News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

National News

The 6th MENARID Project Board Meeting with the Membership of Two New Institutions involved in Natural Resources Nazli Honarbakhsh | MENARID Communication Assistant


winter 2015 - No. 8 76 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

0(1$5,' LQ  DQG quest. The coordinate line future programs of the was constructed. In these SURMHFW IRU  ,Q WKLV lands, with participation PHHWLQJIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH RIWKHSHRSOHKHFWDUHV representatives of Min- were silvicultured. Our re- istry of Energy and De- quest is to create drip irri- partment of Environment JDWLRQIRUWKLVKHFWDUHV were present and upon We request the governor’s hearing of MENARID’s RI¿FHWRUHJLVWHURXUORFDO activities, requested coop- council. These two meas- eration and further com- ures have been very signif- munication especially in icant and unprecedented rehabilitation and man- in our village. agement of Hamoon wetlands, livelihood for women in Then, Mr. Teymourie, representative of Vahdat Abad vil- villages and studies regarding quality of water in Sey- lage, Yazd province expressed: in our village natural re- mareh river in big Karoon area. sources were at the verge of destruction and people had Of other important issues in this meeting, like the previ- no hope for any improvements. Poverty was prevailing in ous sessions, were presence of the representative of the lo- the village and we had high immigration rate. Until ME- cal communities from MENARID project sites to express NARID project was implemented in neighboring villages. ideas and opinions in the meeting. These individuals are When we realized that the aim of the project is to retrieve selected through a participatory approach by rural com- hope and motivation to the rural community using proper munities to attend these meetings. Mr. Salimi, representa- methods, we requested its implementation in our village. tive of Razin village community from Kermanshah, in the Presence of MENARID and its activities brought new hope meeting expressed the key events which had taken place DQGPRWLYDWHGSHRSOH$VWKHLU¿UVWPHDVXUHSHRSOHFRO- by the efforts of MENARID and participation of the rural lected their old tools and equipment and set up museum of community as follows: By MENAIRD project entering our anthropology in the village. People collected and donated village, our attitude changed. We realized that we have to these tools in a self-mobilized act for them to be demon- have an active village council. Hence we selected one rep- strated for all. This museum can be effective in attracting resentative from each district to be a member and we se- tourists. A motto as agreed by the village population was lected 22 representatives. These representatives hold meet- selected: We will bring blessing back to the village by pre- ings in the mosque in the village. Authorities of the project serving and rehabilitating natural resources. travel a long distance to meet and assist us in resolving the Also, deputy resident representative of UNDP in , issues in the village which we acknowledge. FRQVLGHULQJVXFFHVVIXORSHUDWLRQRIWKHSURMHFWDQGSHU- Of other measures undertaken in the village was return of FHQWDFKLHYHPHQWDQGSURJUHVVLQUHTXHVWHGDYLVLW occupied lands to natural resources which was a self-mo- to be organized for ambassadors of countries cooperating bilized act by the people of the village and upon their re- with UNDP in development, from sites of the project.

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MENARID Project in Fourteenth Environmental Exhibition in Tehran Nazli Honarbakhsh | MENARID Communication Assistant

Fourteenth Environmental Exhibition in 7HKUDQ ZLWK WKH WLWOH RI ³*UHHQ (FRQRP\ Resistance Economy” was held in permanent site of international exhibitions on February ,QWKLVDQQXDOH[KLELWLRQYDULRXV sectors related to environment participate including industries, institutions, companies and civil society organizations and so on. MENARID project is one of the international projects implemented by Forests, Ranges and Watershed Organization which is involved in WKH¿HOGRIRUJDQL]DWLRQDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJDQG coherence for Integrated Natural Resources Management (INRM). This project, provided books, newsletters, informative posters in the stall of the organization and shared its knowledge and experiences in INRM, attracting local community participation, introduction of alternative and sustainable livelihood options with other organizations and those interested in the environment and natural resources. It also responded the questions of those interested individuals and environmental and natural resources’ experts.

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Successful Assessment of MENARID Project in 2014 Audit Niloofar Sadat Dehghan | MENARID Finance Assistant $XGLWLQJSURFHVVIRURI0(1$5,'SURMHFWWRRN monitoring and evaluations performance, supervision SODFH)HEUXDU\WR0DUFKE\%DKUDP on human resources, management of contracts and Moshar Institute. This is one of the leading institutes management of assets were assessed. Along with review and member of Iranian Formal Auditing Society which RI DOO GRFXPHQWV LQ WKH FHQWUDO RI¿FH RI WKH SURMHFW has a long history of cooperation with UN agency in annual visit from one sites of project was conducted. auditing International projects. (YHQWXDOO\WKHDXGLWUHSRUWRIIRUWKHSHUIRUPDQFH This working process is undertaken every year as a general RI 0(1$5,' SURMHFW DVVHVVHG YDULRXV ¿HOGV 7KHVH supervision on the function and progress of international ¿HOGV LQFOXGH ¿QDQFLDO PDQDJHPHQW PRQLWRULQJ projects. In the auditing process of MENARID project’s and evaluation, contract management and asset performance, optimized use of international funds, management. Based on the report, MENARID project REVHUYDWLRQV RI ¿QDQFLDO UHJXODWLRQV VXSHUYLVLRQ RQ KDVPDQDJHGWRUHDOL]HWKHSURYLVLRQVPDGHE\ MENARID Project Was Introduced in the First Employment Conference with Focus on Public Employment Sara Torabi | MENARID Environmental Economy Expert 7KH ¿UVW FRQIHUHQFH RQ ³(PSOR\PHQW ZLWK )RFXV RQ measures by UNICEF and UNDP in creating livelihood 3XEOLF(PSOR\PHQW´ZDVKHOGLQ)HEUXDU\LQWKH and joint projects with developing countries and also Ministry of Labor, Cooperative and Social Welfare to MENARID and Hablerud and carbon sequestration collect recommendations and existing strategies in the projects were discussed with the participants. ¿HOGRISXEOLFHPSOR\PHQWWRFRPEDWHPSOR\PHQWFULVLV +RRVKDQJ -D]L 130 RI +DEOHKUXG DQG 0(1$5,' along with water crisis in Iran. This seminar was an projects in the second session of this seminar described the opportunity to introduce public employment programs approaches and best practices of MENARID and Hablerud and experiences of joint water and land management projects with regards to the public employment. The issues preservation programs with focus on employment and stressed by him were participatory implementation of public welfare in rural areas of Iran. In light of this, it was activities and establishment of organizational coherence discussed invaluable experiences which are steps towards to implement livelihood schemes in both projects. He also replication and development of public employment in mentioned the volume of livelihood opportunities created Iran and best practices at international and national levels. and income generation through implementation of projects Considering that aim of this two-day workshop, good in target villages and said that through implementation of experiences of India, Afghanistan, Argentina and sustainable livelihood projects in these villages along with

winter 2015 - No. 8 73 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project promotion of household income, the pressure on natural replicated at provincial and national level, and informed resources is mitigated and in this way the objectives the participants of the request of seven other provinces pertinent to prevention of land degradation are realized. for replication of this project. At the end, he made -D]LFRQWLQXHGWKDWHYDOXDWLRQWHDPRI0(1$5,'SURMHFW recommendations on sustainable livelihood and income has recommended for the strategies of both projects to be generation projects. Team Work and Team Building Workshop Mehdi Farahpour | MENARID Integrated Natural Resources Management

Considering the provisions made by knowledge management unit of MENARID project to hold participatory management and team work training workshops, third session of the series of sextet ZRUNVKRSV ZDV KHOG LQ -DYDQVKLU Center in Karj dated February 1,  IRU  GD\V ,Q WKLV ZRUNVKRS concepts of group, team and mass were discussed and distinguished. Characteristics of team and team work were other topics of this workshop. 17 experts of MENARID and Hablerud projects participated in this workshop which teached by Seyed Babak Moosavi Nejad.

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The Fifth Joint Meeting of International Projects on Natural Resources and Environment Asiyeh Rezaee | MENARID Admin Assistant

7KHWKMRLQPHHWLQJRILQWHUQDWLRQDOSURMHFWVLQWKH¿HOG the session are: of natural resources and the environment was held on ,QWURGXFWLRQRIWKHPRVWHIIHFWLYH1*2WRSURYLQFLDO )HEUXDU\   LQ WKH SUHPLVHV RI ³0XOWLIXQFWLRQDO RI¿FHVWROLDLVHZLWK0U0DJKD]H\LDQGZRUNJURXSRI Management of Hyrcanian Forest” in Chaloos attended 1*2VVXSSRUWLQJWRXULVPDQGVXVWDLQDEOHGHYHORSPHQW by NPMs of the projects. In this meeting, two active 2- Introduction of a capacity building expert in tourism DJHQWV LQ WKH ¿HOG RI WRXULVP PDUNHWLQJ DQG VDOHV RI IURP HDFK SURMHFW WR ZRUNJURXS RI 1*2V VXSSRUWLQJ indigenous products, exchanged their best experiences tourism and sustainable development and joint secretariat and knowledge with others attending the meeting and with this group. PDQDJHUVRISURMHFWV*HQHUDOFRQFOXVLRQVDSSURYHGLQ 3- Holding a joint workshop on tourism and marketing

winter 2015 - No. 8 71 and sales of indigenous products and grassroot *UHHQ%DQNLQJMRLQWSURMHFWRI.HVKDYDU]L2 organizations Bank and UNDP ,QWURGXFWLRQRI.DIVKGX]DNVKRS1 managed 6- Conservation of Iranian Wetlands, joint by Mr. Pazouki in pilot villages of the projects project of Department of Environment, UNDP, which have achieved production and also DQG*() transportation costs of his trip to these pilots 7- Conservation of Biodiversity in the Central for once. Zagros Landscape, join project of Department MENARID project as an umbrella project with RI(QYLURQPHQW81'3DQG*() the aim of sharing and exchanging knowledge 8- Conservation of Asiatic Cheetah, joint among international projects of UNDP in Iran project of Department of Environment, UNDP in management of the environment and natural DQG*() resources took measures to establish a join  3DUWLFLSDWRU\ 0DQDJHPHQW RI )RUHVW DQG secretariat. Member projects of this secretariat 5DQJHVMRLQWRI)5:2DQG-,&$ are:   'HVLJQ DQG GHYHORSPHQW RI VRFLDO 1- Institutional Strengthening and Coherence protection and national empowerment to IRU,QWHJUDWHG1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV0DQDJHPHQW± mitigate poverty, create livelihood and 0(1$5,' -RLQW SURMHFW RI )5:2 81'3 realization of universal development, joint DQG*() project of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor 2- Sustainable Management of Land and Water and Social Welfare, and UNDP Resources, joint project of FRWO and UNDP. 7KHQH[WPHHWLQJVKDOOEHRQ$SULO 3- Carbon Sequestration, joint project of hosted by Preservation of Biodiversity of FRWO and UNDP Central Zagros in Shahr-e Kord. To access the 0XOWLIXQFWLRQDO0DQDJHPHQWRI+\UFDQLDQ agenda of this meeting refer to MENARID Forests, joint project of FRWO, UNDP and website in join secretariat section as follows: *() KWWSZZZPHQDULGLUID1HZV

1. Lady bug 2. Agriculture News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Kamyar Shokouhi Razi MENARID provincial Expert Sistan and Baluchistan

One Day of Natural Resources’ Week Was Named MENARID in Hamoon Area

Department of Natural Resources and Watershed RI 6LVWDQ  %DOXFKLVWDQ province, named one of the days of Natural Resources’ :HHN GDWHG 0DUFK   as MENARID. In light of this and in order to celebrate MENARID day, provincial RI¿FHRIWKHSURMHFWLQ+DPRRQ site implemented training- cultural programs. In this day, DWRWDORIIUXLWDQGVKDGH seedlings were distributed in cooperation with Department of Forestry of Natural Resources and Watershed of the province among schools,

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local organizations, local communities and municipality of Ali Akbar City. The aims of this action were developing green landscape and advocate the culture of natural resources. In light of this and in order to advocate green life a number of these seedlings were cultivated in the schools of the site in collaboration with students and teachers. Also, during the ceremony, a number of seedlings were cultivated in Ali Akbar City Park in presence of people, authorities of city council and the mayor.

Celebration of World Wetlands Day in Sistan & Baluchistan :RUOG ZHWODQGV 'D\ LQ ,UDQ 6LVWDQ  Baluchistan province was celebrated in collaboration with Department of the Environment at provincial level, University of Zabol and MENARID project in the premises of the university. February second has been named as “World Wetlands Day” due to the importance of preservation and conservation RIWKH:HWODQGVVLQFH The world lagoon day in Iran was held as Saving International Wetlands of Hamoon in this province through seminars and visits from Wetlands. In this celebration, Deputy to the President and Head of the Department

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of the Environment, Resident Representative RI WKH 81 $PEDVVDGRUV RI *HUPDQ\ LQ DQG Afghanistan in Iran were presented which indicated the international will to resolve the issue of drying Wetlands. This celebration was an effective measure to raise awareness among people, authorities and international community to take these Wetlands into consideration and environmental effects of these Wetlands drying. The delegation visited the achievements of MENARID in the site and executive procedure of the projects. They attended the livelihood FRPSOH[RI*ROH*D]DQGYLVLWHGZDWHUUHVHUYRLU and activities undertaken in the complex and exchanged ideas with the authorities of the participatory complex which is related to local organizations of Keikha village.

Rural Community and Authorities of Hamoon in Environmental Walk of Keikha Village

(QYLURQPHQWDO :DON WRRN SODFH ZLWK  ORFDO community members of Keikha village, Head of Agricultural and Natural Resources and Livestock Research Center of Sistan, Manager of Agricultural -LKDGRI+DPRRQDQG'LUHFWRURI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHV RI +DPRRQ &RXQW\ LQ -DQXDU\  WRZDUGV WKH JUHHQKRXVHRI*ROH*D] At the end of the walk along with a visit of the complex by local community and authorities, MENARID Provincial Project Manager provided concepts on environmental issues in the area including land degradation and water and soil

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management and new methods of exploitation. He referred to water reservoir pool currently constructed in the complex with a geo-membrane insulator and a cover of the same material to avoid evaporation and stated that construction of such reservoirs might be one of the good water management strategies in the region and considering its cost effectiveness compared to cement models is very effective to avoid evaporation and to conduct water management in the area. He also stated that having secure water reserve and proper cultivation model makes targeted planning possible to create proper added value for farmers. Then, lottery drawing took place and some participants received awards from MENARID project and authorities received memorials of their attendance in the walk was acknowledged.

Advanced Training on Biodiversity for School Students in Hamoon Site of MENARID Project )ROORZLQJWKH¿UVWWUDLQLQJFRXUVHRIELRGLYHUVLW\ girls and boys in Ali Akbar City) for 16 days. KHOG0D\E\:LOGOLIH&HQWHULQIUDPHZRUN During the training, plants and wild life of Iran RI 6*3 DQG 0(1$5,' FRRSHUDWLRQ¶V DQG LQ and the province and the region were introduced light of raising awareness on environmental and to students and their mothers where they acquired biodiversity concepts in students of Hamoon site proper information on animal and plant species of MENARID project, the second round of the and it was arranged with the management of Zabol training was held. University zoo to have a visit to promote training 7KLVWUDLQLQJZDVIRUIRXUWK¿IWKDQGVL[WKJUDGHV TXDOLW\$WWKHHQG¿QDODVVHVVPHQWFRQGXFWHGRQ DQG FRYHUHG D WRWDO RI  VWXGHQWV LQ VHOHFWHG the students and their mothers, those with higher schools (primary schools of Keikha, Deh Boland, scores were rewarded. Teymour Abad villages and primary schools of

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Educational- Cultural Center Established in Ali Akbar City future generation. Also, the library is a place which gathers children and adolescents around for cultural activities. To set up this complex, upon data collection regarding active libraries in Hamoon region was recognized that Ali Akbar City library is the only active one, hence in order to use the premises, meetings were held with the Institution of Libraries’ Affairs in the province and eventually it was decided that MENARID project is allowed to use the premises of Ali Akbar City library to establish a

Educational- Cultural Center includes Children’s technical library, play house and museum of anthropology was inaugurated in the premises of the library of Ali Akbar &LW\LQ)HEUXDU\DWWHQGHGE\+DPRRQ*RYHUQRUDWH and accompanying mission, authorities, teachers, students, mayor and members of Ali Akbar City Council. This complex was set up with cooperation among MENARID, Children Book Council and Institution of Libraries’ Affairs of Sistan and Baluchistan province with the aim of introducing environment and natural resources’ to the

technical library for children, a play house and museum of anthropology. Also, based on the provision made to train expert human resources to keep the books and manage the premises and transfer such skills to local level, approximately 25 local women and even some librarians were trained by the implementer. In this one week training session, the participants were trained on various librarianship methods, museum management and playing with children, making environmental artworks, origami.

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Agreements of Cooperation Executed between MENARID Provincial Of¿ce and Public Institutions in Sistan and Baluchistan 3URYLQFLDO RI¿FH RI 0(1$5,' SURMHFW LQ 6LVWDQ DQG The aim of provision and implementation of these Baluchistan executed some agreements of cooperation with agreements are to provide mutual cooperation 8QLYHUVLW\RI=DERO*HRVFLHQFHDQG*HRJUDSK\5HVHDUFK RSSRUWXQLWLHV DQG DGRSWLRQ RI VFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFK &HQWHU RI 6LVWDQ  %DOXFKLVWDQ 8QLYHUVLW\$JULFXOWXUDO technical achievements, human capital, data, experiences and Natural Resources and Livestock Research Center and expertise of the parties towards prevention of land of Sistan and Agricultural Engineering Organization and degradation, conservation of biodiversity, mitigation of Department of Natural Resources at provincial level. climate change effects and management of international 7KHVH DJUHHPHQWV ZHUH LQ OLJKW RI VFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFK ZDWHUVDQGDOVRRSWLPL]DWLRQRIVFLHQWL¿FDFKLHYHPHQWVLQ collaboration with research, science and study centers of agriculture, natural resources, livestock and environment. this province; moreover proper exploitation of existing According to the existing potential of parties there is an potentials in parties shall be facilitated. opportunity to enhance such collaborations.

Advanced Weaving Training Workshop Held in Sanchuli Village MENARID project in collaboration with Azad Afra training institute, held advanced weaving training workshop in Sanchuli village in winter ,QWKLVZRUNVKRSZKLFKZDVKHOGZLWKWKH aim of promoting women’s livelihood status in pilot villages and following elementary weaving workshop in Sanchulie village, a total RIZRPHQRIWKHYLOODJHZHUHWUDLQHG Of other objectives of the training which was held based on the request of the local community, promotion of women’s skills and fostering grounds for domestic businesses and experience of participatory work are to be mentioned.

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A woman’s Group Were Established in Sanchuli and Ali Akbar City in Hamoon Site of MENARID Project

Following the capacity building MENARID project planned experts of provincial and national among women of the target villages establishment of women’s group RI¿FHV HYHQWXDOO\ ZRPHQ¶V JURXS through MENARID project in two pilots. Eventually women’s of Ali Akbar City with the name of by weaving training courses in group in Sanchuli village started ³+DPRRQ´ZLWKPHPEHUVDQG Sahnchuli village and carpet and its activities with 56 members micro groups, was established. One kilim weaving in Ali Akbar City DQG  PLFUR JURXSV DQG WKH ¿UVW of the objectives of these groups is and considering the enthusiasm of meeting was held. On the other participation of the local community women with regards to collective hand through follow up of the and resolving issues and local DFWLYLWLHV SURYLQFLDO RI¿FH RI local community and efforts of the planning.

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Kilim & Carpet Weaving Workshop was set up in Ali Akbar City

0(1$5,' SURMHFW RI¿FH LQ 6LVWDQ on provisions made they received WKDW WKH LQGLYLGXDO KDV ¿QLVKHG and Baluchistan, in light of creating WUDLQLQJLQWKHVLORLQJURXSVRI ZHDYLQJ D FDUSHW LQ  GD\V DQG sustainable livelihood for local and then transferred their carpet has received her wage. The most communities in pilot villages of weaving frames to their houses. important impact of this workshop the project, in collaboration with Considering the demography and was the opportunity to establish the private sector made provisions interest of the local community to local organizations for women in for set up of a carpet and kilim have sustainable income, the project $OL$NEDU&LW\ZLWKPHPEHUVLQ weaving workshop in the silo of Ali was received with great enthusiasm 8 groups which in the future might Akbar City Cooperative. In order which in turn might be critically have an important role in further WR DFKLHYH WKLV ¿UVW HQUROOPHQW RI effective in promotion of household involvement of the local community DSSOLFDQWVWRRNSODFHDQGEDVHG livelihood status. There are cases in decision making.

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Cooperation of MENARID Project in New Energy Conference in Zabol University

The conference on “Renewable DFKLHYHPHQWVLQWKLVDUHD'U*DUVKDVEL Energies” with the aim of employing Deputy of Watershed of Forests, clean energies and prevent pollution Ranges and Wataershed Organization and environmental degradation and and Acting NPD of MENARID was preserving natural resources was held invited and had a speech in the session LQ =DERO 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ -DQXDU\  regarding low carbon societies and Managers and provincial experts the role of people in using renewable of MENARID project attended the energies. In the end of the session a conference for an induction to the memorial plaque was given to him.

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Mehrdad Zoghi MENARID provincial Expert Kermanshah

Third day of the week of natural resources was named MENARID in Kermanshah

The third day of the Week of Natural Resources in Razin village. .HUPDQVKDKGDWHG0DUFKZDVQDPHG0(1$5,' In the celebration, some authorities and local people took In this day, Razin village, a pilot of MENARID in part, such as Mr. Koulani, Manager of Natural Resources Kermanshah in collaboration with the local community and 2I¿FHRIWKHFRXQW\0V5RVWDPL'LVWULFW*RYHUQRURI SURYLQFLDORI¿FHRI0(1$5,'FHOHEUDWHG0(1$5,'¶V Bilvar and experts of the Department of Natural Resources day in symbolic manner with plantation of forest seedlings and some other authorities and MENAIRD provincial in national lands and exterior of girls’ art highschool in experts and local community of Razin village took part.

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The objective was to encourage students of the village and authorities in national lands, the presence authorities along raise awareness and knowledge of the rural community with some other members of the local community and with regards to environmental issues and respect towards experts visited the project of pot seedling development the nature and trees. project by men and women’s group in Razin village. Upon plantation of indigenous seedlings by people and Visit of Nasim and Hamdel Women’s Groups of Razin Village from Women’s entrepreneurship and empowerment exhibition

Nasim and Hamdel groups are local provincial project manager in of supply of products produced by community women’s groups in Kermanshah considered the aim of women. Razin village which were set up by this visit to be in line with develping 2- Induction to the methods of brand- the efforts of MENARID project the culture of women’s empowerment making and sales of products in pursing the aim of rural women’s and their induction to achievements stalls and induction to organizations empowerment. The groups visited and products by women in other supporting women’s production. a regional exhibition “Women’s areas. Other objectives realized 7UDQVIHUWRQHZOLYHOLKRRG¿QGLQJV role in developmen” which was set during this visit are: to the local community. up in Kermanshah for one week 1- Induction to livelihood GXULQJ )HEUXDU\  0(1$5,' environment and one of the methods

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Set up of a stall by women of Razin village in Kamareh Gereh Village District governorate of Bilvar celebrated Dah-e Fajr (traditional shoe), carpet, sewing products and Beji (sweet 5HYROXWLRQ LQ)HEUXDU\LQ.DPDUHK*HUHKYLOODJH bread). through tree plantation and walking seminar. Around 7KHUHDUHYLOODJHVLQ%LOYDUGLVWULFWKRZHYHUWKHUHZHUH ZRPHQDQGPHQRI 5D]LQYLOODJHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH only three stalls to provide village products and women of celebration and occupied one of the three existing stalls Razin village got one of them. This might be a turning in the village to provide products as produced by women SRLQW WR SURPRWH VHOIFRQ¿GHQFH LQ ORFDO FRPPXQLW\ RI in their village. These products included silk giveh Razin village to supply and sell their products.

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Emphasis of Local Group of Razin village on preservation and conservation of siviculture areas Coordination meeting between the local group of Razin village DQG SURYLQFLDO RI¿FH RI 0(1$5,' SURMHFW LQ .HUPDQVKDK was held and attended by 22 members of the local group, provincial executive manager, village governor and experts of 0(1$5,'LQWKHPRVTXHRI5D]LQGDWHG)HEUXDU\ In this meeting the members discussed some key concepts including preservation, conservation and irrigation of returned national occupied lands with the MENARID project team. The approvals of this session are: 1- Irrigation returned national occupied lands in collaboration ZLWK SHRSOH 0(1$,5' SURMHFW DQG QDWXUDO UHVRXUFHV RI¿FH during warm seasons; so that one water tanker shall be supplied E\QDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVRI¿FHDQGWKHLUULJDWLRQZLOOEHXQGHUWDNHQ by the local community. 2- With regards to preservation and avoiding cattle grazing in silviculture areas it was decided that through cooperation of the FRXQW\QDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVRI¿FHWRFRQVWUXFWDURDGIRUOLYHVWRFN passage in natural high lands by mechanical excavation and construction of 2 canales in the margines of the road.

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Monitoring and Planning Committee Meeting of MENARID Project in Kermnashah ,Q )HEUXDU\  PRQLWRULQJ DQG SODQQLQJ FRPPLWWHH Mr. Soleymani reported on the implementation process meeting was held attended by Mr. Mirzayi, Deputy of the project in Razin area and also replication activities RI 3ODQQLQJ RI *RYHUQRU¶V 2I¿FH DQG 0U 6ROH\PDQL RI0(1$5,'LQFRXQWLHV0U0LU]D\LLQWKLVVHVVLRQ *HQHUDO 0DQDJHU RI 1DWXUDO 5HVRXUFHV DQG :DWHUVKHG expressed his convenience and that of his management RI¿FHRIWKHSURYLQFHDQG0U'DUDEL'HSXW\RI:DWHUVKHG regarding project’s process and requested a report on and Provincial Executive Manager of the project in the MENARID’s replication and documentation by University PHHWLQJKDOORIWKHJRYHUQRU¶VRI¿FH'XULQJWKHPHHWLQJ of Razi for decision making on fund allocation. Provincial Technical Committee & Watershed Management Committee Meeting in Razin

Members of Technical committee and Watershed RUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGSURYLVLRQRIPRGL¿FDWLRQVLQOLQHZLWK Management Committee in Razin site held a joint meeting the objectives of the document and organizational activities with the aim of reviewing the strategic document provided within couple of weeks and their recommendation to ZLWK5D]LQDQGGH¿QLQJWKHUROHVRILQVWLWXWLRQVLQUHDOL]HG SURYLQFLDORI¿FHRI0(1$5,' WKREMHFWLYHVDVVWDWHGLQWKHGRFXPHQWGDWHG-DQXDU\ 3- Pursue of meetings at technical levels with institutions 7KHDSSURYDOVRIWKHPHHWLQJDUH and organizations seperately and implementation and 1- Set up of exclusive committees approved by majority votes. follow up of every objective of the document by each of 2- Review of recommendations in the documents by UHOHYDQWRUJDQL]DWLRQVEDVHGRQWKHLU¿HOGRILQYROYHPHQW

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Completion of Rain water Recovery Site and Set up of Drop Irrigation System in Advocacy-livelihood Farm In recent years, due to shortage of rainfalls and change of its regime and conseuqently change of climate and global warming and uncontrolled exploitation of underground water resources as an essential factor in KXPDQOLIHKDVKDGDVLJQL¿FDQWUROH+HQFH in advocacy-livelihood farm, coordinated by Dr. Chameh, rainwater recovery site was set up as a model relevant to the concepts of water and optimized use by 6RQEROH\H 7DOD\H *KDUE &RPSDQ\ LQ charge of completion and preservation of existing sites in advocacy-livelihood farm and following this effort in order to optimize use of reserved water in this site, drop irrigation was set up for the herb farm with the aim of thrift in water consumption.

winter 2015 - No. 8 55 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Set up and Installation of Data Logger Aerology in Advocacy-livelihood Farm

One of the key objectives of caused by climate change. Hence in WKHSURYLQFHDQG$JULFXOWXUDO-LKDG MENARID project is to create a coordination between the provincial Organization an electrical rain gage warning system alarming sudden RI¿FHRIWKHSURMHFWDQGWKHGLVWULFW was instulled in advocacy-livelihood temperature changes which is governor and weather bureau of farm funded by the government. Production of 100 thousands potted seedling by Nasim and Hamdel women’s groups and Kheibar men’s group Work team of MENARID in Kermanshah province, methods of production and implementation process were towards capacity building of the rural community and introduced to them. WUDLQLQJ VXVWDLQDEOH OLYHOLKRRG DOWHUQDWLYHV LGHQWL¿HG 8SRQLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIWKHORFDWLRQUHTXLUHGLQSXWVVXFKDV womens’ and mens’ groups. Production of potten wind and river sand, plastic pots, seeds of pistacia atlantica seedlings in house yards is a livelihood alternative and peer and soil and animal fertilizer were procured LQWURGXFHG WR WKHVH JURXSV 8SRQ LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI WKURXJKIXQGVDOORFDWHGE\QDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVRI¿FH,WZDV individuals with proper conditions to produce seedlings, decided that after distribution of inputs among applicants

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have required budget to allocated loans and create sustainable livelihoods. +HQFH D VHSDUDWH FRQWUDFW IRU SURGXFWLRQ RI  WKRXVDQGV VHHGOLQJV ZDV signed with men’s Kheibar group and another with Nasim and Hamdel ZRPHQ¶VJURXSWRSURGXFHDQRWKHUWKRXVDQGVVHHGOLQJV

winter 2015 - No. 8 53 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Seyed Ali Vesali MENARID provincial Expert Yazd

Benchmarking MENARID Project Discussed in the Meeting of Governors of Central Iranian Plateau and Gulf of Oman

-RLQWPHHWLQJRIIHUWLOHUHJLRQVRI&HQWUDO,UDQLDQ3ODWHDX discussed the dilemmas and problems of natural resources DQG*XOIRI2PDQZDVKHOGZLWKDXWKRULWLHVRI)RUHVWV and the environment and exchanged ideas. Ranges and Watershed of Yazd province in February 6H\\HG0RKDPPDG0LU0RKDPPDGL*RYHUQRURI

winter 2015 - No. 8 52 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

measures of all relevant organizations and institutions. articles by all participants; while the tenth article directly If there is any progress and achievement in MENARID refers to MENARID project, its benchmarking and states: project in Yazd, it is due to enhanced participation of people “Establishment of the secretariat of Watershed Integrated and rural communities who had come to the conclusion 0DQDJHPHQW LQ WKH JRYHUQRU¶V RI¿FH ZLWK WKH DLP RI that natural resources belong to them; however, in other integration of studies, planning and measures through regions, it has not been successful to advocate the notion organizational coherence and local community that natural resources and achievements and damages participation with focus on the principle of sustainable and projects belong to people. exploitation of natural resources based on good practices The meeting followed an agreement executed in ten of international projects.”

Governor of Yazd Province in Behabad Site of MENARID Project


winter 2015 - No. 8 51 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Replication of MENARID Project in Yazd Province Included in Governor’s 2f¿ce Agenda In Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of MENARID Project, chaired by Planning 'HSDUWPHQWRI

winter 2015 - No. 8 50 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Training Workshop on Prosopis Cultivation in Vahdat Abad and Kamkouyeh Villages After attendance of Prosopis expert from Fars SURYLQFH LQ %DKDEDG DQG LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DQG location of proper grounds for cultivation of the plan, in collaboration with experts of Department of Natural Resources and Watershed of Yazd province, necessary training was provided in Kamkouyeh and Vahdat Abad villages for cultivation and propagation, preservation and harvest and maintenance of the plant to the rural community. Currently, in collaboration with Department of Natural Resources of Yazd province and execution of a contract for cultivation of the plant in the area through participation of the local community and involvement RI 0(1$5,' SURMHFW¶V SURYLQFLDO RI¿FH LQ Yazd, cultivation has started. According to the FRQWUDFW LW LV SURYLVLRQHG IRU ¿YH KHFWDUHV RI the desert pastures and territory of Kamkouyeh, Vahdat Abad and Karim Abad villages to be allocated to this plan. It is worth mentioning WKDWWKLVSURMHFWVKDOOVWDUWPLG$SULO

winter 2015 - No. 8 49 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Set up of Educational-Cultural Center in Karim Abad & Vahdat Abad Villages In order to set up a Educational-Cultural center includes library and play house in pilot villages of MENARID project, required trainings were provided to those interested in maintenance and FODVVL¿FDWLRQRIERRNV Upon provision of such trainings and procurement of necessary equipment for rural libraries in pilots of Vahdat Abad and Karim Abad, marking books was conducted by Children’s Cultural Development Center. Upon delivery the books were placed in the libraries by trained individuals. Children’s &XOWXUDO'HYHORSPHQW&HQWHUKHOGWZREULH¿QJ workshops in each village for children and mothers with the aim of training and introducing WKHPRQWKHEHQH¿WVRIUHDGLQJERRNVDQGJURXS activities. These libraries are currently active in attracting members in the area.

winter 2015 - No. 8 48 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Workshop on Producing Seedling Farm to Regenerate Rangelands During this training workshop which was the outcome of the efforts by Vahdat Abad 9LOODJH'HYHORSPHQW2I¿FHLQWKH¿UVWSKDVH cultivation, preservation of forest species and seedling farm maintenance condition and its establishment were taught. In the next phase, after a period of six months, the experts of Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center and Experts of Forestry and Rangeland of Natural Resources and Watershed Department of Yazd province visited Kamkouyeh and Vahdat Abad villages and monitored the cultivation, preservation and exploitation of the seedling farms. The experts while offering training, during seven visits and DWWHQGDQFH LQ EULH¿QJ DQG DGYDQFHG WUDLQLQJ sessions provided insights on cultivation of other species of seedlings to those interested. These training workshops lead to produce  VHHGOLQJV LQ 9DKGDW$EDG DQG  ones in Kamkouieh which produced in home \DUGVE\DURXQGORFDOSHRSOH

winter 2015 - No. 8 47 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

Completion and Set up of Solar Domestic Water Heaters in Vahdat Abad

Following to implementation of successful project on ZLQWHU RI  ,Q WKLV SKDVH XSRQ LQVWDOODWLRQ RI FKDQJLQJQRQXVHSXEOLFVRODUVKRZHULQ$V¿MSHRSOH domestic water heater packages in Vahdat Abad from Vahdat Abad asked MENARID to do the similar YLOODJH E\ WUDLQHG LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR ZHUH FHUWL¿HG E\ project in their village. Hence, MENARID followed 5XUDO'HYHORSPHQW2I¿FHDQGUHOHYDQWFRPSDQ\ WKH the relevant activities via Polar Mehr Company and representative of Polar Mehr Company visited Vahdat delivered 17 packages domestic solar heaters to local $EDG9LOODJHLQ%DKDEDGIRU¿QDOFRQWURODQGYHUL¿FDWLRQ development group. The group will render them to the DQGWRLVVXHSURGXFWJXDUDQWHHV8SRQ¿QDOFRQWURORI applicants in fair process. the products, it was announced that fortunately, except ,Q WKLV UHJDUG ¿QDO SKDVH DQG FROOHFWLYH VHW XS RI IRUVXEVWLWXWLRQFDVHVWKHUHVWZHUHLQVWDOOHGSURSHUO\ domestic solar water heaters was completed during by trained individuals at local level.

winter 2015 - No. 8 46 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

“UNDP Friendship Tree” Cultivated in Cultural Education Center in Karim Abad Village in Yazd Province Nazli Honarbakhsh | MENARID Communication Assistant

0V %RZHU 0HUHVHLQL 81'3 $VLD3DFL¿F 5HJLRQDO seedlings were cultivated by Ms. Mereseini and Mr. Centre Development Effectiveness Specialist, visited Nazari Doust, UNDP Environment and Sustainable 0(1$5,' SLORW VLWH LQ

winter 2015 - No. 8 45 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project by the local community. livelihoods set up as per the request of the local community 7KHQ ,UULJDWLRQ :DWHU 0DQDJHPHQW DQG (I¿FLHQF\ by the assistance of the planning and development group. project was visited which implemented in collaboration Set up of a super market, seedlings production by women with MENARID project. In this project, a pipeline of in the village and beekeeping are examples of alternative PHWHUVLVLPSOHPHQWHGWRRSWLPL]HLUULJDWLRQZDWHU livelihoods. The young lady working in the supermarket transfer to farm lands. During this visit, people expressed said that she and another girl from the village manage the that by this project, water resources in the village are supermarket in two turns of morning and evening. She was managed properly and waste of water has decreased FRQWHQWRIPDQDJLQJWKH¿UVWVKRSLQWKHYLOODJHLQKHUVSDUH VLJQL¿FDQWO\3LVWDFKLRKRUWLFXOWXUHOLNHZLVHZDVYLVLWHG time and said that people are happy with the supermarket which farmed based on Integrated Pest and Crop since they can easily supply their needs while in the past Management (IPCM). The garden owners expressed they don’t have to travel to the city. With regards to seedling their satisfaction about the training programs by IPCM SURGXFWLRQ LW ZDV H[SODLQHG WKDW  VHHGOLQJV DUH and said that based on proper maintenance operation being produced by women as members of the planning provided by these trainings the percentage of hollow and rural development group as a domestic business. Then LQVLGHSLVWDFKLRLQWKHDUHDKDVGHFUHDVHGE\ the seedlings are purchased by the Department of Natural $IWHUZDUGVWKH2I¿FHRI3ODQQLQJDQG5XUDO'HYHORSPHQW Resources and Watershed of Bahabad County and used in of Kamkouyeh was visited. A member of Planning and target rangelands to develop seedling cultivation. 'HYHORSPHQW*URXSLQWKHYLOODJHH[SODLQHGWKHVWUXFWXUH What it could be concluded from the visit, in summery of the group as well as the method of providing the village is in follow; “Cadastral Maps”. The pool reservoir and optimized - Change of attitude and peoples’ perspective regarding ZDWHUWUDQVPLVVLRQSURMHFWLQFOXGLQJSLSHOLQHZDV methods of agriculture, husbandry and rangeland the other MENARID implementation which visited. management, Next, the expedition went to see the Marjoram farmlands - Promotion of public awareness on integrated natural ZLWK DQ DUHD RI  VTXDUH PHWHUV DQG VDIIURQ ODQGV resources and sustainable use of these sources besides  VTXDUH PHWHUV ZKLFK LQWURGXFHG WR ORFDO IDUPHUV promotion of household income by MENARID as alternative cultivation to reduce water - Close cooperation between authorities in all levels, waste and promote local income. The village members rural, regional and national, including the governor of addressed that before introducing these species as an Bahabad County, the Department of Natural Resources alternative species adapted to the village climate, they DQG:DWHUVKHGRI%DKDEDG&RXQW\DQG'LVWULFW*RYHUQRU used to cultivate wheat and barley which required a lot of along with village population. irrigation water so their yield was not enough, however Also, the local community emphasized on trainings by change of cultivation pattern guided by MENARID provided by the project and considered promotion project the income of people increased and water of technical and social skills to be effective. So they consumption was reduced. requested to continue the trainings and other MENARID The expedition to Yazd province visited other alternative implementation in the future.

winter 2015 - No. 8 44 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project


Best Practices of MENARID Project in Public Employment Schemes

Sarah Torabi | Environmental Economy Expert of MENARID Project

1- Introduction and being unable to use machineries has been manual . The third achievement of MENARID project focuses on Participation of low income rural and nomad population implementation of approaches and technologies based on in the implementation of these projects is one of the good local communities and compatible to the climate of the experiences in public employment schemes. region for sustainable management of land and water using integrated management of natural resources techniques. 2- Public Employment Scheme In order to implement this achievement, MENARID Public employment schemes are those that low-wage project has made efforts to implement water and land employment opportunities are provided through management, sustainable livelihood and payment for governmental resources for poor or low income individuals environmental services projects in its sites. In selected or those who have been unemployed for a long time and villages of MENARID project are in Bahabad region in are disappointed. These are usually jobs which are manual Yazd province, Razin region in Kermanshah, Hamoon VXFK DV SURYLVLRQ RI LQIUDVWUXFWXUHV GHVHUWL¿FDWLRQ LQ 6LVWDQ  %DOXFKLVWDQ DQG +DEOHKUXG LQ 6HPQDQ control, rehabilitation of forest lands, watershed, and and Tehran. MENARID project has implemented its rangeland rehabilitation, development of horticulture and operations in Hablehrud watershed in Semnan and Tehran cultivation of medicinal herbs) and their wages is less than provinces in cooperation with sustainable water and land average. In low income countries, public employment is management project of Hablehrud. Implementation of the best program to support the unemployed however in programs and projects in natural resources and watershed average income countries or even in high income countries due to wide dispersement in steep or hard to pass areas this method is applied under special circumstances.

winter 2015 - No. 8 43 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

3- Approach & Experiences of MENARID Project in community as joint operations. In most cases, local Public Employment Schemes community has collaborated in provision of volunteer .H\ FRPSRQHQWV RI 0(1$5,' SURMHFW DUH GH¿QHG workforce. Also, since the project was implemented to be promotion of knowledge and understanding and through local community participation, its sustainability fostering grounds to promote social capital. Promotion is guaranteed by them. of social capital and natural capital results in increased economic capital. MENARID project, through capacity :DWHUVKHG3URMHFWLQ%HKYDUG6LWH building promotion of skills in local communities and Behward is one of the regions of Hablerud watershed. establishement of rural development groups has been able :DWHUVKHGVWXGLHV LQ WKLV UHJLRQ ZHUH FRQGXFWHG LQ  to attract local community participation in implementation by Agricultural Planning and Economy Research Institute. of activities in land and water management including Reform and rehabilitation activities of this region were watershed activities. Participation of the local community XQGHUWDNHQGXULQJ±E\SODQQLQJDQGFROODERUDWLRQ in preserving and promoting water and land resources of Hablehrud project. Through capacity building training has resulted in direct and indirect increase in economic workshops, Hablehrud has been able to attract participation capital. These projects in fact are good examples of of the rural community in implementation of over fourty public employment schemes which are implemented watershed projects in Behvard. with a participatory approach in selected villages of the ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ RI WKLV ZDWHUVKHG SURMHFW GXULQJ ¿YH project. \HDUVKDVFUHDWHGMRERSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUDQDYHUDJHRI individuals in the local community. Seventy two million 4- Samples of Public Employment in MENARID Rials have been paid in total as wages to these individuals Project by the government. As a result of implementation of MENARID project has provisioned communication this project which has resulted in increased access between public sector and the local community. The to water in low lands of the region, 35 garden owners local community, through capacity building programs of KDYHUHYLYHGRYHUKHFWDUHVRISRPHJUDQDWHJDUGHQV MENARID has been able to establish rural development Also, improvement of the ranges in the region has been groups and acquire skills to implement some activities associated with an income increase equal to one billion LQWKH¿HOGRIQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHV¶PDQDJHPHQWFRPSDWLEOH Tomans for the ranchers of the region holding 2178 heads to their area of residence. Consequently, some of public of livestock. projects which were being implemented by non-local contractors were concluded through collaboration 5DQJHODQG0DQDJHPHQW3URMHFWLQ%DKDEDG of rural development groups. Considering that these Preservation of biodiversity in Bahabad region is one projects have been manual and wages were paid, they are of the mechanisms of “Payment for Environmental considered as schemes of public employment. Services” of MENARID project which is implemented Implementation of these schemes was in the frame in Yazd province. First, mthods of preservation and of agreements between the government and the local rehabilitation of plan species of Bahabd region was

winter 2015 - No. 8 42 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

studied by university of Yazd. In this study, the status of UDQJHV ZLOO LQFUHDVH IURP  WR  ,PSURYHPHQW SODQVSHFLHVRIWKHUHJLRQZHUHLGHQWL¿HGDQGVWXGLHG of vegetation coverage in ranges will be along with Effective operations include “biologic operations in the two complementary activities of “Beekeeping” and ranges”, “beekeeping”, “collection of leaf medicinal herbs” “Collection of leaf medicinal herbs” which will result and “cultivation of medicinal herbs” as provisioned and the in increased livelihood and income in two villages of agreement of implementation of PES is executed between Kamkouyeh and Vahdat Abad. MENARID project, Department of Natural Resources Costs of implementation of this project in 11 hectares LQ

winter 2015 - No. 8 41 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project sustainable management of water and land resources Net income of this project for 23 individuals in total of Hablehrud (second phase)- were is estimated to be one billion and one hundred and ten FRQGXFWHGLQ'XULQJLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKLVSURMHFW million rials. a distance of 2.5 kilometers of qanat canale length and ,Q

winter 2015 - No. 8 40 News Letter; MENARID Int’l Project

lands, herb cultivation is more effective. market. Trainings that have not resulted in For cultivation of each hectare of this income generation and livelihood have been SODQW ¿YH SHRSOH DQG HDFK SHUVRQ IRU  conducted merely with the aim of promoting working days have to be spent. Net income social capital. Also, intermediaries of cultivating every hectare of marjoram DUH UHGXFHG WKURXJK LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DQG is equal to one hundred and thrirty million establishing communication between local rials per year. In order to ensure sales of community and local and national markets. crop and generate income for farmers, Sustainability of projects is ensured WKH SURMHFW LGHQWL¿HG SULYDWH FRPSDQLHV through social community participation, DQG DFWLYH EX\HUV LQ WKH ¿HOG DQG MRLQW using local knowledge and optimize agreements were executed between them common cultivation patterns, capacity and farmers in the pilot areas. building and new applicable skills, establishment of centers to sell products 5- Lessons Learned at local, provincial and metropolitan level, MENARID project in line of implementation cooperation and interaction with private of public employment has been able to sector (such as Barij Essence Company), mitigate technical, structural and policy effective communication of private sector making barriers through participatory with institutions after capacity building and strategies and organizational coherence. participation of low income individuals and Below are a number of strategies used and women’s society. their impact on executive activities. The project through trust building has been 6- References able to establish effective communication 1- MENARID Project Documents between the government and people 2- Concept reports of MENARID and towards sustainable management of land Hablehrud Projects and water resources. Implementation of capacity building programs results in promotion of knowledge and raise awareness in local community regarding sustainable exploitation of resources in the region. Also, participatory implementation of projects reults in increased exploitation DQGUHGXFHJRYHUQPHQWDOFRVWVXSWR Training programs of the project are planned based on ensured production in

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