Due to the COVID-19 Situation it had been agreed, prior to the meeting, to discuss only urgent matters.

1. CHAIRPERSON’S WELCOME & PERSONAL MATTERS Cllr. Angharad Jones (Chairperson) welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting.

2. PRESENT: Cllr Angharad Jones; Cllr John Jones; Cllr Laura Jones; Cllr Wil Lewis; Cllr Gareth Owen (Deputy-Chairperson); County Cllr. Ifan Lloyd-Davies & Eleri Thomas (Clerk)

3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Clare Hughes (self-isolating); Cllr Mair Jones (self- isolating); Cllr Non Jones; Cllr Alun Price-Jones (self-isolating) & Cllr Doug Rowbotham apologised for their inability to attend the meeting. Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) John Evans had been advised not to attend meetings by Dyfed-Powys Police.

4. POLICE MATTERS PCSO Evans stated before the meeting, that concerns could be forwarded to him.


6. CONFIRMATION OF THE MEETING OF THE 20th FEBRUARY 2020 It was PROPOSED (Cllr Wil Lewis), SECONDED (Cllr Laura Jones) and RESOLVED unanimously that the Minutes of the Meeting of the 20th February 2020, were correct and signed as a correct record by the Chairperson, Cllr Angharad Jones. Re Minute 4: Police Matters: Neighbourhood Policing Survey: Dyfed Powys Police: Cllr John Jones had completed the Survey as an individual Councillor.


7.1 Glan-yr-Afon: re oil-tank, a response from CC stated that the land on which the tank was located, was not registered common land and evidence of a footpath running through the area, could not be ascertained. It did not appear that the county council had responsibility, in relation to the land. It is the responsibility of the owner/manager of the land to arrange for the removal of the oil-tank and to discuss encroachment issues if desired. Cllr Clare Hughes to ask Mr Tom Gilbert whether the tank had been removed. Not discussed during this meeting.

7.2 Trees growing in close proximity to the main bridge, Glan-yr-Afon: matter in hand with Cllr Doug Rowbotham. Not discussed during this meeting.

7.3 Membership of Committees within the Village: Not discussed during this meeting.

7.4 VICTORY IN EUROPE (VE) DAY 75 – 8TH MAY 2020: A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO PAY TRIBUTE TO THE HUGE CONTRIBUTION OF WOMEN DURING THE DARK DAYS OF WWII: Ystrad Fflur Community Council had registered its interest. This event has been CANCELLED in light of the COVID-19 Situation. 1

7.5 Repair of Bench, Ffair Rhos: not discussed during this meeting.

7.6 Grass Cutting over the Summer Months within the Village: to display the advert in the vicinity. Closing Date: Thursday 19th March 2020; 12 Noon. One response was received from Ceri Benjamin, Grass Cutting Contractors, Coal Yard, Station Road; . 3 Cuts Glanyrafon @ £50 per cut. 6 cuts on the entrance to the Village approximately 2metres from the main entrance sign to include the Green and the area by the Church Around Pantyfedwen Hall x 6 cuts (to include inside of the fence of the Ysgol Feithrin and the Park) 3 cuts from the wall of the bridge to 3 Pencreigiau TOTAL £1,350 It was agreed to accept the Quote on the condition that Mr Benjamin contacted the Community Council prior to cutting, to establish whether a cut was required at that time. 5 cuts would be necessary and possibly 6 cuts. To contact Cllr Wil Lewis.

7.7 COVID-19: Lock-down in the UK is expected to start within the next few days in a bid to deter the spread of the Coronavirus. Cllr Angharad Jones said that she had been approached by a concerned resident regarding Council Tax payments. Information can be obtained by contacting Ceredigion County Council 01545 570 881 or by visiting their website. It was reported that Ceredigion County Council skeleton staff will operate, as from the 22nd March 2020. Frontline workers would be available within five centres, during this challenging time.

What can the Community Council do to help its residents, on a practical level? eg shopping, collect medicine, phone for a chat etc. It was agreed to set up a Community Council WhatsApp Group; administrator Cllr Laura Jones would notify members of requests from members of the public. Facebook & WhatsApp Group of Volunteers also set up for the Village. Cllr John Jones reported that he undertook shopping and prescription collection on behalf of a few residents of Ffair Rhos who were self-isolating and was prepared to extend the work, if he knew who was in need of help. Residents without an on-line presence would not necessarily be aware of the Facebook/WhatsApp Groups. Some Cllrs had already informed vulnerable residents via word of mouth.

8. CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 Pentir Pumlumon: Short List of vital information. Pentir Pumlumon intends to use both of its Facebook pages to disseminate further information; it is recommended that interested parties follow “Pentir Pumlumon” and join “Pentir Pumlumon Members’ Group” where posts can be added. Visit Industry News can be obtained: https: // Visit Wales advises individuals to seek advice -, also Public Health Wales - For global health information please refer to the World Health Organisation at


BBC News is constantly updating World, UK and Welsh news on UK Government is providing updates covid-19-information-for-the-public

Local Government – Ceredigion County Council – updates are here - . School Closures can also be found in the Resident section of their website.


Social Media will provide a wealth of information and keep people connected. Some Facebook pages to follow: -

– Ceredigion MP • Ceredigion Coronavirus Support • CAVO Ceredigion • Welsh Government • Ceredigion County Council • Bronglais

8.2 One Voice Wales: Chief Executive, One Voice Wales, Mr Lyn Cadwallader, took part in a teleconference with the First Minister and other Welsh Government (WG) colleagues and have been asked to let local community and town councils know of actions WG will take in terms of advising those with specific serious underlying health conditions to self-isolate for a period (likely to be between 12-16 weeks) and the role they expect authorities to undertake, in conjunction with the third sector, to support these individuals during this time.

“WG are preparing to write to approximately 70,000 people in Wales with specific medical conditions to advise them to self-isolate and informing them to contact their local council if they require any help and support as a consequence of their self-isolation. This follows similar action expected in England. WLGA were also at the meeting, as were the WCVA, and they will also be planning on how they can support local authorities with this task, including harnessing local actions by volunteers to offer help and support.

The letter will also encourage people to use their own systems of support that may exist, and some may already be provided care and support by social services, however there will be a number of people who will likely need some support via the Council, and working with the third sector and community and town councils where possible. WG are able to identify the number of people likely to be affected by this in the authority area and they will share this information as soon as they can to help with the planning. It is anticipated that the local CVC will also be able to assist in harnessing the involvement of local volunteers as well as members of community and town councils. The time for planning on this is very short as WG hope to issue the letters to affected individuals either on Friday (20.03.2020) or early next week.”

8.3 One Voice Wales: FINANCIAL AND GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS ISSUE DATE – Thursday 19 March 2020 Chief Executive One Voice Wales: Mr Lyn Cadwallader,

“I am in contact with the Welsh Government and the Wales Audit Office about how Councils can manage their affairs over the coming months having regard to legislative requirements


relating to financial and governance matters whilst at the same time closely observing Government guidance with respect to essential public health issues. The Auditor General for Wales will be contacting all Councils directly in relation to a variation in the external audit arrangements for the 2019/20 audit round, which will address the concerns of Councils in relation to the normal requirement for them to meet in June to approve the accounts for 2019/20.

Another matter for Councils relates to the statutory requirement to hold the Annual Meeting in May when the new Chair/Mayor is elected. I have asked the Welsh Government for advice as to how this statutory requirement may be varied this year and as soon as I receive the advice, this will be forwarded to all Councils.

You will be aware from the previous advice I issued to you that to avoid members attending at meetings of ordinary meetings the opportunity exists for Councils to approve delegated powers to one of its officers (Usually the Proper Officer) even if the delegation is linked to a requirement for the Proper Officer to consult with designated members before taking decisions on behalf of the Council. In the case of decisions involving the authorisation of expenditure on behalf of the Council it is usual for upper limits to be set in relation to areas where the delegation can be used to approve expenditure e.g. urgent repair to buildings. It would also be appropriate for the Proper Officer to maintain a schedule of the decisions taken under the approved delegation which can then be submitted to the Council for endorsement and inclusion in the minutes at the first Council meeting held after the end of the current crisis period.

I am aware that some Councils have already agreed on contingency plans to be operated over the coming months but I would urge Councils to ensure that any essential business conducted during this period is compliant with financial and governance law and in the light of any variation of such law which is communicated to you either by my myself (in the light of guidance expected from the Welsh Government) or the Auditor General for Wales.”

For ease of reference, the guidance previously issued was as follows: -

CORONAVIRUS — INFORMATION FOR COMMUNITY AND TOWN COUNCILS ABOUT This briefing has been created to provide local (community and town) councils with information related to the coronavirus. It should not be used as a substitute for government advice, however, there are some practicalities specific to local councils where we hope this information will help you plan ahead and manage your risks. If you would like further advice and support on any of these topics for your local council then please contact One Voice Wales.

SOURCES OF ADVICE The coronavirus situation is fast-moving and there is an increasing amount of misinformation online. We should be using government advice to inform decisions and be checking that advice regularly.

• Public Health Wales – see coronavirus-covid-19/ - has FAQs that will be updated regularly • The Welsh Government web link below is a specific page aimed at employers and businesses and we would recommend that it be shared with all Councillors because it gives advice on the responsibilities individuals have to themselves and colleagues: - 4

MANAGING RISKS TO THE COUNCIL We would recommend that local councils consider different scenarios and what actions might help mitigate any risks to the council. This will vary for individual councils and it may be that no specific actions or changes are required. As examples:

• It may be helpful to review your scheme of delegation to ensure it is fit for purpose and would ensure minimal disruption to the work of the council if councillors are not able to attend meetings and committees. For example, you may wish to consider if certain decisions could be delegated to the clerk, in consultation with the chairman and vice- chairman, as a contingency plan in case council meetings are postponed due to the coronavirus. • You may wish to review critical functions or services and consider how these would continue in the case of staff absence. • You may have local residents with queries about coronavirus, in which case we would advise you signpost them to government information and advice as highlighted above.

WHAT DOES THE LAW SAY ABOUT HOLDING COUNCIL MEETINGS? There are a number of statutory meetings and deadlines that apply to local councils – you can find out more about these from your county association or by reading the Legal Topic Note. There has been no change to legislation or government guidance to amend these statutory duties. Where the law does not provide for a particular scenario (e.g. the holding of the annual council community or town meeting outside of the statutory timeframe, if the government advises against meetings being held) we would be guided by the government as to what should happen. We will be engaging with government on this and a range of other issues and will keep you updated on any developments.

WHAT ABOUT THE FINANCIAL YEAR-END? After the completion of accounts at the close of the financial year (31 March), they must be certified by the council's responsible financial officer (RFO), considered and approved by full council by no later than 29 June, and published by 30 September. If a planned full council meeting is not able to approve the accounts e.g. the meeting is not quorate due to councillor absence, then an extraordinary council meeting can be called at a later date as long as it is within this timeframe. If councils are concerned about potential delays, they may wish to consider approving the annual accounts as early as possible, for example, at an April meeting rather than waiting for the May/June meetings. One Voice Wales will be liaising with the Wales Audit Office to keep an eye on the situation and will advise accordingly on developments.

SUPPORTING LOCAL COMMUNITIES Local councils are ideally placed to inform and support residents as they already do in so many spheres — from assisting during flooding and other emergencies to supporting vulnerable or lonely people. And this will almost certainly be the case in the current situation. One Voice Wales considers there is a potentially big role for community and town councils during the current period, keeping an eye on vulnerable people and encouraging new volunteers to come


forward to help. We are assessing the implications of this week’s budget and other announcements and will keep you informed.” 8.5 Other Correspondence: Noted for Information. 9. FINANCE 9.1 An emergency meeting of the Community Council had been held on Monday 20th January 2020 to discuss how the Community Council could help parents Shaun and Erin Harvey as a result of the Ffair Rhos caravan tragedy of the 19.01.2020, which had claimed the life of 3 year old Zac Harvey and had left his brother Harley, in a critical condition. (Minutes attached). It had been agreed to contribute £500 towards the travelling costs to/from hospital @£0.45 /mile. It will be necessary to receive signed evidence (signed Spreadsheet) before releasing funds.

9.2 Audit Pantyfedwen Hall Annual Accounts: c/o Mrs Enid Hughes £100.

9.3 Clerk’s Pay February/March 2020 £193.83 x2 (Gross Pay).

9.4 Green Grant- Ceredigion County Council: invoices have been forwarded to Ceredigion CC. Awaiting payment.

9.5 Financial Regulations of the Community Council: it was RESOLVED to assign further attention to the Financial Regulations during a future meeting of the Community Council.

9.6 Audit General Wales: External Audit Package 2019-20.

10. PLANNING 10.1 Application Number: A200224: Applicant: M McCready. Location: Y Banc Garage, Ffair Rhos, , SY25 6BP. Proposal: Retention of the use of the upper floor of the garage into a two-bedroom flat. Comments: It was felt that the Planning Policy should be observed and a comprehensive Planning Application submitted before the Community Council could comment fully. The present application, as it stood, could not be endorsed by the Community Council.

10.2 Ceredigion County Council: Development Control Committee: Agenda & Minutes of a recent Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8.25pm.

11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monthly Meeting Thursday 16th April 2020 a (after Consultation with the Chair)
