woman said that it was damp LOCAN S DECISION. nPKt'IAL NOTIdEN. chased of said Indians, or from the fund belong- THE HERESY CASE. that X am not a candidate for the Senator- THE INSANE HOSPITAL. young getting THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, FROM WASHINCTON. into house. ing to suld tribe, to be made at such and desire my name shall not and she must go right the Published the purchases ship sincerely every day (Sundays excepted) by rices, and times aud rac des o( payment as may I>e considered In connection with the election INNOCENT BENEVOLENCE. The Tide of Secessionist Feeling POUT I, AN1) e said and times PUBLISHING COMPANY, Ε agreed upon ; provided prices The Resumed Before the to that office. While It would be premature to Annual rnort of the Trustees and The Struggle for the Lewiston Post and modes »f be the Gover- Hearing Bangor Whig. which hi· Wife to Stem. at «7 Exchange Strket. Portland. Me. payment approved by decline an office which has not been tendered Helped Office. nor aud Council. Board of Visitors Yesterday. Sun;. Intendent. Christmas day three of our prominent and DR. Ε. B. Tkrmh—Eight Douars a ïear. To mall sub- 1 think I ought in justice to the members REED, benevolent saw a man a scribers. Seven Dollars a Year. U paid lu advance. Respectfully submitted, elect of the legislature, as well as to myself, citizens wearing A Day Long Remembered In South- Κatkm of Advertising—One Inch of space Joseph a. Locke, to have no uncertainty as to my attitude. The trustees report that ti.c -umber of pair οf old boots through the holes In which tlie of or Prof. C. Address In ern llllnol·. length column, twelve lines nonpareil Objections to Levi Creenleaf, the A. R. Bixby, Egbert Smyth's The people have honored me with their high constitutes a "square." patleuts under treatment, the daily mwt'W. Ills bare feet were plainly visible. They IV1KDICA1. UOO.TIM Lambekt Sands. His Own Defence. trusts, and I have rendered the best service *1.50 I>er square, flrst week; 75 cents per Carpet at close of the with new dally, Bagger. in No ambition me to and number remaining yea., mediately fitted him out stock- Ν. Y. Hun. week after; three Insertions or less. tl.OO, con- my power. prompts ME. other first 60 cents. seek other distinction or preferment. was larger, and the rate of mortality lower '«iota, for which he was duly grate- In lMtiO the was re-elected to Con- 592 CONGRESS PORTLAND, tinuing every day after week, A FINE BANQUET. public ing general ST^ Half three fusertions or less, 75 cents j Charles which I owe to and to of the ex- ful. Μιυι.'" afterwards they met :ui ac- square, Wore Fourth Class Postmasters Ap- Hon. Theodore Russell Obligations myself than that of any previous year gress, and Mrs. Logan spent that memorable Dr. lteed treats nil chronic diseases that flesb Is one week, SI.00; Dû cents per week after. those for whom I must care impel me tu quaintance vi. > informed them tnat the fel- the Case for the Defence. istence of the thus denoting that had belr to ; all eases that are gtveu up as incurable Special Notices, one-tnlrd additional. pointed for Maine. Opens claim the privilege of retirement to Hospital, low lived in a town near Bangor and had winter at the capital with him. Hardly Uie and 1 Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction The Merchants Hold Their private by lUlopuUuc homoeopathic physicians. life and no seems to call for my Insanity Is increasing, and that, too, keyoud $1,UU0 in the bank to bis certain knowledge. returned than the new» came of the fall will take liielr case to treat and cure them. I find week throe Inser- exigency they 8ai.es," $2.00 per square per ; Annual further service in official station. The In- This bad rather a dampening effect on the about four-flfths of the cases up to die can tions or less. $1-50. Reception. the rate of increase of population. of Sumter, and. In response to President Lin- given to the Boston, Dec. 29.—The great heresy trial Geo. D. Robinson. inclined and the next be cured. Examination at a distance by letter, [Special Press.] (Signed) is free from indebted- charitably gentlemen, THE MAINE STATE stitution practically will fare coln's proclamation convening the new Con- with their full name and place ι'f residence and PRESS, Washington, Dec. 29.—The administra- was resumed this morning at the United individual in a similar condition oue 2-cent and $2.00. Examination at the Published Thursday at ness, indicating the efficient management of hard. gress In extra session, the was forced stamp every Morning, $2.50 Is now A Number of Distinguished Centle- States Hotel at 9 o'clock. The general a tion just enjoying a brief respite from question FOREICN. office SI, and consultation free. a year ; If paid In advance, $2.00 year. the finances by the treasurer. to hurry back to Washington. Mrs. Logan WOln· Advertisements Inserted In the "Maine State the of the Maine office seekers. men Present from All Parts of whether the evidence In regard to all the ac- MUSIC AND DRAMA. Hour·—η a. u>. to p. n. aplUsntf importunities visits of the an In- PitEKH" (which has a large circulation In every At the regular board, remained at home In Marion, whither the The next offices to become vacant are the the Country, cused professors should be put in and the ar- pari of tlie State) for il.00 per square for flrst In- spection of every ward has been made, every family had removed from Benton, and her sertion. and 50 cents per square lor cach subse post offices at Bucksport and Wiscasset Feb. guments made before the conclusion of Pro- Gladstone Congratulated on Reach- THE MAKITANA OPERA COMI'ANV. 1IRUG CLERK quent Insertion. patient has been seen, and the condition of position now became one of extreme difficul- WASTED. Lewiston 19th fessor case was argued at the outset Hie Tickets to the to be New Address all communications to 5th, Feb. 12th, Bangor Feb. Senator Hale of Maine, Smyth's ing Seventy.Seventh Birthday. build- operas given Including each one noted. The condition of the ty. The general's constituents were largely PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. and Mechanic Fall» March 2d. The most today as It was yebterday. Judge French Tear's day and evening are having a good Who Makes a Speech. farm, stock, etc., has been critically descent, the made no ings, on Southerners, or persons of Southern interesting struggle will doubtless be over stating that complainants had Parliament to Be sale. Half fare rates have been arranged Prorogned to Jan- examined. Λ hearing has been given to all who had settled in that of Illinois, and the Lewiston for any other than the Maine Central railroad, half fare and part Three or four THE WEATHER. post office, although that has preparation prosecuting also years experiencc, Bos- uary 27th. the complaints. The lady visitors have were thoroughly In sympathy with the not yet reached its height and probably will Boston, Dec. 29.—The merchants of the case against Professor Smyth ; and Pro- special on the Portland & Rochester, a late Address with refer- made their regular visits. The farming half fare on Southern and were all Impatient qualified. not until well into ton have today been honored by the visit of fessor Baldwin that, while each case train on the Grand Trunk, and cause, they along next month. Post- urging to know what the course would be. the operations of the year, under the supervision the Portland & Otfdensburg. The operas to general's lliis ofllcc. master Little's on several prominent politicians, among should be decided the evidence and London, l)ec. 20.—It is learned that the of ence, DRUGS, Washington, Dec. 30. commission expires the by itself, be are the 'Tiadcap and "Maritana." His speeches In the House Representatives dec 17 sndti race on the occasion of the Queen's of Mr. Horace Cony, have been managed given toι ad- Tlie indications for New 12th of and it is certain number being Senators John T. Morgan. arguments applicable to all alike should be had already revealed his determination Maine, Hamp- February practically ubilee will be a thorough ocean race for a and WESLEY AN GLEE CLCU. Β. F. Eugene Saciit with commendable skill. The garden here to the Union, and at the battle of Bull shire and Vermont are snow and that his successor will not be appointed be- James Eustis, George Hoar, heard once for all, otherwise the hearing distance. Clubs have virtually adopted slightly long green houses have continued under the ex- The Wesleyan Glee Club gave a very Kun, Instead of remaining at Washington, colder. fore that Hale and Uenrv L. Dawes, and Representa- would be and pro- the new rule under which will be date. Àbout the middle of next indefinitely needlessly yachts cellent of Mr. Wm. H.Allen. concert at Y. M. C. A. Hall last eve- lie had joined Col. Klchardson'i the of the ves- management pleasing tives A. A. Ε. B. Andrew classed, by multiplying length a and with It that He month, however, the fight will begin to wax Rauney, Taylor, longed. The construction of new green bouses in a regiment, fought day. sel the sail area, and by by six ning. The Club is composed of double G. W. W. Morrow, H. A. Herbert, these by dividing different location has been effected. The was in citizen's dress, and Mrs. Logan still CONTINUED ! LOCAL WEATHER EEPORT. interesting. The number of candidates in the Curtin, During preliminaries throngs kept thus a tax The thousand, removing heavy upon from Wesleyan College. hat the suit wore on that historic D. P. Collins buildings are of wick, and afford every quartette he day. Portland, Me.. Dec. 1886. field is quite a one, and who ever re- W. I*. Hepburn, John Long, A. coming in, and when Professor Smyth arose beam. 90, large modern and needed convenience. young gentleman showed good drill, possess When it became known, therefore, after ceives and others. have the day in to resume his address almost Inch of The Post referring to the vacancy in the much and I 7 Α Μ ι 8 Ρ M H Ι- ν the appointment there will be a large Xbey passed every The need of an abundaut water to good voices and sang with taste the battle, that the general was about to re- We shall continue our discount visiting prominent of interest and in Cabinet urges the ministry to endeavor to supply The the con- specie) Barometer. 30.144 30.200 number of and ones. points room within of the speaker every part of the premises, will now at last expression. audience enjoyed turn to his district and publicly announce 30.450 disappointed disgruntled to officials of standing hearing provide some means which Lord Ran- price on Uenf's Newark. Jersey l>o«ds, Thermometer 13.2 lô.O 1.2 paying respects distinguished by be met by the contract made with the Au- cert very much. the cout se he Intended to pursue, there was The first man in the field, and one who it is the State and city. was occupied. The crowd was considerably Churchill can resume office. and Ladies' Fr. Kid "flarside" Boots, Dew l'oint 8.2 0.0 l-o.o dolph gusta Water by which an unlimited sup- THE COSMOPOLITANS. the greatest excitement among his constitu- said has In the afternoon were welcomed than The Telegraph thinks that Right Hon. W. Co., until January 1st. Humidity 80.0 M.ο 02.0 here, the longest petitions in the they by greater yesterday. ply is to be furnished for a term of 30 ents. People even forgot to attend their or- Wind w N\V N the Boston Merchants' Association officers, H. Smith, secretary for war, may be years The Cosmopolitan Club is to be congratu- tiles of the department is Levi Greenleaf, a Professor Smyth made among other points ap- at $1400 per vear. The present limited and dinary- vocations, business was suspended, Velotity 3 14 '12 who entertained them at the Vendôme,where leader of the government party m lated on the admirable their of the the : that I teach that pointed unsatisfactory supply costs $1800 per annum. presentation by and tne farmers neglected their crops and Weather Clear Clear ICloudy lawyer city. The strongest objection an iuformal occurred from 3 to 4.45 following They charge the House. reception Oreat attention has been given the past year members, of the little comedy of came pouring into Marion, then a little town to him comes from the fact which time the men "are not sinners who have not heard of It is rumored that the Abvssin- charming Mean dally Oar. .30.290 Maximum tiler... 17.0 that he is Sume- o'clock, during politicians Basaloula, to sanitary matters. In the extremity of of Ι,οηο Inhabitants, to await their represen- Mem tber.. 9.8 I Minimum ttwr 1.0 chatted on matters in in the ian who undertook the relief of "Naval Engagement," and Gilbert & Sulli- dally thiug of a carper-bagger, having been a resi- political groups Christ, or, at any rate, not iu danger of be- commande'-, the male wing there has been introduced the tative's return and hear what he bad to say. REMEMBER. Mean daily d'wpl.-0 3 Max. vel. wind... 14 NW and corridors. After the reception Kassala, which has been besieged by the fol- van's of "Trial dent of the but a parlors lost." on 41 and 47 of "Pro- most of ventilation, water delightful operatta by Jury,'' Mrs. Logan foresaw thct in the excited state Me .n dally hum... 04.3 I Total preelp o city very few years. Next the to the number of 300 entered the ing Now, pages lowers of the late £1 Mahdi for of improved system party upward closets have been overhauled, bath rooms re- at Portland Theatre last night. We know of the public mind everything would depend Gentlemen's Fr. Calf, Jersey Dress to him is ex-Mayor Charles Walker, who was hall, where a banquet was gressive Orthodoxy" sinfulness is predicated two years, ha« succeeded in rescuing the city dining princely modelled, and rooms con- ex- upon the circumstances under which her hus- at Seated at table of honor was from the Arabs. Auother states that apartment dressing that this may be called a stereotyped Congress, $5.25 per pair. Begular UKTKOItOLOOlCAL BKPOBT. mayor for two terms and quite popular served. the of man universally. The quotations they report structed. band made the announcement of his inten- President William B. and his the Dervishes defeated the Abyssinians at pression when of amateur per- price $7.00. (Dec. 29. 1880, 10.00 P. M.) with the party in the city. Hon. Jesse Ly- Wood, upon make in supprnt of this charge are gaibled, The Institution consumes annually about speaking tions. She could not venture out of doors Gentlemen's Fr. Calf liutton right were seated Governor Robinson, Sen- Sahderat. on this occasion a state- Jersey Observations taken at the same moment ol hiui ford 2000 tons of coal, which has to be drawn up formances, but it is without a crowd collecting about her and and bis son. Fred D. Lyford, would also ator and like so many others of their quotations. Pro- was the 77th anniversary of Glad- and Balmorals at $5.7» per pair. Ls- at all stations- Morgan, Representatives Taylor Today an hill. It is suggested ment and questioning her concerning her husband, and like the office much. W. of Senators Eustis aud fessor read extracts stone's birth. He attended service at exceedingly steep only just to the ladies gentlemen ual $7.00. very W. Sanborn, Kanney Boston, Smyth many showing early that this could l>e done at a the sne felt that it was of the utmost consequence price rhenno'terl Wma \ Herbert and Hawarden and the was saving by who took In the of "Naval A. (jarside & Son's line Ν. Y. Fr. Kid a lawyer, and F. A. Contint, an insurance Hoar, Representatives Hep- that the book teaches the cxact con- church, during day use of a and moved steam part. comedy that he should be able to secure a fair audi- Seuator Hale aud Gevernor-elect plainly with telegrams of congratula- tramway cars, by Boots for all marked and of burn, trary to what is charged. fairly deluged power and an endless chain. Engagements," the actors were thoroughly ence and be able to exert hi* personal influ- Ladies, styles, agent ex-collector taxes, also figures Ames. Seated at the tables were the most tion from all of the world. He was me with "a model parts In to the the ence to the of the down from to s ■ as They charge teaching regard criminally insane, familiar with their parts, several of them, stay threatening stampede $0.00 $5.00 per pair. Iι vî possibilities. Ât the chances statesmen also the of innumerable Place id present prominent merchants, bankers, trinity." How do they make this out? The* recipient presents. trustees call attention to the recommenda- Secessionist!*. who were afterward These are new, frei.li, regular goods, ana 01 me 01 oos- Lord Colin for a so. Mr. Smith, was very natural, Many seem to be most strongly in favor of one of puoiisners cuy have picked out two or three places where Campbell's application tions of their last report, asking for further noticeably stanch of the Union were then not odds and ends or remnants. observMil·»: -c the number Collector new trial of the divorce suit his and the piece went off with a snap that con- supporters •r s ©J3 tnn, among being the word mode occurs in the doc- brought by £ ί the first two mentioned, Greenleaf or Walker, discussing legislation the subject, so that they Miss Merr 11 undecided In opinion, and she knew that the We have all width*, sizes and half •Ç Saltonstall, Hon. P. A. Collins, Hon. John v..» * T.. .ι t.. wife against him Is in the nature of a tech- upon stantly called for applause. ! ε- in the may be enabled to provide for the caro and bou- slightest untoward event might turn the lit ν kt Î but month and a half which inter- D. Gan. N. P. Postmaster nical if will re- was the of several handsome sizes, and can properly your diflicult I Long, Banks, gy ought to know that the distinction be- application, which, granted, of this class of insane persons. recipient scales. It was essential, indeed, for him to α I ;> venes before the office A. Eben I). the old case and not a new restraining quets. At the close of the comedy the actors feet. becomes vacp.nt, there Corse, Shuman, Jordan, Jr., tween a modal and real is open inaugurate are now to min- retain their and his arts trinity clearly The helpless insane obliged were called before the curtain. confidence, by of is no what some Curtis Guild and Thomas Hart. out in the sentences from which trial. bis was knowing may happen, and pointed very gle with murderers, thieves and cut-throats. was well on the persuasion convince them that the Λη;3 .38 —is nw Fair Governor Robinson was introduced and The Pall Mall Gazette says : Lord Ran- The operetta very put THIS SPECIAL SALE POSITIVELY ENDS JAN. 1st. ΕπαίρυΠ, new man who is not now mentioned at they quote. The most characteristic ex- Again the suggestion is made that the old vu*j ira.wiiin'ic uuu l'utnum cminc w uur- lJort Alt· 130 40 —2j -3 ô Ν ί Frejy Fair all. amidst continuous rounds of he Churchill is not satisfied with the ex- stage, a proper attention being put to all lit- j applause pressions which have been used for fifteen dolph brick chapel, in front of the main building sue. resolutions of secession nul Mt,WitfUu'n 30.47! -βΙ NW 14 Clear may Dear off tue coveted prize. The the and mer- of his which the Mar- tle details. The by-play of the various ac- Already salary greeted distinguished guests centuries to denote the orthodox doctrine of planation resignation m blot the otherwise beauti- been introduced at the meeting* In his dis- Uo^tuu, Sinus 30.42, —Οι ΝΚ 12 Clear chants. of has and has de- unsightly upon tors was well sustained, the choruses were of the office is 82,500, with for clerk the are quis Salisbury put forth, h in New $2,350 hire, employed. i--*· *: ..e ~ *i.., ...... ful be removed to a different loca- trict, and Mr». and her band's l^iuton... Senator of Alabama delivered an trinity landscape, well drilled and the soloists were very effec- Logan A:Uun Ν. V 30.48 -111 NW which a to the Morgan After Professor Park's memoir of and enlared for purposes. friends, in endeavoring to restrain public Cloudy gives qui-e patronage post address the as to citing mier's This Lord Randolph tion, practical tive, Miss Wood as the plaintiff, New V*srk... 3 x2 NE elnquent upon question Dr. in defence frotn the of explanation. The especially could BROWM Congress St. 38; j .Cloudy lie also the of Hopkins charge immediate necessities of the hospital re- Mr. f)ennis the defendant and Mr. Payson opinion until their representative per- 5 30.34 -1 NE I master, having appointment whether we shall continue the national bank reason in too declares unduly narrows the issue, and he dec28 oodtf Philadelphia. Cloudy exalting theology much, the ci- nue cuinteuuicuii va iiiio appear and declare his views, had a Κ six letter carriers. or in he said: "I will what he calls the di- sonally Washington..,3u.2i' —βι I Lt Buw system repeal it, which, tation showing that Professor Park insisted emphasize growing oakery aud laundry. most delicate and dangerous role to plav. Norjolk, V i. NE Lt Kalu the time will never couie when a mer- vergence between himself and Lord Salis- chorus was remarkably well done. The 30.2l| -1| Postal hope on the need and safety of exalting reason, The trustees state that Or. Bigelow Τ San- On the day set for his arrival she drove in CUai'ltJiit ii.·. 30.30 χβ Clm Ciouoy Changes. chant shall be to draw money bury on nearly every political Theatre orchestra In excellent permitted Professor Smyth took up the and only question. born, superintendent, is entitled to their high- accompanied a all the way to Carbondale, the near- Buvamuiû.<îi<|3o.lo| XX Κ Cloudy The in the Star service from the treasury on a bill of exchange eith- rqplly Parnell has returned to the seaside with- Ktyle, under the efficient baton of Mr. Dun- buggy Jacksonville. x7 NE Cloud following important accusation of teaching future pro- est commendation for the fidelity, skill and est railway station, and twenty-two miles ;3υΛ·ι;| y chgnges er foreign or domestic, which he offers for out having intimated when he will visit Dub- can. Elegant floral tributes were presented New xl Ε schedule for Maine are announced: bation after death. humane in which he the re- to meet him ; but learning there that oru-aub|20.98j j Cloudy or It will never do to entrust lin. spirit performs MM Wood snd Mr. Duncan. The gentle- away, \5! NE Threat sale discount. Our views on this have not been and was to have Memphis |3υ.11| Route 451—West to topic pre- sponjible often trying duties of his men behind Mr. who the train by which he arrived NE Bridgton Bridgton; the mother bank to the United States Treas- The Chronicle sajs Chamberlain emphatic- (lie scenes, Virgin, Cincinnati, 30.18; x3i Cloudy leave West sented in the unguarded way that the charge the interests of the institution and had missed connection, immediately turned NE Bridgton Mondays, Wednesdays ury with of bank of discount, or ally denies the report that he is in favor of office,t0 directed the stage, and Mr. Gllson, who had Pitt3Kiftr....'3«>.iy| Cloudy and powers implies. The only use, I believe, which is those under his cere. The faithfulness ex- about and drove back to Marion. It was Κ Lt Snw Fridays at 1.30 p. in. ; arrive at Bridgton with the sale of Let Lord the Cabinet. charge of the are entitled to much Qecke Buft.iio, N.\.,30.:iG; purchase and exchange. made in of italics is llartington joining hibited assistant properties, when she reached there, and the 3 in. Leav« Progressive Orthodoxy by the superintendents, for their efforts. The amfleuce was evening BROTHERS®^ 0>vv vv, f 130.44 ! -ίο' Κ Lt Snw by p. Bridgton Mondays, the national banks do this branch of busi- for were given by Liberals through- praise \\ the of making a caveat against Banquets Dre. Hill and Davies, in carrying into execu- so streets were still full of people. They Clevt'-iîtÎâ'i... X8 Ε Lt snw ednesdays and Friuays at 6.30 p. m. ; arrive and re- purpose out the last in honor of Glad- large it filled every seat down stSirs and j.i0.24! ness on money issued by the misrepresentation which is made in country night tion the of the shows crowded in a mass around her and de- Del roi ! '3U.30; Il iear at West Bridgton by 8 p. m. very plans superintendent, almost all those in the balcony, and the per- buggy, deemable to the United States. Our the "It our stone's birthday. He returns thanks through be manded to her husband had A-iîtîiici.&lK : Ι» .4λ»ι NW Clear Boute 465—West to charges. is, in opinion, to be them to safe and efficient coadjutors. formance could be with suc- know why not Oldtown Still- duty appears clear to preserve our the press for the tiany ne repeated equal __ W Upper banking looked on as an congratulations Warm words of commendation are her. Col. then clerk of MiiqUftic. }3t».37, Ciear water. Leave West wldtown appended inquiry rather just cess. Tne following was the cast for both accompanied White, 80.SH xlu t»E Fair Mondays, system. Whether the proportion of our than as an essential received. the steward the and her , and at question in theology ; spoken concerning and treasur- : court, father, Capt. Cunning- PIANOS . x4 NW Lt Miv. Wednesdays Fridays 7 a.m.; arrive paper to be issued them is to Chamberlain has changed his mind and plays money through |3vj.ûû at still it is not wanting in practical and present er, John W. Chase, and tbe other officer» and nAval engagement. ham, exerted themselves to pacify the mob, Uaiutli, M.nn 3»'.37 xl S Li Clear Upper Stillwater by 8.45 a. ni. Leave Up- ι«· is now should be has informed Lord that be will do greater or less than it importance." The doctrine comes la as Salisbury in conclusion, ask from but it was not until the sheriff, Mr. — attendants, and, they Admiral Mr. HinllU Swindell, 4. Clin ... Clear per Stillwater Mondays, and at his best to induce Lord to Kingston 8t.t*aul,M«mi|30.35; Wednesdays left to the test of experience. He dwelt a in the doctrine which Is llartington accept the State the continuance of its liberal stood in hi» and the crowd 81. Louis. iMo x7i NW 0 at 9 a. in. ; arrive at West Oldtown mi-eting difficulty poli- l.leuteiiaut Kingston Mr. Hunt up buggy urged 3U.23j Cloudy Fridays some length upon the silver question aud made that offîee. The situation, therefore, has material- to BURDETTORGANS. Lea 30.2* x3| Ν 7 iClear 11.30 a. ni. fundamental, Christ is central in cy toward* the institution. The report is Short ·. Mr. Mansfield disperse, assuring it that Logan would vuuworth] by upon this said: "Let us in our ly changed. It is possible that Lord Hart Omaha. Neb.j30 31 1 Clin [Clear dealings theology. signed by the entire bourd of trustees. Dennis Mr. Noyes surely be there in tlie morning and address call and hear the matchless tones of these with silver and to each a fair op- "1 ington will accept office, although the Whig Mrs. Pontlfex Miss Bacon Vlease Yank ion 30.2G o! SE Lt Clear Postmasters Appointed. gold give claim," said Prof. Smyth, slowly, sol- befort. them that the clamor could be quelled. Once as the met- Unionists distrust Chamberlain s faith, supebintexdent's Miss Miss Merrill beautiful instrument». St. Vil ce it ..'30.38' —G S Lt Clear portunity to assert it superiority emnly and with tremulous earnestness, "the good Mary Mortimer released from her unpleasant, if not perilous ! The Postmaster General has the ο and are to Lord At the of the Dec. B.sin;. ek :».t 30.2/j —4 Ε l.t Cloudy appointed al to be used for purposes redemption right under the creed to hold in this matter prepared urge Hartington beginning year, 1,1885, TRIAL BY Jl'BY. position, Mrs. Logan turned her horse » e.... !. following named fourth class not to to that dis- were resident in the 486 CUeyi'i ; postmasters: when the time for redemption conies. In whatever a true of accept office, simply owing there Hospital pa- Plaintiff Miss Wood around and in the darkness set ont -■ interpretation plucklly North I'i.itteSO 17 Ιό! SE ; 8 Cloudy Miss Julia E. Edwards, Freedoin.Me. ; Lewis retire tenders Scripture trust. tients—341 men aud 245 women. Two hun- TE OHNIOON. issuing coin "<*rti ilea tes to legal and the revelation which God makes of him- Judge Mr. Talbot again on that long ride to Carbondale. It Denver, Col.. 29.74! 44 -18 SW I Lt Clear E. Bailey, Oreenvale, Me. ; Τ he will hold a council when dred and have been admitted since Joseph Leightou, and national bank notes at the rate of $2 of self in and creation shows me to Queen Friday thirty-one Associate Judge Mr. Bradley was 2 o'clock in the when the train » El Paao, Tex. 12».y6l 511 —o; W ; Lt 'Clear Sheenscott Me. Mrs. Κ. providence morning Bridge, ; H. Sullivan, for one of coin the Parliament will be to January —127 meuand 104 the whole Defendant Mr. DenuU ·- paper deposited, govern- be true. I do not think 1 shall commit any prorogued women;making which bore her husband rolled into the d Ε. 1'. Jones, I'v't S. C., U. S. A. No.th Winterport, Me. ment would be no more of a bank than it is 27 th. number uuder 717—308 men and Plaintiff's Counsel Mr. 8uow m sin against reason or violate any obligation treatment, pot, but without waiting to refresh them- stools mm, 349 women. Of there have dis- llsher Mr. Paysou now when it has outstanding $346,000,000 in under the creed if I allow to follow Mahdaut, Dec. 29.—The followers of these, been selves, they secured a fresh hors··, and by myself 189—106 men and 83 women THE PASSAMAQUODDY INDIANS. legal tender notes, and $22«,ti72,000 with a perfect trust wherever, with the heart King Boshway after his flight submitted to charged ; leaving NOTES. daylight they were again at Marion. The AND RETAIL. TUNING TO ORDER. in national bank which it is at the close of the 828—262 men and 266 WHOLESALE MAINE. notes, as with the head, 1 can discover any traces of the British authorities. year, Miss Gertrude Edmands took the contralto town was still full of people pacing the iHiund to redeem on demand. It will women. One hundred and ot God's holy and reconciling love. (Applause). Dec. 29.—It is that Mu- seventy-six part in the "Messiah" at Music Hall, Bos- streets, but on perceiving that Oen. Logan Recommendations of the Committee be a safer bank than it is now when Berlin, reported those admitted during the year were on their 1 will not avail myself of any man's want of nich Is about to be proclaimed in a state of ton, last Monday night, with the Handel had really arrived, ana on receiving his its reserve in the is first admission, 38 on their second, 7 on their SAMUEL Given Leave to Withdraw. of the Council Regarding Their treasury only $100,000,- skill in attacking me. Although I state in The recent of the Social and Haydn's. The Boston papers speak promise to address them at 11 o'clock, they THURSTON, ooo in with which to redeem siege. expulsion third, 7 on their fourth, 2 on their fifth, and gold, $574.672,- 'Progressive Orthodoxy' that hold God as ists from Frankfort have caused much dis- very highly of her and call her one of the made no demonstration. That was a morn- Auocbta, Dec. 29.—The petitioners ior Complaints. 000 in its To 1 on his eighth. Condition of those dis- Portland. paper promises. say nothing revealed in Christ is ixutral in theology, X tress, most of those expelled having families best coutraltos in New England. She ap- ing the people of Southern Illinois will never Ko. 3 Free Street Block, the of John F. Melville of bonds etc. Hon. George N. Stearns, Uni- charged : Recovered, 66—38 men and 28 ossible Weston Lewis, State Arbitrator, of mined on war. of increased Russian paresis, the mortuary record has been large- women at Auburn. stocks goods State, Boston, plause). Reports re- aged of A Boy with a Mania for Moose conclusions based tbeir read a letter from Senator John armaments are to hand confined to terminal dementia, or to Hon. William Atkinson, who has Just consisting upon investigation Sherman, Prof. Smyth said he accepts the seminary continually coming ly The Pine Street Free Baptist church of are who was absent. from various sources. The latest those cases suffering from a mental malady turned from his to Canada in the inter- French Hunting. given in the following language : unavoidably creed in its historical sense, intending by intelligence trip Auburn have a debt of $»**)0. They have Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Senator Hale of Maine, being introduced, this formula to of this kind is to the effect that :(00,000 Rus- of such a character as to have but little Dec. 29.—A to the Your committee consider that the l'assa- emphasize several things, as: ests of the Wiscasset n the 25th of December the W. Goods sent out of the city approval. any trace of his son beyond rortluuJ. As to fishing, said Indians arc equally any day danger from, and a new phraseology is used, we are drowning Bridgton from our merchant nation of the records show that 66 with other friends J. A. Merrill. A. Keith bound to obey the general laws and statutes, complications arising hrnnght tttfai persons is also confident that the remainder of the C. Τ. Γ. gathered marine in If that cvutiuj. with the inten- CENERAL NEWS. So-iety, eodly Fire Near Ho ulton. unless they possess the of in Spanish ports. worthy tion of the founders. A Mit luvulvcj lu have been committed to the institution the at the l>eautifulhomeof Mr. Frank Johnston apl3 right fishing old man succeeds in in twain this line from the border to Wiscasset will also certain waters as granted in said treaty cutting right understanding of the creed is that past yeur of suicidal tendencies. and wife In South Bridgton, aud gave them continent who can tell what we The causes of death to become a although he the under- IIoulton, Dec. 29.—The residence of which the State has no authority to regulate, position where contradiction would otherwise arise Pedro Souther, the San Francisco capital, appeared be as fol- reality, says a complete surprise, it being the '25th anni- shall have to take. lows; Acute 2 Moses Kinney, & mile and a half from the by virtue of its power and authority as from mingling traditional and new language, ist, died Tuesday. mania, men; acute melan- taking is only in its infancy. No subscrip- versary of their marriage. The presents Among others who spoke were Hon. W. E. the must be found tu TKure cholia, 2 men ; apoplexy, 1 woman ; chronic were choice and valuable. Carols were suug was burned The contents guardian over s#jd tribe. controlling principle was a bad smashup on the Boston duty of, fibroid 1 woman; 6 work of rebuilding the burnt district of Fax- Seal Caps (good) and the to to the mind of those who tumor, general paralysis, to in ... A Maine Attached. ago control of these tribes really .come go from Norridgewock Skowhegan Seal (Sue) 8.00 Company property men; hydropericardium, 2, 1 man and 1 mington has Degun. Foundations have been Cap* iu a prudent and economical manner and for framed it. Nominations the Covernor. order to use the Maine Central track to Au- Caps .25 Dec. THE DEAD WARRIOR-STATESMAN. by woman ; latent 4, 1 man and 3 laid for the Baptist church and the Exchange Boys-Winter Boston, 29.—Herman Smith, oil their benefits. To this end it would 3. There is room for a inter- phthisis, The he will be an inde- be the progressive The have beer women 1 woman gusta. road, says, hotel, and carloads of timber are down 19 Federal has been attached. and following nominations ; paralysis, ; phthisis pul- coming dealer, street, State's if it found their being pretation of all relig- Une when built, crossing the Kenne each North over the duty, property systématisation made monale. 2, 1 mnn and one woman ; paralysis pendent day from Franklin San- Oil and Guano of depreciated in value or tn ious truth under this inspiration. by the Governor; bee at some near Augusta, but using Tlio Suffolk Company, wasting away, Which Have Been of heart, 1 woman ; senile dementia, 4, 3 men point dy Kiver and the Franklin <& Megan tic rail- save the same aud invest the proceeds in Arrangements 4. Ί he truths of the seminary creed may Detlimus Justices—Charles J. House. Mouson ; the track of no other road but the Somerset roads for these structures. But Boothbay, Me., of which Smith is the Boston Ernest M. Good and 1 woman ; suicide, 2 men ; terminal de- Tittle more such way aud manner that the Indians Made for the Funeral be adjusted to a larger knowledge and life Augustus K. Bixby. skowhegan; railroad, which is to be a part of the line. Friday. Ue<> mentia, 16, 7 man and 9 women. The aver- work will be done this winter on the Ex- C agent, and in which lie is largely interested, should than were to its framers. The semina- all, Sanford; Joseph A. Locke, Portland; derive the benefit therefrom. In ac- open K. Slmen Monmouth at death was : 48.41 THE INTERNATIONAL. change hotel, but a crew of workmen are ÔE, been itself is on he Is it the Fernald, Wilton; dough, age age males, ; females, has also attached. The Indebtedness cordance with this idea of the State's ry trial, urged. for duty Andrew H. U. Smith, Whltefleld. 52.45; total average, 49.12 years. in Canada Atkinson went over now busily engaged fitting and laylug the 197 Middle Street. vour committee that the Tho maintenance of transient and While Mr. No. of both Is said to be held largely among the presume "resolve Procession to be In Charge of past opinions, Trial Justices—Oavld U. Mclntln·. Solou; Al- The causes of in those sills of the church. The architect's plan for dec IS eoUtf or is there a truer its his- assigned insanity the line of the International which providing for· the sale of timber and grass interpretation of bert It. Lougjellow, Palermo; Thomas S. Bowdeu admitted the road, the church show the con- banks. Xo figures are given. Cen. Sheridan. and work «luring year are as follows: Baptist So-iety on the lnd*an township," approved March torical position, and creed ? He Washington: Win. A. Cromwell,South Berwick. now extends some thirteen miles into Maine. a not Old Or- Critical period of life, 16 women: chloral template very handsome, although M. 30, 1853, was passed (Resolves 1857, chaptei asked for breadth, insight and justice in the Notaries Public—William F. Fernald, edifice. Will. NARKS, Maine Union Holiness Association. chard M. T. Camden. habit, 1 man; congenital. 1 man; dissolute He says that, although the snow was very costly 5) under which motion there was received interpretation. ; Crawford, by Dec. 29.—'The Senate com- Justices of the Peace aud Ε life, 2 women ; domestic infelicity, 8, 2 men that KENNEBEC COUNTY. WlXTHUOP, Dec. 29.—The Maine Union the trn-tees of the State the Inter- Washington, In the afternoon Prof. Newman Smyth tes- Quorum—John deep, he saw enough to convince him $22,500, mittee in of the funeral ar- Biainerd, S. S. Brown, Watervllle and 6 women ; disappointed affection, 1 man ; convention at est on which amount at six cent, is charge Logan tified as to his own to the An- Wlnthrop; the International is to be a most carefully J. Ky.ui, an invalid, and for the past Year Holiness Association opened per ap- met this Senator subscription Fred G. Greeue, Athens; Charles M. Ham. Llsboi 13.-8 men and 5 women; excessive rangements, morning. dover creed. He would to it as a epilepsy, a resident of Wateiville was found dead on propriated annually for the benefit of tin subscribe Fills; Emerson F. Parkman; J. Heur; use 1 built road. The are easy, Gard Winthrop, Wednesday forenoon at 10 o'clock Sherman was present invitation. The Harvey. of tobacco, man? electric grades remarkably the his room Indians. Under this anc by whole, but could not accept the of fed- Levi T. Washing floor of Monday morning. He Book, Passamaquoddy point Lindsay, Smyrna Mills; Marr, 1 man financial 5 a to Wednes- order of as far as determined W shock, ; embarrassment, and the curves very gradual—just such was fits is at the Methodist church, continue subsequent Itesolves the State now holds s proceedings eral headship, because he had been taught ton; Oliver Murch, West Baldwin-, Harry subject t« and it supposed that he upon, is as follows : The will be taken men ; general paralysis, 4 men ; ill health, 32 road as will be needed for an immense and A meeting fund of $24,451.84, the income of which is body by Dr. Park not to believe It. rlummer, Btngor: Henry Ragot, Brunswick was takeu with one in the night ami in his day Thursday. preliminary the committee of of the Lawrence G. li. Β te —7 men and 25 women ; intemperance, 21 traffic. The benefit of this road to for the benefit of said In- by arrangements Dr. George Harris was then called. He re- Sewali, Skmvhegau; Joseph through struggles fell out of his bed. occurred This association applied annually Senate and of the of vens, ; Brunswick men ; to 2 women; of can Tuesday evening. dians. House Representatives, ferred to the time of 18K2 when he was to be Bridgtou Westoo Thompson, injury spine, Injury Northern Maine, Mr. Atkinson says, 4 The Baptist church at North was formed at Old Orchard last summer to escorted by posts of the Grand Army of the bpeucer Boyden, Buxtou. head, men ; loss of relatives, 4—1 man and be estimated. It will open up aud Vassalboro, Whether or not the State has had au- He objected to some hardly has a new bell, obtained the efforts legal District, at 12 o'clock noon, Dec. appointed professor. 3 women ; measles, women ; masturbation, 10 access to new regions, and also give through elevate Christian and various for so is not for commit Thursday, points of the creed as read the secretary of Mr. John Foster of now in life, represents thority doing your 30, from the residence to the rotunda of the by Crand Master Robie's Address. men ; over exertion. 13—9 men and 4 women ; ui-iness to branch roads like the Wiscasset Waterville, Job Printer tee to but it is better foi of the Board of Visitors. When the end of give Newton Tin denominations. decide, ccrtainly man women bell evangelical Capitol, where will lie in state until noon of • Boston Globe. puberty, 7—1 and 6 ; puerperal, Otr Kennebec, aud enough business for them Theological Seminary. these Indians that the State has he reading was reached he said before the bears the : "A memorial to Wel- Itev. Mr. Hutchinson of Ferry Village managec the following under a guard of honor, 1 woman : religious excitement, 1 man ; rheu all. inscription taeir affairs in this way, and your couimittet day, Visitors: Governor Robie rendered a real service tc Cromwell. First Deacon of the 'HlflTGBV liXC'HAXJIi, detailed by tne Grand Army and the matlsm, 1 man ; sunstroke, 6—5 men and 1 NUTKit. lington Bap- called the convention to order at 10 o'clock are of the that as heretofore no ob military "I accept this creed as expressing substan- the State when he delivered his annual ad opinion imlar nf tliu I ovnl Τ uirinii fpnm Ο n'nlnoLr w imau ; senility, 13—8 men aud fi-'e women ; tist Church, North Vassalboro, Me., ltWC." Me. and made remarks relative to jectlon has been raised to this mode of pro tially the system of the truth taught in the dress as master of the State Grange. Gov The Kockland Courier-Gazette is talking 97 >-2 hxchaiige St., Portland, introductory p. m. on until 11 o'clock a. m. Fri- suppression of menses, 1 woman ; KNOX COUNTY. ~ syphilis. (■(•dure ou the part of the State, and t!ves( Thursday 11, Κ -ΜΊ mtUBML" : I Ruble is thorougly conversant with the busi- of a narrow gauge railroad through George» the object of the meetings, giving the prin- day, the will be admitted to the rotun- 2 men ; typhoid fever, 1 man; unknown, 52 The Kockland Uranlte Indians have aunually received the incoiut public It was understood as a sort of agreement ness of the State, and has a more widely ex Valley. Company have which the association was da, in at the east door and out at the —29 men and 23 women ; vaginismus, 1 wom- leased a of island for ten JOi. 4Oil I'BISTINC. Λ SPECIALTY. ciples upon from the money received from the sale o: passing that we should subscribe to the nerd under tended acquaintance among all classes ο The Secretary of State ban issued a cer- portion Loug years west. The east door of the .Senate of an. and have a timber and and the lant wing these conditions. During the on our citizens than any other man can boas tificate to the Rockland, Kuckport Λ Cam- opened granite quarry there. ;ιί· grass leasing of in. questioning The social condition of thoso admitted Ad orders hy mail or Uwepkoiip promptly the Capitol will be opened at 11 o'clock a. the the of a den railroad. The are Samuel .\bout J.VJ tons of stone have been quarried without any pretext or are ir part of Board Visitors question of, and when he sœaks in regard to Maim ,1.n...... An.) »... nu r. m. ... iurorporatora to. liovl plicit trust and faith healing. objection they to those tickets of admission. with the most and morals from niak having was raised about probation of those not with- lie as one having so to do G. Carleton, P. J. Carleton, S. S. Shepherd. satisfactory results, says the and fol- equity good estopped from the to Oak speaks authority Married. 102—54 men anil 48 women ; wid- Exhortations, singing prayers inn The procession Capitol in reach of the The by He in his address before the H. L. Thus. Λ. Hunt, Fred Κ Courier-Gazette. any complaint. Gospel. reply given proved granger men and 10 women "JO Shepherd, ο llill will be under the of owed, 27—11 ; single, AAi> am lowed TllO PoUuaninnillkW/1» Τ 1**1 Î «»·»■» JneieLni. Cemetery direction the Visitors was in substance that that Maine is not backward Richards, J. and E. C. Fletcher, all LINCOLN COUNTY. Sstkiicim is EMiMi though going forward, —59 men and 40 women ; 3 uieu. Knight Lieut. Oca. P. II. Sheridan. Drocress unknown, of Η Cleaves of A. Rev. W. S. Mclntire of Brunswick con- (if having possession of the strip of land ad clergymen might not teach probatiou extend- that and imnrovement is the ruli Camden, B. Portland, citizens of and An invitation to attend the funeral was is- The Hospital has now been in 40 T. Mauy prominent Newcastle ICAI, SilhiO their laud at as ex ed beyond this life for these persons, they and not the anil that here the la operation F. Crockett, Sidney M. Bird and John ducted the afternoon meeting, beginning at joining Pleaynt Point, sued by the committee to the President and exception, rear», during which time 0H44 pattern» have Dauiarlscotta will preœnt a petition to the !>·.· μι!.> ·π!,π. to our were at liberty to hold this view as a bor of the toiler is rewarded better than ii Berry of Kockland. G vint ro privai*· pnp:;> by pressed committee by many member; officers. private been admitted, and 0310 have been dis- legislature of Maine at its Inext session, de- 2 o'clock. Λ profound religious interest and his Cabinet other States the aro The Gardiner Home Journal thinks that of your tribe. The boundary line of the In opinion. any advantages appar 1034 a charter to uiake them a corporation Speaker Carlisle lias appointed the follow- charged. OI the latter, 1272 improved, to with the siring u fervent spirit pervades the meetings, which (Man Reservation is very indefinite, and dis Prof. Uincks gave testimony iu corrobora- ently greater. The thanks of all good clU "In order keep up procession. for the of water from J. W. COL€OKi named as a committee to rep- did not improve, and 1440 died. The actual purpose conveying have arisen as to its location. ing gentlemen tion of that of his associates. zens ought to be returned to Governor Kobl· Gardiner wants to build that railroad to •»re very informal In their nature. putes Tin resent the House of at the number ol Individual patie its admitted liai Dainariscotta Lake for the supply of the two PEA HI. original deeds mention as landmarks to star representatives Professor Tucker testified that he accepted for his timely and much needed document. Togus; and the road (roui Farmington to 143 funeral of Gen. : Messrs. Thomas, been 5185. villages. «lit from "a stake and a house." Tin Logan the creed "as setting forth the truth against Gardiner, which has been surveyed, ought te Bates College Alumni Banquet. dwelling Townshend, Payson, Dr. Sanborn gives additional emphasis to PENOBSCOT COUNTY. stake is not and the location of tin Springer, Henderson, the errors it is designed to meet. No confes- Real Estate Transfers. be put through." members of there, Worthington, Hilt, Kowell and Neecc the valuable suggestions he bas heretofore Messrs. F. Π. Thomas J. Boston, Dec, 29.—-Thirty-two dwelling house has long since Klggs, sion so elaborate assume to be the final Clergue, Stewart, disappeared of Illinois, Kecd of Curtin of I'enn- may The following transfers ot real estate il made concerning the treatment of patients, Sprague Adams, John Cassldy and Fred W. tlie Iiate> College Alumni Association resid- Vour committee cannot better sho'v this cou Maiue, expression of truth. Special Town Meeting in Deerlng- svlvania, Burrowes of Michigan, Syiues of at the which should be both modical anu moral, iilil are to form an organization to be known TOBOGGANS. at dition of feeling of that of the tribi The respondents said their case was now the county have been recorded regie at the inu in Boston and vicinity nipt Young's portion Colorado, Carey of llesides the medicine given, there has been Λ special town meeting was held as the Bangor Trust Company. They are to occupying I'leasaut Point than Wyoming. all In, ami Professer Baldwin proceeded to of deeds : Hotel afternoon, and sat down to by quotini Tbe members of the Society of the Ten- try a gratifying and satisfactory progress in the Town 1 at 3 o'clock tit up offices and do a general busi- yesterday from à letter to one of the writ sum up for the professors. Aiming other Ii House, leering, yesterday banking committee, of which Gen. was the North Yarmouth—Mo»es H. Dole to Kobert direction of increased manual ness. in hihI lu» their third annual dinner. The election of ten John nessee, Logan origi- he said: Su employment. afternoon. Andrew J. Chase was chosen The "Comer' hi;;!· by Rev. O'Dowd, the priest in at things .Sixty years ago the land Si. summer months the loi nator and a life-long member, are specially of gulls, Uuiiug the patients Ι'οΙχιχκιιιι officers resulted in the choice of the fol- teudauce among these Indians, an names preuie Court tue Uuited States decided a New Gloucester—Julia A. Winslow loCharle It was voted to The Bangor Edge Tool Company U doing rail. Tilt- IfSltttng invited by Mrs. Logan to Jx- present at the frequently availed themselves of the priv- moderator. unanimously and re. man, who is his life and best ener case which bears directly upon this ase. It A. Winslow, land and building. $20 0. a large business in rant dogs and handles Clil» «CHMHt. Mliufi'kuli' lowing : giving funeral. .ege of exercise in the open air, some the remonstranro and for- gies for their good work and Is tho celebrated Dartmouth College decision. Gorham—William C. Oilman to Terrlssa Γ. Fo! adopt following this winter. They are turning out 3UO long tail. KCNniLLft UHITNEV. President- lîev. F. W. Baldwin, pastor ol liic improvement Gen. Sheridan has Gen. Albert and GOO. times speuding all the day, accom- d2w lie writes : appointed The claim had been set up that the charter ter, laud buildings. SI nearly ward the same to the in-coming Legislature handles per day and expect to make '.Ό,οοο dec22 First Congregational church of Chelsea. Ordway as chief of staff. No aides have yel Joseph W. Parker to Frank E. Webster, lani by attendants, upon the lawns play- of 'J lie shortest given by the English crown to the college panied nt during the winter. Vice President— Kev. F. I.. Hayes, pastor the way to end the dispute about th ! been appointed, and it is not known whethei $'.)ου. ing croquet or engaged in some other recrea- Augusta: Aveiiue church. Indian ft seems to would be could uot be had under that clause of the II To the Senate ami Mrnto in WASHINGTON COUNT*. OF LABOR. Shawmut Baptist boundary, me, to dui it will be to All or- Naples—Frank W. Crockett to Charles lion. The regular course of entertainments u/ Kei>rr*tntatUcs KNICHTS E. Smith. chase for our Indians all of I'leasaut Point necessary appoint any. United States constitution which forbids and Lewis P. laud. aud othe A&tteinhlrd. Secretary—George iron to in the any Young Crockett, $1 has been singers have fur- Leyi&latuee At an auction sale at the "carrying place" at West the wlinl ! ionizations desiring appear procès- state to a law the kept up; good Tile Inhabitants ut I leering, In town meeting Saturday Eastnort The was at the dinner Ouoddy, pass impairing obligation consideration. uiul the Hand, the Preserved Fish college represented of the If the ( sion are requested to Gen. Sheridan, nished vocal music, Hospital r· Eagle C'ompuuv sold all Movement Powdo rly bj peninsular. gentlemen appointed a notify of contracts, because the framers of the con- Brunswick—Joslah Gatchell to Elizabeth ( assembled, HHHistrute against any legislation A Against a Committee on lnulau altalrs knew who will them in the line. Th« instrumental music. A new parlor grand which Town ot Its their uro|«rty at that place. They will tell by Prof. G. C. Chase, who made felicitous what an advan assign places stitntion could not have had a charter in mind β ttchell. laud aud buildings. it>00. shall take (10111 the any portion tage and encouragement It would in ) Cadets is the or- lias been introduced into the middle lei aud annex the same to the ot fort their Lubec The which Socialistic Knights. were also made Kev. be, the lin Washington (colored) only when mentioned 'contract.' piano rltory City property. company, speech. Addresses by of cattle aud to our they Daniel wht h shall is raislug crops, Indians, the ganization which lias yet notitied Gen. Sberi· Wllliston Church. convalescent ward of the pavilion for land: anil also against any legislation composed of Messrs, Wolff