

Common Disorders in Adults: Part II. , Seborrheic Keratoses, , , Diabetic Dermopathy, , and Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation DANIEL L. STULBERG, M.D., and NICOLE CLARK, M.D., Utah Valley Family Practice Residency Program, Provo, Utah DANIEL TOVEY, M.D., Intermountain Health Care Health Center, Springville, Utah

Nevi, or moles, are localized nevocytic tumors. The American Society’s “ABCD” rules are useful for differentiating a benign from malignant melanoma. While acanthosis nigricans may signal an underlying malignancy (e.g., gastrointestinal tumor), it more often is associated with resistance (type 2 , polycystic ovary syndrome) or . Melasma is a facial hyperpigmentation resulting from the stimulation of by endogenous or exogenous estrogen. Treatments for melasma include bleaching agents, laser therapy, and a new medication that combines , tretinoin, and fluocinolone acetonide. Lesions that develop on the shins of patients with diabetic dermopathy often resolve spontaneously; no treatment is effective or recommended. Tinea versicolor responds to treatment with selenium sulfide shampoo and topical or oral antifungal agents. Postinflammatory hyperpigmenta- tion or can occur in persons of any age after trauma, skin irritation, or dermatoses. (Am Fam Physician 2003;68:1963-8. Copyright© 2003 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

This is part II of a two- yperpigmentation usually can part article on hyper- be traced to the presence and pigmentation in adults. activity of melanocytes. Part I Part I, “Diagnostic Approach, Café au Lait of this two-part article pre- Macules, Diffuse sents a suggested approach to Hyperpigmentation, Hpatients with increased pigmentation. Part II Sun Exposure, and continues the review of conditions associated Phototoxic Reactions,” with hyperpigmentation. appears in this issue on page 1955. New, Changing, or Symptomatic Localized Lesions FIGURE 1. maligna before vertical A localized hyperpigmented or irregularly growth phase into pigmented lesion that is new in onset, arises melanoma. This article is one in a within a congenital nevus, or causes pain or series coordinated by itching could be a malignant melanoma (Fig- Daniel L. Stulberg, ures 1 through 3).The American Cancer Soci- M.D., director of der- ety has developed useful guidelines for identi- matology curriculum at fying suspicious nevi (Table 1).1 [Evidence the Utah Valley Family Practice Residency Pro- level C, consensus/expert guidelines] gram, Provo, Utah. When possible, suspicious lesions should be excised totally for pathologic evaluation. If size or location precludes complete excision, incisional biopsy (usually punch biopsy) is performed.2 See page 1898 for Seborrheic keratoses are localized, benign, definitions of strength- hyperplastic, hyperpigmented lesions that of-evidence levels. may mimic . The hyperpigmenta- FIGURE 2. Nodular malignant melanoma.

Downloaded from the American Family Physician Web site at www.aafp.org/afp. Copyright© 2003 American Academy of Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved. FIGURE 3. More subtle appearance of malig- FIGURE 5. Thickening and hyperpigmentation nant melanoma. of the skin in acanthosis nigricans.

tion is associated with hyperplasia of melano- TABLE 1 cytes.3 Experienced physicians usually can dif- Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma ferentiate seborrheic keratoses based on their sharp borders; tan, brown, or black color; and Asymmetry. One half of the mole does not match the other half. typical appearance. These lesions have a Border irregularity. The edges of the mole are irregular, ragged, blurred, or notched. “stuck-on” appearance, with a surface that is Color. The color over the mole is not the same. There may be differing shades rough and craggy (Figure 4, left) or smooth of tan, brown, or black, and sometimes patches of red, blue, or white. with small keratin “pearls” (Figure 4, right).4 Diameter. The mole is larger than 6 mm (about 1⁄4 inch or about the size of a If seborrheic keratoses are symptomatic or pencil eraser), although in recent years, physicians are finding more there is a question about possible malignancy, melanomas between 3 and 6 mm. the lesions should be removed and sent for Other important signs of melanoma include changes in size, shape, or color of a mole or the appearance of a new spot. Some melanomas do not fit the pathologic evaluation. ABCD rule described above, so it is particularly important to be aware of changes in skin lesions or new skin lesions. Acanthosis Nigricans Acanthosis nigricans, usually related to Reprinted with permission from What you should know about melanoma. or obesity, ranges in appear- Atlanta: American Cancer Society, 1999. ance from a thickened, velvety brown streak- ing to a leathery, verrucous, papillomatous lesion (Table 2).The condition commonly occurs on the or in skin folds (e.g., in the , under the breast, at the belt line, in the groin), but it may develop in other parts of the body. Patients with this condition may com- plain that they have a “dirty area” that cannot be cleansed (Figure 5). Microscopically, acanthosis nigricans is characterized by an increased number of melanocytes, with papillary hypertrophy and .5 Associated hypertrophy and hyperkeratosis cause acanthosis nigricans to be palpable rather than macular. FIGURE 4. Seborrheic . (Left) Rough, craggy surface. (Right) It is important for physicians to recognize Smooth surface with keratin “pearls.” acanthosis nigricans, because the condition

1964 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 68, NUMBER 10 / NOVEMBER 15, 2003 Acanthosis nigricans can be associated with insulin resistance (, polycystic ovary syndrome), obesity and, occasionally, malignancy.

can be associated with insulin resistance (as present in 86 percent of the children with type occurs in type 2 diabetes and polycystic ovary 2 diabetes but in none of the children with syndrome), obesity and, occasionally, malig- type 1 diabetes.7 [Evidence level B, retrospec- nancy. Type 2 diabetes is increasing in inci- tive cohort study] dence in the United States, especially among If a patient rapidly develops acanthosis black and hispanic children; 60 to 92 percent nigricans, especially on the palms or soles, of these children have acanthosis nigricans.6 occult malignancy is a possibility. A thorough According to one study7 that compared 50 physical examination, a , a children with type 2 diabetes and 50 children complete blood count, fecal occult blood test- with type 1 diabetes, acanthosis nigricans was ing, and chest radiography should be consid-

TABLE 2 Characteristics and Treatments of Selected Hyperpigmentation Disorders

Hormone or Sun or other Associated systemic Disorder Appearance Age of onset medication related exposure involved complications Treatment

Acanthosis nigricans Velvety brown color, Adolescence Insulin resistance Not involved Increased risk of Treat underlying located in axillae, on to adulthood diabetes, disease or neck, and in areas polycystic ovary condition. of skin folds syndrome, With acute onset dyslipidemia and, (especially on palms possibly, or soles) in nonobese underlying adults, evaluate malignancy carefully for malignancy. Melasma Macular Adulthood , use Increased by None Treat for cosmesis; hyperpigmentation of oral sun exposure avoid sun of cheeks, , contraceptive exposure; use and upper lip pills, phenytoin bleaching agents, (Dilantin) therapy laser therapy, or . Diabetic dermopathy Papular pink or brown Adulthood Uncertain Not involved Multiorgan Treat underlying eruption evolving to dysfunction diabetes. macular, sometimes related to confluent brown underlying eruption on anterior diabetes shins Tinea versicolor Dark or light scaly Adolescence Increased sebum Hypopigmented None Treat with topical lesions, single or through production appearance selenium sulfide confluent patches adulthood starting in because shampoo, or on trunk adolescence tanning topical or oral process is antifungal blocked agents. Postinflammatory Localized, macular, Any age Not related Reaction to of Refer patient to hyperpigmentation brown trauma skin because of cosmetic hyperpigmentation (physical or underlying injury dermatologist. at site of chemical injury), or condition inflammation skin irritation, or dermatoses

NOVEMBER 15, 2003 / VOLUME 68, NUMBER 10 www.aafp.org/afp AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 1965 ered if the patient does not fit the typical clin- ical pattern of insulin resistance.8 [Evidence level C, consensus/expert guidelines] Adeno- FIGURE 6. Facial hyperpigmentation of melasma. carcinomas are the most common malignan- cies found in patients with acanthosis nigri- cans; the tumors are most often present in the agent available in 2 to 4 percent creams and stomach (60 percent), followed by the colon, gels, have been the mainstays of topical treat- ovary, pancreas, rectum, and uterus.9 ment. Combining tretinoin and hydro- Treatment of acanthosis nigricans is di- quinone (applied at different times during the rected at the underlying cause, rather than the day) can potentiate the effect. appearance of the skin. If present, insulin A new medication that contains tretinoin, resistance should be managed appropriately. hydroquinone, and fluocinolone acetonide Screening for hypercholesterolemia and coro- (Tri-Luma) has been effective in the treatment nary artery disease may be appropriate, of melasma. In a company-sponsored, dou- depending on the clinical picture. ble-blind, randomized controlled trial of the triple-combination agent, 77 percent of Melasma patients showed complete or nearly complete Pregnancy or the use of hormones clearing of melasma, compared with 47 per- (e.g., oral contraceptive pills) can cause cent for hydroquinone and tretinoin, 42 per- melasma, a localized facial hyperpigmentation cent for fluocinolone acetonide and hydro- (Figure 6).Melasma may be seen in patients quinone, and 27 percent for tretinoin and who take phenytoin (Dilantin). While melasma fluocinolone acetonide.12 [Evidence level B, may regress after pregnancy, it may increase lower quality randomized controlled trial] with each subsequent pregnancy and become The triple-combination agent should be quite obvious. Because of the facial location, applied daily, 30 minutes before bedtime. Aze- melasma may be quite disturbing to patients. laic acid (20 percent), kojic acid formulations, Frequently called the “mask of pregnancy,” and alpha-hydroxy acids also have been useful melasma (chloasma) differs from the ruborous in the treatment of melasma.13 glow of pregnancy. Histologically, women Side effects of all topical treatments include who have this condition develop an increased allergic and , depigmenta- number of melanocytes, with the deposition tion of surrounding normal skin, and post- of additional and a background of inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Tretinoin solar elastosis, typically on the cheeks, fore- alone or combined with hydroquinone and head, and upper lip.10 Examination using a fluocinolone acetonide should not be used Wood’s light in a darkened room demon- during pregnancy. strates enhanced contrast if hyperpigmenta- If no increase in contrast is seen with use of tion affects the epidermal layer of skin.11 the Wood’s light, the deeper dermal tissues Patients with hyperpigmentation of the usually are involved, and bleaching agents will superficial epidermal layer who desire treat- not help.11 Laser therapy may be used for ment may attempt a trial of bleaching agents superficial epidermal or deeper dermal after patch testing elsewhere on the body to melasma, but strict avoidance of sun exposure confirm low levels of inflammation. Use of is important to prevent recurrence.14 [Evi- bleaching agents on inflamed skin could lead dence level C, expert opinion] to postinflammatory changes and further hyperpigmentation. Diabetic Dermopathy Tretinoin 0.1 percent (Retin-A) cream and Diabetic dermopathy (pigmented pretibial hydroquinone (Eldoquin Forte), a bleaching papules) develops in up to 70 percent of

1966 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 68, NUMBER 10 / NOVEMBER 15, 2003 Pigmentation Disorders — Part II

the skin of the anterior trunk and back. The increased sebum production allows the prolif- eration of Pityrosporum ovale or Pityrosporum orbiculare ( furfur),17 which can cause a brown, pink, or reddish discoloration of the skin. Technically a papulosquamous eruption, tinea versicolor presents as numerous macules or slightly raised papules with subtle scale. FIGURE 7. Diabetic dermopathy. Patients may have a coalescence of lesions or a single patch with an irregular border. The lesions of tinea versicolor may be several cen- timeters in diameter, or they may cover most of the trunk. Over time, the Pityrosporum species can block the conversion of tyrosine to melanin,18 leading to hypopigmented patches instead of increased coloration. The scale on the surface of the affected skin (Figure 8) and the “spaghetti and meatball” appearance of fungal forms on a potassium hydroxide preparation help to clarify the diagnosis. Tinea versicolor may be treated with topical FIGURE 8. Tinea versicolor, with scaling on the selenium sulfide shampoo in a daily or weekly inferior lesion and hyperpigmentation in the treatment regimen. Once a day for one week, two superior lesions. the selenium sulfide shampoo is allowed to dry on the affected skin for 10 minutes before patients with diabetes.15 This condition usually the patient showers. Alternatively, once a week affects the skin of the anterior tibial area, where for four weeks, the selenium sulfide shampoo it starts as a papular pink or brown eruption is left on the skin for 12 to 24 hours, after and progresses to a macular, sometimes con- which time the patient showers. fluent, brown dermatitis, with the coloration Topical antifungal agents (e.g., allylamines, caused by hemosiderin deposition (Figure 7). azoles, undecenoic acid) also are effective ther- The exact cause of the lesions is unknown. apies for tinea versicolor.19 [Evidence level A, The lesions of diabetic dermopathy may Cochrane review] Because of the amount of resolve spontaneously, even as new lesions arise. topical medication required and the length of Treatment should focus on the patient’s dia- treatment (several weeks), orally administered betes. No treatment for the asymptomatic cuta- agents have been studied and found to be effec- neous lesions is effective or recommended.16 tive.20 [Evidence level A, Cochrane review] A 2 percent ketoconazole shampoo, left in place Tinea Versicolor for five minutes, has been shown to have a cure While tinea versicolor is not truly a hyper- rate of 69 percent after one application.21 , it is included in this review because affected skin on the trunk may Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation appear darker than normal. Tinea versicolor Trauma (physical or chemical injury), skin rarely occurs until after adolescence, when irritation, and dermatoses can lead to postin- production of sebum increases, especially in flammatory hyperpigmentation or hypopig-

NOVEMBER 15, 2003 / VOLUME 68, NUMBER 10 www.aafp.org/afp AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 1967 Pigmentation Disorders — Part II

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1968 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 68, NUMBER 10 / NOVEMBER 15, 2003