November 2013 In this issue UPDATE: Church of God Responds UPDATE: Church of God Responds to Philippines to Philippines Typhoon Disaster Typhoon Disaster , 1 Church of God Dedicates First Building in Former Soviet Stronghold, 2 he death toll from Typhoon Haiyan strongest storms ever measured on earth, Urban Ministry in Greece is staggering. Church of God Disaster packing wind gusts of 235 miles per hour and Reaches Lost, Crosses Relief is partnering with World Relief stretching across 1,150 miles at one point. The Borders, 3 Tand the Wesleyan Church for an immediate typhoon has compounded existing problems Strengthening Native response, including distribution of food and in the Philippines, including a deadly earth- American Ministry in the Great Plains, 5 water, and possible staging of work camps. quake on October 15 and numerous typhoons Doing Time on the Other We are in contact with Eddie Viray and earlier this year. Side of the Bars: Ministry to other Church of God national leaders in the You can help. donate today to Church Families of Prisoners, 6 Philippines who are continuing to meet the of God Disaster Relief at Several Denominations, Just needs of thousands already devastated by the disaster-relief. One Subject, 7 October 11 typhoon. Children of Promise also “During this time some prophets traveled from Church of God Pastor Walks Across Entire County, 8 continues to monitor the needs of sponsored Jerusalem to Antioch. One of them named Agabus First Components of New Life children in the area. The extent of the dam- stood up in one of the meetings and predicted by Together Now Available, 8 age is still uncertain, but catastrophic loss the Spirit that a great famine was coming upon Church of God Agencies is expected. Power in the area is not likely the entire Roman world. (This was fulfilled during Unite to Pray for Pastors, 9 to be restored for weeks, and the needs are the reign of Claudius.) So the believers in Antioch For Leaven’s Sake, 10 great. Your gift to Disaster Relief will help our decided to send relief to the brothers and sisters brothers and sisters to rebuild their lives. in Judea, everyone giving as much as they could.” Subscribe Typhoon Haiyan, said to be one of the —Acts 11:27–29 nlt To subscribe to this e-newsletter, please go to chognews-subscribe. Your news To submit news items regarding your church, district, state/regional assembly, or organization for possible use in CHOGnews, send an e-mail to [email protected] along with a short summary, including contact information. For the most up-to-date news, go to

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Existing damage in Philippines following Typhoon Nari a several weeks ago. Photo courtesy of Children of Promise. CHOGnews 1 November 2013 Church of God Dedicates First Building in Former Soviet Stronghold By Carl Stagner

New Testament, Acts of the Apostles phenomenon—that’s what Jim Lyon, general direc- Ator of Church of God Ministries, calls the body of believers that makes up the Church of God in Chelyabinsk, Russia. Over the past twenty years, this first- generation church that meets in three different locations has raised up four pastors and an impressive multitude of disciples. Jim and the team from Christians Broadcasting Hope (CBH) recently returned from Russia, where they celebrated the dedication of the first-ever building of the Church of God in Chelyabinsk. “Here we have a city much like Walentin Schüle and Andrei Kolegov address the Church of God at the building dedication. Corinth, Ephesus, or Philippi must have been in the Acts of the Apostles, where Joyful praise and thanksgiving rang was overwhelmed by the emotion of it.” a voice of the gospel landed and per- out from the voices of hundreds over Bob Edwards, director of the Global suaded people who knew not God at all the second weekend of October. “To be Ministry Group at Church of God Minis- and never even considered Jesus. Now in the main meeting hall,” Jim recalls, tries, was another of twenty-two guests we have committed followers of our “filled to capacity with people standing from the United States who joined the Lord, who in these twenty years have around the edges because all the chairs celebration. “Worship the Lord! That’s developed their own shepherds, just as are taken, and to realize that just a gen- what we did. We worshiped him in Rus- you can imagine in the New Testament eration ago, there was nothing. Twenty sian, Ukrainian, German, and English. where Paul appoints elders in the places years—just in the blink of an eye by the The bright sanctuary echoed with the he’s been.” measure of history—it made me cry. I praise of Jesus. And the view of hun- dreds of persons climbing the front steps and walking into a beautiful sanctuary had great meaning. Wow!” Until the Communist government fell, Chelyabinsk had been closed to outside travel. In the spring of 1992, eighteen high school students and fourteen adults from the Church of God in Florida embarked on a cultural exchange program over Easter. These Church of God students and adults integrated the gospel into their conver- sations with students and teachers at a local school in Chelyabinsk, and thirty- three souls surrendered to Christ. The Church of God had begun in an almost entirely atheist city. The church gathered for foot washing in celebration of the new building. continued on page 4 CHOGnews 2 November 2013 Urban Ministry in Greece Reaches Lost, Crosses Borders By Carl Stagner

astor Vassilios Tsirmpas is driven with a world to reach the lost. This lawyer- unfamiliar with turned-pastor of the Church of church. By foster- PGod congregation in Athens, Greece, ing relationships has determined to engage the culture in with the poorest community activities that paint Christi- of the poor, build- anity in a new light. While the message ing bridges across remains the same, the gospel is commu- generational and nicated in a way that effectively connects cultural divides, Vassilios Tsirmpas and taking action to make the community a better place, guy from the Middle East was playing Vassilios is exemplifying Jesus’ ministry another kind of music. I told him that of reconciliation to God and humankind. his music was very good and also invited him to Sounds of the City. He asked if Speaking the Culture’s Language he could bring his wife and kids, and I Sometimes you have to take risks. Often replied that our church is here for them.” you have to go to where the people are if Sounds of the City was turned into a you want to lead them to Christ. Vassi- venue for sharing the message of Christ. lios did both when planning a Sounds of the City concert. “This neighborhood is An Unlikely Phone Call diverse and has a lot of crime, but it also Since Vassilios began pastoring in Ath- has a lot of artists. Last Easter, I went ens, he’s wanted to take the gospel into to the square of this neighborhood and another Athens neighborhood where the found a group of young people playing gospel has had only limited impact. A instruments and singing about drugs. few months ago, he ignored a phone call But at the end of the song, they sang: that had come from an unrecognized ‘And God please send your angels to put number. Though he normally does not us to sleep.’” return such calls, he was impressed to Immediately, Vassilios saw an oppor- return this one. When the woman on tunity to connect. “I said, ‘Okay, I’m the the other side picked up, she insisted pastor of a local church, and we’re put- that she had never placed that call! Then ting together a program and calling it something amazing happened. Sounds of the City. Would you like to Instead of ending the call, the two come? I’d like to hear more of this. I’d introduced themselves and realized like to hear your songs, but we’re going they were actually acquaintances from to have other songs, as well.’” many years ago. This woman, who had For these amateur musicians, it was a dropped out of church, had just opened complete surprise that someone dressed a restaurant in the neighborhood the as a well-to-do lawyer would want to congregation had prayed about. She celebrate their beloved art form. “At first asked Vassilios whether a Bible study the guys couldn’t believe that somebody for that neighborhood, held at her res- like me would even invite them inside taurant, would be possible. Coincidence? a church,” Vassilios recounts. “Later, Not when God is involved! I walked to a nearby cafeteria and a continued on page 4 CHOGnews 3 November 2013 Greece continued from page 3

Heavenly Light For generations, the cultural norm in Greece was that the poor served the rich. As the church in Greece takes steps to serve the needs of those living in poverty, this cultural norm is replaced by God’s love. “We began working with an organization that has a drug rehabili- tation program. So twice a week in the evenings they come; we have the base- ment reserved, with hot chocolate in the winter, a chance to eat, clean them- selves, and join the program to get off the street. The building used to be dark in the evenings; now twice a week, there is light shining in the neighborhood.” Greeks hold a unity service with Vas- Indonesia—the most populous Muslim Crossing Borders silios and the Church of God in Athens. country in the world—and preach to a As the church seeks to address social Vassilios preaches in Greek, his message crowd of fifteen thousand! concerns such as drug abuse, lack of is translated into the language of the “The more we move forward, the education, and limited child care, doors Indonesians, and those who have never more needs come to the forefront, and are opened to the spread of the gospel. heard the gospel in their own language the more excited we are,” Vassilios con- Doors have also been opened to min- listen intently. Now, more doors have cludes. “The potential for God’s work is ister to Indonesian Greeks. Once each opened. As a result of these unity servic- great. Please pray for us.” month, a local group of Indonesian es, Vassilios was recently invited to visit

Stronghold continued from page 2

“It’s hard for most of us in the West to comprehend a world in which God simply was not discussed or considered at all,” Jim explains. “For more than sev- enty years, Soviet Communism taught several generations to be atheists—that science and the Communist party were the only transcendent anchors in life. before,” Jim adds. “Where the church is but I think by the hand of Providence, And after a few generations of that, the constructed is proximate to killing fields. this church building, a center of life in knowledge of God faded. And here we During the Stalinist purges, thousands Jesus’ name, has been constructed there. have this rebirth of life and energy and of people were murdered outside of the I have to believe that there is a divine eternal life that has come out of the city and their bodies thrown into the old triumph in that. Where once people ashes of that Soviet-Communist frame mines in the area. This part of the city were without hope, where their lives of thinking.” has recently grown up, which lies across were taken without cause by the cover Today the Church of God in Chely- the marsh and the original Chelyabinsk, of darkness, now there stands a building abinsk continues to infuse Christ into and it was in this area where thousands filled with light and love and laughter. a community whose history speaks of of people were murdered every year And it is a doorway to heaven. I promise a tremendous need for hope. “I discov- and nobody knew what had happened you I will never forget that.” ered on this trip what I had not known to them. Without anybody’s knowledge, CHOGnews 4 November 2013 Strengthening Native American Ministry in the Great Plains By Ryan Chapman

od has connected many people, ministries, and congregations through the years in try- Ging to help meet the needs of Native Americans. This is a people group that has suffered greatly by the near total upending of their way of life. Poverty, alcoholism, life expectancy, suicide, school dropout rates, and sexual abuse for those on the reservations are much worse than national averages. Through the years these persons have been served by many groups who Breaking ground on the new community building. take food and clothing, offer VBS teams during the summer, work on building Americans and to develop those who Stanley and Sylvia Hollow Horn, these projects, financially support, and in will follow after them. Church of God leaders are excited for many others ways work to develop key Another major step forward in the this central gathering place to serve the relationships. But God is clearly work- ministry at Wounded Knee, South needs of the community and share the ing to take this ministry and partnership Dakota is the Place of Promise project. hope of Christ. to a higher level. In January 2013 Sher- Place of Promise will house a recre- Emily Clark, a recent graduate of man and Kay Critser transitioned from ational center, offices, and classrooms Anderson University School of The- cross-cultural ministry in Africa to to benefit the people of Wounded Knee. ology who has had a burden for this cross-cultural ministry in Scottsbluff, This ministry endeavor is being devel- ministry, and who has served the Native Nebraska. There they now give part- oped by Pastor Steve Carney, Emily Americans in a variety of ways, will be time leadership to the Inter-Cultural Clark, and Ruby Harp, of the Church the on-site leader for Place of Promise. Chapel, but the major part of their min- of God in Germantown, Ohio, with the Reflecting on the commitment of the istry is focused on working to increase assistance of many others. In partner- Germantown Church of God, Place of the capacity of our leaders to Native ship with Wounded Knee leaders Pastor Promise, Church of God Ministries, and the many other congregations and indi- vidual supporters, Pastor Steve Carney said that there seems to be a conver- gence of ministry initiatives with a focus on the needs of Native Americans. We give thanks to our Lord for that and want to be in step with Spirit as it relates to this work. A ground-breaking ceremony for Place of Promise took place on Septem- ber 20. Actual construction is to begin in June 2014. For additional information about Place of Promise and to learn how you can help, contact Emily Clark at 269- 312-0837 or [email protected].

Ryan Chapman is the Church of God Minis- tries liaison to Native American Ministries. CHOGnews 5 November 2013 Doing Time on the Other Side of the Bars: Ministry to Families of Prisoners By Carl Stagner

ou’ve probably seen the bumper call to your incarcer- sticker that says, “My child is ated family member on the honor roll.” But you’ve at any time. There Yprobably never seen the bumper sticker are hoops to jump that reads, “My child is at the county through. But today jail.” Linda Davis offers this contrast to there is LOOP. stress that parents of the incarcerated are Loved Ones Of anything but proud of their children’s Prisoners (LOOP) achievements—and often alone in their exists to provide shame. Davis, necessary moral, who attends the spiritual, and Church of God in informational support to families of think about the mother and father, the Hartville, Ohio, prisoners. Linda Davis, with husband brother and sister, the grandparents. knows exactly Ed, founded the organization in the They don’t deserve it. Yet they serve time what it’s like to spring of 2012. too. We want to be there for them.” carry the emo- “This one inmate asked me if I was Davis recently spoke to criminal jus- tional weight of ashamed of my son. Oh, yes I was. My tice majors at Anderson University, as having a son in son went to prison. He was raised in well as to School of Theology students Linda Davis prison. She also church. He was at church camp. He sang and central Indiana pastors. Her mes- knows all too in church. Yeah, I was really ashamed sage is spreading, and so is her model well what it’s like to have no support of him. It brings you down to a place of for ministering to families of prisoners. system. And that’s a terrible problem despair. How could this happen to me? Linda connects with congregations and when states like hers have fifty thousand But I had to take my eyes off of me and offers them a guidance and experience people in the prison system. focus on him. So I started learning and for beginning a local chapter. If your “We’re an incarceration nation,” researching, and I formed LOOP. Today church is interested in the possibilities, Davis explains. Statistics show that the I’m not ashamed of him. Today I thank contact Linda Davis at 330-212-6661 or United States has the highest percentage God for the blessings that came out of by e-mail at [email protected]. of residents behind bars of any country it.” This November, Ed and Linda cel- in the world. While several excellent ebrate one year that their son has been ministries reach out to prisoners, prison- out of prison. CHOG Fast Fact ers leaving the system, and children of LOOP offers not only practical infor- prisoners, very few focus on the needs of mation and resources for these families the parents. “I want to help families who but regular support meetings, which 11,232 are thrown into something they never have begun to spring up all over Ohio. expected,” she adds. At these meetings, guest speakers such The number of Davis certainly had never suspected. as jail chaplains and drug counselors How could her son end up in prison? She are featured, common experiences are eligible voting felt alone. Like many fathers and moth- shared, up-to-date legal information is members of the ers of children who are serving time, disseminated, prison regulations are she did not know how to effectively discussed, and programs available for General Assembly. cope with the wide range of ensuing assisting the prisoner back into society emotions, much less navigate the com- are offered. plexities of the prison system. For those “When watching the news, you see More info at http://chog. who have not experienced the prison people who are in jail because they’ve system, you can’t just walk in and visit done something wrong. They deserve org/general-assembly. at will, and you can’t simply place a it,” Davis explains. “But we don’t often CHOGnews 6 November 2013 Several Denominations, Just One Subject By Carl Stagner

recent tweet* from Jim Lyon on the subject of unrest in the Mid- dle East suggested that in some Aparts of the world, typically divisive subjects become trivialities: “The luxury of division in the body of Christ evapo- rates in a world where professing Jesus as Lord brings persecution, even death.” Others have said that when we all get to heaven, there’s going to lighting, one church ran sound, and be one church, each church helped lead worship. In so why not start addition, a prayer tent was set up for living like it now? those requesting special prayer. The Huber Heights churches made food available, and a Church of God in local Christian radio station showed up Roger Hamilton Huber Heights, to help promote the event. Ohio, is reaching There’s something special about their hands beyond themselves, bringing churches setting aside differences to a taste of heaven to earth. They recently focus on the subject of all of their min- organized a worship service featuring istries—Jesus. “The common thread was several denominations, but just one Jesus, and we made sure we communi- subject. cated that,” Hamilton recounts.. It was “Our biggest thing was to have an all about the Lord getting praise. We opportunity for churches to lift up the want everyone working together in har- name of Christ,” Pastor Roger Hamilton mony in order to touch lives for Christ.” explains, “and second, to be intentional It’s a tremendous witness when about bringing about unity with other people get along who are normally churches in the area.” Regardless of divided by differences. Perhaps this is denomination, culture, or worship style, because there’s a divine source for such you were invited to be a part of Worship unity—“one heart, and soul, and mind in the Heights. we prove—the union heaven gave us.” Six other churches participated and Church of God songwriter Charles Nay- led in the worship experience, rep- lor’s words remind us of the powerful resenting one other Church of God witness of unity in the body of Christ. congregation, a Methodist church, a “Hopefully the community will see that Southern Baptist church, an indepen- it’s not about us,” Hamilton explains. dent church, and a Grace Brethren “When there’s so much hatred and divi- church. Each church came away from sion in our society and in our nation, I the worship service with hearts warmed think it’s another way we can have a and spirits lifted. positive influence on the community.” From the planning stages to the Jesus is the subject. actual event, all six churches were repre- Christian Women sented. Instead of holding the service at *Posted on Twitter, September 11, 9:47 pm Connection one of the churches, the churches chose edt. You can follow Jim Lyon, general direc- to meet in a neutral venue, the YMCA tor of Church of God Ministries, on Twitter amphitheater. One church brought @PastorJimLyon. CHOGnews 7 November 2013 Church of God Pastor Walks Across Entire County “I started training about two months thon earned well in excess of twenty before the walk-a-thon,” Pratt recalls. thousand dollars, and funds are still “I’ve never participated in an organized coming in. The growing congregation sport or trained for anything. God was is working to raise pledges in excess of the only one who truly knew I could do one million dollars just to get the site this! I now have tired feet, but fresh eyes prepared by next spring. for the people of Putnam County and for Pratt’s journey across the county, our church’s mission here.” accompanied by church volunteers The walk-a-thon’s purpose was to who took shifts to ensure she was never astor Melissa Pratt, of Teays raise community awareness about the alone, was covered by a local news Valley Church of God in Scott church’s new project—the building of report. In that report, she was recorded Depot, West Virginia, had no a new community and ministry center, saying, “When I think about the life Pidea what she was in for when she which will be open to the commu- and ministry of Jesus, the one we’re fol- decided to walk across Putnam County nity for recreation, social interaction, lowing after, he walked everywhere he in just four days. The personal walk-a- banquets and receptions, conferences, went. And that gave him an opportunity thon, dubbed “Mission Possible,” took concerts, and more. to see life in each village, from the peo- place during the week of October 7. In Community members were also ple’s perspective, and to connect with just four days, the pastor walked 68.8 given an opportunity to make a finan- them on their level. I have a whole new miles total through every major town cial pledge to the walk-a-thon, and the respect for the beauty of Putnam Coun- and area in Putnam County. support was tremendous. The walk-a- ty, for the people of Putnam County.” First Components of New Life Together Now Available

hurch of God Ministries (CGM) grandchildren. This kind of spiritual is delaying the full release of its mentoring is needed new generation of discipleship more than Cresources known as New Life Together ever, and to allow the new CGM general direc- grand- tor and his team to assess the ministry p a r e n t s needs of the church. Details about that are ideally strategy will be announced in the com- positioned ing months. However, two core books to provide of the New Life Together program are it. A series of being released in November. stories from Every-Member Ministry, by Dr. Kevin Mark’s own Earley, of Metropolitan Church of God childhood in Detroit, shows how to engage an show how entire congregation in active ministry. powerful the Dr. Earley explains that all spiritual gifts influence of a are given for the good of the community. godly grand- The challenge is for every congregation parent can be. to learn how to develop and use those To order this gifts in “the priesthood of all believers” book, visit www. (1 Pet 2:5, 9). To order this book, visit “We have developed leaders’ guides, “Their release will depend on strategic A Call to Grandparenting, by Pastor video discussion starters, and other tools decisions that our general director is Mark Adcock, of New Life Christian to help congregations experience New preparing to make. In the meantime, Fellowship in Fortville, Indiana, sum- Life Together to its fullest,” says Joe we hope many churches will use Pastor mons older Christians to disciple their Allison, CGM coordinator of publishing. Earley’s and Pastor Adcock’s books.” CHOGnews 8 November 2013 Church of God Agencies Unite to Pray for Pastors By Carl Stagner

very senior pastor and his or her staff. Each one. Covered in prayer over the thirty-one days Ethat make up October. During Pastor Appreciation Month 2013, Church of God Ministries joined forces with Chris- tian Women Connection, Children of Promise, Warner Press, and Silent Bless- ings to specifically pray for the pastors of all 2,100-plus Church of God congrega- tions in the United States and Canada. Additionally, this group of intercessors has prayed for our missionaries and chaplains by name. At the start of each weekday through- out the year, Church of God Ministries gathers for a few minutes to pray. We pray for churches that are currently without a pastor. We pray for ministers any and all associates, staff, and volun- Richardson, the Leadership Develop- who are battling cancer. We pray for teers that assist them in their ministry. ment, Congregational Multiplication, camp meetings and conventions. And Together we’ve prayed for the families and Health Ministry Group. He often we pray for needs represented among of our pastors. And together we’ve asked leads the morning prayer circle at the staff. But during the month of Octo- the Lord to help each pastor not lose Church of God Ministries. Through ber, we have been blessed to breathe the love, enthusiasm, and commitment the year, his team works diligently to each pastor’s name to the Lord. that accompanied his or her call into resource, encourage, and equip pastors. The five organizations that operate ministry. But this massive prayer effort for Church in the building that once housed The “We love and honor our ministers of God ministers has truly been special. Gospel Trumpet Company have not and are so thankful for all that they “It has been an honor and a privilege to simply uttered the pastors’ names and do,” Randy Montgomery explains. pray for them by name this month,” he moved on. Together we have prayed for Montgomery co-directs, with Mark reflects. At first, it seemed to some like an insurmountable task to pray specifically for each pastor while continuing to do the ministry required of each office. But when our affiliated and freestanding agencies agreed to partner with Church of God Ministries, we were able to achieve together what would have been very difficult apart. It has truly been a joy to unite in prayer for those who serve on the front lines of ministry.

“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and the love you have for all God’s people…”—Colossians 1:3–4 niv

CHOGnews 9 November 2013 God’s Plenty-Good-Enough Promises By Sam Collins

s you navigate our increasingly ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false techy world, perhaps you’ve messiahs and false prophets will appear “I keep hearing about Jesus come across the term vaporware. and perform great signs and wonders to calling. But does he text?” AIt’s a designation that refers to an elec- deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matt ©2013 Kevin Spear tronic product that has been promoted, 24:23–24 niv). [email protected] hyped, and ballyhooed with the fervor The Lord knew that even the good of an evangelistic tent meeting, but news of the gospel is susceptible to which isn’t available and actually may overhyping and questionable promo- never be. tional practices. The kingdom of God Outlandish claims are made; inflat- he was announcing was sufficient on ed assurances are given. Promotional its own merits. It did not need the kind STOP purveyors may insist that their stellar, of cranked up volume and overinflated pocket-sized innovation will enable you expectations he warned against. WAITING to text, place phone calls, surf the net, What Jesus came to proclaim is provide prenatal sonograms, perform as powerful when spoken in a barely START touchup cosmetic surgery, defibrillate a audible whisper as when bellowed in a malfunctioning heart, and microwave a manner that threatens to generate a wil- ACTING pizza with a single touch and click. But, debeest stampede. What it can and will in reality, it’s a creation that is as likely deliver is ultimately more life-changing to materialize as a chicken that’s been and affirming than distortions that Degree programs crossbred to lay fully-cooked eggs and smack more of the promo of the huck- designed specifically bacon—with a side of hash browns. ster than the power of the Holy Spirit. for adults Even if the word is new or unfamiliar We ministers, Christian leaders, and to you, the essence of the phenomenon laypersons aren’t called to crank up our likely is not. Anyone who’s been around adrenaline flow and try to sell the spiri- On Campus or Online for more than the duration of a photo- tual equivalent of vaporware, which, flash is familiar with overwrought, more often than not, underdelivers and overblown promises. Most political consequently undermines the credibil- speeches, for example, are so chock-full ity of Christ’s message. We are here to of pledges that will never be fulfilled speak the clear, unpretentious, ultra- that they are little more than gigantic powerful truth and let God’s Spirit do vaporware landfills. the work of blowing the doors off their Though the church is supposed to hinges and delivering on God’s plenty- be busy calling the culture to turn back good-enough promises. from its disingenuous, self-aggrandiz- ing, self-destructive ways, we too often The views expressed in this column are not take our cues from some of the most necessarily those of Church of God Ministries dubious impulses of business and poli- or, at points, even the writer, but are written tics. Perhaps that’s why Jesus warned his with tongue firmly planted in cheek to hope- followers, “At that time if anyone says fully provoke a leavening bit of laughter and to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, a smidgen of thought. CHOGnews 10 November 2013