATCC ATTTGCTAG 0136. The incorporated restriction sites in the PCR prod TTTTGC-3 (SEQID NO: 28). The 4CL1 gene was inserted uct allowed insertion into puC19 (New England biolabs, into a pAT3 vector digested with BssHII and NotI using the Ipswich, Mass.) digested with EcoRI and Xmal giving In-fusionTM PCR cloning Technology (Clontech, Mountain pUC19-argB. View, Calif.) to yield pAT3-4CL1. The construct was verified 0.137 The trpC (Indole-3-glycerol phosphate synthase) by restriction enzyme cut and sequencing. terminator was amplified from A. nidulans genomic DNA using forward primer 5-GC GGATCC ATA GGG CGCTTA d) Construction of a Filamentous Fungal Expression CAC AGT ACA CGA-3 (SEQ ID NO: 19) and the reverse Vector with argB Marker for Expression of VST1 primer 5-CGGAGAGGGCGCGCCCGTGGCGGCCGC (Resveratrol Synthase) in A. nidulans AR1 GGA TCC ACT TAA CGT TAC TGA-3 (SEQ ID NO: 20) with the 5' overhang containing the restriction site BamHI and 0143. The gene encoding VST1 was reamplified from the a 27 base pair adaptamer respectively. yeast plasmid pSC-TRP-4CL1-VST1 (example 5) using the 0.138. The gpdA (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro forward primer 5-CG GCGCG CATAATG GCATCC GTA genase) promoter was amplified from A. nidulans AR1 GAG GAGTTC-3 (SEQID NO: 29) and the reverse primer genomic DNA using forward primer 5-GCGGCCGC 5-GG GC GGCC GCTTATCATTA GTT AGT GAC AGT CACGGGCGCGCCCTCTCCG GCG GTA GTG ATG TCT TGG AA-3 (SEQID NO:30) with the 5' overhang containing GCT CAA-3 (SEQID NO: 21) and the reverse primer 5-CG the restriction sites BssHII and NotI respectively. The incor AAGCTT TATAATTCCCTT GTATCT CTA CAC-3 (SEQ porated restriction sites in the PCR product allowed insertion US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 into pAT3 digested with BssHII and NotI giving paT3-VST1. panel shows the results from the parent wild type control The construct was verified by restriction enzyme cut and strain. The pinosylvin levels produced by the engineered sequencing. strain varied between 1.0-2.0 mg/l. The control strain did not show any pinosylvin formation. e) Expression of the Pathway Leading to Pinosylvin 0.148. The identity of the pinosylvin peak was further con in A. nidulans AR1 (the Strain has Deletions (argB2, firmed with diode array UV-spectra by comparison with a pyrC89, veA1)) Using C4H, 4CL1 and VST1 pure standard UV-chromatogram (FIG. 8). 0144. The transformation of the A. nidulans AR1 fungal cell was conducted in accordance with methods known in the Example 17 art by protoplastation using cell wall lysing enzymes (glu Determination of Intracellular and Extracellular Lev canex, novozymes) Tilburn et al., 1983. Random integration els of Stilbenoids in a Continuous Culture of PAL of C4H, 4CL1 and VST1 was conducted in two steps. Plasmid CPR pAT3-4CL1 and pAT3-VST1 were linearized using restric tion enzyme BmrI and integrated in the genome by co-trans 0149. A yeast strain FSSC-PAL2C4H4CL2VST1 formation according to Guerra et al., 2006 utilizing the aux pADH1CPR1 with overexpressed CPR, was grown in a car otrophic marker argB. A transformant containing a 4CL1 and bon-limited continuous culture with a working volume of 1 VST1 expression cassette was isolated and a Successive trans liter. The culture was fed with a defined medium according to formation with p AT3-C4H-pyrG, which was linearized with Verduyn et al. (1992), containing: 5.0 g/L (NH4)2SO; 3.0 g/L BmrI, gave a recombinant A. nidulans strain containing C4H. KHPO, 0.5 g/L MgSO4.7H2O: trace metals and vitamins 4CL1 and VST1. and 5 g/l glucose and 35 g/l galactose as the growth-limiting nutrients. Antifoam (300 ul/L, Sigma A-8436) was added to f) Fermentation with Recombinant A. nidulans avoid foaming. The carbon Source was autoclaved separately Strains in Shake Flasks from the mineral medium and afterwards added to the fer mentor. In addition, the vitamin and trace metal Solutions 0145 Precultures of A. nidulans were grown for 5 days on were added to the fermentor by sterile filtration following agar plates at 37° C. containing 1 g/L glucose, 0.85 g/L autoclavation and cooling of the medium. The fermentor sys NaNO, 0.1 g/L KC1, 0.1 g/L MgSO.7HO; and 0.3 g/L tem was from Sartorius BBI systems and consisted of a KHPO, 0.00008 g/L CuSO4.5H2O, 0.000008 g/L baffled 3-liter reactor vessel with 1 liter working volume NaBO,10HO, 0.00016 g/L FeSO.7HO, 0.00016 g/L equipped with Biostat B Plus controller. The reactor vessel MnSO2HO, 0.00016 g/L NaMoO2HO, and 0.0016 g/L was equipped with two Rushton turbines which were rotating ZnSO.7HO. The precultures were used for inoculation of at either 1000 rpm, the temperature was kept at 30+1°C., and 500 ml baffled shake flasks containing 100 ml Czapek the pH was kept at 5.5+0.2 by automatic addition of 2M KOH. medium (CZ). The shake flasks were incubated at 150 rpm The gasflow was controlled by a mass flow controller and was and 30° C. and the initial pH of the medium was 6.2. After an set to 1.5 VVm (1.5 l/min). The off-gas was led through a incubation period of 24 hours, the samples were taken and cooled condenser, and was analyzed for O and CO (Model Subjected to extraction procedures (see below) and analyzed 1308, Innova, Denmark). An initial batch culture with 35 g/1 for the presence of produced pinosylvin. galactose was started by inoculation of the culture with 10 ml g) Extraction of Pinosylvin from A. nidulans Shake Flask of an exponentional growing shakeflask culture containing 5 Cultures g/l glucose and 35 g/l galactose. The batch cultivation was 0146 Samples consisting of 100 ml cultures (both cells Switched to a continuous mode by feeding the same medium and broth) were withdrawn from the shake flasks. Extraction continuously to the reactor. The dilution rate was controlled of metabolites were conducted as follows; the samples were on a constant level basis, aiming at D=0.050 h". The con transferred into two 50 ml Sartorius tubes and centrifuged at tinuous culture was regarded to be in steady state when both 4500 rpm for 10 minutes. The supernatant was transferred the dilution rate and off-gas signal had not changed for at least into a beaker and the biomass was divided into eight aliquots five residence times, and when the metabolite concentrations that were transferred to 2 ml Sarstedt micro tubes with cap, in two successive samples taken at intervals of 1 residence containing app. 300 ul glass beads (0.25-0.50 mm). The tubes time, deviated by less than 3%. The dissolved-oxygen con were inserted into a Fastprep 120 (Thermo Fisher Scientific, centration, which was continuously monitored, was kept Waltham, Mass.) for four cycles at level 6.5 for 30 seconds at above 60% of air saturation. Under said conditions the strain a time and kept on ice in between cycles. The crushed cells consumed all the galactose, and mainly produced biomass were divided into two 15-ml Sartorius tubes. The tubes were and CO, and only minor amounts of ethanol. Moreover, the filled with 10 ml of supernatant and 3 ml of ethyl acetate was RQ was close to unity, indicating that metabolism was pre added. The tubes were vigorously mixed on a whirly mixer dominantly in respirative mode. for 2 minutes and put on ice for 5 minutes. The ethyl acetate 0150. For the determination of stilbenoids, samples were phase was then separated from the water phase via centrifu taken at approximately 300 hrs into fermentation correspond gation at 4500 rpm for 10 minutes and collected in four 1.5 ml ing to 15 residence times. Cells were harvested by centrifu Eppendorf tubes. The ethyl acetate was then freeze dried for gation 5000 g for 5 minutes. For the determination of extra 45 min and the dried samples were re-dissolved in 0.3 ml 50% cellular levels of stilbenoids, an aliquot of 25 ml of methanol for further HPLC analysis, as described in Example supernatant was extracted once with 10 ml ethyl acetate. The 9b. ethyl acetate was freeze dried and the dry product redissolved h) Shake Flask Results from Recombinant A. nidulans in 0.6 ml methanol. The samples were than 50-fold diluted in 0147 FIG. 7 shows HPLC-chromatograms from a typical water transferred into HPLC vials, and analyzed by HPLC. shake flask experiment. The upper panel shows results from Furthermore, to evaluate whether the level of stilbenoids that the engineered strain producing pinosylvin and the lower was produced exceeded the solubility of the medium, or were US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

either bound to the cell-membranes 1 ml aliquots of cell encoded by 4CL1 and 4CL2 genes, accept cinnamic acid culture, thus including both cells and medium, were mixed although the preferred substrate is 4-hydroxycinnamic acid with 1 ml of 100% ethanol, and mixed vigorously prior to (coumaric acid) (Hamberger and Hahlbrock, 2004; Costa et centrifugation. The Supernatant was then transferred into al, 2005). Most preferably, the CL is a codon optimized ligase HPLC vials and directly analyzed for the content of stil specific for cinnamic acid as Substrate exemplified by cin benoids. For the determination of intracellular levels of stil namate:CoA ligase from Streptomyces coelicolor (Kaneko et benoids, an aliquot of 50 ml culture was sampled, and cells al, 2003). Likewise, VST1 gene can be any codon optimized and medium were separated by centrifugation. The pellet was or non optimized stilbene synthase accepting cinnamoyl:CoA washed with 50 ml of water to remove any stilbenoids that as substrate even though the preferred substrate is usually were cell-bound or trapped into the pellet; after re-centrifu 4-coumaroyl:CoA in stilbene synthases that produce resvera gation the pellet was then dissolved in 1 ml water. The result trol, so called resveratrol synthases. This type of dual sub ing cell Suspension was distributed into extraction tubes and strate acceptance is in the nature of the VST1 gene (seq id:9) broken with glass beads using a fast-prep machine. The crude from Vitis vinifera. Most preferably a stilbene synthase from extracts were pooled into 10 ml of 100% methanol, and the family of Pinus specific for cinnamoyl:CoA as substrate is extracted in a rotary chamber for 24 hours in a dark cold room used (Schanz et al., 1992: Kodan et al., 2002). at 4°C. Thereafter, the cell debris was removed via centrifu gation for 5 min. at 5000 g and the remaining methanol was b) Isolation of Promoters and Terminators removed by freeze-drying overnight. The dry residue was redissolved in 0.4 ml methanol and 0.1 ml water. The samples 0154 Promoters that can be used for expression of heter were than 50-fold diluted in water and then transferred into ologous genes in Yarrowia lipolytica are exemplified but not HPLC vials, and analyzed by HPLC. limited to the following promoters: long chain acyl:CoA oxi dase POX2, hp4d, isocitrate lyase ICL1, extracellular alka 0151. The following table summarizes the results after line protease XPR2, translation elongation factor TEF, ribo continuous culture for 300 hrs: somal protein S7 RPS7, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase GPD, YAT1, GPAT, FBA1, and FBAIN pro moters (Müller et al., 1998: WO2006055322; Pinosylvin Pinosylvin Pinosylvin Pinosylvin WO2006125000). Intracelullar Extracelullar Extracellular Total 0155 Terminators that can be used for expression of het (a) (b) In EtOH (c) (a + c) erologous genes in Yarrowia lipolytica are exemplified but mg/l 16.45 12.55 113.57 130.02 not limited to the following terminators: XPR2, LIP2. % of 12.65 9.65 87.35 1OOOO PEX20, and SQS terminators (Merkulov et al., 2000; total mg/g dry 1.83 WO2006055322; WO2006125000). weight 0156 Isolation of terminator and promoter DNA frag ments can be done via PCR from Yarrowia lipolytica genomic DNA prepared from whole cells of Y lipolytica exemplified 0152 Intracellular levels of stilbenoids were expressed in by but not limited to cells from the America Type Culture mg per gram biomass (dry weight), according to the calcula Collection, such as ATCC 16618, ATCC18943, and tion explained in the following section. The concentration of ATCC18944, ATCC90811, ATCC90812, and ATCC90903. pinosylvin in the extract was determined 1646 mg/l; the vol ume of the extract was 0.5 ml, hence the absolute amount of c) Generation of an Expression Cassette pinosylvin extracted was 0.5* 1646/1000–0.8230 mg respec tively. The stilbenoids were extracted from a 50 ml culture 0157. The generation of an expression cassette means the aliquot and hence the intracellular concentrations of pino assembly of a linear double stranded DNA-fragment consist Sylvin expressed per liter culture were 0.8230*(1000/50)=16. ing of a promoter (constitutive or inducible) fused together 46 mg/l. The biomass concentration of said culture was 9 g/l. with the protein coding sequence of a heterologous gene and The intracellular pinosylvin levels expressed per gram dry a terminator sequence, i.e. 5'-Promoter::Gene:Terminator-3' weight therefore were 16.46/9=1.83 mg/g dry weight. DNA fragment. 0158. The expression cassette can be generated by a com Example 18 bination of fusion PCR of the different gene fragments; pro moter, gene coding sequence and terminal fragment. For Cloning of Trans-Pinosylvin Pathway in Oleaginous example PAL gene can be fused with PCR technology to Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica XPR2 promoter and the resulting XPR2::PAL fragment can be further fused via a second PCR reaction to the terminator a) Isolation of Genes to generate the expression cassette XPR2::PAL::terminator. 0153 PAL (phenylalanine ammonialyase), CL (cin 0159. An alternative way to generate an expression cas namoyl:CoA ligase) and VST1 genes, where gene is defined sette is to clone the protein coding sequence of the heterolo as protein coding sequence, are produced as synthetic genes gous gene (Such as PAL) in an existing expression vector, (GenScript Corporation, Piscataway, N.J.) with codon opti exemplified but not limited to ATCC vector 69355TM. This mization for expression in Yarrowia lipolytica. The determi ATCC vector already has a promoter (XPR2) and a terminator nation of codon usage in Y lioplytica has been described region and a multiple cloning site (MCS) with unique restric previously (WO2006125000). PAL and 4CL genes can also tion sites between the promoter and terminator for introduc be isolated by PCR from A. thaliana cDNA (Stratagene). tion of a heterologous gene by standard molecular biology Cinnamoyl:CoA ligase CL can be any hydroxycinnamoyl: tools. If the number of restriction sites between promoter and CoA ligase accepting cinnamic acid as Substrate. For terminator region in the target vector are limited the Infusion example, the 4-coumaroyl:CoA from A. thaliana, cloning kit technology can be used (Clontech, CA, USA) US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 since it requires only one restriction site in the vector for gene The LEU2 integrative vector is exemplified by but not limited insertion. By inserting the gene in a vector between a pro to ATCC vector 69355TM. This expression vector containing moter and terminator the expression cassette Promoter: an expression cassette can be used directly for transformation Gene:Terminator is created inside a circular vector and not as into Y lipolytica cells auxotrophic for leucine for selection of a single double stranded DNA-fragment. If a linear DNA the expression vector that contains Y lipolytica LEU2 marker expression cassette fragment is needed PCR can be used for gene. The expression cassette can also be amplified from the amplification of the expression cassette from the expression expression vector by PCR technique to be further used for vector. One of skill in the art would recognize that several construction of other expression vectors containing appropri expression cassettes can be introduced into the same plasmid ate selective antibiotic markers or biosynthetic amino acid or vector resulting in cluster of expression cassettes prefer markers. ably with genes from a whole metabolic pathway, Such as the 0163 The URA3 integration site can be used repeatedly in pinosylvin production pathway (PAL, CL and VST1 genes). combination with 5-fluoroorotic acid (5-FOA) selection. In The cluster of expression cassettes for the three genes needed detail, native URA3 gene is deleted in Y lipolytica host strain for pinosylvin production (PAL, CL and VST1) is defined as to generate a strain having URA-auxotrophic phenotype, pinosylvin pathway expression cluster. wherein selection occurs based on 5-FOA resistance. When d) Insertion of Heterologous Gene, PAL, CL and VST1 for URA3 is present 5-FOA is degraded to a toxic compound Pinosylvin Production in Y lipolytica 5-fluorouracil by the orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase 0160 The pinosylvin pathway genes (PAL, CL, VST1) are encoded by URA3 gene and only cells lacking URA3 gene assembled as expression cassettes with a promoter and ter will be resistant. Consequently, a cluster of multiple expres minator Promoter::Gene:Terminator. The promoters and ter sion cassettes and a new URA3 gene can be integrated in minators can be the same or a combination of different pro multiple rounds into different locus of the Yarrowia lipolytica moters and terminators for the different genes, PAL, CL and genome to thereby produce new strain having URA+ pro VST1. One of skill in the art would recognize available clon totrophic phenotype. Subsequent integration produces a new ing techniques, cloning vectors, or cloning tools needed for URA3-auxotrophic strain, again using 5-FOA selection, introduction and expression of the pinosylvin pathway when the introduced URA3 gene is autonomously deleted (so expression cluster (comprising the expression cassettes with called loop-out or pop-out). Thus, URA3 gene in combina the genes PAL, CL and VST1) in Y lipolytica, since these tion with 5-FOA selection can be used as a selection marker in tools have been described in several publications (Le DAll et multiple rounds of genetic modifications and integration of al, 1994; Pignede et al., 2000; Juretzek et al., 2001; Madzak et expression cassettes. al, 2004) and patent applications (WO2006055322: e) Transformation of Y lipolytica WO2006125000). 0164 Standard transformation techniques (Chen et al. 0161 In Summary, once the expression cassettes Suitable 1997: WO2006125000) can be used to introduce the foreign for expressing the pinosylvin pathway (PAL, CL and VST1) DNA, self replicative vectors, or DNA fragments comprising in Y lipolytica has been obtained, they can be (i) placed in a the expression cassettes into Y lipolytica host, exemplified by plasmid vector capable of autonomous replication in a host but not limited to host cells such as ATCC90811, cellor (ii) directly integrated into the genome of the host cell ATCC90812, and ATCC90903. The selection method used to or a combination thereof in order to establish the pinosylvin maintain the introduced foreign DNA in Y lipolytica can be pathway expression cluster in the Y lipolytica host. Expres based on amino acid markers (Fickers et al., 2003) or antibi sion cassettes can be designed to integrate randomly within otic markers (Cordero et al., 1996). the host genome or can be targeted to specific locations. In both cases the expression cassette is further constructed to Example 19 contain Surrounding regions of homology to the host genome (a) Batch Cultivations with Recombinant Escheri on both sides of the expression cassette. The regions of chia coli Strains homology can be 20-1000 base pairs sufficient to target recombination with the host locus. Single copies can be tar (0165. The recombinant strains of Escherichia coli FSEC geted to any part of the genome which will not lead to deletion PAL24CL1VST1 and BL21 (DE3) (control strain) were ofanessential gene. Integration into multiple locations within grown in baffled bioreactors with a working volume of 1.5 the Y lipolytica genome can be particularly useful when high liters, under aerobic conditions. The cultures were incubated expression levels of genes are desired and targets for integra at 30°C., at 800 rpm. A constant pH of 7 was maintained by tion of multiple copies of expression cassettes are exemplified automatic addition of 2N KOH. Aerobic conditions were but not limited to ribosomal DNA sequence (rDNA) or ret obtained by sparging the bioreactor with air at a rate of 1 VVm rotransposon-like elements (TY1 elements) (Pignede et al. to ensure that the dissolved oxygen density (DOT) was 2000). When integrating multiple copies of expression cas greater than 60%. The air was sterile filtered before being settes targeted to random positions into the Y lipolytica introduced into the bioreactors. The off gas was led through a genome the expression cassette Promoter-Gene-Terminator condenser cooled to lower than 6° C. and analyzed for its can actually be made shorter, including only Promoter-Gene Volumetric content of CO and O by means of an acoustic gas since the integration will allow terminators already present in analyser. The bioreactors were equipped with polarographic the Y lipolytica genome to serve as the terminator for the oxygen sensors that were calibrated with air (DOT, 100%) expression cassette. and N. (DOT, 0%). 0162. It is also possible to integrate plasmid DNA com 0166 Cells were grown on glycerol in semi-defined prising expression cassettes into alternate loci to reach the medium consisting of the following components to allow desired copy number for the expression cassette, exemplified growth in batch cultivations: 6.0 g/l yeast extract, 27.2 g/1 by but not limited to the URA3 locus (Accession No NaHPO (anhydrous), 12.0 g/l KHPO, 2.0 g/l NaCl, and AJ306421) and the LEU2 locus (Accession No AF260230). 4.0 g/l NHC1. The glycerol concentration was 20 g/l. The US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

medium was supplemented with 50 mg/l amplicilin and 50 time identical to the standard of trans-pinosylvin (FIGS. 4 and mg/lkanamycin. Antifoam was added to a final concentration 5). In addition, the UV absorption spectra were similar to the of 50 u1/1. absorption spectrum of pure trans-pinosylvin (not shown), 0167. The bioreactors were inoculated with 1 ml of glyc with a w of approximately 306 mm. erol stock culture of the recombinant strain, leading to a final 0.174. The maximal concentrations of pinosylvin detected optical density at 600 nm of approximately 0.03. The glycerol are shown in the following table: stock cultures were obtained by growing the cells in shake flasks on semi-defined medium, at 30° C. and 150 rpm. The composition of the medium was identical to the one described above, but re-scaled 4-fold lower, i.e.: 5 g/l glycerol, 1.5 g/1 Pinosylvin Pinosylvin Pinosylvin Pinosylvin yeast extract, 6.8 g/l NaHPO (anhydrous), 3.0 g/l KHPO, intracellular extracellular extracellular total 0.5 g/l NaCl, and 1.0 g/1 NHC1. The medium was supple (a) (b) In EtOH (c) (a) + (c) mented with 50 mg/l amplicilin and 50 mg/l kanamycin. The mg/l O.O16 (*) (*) O.O16 % of 1OO O O 1OO cells were harvested during the late exponential phase, col total lected by centrifugation and resuspended in an appropriate mg/g dry (**) (**) (**) (**) volume of sterile glycerol solution 15% (w/v), such that the weight final optical density at 600 nm was 30. Aliquots of 1 ml of suspended cells were stored at -80°C. (*) below detection level. 0168 After the cells started growing in the bioreactors (**) not determined. (5.5 h after inoculation), isopropyl B-thiogalactopyranoside 0.175. No pinosylvin was detected in the samples from the (IPTG) was added to a final concentration of 1 mM, as an batch cultivation with the control strain. inducer of the T7 promoter that is in front of each of the three 0176 The results, therefore, demonstrated the presence of genes PAL2, 4CL1, and VST1. an active phenyl-propanoid pathway that led to in Vivo pro 0169 Samples of cellular broth were taken in the course of duction of trans-pinosylvin, in E. coli grown in a bioreactor in the batch cultivations and analysed for the presence of pino batch mode. Sylvin. In addition, the samples were analysed for biomass (in terms of optical density OD600), carbon source (glycerol) Example 20 and major by-products (ethanol, acetate, pyruvate, Succi (a) Batch Cultivation with Recombinant Aspergillus nate). nidulans Strain (b) Extraction of Pinosylvin in Escherichia coli 0177. The recombinant strain of Aspergillus nidulans con 0170 The intracellular pinosylvin was extracted with taining C4H, 4CL1, and VST1 was grown in a baffled biore ethyl acetate. For the purpose, 4 mL of ethyl acetate was actor with a working volume of 1.5 liters, under aerobic added to 8 mL of cell broth. The extraction was enforced by conditions. The cultures were incubated at 30°C., at 700 rpm. mixing (30S) and the separation of phases, by centrifugation A constant pH of 6 was maintained by automatic addition of (4500 rpm for 5 min, at 4°C.). The acetate phase was sub 2N KOH. Aerobic conditions were obtained by sparging the jected to freeze-drying (approximately 2h) and the dry prod bioreactor with air at a rate of 1 VVm to ensure that the uct was redissolved in 0.5 ml methanol and analysed by dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) was greater than 60%. The HPLC. These samples were further diluted in water (1:5) and air was sterile filtered before being introduced into the biore analysed by HPLC. actors. The off gas was led through a condenser cooled to lower than 6° C. and analyzed for its volumetric content of (c) Analysis of Pinosylvin CO and O by means of an acoustic gas analyser. The biore actors were equipped with polarographic oxygen sensors that 0171 The analysis of pinosylvin in samples from the were calibrated with air (DOT, 100%) and N. (DOT, 0%). batch cultivation was performed using the method as Cells were grown on Sucrose in defined medium consisting of described in Example 9b. The sample was previously sub the following components: 3.0 g/l NaNO, 1.0 g/l KHPO, jected to the following sample preparation procedures, car 0.5 g/l KC1, 0.5 g/l MgSO.7H2O, 0.5/1 g FeSO.7H2O. The ried out in parallel: (i) Centrifugation of cell broth (5min) and concentration of Sucrose was 30 g/l. Antifoam was added to a analysis of supernatant; (ii) Addition of ethanol (99.9%) to a final concentration of 50 ul/l. final concentration of 50% (v/v), Vortex (30s), centrifugation 0.178 The bioreactor was inoculated with spores of the A. (5min)and analysis of Supernatant; (iii) Extraction with ethyl nidulans strain containing C4H, 4CL1, and VST1 previously acetate, according to (b) above, and analysis of dried sample propagated on Solid minimal medium, with the following redissolved in methanol. composition: 1 g/L glucose, 0.85 g/L NaNO, 0.1 g/L KC1, 0.1 g/L MgSO.7HO; and 0.3 g/L KHPO, 0.00008 g/L Results CuSO4.5H2O, 0.000008 g/L NaBO. 10HO, 0.00016 g/L 0172. The recombinant strains of Escherichia coli FSEC FeSO.7HO, 0.00016 g/L MnSO2HO, 0.00016 g/L PAL24CL1VST1 and BL21 (DE3) (control strain), as NaMoO2H2O, and 0.0016 g/L ZnSO.7H2O. The spores described in example 10c, were cultivated on 20 g/L of glyc were cultivated at 37°C. for 5 days and harvested by adding erolin bioreactors in batch mode, as described in (a) above. In Tween 80% solution (0.25% (w/v)). the course of the cultivations, the recombinant strains were analysed for their content of pinosylvin according to (c) (b) Extraction of Pinosylvin in Aspergillus nidulans above. 0179 The cells were disrupted by homogenization (in a (0173 The HPLC-analysis showed that the strain FSEC Polytron tissue homogenizer) and the intracellular pinosylvin PAL24CL1VST1 contained a component with a retention was extracted with 10 ml ethyl acetate. The extraction was US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

enforced by mixing in a rotary mixer (approximately 15 min) (0196) Chen DC, Beckerich JM, Gaillardin C. One-step and the separation of phases, by centrifugation (4500 rpm, at transformation of the dimorphic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. 4°C., for 5 min). The acetate phase was subjected to freeze Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 1997:48:232-5. drying (approximately 2 h) and the dry product was redis 0.197 Cochrane, F. C., Davin, L. B. and Lewis N. G. solved in 0.5 ml methanol and analysed by HPLC. (2004). The Arabidopsis phenylalanine ammonia lyase (c) Analysis of Pinosylvin gene family: kinetic characterization of the four PAL iso forms. Phytochemistry 65, 1557-1564. 0180. The analysis of pinosylvin in samples from the 0198 Cordero Otero R. Gaillardin C. Efficient selection of batch cultivation was performed using the method as hygromycin-B-resistant Yarrowia lipolytica transfor described in example 9b. mants. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 1996:46:143-8. Results (0199 Costa ML, Bedgar D L, Moinuddin SGA, Kim K, Cardenas C L. Cochrane FC, Shockey J. M., Helms G. L. 0181. The recombinant strain of Aspergillus nidulans con AmakuraY. Takahashi Hetal. Characterization invitro and taining C4H, 4CL1, and VST1, as described in Example 16e, in vivo of the putative multigene 4-coumarate:CoA ligase was cultivated on 30 g/L of sucrose in a bioreactor in batch mode, according to Example HD4. After approximately 48 h. network in Arabidopsis: Syringyl lignin and Sinapate/si of cultivation, the cells were harvested from the bioreactor, napyl alcohol derivative formation Phytochemistry, 2005: disrupted by homogenization and analysed for their intracel 66:2O72-2091 lular content of pinosylvin according to (b) and (c) above. 0200 Ehlting, J., Bittner, D., Wang, Q. Douglas, C. J., 0182. The HPLC-analysis showed that the A. nidulans Somssich, I. E. and Kombrink, E. (1999). 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<210 SEQ ID NO 1 <211 LENGTH: 2154 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana <4 OO SEQUENCE: 1 atggatcaaa togaa.gcaat gttgttgcggc ggaggagaga agacaaaagt gg.cggittact 60 acgaagacitt togcagatcc attgaattgg ggtttagcag cqgatcaaat galaaggaagt 12O

catttagatg aagtgaagaa gatggtcgaa gagtatcgta gaccagtcgt gaat Cttggc 18O

ggagaalacac tacgat.cgg acaagttgct gc catct coa cc.gtaggagg cagogittaag 24 O

gttgagttag cq9agacitt C aagagc.cggit gtgaaagct a gcagtgattg ggittatggag 3 OO

agcatgaaca aagg tactga cagttacgga gt caccaccg gCtttggtgc tact tct cac 360

cggagaacca aaaacggcac cqcattacaa acagaactica ttagatttitt galacgc.cgga 42O

at attcggala acacgaagga gacatgtcac acactgcc.gc aatcc.gc.cac aagagcc.gc.c 48O

atgct cqtca gag to aacac tottctic caa ggatact cog ggat.ccgatt cqagat cotc 54 O

gaag.cgatta caagttct colt caaccacaac at ct citc.cgt cactacct ct cogtggaacc 6 OO

US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 22

- Continued Val Glu Lieu Ala Glu Thir Ser Arg Ala Gly Val Lys Ala Ser Ser Asp 85 90 95 Trp Val Met Glu Ser Met Asn Lys Gly Thr Asp Ser Tyr Gly Val Thr 1OO 105 11 O Thr Gly Phe Gly Ala Thir Ser His Arg Arg Thr Lys Asn Gly Thr Ala 115 12 O 125 Lieu. Glin Thr Glu Lieu. Ile Arg Phe Lieu. Asn Ala Gly Ile Phe Gly Asn 13 O 135 14 O Thr Lys Glu Thr Cys His Thr Lieu Pro Glin Ser Ala Thr Arg Ala Ala 145 150 155 160 Met Lieu Val Arg Val Asn. Thir Lieu. Lieu. Glin Gly Tyr Ser Gly Ile Arg 1.65 17O 17s

Phe Glu Ile Lieu. Glu Ala Ile Thir Ser Lieu. Lieu. Asn His Asn. Ile Ser 18O 185 19 O Pro Ser Lieu Pro Lieu. Arg Gly. Thir Ile Thir Ala Ser Gly Asp Lieu Val 195 2OO 2O5 Pro Lieu. Ser Tyr Ile Ala Gly Lieu. Lieu. Thr Gly Arg Pro Asn. Ser Lys 21 O 215 22O Ala Thr Gly Pro Asp Gly Glu Ser Lieu. Thir Ala Lys Glu Ala Phe Glu 225 23 O 235 24 O Lys Ala Gly Ile Ser Thr Gly Phe Phe Asp Lieu. Glin Pro Lys Glu Gly 245 250 255 Lieu Ala Lieu Val Asn Gly Thr Ala Val Gly Ser Gly Met Ala Ser Met 26 O 265 27 O

Wall Lieu. Phe Glu Ala Asn. Wall Glin Ala Wall Lieu Ala Glu Wall Lieu. Ser 27s 28O 285 Ala Ile Phe Ala Glu Val Met Ser Gly Llys Pro Glu Phe Thr Asp His 29 O 295 3 OO Lieu. Thir His Arg Lieu Lys His His Pro Gly Glin Ile Glu Ala Ala Ala 3. OS 310 315 32O Ile Met Glu. His Ile Lieu. Asp Gly Ser Ser Tyr Met Lys Lieu Ala Glin 3.25 330 335 Llys Val His Glu Met Asp Pro Lieu. Glin Llys Pro Llys Glin Asp Arg Tyr 34 O 345 35. O Ala Lieu. Arg Thr Ser Pro Gln Trp Leu Gly Pro Glin Ile Glu Val Ile 355 360 365 Arg Glin Ala Thir Lys Ser Ile Glu Arg Glu Ile Asn. Ser Val Asn Asp 37 O 375 38O Asn Pro Lieu. Ile Asp Val Ser Arg Asn Lys Ala Ile His Gly Gly Asn 385 390 395 4 OO Phe Glin Gly Thr Pro Ile Gly Val Ser Met Asp Asn Thr Arg Lieu Ala 4 OS 41O 415 Ile Ala Ala Ile Gly Llys Lieu Met Phe Ala Glin Phe Ser Glu Lieu Val 42O 425 43 O Asn Asp Phe Tyr Asn. Asn Gly Lieu Pro Ser Asn Lieu. Thir Ala Ser Ser 435 44 O 445 Asn Pro Ser Lieu. Asp Tyr Gly Phe Lys Gly Ala Glu Ile Ala Met Ala 450 45.5 460 Ser Tyr Cys Ser Glu Lieu Gln Tyr Lieu Ala Asn Pro Val Thr Ser His 465 470 47s 48O Val Glin Ser Ala Glu Gln His Asn Glin Asp Val Asn. Ser Lieu. Gly Lieu US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 23

- Continued

485 490 495

Ile Ser Ser Arg Llys Thir Ser Glu Ala Val Asp Ile Lell Lys Luell Met SOO 505

Ser Thir Thir Phe Leu Val Gly Ile Cys Glin Ala Wall Asp Luell Arg His 515 525

Lell Glu Glu Asn Lieu. Arg Glin Thr Val Lys Asn Thir Wall Ser Glin Wall 53 O 535 54 O

Ala Val Lieu. Thir Thr Gly Ile Asin Gly Glu Lell His Pro Ser 5.45 550 555 560

Arg Phe Glu Lys Asp Lieu. Lieu. Llys Val Val Asp Arg Glu Glin Wall 565 st O sts

Phe Thir Val Asp Asp Pro Cys Ser Ala Thr Pro Luell Met Glin 585 59 O

Arg Luell Arg Glin Val Ile Val Asp His Ala Lieu. Ser Asn Gly Glu Thir 595 605

Glu Lys Asn Ala Wall. Thir Ser Ile Phe Gln Lys Ile Gly Ala Phe Glu 610 615 62O

Glu Glu Luell Lys Ala Val Lieu Pro Lys Glu Val Glu Ala Ala Arg Ala 625 630 635 64 O

Ala Gly Asin Gly Thr Ala Pro Ile Pro Asn Arg Ile Glu Cys 645 650 655

Arg Ser Pro Leu Tyr Arg Phe Val Arg Glu. Glu Lell Gly Thr Lys 660 665 67 O

Lell Luell Thir Gly Glu Lys Val Val Ser Pro Gly Glu Glu Phe Asp Llys 675 685

Wall Phe Thir Ala Met Cys Glu Gly Llys Lieu. Ile Asp Pro Luell Met Asp 69 O. 695 7 OO

Cys Luell Glu Trp Asn Gly Ala Pro Ile Pro Ile 7 Os 71O 71s

SEQ ID NO 3 LENGTH: 1686 TYPE: DNA ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thal iana

SEQUENCE: 3 atggcgc.cac aagaacaa.gc agtttct cag gtgatggaga alacagagcaa. Caacaacaac 6 O ttitt cogatc aaagttaccg gatatttaca tcc.cgaacca ccitat ct ct c 12 O cacgactaca tottcCaaaa. catct cogaa titcgc.cacta agccttgcct aat caacgga 18O cCaaccggcc acgtgtacac ttact cogac gtc. t ct aatcgcc.gc.c 24 O aattitt Caca aacticggcgt. talaccaaaac tgctcct cot cc caaactgt 3OO cc.cgaatt cq tcotct ctitt cct cqc.cgcc t cct tcc.gcg gcgcaa.ccgc Caccgcc.gca 360 a.accottt ct t cactic cqgc ggagatagct aagcct c caa Caccaaactic ataatcaccg aagct cqtta cgt.cgacaaa atcaaac CaC ttcaaaacga cgacggagta gtcatcgt.ct gcatcgacga caacgaatcc gtgccaatcc Ctgaaggctg cct cogcttic 54 O accgagttga cticagt cac alaccgaggca t cagaagttca tcgacticggit ggagattitca ccggacgacg tggtgg cact acct tact CC tctggcacga cgggattacc aaaaggagtg 660 atgctgactic acaagggact agt cacgagc gttgcticago aagtcgacgg cgaga accc.g 72 O US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 24

- Continued aatctittatt to cacagoga tigacgt.cata citctgtgttt togcc catgtt toatat citac 78O gctittgaact catcatgtt gtgtggtctt agagttggtg cggcgattct gataatgcc.g 84 O aagtttgaga t caatctgct attggagctg atccagaggit gtaaagtgac ggtggct cog 9 OO atggttcc.gc cattgttgtt ggc cattgcg aagttctt.cgg agacggagala gitatgatttg 96.O agct cataa gagtggtgaa atctggtgct gct cotcttg gtaaagaact talagatgcc O2O gttaatgcca agttt cct aa to caaactic ggt cagggat acggaatgac ggaag Caggit O8O

Ccagtgctag caatgtcgtt aggttittgca aagga acctt tt.ccggittaa gtcaggagct 14 O tgtgg tactg ttgtaagaaa totgagatgaaaat agttg cqgagattct 2OO

Cttt Cagga at Caac ccgg tagatttgt attcgtggtc accagat cat gaaaggittac 26 O Ctcaacaatc C9gcagctac agcagagacic attgataaag acggttggct t catactgga 32O gatattggat tdatcgatga catgacgag Cttitt catcg ttgat catt gaaagaactt 38O atcaagtata aaggttitt gctgagctag aggctttgct catcggit cat 44 O

Cctgacatta Ctgatgttgc tigttgtc.gca atgaaagaag aag cagctgg taagttcct SOO gttgcatttgttggtgaaatc gagittat cag aagatgatgt gaa.gcaattic 560 gtgtcgaaac aggttgttgtt ttacaagaga atcaacaaag togttctt cac tdaatccatt 62O Cctaaagctic cat Cagggaa gat attgagg aaagatctgagggcaaaact agcaaatgga 68O ttgttga 686

<210 SEQ ID NO 4 <211 LENGTH: 561. &212> TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana <4 OO SEQUENCE: 4 Met Ala Pro Glin Glu Glin Ala Val Ser Glin Val Met Glu Lys Glin Ser 1. 5 1O 15 Asn Asn. Asn. Asn. Ser Asp Val Ile Phe Arg Ser Llys Lieu Pro Asp Ile 2O 25 3O Tyr Ile Pro Asn His Leu Ser Lieu. His Asp Tyr Ile Phe Glin Asn Ile 35 4 O 45 Ser Glu Phe Ala Thr Lys Pro Cys Lieu. Ile Asn Gly Pro Thr Gly His SO 55 6 O Val Tyr Thr Tyr Ser Asp Val His Val Ile Ser Arg Glin Ile Ala Ala 65 70 7s 8O Asn Phe His Llys Lieu. Gly Val Asn Glin Asn Asp Val Val Met Lieu. Lieu 85 90 95 Lieu Pro Asn Cys Pro Glu Phe Val Lieu Ser Phe Leu Ala Ala Ser Phe 1OO 105 11 O Arg Gly Ala Thr Ala Thr Ala Ala Asn Pro Phe Phe Thr Pro Ala Glu 115 12 O 125 Ile Ala Lys Glin Ala Lys Ala Ser Asn. Thir Lys Lieu. Ile Ile Thr Glu 13 O 135 14 O Ala Arg Tyr Val Asp Llys Ile Llys Pro Lieu. Glin Asn Asp Asp Gly Val 145 150 155 160 Val Ile Val Cys Ile Asp Asp Asn. Glu Ser Val Pro Ile Pro Glu Gly 1.65 17O 17s Cys Lieu. Arg Phe Thr Glu Lieu. Thr Glin Ser Thr Thr Glu Ala Ser Glu US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 25

- Continued

18O 185 19 O Val Ile Asp Ser Val Glu Ile Ser Pro Asp Asp Val Val Ala Lieu Pro 195 2OO 2O5 Tyr Ser Ser Gly Thr Thr Gly Lieu Pro Lys Gly Val Met Lieu. Thir His 21 O 215 22O Lys Gly Lieu Val Thir Ser Val Ala Glin Glin Val Asp Gly Glu Asn Pro 225 23 O 235 24 O Asn Lieu. Tyr Phe His Ser Asp Asp Val Ile Lieu. Cys Val Lieu Pro Met 245 250 255 Phe His Ile Tyr Ala Lieu. Asn. Ser Ile Met Lieu. Cys Gly Lieu. Arg Val 26 O 265 27 O Gly Ala Ala Ile Lieu. Ile Met Pro Llys Phe Glu Ile Asn Lieu. Lieu. Lieu. 27s 28O 285 Glu Lieu. Ile Glin Arg Cys Llys Val Thr Val Ala Pro Met Val Pro Pro 29 O 295 3 OO Ile Val Lieu Ala Ile Ala Lys Ser Ser Glu Thr Glu Lys Tyr Asp Lieu. 3. OS 310 315 32O Ser Ser Ile Arg Val Val Llys Ser Gly Ala Ala Pro Lieu. Gly Lys Glu 3.25 330 335 Lieu. Glu Asp Ala Val Asn Ala Lys Phe Pro Asn Ala Lys Lieu. Gly Glin 34 O 345 35. O Gly Tyr Gly Met Thr Glu Ala Gly Pro Val Lieu Ala Met Ser Lieu. Gly 355 360 365 Phe Ala Lys Glu Pro Phe Pro Val Lys Ser Gly Ala Cys Gly Thr Val 37 O 375 38O Val Arg Asn Ala Glu Met Lys Ile Val Asp Pro Asp Thr Gly Asp Ser 385 390 395 4 OO Lieu. Ser Arg Asn. Glin Pro Gly Glu Ile Cys Ile Arg Gly. His Glin Ile 4 OS 41O 415 Met Lys Gly Tyr Lieu. Asn. Asn. Pro Ala Ala Thr Ala Glu Thir Ile Asp 42O 425 43 O Lys Asp Gly Trp Lieu. His Thr Gly Asp Ile Gly Lieu. Ile Asp Asp Asp 435 44 O 445 Asp Glu Lieu. Phe Ile Val Asp Arg Lieu Lys Glu Lieu. Ile Llys Tyr Lys 450 45.5 460 Gly Phe Glin Val Ala Pro Ala Glu Lieu. Glu Ala Lieu. Lieu. Ile Gly. His 465 470 47s 48O Pro Asp Ile Thir Asp Val Ala Val Val Ala Met Lys Glu Glu Ala Ala 485 490 495 Gly Glu Val Pro Val Ala Phe Val Val Lys Ser Lys Asp Ser Glu Lieu. SOO 505 51O Ser Glu Asp Asp Val Lys Glin Phe Val Ser Lys Glin Val Val Phe Tyr 515 52O 525 Lys Arg Ile Asn Llys Val Phe Phe Thr Glu Ser Ile Pro Lys Ala Pro 53 O 535 54 O Ser Gly Lys Ile Lieu. Arg Lys Asp Lieu. Arg Ala Lys Lieu Ala Asn Gly 5.45 550 555 560


<210 SEQ ID NO 5 <211 LENGTH: 1176

US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 27

- Continued

Val Cys Cys Ile Ala Gly Val Asp Met Pro Gly Ala Asp Tyr Glin Lieu 13 O 135 14 O Thir Lys Lieu. Lieu. Gly Lieu. Glin Lieu. Ser Wall Lys Arg Phe Met Phe Tyr 145 150 155 160 His Lieu. Gly Cys Tyr Ala Gly Gly Thr Val Lieu. Arg Lieu Ala Lys Asp 1.65 17O 17s Ile Ala Glu Asn. Asn Lys Glu Ala Arg Val Lieu. Ile Val Arg Ser Glu 18O 185 19 O Met Thr Pro Ile Cys Phe Arg Gly Pro Ser Glu Thr His Ile Asp Ser 195 2OO 2O5 Met Val Gly Glin Ala Ile Phe Gly Asp Gly Ala Ala Ala Val Ile Val 21 O 215 22O Gly Ala Asn Pro Asp Lieu. Ser Ile Glu Arg Pro Ile Phe Glu Lieu. Ile 225 23 O 235 24 O Ser Thr Ser Glin Thr Ile Ile Pro Glu Ser Asp Gly Ala Ile Glu Gly 245 250 255 His Leu Lieu. Glu Val Gly Lieu Ser Phe Glin Leu Tyr Glin Thr Val Pro 26 O 265 27 O Ser Lieu. Ile Ser Asn Cys Ile Glu Thr Cys Lieu Ser Lys Ala Phe Thr 27s 28O 285 Pro Leu. Asn Ile Ser Asp Trp Asn Ser Leu Phe Trp Ile Ala His Pro 29 O 295 3 OO Gly Gly Arg Ala Ile Lieu. Asp Asp Ile Glu Ala Thr Val Gly Lieu Lys 3. OS 310 315 32O Lys Glu Lys Lieu Lys Ala Thr Arg Glin Val Lieu. Asn Asp Tyr Gly Asn 3.25 330 335 Met Ser Ser Ala Cys Val Phe Phe Ile Met Asp Glu Met Arg Llys Lys 34 O 345 35. O Ser Lieu Ala Asn Gly Glin Val Thir Thr Gly Glu Gly Lieu Lys Trp Gly 355 360 365 Val Lieu. Phe Gly Phe Gly Pro Gly Val Thr Val Glu Thr Val Val Lieu. 37 O 375 38O

Ser Ser Wall Pro Leu. Ile Thr 385 390

<210 SEQ ID NO 7 <211 LENGTH: 1176 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Rheum tataricum

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 7 atggc.cccag aagaga.gcag gcacgcagaa acggc.cgitta acagagctgc alactgttittg 6 O gctattggta cqgccaatcc acc caattgt tact atcaag tdatttittat 12 O ttcagagcca caaatagoga t catttgact catcttaagc aaaaatttaa aaggatatgc 18O gagalagtoca tattgaaaa gagat acttg Cacct taccg aagagat Ctt aaaagaaaac 24 O c caaatatag cittcttittga agctic cct cottagatgtac git t caagt caag 3OO gaggtggittt tacttggtaa ggaag.ccgca ttgaaagcta taaacgaatggggacagcct 360 aaaagtaaga taaccagatt gatcg tatgt to at agctg gcgttgacat gcctggtgca 42O gattat caac taacaaaatt gctgggtota caattatccg taaaaaggitt tatgttctac 48O US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 28

- Continued catttaggct gttacgctgg togg cacagtt ttalagactgg Ctaaggatat agcagaaaat 54 O aacaaggagg ctagagtictt aatagtgcgt agtgaaatga citcct atttg Ctttagaggt 6OO c cat Cagaaa Cacatatca cagcatggta ggt caggcaa tttitcggtga tiggtgctgca 660 gcc.gtaattg tdggagctaa toctdattta agtat cqaaa gacct attitt togaact tatt 72 O tctact tcgc aaaccattat coccgaatca gatggtgcaa ttgaaggcca tttattggag 78O gttggitttgt cctttcaatt gtat cagaca citt taatttcaaa citgtatagaa 84 O acctgtctaa gtaaag catt tacac catta aacatttctg actggaattic tttgttctgg 9 OO attgct catc Caggtggaag agc catctta gatgacatcg aagct actgt gggactgaaa 96.O aaggaaaaac taaaagctac tag acaagtt ttaaatgact acggtaatat gtcatctgct 1 O2O tgtgtattitt to attatgga tigagatgaga aaaaagt cac ttgcaaatgg C cagg to acg 108 O acaggtgagg gtctaaaatggggagt ccta gcc caggtgt cactgttgaa 114 O accottgtcc tdt citt cqgt to cattgatc acttaa 1176

<210 SEQ ID NO 8 <211 LENGTH: 391 &212> TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Rheum tataricum

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 8 Met Ala Pro Glu Glu Ser Arg His Ala Glu. Thir Ala Val Asn Arg Ala 1. 5 1O 15 Ala Thr Val Lieu Ala Ile Gly Thr Ala Asn Pro Pro Asn Cys Tyr Tyr 2O 25 3O Glin Ala Asp Phe Pro Asp Phe Tyr Phe Arg Ala Thr Asn. Ser Asp His 35 4 O 45 Lieu. Thir His Lieu Lys Glin Llys Phe Lys Arg Ile Cys Glu Lys Ser Met SO 55 6 O Ile Glu Lys Arg Tyr Lieu. His Lieu. Thr Glu Glu Ile Lieu Lys Glu Asn 65 70 7s 8O Pro Asn. Ile Ala Ser Phe Glu Ala Pro Ser Lieu. Asp Val Arg His Asn 85 90 95 Ile Glin Val Lys Glu Val Val Lieu. Lieu. Gly Lys Glu Ala Ala Lieu Lys 1OO 105 11 O Ala Ile Asn. Glu Trp Gly Glin Pro Llys Ser Lys Ile Thr Arg Lieu. Ile 115 12 O 125 Val Cys Cys Ile Ala Gly Val Asp Met Pro Gly Ala Asp Tyr Glin Lieu 13 O 135 14 O Thir Lys Lieu. Lieu. Gly Lieu. Glin Lieu. Ser Wall Lys Arg Phe Met Phe Tyr 145 150 155 160 His Lieu. Gly Cys Tyr Ala Gly Gly Thr Val Lieu. Arg Lieu Ala Lys Asp 1.65 17O 17s Ile Ala Glu Asn. Asn Lys Glu Ala Arg Val Lieu. Ile Val Arg Ser Glu 18O 185 19 O Met Thr Pro Ile Cys Phe Arg Gly Pro Ser Glu Thr His Ile Asp Ser 195 2OO 2O5 Met Val Gly Glin Ala Ile Phe Gly Asp Gly Ala Ala Ala Val Ile Val 21 O 215 22O Gly Ala Asn Pro Asp Lieu. Ser Ile Glu Arg Pro Ile Phe Glu Lieu. Ile 225 23 O 235 24 O US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 29

- Continued

Ser Thr Ser Glin Thr Ile Ile Pro Glu Ser Asp Gly Ala Ile Glu Gly 245 250 255 His Leu Lieu. Glu Val Gly Lieu Ser Phe Glin Leu Tyr Glin Thr Val Pro 26 O 265 27 O Ser Lieu. Ile Ser Asn Cys Ile Glu Thr Cys Lieu Ser Lys Ala Phe Thr 27s 28O 285 Pro Leu. Asn Ile Ser Asp Trp Asn Ser Leu Phe Trp Ile Ala His Pro 29 O 295 3 OO Gly Gly Arg Ala Ile Lieu. Asp Asp Ile Glu Ala Thr Val Gly Lieu Lys 3. OS 310 315 32O Lys Glu Lys Lieu Lys Ala Thr Arg Glin Val Lieu. Asn Asp Tyr Gly Asn 3.25 330 335 Met Ser Ser Ala Cys Val Phe Phe Ile Met Asp Glu Met Arg Llys Lys 34 O 345 35. O Ser Lieu Ala Asn Gly Glin Val Thir Thr Gly Glu Gly Lieu Lys Trp Gly 355 360 365 Val Lieu. Phe Gly Phe Gly Pro Gly Val Thr Val Glu Thr Val Val Lieu. 37 O 375 38O

Ser Ser Wall Pro Leu. Ile Thr 385 390

<210 SEQ ID NO 9 <211 LENGTH: 1182 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Witis vinifera

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 9 tagaggagtt Cagaaatgca cagagggcaa alaggt cc agc alaccatattg 6 O gctattggaa cagccacc cc tdatcactgt gtttatcaat citgattacgc tigattactat 12 O ttcagagtaa ctaaaagtga acatatgaca gaacttaaga aaaagtttaa tagaatttgt 18O gataaatcta tdataaagaa aagatacata catctaactgaagaaatgtt agaggaacat 24 O c caaatatag gtgcatatat gigcac catct ttgaatatta gacaagaaat 3OO gagg taccta gactaggtag agacgcagcc ttgaaagctt taaaggaatggggacaacca 360 aaatctaaga ttacacattt ggttittctgt acaact tccg gtgtcgaaat gcc aggtgct 42O gattataaac tagcaaacct attgggatta gag acct ctd ttagaagagt tatgttgtat 48O catcaaggitt gttacgc.cgg agg tacagtg Cttagaactg. Ctaaggattt ggCagaaaat 54 O aacgc.cggtg Ctagggittitt agt catctgc agtgaaatca citgtcgtaac titt cagaggt 6OO c cat Cagaag atgctictaga cagtttggtc gga caag cat titttggcga tiggat.ct tcc 660 gcc.gtaattig taggcagoga t cotgatgtg to cattgaaa gaccactatt toaattagtt 72 O tctgctgctic aaacttitt at tccaaatticc gcc.ggtgcca tag caggaaa cittgagagaa 78O gttggitttga cittitt cattt gtggcctaat gtc.ccaacct taattitcaga aaa catcgaa 84 O aaatgcttaa citcaagcctt tdacc cattg actggaactic attgttittgg 9 OO attgct catc Caggtggit Co agcaattitta gacgcagtgg aggcaaaact aaact tagag 96.O aagaaaaagt tdaagctac aagacacgtt Ctat cagagt gagct Ctgcc 1 O2O tgcgttitt at t cattctaga tigagatgagg aagaagttctt taaagggtga aaaagccaca 108 O accggagaag gtttagattggggtgttcta tittggtttcg gtc.ctggctt aacaattgag 114 O US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 30

- Continued acagtggtgt tacact ctdt to caactgtc actaactaat ga 1182

<210 SEQ ID NO 10 <211 LENGTH: 392 &212> TYPE: PRT <213> ORGANISM: Witis vinifera

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 10 Met Ala Ser Val Glu Glu Phe Arg Asn Ala Glin Arg Ala Lys Gly Pro 1. 5 1O 15 Ala Thr Ile Leu Ala Ile Gly Thr Ala Thr Pro Asp His Cys Val Tyr 2O 25 3O Gln Ser Asp Tyr Ala Asp Tyr Tyr Phe Arg Val Thr Lys Ser Glu. His 35 4 O 45 Met Thr Glu Lieu Lys Llys Llys Phe Asn Arg Ile Cys Asp Llys Ser Met SO 55 6 O Ile Llys Lys Arg Tyr Ile His Lieu. Thr Glu Glu Met Lieu. Glu Glu. His 65 70 7s 8O Pro Asn. Ile Gly Ala Tyr Met Ala Pro Ser Lieu. Asn. Ile Arg Glin Glu 85 90 95 Ile Ile Thr Ala Glu Val Pro Arg Lieu. Gly Arg Asp Ala Ala Lieu Lys 1OO 105 11 O Ala Lieu Lys Glu Trp Gly Gln Pro Llys Ser Lys Ile Thr His Lieu Val 115 12 O 125 Phe Cys Thr Thr Ser Gly Val Glu Met Pro Gly Ala Asp Tyr Lys Lieu. 13 O 135 14 O Ala Asn Lieu. Lieu. Gly Lieu. Glu Thir Ser Val Arg Arg Val Met Lieu. Tyr 145 150 155 160 His Glin Gly Cys Tyr Ala Gly Gly Thr Val Lieu. Arg Thr Ala Lys Asp 1.65 17O 17s Lieu Ala Glu Asn. Asn Ala Gly Ala Arg Val Lieu Val Val Cys Ser Glu 18O 185 19 O Ile Thr Val Val Thr Phe Arg Gly Pro Ser Glu Asp Ala Lieu. Asp Ser 195 2OO 2O5 Lieu Val Gly Glin Ala Lieu. Phe Gly Asp Gly Ser Ser Ala Val Ile Val 21 O 215 22O Gly Ser Asp Pro Asp Wal Ser Ile Glu Arg Pro Lieu. Phe Glin Lieu Val 225 23 O 235 24 O Ser Ala Ala Glin Thr Phe Ile Pro Asn. Ser Ala Gly Ala Ile Ala Gly 245 250 255 Asn Lieu. Arg Glu Val Gly Lieu. Thr Phe His Leu Trp Pro Asn Val Pro 26 O 265 27 O Thir Lieu. Ile Ser Glu Asn. Ile Glu Lys Cys Lieu. Thr Glin Ala Phe Asp 27s 28O 285 Pro Leu Gly Ile Ser Asp Trp Asn Ser Leu Phe Trp Ile Ala His Pro 29 O 295 3 OO Gly Gly Pro Ala Ile Lieu. Asp Ala Val Glu Ala Lys Lieu. Asn Lieu. Glu 3. OS 310 315 32O Llys Llys Llys Lieu. Glu Ala Thr Arg His Val Lieu. Ser Glu Tyr Gly Asn 3.25 330 335 Met Ser Ser Ala Cys Val Lieu. Phe Ile Lieu. Asp Glu Met Arg Llys Llys 34 O 345 35. O US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 31

- Continued

Ser Lieu Lys Gly Glu Lys Ala Thir Thr Gly Glu Gly Lieu. Asp Trp Gly 355 360 365 Val Lieu. Phe Gly Phe Gly Pro Gly Lieu. Thir Ile Glu Thr Val Val Lieu. 37 O 375 38O

His Ser Wall Pro Thir Wall Thir Asn 385 390

<210 SEQ ID NO 11 <211 LENGTH: 33 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 11 cggaattctic atggat caaa togaa.gcaat gtt 33

<210 SEQ ID NO 12 <211 LENGTH: 29 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana <4 OO SEQUENCE: 12 cgactagttt agcaaatcgg aatcggagc 29

<210 SEQ ID NO 13 <211 LENGTH: 36 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 13 gctictagacic caagaacaag cagttt 36

<210 SEQ ID NO 14 <211 LENGTH: 36 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Arabidopsis thaliana

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 14 gcqgatcc cc titcacaatcc atttgctagt tttgcc 36

<210 SEQ ID NO 15 <211 LENGTH: 31 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Rheum tartaricum

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 15 ccggat.ccaa atggc.cccag aagaga.gcag g 31

<210 SEQ ID NO 16 <211 LENGTH: 35 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Rheum tartaricum

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 16 cgct cagtt aagtgat caa tigaaccgaa gacag 35

<210 SEQ ID NO 17 <211 LENGTH: 32 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Aspergillus nidulans US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 32

- Continued

SEQUENCE: 17 cgga attcat acgcggittitt ttgggg tagt ca 32

<210 SEQ ID NO 18 LENGTH: 32 TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Aspergillus nidulans

SEQUENCE: 18 cgc.ccgggta to Cacctac agc cattgcg aa 32

<210 SEQ ID NO 19 LENGTH: 32 TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Aspergillus nidulans

SEQUENCE: 19 at agggcgctta cacagtacac ga 32

<210 SEQ ID NO 2 O LENGTH: 48 TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Aspergillus nidulans SEQUENCE: cggagagggc gcgc.ccgtgg C9gcc.gcgga t cc acttaac gtt actga 48

SEQ ID NO 21 LENGTH: 48 TYPE: DNA ORGANISM: Aspergillus nidulans

SEQUENCE: 21 C9ggcgc.gcc Ctctic cqgcg gtag tatgt Ctgct caa 48

SEQ ID NO 22 LENGTH: 32 TYPE: DNA ORGANISM: Aspergillus nidulans

SEQUENCE: 22 cgaagctitta taattic cctt gtat citctac ac 32

SEQ ID NO 23 LENGTH: 32 TYPE: DNA ORGANISM: Artificial FEATURE: OTHER INFORMATION: Plasmid based pcir primer for gene C4H

SEQUENCE: 23 cggcgc.gcat aatggacctic ct cttgctgg ag 32

SEQ ID NO 24 LENGTH: 38 TYPE: DNA ORGANISM: Artificial FEATURE: OTHER INFORMATION: Plasmid based PCR primer for gene C4H

SEQUENCE: 24 US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 33

- Continued gggcggcc.gc titattalacag titcCttggitt toatalacg 38

<210 SEQ ID NO 25 <211 LENGTH: 56 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Aspergillus fumigatus

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 25 cgtgtacaat attaattaac gagagcgatc gcaataacco tattaccgcc tittgag 56

<210 SEQ ID NO 26 <211 LENGTH: 32 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Aspergillus fumigatus

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 26 cgacatgt at tcc.cgggaag atct catggit Ca 32

<210 SEQ ID NO 27 <211 LENGTH: 35 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial &220s FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Plasmid based PCR primer for gene VST1

<4 Oos SEQUENCE: 27 gcggagaggg cqc gatggcg C cacaagaac aagca 35

<210 SEQ ID NO 28 <211 LENGTH: 39 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial &220s FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Plasmid based primer for gene VST1

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 28 gcc.gct caca atc catttgc tagttittgc 39

<210 SEQ ID NO 29 <211 LENGTH: 32 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial &220s FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Plasmid based PCR primer sequence for gene VST1

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 29 cggcgc.gcat aatggcatcc gtagaggagt t c 32

<210 SEQ ID NO 3 O <211 LENGTH: 36 &212> TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial &220s FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Plasmid based PCR primer sequence for gene VST1

<4 OO SEQUENCE: 30 gggcggcc.gc titat cattag ttagtgacag ttggaa 36 US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009 34

1-89. (canceled) belonging to the genus of Abies, a plant belonging to the 90. A method for producing pinosylvin by expression in a genus of Arabidopsis, a plant belonging to the genus of Bras micro-organism, said method comprising culturing said Sica, a plant belonging to the genus of Citrus, a plant belong micro-organism under pinosylvin producing conditions, ing to the genus of Larix, a plant belonging to the genus of wherein said micro-organism has an operative metabolic Phaseolus, a plant belonging to the genus of Pinus, a plant pathway comprising at least one enzyme activity, said path belonging to the genus of Populus, a plant belonging to the way producing pinosylvin from cinnamic acid. genus of Solanum, a plant belonging to the genus of Vitus, a 91. The method of claim 90, comprising culturing a micro plant belonging to the genus of Zea, or a plant belonging to organism cell having a pinosylvin producing metabolic path any one of the genera Agastache, Amorpha, Cathaya, Cedrus, way under pinosylvin producing conditions, wherein said Crocus, Festuca, Glycine, Juglans, Keteleeria, Lithosper pathway comprises a phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) mum, Lolium, Lotus, Lycopersicon, Malus, Medicago, accepting phenylalanine as a Substrate and producing Mesembryanthemum, Nicotiana, Nothotsuga, Oryza, Pelar cinammic acid therefrom, said PAL being such that if the PAL gonium, Petroselinum, Physcomitrella, Picea, Prunus, also accepts tyrosine as a Substrate and forms coumaric acid Pseudolarix, Pseudotsuga, Rosa, Rubus, Ryza, Saccharum, therefrom, the ratio Km(phenylalanine)/Km (tyrosine) for Suaeda, Thelungiella, Triticum, or Tsuga, from a filamen said PAL is less than 1:1, and wherein if said micro-organism tous fungus belonging to the genus Aspergillus, a filamentous produces a cinammate-4-hydroxylase enzyme (C4H), the fungus belonging to the genus Neurospora, a fungus belong ratio Kcat(PAL)/Kcat(C4H) is at least 2:1. ing to the genus Yarrowia, a fungus belonging to the genus of 92. The method of claim 91, wherein said pinosylvin is Mycosphaerella, from a bacterium belonging to the genus of produced from cinnamoyl-CoA by a stilbene synthase Mycobacterium, a bacterium belonging to the genus of Neis expressed in said micro-organism from nucleic acid coding seria, a bacterium belonging to the genus of Streptomyces, a for said enzyme which is not native to the micro-organism and bacterium belonging to the genus of Rhodobacter, or from a wherein said stilbene synthase is a pinosylvin Synthase (EC nematode belonging to the genus Ancylostoma, a nematode from a plant belonging to the genus of Pinus, e.g. belonging to the genus Caenorhabditis, a nematode belong P. Sylvestris, P Strobes, P. densiflora, P. taeda, a plant belong ing to the genus Haemonchus, a nematode belonging to the ing to the genus Picea, or any one of the genus Eucalyptus or genus Lumbricus, a nematode belonging to the genus Meilo is a resveratrol synthase (EC from a plant belonging dogyne, a nematode belonging to the genus Strongyloidus, or to the genus of Arachis, a plant belonging to the genus of a nematode belonging to the genus Pristionchus. Rheum, or a plant belonging to the genus of Vitus or any one 96. The method of claim 91, wherein at least one copy of a of the genera Pinus, Picea, Lilium, Eucalyptus, Parthenocis genetic sequence encoding a 4-coumarate-CoA ligase or cin sus, Cissus, Calochortus, Polygonum, Gnetum, Artocarpus, namate-CoA ligase is operatively linked to an expression Nothofagus, Phoenix, Festuca, Carex, Veratrum, Bauhinia or signal not natively associated with said genetic sequence in Pterolobium. said organism. 93. The method of claim 91, wherein said cinnamic acid is 97. The method of claim 91, wherein at least one copy of a formed from L-phenylalanine by L-phenylalanine ammonia genetic sequence encoding a resveratrol synthase is opera lyase (EC from a plant belonging to the genus of tively linked to an expression signal not natively associated Arabidopsis, a plant belonging to the genus of Brassica, a with said genetic sequence in said organism and/or at least plant belonging to the genus of Citrus, a plant belonging to one copy of a genetic sequence encoding a pinosylvin Syn the genus of Phaseolus, a plant belonging to the genus of thase is operatively linked to an expression signal not natively Pinus, a plant belonging to the genus of Populus, a plant associated with said genetic sequence in said organism. belonging to the genus of Solanum, a plant belonging to the 98. The method of claim 91, wherein the micro-organism is genus of Prunus, a plant belonging to the genus of Vitus, a a yeast belonging to the genus Saccharomyces, Kluyveromy plant belonging to the genus of Zea, or a plant belonging to ces, Candida, Pichia, Debaromyces, Hansenula, Yarrowia, any one of the genera Agastache, Ananas, Asparagus, Brom Zygosaccharomyces or Schizosaccharomyces. headia, Bambusa, Beta, Betula, Cucumis, Camelia, Capsi 99. The method of claim 91, wherein the micro-organism is cum, Cassia, Catharanthus, Cicer; Citrullus, Coffea, Cucur a filamentous fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus. bita, Cynodon, Daucus, Dendrobium, Dianthus, Digitalis, Dioscorea, Eucalyptus, Gallus, Ginkgo, Glycine, Hordeum, 100. The method of claim 91, wherein the micro-organism Helianthus, Ipomoea, Lactuca, Lithospermum, Lotus, Lyco is a bacterium belonging to the genus Escherichia or Lacto persicon, Medicago, Malus, Manihot, Medicago, Mesembry COCCS. anthemum, Nicotiana, Olea, Oryza, Pisum, Persea, Petroseli 101. The method of claim 90, further including isolating num, Phalaenopsis, Phyllostachys, Physcomitrella, Picea, pinosylvin thereby produced. Pyrus, Quercus, Raphanus, Rehmannia, Rubus, Sorghum, 102. The method of claim 91, wherein said culturing is Sphenostylis, Stellaria, Stylosanthes, Triticum, Trifolium, conducted in the Substantial absence of an external Source of Triticum, Vaccinium, Vigna, or Zinnia, or from a filamentous cinnamic acid or derivatives thereof. fungus belonging to the genus Aspergillus. 103. The method of claim.91, wherein said micro-organism 94. The method of claim 91, wherein cinnamoyl-CoA is cell lacks both exogenous and endogenous production of formed in said pathway in a reaction catalysed by an enzyme C4H. in which ATP and CoA are substrates and ADP is a product 104. The method of claim 91, wherein said culturing is catalysed by a 4-coumarate-CoA ligase or a cinnamoyl-CoA conducted in the presence of a carbon substrate selected from ligase. the group of fermentable carbon Substrates consisting of 95. The method of claim 94, wherein said 4-coumarate monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. CoA ligase or cinnamate-CoA ligase is 4-coumarate-CoA 105. The method of claim 91, wherein said culturing is ligase? cinnamate-CoA ligase (EC from a plant conducted in the presence of a carbon substrate selected from US 2009/0317881 A1 Dec. 24, 2009

the group of fermentable carbon Substrates consisting of Sylvin therefrom by the action of a stilbene synthase which monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. has a higher turnover rate with cinnamoyl-CoA as Substrate 106. The method of claim 105, wherein said fermentable than with 4-coumaroyl-CoA as Substrate. carbon Substrate is glucose, fructose, galactose, Xylose, ara binose, mannose, Sucrose, lactose, erythrose, threose or 109. A micro-organism composition comprising micro ribose. organism cells and at least 1.5 mg/g pinosylvin on a dry 107. The method of claim 90, further including incorpora weight basis, wherein said micro-organism is of the genus tion of said produced pinosylvin as a nutraceutical into a food Saccharomyces and/or wherein said pinosylvin is at least or feed product. partially contained within the cells of said micro-organism. 108. A micro-organism having an operative metabolic pathway producing cinnamoyl-CoA and producing pino c c c c c