JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY, 14(2): 314-318, 1994


Sergio de Almeida Rodrigues

ABSTRACT The first larval stage oiAxiopsis serratifrons (A. Milne Edwards) is described and illustrated. The larva has a smooth carapace, abdominal somites 2-5 with dorsal spines, endopod of antenna with 3 setae, mandibles symmetrical, endopod of maxillule and maxilla 2-segmented, maxil- lipeds 1 and 2 with 3-segmented endopod, maxilliped 3 with unsegmented endopod, and telson without median process. This is the firstlarva l stage of an Axiopsis to be identified with certainty.

The larval life of the Axiidae, a family second stage larvae were reared in the lab­ containing about 100 species (Sakai and de oratory by Bull (1934), and several other Saint Laurent, 1989) is very poorly known. stages were described from the plankton: Larvae attributed to this family have been second and third stages by Gumey (1942); described by Gumey (1924, 1938), Lebour third stage by Sars (1884); third stage and (1941), Kurata(1965), and Wear(1965), but one postlarva by Bjork (1913); but the com­ in many cases it is not possible to recognize plete larval development is still unknown the genera or the family is doubtfully iden­ (Bourdillon-Casanova, 1960). tified. A last-stage larva, obtained in a In this paper the first stage larva of Ax- plankton sample from Bermuda, changed to iopsis serratifrons (A. Milne Edwards) is de­ a postlarva in the laboratory and was con­ scribed from material reared at Curasao, sidered by Lebour (1941) as belonging to Lesser Antilles, during a stay at the Carai- the genus Axiopsis, subgenus Paraxiopsis, bisch Marien-Biologisch Instituut (CAR- now regarded as a junior synonym of Eu- MABI). These results were included in an trichocheles Wood Mason (see Sakai and de unpublished monograph submitted to the Saint Laurent, 1989; Rodrigues and Ken- University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Rodrigues, sley, 1991). 1983) to obtain the degree of Privat-dozent. In four axiid species, larvae of known par­ Axiopsis serratifrons was first described entage have been described: (1) Axius sti- from the Pacific Ocean (A. Milne Edwards, rhynchus Leach—The first and second stage 1873), and later recorded from the Indian and one postlarva were obtained from the Ocean and the Red Sea (de Man, 1925). In plankton by Webb (1921); (2) Axius plec- the western Atlantic this axiid was recorded torhynchus Stahl—Gumey (1938) dissected by Kensley (1980) who examined speci­ ripe eggs and described the prezoea and some mens from Bermuda, Florida, and Belize, first stage larval characters observed through and compared them with material from the the embryonic cuticle; (3) Calocarides co- Gilbert Islands, Bikini Atoll, and South Af­ ronatus (Trybom)—Three larvae possibly rica, concluding that the species was rather representing the second stage were de­ variable in its morphology and widely dis­ scribed by Elofsson (1959); (4) Neaxius vi- tributed in the shallow tropical seas. More vesi (Bouvier)—A first stage larva obtained recently, the species was recorded from Bra­ from the e^s by Berrill (1975) was figured zil (Rodrigues and Kensley, 1991) and the in dorsal view, but not described. Virtually Pacific coast of Colombia (Lemaitre and nothing is known about the larvae of rep­ Ramos, 1992). resentatives of Axiopsis and no first stage axiid larvae have been described from spec­ imens reared in the laboratory. MATERIALS AND METHODS Of the closely related family Calocaridi- One ovigerous female was collected on 2 December 1966 at the entrance of Piscadera Baai, Curasao, at a dae, a taxon recently resurrected by Kensley depth of about 2 m, in a burrow dug in coral debris. (1989), only Calocaris macandreae Bell has The eggs were attached to the first, second, and third had its larval life investigated. The first and pair of pleopods and were approximately 1 mm in


8-10 Figs. 1-10. Axiopsis serratifrons, first larval stage: 1, whole larva in lateral view; 2, telson in dorsal view; 3, antennule; 4, antenna; 5, mandible; 6, maxillule; 7, maxilla; 8, maxilliped 1; 9, maxilliped 2; 10, maxilliped 3. All scales in mm. diameter. The yolk was entirely segmented and the lichirus major Say (see Rodrigues, 1976: fig. 3). After ventral plate, without yolk, filled about one-fourth of 4 days, the yolk occupied half of the egg and the eyes the total egg mass. This aspect corresponds to stage 4 became visible as 2 crescent-shaped dark spots (stage in the subdivision proposed by Boolotian et al. (1959: 5). On the sixth day, the yolk was reduced to the area 216) for the embryology of decapods, and already used of the cephalothorax, limb buds became visible, the to describe the development of the thalassinidean Cal- eyes became elliptical, the heart started beating, and a 316 JOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY, VOL. 14, NO. 2, 1994 single red chromatophore appeared in the mouth re­ Maxilla (Fig. Tj.-Endopod 2-segmented, gion (stage 6). On the next day, 2 chromatophores ap­ with 3 apical slightly plumose setae and 2- peared in the middle of the telson (stage 7). On the ninth day, the yolk was drastically reduced (stage 8) 2 slightly plumose setae on proximal seg­ and the prezoea started moving actively inside the egg ment; exopod with 3 plumose setae, 2 api­ shell (stage 9). On the next day, the prezoea hatched cal, 1 subapical, and 2 marginal plumose (stage 10). Between stage 4 and stage 10,10 days elapsed. setae; protopod with 5 endites bearing 2-4- Only one prezoea reached the first stage zoea, but died 3-2-5 setae from distal to proximal, all se­ 3 days after, without molting to the second stage. Another female carrying eggs was obtained from the tae of proximal lobe and one of subproximal same locality on 12 January 1967. The eggs were not lobe plumose, others smooth. examined in order to avoid disturbing the parent . Hatching took place 3 days later and 13 larvae Maxilliped 1 (Fig. 5j.—Exopod and endo­ were isolated in Petri dishes. Six days later, 2 of these pod about same length; endopod with 2 con­ died in the process of molting to the second stage. The strictions suggesting beginning of triseg- others died without molting. These larvae showed sev­ eral incompletely developed setae. mentation, 4 apical plumose setae and 1 or 2 plumose setae on mesial margin; exopod unsegmented, with 4 apical plumose setae; RESULTS basis with 4 pairs of plumose setae on me­ sial margin, coxa with 4 plumose setae on First Larval Stage (Figs. 1-10) mesial margin. Body. —Total length about 3 mm. Laterally compressed and transparent, except for 3 Maxilliped 2 (Fig. 9j.—Endopod shorter reddish chromatophores, 2 on telson and 1 than exopod, 3-segmented, distal segment on buccal region, and dark pigment on eyes. with 8 plumose setae, 5 apical, 2 on mesial and 1 on external margin, remaining seg­ Carapace (Fig, 1). —Smooth, without teeth, ments with 1 or 2 plumose setae on mesial serrations, linea thalassinica, or cervical margins; exopod unsegmented, with 4 api­ groove; rostrum straight, slightly longer than cal plumose setae; basis with 2 plumose se­ half length of carapace, with few delicate tae on distal portion of mesial margin, coxa short hairs near apex. Eyes elliptical and naked. sessile. Abdomen (Fig. i^. —5-segmented, somites Maxilliped3 (Fig. iOj.-Endopod one-half 2-5 with dorsal spines, spine of somite 2 length of exopod, unsegmented, with 3 api­ two times longer than remaining spines, so­ cal setae bearing few spinules and 1 sub­ mites 4 and 5 with small posterolateral apical seta; exopod with 5 apical plumose rounded spines, somite 6 fused with telson setae; basis with 1 smooth seta on mesial (Fig. 2). and 1 on external margin, coxa naked. Antennule (Fig. ij. — Unsegmented; distal Pereiopods and pleopods. —Not developed. extremity with 6 smooth setae; exopod re­ duced to long plumose seta. Telson (Fig. 2). —Approximately heart- shaped, without median process; postero­ Antenna (Fig. 4). —Exopod with apical spine lateral spine (spine 1) stout with 4 spinules and 8 plumose setae on mesial margin, ex­ on inner margin; spine 2 reduced to hair; ternal margin smooth, straight; endopod spines 3-6 plumose, about same size and reaching beyond midlength of exopod, with more than 3 times longer than spine 1; spine 3 apical plumose setae; protopod with strong 7 as long as spine 1, but more flexible and plumose spine near base. plumose; central indentation of posterior Mandibles (Fig. 5/—Symmetrical, cutting margin slightly pilose. edge with 4 strong and 2 weak teeth; molar region slightly serrated; endopod absent. Maxillule (Fig. 6). —Endopod 2-segmented Remarks with 3 apical smooth, 1 subapical plumose, A comparison of the larva of ^. serratif- and 2 marginal plumose setae; protopod rons with previous descriptions available in distal lobe with 2 serrated teeth and 3 spi- the planktonic literature shows that only niform setae, proximal lobe with 1 short species A, stage 1, from Bermuda (Lebour, spinose, 5 long plumose, and 1 smooth se­ 1941: 418, fig. 42) is closely related to it. tae. The outline and posterior spines of the tel- RODRIGUES: HRST STAGE LARVA OF AXIOPSIS SERRATIFRONS 317 son are alike, but in other aspects, such as LITERATURE CITED the margins of the rostrum and carapace, Benin, M. 1975. Burrowing, aggressive and early lar­ the number of setae on the maxillipeds, and val behavior of Neaxius vivesi (Bouvier) (Decapoda, pigmentation, differences can be noted, pre­ Thalassinidea).—Crustaceana 29: 92-98. cluding specific identification, perhaps even Bjorck, W. 1913. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Deca- considering that the adults of ^. serratifrons podenmetamorphose. II. Uber das postlarvale Sta­ dium von Calocaris macandreae BelL—Arkiv for exhibit some degree of variation (Kensley, Zoologi 8(7): 1-8. 1980). Boolotian, R. A., A. C. Giese, A. Farmanfarmian, and In A. stirhynchus, A. plectorhynchus, and J. Tucker. 1959. Reproductive cycles of five West C macandreae, development is abbreviat­ Coast .—Physiological Zoology 32: 213-220. Bourdillon-Casanova, L. 1960. Le meroplancton du ed, the larvae hatching with pereiopods and Golfe de Marseille: les larves de Crustaces Deca- pleopods (Webb, 1921;Gumey, 1938; Bull, podes.—Recueil des Travaux de la Station Marine 1934). In opposition, the absence of these d'Endoume 30(18): 1-286. appendages in A. serratifrons and the very Bull, H. O. 1934. The newly-hatched larva of Cal­ ocaris macandreae Bell.—Report of the Dove Ma­ simple morphology of maxilliped 3, with rine Laboratory 3: 48-50. few setae and an unsegmented endopod, are Elofsson, R. 1959. A new decapod larva referred to indications of a long larval development, Calocarides coronatus (Trybom).—Universitet i Ber­ probably with five stages or even more. gen Arbok 7: 1-10. However, considering the wide circumtrop- Gumey, R. 1924. Decapod larvae.—Natural History Reports of the "Terra Nova" Expedition, Zoology ical distribution of ^4. serratifrons (Kensley, 8: 37-202. 1980), a long planktonic life is not surpris­ . 1938. Larvae of decapod Crustacea. Part V. ing, rather, it is to be expected. Nephropsidea and Thalassinidea.—Discovery Re­ Konishi (1989) compared the main zoeal ports 17:291-344. -. 1942. Larvae of decapod Crustacea.—Ray characters among five thalassinidean fam­ Society, London, England. Pp. 1-306. ilies (Konishi, 1989: table 3). In contrast to Kensley, B. 1980. Notes on Axiopsis (Axiopsis) ser­ the characters considered as typical of the ratifrons (A. Milne Edwards) (Crustacea: Decapoda: axiids, the larva here described has less seg­ Thalassinidea).—Proceedings of the Biological So­ mented endopods in all mouth parts and ciety of Washington 93: 1253-1263. . 1989. New genera in the thalassinidean fam­ telson without median process. As re­ ilies Calocarididae and Axiidae (Crustacea: Decap­ marked above, the small number of endo- oda).—Proceedings of the Biological Society of podal segments may be related to a long Washington 102: 960-967. larval life. Concerning the absence of the Konishi, K. 1989. Larval development of the mud shrimp Upogebia (Upogebia) major (De Haan) telsonic median process, the first stage larva (Crustacea: Thalassinidea: Upogebiidae) under lab­ figured by Berrill (1975), as well as the spe­ oratory conditions, with comments on larval char­ cies A of Lebour (1941), also lack this pro­ acters of thalassinid families.—Bulletin of the Na­ cess. Thus, it is possible that this is a char­ tional Research Institute of Aquaculture 15: 1-17. acter common to several related species or Kurata, H. 1965. Larvae of decapod Crustacea of Hokkaido. 9. Axiidae, Callianassidae and Upoge­ genera within the family. However, knowl­ biidae ().—Bulletin of Hokkaido Regional edge of the larval life of axiids is still so Fisheries Research Laboratory 30: 1-10. scarce that it seems a temerity to attempt Lebour, M. V. 1941. Notes on thalassinid and pro- any generalization. The situation has not cessid larvae (Crustacea Decapoda) from Bermu­ da. —Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)7: improved much since Gumey (1938: 300) 401-420. considered that "it is perhaps rash to at­ Lemaitre, R., and G. E. Ramos. 1992. A collection tribute to the Axiidae any larvae which do of Thalassinidea (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the Pa­ not show abbreviated metamorphosis and cific coast of Colombia, with description of a new the characters common to the two species species and a checklist of eastern Pacific species.— Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington known." 105: 343-358. Man, J. G. de. 1925. The Decapoda of the Siboga- Expedition. Part 6. The Axiidae collected by the Si- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS boga-Expedition.—Siboga Expeditie 39^(5): 1-128. Milne Edwards, A. 1873. Description de quelques The Netherlands Ministry of Education and Sciences Crustaces nouveaux ou peu connus provenant du provided a grant for a visit to the Caraibisch Marien- Musee de M.C. Godeffroy.—Journal des Museum Biologisch Instituut, and this support is gratefully ac­ Godeffroy 4: 77-88. knowledged. The manuscript was prepared for publi­ Rodrigues, S. de A. 1976. Sobre a reprodu^ao, em- cation by Luciana Poli Preto, to whom I am most briologia e desenvolvimento larval de Callichirus thankful. major Say, 1818 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Thalassi- 318 JOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY, VOL. 14, NO. 2, 1994

nidea).—Boletim de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao podemes Forvandlinger. L Nephrops, Calocaris, Ge- Paulo 1:85-103. bia. — Archiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab 9: . 1983. Aspectos da biologia de Thalassinidea 155-204. do Atlantico tropical americano.—Tese (Livre Do- Wear, R. G. 1965. Zooplankton of Wellington Har­ cencia) Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Bio- bour, New Zealand.—Zoology Publications from ciencias da Universidade de Sao Paulo. Pp. 1-144. Victoria University of Wellington 38: 1-31. and B. Kensley. 1991. Eutrichocheles pin- Webb, G. E. 1921. The larvae of the Decapoda Ma- datyba, a new axiid shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: crura and Anomura of Plymouth.—Journal of the Thalassinidea) from Brazil.—Proceedings of the Bi­ Marine Biological Association of the United King­ ological Society of Washington 104: 556-560. dom 12: 385-417. Sakai, K., and M. de Saint Laurent. 1989. A check list of Axiidae (Decapoda, Crustacea, Thalassinidea, RECEIVED: 19 August 1992. Anomura), with remarks and in addition description ACCEPTED: 23 June 1993. of one new family, eleven new genera and two new species.—Naturalists [Tokushima Biological Labo­ Address: Departamento de Ecologia Geral, Instituto ratory, Shikoku Women's University, Japan] 3: 1- de Biociencias and Centro de Biologia Marinha, Univ­ 104. ersidade de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 11461, CEP 05422- Sars, G. O. 1884. Bidrag til Kundskaben om Deca- 970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil.