A Dictionary of the Kedang Language Handbook of Oriental Studies Handbuch der Orientalistik

SECTION THREE Southeast Asia

Edited by V. Lieberman M.C. Ricklefs


The titles published in this series are listed at brill.com/HO3 A Dictionary of the Kedang Language


By U.B. Samely R.H. Barnes

With the assistance of A. Sio Amuntoda M. Suda Apelabi

LEIDEN • BOSTON 2013 The realization of this publication was made possible by the support of the KITLV (Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies).

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Samely, U. B. A dictionary of the Kedang language : Kedang-Indonesian-English / By U.B. Samely, R.H. Barnes ; With the assistance of A. Sio Amuntoda, M. Suda Apelabi. pages cm. -- (Handbook of Oriental studies = Handbuch der Orientalistik. Section 3, Southeast Asia ; volume 20) The Kedang entries are translated first into Indonesian and then into English. For ease of access, finder lists are provided in Indonesian and in English. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-90-04-25532-6 (hardback : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-90-04-25636-1 (e-books : alk. paper) 1. Kedang language--Textbooks for foreign speakers--English. 2. -- Textbooks for foreign speakers--English. 3. Kedang language--Grammar. 4. -- Languages--Grammar. I. Barnes, R. H. (Robert Harrison), 1944- author. II. Amuntoda, A. Sio, author. III. Apelabi, M. Suda, author. IV. Title.

PL5337.1.S24 2013 499.22--dc23


ISSN 0169-9571 ISBN 978-90-04-25532-6 (hardback) ISBN 978-90-04-25636-1 (e-book)

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This book is printed on acid-free paper. Contents

Preface vii Acknowledgements viii Introduction 1

1. Situating the Kedang language 1 1.1. Linguistic grouping 1 1.2. Sources 3

2. Vocabulary 3 2.1. Choice of entries and types of vocabulary 3 2.2. Ordinary language and ritual language 4 2.3. Lexemes, compounds and couplets 5 2.4. Structure and organization of the vocabulary 10 2.5. Order of entries 10 2.6. Sequence of information within entries 11

3. Phonology 14 3.1. Phoneme inventory 14 3.2. Phoneme distribution 15 3.3. Word stress 16 3.4. Orthography 17 3.5. Pronunciation 18

4. Morphology 19 4.1. Nouns 19 4.2. Pronouns 20 4.2.1. Personal pronouns 20 4.2.2. Other pronouns 22 4.3. Adjectives 24 4.4. Verbs 25 4.4.1. Temporal adverbs 25 vi Contents

4.4.2. Aspect 25 4.4.3. Tense 28 4.4.4. Infl ection 28 4.5. Numerals 30

5. Bibliography 32

6. Abbreviations and symbols 34

Note on Beni Hading and Hiba Raba 36

Dictionary 37

English – Kedang fi nderlist 713

Indonesian – Kedang fi nderlist 751 Preface

The fi rst sustained ethnographic research into Kedang society and culture was conducted by R.H. Barnes between 1969 and 1971, while living in the village of Lèuwayang (Barnes 1974). In 1984 and again in 1985-1986, U.B. Samely conducted linguistic research in the same village. From the publication of Samely’s work (Samely 1991b) sprang the idea of providing a working vocabulary of this little known language. When it became clear that an opportunity for collaborative research had presented itself, the authors decided to pool their information on Kedang vocabulary in order to provide a rough research guide. This guide consisted in a collation of vocabulary items and translations from Barnes with similar material from Samely, presented in two columns. In 1994, Samely was able to take a print-out of this guide to Lèuwayang, where two members of the village who had previously been important sources of information for both authors annotated the vocabulary by hand. These men were A. Sio Amuntoda, by then a retired school teacher who had been one of the fi rst teachers in the region, and M. Suda Apelabi, who had been the village head at the time of Barnes’s fi rst research. In 1996, Samely and Amuntoda worked for several weeks on the project in Jakarta. At the invitation of the village, we returned in July 1998 to fi lm a revived village harvest ritual (R.H. Barnes and Ruth Barnes 1999; R.H. Barnes 2005). The opportunity was taken for resolving further follow-up queries. The same was done during brief visits by R.H. Barnes in August 1999 and, during short breaks from fi eld research in Witihama, Adonara, in October 2000 and March 2001. The results we now present. We do not claim that they are exhaustive enough to constitute a standard dictionary of the language, but we hope that this work will be regarded as a useful beginning. Acknowledgements

The authors are grateful for the warm-hearted and enthusiastic assistance of the people of Kedang over many years and especially to the late A. Sio Amuntoda and the late M. Suda Apelabi who worked closely with us on this project. In conducting this fi eldwork, the authors were integrated into the life of Kedang villagers on several occasions, in particular in the village of Lèuwayang. All research has been conducted under the auspices of the Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI, Indonesian Institute of Sciences), and we are grateful to that organization. Research in Kedang by Barnes was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (of the United States), the British Academy, and the Committee for South-East Asian Studies of the British Academy, as well as the Hayter Fund and the Oppenheimer Fund within the University of Oxford. Research by Samely in cooperation with the University of Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Timor, was supported by the German Academic Exchange Service, the University of Frankfurt, Manchester Metropolitan University, and the Committee for South-East Asian Studies of the British Academy. Introduction

1. Situating the Kedang language

1.1. Linguistic grouping

Kedang is a language of the Austronesian family spoken by some 29,000 persons living on the eastern end of the island of Lembata in the province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, eastern Indonesia. Until 1989 the language spoken in Kedang (locally called Edang) was essentially unrecorded. In that year a publication by Paulus Sawardo (1989) appeared which was devoted to Kedang phonology, morphology and syntax. This was followed by Samely’s Kedang grammar (1991b) and preceded by Barnes’ ethnographic study (1974).

The people of Kedang call their language the language of the mountain or interior, tutuq nanang wela, as opposed to the language of outsiders, principally speakers of the Lamaholot language which is found elsewhere on the island of Lembata and on Solor, Adonara and eastern . Lamaholot is also an Austronesian language, and Fernandez (1988, 1996:43) has linked Kedang, Lamaholot and Sikka (spoken in Sikka on Flores just to the west of the Lamaholot region) to the East Flores language group, as opposed to the West Flores group of Lio, Ngadha and Manggarai. Immediately to the east of Kedang lie the islands of Pantar and Alor. Twelve of the thirteen languages spoken on these islands are non-Austronesian and have affi nities with non- spoken on parts of Timor, Kisar and the Birdshead Peninsula of Irian Jaya (Stokhof 1977:2-3). The remaining language, called the Alor language, is closely related to Lamaholot. Alor and Lamaholot share 70 per cent of related lexemes, while both have 61 per cent shared cognates with Kedang (Samely 1991b:5). Pampus (1999:41, note 2) 2 Introduction

has calculated a proportion of 50 per cent of shared cognates between the Lamaholot dialect spoken in the Lewolema district of East Flores and the Kedang language. Whereas Keraf (1978: Lampiran V) calculated 25 per cent shared vocabulary between Kedang and the Lamaholot spoken in Lamalera, Lembata, Pampus calculated 47 per cent. Indeed, Pampus says that while Kedang is regarded as a separate language within the region, in his opinion it should be considered as a dialect of Lamaholot. This issue depends, of course, on how the difference between a language and a dialect is defi ned. Given the absence of mutual intelligibility and the absence of evidence of a clear dialect chain we regard Lamaholot and Kedang as separate languages.

The Austronesian languages of these islands belong to the Central Malayo-Polynesian group, which in turn belongs to the Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian group, which together with various Western Malayo-Polynesian branches, stem from Malayo- Polynesian as opposed to the Austronesian languages of Taiwan (Blust 1993). Introduction 3

1.2. Sources

Published material on the Kedang language includes Sawardo (1989) and Samely (1991a, 1991b). Well before these publications, a thirty-fi ve page collection of prayers and devotional texts for use in Catholic liturgy was published locally in 1953 as Sabajang Di Lojo Di Lojo-Daiq Nariq Melaju Dapeq Edang (Daily Prayers-Translated from Malay into Kedang). In 1947, Father Karl van Trier was stationed as a missionary in Kedang and travelled around Kedang pursuing his duties as a priest. In his spare time he collected stories and poems, compiled a brief vocabulary and, with the assistance of the aforementioned school teacher A. Sio Amuntoda, prepared a catechism in the Kedang language. These materials, most of which only recently came into our possession through the good offi ces of a friend, were never published.

2. Vocabulary

2.1. Choice of entries and types of vocabulary

The fi eldnotes of both authors were systematically examined, analysed and compiled into a basic research guide. This guide was then edited, extended and revised on several fi eld trips and over a period of several years. The present corpus includes both everyday language as well as lexical items which are also of ritual signifi cance. Kedang has a strong oral literary tradition, but its vocabulary is not restricted to ritual occasions. All speakers regularly use such expressions in everyday life to varying degrees. Hence, there is no clear boundary between everyday and ritual language, and we made no attempt to identify such literary expressions in the dictionary. 4 Introduction

2.2. Ordinary language and ritual language

This dictionary incorporates the vocabulary of spoken everyday Kedang and also its forms used in oral performances, the so- called ritual language. Ritual language in eastern Indonesia has been documented for a number of languages. Fox (1971:215) fi rst described the ritual language of Rotinese as ‘a form of oral poetry characterized by the required coupling of virtually all semantic elements. The language is formal, formulaic, and parallelistic.’ Semantic parallelism as a literary device can be found in biblical literature, as well as in numerous linguistic communities around the world, including Indonesia. A valuable collection of studies of its occurrence in eastern Indonesian languages is Fox (1988). The various studies of ritual language contained in this volume detail the context of their use and performance, which in all cases is described as being substantially different from ordinary language. Roti, for instance, requires a strict form of parallelism in ritual contexts, where each single element is part of a dyadic set (Fox 1988:176) and in Weyéwa, a single incident of a parallel construction is immediately recognized as belonging to the domain of ritual speech rather than that of ordinary language (Kuipers 1982:98).

In Kedang, by contrast, the distinction between ritual and ordinary language is not felt to be so clear-cut. Some features characteristic of ritual language are also part of ordinary language. In particular, semantic parallelism – the mechanism by which lexemes are paired across lines for literary or ritual purposes – also creates compounds which are freely used in ordinary language.1 The details of this parallelism, insofar as it impinges on the structuring of Kedang vocabulary and on the entries in this dictionary, are explained in section 2.5 below. In the present context, a brief example will suffi ce to show how in Kedang the pairing of words serves to create the literary feature of semantic parallelism while at the same time acting as a source for the creation of a special kind of compound

1 For a discussion of Kedang ritual language, compare Barnes (2005:373-5); Samely (1991b:104-14). Introduction 5

used in ordinary language (Samely 1991b:104). The following unit may be used on its own or as part of a lengthier farewell wish for a safe journey.

Keu ai doq waq ledo weheq pan auq Climb tree descend stone stroll low walk ground ‘May you encounter no obstacles on your journey.’

In this unit consisting of eight lexemes, each element is paired with one other, as represented by the vertical lines:

keu ai climb tree a b | || || |

doq waq descend stone a1 b1

ledo weheq stroll low c d | || || |

pan auq walk ground c1 d1

As part of ritual language use, the combinations of keu//doq, ai// waq, ledo//pan and weheq//auq serve to produce a tightly woven text of four dyadic sets in consecutive parallel lines. As part of ordinary language use, three of the four combinations, keu doq ‘climb’, ai waq ‘wood’ and ledo pan ‘stroll’, function as single- meaning compounds and are part of everyday communication (more on this in section 2.3 below). For this reason, this dictionary contains entries of ordinary language alongside items of ritual language, without formally distinguishing between them, refl ecting the fact that Kedang ritual language and ordinary language share the same lexicon.

2.3. Lexemes, compounds and couplets

One of the most striking aspects of Kedang ritual language is the extensive use of compounds and couplets. Compounds are lexical units which consist of two individual elements, while couplets 6 Introduction

usually comprise four lexical items. Kedang makes use of two types of compounds. In the fi rst type, the relationship between two lexemes can adequately be captured by the categories of ‘head’ and ‘modifi er’, so that a lexeme like ai, meaning ‘tree’, can be combined with a second lexeme, amaq (‘skin’) to form the compound ai amaq, ‘bark’. In the second type, the relationship between the two lexemes in the compound is quite different. Here, the combination of two lexemes comes from a limited and fi xed store of second lexemes, which do not contribute to any modifi cation of the meaning of the fi rst lexeme.2 Rather, the addition of the second lexeme has effects that can, depending on the context, be equivalent to (a) a change of register, a kind of ‘borrowing’ of the heightened language of ritual contexts (see above, 2.2), (b) putting the fi rst lexeme into plural meaning, (c) a certain broadening of the meaning of the fi rst lexeme, or (d) a certain intensifi cation of the meaning of the fi rst lexeme. Thus the compound ai waq, which combines the two lexemes for ‘tree’ and ‘stone’, can mean, according to context, ‘dryad’s abode’ (that is a poetic alternative for tree), ‘trees’ (plural), ‘forest’ (broadened meaning), or ‘big tree’ (intensifi ed meaning). We have made no attempt in the dictionary to anticipate the possible modifi cations of meaning that, according to different contexts and semantic starting points, the compounding can create for a particular fi rst lexeme. However, we list any fi xed compounds exhaustively under the fi rst lexeme. We call such pairings single- meaning compounds to draw attention to the fact that the actual semantic contents of the second lexeme, here waq ‘stone’ makes no contribution to the new meaning of the compound. Single- meaning compounds can further be distinguished by whether the second lexeme has an independent meaning, as in the case of waq in ai waq, or not. In the latter case, a compound will contain an – apparent – second lexeme, and will have the meaning-modifying effects outlined above as (a) to (d), but will not occur on its own. Thus araq appears as the second component in single-meaning compounds, as in mutiq araq ‘unripe fruit’, (the basic meaning of

2 For a fuller explanation, as well as the phenomenon of compounding in Kedang, see Samely (1991b:104ff). Introduction 7 mutiq also), but never on its own. The following sample entry for ai from the dictionary illustrates both the fi rst type, the head-modifi er compound (in ai amaq, ai >ari, and ai >ara), and the second type, the single-meaning compound which combines two meaningful lexemes (ai waq and ai wèi, with wèi on its own meaning ‘water’). All such compounds are found under the entry for the fi rst lexeme, in this case ai.

ai ai waq, ai wèi kayu, pohon wood, tree 1. ai amaq 1. kulit kayu 1. bark 2. ai >api 2. kayu api 2. fi re wood 3. ai >ara 3. teras kayu 3. pith, hard core of tree

The compounds under 1.-3., ai amaq, ai >api and ai >ara, have the relationship of head and modifi er, while the two compounds listed immediately following the lexical entry, ai waq and ai wèi, do not. We have given some broad indication of possible modifi cations of the meaning of the compounds above. However, no attempt to give such an indication is made in the dictionary entries. Also, it should be stressed that often the meaning difference between a simplex lexeme and the same lexeme in combination with a semantically neutralized second element is either minimal or simply cannot be captured by any decontextualized reformulation. As a consequence, the two compounds listed below the headword, ai waq and ai wèi, are listed under the same meaning as the headword itself.

Components which occur in single-meaning compounds (such as the example of mutiq araq below) but have independent meaning are listed in the dictionary as independent entries in order to document their existence, but their entries will merely cross-refer the reader to the relevant compound.

8 Introduction

araq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mutiq, ubar

Referring to the relevant entries, one fi nds:

mutiq mutiq araq buah-buahan yg belum young, unripe fruit matang atau masih terlalu muda

ubar ubar araq muda fresh, young

In couplets, that is, units comprising four elements, all four lexemes can have independent meaning. In that case, the meanings of all lexemes except that of the fi rst one, the headword, are neutralized. However, one, two, or all three lexemes following the headword need not have such independent meaning. The situation is therefore analogous to the two-component compounds explained above. The sample entry below illustrates the case where the headword is followed by three lexemes without independent meaning.

hoeq hoeq laleq hoeq laleq bara nawing pesta party, feast, festivity

The entries for laleq, bara and nawing show that none of the lexical components of the compound and couplet has meaning of its own:

laleq (2) tidak ada artinya has no discernible sendiri meaning by itself see: hoeq, loleq laleq, lule laleq Introduction 9

bara (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bara pehiq, bèi, bele, hoeq, leoq, paoq

nawing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hoeq

In contrast to the examples above, the next entry includes a compound and a couplet whose constituent elements all have independent meaning.

hoyoq hoyoq leran hoyoq leran libur isi, mengisi, muat, put in, contain, load behiq memuat

While the two couplets just illustrated, one with the headword hoeq and one with the headword hoyoq, are different with respect to the independent meaningfulness of their constituent elements, this difference is not manifest in the above entries. Each entry provides a meaning defi nition for the whole of the couplet, and compound, which is identical with the headword. Also, in order to ascertain whether the individual components following the headword have meaning on their own, their separate entries have to be consulted. Individual meanings for the couplet beginning with hoyoq will be found under the relevant entries:

leran berair banyak have plenty of water

libur mencipta create

behiq menabur sow, scatter 10 Introduction

In the position as elements of a couplet, the semantic content of any item other than the headword is again neutralized. Hence, where entries contain headwords, compounds and couplets, only the basic meaning defi nition is provided for all three forms.

2.4. Structure and organization of the vocabulary

The vocabulary is organized for ease of consultation fi rst into a Kedang to Indonesian to English section, presented in three columns, and then separately into an Indonesian to Kedang section and an English to Kedang section, presented in two columns. In the fi rst section, the information provided always includes a headword and translations. Compounds, couplets, examples and cross-references are then indicated where relevant and available. By contrast, the Indonesian to Kedang and English to Kedang sections are computer-generated wordlists without detailed further information. Those sections are meant to function mainly as fi nder lists for use in comparative linguistic and anthropological research. When using these lists, reference to the fi rst section is advised.

2.5. Order of entries

Headwords are listed in alphabetical order, disregarding lexical and morphological boundaries, spaces and hyphens. Homophones – words with identical pronunciation but unrelated meaning – are distinguished by numbers in brackets following the headwords.

apa (1) hampar, menghampar, hamparan, spread, spread-out membentang, alas terbentang area apa (2) kulit dalam internal layer of skin covering fl esh apa (3) semak, lumut bush with large three-pronged leaves, moss Introduction 11

Where a word has different, but related, meanings these are listed with raised numbers preceding the different meanings as refl ected in the Indonesian and English translations.

bae bae bung 1tumbuk, menumbuk 1crush, stamp, pound grain 2tabrak, tubruk 2collide

2.6. Sequence of information within entries

Each entry contains fi ve different types of lexical information: the headword is followed by its compound, and the compound by its couplet, where existent. Many entries will have one or more usage examples, which are numbered and identifi ed by indentation. Cross-references, where available, conclude an entry.

Headword hoyoq Compound hoyoq leran Couplet hoyoq leran libur behiq isi, mengisi, muat, memuat put in, contain, load Examples 1. hoyoq >ate diqen 1. memuat manusia 1. carry people 2. hoyoq daten 2. tidak termuat 2. not loadable 3. hoyoq hengan 3. mengisi jagung titik 3. put crushed kedalam piring maize on a plate 4. hoyoq moqi 4. memuat milikmu 4. load your own Cross- cp. hore, >ihi, >ihin, references megung, muaq, noel, noyoq, papang (2), rèq

Most headwords consist of simplex lexical items. Only few are compound or phrasal entries. Where alternate pronunciations exist, these are listed following the dominant form separated by a tilde, for example, metir ~ metiq. 12 Introduction

Where the fi rst headword occurs only as part of a compound and has no independent meaning, reference is made to its compound entry, using ‘see:’

>oneng tidak ada artinya has no discernible sendiri meaning by itself see: >oneng >ahiq

Where headwords occur on their own and also form part of a single-meaning compound (consisting of two elements, see section 2.3 above), these are listed below the headword.

wawi wawi witing babi pig

If there is more than one single-meaning compound, they are separated by commas.

milir milir dolang, milir doya, milir mida rata level, smooth, straight

Couplets (consisting of four elements, see section 2.3 above) extend existing compounds and are listed below the headword and the compound.

dahuq dahuq dolong dahuq dolong tudi baring minta request, ask, beg

The fi rst indented and unmarked piece of information is the example, where relevant. Introduction 13

taling tambah, menambah add, increase, take more taling watar menambah makanan take more food

If there is more than one example, they are numbered.

>ariq adik younger same generation clan mate or equivalent in a clan which is ‘mèkèr- ehoq’, younger sibling 1. >ariq lai utun 1. adik dlm keluarga 1. younger sibling, all siblings younger than the speaker 2. >ariq tu >utuq 2. adik bungsu 2. youngest sibling

The entry may fi nish with a cross-reference to synonyms or related terms, using ‘cp.’

naru naru bae kilat lightning cp. dolang, ilaq, kelaq, kèdung, kilong, nilaq, >olor

Cross-references, though numerous for some entries, are by no means exhaustive. They are a by-product of some of our research, and it is hoped that their inclusion may prove useful for comparative purposes. 14 Introduction

3. Phonology

3.1. Phoneme inventory

Kedang makes use of 28 phonemes, comprising 12 vowels and 16 consonants. The 12 vowel sounds contrast as front and back, close, half- open and open articulations, and the back vowels distinguish rounded and unrounded sounds. The vowels in each of these six positions can be articulated either with a neutral (NTR) or an advanced position of the tongue root (ATR). We shall refer to them as modal and breathy vowels, respectively. Breathy vowels are distinguished from their modal counterparts with respect to fi ve phonetic parameters: lower pitch, a lowered fi rst formant, increased airfl ow, slightly longer duration and relatively more energy in the lower parts of the spectrum. Below is an overview of the vowel sounds.

Front Back Unrounded Rounded NTR ATR NTR ATR NTR ATR Close i >i u >u Half-open ɛ >ɛ ɔ >ɔ Open æ >æ ɑ >ɑ

The 16 consonant sounds comprise seven voiced and voiceless bilabial, denti-alveolar, velar and glottal plosives and three voiced bilabial, denti-alveolar and velar nasals. There is a voiced denti- alveolar lateral and a voiced alveolar fl ap. The three fricatives are voiced labio-dental and voiceless denti-alveolar and glottal articulations. The palatal approximant is also voiced. Below is an overview of the consonant sounds. Introduction 15

Bilabial Labio- Denti- Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal dental alveolar vl v vl v vl v vl vvl v vl v vl v

Plosive p b t d k g ʔ

Nasal mn ŋ

Fricative vs h

Lateral l

Flap r

Approximant j

3.2. Phoneme distribution

The basic syllable structure is (C) V (C), that is, each syllable has an obligatory vowel nucleus and a facultative consonant onset and/ or offset. The vast majority of words consist of two syllables, approximately four per cent of the vocabulary are monosyllabic words, and fewer than one per cent of words have three syllables.

Modal vowels, articulated with modal tongue root position, occur in all syllable structures, in initial, medial and fi nal positions. Breathy vowels, articulated with advanced tongue root position, are restricted to word initial position.

Consonants occur in the following positions. /n/ has the widest distribution, occurring in all syllable types and all positions within syllables. /r, l/ occur everywhere except in monosyllabic words of the CV type. /p, b, t, d, k, m, v, s/ occur only in syllable initial position, either word initially or word medially. No member of this group occupies syllable fi nal position. /h/ shares the distribution 16 Introduction

of the previous group with the exception that it does not occur in monosyllabic words of the CV type. /ŋ/ occurs in syllable fi nal positions and word medially in syllable onset positions, but not word initially. /g/ occurs only in word initial position, and /j/ is confi ned to word medial syllable onset positions. The glottal stop /ʔ/ occurs in all positions but is not phonologically relevant word initially.

Vowel sequences are frequent in Kedang words, but there are no consonant sequences, either within the syllable or across syllable boundaries, with two exceptions mentioned below. Consonant sequences only occur across morpheme boundaries both within simplex words (as in tebeq=te ‘we sit’) and in compound words (tutuq nanang ‘speak’), as well as across word boundaries. The two aspect markers dèqmè and dèqnu (see section 4.4.2 below), are the only occurrences of words where consonant sequences do seem to appear across syllable boundaries.

3.3. Word stress

Stress in Kedang is entirely regular and occurs as follows. Monosyllabic words are always stressed. In bisyllabic words the stress is always on the fi rst syllable, while in trisyllabic words the word stress in on the penultimate syllable.



In the case of compounds, the same rules apply as for the constituent components, although this manifests itself as primary and secondary stress, with primary stress being placed on the fi nal lexeme.

anen mengar ˈ ˈ Introduction 17

nariq edang ˈ ˈ ai waq ˈ ˈ a in ˈ ˈ 3.4. Orthography

The orthographic representations used in this dictionary are the same as were fi rst introduced in Samely (1991b:56). They include the 12 vowels and 16 consonants discussed above. Each phoneme is assigned a separate grapheme, and the alphabet has the following sequence:

/a/ a />a/ >a /b/ b /d/ d /ε/ e />ε/ >e /æ/ è />æ/ >è /g/ g /h/ h /i/ i />i/ >i /k/ k /l/ l /m/ m /n/ n /ŋ/ ng /ɔ/ o />ɔ/ >o /p/ p /ʔ/ q /r/ r 18 Introduction

/s/ s /t/ t /u/ u />u/ >u /v/ w /j/ y

Of these graphemes, ng does not occur word initially. q, the glottal stop, occurs in all positions but is phonologically relevant only in word medial and word fi nal positions. At the beginning of words, where it does not differentiate meaning, it is therefore not marked. The grapheme y occurs freely in word medial positions but only in very few instances at the beginning of words, some of which are loanwords. For the breathy vowels, we have retained the phonetic symbol for advanced tongue root, >, rather than use the apostrophe as employed in research on neighbouring languages, as the latter is sometimes also used to indicate the glottal stop.

3.5. Pronunciation

Many of the Kedang sounds are similar in pronunciation to Indonesian or English equivalents. Sounds which require explanation are the following. The breathy vowels >a, >e, >è, >i, >o and >u are articulated with an advanced tongue root which expands the pharyngeal cavity. Acoustically they are distinguished from their modal counterparts by lower pitch, slightly longer duration and greater airfl ow. The palatal continuant [j] has been assigned the grapheme y so as to avoid confusion with the alveolar affricate [ʤ] in Indonesian. The grapheme r is usually pronounced as an alveolar fl ap, unlike in Indonesian, where it is often pronounced as an alveolar trill or in English, where it is articulated as a post-alveolar approximant. The grapheme w is a labio-dental fricative [v] and not a bilabial articulation as in both Indonesian and English. Introduction 19

4. Morphology

The vast majority of lexemes in Kedang are characterized by multiple word class membership. They are neither morphologically marked nor do they display conclusive word class characteristics. Only a small number of words are morphologically marked by the use of bound morphemes which identify them as belonging to a certain word class. These words are identifi ed below.

4.1. Nouns

There are three types of nominalizing affi xes, the prefi x N-, the infi x -an- and the suffi x -n. The prefi x N- is added to verbs by replacing the initial consonant. It has four phonologically conditioned allomorphs: m- replaces verb initial p-; w- replaces b-; l- replaces d-; and n- replaces all other initial consonants.

petir ‘to hurl with a sling’ – metir ‘sling’ bahi ‘to row’ – wahi ‘oar’ dayuq ‘to roast s.t. in a container’ – layuq ‘bamboo for roasting meat’, ‘bamboo container’ tadaq ‘to advise’ – nadaq ‘advice’

The infi x -an- is added to verbs, where it is inserted following the initial consonant.

karuq ‘to grate’ – kanaruq ‘grater’ kawang ‘to fl ow’ – kanawang ‘current’ tangul ‘to cover a pot with a lid’ – tanangul ‘lid’ tueng ‘to spin’ – tanueng ‘spindle’

The suffi x -n is added mostly to verbal and adjectival elements but also to nouns and numerals. If the word to be modifi ed ends in a vowel then -n is simply added. If it ends in a glottal stop then that is replaced by -n. 20 Introduction

>ale ‘wrong’ – >alen ‘wrongdoing’ dei ‘to follow’ – dein ‘offspring’ sue ‘two’ – suen ‘two units (regarding the value of items of marriage prestations’ >ihiq ‘to contain, be full’ – >ihin ‘content’ wadeq ‘rope’ – waden ‘relationship, connection’

4.2. Pronouns

There are seven pronominal categories in Kedang: personal, emphatic, possessive, emphatic possessive, adessive, agent focus and action focus pronouns.

4.2.1. Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns occur as free and as bound forms, and as subjects and as objects. They are:

Free form Bound form As subject As object As subject As object I >ei, >eqi >eqi =u, =ku =u, =ku you (sg) oo=o, =ko =o, =ko he, she, it nuo, ni nuo =ne, =i =i we (ex) e, ke e =e, =ke =e, =ke we (in) te te =te =te you (pl) me me =me =me they suo, se suo =ya, =deq =deq

Verb phrases often make use of both free and bound form personal pronouns, in particular in formal speech. The free form precedes the verb and the bound form is attached as suffi x, phrase or clause fi nally. Introduction 21

>ei pan=u pp.1sg go=pp.1sg ‘I go’

>ei pan ewar=u pp.1sg go quick=pp.1sg ‘I go quickly’

>ei pan >ole >ul=u pp.1sg go deic market=pp.1sg ‘I go to the market’ me mader boraq >ape=me? pp.2pl stand look what=pp.2sg ‘What are you looking at, standing (around)?’

Personal pronouns can also be used as free forms or as bound forms on their own. The use of bound form personal pronouns without the free form is found in casual speech: pan >oteq=o? go deic=pp.2sg ‘Going up there, are you?’

Whereas the use of the free form on its own shifts the emphasis away from the subject: o pan >oteq? pp.2sg go deic ‘Is it up (the mountain) you are going?’

The different bound forms of fi rst and second person singular and fi rst person plural exclusive, given in the table above, are phonologically conditioned variants. -ku, -ko and -ke replace -u, -o and -e if preceded by a glottal stop: 22 Introduction

a=dèq=ku eat.1sg=asp.per=pp.1sg ‘I have eaten’

By contrast, the difference in bound forms for third person singular and plural in the table above is one of static versus dynamic properties of the verb. =ne and =ya indicate static and =i and =deq dynamic circumstances. Bute=ne and bute=i both translate as ‘he is asleep / he sleeps’ but the connotation of bute=ne is that the person is either soundly asleep or else has slept for a considerable time. Bute=i, on the other hand, emphasises the dynamic side of the action, in this case that the person has not slept for long but fell asleep only recently.

4.2.2. Other pronouns

In addition to personal pronouns, Kedang uses seven other pronouns.

Person Emphatic Possessive Emphatic-Possessive Adessive Agent Action focus focus Subjective Objective 1 sg ko koq koqo koqi >eko eti èrèq 2 sg mo moq moqo moqi omo oti mèrèq 3 sg ne neq neqo neqi nene neti nèrèq 1 pl ex ke keq keqo keqi eke keti mèrèq 1 pl in te teq teqo teqi tete teti tèrèq 2 pl me meq meqo meqi meme meti mèrèq 3 pl se seq seqo seqi sese seti sèrèq

Emphatic pronouns always follow the verb and can optionally be used together with free form personal pronouns. They serve to emphasize the referent of the action or, in the case of more than one subject within the textual unit, they establish a correlation between the activities of the agents: Introduction 23

Mia patang=ne wèi so >ei patang=ko ai lolon Mia cook=emp.3sg water while pp.1sg cook=emp.1sg vegetables ‘Mia boils water while I cook the vegetables’

Possessive pronouns precede the noun they modify: koq huna ria=ne poss.1sg house big=pp.3sg ‘My house is big’

Emphatic possessive pronouns mark someone’s possession in contrast to someone else’s. They are not employed to indicate simple possessive relationships. There are distinct subjective and objective forms: kopi noq koqo=ne, kara min koqi coffee this emposs.1sg=pp.1sg do not drink.2sg emposs.1sg ‘This is my coffee, don’t drink mine’

Adessive pronouns are used to indicate a benefi ciary: nuo sorong >eko taq pp.3sg give adess.1sg coconut ‘He gives me a coconut’

There are two types of focusing pronouns, agent focus and action focus. Both pronouns serve purposes of emphasis. The use of agent focus pronouns draws attention to the performer of an action: meiq noq eti puli knife this agfoc.1sg put ‘It was I who put this knife (here)’

Action focus pronouns, on the other hand, give prominence to the action itself: 24 Introduction

meiq noq èrèq puli knife this actfoc.1sg put ‘I did put this knife (here)’

4.3. Adjectives

Adjectives in predicative function are unmarked, but in attributive function they are marked by fi nal =n, if the adjective ends in a vowel, as illustrated by the following examples.

Predicate Attribute nice >alu >alun wet baha bahan sour kiru kirun old lèrè lèrèn

Adjectives ending in a consonant retain the same form in both predicative and attributive functions.

Predicate Attribute noisy dèmul dèmul good diqen diqen fast ewar ewar red korong korong

moq >aba >alu=ne poss.2sg necklace nice-pp.3sg ‘Your necklace is nice’

moq >aba >alun toiq=ne poss.2sg necklace nice missing=pp.3sg ‘Your nice necklace is missing’ Introduction 25

4.4. Verbs

Kedang verbs can be marked in one of four ways: lexically through the use of temporal adverbs and through aspect markers; grammatically through tense, and a limited number of verbs also have infl ected forms.

4.4.1. Temporal adverbs

The time frame of an event is often explicated through use of temporal adverbs such as noq ‘now’, nangan ‘recently’, nau ‘later’, ohaq nau ‘not yet’, nulon ‘formerly’ or nape ‘then, just now’. In the absence of any time markers, verb phrases usually refer to the time of speaking:

o pan paq mian=o? pp.2sg go or stay=pp.2sg ‘Are you leaving or staying?’

4.4.2. Aspect

Unlike the deictic nature of tense and temporal adverbs, which establishes a temporal relationship between the utterance and the situation referred to, aspect markers convey information about the internal structure of a given situation, focussing on part of an event such as its beginning, or its end, regardless of the actual time of occurrence with respect to the time of the utterance. There are ten aspect markers in Kedang, signifying four oppositions: Perfective – Imperfective, Completive – Incompletive, Inceptive – Cessative, Inchoative – Incipient.

Perfective aspect is indicated by dèq. It situates the event as a whole in the past. 26 Introduction

a tin=dèq=te eat.1in drink.1in=asp.perf=pp.1in ‘We ate’ ‘We have eaten’ ‘We have eaten already’

Imperfective aspect is indicated by mete. Mete describes continuative events, either in the present or in the past.

hèpun memiq mete=kiqi neq wali mosquitoes asp.imp=bite poss.3sg shoulder ‘Mosquitoes are biting his shoulder’ ~ ‘Mosquitoes were biting his shoulder’

Completive aspect is marked by bahe and bahe dèq.3 Completive aspect markers focus on the end-phase of an event, emphasizing the completeness of an event. Completive aspect differs from perfective aspect, which situates the event as a whole in the past.

Ka min=bahe tebeq tutuq nanang eat=1ex drink=1ex=asp.comp sit talk weave ‘After we had eaten we sat and talked’

Ka min=bahe dèq tebeq tutuq nanang. eat=1ex drink=1ex=asp.comp sit talk weave ‘Only after we had eaten we sat and talked’

Incompletive aspect is indicated by ramaq. Ramaq describes an event, which started at a previous time and remains incomplete at the time of speaking.

>uya turu=ramaq=ne rain come down=asp.incomp=pp-3sg ‘It is still raining’

3 For more detailed information on the difference between bahe and bahe dèq, as well as further discussion and examples of aspect in Kedang, see Samely, 1991b: 87-93. Introduction 27

Inceptive aspect indicates momentary entry into the state which the verb denotes. The inceptive marker dèqmè signals both currently occurring and imminent beginnings of events.

>ei bèq pan=dèqmè pp-1sg here go=asp.inc ‘I am going’ ~ ‘I am leaving now’ ~ ‘I am about to go’ ~ ‘I will go immediately’

Cessative aspect marks the cessation of an event. suo >ata >owe hamang=mai=ya pp-3pl class deic dance=asp.cess=pp-3pl ‘Those people over there stopped dancing’

Inchoative aspect, indicated by dèqo, signals recent entry into the state which the verb denotes, and which at the time of utterance still continues. hoko=dèqnu >eqa niho=dèqo rise=asp.incip day light=asp.inch ‘Get up, it is light already’

Incipient aspect indicated by dèqnu, signals imminent entry into the state which the verb denotes. suo paluq >olaq=dèqnu pp-3pl beat iron=asp.incip ‘They are about to sound the gong’

It is also used with imperative function. pan=dèqnu go=asp.incip ‘Go!’ 28 Introduction

4.4.3. Tense

There is only one grammaticalized tense in Kedang, the future tense. Future tense markers precede the verbs they modify.

o mulo ena=dei pp.2sg be fi rst.2sg fut.1sg=follow ‘You (go) fi rst, I will follow’

ake >uya turu di, kena=pan lumar=e although rain descend although fut.1ex=go fi eld=pp.1ex ‘Although it is raining, we will go to the fi eld’

The full paradigm is as follows:

I ena you (sg) ona he, she, it nena we (ex) kena we (in) tena you (pl) mena they sena

Futurity can also be expressed through use of temporal adverbs (see also section 4.4.1):

nau luqa >ei bale=u later tomorrow pp.1sg return=pp.1sg ‘Tomorrow I will return’

4.4.4. Infl ection

Most Kedang verbs are unmarked for person and number. The total number of infl ected verbs is 30. There are three types of infl ectional patterns. The largest group is class I, comprising 20 verbs. Class II has seven members, and class III is made up of just three verbs. Introduction 29

Class I uses the following person/number prefi xes: Ø fi rst person singular m- second person singular, fi rst person plural exclusive, second person plural n- third person singular t- fi rst person plural exclusive s- third person plural

Attached to the verbal stem ale ‘use’, the verbal paradigm is: ale I use male you (sg) use nale he, she, it uses male we (ex) use tale we (in) use male you (pl) use sale they use

The other verbs following this pattern are: ahu ‘scoop water’, ahuq ‘gather’, anang ‘weave’, angul ‘cover with a lid’, ara ‘use, wear’, ati ‘endure’, atiq ‘keep for oneself’, awang ‘beat’, >awe ‘gather’, èq ‘bring’, èrèq ‘seize’, ian ‘stay’, in ‘drink’, iq ‘have sexual intercourse’, ohoq ‘loosen’, oling ‘defend’, ore ‘accompany’, ui ‘see’, ulo ‘be fi rst’.

Class II verbs take one of two person/number prefi xes: Ø fi rst person singular, fi rst person plural inclusive, third person plural k- fi rst person plural exclusive, second person singular and plural, third person singular

Attached to the verbal stem a ‘eat’, the verbal paradigm is: a I eat ka you (sg) eat ka he, she, it eats ka we (ex) eat a we (in) eat 30 Introduction

ka you (pl) eat a they eat

Six other verbs follow this pattern: eu ‘climb’, oqal ‘fall’, ua ‘be why’, ueq ‘cry’, uq ‘take’ and uta ‘pick, harvest’.

Class III verbs also take one of two prefi xes: Ø fi rst person singular k- all other forms Alternatively, they may take the infl ectional prefi xes of class II.

aèl I dig kaèl you (sg) dig kaèl he, she, it digs kaèl we (ex) dig kaèl ~ aèl we (in) dig kaèl you (pl) dig kaèl ~ aèl they dig

There are only two further members of class III verbs: aling ‘dig’, and uq ‘take’.

4.5. Numerals

The cardinal numerals one to ten can be used either on their own or in combination with one of two counters, uren or uluq, without any change in meaning, and without any contextual constraints.

1 >udeq = uren >udeq = uluq >udeq 2 sue = uren sue = uluq sue 3 tèlu = uren tèlu = uluq tèlu 4 >apaq = uren > apaq = uluq > apaq 5 leme = uren leme = uluq leme 6 >ènèng = uren >ènèng = uluq >ènèng 7 pitu = uren pitu = uluq pitu Introduction 31

8 buturai = uren buturai = uluq buturai 9 leme >apaq = uren leme >apaq = uluq leme >apaq 10 pulu = uren pulu = uluq pulu

There are two ways of forming the numerals 11 to 19. One uses the counter pulaq ‘ten, teens, tens’, followed by the numerals one to nine. The other uses the numeral pulu ‘ten’ followed by the counter for single digit numerals above ten, >ilaq, followed by the numerals one to nine.

11 pulaq >udeq = pulu >ilaq >udeq 12 pulaq sue = pulu >ilaq sue 13 pulaq tèlu = pulu >ilaq tèlu 14 pulaq >apaq = pulu >ilaq > apaq 15 pulaq leme = pulu >ilaq leme 16 pulaq >ènèng = pulu >ilaq >ènèng 17 pulaq pitu = pulu >ilaq pitu 18 pulaq buturai = pulu >ilaq buturai 19 pulaq leme >apaq = pulu >ilaq leme >apaq

Numerals from 20 to 99 are formed using the counter for tens, purun, and the counter for single digit numerals, >ilaq.

20 purun sue 21 purun sue >ilaq >udeq 22 purun sue >ilaq sue 30 purun tèlu

Numerals above one hundred use ratuq ‘hundred’, ribu ‘thousand’ and selaq ‘ten thousand’.

234 ratuq sue purun tèlu >ilaq >apaq 5432 ribu leme ratuq >apaq purun tèlu >ilaq sue 32 Introduction

Some numeral constructions have fi gurative rather than literal meaning, such as ribu pulu ratuq leme ‘the populace of Kedang’ (literally, ten thousand fi ve hundred) and ribu ratuq ‘many’ (literally, thousand hundred).

The numerals sue ‘two’, tèlu ‘three’, leme ‘fi ve’ and pitu ‘seven’ may take the nominalizing suffi x –n to form suen, tèlun, lemen, and pitun. These terms are used to describe the value of items of marriage prestations. The numerals sue ‘two’, tèlu ‘three’, and leme ‘fi ve’ may also take the suffi x –q in combination with bound form personal pronouns, to form the phrases sue=q=ke ‘the two of us (ex)’, tèlu=q=me ‘the three of you’ and leme=q=ya ‘the fi ve of them’. These processes are restricted to the examples provided and are not found in other numerals.

5. Bibliography

Barnes, R.H. 1974 Kédang: A study of the collective thought of an Eastern Indonesian people. With a forword by Rodney Needham. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 2005 ‘A ritual resurgence in Eastern Indonesia’, Anthropos 100: 359-77. Barnes, R.H. and Ruth Barnes 1999 Ritual reborn: Kédang, Indonesia, 1998 [Film]. Oxford: Educational Technology Resources Center, University of Oxford. Blust, Robert 1993 ‘Central and Central-Eastern Malayo Polynesian’, Oceanic Linguistics 32-2:241-94. Fernandez, Inyo Yos 1988 Rekonstruksi protobahasa Flores. PhD thesis, University of Gajah Madah, Yogyakarta. 1996 Relasi historis kekerabatan bahasa Flores: Kajian linguistik historis komparatif terhadap sembilan bahasa di Flores. Ende, Flores: Nusa Indah. Introduction 33

Fox, James J. 1971 ‘Semantic parallelism in Rotinese ritual language’, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 127:215-55. Fox, James J. (ed.) 1988 To speak in pairs: Essays on the ritual languages of Eastern Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kuipers, J.C. 1982 Weyéwa ritual speech: A study of language and ceremonial interaction in Eastern Indonesia. PhD thesis, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Pampus, Karl-Heinz 1991 Koda Kiwã: Dreisprachiges Wörterbuch des Lamaholot (Dialekt von Lewolema). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. [Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Band LII, 4.] Samely, Ursula 1991a ‘Phonetic parameters distinguishing between sets of vowels in Kedang, Eastern Indonesia’, in: H.W. Wodarz (ed.), Arbeiten zur experimentellen und allgemeinen Phonetik, pp. 11-32. Frankfurt: Hector. 1991b Kedang (Eastern Indonesia): Some aspects of its grammar. Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag. Sawardo, Paulus et al. 1989 Fonologi, morfologi, dan sintaksis bahasa Kedang. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Stokhof, W.A.L. 1977 Woisika I: An ethnographic introduction. Canberra: Australian National University. [Pacifi c Linguistics, Series D, 19.] 34 Introduction

6. Abbreviations and symbols

The following abbreviations and symbols are used in this work.


1 persona pertama 2 persona kedua 3 persona ketiga dgn dengan dll dan lain-lain dlm dalam dsb dan sebagainya eks eksklusif har terjemahan harfi ah in inklusif j jamak kias kiasan mis misalnya sbg sebagai sj sejenis sm semacam spt seperti spy supaya sso seseorang sst sesuatu t tunggal yg yang ‘...’ tanda kutip menunjukkan kutipan Bahasa Kedang dalam terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris = batas morfem ( ) mengandung informasi tambahan [ ] mengandung informasi tambahan dalam terjemahan harfi ah atau informasi disisipkan dalam informasi tambahan Introduction 35

{ } mengandung contoh tasrif kata kerja < > mengandung huruf grafem


1 fi rst person 2 second person 3 third person asp. aspect marker class. classifyer cp. compare deic. deictic term e.g. for example e.o. each other esp. especially ex exclusive fi g. fi gurative in inclusive k.o. kind of lit. literal translation met. metaphor pl plural pp personal pronoun o.s. oneself sg singular s.o. someone s.t. something ‘...’ single quotation marks indicate quotations of Kedang words in Indonesian or English translations = morpheme boundary ( ) contain additional information [ ] contain either additional information in literal translations or parenthetical matter within parenthetical matter. { } contain paradigmatic information for infl ected verbs < > contain orthographic letters 36 Introduction

Note on Beni Hading and Hiba Raba

Speakers of Kedang have labels for regional differences of pronunciation. The Lamaholot-infl uenced village of Kalikur has a characteristic pronunciation. One also hears references to the Beni Hading dialect as opposed to that of Hiba Raba. Hiba Raba refers to villages along the north coast, Beni Hading to those in the south. Hiba Raba is both the name of a person and of a place. Beni Hading is probably the same. The geographic differences between the regions are expressed in the phrases Beni Hading auq napoq >alang olor, ‘Beni Hading fl at land, straight plane’, and Hiba Raba pureq paraq loloq, ‘Hiba Raba on the stones’. Beni Hading has plenty of agricultural land and good harvests. In the past its inhabitants could supply their food needs. Hiba Raba is defi cient in good land and very stony and its harvests are limited, making the inhabitants dependent on trade for food elsewhere. On the other hand, fresh water is close to hand in Hiba Raba and distant in Beni Hading. A a a in saya, kita, mereka makan I, we (in), they eat {tasrif: 1t ‘a’, 2t ‘ka’, 3t ‘ka’, {paradigm: 1sg ‘a’, 2sg ‘ka’, 1j eks ‘ka’, 1j in ‘a’, 2j ‘ka’, 3sg ‘ka’, 1pl ex ‘ka’, 1pl in 3j ‘a’} ‘a’, 2pl ‘ka’, 3pl ‘a’}

1. a tinte 1. mari kita makan 1. let us (in) eat 2. a >utan 2. upacara makan panén 2. annual ceremony baru (har kita makan permitting eating the kacang) newly harvested food (lit. we (in) eat beans) 3. a wèru; a wèru wehar 3. pesta makan makanan 3. new food ceremony, eat baru, upacara panén (har newly harvested food (lit. kita makan baru) we (in) eat new) 4. a wèru tin wehar 4. kita makan dari panén 4. we (in) eat newly yg baru harvested food cp. kinaq, pehang abang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: utu (2) abaq bunyi berdebak, berdebap thud cp. abar, >èding abar ~ mabar abar eber bunyi sst benda yg telah sound of s.t. which is retak, bunyi yg tidak terang cracked, thud, unclear sound 1. bering abar 1. bunyi bambu yg sudah 1. sound of bamboo which retak has already cracked 2. èuq abar 2. suara parau 2. hoarse voice 3. waq abar lili abar 3. batu berbunyi, tiang 3. stone rings hollow, house rusak berbunyi kalau post gives a knock when diketuk struck cp. abaq, >èding, mabar abon abon wara telanjang naked cp. loku, pela, pengar abun 1 batang, tangkai, mayang 1 stalk, stem, spadix 2 sj rumput 2 k.o. grass anen abun mayang padi yg kosong empty rice hull cp. ain, auq oqor, >èdu, inga, kiriq tahiq, ladu, nètèq, >olen, ladu, pinaq, tanga 38 ada lolon—aèl ada lolon sj belukar k.o. shrub cp. apa (3), atang, lale, mato kolong, mèpè (1), nahaq (1) adal pelepasan dari sst yg terkait release of s.t. tied (such as (spt pada jerat) in a snare) adaq adaq paleq adat, hormat, sopan santun, tradition, custom, ramah behaviour; respect, revere, honour cp. budi, hora mata, lagu, niliq, padang adeng sj belalang yg kakinya k.o. long-legged panjang grasshopper cp. leba, waiq (1) adung adung >ebel kerongkongan, throat, neck tenggorokan 1. adung kateq 1. batuk (har kerongkongan 1. cough (lit. throat caught) tersedak) 2. adung kawaq, adung 2. kerongkongan merasa 2. throat feels itchy (a sign puhur gatal (gejala bahwa ada that s.o. is using our name) orang yg menyebut-nyebut nama kita) cp. bongan (3), >uli (1) adung boko tulang rawan, lekum, jakun cartilage, Adam’s apple ae ae hanger sebut, menyebut, mention, name, call menyebutkan, panggil, memanggil 1. ae naya 1. menyebut nama 1. mention a name 2. kara ae hanger >atan 2. jangan menyebut-nyebut 2. do not mention people’s seq naya nama orang names (talk badly about people) cp. bohang, naya, irang, ong, >oliq (2), wile aeq kulit yg menguning (sbg yellowing skin (as a sign of tanda matang pada buah ripening of fruit or because atau karena bisul, koreng of a boil or sore on the dll) skin) cp. duren aèl saya, kita, mereka menggali I, we (in), they dig {tasrif: 1t ‘aèl’, 2t ‘kaèl’, 3t {paradigm: 1sg ‘aèl’, 2sg ‘kaèl’, 1j eks ‘kaèl’, 1j in ‘kaèl’, 3sg ‘kaèl’, 1pl ex ‘aèl, kaèl’, 2j ‘kaèl’, 3j ‘aèl, ‘kaèl’, 1pl in ‘aèl, kaèl’, 2pl kaèl’} ‘kaèl’, 3pl ‘aèl, kaèl’} wèi aèl perigi, sumur well age—ahu 39

cp. aling, doyang, hegar, kakur, karung, koroq, kuriq, laqur, lèring, mèqè age ~ ake biarpun, walau, meskipun although, in spite of, despite age o ka di, >atan ohaq biarpun engkau makan, although you eat, people burenya tidak ada yg marah are not angry cp. amar, masi, paq (3), wakaq (1) aha sj kacang k.o. bean cp. ihi, inar, omaq, rowe, >utan, >uye, wahe ahal menumbuk biji jagung pound maize kernels after yg telah direndam untuk soaking them to remove mengeluarkan kulit luarnya the outer shell ahan berkas rumput alang-alang sheaf, bundle of grass cp. ihen ahang ahang ateq, ahang kateq, ahang kotir 1 kering, gersang 1 dry, arid 2 haus 2 thirsty 1. adung ahang kotir 1. haus (har kerongkongan 1. thirsty (lit. dry throat) kering) 2. >eqa >air ahang 2. gersang, keadaan kering, 2. state of dryness, drought kotir kekeringan (har tempat (lit. [the] area [is] very dry) kering sekali) cp. >atung, mayaq (1), turi, uhang ahaq ahaq neteq ringan, lepas dari kesulitan light, light weight, free of troubles 1. ai noq ahaq neteq 1. kayu ini sangat ringan 1. this wood is very light kohaqne 2. paing ahaq 2. merasa ringan, merasa 2. feel light, feel free of a lepas dari kesulitan diffi culty ahèraq akhirat, dunia seberang di hereafter, the level below bawah tanah this earth ahi ahi lewang 1 puji, memuji, pujian 1 praise, commend 2 sombong 2 conceited 1. kara ahi >eqi 1. jangan memuji saya 1. do not praise me 2. ahi wèq 2. menyombongkan diri 2. brag, boast ahu saya menggayung, I fetch, draw, dip water mengambil, menimba air {paradigm: 1sg ‘ahu’, 2sg {tasrif: 1t ‘ahu’, 2t ‘mahu’, ‘mahu’, 3sg ‘nahu’, 1pl ex 40 ahung—ai

3t ‘nahu’, 1j eks ‘mahu’, ‘mahu’, 1pl in ‘tahu’, 2pl 1j in ‘tahu’, 2j ‘mahu’, 3j ‘mahu’, 3pl ‘sahu’} ‘sahu’} >ei pan ahu wèi saya pergi ambil air I go to get water ahung sj bambu kecil k.o. small bamboo cp. >aur, bering, perung, >uloq (1), walang ahuq ~ auq saya angkut, mengangkut, I gather, collect, scoop, meraup {tasrif: 1t ‘ahuq, take {paradigm: 1sg ‘ahuq, auq’, 2t ‘mahuq, mauq’, auq’, 2sg ‘mahuq, mauq’, 3t ‘nahuq, nauq’, 1j eks 3sg ‘nahuq, nauq’, 1pl ex ‘mahuq, mauq’, 1j in ‘mahuq, mauq’, 1pl in ‘tahuq, tauq’, 2j ‘mahuq, ‘tahuq, tauq’, 2pl ‘mahuq, mauq’, 3j ‘sahuq, sauq’} mauq’, 3pl ‘sahuq, sauq’} cp. bawoq, >awe (2), èq, >èmèng, haba, hen, hoti, kaqo, kuq, mawu, muta, >opung, tawu, tubun, uq (1), >opung, tawu, tubun ai ai waq, ai wèi kayu, pohon wood, tree 1. ai amaq 1. kulit kayu 1. bark 2. ai >api 2. kayu api 2. fi re wood 3. ai >ara 3. teras/inti kayu 3. pith, hard core of tree 4. ai bauq 4. pangkal pohon 4. base of a tree 5. ai dèyèq 5. kayu runcing 5. sharp and pointed stick 6. ai duq 6. kayu bakar 6. fi re wood 7. ai lidan; ai limaq 7. cabang pohon 7. branch of a tree 8. ai lolon 8. daun pohon 8. tree leaves 9. ai lomu 9. pohon yg tidak 9. tree lacking branches bercabang atau berbuah or fruit 10. ai luteq 10. puntung kayu (bakar) 10. the burnt remains of fi rewood 11. ai matan 11. mata kayu 11. knot or hole left at the base of a branch; the depression in the earth below the trunk of a tree 12. ai moleng 12. kayu lembut 12. supple piece of wood 13. ai nètèq 13. kayu yg dipakai untuk 13. wood used for the hilt membuat hulu parang atau of a knife or machete pisau 14. ai ongaq, ai ongaq 14. kuk, kayu yg 14. yoke, wood (placed on ote bongan (diletakkan di atas pundak the shoulder and) tied at dan) dipakai untuk the throat to confi ne arms mengunci leher and legs 15. ai >odeq 15. pohon atau semak 15. tree stump or bush belukar yg sudah ditebang which has had all of its semua cabang-cabangnya branches cut off 16. ai puhun 16. bunga pohon 16. tree blossom 17. ai puqen 17. pemimpin (har pangkal 17. leader (lit. tree trunk) pohon) ai buyaq—ai buyaq 41

18. ai ramuq 18. akar pohon 18. tree root 19. ai riq riq 19. bunyi dahan kayu atau 19. sound of tree or batang-batang bambu yg bamboo branches rubbing bergesekan ditiup angin against each other in the wind 20. ai soma 20. pohon tempat lebah 20. any tree in which there bersarang are bees’ nests containing honey 21. ai tangen 21. kayu mentah 21. rough, undressed timber 22. ai toq waq taraq 22. ungkapan yg 22. expression for certain menyatakan sedang types of work, like felling a berlangsungnya pekerjaan tree, constructing a boat, or menebang pohon, erecting a house (lit. wood membuat sampan, knocks, stone resounds) mendirikan rumah, dsb (har kayu ketuk, batu berbunyi) 23. ai turin 23. kayu kering 23. dry wood 24. ai >uan 24. buah pohon, buah- 24. tree fruit, fruit buahan 25. ai >udeq kara koliq 25. semoga jangan dapat 25. may you not encounter celaka (har satu kayu misfortune (lit. one tree jangan terguling) may it not topple) 26. ai (>udeq) kara 26. semoga jangan dapat 26. may you not encounter nuyung topeq celaka (har [satu] kayu misfortune (lit. [one] wood jangan terlepas talinya) may its rope not become undone) 27. ai >ur 27. kayu merah yg dipakai 27. k.o. red wood used untuk membuat busur in the construction of an archer’s bow 28. ai >uye wèi lewun 28. kayu yg berasal dari 28. wood from >Uye >Uye Lewun Lewun 29. ai watang 29. kayu terapung, yg 29. drift wood on the shore terdampar di pantai 30. ai weren 30. air pohon (mis tuak, 30. sap of a tree (e.g. getah); kayu emas palmwine, rubber); tree of gold 31. boraq ai waq >ata 31. lihat pohon-pohon di 31. look at the trees over oyo sana there cp. ain, >ue ai buyaq kayu putih eucalyptus tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai nona, ai para, ala behi, ala bila, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bilang, bonoq, bulan, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, 42 ai hapu—ain

natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, rogang, ruhu taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ai hapu 1 sj karang 1 k.o. coral 2 sj pohon 2 k.o. tree cp. ai buyaq, ai nare, ai nona, ai para, ala behi, ala bila, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bilang, bonoq, bulan, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, rogang, ruhu taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ai lèuq ~ au lèuq ubi edible tuber 1. ai lèuq sawa 1. ubi jalar, Ipooeae batatas 1. sweet potato, Ipomoeq batatas 2. ai lèuq >uaq 2. ubi kayu, singkong, 2. cassava, Manihot utilissima Manihot utilissima (Pohl) (Pohl) cp. apoq, aqer, epe, kepa, lèuq, tiri (1) ai lolo ai waq lolo sayur, sayuran, sayur mayur vegetables ai luaq see: ala luaq ai miteng akar bahar root of a sea plant ain batang, ranting, cabang, stem, stalk, branch, trunk pangkal pohon 1. warun ain 1. ranting pohon waru 1. branches of the hibiscus tree 2. watar ain 2. batang pohon jagung 2. stalk of the maize plant cp. abun, ai, bauq, eken, inga, lidan, liman, limaq, lolon, >olen, puquen, wikaq ai nare—akal 43 ai nare ~ nare (2) kayu angsana, Pterocarpus k.o. tree, Pterocarpus indica indica cp. ai buyaq, ai hapu, ai nona, ai para, ala behi, ala bila, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ai nona serikaya, Annona squamosa sweetsop, Annona squamosa ai nona lolon daun serikaya leaves of the sweetsop plant ai para sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai buyaq, ai hapu, ai nare, ai nona, ala behi, ala bila, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ai rapun penyakit kusta leprosy akal akal daya, akal kopel, akal dusta, tipu, muslihat, deceive, lie, trick, lure, pade umpan, mengumpan, pikat, decoy, bait, trap memikat 1. akal >au 1. berburu dgn anjing (har 1. hunt with a dog (lit. lure mengumpan anjing) a dog) 2. akal >iqa 2. mengumpani ikan 2. bait fi sh 3. akal manuq 3. mengumpani ayam 3. lure a chicken 44 ake—ala bila

cp. >ani, >ayung, >iro, nipeq ake see: age akil ~ bakil akil alaq membuka, membelah, open, split, slit (fi sh skin, menoreh (kulit ikan, kulit bark) kayu) cp. bake, baq (1), baqil, bètè, bèti, biloq, bito, bukaq (1), doing, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hika, hilar, hingoq, hoe, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), mowar, newar, ohoq, >ohi, paqal, pengar, piang, rio, towar akol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ikol ala tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ala behi, ala bila, ala bola, ala libang, ala luaq ala behi pohon kesambi, Schleichera k.o. tree, Schleichera oleosa oleosa cp. ai buyaq, ai hapu, ai nare, ai nona, ai para, ala bila, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, reho, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ala bila ~ bila ~ kulu bila pohon maja, Aegle Marmelos a fruit tree, Aegle Marmelos Correa Correa 1. ala bila >uan 1. buah maja 1. the fruit of Aegle Marmelos Correa 2. bila maèq 2. duri maja 2. thorn of Aegle Marmelos Correa ala bola—ala libang 45

cp. ai ha cp. ai buyaq, ai hapu, ai nare, ai nona, ai para, ala behiq, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, niaq, pu (1), ranga, reho, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq pu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bilang, bonoq, bulan, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, rogang, ruhu taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ala bola ~ bola terung, Solanum melongena eggplant, Solanum melongena ala libang ~ libang belimbing, Averrhoa k.o. fruit tree, Averrhoa Carambala Carambala libang >ubuq kebol pucuk pohon belimbing the crown of the Averrhoa kabol berkibar Carambala waves back and forth cp. ai buyaq, ai nare, ai nona, ai para, ala behiq, ala bila, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, liti, loboq, muang, mular, natu (2), 46 ala luaq—ama

naweng, pu (1), ranga, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), uqun , >uaq (1), wawu raèq ala luaq ~ ai luaq ~ luaq panas matahari yg ada pada too hot (of path), heat of tanah (kalau menginjak the sun in the ground tanah yg panas) 1. apa ala luaq 1. sendal dipakai sbg alas 1. sandals used to protect kaki untuk melindungi the feet from the heat of kaki dari debu panas the ground jalanan 2. ala luaq lati lèi 2. kaki kepanasan karena 2. too hot for the feet (of kena tanah/jalanan yg path) panas alaq terlepas dari lekatan come unstuck cp. akil ale ale ue saya pakai, memakai {tasrif: I use, wear {paradigm: 1sg 1t ‘ale’, 2t ‘male’, 3t ‘nale’, ‘ale’, 2sg ‘male’, 3sg ‘nale’, 1j eks ‘male’, 1j in ‘tale’, 2j 1pl ex ‘male’, 1pl in ‘tale’, ‘male’, 3j ‘sale’} 2pl ‘male’, 3pl ‘sale’} cp. ara (1), dogel (2), guna, logeq, mero, pake (1), pen, uwe (2) aling aling koroq saya gali, menggali {tasrif: I dig {paradigm: 1sg ‘aling’, 1t ‘aling’, 2t ‘kaling’, 3t 2sg ‘kaling’, 3sg ‘kaling’, 1pl ‘kaling’, 1j eks ‘kaling’, 1j ex ‘kaling’, 1pl in ‘kaling’, in ‘kaling’, 2j ‘kaling’, 3j 2pl ‘kaling’, 3pl ‘kaling’} ‘kaling’} cp. aèl, koroq, laqur aloq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: iloq ama ama rehing 1 bukan, tidak 1 no, not 2 kalau 2 if 3 waktu, ketika, manakala, 3 when, at the time, pada waktu, tatkala, although biarpun, walaupun 1. ama >ei hoing, o 1. biarpun saya menyuruh, 1. although I summoned, daeq engkau menolak you refused 2. ama >ei >oyoq, o 2. manakala saya ke sana, 2. when I went over there, bèyo tokongo engkau tidak ada you were not there 3. ama >ei ueq, mè o 3. kalau saya menangis, 3. if I cry, you laugh taweo maka engkau tertawa 4. ama ni keu pènè, 4. ketika dia memasuk 4. when he entered [the areq weriq ohaq hèlèq [tandak dan] memegang dance circle] and grabbed amang—ame kakang >aring 47

bè >ahin, eu hèlèq bè [tangan], gadis-gadis [hands], the young girls did nuo >ehaq tidak [menari] berselang- not alternate with others, seling dgn yg lain, masuk but only with him berselang-seling di dia saja 5. te >oroq nuo maqo 5. kita menuduh dia 5. we (in) accused him paq nuo tèhèq ama mencuri, namun dia of stealing, but he said rehing mengatakan bahwa sama certainly not sekali tidak benar cp. >anung (2), bang (1), ere (2), kalu, la (1), mepe, naiq, ohaq, tokong, ton (1) amang amang >èbo belut saltwater eel amang mè pehul belut itu licin sehingga that eel is slippery so that it pahulne tidak mudah dipegang is not easy to grab cp. >èbo amaq (1) amaq wara kulit skin, husk, bark 1. amaq kapal 1. sso yg tidak bertobat 1. s.o. who is not sorry walaupun dipukul berulang even though repeatedly kali (har kulit tebal) beaten (lit. thick skin) 2. anen noq bèq amaq 2. padi ini berkulit 2. this rice has husks warane 3. nilung amaq 3. kulit penyu 3. turtle shell 4. witing amaq 4. kulit kambing 4. goat skin cp. apa (2), etiq, kaheq, kalauq, paqe amaq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: luta ame bapak, ayah father, father’s brother, elder male 1. ame lamang 1. bapa piara, bapa asuh 1. male guardian 2. ame neheq 2. para tetua laki-laki 2. male elders of a clan (selain dari bapak kandung) (except one’s own father) dlm marga 3. ame nimun 3. bapak kandung 3. own (biological) father 4. ame nulon 4. bapak yg dahulu (istilah 4. former father (used in untuk bapak kandung case of adoption to refer to setelah anak diangkat) genitor) 5. ame rian 5. bapak besar, abang dari 5. older brother of father bapak, kakak dari bapak 6. ame utun 6. bapak kecil, adik dari 6. younger brother of bapak father cp. >amo, ine, mamaq ame èpu nama panggilan untuk term of address for male kakék-kakék elders ame kakang >aring see: ame kang >aring 48 ame kang >aring—anen ame kang >aring ~ ame bapak bersaudara, bapak father and his elder and kakang >aring beradik kakak younger brothers and male parallel cousins amuq kosong empty cp. lomu, mèlèng, mètung, obal, oqor (2), tokong anang saya menganyam {tasrif: I weave {paradigm: 1sg 1t ‘anang’, 2t ‘manang’, 3t ‘anang’, 2sg ‘manang’, 3sg ‘nanang’, 1j eks ‘manang’, ‘nanang’, 1pl ex ‘manang’, 1j in ‘tanang’, 2j ‘manang’, 1pl in ‘tanang’, 2pl 3j ‘sanang’} ‘manang’, 3pl ‘sanang’} anang mèi laman saya menganyam sarung I weave a sheath for a knife pisau cp. doleq, tan anaq anaq nenun anaq nenun kètè kaiq genap, lengkap complete, even (of numbers) 1. anaq >ula nenun 1. genap waktunya, tepat 1. exact time, right time loyo waktunya (har genap bulan, (lit. complete moon, genap mata hari) complete sun) 2. ne anaq bahe nenung 2. saatnya genap, masa 2. her [time] is complete, bahe datang bulannya selesai her [period] is ended 3. rèiq bahe anaq dèq? 3. semuanya lengkap? 3. all of it complete? cp. bahe, eru anaq, munaq (1), nawen, papang (1) anen ~ aneng anen wèi padi, beras, nasi rice, rice plant, husked rice, cooked rice 1. anen abun 1. mayang padi yg kosong 1. empty rice hull 2. anen ain 2. batang padi kering, 2. dried rice stalks, straw jerami 3. anen amaq 3. kulit padi 3. rice husk 4. anen balan 4. bulir padi, mayang padi 4. sheaf of rice 5. anen buyaq 5. nasi putih, beras putih 5. white rice 6. anen ebo 6. sj padi (padi yg 6. k.o. rice (rice whose hull mayangnya berekor) has a tail) 7. anen kanehing 7. sj padi (padi berumur 7. k.o. rice (which ripens pendek, cepat berbuah) quickly) 8. anen kawaq 8. kerak nasi 8. burnt crust of rice 9. anen loaq 9. padi mulai mengeluarkan 9. rice begins to produce mayang its seed stalk 10. anen mengar 10. beras 10. husked rice 11. anen miteng 11. nasi hitam, beras hitam 11. black rice 12. anen nipa 12. beras ungu 12. k.o. rice (purple) 13. anen pae 13. nasi dari beras tumbuk 13. cooked rice from pounded husked rice 14. anen piso 14. sj beras (padi yg bijinya 14. k.o. rice (rice with a berbentuk pisau) seed shaped like a knife) 15. anen puluq 15. beras pulut, beras ketan 15. glutinous rice aneng—angul 49

16. anen redang 16. nasi goreng 16. fried rice 17. anen rehaq 17. biji padi 17. rice seeds 18. anen taq 18. sj padi (padi yg bijinya 18. k.o. rice (with large besar [har padi kelapa]) seeds [lit. coconut rice]) 19. anen tangen 19. padi atau beras atau 19. rice in any state before nasi sebelum dimasak dan cooking, but especially just terutama yg sesaat sebelum before being cooked or dimasak atau yg sebelum before fi nishing cooking selesai dimasak 20. anen taqin 20. nasi (yg sudah masak) 20. cooked rice 21. anen witing dèruq 21. beras hitam (har beras 21. black rice (lit. goat tahi kambing) excrement rice) cp. mude, muqu, watar aneng see: anen ang gagak crow angar sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai buyaq, ai hapu, ai nare, ai nona, ai para, ala behi, ala bila, ala libang, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun , >uaq (1), wawu raèq ang kokiq sj kumbang dung beetle cp. bui (1), woqo toqo angor langit-langit mulut roof of the mouth, palate angul saya menutup dgn tutupan I cover with a lid {tasrif: 1t ‘angul’, 2t {paradigm: 1sg ‘angul’, 2sg ‘mangul’, 3t ‘nangul’, 1j eks ‘mangul’, 3sg ‘nangul’, 1pl ‘mangul’, 1j in ‘tangul’, 2j ex ‘mangul’, 1pl in ‘tangul’, ‘mangul’, 3j ‘sangul’} 2pl ‘mangul’, 3pl ‘sangul’} angul uyeng saya menutup periuk dgn I am putting a lid on the tutupan pot cp. tanangul 50 aong—apiq aong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: iong, waiq apa (1) apa >eqa, apa kowa hampar, menghampar, spread, spread-out area hamparan, membentang apa kowal alas, tikar terbentang mat on which to spread things cp. >ènung, kolar, kowa, leleng, mana, neler, sereng, tepaq apa (2) kulit dalam internal layer of skin covering the fl esh cp. amaq (1) apa (3) semak, lumut bush with large three- pronged leaves, moss cp. ada lolon, lotong, mato kolong, mèpè (1) apang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muho apar bekuan cairan ingus, cairan nasal mucus, ear wax, pus telinga, upil, nanah 1. ning apar 1. cairan ingus yg 1. nasal fl uid which has membeku, atau mengering hardened in the nose dlm hidung 2. til apar 2. cairan telinga yg 2. hardened ear-wax membeku dlm telinga 3. lèi tahan apar 3. nanah luka kaki 3. pus from a leg wound cp. nanan, oraq (2), reoq aparia paria, Momordica, Linn. bitter cucumber, Momordica, Linn. ape kapas cotton 1. ape auq 1. kapas asli, asal wilayah 1. native cotton (lit. cotton sendiri (har kapas tanah) of the land) 2. ape lelu 2. kapas yg siap untuk 2. cotton, ready for dipintal spinning 3. ape rewong, ape 3. benang-benang ujung 3. thread left over from rewoq tenunan weaving, open warp 4. ape tene 4. kapas toko, benang toko 4. foreign cotton, foreign (har kapas kapal) thread (lit. boat cotton) 5. ape tueng 5. benang (har kapas pintal) 5. thread (lit. spun cotton) 6. ape uluq 6. biji kapas 6. cotton seeds ape boyang sj tumbuhan yg menjalar k.o. creeping plant apiq apiq ebo sayap wing 1. manuq apiq 1. sayap ayam 1. chicken wing apong—aqang 51

2. watar apiq 2. sekam jagung 2. maize husk apong ~ apung ampun pardon, mercy apong keq >ale ampunilah dosa kami forgive our (ex) sins apoq ~ kapoq sj ubi k.o. tuber apoq tobeqne ubi baru tumbuh the tuber has started to grow cp. ai lèuq, aqer, epe, kepa, lèuq, tiri (1) apu (1) sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule, tutung (1), uno apu (2) cara memakai sarung take a fold in the sarong at pada wanita dgn melipat the side and push it in at sarung di samping dan the waist (as women do) membalikkannya ke dlm sebatas pinggang apu wela melipat kain sarung di take a fold in a sarong at pinggang the waist apun embun dew cp. aqang apung see: apong apuq kotak daun lontar lontar leaf container apuq bako kotak tembako lontar leaf container for tobacco aqal aqal èqèl bunyi air mengalir di antara burble, patter, sound of bebatuan fl owing water dèngèr wèi aqal dengar air mengalir hear water fl owing cp. wawar aqan kulit yg dilepaskan sewaktu skin left behind in the pertukaran kulit process of shedding and replacing skin >ular aqan kulit yg ditinggalkan oleh skin left behind by a snake ular aqang aqang >apur, aqang poler embun, sisa-sisa air hujan dew, water drops left after yg bertengger pada rain rerumputan cp. apun, >oyang 52 aqar—aqer aqar lubang hole cp. bakur, boqi, lèdèq, lèhiq, puraq, >uoq, wèlong aqe 1 kakak, orang yg lebih 1 elder same generation tua dlm satu generasi clan mate or equivalent in kelomplok kekerabatannya a clan which regards itself (marga) atau dlm as ‘mèkèr ehoq’ to one’s own kelompok kekerabatan sepadan yg menanggap dirinya sbg ‘mèkèr ehoq’ 2 wanita di generasi bapak 2 fi rst ascending generation dlm suatu kelompok females of own clan or kekerabatannya (marga) ‘mèkèr ehoq’ clan atau dlm kelompok kekerabatan ‘mèkèr ehoq’ 3 suami kakak wanita bapak 3 father’s sister’s husband (woman speaking) 1. aqe >ame 1. tetua adat, penghulu, 1. elders of one’s clan orang tua yg (arrangers of affairs relating bertanggungjawab dlm to marriage prestations), kelompok kekerabatannya the elder holding (marga) (bagi seorang responsibility in one’s clan, wanita) bapak dan ibu (for a woman) husband’s suami, dsb father and mother, etc. 2. aqe >ame lèu 2. orang tua, tetua adat 2. elders of the village, di kampung, segenap ‘aqe assembled ‘aqe >ame suku’ >ame suku’ 3. aqe >ame suku 3. para orang tua marga, 3. elders of the clan tetua adat marga, para (arrangers of affairs relating penghulu to marriage prestations within the clan) 4. aqe >anaq >abe 4. kakak laki-laki, anak 4. elder male sibling or laki-laki dari saudara parallel cousin or other bapak, anak laki-laki dari male relative designated by saudari ibu, orang laki- ‘aqe’, such as father’s sister’s laki lain dijuluki ‘aqe’ spt husband for a woman mis suami kakak wanita speaker bapak (ditinjau dari pihak wanita) 5. aqe areq weriq/rian 5. kakak perempuan (kata 5. elder female sibling or sifat ‘weriq’ atau ‘rian’ parallel cousin or other tergantung dari apakah female relative designated kakak perempuan itu masih by ‘aqe’, such as husband’s gadis muda atau sudah elder sister for a woman dewasa) speaker (the adjective ‘weriq’ or ‘rian’ depends on whether the female relative is a girl or an adult) aqer sj ubi k.o. edible tuber cp. ai lèuq, apoq, epe, kepa, lèuq, tiri (1) ar—ara boreng 53 ar cara bersuara memanggil sound for calling chicken ayam cp. kur, kutu ara (1) ara ue saya pakai, memakai, I wear, use, do, make use berpakai {tasrif: 1t ‘ara’, of; {paradigm: 1sg ‘ara’, 2t ‘mara’, 3t ‘nara’, 1j eks 2sg ‘mara’, 3sg ‘nara’, 1pl ‘mara’, 1j in ‘tara’, 2j ‘mara’, ex ‘mara’, 1pl in ‘tara’, 2pl 3j ‘sara’} ‘mara’, 3pl ‘sara’} ara wèq saya berkelahi I fi ght s.o., make war on cp. ale, dogel (2), guna, s.o. laha (1), laq, logeq, mero, pake (1), pen, uwe (2) ara (2) untuk, buat saya {tasrif: 1t for, to me {paradigm: 1sg ‘ara’, 2t ‘mara’, 3t ‘nara’, 1j ‘ara’, 2sg ‘mara’, 3sg ‘nara’, eks ‘mara’, 1j in ‘tara’, 2j 1pl ex ‘mara’, 1pl in ‘tara’, ‘mara’, 3j ‘sara’} 2pl ‘mara’, 3pl ‘sara’} cp. bè, dè ara (3) ara wadeq kundur, labu k.o. edible gourd (green- coated, white meat) arabau kerbau buffalo 1. arabau >inan 1. induk kerbau 1. buffalo mother 2. arabau kaq 2. kerbau kebiri 2. castrated buffalo 3. arabau laba >olen 3. kerbau tanduknya belum 3. buffalo with horns that panjang, artinya masih are still short and thus tajam dan berbahaya (har sharp and dangerous (lit. kerbau hulu pahat) chisel hilt buffalo) 4. arabau laqin 4. kerbau jantan 4. male buffalo 5. arabau ronen 5. kerbau betina 5. female buffalo 6. woiq arabau 6. tanduk kerbau 6. buffalo horns ara bone bagaimana saya? bagaimana how about me? how dgn, bagaimana untuk saya? are things for, with me? {tasrif: 1t ‘ara bone’, 2t {paradigm: 1sg ‘ara bone’, ‘mara bone’, 3t ‘nara bone’, 2sg ‘mara bone’, 3sg ‘nara 1j eks ‘mara bone’, 1j in bone’, 1pl ex ‘mara bone’, ‘tara bone’, 2j ‘mara bone’, 1pl in ‘tara bone’, 2pl ‘mara 3j ‘sara bone’} bone’, 3pl ‘sara bone’} ai laqi tokal, >ei eu ara pohon itu tinggi sekali, the tree is very tall, how bone? bagaimana saya bisa can I climb it? memanjatnya? ara boreng laba-laba spider 1. ara boreng teta teta, 1. setelah membuat 1. the spider spins its web bahe mè, puaq bè ara sarangnya, laba-laba and then stays in the centre boreng >awaq ayaq menempati bagian of the web tengahnya 2. ara boreng >awaq 2. sarang laba-laba 2. spider’s web cp. taka rakang 54 aran—ara rebeng aran ~ arang (2) aran loa nyata, menyatakan, visible, clear, apparent, memperlihatkan, jelas, bright, explain clearly kelihatan, kentara 1. aran wau; aran wau 1. memperlihatkan muka; 1. show one’s face; show loa mato memperlihatkan diri, hadir oneself, be present 2. aran wèq 2. memperlihatkan diri, 2. show oneself, make memaklumkan kepada known to the public (in orang banyak (dlm respect of a love affair hubungan percintaan between a boy and a girl) pemuda pemudi, dsb) 3. ebe >abe noq nore 3. kedua pemuda pemudi 3. this boy and girl have areq weriq noq bèq ini sudah mengumumkan made it (their love affair, aran wèq dèqya hubungan mereka etc.) public 4. neq lèi aran 4. kakinya kelihatan, 4. his leg is showing kakinya kentara 5. o aran moq wèq 5. engkau menjelaskan diri 5. you explain yourself so maqu ui spy saya mengetahui that I understand 6. >oyoq aran wau 6. memperlihatkan muka 6. show your face there so mase sui o noreqo kesana agar mereka lihat that they see that you are bahwa engkau ada present 7. tutuq aran loa 7. bicaralah terus terang 7. speak frankly cp. >araq, niho, oni, potoq, terang arang (1) siput batu laga k.o. mussel tupe boka elaq arang badan-badan orang yg the bodies of the long dead sudah lama mati (har (lit. shellfi sh) macam-macam siput) cp. >etung arang (2) see: aran arang (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wadeq araq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mutiq, ubar ara rebeng kelelawar, kalong bat, fl ying fox ara rebeng ka muqu kalong makan pisang fl ying fox eats ripe bananas, taqen, ara rebeng nin masak, kalong minum fl ying fox drinks sweet tuaq >èrun, du(hu) tuak manis, menghirup palm juice, sips [nectar] bako puhun bunga tembakau (nyanyian from the tobacco blossom pendek dinyanyikan pada (a short refrain sung when senja hari waktu berburu hunting bats or fl ying kalong sebelum memukul fox in the evening before mati kalong-kalong) hitting them with a stick and killing them) cp. kua (2), miqi, miqi ebo kèdèq, miqi naga, miqi oli ar ataq—aruq 55 ar ataq jengkerik cricket cp. ioq, waiq (1) areq areq rian perempuan, gadis girl, woman, female 1. areq >araq >araq 1. gadis yg cantik manis 1. beautiful maiden 2. areq areq 2. gadis-gadis, wanita 2. maidens, women wanita 3. areq baran 3. gadis 3. maiden 4. areq binen 4. gadis yg sudah 4. girl who is already bertunangan, hampir engaged, almost married menikah 5. areq ehoq; areq 5. gadis 5. young girl kehoq 6. areq kohaq 6. perempuan yg belum 6. unmarried woman bersuami 7. areq kohaq ohaq 7. pergaulan bebas antara 7. free relationships toyeq pemuda dan pemudi yg between unmarried masih bujang yg tidak young men and women dipermasalahkan (har about which no issue is perempuan yg belum made (i.e., which attract bersuami, tidak bersuara) no bridewealth fi nes, lit. unmarried woman, nothing said) 8. areq marisa 8. perempuan dari Marisa 8. woman from Marisa 9. areq mawaq 9. gadis yatim piatu 9. orphaned girl 10. areq namang 10. peta bintang serupa 10. constellation of stars in lingkaran (har gadis tandak) a circle (lit. maiden’s circle dance) 11. areq noreq 11. kawan perempuan 11. close female friend 12. areq noreq tore 12. teman perempuan 12. young women boreq sepergaulan kita we spend time with each other 13. areq opang 13. gadis gendut yg 13. pleasantly plump girl menyenangkan 14. areq ramaq; areq 14. perempuan yg belum 14. unmarried woman weriq ramaq bersuami 15. areq rian 15. perempuan, wanita 15. woman 16. areq upal 16. gadis yg masih suci, 16. girl who is still pure, belum bernoda (har gadis not yet stained (lit. girl yg masih utuh) who is still complete) 17. areq weriq 17. pemudi, gadis, perawan 17. girl, maiden, virgin 18. areq werun 18. isteri baru, isteri yg 18. woman who has just baru dikawini married 19. ebe iden areq 19. pemuda yatim, pemudi 19. orphan youth, orphan mawaq piatu maiden 20. nau areq 20. masih perawan 20. still a young girl, virgin aruq (1) ikatan pelepah (spy bambu band made of palm stalk air atau tuak jangan pecah), skin (to prevent a water or gelang rotan (spy gading palmwine bamboo from jangan pecah) breaking), rattan band protecting an elephant tusk from breaking 56 aruq—ateq

1. aruq bala 1. gelang rotan (spy gading 1. rattan band protecting jangan pecah) an elephant tusk from breaking 2. aruq hau 2. ikatan pelepah spy 2. band made of palm stalk bambu air jangan pecah skin to prevent a water bamboo from breaking 3. aruq wetuq 3. ikatan pelepah spy 3. band made of palm stalk bambu tuak jangan pecah skin to prevent a palmwine bamboo from breaking 4. pedaq aruq 4. simpai anyaman pada 4. woven band around the hulu parang handle of a fi eld knife 5. aruq watan kara behi 5. jangan mecelakakan (har 5. do not have an accident bao gelang rotan jangan kain (lit. rattan band do not pengikat cawat terapun have the cloth tying the hanyut) loin cloth fl oat free) aruq (2) kabur, samar, tidak jelas vague, indistinct, foggy wau aruq senja, waktu senja (har fading of twilight (lit. face muka kabur, tidak jelas) indistinct) cp. >eran, èpir, haboq, habu (1) ata ata wile, ata hoing suruh, menyuruh untuk order s.o. to do s.t. membantu, melayani 1. >ei ara ata wile 1. saya pakai untuk 1. I use it to order menyuruh-nyuruh 2. kara ata >eqi 2. jangan menyuruh saya 2. do not order me 3. kara ata wile bèing 3. jangan terlalu banyak 3. do not order too much menyuruh cp. lata, >uda atan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nu (1) atang sj belukar, daunnya dipakai k.o. shrub whose leaves are sbg sayur used as a vegetable cp. ada lolon, motong, lale, nahaq (1) atar atar nedaq, atar nèbiq belahan bambu yg split bamboo mats for dibentangkan pada balai- seating platform balai cp. dahar, nobol atel sj cacing yg terdapat pada k.o. worm that lives on a lidah anjing dog’s tongue ateq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ahang, kateq, uhang atiq—auq 57 atiq atiq èrèq saya menahan untuk diri I keep for myself {tasrif: 1t ‘atiq’, 2t ‘matiq’, {paradigm: 1sg ‘atiq’, 2sg 3t ‘natiq’, 1j eks ‘matiq’, ‘matiq’, 3sg ‘natiq’, 1pl ex 1j in ‘tatiq’, 2j ‘matiq’, 3j ‘matiq’, 1pl in ‘tatiq’, 2pl ‘satiq’} ‘matiq’, 3pl ‘satiq’} atiq ara koqo saya menahan sst untukku, I keep for myself, I keep to saya menahan sst untuk become my possession, I menjadi milikku claim s.t. as a possession cp. hideq, hobol, hodeq, manga (2), tahang atoq tentu certain atoq muar tepat exact, precise cp. ka tung atuq anu so-and-so atuq boiq tèhèq lari anu mungkin bicara so-and-so may speak au lèuq see: ai lèuq auq (1) ~ awuq auq >ero tanah, bumi, daerah, negeri, ground, land, earth, soil, daratan fl oor 1. auq bong 1. debu di permukaan 1. dust on the surface of tanah the ground 2. auq bunga 2. upacara untuk orang 2. a ceremony for a dead mati genap empat hari person four days after the setelah kematiannya (har death (lit. sign of scratch in tanda goresan pada tanah) the dirt) 3. auq >ene 3. pasir 3. sand 4. auq laleng 4. dlm tanah 4. inside the earth 5. auq lebuq 5. debu 5. dust 6. auq mayaq 6. tanah kering, daratan, 6. dry land, island pulau 7. auq mekol 7. bumi bergerak 7. the earth shakes 8. auq nehal 8. (tanah) lumpur (har 8. muddy ground (lit. tanah yg mencair) liquifi ed ground) 9. auq pating 9. tempat atau tanah 9. earth where a memorial di mana dipancangkan post has been erected, clan tonggak peringatan ceremonial stone for a (monumen) arwah ibu woman 10. auq puhe 10. pusat bumi 10. centre of the earth 11. auq puqen, auq 11. tiang penyangga bumi 11. the stalk or column puqen >ero matan (har pokok tanah, pangkal which supports the earth tanah) (lit. trunk of the earth) 12. auq taq 12. tanah dan pohon kelapa 12. land and coconut palms yg menjadi hak dari kakak which become the right of atau adik perempuan female siblings 13. auq tangen lèu bèq 13. kampung baru (har 13. new village (lit. unripe tanah mentah, kampung earth, the village is here) ada disini) 14. auq topeq 14. tanah putus (tanah yg 14. broken-off land (land tidak bersambung karena which does not connect to 58 auq—awa

diputuskan oleh laut, atau other land because it is cut di kelilingi laut) off by sea or surrounded by sea) 15. auq >ubeng 15. di dlm tanah (tempat 15. in the earth (the place untuk mereka yg sudah of those who have already meninggal, berlapis-lapis died, the layers below this di bawah lapisan atas tanah earth) ini) 16. auq wala 16. tuan tanah, pemilik 16. lord of the land, land tanah owner 17. auq >ero 17. kotor 17. dirty 18. binen oteq auq taq 18. suatu ungkapan bahwa 18. expression stating saudara perempuan berhak that the sister has a right mendapat bagian tanah dan to a portion of land and pohon kelapa (yg dimiliki coconut trees owned by marganya) sesudah marga the clan once her husband’s suaminya menyerahkan clan has given the belis/mas kawin yg bridewealth called ‘oteq’, bernama ‘oteq’, (har saudara (lit. sister [and] hair, land perempuan [dan] rambut, [and] coconut tree) tanah [dan] pohon kelapa) 19. oni >ileq bèq auq 19. sembunyikan anyaman 19. hide a lontar leaf plate laleng kecil di dlm tanah within the earth (a form (permainan mencari of game involving hunting semacam anyaman yg a kind of woven object disembunyikan di dlm hidden in earth or sand by tanah atau pasir dgn using a palm-leaf spine) menggunakan lidi) 20. wèq auq wero 20. badan kotor karena 20. body dirty with earth tanah cp. auq oqor, >ara, >ero, lèu, neda, nera, tana, >uhe auq (2) see: ahuq auq oli buah dari pohon lontar, edible fruit of the lontar buah siwalan palm auq oli weren air buah siwalan juice of the lontar palm fruit auq oqor sj rumput k.o. weed cp. abun, >èdu, kiriq tahiq, ladu, lotong, pinaq, ruq (1), tanga awa awa >ahin sisa, bersisa, kelebihan, residue, remainder, leftover berlebihan anen noq sueqte nasi ini, kalau dimakan this rice, if just the two >ehaq a awane oleh kita berdua saja, akan of us eat it, there will be ada sisanya leftovers cp. >ahin, >ilaq, ketang, kuhing, lebe, liwaq, nalan (1), nehang, raing awa daqa—awaq 59 awa daqa kemangi, Ocimum basillicum k.o. plant, Ocimum basillicum cp. biru, heur (1), tuaq loran, tubung, >unuq awang awang bel saya menyakitkan, I harm, beat, hit, strike, menggangu, melukai, murder, kill {paradigm: 1sg membunuh {tasrif: 1t ‘awang’, 2sg ‘mawang’, 3sg ‘awang’, 2t ‘mawang’, 3t ‘nawang’, 1pl ex ‘mawang’, ‘nawang’, 1j eks ‘mawang’, 1pl in ‘tawang’, 2pl 1j in ‘tawang’, 2j ‘mawang’, ‘mawang’, 3pl ‘sawang’} 3j ‘sawang’} >ei awang suo saya memukul mereka I hit them cp. >aheq, bating, behi (1), bèngè, bung, dang, dètol, ganing, hateq, hoding (1), koqol, kati, kehoq (2), lae, laen, lekaq, nènè, >ohi, >ohor, pahang, paluq, rahaq (1), rèqè, tahan, tèlèr, tèqè, tutu (1), >unga, walaq (1), wataq awaq (1) tempurung, ukuran minum half a coconut shell, tuak measure for drinking palmwine 1. awaq sue 1. minum sekali lagi 1. drink a second time 2. tin tuaq awaq >udeq 2. kita minum satu 2. we (in) drink one tempurung tuak coconut shell cup of palmwine cp. leteng (1) awaq (2) tali pancing fi shing cord 1. awaq pèting 1. tali terikat 1. a tied rope 2. kaluq awaq 2. membalun/menggulung 2. roll up a fi shing cord tali pancing cp. awil, pueq awaq (3) sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai buyaq, ai hapu, ai nare, ai nona, ai para, ala behi, ala bila, ala libang, angar, banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu 60 awar—ayaq

(1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), uqun , >uaq (1), wawu raèq awar (1) gigi tooth awar wau 1. awar >au 1. gigi taring 1. fang 2. awar bauq 2. gigi geraham 2. molar 3. awar hubaq 3. gigi roboh 3. tooth falls out 4. awar kiloq 4. gigi mengilat, gigi emas 4. teeth sparkle, gold tooth 5. awar pakar 5. gigi tidak rapat 5. teeth not close together 6. awar tawe 6. gigi tumbuh 6. the teeth grow 7. awar tawe awar kiloq 7. satu tahap pertumbuhan 7. a stage in the growth anak bilamana giginya of a child when the teeth tumbuh (har gigi tumbuh, emerge (lit. teeth grow, gigi mengilat) teeth sparkle) 8. awar weren 8. gigi emas 8. gold tooth awar (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oban awe awe >unu berkelahi, berbantah, fi ght, argue, quarrel bertengkar 1. awe >ape? 1. berkelahi merebut apa? 1. fi ghting (about) what? 2. awe nanger 2. berebutan pendatang 2. commotion of those who arrive 3. awe wèq; awe >unu 3. saling berkelahi 3. fi ght each other wèq cp. awen, bayuq, kati, laba, nu (1) awen yg diperkelahikan, yg fi ght, the object or reason diperebutkan of a fi ght cp. awe, bayuq, laba, nu (1), runing aweq jerat, menjerat snare 1. aweq manu 1. menjerat ayam 1. snare a chicken 2. aweq witur 2. pasang jerat 2. set a trap cp. nèpi, toyaq, witur awil awil awaq mata kail fi sh hook awil neq nakiq tara sangkutan mata kail untuk hook of the fi sh hook so >akiq kita menyangkut that we (in) may hook cp. nakiq, puter awuq see: auq (1) ayaq ayaq ayaq tengah, pertengahan centre, middle ayar—ayor 61

1. ayaq hama 1. tepat di tengah, presis 1. exactly in the middle pada pertengahan 2. ayaq loloq 2. di tengah laut 2. centre of the sea 3. o >adan >ei bèq a in 3. ketika engkau tiba, saya 3. when you arrived, I was ayaq hama sedang makan in the middle of eating 4. tebeq dè oyo ayaq 4. duduklah di sana tepat 4. sit there exactly in the hama di tengah middle cp. nuba, puhe (1) ayar ayar beaq mengajar, mendidik dlm teach, instruct arti formal (di sekolah, dsb) guru ayar beaq guru mengajar the teacher instructs cp. tuben ayor sj tabuhan buas, warnanya k.o. aggressive black wasp hitam cp. meqo, para muhun >A

>aba >aba lodan rantai halus, kalung, necklace, a gold or silver perhiasan dari emas atau chain of braided wire, perak, biasa dihidupi oleh associated with a spirit sst jin cp. bang, pen

>abal besar, longgar big, wide cp. bowar, èhèq, hon, kedeng, leka, mèkuq, mèqul, nalar (1), neler, oq, >oang, ria, rian baraq, teleng

>abe tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >anaq, ebe

>abo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ibo >abo

>abong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ili

>adan datang, tiba arrive, come >adan lèu sape auq tiba di kampung halaman arrive at the home village (har datang kampung, tiba (lit. come [to the] village, tanah) arrive [at the] land) cp. hoteng, kanehing

>adaq menasihati untuk jangan tell s.o. not to spread the melanjutkan berita kepada news, tell s.o. to be quiet orang lain, menyuruh sso bungkam nuo >adaq >eqi tèq dia melarang saya untuk he ordered me not to kara tutuq membicarakan (hal ini); dia discuss (this matter); he menyuruh saya bungkam ordered me to keep quiet terhadap masalah ini about this incident cp. nadaq, tadaq (1)

>adar ikan pahada k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, >hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule >adong—>aheq 63

>adong >adong bitur mengangguk nod, assent, agree cp. nadong, pareq (2), piqur, radong, toher, toka

>adoq ~ >aduq >adoq bituq mengajak untuk menguji suggest to test one’s tenaga (mis mengajak strength (by jumping, berlomba, bergelut), wrestling), challenge to mengajak berkelahi fi ght cp. pole (1)

>aduq see: >adoq

>ae bunyi hujan ditempat yg sound of rain somewhat sedikit jauh far away

>aeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >oeq

>ahang insang gills

>ahaq ya, menjawab ya yes, answer yes cp. e (2), ewe, >èhèq, o (2), >oe, paqa, >uhuq (1)

>ahar (1) >ahar >oliq, >ahar naping pantangan, haraman ceremonial restrictions and prescriptions 1. >ahar bètè wau bahe 1. pantangan sudah di 1. restrictions already dèq muka (sudah diketahui known (at birth) waktu berlahir) 2. >ahar >oliq niliq 2. pantangan sesudah 2. period of seclusion and wenaq, >ahar >oliq bersalin abstinence which follows nihu wenaq (dialek a birth Beni Hading, Beni Hading dialect) cp. poan, puting

>ahar (2) batuk cough cp. boqor, èrèn

>ahe >ahe toha memperbaiki improve >ahe wèq bersiap, berkemas ready, clear away

>aheq >aheq kole ganggu, mengganggu bother, disturb cp. ganing, kati, kehoq (2), mawang (1) 64 >ahin—>ala

>ahin >ahin palan lain, yg lain, orang lain, sisa other, s.t. else, s.o. else, remainder, excess, last, residue 1. >ahin tutuq 1. nasehat yg lain, 1. other advice, other pembicaraan orang lain, talking, other story cerita orang lain 2. >olon luoq >ahin 2. makanan sisa 2. remaining food cp. awa, mieq, napang, nehang, palan, weqen

>ahiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ireng, >oneng >ahiq

>aiq susuh, taji thorn, cockspur manuq >aiq susuh ayam, taji ayam cockspur cp. maeq

>air tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >eqa

>akal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ekal

>akaq see: wakaq (2)

>akiq >akiq sokaq sangkut, terkait, kait hook, hooked mengait cp. >eti, >ileq (3), kateng, nakiq, nangqi, ongaq, sangiq

>ako menghias decorate, dress up, adorn 1. >ako nana 1. perhiasan (baik 1. ornament (for women perempuan baik laki-laki) or men) 2. >ako nana wèq 2. berhias diri (untuk 2. decorate, adorn oneself wanita) (of women) 3. >ako pake 3. perhiasan laki-laki 3. ornament for men 4. >ako pake wèq 4. berhias diri (untuk 4. decorate, adorn oneself laki-laki) (of men) 5. >ako wèq 5. menghias diri, merias 5. decorate oneself, adorn oneself 6. nuo >ako neq huna 6. dia menghias rumahnya 6. he decorated his house wetaq

>ala tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself cp. >ulu (1) >ala laha tala—>ale (3) 65

>ala laha tala Tuhan Allah God cp. laba lia, lia, tuang >ala laha tala, >ula loyo

>alang >alang >eleng >alang >eleng toang tuang lapangan plain, yard, fi eld 1. >alang ayaq 1. tengah lapangan 1. centre of the fi eld 2. >alang>eleng toang 2. lapangan menanti 2. plain for awaiting a lord, tuang, dolu liwuq tuan/junjungan, tempat gathering place for dancing banger raya berkumpul bertandak to greet and receive a raja untuk menerima raja 3. >alang >utuq 3. ujung lapangan 3. top of the fi eld or plain cp. bareng, >eqa (1), lumar, maqur (1), tana

>alaq (1) pukat, jala net cp. pueq, tiwang

>alaq (2) antara, celah, ruang kosong between, space or gap antara dua benda yg between two adjacent berdekatan, sela things cp. bele, tameq

>alar >alar >eler sérak, bersérak, sérakkan, scatter, scattered, fallen and terbongkar lalu jatuh spread out berguguran 1. >alar mireq 1. serakkan kemiri 1. scatter candlenut 2. mireq >alar 2. kemiri terserak, 2. scattered candlenut berserakan cp. baqung (1), bogar, bokar, bongan (2), doing, doke, eaq, elar, higor, hiroq, lahaq, lataq, neler, pehaq, piang, >oliq (1), rèpè

>ale (1) >ale lean salah, bersalah, dosa wrong, mistaken, trespass, sin cp. >alen (1), dotan, ètèr, kehe, kehen, mutung, tudu

>ale (2) bagian part, section, share cp. >alen (2), >apan, baki, baqe, baqen, bètè (1), bètèn, >ewang, kèrèq (1), lamaq (2), leq (1), metaq, ura, >umen

>ale (3) haluan bow tene >ale haluan perahu bow of a boat cp. >uring 66 >ale—>aman

>ale (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kawe (1)

>alen (1) kesalahan wrongdoing, trespass, sin cp. >ale (1), daten, dotan, ètèr, kehe, kehen, tudu

>alen (2) >alen >èpor pinggang waist, small of the back cp. >ale (2)

>aleq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ileq

>ali >ali wader urat, otot vein, sinew cp. uraq

>alu >alu malan, >alu mean, >alu meka bagus, baik good, nice, fi ne, excellent, refi ned, cultured 1. >alu dèq 1. sudah bagus 1. already good 2. >alu meloq toleq, 2. bagus sekali 2. very good >alu patoq paong, >alu rasa 3. ebe >alu meloq toleq 3. pemuda bagus dan 3. good and handsome ganteng youth 4. nuo huang >alu 4. dia bermain bagus sekali 4. he played extremely well meanne 5. sorongko labur >alu 5. [terima kasih bahwa] 5. [thank you for] giving mean noq we engkau beri saya baju yg me this wonderful shirt begitu bagus cp. diqen, >ieq tuyan

>aluq alu, alat untuk menumbuk, pounder, rice stamper antan >aluq lekar alu yg mempunyai lonceng long rice stamper with a kayu dgn bunyi khas rattle on the end cp. >upeq

>alur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >olur >alur

>aman >aman >èpun, >aman nenek, nenek moyang ancestors >inan 1. >aman huna lili 1. rumah nenek moyang 1. a house for the ancestors bonoq, >inan wetaq terdiri dari tiang pohon with posts of ‘bonoq’ wood >atang ai (bentuk seni ‘bonoq’ dan balok kayu and beams of wood sastra, ritual language version), huna wetaq >amar—>amir 67

>inan >aman, lili bonoq >atang ai (bentuk biasa, ordinary version) 2. >aman lamen 2. bapak dan putranya 2. father and son 3. >aman mèkè 3. a. nanek moyang turun 3. a. the ancestor from temurun orang Kedang; b. whom all Kedang stem; b. a suku di Lèubatan patrilineal descent group in Lèubatan 4. sueqme sio pan? 4. kamu berjalan dgn siapa? 4. who are you going with? sueqke >aman lamen saya (bapak) dgn putra saya I am going with my son cp. rian (2), tuan (1)

>amar meraba, menyentuh sst feel, touch s.t. secara tidak sengaja unintentionally cp. >itaq, paing, poma

>ame tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: leme

>ameq (1) >ameq sabong minta, mempersilakan, ask, invite, please (a word mengajak used to urge s.o. to do s.t., esp. to benefi t o.s.) 1. >ameq sabong wèq 1. saling mempersilakan 1. invite each other 2. >ameq suo mase 2. ajak mereka sepaya, 2. invite them to eat a sin untuk makan cp. dahang (1), dahuq, doha, hitiq, hoyan, lata, naku, takang (2). taping (1)

>ameq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ladu, takang (2)

>amiq remas, meremas, mengurut press, massage >amiq mato nore mireq mengurut mata dgn kemiri press candlenut into the (spy tidak pedis lagi, mis eyes (so that they will no sesudah kena cabai di mata) longer smart, for example after getting cili in the eyes) cp. >ènèq, heuq, >ikuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lusaq lèsuq, pere, peruq, pèmèq, poloq, >ukuq >èkuq, >uruq

>amir mencengkam, menggigit seize, grasp, bite >au >amir >eqi anjing gigit saya the dog bit me cp. damiq, >èmèng, kiqi, nara (4), pènè (1), taku 68 >amo—>anaq koda

>amo bapak; sebutan panggilan father; term of address for untuk bapak-bapak ‘ame’, all (older) males cp. ame, mamaq

>anaq (1) >anaq ehoq, >anaq kehoq anak child 1. >anaq areq 1. anak perempuan 1. girl 2. >anaq ayaq 2. anak tengah 2. middle child 3. >anaq >abe 3. anak laki-laki 3. man, male 4. >anaq >abe paq areq 4. apakah anak laki-laki 4. is it a boy or a girl? rian? atau anak perempuan? 5. >anaq buan 5. anak kandung 5. one’s own child 6. >anaq dereng 6. anak yg berdekatan, anak 6. children born after the yg urutan fi rst child (lit. the following child, children) 7. >anaq ebe 7. anak laki-laki 7. boy 8. >anaq ehoq, >anaq 8. anak kecil 8. young child kehoq 9. >anaq ikang 9. anak kembar 9. twins 10. >anaq howan 10. anak haram 10. bastard 11. >anaq labor 11. anak bayi yg dilarikan 11. child taken from its dari ibunya karena ibunya mother, who died in mati waktu melahirkan childbirth 12. >anaq maqing 12. panggilan untuk anak 12. relationship category, laki-laki yg dilahirkan including sister’s son, saudara perempuan daughter’s husband (male speaking) 13. >anaq mèkèr 13. a. anak sulung, b. sm. 13. a. oldest child, fi rstborn, periuk adat yg merupakan b. a pot which is the child anak Rawe Rian dan of Rawe Rian and Kila Kila Rian dan periuk itu Rian and is kept in the disimpan di ‘huna maren’ di temple ‘huna maren’ in the desa lama old village 14. >anaq muhun 14. anak merah, bayi 14. newborn infant meran merah, orok 15. >anaq pae 15. anak angkat 15. adopted child 16. >anaq todeq bare 16. belis anak perempuan 16. the bridewealth of the neq ine yg dipergunakan untuk ibu daughter which is used for kandung (har anak yg ikut the mother (lit. the child menunjang ibunya) follows and carries her mother) 17. >anaq tu >utuq 17. anak bungsu (har anak 17. youngest child (lit. di ujung susu) breast-tip child) 18. >anaq >ua >ehaq 18. anak tunggal (kias anak 18. a single child yg satu buah saja) (metaphorically a child who is the sole fruit) 19. >anaq utun 19. anak kecil, anak-anak 19. small child, children 20. >anaq utun binen 20. anak-anak baik laki 20. small children, lamen maupun perempuan daughters and sons 21. kaban naban >anaq 21. kain menggendong 21. the cloth supports the anak child

>anaq (2) sisik scales of fi sh, reptiles

>anaq koda anakoda, nakhoda ship’s captain cp. pitang >anga—>anung 69

>anga liang/gua tempat tinggal cave where animals live binatang

>angin angin wind 1. >angin buriq 1. angin bertiup 1. wind blows 2. >angin di >angin, 2. bergumul dgn unsur- 2. struggle with the >ubaq di >ubaq unsur alam (angin dan elements (winds and waves, gelombang, har angin pun lit. wind upon wind, wave angin, gelombang pun upon wave) gelombang) 3. >angin lora 3. angin teduh 3. calm wind 4. >angin lolon 4. angin yg bertiup sepoi- 4. soft breeze on the sepoi di atas permukaan surface of the sea laut 5. >angin lolon >eqa 5. penyakit yg berjangkit 5. illness spread by the mètung melalui angin (har angin di wind (lit. breeze over the atas laut, wilayah kosong) sea, empty region) 6. >angin panuser 6. angin puting beliung 6. whirlwind, water spout 7. >angin ranga 7. angin darat pada musim 7. strong land winds pohon ‘ranga’ berbunga during the palm-tapping season at the end of the rains which sometimes bring a premature end to tapping (coincides with the blossoming of the ‘ranga’ tree) 8. >angin tèin 8. tumbuhan menjalar yg 8. creeping plant, on trees hidupnya menjalar pada pohon 9. >angin tèqè 9. masuk angin, kena angin 9. get a cold, have a cold 10. >angin timur 10. angin timur 10. east wind 11. >angin tungaraq 11. angin tenggara 11. south-east wind 12. >angin >ubaq 12. a. angin ribut (har 12. a. strong winds, storms angin, gelombang), b. in the early rainy season penyakit yg didatangkan (lit. winds, breakers), b. oleh angin cold, infl uenza 13. >angin >ubaq tèqè 13. kena penyakit yg 13. have a cold, infl uenza didatangkan oleh angin (lit. winds and waves (har angin dan gelombang touch) kena) 14. >angin waraq 14. angin barat 14. west wind 15. >angin wengin 15. angin ribut 15. strong winds cp. lado, nukung, tahiq, >ubaq, >uya

>ani umpan, mengumpan bait cp. akal

>aning memancing fi sh cp. >iqa, kopel, taung (1), wotoq

>anung (1) >anung waleng rupa, bentuk, muka, wajah shape, form, face, countenance 70 >anung—>ape

boraq neq >anung lihat wajahnja, tampak spt look at his face, it looks namo neq ame bapaknya like his father’s cp. >awang, lagu, nulur (2), pue (2), rupa, ton (1), wau

>anung (2) bukan, tidak, ungkapan no, not, reject, decline penolakan 1. >anung name noq 1. bukan spt ini 1. not like this 2. >anung keti uqdèq 2. bukan kami yg 2. it was not us who took mengambilnya them cp. ama, daeq, ehing, ohaq, >obang, ton (1), tuku (1)

>apa cara masak dgn air sedikit cook with little water >apa ai lolon masak sayur-sayuran dgn cook vegetables with little air sedikit water cp. dayuq, iu, lunga

>apan >apan lolaq sebelah side, part 1. >apan keu 1. sebelah atas 1. upper side, upper part, upper area 2. >apan >oleq 2. sebelah barat 2. western side, western part, area to the west 3. >apan >oteq 3. sebelah timur 3. eastern side, eastern part, area to the east cp. >ale (2), >apan, baki, baqe, baqen, bèlè, bèli, bètè (1), bètè (2), bètèn, bèyo, >ewang, haraq (3), hiku, hikun, kèrèq (1), lamaq (2), lèding, metaq, narang (1), ole, oli, ote, oyo, >ole, >oli, >ote, >oyo, >oleq, >oliq, >oteq, >oyoq, >umen

>apaq empat four >apaq bota lapa empat (dari nyanyian anak- four (from a chant used by anak untuk menyebutkan children when playing hide bilangan satu sampai and seek, usually counting sepuluh) up to ten)

>ape apa, kenapa what, why 1. >ape lela 1. tidak lama (har apa lama) 1. not long (lit. what long) 2. >ape mè? 2. apa itu? 2. what is that? 3. >ape noq we? 3. ini apa? 3. what is this? 4. >ape tokong >ape 4. miskin (har apa kosong, 4. poor (lit. what empty, tokong apa kosong) what empty) 5. >ape wai 5. sst, barang, benda yg 5. s.t., a thing, the name of belum diketahui namanya which is not yet known 6. ele >ape 6. kenapa? 6. why? cp. kata (1), kua >api—>ar 71

>api >api padu api fi re 1. >api >ayang 1. arang api 1. ash, dead coals 2. >api >awaq 2. bara api 2. embers, coals 3. >api >ebel 3. lidah api 3. tongue of the fi re, fl ame 4. >api >eroq 4. bara api 4. live coal 5. >api kiloq >ale sue 5. api bersinar di dua 5. fi re shines in two places tempat 6. >api kiloq >ote >ili 6. api bersinar di atas 6. fi re shines in the gunung mountain 7. >api mana 7. api merambat 7. fi re spreads 8. >api >olor 8. nyala api 8. light of the fi re 9. >api pilang 9. api yg sudah mati 9. fi re which has gone out 10. >api rapun 10. abu api 10. ash 11. >api rubu 11. asap api, api berasap 11. smoke of a fi re, a smoking fi re 12. >api >ulang 12. bunga api; sisa bakaran 12. spark; remains of a fi re api yg diterbangkan angin blown by the wind cp. gèruq, padu, tutung (2)

>apoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ipoq >apoq

>apur (1) >apur tèqu kapur lime, calcium, chalk cp. tèqu

>apur (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: aqang

>aq kemari, ke sini, dari yg from, hither, come from, kurang-lebih rata menuju an approximately level ke laut kepada si pembicara direction seawards (or westwards) towards the speaker 1. >ole >aq 1. dari arah barat yg jauh, 1. from westwards a kepada si pembicara medium distance towards the speaker 2. >owe >aq 2. dari arah yg kurang- 2. from an approximately lebih rata menuju ke level direction seawards a laut, yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker cp. bèwè, ma, nè, >ole, >owe

>ar keluarkan (dahak) cough up and spit out (phlegm) >ar nuaq keluarkan dahak cough up and spit out phlegm cp. hiteng, >iyuq, miyuq, potaq 72 >ara—>araq >araq

>ara teras, inti pohon, inti tanah, pith, core of tree, earth, the bagian yg paling keras yg hardest part, very old sangat tuai 1. >ara lalung 1. teras merah yg berasal 1. the strong, light red pith dari pohon jantan of a male tree 2. >ara mèluq 2. teras merah tua yg 2. the weak, brown pith of berasal dari pohon betina a female tree 3. tuaq >ara 3. balok dari pohon tuak 3. beam made of lontar untuk membangunkan wood for building a house, rumah, dsb etc. 4. >uhe >ara eroq auq 4. bumi 4. earth cp. >oqing, >otan, >uhe

>ara bora gurita besar mythical sea monster (giant octopus) 1. >ara bora buriq tahiq 1. olakan air (har gurita 1. a whirlpool (lit. the sea besar melubangkan laut) monster blows a hole in the sea) 2. >ara bora keu 2. kepercayaan bahwa laut 2. belief that a tempestuous bergelora dan berombak sea is caused by a giant atau bergelombang besar octopus which plays on the adalah disebabkan oleh surface of the sea naiknya gurita besar yg bermain di permukaan laut 3. >ara bora lobo 3. gurita besar menelan 3. the sea monster swallows 4. >ular naga >ara bora 4. ular naga dan gurita 4. dragon and sea monster besar cp. meneng, nuang, oba, >ular naga

>aran papan board, plank >aran bèqol papan terlepas (spt papan loose plank (like a plank perahu terlepas) from a boat which has fallen out) cp. nobol

>araq (1) arak arrack

>araq (2) sekelompok orang yg group of people who go bersama-sama ke laut to sea together to put out untuk membuang pukat a net

>araq (3) terang clear cp. aran, niho, nihon, potoq, terang

>araq (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >araq >araq

>araq >araq cantik manis (dipakai cuma beautiful (used only in the dlm istilah ‘areq >araq phrase ‘areq >araq >araq’) >araq’) areq >araq >araq gadis yg cantik manis beautiful maiden >areng—>ata 73

>areng >areng kokor mendengkur snore cp. mura >areng, murang >areng

>arin tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nimon

>aring tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ame kakang >aring, ame kang >aring, kakang >aring, kang >aring

>ariq adik younger same generation clan mate or equivalent in a clan which is ‘mèkèr-ehoq’, younger sibling 1. >ariq lai utun 1. adik-adik dlm keluarga 1. younger siblings, all siblings younger than the speaker 2. >ariq tu >utuq 2. adik bungsu 2. youngest sibling cp. >aring

>asal (1) >asal >usul asal (pangkal) origin, source 1. Boli neq >asal >usul 1. Boli berasal dari Kedang 1. Boli derives from Edang-ne Kedang 2. >ei tutuq nanang 2. saya membicarakan/ 2. I relate traditional >asal >usul menceritakan megenai history asal usul cp. >ayal, matan, >usul >asal

>asal (2) asal saja provided that, as long as

>asong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >esong

>asur >asur >ulang hancur shattered, smashed cp. bikil, buteq, dunuq, kakal, muha, nehal, rèhuq (2), ruhuq, ruteq, taha, tèlèr

>ata ~ >ataq ~ ta 1 orang 1 man, people 2 banyak 2 many 3 indikator jamak 3 plural marker 1. >ata ma, >ata mawa 1. yg ini (perlihatkan benda 1. these lebih dari satu) 74 >atan—>ate

2. >ata ote 2. yg itu (menunjukkan 2. those, them orang atau benda yg lebih dari satu) 3. >au >ata >oyo dilè 3. anjing-anjing itu saling 3. those dogs are licking pèlaq wèq menjilat each other 4. boraq >ata naq, >ata 4. lihat ini (ada beberapa) 4. look at these nobe, >ata noq 5. sorong ko >ata ma 5. berikan untukku semua 5. give me all of that, all itu of those cp. >atan, >ate, damaq, ebe, kayaq (1), maqar, rai, rèiq

>atan orang person, man 1. age o ka di, >atan 1. biarpun engkau makan, 1. although you eat, people ohaq burenya tidak ada yg marah are not angry 2. >atan seqe 2. orang punya 2. belongs to s.o. cp. >ata, >ate, ebe, nimon

>atang balok yg dipasang pada beams in the roof tiang bahagian atas untuk menjadi beban kuda-kuda rumah >atang rokaq balok patah beam breaks, beam broke, broken beam cp. lili, nobol

>ataq (1) see: >atar

>ataq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: doha, roing, wiru

>ataq (3) see: >ata

>atar ~ >ataq >atar dote mengangkat sst benda lift an object to ascertain untuk mencoba merasakan its weight berat ringannya

>ate penolong bilangan untuk classifi er for people orang 1. >ate diqen 1. orang, manusia 1. man, mankind, people, human beings 2. >ate diqen >ate tèlu 2. tiga orang pergi ke 2. three people go to pan Balauringya Balauring Balauring 3. >ate diqen palan 3. orang lain, orang asing 3. another person, stranger mieq; >ate palan >anaq miyeq 4. >ate pie? 4. berapa orang? 4. how many people? 5. >ate rian 5. suami (har orang besar) 5. husband (lit. big man) 6. >ate ribu 6. rakyat (har orang 6. populace (lit. people in beribuan) the thousands) >aten—>auq 75

7. >ate tèlu 7. tiga orang 7. three people 8. >ole Lewoleba o mui 8. engkau melihat mereka 8. how many people did sio >ate pie? berjumlah berapa orang di you see at Lewoleba? Lewoleba? cp. >ata, rehaq, >uliq

>aten hati liver me ka neq >ihin, puli kamu makan dagingnya, you eat its meat, leave me koq taqen >aten tinggalkan hatinya untuk the liver saya cp. pako, taqen (1)

>atung kaktus (getahnya cactus (the sap of which is dipakai untuk meracuni, used to poison, blind fi sh) membutakan mata ikan) 1. >atung ahang 1. sj pohon kaktus (biasanya 1. prickly pear cactus ditanam mengelilingi (often planted around kampung untuk menjadi a village as a fence for benteng: duri perang) protection) 2. >atung sawa 2. sj kaktus yg berdiri 2. k.o. barrel cactus 3. bele >atung nanan 3. mengeluarkan sari kaktus 3. release cactus juice cp. nua, tua (3)

>atur (1) dinding dari batu yg arrangement of stones in disusun di pinggir laut shallow seawater to catch untuk menjebak ikan fi sh

>atur (2) bayang-bayangan yg refl ections of a sparkling kelihatan pada benda yg object berkilauan cp. >engaq

>au >au wawi anjing dog 1. >au boiq 1. anjing kebiri 1. castrated dog 2. >au iku boyang 2. nama anjing dlm ceritera 2. name of a dog in a dongeng legend about the dispersal of the fi rst humans from the top of >Uyo Lewun mountain 3. >au >inan 3. induk anjing 3. mother dog 4. >au laqin kabiri hara 4. anjing jantan kebiri lebih 4. a castrated male dog is opoq gemuk fatter 5. >au lehaq 5. rantai/pengikat anjing 5. dog’s leash 6. >au ronen 6. anjing betina 6. female dog cp. manuq

>auq (1) >auq kabaq merangkul hug, embrace neq >anaq nape >adan, sepulang anaknya dirangkul her child having just neq ine >auq kabaq ibunya returned, the mother neqi hugs it cp. dèpiq, kabuq, kapung, roho 76 >auq—>awiq

>auq (2) mengencangkan tali busur tighten a bow’s string by dgn cara mendorong tali pulling it to the top of the busur ke ujung busur, spy bow so that it becomes talinya menjadi tegang taut

>aur sj bambu k.o. bamboo >aur miqer kelompok bambu di tengah stand of bambu in the kampung lama Leuwayang center of the old village of tempat memohon Leuwayang where people keberanian sacrifi ce for courage cp. ahung, bering, lobi >aur, perung, walang

>awai benda yg belum diketahui unfamiliar object 1. >awai murun 1. satu kehidupan, makhluk 1. an existence, a living hidup creature 2. >awai >udeq owe, 2. ada sst di sana, entah apa 2. there is s.t. there, not kaiq >apene sure what

>awal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: woyaq

>awang permukaan front, face >awang pareq berhadapan muka face to the fore, face-to- bermuka-muka face cp. >anung (1), pue (2), wau

>awaq (1) sarang nest 1. ara boreng >awaq 1. sarang labah-labah 1. spider web 2. tiu >awaq 2. sarang tikus 2. mouse nest 3. manuq >awaq 3. sarang ayam 3. hen’s nest cp. bou (1)

>awaq (2) bara embers, coals >api >awaq bara embers, coals cp. >eroq, >iwiq

>awe (1) >awe lamang membawa datang untuk introduce in order to raise, piara, mengambil, take, pick up in order to memungut untuk raise dipelihara

>awe (2) saya kumpul, berkumpul I gather together, I gather {tasrif: 1t ‘>awe’, 2t ‘mawe’, {paradigm: 1sg ‘>awe’, 2sg 3t ‘nawe’, 1j eks ‘kawe’, ‘mawe’, 3sg ‘nawe’, 1pl ex 1j in ‘tawe’, 2j ‘mawe’, 3j ‘kawe’, 1pl in ‘tawe’, 2pl ‘sawe’} ‘mawe’, 3pl ‘sawe’} cp. ahuq, haba, mawu, mawun, muta, >opung, tawu, tawun, tubun

>awiq anak tangga rung of a ladder dera >awiq anak tangga rung of a ladder >awong—>ayung 77

>awong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >iwong

>awoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >iwoq

>awor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >iwor

>ayal asal (pangkal) origin >ayal bè wayaq asal di puan/tempat sirih origin in the betel basket cp. >asal (1), >usul >asal

>ayang (1) arang charcoal paq >ayang bakar arang burn charcoal

>ayang (2) jinak, piaraan tame wawi >otan hara miqer, babi liar lebih berani, tidak a wild pig is braver, not ohaq namo wawi spt babi jinak like a tame pig >ayang cp. maman, paron, walang

>ayang (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: maq >ayang, waiq

>ayoq goyang, bergoyang shake, swing, move cp. baqung (1), bayol, bokar, dequng, dèyu, dopeq, dosor, doyung, edaq, edeq, egeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eto(1), >eyoq, hekol, kedong, ledeq, legang (1), mekol, odoq, >oda, >odor, >oduq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1), wayong, wetoq

>ayung main, tipu play, trick, deceive cp. akal, baramaing, huang, kati, pade B ba see: wa, bè baba mereka, suatu sebutan they, those whose arrival is untuk mereka yg ditunggu expected kedatangannya 1. baba kioq baba kaoq 1. ular berbisa penjaga 1. poisonous snake which kampung Lèuwayang guards the village of Lèuwayang 2. baba suo oaq nau 2. mereka itu belum datang 2. they have not yet come >adanya cp. so (1), suo babal memipihkan jagung dgn pound maize in a hurry terburu-buru (sehingga (as a result of which the hasilnya tidak pipih) pounded kernels of maize are not nice and fl at) cp. kakaq bung babang babang boheq, babang bengkak (spt orang swollen (as when suffering hureng berpenyakit beri-beri) from beriberi) 1. laèn babang boheq 1. penyakit beri-beri 1. beriberi 2. Pèu neq ling babang 2. tangan Peu bengkak 2. Peu’s hand is swollen boheq ele ular kiqi karena digigit ular because it was bitten by a snake cp. bètèr (2), bokoq, bouq, bowar, >esong, hubong, reoq, ubong babaq (1) retak, hampir pecah, pecah cracked, almost broken, broken bala babaq gading ini sudah retak this elephant tusk is cracked cp. bèti, bikil, buteq, dunuq, halar, kakal, kaq, lareq, lureq lareq, papal, peaq, pesaq, pèhuq babaq (2) orang Tionghoa Chinese person cp. sina babu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >iriq badang badan body pasaq badang memaksa diri berkerja force o.s. to work hard (lit. keras (har paksa badan) force [the] body) bading—bahe 79

cp. nawaq (1), wèq (1) bading (1) bading nuloq bading nuloq bel rèq rencana, merencanakan schedule, plan 1. >ate diqen bè bading 1. orang yg merencanakan 1. the person who derung hoing molan pemburuan dan menyuruh schedules a hunt and orders poan mè naya neqe: dukun membuat upacara the priest to perform the nuloq wala dinamai: pengatur perburu ceremony is called the organizer of the hunt 2. bading wala 2. pengatur kegiatan 2. organizer of an activity cp. hueq, nibang, tading, tibang, ukur bading (2) menimbang suatu perkara weigh a case cp. tading bae bae bung 1 menumbuk 1 crush, stamp, pound grain 2 menabrak, menubruk 2 collide 1. bae anen 1. menumbuk padi 1. stamp unhusked rice 2. bae bakoq 2. menikam dgn benda 2. stab with a sharp or dull baik tajam maupun tumpul object 3. bae bakoq koq tubar 3. kepalaku terbentur di 3. I hit my head against bè nèbiq dinding the wall cp. huneq, iq, lagar, lètur, naru, oluq, rahaq (1), tèduq, tipaq baeq menukik, menundukkan incline, tilt one’s head kepala cp. dukiq, >ènung, rèkung, rokoq bage membagi divide bage auq membagi tanah divide up land cp. bake, baki, baqe, bètè (1), boq, hiaq, >umen bagor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: begor bahe bahe dèq 1 habis, selesai, usai 1 fi nish, fi nished, complete 2 lalu, kemudian, sesudah 2 then, afterward, thus itu 3 penunjuk aspek kompletif 3 completive aspect marker 1. huang ebel bahe dèq 1. permainan sudah selesai 1. the game is over 2. o mulo bahe >eqi 2. engkau dulu, baru 2. you fi rst, then me kemudian saya cp. anaq, bahen, dei, hawur, hiba, ipu, kawen, lèbu, lèpè, mèlèng, mè (2), mueng (1), munaq 80 bahen—bai laoq

(1), nawen, >ong, pilang, rawa (1), sobe bahen yg habis that which is fi nished Suba Wutuq auq bahen Subang Wutun (di Tanjung Subang’s Point (at Dragon Naga, Pulau Lembata) Peninsula, Lembata Island) tanah berhenti/berakhir land’s end cp. bahe baheq (1) baheq worong sj siput yg buntutnya k.o. shellfi sh with a spiky berduri bottom cp. boka (1), ehe (2), elaq, etiq, lohu (1), riding, tupe, wuoq (1) baheq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ohong baheq bahi bahi bayang, bahi wahi mengayuh, mendayung row, paddle bahi tene mengayuh sampan, paddle a small boat/dugout mendayung sampan cp. buaq, wayang (2) bahing bahing bula mencuci, membasuh wash o pan bahingo? apakah engkau pergi are you going to do the mencuci pakaian washing? cp. hamur, hèbu, hidang, hiki (1) bahir mengambil yg terbentang take, gather that which is atau terhampar spread out bahu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bihu bahuq bahuq buren mabuk drunk, intoxicated nuo bahuq wala dia pemabuk he is a drunkard cp. kibo kabo bai tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bai biri, oi, ua bai, uq, >uri bai biri tanah rata fl at land bai laoq see: baio laoq baing—baki 81 baing baing bakoq, baing maing membuat lubang untuk stick holes in the ground ditanami bibit padi for sowing rice seeds 1. baing anen 1. menanam padi 1. plant rice 2. baing >ero auq 2. menanam di tanah 2. plant in the earth cp. bakoq, behiq, lèluq, miwaq, naduq, >oda, tèduq baio laoq ~ bai laoq ~ balaoq ~ bayo laoq ~ blaoq orang Bajau Laut Seagypsies baka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: luka (2), taha, tahan bakar bakar bilang kangkang, terkangkang legs wide apart, straddle 1. bakar lèi 1. mengangkang kaki 1. open the legs wide 2. bakar ling utun 2. mengangkang jari tangan 2. spread one’s fi ngers apart 3. lèi bakar 3. kaki terkangkang 3. legs spread apart 4. mader bakar 4. berdiri kangkang 4. stand straddling s.t., stand with one’s legs wide apart cp. bikar, eqan, hakaq, hangaq bake bake bele membuka atau melepaskan open, disentangle, loosen tangan yg berpegangan spy grip so as to let go of s.t. terlepas 1. bake ling 1. melepaskan tangan 1. separate hands (during a (waktu main tandak) circle dance) 2. bake nute newar 2. menguraikan persoalan 2. resolve a disagreement toyeq satu persatu (har membuka issue by issue (lit. open the kata, memutus kata) words, loosen the words) cp. akil, bage, baki, bèti, biloq, bito, bukaq (1), èhèq, hèpuq, hingoq, hoe, loa (1), mowar, nala, newar, noa, ohoq, pengar, puheq, rio, towar bakeq menusuk, melekat, pierce, fasten, stick in menancapkan bakeq pilir menancapkan sisir pada stick a comb in one’s hair rambut cp. bateq, boruq, dapeq (1), daraq, >iher, horuq, kateng, lateq, raèq, rèbèq, tawe (4), tuhuq, tukoq baki baki loa membagi, memisahkan separate, part, isolate 82 bakil—bakur

lo bele baki loa mohon pelepasan dari request release from siksaan (har lepas membagi torment (lit. release divide lepas) release) cp. >ale (2), >apan, bage, bake, baqe, baqen, baqung (2), bètè (1), bètèn, boq, dèkèng, >ewang, hiaq, keweng, kèrèq (1), lamaq (2), metaq, pehaq, pesaq, piang, wang (1), >umen bakil see: akil bako bako koli bako koli kolor sorong tembakau tobacco 1. bako Boleng 1. tembakau dari desa 1. tobacco from the village Boleng, Adonara of Boleng, Adonara 2. bako èpuq; bako 2. puntung rokok 2. cigarette butt luteq 3. bako koli 3. a. rokok yg gulungannya 3. a. cigarette made of dari daun lontar, b. tobacco rolled in a strip of tembakau dari desa Koli, lontar palm leaf, b. tobacco Adonara from the village of Koli, Adonara 4. bako lolon 4. daun tembakau 4. leaves of the tobacco plant 5. bako oro 5. rokok yg gulungannya 5. cigarette made of dari daun lontar tobacco rolled in a strip of lontar palm leaf 6. dihil bako 6. menghirup asap rokok 6. inhale cigarette smoke 7. kolor bako 7. menggulung/melinting 7. roll a cigarette rokok 8. min bako 8. merokok 8. smoke a cigarette bakoq bakoq baing menikam, tertancap stab, struck 1. ai bakoq maeq ka 1. kayu menikam, duri 1. wood stab, thorn pierce makan 2. bakoq auq 2. [duri] menanap tanah 2. [thorn] poke the earth cp. bae, baing, bukul, dèkur, dèqèr (2), dikeq, ladaq, lagar, lètuq, reku (2), rèting, robaq (2), sarobaq, tubaq, tuhuq, tukoq bakur bakur pengar lubang, rongga hole, cavity 1. ai bakur 1. rongga kayu 1. hole in a hollow tree 2. lèhiq bakur; >uq 2. lubang pantat 2. anus bakur 3. tu bakur 3. lubang di puting susu 3. hole in the nipple bal—balaoq 83

cp. aqar, bokur, boqi, lèdèq, lèhiq, puraq, >uoq, wèlong bal bola ball cp. senempaq bala (1) bala tola gading elephant tusk 1. bala ahin 1. gading yg panjangnya 1. an elephant tusk of over lebih dari ukuran depa one fathom’s length 2. bala huq 2. gading yg panjangnya 2. an elephant tusk exactly tepat satu depa one fathom in length 3. bala tèlun 3. gading bernilai tiga 3. an elephant tusk valued kesatuan as three units (‘munaq’) cp. nolin (1), >ulu (2) bala (2) bala bear membuka ikatan, unroll s.t. rolled up, unfold, menguraikan, terbuka opened 1. bala lipaq 1. membuka lipatan sarung 1. unfold a tubular cloth ‘lipa’ (‘lipa’) 2. bala napa 2. membuka gulungan tikar 2. open a rolled-up mat cp. bia, nala, piang bala (3) bugar kembali, pulih return to health, recover, kembali get cured wèq bala badan sudah sehat recovered, cured cp. >eqa (2), lenge, moleng (2), piang bala (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wolar balan tandan, bulir bunch 1. anen balan 1. bulir padi, mayang padi 1. sheaf of rice 2. taq balan >udeq 2. satu tandan kelapa 2. one bunch of coconuts 3. >ue balan 3. tandan pinang 3. bunch of areca nuts cp. liman, moten, naèng, >uleng, >ulir, welaq balang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: buruq balanta see: lanta balaong see: laong balaoq see: baio laoq 84 balaq—balètuq balaq memetik, mencabik spy pick off, hull terlepas dari batangnya 1. balaq watar 1. memetik tongkol jagung 1. tear ears of maize from dari batangnya the stalk 2. balaq waya lolon 2. memetik tangkai daun 2. tear the leaf stems from papaya dari batangnya the trunk of a papaya tree cp. bihang, biliq, birang, hèpuq, reiq balauq biru blue cp. pahelong balaya see: belaya bale bale kolo 1 pulang, kembali, 1 return, return s.t. mengembalikan sst 2 lantaran, karena 2 in return, because 1. bale lèu 1. kembali ke kampung 1. return to the village 2. >ei kakaq nuo bale 2. saya melempar dia 2. I pelted him because he nuo kakaq >eqi karena dia melempar saya pelted me cp. balen, beloq, ele (1), kolo, koloq, puer balen kembalinya, kepulangan return >ei koq balen kembalinya saya, my return kepulangan saya cp. bale, beloq, kolo, koloq, puer balean ~ baleang bambu untuk menjemur bamboo for drying (clothes, fi sh, etc.) baleang see: balean balenger bodoh, dungu stupid, dumb, dull-witted, imbecile cp. bukeq, kamakuq, kamunger baleq balik, berputar, turn, reverse membalikkan cp. baliq (2), baloq, bating, batong, beloq, buel, bula, duler, huneq, kolar, koloq, lenga, muser, pekoq, puer, puka, puleq, puter, ueng (2), >ulaq (2), weleq balètuq tudungan, tudung saji, cover, lid, food cover tutupan balikung—balung 85

cp. bongoq, bowong (2), hoba, kowoq, lètuq, lotuq, matan, mongoq balikung tempat dua tiupan angin place where two winds bertemu meet baliq (1) kapak ax cp. ka toq baliq (2) membalikkan reverse, turn upside down cp. baleq, batong, huneq, koloq, lenga, puer, >ulaq (2) balir berbuah sarat, lebat dense (of fruit on trees), laden with fruit balo balo baq, balo hali mengobati treat, give medicine, medical treatment 1. behaq balo 1. menggosok untuk 1. to rub in order to cure mengobati 2. tuo moleng balo laèn 2. pengobatan yg diberikan 2. treatment given with dgn nasihat dan obat- advice as well as medicine obatan cp. buhuq baloding baloding keu kemasukkan roh (sehingga possession by a spirit (so dapat berbicara atas nama that one speaks in the roh orang mati) name of the deceased) balong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: èir, itor, rio baloq berputar turn cp. baleq, bating, beloq, buel, bula, duler, kolar, koloq, koloq, muser, puer, puka, puleq, puter, ueng (2), weleq balowe gerbang pintu kampung gate to the old village lama balung ~ baluq balung koleq, balung koil melingkarkan tali menjadi coil (rope), fold, cross gulungan, membalun, menggulung 1. balung lèi 1. melipat kaki 1. cross the legs, sit cross legged 2. balung ling 2. melipat tangan 2. fold one’s hands 3. balung loing 3. melingkarkan, 3. coil rope menggulung tali 86 baluq—bangaq

4. tebeq balung 4. duduk bersila 4. sit cross legged cp. doler, >ènung, kayaq, kaluq, koel, koleq, kong, lapiq (1), lekoq, lèpiq, oleng, ongaq baluq (1) see: balung baluq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kong baluq bana balai bambu kecil dlm small bamboo platform in sampan a boat bang (1) harus, seharusnya, must, should, have to, if semestinya, jika bang o pan mè nuo jika engkau pergi maka dia if you go, he will come mane akan datang ke sini here cp. ama, ere (2), kalu, la (1), mepe, musi, paq (4) bang (2) bang ila manik-manik, kalung yg beads, necklace, pendant dikalungkan di leher worn at the neck 1. bang auq 1. manik-manik tanah 1. ceramic beads 2. bang salakaq 2. manik-manik perak 2. silver beads cp. aba banga ~ lela banga sj pohon ara k.o. fi g tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq bangaq (1) bangaq boting merebus boil cp. bura, iu, lunga, patang (1) bangaq—bapa 87 bangaq (2) jagung rebus boiled maize bangeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >onge banger (1) banger bolong mendengar, mendengarkan hear, listen dgn telinga banger lali mendengarkan nyanyian listen with close attention orang dgn penuh perhatian to s.o.’s singing cp. dèngèr, wenger banger (1) banger (2) banger kopaq menunggu, menanti await, wait, wait for 1. >ei banger moq èuq 1. saya menunggu 1. I await your orders (lit. I perintahmu (har saya await your voice) menunggu suaramu) 2. ona banger >ei koq 2. engkau menantikan 2. you await my return balen kepulangan saya cp. hodeq, kopaq, pakang, sapang (2), toang, wenger banger (2) bangol salah tumpuhan leher atau weakness, in children, in tengkuk anak karena jatuh the support of the throat or neck because of a fall bangur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bingur bao bao tata mengapung, terapung, fl oat, fl oating hanyut cp. yato baoq menumpahkan spill baoq wèi menumpahkan air spill water cp. haoq (1), hiroq, homaq, kètiq, lodo (2), luruq bapa (1) 1 nama panggilan untuk 1 term of address for ‘èpu’ saudara laki-laki ibu dan (wife givers) anak anaknya yg laki-laki 2 nama panggilan untuk 2 term of address nenek baik laki-laki for relatives of the maupun perempuan grandparents’ generation regardless of sex cp. èpu bapa (2) bapa >iu buaya crocodile 88 baq—baqe

1. bapa >ebel 1. lidah buaya 1. aloe vera (lit. crocodile’s tongue) 2. bapa obi 2. punggung buaya 2. back of a crocodile baq (1) baq bèting baq bèting >eqa >air membelah, memecahkan split, crack, cut in two 1. baq ai 1. membelah kayu 1. split wood (with an ax) 2. baq bèting taq >ulur 2. membelah buah kelapa 2. split this coconut so that noq mate a we muda ini spy bisa kita we (in) can eat it makan 3. baq tèlar 3. membelah labu merah 3. split a pumpkin cp. akil, baqil, bel, bèloq, bèngè, bètè, bèti, doing, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hika, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), lareq, papaq, paqal, pèhuq, piang baq (2) baq bèting mencangkul weed 1. baq auq 1. mencangkul tanah 1. dig the ground 2. baq >eqa >air 2. membersihkan rumput 2. clear a fi eld of weeds in di kebun pada musim the rainy season hujan cp. bèko, hua, laqur, sangkul baq (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: balo, paro baqa baqa beaq terbang fl y 1. >ei kakaq >udeq 1. kulempar satu mati, yg 1. I killed one by throwing mate, >ahin baqa beaq lain beterbangan semua at it, the others fl ew away bahe 2. kapal baqa 2. pesawat 2. airplane cp. buaq, hea baqe baqe bele memisah, memisahkan, part, divide, give out membagi baqe watar bè lamaq membagi jagung di piring place maize on a plate

cp. >ale (2), >apang, bage, baki, baqe, baqen, baqung (2), bètè (1), bètèn, boq, >ewang, hiaq, keweng, kèrèq (1), lamaq (2), metaq, pehaq, pesaq, piang, >umen, wang (1) baqen—bara pehiq 89 baqen hasil pembagian, hasil part, the result of dividing, pemisahkan, yg dibagi that which is divided cp. >ale (2), >apan, baki, baqe, bètè (1), bètèn, >ewang, lamaq (2), metaq, >umen baqil membelah, memaruh cut in two baqil witing tubar membelah kepala kambing split a goat’s head cp. baq (1) baqul saringan sieve, strainer cp. kiliq, keka, tapi baqung (1) baqung koliq mengangkat, memindah, lift, move, overturn, membongkar demolish, tear apart 1. baqung waq 1. memindahkan batu 1. move rocks 2. waq kara baqung 2. batu jangan dibongkar/ 2. stone do not tumble dibalik over cp. >alar, >ayoq, bokar, dèyu, doing, doke, dopeq, dosor, eaq, edaq, egeq, >edoq, hekol, hiroq, kedong, lahaq, lataq, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, rèpè, sosoq (1), waeng (1) baqung (2) bubar, berpisah dispersed, separated suo mawu wèq apakah pertemuan itu has their meeting broken baqungdèq? sudah bubar? up yet? cp. baki, baqe, hiroq, keweng, pehaq, pesaq, piang, wang (1) baqung (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bongan (1) bara (1) bara bahara, pemberat, ballast pengimbang bara tene memakai bara bahara, ballast a boat permberat kapal bara (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bara pehiq, bèi, bele, hoeq, leoq, paoq bara pehiq sj tumbuhan, semanggi, k.o. vegetable, Hydrocotyle Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides sibthorpioides cp. biru, kandola, lale, tuaq loran, >unuq 90 baraging—bareng baraging ~ wela baraging sarung atau kain yg kurang cloth of inferior quality baik mutunya cp. boleng baramaing bermain play cp. >ayung, huang, kati baran baran ero muda young 1. areq baran 1. pemudi 1. maiden 2. ebe muda areq baran 2. pemuda-pemudi 2. youths and maidens 3. manuq baran 3. ayam muda 3. young chicken 4. nuran baran 4. tanam-tanaman, hasil 4. food crops bumi 5. taq baran ero 5. pohon kelapa yg sudah 5. coconut tree which has mulai berbuah begun to fruit cp. nuran, pitaq, tiboq, ubar barang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bongan (1), tibang, tiong baraq (1) baraq beteq berat heavy cp. neweq baraq (2) bambu yg dipasang pada large bamboo frame of a balai-balai bahagian lebar platform sebelah atas bare bare bokoq, bare todeq memikul carry on the shoulders 1. bare hau 1. a. memikul bambu air, 1. a. carry a water bamboo, b. tulang selangka b. collarbone 2. bare hanger 2. berwajah sehat 2. be healthy 3. bare wali 3. a. memikul di bahu; 3. a. carry on the shoulder, b. nama kain, sarung, yg b. k.o. sarong which is dipakai pada bahu worn around the shoulder cp. doèl, dongoq, hanger, hodeq, tola barekeng keterlaluan excessive, too much cp. liwaq bareng tempat berkumpul, kebun place of assembly, fi eld 1. mireq bareng sue 1. dua kebun kemiri 1. two groves of candlenut trees 2. moniq bareng 2. tempat berkumpul orang 2. a gathering place of yg sedang duduk minum people drinking palmwine tuak 3. perung bareng 3. rumpun bambu betung, 3. a stand of petung Dendrocalamus asper bamboo, Dendrocalamus asper 4. taq bareng >udeq 4. satu kebun kelapa 4. a stand of coconut trees barewoq—basa 91

cp. apa (3), >alang, >eqa (1), kain, lumar, moniq, tana barewoq berewok, jenggot panjang long broad beard dan tebal cp. sabeq barèkèq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: paka bari tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: konang baring tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tudi bariq menimpa, jatuh menimpa fall on, descend upon, strike down 1. bariq wolar 1. kayu yg menutupi 1. split half of a bamboo lubang di bubungan rumah pole which lies above the ‘bowong wolar’ and covers the crack in the roof ridge in a granary (one of two ‘wolar bala’) 2. mireq limaq moruq 2. cabang kemiri jatuh 2. a branch of the bariq wetaq menimpa rumah candlenut tree fell on the house cp. harang (1), nowoq, rokeq baru tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kiru barun barun beke 1 memangku, mendekapkan 1 take on the lap, press pada dada against the chest 2 membalut, menempel dgn 2 stick crushed leaves on daun-daun yg dilumatkan to s.t. 1. barun beke >anaq 1. memangku, mendekap 1. take a child on the lap, anak hold a child to the chest 2. barun beke botin 2. membalut, menempel 2. stick crushed leaves on perut dgn daun-daun yg the stomach (as medicine) dilumatkan (sbg obat) cp. botaq basa (1) basa tuli membaca read basa (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tulaq 92 basar—batong basar panggung, medan pesta festival platform, festival clearing nayan basar tenda besar large awning bata bata boraq mencabut take out, remove, extract, dig out, pull out 1. bata lili 1. mencabut 1. take out a house post tiang rumah 2. bata ruq wadeq 2. mencabut rumput 2. pull up weeds 3. bata >uleq 3. mencabut pasak 3. take out a peg cp. bèko, >èmèng, hèpuq, hokil, holiq, kèming, >oliq (1), puheq batang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bunger batel sj tempayak yg tinggal k.o. edible grub which lives dlm kayu dan menjadi in dead wood and becomes kumbang a beetle bateq melekat, menempel stick, adhere 1. bateq mulea bèq 1. menempel obat-obatan 1. apply medicine (from botin (dari daun dsb) di perut leaves, etc.) on the stomach 2. bateq suraq 2. menempelsurat, 2. make known, make an pengumuman announcement (lit. stick letter) cp. bakeq, barun, daneq, dapeq (1), kateng, lapiq (2), lateq, nènèq, pataq, raèq, rèbèq bating membanting hit, strike, turn cp. awang, baleq, baloq, beloq, bèngè, bèting, dèqèr, dètol, duler, hoding, hoqol, hoyan, koloq, lebaq (2), lakaq, lekaq, muser, nènè, paluq, pekoq, puer, puter, rahaq (1), rèting, tèlèr, tèqè, ueng (2), walaq (1), waiq (2), wataq batiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: boq batong batong koliq membalikkan, turn up, turn over, reverse, menggulingkan, lift up, erect membangunkan batoq—bawang 93

1. batong >ate diqen 1. membangunkan orang 1. lift up a sick person (so laen moleng sakit (spy bisa duduk) that he can sit) 2. batong wetaq 2. membangun rumah 2. erect a house cp. baleq, baliq (2), bitiq, bote, doing, doiq (2), dokil, hading, hele, hoko (1), hoqi, huneq, kodol, kolar, koleq, koloq, kolor, lenga, lou, luen, mulang, pèq, puer, >ulaq (2), tung, waling batoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >eto batoq batuq batuq nukel 1 kental, menjadi kental 1 thick, thicken 2 santan 2 coconut milk cp. kapal (1) batur jarum needle cp. bitur bauq bauq behang pangkal pohon trunk, base of tree 1. muqu bauq 1. pangkal pohon pisang 1. trunk of a banana tree 2. wali bauq 2. pangkal bahu 2. shoulder joint cp. ain, puqen baur mencampur barang cair mix liquids baur tuaq mencampur tuak lama dan mix old and new palmwine baru cp. hakol bawa gendang drum kong riti bawa rataq bunyi gong gendang sound of clanging gongs berdentang and drums cp. bedil, dang, kong (1), medil, rabang bawal bawal puiq menempa forge 1. bawal pedaq 1. menempa parang 1. forge a fi eld knife 2. bawal puiq wala 2. tukang pandai besi 2. smith cp. libur bawang (1) menuntun (sst) di dlm air guide (s.t.) by swimming and walking through water bawang tene menuntun perahu dlm air guide a boat in the water bawang (2) mengenakan cincin atau put on a ring or bracelet gelang bawang mawang mengenakan gelang put on a bracelet cp. logeq 94 bawang buyaq—bayaq bawang buyaq bawang putih garlic bawang putuq bawang, bawang merah onion, shallot bawaq bawaq neqer membawa berulang-ulang, bring repeatedly, repeat mengulang 1. bawaq waq 1. berulang-ulang 1. bring stones over and mandatangkan batu (untuk over again (for a project) suatu proyek) 2. bawaq watar 2. berulang-ulang 2. bring maize again and mendatangkan jagung again bawar bawar bèting memukuli kepala atau hit s.o. on the head or badan dgn kayu panjang body with a long stick cp. behi, dang, hobaq, lekaq, mawar, naka (1), paluq, walaq (1), wataq baweq menarik ke arah diri pull towards o.s. sendiri baweq ai limaq menarik cabang pohon pull a branch (so as to pick (untuk mengambil its fruit) buahnya) bawo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bori bawo bawoq meraup, memindahkan scoop up, move s.t. with (beras, biji jagung, dsb) dgn the hands, move (rice jari tangan ke tempat lain grains, maize kernels, etc.) with the hands to another place cp. ahuq, loiq baya baya leki, baya neki sombong strong willed, arrogant, conceited Boli baya neki wèq Boli sombong Boli is conceited cp. budi, holor halor, hèqèng wèq, sokaq salaq bayang bayang wayang mendayung paddle 1. bayang tene 1. mendayung perahu 1. paddle a boat 2. bayang waq 2. mendayung batu 2. paddle rocks 3. uyeng bayang waq 3. periuk ‘mendayung batu’ 3. pot (of those who) (periuk dari Mule Waq) ‘paddle rocks’ (pot from Mule Waq) cp. bahi, wahi bayaq bayaq kiaq berteriak marah-marah shout, scream bayar—bebeq 95

cp. bohang, hioq, maka (1), ong, sokaq wèq, soraq, weqal, wile bayar menjanjikan, berjanji promise, pledge 1. bayardèq ma sorong 1. kalau sudah berjanji 1. if you have promised it, maka harus diberi you must give it 2. bayar labur 2. menjanjikan baju 2. promise clothing cp. >èlu, gade, gerang, nakang bayo sj tandak, tarian k.o. dance cp. beda a e o, han daq, lia namang, mado maka, soleq, tèting dai bayol bayol bituq, bayol bitur tegak tapi tidak teguh, standing upright but bergoyang, labil infi rm, shaking, infi rm cp. >ayoq, dèyu, doyung, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eyoq, kedong, ledeq, >oda, >oduq, pekon bayo laoq see: baio laoq bayung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: biyung bayung bayuq bayuq beke meninju, bertinju box, fi ght 1. bayuq beke wèq 1. bertinjuan, saling 1. strike each other with bertinju fi sts 2. Heri nore Esti bayuq 2. Heri dan Esti saling 2. Heri and Esti are beke wèqya meninju fi ghting each other cp. awe, awen, laba, nu (1) beaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ayar, baqa, pasaq bear tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bala (2), papaq bebak duri pada pelepah pohon spikes on the stem of the lontar lontar palm bebeq bebek duck cp. manuq sama 96 beda a e o—beheng beda a e o 1. sj tarian tandak 1. circle dance step sequence 2. nama nyanyian 2. name of a song 3. nama seruan 3. name of a refrain pengulangan (lagu) cp. bayo, han daq, lia namang, mado maka, soleq, tèting dai bedil bedil bawa bedil gun, rifl e cp. bedil, medil begol bénggol, uang Hindia Dutch East Indies two and Belanda bernilai dua a half cent coin setengah sen cp. gelang begor begor bagor bergerak-gerak untuk move, wriggle (in order to melepaskan diri dari free o.s. when held), move cengkeraman, menggeliat repeatedly cp. hekol behang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bauq behaq mengecat, menggosok, rub, apply, polish, lubricate memoles, mengoles, melumas 1. behaq balo 1. menggosok untuk 1. rub in medicine mengobati 2. behaq wedaq 2. memoles bedak 2. apply face powder cp. boyang (1), boyong, dolang, doru, doyang, gosoq, haru, haruq, >ida, kula (1), loha, ropa, tang behar behar mehar menggiling mill, grind 1. behar ape 1. menggiling kapas 1. mill cotton 2. behar watar 2. menggiling jagung 2. mill maize 3. mehar behar ape 3. penggiling menggiling 3. the grinder cleans cotton kapas cp. behiq, bèloq behe seruan yg menyatakan interjection expressing keheranan surprise cp. bula beheng beheng >ohong nyanyian waktu duduk poetic song sung at festive makan, dlm bentuk pantun mealtimes behi—bel 97 behi (1) behi bawar memukul (spt pengiris tuak beat, soften (as a palm memukul-mukul buah tapper hits the palm spadix lontar spy lembut) to soften it) cp. awang, birang, bung, dang, dètol, hotaq, mawang, paluq, tutu (1), rapu, wataq behi (2) sepotong kain pengikat strip of cloth used to tie a cawat loin cloth cp. tariq behiq behiq behar, behiq rehaq menabur, menebar sow, scatter seed behiq watar menebar benih jagung scatter maize seed cp. baing, >iher, kotar, libur, miwaq behuq melontar, melemparkan, throw, hurl, kick (a fruit in tendang (buah balam dlm a game) satu permainan) cp. ehuq beke tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: barun, bayuq, boran (1), bulung, bur, dera, doraq bekeq bekeq burong berang, marah (dlm angry, furious, irate perselisihan pendapat) (because of difference of opinion) cp. bukeq, buren, hiwoq, marang, miqer, pana, rahe, rihuq bekor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sambeang bel bel baq memotong, mencincang cut, chop 1. bel ai 1. memotong kayu 1. chop wood 2. bel baq wèq 2. membunuh (mematikan, 2. kill (make s.o.’s soul menghilangkan nyawa sso) disappear) 3. bel kain, laq tuen 3. memuka hutan untuk 3. clear forest to open a bel kain kebun baru new fi eld 4. bel pading 4. memotong miring 4. cut at an angle cp. awang, bading, bètè (1), >èyè, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, koq (2), kuting, lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, 98 bela—bele

nuteq, pane, >ohi, >ohor, pate, pèriq, piq, tadiq, tia, tual, wèngèl bela kerja sama antara dua cooperation between two kepala kelompok heads of fi shing parties penangkapan ikan 1. bela noqi 1. menyambung pukat 1. join three-sided fi shing pukat bersegi tiga nets 2. bela pueq 2. menyambung pukat- 2. join fi shing nets together pukat cp. dauq bela bayan perjanjian antara kampung treaty between villages or atau wilayah regions cp. sayin bayan belang hiasan sebaliknya mata decoration on the reverse uang side of a coin ireq bè obi nayane hiasan sebaliknya mata decorations on the reverse belang uang bernama ‘belang’ side of a coin are called ‘belang’ cp. petuq, ukiq belaq belaq walaq berselang-seling, berbintik alternating, spotted cp. hèlèq (1), pesaq bela waeng ~ bela waeng wala kepala urusan penangkapan head of a fi shing party, ikan, pengatur organiser of a fi shing party, penangkapan ikan, organiser of a boat pengatur sampan belaya ~ balaya harta property, wealth bele bele bara melepas, melepaskan, free, set free, release, pelepasan, mengantar accompany, escort 1. bele areq binen 1. melepas pergi saudara 1. release (permit) a female perempuan untuk kawin relative to get married 2. bele bitan 2. melepaskan nasib malang 2. escape a misfortune 3. bele >èlu 3. menetapkan waktu 3. appoint a time 4. bele koq bitan 4. untung mujur, kalau 4. I was lucky or I would tokong me >eqi mate tidak saya mati have died dèq-ku 5. bele mateq 5. menemui ajal (har 5. die (lit. release that lepaskan yg mati) which is dead) 6. bele namang 6. melepaskan tandakan, 6. stop dancing menghentikan tarian 7. bele niwang 7. melabuhkan sauh 7. let down the anchor 8. bele pueq 8. melepas pukat, 8. fi sh with a net menurunkan pukat ke dalam laut 9. e pan bele bara tuang 9. kami pergi mengantar 9. we (in) go to accompany wèrun imam baru the new priest belen—beq 99

cp. >alaq (2), bake, baqe, eaq, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), lahaq, likoq, loa, lohen, loq (2), nala, noa, nope, ore, pae, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, tameq, tiwa, tode, tong belen memintal di paha twist (cord) on the thigh belen wadeq memintal tali di paha twist cord on the thigh beloq beloq bale membelok, memutar, turn, divert, return berputar 1. beloq >uli baloq 1. membelokkan kemudi, 1. turn the rudder, swing layar memutar layar the sail 2. e dei noq >oyoq 2. sekarang kami ikut; 2. we (in) follow now, bahe beloq bale-e setelah sampai di sana, kami after we get there, we turn akan berputar kembali around and come back cp. bale, balen, baleq, baloq, bating, buel, bula, duler, kolar, kolo, koloq, muser, pekoq, puer, puka, puleq, puter, ueng (2), weleq belung belung karaq, belung waker membersihkan semak clear brush belukar 1. belung kain 1. membersihkan semak 1. clear brush (for a new belukar yg ada dlm hutan fi eld) (untuk membuka kebun baru) 2. belung lala 2. membersihkan rumput 2. clear weed in the road yg ada di jalan cp. bel, wating beluq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hapiq benar meletakkan terpisah-pisah place separately, one-by- (mis menjemur ikan) one (as when drying fi sh) beong béo myna bird cp. lingir beoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: paq beq beq bata menarik pull 1. beq wadeq 1. menarik tali 1. pull a cord 2. beq wei 2. menarik rotan, menarik 2. pull rattan, tug of war tambang 100 berang—betur

cp. boraq (2), dera (1), rahiq, teduq, wadoq berang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: daqang bere pecah retak, bocor broken or torn (so that the (sehingga isinya keluar) contents spill out) 1. bak bere 1. bak air yg pecah retak 1. broken water reserve 2. karong bere 2. karung bocor 2. bag which has split open spilling its contents bering bering >aur, bering ahung sj bambu, Gigantochloa large variety of bamboo, verticillata Gigantochloa verticillata bering oyo olor èlor bambu di sana itu lurus the bamboo there is very rasane sekali straight cp. >aur, perung, walang beru tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: talu betang tidak memperoleh kata not being able to reach sepakat, sehingga urusan agreement nya tidak jadi 1. betang bala 1. tidak memperoleh 1. unable to reach kata sepakat dlm urusan agreement in negotiations tertentu (mengenai gading, (concerning e.g. dsb) bridewealth) 2. kara betang bala, kara 2. jangan menyebabkan 2. do not cause confusion noa nala kekacauan dlm sidang in a meeting because pertemuan karena tidak ada unable to reach an kesepakatan (har jangan agreement (lit. do not bercerai dlm sidang, jangan cause confusion in a menguraikan) meeting, do not loosen [the agreement]) beteq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: baraq (1), manang (2), nanang betul betul bula mengerak-gerakkan sst move and shake s.t. so as yg tertangkap untuk to free it melepaskannya betur (1) betur wotoq joran, tangkai pancing; fi shing rod; fi sh using a mengail dgn joran fi shing rod cp. metur, kopèl, taung betur (2) sj permainan anak anak k.o. children’s game bewaq—bèing 101 bewaq menyerang secara attack, attack with rifl es, berondongan, menyambar swoop down upon kaka rian bewaq manuq elang menyambar ayam the hawk swoops down upon the chicken cp. bewaq, du, hoding (1), >iwaq, muqang, waku (1) bewir tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ikir bè ~ ba di, pada, yang in, at, on, to, towards, which 1. bè >apan 1. di sebelah 1. at the side (of) 2. bè auq 2. di tanah 2. on the earth 3. bè laleng 3. di dlm 3. in, inside 4. bè lipu 4. di balai-balai 4. on the bamboo platform 5. bè loloq 5. di atas 5. on, on top (of) 6. bè maqur 6. di luar rumah 6. outside the house 7. bè meya >apan 7. di sebelah meja 7. by the table 8. bè meya loloq 8. pada meja, di atas meja 8. on the table 9. bè obi 9. di luar, di belakang 9. outside, behind (the (badan, rumah, dsb) body, house, etc.) 10. bè ole 10. di bawah 10. below 11. bè >ubeng 11. di sebelah bawah 11. under 12. bè wau 12. di muka, di hadapan 12. in front (of) cp. ara (2), dè, ditan, wa bèbèr tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bèloq, boqi bèdu seri, sama draw, tie, even bèhu bèhu toqer meletus, meledak explode, erupt, break out 1. bèhu buel 1. ledakan kelahiran, 1. explosion of birth, keturunan (har meletus di descendants (lit. explode all sekeliling, di mana-mana) around) 2. >ili bèhu toqer 2. gunung meletus 2. a mountain erupts cp. taraq bèi bèi bara menuang pour, fi ll (cup or glass) 1. bèi tuaq 1. menuang tuak 1. pour palmwine 2. >iu daqa bèi kayong 2. memberi minuman sbg 2. give drink in cara membalas bantuan yg compensation for help that telah diterima (har masak has been received (lit. cook dan menuang minuman) and pour drink) cp. bunung, hore, luruq, pihing, rèq bèing (1) bèing bèing cukup, awas hatii-hati, enough, be careful, do not jangan terlalu go too far 102 bèing—bèlè

1. bèing hara 1. itu cukup, jangan terlalu 1. that is enough, not too banyak much 2. bèing mè 2. itu cukup 2. that is enough 3. o taling watar watiq? 3. engkau tambah jagung 3. are you taking more Bèing! lagi? Awas hati-hati! maize? Watch it! cp. hekaq (1), mè (1) bèing (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dèngèr bèko bèko bata mencabut pluck, pull out, weed 1. bèko >èdu 1. mencabut rumput 1. pull out weeds 2. bèko paku 2. mencabut paku 2. pull out nails 3. bèko >uru 3. mencabut alang-alang 3. pull out sedge grass cp. baq (2), boraq (2), >èmèng, kèming, >oliq (1) bèlè 1 itu, ke, di sana, yg di 1 that, to, there, down there bawah, pada tempat at a specifi c location at a tertentu yg dekat small distance 2 itu, ke, di sana, yg tegak 2 that, to, there, vertically lurus di bawah, pada down there at a specifi c tempat tertentu yg dekat location at a small distance 3 itu, ke, di sana, yg di 3 that, to, there, over there, arah ke barat, pada tempat westwards at a specifi c tertentu yg dekat location at a small distance 1, bèlè >apan 1. itu, ke, di sana, yg di 1. that, to, there, over there, arah ke barat, pada tempat westwards at a specifi c tertentu yg dekat sekali location at a minimal distance 2. bèlè >aq 2. ke sini, kemari, dari 2. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu yg dekat di westwards a small distance barat, ke si pembicara towards the speaker 3. bèlè bunuq 3. ke, turun ke bawah ke 3. to, go, climb, downwards tempat tertentu yg dekat a small distance to a specifi c location 4. bèlè doq 4. ke, turun tegak lurus ke 4. to, go, climb, vertically bawah ke tempat tertentu downwards a small distance yg dekat to a specifi c location 5. bèlè dau 5. ke sini, kemari, dari 5. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu, yg di downwards, up a small bawah dekat, ke arah atas distance towards the kepada si pembicara speaker 6. bèlè keu 6. ke sini, kemari, dari 6. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu, yg tegak vertically downwards up a lurus di bawah dari jerak small distance towards the dekat, ke arah atas ke si speaker pembicara 7. bèlè >ubeng 7. itu, ke, di sana, yg 7. that, to, there, down di bawah, pada tempat there at a specifi c location tertentu yg dekat sekali at a minimal distance cp. mèlèq, ole, >ole (1), >oleq, tong bèli—bèngu 103 bèli itu, ke, di sana, di arah ke that, to, there, over there, pedalaman, pada ketinggian in an approximately level yg kurang-lebih setara, direction landwards, at a pada tempat tertentu, yg specifi c location, at a small dekat distance 1. bèli >apan; bèli 1. itu, ke, di sana, di arah ke 1. that, to, there, over there, wayang pedalaman, pada ketinggian in an approximately level yg kurang-lebih setara, direction landwards, at pada tempat tertentu, yg a specifi c location, at a dekat sekali minimal distance 2. bèli nè 2. kesini, kemari, dari 2. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu di arah ke in an approximately level pedalaman, pada ketinggian direction landwards, a yg kurang-lebih setara, yg small distance towards the dekat, ke si pembicara speaker cp. mèliq, boliq (2), oli (1), >oli, >oliq, wayang (1) (3) bèlong membuka mata lebar-lebar open eyes wide cp. golang bèloq bèloq baq, bèloq bèbèr, bèloq behar, bèloq >ohor menyembelih slaughter, kill an animal bèloq witing menyembelih kambing slaughter a goat cp. mawang (1), >ohor bèlu bertukar kulit (spt ular, change skin (like a snake or belalang) grasshopper) bènèn (1) ranum, terlalu masak, overripe, disintegrated hancur cp. bunen, buteq, hèbèl bènèn (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ihin bèng bunyi burung hantu sound of the owl cp. oro bèng bèngè bèngè beting, bèngè baq memukul dgn kayu strike, hit using a pounder pemukul bèngè tara mèngè kita memukul (har kita we (in) pound (lit. we [in] memukul dgn pemukul) pound with a pounder) cp. awang, bating, dètol, hoding, hoqol, lebaq (2), lekaq, mèngè, nènè, paluq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, tèqè, walaq (1), wataq bèngu bèngu bokaq bau kencing smell of urine 104 bènuq—bètè bènuq bènuq bokan, bènuq boan mengasapi smoke 1. bènuq taq 1. mengasapi kelapa 1. smoke coconut 2. bènuq watar 2. mengasapi jagung 2. smoke maize cp. buong, in, rubu bèong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: golang bèq di sini, di sini ada, dlm here, here is, here are, in keadaan the condition of 1. bèq huna 1. di sini di rumah 1. here in the house 2. bèq lipu 2. di sini di balai-balai 2. here on the platform 3. bèqu 3. saya berada di sini 3. I am here cp. noq, pan, soyo, wakaq (1) bèqol terlubang, pecah holed, broken through in bagian tengah sehingga the centre membentuk lubang >aran bèqol papan yg pecah bagian plank broken in the middle tengahnya sehingga so that there is a hole berlubang through it cp. pèko (1), pèko (2) bèqur sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule bèrèq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ere bètè (1) bètè baq membelah part, divide, chop 1. bètè ai 1. membelah kayu 1. chop wood 2. bètè >iqa 2. membelah ikan 2. cut up a fi sh 3. bètè taq 3. membelah kelapa 3. split a coconut cp. akil, >ale (2), >apan, bage, baq (1), baki, baqe, baqen, baqil, bel, bètè (1), bètèn, doing, >ewang, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hilar, hingoq, hodang, kaqar, kètèq (1), kitong, koq (2), laing, lamaq (2), lapuq, lawaq (2), mataq, pèriq, tual, >umen, wèngèl bètè—bètèng 105 bètè (2) 1 itu, ke, di sana, di atas, 1 that, to, there, up there pada tempat tertentu yg at a specifi c location at a dekat small distance 2 itu, ke, di sana, yg tegak 2 that, to, there, vertically lurus di atas pada tempat up there at a specifi c tertentu yg dekat location at a small distance 3 itu, ke, di sana, yg di arah 3 that, to, there, over there, ke timur, pada tempat eastwards at a specifi c tertentu yg dekat location at a small distance 1. bètè >apan 1. itu, ke, di sana, yg di 1. that, to, there, up there arah ke timur, pada tempat at a specifi c location at a tertentu yg dekat sekali minimal distance 2. bètè bunuq 2. ke sini, kemari, dari 2. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu, di atas ke upwards down a small arah bawah pada jarak yg distance towards the dekat, ke si pembicara speaker 3. bètè dau 3. ke, naik ke atas ke 3. to, go, climb, upwards a tempat tertentu yg dekat small distance to a specifi c location 4. bètè doq 4. ke sini, kemari, dari 4. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu, tegak vertically upwards down a lurus di atas, ke arah bawah small distance towards the pada jarak yg dekat, ke si speaker pembicara 5. bètè halang 5. itu, ke, di sana, di atas, 5. that, to, there, up there pada tempat tertentu yg at a specifi c location at a dekat sekali minimal distance 6. bètè keu 6. ke, naik tegak lurus ke 6. to, go, climb, vertically atas ke tempat tertentu yg upwards a small distance to dekat a specifi c location 7. bètè-ne 7. dia di sana, di atas, pada 7. it is up there, at a tempat tertentu yg dekat specifi c location at a small distance 8. bètè nè 8. ke sini, kemari, dari 8. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu, di arah eastwards a small distance timur, ke si pembicara towards the speaker 9. bètè nè-ne 9. dia datang dari tempat 9. he came from a specifi c tertentu, di arah timur location eastwards a small kepada si pembicara distance towards the speaker cp. mètèq, ote, >ote, >oteq bètèn belahan, hasil belahan, part, piece, portion potongan 1. ai bètèn 1. kayu yg sudah dibelah 1. chopped wood 2. bering bètèn we 2. bambu itu yg sudah 2. that split up bamboo dibelah cp. >ale (2), >apan, baqe, baqen, bètè (1), >ewang, kèrèq (1), lamaq (2), metaq, nihiq, nuteq, >umen bètèng bètèng boran membengkak swollen 106 bètèr—bèu

maten bètèng mayat membengkak swollen corpse cp. babang, bètèr (2), bokoq, bouq, bowar, >esong, hubong, obuq, reoq, ubongong, reoq, ubong bètèr (1) hampir masak, hampir almost ripe matang cp. dara (1), daran, duren, pitaq, taqe bètèr (2) bengkak dan merah swollen and red, infl amed ling bètèr tangan bengkak swollen hand cp. babang, bare, bètèng, bokoq, bouq, bowar, >esong, hubong, obuq, reoq, ubong bèti membuka retak atau pecah open, crack or break (karena kena panas) (because of heat) 1. puhun bèti 1. bunga terbuka 1. blossom opens 2. puhun bèti >uan 2. beranak cucu (har bunga 2. have grandchildren (lit. hingoq terbuka, buah merekah) blossom break open, fruit burst forth) cp. akil, babaq (1), bake, baq (1), bikil, bito, bukaq (1), buteq, doke, halar, hika, hingoq, hira, holaq, kakal, kaq, kaqar, kètèng, kètèq, lareq, lèhèq, lureq lareq, mowar, newar, ohoq, papal, peaq, pengar, pesaq, pèhuq, topeq (1), towar bèting mencampakkan, throw, toss s.t. about in membanting sst benda spy order to break it pecah atau rusak bèting ai membanting atau throw dry wood again and mencampakkan kayu again (in order to break kering berulang-ulang (spy it up) patah atau pecah) cp. baq, bating, bawar, bèngè, dèqèr, paluq, rèting, waiq (2) bètuq tepat, persis exact, precise bètuq >ul tepat hari pasar precisely on market day cp. paheq, pareq (2), tupar bèu bèu onge bèuq—bèwiq mèwiq 107 bèu onge liang mayaq pohon beringin, Ficus banyan tree, Ficus benjamina, benjamina, Linn. Linn. 1. bèu miqer renga 1. beringin di tempat 1. a banyan in the old keramat untuk memohon village associated with war keberanian ceremonies 2. bèu >ula loyo 2. pohon beringin di bulan 2. the banyan in the moon bèuq 1 tenggelam 1 set, have gone down 2 sore (antara jam 5.30 2 late afternoon (between dan 6.00, mata hari mulai 5.30 and 6.00 p.m. terbenam) when the sun begins to disappear) 1. bèuq bèuq 1. besok 1. in the (near) future 2. bèuq bèuq kara laha 2. jangan ulangi lagi pada 2. do not repeat that again na me watiq waktu yg akan datang in the future 3. bèuq luqa 3. besok lusa 3. in the (more distant) future 4. loyo bèuq 4. hari senja 4. twilight, sundown 5. >ula bèuq 5. bulan tenggelam 5. setting of the moon cp. bunuq, >èlèng, hèlèng, paer, turu bèwaq merendam soak, immerse, pour water over cp. >èlèng, lèbèq, long (2), tèmèq bèwè itu, ke, di sana, di arah ke that, to, there, over there, laut, kurang-lebih rata, di in an approximately level tempat tertentu, yg dekat direction seawards, at a specifi c location, at a small distance 1. bèwè >aq 1. kesini, kemari, dari 1.from a specifi c location tempat tertentu di arah in an approximately level ke laut, pada ketinggian direction seawards a small yg kurang-lebih setara, yg distance towards the dekat, kepada si pembicara speaker 2. bèwè >uneq 2. itu, ke, di sana, di arah 2. that, to, there, over ke laut, pada ketinggian yg there, in an approximately kurang-lebih setara, pada level direction seawards, tempat tertentu, yg dekat at a specifi c location, at a sekali minimal distance cp. bèwèq, mèwèq, owe, >owe, >oweq bèwèq pada bagian laut, arah laut seaward cp. bèwè, mèwèq, owe, >owe, >oweq, >uneq bèwiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bèwiq mèwiq, bèwiq tuaq, bua bèwiq mèwiq dlm keadaan takut frightened, afraid 108 bèwiq tuaq—bèyo

cp. buqang, dotoq (1), kèqèr, tauq (1) bèwiq tuaq nama lagu yg name of a song expressing meriwayatkan maksud the intention of drinking berkumpul minum tuak palmwine together bèwol meletakkan, menyisipkan place or insert under dust di bawah abu cp. bulu bèyèng ~ bèyong bèyèng bitol lari, berlari run, dash 1. bèyèng boliq (bèyèng 1. lari ke arah darat 1. run to the interior bè >oliq) 2. bèyèng boteq 2. lari ke arah timur (dari 2. run to the east (from (bèyèng bè oteq) Leuwayang) atau atas Leuwayang) or up 3. bèyèng boweq 3. lari ke arah laut 3. run toward the sea (bèyèng bè >oweq) 4. bèyèng boyoq 4. lari ke arah sana 4. run over there (bèyèng bè >oyoq) 5. bèyèng dorong 5. keluar berpindah tempat 5. run away 6. bèyèng hiko hako 6. lari sembarangan, lari 6. run anywhere, run tampa tujuan without aim 7. bèyèng hokuq 7. lari pakai melompat 7. gallop 8. bèyèng ketang 8. lari melampaui kawan 8. run past, overtake s.o. 9. bèyèng keu 9. melarikan diri dgn 9. elope, (of a girl) run kekasihnya (har lari masuk) away from parents and enter the man’s household (lit. run [and] enter) 10. bèyèng! Meo! 10. lari! Orang Meo! 10. run! Atoni Warriors! (ungkapan keterkejutan (expression of being atau ketakutan) startled or frightened) 11. bèyèng tel 11. lari berderap 11. trot 12. >ote Yahudi bèyèng 12. Orang Yahudi lari dari 12. the Jews fl ed Egypt and dorong Mesir pan Mesir berpindah ke Tanah entered the land of Canaan >owe auq Kanaan Kanaan bèyo itu, ke, di sana, di arah ke that, to, there, over there, samping, pada ketinggian in an approximately level, yg kurang-lebih setara, di lateral direction, at a tempat tertentu, yg dekat specifi c location, at a small distance 1. bèyo >apan 1. itu, ke, di sana, yg di 1. that, to, there, over arah ke samping, pada there, in an approximately ketinggian yg kurang-lebih level, lateral direction, at setara, di tempat tertentu, a specifi c location, at a yg dekat sekali minimal distance 2. bèyo ma 2. kesini, kemari, dari 2. from a specifi c location tempat tertentu, di arah ke in an approximately level, samping, pada ketinggian lateral direction a small yg kurang-lebih setara, yg distance towards the dekat, kepada si pembicara speaker cp. oyo, >oyo, >oyoq (2) bèyong—bikar 109 bèyong see: bèyèng bia (1) bia bala hari mau siang, hari di almost dawn, daybreak mana fajar merekah bia bitiq, >èqa bia hari mau siang almost dawn bia (2) see: bie (1) biang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: buteq bie (1) ~ bia mengupas dgn tangan peel using hands bie muqu mengupas pisang peel a banana cp. binqeq, hapiq, har, kaheq, kiri, lehor (2), paqe, tahing, wara bie (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pake (2) bihang merabik, menyobek tear cp. balaq, biliq, birang, puheq, reiq bihar bihar boliq, bihar mihar bihar mihar boliq moliq memetik, memanen pick, pluck, harvest witing ledo bihar boliq kambing mencari makan the goat goes hunting for food cp. boliq (1), >èmèng, holaq, iteq, mupeq, muta, nuran baran, puleq, uta biheq biheq naku meminjam borrow 1. biheq bala 1. meminjam gading 1. borrow an elephant tusk 2. biheq doiq 2. meminjam uang 2. borrow money 3. biheq miheq 3. meminjam barang 3. borrow objects pinjaman 4. biheq watar 4. meminjam jagung 4. borrow maize 5. biheq wela 5. meminjam sarung 5. borrow a sarong cp. daping, dukaq katiq, miheq, nereng, nineng bihu bihu bahu memakai pakaian wear clothes haphazardly sembarangan bikar bikar bakar mengangkang straddle 110 bikil—biloq

tebeq bikar bakar lèi duduk dgn kaki to sit with the legs spread terkangkang out cp. eqan, hakaq, hangaq bikil bikil peaq, bikil rehaq pecah, pecah belah break, broken, shattered 1. bua bikil 1. ledakan keturunan 1. explosion of descendants 2. hau bikil 2. bambu air pecah 2. water bamboo breaks cp. >asur, babaq (1), bèti, bua, buteq, doke, dunuq, halar, holaq, kakal, kaq, kètèng, kètèq, lèhèq, papal, pesaq, pèhuq, ruteq, topeq (1) biking tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: biking bokong biking bokong sarat dgn beban overloaded, very heavy load bila see: ala bila bilang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bakar biling biling bita 1 tumbuh melebar, rimbun 1 grow into a spreading, tangled mass, dense (foliage) 2 sj tumbuhan karang laut 2 k.o. coral whose branches yg tumbuh melebar pada grow into a tangled mass batang dan rantingnya karena tidak dipangkas cp. ai hapu, bulan, rogang, ruhu biliq biliq balaq mencabik, mematahkan tear from, break off (of the (dari pohonnya, dsb) stem, etc.) biliq watar mencabik tongkol jagung tear maize ears from the spy terlepas dari batangnya stalk cp. balaq, bihang, birang, bolaq (1), iteq, kètèng, lapuq, reiq, rokaq, topeq (1) biloq membuka open 1. ai nona mato biloq 1. buah serikaya mau masak 1. the sweetsop fruit is (har serikaya membuka ripening, i.e. opens its mata) sections in the ripening process (lit. the sweetsop fruit opens its eyes) biluq—binen 111

2. biloq mato 2. membuka mata 2. open one’s eyes cp. akil, bake, bukaq (1), hoe, mowar, newar, ohoq, pengar, towar biluq frambusia framboesia lèi biluq telapak kaki terkupas-kupas soles of the feet peeling, menandakan ada penyakit when sore or ulcerous puru cp. >uqa binen saudara perempuan sister (genealogical or classifi catory) 1. binen >anaq 1. anak-anak perempuan 1. sisters of the clan dlm marga 2. binen >anaq tuan 2. perempuan dlm marga 2. female offspring of the wenaq yg hidup puluhan tahun clan, including those who lampau lived long ago 3. binen auq 3. semu saudara perempuan 3. all women born into dlm marga the clan 4. Binen Boleng Areq 4. Saudara Perempuan 4. Sister Boleng, Maiden Longoq Boleng, Pemudi Longoq Longoq (expression used (bahasa mantra oleh si by a priest as the substitute ‘molan maren’ untuk for the name of a sister) penggantian nama saudara perempuan) 5. binen kèlèn nare 5. saling mengasihi (har 5. love (lit. sisters kèlèn saudara perempuan ingat, remember, brothers saudara laki pun ingat) remember) 6. binen lamen 6. keluarga laki-laki dlm 6. male relatives one marga, anak-anak dan generation up and down, bapak-bapak fathers and children 7. binen maqing 7. sidang adat dlm urusan 7. the assembly of elders belis/maskawin antara ‘ine negotiating bridewealth ame’ dan ‘>anaq maqing’ matters 8. binen nare 8. anak laki-laki dan anak 8. siblings of both sexes, anak perempuan dlm siblingship of males and rumah, bersaudara (antara females anak laki-laki dan anak perempuan) 9. binen nare hoyoq 9. bekerja sama (har sanak 9. co-operation (lit. hengan saudara memuat jagung brothers and sisters provide titik) crushed maize) 10. binen oteq 10. semua perempuan 10. all women born into a dlm marga (har saudara clan (lit. sister [and] hair) perempuan [dan] rambut) 11. binen oteq auq taq 11. suatu ungkapan bahwa 11. an expression that saudara perempuan berhak a sister has the right mendapat pembagian tanah to a portion of land dan pohon kelapa sesudah and coconut trees after suaminya memberikan her husband had given belis/maskawin yg bridewealth called ‘oteq’ (lit. disebut ‘oteq’ (har saudara sister [and] hair, land [and] perempuan dan rambut coconut tree) tanah dan pohon kelapa) 112 bingeq—biri

12. binen puhun 12. perempuan yg sudah 12. married woman menikah 13. binen rian 13. para perempuan 13. women of the clan of semarga dari generasi previous generations zaman dulu 14. binen tuan 14. para perempuan 14. dead and largely semarga yg sudah mati forgotten female members of the clan 15. pan tutuq binen 15. pergi membicarakan 15. go to discuss maqing urusan adat perkawinan bridewealth matters bingeq mencabik kulit buahnya peel off the skin of a fruit untuk melihat isinya (to expose the contents) 1. bingeq watar 1. mencabik kulit jagung 1. peel off the skin of an untuk melihat bijinya ear of maize (to expose the kernels) 2. bingeq muqu 2. mengupas kulit pisang 2. peel off the skin of a untuk melihat isinya banana to expose the meat of the banana cp. bia, hapiq, har, kaheq, kiri, lehor (2), tahing bingur bingur bangur, bingur lèrè 1 moncong, congor babi 1 pig snout 2 bersungut-sungut 2 sulk 3 sebutan untuk anak yg 3 child who always cries selalu menangis cp. >uqur binoko dari Binongko from Binongko birang birang behi mencabik, tecabik torn, tear, tattered 1. birang a 1. mencabik untuk makan 1. tear apart in order to eat 2. birang kapan; birang 2. mencabik kain kapan 2. tear black cloth (for the nuta atau kain hitam untuk siblings of the deceased) upacara menguburkan in the traditional burial orang menurut adat ceremony 3. birang manuq 3. mencabik ayam 3. pull a sacrifi cial chicken kuburdan untuk apart to inspect it in order mengetahui penyebab to fi nd the cause of illness penyakit atau malapetaka or misforturn 4. birang oro 4. mencabik daun lontar 4. tear a strip of lontar palm leaf cp. balaq, bihang, biliq, hiang, kitong, owan, reiq biri (1) bakul untuk sangkar ayam, basket used as a chicken dinding anyaman dari cage, wall woven from buluh bamboo cp. bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, biri—bitiq 113

nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal biri (2) mematahkan daun break leaves biri bako memotong pucuk break off the top of a tembakau spy jangan tobacco plant so that it tumbuh lagi stops growing biri (3) tanah yg subur fertile land cp. bai biri biru sj tumbuhan makanan babi k.o. plant (used as food for pigs) cp. bara pehiq, heur (1), lale, tuaq loran, tubung, >unuq bisa pintar, mengetahui clever, know >anaq bisa lebe anak pintar clever child cp. kawasa, lalang, nuan, tada, ui bisaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kuasa bita bita mate, bita murun hidup, tumbuh, live, grow, thrive, be lit (of menghidupkan fi re), bring alive 1. bita >ate rian areq 1. hidup sbg suami istri 1. live as man and wife rian (euphemism for sexual intercourse) 2. bita hoko 2. bangun, bangkit 2. wake up, come to life kembali dari mati (again) cp. biling, dariq, nuyan, tawe (1) bitan bitan mateq yg hidup the living, living things waq bitan batu keras hard, unbreakable stone cp. matan bite uang Hindia Belanda yg Dutch East Indies ten cent berharga sepuluh sen coin bitiq bitiq batong mengangkat lift, lift up, lift in unison, pick up 1. bitiq ai; bitiq batong 1. mengangkat kayu 1. lift up wood ai 2. bitiq baè 2. mengangkat 2. lift and throw down dan membanting, bagain vigorously, top fi rst depannya didahulukan 3. bitiq deqer 3. mengangkat 3. lift and throw down dan banting, belakangnya vigorously, bottom fi rst didahulukan 114 bito—bituq

4. bitiq doq 4. mengangkat 4. lift and lower dan menurunkan 5. bitiq keu 5. mengangkat 5. lift up, take up naik 6. bitiq kong 6. mengangkat 6. lift up the gong gong 7. bitiq ma 7. mengangkat 7. lift here kemari 8. bitiq >oliq 8. mengangkat 8. lift landwards ke darat 9. bitiq >oweq 9. mengangkat 9. lift seawards ke laut 10. bitiq >oyoq 10. mengangkat 10. lift there ke sana 11. bitiq wana hara laqi 11. mengangkat yg kanan 11. lift the right higher bele weri hara weheq lebih tinggi melepas yg drop the left lower (in kiri lebih rendah (bahasa ritual speech a request to mantra, yakni meminta the chicken being strangled kepada ayam yg dicekik to lift its right foot, lower untuk mengatur kaki its left) kanannya lebih ke atas, kiri lebih ke bawah) 12. bitiq walu 12. mengangkat 12. lift and throw, lift and dan membuang, throw out mengangkat dan melemparkan cp. bitur, bokar, bote, doiq (2), dokil, dote, hoqi bito ~ bitol bitol hewal membuka separuh tutupan open, uncover a little (such (spt membuka separuh as opening a pot to see tutupan periuk untuk whether its contents are mengetahui apakah isinya cooked) sudah masak atau belum) 1. bitol ma boraqi 1. membuka separuh untuk 1. open a little in order to melihat isinya see the contents 2. loeng lereng bitol 2. memberi tahu, 2. make known (lit. make hewal memberitakan (har known, reveal [a secret]) memberitahukan membuka [rahasia]) cp. akil, bake, bèti, bukaq (1), bèyèng, hingoq, loeng, mowar, newar, ohoq, pengar, towar bitol see: bito bituq (1) see: bayol, bitur bituq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself bitur—bohang 115

see: >adoq, >ènung, piqur, sokaq bitur ~ bituq (1) bitur batur mengangkat, terangkat lift, raise 1. ai utuq bitur 1. kayu yg ujungnya 1. stick with its end terangkat sticking up 2. bitur batur hoko 2. bangun tergesa-gesa 2. rise, get up in a hurry 3. bitur tubar 3. mengangkat kepala 3. lift the head 4. tubar bitur 4. kepala terangkat 4. lifted head cp. >adong, bitiq, bokar, dote, kaqar biyung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: biyung bayung biyung bayung bergoyang karena tidak move because not fi rmly kuat berdiri planted blanse keranjang anyaman panjang long basket woven from dari daun gebang gebang palm leaf homaq anen bè blanse menumpahkan beras ke spill the husked rice into laleng dlm keranjang panjang the long basket blaoq see: baio laoq boan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bènuq boang melolong howl, yelp, bark >au boang anjing melolong the dog barks cp. boreng, bowong (1), >ere (1) bogar 1 mengais (spt ayam 1 scratch, scrape for food mengais timbunan sampah (of chickens, etc.) sehingga tercerai-berai) 2 membongkar 2 throw out cp. >akar, baqung (1), bokar, doing, doke, eaq, hegar, hiroq, kaer, kalaq, kèir, lahaq, lataq, >oliq (1), rèpè boha mengusir chase, drive away cp. burang, dèhuq, horiq (1), ruten, ruti bohang bohang bayaq berseru, berteriak, call, shout memanggil cp. ae, hioq, maka (1), ong, soraq, weqal, wile 116 boheq—boiq boheq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: babang, tiri bohil 1 memecahkan kemiri 1 crush the shells of dgn ‘mohil’ untuk candlenuts with a ‘mohil’ mengeluarkan isi bijinya 2 melempar 2 throw 1. Ali bohil neq ariq 1. Ali melempari adiknya 1. Ali threw s.t. at his younger brother 2. mohil bohil mireq 2. pemecah memecahkan 2. the breaker smashes buah kemiri candlenut shells cp. hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, loq (1), mohil, rawaq (1), tidaq, walu, wotoq bohor (1) bohor bolaq, bohor boliq terbit rise 1. bohor bèli bèuq 1. terbit di sebelah darat, 1. rise over the mountain, bèwè terbenam di sebelah laut set in the sea (of the sun (tentang matahari dari from the point of view of sudut pandang Lèuwayang) Lèuwayang) 2. bohor bèli moleng 2. terbit di sebelah darat, 2. rise over the mountain, moleng panas matahari pagi yg gentle morning heat of lembut (har terbit di the sun (lit. rise over the sebelah darat, lembut mountain, softly softly) lembut) 3. kara bohor bolaq 3. jangan memarahi, 3. do not anger, curse mengutuki 4. loyo bohor 4. matahari terbit 4. the sun rises 5. >ula bohor 5. bulan terbit 5. the moon rises cp. eu, hoko (1), keu bohor (2) bersinar shine, beam cp. >engaq, hange, ilaq, kelaq, kilong, lair, tadolong, lair, nilaq, tado bohung laut bergelombang rough seas cp. manotel bohur see: hulur boiq (1) mungkin, boleh jadi, perhaps, maybe, lest jangan sampai 1. boiq ka 1. jangan sampai makan 1. do not eat (it) 2. boiq maqo, puli di 2. kenapa ditaruh di sini? 2. why was it put here? noq wai? Jangan sampai dicuri It could be stolen 3. kara keu boiq moruq 3. jangan naik, jangan 3. do not go up, you may sampai jatuh fall cp. >ea, >eq, lo, wai boiq—boko 117 boiq (2) tempat untuk serbuk mesiu container for gunpowder mengulurkan bedil, tekaq bedil loleng boiq menggantung tempat place the rifl e at the ready, serbuk mesiu (siap untuk hang up the powder pouch menyerang musuh) (in readyness for an attack) boka (1) sj siput, Conus eximus k.o. shell, Exceptional (Reeve, 1859) Cone, Conus eximus (Reeve, 1859) tupe boka elaq arang tubuh-tubuh orang yg bodies of the long dead (lit. sudah lama mati (har shellfi sh) macam-macam siput) cp. baheq (1), ehe (2), elaq, etiq, matan lateq, nuriq, lohu (1), riding, tupe boka (2) kulit yg mulai terbuka (spt skin about to open (as in kacang karena terendam beans because soaked or atau hampir masak) almost ripe) >utan boka kacang mulai terbuka the beans begin to split bokan see: boqan bokaq cara laki-laki memakai way of wearing a sarong sarung (ujung atas sarung for men (the cloth at the digulung lalu dililitkan top is rolled tightly in pada pinggang) front) cp. bèngu bokar bongkar, balik lift, move, overturn, demolish, tear apart bokar nulon tiwa bahe bongkar yg duluan, buang demolish the former, throw semuanya it all away cp. >akar, >ayoq, baqung (1), bitiq, bitur, bogar, boruq, dèyuq, doing, doke, dopeq, dosor, eaq, edaq, egeq, >edoq, hekol, hiroq, kedong, lahaq, lataq, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, rèpè, sosoq (1), waeng (1) boko boko ioq terbalik dgn bagian pantat turn, turn upside down, di atas, bengkok bend, bent over, crooked 1. boko odo 1. memberi pantat, 1. present buttocks memantati 2. boko uyeng 2. membalikkan periuk 2. turn a pot upside down hingga bagian pantatnya di atas cp. doler, >ènung, hekong, kalung, koheng, 118 bokol—boleng

lekoq, paer, rèkung, rokong, sekong (1), tamabaliq, tokol, wegir bokol muncul ke luar bulge out (as of earth being pushed up by a fresh shoot) bokong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: biking bokoq bengkak (yg menonjol swelling keluar), benjol cp. babang, bare, bètèr (2), bouq, bowar, >esong, hubong, reoq, ubong bokur bokur bakur muncul ke atas, tembus emerge 1. >iqa laru bokur 1. ikan paus muncul 1. whales show up 2. watar bokur 2. jagung muncul dari 2. maize emerges from its daunnya leaf cover cp. ebul, hingoq, hoal, momol, totor bola see: ala bola bolaq (1) bolaq tatang rontok, jatuh sendiri shed, fall off, break off (karena sudah masak atau sudah tua, spt buah dan daun), patah ling bolaq lèi bolaq tangan dan kaki luka hands and feet fall off dan berjatuhan sendiri (consequence of leprosy) (penyakit kusta) cp. biliq, bohor, iteq, hèpuq, hubaq, kètèng, lapuq, lolaq, moqang, moruq, oqal, oruq, pèhèq, poruq, rokaq, topeq (1), turu bolaq (2) sj bakul k.o. basket cp. biri (1), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal boleng (1) barang dari daerah gunung goods, cloth from the Boleng Boleng mountain area 1. bako boleng 1. tembakau dari gunung 1. tobacco from the Boleng Boleng mountain area boleng—bong 119

2. boleng bèraging 2. kain dari Boleng 2. goods, cloth from (biasanya kualitasnya Boleng (usually of lesser kurang baik) quality) cp. bèraging boleng (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: èir boleq (1) boleq boweq, boleq moweq 1 ke bawah 1 downwards 2 ke arah barat 2 towards the west boleq (2) boleq haliq membelit, meliliti, berbelit wind around s.t. >ular boleq haliq ular membelit-belit the snake is coiled up cp. dogel (1), doler, doreng, duler, kapuq, koleq, puter boling tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kuwoq boliq (1) boliq moliq memetik pick by breaking off cp. bihar, holaq, iteq, mupeq, muta, puleq, uta boliq (2) ke arah darat landwards, towards the interior cp. bèli, bohor, >oliq (3), wayang (1) bolo (1) ~ bolu kue bolu cake bolo (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kili bolo bolong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: banger (1), lile, piloq, tepi, >ulu (1) bolor bolor mapaq kenyang full, satisfi ed (after a meal) botin bolor dèqo perut sudah kenyang stomach already satisfi ed bolu see: bolo bong (1) bong lèbuq, bong mataq tepung meal, fl our hengan bong tepung jagung tumbuk maize fl our 120 bong—bongoq

cp. èyèq (1), >èwol, tepong bong (2) tutup cover bong wolar tutup bubungan rumah cover the roof ridge cp. boran (1), bowong (2), hoba, lètuq, loiq, lotuq, mongoq, pataq, pèrèng, uwe (1) bongan (1) bongan barang, bongan bertandang, mengunjungi, visit, make a social call, sit baqung berkumpul untuk bercerita and visit 1. bongan bongan wèq 1. duduk omong-omong 1. sit and visit 2. bongan >ote >ula 2. meminta persetujuan 2. request God’s blessing loyo Tuhan Allah (har duduk (lit. visit above in the omong-omong di langit) heavens) 3. bongan wèq 3. berkumpul untuk 3. gather to discuss s.t. membicarakan sst yg belum unresolved, sit and converse resmi; duduk omong- omong cp. lebaq (1), ruang, sape bongan (2) bongan >alar, bongan elar menyérakkan, tersérak scatter cp. higor, hiroq, piang bongan (3) bongan adung leher throat, neck cp. adung, >uli (1) bongaq bongaq mongaq onggok, mengonggokkan, pile, heap, stack s.t., pound, menumpukkan crush cp. boran (1), dèqèr (2), hubiq, lutur, motel, oluq, otuq, >omo, pidan, rahaq (1), rèhuq (2), tèlèr, tipaq, tutu (1), wokul (1) bonger bonger oteq bagian di atas kemaluan upper part of the genital tempat tumbuh bulu area where hair grows bongoq menudung, menutup cover s.t. bongoq uyeng tara menudung periuk dgn cover a pot with a lid (lit. mongoq tudungan (har tudungan lid for us [in] to use to untuk kita menudung) cover) cp. balètuq, boran (1), bowong (2), hoba, kowoq, lètuq, lotuq, mongoq boni—boq 121 boni boni toiq bersembunyi, hide menyembunyikan boni woiq menyembunyikan hide one’s horns (fi g. place tanduk (kias tempat kita where we seek shelter) berlindung) cp. bori bawo, emi, >iqur, >iriq, oni, onin, tudeq bonoq sj pohon, kulitnya dimakan k.o. tree, whose bark sbg pengganti pinang may be chewed instead of the areca nut. Also: the smokeless wood is burned in the hearth used by a woman during the period of seclusion after the birth of her child, allegedly because the oldest ancestors used it as a house post cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq bopoq menggumpalkan, membuat lump, make clods bergumpal-gumpal bopoq mani mopoq menggumpalkan sst make s.t. into a lump cp. mopoq, >opo boq boq batiq boq batiq rekan doroq 1 membagi, menyebarkan 1 divide or parcel out, distribute, hand over, give 2 untuk 2 for 1. boq >ale >apaq uq 1. seperempat 1. one fourth, one quarter >umen >udeq 2. boq >ale buturai uq 2. lima perdelapan 2. fi ve eighths >umen leme 3. boq >ale tèlu uq 3. sptga 3. one third >umen >udeq 122 boqan—boraq

cp. bage, baki, ele (1), mara (2), nateng, ni (1), sèraq, sorong, >umen boqan ~ bokan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bènuq, ingin boqi boqi bèbèr 1 melubangi 1 make a hole in 2 kebiri, mengebiri 2 castrate, castrated 1. >au boqi 1. anjing kebiri 1. castrated dog 2. boqi bering 2. melubangi bambu 2. put a hole in bamboo cp. aqar, bakur, kabiri, kaq, lèdèq, lèhiq, puraq, onaq, >uoq, wèlong boqor boqor hopan batuk cough, to cough, a cold boqor wèiq batuk darah, tuberculosa cough blood, tuberculosis cp. >ahar (2), èrèn bor bormengebor drill, bore, borer boran (1) boran beke, boran loiq, menutupi, menimbuni fi ll up a hole, cover a hole, boran moran lubang di tanah heap up matter over a hole mauq moran tara boran mengisi lubang dgn barang fi ll a hole with matter (lit. >uoq penimbuan (har kami we (ex) gather matter for mengangkut timbunan us (in) to fi ll a hole) untuk kita mengisi lubang) cp. bong (2), bongaq, bongoq, bowong (2), hoba, leti, lètuq, lotuq, lutur, mongaq, mongoq, motel, otuq, >omo, pataq, pèrèng, taping, uwe (1) boran (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bètèng boraq (1) boraq heraq melihat, memandang see, look, look at 1. boraq mè 1. lihat itu 1. look at that 2. boraqte wèq namo 2. ayo kita saling 2. let us (in) look at each kakang >aring memandang spt kakak adik other like elder and younger siblings 3. boraq wèi 3. melihat air dlm piring 3. look at water in a bowl untuk melihat siapa yg in order to discover a fault menyebabkan kesalahan/ malapetaka cp. ebeng, lekeq, tepi, ui boraq (2) mencabut draw, pull, pull out boreng—botaq 123

boraq neq wadeq mencabut rumput pull up weeds cp. bata, beq, bèko, dera (1), >èmèng, kèming, rahiq, teduq, wadoq boreng raung, embek kambing bleat, roar, howl witing boreng kambing mengembek goat bleats cp. boang, >ere (1), kèqèr boreq (1) burung puyuh quail cp. erung boreq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: erung, haraq (2) bori tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bori bawo bori bawo menyembunyikan, hide, cover up menutupi cp. boni, emi, >iqur, >iriq, oni, onin, tudeq boroq boroq moliq sj pohon margan, Artocarpus breadfruit tree, a small communis variety which fruits in the dry season, Artocarpus communis cp. weraq boruq boruq dapang menembus penetrate, pierce cp. bakeq, bokar bota tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >apaq botan botan botan rindu dlm bercinta, ingat, long, yearn, remember s.o., terbayang-bayang imagine eqing botan saling mengingat expression of pity, love cp. eqing, kete (1), nèngoq botan lore ~ lore mengkudu, Morinda citrifolia k.o. tree, Morinda citrifolia lore ramuq akar pohon bengkudu root of Morinda citrifolia botaq botaq bowaq, botaq motaq balut, membalut, bungkus, wrap, wrap up, package membungkus botaq maten membungkus mayat wrap up a corpse cp. balung, koleq, natun 124 bote—botoq bote bote bua, bote hakaq, bote Menggendong, carry (by embracing, or on kaban mendukung, membawa the hips), lift up, cradle (dgn mendekap di data atau menggendong di pinggang) 1. bote >anaq 1. mendukung anak 1. carry a child 2. bote bei 2. melayanani waktu makan 2. serve at the table 3. bote dolu, bote dolu 3. menyusun batu 3. build a stone terrace wall bai biri membangun dinding 4. bote kaong kaban 4. menggendong, 4. cradle, sing a lullaby, ledeq menyanyi-nyanyi carry in a sarong, rock to untuk menghibur bayi, sleep menggoyang-goyang spy tidur 5. bote lamaq 5. membawa piring dlm 5. carry plates supported in dukungan tangan one’s hands cp. batong, bitiq, doiq (2), dokil, haqang, hoqi, patang botel botol bottle boteq (1) boteq nataq, boteq nètèq bukit hill 1. boteq nètèq >uhuq 1. ujung bukit, tebing 1. tip of the hill, slope to wolor punggung gunung the spine of the mountain 2. neda boteq 2. bukit timbul di laut 2. hill emerging from the sea cp. nataq, wolor boteq (2) 1 ke atas 1 upwards 2 ke arah timur 2 towards the east botin botin tèin perut stomach, belly 1. botin bolordèq 1. sudah kenyang 1. be full, satisfi ed (after a meal) 2. botin bolor wowo 2. baik perut maupun 2. all is well and pleasing mapaq mulut, semua kenyang dan (lit. stomach full, mouth puas (har perut kenyang, satiated) mulut puas) 3. botin hoder 3. perut dapat bertahan 3. stomach can hold out 4. botin laè 4. perut sakit 4. the stomach aches 5. botin laèn 5. sakit perut 5. stomach ache 6. botin tahan 6. luka perut 6. stomach wound boting tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bangaq (1) botiq bakul kecil tempat small basket for storing menyimpan benih kacang bean seeds botoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself bou—boweq 125

see: ruti bou (1) bou >awaq sangkar, sarang cage, coop, nest 1. manuq bou 1. sangkar ayam, sarang 1. chicken cage, chicken ayam nest 2. manuq bou >au 2. sarang ayam anjing 2. chicken nest dog leashed lehaq terkungkung 3. bou baran 3. tempat berbaring 3. place for lying down cp. dèdèl bou (2) ~ bou >udeq hitungan kemiri empat dlm a unit of four candlenuts in permainan kemiri the game ‘huang bou’ bouq bouq bokoq bengkak (yg menonjol swelling keluar) lèi bouq bokoq kaki bengkak swollen leg cp. babang, bare, bètèr (2), bokoq, bowar, >esong, hubong, reoq, ubong bour tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mude bowaq bowaq mowaq mengikat tali pada benang tie ikat designs untuk membentuk motif ikat cp. botaq bowar bowar bètèng membesar, membengkak swollen, puffed up, as karena terendam dlm air a result of having been (spt beras) soaked (as rice) watar bowar bètèng jagung membengkok swollen maize kernels (karena direndam air) (which have been soaked in water) cp. >abal, babang, bètèr (2), bokoq, bouq, >esong, hubong, >oang, obong, obuq, reoq, ria, rian baraq, ubong boweq ke arah laut towards the sea boweq boleq eroq la nama tarian yg dance which expresses pity mengungkapkan rasa for the soul of a dead sayang terhadap roh orang person while it is travelling mati yg menuju ke laut toward the sea (on the way to the land of the dead) cp. boleq (1), bè >oweq, moweq 126 bowo—bua bowo makanan dari jagung titik food made of maize which yg direbus is fi rst pounded and then cooked cp. kakaq (2) bowol bowol pana uap, menguap steam, vapour cp. halaq (3), panan bowong (1) bowong oler menyalak, gonggongan bark >au bowong oler anjing menggongong dog barks cp. boang bowong (2) menudung, menutupi cover, veil bowong wolar menudungi bubungan atap cover the ridge of a lumbung dgn daun kelapa granary with a coconut- leaf rain shield cp. balètuq, bong (2), bongoq, boang, boran (1), hoba, kowoq, leti, lètuq, loiq, lotuq, pataq, pèrèng, uwe (1) boyang (1) menggosok rub cp. behaq, boyong, dolang, doru, doyang, gosoq, haru, loha, ropa boyang (2) see: >au iku boyang boyol sj pohon gabus, Sonneratia k.o. cork tree, Sonneratia boyong menggosok rub nuo kuq taq amaq dia mengambil kulit kelapa he takes a coconut husk boyong neq awar dan menggosok giginya and rubs his teeth cp. behaq, boyang (1), dolang, doru, doyang, gosoq, haru, kula (1), loha, ropa boyoq ke arah samping in a lateral direction bua bua bèwiq, bua bikil, bua kaban melahirkan, bertelur give birth (men and animals), lay an egg 1. bua >anaq 1. melahirkan anak 1. give birth to a child 2. bua bele 2. berhenti melahirkan 2. stop giving birth 3. bua bikil tibul dewaq 3. ledakan keturunan, 3. give birth and explode menurun keturunan (refers to the dispersal of (mengacu pada penyabaran the ancestors of mankind nenek moyang umat from the top of the manusia dari puncak mountain) gunung) buan—buel 127

4. bua bita 4. sesudah melahirkan, 4. after giving birth, both baik ibu maupun anak dlm the mother and child are keadaan hidup alive 5. bua hobaq baur 5. ibu mati sesudah 5. die in childbirth melahirkan 6. bua ipu bele bahe 6. tidak bisa melahirkan 6. no longer give birth lagi (ibu yg sudah lanjut (because of age) umur) 7. bua mate 7. bayi mati wahtu lahir 7. stillbirth cp. bote, tibul, tolor buan yg dilahirkan atau that which has been born ditelurkan >anaq buan anak kandung one’s own child buaq buaq bahi 1 berlayar 1 sail 2 terbang melayang 2 fl y, soar 1. buaq dagang 1. belayar untuk berdagang 1. sail in order to trade 2. buaq doa kawe lewaq 2. melakukan pelayaran 2. carry through a sailing atau perjalanan yg trip or other trip over a jauh (har berlayar jauh, great distance (lit. sail far, menyeberangi laut) cross the sea) 3. buaq laqi pewang doa 3. semoga penyakit dan 3. may sickness and kecelakaan dijauhkan (har accident be kept at bay (lit. terbang tinggi, pindah sail high, retreat far) jauh) 4. buaq sarea 4. berlayar mencari ikan 4. sail fi shing for tuna tongkol 5. manuq buaq bahi 5. ayam beterbangan 5. chicken fl ies cp. baqa, hea, hongi, kawe (1), layar bubun (1) ubun-ubun fontanelle bubun (2) dua bahagian atap rumah the two narrower sides of yg lebih sempit the roof bubur meludahkan spit out cp. bur, hiteng, >iyuq, kotar, lua, miyuq, potaq budi budi adaq, budi baya kemurahan hati generosity 1. budi akal 1. akal budi 1. intelligence 2. budi diqen 2. budi baik 2. good character 3. budi nitoq baya 3. budi baik, budi buruk 3. good character, bad natoq, budi ditoq baya character datoq buel buel koel memutari, mengelilingi turn, go round, enclose 1. buel ai 1. (lari atau berjalan) 1. walk around a tree (a mengelilingi pohon (ritual practice following the setelah penguburan sso yg burial of a person who meninggal karena kematian died a bad death to make 128 bueng—buhuq

buruk untuk meyakinkan sure the dead person does tidak mengikuti mereka) not follow them) 2. buel lele 2. rasa pusing karena 2. dizzy, feeling dizzy berputar-putar because of spinning around 3. buel waq 3. mengelilingi batu (ritual 3. walk around a boulder setelah penguburan sso yg (a practice following the meninggal karena kematian burial of a person who buruk untuk meyakinkan died a bad death to make tidak mengikuti mereka) sure the dead person does not follow them) 4. pan buel >ili 4. pergi mengelilingi 4. travel around the gunung mountain cp. baleq, baloq, beloq, bèhu, bula, >ili, kolar, koleq, koloq, muser, puer, puka, puleq, puter, ueng (2), weleq bueng pusing tanpa berbuat dizzy without having done apa-apa anything tubar bueng kepala pusing feeling dizzy cp. hueng, hular, ireq (1), kibo kabo, ueng (2) buha kain atau pakaian yg clothes about to wear out hampir rusak, labur buha baju bekas second-hand shirt buhang buhang karèmuq, buhang keruh, kotor dirty, muddy rèmuq cp. gureng, >iwong, karèmuq, ulaq, >umuq buhu (1) sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule buhu (2) membersihkan kapas dgn clean cotton with a bow busur 1. buhu lelu 1. mengutik-ngutik tali 1. clean cotton with a bow busur pada kapas spy kapas berkembang menjadi halus untuk dipintal menjadi benang 2. buhu lelu tan hoe 2. tenun-menenun 2. weave buhuq buhuq balo menyemburkan obat spit medicine, consisting of terbuat dari akar yg chewed roots, on a patient dimamah ke tubuh si sakit cp. bur bui—bukeq 129 bui (1) sj kumbang kecil (yg sering k.o. small (nodding) beetle mengangguk) nadong namo bui mengangguk spt kumbang nod like the nodding yg mengangguk beetle cp. ang kokiq, merung, mobeng, woqo toqo bui (2) penjara prison bukaq (1) bukaq bokur membuka open 1. bukaq boraq 1. membuka untuk melihat 1. open to see (contents) 2. bukaq lumar 2. membuka kebun baru 2. open a new fi eld 3. bukaq nute loeng 3. memberitakan (har buka 3. inform (lit. open word, toyeq kata, memberitakan kata) inform words) 4. bukaq tui 4. membuka untuk 4. open to inspect mengetahui 5. bukaq tuqi 5. menetas 5. hatch 6. bukaq weloq 6. membuka pintu 6. open the door cp. akil, bake, bèti, bito, biloq, hingoq, hoe, mowar, newar, ohoq, pengar, rio, towar bukaq (2) sampai reach, arrive at, get to 1. o pan bukaq dita? 1. engkau pernah sampai di 1. how far have your travels mana saja? taken you? 2. o bukaq dita dèqo? 2. engkau sudah sampai di 2. where have you already mana saja? been? cp. ruten, sape bukaq (3) bukaq bokur ke luar out, outside, come out, go out 1. bukaq doq 1. ke luar dan turun 1. go outside, go out and down 2. bukaq dulin 2. ke luar dari kampung 2. leave the old village for lama ke tempat-tempat di a place outside the old luar kampung village 3. bukaq lumar 3. ke luar dari kampung ke 3. leave the village for the kebun fi elds 4. bukaq mie 4. ke luar untuk kencing 4. go outside to urinate cp. maqur (1), obi, woren bukeq bukeq bekeq, bukeq balenger 1 pekak, tuli 1 deaf 2 bodoh, dungu 2 stupid, fool, foolish til bukeq telinga pekak deaf cp. èbuq, >ibo >abo, kamakuq, mung meng 130 buku—buler buku buku deseq kotak atau dos yg dianyam hexagonal basket with dari daun lontar yg cover, made of palm leaves dasarnya bersegi enam cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, keler, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal bukul bukul bakoq mengepung, berjalan ke encircle, surround, going sana kemari mencari sst here and there looking for s.t. bukul manuq mengepung ayam surround a chicken cp. kole bula bula behe memutar, memutarkan, wring, twist memilin bula ling memutarkan tangan atau twist a hand or an arm lengan cp. bahing, baleq, baloq, beloq, betul, buel, dogel (1), duler, kaluq, kolar, koleq, koloq, lekoq, muser, pataq, pere, puer, puka, puleq, puter, tabal, tuleng, tueng, ueng (2), weleq bulan batu karang yg besar, k.o. large coral berbentuk payung cp. ai hapu, biling, rogang, ruhu bule mengondekan rambut arrange hair on the back of the head, as women do 1. bule odo 1. sudut kerangjan anyaman 1. corner of a basket (lit. (har mengondekan pantat) arrange the bottom) 2. bule oteq, bule uha 2. mengondekan rambut 2. hair on the back of the head 3. bule oteq apu wela 3. sudah menjadi gadis (har 3. already grown to young menyanggul rambut dan womanhood (lit. tie up the mengikat sarung) hair, arrange the female cloth) cp. lapa (3) buleng memeras cucian wring washing out buler hampir berbunga almost fl owering watar buler jagung yg pucuk daunnya maize which is about to menyimpan bunga, hampir fl ower berbunga bulu—bung 131 bulu bulu bèwol membubuhkan, menyiram put or place on, sprinkle dgn abu with dust or ash bulu auq bè tubar membubuhkan tanah di place earth on the forehead kepala (bagian dari upacara (part of a ceremony menyambut kepulangan) marking a homecoming) cp. logeq, papang (2) bulung bulung beke, bulung memasang tanda larangan place a sign of prohibition mulung 1. bulung >eqa 1. memasang tanda 1. lay markers around a larangan di sekeliling new fi eld to prevent wild kebun baru spy babi jangan pigs from entering masuk 2. bulung huna 2. memasang tanda 2. put a sign of restriction larangan pada rumah on a house (as a protection for an infant whose mother has died) 3. bulung huna haqa 3. memasang tanda 3. place a sign of restriction wetaq larangan pada rumah, on the house, close the menutup pintu rumah house cp. nading bun mengikat tie 1. bun lèwèq 1. sj upacara, sebelum 1. ceremony in which, kapas digulung menjadi before cotton is rolled up bola-bola kecil, kapas itu into small balls, it is rubbed digosokkan dulu pada gong on a gong, bracelet, or atau gelang atau gading elephant tusk 2. bun pueq 2. mengikat jala 2. tie a net 3. bun tuen laq kain 3. menandai hutan 3. mark out the forest for untuk membuka kebun, clearing a new fi eld, work mengerjakan kebun yg a newly opened fi eld baru dibuka cp. howeq, lera (1), likur, panga, pètèq, pèting, pu (2), rake (1), >uyung bunen bunen bènèn lembut menuju hancur supple to the point of (bentuk tetap ada, tapi breaking (the form is isinya sudah hancur) retained but the contents are breaking up) 1. >iqa bunen 1. ikan hancur 1. fi sh breaking up 2. tubar bunen 2. kepala hancur 2. head breaking up cp. hèmuq, moleng (1) bung 1 memukul dgn 1 hit, beat, strike with the mempergunakan benda yg fi st or a stone or round berbentuk bulat object 2 bunyi suara pukulan/ 2 sound of hitting, striking lamaran dangan batu with a stone 1. bung mireq 1. memecahkan kemiri 1. break the shell of dgn batu candlenuts with a stone 132 bunga—buong

2. bung wau 2. bertabrakan muka 2. strike one’s face against s.t. cp. awang, birang, bung, dang, dètol, hotaq, mawang, paluq, tutu (1), rapu, wataq bunga tanda spt goresan sign, mark 1. auq bunga 1. upacara untuk orang 1. a ceremony for a dead mati genap empat hari person four days after the kematianya (har tanda death (lit. sign of scratch in goresan pada tanah) the dirt) 2. bunga >ino puqen 2. tanda asal-usal bapak 2. sign of the source of >amo matan dan ibu mother and father 3. bunga kare 3. tanda pengenalan dlm 3. sign of recognition in a menyapa greeting 4. bunga mahoq 4. sakit dlm karena 4. internal pain caused by malakukan pelanggaran di violation of a prohibition satu tempat keramat at a sacred place cp. lala (2), tada, tanada bungang bunga, kembang fl ower cp. puhu, puhun (1), roda (2) bunger bunger batang bau busuk (spt bau tahi rotten smell (as of human manusia), amis excrement), stink bunung membalikkan mulut turn the mouth downwards (bambu tuak, bambu air) ke to empty (palmwine bawah spy tertuang sampai bamboo, water bamboo) in habis, tuangan yg terakhir order to pour the rest out, the last pour 1. bunung lour 1. pisang bakar yg didirikan 1. roast banana stood on dan dipancang dgn sirip end into which fi sh fi ns dan ekor ikan dlm upacara and tails are inserted in (har membalikkan mulut a ceremony (lit. turn the lurus) mouth straight downwards 2. bunung tuaq 2. menuangkan habis tuak 2. pour the last of the dgn cara menekan mulut palmwine from a bamboo bambu tuak ke bawah by pointing it downward 3. bunung wètuq 3. membalikkan mulut 3. turn the mouth of a bambu, spy isinya keluar palmwine bamboo down to pour its contents out bunuq bunuq dau turun, menurun ke bawah descend, go down, come down, climb down 1. bunuq >onan 1. menurun ke hilir 1. descend downstream 2. >ote bunuq 2. dari atas 2. from above cp. bèuq, doq, hèlèng, turu buong buong bènuq bau harum pleasant smell buq—burang 133 buq memeram, menyimpan keep s.t. to age or ripen, buah-buahan dlm karung store fruit in a gunny sack spy lekas masak so that it will soon ripen buq pèhuq tidak dapat berbicara fl ustered, unable to talk (for (umpamanya karena ada example, because of food makanan dlm mulut) in the mouth) cp. buqun buqang buqang muqang buqang muqang bèwiq mèwiq takut afraid, timid cp. bèwiq mèwiq, daqang, tauq (1) buqer (1) buqer bila pohon bidara, Zizyphus date tree, Zizyphus Jujuba Jujuba buqer (2) bagian pohon kelapa atau section of coconut or pohon tuak yg dekat pada lontar tree near the pelepahnya branches buqul bagian atas lengan upper part of the arm buqul boteq bagian pada lengan yg top of the upper arm membukit, yg berotot muscle buqun ~ buqung menyimpan bibit jagung store maize seeds for dgn cara mengikatkan planting, by fastening them pada sepotong kayu, lalu onto a piece of wood and digantung dekat perapian hanging them near the fi replace cp. buq buqung see: buqun bur bur beke menyembur, spittle, spit out, spray as a menyemburkan, charm to cure s.o. menyembur sso untuk menyembuhkan cp. bubur, buhuq, hir, >iyuq, lua, pusuq bura bura kotiq, bura tèboq mendidih, mendidihkan boil wèi panan bura bura didihkan air panas baru boil hot water and pour it napo paoq manuq ton siramkan pada ayam atau over a chicken or pig wawi babi cp. bangaq (1), hari, iu, koqer, lunga, patang (1) burang burang daqang menghalau, mengusir expel, chase away, drive away 134 buren—buruq

burang >iqa menghalau ikan spy masuk drive fi sh into a net or trap ke dlm jaring/penangkap by slapping the water dgn cara menampar air laut cp. boha, dèhuq, ding, horiq (1), rahiq, ruten, ruti buren buren bahuq buren bahuq laha lengaq marah, memarahi angry cp. bekeq, laleng, hiwoq, marang, pana, rahe, rihuq burgahing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >etang buri (1) berebut yg dihamburkan/ fi ght for what has been ditébarkan (spt permen scattered (such as sweets for untuk anak-anak) children) buri (2) siput, yg kalau ditiup conch berbunyi spt terompet, keong laut besar buriq 1 bertiup, tiupan angin di 1 blow, blowing of wind luar outside 2 lebar luas 2 extensive >angin buriq angin bertiup wind blows cp. gepar, puiq burong (1) burung bird burong (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bekeq buru tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: buru gahing buru gahing sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule buruq buruq balang busuk, bau busuk rotten, bad, putrid, bad smell cp. daten, >èwè, ingin, nuhu, rèhuq (1), rungan, taha buta—buye 135 buta buta >ene pasir halus fi ne sand bute bute èyèq, bute noqeng tidur sleep, doze, take a nap mato bute mengantuk (har mata sleepy (lit. eyes doze) tidur) cp. noqeng, pèi, tèqèl buteq buteq biang hancur break, broken, disintegrate, disintegrated taha baka buteq biang rusak, membusuk dan broken and smelling hancur cp. >asur, babaq (1), bènèn (1), bèti, bikil, doke, dunuq, holaq, kakal, kètèng, kètèq, lèhèq, muha, nehal, papal, peaq, pesaq, rèhuq (2), ruteq, taha, tèlèr, topeq (1) butil menggenggam, hold, hide in one’s fi st menyembunyikan di dlm tangan butil nunu menutup mulut dgn jari cover the mouth with one’s tangan hand cp. >èmèng butu (1) berasal dari Buton derived from Buton cp. sili butu butu (2) see: buturai buturai ~ butu delapan eight 1. butu bongan 1. duduk omong-omong 1. sit and visit 2. buturai eto, buturai 2. delapan (dari nyanyian 2. eight (from a chant used etoq anak-anak untuk by children when playing menybutkan bilangan satu hide and seek, usually sampai sepuluh) counting up to ten) buyang bujangan single, unmarried, bachelor buyaq buyaq tepa putih white 1. buyaq haboq 1. putih pudar 1. dull white 2. buyaq loruq 2. putih bersih 2. clear white buye buye heki bersikap tidak mau refuse to speak to each berbicara dgn orang other, indifferent, apathetic tertentu (mungkin karena ada perselisihan), bersikap 136 buyur—buyur

spt masa-bodoh, apatis karena dendam buyur menambal pakaian dgn darn by way of cara menyulam embroidering D dadi dadi dara daging fl esh (of humans) cp. >ihin dael see: daeng daeng ~ dael tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: derung daeq daeq doyaq enggan, tidak mau refuse, reject, not want 1. binen Bota daeq nian 1. saudari Bota tidak mau 1. sister Bota does not want tinggal to stay 2. daeq-ku 2. saya tidak mau 2. I do not want (that) cp. >anung (2), ehing dagang ~ dakang nama ukuran pelukan pada fathom measurement pohon untuk mengukur of the circumference or besarnya pohon height of a tree cp. dèpè, dèpiq, huq dagel tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dogel (1) dahan ~ dahang (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dihan dahan ~ dihang dahang dahang (1) dahang rehing bertanya ask, enquire 1. dahang diqen 1. bertanya secara halus 1. ask properly (a marriage (meminang menurut adat) in which the husband’s group have made the proper request to the bride’s parents, the opposite of elopement) 2. >ei ko laleng bèq 2. saya ingin bertanya 2. I want to ask dahang; >ei laha dahang cp. >ameq (1), dahan, dihan dahan, dahuq, du, hitiq, hoyan, kete (2), naku dahang (2) see: dahan 138 dahar—daka dahar 1 belahan bambu yg 1 split bamboo covering of dibentangkan pada balai- a bamboo platform balai 2 balai-balai 2 bamboo platform (Beni Hading dialect) cp. atar, lipu daing daing dèloq 1 menampar 1 slap with the fl at of the hand 2 kipas, mengipas 2 fan suo lepaq daing wèq mereka saling menampar they slap each other cp. daneq, dang, duq (2), lepaq (1), lèpèr, napel, puiq, tapel dahuq dahuq dalong dahuq dalong tudi baring meminta request, ask, beg >ei dahuq moq >olon saya meminta sedikit I would like a little of your luoq hara ite makananmu food cp. >ameq (1), dahang (1), èhèng, hitiq, hoyan, koli (1), naku, pohong pole, takang (2), tudi, >uda dai tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see doke dai laki sj burung k.o. bird cp. eor (2), hian, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang daiq dgn (menggunakan), with (the aid of), made terbuat dari from 1. boraq daiq mato 1. melihat dgn mata 1. see with one’s eyes 2. kuq daiq ling 2. mengambil dgn tangan 2. take with the hand 3. laha daiq ai 3. terbuat dari kayu 3. made of wood 4. laha daiq >ape? 4. membuat ini dgn apa?; 4. make it with what?; ini terbuat dari apa? made of what? 5. laha uyeng daiq auq 5. membuat periuk dari 5. make a pot by using tanah earth 6. mèiq noq daiq 6. pisau ini dibuat dari besi 6. this knife is made of iron >olaqne cp. >èpiq, hènèq, mara, nore daka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: eko daka dakang—dalong 139 dakang see: dagang dakoq dakoq hayaq 1 ketulangan; merasa 1 have a fi sh bone stuck in ada yg manyangkut di the throat kerongkongan 2 merasa spt ditikam-tikam 2 have piercing chest pain di dlm dada 3 sakit asma 3 asthma cp. moyang dala wèi sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq daleq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: peman daleq daler tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: doler daling bersama dgn, dan together with, as well as mèq neq lamaq daling membawa piring dan bring his plate as well as neq oraq séndoknya his spoon cp. dapeq (2), kore, ore, taling daliq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dèkèng dalong (1) dalong halaq meletakkan yg satu di atas pile up, form layers yg lain sehingga bersusun dalong lamaq meletakan piring bersusun- stack up dishes susun, satu di atas yg lain 140 dalong—daneq

cp. dahuq, hubiq, kahin (3), lotaq, nèpè, uang dalong (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dahuq damang damang namang memasukkan tempat isian place a small container in a kecil ke dlm tempat isian larger container yg lebih besar damaq terbanyak very many, very much, in great numbers >iqa noq damaq lurin ikan ini tulangnya amat this fi sh has very many banyak bones cp. >ata, dehiq, kayaq (1), maqar, rai, rèiq dame damai peace damiq mencengkam, menggigit seize, grasp, bite dgn sengaja intentionally 1. >au damiq koq lèi 1. anjing menggigit kakiku 1. the dog bit my leg 2. damiq pèu 2. menggigit mangga 2. bite a mango cp. >amir, >èmèng, èrèq, kiqi, nara (4), pènè (1), taku dan dan lapiq lapis, tingkat level, story 1. auq dan leme 1. tanah lima lapis 1. land fi ve levels 2. >uhe dan pitu >ara 2. dunia tujuh lapis, tanah 2. earth seven levels, land dan leme lima lapis fi ve levels cp. lapiq (1) danaq menghantam hit hard >ei butil ling danaq saya mengepalkan I clenched my fi st and neq obi tangan dan menghantam pounded his back punggungnya cp. tipaq, waku (1), wokul (1) danar membakar di atas bara api roast in an open fi re danar watar taqen membakar jagung muda roast ears of young maize dlm bara api in an open fi re cp. dayuq, >èhèng, heiq, paq (1), tun (1) daneq daneq daing menempelkan sst pada stick s.t. on s.t. (such as tempat tertentu (yg luka medicine on a wound) atau sakit) cp. bateq, dapeq (1), doran, raèq dang—dapeq 141 dang dang dèloq memukul, menampar, beat, drum, slap, play a memainkan alat musik percussive instrument 1. dang edang 1. memainkan kecapi 1. play a Jew’s harp mulut 2. dang edang tadaq 2. memainkan kecapi 2. play the bamboo Jew’s udang mulut, menasihati burung harp, advise the wood tekukur; pantun trasional pigeon (traditional poetry, each verse of which consists of two couplets) 3. dang kong bawa 3. memukul gong gendang 3. play gongs and drums 4. dang lapaq 4. sj pohon, kayu besi 4. k.o. ironwood tree 5. dang lipu 5. memukul balai-balai 5. beat a bamboo platform 6. dang tatong 6. memetik siter bambu 6. play a bamboo zither 7. e dang bawa 7. kami memukul gendang 7. we beat a drum cp. awang, bawa, bawar, behi (1), bung, daing, dètol, dokè, hoqol, lekaq, lepaq (1), naka (1), paluq, tataq, tutu (1), walaq (1), wataq danung (1) menjual tenaga atau modal sell one’s labour, sell (memberi sso tenaga one’s capital (give labour atau uang lebih dahulu, or money with the dgn harapan mendapat expectation of receiving pembalasan berupa tenaga a return in kind at a later atau benda di kemudian date) hari) cp. mohing danung (2) sj pohon ara, Ficus, Linn. k.o. fi g tree, Ficus, Linn. cp. paqung dapang memikul pikulan yg bagian carry s.t. which is facing mukanya menghadap ke front to back belakang cp. boruq, doèl dapaq dapat, mendapat get, can, may dapaq doiq mendapat uang get money cp. >e (2), homeng, raheq, ruang, ruten, yadi dapar tengkurap lie on one’s stomach tèqèl dapar tidur tengkurap sleep lying on one’s stomach cp. leme >apaq, manuq dapar, pèdo, pèq dapeq (1) menempel, melekat cling, stick, adhere 1. dapeq bè nèbiq 1. menempel di dinding 1. stick to the wall 2. waiq dapeq bè ai 2. belalang menempel di 2. cricket sticks to a tree pohon 142 dapeq—daran

cp. bakeq, bateq, kateng, lapiq (2), lateq, nènèq, pataq, raèq, rèbèq dapeq (2) bersama dgn with e ka anen dapeq >iqa kami makan nasi dgn ikan we (ex) eat rice with fi sh cp. daling, >èpiq, ore daping meminjam borrow 1. daping lamaq 1. meminjam piring 1. borrow plates 2. nereng daping kain 2. meminjam kain sarung 2. borrow a sarong cp. biheq, nereng, nineng daq (1) daq-ko kata Coba, silakan try, attempt, please 1. daqko o patal 1. cobalah merasakan ini 1. try tasting this 2. daqko ka 2. silakan makan 2. please eat 3. daqku a 3. birakan saya makan 3. let me eat

cp. paing, patal, soba (1) daq (2) see: dèq

-daq see: -deq daqa tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: awa daqa, iu daqang daqang berang membentak, menakuti snap at s.o., shout at s.o. harshly, frighten Bona daqang berang Bona membentak Toni Bona shouts at Toni Toni cp. burang, haqing, >ikir, rahe, tauq (1) daqil tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: doroq dara (1) hampir masak (warna almost ripe (yellow colour kuning pada buah-buahan of fruit as it approaches yg menandakan hampir ripeness) masak) cp. bètèr (1) daran, duren, mutiq, taqe, taqen, tange, tangen dara (2) darah blood cp. dadi, wèiq daran yg sudah hampir masak that which is almost ripe darang—datang 143

cp. bètèr (1), dara (1), duren, taqe, taqen, tange, tangen darang (1) panas, memanaskan, hot, heat memanggang cp. dayuq, heiq, laraq, muq, pana, wana (1) darang (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: narang daraq menusuk sst dgn lidi atau skewer s.t. with a palm leaf tali (spt menusuk satai, atau rib or cord (as is done with ikan menjadi rangkaian) satai or fi sh) cp. bakeq, daraq, horuq, laku daraq, naraq (1), tuhuq, tukoq dareng dareng idoq mengeluh sob, weep, sigh, moan cp. >ere (1), >èqè, idoq, kueq, nahing, nareng, >oqeng, >oyeng, ueq dareq sj ulat kuning yg bisa k.o. yellow edible worm dimakan cp. lumoq, tihel dareq dariq menghidupkan, menjaga revive, bring to life, start (a spy tetap ada, jangan punah fi re), watch to make sure you do not run out 1. dariq >api 1. menghidupkan api 1. start a fi re 2. dariq >utan laleng 2. menanam kacang tanah 2. plant peanuts to make untuk menjaga agar sure the seed peanuts do benihnya tetap ada, jangan not disappear punah cp. bita,, ewa, mae, mawaq, nariq (2), pakang, rio, saga dasaq dasaq pomaq membawa benda yg carry s.t. in the palm of diletakkan di atas telapak the hand tangan dasaq lamaq nobeq memegang piring itu dgn hold that plate carefully diqen diqen hati-hati dasing dacing, timbangan k.o. portable balanced scale cp. nueq, tanibang datang memikul, membawa ke luar carry outside cp. >okuq 144 daten—dawaq daten ~ datoq ~ natoq daten ohaq buruk, tidak baik bad, rotten 1. daten >alen 1. kesalahan, dosa 1. fault, sin 2. ditoq paq datoq?; 2. baik atau buruk? 2. good or bad? diqen paq daten? cp. buruq, ingin, rèhuq (1), taha datoq see: daten dau mendaki climb, ascend, go up, come up 1. dau >ote wela 1. mendaki ke pegunungan 1. climb to the interior, the mountains 2. nuo >ote wela dau 2. dia mendaki ke gunung 2. he climbs to the interior, the mountains 3. >ole dau 3. dari jarak yg jauh di 3. from a medium distance bawah ke atas kepada si below, up towards the pembicara speaker cp. bèlè, bunuq, daun, dohil, doho, eu, kapa, >ole, wongun daun tempat mendaki steep place 1. lala daun dei boteq 1. jalan yg mendaki ke atas 1. steep path travel upwards 2. wetaq woyong daun 2. rumah kecil di tengah 2. small house in the ayaq tempat mendaki (har middle of a steep place (lit. rumah tergantung di house suspended in the tengah tempat mendaki) middle of a steep place) cp. dau dauq menyambung connect, join dauq pueq menyambung pukat (yg join two nets satu dgn yg lain) cp. bela, dèning (1), èpuq (1), hobel, hoding (1), hudeq, pèti, wan (2) daur see: dawur dawal dawal nawal mengantongi sst dgn kain, put s.t. in one’s pocket, baju, dsb wrap s.t. in a cloth 1. nawal dawal >anaq 1. kandungan mengandung 1. the womb contains the anak child 2. nawal tara dawal 2. mengantungi (har 2. put s.t. into a sack (lit. kantung kita pakai untuk sack we [in] use to put mengantungi) things in) cp. eweq, kadewaq dawaq ~ dèwoq sembarang any, no particular, at random 1. haba dèwoq 1. mencari tanpa arah 1. look for s.t. everywhere dawil—deheng 145

2. kakaq dawaq 2. melempar sembarangan 2. throw s.t. at random (dgn pengharapan (hoping to hit s.t.) mengenai sasaran) 3. pan dèwoq 3. berjalan tanpa arah 3. walk about without any specifi c direction cp. rawaq dawil gantung hang dawil ai setelah ayam meninggal crossing of a chicken’s waktu dikurbankan kakinya feet after it has died in a bersilang (har gantung sacrifi ce (lit. hang wood) kayu) cp. dewel, doreng, kewel, leleng, loleng, toreng, wetong, wideng dawur ~ daur mencampur mix, mixed, blended hengan dawur >utan jagung titik dicampur crushed maize mixed with kacang beans cp. hoq, kehoq (1), walaq (2), waur daya berdiang di api warm o.s. near a fi re cp. akal, tape dayang memanaskan untuk heat s.t. before meluruskan atau straightening it or bending membengkokkan it dayang nameq laqa memanaskan anak panah heat an arrow so as to untuk meluruskannya straighten it

cp. tunu dayuq dayuq layuq memanggang, membakar, roast s.t. inside a bamboo memasak dlm bambu 1. dayuq ai lèuq 1. memasak ubi dlm bambu 1. cook yams in a bamboo 2. layuq tara dayuq 2. memasak dlm bambu 2. roast in a bamboo (lit. (har bambu kita pakai bamboo we [in] use for untuk memasak) roasting) 3. witing dayuq 3. daging kambing yg 3. goat meat roasted in dimasak dlm bambu bamboo cp. >apa, danar, darang (1), >èhèng, heiq, iu, lore, lunga, paq (1), tun (1), tutung (2) deda denda fi ne deda halaq memberi denda pay a fi ne dehang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dumeq deheng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself 146 dehiq—delang

see: tameq dehiq ~ nehiq ~ deniq dehiq damaq dekat (dlm jarak) close, near (of distance) cp. dereng, tubi dehor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: duyeng dei dei poya 1 ikut, mengikuti, menuruti 1 a. follow s.o. or s.t.; travel (follow) a path, road; b. obey 2 terakhir, penghabisan 2 last 1. dei >eqi 1. ikuti saya 1. follow me 2. dei koq èuq 2. ikuti suaraku, ikuti 2. follow my voice, obey perintahku, turuti me, follow my advice nasihatku 3. dei lala 3. ikuti jalan 3. follow a path 4. me mulo >eko dei 4. kamu pergi lebih dulu, 4. you go fi rst, I will come >ahin saya yg penghabisan (har last (lit. you fi rst, I follow kamu dulu, saya ikut last) terakhir) 5. suo dei >ahin 5. mereka ikut 5. they follow last terakhirbelakangan cp. bahe, dein, dori, dukiq, ikoq, ipu, lèbu, lèpè, mueng (1), neten, pau, todu dein yg terakhir last >anaq dein anak terakhir, bungsu the last child cp. dei, mueng (1) deka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: soleq dekar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lawa deko deko labur celana pants, trousers 1. deko mekuq 1. celana pendek 1. shorts 2. deko lèi lawan, dèko 2. celana panjang 2. long pants, trousers tonan del padat solid, fi rm, packed cp. kieq, kiqing, manga (1), mateq, mègung delang menyalakan api, nyala api blaze, fl ame, fl are up, leap up, ignite 1. >api delang 1. api menyala tinggi 1. the fi re fl ames high demon—dera 147

2. delang >api 2. menyalakan api 2. ignite a fi re cp. doro (3), >edang, >olor demon orang Demon (yakni populations subject to the rakyat yg takluk d ibawah raja of Larantuka kerajaan Larantuka) cp. payi deniq see: dehiq depal (1) landai, tidak curam gently sloping pan depal kohaq pergi ke lereng yg tidak walk up or down a gentle curam slope cp. lena, nadal depal (2) memukul dgn kayu hit with a long stick panjang depan depan lèin bambu penyangga penahan projecting bamboos atap supporting the roof cp. duruq depil rapat close together cp. dereng, >ideq, mida, tunu -deq see: -ya dequng getar, getaran shake, twitch, tremble 1. >ei paing neq >ali 1. saya merasakan nadinya 1. I feel his pulse twitching dequng bergetar 2. >oto bèyèng >auq 2. ada bermobil jalan, 2. earth trembles from dequng membuat tanah jadi passing traffi c bergetar cp. >ayoq, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eyoq, kèdoq, legang (1), >oda, >odor, >oduq, tapar dera (1) dera beke menarik pull 1. dera >aluq 1. pertandingan menarik 1. tug of war with a bambu bamboo pole 2. dera lili 2. menarik pohon untuk 2. pull a tree to be used as membuat tiang rumah a house post 3. dera tene 3. menarik perahu di 3. pull a boat on land daratan 4. suo dera beke wèq 4. mereka saling menarik 4. they are pulling each other cp. beq, boraq (2), horuq, kaneraq, rahiq, teduq, wadoq, weloq 148 dera—deseq dera (2) tangga ladder 1. dera >awiq 1. anak tangga 1. wooden rung of a ladder 2. tang dera 2. memasang tangga untuk 2. put up a ladder naik cp. rabaq, weloq deraq (1) sj ikan kecil k.o. small fi sh cp. doniq, kong baluq deraq (2) menumbuk yg kedua kali pound a second time deraq leye menumbuk jelai yg kedua pound Job’s tears a second kali (untuk mengambil sisa time (to remove the kulitnya) remaining husk) cp. tipaq dereng dereng depil berdekatan, berdampingan close to, next to 1. dereng puqen 1. dekat dgn pusat 1. near the source 2. >ei tèbèq dereng Pèu 2. saya duduk dekat Peu 2. I sit close to Peu 3. neq wetaq dereng 3. rumahnya berdekatan 3. his house is near our nore ke keqene dgn rumah kami house 4. sio dereng meker? 4. siapa anak kedua (har 4. who is the fi rst child siapa yg lahir sesudah si (who is next to the fi rst sulung)? child)? cp. dehiq, piding, tode, tubi deru tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rèqè derung derung daeng, derung dael, memburu hunt derung nerung kepala pemburu master of the hunt derung wala cp. nuloq, ruqen deseq deseq bolaq kotak anyaman bersudut round or hexagonal basket enam dari daun lontar woven from lontar palm leaves, usually with a cover 1. deseq bako 1. kotak tembakau dari 1. tobacco basket daun lontar 2. deseq hoaq lilin 2. kerangjang/kotang 2. small betel-areca basket anyaman sirih-pinang kecil (carried on a string) bertali (yg digantungkan pada bahu) 3. deseq matan 3. penutup kotak 3. lid of a basket 4. deseq odo ikang 4. kotak anyaman dgn 4. basket with many raised banyak ujung di bagain points on its rim (lit. basket alasnya (har kotak dgn with a branched bottom) pantat bercabang) 5. deseq onu 5. kotak polos, tanpa hiasan 5. plain basket lacking decoration 6. deseq rading 6. kotak dgn anyaman lurus 6. basket with woven keatas strands going straight up deuq—dèdèl 149

7. deseq >uq 7. dasar kotak 7. base of a basket 8. deseq wayaq 8. kotak anyaman untuk 8. betel basket sirih dan pinang cp. biri (1), buku, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal deuq satu (métatésis dari kata one (metathesis of ‘>udeq’) ‘>udeq’) koda wadeq deuq turunan satu tali descent line one cord dewaq cp. natan, nimoq, >udeq dewang alat ukuran mata pukat device for measuring the holes in a net dewaq tali (métatésis dari kata string, rope, cord ‘wadeq’) (metathesis of ‘wadeq’) koda wadeq deuq turunan satu tali descent line one cord dewaq cp. lihan, lihen, loing, lori, tèin (1), tiboq, tibul, wadeq dewel tergantung hang down tu dewel susbuah dada tergantung breast hangs down cp. dawil, doreng, kewel, leleng, loleng, toreng, wetong, wideng dè ~ di (2) ~ diq di, pada at, to 1. boraq di nobeq 1. lihat di situ 1. look there 2. dè mè 2. pada waktu itu, ketika 2. at that time, then, at that itu, pada tempat itu place 3. dè noq 3. di sini 3. here 4. dè oyo 4. di sana (jurusan sana) 4. there (laterally) 5. di dita 5. di mana? 5. where at? 6. diq mè >ei tokongu 6. pada waktu itu saya tidak 6. at that time I was not ada there 7. di nita? 7. di mana? 7. where at? 8. di nobeq 8. di situ 8. there 9. di ole 9. di bawah, di barat 9. below, to the west 10. di oli 10. di darat 10. landward 11. di ote 11. di atas 11. above 12. di owe 12. di laut 12. seaward 13. puli di noq 13. letakkan di sini 13. place it here 14. tebeq dè >oli 14. duduk di sana 14. sit there cp. ara (2), bè dèdèl dèdèl habiq mengurung cage 1. dèdèl manuq 1. mengurung ayam 1. cage a chicken 2. dèdèl wawi 2. mengandangi babi 2. put a pig in a sty 150 dèhuq—dèmul

cp. bou (1), dèkèng, kadang, nèdèl dèhuq dèhuq tuteq mengejar chase, pursue suo dèhuq tuteq wèq mereka saling kejar- they chase each other cp. boha, burang, horiq, mengejar ruten dèkèng dèkèng daliq mengurung put in a cage, imprison cp. baki, dèdèl, èping, >ewang, loman, mae, muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, puli, pulin dèkiq menyisipkan (mis insert (e.g. a knife into a menyisipkan pisau pada sheath or wall) pinggang atau pada dinding) cp. dokeq, doleq, hèkiq, hiki (2), >iher, sèkiq dèkur dèkur bakoq menyerbu, masuk rumah attack, invade, enter a atau pondok atau kampung house, hut or village in untuk mencari musuh search of an enemy kara dèkur bakoq ma jangan menubruk ke sini do not run in here cp. bewaq, du, hoding (1), >iwaq, muqang, waku (1) dèlèn memintal memakai tangan spin by hand dèlèn wadeq memintal tali spin a cord cp. tueng dèlèr lembah valley, lowland cp. redeq dèloq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: daing, dang dèmèr tertanam, dimasuki planted, entered 1. dèmèr bè >opaq 1. tertanam dlm lumpur 1. planted in mud laleng 2. moq topi dèmèr 2. topimu terlalu di kepala 2. your hat is pushed down rehing too far on your head cp. eu, èhèr, heloq, masoq, miwaq, taneng, uduq dèmul dèmul dèqèl ribut noisy, be noisy, rowdy, make a commotion dèngèr—dèpiq 151

cp. ganedel, kako, mura, nèbèq, ningor, rame, repoq (2) dèngèr dèngèr bèing mendengar hear, listen 1. dèngèr èuq 1. mendengar bunyi, suara 1. hear a sound, voice 2. dèngèr nute bèing 2. mendengar baik-baik 2. pay close attention (lit. toyeq (har mendengar kata, hear [the] words, listen to memperhatikan ucapan) [the] speech) 3. dèngèr rian bèing 3. mendengar baik 3. pay close attention (lit. baraq (har mendengar besar, listen great, pay attention memperhatikan berat) heavy) cp. banger (1), wenger banger (1) dèning (1) menuntut strive, participate, join dèning pan menuntut pergi bersama strive to go together cp. dauq, èpuq (1), latuq, nutuq dèning (2) memintalkan pintalan yg weave the third thread in a ketiga pada tali yg baru cord, rope terdiri dari dua pintalan cp. laiq (1), tueng, tuleng dènita ~ dinita ~ didita di mana, di tempat mana, where pada tempat mana o puaq dènitaqo? engkau tinggal di mana? where do you live? cp. dita dèoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dotoq (1), kèqèr dèpè depa fathom, measure of length: from fi ngertips to fi ngertips with both arms stretched out dèpè leme lima depa fi ve fathoms cp. dagang, huq dèpiq dèpiq dakang memeluk, memeluk embrace, squeeze, pinch, dgn kuat, menjepit, press tight mengetatkan 1. dèpiq kieq 1. memeluk erat spy jangan 1. embrace s.t. fi rmly, so as bergerak to prevent movement 2. dèpiq manga 2. memeluk dgn kuat spy 2. embrace s.t. fi rmly, so as jangan terlepas atau jatuh to prevent it from falling 3. dèpiq nèbiq 3. menjepiti, mengetatkan 3. squeeze the split bamboo dinding wall partitions 4. dèpiq tuaq 4. memeluk pohon lontar 4. embrace a lontar palm 5. nuo dèpiq areq meliq 5. dia memeluk gadis itu 5. he embraced the young kieqkieq erat-erat woman fi rmly 152 dèq—dèqmè

cp. >auq (1), dieq, dipeq, doling, >ereq, >èmèng, iteq, >ikuq, kabuq, kapung, kanèming, kèmiq, kimuq, lèhèq, lèsuq nèpiq, nipeq, >ona, pere, peruq, pèmèq, rèbèq, tua (1), tumiq, tunu dèq ~ daq sudah, sudah melakukan, already, ever (perfective sudah pernah (penunjuk aspect marker) aspek perfektif) 1. bahe dèq 1. sudah habis 1. fi nished 2. moq >anaq laèn 2. apakah anakmu sudah 2. is your sick child better moleng diqen dèq-ne? sehat? (yet)? 3. o pan Balauring 3. engkau sudah pernah ke 3. have you ever gone to dèq-ko? Balauring? Balauring? 4. suo pan dèqya? 4. mereka sudah pergi? 4. have they gone? cp. bahe, dèqmè, dèqnu, dèqo, mai, mete, nau, ramaq dèqèl tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dèmul dèqèr (1) membanting throw down roughly puli lamaq nèrè nèrè meletakkan piring pelan- put the plates down kara dèqèr boiq bikil pelan, jangan dibanting, carefully, do not put them nanti pecah down roughly or they may break cp. bating, bèting, rèting, waiq (2) dèqèr (2) menghentak 1 stamp on with force 2 thrust, stab 3 pound dèqèr karong menghentak-hentakkan pound on a sack so that its karung spy isinya padat contents are packed tightly cp. bakoq, bongaq, oluq, opoq (2), rahaq (1), rataq, robaq (2, sarobaq, tèlèr, tipaq, tubaq, tuhuq, tukoq, utu (1), wokul (1) dèqmè penunjuk aspek inseptif inceptive aspect marker 1. >ei bèq pan dèqmè 1. saya pergi sekarang 1. I am leaving now 2. te kolor bako dèqmè 2. kita mulai menggulung 2. we are about to roll rokok cigarettes cp. bahe, dèq, dèqnu, dèqo, mai, mete, nau, ramaq dèqnu—dèwor 153 dèqnu ~ hèqnu penunjuk aspek insipien incipient aspect marker 1. pan dèqnu! 1. pergilah! 1. go! 2. suo paluq >olaq 2. sebentar lagi mereka 2. they are about to sound dèqnu akan memukul gong the gong cp. bahe, dèq, dèqmè, dèqo, mai, mete, nau, ramaq dèqo penunjuk aspek inkoatif inchoative aspect marker padu nangan matene, lampu ini tadi mati, the lamp was dead a short noq bita dèqo sekarang hidup lagi while ago, now it is alight (again) cp. bahe, dèq, dèqmè, dèqnu, mai, mete, nau, ramaq dèrèng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lèkè dèro tumit heel lèi dèro tumit kaki heel dèruq dèruq mie tahi excrement, faeces 1. dèruq run 1. merasa mau buang air 1. feeling the need to besar excrete 2. dèruq tihèr 2. bunyi kentut 2. sound of brealking wind 3. >ei koq dèruq run 3. saya merasa mau buang 3. I feel the need to excrete air besar 4. ka dèruq 4. makan tahi 4. eat shit cp. >èyèng, mie dèto see: dètol dètol ~ dèto mengetuk knock, strike, hammer, beat (door, bamboo, iron, etc., whatever may sound or ring) dètol weloq mengetuk pintu knock at the door cp. awang, bating, behi (1), bèngè, bung, dang, hoding (1), hoqol, lèduq, lekaq, nètol (1), paluq, tèqè, toq, tutu (1), walaq (1) dèwoq see: dawaq dèwor menanam benih dlm plant seed in weedy berumput karena lahannya ground because there was tidak sempat dibersihkan no opportunity to clean the soil 154 dèwu—dieq dèwu menangkap sst di dlm catch s.t. by putting a hand lubang dgn memasukkan in a hole tangan kedalamnya 1. dèwu >iqa 1. menangkap ikan dgn 1. catch fi sh by hand in a memasukkan tangan ke hole in stones dlm lubang batu 2. dèwu rua lani 2. menangkap dgn tangan 2. catch by hand a k.o. bee sebangsa lebah yg bersarang that nests in holes in stones dlm lubang batu dèwun tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >uhaq dèyèq dèyèq dolan tajam, runcing sharp, pointed 1. mato dèyèq 1. kepandaian dukun 1. ability of a priest to see melihat kesalahan yg the causes of misfortune menyebabkan kemalangan (lit. sharp eyes) (har mata tajam) 2. mèiq dèyèq 2. pisau yg tajam 2. sharp knife 3. waq dèyèq dolan 3. batu yg tepinya tajam 3. sharp stone cp. èruq dèyu bergoyang, bergerak move cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bayol, bokar, dopeq, dosor, doyung, edaq, edeq, egeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eyoq, hekol, kedong, ledeq, mekol, nèyu, odoq, >oda, >oduq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) di (1) juga, pun also, too >ei di pan saya juga pergi I go, too cp. ge, hènèq, rehi di (2) see: dè di...di setiap, masing-masing each, every 1. di loyo di loyo 1. setiap hari 1. every day 2. di suku di suku 2. (ke) setiap marga 2. (to) each clan cp. pahe didita see: dènita dieq dieq nieq jepit, terjepit, terhimpit pinch, squeeze, pinched, squeezed, closed up weloq dieq koq ling jariku terjepit pada pintu my fi nger got pinched in utun the door dihan—ding 155

cp. dèpiq, dipeq, doling, >ereq, >èhing, >èmèng, iteq, >ikuq, kanèming, kèmiq, kimuq, lèhèq, lèsuq nèpiq, nipeq, >ona, pere, peruq, pèmèq, rèbèq, tua (1), tumiq, tunu dihan ~ dihang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dihan dahan dihan dahan ~ dihang suatu keadaan yg buruk blemish, taint, fl aw dahang pada rupa diri, pakaian, perumahan dsb uha oteq dihan dahan keadaan rambut yg tidak unkempt hair digunting, tidak disisir cp. >ameq (1), dahuq, hitiq, hoyan, naku, takang (2) dihang dahang see: dihan dahan dihil menghirup, mengisap (spt inhale (as in inhaling mengisap rokok) cigarette smoke) cp. duhu, dumeq, dupeng, dure, duq (1), duyeng, in dihiq ~ diq (2) hembusan angin yg lemah soft breeze, feel cool lembut, rasa dingin karena because of a breeze tiupan angin timur puiq waraq diq hembusan angin timur dan east and west breeze barat dikel dikel doiq membelah memakai kapak split with an ax Ahmad dikel bering Ahmad membelah bambu Ahmad splits bamboo dikeq dikeq bakoq seruan untuk menyukuri expression of satisfaction at kemalangan yg menimpa s.o.’s misfortune, so there! sso dilaq see: ilaq dile dile pelaq menjilat lick 1. >au dile neq wèq 1. anjing mejilati badannya 1. dog licks its body 2. >au >ata >oyo dile 2. anjing-anjing itu saling 2. those dogs are licking pelaq wèq menjilat each other ding mengeluarkan expel, eject 156 dinita—ditan

cp. burang, horiq (1) dinita see: dènita dipeq ~ kipeq menjepit pinch, squeeze 1. dipeq >api >eroq 1. menjepit bara api 1. pinch a spark 2. nipeq tara dipeq 2. menjepit (har penjepit 2. squeeze (lit. tweezers we kita pakai untuk menjepit) [in] use to squeeze) cp. dèpiq, dieq, doling, >ereq, >èmèng, iteq, >ikuq, kanèming, kèmiq, kimuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, nèpiq, nipeq, >ona, pere, peruq, pèmèq, rèbèq, tua (1), tumiq diq (1) see: dè diq (2) see: dihiq diqen ~ ditoq ~ nitoq diqen hèrun baik, bagus good, nice, all right, in order 1. diqen dèq 1. sudah baik, sudah bagus 1. already good 2. diqen hèrun wèq 2. sailing berbaik-baik/ 2. make peace with each berdamai other, be at peace with each other 3. diqen wèq 3. tidak ada permusuhan, 3. without enmity, at peace berdamai 4. ditoq paq datoq; 4. baik atau buruk 4. good or bad diqen paq daten cp. >alu, >ieq tuyan, polaq dira dira >ohung luka karena tergores benda wound caused by brushing tajam against a sharp object dita ~ nita di mana where 1. dita tema tui wèq? 1. di mana kita akan 1. where will we meet each ketemu lagi? other again? 2. nuo bua di dita? 2. dia lahir di mana? 2. where was he born? 3. o pan ditaqo? 3. engkau ke mana? 3. where are you going? cp. dènita, di, ditan ditan yg mana which 1. pan ditano? 1. engkau pergi ke yg 1. which are you going to? mana? 2. uq waq ditan? 2. saya ambil batu yg mana? 2. which stone shall I take? cp. bè, dita, wa diteq—dogel 157 diteq mengempit, cara membawa hold by clamping or dgn menjepitkan pada pinching under the arms ketiak 1. diteq apuq oma rèq 1. mengempit kotak spy 1. carry a basket so that waiq engkau bisa mengisinyadgn you can put grasshoppers belalang in it 2. diteq pedaq 2. mengempit 2. carry a fi eld knife with the handle pressed under the arm ditoq see: diqen ditul tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dotel diyu diyu horiq membangunkan orang yg wake s.o. tidur doa ~ doaq doa tewel jauh far, long (distance, time) 1. doa horaq dehiq awe 1. menerima dari ygjauh, 1. receive from far, fi ght berkelahi dgn yg dekat nearby 2. doa wèq; doaq wèq 2. menjauhkan diri 2. go away 3. nau doane 3. masih lama 3. still a long time cp. doan, hèqè, lakang, lela, potoq doan ~ doaq yg jauh s.t. that is far lèu doan kampung yg jauh far-away, distant village cp. doa doaq see: doa, doan dodang 1 tarah, ketam, beliung 1 plane, adze 2 masuk perangkap 2 enter a trap dodang tara haq ai menarah/mengetam balok plane beams (lit. plane we (har tarah kita pakai untuk [in] use to plane beams) menarah balok) cp. hapiq, haq, >ohi, sakap doèl doèl dapang memikul beban dgn carry s.t. on a pole which pikulan di bahu rests on the shoulder cp. bare, dongoq, noèl, tola dogel (1) dogel dagel menyimpul, membelit knot, twist, twisted dogel wadeq menyimpul, membelit tali knot, twist a rope cp. boleq (2), bula, doler, doreng, duler, 158 dogel—dohu

kaluq, koleq, lekoq, muser, nuyung, puleq, puter, ueng (2), wegir, weleq dogel (2) dogel ila menggunakan, memakai use, wear memakai cincin wear a ring cp. ale, ara (1), guna, logeq, mero, pake (1), pen, uwe (2) doha doha >ataq menawarkan sst kepada sso offer, give as a gift, treat s.o. untuk menerimanya sbg to s.t., invite hadiah, mengundang nuo doha >eqi a in dia menawarkan saya he offered me food makanan cp. >ameq (1), doneng, hitiq, lata, taping (1) dohang dohang wèdung sambal asin yg terdiri hot pepper condiment dari usus ikan dan insang made from fi sh intestines ikan dicampur dgn santan and gills mixed with kelapa coconut milk doheng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lapaq dohil dohil doping mendaki, berjalan climb (a hill, mountain), mendaki bukit, mendaki ascend pergunungan cp. dau, doho, eu, kapa, wongun dohing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ite (3) doho doho domer 1 memanjat dgn cara 1 climb by embracing memeluk 2 menyetubuhi 2 have sexual intercourse 3 kawin 3 marry 1. Anton doho ai 1. Anton memanjat pohon 1. Anton climbs the tree by embracing its trunk 2. >ate diqen doho 2. orang bersetubuh 2. people are having sexual domer wèq intercourse cp. dau, dohil, dotoq (2), iq, kapa, keu, kowa (1) dohu terpental keluar karena fl ung aside because of kena serempet sasaran grazing the target doing—dokaq 159 doing doing dokè 1 mencungkil, 1 dig up, turn over, split membongkar sst memakai open, lever up alat pencungkil, membelah, membagi, mengungkit 2 benang pakan tambahan 2 supplementary weft 1. doing taq 1. membelah buah kelapa 1. split open a coconut 2. doing dokè waq 2. membongkar atau 2. remove a stone with a mencungkil batu memakai lever pencungkil 3. noing tara doing 3. mengungkit (har 3. lever (lit. lever we [in] pengungkit kita pakai use to lever) untuk mengungkit) cp. akil, >alor, baq (1), baqil, baqung (1), batong, bètè (1), bokar, bokar, doiq (2), koke, dokil, eaq, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hilar, hingoq, hiroq, hitoq, hokil, kaqar, kitong, lahaq, laing, lataq, lawaq (2), noing, paqal, pèq, >oliq (1), rèpè doiq (1) doiq doker, doiq gobang duit, uang money, cash doiq uman uang tembaga copper coins doiq (2) doiq hokil mencungkil, mengungkit dig up, root out, lift out, lift up 1. doiq waq 1. mencungkil batu 1. lift up a rock 2. wawi doiq ai lèuq 2. babi mencungkil ubi 2. the pig roots out the yam cp. batong, bitiq, bote, dikel, doing, dokil, hèliq, holiq, hoqi, hulur, humoq, noing, >oliq (1), tokil doka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ia dokang membongkar atau empty out s.t. that has mengosongi simpanan yg continuously been stored sudah sering disimpan dokaq ~ nokaq dokaq nokaq cangkul lurus bertangkai long-handled digging stick, panjang spade cp. hua, laqur, sangkul 160 doke—dolan doke doke dang, doke dai mengeluarkan sst dari dlm break, force, pull out of lubang, membongkar a hole 1. doke >anaq 1. mengeluarkan anak dari 1. take a baby from the perut ibu mother’s womb 2. doke watar >ote lutu 2. mengeluarkan jagung 2. take maize from within dari bilik dlm lumbung a granary cp. >alar, baqung (1), bèti, bikil, bogar, bokar, buteq, doing, doker, eaq, gahaq, hiroq, holaq, kakal, kètèng, kètèq, lahaq, lataq, lèhèq, papal, pasaq (2), peaq, pesaq, >oliq (1), rèpè, topeq (1) dokeq dokeq holeq menyimpan sst dgn place above, slip into the menyisipkannya pada atap roof or wall atau dinding cp. dèkiq, doleq, hèkiq, hiki (2), hokeq, sèkiq doker doker waker mengeluarkan sst dari dlm remove s.t. from a hole lubang memakai alat spt using a pick lidi, atau alat lainnya doker til tèin mengambil tahi telinga dgn clear ear wax with a twig memakai alat pencungkil cp. doiq, doke dokil mencungkil, mengungkit lift up, lift out cp. batong, bitiq, bote, doing, doiq (2), hèliq, hokil, hoqi, hulur, noing, >oliq (1), tokil dokur menyogok (spy jatuh, prod or poke (such as menyogok atau menjolok prodding or poking a fruit buah pada pohonnya on a tree or prodding with atau menyogok dgn a stick into a hole to force kayu ke dlm lubang spy its occupant out) penghuninya keluar) cp. horu, horuq, tokaq dola warna merah kekuning- yellowish-brown kuningan uha dola rambut pirang blond (or brown) hair dolan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dèyèq, waq dolan dolang—dolu 161 dolang dolang milir menggosok, berkilat rub, shiny from coconut oil minyak kelapa cp. behaq, boyang (1), boyong, doru, doyang, >engaq, gosoq, haru, ilaq, kelaq, kilong, kula (1), loha, milir, naru, >olor, ropa doleq doleq waleq menyisipkan, menjalin dari insert, weave, plait hard, bahan keras strong materials doleq pedaq menyisipkan parang (dlm insert a fi eld knife (in a atap, di dinding) roof, in a wall) cp. dèkiq, dokeq, hèkiq, hiki (2), >iher, koleq, liwang (2), manang (2), noleq, sèkiq, tan, wan (2) doler doler daler, doler waler membelit coil, bend, wind >ular doler ai ular membelit pohon the snake coils around a tree cp. balung, boko, boleq (2), dogel (1), doreng, duler, >ènung, kaluq, koel, lèkoq, ongaq, paer, puter, rèkung, rokong doling ~ doliq doliq harang, doliq noliq 1 terpalang antara dua kayu 1 crossing of two pieces of palang wood as a barrier 2 merasa bingung, tidak 2 feel confused, not free, bebas, terjepit, tidak pinched, constricted longgar doliq noliq weloq mengunci pintu lock a door cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, èhèr, gelaq, habiq, ite, kanèming, kèmiq, mèyèq, nèpiq, nipeq, >ona, suker, tudaq, wang (2) doliq see: doling dolor dolor wèroq tunas, bertunas bud, budding, small leaf cp. hipe, tange, tangen, wiqil dolu batu, dinding kota yg stones, stone wall, layers of terdiri dari susunan batu stone, steps of stone 162 domer—dopeq

1. bote dolu 1. menyusun batu menjadi 1. stack, layer, arrange landasan, sandaran, dsb stones so as to create a foundation, support, etc. 2. dolu laleng 2. di dlm (dinding) kota 2. inside the stone wall 3. dolu liwuq banger 3. tempat berkumpul 3. gathering place for raya menari tandak untuk dancing to greet and menerima raja receive a raja 4. dolu lolon 4. di atas kota 4. on top of the stone wall 5. dolu maten 5. kubur yg terdiri dari 5. stones built up over a susunan batu grave 6. dolu puen 6. pangkal kota 6. base of a stone wall 7. dolu waq 7. dinding kotadari batu 7. stone wall 8. haèng dolu maten 8. menyapu batu-batu 8. sweep the grave stones kubur orang mati cp. nihe, rètu, waq domer tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: doho, dotoq (2) doneng memberi sst sbg hadiah, give as a gift menghadiahkan cp. doha, ni (1), sèraq, sorong dong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: iqer dongoq dongoq hèlèq membawa beban pada carry s.t. on the back using punggung dgn tali panjang a head strap yg disangkutkan pada kepala 1. dongoq neqi obi 1. membawanya di 1. carry him on the back loloq punggung 2. dongoq obi loloq 2. mendukung, membawa 2. carry on the back di punggung cp. bare, doèl, huneng, likaq (1), mèq doniq sj ikan kecil, yg biasanya k.o. small fi sh which jumps meloncat-loncat di batu- from stone to stone batu cp. deraq (1), kong baluq dopeq pindah, memindahkan move, change places, leave (jarang digunakan sendiri) (seldom used by itself) cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dorong, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, heaq, hekol, kedong, mekol, nopeq, odoq, >oliq doping—doraq 163

(1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) doping tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dohil, wayaq dopong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muqu doq doq paer turun, menurun descend, exit 1. doq keu 1. turun naik 1. go up and down 2. doq keu >oyo ma 2. ke sana kemari (har 2. back and forth (lit. down turun naik ke sana kemari) up there here) 3. doq koleq 3. turun mengitari 3. descend going back and forth 4. doq koleq >ole dulin 4. turun mengitari daerah 4. descend going back di bawah kampung and forth toward the area below the village 5. doq nulo keu dei 5. turun lebih dulu 5. descend fi rst climb last naik lebih belakangan (refers to the role of the (mengenai marga Pèu Pèu Uma descent group Uma di kampung Lèulèaq of Lèulèaq which goes out yg keluar lebih dulu dan fi rst and comes back last kembali paling terakhir when there is a war) dlm perang) 6. doq wata miyeq 6. turun ke pantai lain 6. descend to a different shore 7. >ote doq 7. dari atas 7. from above cp. bunuq, turu doqang doqang habiq 1 menyimpan, 1 store, hide above (on a menyembunyikan (di atas rack, etc.) para-para dsb) 2 sehelai daun dlm anyaman 2 one of the strands used in kotak dll weaving a basket cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal doran doran daneq penuh bertaburan, penuh spread throughout (such berderetan (spt kutu di as lice or dandruff in the kepala, ketombé di kepala) hair), infested doraq doraq beke menghiraukan, percaya, heed, pay attention to, mengikuti atau menuruti believe, trust, put one’s anjuran atau hasutan faith in, heed a suggestion, follow a piece of advice 164 doreng—dorong

1. >ahin tutuq kara 1. jangan mengikuti 1. do not follow other doraq anjuran yglain advice 2. kara doraq nuo 2. jangan mengikuti 2. do not follow his advice anjuran atau hasutannya cp. parasaya, tègèl doreng tergantung atau terbelit hung by a cord, wound up pada talinya sendiri in a rope (like a tethered (spt pada kambing yg goat) tertambat) 1. tang doreng 1. memasang tangga 1. set up a ladder 2. witing doreng 2. kambing yg tali 2. goat whose tether is tambatannya terkait sst caught on s.t. cp. boleq (2), dawil, dewel, dogel (1), doler, kewel, leleng, loleng, puter, tang, toreng, wetong, wideng dori mengikuti, berjalan follow mengikuti, menyusul dori pueq berjalan mengikuti pukat follow along a net (looking (untuk mencari ikan yg for fi sh that have been sudah terjerat) caught in it) cp. dei, dukiq, ikoq, todu, tubi doriq meniru imitate cp. doraq, holeq (2), piring doro (1) doro kopi menjalar, merayap, melata crawl, creep >ular doro ular merayap the snake slithers cp. kapa, kopi (1), mana doro (2) doro hèwoq mengasah sharpen, whet 1. doro awar 1. a. mengasah gigi; b. sj 1. a. fi le teeth; b. k.o. very semut small ant 2. doro mèiq 2. mengasah pisau 2. sharpen a knife 3. doro pedaq >eluq 3. mengasah parang, 3. sharpen a fi eld knife, mèiq mengasah pisau sharpen a knife 4. doro opeq doro baliq 4. mengasah parang, 4. sharpen a fi eld knife, mengasah kapak sharpen an ax cp. >eluq, noro, tala (2) doro (3) doro delang nyala, menyala fl ame cp. >edang, >olor dorong dorong dopeq bergeser, berpindah tempat move from one place to another 1. bèyèng dorong 1. lari berpindah tempat 1. run to another place doroq—dotel 165

2. dorong dolor 2. berpindah tempat dan 2. move and bud bertunas 3. dorong dopeq >ote 3. manusia turun dari 3. dispersal of mankind nè puncak >Uyo Lewun (har from the top of >Uyo berpindah tempat dan Lewun (lit. leave coming turun) down from above) cp. dopeq, dosor, edaq, heaq, odoq, pewang, waeng (1) doroq doroq daqil, doroq wèroq basah wet cp. iloq, >oyang, pitaq, rema, ritaq doru doru opaq menggosok rub, brush, wipe 1. doru obi 1. menggosok punggung 1. rub one’s back 2. doru sabong 2. menggosok sabun 2. rub soap 3. doru wètuq 3. menggosok untuk 3. rub in order to clean membersihkan bambu tuak a bamboo palmwine container cp. behaq, boyong, dolang, douq (1), doyang (1), doyong, gosoq, haru, karaq, kula (1), loha, nouq, ropa dosor menggeser, memindahkan shift, move dosor odo menggeser pantat shift buttocks cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dorong, edaq, egeq, >edoq, heaq, hekol, kedong, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) dotan dotan paleq malapetaka, kesalahan, accident, disaster, bersalah misfortune, fault cp. >ale (1), >alen (1), ètèr, kehe, kehen, rèqè, salaka, tudu dote menaikkan, mengangkat raise up, lift higher lebih tinggi cp. >ataq (4), bitiq, bitur, eu dotel dotel ditul melenting kalau dibanting bounce bal dotel bola melenting the ball bounces cp. hetuq, hodong 166 doti—doyang doti tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: seher dotoq (1) dotoq dèoq, dotoq kèqèr terkejut surprised, frightened cp. bèwiq mèwiq, >è dotoq (2) dotoq domer kegiatan persetubuhan, sexual intercourse, have bersetubuh sexual intercourse cp. doho, iq, kowa (1) douq (1) douq okuq membersihkan (bambu clean (a bamboo palmwine tuak) container) douq wètuq membersihkan bambu tuak clean a bamboo palmwine container cp. doru, nouq douq (2) sj pohon jarak/damar k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq doya tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: milir doyang doyang >oyang menggesek-gesek rub, scrape, scour doyang lèi menggesek-gesek telapak scrape (mud off) the sole of kaki (untuk membersihkan the foot kotoran) cp. behaq, boyang (1), boyong, dolang, doru, gosoq, haru, hegar, kaer, kakur, karung, kula (1), kuriq, lèring, loha, mèqè, ropa doyaq—dukiq 167 doyaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: daeq doyung menggoyang, bergoyang wobble, move about, loose 1. ai mèyoq >akaq 1. pohon di sana sedang 1. that tree is moving doyung bergoyang (ditiup angin, (because of the wind, etc.) dsb) 2. doyung lili 2. menggoyang tiang untuk 2. move a house post in mencabutnya order to pull it out cp. >ayoq, bayol, dèyu, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eyoq, hon, kedong, leka, ledeq, loq (2), nala, noa, oq, >oda, >oduq du du dahang, du dèkur mencari tahu seek to know, fi nd out kara du dèkur >ate jangan mencari tahu do not seek knowledge (of diqen (kesalahan) orang lain the faults) of other people duan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ulun duan duaq duaq haru suatu pengobatan dgn cara rub betel quid as a menandai dahi atau perut medicine on the chest and yg sakit dgn kapur sirih stomach dudang dudang wadoq menarik dgn tiba tiba sudden pull >iqa dudang tarikan ikan yg datangnya sudden pulling by a fi sh tiba tiba duhing pembelian hewan secara group buying of an animal berkelompok (to be divided and eaten) duhu duhu dumeq mengisap (spt nyamuk suck, sip, drink (as a mengisap darah) mosquito sucks blood) cp. dihil, dupeng, duq (1), dure, duyeng, in dukaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dukaq katiq dukaq katiq pemberian yg akan gift for which a return will digantikan kemudian hari be given later cp. biheq dukiq dukiq dei mengikuti (perintah), follow, obey, submit tunduk, takluk, menurut 168 dulang—dunuq

arabau dukiq dei kerbau menurut the buffalo follows (led with a nose ring) cp. baeq, dei, dori, >ènung, ikoq, neten, rèkung, rokoq, todu dulang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wau duler melilit (spt melilit damar turn, twist, wind (as resin is pada lidinya) applied to palm leaf ribs) cp. baleq, baloq, bating, beloq, boleq (2), bula, dogel, doler, kaluq, kapuq, koleq, koloq, lekoq, muser, pekoq, puer, puleq, puter, tuleng, tueng, ueng (2), weleq duli ~ dulin tempat di luar kampung region below the (old) lama village on the beach cp. kapitan dulin dulin see: duli dumeq dumeq dehang, dumeq menyedot, mengisap sip, suck, slurp duhu 1. >au dumeq duhu 1. anjing mengisap susu 1. the dog sucks its neq ine neq tu ibunya mother’s breast 2. dumeq ling 2. isap jari 2. suck a fi nger 3. dumeq tu 3. isap susu 3. suck a breast cp. dihil, dupeng, duq (1), dure, duyeng, in dumiq mencabut kumis pull out whiskers numiq tara dumiq mencabut kumis (har pull out the beard (lit. penjepit kita pakai untuk tweezers we [in] use to pull mencabut kumis) out the beard) cp. kaneming, nipeq, numiq dung dung deng tiruan bunyi (spt bunyi sound (like that of a gong) gong yg dipalu) dunuq hancur luluh shattered, smashed, broken, crushed waq pidan wawi >akaq batu menindih babi sampai the stone crushed the pig ruteq dunuq hancur cp. >asur, babaq (1), bikil, buteq, peaq, pesaq, ruteq duong—dureq 169 duong berjalan atau berlari dgn walking or running tidak menoleh ke kiri-ke without looking to the kanan, berjalan tergesa-gesa sides, walk hurriedly dupeng mengisap pipa smoke a pipe 1. dupeng bako 1. mengisap tembakau 1. smoke tobacco 2. nupeng tara dupeng 2. mengisap pipa (har pipa 2. smoke a pipe (lit. pipe kita pakai untuk mengisap) we [in] use to smoke) cp. dihil, duhu, dumeq, dure, duyeng, in, nupeng duq (1) duq dumeq menghirup (untuk sip, taste (a liquid) merasakan enak tidaknya) duq tuaq menghirup tuak (untuk sip palmwine (to see if it merasakan enak tidaknya) tastes good or not) cp. dihil, duhu, dumeq, dure, duyeng duq (2) menyalakan fan 1. ai duq 1. kayu bakar 1. fi rewood 2. duq >api 2. menyalakan api 2. fan the fl ames cp. daing, puiq, tapel duqa tongkat orang tua (untuk walking stick menopang tubuh) cp. hodeq, kala duqa, nading, nukoq, todeq, tukoq duqu kayu api, bahan untuk fi rewood dibakar cp. ai >api durang see: duraq duraq ~ durang kena goresan sst scratched by s.t. ai durang kena goresan kayu scratched by wood dure ~ dureq mengisap, menghirup sip, slurp dureq lalaq weren mengisap bubur nasi slurp rice gruel cp. dihil, duhu, dumeq, dupeng, duq (1), duyeng, in duren duren aeq hampir masak almost ripe tamal duren buah asam yg hampir tamarind pod which is masak almost ripe cp. bètèr (1), dara (1), darang, taqe dureq see: dure 170 durung—duyuq durung durung iqer, durung omel, durung omen menjual sell durung wala penjual seller duruq duruq depan menubruk maju, berdesak- lunge, press forward desakan cp. tuku (1), >uruq duyeng duyeng dehor menghirup, mengisap, breathe, inhale mengisap dalam-dalam (melalui hidung) duyeng >oler menghirup udara breathe air cp. dihil, duhu, dumeq, dupeng, duq (1), dure, >ipo, in, nèin, poho, puiq duyuq buncit bulge, bulging, distend, distended botin duyuq perut mengembung (spt distended stomach (as in perut perempuan hamil) pregnancy) cp. homong, hoyong E e (1) ~ ke kami (kata ganti, 1j eks) we (personal pronoun, 1pl ex) 1. e bukaq nute loeng 1. kami memberitakan 1. we (ex) tell, report, make toyeq (har kami membuka kata, a speech (lit. we [ex] put memberitakan kabar) out word, let know news) 2. e pan >ule 2. kami pergi ke pasar 2. we (ex) go to market cp. ‘>ei’ for full paradigm; -e, -ke e (2) ya yes nuo di piqur, tèlè e! dia juga mau, dan bilang he also wanted it and said ya! yes! cp. >ahaq, ewe, >èhèq, mè we, o (2), >oe, paqa, >uhuq (1)

-e ~ -ke kami (morfem terikat, 1j we (bound morpheme, eks) 1pl ex) 1. e pane 1. kami pergi 1. we (ex) are leaving 2. ke bèqke 2. kami di sini 2. we (ex) are here 3. me tèhèqke 3. kamu membicarakan/ 3. you speak (badly about) mengatai kami us (ex) cp. ‘-u’ for full paradigm; e (1), ke ea seruan yg menyatakan exclamation if hit or stung, penyangkalan or as acknowledgment what has been said, or as rejection of s.t. ea, oaq namène, paq tidak, tidak spt itu, tapi no, not like that, but like namo noq begitu this cp. ehing eaq eaq lahaq, eaq nope melepaskan, membongkar release, throw out, pull sst benda spy terlepas dari apart kesatuannya 1. eaq awaq polo paka 1. melepaskan tali pancing 1. release the fi shing line 2. eaq lipu 2. membongkar balai-balai 2. pull apart a bamboo platform cp. >alar, baqung (1), bele, bogar, bokar, bongan (2), doing, doke, elar, higor, hiroq, lahaq, lataq, piang, >oliq (1), rèpè ebal kupu-kupu butterfl y ebal rian kupu-kupu besar large butterfl y 172 ebang—ebeng ebang ebang lewaq 1 lumbung, rumah tempat 1 granary, storehouse menyimpan hasil tanaman 2 tembolok, tempat 2 gizzard pencernaan makanan manuq ebang tembolok ayam gizzard cp. >èyuq, kadang, lutu, wetaq rian ebe ebe >abe laki-laki, pemuda man, male, youth 1. ebe >abe 1. pemuda-pemuda, laki- 1. youths, males laki 2. ebe >abe areq weriq 2. pemuda pemudi 2. youths and maidens 3. ebe >abe nape tawen 3. pemuda yg baru tumbuh 3. youth who has recently grown up 4. ebe >eraq >eraq 4. pemuda yg gagah 4. courageous youth perkasa 5. ebe iden areq mawaq 5. pemuda yatim, gadis 5. orphaned boy, orphaned piatu girl 6. ebe iden olong todi 6. pemuda yatim 6. orphaned boy facing berhadapan 7. ebe nerung areq 7. pemuda teman, pemudi 7. youth friend, maiden noreq kawan friend 8. ebe nika areq kawin 8. pemuda menikah, 8. youth weds, maiden pemudi kawin marries 9. ebe olor kolor bako 9. pemuda yg lurus itu 9. straight youth rolls areq opang papang menggulung tembako, cigarettes, round maiden wayaq pemudi yg bundar itu fi lls a basket (with memasang puan (menaruh segments of betel pepper potongan-potongan sirih and slices of areca nut in dan pinang di dlm puan odd numbers) dgn hitungan ganjil) 10. ebe tiboq areq baran 10. pemuda yg baru 10. growing youth, young tumbuh, gadis woman 11. ebe werun 11. suami yg baru dikawini 11. husband who has just married cp. >ata, >atan, lamen (2), laqi (2) ebel tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: huang ebeng ebeng boraq melihat, memperhatikan, see, watch, pay attention to, memeriksa examine 1. ebeng >atan a sin 1. melihat-lihat orang 1. watch people eat makan 2. ebeng boraq >anaq 2. menjaga, memelihara 2. watch, take care of small utun anak anak kecil children 3. ebeng boraq > awe 3. melihat untuk 3. look at with a view to lamang memelihara raising 4. ebeng kohaq boraq 4. hanya melihat saja, hanya 4. just watch, just look at kohaq memperhatikan saja eber—edaq 173

5. ebengte wèq boraqte 5. kita lihat-lihatatan, kita 5. we look at each other, wèq saling melihat we pay attention to each other 6. ebeng boraq wèq 6. saling memperhatikan 6. pity each other kesusahan atau kesulitan, saling mengasihi 7. ebeng mara diqen 7. perhatikan baik-baik 7. pay close attention diqen 8. ebeng sobe hoaq 8. memeriksa isi bakul itu 8. examine the contents of laleng that basket cp, boraq (1), kengo, lalang, lekeq, lile, pakang, paresaq, rio, tepi, tègèl, ui, >ulu (1) eber tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: abar ebo ekor tail ebo robang haraq rabiq ekor puntung, di bagain stub tail, scarred fl anks samping ada bekas luka cp. apiq, ebon ebon bagian ekor, bagian hindquarters, rear part belakang 1. >au ebon 1. ekor anjing 1. dog’s tail, dog’s rear parts 2. wawi ebon 2. ekor babi 2. pig’s tail, pig’s hindquarters cp. ebo ebul baru muncul emerge lolon >udeq nema ebul harapan agar mendapatkan wish for offspring (lit. one keturunan (har satu daun leaf, may it blossom) semoga bertunas) cp. bokur, hingoq, hoal, momol, totor edang (1) kecapi mulut Jew’s harp e dang edang kami memainkan kecapi we (ex) play the Jew’s harp mulut edang (2) 1. Kedang, nama wilayah di 1. Kedang, the name of a Lembata Timur region in Eastern Lembata 2. nama dukuh dlm desa 2. name of a hamlet in Lèuwayang Lèuwayang edaq memindahkan, berpindah, move bergeser 1. edaq lamaq 1. memindahkan piring 1. move plates and cups mangkuk 2. o edaq hara >oyoq 2. tolong geser sedikit 2. please move a little cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dorong, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, 174 edeq—ehing

heaq, hekol, kedong, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) edeq goyang shake cp. >ayoq, bayol, dequng, dèyu, doyung, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eyoq, kedong, ledeq, legang (1), >oda, >odor, >oduq eder see: idir edi tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: katiq egeq memindahkan move egeq witing memindahkan move a goat kambing cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dosor, edaq, >edoq, hekol, kedong, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) ehe (1) seruan yg menyatakan expression of surprise kekaguman, keheranan ehe, witing wawi ta oyo wah, lihat, ada begitu wow, there are so many rai waran rasa banyak kambing goats cp. >è ehe (2) sj siput k.o. shellfi sh ehe ring siput yg kalau didatangi, a shellfi sh which if dgn cepat menjatuhkan approached quickly drops dirinya ke dlm batu-batu among rocks producing the sehingga mengeluarkan sound ‘ring’ bunyi ‘ring’ cp. baheq (1), boka (1), elaq, etiq, lohu (1), riding, tupe, wuoq (1) ehing ehing daeq memungkiri, mengingkari, deny, refuse menyangkal suo >oroq nuo maqo mereka menuduh they accused him of theft, paq nuo ehingi dia mencuri tapi dia but he denied it mengingkarinya cp. >anung, ea ehoq—ekaq 175 ehoq ~ kehoq (3) ehoq mèkèr, ehoq muter, ehoq wokar kecil small 1. >anaq ehoq 1. anak kecil 1. small child 2. >anaq ko bèq nau 2. anak saya masih terlalu 2. my child is still too ehoqne muda (untuk kawin) young (to marry) 3. areq ehoq 3. gadis 3. young girl 4. >ene ehoq muter 4. pasir kecil 4. small sand grains 5. mèkèr ehoq 5. bersaudara, persaudaraan, 5. distant members of one’s famili dlm marga own clan or those of a clan of the same structural position cp, eken, keke, kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq ehoq mèkèr see: mèkèr ehuq 1 ginjal 1 kidneys 2 pohon balam, Payena atau 2 k.o. tree, Payena or Palaquium, buah balam yg Palaquium, k.o. fruit used dipakai untuk permainan in a game cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, behuq, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ener, eto, èrèq (3), èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq eiq eiq poyaq merasa jijik disgusting, disgusted, nauseating, nauseated o kara eiq poyaq nuo engkau jangan merasa jijik do not be disgusted by him terhadap dia cp. >iwiq ekaq menerima suatu pangkat accept or take up a duty, atau jabatan post, position 1. ekaq doq 1. turun dari jabatan 1. leave a post 2. ekaq keu 2. mengangkat suatu 2. take up a post jabatan 176 eke—elar eke kami, untuk kami, kepada us, for us, to us (adessive kami (kata ganti adesif, pronoun, 1pl ex) 1j eks) eke ohaq mawang kami tidak memukul as for us, we (ex) do not hit cp. ‘>eko’ for full paradigm; e, ke, -e, -ke, keq, keqe, keqi, keti, mèrèq eken ~ ekeng eken ain kecil small 1. ling eken 1. jari kelingking 1. little fi nger 2. mal eken 2. sirih yg kecil 2. small betel pepper cp. ehoq, keke, keken, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq ekeng see: eken eker tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mal, nuaq (1) eko tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: eko daka eko daka 1 melakukan persiapan 1 prepare (as for a trip or (mis untuk bepergian atau festival) acara) 2 gerak gerik 2 movements eko daka pan lumar bersiap-siap ke ladang prepare to go to the fi elds cp. sadia elaq sj siput, siput lola k.o. shellfi sh tupe boka elaq arang badan-badan orang yg bodies of the long dead (lit. sudah lama mati (har various kinds of shellfi sh) macam-macam siput) cp. baheq (1), boka (1), ehe (2), etiq, lohu (1), riding, tupe, wuoq (1) elar elar watur terhambur, scattered menghamburkan, bersérakan moq labur mè kara elar bajumu jangan dibiarkan do not leave your shirts watur kohaq berserakan saja scattered around cp. >alar, bongan (2), higor, hiroq, letar, neler, pehaq, tatang ele—ener 177 ele (1) sebab, karena because, for 1. ele >ape? 1. kenapa? 1. why? 2. nuo kueq ele neq ine 2. dia menangis karena 2. he is crying because his laha lengaqi dimarahi ibunya mother scolded him 3. ohaq ele...paq ele 3. tidak...tetapi 3. not...but cp. bale, boq, mara (2), tupaq, wangun ele (2) ele wale hinggap, kerumun perch, swarm 1. ele wèq; ele wale 1. persetubuhan pada 1. have intercourse (of wèq binatang animals) 2. ubur oyan ele wale 2. banyak lalat berkerumun 2. maggots are swarming cp. halaq (1), kupul, >orang >irung elen wilayah Atanila, region of Atanila, Lodobelolong, Lewo Elen Lodobelolong, Lewoelen eliq ketiak armpit eliq urung bulu ketiak hair of the armpit ema maka, karenanya saya so, therefore, consequently {tasrif: 1t ‘ema’, 2t ‘oma’, I {paradigm: 1sg ‘ema’, 2sg 3t ‘nema’, 1j eks ‘kema’, ‘oma’, 3sg ‘nema’, 1pl ex 1j in ‘tema’, 2j ‘mema’, 3j ‘kema’, 1pl in ‘tema’, 2pl ‘sema’} ‘mema’, 3pl ‘sema’} oti hoing ema bèyèng engkau yg menyuruh, you are the one who maka saya lari ordered it, therefore I ran emi bersembunyi hide cp. boni, bori bawo, >iqur, >iriq, maqo, oni, onin, tudeq ena saya akan (penunjuk masa I shall, I will (future tense depan, 1t) {tasrif: 1t ‘ena’, marker, 1sg) {paradigm: 1sg 2t ‘ona’, 3t ‘nena’, 1j eks ‘ena’, 2sg ‘ona’, 3sg ‘nena’, ‘kena’, 1j in ‘tena’, 2j 1pl ex ‘kena’, 1pl in ‘tena’, ‘mena’, 3j ‘sena’} 2pl ‘mena’, 3pl ‘sena’} 1. mete mulo ena dei 1. engkau lebih dulu, baru 1. you go fi rst, I will follow saya ikut belakangan 2. o bale mulo, nau luqa 2. engkau kembali lebih 2. you return fi rst, ena dei dulu, baru besok saya akan tomorrow I will follow kembali belakangan ener sj pohon (yg buahnya k.o. tree (the fruits of berbulir, seolah-olah which are bunched ketakutan) together as though afraid) cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq,eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, 178 enga—epaq

kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq enga enga langaq telentang lie on one’s back 1. enga pèq 1. sebentar telentang, 1. now face up, now face sebentar tengkurap down 2. namur mur enga 2. benar-benar telentang 2. very true, face up again watiq lagi (satu cara undian, (said in a test of fortune, ucapan ini disebutkan when throwing the waktu sedang membanting bamboo augury pieces a dua potong belahan bambu second time to confi rm untuk kali yg kedua) a fi rst throw when both pieces lie face up) 3. nuo koqal doq wakaq 3. dia jatuh tertelentang 3. he fell on his back ne enga langaq cp. lenga, lengan engar engar laen bersih clean, tidy, sparkling 1. engar mate 1. bersih sekali 1. very clean 2. uliq engar 2. putih tidak, hitam tidak 2. neither white nor black cp. hamur, hidang, hiki (1), ilin, mengar, pohoq, wating enge enge lengoq menoleh ke belakang, ke turn one’s head, look left, kiri atau ke kanan right or back eor (1) eor gelang kuning yellow cp. kuma, reoq, uma eor (2) eor apiq uman sj burung (yg warnanya speaking bird, graula kuning), graula intermedia intermedia javanensis javanensis cp. dai laki, ewal, hian, kiki, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang epaq (1) epaq mapaq, epaq pale terdampar cast ashore, wash ashore epaq—eqong 179

tene epaq >ole wata perahu terdampar di pantai the boat was cast ashore cp. pale epaq (2) epaq heleq, epaq neheq berjalan terhuyung-huyung stagger spt orang mabuk wèq epaq heleq badan bergoyang the body shakes cp. paleq epe sj ubi k.o. edible tuber cp. ai lèuq, apoq, aqer, kepa, ire, lèuq, tiri (1) epeng meninggalkan, leave, leave s.t. or s.o. menelantarkan, behind, desert, neglect menyudutkan, 1. epeng >eqa 1. menelantarkan kebun 1. neglect a fi eld 2. epeng-me >eqi 2. kamu meninggalkan saya 2. you deserted me cp. bele, èdol, gasuq (2), loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nala, nope, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, tong epi epi mèlè caplak anjing fl ea eq eq wèq menarik diri (untuk tidak withdraw o.s., restrain o.s. ikut sst kegiatan, dsb) cp. heq eqan berjalan mengangkang walk with legs wide apart neq odo tahan ma nuo dia berjalan mengangkang he walks with legs wide pan eqan ohaqne karena ada luka di apart because he has a pantatnya wound on his buttocks cp. bakar, bikar, hakaq, hangaq eqing eqing botan mengingat kekasih, rindu, think about a loved one, terbayang-bayang long for, remember, imagine >ei eqing botan o we aku kangen kamu I long for you nu cp. >ingaq, kete (1), kèlèn, nèngoq, tungen eqong roh atau arwah orang mati, spirit of a deceased person, roh suangi/penyihir soul of a witch 1. eqong ohaq nau anaq 1. roh suangi belum genap 1. the witch’s soul is not yet complete (i.e., has not yet returned) 2. eqong ohaq nau 2. roh suangi belum 2. the witch’s soul has not uduq memasuki (badannya) yet entered (his body) cp. murun, tuber 180 era—erung era era worong batu kerikil pebble, gravel waq era batu kelikil pebbles erang benang sisa left-over bits of thread cp. urung erang eraq batu atau alat pelempar stone or sling for throwing untuk melempar sasaran at a target ere (1) ere bèrèq diam, tidak bersuara, sunyi quiet, calm, silent 1. ere ere 1. diam-diam 1. very quietly 2. mara ere! 2. diam! 2. be quiet! cp. >èkèq, ilin (2), inoq, lora (1), mèlèng, nueng, patang (2) ere (2) kalau, bila, seandainya if, when, supposing 1. ere ere 1. seandainya 1. supposing that, if 2. ere o pan wile >eqi 2. bila engkau pergi 2. if you are going to go, panggil saya call me cp. ama, bang (1), kalu, la (1), mepe ere (3) penyu turtle cp. nilung (1) eren eren tokong ketiadaan, tidak poor, destitute mempunyai sst, miskin eren wèi ketiadaan air, kekeringan water shortage, drought cp. melaraq, suker ero pohon kelapa atau pinang stage in the development yg pertama kali berbunga of coconut or pinang palm when the fruiting branch begins to emerge cp. baran eroq ungkapan yg menyatakan exclamation of pity, turut merasa sayang, iba compassion, sympathy eroq koq anaq! oh anakku sayang! my poor child! cp. kasiang, sita, sobaq eru anaq saudara-saudara siblings cp. kakang >aring erung erung boreq, erung nerung berkawan, bergaul, be friends, associate with bersahabat 1. seqi erung boreq 1. harus berkawan dgn 1. make friends with others >ate diqen palan orang lain 2. tema tore erung 2. biar kita saling 2. let us be friends boreq wèq bersahabat cp. nimon, noreq, reu etang—eto 181 etang terlepas dari tempat released from a catch pegangan weloq bèq etangne pintu ini terlepas dari this door is released from engsel atau dari tempatnya its catch or jamb eten eten mulin tebakan, teka-teki guess, suppose, suspect, contemplate, riddle, puzzle cp. ing muli, nuan, mui, >oroq eteng eteng lering 1 berjalan menyusur 1 go along the edge 2 berjalan sendirian 2 travel alone eteng wata menyusur pantai travel along the shore eti saya (kata ganti fokus agen, I (agent focus pronoun, 1t) {tasrif: 1t ‘eti’, 2t ‘oti’, 1sg) {paradigm: 1sg ‘eti’, 3t ‘neti’, 1j eks ‘keti’, 1j in 2sg ‘oti’, 3sg ‘neti’, 1pl ‘teti’, 2j ‘meti’, 3j ‘seti’} ex ‘keti’, 1pl in ‘teti’, 2pl ‘meti’, 3pl ‘seti’} 1. >ei eti boraqi 1. saya yg melihatnya 1. it was I who saw it 2. >ei eti bua 2. saya dlm keadaan hamil 2. I am pregnant 3. >ei eti èq 3. saya membawa 3. I carry 4. eti boraqi 4. saya yg melihatnya 4. it was I who saw it cp. >ei, >eko, >eqi, èrèq, ko, koq, koqo, koqi, -ku, -u etil mengambil dgn cepat tanpa snatch, steal memberitahu, mencuri cp. >eha, maqo, rahiq, totoq etiq etiq amaq sj siput yg melekat di batu limpet etiq amaq kulit siput shell of the limpet cp. baheq (1), boka (1), ehe (2), elaq, lohu (1), riding, tupe eto eto bonoq sj pohon yg kulitnya dapat k.o. tree whose bark can be dimamah sbg pengganti chewed instead of areca pinang cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, buturai, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, 182 etoq—ewaq mètung

loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq etoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: buturai eu eu doq saya, kita, mereka naik, I, we (in), they climb, masuk, medaki, memanjati ascend, rise, enter {tasrif: 1t ‘eu’, 2t ‘keu’, 3t {paradigm: 1sg ‘eu’, 2sg ‘keu’, 1j eks ‘keu’, 1j in ‘eu’, ‘keu’, 3sg ‘keu’, 1pl ex 2j ‘keu’, 3j ‘eu’} ‘keu’, 1pl in ‘eu’, 2pl ‘keu’, 3pl ‘eu’} 1. eu huna tameq tene 1. saya masuk rumah 1. I enter the house, guide memimpin perahu the boat 2. >ei eu kuda 2. saya naik kuda 2. I mount a horse cp. bohor (1), dau, dèmèr, dohil, doho, dote, hoko (1), kapa, masoq, uduq eur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: eur wali manang eur wali manang mujur luck, fortune cp. tami, >utung ewa menjaga guard, watch over 1. ewa >eqa 1. menjaga kebun (spy 1. guard fi elds (against wild tanaman jangan dimakan pigs) babi) 2. ewa maten 2. menjaga mayat 2. guard a corpse 3. ewa wala 3. penjaga 3. guard cp. dariq, mae, mawaq, pakang, paro, rio, rutaq, saga ewal sj burung pelatuk yg putih k.o. white woodpecker cp. eor (2), hian, kiki, laba ai, laulete, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, rio, saga, todoq ewang ewang nawung binatang animal, beast ewaq mètung tempat pemujuan altar ewar—eweq 183 ewar ewar petoq cepat quick, fast cp. laeq, layu, naiq, wengin ewe ya, begitu yes o mahara pan ramaq? apakah sebentar lagi are you going to go soon? Ewe engkau jadi pergi? Ya Ye s cp. >ahaq, e (2), >èhèq, mè we, name, o (2), >oe, paqa, sama, >uhuq (1) eweq ~ reweq eweq dawal menjinjit, menjinjing carry in the hand 1. eweq nèq toyeq dei 1. dia menjinjing dan 1. grab and carry, follow membawa, mengikuti kata the words 2. o keu taq, eweq 2. engkau naik pohon 2. you climb the coconut >ulur, pènè manga kelapa, memegang danging tree, carry the coconut manga kelapa kuat-kuat meat fi rmly >E

>e (1) suatu ungkapan untuk expression of admonition menegur atau melarang or warning cp. >èngèr, kare, maren, nadaq, puru, tuo

>e (2) moga-moga, semoga may, may it happen bahe luka leki nuo lalu kera berkata: semoga then the monkey said: may tèhèq tèlè: >ei uq ko saya ambil pisau saya it be that I will take my mèiq >e knife cp. dapaq

>ea ~ >eqa (3) mungkin, entah perhaps, possibly, maybe, not know 1. boraq >anaq >udeq 1. lihat anak disana itu, 1. look, that child perhaps oyo, >eqa Pius-ne wai mungkin dia Pius is Pius 2. >ea nuo neti kuq 2. mungkin dia yg ambil 2. maybe it is he who took it 3. >eqa hola hateq wai 3. rasa badan barangkali 3. feel like possibly coming mau sakit down with an illness cp. boiq, kaiq (1), lo, nataq, >uliq, wai

>eban menolak/mendoreng ke push to the side, push each samping other, brush aside with the hand 1. >eban weloq 1. menolak/mendorong 1. push the door to the side daun pintu ke samping 2. >ate diqen rai waran 2. banyak orang berdesak- 2. many people crowd >uruq >eban wèq desakan together cp. >uruq

>ebar angin darat on-shore wind

>ebel lidah tongue cp. adung

>ebir dinding wall cp. nèbiq

>edang menyala fl are up >api >edang api menyala besar fi re fl ares up cp. delang, doro (3), >eleq, >olor

>edoq >edoq >ayoq, >edoq bergoyang, berguncang shake, swing, move >edoq >edoq lipu menggoyang balai-balai shake a bamboo platform >eduq—>ekal 185

cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bayol, bokar, dequng, dèyu, dopeq, dosor, doyuq, edaq, edeq, egeq, >ekaq, >eto (1), >eyoq, hekol, kedong, kedoq, ledeq, legang (1), mekol, odoq, >oda, >odor, >oduq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1), wayong, wetoq

>eduq mampir, mendekati drop in, come by, approach 1. ohaq >eduq 1. tidak mampir 1. not drop in, not come by 2. pan bale mè nore 2. sebelum pulang mampir 2. before going home >eduq koq wetaq dulu di rumah saya come by my house >iheq cp. siga

>eha mengambil/mendorong snatch, grab secara cepat kusing >eha >iqa kucing mengambil/ the cat snatches the fi sh mendorong ikan cp. etil, èrèq (1), >èhang, pènè (1), rahiq, totoq

>ehang alat pemintal benang tool for spinning thread cp. tueng

>ehaq ~ hèq tunggal, sendirian, saja self, alone, only, just 1. >anaq >ua >ehaq 1. anak tunggal 1. an only child 2. e >ehaq puaq, ona 2. kami sendiri tinggal, 2. only we stay [while] you ledo, bale ruang kamu pergi dan pulang ke will go and return to your tempatmu place 3. >ehaq nu 3. hanya, cuma, tetapi, 3. only, just, but, yet 4. o mieq >ehaq? 4. kamu sendirian saja? 4. just you? cp. ingiq, kohaq, neweng, nimoq, ohaq, sandiri

>ehu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: taq >ehu

>ei ~ >eqi saya (kata ganti, 1t) {tasrif: I, me (personal pronoun, 1t ‘>ei, >eqi’, 2t ‘o’, 3t 1sg) {paradigm: 1sg ‘>ei, ‘nuo, ni’, 1j eks ‘e, ke’, 1j in >eqi’, 2sg ‘o’, 3sg ‘nuo, ni’, ‘te’, 2j ‘me’, 3j ‘suo, so, se’} 1pl ex ‘e, ke’, 1pl in ‘te’, 2pl ‘me’, 3pl ‘suo, so, se’} 1. >ei pan lumar 1. saya pergi ke kebun 1. I go to the fi elds 2. nuo wile >eqi 2. dia memanggil saya 2. he called me cp. -u, -ku

>ekal 186 >ekaq—>eleng

>ekal >akal bergoncang bunyinya kalau rattle when shaken digoncang taq >ekal buah kelapa berbunyi jika coconut rattles when digoncang shaken

>ekaq menggoncang, shake, sway, be unstable menggoyang >ekaq taq menggoncang buah kelapa shake a coconut cp. >ayoq, bayol, dequng, dèyu, doyung, edeq, >edoq, >ekoq, >eto (1), >eyoq, kedong, ledeq, legang (1), >oda, >odor, >oduq, wayong

>eko saya, untuk saya, kepada me, for me, to me (adessive saya (kata ganti adesif, 1t) pronoun, 1sg) {paradigm: {tasrif: 1t ‘>eko’, 2t ‘omo’, 1sg ‘>eko’, 2sg ‘omo’, 3sg 3t ‘nene’, 1j eks ‘eke’, 1j in ‘nene’, 1pl ex ‘eke’, 1pl ‘tete’, 2j ‘meme’, 3j ‘sese’} in ‘tete’, 2pl ‘meme’, 3pl ‘sese’} nuo sorong >eko taq dia memberikan saya he gave me a coconut sebuah kelapa cp. eti, >ei, >eqi, è, ko, koq, koqo, koqi, -ku, -u

>ekoq >ekoq teho menggoyang (spt sift, winnow menggoyang nyiru spy beras dan sekam terpisah), tampi >ekoq anen memisahkan beras sift rice dari sekam (dgn cara menggoyang nyiru yg berisikan beras) cp. >ayoq, bayol, dequng, dèyu, doyung, >edoq, >ekoq, >eto, >eyoq, kedong, ledeq, legang (1), liwang, >oda, >odor, >oduq, pèir

>ela >ela ipan kala jengking scorpion >ela bela baya kala jengking yg tidak non-poisonous scorpion beracun

>elang lauk pauk side dish a >elang makan lauk pauk eat a meal with side dishes cp. >iqa

>eleng seruan untuk memulai a call, exclamation to start suatu nyanyian pantun a ‘pantun’ cp. >alang >eleq—>eq 187

>eleq >eleq >edang menginjak-injak hingga trample down, make level rata 1. >eleq >eqa mangan 1. menginjak-injak rumput 1. trample weeds in the hutan hingga rata forest 2. >eleq padan wata 2. menginjak-injak pandan 2. trample pandanus at the lolon ditepi pantai edge of the shore cp. >idoq

>eler (1) >eler waqan balok atau bambu yg outrigger (to the right and letaknya memalang sampan left of boat) cp. tete (2), waqan

>eler (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >alar, napoq

>eluq >eluq tala batu asah, gerinda, grindstone, sharpen mengasah doro pedaq >eluq mèiq mengasah parang, sharpen the fi eld knife, mengasah pisau sharpen the knife cp. doro (2), noro

>emar >emar latong timah tin cp. tuta

>ene >ene buta pasir sand cp. buta

>eng ~ weng (2) bunyi riang-riang, bunyi sound of a cicada, sound suling of a fl ute cp. hureng (1)

>engaq >engaq >atur berkilat, berkilauan, silau, fl ash, shine, glare bercahaya tahiq >engaq atur air laut berkilauan the sea sparkles cp. bohor (2), dolang, hange, ilaq, kelaq, kilong, lair, naru, >olor, tado

>eping tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >iriq

>eq satu pasang pair taq >eq >udeq satu pasang buah kelapa pair of coconuts cp. imang, maliq, mapang, (1), munaq (2), nikaq, nubuq, 188 >eqa—>eqa

papang (2), tang, tawe (4), welaq

>eqa (1) >eqa >air wilayah, kebun, tempat, area, fi eld, place, homeland tanah air 1. >eqa >air lèbuq 1. keadaan penuh abu, 1. everything is full of dust, bong berabu, berhamburan abu covered in dust 2. >eqa buyaq 2. laut dekat daratan, 2. sea near shore, still white warnanya masih putih, in colour belum hitam 3. >eqa kain 3. hutan yg baru dibuka 3. forest newly cleared for untuk kebun a fi eld 4. >eqa liwun 4. tempat menampung air 4. collecting place of water spt kolom such as a pond 5. >eqa mangan 5. kebun yg penuh 5. fi eld full of weeds or ditumbuhi rumput atau brush semak-semak, belantara 6. >eqa mengar 6. tempat, halaman bersih 6. cleared area, yard 7. >eqa mueng mèlèng 7. tempat sunyi 7. deserted place 8. >eqa noq keqi 8. kebun ini kami garap 8. this fi eld we (ex) >iwar-ne bersama cultivate together 9. laq >eqa >iwar 9. mengerjakan kebun 9. work a fi eld together (in bersama (untuk bagi hasil) order to divide the crop) cp. apa (3), >alang, bareng, hering, kain, keran, lumar, nataq, papang (2), tana, >uliq

>eqa (2) >eqa >air keadaan, hari, cuaca situation, day, time of day, weather 1.>eqa >air >uja 1. keadaan hujanyg lama 1. long spell of rain >angin 2. >eqa bala 2. hari sudah cerah, terang 2. already clear, bright 3. >eqa bia 3. hari menjelang siang 3. almost dawn 4. >eqa buyaq 4. hari mulai terang 4. day is beginning to dawn 5. >eqa miteng 5. hari gelap 5. dark 6. >eqa naun 6. hampir siang, senja 6. almost daylight, twilight 7. >eqa niho 7. hari terang 7. bright daylight (lit. [the] day [is] bright) 8. >eqa nihon 8. hari siang 8. daylight (lit. [the] bright day) 9. >eqa niho nakaq 9. hari terang berderang 9. daybreak 10. >eqa nihon huang 10. senja 10. twilight 1l. >eqa ohaq 11. hari biasa, hari yg tidak 11. ordinary day, day which ada halangan does not have another commitment 12. >eqa rukeng 12. malam (har hari gelap) 12. night (lit. [the] day [is] dark) cp. apa (3), >alang, bareng, kain, lumar, nataq, tana, >uliq

>eqa (3) see: >ea >eqi—>eroq 189

>eqi see: >ei

>era (1) terang suram dusk, hazy 1. loyo >era 1. senja 1. dusk 2. padu >era 2. terang damar 2. dim torch light cp. >èrèng pèhè

>era (2) hiasan kepala head decoration cp. tamodo

>eran >eran >eran kelihatan samar samar, obscure, vague, foggy kabur cp. aruq (2), >era (1), èpir, haboq, habu (1)

>eraq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >eraq >eraq

>eraq >eraq gagah perkasa (dipakai brave, courageous (used cuma dlm istilah ‘ebe >eraq only in the phrase ‘ebe >eraq’) >eraq >eraq’) ebe >eraq >eraq pemuda gagah perkasa courageous youth cp. miqer

>ere (1) >ere dareng meraung, melolong, roar, howl, moan, squeal menguik wawi >ere babi menguik the pig squeals cp. boang, boreng, nahing

>ere (2) lukah, sj alat penangkap k.o. fi sh trap used in ikan yg dianyam dari tali shallow water pelepah lontar cp. >uwu

>ereq pijit untuk keluarkan pinch, squeeze a sore to nanah pada luka express pus cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >èmèng, iteq, >ikuq, >ipeq, kimuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lusaq lèsuq, pere, peruq, pèmèq, poloq, rèbèq, tua (1), tumiq

>ero ~ wero >ero auq bumi, tanah land, earth, ground cp. neda, nera, tana

>eroq >eroq wariq bara, membara glowing coal, ember >api >eroq bara api coal, ember cp. >awaq (2) 190 >eruq—>eto batoq

>eruq meraut shape s.t. >eruq luri meraut lidi shape palm leaf ribs

>esong >esong >asong bengkak swollen 1. botin >esong 1. perut besar dan 1. swollen stomach hanging bergantung hampir kena almost to the ground (like tanah (spt perut babi yg the stomach of a fat pig) gemuk) 2. odo >esong 2. pantat terlalu besar 2. buttocks too big 3. pan >esong 3. sulit jalan karena perut 3. diffi culty walking dan pantat terlalu besar because of over large stomach and buttocks cp. bètèng, bètèr (2), bowar, obuq

>etang >etang burgahing sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahi, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule

>etaq cepat menghilang dari disappear quickly from pandangan view

>eteq sm penyakit kulit k.o. skin disease cp. paong (2)

>eti kait, berkaitan, sm ikatan hooked, linked, interlaced yg kait mengait knot cp. >akiq, kateng, muleng, nuyung, ongaq, popon, >uyung, welaq

>eto (1) berayun swing, sway 1. >eto >oyo >eto ma 1. berayun-ayun 1. swaying to and fro 2. pèu mete-wakaq 2. buah mangga terayun- 2. the mango fruit is >eto ayun swaying (in the wind) cp. ayoq, >edoq, >ekaq, >eyoq, kedong, ledeq, legang (1), >otaq, wayong, wetoq

>eto (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >eto batoq

>eto batoq sj ikan yg beracun durinya k.o. fi sh with poisonous spines cp. sangiri >etung—>eyoq 191

>etung >etung arang giring-giring bell (on clothing) cp. kili bolo

>ewang >ewang wakeq pisahkan, memisahkan separate, part, isolate >ewang wakeq ruq pisahkan rumput rumput clear away undergrowth wadeq merambah jalan cp. >ale, >apan, baki, baqe, baqen, bètè (1), bètèn, dèkèng, keweng, kèrèq (1), lamaq (2), metaq, nala, piang, rehaq, >umen, wang (1)

>ewu kayu lunak soft wood

>eyoq >eyoq >ayoq bergoyang sway, swing, shake, rock cp. >ayog, bayol, dequng, dèyu, doyung, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eto (1), >eyoq, kedong, ledeq, legang (1), liwang, >oda, >odor, >oduq, wayong, wetoq È

èbuq èbuq mabar tuli, pekak deaf til èbuq telinga tuli deaf cp. bukeq, >ibo >abo, mung meng

èbur 1 bagian dlm batang 1 soft inner part tumbuhan yg lembut 2 lembaga kelapa 2 coconut germ 3 teras batang kelapa, enau, 3 pith of the coconut, sugar sagu or sago palm, of which sago is made 1. taq èbur 1. lembaga, teras kelapa 1. coconut germ, pith 2. watar èbur 2. teras batang jagung 2. pith of a maize stalk

èdèr (1) tua (khusus pohon lontar) old (only of lontar palms) oro èdèr daun lontar yg tua old lontar palm leaves cp. lelan, >oqing, roqong, tara (3), tua (2), tuan (2), turi

èdèr (2) batang bambu bamboo trunk bering èdèr >udeq satu batang bambu, one trunk of bamboo, Gigantochloa verticillata Gigantochloa verticillata

èdol menjadikan rendah, terlepas lower, released so that it spy tidak berfungsi lagi sbg no longer acts as a prop, penyangga, melepaskan sst release a support penyangga 1. èdol ai 1. melepaskan kayu 1. release a wooden prop penyangga 2. lèi èdol 2. kaki pincang 2. lame 3. pan èdol 3. berjalan pincang 3. walk lamely cp. bele, epeng, gasuq (2), loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nala, nope, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, tong

èdong terperosok ke bawah atau fall down, thrust s.t. down, ke dlm lubang sink into, slip into a hole

èduq èduq wayaq puan, tempat sirih plate for betel kuq èduq oyo ambilkan tempat sirih take that betel basket pinang itu cp. salopa, wayaq

èguq ~ èkuq memendekkan dgn cara shorten by cutting memotong èhèng—èlir 193

èguq wadeq memendekkan tali dgn cara shorten a rope by cutting memotong cp. >èkuq

èhèng minta request cp. dahuq, koli (1), naku, pohong pole, >uda, tudi, wile

èhèq èhèq laka mengurangi tingginya, shorten the height of, merendahkan sst yg lower, loosen tinggi, menurunkan, melonggarkan 1. >api èhèqdèq 1. nyala api sudah mengecil 1. the fi re is already low 2. èhèq >api 2. mengurangi nyala api yg 2. reduce the fl ame tinggi 3. èhèq >eqa 3. memangkas pohon, 3. cut trees or brush low semak-semak di kebun spy in a fi eld rendah 4. èhèq >ur 4. melonggarkan busur 4. loosen the bow cp. bake, hèpuq, hon, leka, loa (1), mowar, nala, noa, ohoq, oq, puheq, rèkèq, towar

èhèr èhèr doling runtuh, meruntuhkan, collapse, destroy, tear open merobohkan 1. auq èhèr 1. tanah longsor 1. earth slide 2. èhèr auq 2. meruntuhkan tanah 2. cause earth to collapse cp. hubaq, koliq, laweq, lubaq, luqur, pèhèq, rèhèq, tawaq

èir èir balong, èir boleng mencabut rumput di kebun pull weeds in a fi eld in untuk mengambil hasilnya order to take its produce èir >eqa mencabut rumput di kebun pull weeds in a fi eld in untuk mengambil hasilnya order to take its produce èkuq see: èguq

èlèng èlèng mètung, èlèng wang èlèng mètung wang ayaq langit sky, heaven 1. èlèng ayaq 1. pusat langit 1. centre of the sky 2. èlèng hoduq tahiq 2. langit menurun tajam ke 2. the sky descends sharply >uneq sebelah laut toward the sea 3. èlèng puen 3. kaki langit 3. trunk of the sky, horizon cp. >ula loyo

èlir èlir lawaq upih atau seludang yg sheath which covers the membungkus mayang fruiting stem of a coconut kelapa palm 194 èloq—èping

cp. taq teneng

èloq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muar

èlor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mulang, olor

èluq suara burung ‘kakoa’ sound of the ‘kakoa’ bird cp. oaq (1)

èmi (1) èmi ètèq dingin, sejuk cold, cool, chilly 1. èmi pana; èmin 1. demam 1. fever panan 2. èmi ruku 2. demam disertai gemetar 2. shivering with fever cp. èmin, mawin

èmi (2) tanpa rasa, tawar fl avourless, insipid tuaq èmi tuak yg sudah tawar rasanya insipid palmwine, i.e. palmwine that has gone off with age

èmin (1) yg dingin that which is cold, cold item, s.t. cold, cool 1. anen èmin 1. nasi yg dingin 1. cool rice 2. wèi èmin 2. air dingin 2. cold water, unboiled water cp. èmi (1)

èmin (2) yg tanpa rasa, yg tawar that which is fl avourless, that which is insipid cp. èmi (2)

èng tidak sampai, tidak cukup not enough, insuffi cient 1. ling nateng èng 1. tangan menggapai, tetapi 1. the arm was stretched tidak sampai out but not far enough 2. >olon èng 2. makanan tidak 2. the food was not mencukupi enough, insuffi cient

èpèng menutupi jalan untuk block the road in order to memasang jerat set up a snare bel èpèng aweq witur potong pasang jerat cut and set up a snare

èpèq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ioq èpèq

èpil see: èpir

èping èping peing menyimpan untuk store, save, savings tabungan èpir—èqèl 195

1. a èping sin èping 1. hemat (har makan [yg] 1. economical (lit. eat [that disimpan minum [yg] which has been] stored, ditabung) drink [that which has been] saved) 2. èping >olon 2. menyimpan makanan 2. store food cp. dèkèng, hoti, loman, mae, muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, paning, puli, pulin

èpir ~ èpil samar, sst benda kelihatan dim, vague, obscure, appear kecil karena letaknya jauh small because far away dari pandangan boraq >ape èpir èpir lihat benda apa yg masih look, what is that thing oyo we? samar-samar di sana itu? which is barely visible over there? cp. aruq (2), >eran, haboq, habu (1), momol

èpu èpu bapa, èpu rian 1 sebutan kemanakan 1 wife-givers terhadap paman-pamannya 2 sebutan cucu terhadap 2 second ascending neneknya generation 1. èpu >anaq >abe 1. ‘èpu’ laki laki 1. male ‘èpu’ 2. èpu areq rian 2. ‘èpu’ perempuan 2. female ‘èpu’ 3. èpu puen bapa matan 3. ‘èpu’ pokok 3. trunk ‘èpu’ 4. èpu utun 4. lihat ‘maqing >anaq’ 4. see ‘maqing >anaq’ 5. èpu utun >anaq 5. lihat ‘>anaq maqing’ 5. see ‘>anaq maqing’ maqing

èpuq (1) èpuq ling, èpuq wèq mempersatukan, unite, join, bring together, kumpulkan, berkumpul agree, agreement bersama, bersepakat èpuq doiq mengumpulkan uang pool money in order to dgn maksud membeli sst buy s.t. together bersama-sama cp. dauq, dèning, mawu, tubun

èpuq (2) puntung rokok cigarette butt bako èpuq puntung rokok cigarette butt cp. luteq

èq saya membawa {tasrif: 1t I carry, bring, take ‘èq’, 2t ‘mèq’, 3t ‘nèq’, 1j {paradigm: 1sg ‘èq’, 2sg eks ‘mèq’, 1j in ‘tèq’, 2j ‘mèq’, 3sg ‘nèq’, 1pl ex ‘mèq’, 3j ‘sèq’} ‘mèq’, 1pl in ‘tèq’, 2pl ‘mèq’, 3pl ‘sèq’} >ei èq ai saya membawa kayu I carry wood cp. ahuq, hen, kaqo, uq (1)

èqèl tidak dapat bernafas karena unable to breathe because tali mencekik leher strangled cp. aqal, lègèq 196 èqil—ètèq

èqil katup tenggorokan epiglottis

èrèn èrèn boqor mendehem batuk tertahan cough slightly, clear throat cp. >ahar (2)

èrèq (1) saya memegang, I hold, catch, seize, grab menangkap {tasrif: 1t {paradigm: 1sg ‘èrèq’, 2sg ‘èrèq’, 2t ‘mèrèq’, 3t ‘mèrèq’, 3sg ‘nèrèq’, 1pl ex ‘nèrèq’, 1j eks ‘mèrèq’, 1j ‘mèrèq’, 1pl in ‘tèrèq’, 2pl in ‘tèrèq’, 2j ‘mèrèq’, 3j ‘mèrèq’, 3pl ‘sèrèq’} ‘sèrèq’} èrèq maqo saya mencuri I snatch and steal cp. atiq, damiq, >eha, >èmèng, lolo, pènè (1), rèpèq, sangiq, topeq (2), tobol

èrèq (2) saya (kata ganti fokus I (action focus pronoun, perbuatan, 1t) {tasrif: 1sg) {paradigm: 1sg ‘èrèq’, 1t ‘èrèq’, 2t ‘mèrèq’, 3t 2sg ‘mèrèq’, 3sg ‘nèrèq’, 1pl ‘nèrèq’, 1j eks ‘mèrèq’, 1j ex ‘mèrèq’, 1pl in ‘tèrèq’, in ‘tèrèq’, 2j ‘mèrèq’, 3j 2pl ‘mèrèq’, 3pl ‘sèrèq’} ‘sèrèq’} 1. >ei èrèq awangi 1. aku memukulnya; dia 1. I hit him; he was hit kupukul; dia dipukul by me olehku 2. >ei èrèq boraqi; 2. saya melihatnya 2. I did see it >ei èrèqku boraqi; èrèq boraqi; èrèqku boraqi 3. èrèqko a ni 3. saya memakannya; itu 3. I ate it; it was eaten by dimakan oleh saya me 4. èrèqku paluqi ele 4. dia dipukul oleh saya 4. I did beat him because nuo neti tèhèqku karena dia memaki saya it was he who called me names 5. hengan noq moqi ka 5. mungkin engkau masih 5. perhaps you (still) ne wai, èrèqku ingin makan jagung wanted to eat this crushed titikmu, tapi saya sudah maize of yours, (but) I memakannya already ate it 6. nuo kakaq >eqi, ma 6. dia melempar saya, maka 6. he threw [stones] at me, èrèq-ku awang-i saya memukul dia therefore I hit him cp. eti, >ei, >eko, >eqi, ko, koq, koqi, koqo, -ku, ‘mèrèq (2)’ for full paradigm; -u

èrèq (3) ginjal kidneys cp. ehuq

èruq runcing pointed, sharp mura èruq, mur èruq kebenaran truth cp. dèyèq

ètèq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself ètèr—èwin 197

see: èmi

ètèr ètèr tèqè salah, tidak tepat, tidak wrong, mistaken, miss an kena sasaran aim >ei kakaq udang oyo saya melempari burung I threw at the pigeon but paq ètèri dara itu tetapi tidak kena missed cp. >ale (1), alen (1), dotan, kehe, kehen, rèqè, salaka, tudu

èuq (1) mencuci muka wash the face 1. èuq loha 1. mencuci muka 1. wash the face of a corpse mayat (satu kegiatan (a stage in the funeral of a dlm penguburan orang bad death) kematian jahat) 2. èuq louq; èuq ning 2. mencuci muka 2. wash the face mato; èuq wau

èuq (2) èuq wowo bunyi, berbunyi, suara, sound, voice bersuara 1. >ape èuq mè we? 1. bunyi apa itu? 1. what is that sound? 2. èuq abar 2. suara parau 2. hoarse voice 3. èuq kako 3. ribut, gaduh 3. commotion, noisy, loud 4. èuq lèn 4. terpaksa 4. forced, compelled 5. èuq nema rantaka 5. suara menjadi rentaka 5. voice become a swivel (kias untuk orang besar yg gun (fi g. important person sabdanya harus dipatuhi whose words must be dan tidak dapat ditolak) obeyed) 6. èuq potoq 6. nyaring, terang kedengar 6. sonorous, clearly heard 7. èuq ria 7. berteriak 7. shout loudly 8. èuq tobol èq nute 8. angkat suara, mulai 8. begin to speak (lit. grasp bicara (har pegang suara, the voice, carry the words) membawa kata) 9. èuq >ular naga wowo 9. suara ular naga, suara 9. voice of the dragon, >ara bora gurita besar voice of the sea monster 10. kong èuq 10. bunyi gong 10. sound of a gong 11. sio èuq mè we 11. siapa yg bersuara itu? 11. whose voice is that? cp. bayaq, wowo

èwèl tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wile

èwèng èwèng >uaq kali, tempat jalan air sungai canyon, gully atau banjir

èwin kemarin yesterday 1. èwin >èyeng 1. kemarin pagi 1. yesterday morning 2. èwin loyo 2. kemarin siang 2. yesterday during the day 3. èwin loyo bèuq 3. kemarin malam 3. yesterday night 4. èwin wèng sueqdèq 4. dua hari yg lalu; 4. two days ago; several beberapa hari yg lalu days ago 198 èyèq—èyu

5. numen èwin wèng 5. dua malam yg lalu 5. two nights ago sue cp. numen

èyèq (1) èyèq bong semut hitam small black ant cp. waya èyèq

èyèq (2) sj pohon k.o. tree Tuen Tubar Èyèq Dèlèr Kepala Kebun, Lembah Head of the Field, Valley of Pohon Èyèq (tempat dekat Èyèq Trees (place near the puncak gunung >Uyo peak of the >Uyo Lewun Lewun) mountain) cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq

èyèq (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bute

èyu 1 hembusan nafas terakhir 1 last breath menjelang kematian 2 tersedu 2 hiccups cp. oyeng >È

>è suatu ungkapan yg expression of surprise menyatakan terkejut keheranan cp. dotoq (1), ehe (1), kèqèr

>èbo ikan belut yg bersirip eel with fi ns cp. amang

>èbor mandi abu (spt ayam mandi bathe in the dust (like a abu) chicken)

>èbu >èbu bahing see: hèbu

>èdèng menekan bahagian badan put hot oil on swollen yg bengkak dgn minyak parts of the body panas cp. poloq

>èding debam, berdebam, tiruan thud, sound (as of a large bunyi (spt bunyi batu besar stone falling to earth) yg jatuh kena tanah) èuq wakaq >èding bunyi berdebam sound of heavy object falling with resonant thud cp. abaq, abar

>èdu sj rumput yg banyak k.o. weed with abundant miangnya fi ne hair bèko >èdu mencabut rumput pull weeds cp. abun, auq oqor, kiriq tahiq, ladu, lotong, pinaq, ruq (1), tanga, tehang

>èhang menarik dgn cepat, pull quickly, grab quickly mengambil dgn cepat >èhang ling ewar menarik tangan dgn cepat pull the hand back quickly cp. >eha

>èhèng memanaskan atau heat or roast s.t. with fi re membakar dgn api atau or a hot iron besi panas >èhèng uyèng memanaskan periuk heat a pot cp. danar, dayuq, heiq, henga, paq (1), tun (1), tutung (2), wana (1) 200 >èhèq—>èlon

>èhèq ya, setuju yes, agree 1. >èhèqe 1. kami setuju 1. we (ex) agree 2. >èhèqko, >èhèq o 2. engkau setuju 2. you (sg) agree 3. >èhèqku 3. saya setuju 3. I agree 4. >èhèqne 4. dia setuju 4. he agrees cp. >ahaq, e (2), ewe, mè we, o (2), >oe, paqa, >uhuq (1)

>èhing >èhing puha merampas rob, plunder, pinch, nick 1. >èhing wala 1. perampas, tukang rampas 1. robber, plunderer 2. hèri kohaq kara 2. ambil saja, jangan rampas 2. just take it, do not >èhing plunder

>èkèq mendiamkan sst/sso keep quiet about s.t., keep s.o. quiet >èkèq wèq mendiamkan diri keep o.s. quiet cp. ere (1), oni

>èkuq >èkuq tènèn memperpendek dgn cara shorten by folding, bending melipat, menekuk 1. >èkuq labur ling 1. melipat lengan baju 1. fold the sleeve of a shirt 2. mèiq >èkuq 2. pisau lipat 2. folding knife 3. tebeq >èkuq lèi 3. duduk melipat kaki 3. sit with legs folded cp. >iqu, èguq, kupoq, lere, mèkuq, mèqul, upar, >ukuq >èkuq

>èkur teguk swallow or gulp 1. >èkur >udeq 1. satu teguk 1. one swallow 2. min tuaq >èkur tèlu 2. minum tuak tiga teguk 2. drink three swallows of cp. lèlèn palmwine

>èlèng >èlèng pèq tenggelam, terbenam sink, set, immerse tene >èlèngdèqne perahu terbalik the boat sank cp. bèuq, bèwaq, hèlèng, lèbèq, long (2), tèmèq

>èlèq nyaring high-pitched, piercing 1. èuq >èlèq 1. suara nyaring 1. high-pitched voice 2. kong pelaq laong 2. gong berbunyi nyaring 2. gong sounds sonorously >èlèq cp. pelaq >èlèq, potoq

>èlon sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahi, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule >èlong—>ènèq 201

>èlong mengejek dgn mata scoff with wide-open eyes terbuka nuo >èlong eqi dia mengejek saya dgn he scoffs at me with his mata terbuka eyes open >èlu >èlu woqel berjanji, membuat janji promise, make an appointment 1. bele >èlu 1. menetapkan waktu 1. appoint a time 2. >èlu haraq wèq 2. janji saling bertemu 2. promise to meet each other cp. bayar, >èlun, nakang, pati

>èlun >èlun woqel janji, yg dijanjikan that which is promised, appointment 1. dei >èlun 1. a. waktu yg dijanji; b. 1. a. the appointed time; b. musim jagung muda the season of young maize 2. kèlèn >èlun 2. ingat perjanjian, janji 2. remember a promise cp. >èlu

>èmèng mencomot, mengangkut seize, grasp, grab, pinch, dgn tangan, menggenggam, pluck mencabut cp. >amir, bata, bèko, bihar, boraq (2),butil, damiq, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, èrèq, iteq, kèming, kimuq, lèhèq, mèrèq, mahuq, pènè (1), tumiq

>èmur ~ >imur ~ >umur berkumur, mencuci mulut rinse the mouth, clean the (2) teeth >èmur hiki, >èmur potaq 1. >èmur nunu 1. kumur mulut 1. wash the mouth 2. >èmurte 2. mari, kita angkat tuak 2. a felicitation marking the untuk terakhir kalinya (har last cup of palmwine (lit. kita berkumur) let us rinse the mouth)

>ènèng enam six 1. >ènèng kènèng kayo 1. enam (dari nyanyian 1. six (from a chant used by anak-anak ketika brmain children when playing hide sembunyi-sembunyian, and seek, usually counting biasanya dgn menyebutkan up to ten) bilangan satu sampai sepuluh) 2. >ua ènèng 2. enam buah 2. six fruits

>ènèq >ènèq >uwi tekan, tekan spy padat push, press, stuff, cram >ènèq watar bèq hoaq mengisi jagung ke dlm fi ll a sack tightly with ears karung dgn ditekan-tekan of maize agar padat isinya cp. >amiq, >ikuq, horuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, 202 >èngèr—>èqè

lusuq lèsuq, >obang, pere, peruq, pèmèq, tènèn (1), >uruq

>èngèr menegur admonish cp. >e (1), kare

>ènung >ènung apa, >ènung bituq, >ènung tuki tunduk bend, fold >ènung tubar tundukkan kepala bend the head cp. baeq, balung, boko, doler, dukiq, lapiq (1), lèpiq, oleng, rèkung, rokong, rokoq

>èpè tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ire

>èpiq bersama, bersama dgn, dgn with, along with, together >ei kuq buku >èpiq saya ambil buku bersama I take a book together with kertas dgn kertas paper cp. daiq, dapeq (2), hama, hènèq, kore, ore, roe (1)

>èpor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >alen

>èpu >èpu bapa pihak pemberi perempuan all members of the wife- kecuali ‘mahan’ giving line except ‘mahan’ cp. >èpun, >ine >ame

>èpun yg berkaitan dgn pihak pertaining to members of pemberi perempuan the wife-giving line hapang >èpun membela paman dari pihak protect the mother’s ibu brother cp. >èpu

>èqè ~ >èqèng 1 ungkapan keluhan karena 1 expression of discomfort beratnya beban because of a burden 2 ungkapan yg menyatakan 2 expression indicating enggan, tidak mau refusal or disagreement 1. >èqè, tubarko bèq 1. aduh, kepalaku sakit 1. oh, my head hurts very laè daten rehing sekali much 2. piqur >uqunq daeq 2. kelau mau bilang mau, 2. if you agree say so, if you >èqèng kelau enggan bilang saya disagree say so tidak mau cp. daeq, dareng, idoq, nahing, suker, >uqung >èqung—>èwol 203

>èqung dengung bunyi (spt bunyi booming sound (like that pesawat terbang dari jarak of an airplane from afar) jauh) cp. mèbung

>èrèng see: >èrèng pèhèq

>èrèng pèhèq senja hari, turunnya malam early evening, dusk, balete bèq >èrèng mari kita pulang, hari twilight pèhèq dèqne sudah senja let us (in) return, it is already getting dark cp. >era, ribo rabo

>èru >èru tèngè manis sweet 1. kopi noq bèq >èru 1. kopi ini manis sekali 1. this coffee is very sweet tèngène 2. mude >èru 2. jeruk manis 2. sweet lime cp. >èrun

>èrun yg manis sweet 1. mude >èrun 1. jeruk manis 1. sweet lime 2. tuaq >èrun 2. tuak manis 2. sweet palm juice cp. >èru

>èruq menarik sampan dari laut pull a boat ashore ke darat >èruq tene >ole wata menarik sampan dari laut pull a boat on shore ke darat

>ètèng >ètèng dèruq kentut fart, break wind cp. moqer

>ètèq kencangkan tighten 1. >ètèq medeng 1. kencangkan ikat 1. tighten a (lontar palm pinggang (dari daun lontar) leaf) belt 2. >ètèq watiq 2. kencangkan lagi 2. tighten again

>èting >èting rewong selesaikan anyaman fi nish a basket, fold under the loose ends 1. >èting oro 1. anyaman yg belum 1. unfi nished weaving selesai product 2. kuq >èting ma 2. ambil anyaman yg belum 2. fetch that unfi nished selesai itu weaving product

>èwè >èwè >uaq bau badan body odour, bad smell >èwè daten bau badan busuk unpleasant body odour cp. buruq, nuhu, rungan

>èwol >èwol bong cp. rapun, rubu abu dapur kitchen ashes 204 >èyè—>èyuq

>èyè sayat cut >èyè muqu bauq sayat batang pisang cut off the trunk of a cp. bel, hawaq, hèlèq banana tree (2), hilar, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kuting, lapuq, mèyèq, >ohi, >ohor, pate, piq, tahaq, tia

>èyèng >èyèng laleng pagi morning 1. >èyèng bèuq 1. pagi sore, tiap hari 1. every day 2. >èyèng >èyèng 2. pagi-pagi 2. very early

>èyuq tembolok crop, craw manuq >èyuq tembolok ayam chicken’s crop cp. ebang G gabeng ~ kabeng gambir, Uncaria gambir, gambier, Uncaria gambir, Roxb. Roxb. ka >ue mal nore makan sirih dgn gambir chew betel with gambier kabeng gade gadai surety, security, pledge cp. bayar, gerang gahaq gahaq gapeq, gahaq gater memerintah, memaksa command, force cp. doke, pasaq (2), pareta gahing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: buru gahing galeka ~ kaleka galeka wayong melayani, pelayanan serve, service, wait on (guests) 1. galeka wala, kaleka 1. pelayan 1. server wala 2. hoing areq weriq 2. meminta para gadis 2. ask the girls to serve mase galeka wayong tua untuk melayani orang tua food to the old people lahar a sin makan 3. sio kaleka e ka min? 3. siapa melayani kami 3. who is going to serve makan? us (ex)? cp. sadang galola ~ kalola mengantar sst dari tangan deliver s.t. from hand to ke tangan hand galulaq bermacam-macam various, all sorts cp. ireq, nireq ganatang ~ kanatang gantang cubic measure for rice of 3.125 kg kanatang katang anen gantang menggantang padi measure unhusked rice cp. gatang, hueq, katang ganedel gempar tumult, commotion nèyu dèyu mè laha te gempa bumi membuat the earthquake put us in a ganedel kami semua gempar tumult cp. dèmul ganepar ~ kanepar warta, berita news, message nuo nèq kanepar dia membawa berita he brought news cp. gepar 206 ganing—gasuq

ganing ganing >odor menggangu terus-menerus bother, disturb, annoy, kara ganing nuo watiq jangan terus-menerus molest boiq ne miqer mengganggunya, dia bisa do not disturb him again marah or he will get angry cp. awang, >aheq, kati, kehoq (2) ganong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: genong gapang gampang easy cp. kalohung gapeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: gahaq gareng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: gureng garipoq ~ karipoq sempit tight, narrow >uliq karipoq tempat sempit tight place cp. hipur, >ipeq, kieq, kiqing, lubiq, manga (1), mèdèq, tudaq garodang arus pinggir shore current cp. kanawang, >ura, >ole (2) gasaq (1) ~ kasaq mengancam threaten suo gasaq sawang mereka mengancam akan they threatened to hit me >eqi-ya memukul saya cp. haqing, kadu gasaq (2) nama gong pelengkap name of a gong needed to musik gong gendang complete a gong orchestra kong gasaq nama gong pelengkap name of a gong needed to musik gong gendang complete a gong orchestra cp. kabolu, kong (1) gasuq (1) ~ kasuq lanjur, te(r)lanjur, pergi go too far, go earlier, go lebih dahulu, lari lebih ahead dahulu 1. >ei habaqi bè huna, 1. saya mencarinya di 1. I looked for him at the paq nuo nulo kasuq rumah itu, namun ia telah house, but he had already pani pergi lebih dahulu gone 2. nuo tadiq muqune, 2. dia bermaksud menebas 2. he wanted to cut the me paq neq ling gasuq pisang, tanpa sengaja banana off, but by mistake tèqène watar jagung pun tertebas he cut the maize 3. pan gasuq 3. tidak bertemu (karena 3. not meet (because of sudah berjalan mendahului having gone ahead of the gasuq—gepar 207

orangnya) other person) 4. teheq gasuq 4. bicara te(r)lanjur 4. protract a speech 5. tema uaqi watiq, 5. apa yg mau dikatakan, 5. what shall we say, it is gasuqi dèqmè sudah te(r)lanjur too late gasuq (2) terlepas loosened cp. bele, epeng, èdol, loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nala, nope, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, tong gatang ~ katang menggantang, mengukur measure (anything except length) gatang anen mengar menggantang beras measure husked rice cp. ganatang, hueq, kanatang, soba (1), tibang ukur gater tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: gahaq gawali kuali pan ge juga also, too o ge pan-o? engkau juga pergi? do you also go? do you go too? cp. di (1), hènèq, rehi gebar ~ kebar selendang, menutup dgn shawl, cover with a cloth kain rabu gebar bè wèq menutup badan dgn cover the body with a selendang shawl cp. nodeng, sanail geiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sunaq gelang bénggol two and a half cent coin cp. begol, eor (1) gelaq keliru confused cp. doling, wang (2) genong genong ganong menggerak-gerak tangan wave, gesticulate nuo tutuq mete genong dia berbicara sambil he talks while gesticulating ganong ling menggerak-gerakkan with his hands tangan cp. hayong, kebol, kelor, wayong gepar ~ kepar gepar buriq mengabarkan, bear news, report, foretell memberitakan, mewartakan 208 geqa—golang bèong

o dèngèr me sio neti siapa yg mengabarkan who told you the news? gepar-i? berita itu kepada anda? cp. ganepar, niring geqa berbeda, tidak sama different, deviate tutuq dei neq muar, bicaralah yg benar, jangan tell the truth, do not kara geqa menyimpang deviate (from the truth) cp. mieq, napang, peka gerang gerang gade >ei gerang koq kong menggadaikan pledge, offer surety >udeq ara pan balo saya menggadaikan sebuah I pledge one of my gongs wèq gong untuk berobat for medical treatment cp. bayar, milu gereng main gasing spin a top 1. gereng kote 1. main gasing 1. spin a top 2. gereng taq lolon 2. menyandarkan atau 2. prop or hang coconut menggantungkan daun leaves at a certain place as kelapa pada sst tempat protection from the wind untuk berlindung dari angin cp. puka getaq getah sticky plant sap, resin cp. nanan, padu gènè menggenapkan complete s.t. bèq nape >ua leme baru ada sembilan buah, there were nine fruit, let’s >apaq, gènè-i mani harap menggenapkan jadi hope they are completed pulu sepuluh to make ten cp. nawen, papang (1), sudi gèruq gèruq >api korek api match giwang giwang, anting-anting kecil small earring fi xed to the yg dipasang di daun telinga edge of the ear cp. golang, laong, nuber (2), togeq goa tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: senang gobang ~ kobang mata uang VOC bernilai a bronze coin issued by dua setengah sén the Netherlands Indies government worth 2 1/2 cents cp. doiq (1) golang ~ kolang golang bèong 1 membelalak, terbelalak 1 stare, wide open (of eyes) goling—gureng gareng 209

2 anting-anting yg dipasang 2 ear decoration worn in dlm telinga the ear 1. mato golang 1. mata membelalak 1. eyes wide open 2. neq ning mato 2. matanya terbelalak 2. he stared with eyes wide golang bèong open cp. giwang, laong, nuber (2), togeq goling tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >omo goni tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pèti goqor bunyi yg terdengar ketika sound of the hull of a boat pantat perahu bergesek dgn grazing the bottom of dasar laut the sea gore tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: guru gosoq menggosok rub, brush cp. behaq, boyang (1), boyong, dolang, doru, doyang, haru, karaq, kula (1), loha, nouq, ropa gosu ~ kosu mengulek, menghancurkan smash, crush with a stone, dgn batu pestle gosu tèqu menghancurkan garam crush salt cp. >ida gudiq pohon budi, Ficus religosa fi g tree, Ficus religosa guluq ~ kuluq kuluq kalaq menyayat kulit luar buah slash the outer skin of the kelapa dgn sabutnya coconut leaving the fi brous ditingalkan untuk diangkut husk intact in order to ke tempat yg jauh carry the coconut guna ~ kuna guna use, purpose guna tokong tidak berguna useless cp. ale, ara (1), dogel (2), mero, pen gureng gureng gareng kotor, coreng-moreng dirty, fi lthy (of face or (muka atau badan) body) èuq moq ning mato silahkan cuci muka anda yg please wash your dirty face gureng gareng nobeq kotor itu we 210 guru—gurung waniq

cp. buhang, >iwong, karèmuq, ulaq, >umuq guru ~ kuru guru hore, guru gore guru teacher gurung gurung waniq benang yg dipakai untuk string heddle mengatur tenunan H haba haba nanaq, haba naku mencari seek, search, look for, gather, collect 1. haba ai 1. mencari kayu 1. gather fi rewood 2. haba ai lolon 2. mencari sayur 2. gather vegetables (spinach) 3. haba hikeq 3. mencari sampai kemana- 3. search everywhere mana 4. haba toyeq wangun 4. mencari sebab 4. search for causes of misfortune 5. haba utu 5. mencari kutu 5. pick lice cp. ahuq, >awe (2), hawar, mauq, mawu, muta, noban, >opung, sapang (2), sari, tawu, tubun habiq habiq haker, habiq hibuq menutup close, shut 1. habiq weloq 1. menutup pintu 1. close the door 2. habiq weloq matan 2. menutup pintu desa, 2. close the doors of the bele witing tuaq melepaskan kambing dan village, release the goat and tuak (upacara pembersihan palmwine (annual village desa) cleaning ceremony) cp. dèdèl, doliq, doqang, lètuq, lotuq, pataq, pèrèng, uwe (1) habol ~ habong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hibol habong see: habol haboq warna abu-abu, pucat, grey, pale, dull, dim kabur 1. buyaq haboq 1. putih pucat 1. dull white 2. haboq nema wang 2. abu-abu jadi langit 2. grey so the sky is low weheq rendah (dari upacara untuk (chant from a rain-making minta hujan) ceremony) 3. owa haboq 3. mendung kelabu, kabut 3. gray cloud, fog 4. sitaq haboq 4. kain berwarna abu-abu 4. pale cloth cp. aruq (2), èpir, >eran, habu (1), kamakuq, monu, owa, rowa, >umal, wewa 212 habu—hading habu (1) kabur vague, blurred, foggy mato habu mata kabur eyes blurred cp. aruq (2), >eran, èpir, haboq habu (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: habu raka habu raka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mude habur disirami ombak splashed by waves tahiq habur koq ning muka saya diperciki ombak my face was splashed by mato waves cp. hotaq, lang (1), louq, paoq (1) hadang ~ hadaq hadang nobol menempa, sandaran support for cutting or yg digunakan untuk fashioning, place s.t. on a memotong atau menempa, board or stone to cut it, menaruh atau meletakkan fashion it sst pada landasan untuk dipotong-potong cp. halaq (2), hedang, hering, keran, nedang, puli, pulin hadaq see: hadang, pale hade membidik anak panah aim an arrow or a rifl e at atau bedil ke arah sasaran, a target, throw at a target, melempar kesasaran, shoot menembak 1. hade nade 1. membidik sasaran 1. aim at a target 2. hade pèu 2. melempari mangga sbg 2. throw at a mango as a sasaran target cp. bohil, kakaq (1), kidaq, loq (1), mohil, nade, pane, pasaq (1), rawaq (1), tidaq, walu, wetoq, wotoq hading hading mulang menegakkan, mwndirikan erect, upright, set upright spt pohon-pohon 1. hading lili 1. menegakkan tiang 1. set up a house post 2. hading nading 2. mendirikan tonggak 2. erect a sign of larangan untuk melarang prohibition on picking pemetikan hasil bumi fresh produce 3. hading opol keu 3. menegakkan (bulan) 3. set up the full (moon), lawang wèrung doq purnama, menurunkan drop down the new (bulan) mati (upacara (moon) (ceremony for a haeq—hakal 213

untuk anak perempuan yg girl who has been born dilahirkan pada posisi bulan during the wrong stage of yg salah) the moon) 4. hading werun keu 4. menegakkan (bulan) 4. set up the new (moon), lawang opol doq mati, menurunkan (bulan) drop down the full (moon) purnama (upacara untuk (ceremony for a boy who anak laki-laki yg dilahirkan has been born during the pada posisi bulan yg salah) wrong stage of the moon) 5. mader hading 5. menegak berdiri 5. set upright cp. batong, mader, mulang (1), nading, tung haeq tempat gantungan untuk place for hanging maize menjemuran jagung to dry haeq watar tempat jagung digantung place for hanging maize in secara bertumpuk untuk bunches to dry outside the dijemur di luar rumah house cp. putu, tawe haer tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hira haèng haèng karaq menyapu clean, sweep haèng dolu maten menyapu batu-batu kubur sweep the grave stones orang mati cp. hamur, karaq, naèng, nataq (2), wating hagor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: higor hai tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tutu haiq mengangkat ujung sarung lift the edge of a sarong (as (spt waktu kencing) when urinating) hakal hakal hawil 1 melangkahi, meliwati 1 pass by, overtake 2 langkah-langkah, tidak 2 transgress, not following berturutan, spt waktu in order, pass s.o. by when membagi sst sharing out 1. poti hakal bèyèng 1. mengalahkan, 1. defeat, subject (lit. jump ketang menaklukkan (har past, run past) melompat melangkahi, lari meliwati) 2. poti hakal wadeq 2. melompat melangkahi 2. jump past a rope tali cp. hiba, ketang, lakaq, pakaq, poti 214 hakaq—hala hakaq 1 mengangkang 1 straddle 2 cara menggendong anak 2 carry a child at the side di pinggang dgn kaki anak itu terkangkang pada pinggang ibu cp. bakar, bikar, bote, eqan, hangaq haker tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: habiq, >uqur hako tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself cp. hiko hakol (1) mencampur tuak lama dan mix old and new palmwine baru cp. baur hakol (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hekol hakol hakong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hekong hakuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hoq hala (1) sj pohon, daun mudanya k.o. tree whose leaves are dipakai untuk memasak used in the cooking of goat daging kambing spy lunak meat dagingnya cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq hala—halaq 215 hala (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hala kèir, hala mukel, hala todang hala kèir mencakar-cakar dgn kuku scratch for food waktu mencari makanan (spt ayam mencari makan di sampah) cp. karung, laba hala mukel cacing yg hidup dlm usus stomach worms halang (1) menyusun papan-papan fi t planks (as in menjadi satu keutuhan (spt constructing a boat) menyusun papan menjadi perahu) halang (2) di atas above cp. bètè, kikiq, lolon, ote, >ote, >oteq halaq (1) halaq hapeq bertengger, duduk pada perch on a branch, roost cabang kayu cp. ele (2) halaq (2) halaq hapeq menggantungkan, suspend, hang, store s.t. meletakkan, menaruh di above atas 1. halaq bè ai lolo 1. menaruh di atas pohon 1. put in the tree top (as of (spt dahulu mayat diviarkan a corpse left to rot) membusuk di pohon) 2. halaq lèi 2. meletakkan kaki 2. put up the feet 3. halaq maten 3. meletakkan mayat di 3. lay out a corpse in a rumah yg dibuat khusus special house untuk orang mati 4. halaq taq 4. menggantungkan buah 4. suspend two coconuts kelapa tied together and hung over a pole 5. halaq witing bala 5. menaruh 5. store up (accumulate) (mengumpulkan)kambing goats and elephant tusks dan gading untuk belis/ for bridewealth maskawin 6. nara halaq witing bala 6. saudara laki-laki 6. the brother stores up menaruh belis/maskawin marriage prestations 7. >ula halaq 7. bulan kesiangan, bulan 7. the waning moon tua cp. dalong, hadang, hering, loleng, pale halaq (3) halaq hapeq mengukus steam halaq watar mengukus jagung steam maize cp. bowol 216 halar—hamen halar membelah memanjang break, split lengthways halar bering membelah bambu split bamboo cp. akil, babaq (1), baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), bèti, bikil, doing, hawaq, hiang, hiaq, hiar, hilar, hingoq, kakal, kaq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), papal, paqal, pèhuq hala todang cacing tanah (cacing yg earthworm bisa merayap di tanah waktu hujan) cp. kiki todang, todang hale tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: huna hali tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: balo, huraq haliq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: boleq (2) halor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: helor halor hama hama hama sama same, alike, together, joint 1. hama kohaq 1. sama saja 1. exactly the same, just the same 2. pan hama 2. berjalan bersama 2. travel together cp. >èpiq, kore, roe (1) hamang hamang hedung 1 bertandak, menari 1 dance in a group, dance bersama in a circle 2 menginjak-injak padi 2 stamp, tread hamang anen stamp rice cp. kihaq, namang (1), pihaq, rataq, suduq, tutu (1) hamar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hiduq hamen ~ hameng paha thigh 1. hamen hidir 1. sebelah paha 1. part of the thigh 2. pung hamen 2. bagian atas pada paha 2. upper part of the thigh cp. palun, pung hameng—hanger 217 hameng see: hamen hamur hamur hèiq mencuci, membersihkan, wash, clean, sweep menyapu hamur uha mencuci rambut wash one’s hair cp. bahing, engar, haèng, hèbu, hidang, hiki (1), ilin, karaq, mengar, naèng, naraq (2), pohoq, wating hana hana hèboq, hana hoboq istirahat, mengistirahatkan rest hana ling mengistirahatkan tangan rest one’s hand cp. oler ling, poho hanar ~ wanar memanaskan makanan yg heat up food dingin han daq sj tandak, tarian adat circle dance step sequence cp. beda a e o, bayo, lia namang, mado maka, soleq, tèting dai haneq mengiris slice cp. hèrè, hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kuraq, lèring, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, pipi, tihiq hangaq hangaq hengeq duduk mengangkang straddle, sit astride hangaq kuda mengangkang pada kuda sit astride a horse cp. bakar, bikar, eqan, hakaq hange ~ hanger hange huraq, hanger huraq sehat, berseri healthy, shine, beam 1. wau bare hanger 1. kelihatan sehat (har 1. look healthy (lit. face muka sehat) healthy) 2. wau nema bare 2. wajah menampakkan 2. face shows health hanger kesehatan cp. bare, bohor (2), >engaq, ilaq, kelaq, kilong, lair, lenge, nilaq, tado hanger (1) see: hange hanger (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ae 218 hangol—hapiq hangol sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq hangoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hingoq haoq (1) tumpah ruah keluar spill out, overfl ow cp. baoq, hapo, heur (2), hiroq, homaq, kabaq, kètiq, lodo (2), luruq, pènu haoq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pènè hapang melerai dua belah pihak break up a fi ght, separate yg berkelahi, menghalangi, fi ghters, block, protect melindungi 1. hapang >angin 1. menghalangi angin 1. block the wind 2. hapang >èpun 2. membela paman 2. protect the mother’s brother cp. haqa, >iriq, >iqur, libur, likoq, mae, mawaq, nala, nebi, pètèq, sagaq, tikol hapeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: halaq (1), halaq (2) haping tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: holaq hapiq hapiq beluq, hapiq huraq 1 memotong untuk 1 peel, cut off bark, cut mengambil bagian luar thin, plane hapo—haqang 219

pohon, memotong agar menipis, menarah 2 satu bagian di alat tenun 2 a part of the loom that yg menahan benang restrains the weft strings 1. hapiq amaq 1. mengupas kulit pohon 1. peel off bark 2. hapiq wayang 2. menarah, meratakan 2. plane a piece of wood to kayu untuk dijadikan make a paddle dayung cp. bie (1), bingeq, dodang, haq, har, hoyaq, huriq, kaheq, kiri, lehor (2), sakap, tahing hapo penuh secukupnya, isi yg full but not running over, penuh fully packed hubiq hapo mengisi penuh penuh fi ll up to the top cp. haoq, heur (2), kabaq, manga (3), maqar, mègung, mètèq (1), pènu hapu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ai hapu, >utan hapur memangkas cabang, cut off branches ranting-ranting kayu cp. hipur haq membuat balok, menarah cut beams, plane haq ai membuat balok-balok make beams of wood, kayu, menarah balok plane beams cp. dodang, hapiq, sakap haqa haqa hebi melindungi, menghalangi, separate fi ghters, protect, perisai block, shield 1. haqa hèbi lèu auq 1. melindungi kampung 1. protect the village halaman 2. haqa hèbi wèq 2. melindungi diri dari 2. protect o.s. from a malapetaka misfortune 3. haqa wetaq 3. upacara untuk 3. ceremony closing a menutupirumah spy house so a witch may not tukang sihir tidak dapat enter memasukinya cp. hapang, hiqur, huqu >iriq, >iqur, libur, likoq, mae, mawaq, nebi, oling, pètèq, saga, tadan, tikol, wangan haqang 1 mulai bunting (pada 1 beginning of pregnancy binatang) (of animals) 2 mendukung, 2 carry (by embracing, or menggendong on the hips) cp. bote, lu (2), muho 220 haqing—harang haqing menakut-nakuti, threaten, frighten, intend mengancam bermaksud haqing bel mengancam membunuh threaten to kill cp. daqang, gasaq (1), >ikir, kadu, kahin (2), laleng har har hèrè mengupas dgn pisau peel with a knife har pèu mengupas mangga peal a mango cp. bie (1), bingeq, hapiq, kaheq, kiri, lehor (2), paqe, tahing, wara hara hara ite sedikit, lebih a little, a little bit, a small amount, more, something 1. hara daten ohaq 1. hanja jahat saja, paling 1. just bad, nothing but jahat bad, worst 2. hara >ehaq 2. sedikit saja, hanya sedikit 2. just a little 3. hara diqen; hara 3. lebih baik 3. better diqen hèrun 4. hara diqen watiq 4. lebih baik lagi 4. even better 5. hara hara 5. sedikit saja 5. just a little, very little 6. hara hara watiq 6. sedikit lagi 6. a little more 7. hara >ihiq 7. lebih banyak dagingnya 7. a little more meat 8. hara ite watiq 8. cuma sedikit lagi 8. just a little more 9. hara ka rian 9. lebih besar lagi 9. even larger 10. hara lawa 10. lebih panjang 10. longer 11. hara lawa dekar 11. paling panjang 11. longest 12. hara lela 12. sedikit lama, lebih lama 12. a little longer (of time), longer (of time) 13. hara mèkuq 13. lebih pendek 13. shorter 14. hara mèkuq watiq 14. lebih pendek lagi 14. even shorter 15. hara rai 15. sedikit banyak, lebih 15. a little more, more than banyak 16. hara ria 16. lebih besar 16. bigger 17. hara watiq 17. sedikit lagi 17. a little more, in a moment, in a while 18. sorong >eqi hengan 18. beri saya jagung titik 18. give me some more hara rai sedikit lebih banyak crushed maize cp. >iheq, >ilaq, kileng, lebe, >odeng haran tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sukèr, utun, weriq harang (1) menimpa, menindih fall, lie on top of each other 1. harang wetaq 1. jatuh menindih rumah 1. fall on the house 2. nuo noling nara neq 2. dia melindungi dirinya 2. he protected himself so wèq ma ai moruq ohaq sehingga kayu yg jatuh that the falling tree did not harang-ne tidak menimpanya fall on him harang—haruq 221

cp. bariq, doling, hubaq, moqang, moruq, oqal, suker, tatang, turu harang (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: huraq haraq (1) hari day cp. >eqa (2), loyo haraq (2) haraq boreq bertemu, berjumpa meet haraq wèq man pie? berapa kali bertemu? meet how many times? cp. hoko, raheq, ruang haraq (3) rusuk, samping, sisi rib, side, fl ank haraq lurin tulang rusuk ribs cp. >apan, hiku, hikun, lèding, narang (1), obi hari hari lewang 1 laut, pulau pasir, karang 1 sea, sandbars, coral reefs laut 2 jin laut 2 sea spirit 1. hari bura 1. jin laut 1. sea monster, spirit 2. hari bura keu 2. angin ribut di laut (har 2. storm at sea (lit. sea jin laut naik) monster rises) 3. >ular hari 3. ular laut 3. sea snake cp. lewaq, neda, tahiq hariq hariq hawaq membelah sst memakai split s.t. using a knife or pisau atau silet razor blade haroq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hiroq haru menggosok sst rub s.t. on or in haru >utan menggosok kancang masak rub a mixture of cooked or atau direbus tercampur boiled beans and rice on dgn nasi yg diambil pada the body taken during an ‘a uapacara ‘a utan’ atau >utan’ or ‘a weru’ ceremony ‘a weru’ pada badan untuk to prevent rheumatism menghindarkan penyakit encok cp. behaq, boyang (1), boyong, dolang, doru, doyang, duaq, gosoq, kula (1), loha, ropa haruq menyayat tipis sst untuk scrape thin to make dijadikan lebih mulus dan smooth, polish licin lagi 222 hateq—haweq

haruq hau menyayat tipis bambu scrape thin a bamboo to untuk wadah air make a water container cp. behaq hateq >ea hola hateq wai sakit sick rasa badan barankali mau feel like possibly coming sakit down with an illness cp. awang, hola, lae, laen, rèqè hau hau wètuq hau muhong bambu wadah air bamboo water container bambu kecil untuk small bamboo for fetching mengambil air yg water, used to bathe a digunakan untuk newborn infant memandikan orok cp. tuke, wètuq haur pedang, klewang, parang sword, long fi eld knife panjang cp. huriq (1), pedaq hawaq membelah sst memakai split, cut s.t. using a knife pisau atau silet or razor blade

hawaq muqu membelah pisang split a banana cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bel, bètè (1), doing, >èyè, halar, haneq, hariq, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hiaq, hiar, hilar, hingoq, hoyaq, kaqar, kèoq, kèrèq, kitong, kuting, laing, lawaq (2), lapuq, mèyèq, >ohi, >ohor, paqal, piang, piq, >ohi, >ohor, tia, tihiq hawar pan hawar mencari look for s.o. pergi mencari sso go to look for s.o. cp. haba, sapang (2), sari hawe mengambil atau take or lift s.t. afl oat in a mengangkat sst yg stream or the sea terapung di sungai atau di laut hawel menyisipkan di pinggang stick under the belt (such (spt menyisipkan keris, as arrows, kris or knife) pisau) haweq suatu cara memakai sarung a certain way of wearing a laki-laki man’s sarong hawi—hebaq 223

haweq lipaq masukkan ujung sarung slip the top edge of a man’s laki-laki kebawah ikat sarong under the belt pinggang hawi menghapus wipe clean cp. pohoq hawing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: horaq hawur habis sama sekali, musnah fi nished, destroyed cp. bahe, lèbu, lèpè, mèlèng, pilang, rawa (1) hayan membuat tempat berteduh make, build a temporary shelter hayan nayan membuat dangau atau build a hut or tent as ténda untuk tempat temporary shelter berteduh cp. woqi hayaq pesta feast, festival cp. dakoq, hoeq hayiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hukung hayong ~ sayong melambai-lambai wave one’s hands cp. genong, horiq, kebol hea hea habiq melayang fl y cp. baqa, buaq heaq heaq pewang menghindar, pindah give way, move out of the way, pull to the side 1. heaq 1. pindah 1. move 2. heaq lala 2. berpindah dari jalan 2. move out of the way (agar orang dapat berlalu- lalang) cp. dopeq, dorong, dosor, edaq, kelung, odoq, waeng (1) hebaq suka, senang like, be pleased with o hebaq dita? >ei engkau suka yg mana? Saya which one do you like? hebaqku oyo suka yg itu I like that one

cp. kiol, senang, sir, sukaq (1), toher 224 hebi—hekaq hebi 1 membuat tempat 1 build a place to wait for menunggui burung, rusa, birds, deer, pigs babi 2 menunggui burung, rusa, 2 wait for birds, deer, pigs babi hebi nebi toang todoq, menunggui binatang untuk lie in wait for animals, (lit. hongo rongoq banger ditangkap (har menunggui build a place to wait, wait manuq [pada] tempat menunggui, for birds, build a hide, wait menanti burung, membuat for chicken) pondok, menunggui ayam) cp. haqa, hongo, nebi heda lamaq heda ceper shallow piring ceper shallow plate cp. hetel, kepaq, kepel, mipi hedang ~ ledang (1) hedang hudeq menyandar, bersandar, lean on, lean against menyandarkan cp. hadang, hudeq, moboq, nedang, tedaq, tuda, tudeq hedung hedung hamang, hedung nedung hedung huriq menari tunggal single dancing, dance as an individual menari memakai parang dance with a sword and dan perisai shield cp. soka hegar hegar higur mengais scratch, scrape for food cp. bogar, doyang, kaer, kakur, kalaq, karo, karung, kèir, kuang, kuriq, lèring, loha, mèqè, nuang (2), nuraq heiq heiq tape memanggang roast meat which has been pierced with a blade or palm leaf rib >iqa heiq ikan panggang roast fi sh cp. danar, darang (1), dayuq, >èhèng, lopor, paq (1), tun (1) hekaq (1) 1 berhenti 1 stop 2 cukup 2 enough hekaq hekaq cukup, paling enough, at the most hekaq—hele 225

cp. bèing (1), inoq, ipu, mai, mè (1), poho hekaq (2) berancang-ancang untuk preparations to parry, hit menangkis, memukul, dsb hekaq toang menunggu untuk wait to repulse an attack menangkis serangan hekaq (3) memberi nama give a name sukaq hekaq Makoq suka memberi nama like to give the name Tangen Makoq Tangen (Mangkuk Makoq Tangen (Green Hijau) Cup) hekeng mata juling cross eyed, squint eyed mato hekeng mata juling cross eyed, squint eyed cp. heruq, hèting hekeq memasak daging dgn cook meat using little menggunakan air hanya water sedikit heki tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: buye heko tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tawe (2) hekol hekol hakol bergerak, berliuk-liuk move, wriggle cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), begor, bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, hekol, kedong, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) hekong hekong hakong, hekong kalung hekong hakong, sekong bengkok crooked, bent kalung cp. boko, kalung, koheng, lekoq, rokoq, sekong (1), tokol, wegir helar helar uaq mengerling, melirik blink, glance, peep cp. hular, kereng, kiruq, piloq, retaq hele hele lou, hele nodoq mengguling, roll, roll s.t. menggulingkan 226 hele ledeq—hen

hele taq mengguling kelapa roll a coconut cp. batong, kodol, kolar, koleq, koliq, kolo, kolor, legang (1), lou, luen, lulun, waling), lulun, waling hele ledeq ceréwét, mulut lancang quarrelsome, hasty speech cp. petoq patoq heleq heleq ledang hilang keseimbangan waktu slip and lose one’s balance, berdiri sehingga hampir slip, skid jatuh, tergelincir cp. epaq, koqal, pusuq, soruq heler heler hodong, heler raqang tertawa terkekeh-kekeh laugh loudly cp. ong, tawe (2) heliq memasang bambu pada place a bamboo container mayang lontar untuk around the spadix of a menampun sadapan tuak palm in order to collect palmwine heliq wetuq memasang bambu pada place a bamboo container mayang lontar untuk around the spadix of a menampun sadapan tuak palm in order to collect palmwine cp. hikeq heloq menanam tanaman sisipan plant by inserting plants into the ground heloq >eqa kain menanam tanaman sisipan plant by inserting plants di kebun yg baru dibuka into the ground in a newly cleared fi eld cp. dèmèr, miwaq, taneng helor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: helor halor, pahelong, putuq helor halor melihat tak tentu arah, look in all directions, sombong, lincah conceited, inconstant mato helor halor melihat tak tentu arah look in all directions cp. baya, hèqèng wèq, lehor, sokaq salaq hen hen kuq menerima, mengambil take, receive cp. ahuq, èq, hodi, kaqo, liwuq, mauq, mèq (1), todi, toher, uq (1), wau henang—hering 227 henang tambah lagi, dobel add, increase, double cp. hobel, ketang, nalan, potal, taho, taling, tulung henga menyangrai, memanaskan warm up, roast maize biji jagung tanpa minyak kernels without oil for untuk ditumbuk tipis dgn crushing with a fl at stone batu pipih henga watar memyangrai, memanaskan roast maize kernels without biji jagung tanpa minyak oil for crushing fl at with untuk ditumbuk piph dgn a stone batu cp. hengan, laraq, uar hengan hengan hekoq jagung titik crushed maize 1. hengan bong 1. tepung jagung titik 1. maize fl our 2. watar hengan 2. jagung titik 2. crushed maize cp. henga, uar hepaq miring at an angle, aslant, past the meridian loyo hepaq matahari miring (jam satu the sun passed the ke depan) meridian (approximately one o’clock onwards) cp. idir, iring, tedaq heq heq wèq mundur go back, withdraw heq hara >oyoq mundurlah sedikit ke sana go back a little there cp. eq heraq tergenang, berlinang fi ll up with water lun heraq air mata tergenang, tears well up berlinang cp. boraq, lebo, letang, loi hereng hereng paning, hereng memiara atau membiarkan raise, rear tonaq sampai besar cp. lamang, mawaq, paro, rutaq hering hering keran menaruh, meletakkan sst place, put, set down, put dgn cara bagian mukanya s.t. down face up (of plates, menghadap ke atas (spt baskets, and other objects) meletakkan piring, gelas dsb) hering lore mencelup benang dgn dye, soak thread with red mengkudu dye from Morinda citrifolia 228 heruq—hèbèl

cp. >eqa (1), hadang, halaq (2), huna, keran, nataq, papang (2), puli, pulin, tiboq, >uliq heruq mato heruq juling (mata) cross eyed, squint eyed mata juling cross eyed, squint eyed cp. hekeng, hèting hetel tidak dalam, dangkal shallow cp. heda, kepaq, kepel hetoq (1) hetoq pade menyindir sso secara tidak mock s.o. indirectly, get at langsung, melemparkan s.o. via s.o. or s.t. else kata-kata kepada sso secara tidak langsung hetoq (2) mengayun wave back and forth hetoq padu mengayunkan suluh, obor wave a torch back and (spy menyala) forth (so that it will start burning again) hetuq hetuq kotel melenting, melompat, jump, leap meloncat cp. hodong, hokuq, kotel, opel, opoq (2), poti heuq heuq hidan urut, mengurut massage, stroke, caress hèuq wèq mengurut badan massage the body cp. >amiq, poloq, ropa heur (1) kencur, Kaempheria galanga k. o. plant, Kaempheria galanga cp. awa daqa, biru, tuaq loran, tubung, >unuq heur (2) heur haur tumpah ruah, melimpah full to overfl owing, overfl ow cp. haoq (1), hapo, kabaq, manga (3), maqar, mègung, mètèq (1), pènu hewal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bitol hèbèl hèbèl bènèn ranum overripe hèbiq—hèlèng 229 hèbiq moq >anaq dita? entah, kurang tahu who knows, do not know hèbiq-ku anakmu di mana? Saya where is your child? I do kurang tahu not know hèbu ~ >èbu >èbu bahing, hèbu bahing, hèbu hamur hèbu bahing kula pawo mandi bathe pan hèbu >ole wata pergi mandi di pantai go bathe at the beach hèdèq hèdèq lèkor menendang kick with the heel or side of the foot cp. lakoq (1), lèkor, sedoq, sepaq, suduq hèdol mencampur air dingin ke mix cold and hot water air panas cp. sèloq hèiq menyisir, sisir dari bambu comb, comb made of atau kayu yg hanya bergigi bamboo or wood, with just empat saja, yg kecil dipakai four teeth, the smaller one untuk rambut, yg besar used for hair, the larger for untuk rumput weeds 1. hèiq uha 1. sisir rambut 1. hair comb 2. pilir milir hèiq lour 2. menyisir lurus 2. comb straight cp. hamur, pilir hèkèr hèkèr tedal kuat strong ma te >obang waq rian mari kita mendorong batu come, let us push over noq tara soba teq hèkèr besar itu untuk mencoba that big stone to test our tenaga kita strength cp. kieq, kiqing, lèrè, manga (1), wadang hèkiq hèkiq hikeq menyisip, menyisipkan insert hèkiq mèiq bè >alen menyisipkan pisau di slip a knife under the belt, pinggang between a sarong and the waist cp. dèkiq, dokeq, doleq, hiki (2), >iher, sèkiq hèlèng menyelam, terbenam dive, sink, set, go down 1. hèlèng >iqa 1. menyelam untuk 1. dive for fi sh, sink a net mengambil ikan, to catch fi sh melepaskan pukat untuk menangkap ikan 2. loyo hèlèng 2. mata hari terbenam 2. the sun sets cp. bèuq, bunuq, >èlèng, hulur, paer, turu 230 hèlèq—hèpun hèlèq (1) hèlèq holeq berselang-seling (spt alternate, alternating, cara berpegangan dlm alternately, take turns (as in tarian tandak di mana a circle dance where men laki laki dan perempuan and women alternate) berpegangan berselang- seling) cp. belaq, dongoq, likaq (1), peka, walaq (2) hèlèq (2) memotong cut cp. bel, >èyè, hawaq, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuting, lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohi, >ohor, pate, pèriq, piq, tadiq, tia hèliq mencungkil sisa-sisa pick the remains of food, makanan, kotoran pada sst dirt from s.t. hèliq awar mencungkil sisa makanan pick one’s teeth pada gigi cp. doiq (2), dokil, hokil, holiq, hoqi, hulur, >oliq (1), tokil hèmuq hèmuq hikol lembut soft, tender, gentle cp. bunen, maman, moleng (1) hènèq harus disertai dgn must be accompanied by, along with, also, in addition, as well 1. manuq kakaq hènèq 1. kalau dilempari baru 1. only when thrown at nape bèyèng ayam akan lari with a stone will a chicken run 2. paluq hènèq nape 2. harus disertai dgn 2. only if beaten will it die mate pukulan agar bisa mati cp. daiq, di (1), >èpiq, ge hèng hèng huler bernafas cepat-cepat, short-winded, pant terengah-engah cp. hopan hèong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hopan hèpun hèpun mèmiq nyamuk mosquito hèpuq—hèru 231 hèpuq hèpuq balaq meluruh, mempreteli, drop, shed, remove, loosen, merontokkan undo, hull 1. hèpuq watar 1. mempreteli biji jagung 1. remove the kernels of maize from the cob 2. imaq >udeq kara 2. satu dahan jangan 2. one branch do not shed hèpuq meluruh, rontok cp. bake, bata, bolaq (1), èhèq, loa (1), mowar, nala, noa, polo, puheq, ohoq, towar hèq see: >ehaq hèqè lama, masih lama long (of time) cp. doa, lela, >oqing, tuan (2) hèqèng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hèqèng wèq hèqèng wèq 1 menonjolkan diri spy 1 thrust oneself forward mendapat kedudukan, in order to get a position, kehormatan honour 2 sombong, congkak 2 conceited cp. baya, helor halor, sokaq salaq, wilor hèqèr hèqèr hèdèq, hèqèr hèping sarapan breakfast, eat breakfast hèqnu see: dèqnu hèrè memotong kecil-kecil, slice thinly, cut into small mengiris tipis-tipis bits hèrè bawang mengiris bawang chop onion cp. haneq, har, hèriq, hodang, kèoq, kuraq, lèring, mèyèq, pate, pipi hèriq memotong sedikit demi cut little by little, slice, clip sedikit, mengerat, mengiris hèriq ling urung memotong kuku tangan clip fi nger nails cp. haneq, hèrè, hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kètèng, kètèq, kuraq, lèring, mayang (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), pipi, tadiq hèru menyentuh luka touch a wound hèru lèi tahan menyentuh luka pada kaki brush a sore on the foot 232 hèrun—hiaq hèrun tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: diqen hèting juling cross eyed mato hèting mata juling cross eyed cp. hekeng, heruq hèwil menyembunyikan dgn hide s.t. in clothes or a cara menyisipkan sst dlm hair bun pakaian atau konde rambut hèwoq mendinginkan, mematikan, cool s.t., extinguish, put memadamkan out 1. hèwoq >api 1. memadamkan api 1. extinguish a fi re 2. hèwoq baq 2. suatu upacara 2. ceremony to cool mendinginkan benda- objects which have been benda yg dipakai mis used, such as a craftsman’s perkakas tukang-tukang tools 3. hèwoq laleng 3. memadamkan marah 3. overcome one’s anger 4. hèwoq pedaq 4. mendinginkan parang 4. cool a bush knife cp. doro (2), poler (1) hèwung hèwung hawaq menjahit sew nèwung tara hèwung menjahit (har jarum bambu sew (lit. bamboo needle we kita pakai untuk menjahit) (in) use to sew) cp. nèwung hian sj burung bersayap hitam k.o. bird dan berekor panjang hian hitiq nyanyian burung ‘hian’ song of the ‘hian’ bird. cp. dai laki, eor (2), ewal, kiki, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang hiang hiang halar manuq lèi hiang terbelah, tercabik split, torn lengthways memanjang parallel chicken legs (after kaki ayam sejajar (setelah the chicken has died in a mati pada waktu ayam chicken sacrifi ce) dikurbankan) cp. birang, hiaq, hiar, kitong hiaq hiaq bètè, hiaq halar membelah dari ujung ke split, divide into two pangkal lengthwise hiaq ai membelah kayu split wood cp. akil, bage, baq (1), baqe, bètè (1), doing, halar, hawaq, hiang, hiar—hideq 233

hiar, hika, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), paqal, piang hiar hiar halar terbelah dgn sendirinya, split open on its own, split terbelah memanjang tapi lengthways against one’s tidak sesuai dgn kemauan intentions cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), doing, halar, hawaq, hiang, hiaq, hika, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), paqal hiba nuo ohaq hiba noq lewat, lalu, berlalu pass, pass by, past, overtake mane dia tidak lewat sini he did not pass by here cp. bahe, hakal, kawen, ketang, sobe hibang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: huneq hibol ~ hibong hibol habol, hibong tersesat be lost habong cp. hidung hibong see: hibol hibuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: habiq hidan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: heuq hidang hidang heki mencuci wash, clean (hands, dishes or house) 1. hidang lamaq 1. mencuci piring 1. wash dishes 2. hidang ling 2. mencuci tangan 2. wash hands cp. bahing, engar, hamur, hiki (1), ilin, mengar, pohoq, wating hideq hideq heping tahan, menahan suffer, endure, fast penderitaan, puasa 1. hideq >umen pasaq 1. tahan sakit (har tahan 1. endure illness (lit. endure badang bagian paksa diri) [the] share force oneself) 2. hideq wala 2. penderita 2. sufferer 234 hidir—hiki

cp. atiq, hobol, hodeq, kateng, manga (2), tahang hidir hidir >apan sebelah dari pembelahan, part, half (of s.t. cut setengah lengthwise) cp. lolaq hidung 1 mengasingkan diri, tidak 1 withdraw o.s., not wish to suka berkawan befriend 2 sesat 2 lose one’s way 3 liar 3 wild, shy 1. ledo hidung 1. pergi mengasingkan 1. go and withdraw o.s., diri, tidak berjalan dekat not walk near houses rumah-rumah 2. pan hidung 2. berjalan sesat, tersesat 2. lose one’s way while travelling, lost cp. hibol, iwiq, lier, miang, >otan, otaq hiduq hiduq hamar, hiduq hoir menyéndok eat, spoon s.t. hiduq weren menyéndok kuah spoon broth, soup, sauce cp. niduq, oraq (1), sanedoq higor higor hagor mencerai-beraikan, scatter, disperse menyérak-nyérakkan cp. >alar, bongan (2), elar, hiroq, neler, pehaq, pesaq, piang higur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hegar hika hika kaqar terbelah karena panas burst, split, crack due to heat cp. akil, baq (1), bèti, hiaq, hiar, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lareq, lawaq (2), papaq, pèhuq, piang hikeq ~ hokeq hikeq heliq menyelipkan, terselip wedged or inserted in between cp. dokeq, haba, hèkiq hiki (1) membersihkan wash, clean 1. hiki awar 1. menggosok gigi 1. brush one’s teeth 2. hiki wetuq 2. mencuci bambu tuak 2. clean a palmwine container hiki—hilar 235

cp. bahing, engar, >èmur, hamur, hidang, ilin, mengar, pohoq, wating hiki (2) menyisipkan, memasukkan insert hiki bako memasukkan tembakau put tobacco into a pipe, the ke pipa lower lip cp. dèkiq, dokeq, doleq, hèkiq, >iher, sèkiq hiko hiko tolong melarang spy jangan forbid to follow (advice, mengikuti (ajakan, nasehat, etc.) dsb) 1. hiko hako 1. sembarangan, tidak ada 1. disorganized, messy, aturan; tidak tentu arah dan helter skelter; direction and tujuan intention uncertain 2. nuo hiko >eqi kara 2. dia melarang saya 2. he forbade me to marry uq neq binen mengawini saudara his sister perempuannya cp. riko rako hikol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hèmuq hiku sisi side 1. hiku wana 1. orang yg biasanya 1. right hander memakai tangan kanan dlm bekerja 2. hiku weri 2. kidal, orang yg biasanya 2. left hander memakai tangan kiri cp. >apan, haraq (3), hikun, lèding, narang (1) hikun sebelah, samping side 1. hikun wana 1. sebelah kanan 1. right side 2. hikun weri 2. sebelah kiri 2. left side cp. >apan, haraq (3), hiku, lèding, narang (1) hilaq sj ikan yg putih k.o. white fi sh hilaq meler suara terlalu keras excessively loud voice cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule hilar 1 membelah 1 split hilar manuq nunu 2 kena sayatan yg 2 stretch by slicing memanjang split a chicken’s beak membelah paruh ayam 236 hile—hipur

cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), doing, >èyè, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hika, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), mèyèq, paqal, pate, piang, tahaq hile hile roa terasa pedih kena panas pain from a burn hiling memasukkan benih padi put rice seeds into the pada lubang-lubang tanah earth hingoq hingoq hangoq terbelah atau terbuka, split, crack, emerge, break merekah (spt bunga open (as fl owers do) merekah) >uan hingoq buah merekah the fruit emerges cp. akil, bake, baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), bèti, bito, bokur, bukaq (1), ebul, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hika, hilar, hoal, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), lareq, momol, mowar, newar, ohoq, papaq, paqal, pèhuq, pengar, piang, totor, towar hioq hioq kaoq memekik scream, yell, shout cp. bayaq, bohang, kioq, maka (1), ong, soraq, weqal, wile hipan memasang pasak pada kayu attach a peg to wood hipaq hipaq hapang membantu kawan dlm help a friend in a fi ght perkelahian hipe bertunas sprout hipe kole bèhu buel banyak keturunan (har many descendants (lit. bertunas seluruh, meletus sprout throughout, explode sekelilingi all around) cp. dolor, hoal, matan, >ubuq, wiqil hipen anak tongkol jagung yg small ear of maize attached menempel pada tongkol to a larger ear induk hipur hipur hapur sipi, luput, hampir kena narrowly miss, just miss the sasaran target hiqung—hiwoq 237 hiqung see: >iqung hiqur see: >iqur hir (1) hir bur tempias. memercik sprinkle cp. hotaq, lang (1), louq, paoq (1), rehiq hir (2) terbang ke sinike sana fl y here and there hira hira bèti, hira haer terbelah kena panas (spt crack or break (because of kacang yg dikeringkan) heat, like dried beans) hiroq hiroq haroq membongkar, merombak, spill, demolish, scatter, mencerai, tercerai dispersed, spill cp. >alar, baoq, baqung (1), baqung (2), bogar, bokar, bongan (2), doing, doke, eaq, elar, haoq (1), higor, homaq, kètiq, lahaq, lataq, lodo (2), luruq, neler, pehaq, pesaq, piang, >oliq (1), rèpè, tatang hiteng hiteng potaq meludah spit cp. >ar, bubur, >iyuq, miyuq, potaq hitiq hitiq hoyan 1 mengajak 1 invite, ask, urge, challenge 2 bunyi burung ‘hian’ 2 sound of the ‘hian’ bird Ande hitiq Kewa nore Ande mengajak Kewa dan Ande urged Kewa and Areq ma suo awe wèq Areq berkelahi Areq to fi ght cp. >ameq (1), dahang (1), dahuq, doha, hoyan, lata, naku, taping (1) hitoq menuas, mengungkit lever s.t. up cp. nitoq (1), noing hiuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muqu hiwoq gusar, panas hati angry botin hiwoq merasa hati panas (har angry (lit. stomach hot) perut panas) 238 hoal—hoba

cp. bahuq, bekeq, buren, marang, pana, rahe, rihuq hoal keluar dari sst emerge, sprout, jump up, out hoal bèlè laleng keu keluar dari dlm come out from within cp. bokur, ebul, hingoq, hipe, matan, momol, totor, >ubuq, wiqil hoang mencuat stick up awar hoang gigi yg mencuat keluar teeth which stick up hoaq (1) hoaq >èting barang goods, things, belongings cp. modal hoaq (2) bakul, keranjang yg large basket woven from dianyam dari daun lontar lontar palm leaves 1. deseq hoaq lilin, hoaq 1. kotak sirih-pinang atau 1. betel basket or small lilin keranjang kecil bertali yg basket with a cord so that digantungkan pada bahu it may be hung over the shoulder 2. hoaq dongoq 2. bakul atau keranjang 2. large basket carried on besar yg digantungkan di one’s back supported by a belakang badan dgn tali yg strap across the forehead dipasang di dahi 3. hoaq likaq 3. bakul bertali yg 3. large basket with a string digantungkan pada bahu to be carried over the shoulder 4. hoaq lilin sebeng 4. keranjang yg dipakai 4. basket used to collect untuk mencari kerang dan shell fi sh and seaweed rumput laut 5. hoaq mènun 5. keranjang kecil yg 5. small basket, often with seringkali diberi bertali a string, to be carried over untuk digantungkan pada the shoulder bahu 6. hoaq obor 6. bakul berkembung 6. enlarged basket 7. hoaq olor 7. keranjang yg bentuknya 7. a basket shaped like a spt guling Dutch wife 8. hoaq tobal 8. bakul atau keranjang 8. a basket without a tanpa tali carrying strap 9. hoaq tukur 9. keranjang yg dijahit 9. basket with its mouth mulutnya sewed shut cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal hoba menutup dgn tutupan cover with a lid cp. balètuq, bong (2), bongoq, boran (1), bowong (2), leti, lètuq, hobaq—hodaq 239

loiq, lotuq, mongoq, pataq, pèrèng, uwe (1) hobaq hobaq bawar mati waktu melahirkan die in childbirth bua hobaq bawar mati sesudah melahirkan die after giving birth hobel hobel pèting menyambung ikatan add, connect hobel wadeq menyambung tali add a length of cord to another cp. dauq, henang hoding (2), hudeq, nalan, potal, taho, tulung hobi hobi hungan nafas dlm deep breath cp. >ipo, nèin hobing anak kambing yg tidak kid that does not want to mau menyusu induknya be fed by its mother hobol tahan, menahan sst pada hold, restrain s.t. at its bahagian bawahnya spy bottom to keep it from jangan terjatuh, menyangga falling, parry cp. atiq, hideq, hodeq, kateng, manga (2), tahang hobong membuang muka spy turn one’s face aside so as jangan melihat not to see, look away hobu ke atas ke tempat tinggi towards a place high above 1. kakaq hobu 1. melempar jauh ke atas 1. throw far above 2. pane hobu 2. memanah ke atas ke 2. shoot an arrow up high tempat tinggi cp. hode hodang ~ hodaq mengiris, memenggal, slice, cut off, chop, cut to memancung pieces, behead 1. hodang tua 1. mengiris mayang lontar 1. slice the spadix in palm untuk menyadap tuak tapping 2. hodang tubar 2. memenggal kepala 2. decapitate cp. bel, bètè (1), bètèn, haneq, hèrè, hèriq, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), koq (2), kuraq, lapuq, lèring, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), pèriq, pipi, tadiq, tia, tual, wèngèl hodaq see: hodang 240 hode—hoding hode membuang ke atas throw upwards

cp. Hobu hodeng memakai destar, ikat kepala wrap a head cloth around the head 1. kuq neq nodeng 1. ambil destar dan ikatkan 1. take the head cloth and hodeng >ote tubar di kepala wrap it around the head 2. nodeng tara hodeng 2. menutupi kepala (har 2. cover the head (lit. head destar kita pakai untuk cloth we [in] use to cover menutupi kepala) the head) cp. nodeng hodeq hodeq baru, hodeq kopaq hodeq kopaq toang banger tongkat, menopang sst spy support s.t. so that it does jangan jatuh ke bawah, not fall, pull s.t. so that it menahan, menahan sst spy returns to position, wait kembali ke posisi semula, menunggu cp. atiq, banger (2), duqa, hideq, hobol, honing, hudeq, kala duqa, kateng, kopaq, lapa (1), likoq, luni, manga (2), moboq, nading, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, pakang, pohing, sapang (2), tahang, tanukoq, toang, todeq, tukoq, wenger banger (2) hoder dapat menerima, dapat able to take, able to hold bertahan out botin hoder perut dapat bertahan stomach can take (the food) cp. ka hodi menerima dgn alat (mis receive into, via s.t. (e.g. tangan, ember) hands, a bucket, etc.) cp. hen, liwuq, todi, toti hoding (1) menyambar strike, attack, spread rapidly tutung hoding api menyambar fi re spreads rapidly cp. awang, bating, bèngè, bewaq, dèkur, dètol, hoqol, howe, >iwaq, lekaq, muqang, paluq, tèqè, waku (1), walaq (1) hoding (2) hoding holo menyambung continue, go on (in conversation) hodong—hokal 241

cp. dauq, hoding (2), hobel hodong hodong kotiq melenting, terpelating bounce, fl ung back, fl ung kembali, terpental kembali away, catapult back cp. dotel, heler, hetuq hoduq menurun tajam, amat sharp descent, steep decline menurun ling hoduq bagian lengan dekat siku part of the arm near the elbow cp. wongun hoe membuka ikatan, open, untie a knotted or menguraikan belitan tali twisted rope hoe >utang menebus utang redeem a debt cp. akil, bake, biloq, bukaq (1), mowar, nala, newar, noa, ohoq, pengar, pèting, polo, rio, tan, towar hoeq hoeq laleq hoeq laleq bara nawing pesta party, feast, festivity hoeq laleq rame rokan pesta ramai sekali the feast was very lively cp. hayaq hoi ijuk palm fi bre from the sugar palm cp. rèki hoing hoing ata, hoing kahin menyuruh call, summon, order, tell to 1. hoing dahang 1. meminta 1. request 2. hoing doq wèru keu 2. menuruh ke bawah, yg 2. summon below, the new baru naik arise 3. hoing kahin 3. menyuruh 3. summon 4. nuo hoing maqe pan 4. dia suruh spy kami pergi 4. he tells us (ex) to leave cp. hoyan, lata, pareta, tuben, >uda hoir mengambil dari bawah take from below cp. hiduq, holo hoka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ian, puaq hokal beriak, bergelombang rippled, wavy tahiq hokal laut beriak, laut rippled sea, wavy sea bergelombang cp. manulong, >ubaq 242 hokeq—holang hokeq see: hikeq hokil mencungkil sst untuk dig out s.t. to throw it dibuang, dipindahkan away, move it cp. doing, doiq (2), dokil, holiq, hoqi, hulur, kamunger, >oliq (1), tokil hoko (1) hoko tebeq bangun wake up, get up, rise 1. hoko dèqnu >eqa 1. bangunlah, hari sudah 1. get up, it is light already niho dèq terang 2. hoko >èyèng 2. besok pagi (har bangun 2. early tomorrow morning pagi) (lit. rise in the morning) 3. mukel mekel hoko 3. berusaha bangun 3. try to get up cp. batong, bohor (1), eu, hubaq, humoq, keu, koqal, moruq, tèqèl hoko (2) hoko haraq bertemu tiba-tiba, meet, come across, see mendadak bertemu suddenly, unexpectedly hoko wawi bè >otan ketemu babi di hutan come across a pig secara tiba-tiba unexpectedly in the forest hokor hokor homing meracuni (makanan atau poison (food or drink) minuman) cp. tua (3) hokuq melompat-lompat gallop (sehingga beban di atas pundak melenting) bèyèng hokuq lari sambil melompat gallop cp. hetuq, opoq (2), poti hola hola hateq jemu, tidak ada lagi nafsu tired, exhausted, worn out wèq hola badan lemah, sakit one’s body is weak, ill cp. hopan, meleng, pètung, toka, >uhaq holang 1 melawan pembicaraan 1 oppose, disagree lawan, tidak setuju 2 tidak selesai mengerjakan 2 not fi nish work in the kebun pada musim tanam, fi elds during the planting karena tidak mampu lagi season because no longer strong enough 1. te tutuq oyoq neqe 1. bila kita berbicara dia 1. when we talk he always bèyo holang kohaq selalu membantah disagrees 2. neq >eqa holangne 2. kebunnya tidak selesai 2. his fi eld has not been dikerjakan completely prepared cp. holeq (3), lawang (2), >ulaq (1) holaq—holo 243 holaq holaq haping patah, memetik tangkai pick, break, break off a daun branch holaq haping motong memetik daun merunggai, pick the leaves of Moringa kélor (Moringa oleifera) oleifera cp. bèti, bihar, bikil, boliq (1), buteq, doke, iteq, kakal, kètèng, kètèq, lèhèq, lubaq, mupeq, muta, papal, peaq, pesaq, poruq, puleq, topeq (1), uta hole hole mai tanda pemberhentian sign to stop playing gongs musik gong gendang and drums holeng holeng loman lemah karena kurang weakness because of makan malnourishment witing holeng loman kambing yg lemah oleh goat which is weak because karena kelaparan of lack of food holeq (1) terkilir, keseléo sprain cp. hongaq holeq (2) 1 pantulan bunyi, 1 echo siponggang, gaung, gema 2 meniru 2 imitate cp. doriq, naka (1), piring holeq (3) melawan oppose cp. hèlèq, holang, lawang (2), >ulaq (1) holeq (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dokeq holiq holiq hokil mencungkil untuk dig or gouge out mengeluarkan sst dari tempatnya cp. bata, >oliq (1) holo holo hoir menjawab, menyambung reply, answer, respond, continue 1. holo holo 1. menanggapi 1. respond 2. holo nute tapan 2. menjawab perkataan 2. answer the words toyeq 3. holo toyeq 3. menyambung 3. respond to the pembicaraan conversation, give a speech cp. hoding (2), tali, tapan 244 holong—hongen holong menolak, mendorong push back (such as pushing mundur (spt menolak a boat back in order to perahu untuk mundur avoid an obstacle in front karena di haluan ada batu) of it) cp. hèbiq homaq homaq huduq tumpah, menumpahkan spill 1. homaq utan buyaq 1. menumpahkan kacang 1. spill white beans (a stage putih (dlm upacara in the funeral ceremony) penguburan) 2. wèi liwaq loqan ma 2. air kelebihan sehingga 2. there was too much >iheq homaq sebagianya tumpah water so that some spilled cp. baoq, haoq (1) hiroq, kètiq, lodo (2), luruq homeng mendapati beban, tugas, receive a burden, task, tanggung jawab yg tidak responsibility unexpectely diduga sebelumnya >ei >oweq paq ketika saya ke sana, saya when I went there, I was homeng ko ai moten diberi tugas memikul satu given the task of carrying a >udeq ikat kayu bundle of (fi re) wood cp. dapaq, raheq, ruang, ruten, yadi homing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hokor homong buncit protruding botin homong perut membuncit stomach protrudes cp. duyuq, hoyong hon longgar loose, slack, lax 1. hon wadeq 1. melonggarkan ikatan 1. loosen a knot 2. hon wèq 2. istirahat 2. relax cp. doyung, èhèq, leka, loq (2), nala, noa, oq hong memasang ranjau dari place bamboo spiked bambu booby traps (set around village to wound enemy) hong oni auq laleng memasang ranjau dari place bamboo spikes bambu yg tersembunyi dlm hidden in the earth tanah cp. long (1) hongaq terkilir sprained ling hongaq tangan terkilir sprained arm cp. holeq (1) hongen hongen lira menambatkan, mengikat tie, tie up, bind 1. hongen wawi 1. mengikat babi 1. tie up a pig 2. hongen witing 2. mengikat kambing 2. tie up a goat hongi—hoq 245

3. wadeqne hongen 3. tali ini kuat mengikat 3. this rope binds fi rmly manga cp. howeq, lera (1), pèting hongi pelayaran kora-kora untuk voyages of warfare by kora pergi berperang, armada kora, war fl eet laut cp. buaq, kawe (1), layar hongo hongo rongoq membangun pondok build a hut hongo rongoq banger membangun pondok untuk build a hide to wait for manuq menunggui ayam chicken cp. hebi honing alas, mengalas (mis kaki support (e.g. a table or meja atau kursi spy sama chair leg so that all are the tinggi), mengganjal same height), wedge 1. noning tara honing 1. mengalas (har batu alasan 1. support (lit. base stone kita pakai untuk mengalas) we (in) use to support) 2. waq honing 2. batu alas 2. stone support cp. hodeq, hudeq, huka, lapa (1), latang (1), likaq (1), likoq, luni, lunin, mèi, moboq, nedang, nodeq, noning, nukoq, pohing, tanukoq, tukoq hopan hopan hèong, hopan hola merasa lelah, melelahkan, weak, tired, exhausted, pant terengah-engah 1. hopan hèng 1. merasa lelah disertai dgn 1. feel tired accompanied terengah-engah by panting 2. hopan kioq 2. nafas mengi, bernafas 2. breathe while making a disertai bunyi whistling sound (caused by holes in the lungs due to tuberculosis) cp. boqor, hèng, hola, meleng, pètung, toka hope menghasut berkelahi incite to fi ght hoq hoq hakuq mencampur (dua macam mix (two kinds of food or makanan atau minuman), drink), mixed campur baur 1. a hoq min hakuq 1. minum dan makan 1. eat and drink mixed makanan dan minuman yg food and drink dicampur 2. hoq-i 2. mencampurkan sst 2. mix it (food or drink) (makanan atau minuman) cp. dawur, kehoq (1), walaq (2), waur 246 hoqi—horiq hoqi mengangkut dari bawah, lift, lift up (using a shovel), mencungkil pakai sekop, scoop up mengeduk noqi tara hoqi memancing (har pukat kita catch fi sh in a net (lit. pakai untuk mengangkut fi shing net we [in] use to dari bawah) lift from below) cp. batong, bitiq, bote, doiq (2), dokil, hèliq, hokil, holiq, hulur, noqi, >oliq (1), tokilr, noqi, >oliq (1), tokil hoqol hoqol dètol, hoqol noqol memalu, mengetuk tong- strike, play a percussive tong, kentongan instrument kara hoqol noqol, kara jangan memberitakan, do not tell, do not make dètol lawaq jangan mengumumkan (har known (lit. do not beat the jangan memalu kentong, alarm drum, do not pound jangan mengetuk upih the areca palm infl oresence pinang) sheath) cp. awang, bating, bèngè, dang, hoding, hoqol, lekaq, lèduq, nètol, noqol, paluq, tèqè, toq, walaq (1) hora mata penghormatan honour cp. adaq, padang horan horan moran menimbun sampah pile up rubbish horaq horaq hawing menyambut, menjemput meet, receive, fetch s.o. horaq tuber nawaq menjemput nyawa receive the soul hore hore kelung mengisi, mengisi wadah, pour, fi ll, fi ll a basin, menumpahkan sst ke dlm transfer into another tempat yg lain container tuaq bahe dèq, hore tuaknya habis, isi lagi the palmwine is fi nished, watiq pour more (into the bamboo container) cp. bèi, hoyoq, >ihi, >ihin, luruq, mègung, pihing, rèq horiq (1) horiq hayong mengusir, menghalau expel, evict, chase away cp. boha, burang, dèhuq, ding, diyu, horiq, ruten horiq (2) terus, selalu, berulang constantly, always, repeatedly 1. horiq horiq 1. terus-menerus, berulang- 1. always, continually ulang horong—hoti 247

2. horiq kohaq 2. terus selalu, terus saja, 2. always continue, just selalu saja continue, just always 3. nuo >adan >akaq 3. dia datang terus-menerus 3. he constantly comes horiq horiq cp. koloq, tèru horong menonjol ke luar (spt stick out, protrude (as a tanjung) cape) imen rian woiq horong tua dan besar (har dagu fully grown (lit. large lower taran ria besar, tanduk menonjol, jaw, protruding horns, large tanduk besar) horns) cp. hoyong, kongar horoq (1) melubangi bambu (untuk make holes in bambu ikatan tali) (through which to tie a cord) 1. horoq nureng, horoq 1. melubangi suling 1. make holes in a fl ute pèku 2. horoq wetuq 2. melubangi bambu tuak 2. make holes in a (untuk ikatan tali) palmwine container (for attaching a cord) horoq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nope horuq horuq dera, horuq tokaq mendorong, mencolok, push, prod at s.t. with a menusuk dgn batang kayu pole to knock it down 1. horuq taq 1. mencolok kelapa 1. prod a coconut 2. horuq tene 2. mendorong perahu 2. push a boat 3. noruq tara horuq 3. mencolok (har alat yg 3. prod (lit. device we [in] kita pakai spy mencolok) use to prod) cp. bakeq, daraq, dokur, >ènèq, noruq, tokaq, tuhuq, tukoq hotaq hotaq behi siram, menyiram air pour water on s.t., sprinkle memakai tangan hotaq wèq saling menyiram air splash water on each other (sesudah pesta) (after a feast) cp. habur, hir (1), lang (1), louq, paoq (1), rehiq hoteng datang, tiba arrive, come 1. hoteng naiq wayong 1. datang cepat dgn 1. come rapidly swaying pèlèr melenggang the arms 2. nape hoteng 2. baru tiba, baru muncul 2. just arrived cp. >adan, kanehing hoti menadah (air hujan dsb) store, collect (e.g. rain water) cp. ahuq, èping, loman, mae, muqeng, nèpè, noti, puli, todi, toti 248 houq—hoyoq houq houq olor lurus straight cp. lonu, lour, milir, mulang (1), oleng, pèlèr, potong, ueng (1), wolang howan ibu anak haram mother of an illegitimate child >anaq howan anak haram bastard cp. nowan howe menyambar strike one after the other pane howe panah menyambar strike with arrows cp. hoding (1) howeq mengikat, menyambung tie, bind, splice ropes tali-tali howeq wadeq >utuq mengikat ujung tali tie the end of the rope cp. bun, hongen, lera (1), likur, mowaq, panga, pètèq, pèting, pu (2), rake (1), >uleng, >uyung hoyan hoyan bating mengajak invite, ask, urge, challenge, summon Ida hoyan bating >eqi Ida mengajak saya ke pasar Ida invited me to go to the pan >ul market cp. >ameq, dahang (1), dahuq, hitiq, hoing, lata, naku, takang (2), tode hoyaq hoyaq hapiq memotong daun (dgn cut, slice leaves (with a pisau) knife) cp. bel, >èyè, haneq, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hèriq, hodang, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuraq, kuting, lapuq, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), nuteq, >ohi, >ohor, pate, pipi, piq, tadiq, tia hoyong buncit protrude botin hoyong perut membuncit stomach protrudes cp. duyuq, homong, horong, kongar, tedal hoyoq hoyoq leran hoyoq leran libur behiq mengisi, memuat put in, contain, load 1. hoyoq >ate diqen 1. memuat manusia 1. carry, contain people 2. hoyoq daten 2. tidak termuat 2. not loadable hua—hubiq 249

3. hoyoq hengan 3. mengisi jagung titik ke 3. put crush maize on a dlm piring plate 4. hoyoq moqi leran 4. muati milikmu sendidri 4. load your own moqi cp. hore, >ihi, >ihin, mègung, muaq, noèl, noyoq, papang (2), rèq hua cangkul lurus digging stick, dibble cp. baq (2), dokaq, laqur, nokaq, sangkul huang huang ebel bermain play 1. huang bou 1. permainan kemiri yg 1. candlenut game using memakai kelompok- groups of four nuts each kelompok empat buah kemiri 2. huang dadu 2. bermain dadu 2. game of dice 3. huang diqen 3. untung baik 3. good fortune 4. huang huang 4. main-main 4. play around 5. huang mireq 5. permainan kemiri 5. candlenut game 6. huang patar 6. bermain sambil 6. disgruntled, restless play bersungut-sungut, bermain dgn gelisha 7. huang wala 7. pemain 7. player cp. >ayung, baramaing, kati hubaq hubaq hoko, hubaq koliq rebah, roboh ke tanah, fall, collapse, topple jatuh hubaq mur bare ale mengakui salah (har rebah confess a fault (lit. topple yg benar, memikul yg, the truth, shoulder the salah) untruth) cp. bolaq (1), èhèr, harang (1), koliq, lubaq, luqur, moqang, moruq, oqal, pèhèq, rèhèq, tatang, tawaq, turu hubiq hubiq karaq menyusun stack, pile, arrange in an orderly fashion 1. hubiq hapoq 1. mengisi penuh-penuh 1. fi ll up to the top 2. hubiq karaq watar 2. menyusun, menumpuk 2. stack up ears of maize jagung 3. hubiq lutu 3. menyusun, menumpuk 3. stack up [maize] in [jagung] dlm bilik-bilik the compartments of the lumbung granary cp. bongaq, dalong (1), kahin (3), lotaq, lutur, mongaq, motel, muqeng, nèpè, otuq, >omo, rèbèq, uang 250 hubong—hukur hubong hubong bouq membengkak swell, puff up mato hubong mata bengkak (karena swollen eyes (from crying) menangis) cp. babang, bètèr (2), bokoq, bouq, bowar, >esong, obor, reoq, ubong hudeq hudeq hedang bertumpu, tumpuan, sst yg foothold, support, rest menjadi tempat berpijak, tempat bersandar nèin hudeq tempat harapan bertumpu place of hoped for support cp. dauq, hedang, hobel, hodeq, honing, lapa (1), likoq, luni, moboq, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, pohing, tanukoq, tedaq, tuda, tudeq, tukoq huduq terantuk accidentally bump into huduq lèi kaki terantuk stub a toe cp. homaq, tipoq hueng pusing dizzy huduq hueng pingsan, tidak sadar unconscious cp. bueng, hular, ireq (1), kibo kabo, ueng (2) hueq hueq beriq mengukur, menimbang, measure, weigh menggantang 1. hueq toyeq 1. menimbang salah benar 1. weighing, judging right sst perkara dlm pengadilan or wrong of a certain case in court 2. nueq tara hueq 2. mengukur, menimbang 2. measure, weigh (lit. (har ukuran kita pakai measure we [in] use to untuk mengukur, measure, scales we [in] use timbangan kita pakai untuk to weigh) menimbang) cp. bading, ganatang, gatang, nibang, nueq (1), soba (1), tibang, ukur huka huka honing menyelimuti diri wrap o.s. in a blanket seluruhnya cp. uwe (1) hukung hukung hayiq hukum law hukur berlayar melawan arus dan sail against the wind and angin current hular—huna 251 hular hular uaq pusing, pingsan, tidak dizzy, fi t, unconscious sadarkan diri cp. bueng, helar, hueng,, ireq (1), kibo kabo, nèlèn, ueng (2) hule hule kawakaq pohon bakau k.o. mangrove tree huler tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hèng huluq mengambil sisa- take, collect left-overs sisa yg ditinggalkan, mengumpulkan sisa-sisa hulur 1 menyelam dlm air 1 dive into water hulur bohur 2 mencungkil (kelapa dsb) 2 use a spoon to scrape (a dgn menggunakan sendok coconut) cp. doiq (2), dokil, hèlèng, hèliq, hokil, holiq, hoqi, >oliq (1), tokil humoq humoq doiq, humoq hoko tersungkur, jatuh lift with the snout, fall on tertelungkup one’s face wawi humoq doiq babi tersunkur the pig lifts with its snout huna huna walur, huna wetaq rumah house 1. huna hale 1. rumah keramat kampung 1. village temple 2. huna hering 2. rumah yg tidak ada 2. house without house tiangnya posts 3. huna laleng 3. dlm rumah 3. inside the house 4. huna lelang lipu 4. rumah suku, balai bambu 4. clan ceremonial temple, dahar bamboo platform 5. huna maren 5. rumah keramat 5. ceremonial temple 6. huna maten 6. rumah untuk menaruh 6. house for laying out mayat corpse 7. huna ne murun 7. roh rumah 7. spirit of the house 8. huna nimon 8. roh yg melindungi 8. guardian spirit of the rumah house 9. huna obi 9. luar rumah 9. outside the house 10. huna rian 10. rumah besar 10. large house 11. huna rongoq 11. rumah rendah, yg 11. house whose roof atapnya sampai ke tanah comes down to the ground 12. huna suku 12. rumah suku 12. clan temple 13. huna tangen wetaq 13. rumah baru (har rumah 13. new house (lit. house werun mentah rumah baru) unripe house new) 14. huna >uliq 14. bekas rumah, tempat 14. place of the house rumah 15. huna >uneq 15. tempat yg ada pada 15. side of the house facing sebelah laut dari rumah the sea 252 huneng—huraq

16. huna weloq 16. pintu rumah 16. house door 17. huna wowo 17. rumah keramat 17. temple cp. suku huneng huneng dongoq menjunjung carry on the head huneng ling sedih karena memberi sad because not given a hadiah tetapi tidak diberi return gift (lit. carry hands balasan hadiah (har on the head) menjunjung tangan) huneq huneq bae, huneq hibang membalik, terbalik kepala reverse, upside down ke bawah kaki ke atas, pangkal ke atas ujung ke bawah huneq koloq perbuatan sumbang (har incest (lit. turn upside membalikkan) down) cp. baleq, baliq (2), batong, koloq, lenga, puer, >ulaq (2) hungan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hobi, lobe (1) hupeng suatu cara menyambung, connect two things by dgn memasukkan ujung putting a part of one into benda yg satu ke dlm the other’s hole rongga benda yg lain hupoq menyumbat mulut sst close the mouth of an object huq sama panjang dgn suatu length matching a certain ukuran, depa measurement, fathom cp. dagang, dèpè huqi huqi mapur manaruh makanan di batu put food on a fl at ceper sakral ceremonial stone huqu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: huqu haqa huqu haqa 1 menaruh barang 1 put things down without sembarangan order 2 banyak kesulitan, banyak 2 many troubles, many rintangan, banyak halangan obstacles cp. ikol, nikol huraq huraq harang, huraq hali, huraq libur 1 mencipta, mengadakan 1 create, bring about 2 mengukir 2 carve hureng—huwer 253

3 menulis, menggambar 3 write, draw 1. huraq >ate diqen 1. menciptakan orang, 1. create human beings, harang manusia membuat manusia make people 2. huraq wala 2. pencipta 2. creator 3. suraq noq sio neti 3. siapa yg menulis surat 3. who wrote this letter? huraqi? ini? cp. hapiq, laba, libur, nuraq, suraq, tuli hureng (1) 1 bunyi suling 1 sound of a fl ute 2 melagukan syair atau 2 recite poetry or verse to pantun untuk menyatakan express one’s love perasaan cinta cp. >eng, nureng hureng (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: babang huriq (1) huriq hapiq pedang, kelewang, pedang sword, sabre, weaving kayu untuk mengetuk sword tenunan cp. haur, pedaq huriq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mude huwaq mengikatkan ke sepotong tie to a piece of wood kayu cp. nuwaq huwer menyembunyikan atau hide or store s.t. in the menyimpan sst dlm shrubbery, slip under rerumputan, menyisipkan di bawah I i suatu ungkapan yg expression of ignorance menyatakan kurang tahu nuo pandèqne? I dia sudah berangkat? has he already left? I do Entahlah not know

-i dia (morfem terikat, kata he, she, it (bound ganti, 3t) morpheme, personal pronoun, 3sg) 1. nuo butene, doq 1. dia tidur, tiba-tiba dia 1. he slept, (then) suddenly doq nuo hokoqi. Eeh, bangun. Nah, sekarang dia got up. Why, now he has buteqi watiq tidur lagi fallen asleep again! 2. koq senter bikili 2. sénter saya rusak 2. my fl ashlight got broken cp. ‘-u’ for full paradigm, -ne ia ia doka warna biru pada bagian yg blue color on a swelling bengkak (karena memar) (because of bruising) ian ian hoka saya tinggal {tasrif: 1t I stay, remain {paradigm: ‘ian’, 2t ‘mian’, 3t ‘nian’, 1j 1sg ‘ian’, 2sg ‘mian’, 3sg eks ‘mian’, 1j in ‘tian’, 2j ‘nian’, 1pl ex ‘mian’, 1pl in ‘mian’, 3j ‘sian’} ‘tian’, 2pl ‘mian’, 3pl ‘sian’} >eqi ian ohaq panu saya tinggal, saya tidak I am staying, I am not pergi going cp. laer, puaq ibung tenunan dari daun gebang weaving from gebang palm (untuk layar, dsb) leaf (for a sail, etc.) ida tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mayar iden (1) iden mawaq yatim piatu, janda, duda orphaned, widowed 1. >anaq iden 1. anak yatim piatu 1. orphan 2. ebe iden areq mawaq 2. pemuda yatim pemudi 2. orphaned boy orphaned piatu girl 3. iden >ate rian 3. janda 3. widow 4. iden inaq mawaq 4. piatu 4. orphan mamaq 5. iden wèq rian 5. duda 5. widower iden (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muqu idi—ikaq 255 idi aduh, seruan waktu groan of pain or illness mengerang kesakitan cp. ido, idoq, >ido, katiq idir ~ eder idir lekoq, idir pèq miring aslant, askew tebeq eder, tebeq idir duduk miring sit at a slant cp. hepaq, iring, tedaq ido keluhan waktu mengerang moan of pain or illness kesakitan cp. dareng, >èqè, idi, idoq, >ido, nahing, ode idoq aduh!, mengeluh dan ouch!, ow!, alas, sigh mengaduh cp. dareng, >èqè, idi, ido, >ido, nahing, ode ier see: iqer ihen ihen ahan kecil serupa telur kutu small like lice eggs utu ihen telur kutu lice eggs cp. utu (2) ihi ihi wahe sj kacang k.o. bean cp. aha, inar, omaq, rowe, >utan, >uye, wahe iho kecewa disappoint, disappointed 1. >ei ihoqu 1. saya kecewa 1. I am disappointed 2. ihoqo? 2. engkau kecewa? 2. are you disappointed? cp. kèku, kuyung, mohang ikang (1) ikang kakaq, ikang sue kembar twins >anaq ikang anak kembar twins ikang (2) ~ ikaq ikang kakaq, ikaq kakaq bercabang branched 1. deseq odo ikang 1. kotak anyaman dgn 1. basket with many raised banyak ujung di bagian points on its rim (lit. basket lingkar alasnya (har kotak with a branched bottom) dgn pantat bercabang) 2. lala ikaq 2. jalan bercabang 2. a branched road 3. tèin ikang 3. usus yg bercabang 3. branched intestines cp. wikaq ikaq see: ikang (2) 256 ikol—ilin ikol ikol akol aral, halangan, rintangan obstruction, hindrance nuo nema pan paq bèq dia mau berangkat tapi he wanted to leave but ikol akol rehing banyak sekali halangan there were many obstacles cp. huqu haqa, nadan, nikol, tikol ikoq ikoq dei ikoq dei tomo tauq ikut, menuruti, mentaati follow, obey cp. dori, dukiq, neten, todu ila ila latong, ila mawang cincin untuk jari tangan fi nger ring 1. ila lèin 1. sj jamur yg dapat 1. an edible mushroom dimakan dan tumbuh pada which grows on the musim hujan ground in the rainy season 2. ila topeq bang rewaq 2. cincin pecah, kalung 2. ring fracture, necklace putus break 3. poruq ila 3. mengeluarkan cincin 3. slip a ring off dari jari tangan cp. bang ilang hilang disappear tibul tibul ilang ilang keturunan hilang (har descent line disappears menurunkan menurunkan (lit. procreate procreate hilang hilang) disappear disappear) cp. kèpuq, rawa (1), toiq ilaq ~ dilaq ~ kilaq ~ nilaq dilaq holong, dilaq >olong, 1 halilintar 1 fl ash of lightning nilaq kilaq 2 berkilauan, kilat, berkilat, 2 sparkle, shine brightly, mengilat fl ash, shine, sparkle, glitter, gleam kilaq kole kole kilat di sana-sini fl ash of lightning all around cp. bohor (2), dolang, hange, ilaq, kelaq, kilong, lair, naru, >olor, tado ila wai burung punai small wild pigeon ilin ilin pelin 1 jernih, bersih, tidak 1 pure, clean, not stained bercela 2 tenang, teduh 2 calm, quiet 1. >eqa ilin 1. keadaan tenang (tidak 1. calm conditions (no ada angin, dsb) wind, etc.) 2. tahiq ilin 2. air laut tenang 2. calm sea 3. wèi ilin 3. air jernih, air bersih 3. pure water, clean water cp. engar, ere (1), hamur, hidang, hiki (1), inoq, lora (1), mengar, nueng, patang (2), pohoq, wating iloq—in 257 iloq iloq aloq basah wet cp. doroq, pitaq, ritaq imang (1) imam Muslim priest labur imang baju imam priest’s shirt imang (2) bergandengan, berpasangan side by side, paired imang taq mengikat kelapa spy tie coconuts in pairs bergandengan, berpasangan cp. >eq, labur, munaq (2), nikaq, papang (2), tang, tawe (4), tèdèq, tode ime siput tiram oyster ime lèi sj siput, Cypraea tigris, Linn. tiger cowrie, Cypraea tigris Linn. cp. nèlèq imen ~ imeq imen oroq, imeq oroq dagu, rahang bawah, paruh chin, lower jaw, lower beak bawah imeq see: imen imiq jantung pisang blossom of banana imu imu sabeq kumis mustache 1. iteq imu 1. mencabutt kumis 1. pluck the mustache 2. imu mayaq 2. rambut jagung yg kering 2. dried maize tassels, maize at the stage when the tassels have dried 3. kobar imu sabeq 3. mencukur kumis dan 3. shave mustache and janggut beard 4. watar imu 4. kumis jagung, rambut 4. maize tassels jagung in in a 1 saya minum 1 I drink 2 saya isap {tasrif: 1t ‘in’, 2t 2 I suck, I smoke ‘min’, 3t ‘nin’, 1j eks ‘min’, {paradigm: 1sg ‘in’, 2sg 1j in ‘tin’, 2j ‘min’, 3j ‘sin} ‘min’, 3sg ‘nin’, 1pl ex ‘min’, 1pl in ‘tin’, 2pl ‘min’, 3pl ‘sin} 1. in a ko wèi >iheq 1. saya minum air sedikit 1. I drink a little water 2. in bako 2. saya mengisap rokok 2. I smoke tobacco 3. in bako piling 3. saya mengisap tembakau 3. I smoke without kosong chewing betel quid cp. bènuq, dihil, duhu, dumeq, dupeng, dure, duyeng, rubu 258 inaq—inoq inaq inaq mamaq ungkapan untuk term of address for ‘ine’; memanggil ibu term of address for all elder women; term of address for all females cp. ine, >ino inar inar omaq sj kacang hutan yg kulitnya k.o. wild bean, the hairs of amat gatal which cause itching inar loleng nèyèng jikalau kacang hutan if the wild beans are deniq tergantung batas waktu hanging over, the seasonal sudah dekat change is near cp. aha, ihi, omaq, rowe, >utan, >uye, wahe ine pangkat ibu dlm keluarga the category which includes mother, mother’s sister, father’s brother’s wife and comparable relatives 1. ine ame 1. laki-laki generasi tua 1. the elder generations dalam marga of males in one’s clan or a clan of the same structural position and their wives 2. ine neheq 2. ibu yg lain dlm keluarga 2. genealogical distant ‘ine’ (jadi bukan ibu kandung) (not the biological mother) 3. ine roho ame roho 3. kasih ibu, kasih bapak 3. love mother, love father cp. inaq, >inan ing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ing muli inga tangkai buah stem cp. abun (1), ain, >olen ingin ingin bokan, ingin boqan basi rotten, stale, bad watar ingin boqan jagung sudah basi this maize is already rotten cp. buruq, daten, rèhuq (1), taha ingiq ingiq laiq terasing, sendirian isolated, alone mader ingiq berdiri terasing, berdiri stand in isolation, stand sendirian alone cp. >ehaq, iring, kohaq, kotong, noan, neweng, nimoq, sandiri ing muli berteka-teki riddle cp. eten inoq inoq mai, inoq nuke 1 berhenti, mereda 1 stop, fi nish 2 teduh, tenang 2 calm io—ipil 259

1. nangan nuo bahuq, 1. tadi dia mabuk, sekarang 1. he was drunk, now he noq neq ning mato sudah tenang has calmed down inoq 2. tahiq inoqdèq 2. laut sudah teduh, tenang 2. the sea is calm now 3. >uya inoqdèq 3. hujan sudah berhenti 3. the rain has stopped cp. ere (1), hekaq (1), ilin, ipu, liung, lora (1), nueng, patang (2), poho, woqi io sj ikan, sisiknya merah k.o. fi sh with red scales io ka o, buhu ka o biarlah kamu dimakan ikan may the ‘io’ fi sh eat you, ‘io’, semoga kamu ditelan the ‘buhu’ fi sh eat you (a ikan ‘buhu’ (kata-kata curse) kutukan) cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, ilaq, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule iong (1) iong aong bau air yg tersimpan lama smell of stagnant water iong (2) memberitahukan sst tapi tell s.t. but not at the right tidak pada tempatnya moment ioq ioq waiq uir-uir, jengkerik, berbunyi cicada, cricket, make a spt jengkerik, riang-riang noise like a cricket 1. ioq èpèq 1. sj riang-riang 1. k.o. cicada 2. ioq mie 2. kencing riang-riang 2. cicada urine (water dropping from trees and exuded by locusts in November; this water falls in large amounts, like rain) 3. ioq rian 3. sj riang-riang 3. k.o. cicada cp. ar ataq, boko, waiq (1) ipan kaki seribu, halipan, centipede kelabang, lipan cp. >ela ipaq ipaq mapaq membawa atau memikul carry simultaneously two dua benda secara objects on the right and bergandeng di kiri dan left kanan bare hau ipaq memikul dua bambu secara carry two bamboos on bergendgn satu di kanan either side dan satu di kiri ipil kayu ipil, Intsia bijuga, Intsia k.o. tree, Intsia bijuga, Intsia retusa retusa 260 ipu—ireq ipu ipu bahe habis, selesai fi nish, stop bua ipu bele bahe tidak melahirkan lagi (ibu no longer give birth yg sudah lanjut umur) (because of age) cp. dei, hekaq (1), inoq, lèbu, lèpè, liung, mai, poho iq iq ale saya meniduri, I have sexual intercourse menyetubuhi, bersenggama {paradigm: 1sg ‘iq’, 2sg {tasrif: 1t ‘iq’, 2t ‘miq’, 3t ‘miq’, 3sg ‘niq’, 1pl ex ‘niq’, 1j eks ‘miq’, 1j in ‘miq’, 1pl in ‘tiq’, 2pl ‘miq’, ‘tiq’, 2j ‘miq’, 3j ‘siq’} 3pl ‘siq’} cp. doho, dotaq (2), kowa (1) iqer ~ ier iqer dong, iqer rahaq membeli buy iqer >iqa membeli ikan buy fi sh cp. durung iqil tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oi iqil iqir getah pohon nangka yg sap of the nangka tree rekat (yg dipakai untuk (used as a glue to trap mejerat burung-burung), birds), sticky pus nanah yg melekat cp. apar, nanan irang irang ae, irang radang, irang menyatakan sst dgn shout s.t. to s.o., call ratang, irang ratong teriakan, meyerukan kara irang ae maten jangan menyebut-nyebut do not call the name of s.o. wala seq naya nama orang yg sudah mati who is dead cp. ae, ong, wile iraq iraq pèko sesak nafas (karena ada breathless (because food or makanan atau minuman drink blocks the windpipe), ygmenutupi lubang choke pernapasan), tersedak nin wèi iraq tersedak karena minum air choking because water entered the windpipe ireq (1) ireq nuraq, ireq tokoq 1 lain dari kebiasaan 1 different from normal 2 bercorak lain, berwarna 2 differently formed, warni multicoloured 3 pusing 3 dizzy 1. huang noq bèq ireq 1. permainan ini sungguh 1. this game is truly tokoqne lain dari kebiasaan different ireq—iteng 261

2. ireq bè obi naya ne 2. hiasan pada bagian 2. the decoration on the ‘belang’ sebaliknya mata uang yg back of a coin is called bernama ‘belang’ ‘belang’ 3. ireq weriq 3. a. yg kecil-kecil, b. yg 3. a. that which is very sukar, yg sulit small, b. that which is very diffi cult 4. ning matoku bèq 4. kepalaku pusing 4. I am dizzy ireq tokoq 5. wela noq >akaq ireq 5. sarung ini berwarna- 5. this sarong is tokoq warni multicoloured cp. bueng, galulaq, hueng, hular, kibo kabo, nireq, ueng (2) ireq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wau iri membagai yg tidak sama, divide unevenly, not yg tidak jujur, tidak halal honestly, not permitted [food] iring miring aslant 1. iring pèq 1. anak merah bisa 1. turning over (a stage in bergerak sendiri (tahapan an infant’s development, lit. dlm perkembangan usia aslant, turned over) anak, har miring tiarap) 2. tene iring 2. perahu miring 2. canted boat cp. hepaq, idir, maqo, ode, tedaq irong berteriak, bersorak-sorak cheer, applaud cp. lèpèr, soraq ita tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oyeng ite (1) ~ iter ~ kite sedikit a little 1. dahuq neq tèqu 1. minta garamnya sedikit 1. ask for some of his salt hara ite 2. ka iter iter 2. makan sedikit sekali 2. eat very little cp. hara, >iheq, kileng, >odeng ite (2) pohon rita, pulai, Alstonia rita tree, Alstonia scholaris scholaris ai ite pohon rita rita tree cp. nilung (2) ite (3) ite doling sakit leher karena salah sore neck from sleeping in tidur the wrong position iteng iteng oyor sj ikan k.o. fi sh 262 iteq—iun

cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, ilaq, io, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule iteq iteq puha, iteq rowiq mencubit, mematahkan, pinch, pull off, break off, memetik dgn kuku pluck with the nails 1. iteq anen 1. mematahkan, memetik 1. break off, pick rice with padi dgn kuku the nails 2. iteq luruq 2. upacara memberi 2. fi nal payment of makan arwah orang mati marriage prestations (diadakan sesudah belisnya/ (ceremonial offering of maskawinya lunas, kedua food to the ancestors pihak menanggung after the payment of masing-masing seekor bridewealth; both sides hewan dan makan bersama provide animals and hold untuk meresmikan a communal meal to make hubungan mereka, har the matter offi cial, lit. break patah tuang) [and] spill) 3. iteq imu 3. mencabut kumis 3. pluck the mustache cp. bihar, biliq, bolaq (1), dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >èmèng, holaq, kètèng, kimuq, lapuq, lèhèq, mupeq, puleq, rokaq, topeq (1), tumiq, uta iter see: ite (1) itor itor balong, itor pakoq enggan, tidak suka, tidak dislike, not like, not want mau >ei hoing nuo pan paq saya menyuruhnya pergi I ordered him to go over bèyo itor-ne tapi dia yg di sana itu tidak there, but he would not mau cp. pokaq iu iu daqa memasak, menanak cook, boil makanan Menti bèq mete iu Menti sedang memasak Menti is cooking daqane cp. >apa, bangaq (1), bura, dayuq, hekeq, iun, loeq, lore (2), lunga, nome, patang (1), rawiq, tun iun yg ditanak boiled, s.t. boiled, cooked 1. anen iun 1. nasi yg ditanak 1. boiled rice iwi—iwiq 263

2. watar iun 2. jagung yg ditanak 2. boiled maize cp. iu iwi sj burung darat kecil yg k.o. small land bird biasa terdapat di pohon common in coconut palms kelapa dan bergaul dgn where it associates with the burung ‘mapur’ ‘mapur’ iwiq iwiq miang malu shy kara iwiq miang jangan malu do not be shy cp. hidung, kèkuk, kure, miang >I

>ibo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ibo >abo

>ibo >abo bisu tuli deaf cp. bukeq, èbuq, mung meng

>ida >ida gosu mencet, mencat, paint menggosok cat cp. behaq

>ideq rapat, berapatan close to 1. >ideq wèq 1. berapat-rapatan badan 1. close to each other 2. tebeq >ideq 2. duduk berdekatan 2. sit close to each other cp. depil, mida

>idiq membakar semangat dgn encourage with words, fi re kata-kata, teriakan up, shout at >idiq >au membakar semangat anjing shout at a dog (to bite a dgn kata (teriakan agar pig, etc.) angjing menggigit babi, dsb)

>ido aduh (keluhan waktu moan of pain or illness mengerang kesakitan) cp. idi, ido, idoq

>idoq injak turun trample, trample down cp. >eleq

>ieq (1) see: >iheq

>ieq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ieq tuyan

>ieq tuyan pantas, bagus, indah handsome, nice, beautiful cp. >alu, diqen, lour, meloq

>iheq ~ >ieq (1) ~ >iseq sedikit a little >iheq nau masih ada sedikit a little left cp. hara, ite (1), kileng, >odeng >iher—>ikuq 265

>iher >iher paher, >iher tèdèr masukkan, benamkan insert, sow, cover in earth kedalam tanah atau pasir or sand (as cassava), stick (spt bertanam ubi kayu), into the ground tancapkan, pancang >iher kiqing namur pancang kuat betul stick in really fi rmly cp. behiq, bakeq, dèkiq, doleq, hèkiq, hiki (2), lètèq, sèkiq

>ihi >ihi >ua, >ihi >uan berisi, berbuah contain, be full 1. >ihi wahe 1. sj kacang 1. a kind of bean 2. >ihi wowo 2. omong kosong, mulut 2. talk nonsense, brag, besar, omong yg tidak empty talk berisi 3. >utan bèq >ihi >ua 3. kacang ini sudah 3. these bean plants already dèqne berbuah have beans cp. hore, hoyoq, >ihin, mègung, muaq, >ua

>ihin ~ >ihing ~ >ihiq >ihin bènèn isi, daging contents, meat, fl esh 1. >ihin mayan 1. mata parang 1. blade of a fi eld knife 2. >ihin >uan taqe 2. berbuah, berisi, buah- 2. fl esh of the fruits, ripe bètèr buahan yg masak fruit 3. >ihin weren, >ihin 3. barang-barang berharga 3. valuables (such as gold, weren matan mean (mis emas, perak) silver) 4. pedaq >ihin 4. isi parang, mata parang 4. blade of a fi eld knife cp. dadi, hore, hoyoq, >ihi, mègung, noyoq, >ua, >uan

>ihing see: >ihin

>ihiq see: > ihin

>ikir >ikir bewir menakuti, memperingatkan frighten, cause s.o. to be frightened, warn, admonish suo >ikir teqe kara mereka memperingatkan they warned us (in) not to >oyoq kita agar tidak ke sana go there cp. daqang, haqing, >ingaq, kèlèn, tadaq (1), tungen

>iku >iku todi mengantar orang atau follow s.o. or s.t. to a hewan ke suatu tempat particular place to capture tertentu untuk ditangkap him or it

>ikuq >ikuq pèmèq peras, remas press, knead, squeeze 266 >ilaq—>ilu

>ikuq taq meremas kelapa (agar squeeze coconut meat (to santannya keluar) press out the milk) cp. >amiq, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >ènèq, kiwoq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lusaq lèsuq, pere, peruq, pèmèq, rèbèq, tua (1), >ukuq >èkuq, >uruq

>ilaq 1 penolong bilangan untuk 1 numerical counter for satuan units 2 lebih 2 more 1. pulu >ilaq >udeq 1. sebelas 1. eleven 2. purun sue >ilaq apaq 2. dua puluh empat 2. twenty-four cp. awa, hara, ketang, lebe, liwaq, nehang, riang, uluq, uren

>ileq (1) >ileq >aleq senyum smile cp. memir

>ileq (2) anyaman dari daun lontar pentagonal lontar palm bersegi lima leaf plate

>ileq (3) kaitan hook cp. >akiq, nakiq, nangiq, ongaq, sangiq

>ili >ili woqal gunung mountain 1. >ili >abong 1. orang/penduduk gunung 1. mountain dwellers 2. >ili >apan 2. sebelah gunung 2. behind, at the side of the mountain 3. >ili ayaq 3. pusat gunung 3. centre of the mountain 4. >ili buel; >ili kole 4. sekeliling gunung 4. around the mountain, the villages or villagers all around the mountain 5. >ili kole watan tahiq 5. seluruh Kedang (har 5. all of Kedang (lit. around buel seluruh gunung dan pantai) the mountain, around the shore and the sea) 6. >ili >ubuq 6. puncak gunung 6. mountain peak 7. >ili wowo 7. kawah gunung, mulut 7. mountain’s mouth, crater gunung 8. wela >ukar >ili 8. orang gunung 8. mountain people abong cp. wela (1)

>ilon >ilon malan kelihatan kemilau karena shining because covered kena minyak with oil cp. meluq

>ilu menggosok lubang pantat rub the anus with a stone dgn batu setelah buang air after excreting besar >imur—>inge 267

>imur see: >èmur

>inan >inan ronen induk, ibu female (man or animal), maiden 1. >inan >aman 1. bapak dan ibu asal, 1. forefathers, ancestors nenek moyang 2. >inan >aman mete 2. keturunan sejak nenek 2. ancestors, from the keu moyang ancestors 3. >inan >anaq 3. manusia (har ibu anak) 3. human beings (lit. mother and child) 4. >inan >ehaq 4. seibu, ibu yg sama 4. having the same mother, immediate family 5. >inan muho >anaq 5. teka-teki, busur dan anak 5. a riddle, a bow and pan ka nin panah, atau memanahkan arrow, or to shoot an arrow anak panah (har ibu hamil, (lit. the mother is pregnant, anaknya pergi makan) the child goes to eat) 6. >inan tuli >anaq basa 6. teka teki, ayam dgn 6. a riddle, a hen and anaknya (har ibu menulis, her chicks--i.e., the hen anak membaca) scratches the ground with her feet and the chicks peck the ground afterwards (lit. the mother writes, the children read) cp. ine

>ine >ame pihak pemberi perempuan all members of the wife- kecuali ‘mahan’ giving line except ‘mahan’ wife-givers and wife-takers >ine >ame binen pihak pemberi perempuan maqing dan pihak yg menerima perempuan cp. >èpu, ine

>ine ehoq ~ >ine utun anak perempuan dari father’s sister’s daughter, perempuan dlm marga sister’s husband’s sister, father’s sister’s son’s daughter, sister’s daughter 1. >ine utun ate nimun 1. ‘>ine utun’ saya sendiri 1. genealogically close, or true ‘>ine utun’ 2. >ine utun neheq 2. kemanakan perempuan 2. genealogical distant ‘>ine yg lain dlm keluarga utun’

>ine utun see: >ine ehoq

>ingaq >ingaq kèlèn ingat remember cp. eqing, >ikir, kèlèn, tungen

>inge >inge mange menganga lebar wide open, gaping 268 >ini—>iqa

1. Piter neq lèi tahan 1. luka kaki Piter 1. Peter’s leg wound was >akaq >inge menganga lebar wide open 2. >unga >inge mange 2. luka menganga lebar 2. wide-open wound

>ini ungkapan kata oleh a fi ller, used to interrupt pembicara yg memohon the sentence while kepada pendengar untuk searching for a word or turut melengkapinya waiting for s.o. else to supply it >èi a hengan in...>ini... saya makan jagung titik I eat crushed maize and (tuaq) minum...(tuak) drink...(palmwine)

>ino panggilan anak-anak mother (term of address) kepada ibunya >ino bua >amo kaban ibu melahirkan, bapak mother give birth, father menggendong carry in your arms cp. inaq

>ipeq >ipeq >ereq sesak tight, narrow >ate diqen rai waran banyak orang sehingga there are many people so ma >eqa >air >ipeq tempat penuh sesak that the place is packed >ereq cp. garipoq, hipur, kieq, kiqing, lubiq, manga (1), mèdèq, tudaq, tuku (2)

>ipo nafas, bernafas breath, breathe >au bèq ohaq >ipone anjing ini tidak bernapas this dog no longer breathes lagi cp. duyeng, hobi, nèin, poho, puiq

>ipoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ipoq >apoq

>ipoq >apoq genangan, balong, puddle kubangan cp. tongoq

>ipu >ipu nahaq 1 minyak 1 oil, liquid fat, grease 2 pisang hutan 2 a wild banana 1. >ipu kuhing 1. ampas minyak kelapa 1. sludge left over from making coconut oil 2. >ipu taq 2. minyak kelapa 2. coconut oil 3. >ipu wawi 3. minyak babi 3. pig fat 4. muqu >ipu 4. sj pisang 4. k.o. banana cp. woyaq

>iqa >iqa >elang ikan fi sh 1. >iqa ayang 1. sj ikan 1. k.o. fi sh 2. >iqa ebo 2. ekor ikan 2. fi sh tail >iqu—>ireng 269

3. >iqa kara mato 3. memelihara spy jangan 3. care for s.o. so as to kitong sakit, mati (har ikan jangan prevent illness or death matanya sumbing) (lit. fi sh, may its eyes not fall out) 4. >iqa laru 4. ikan paus 4. whale 5. >iqa laru pan >ole 5. ikan paus yg jalan ke 5. whales travelling to waraq, horaq waraq nèq barat menandakan musim the west indicate that the bale >ote timur kemarau, kalau mengarah dry season is due, when ke timur, musim hujan they travel to the east the (har ikan paus jalan ke rainy season is due (lit. barat, ketika menyongsong the whales travel to the angin barat dia membawa west, when they run into kembali angin itu ke timur) the west monsoon winds they bring them back to the east) 6. >iqa manuq 6. ikan terbang 6. fl ying fi sh 7. >iqa tani 7. sj ikan yg kuning 7. k.o. of yellow fi sh 8. >iqa tian 8. sirip belakang ikan 8. dorsal fi n of a fi sh 9. >iqa tèin 9. usus ikan 9. fi sh intestines cp. >aning, kopel, >uya laru

>iqu >iqu >èkuq siku elbow

>iqung ~ hiqung lahan sisa yg belum digarap land remaining unworked karena tertinggal pada after a period of communal waktu gotong royong/ work on the fi elds arisan berkebun >eqa hiqung lahan sisa yg belum digarap land remaining unworked karena tertinggal pada after a period of communal waktu ada acara gotong work on the fi elds royong/arisan di kebun

>iqur ~ hiqur peleh, terpeleh, dilindungi block, blocked, hide 1. >ili hiqur 1. dipeleh gunung, terpeleh 1. blocked by the gunung, dilindungi gunung mountain, hidden by the (sehingga tidak kelihatan) mountain 2. tahiq hiqur lewaq 2. laut dilindungi, laut 2. sheltered sea, blocked sea haqa terpeleh cp. boni, bori bawo, emi, hapang, haqa, >iriq, libur, libur, nebi, oni, pètèq, tikol, tudeq

>ire >ire >èpè berlaku curang dlm cheat when dividing out membagi sst s.t.

>ireng >ireng >ahiq berkabung yg disertai mourn with observation larangan tertentu (mis tidak of prohibitions (such as boleh kerja kebun restrictions on work) cp. puting 270 >iriq—>iwan

>iriq >iriq babu, >iriq >eping bersembunyi, mengungsi, hide, evacuate, protect berlindung >iriq wèq de oyo mengungsi, sembunyi di hide over there >apan sebelah sana cp. boni, bori bawo, emi, hapang, haqa, >iqur, libur, likoq, mae, nebi, oling, oni, saga, tudeq

>iro curang, ambil milik orang deceive, take other people’s lain goods >iro >ataq bersorok stoop, hide cp. akal

>irung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >orang >irung

>iseq see: >iheq

>itaq >itaq kimuq sentuh, menyentuh feel, grope 1. kara >itaq kimeq 1. jangan menyentuh tubuh 1. do not grope my body koq wèq saya 2. >itaq laha 2. kegiatan masak-memasak 2. cooking activities cp. >amar, paing, poma

>itung >itung >ongan >itung >ongan tudi baring membujuk-bujuk coax, persuade cp. koli (1), ode, pohong pole

>iu hiu shark cp. bapa

>iuq >iuq >oreq 1 menyudutkan, 1 subordinate, defeat mengalahkan 2 merambah, menebas 2 clear away, cut down semak belukar, menginjak- brush, stamp down weeds injak rerumputan untuk to make a path, exceed, dijadikan jalan, melebihi, want to go fi rst mau lebih dulu >iuq >oreq tadiq mengalahkan (har defeat (lit. subordinate cut lawang menyudutkan off) memancung/memenggal) cp. oreq

>iwan ~ >iwang 1. >iwang kariq pedalaman, pegunungan interior, mountains 1. a. bahasa asing yg tidak 1. a. a language which dapat dipahami; b. wilayah cannot be understood, a >iwang—>iyuq nuaq 271

gunung Ile Ape di pulau strange language; b. Ile Ape Lembata Utara and its region 2. Edang sayin bayan 2. Orang Kedang memiliki 2. The people of Kedang sore >Iwang Kariq perjanjian dgn orang Ile have an agreement with Ape the people of Ile Ape

>iwang see: >iwan

>iwaq serbu, menyerbu, serang, attack menyerang kaka rian >iwaq manuq elang menyerang ayam the hawk attacks the chicken cp. bewaq, dèkur, hoding (1), muqang, waku (1)

>iwar >iwar mawar milik bersama, kongsi co-ownership, commercial association 1. >eqa noq keqi 1. kebun ini kami garap 1. we (ex) cultivate this >iwar-ne bersama fi eld together 2. laq >eqa >iwar 2. kerja kebun bersama 2. work a fi eld together (in (untuk bagi hasil) order to divide the crop)

>iwiq >iwiq >awaq geli, merasa geli waktu tickle, ticklish dikilik-kilik cp. eiq, kitiq, tauq, tikiq

>iwong >iwong >awong kotor, mengotorkan dirty kara >iwong >awong jangan membuang kotoran do not throw trash away rutaq raq de noq di sini here cp. >iwoq, koyong, lutang

>iwoq >iwoq >awoq lumur, melumuri, menodai smear, smeared with fi lth dgn kotoran yg cair (such as the feet after walking through mud) cp. >iwong

>iwor >iwor >awor mencairkan liquefy lalaq >iwor bubur cair liquid porridge

>iyuq >iyuq nuaq, >iyuq wenaq ludah, air ludah, air liur spit, spittle, saliva potaq >iyuq membuang ludah spit cp. >ar, bubur, bur, hiteng, lobe, miyuq, potaq K ka (1) ka min engkau, dia, kami, kamu you (sg), he, she, it, we (ex), makan you (pl) eat 1. ka bur min beke 1. makan dan minum 1. eat and drink before baru kemudian spitting it out menyemburkannya 2. ka dèruq min mie 2. makan tahi, minum 2. eat excrement, drink kencing urine 3. ka hoq min haku 3. makan dan minum 3. eat and drink mixed makanan dan minuman yg food and drink dicampur 4. ka leq 4. pendatang yg sudah 4. people from outside who menjadi penduduk have become members of kampung, sehingga dapat the village, so that they bahagian pembagian dlm receive a share in things kampungß divided within the village 5. ka mulo min mulo 5. makan dan minum lebih 5. eat and drink fi rst dulu 6. ka piling 6. makan tanpa minum, 6. eat without drinking, eat makan tidak berlauk-pauk without side dishes 7. ka rutaq nin paro 7. anak dipiara (har makan 7. the child is cared for (lit. dan dipiara, minum dan he eats and is fed, drinks dipelihara) and is cared for) 8. ka taqi min panan 8. makan yg dimasak, 8. eat the cooked, drink minum yg panas the hot 9. ka tubi >uhur 9. penyakit pada tulang 9. an illness of the spine belakang 10. ka tutuq min tèhèq 10. nasihat orang tua pada 10. give advice to people waktu makan while they are eating 11. maeq ka 11. ditusuk duri 11. stuck by a thorn 12. o ka >apene 12. makanan apa yg engkau 12. what is it you are makan? eating? 13. o ka >apeqo? 13. engkau makan apa? 13. what are you eating? cp. ‘a’ for full paradigm, also: ka toq, kinaq, kiqi, pehang, tuku (2) ka (2) ka hoder cocok (dlm ukuran) match, be suffi cient (in measurement) 1. ka munaq 1. kena, tepat ukuran 1. match, precise in measurement 2. haq ka neqi 2. itu tidak cocok (dlm 2. it doesn’t fi t, match in ukuran) measurement cp. ka tung ka (3) yg lebih (dlm more (in a comparison) hara ka rian perbandingan) even larger lebih besar lagi kabalaq—kabolu 273 kabalaq bakul dgn mulut lebar basket made of rolled lontar palm leaves with a wide opening Inaq Bota nanang Mama Bota menganyam Mother Bota weaves a kabalaq nara nauq auq bakul untuk angkut tanah basket with which to carry earth cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal kaban kaban naban menggendong carry s.t. (usually a child, in a sarong slung over the shoulders) 1. kaban >anaq 1. menggendong anak dgn 1. carry a child in a sarong kain slung over the shoulders 2. kaban naban >anaq 2. kain itu menopang/ 2. the cloth supports the menggendong anak child cp. bote, bua kabaq meliputi, memenuhi overfl ow, fi ll a space seluruh bidang cp. haoq (1), hapo, heur (2), kabaq, kole, manga (3), pènu, pueq kabeang see: kaka beang kabelung pohon damar damar tree miwaq kabelung koleq menanam pohon damar di plant damar trees around lumar sekeliling kebun the fi eld cp. padu kabeng see: gabeng kabèngèl tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: otil kabiri kebiri, mengebiri castrated, castrate cp. boqi, kaq, onaq kabol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kebol kabolu gong kecil dlm musik gong a small gong paluq kabolu diqen memukul gong baik-baik play the gong well diqen cp. gasaq (2), kong (1) 274 kaboteq—kaer kaboteq ari-ari, tembuni placenta, afterbirth >anaq bukaq dèq, anak sudah keluar, tapi ari- the baby has emerged, but kaboteq >ehaq nau arinya belum not the placenta cp. nahaq rian kabuq kabuq koil memeluk embrace, hold nuo kabuq koil kueq dia memeluk saya sambil he embraced me while dareng >eqi menangisi saya crying for me cp. >auq (1), dèpiq, èrèq (1), kapung, lapa (1), muaq, pènè (1) kada tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kede kada kadang gudang storehouse laha kadang >udeq tara membuat satu gudang make a storehouse in puli watar untuk menyimpan jagung which to store maize cp. dèdèl, ebang, nèdèl kadayang tongkat-tongkat untuk poles for securing a loom menahan alat tenunan kadena lesung panjang dgn dua long rice mortar with two atau tiga lobang or three stamping bowls kadewaq pundi-pundi, kantong bag cp. dawal, nawal kadong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kedong kadu kadu kahin berniat melakukan intend to do s.t. bad (such kejahatan (spt berniat as take revenge, threaten) membalas dendam, mengancam) Boli Beni kadu paluq si Boli Beni mengancam Boli Beni threatened to hit koq >anaq memukul anakku my child cp. gasaq, haqing kael tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: koel kaer kaer kèir mengais scratch, scrape manuq kaer >utan ayam mengais kacang the chicken scratched and hiroq haroq bahe sampai tercerai-berai scattered the beans cp. bogar, doyang, hegar, kakur, kalaq, karo, karung, kèir, kuang, kaèl—kahin 275

kuriq, lèring, loha, mèqè, nuang (2), nuraq kaèl kaèl koroq engkau, dia, kami, kita you (sg), he, she, it, we (ex), kamu, mereka menggali we (in), you (pl), they dig 1. kaèl >uoq mara 1. menggali lubang untuk 1. dig a hole to plant a miwaq muqu menanam pisang banana tree 2. sio kaèl koroq noq 2. siapa yg menggali-gali 2. who is digging this we? tanah ini? earth? cp. ‘aèl’ for full paradigm kahan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kahin (2) kaheq kaheq kula mengupas shell, husk, peel kaheq >utan laleng mengupas kacang tanah shell peanuts cp. amaq (1), bie (1), bingeq, hapiq, har, kiri, lehor (2), oruq, paheq, tahing, wara kaher menyebut nama diri setelah exclaim because of a menang lomba, berseru success, exclaim poetry puisi nuo kaher neq naya di dia meneriakkan namanya he boasted when he neq tubaq wawi tèqè ketika tikamannya speared a boar mengenai babi cp. kanaher, sokaq salaq, sokaq wèq kahin (1) kahin kataq meminta atau menyuruh ask s.o. to carry out a task orang lain untuk for later payment melakukan sst pekerjaan, baru kemudian orang itu mendapat upahnya 1. kahin wela 1. meminta orang membuat 1. request s.o. to weave a sarung untuk diberikan sarong for later payment upah 2. koq ine pan kahin 2. ibuku pergi meminta 2. my mother went to ask nanene orang menenun tenunan s.o. to weave a cloth cp. ata, hoing kahin (2) kahin kahan berencana, merencanakan plan, intend, set a schedule, sst, memberi pikiran, state one’s plans, have a berkehendak, bercita-cita goal >ei ohaq kahin laha saya tidak berencana I have not set a schedule hunaqu membangun rumah for building a house cp. haqing, kadu, laha cp. bading (1), haqing, kadu, laha (2), laleng, nuloq, tuwo 276 kahin—kakal kahin (3) mengatur, menyusun, jual arrange, buy and sell beli cp. dalong (1), hubiq, lotaq, uang kahong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kehong kail tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kotel kain kain larang kebun yg baru dibuka, freshly cleared fi eld, woods hutan yg baru dibuka untuk kebun laq kain membuka kebun, bertani open a new fi eld, work a pada tempat atau hutan yg newly opened fi eld baru dibuka untuk kebun cp. bareng, >eqa (1), lumar, tuen kaing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: miteng kaiq (1) kaiq kua entah do not know, who knows 1. >awai >udeq owe, 1. ada sst di sana, entah apa 1. there is s.t. there, not kaiq >apene sure what 2. kaiq >ape 2. entah apa 2. not know what 3. kaiq kua 3. entah mengapa 3. not know why 4. kaiq nara bone 4. entah bagaimana 4. not know how cp. >ea kaiq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: anaq kaka beang ~ kabeang burung elang, garuda hawk, eagle cp. kaka rian, manuq laka rudang kakal menghancurkan, shatter, break memecahkan kua ma kakal lamaq bè mengapa memecahkan why break the plate on the waq loloq? piring pada batu? rock? cp. >asur, babaq (1), bèti, bikil, buteq, doke, halar, holaq, kaq, kètèng, kètèq, lèhèq, muha, nehal, papal, peaq, pesaq, pèhuq, rèhuq (2), ruhuq, ruteq, taha, tèlèr, topeq (1) kakan—kakur 277 kakan yg kakak he who is elder cp. keken kakang >aring ~ kang kakak adik, bersaudara siblings >aring cp. eru anaq kakaq (1) kakaq peaq, kakaq tèlèr melempar throw, pelt 1. kakaq hobu 1. melempar jauh ke atas 1. throw far above 2. kara kakaq pèaq 2. jangan melempari ayam 2. do not throw at the manuq itu chicken cp. bohil, hade, ikang, ikaq, kidaq, loq (1), rawaq (1), tidaq, walu, wetoq, wotoq kakaq (2) kakaq bowo, kakaq bung menitik jagung dgn crush roasted maize with a menggunakan batu ceper fl at stone to make ‘hengan’ untuk membuat ‘hengan’ koq ine bèli mete kakaq ibuku di sana sedang my mother there is bungne menitik jagung crushing maize cp. tèlèr, totoq kakar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muhuq kaka rian burung elang hawk cp. kaka beang, oi iqil kako ribut loud, noisy, excited 1. èuq kako 1. ribut gaduh 1. commotion, excitement, bustle 2. pan ere ere, kara kako 2. jalan tenang-tenang, 2. travel quietly, do not be jangan ribut noisy cp. dèmul, èuq, mura, nèbèq, ningor, rame, repoq (2) kakoq sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule kakur kakur kamar menggaruk-garuk (spt scrape (like scraping the menggaruk kerak nasi dgn rice crust with a spoon) sendok) kakur auq tara leteng kita menggaruk tanah dgn we scrape earth with a tempurung coconut shell 278 kala—kalauq

cp. doyang, hegar, kaer, karo, karung, kuriq, lèring, mèqè kala tombak, lembing spear, lance 1. huang tubaq kala 1. main melemparkan 1. play at throwing a lance lembing 2. kala >ihin 2. mata tombak 2. lance blade 3. kala olin 3. tangkai tombak 3. lance handle 4. kala rupang 4. paku di bagian bawah 4. spike at the base of a tombak spear cp. kala duqa, kala meduq, nubaq, tubaq kalabaq sj perahu dugout with splash boards cp. lambo, lete lete, sapang (1), tene kala duqa tongkat staff cp. duqa, hodeq, nading, nukoq, todeq, tukoq kalake kalake loqan orang tua adat elders 1. kalake lèu 1. orang tua adat kampung, 1. the assembled elder semua ‘aqe ame’ di kampung men of the village, the assembled ‘aqe ame’ of the village 2. kalake suku 2. orang tua adat dlm 2. clan elders, the ‘aqe ame’ marga, semua ‘aqe ame’ dlm of the clans marga kala mèduq tongkat pembimbing orang stick for leading a blind buta person kalang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kaleso kala nidi sj tumbuhan merambat, k.o. vine, the liquid of the daunnya dipakai sbg obat leaves of which is used in treating plague kalaq mengais-ngais scratch, claw 1. kalaq mireq 1. menyerakkan kemiri dari 1. scatter around a pile of timbunannya candlenut 2. manuq kèir kalaq 2. ayam mengais-ngais 2. the chicken scratches in rutaq raq sampah the garbage cp. bogar, hegar, kaer, kalaq, karo, karung, kèir, kuang, kuluq, kuriq, loha, nuang (2), nuraq, urung (1) kalauq kulit jagung maize husk cp. amaq (1), kaheq kaleka—kalohung 279 kaleka see: galeka kalema tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mesa kaleng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kuleng kaleso kaleso kalang, kaleso lauq lepat, nasi yg dibungkus rice cooked in a small dgn daun nyiur coconut-leaf package cp. topaq kalèpiq see: lèpiq kalèq sudah dihitung dlm already counted in sharing pembagian something out kaliha ~ liha pohon ketapang, Terminalia k.o. tree; Terminalia catappa, catappa, Linn. Linn. cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq kaling kaling koroq engkau, dia, kami, kita, you (sg), he, she, it, we (ex), kamu, mereka menggali we (in), you (pl), they dig 1. kaling >uoq 1. menggali lubang 1. dig a hole 2. wèi kaling 2. perigi, sumur 2. well, source cp. ‘aling’ for full paradigm kalohung kalohung lahung mudah, gampang, tidak easy, smoothly, fl awless, sulit, tidak berbelit-belit, uncomplicated, pure mulus nuo neq wèq tawe tumbuh badannya berjalan his body is growing kalohung kohaqne mulus perfectly 280 kalola—kamar

cp. gapang, lohung kalola see: galola kalong (1) see: galong kalong (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kilong kaloq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kilong kalor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kelor, wewa kalu kalau, jika if cp. ama, bang (1), ere (2), la (1), mepe kalung ~ kaul kalung wèkoq bengkok crooked, bent >anaq oyo neq lèi anak itu kakinya bengkok that child’s leg is crooked kalungne cp. boko, hekong, koheng, lekoq, rokoq, sekong (1), tokol, wegir, wekir (1), tokol, wegir kaluq mebelit, menggelun coil, wind, twist 1. kaluq awaq 1. menggulung tali pancing 1. roll up a fi shing line 2. kaluq loing 2. membelit tali 2. coil a rope 3. wadeq oyo nèrèqni 3. tali itu dibelitkan 3. that rope is coiled kaluqi cp. balung, bula, dogel (1), doler, duler, koel, koleq, lekoq, muser, ongaq, puleq, ueng (2), weleq kamakuq kamakuq melor bodoh, dungu, bebal, tidak stupid, dull, dumb tahu aturan >ata diqen kamakuq orang yg tidak tahu aturan s.o. who does not know the regulations cp. balenger, bukeq, haboq, kamunger, monu, >umal kamar kamar koir desir, desau, gersik (tiruan rustle, rustling noise, bunyi spt bunyi daun crunch kameyang—kandera 281

kering tatkala diinjak- injak) watar amaq kamar daun jagung berdesir the maize leaves rustle cp. kakur, kariq, karuq, kotan, nariq, rawiq (1) kameyang kemenyan, dupa benzoin, incense kamiq ~ kemiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rèkèng kamunger kamunger hokil, kamunger gila crazy, mad, insane, an mahuq insane person >ate diqen kamunger orang gila crazy person cp. balenger, munger kamuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kimuq kanaher nama lain, pengganti nama a name which substitutes asli, teriakan, puisi for the original name, exclamation, poetry cp. kaher kanang kanang niho merah red cp. korong, meran (2), nuber, putuq kanaruq kukuran, parut, alat coconut grater, rasp mengukur atau memarut kanaruq tara karuq taq mengukur, memarut kelapa grate coconut (lit. grater (har kukuran kita pakai we [in] use to grate untuk mengukur kelapa) coconut) cp. karuq (1), kuriq kanatang see: ganatang kanawang arus current kanawang wengin arus kencang fast current cp. kawang, garodang, >ole (2), >ura(2) kanayong gayung, alat untuk water scoop, bamboo cup menggayung, penggayung used for dipping water kayong tara kanayong menggayung (har ladle (lit. scoop we (in) use gayung kita pakai untuk to ladle) menggayung) cp. kayong, nayong kandera kursi chair cp. karosi 282 kandola—kanolar kandola 1 gendola, Basella rubra, 1 k.o. vegetable, Basella Linn. rubra, Linn. 2 warna merah tua 2 dark red sitaq kandola sarung merah tua dark red cloth cp. bara pehiq, nuber (1) kanehing kanehing nakaq dlm waktu singkat, in a short time, hastily, terburu-buru, tiba-tiba, suddenly mendadak mate kanehing mati tiba-tiba die suddenly cp. >adan, hoteng, loyang lakiq, nehing kanepar see: ganepar kaneraq timba, alat untuk menimba bailer, made of palm leaves cp. dera kanèming penjepit, pinsét untuk tweezers for plucking out mencabut janggut the beard cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, doling, dumiq, kèmiq, nèpiq, nipeq, numiq, >ona kang >aring see: kakang >aring kangar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kongar kanikiq kanikiq nahun bekal perjalanan, provisions, food for travel perbekalan e tebeq ka kanikiq kami duduk memakan we sit and eat provisions bekal kanikir kikir, alat untuk mengikir fi le kanikir tara kikir mengikir (har kikir kita fi le s.t. (lit. fi le we [in] use pakai untuk mengikir) to fi le) cp. kikir kanobang tulang leher neck bones lapa >anaq muhun saga memapah anak bayi jaga while carrying a baby be neq kanobang tulang lehernya careful of its neck bones kanolar (1) kanolar nateq kain lampin anak bayi diaper kanolar (2) roda mobil wheel of an automobile cp. kolar kanuting—kapang 283 kanuting gunting, alat untuk scissors menggunting kuting uha tara menggunting rambut cut hair with scissors kanuting dgn gunting (har gunting (lit. cut hair we [in] use rambut kita pakai untuk scissors) menggunting) cp. kuting kaol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kiol kaong kaong keteq, kaong seleng menyanyi-nyanyi sing a lullaby untuk menghibur atau menenangkan anak bayi, meninabobokkan 1. >inan kaong >anaq 1. ibu menenangkan anak 1. the mother soothes the dgn menyanyi-nyanyi baby by singing a lullaby 2. kaong keteq ledeq 2. meninabobokkan dan 2. sing a lullaby to and rock seleq menggoyang-goyang to sleep cp. lali, >orong kaoq (1) mengeok, berkoték squawk, cackle 1. hioq kaoq 1. memekik-mekik, 1. scream, shout berteriak 2. kioq kaoq 2. berkeok-keok, berkoték 2. cackle 3. manuq kaoq 3. ayam berkoték 3. chicken cackles 4. o denger manuq 4. apakah engkau dengar 4. did you hear the chicken kaoq? ayam berkoték? cackle? cp. hioq, kioq, korkataq kaoq (2) tidak hancur not break up lèuq kaoq ubi yg tidak hancur ketika yam which does not break dimasak up when cooked kapa kapa mana merambat, melata (spt climb, creep in spirals, sulur-suluran), menjalar spread by creeping tèlar kapa dèq labu sudah menjalar the pumpkin has grown and spread cp. dau, dohil, doho, doro (1), eu, kopi (1) kapal (1) kapal wahoq tebal thick arabau amaq kapal kerbau tebal kulitnya buffalo skin is thick cp. batuq kapal (2) kapal ship 1. kapal baqa 1. pesawat, kapal terbang 1. airplane 2. kapal bikil roda epaq 2. kapal pecah tiang, layar 2. ship breaks, mast is terdampar washed ashore kapang kain kafan shroud 284 kapitan dulin—kaqo kapitan dulin penjaga gerbang pintu guardian of the village gate kampung kapo pohon kapuk, pohon kabu- kapok tree, Ceiba pentandra kabu, Ceiba pentandra cp. kapo lodo, puqu kapo lodo kunang-kunang fi refl y cp. >utan puhun kapoq see: apoq kapung kapung koil memeluk, mendekap embrace, hold 1. kapung neqi oroq 1. memeluknya dlm dada 1. cradle her on the chest laleng 2. uben >ei kapungi 2. pada malam hari, aku 2. at night I hugged him to bè oroq laleng mendekapnya di dadaku my chest cp. >auq (1), dèpiq, èrèq (1), kabuq, lapa (1), muaq, pènè (1) kapuq meliliti, menyelubungi wind around, envelope owa kapuq >ili awan menyelubungi the clouds envelope the gunung mountain cp. haoq (1), heur (2), kabaq, kole, pueq kaq memecahkan pakai gigi break with the teeth 1. arabau kaq 1. kerbau kebiri 1. castrated buffalo 2. >au kaq witing lurin 2. anjing memecahkan 2. the dog breaks the goat’s tulang kambing dgn gigi bones with its teeth 3. kaq pèu 3. memecahkan mangga 3. break up a mango with dgn gigi the teeth 4. witing kaq 4. kambing kebiri 4. castrated goat cp. babaq (1), bèti, bikil, boqi, kabiri, kakal, onaq, papal, pèhuq kaqar kaqar bitur terbelah, merekah burst, split, crack auq kaqar tanah terbelah cracked earth cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bètè, bèti, doing, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hika, hilar, hingoq, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), lareq, papaq, paqal, pèhuq, piang kaqo ambil take kaqo pedaq pan lumar ambil parang pergi ke take a fi eld knife and go to kebun the fi elds cp. ahuq, èq, hen, uq (1) kara—karang 285 kara jangan do not, negative imperative 1. >ahin tutuq kara 1. jangan mengikuti 1. do not follow other doraq anjuran lain advice 2. kara dehiq pan doa 2. jangan datang mendekat, 2. do not come near, travel jalan jauh far 3. kara doraq nuo 3. jangan mengikuti 3. do not follow his advice anjuran atau asutannya 4. kara ere 4. jangan diam 4. do not be quiet, (i.e., do not be silent about or forget a matter) 5. kara huang 5. jangan main-main 5. do not play around 6. kara iwiq miang 6. jangan malu 6. do not be shy 7. kara kèlèn lelan 7. jangan ingat yg lalu-lalu 7. do not think of the past >uliq 8. kara koqal hoko kara 8. jangan bmendapat celaka 8. do not have an accident tipo laleq (har jangan jatuh, jangan (lit. do not fall, do not be terantuk) bumped into) 9. kara kuq 9. jangan ambil 9. do not take 10. kara mader lili 10. jangan berdiri di tiang 10. do not stand at the wanan kanan right house post 11. kara marang mueng 11. jang membusukkan 11. do not insult s.o., do kara tèhèq lari nama orang, jangan not humiliate s.o. menghina orang 12. kara nurung nado 12. jangan menunjuk 12. do not point at a tado pelangi rainbow 13. kara >oneq pana 13. jangan marah, jangan 13. do not be angry, do not kara laleng buren gusar become enraged 14. kara >oneq pana 14. jangan saling marah 14. do not be angry with wèq each other 15. kara pana rowoq 15. jangan marah-marah, 15. do not become angry, jangan gusar do not get mad 16. kara pan koloq kara 16. jangan jalan kembali, 16. do not come back, do bèq bale jangan kembali ke sini not return 17. kara riko rako 17. jangan ribut 17. do not make a commotion (as crowds of children do around a stranger) 18. kara tawe ewang 18. jangan menertawai 18. do not laugh at animals nawung binatang 19. kara tebeq hikun 19. jangan duduk di 19. do not sit against the puen sebelah pangkal pohon trunk 20. kara tebeq piding 20. jangan duduk 20. do not sit together, do kara mader mawu berdamping, jangan berdiri not stand in a group berkumpul 21. kara tebeq wido 21. penolakan setan atau 21. repel evil spirits or >utuq kara mader penyakit (har jangan duduk illness (lit. do not sit under weloq matan di pinggir rumah, jangan the eaves, do not stand in berdiri di muka pintu) front of the house) 22. kara tobol nute kara 22. jangan memegang kata, 22. do not grasp the words, eweq toyeq jangan menjinjing kata do not grab the words 23. kara tutuq ewang 23. jangan berbicara dgn 23. do not talk to animals nawung binatang karang (1) karang kotiq kasar, gerutu coarse 286 karang—kareyang

o paing karang engkau rasa kasar you feel coarse cp. wokar karang (2) see: karaq karaq ~ karang karaq koming, karaq naraq sapu, menyapu brush, sweep Ani karaq koming >eqa Ani menyapu halaman Ani sweeps the clearing >ahin cp. belung, doru, gosoq, haèng, hamur, hubiq, naèng, naraq (2), nouq, wating kare kare >oro menegur, menyapa address, greet cp. bunga, >e (1), >èngèr, tabeq, tanang (1) kareq (1) kareq kataq menghitung, membilang, count, specify, point at memerinci 1. kareq man >apaq 1. menghitung empat 1. count four times (when kali (ketika kain yg dikasi the cloth given to the mayat dihitung empat kali corpse is counted four berturut-turut) times in succession) 2. kareq kapang 2. menghitung kain hitam 2. counting of the strips of dlm upacara penguburan black cloth in a funeral orang mati 3. kareq rahaq 3. menghitung empat hari 3. count the four days of laranguan sesudah upacara restriction following a penguburan burial 4. kareq >ula kataq 4. menentukan perjalanan 4. keep track of the passage male waktu dgn melihat posisi of time by observing the bulan (har menghitung stages of the moon (lit. bulan, menhitung bintang) count the moon, count the stars) 5. suo kareq kataq doiq 5. mereka menghitung 5. they count money uang cp. nata (1), nareq (2), niong, nurung, rekeng, tuben kareq (2) kareq kataq meratap lament kueq dareng kareq menangis dan meratap crying and lamenting kataq kareq (3) karet rubber, eraser kareyang kareyang ratang, kareyang rekong kerja work karèmuq—karuq 287

kareyang ratang noq kerja sekarang work now cp. laq, >ola karèmuq ~ rèmuq kotor, keruh dirty, turbid cp. buhang, gureng, >iwong, ulaq, >umuq karipoq see: garipoq kariq kariq kamar bertutur, tuturan, bahasa speak, speech, language tuturan 1. kariq kamar 1. berbicara bahasa asing yg 1. speak a strange tidak dapat dipahami language which cannot be understood 2. kariq name >ei ohaq 2. bahasa itu saya tidak 2. I don’t understand that dèngèr mengerti language cp. >iwang, kete (2), kètèr, nariq (1), tèhèq, tutuq karo karo roming menggaruk scratch cp. hegar, kaer, kakur, kalaq, karung, kuang, kuriq, loha, nuang (2), nuraq karong karung gunny sack mepe o bukaq karong kalau begitu bukalah if so, open this gunny sack noq ma >ei bukaqu karung ini spy saya bias so that I can get out keluar karosi kursi chair cp. kandera karung karung rakung mencakar (pakai kuku scrape, scratch (using a tangan atau barang yg fi ngernail or s.t. rough) kasar) cp. doyang, hala kèir, hegar, kaer, kakur, kalaq, karo, kuang, kuriq, lèring, loha, mèqè, nuang (2), nuraq karuq (1) karuq kamar mengukur dgn kukuran, grate, rasp memarut kanaruq tara karuq taq mengukur kelapa (har grate coconut (lit. grater kukuran kita pakai untuk we [in] use to grate mengukur kelapa) coconut) cp. kanaruq, kuriq 288 karuq—katènèr karuq (2) see: ruq (2) kasaq see: gasaq kasiang kasihan pity cp. eroq kasing kancing button 1. awar kasing 1. rahang terkunci 1. lockjaw 2. kasing labu 2. mengancing baju 2. button a shirt cp. kateng kasuq see: gasuq (1) kata (1) kenapa, tidak jadi why, not happen 1. kata upe 1. tidak jadi lupa 1. not forget 2. kata upe loyo wai 2. ingat terus (har tidak jadi 2. always remember (lit. not lupa sepanjang hari) forget all day) cp. >ape, kua (1) kata (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: daq (1) katang see: gatang kataq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kahin (1), kareq (1), kareq (2) katel gatal itch, itching cp. kawaq (1), puroq kateng ~ kateq ~ ateq terkait, terkancing, melekat, hooked, buttoned, stuck to, berkaitan, tersangkut, caught tertahan suo pan mete kateng mereka berjalan sambil they walked with their lingya berpegangan erat tangan arms hooked together cp. ahang, >akiq, bakeq, bateq, dapeq (1), >eti, hideq, hobol, hodeq, kasing, lateq, manga (2), nakiq, ongaq, raèq, rèbèq, tahang, takaq kateq see: ahang, kateng, kasing, uma katènèr sj pohon, kulitnya dipakai k.o. tree the bark of which untuk memerahkan benang is used to dye thread red kati—kawakaq 289 kati kati edi, kati idi bermain-main, saling play around, disturb, annoy menggoda, menggoda, mengganggu orang, bersenang-senang 1. kati edi beq rahiq 1. mengganggu perempuan 1. molest a woman 2. kati edi beq rahiq 2. mengganggu bini orang 2. molest someone’s wife binin puhun 3. kati edi beq rahiq 3. mengganggu pemudi 3. molest a girl areq weriq 4. kati tawe holeq hama 4. diganggu tertawa (satu 4. respond by laughing tahap dlm usia anak pada (a stage in an infant’s waktu si anak diganggu development when it will maka anak tersenyum atau respond to tickling by tertawa) smiling or laughing) 5. kati wèq 5. saling berkelahi 5. fi ght each other cp. awang, >aheq, >ayung, baramaing, ganing, huang, kehoq (2), pole (1) katipa kain patola/tenunan ikat patola from Gujarat dari Gujarat katiq mengganti change, exchange, replace labur katiq labur wela baju mengganti baju, shirt replaces shirt, sarong katiq wela sarung mengganti sarung replaces sarong cp. dukaq katiq, kelung katong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kitong ka toq kapak kecil small ax cp. baliq (1) ka tung pasti, yg pasti, yg benar certain, that which is certain, that which is true elu ka tung janji yg pasti certain promise cp. atoq, muar, nimun, wahar kaul see: kalung kauq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kèlèn kawa kuali besar large ravine cp. èwing, rauq kawakaq pohon bakau mangrove cp. hule 290 kawanang—kawe kawanang balok bambu besar di large bamboo beam in the dlm atap (yg letaknya roof (lying horizontally and horizontal dan membentuk forming part of the main bagian utama structure structure of a building) suatu bangunan) 1. kawanang lawan 1. balok bambu panjang yg 1. long bamboo beam letaknya sejajar dgn poros lying parallel to the right/ kanan/kiri dlm kaitannya left axis in relation to the dng gunung mountain 2. kawanang mèkuq 2. balok bambu pendek yg 2. short bamboo beam letaknya sejajar dgn poros lying parallel to the up atas/bawah gunung the mountain/down the mountain axis kawang kawang koul mengalir fl ow 1. kawang bale kawang 1. mengalir balik menjadi 1. fl owing back, becoming loiq genang, mandek stagnant 2. kawang koul hiroq 2. mengalir tidak pada satu 2. fl ow in several streams haroq jalur 3. kawang loiq >uliq 3. tidak mengalir lagi (har 3. become stagnant (lit. mai mengalir dan menimbuni fl ow and fi ll up the place tempat berhentinya) where it stops) cp. hipur, kanawang, >olur >alur, susur kawaq (1) kawaq rokong gatal itch adung kawaq kerongkongan merasa gatal throat feels itchy cp. katel, kitiq, puroq kawaq (2) kawaq rokong angus scorched, singed anen kawaq kerak nasi burnt crust of rice kawar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: keba (2) kawasa kawasa bisa kaya, orang kaya rich, a rich person cp. kuasa, noren, pitang sarang kawe (1) kawe >ale, kawe lewaq berlayar menyeberangi sail across an open space teluk atau selat of water, such as a bay or strait 1. kiwang nape kawe 1. orang pedalaman baru 1. people of the interior >ale saja datang have just arrived 2. tada mèti nape kawe 2. kenali pasang surut dulu, 2. judge the tide before baru menyeberang crossing cp. buaq, hongi, kawen, layar kawe—ke 291 kawe (2) kami kumpul, berkumpul we (ex) gather cp. ‘>awe’ for the full paradigm kawen yg dilalui, yg dilwati that which is passed, that which has gone by lala kawen dei nobeq jalan yg dilalui itu, ikuti yg that path which passes jalan tersebut through, follow there cp. bahe, hiba, kawe (1), sobe kaweq sebuah keyakinan tentang encounter with the spirit penjemputan roh orang of a dead person hidup oleh orang mati kara ae mateq neq naya, jangan sebut nama si mati do not utter the name of boiq ni >adan kaweq nanti engkau dijemputnya the dead or you will have an encounter with him kawoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kiwoq kayang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kea kayang, kèir kayaq (1) kayaq baluq banyak, terlalu banyak many, a wealth of untuk dihitung cp. >ata, damaq, rai, rèiq kayaq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kèbiq kayer buku tulis notebook kayo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ènèng kayong kayong >oqi gayung, menggayung ladle kayong tara kanayong, menggayung (har ladle (lit. scoop we [in] use kayong tara nayong gayung kita pakai untuk to ladle) menggayung) cp. kanayong, nayong kayoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ketoq kayoq, miteng ke (1) see: e 292 ke—kebelora ke (2) kami (kata ganti emfatik, we (emphatic pronoun, 1j eks) 1pl ex) cp. ‘ko’ for full paradigm

-ke see: -e kea tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kea kayang kea kayang menggeliat-geliat (spt bayi squirm (like a baby which dlm pembaringan) is lying down) ere >anaq muhun tèqèl diam, bayi tidur telentang, quiet, the babies are enga, me seq ling lei tangan dan kakinya sleeping on their backs, wakaq kea kayang kea menggeliat-geliat their legs and arms are kayang twitching cp. tapar keal meratakan barang-barang spread out objects to dry yg dijemur in the sun keal >utan mase tèqè meratakan biji-biji kacang spread out beans so that loyo agar mendapat sinar they can dry in the sun matahari keang keang keteq ramping, kurus, hampir slender, thin, almost broken putus (spt pinggang (like the waist of a bee) tabuhan) >au noq >alen akaq pinggang anjing ini kurus the dog’s waist is very thin keang cp. kepaq, lour, mipi, piki keba (1) keba dèpiq menguburkan batu mazbah bury an altar stone with dgn maksud mematikan the intention of killing s.o. lawan nuo keba >èqi dia menguburkan batu he buried an altar stone in mazbah dgn maksud order to kill me mematikan saya keba (2) keba kawar berjalan untuk menemukan travel to fi nd s.t. you long sst yg dirindukan (mis tuak, for (e.g. palmwine, taking lauk-pauk) food along to share) kebar see: gebar kebel see: kebelora kebelora ~ kebel télor, cadél, orang yg sulit speech defect in menyebut huruf r pronouncing r kebol—kehe 293

Boli kebelorane r si Boli orang cadél, sit tak Boli has a speech defect tèhèq datenne dapat menyebut huruf r and cannot pronounce r kebol kebol kabol berkibar, mengibas, wave, wag, beckon melambai-lambai 1. >au kebol ebo 1. anjing mengibas-ngibas 1. dog wags its tail kan ekornya 2. lolon kebol kabol 2. daun berayun-ayun 2. leaves wave 3. tugul kebol kebol; 3. bendera berkibar-kibar 3. fl ag waves cp. genong, hayong, kelor, wayong kedaq menyusun sst dgn bambu put up s.t. with split yg sudah dibelah bamboo kedaq nedaq kareq menyusun balai-balai put split bamboo on a kapang dgn bambu yg sudah bamboo platform (for a dibelah, baru kemudian corpse) then count the menghitung kain hitam black cloth (for the dead (dlm upacara orang mati) person) kede tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kede kada kede kada tidak tenang not calm kedeng kedeng kenaq lebar, luas wide, broad cp. >abal, mèkuq, mèqul, nalar (1), neler, >oang, teleng kedong kedong kadong bergoyang sway, move waq kedong batu bergoyang the stone moves cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bayol, bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dosor, doyung, edaq, edeq, egeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eto (1), >eyoq, hekol, ledeq, legang (1), mekol, odoq, >oda, >oduq, oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1), wayong kedoq kedoq >odor gemetar, menggigil shiver, tremble cp. dequng, >odor, ruku (1) kehe kehe >ale bersalah, melakukan wrong, do wrong, make a kesalahan mistake, commit a sin 294 kehen—kelaq

cp.>alen (1), dotan, ètèr, kehen, tudu kehen kehen >alen kesalahan mistake, fault, sin cp. >ale (1), dotan, ètèr, kehe, tudu kehong kehong kahong pincang lame, crippled 1. lèi kehong 1. kaki pincang 1. lame 2. pan kehong 2. jalan pincang 2. walk with a limp cp. koheng, rade kehoq (1) mencampur, mengacaukan mix, mixed cp. dawur, hoq, walaq (2), waur kehoq (2) kehoq kati mengganggu disturb, bother, annoy, molest kehoq kati wèq saling mengganggu, annoy s.o., sexual pelécéha séksual molestation cp. awang, >aheq, ganing, kati, mawang (1) kehoq (3) see: ehoq kehu mencari penyebabnya search for causes cp. nehun keka mengayak, pengayak sieve keka >ene mengayak pasir sieve sand cp. baqul, tapi keke kecil small cp. ehoq, eken, keken, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq keken keken kakan, keken keken yg kecil that which is small nuo sorong mal >akaq dia mengasi sirih yg kecil- he gave very small sirih keken keken kecil peppers cp. eken, keke kelang see: kelaq kelaq ~ kelang mulai bersinar, mulai begin to shine, sparkle, bercahaya, berkilat, berkilau fl ash keler—kemiq 295

1. loyo kelaq 1. matahari mulai 1. sun begins to shine bercahaya, bersinar 2. >upil >udeq kara 2. satu mata anak panah 2. one arrow head do not kelang jangan berkilau sparkle cp. bohor (2), dolang, >engaq, ilaq, kilong, lair, naru, >olor, tado keler peti, kotak chest, box, container cp. buku, kubeng, lobi >aur, pèti (1) kelong sandal kayu, kelom clog, wooden shoe cp. rupang, sepatuq kelor kelor kalor berkibar wave, fl utter, fl y cp. genong, kebol, wayong kelung kelung heaq, kelung mengganti, menukar replace, change, alter lodong 1. kelung lapan heaq 1. ganti tangkai, 1. replace the stalk, move èlir menghindar seludang mayg aside the sheath of the fruiting stem 2. kelung lili 2. ganti tiang rumah 2. replace the house post 3. kelung ling tami wali 3. gading yg panjangnya 3. elephant tusk which membujur ke bahu (har extends to the shoulder (lit. ganti tangan, membujur replace the hand, extend to ke bahu) the shoulder) 4. kelung lodung 4. waktu menukar pakaian 4. stage of changing the untuk mayat (har menukar clothing of the corpse in dan menurunkan) a funeral (lit. change and drop) cp. hore, katiq, peka kema maka, karenanya kami so, therefore, consequently we (ex) oti wile kema tali engkau yg memanggil you were the one who maka kami menyahut called therefore we (ex) answered cp. ‘ema’ for full paradigm keme tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hope kemer keramat sacred poan kemer upacara pengorbanan ritual sacrifi ce cp. poan kemiq see: kamiq 296 kena—keqe kena kami akan (penunjuk masa we will (future tense depan, 1j eks) marker, 1pl ex) kena >oyoq nanti kami ke sana soon we will go there cp. ‘ena’ for full paradigm kenaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kedeng kengo memeriksa inspect cp. ebeng, lalang, lekeq, paresaq, >ulu (1) keor bunyi sj burung yg bisa sound of the speaking bird, berbicara, graula intermedia graula intermedia javanensis javanensis cp. eor (2) kepa kepa rotan bengkuang, Pachyrrhizus an edible tuber, erosus, Urban Pachyrrhizus erosus, Urban cp. ai lèuq, apoq, aqer, epe, lèuq, tiri (1) kepaq cépér, pipih, tipis shallow, fl at, thin hengan kepaq jagung titik pipih fl at crushed maize cp. heda, hetel, keang, kepel, lèpaq, mipi, miyung, napoq, piki kepar see: gepar kepel cépér shallow cp. heda, hetel, kepaq, mipi kepiq kempis hollow, sunken, shrunk cp. kèwèng, kuyung, lèpiq, luqur, miyung keq milik kami, punya kami our, we have (possessive (kata ganti posesif, 1j eks) pronoun, 1pl ex) keq huna riane rumah kami besar our (ex) house is big cp. ‘koq’ for full paradigm; e, ke, -e, ke, keqe, keqi, eke, keti, mèrèq keqe milik kami, punya kami our, ours (emphatic (kata ganti posesif emfatik, possessive pronoun, 1pl ex, 1j eks, sbg subyek) subjective) auq noq keqene tanah ini milik kami this is our (ex) land keqen—ketang 297

cp. ‘koqo’ for full paradigm; e, ke, -e, -ke, keq, keqi, eke, keti, mèrèq keqen yg milik kami that which is owned by us (ex) cp. ‘koqon’ for full paradigm; keqe keqi milik kami, punya kami our, ours (emphatic (kata ganti posesif emfatik, possessive pronoun, 1pl ex, 1j eks, sbg obyek) objective) >eqa noq keqi >iwar- kebun ini kami garap this fi eld we (ex) cultivate ne bersama together cp. ‘koqi’ for full paradigm; e, ke, -e, -ke, keq, keqe, eke, keti, mèrèq keran meletakkan, menaruh put, place, set up keran kiliq kareq rahaq menaruh piring daun set up palm leaf plates, kelapa, menghitung empat count the four days of hari larangan sesudah restriction following a upacara penguburan (har burial (lit. place the plates, letak piring koli hitung count the days) hari) cp. >eqa (1), hadang, hering, nataq, nikaq, papang (2), puli, pulin, >uliq kere keris kris tobol mèiq wayong memegang pisau, grab a knife, wave a kris kere mengayun keris kereng kedip wink, blink mato kereng mata berkedip-kedip eye winks cp. helar, kiruq, retaq keriq memberi isyarat dgn give a sign by touching menggaruk tangan atau s.o.’s hand or body badan orang keroq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >okaq ketal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kihaq ketang melebihi, melampaui, increase, surpass, overtake melewati wetaq hara ria ketang rumah lebih besar daripada a house bigger than ours keqi rumah kami 298 kete—ketoq kayoq

cp. awa, >ilaq, hakal, henang, hiba, lebe, liwaq, nehang, raing, taling, tulung kete (1) rindu yearning, longing kete namang rindu untuk bertandak/ yearning to dance menari cp. botan, eqing kete (2) ~ keter kete dahang, keter dahang berbicara, bertanya secara speak, ask nicely baik-baik 1. keter ehoq dahang 1. bertanya secara baik- 1. ask nicely (lit. speak nèrè baik (har berbicara kecil, small, ask slowly) bertanya perlahan-lahan) 2. ledo lebaq kete 2. jalan menanyakan di 2. go ask where there is a namang mana ada tandakan circle dance cp. kariq, tèhèq, tutuq keter see: kete (2) keteq memanggil anjing call a dog cp. kaong, keang keti kami (kata ganti fokus we (agent focus pronoun, agen, 1j eks) 1pl ex) >anung keti uqdeq bukan kami yg it was not us (ex) who mengambilnya took them cp. ‘eti’ for full paradigm; e, -e, ke, -ke, keq, keqe, keqi, eke, mèrèq ketol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kèhing ketor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kir ketoq kayoq sj pohon k.o. tree ketoq kayoq puhun bunga sj pohon blossom of a certain tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu keu—kewoq 299

(2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq keu engkau, dia, kami, kamu you (sg), he, she, it, we (ex), naik, mendaki, masuk you (pl) climb, ascend, rise, enter 1. keu ai 1. menaiki, memanjat 1. climb a tree pohon 2. keu bongan >ote 2. naik ke atas 2. go up and visit above in >ula loyo mengunjungi di langit the heavens 3. keu dau 3. mendaki 3. climb up 4. keu dera 4. naik tangga 4. climb a ladder 5. keu doq 5. naik turun (di 5. travel up and down pegunungan dan lembah) (i.e. over ridges and across valleys) 6. keu ewar 6. naik cepat 6. climb quickly 7. keu huna tameq tene 7. masuk rumah, mengantar 7. enter the house, perahu accompany the boat 8. keu lèu 8. a. naik memasuki 8. a. enter the village, kampung, b. satu saat dlm b. stage in the funerary upacara penguburan, c. ceremony, c. cloth given kain yg diberikan oleh by the ‘>èpu puen’ in the ‘>èpu puen’ dlm upacara funerary ceremony, d. a penguburan, d. versi version of the game ‘motiq’ permainan ‘motiq’ (mancala) (mancala) 9. keu lèu doq wata 9. naik memasuki kampung 9. enter another village, mieq lain, turun di pantai lain descend to a different shore 10. >ole keu 10. dari bawah 10. from below cp. ‘eu’ for full paradigm, also: baloding, bohor (1), dau, dèmèr, dohil, doho, dote, hoko (1), kapa, lair, masoq, uduq kewel tergantung suspended lèi kewel kaki tergantung (tidak feet suspended (not berpijak, melayang) touching the ground, swinging) keweng berpisah separate cp. baki, baqe, baqung (2), >ewang, nala, pehaq, pesaq, piang, rehaq, wang (1) kewoq (1) mengacaukan confuse cp. wegor kewoq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mekol 300 keyeng—kèlèn keyeng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kure kèbèl tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kotiq kèbiq kèbiq kayaq membuat dinding erect a wall 1. kèbiq huna 1. mendinding rumah 1. build the walls of a house 2. kèbiq nèbiq 2. membuat dinding 2. erect a wall kèdèq terpancang, terpaku staked, nailed kèdèq bè nèbiq terpancang atau terpaku staked or nailed to the wall pada dinding cp. lètèq, paheng, paher, pating, tèdèr (1), tètèq kèdung kèdung kilaq guntur, halilintar thunder, lightning nèdung kèdung guntur berbunyi thunder roars cp. kilong, naru, nèdung, nilaq, rantaka, reka kèhing kèhing kètèq, kèhing ketol mengatapi roof 1. kèhing nèhing 1. memberi penutup pada 1. cover the roof atap 2. kèhing wetaq 2. mengatapi rumah 2. roof the house cp. nèhing kèir kèir kalaq, kèir kayang mengais scratch the ground manuq kèir watar ayam mengais jagung chicken scratches maize kernels cp. bogar, hala, hegar, kaer, kalaq kèku 1 berkerut, surut 1 furrow, wrinkle, shrink back 2 kecewa, merasa malu 2 disappointed, embarrassed cp. iho, iwiq, kure, kuyung, luqur, mèqè, miang, mohang, ruku (2), ruq (2) kèlèn kèlèn kauq 1 berpikir 1 think 2 ingat 2 remember 3 mensayangkan 3 pity, regret 1. kèlèn bahe rahe 1. sudah tidak ingat lagi, 1. memories fi nished, feel laleng tegur hati (har pikiran anger (lit. thought fi nished, habis, marah di dalam) angry inside) kèloq—kèqèr 301

2. kèlèn bale 2. ingat kembali 2. remember again 3. kèlèn kauq rasa 3. selalu ingat 3. always remember 4. kèlèn koloq kèlèn 4. selalu ingat, ingat 4. always remember, bale kembali remember again 5. >ei kèlèn o rasa 5. saya cinta padamu (har 5. I love you (lit. I think of saya sangat ingat engkau) you a lot) cp. eqing, >ikir, >ingaq, roho, tungen kèloq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mètung kèmèl tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kieq kèming mencabut take out, take off cp. bata, bèko, boraq (2), >èmèng, lahaq kèmiq menjepit tweezers cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, doling, kanèming, nèpiq, nipeq, >ona kènèng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ènèng kèoq kèoq kamar mengiris slice, cut into thin slices kèoq bako mengiris tembakau slice tobacco cp. bel, >èyè, haneq, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hèrè, hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèrèq (1), kuraq, kuting, lapuq, lèring, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, pipi, piq, >ohi, >ohor, tia kèpuq pendek-pendek, hilang, very short, missing, lacking kurang ling >udeq kèpuq satu jari hilang lacking a fi nger cp. ilang, lomu, lora (1), rawa (1), toiq, urang (1) kèq (1) anak angkat adoptive child kèq (2) menyebut nama say a name kèqèr 1 terkejut, terperanjat 1 startled, surprised, kèqèr dèoq frightened 2 mendengus, mengembik 2 snort, bleat 302 kèrèq—kiang

cp. bèwiq mèwiq, boreng, dotoq (1), >è kèrèq (1) keratan, mengerat, slice, piece, part, cut memotong cp. >ale (2), >apan, baki, baqe, baqen, bel, bètè (1), bètèn, >ewang, haneq, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kètèng, kètèq, kobaq, kuraq, kuting, lamaq (2), lapuq, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), nuteq, >ohi, pate, pipi, piq, tadiq, tia, >umen kèrèq (2) see: èrèq (3) kètè tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: anaq kètèng ~ kètèq kètèng rokaq patah, mematahkan, putus, break, cut off, slice off memutuskan, mengerat 1. ai kètèng dèqo 1. kayu sudah patah 1. the wood has already broken 2. lili kètèng 2. tiang patah 2. house post breaks 3. kètèng wadeq 3. memutuskan tali 3. break the rope cp. bèti, bikil, biliq, bolaq (1), buteq, doke, holaq, hèriq, iteq, kakal, kèhing, kèrèq (1), kotong, kuraq, lèhèq, papal, peaq, pesaq, putu, tahaq, topeq (1), wareng kètèq see: kètèng kètiq kètiq kètiq, kètiq kidol tiris leak, spill, ooze cp. baoq, haoq (1) hiroq, homaq, lodo (2), luruq kèwèng lekuk hollow, dent cp. kepiq kiang sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, kiaq—kihaq 303

douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq kiaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bayaq kibo kabo merasa pusing, mabuk dizzy, drunk cp. bahuq, bueng, hueng, hular, ireq (1), ueng (2) kidaq melempari throw at, pelt cp. hade, kakaq (1), loq (1), midaq, tidaq, walu, wetoq, wotoq kidiq birahi ayam jantan terhadap attraction of a cock to a ayam betina hen cp. bohil, hade, kakaq (1), loq, rawaq (1), tidaq, walu, wetoq, wotoq kidol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kètiq kieq kieq kèmèl erat, teguh, kuat tight, fi rm, strong 1. mèrèq kieq 1. memegang dgn kuat 1. grab fi rmly 2. pènè kieq 2. memegang erat, 2. hold fi rmly, hold tightly memegang kuat-kuat 3. >uyung kieq 3. mengikat kuat, mengikat 3. tie tightly, tie fi rmly erat 4. weloq kieq kèmèl 4. pintunya erat sekali 4. the door sticks tight cp. del, garipoq, hèkèr, >ipeq, kiqing, lèrè, manga (1), mateq, mèdèq, tobol, tudaq, wadang kihaq kihaq ketal menginjak step on 1. kihaq kiqing 1. menginjak teguh 1. step on fi rmly 304 kiki—kiliq

2. kihaq onin 2. menginjak baying- 2. step on a shadow bayang cp. hamang, pihaq kiki ~ kiki mulin burung buas wild bird cp. eor (2), ewal, laulete, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, todoq kiki mulin see: kiki kikiq tinggi, ke atas high, above cp. halang (2), laqi (1), lewar (2), lolon kikir kikir fi le kanikir tara kikir mengikir (har kikir kita fi le s.t. (lit. fi le we (in) use pakai untuk mengikir) to fi le) cp. kanikir kiki todang cacing worm cp. hala todang, todang kikoq kuning telur yg masih egg yoke which is still menempel pada pantat stuck to a newly hatched anak ayam yg baru menetas chick kilaq see: ilaq kileng sedikit sekali, kecil sekali very little, very small cp. ehoq, eken, hara, ite, >iheq, keke, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mèqè, mule (2), >odeng, tèin (2), upor, utu (1), weriq kili tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kili bolo kili bolo giring-giring, lonceng large bells besar cp. >etung kiliq kiliq baqul, kiliq liwang piring anyaman dari daun small bowl-shaped basket lontar untuk tempat buah for storing fruit, maize atau jagung 1. kiliq binen 1. sj piring anyaman (har 1. k.o. basket (lit. sister’s piring saudara perempuan) basket) 2. kiliq lekan, kiliq 2. sj piring anyaman 2. k.o. basket liwang 3. kiliq niaq 3. sj piring anyaman dibuat 3. k.o. basket made using dari buah pohon ‘niaq’ the fruit of the ‘niaq’ tree kilong—kipeq 305

4. kiliq opal, kiliq upal 4. sj piring anyaman yg 4. k.o. round basket bulat 5. kiliq rahaq 5. tiga atau lima bakul 5. three or fi ve baskets of jagung titik di pesta crushed maize brought to sesudah acara penguburan the feast after a funeral 6. kiliq ta awar 6. sj piring anyaman (har 6. k.o. basket (lit. a person’s piring gigi orang) tooth basket) cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal kilong ~ kiloq kilong kalong, kiloq kaloq, kiloq >olor bercahaya, bersinar, shine, sparkle, fl ash, berkilau, berkilat, kilat lightning mato kilong mata berkilau shining eyes cp. bohor (2), dolang, >engaq, hange, ilaq, kelaq, kèdung, kilong, lair, naru, nilaq, >olor, tado kiloq see: kilong kimuq kimuq kamuq, kimuq iteq mencubit pinch cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >èmèng, iteq, >itaq, lèhèq, tumiq kinaq kinaq wowo makan eat cp. a, pehang king see: kihing kiol kiol kaol bersuka-ita love ida kiol mayar kaol bergembira bersukacita delighted and in love cp. hebaq, roho, sayang, sita, sobaq, sukaq (1) kioq kioq kaoq tiruan bunyi menciap-ciap, chirp, cackle berkeok-keok manuq kioq anak ayam menciap-ciap chicks chirp cp. hioq, hopan, korkataq kipeq see: dipeq 306 kiqi—kiruq kiqi kiqi awar, kiqi kaq mengigit bite, chew cp. >amir, damiq, kanikiq, kuluq (1), mameq, mataq (2), nara (4), puriq, taku kiqing ~ king teguh, kukuh, kuat, kualitas tight, sturdy, strong, high tinggi, erat quality, fi rm bua moqi mara king melahirkan engkau spy give birth to yours to kuat become fi rm cp. garipoq, hèkèr, >ipeq, kieq, lèrè, manga (1), mateq, mèdèq, tudaq, wadang kir kir ketor bunyi gemeletuk gigi atau chattering of teeth or beak, paruh, bunyi kulit kambing sound of goat skin kiri mengupas peel, shell 1. kiri, a tara hara 1. kupaslah, spy kita bisa 1. peel so that we (in) may makan sedikit chew a little 2. kiri papang, rukaq 2. kupas dan pasang, 2. peel and put into (the rèq patahkan dan isikan ke dlm betel basket), break and put (tempat/keranjang sirih) into (the basket) 3. kiri rawa 3. sj siput, Bursa rana (Linn., 3. shell, Common Frog 1758) Shell, Bursa rana (Linn., 1758) 4. kiri >ue ubar 4. mengupas pinang muda 4. peel a young areca nut cp. bie (1), bingeq, hapiq, har, kaheq, lehor (2), oruq, paqe, tahing, wara kiriq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kiriq tahiq kiriq tahiq sj rumput k.o. weed cp. abun, auq oqor, >èdu, ladu, lotong, pinaq, ruq (1), tanga kiru kiru baru asam, masam sour cp. kirun, pilar, tamal kirun kirun barun yg rasanya asam that which is, tastes sour mude kirun jeruk asam sour lime cp. kiru kiruq kiruq kereng mengedip-ngedipkan mata wink, blink cp. helar, retaq kisuq—kobaq 307 kisuq mata yg menjadi kecil eyes which have shrunk karena biji matanya rusak, because the pupils are mata kempis damaged, shrunken eyes mato kisuq mata yg menjadi kecil eyes which have shrunk karena biji matanya rusak because the pupils are damaged kita rasa melekat pada gigi feeling of stickiness on the kalau dikunyah (spt teeth when chewing (as mengunyah nasi pulut, when chewing glutinous ketan) rice) cp. popoq (2) kite see: ite kitiq kitiq kawaq gelitik, menggelitik tickle, ticklish cp. >iwiq, tikiq kitong kitong katong sumbing, terbelah, pecah torn, split, chipped sedikit 1. awar kitong 1. gigi pecah sedikit 1. chipped tooth 2. nunu kitong 2. bibir sumbing 2. harelip cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), birang, halar, hawaq, hiang, hiaq, hiar, hika, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, laing, lawaq (2), paqal, piang, reiq kiwoq kiwoq kawoq mengaduk, mengadon stir, beat up, knead cp. >ikuq, pèmèq ko saya (kata ganti emfatik, 1t) I, me (emphatic pronoun, {tasrif: 1t ‘ko’, 2t ‘mo’, 3t 1sg) {paradigm: 1sg ‘ko’, ‘ne’, 1j eks ‘ke’, 1j in ‘te’, 2j 2sg ‘mo’, 3 sg ‘ne’, 1pl ex ‘me’, 3j ‘se’} ‘ke’, 1pl in ‘te’, 2pl ‘me’, 3pl ‘se’} cp. eti, >ei, >eko, èrèq, koq, koqo, koqi

-ko see: -o koar uang Hindia Belanda yg Dutch East Indies twenty- bernilai dua puluh lima sen fi ve cent coin kobang see: gobang kobaq memotong pendek cut short kobaq ai memotong pohon (spy cut down a tree (so that it tidak tumbuh lagi) does not grow back) 308 kobar—koheng

cp. bel, hèlèq (2), hoyaq, kèrèq (1), labor (2), lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohi, pate, piq, tadiq, tia kobar mencukur shave kobar imu sabeq mencukur kumis dan shave mustache and beard janggut koda koda wade silsilah, cerita turun- genealogy, relation of temurun genealogy koda wade deuq dewaq cerita silsila (har turunan relate genealogy (lit. satu tali) descent line one cord) kodan puncak gunung crown of the mountain kodol mengguling, roll, rolled menggelindingkan 1. kodol bola 1. mengguling bola 1. roll a ball 2. kodol taq 2. mengguling kelapa 2. roll a coconut cp. batong, hele, kolar, koleq, koliq, kolo, kolor, legang (1), lou, luen, lulun, waling kodoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lou, opol koel ~ koil (1) koel kael melingkar, melingkarkan coil 1. koel wadeq 1. melingkarkan tali 1. coil rope 2. >ular koel kael 2. ular melingkar-lingkar 2. the snake coils cp. balung, buel, doler, kaluq, koleq, lekoq, ongaq kohaq hanya, saja only, just, alone 1. pan kohaq 1. jalan terus saja, jalan 1. just travel on, travel tanpa kawan without a companion 2. tebeq kohaq 2. duduk saja (dgn tidak 2. just sit (with no other ada keperluan lain) job to be done) cp. >ehaq, ingiq, munung (1), neweng, nimoq, ohaq, piling, sandiri koheng pincang lame, crippled, crooked pan koheng jalang pincang limp, hobble cp. boko, hekong, kalung, kehong, tokol, wegir, rade koil—kokiq 309 koil (1) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: balung, koel koil (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kabuq, kapung, lèrè, mamel koiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ang koiq, woro koiq koir tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kamar koka sj pohon, kulitnya k.o. tree, the bark of which dicampur dgn akar is mixed with the root of mengkudu untuk Morinda citrifolia to make mencelup warna merah red dye cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq kokang ujung, pucuk tip bel kokang memotong ujung cut off the tip cp. rodang, >ubuq, >utuq koker mengeluarkan sst dari dlm pry s.t. out of a hole, using lubang dgn memakai kayu, a stick, palm leaf spine, etc. lidi, dsb cp. >oliq (1), piloq, tokil kokiq mencungkil tanah dig earth cp. ang kokiq 310 kokoq—koleq kokoq kokoq roe berkokok crow kokoq robaq bunyi kokok ayam jantan hoarse crow of a young muda yg parau cock kokor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >areng kolar kolar apa mengguling, terguling, roll, rolling menggelinding, berputar spt roda 1. ai kolar 1. kayu terguling 1. rolling log 2. kolar ai 2. mengguling kayu 2. roll wood 3. kolar tong 3.meng guling tong 3. roll a water barrel cp. baleq, baloq, batong, beloq, buel, bula, hele, kanolar, kodol, koleq, koliq, kolo, koloq, kolor, legang (1), lou, luen, lulun, muser, puer, puka, puleq, puter, ueng (2), waling, weleq kole kole kabaq seluruh, menyeluruh, whole, all, encircle, go keliling, mengelilingi, around mengepung 1. >ili kole 1. keliling gunung 1. around the mountain 2. kole >eqa 2. berkeliling dari satu 2. go around from place tempat ke tempat lain to place 3. kole >ili buel tene 3. sekeliling Kedang (har 3. the whole of Kedang keliling gunung, keliling (lit. around the mountain, perahu) around the boat) 4. kole waq 4. menggulingkan batu 4. roll a rock 5. lèu kole 5. seluruh kampung 5. the whole village 6. loyo kole 6. matahari terbenam 6. sunset 7. pan kole lèu 7. jalan keliling kampung 7. travel around the village cp. balung, buel, bukul, rèkung kole, rèiq, upal koleq menggulingkan, memutar- roll, twist, wrap mutar, melilitkan koleq noleq memutar-mutar obor twist a resin torch, wrap damar, melilitkan damar resin on a palm leaf rib pada lidi cp. baleq, baliq (2), balung, batong, boleq (2), botaq, bula, dogel (1), duler, hele, huneq, kaluq, kapuq, kodol, koel, kolar, koliq, kolo, kolor, legang (1), lekoq, lou, luen, lulun, muser, ongaq, puleq, puer, koli—koloq 311

tuleng, tueng, ueng (2), waling, weleq koli (1) koli maleng, koli maling membujuk, meréngék, coax, persuade minta terus-menerus cp. dahuq, èhèng, >itung, naku, ode, pohong pole, >uda, tudi koli (2) pohon lontar lontar palm cp. bako, oro (1), tuaq koliq tumbang fall down, collapse cp. èhèr, hubaq, lubaq, luqur, rèhèq, tawaq kolo kolo bale pulang, memecah (ombak) return, roll, break (of waves) 1. kolo ledeq 1. menggoyang badan atau 1. move the body or a hand tangan 2. pan kolo 2. berjalan pulang 2. travel and return 3. >oyo kolo 3. ombak memecah 3. the waves break cp. bale, balen, beloq, hele, kodol, kolar, koleq, koliq, koloq, kolor, legang (1), lulun, puer, waling koloq koloq bale putar, balik, kembali, turn, reverse, return, go pulang, berulang berulang- home, divert, give back, ulang repeatedly 1. koloq hidir 1. berputar, berbalik 1. turn, reverse half sebelah 2. koloq >iqa 2. memutar ikan 2. turn a fi sh 3. koloq mie bale tein 3. mengembalikan air seni, 3. return the urine, give memulangkan usus (kias back the intestine (fi g. mengembalikan air mani, return the semen, give mengembalikan darah, back the blood, divorce upacara talak) ceremony) 4. koloq mie tein bale 4. mengembalikan air mani 4. return the semen and weren lalan dan usus, mengembalijab navel cord, give back darah ibu (upacara talak) the blood (ceremony of divorce or separation) 5. koloq nutaq bale 5. mengembalikan kain 5. return the black cloth, tawan hitam, mengembalikan give back the food benih (upacara memutus (ceremony breaking sibling hubungan kakak-adik relation between clans) antara marga-marga) 6. koloq obi puer 6. memutar badan (karena 6. turn one’s back (in sorong sebal) dissatisfaction) 7. koloq >olon bale wèi 7. mengembalikan 7. return the food, give makanan, mengembalikan back the water (ceremony air (upacara untuk to prevent untimely death 312 kolor—kong

melindungi diri dari or dumbness after s.o. has kematian atau kejadian dreamed of being fed by bisu tuli sesudah bermimpi the ancestors) dikasih makanan oleh nenek moyg) 8. koloq >ula bale male 8. mengembalikan bulan, 8. bring back the moon, mengembalikan bintang return the star (ceremony (upacara kalau anak laki when a child has been lahir pada bulan purnama born during the wrong [saat yg baik untuk anak phase of the moon; the perempuan] atau anak right phase is the full perempuan yg lahir pada moon for a girl, the new bulan mati [saat yg baik moon for a boy) untuk anak laki-laki]) cp. bale, balen, baleq, baliq (2), baloq, bating, batong, beloq, duler, horiq (2), huneq, kolar, kolo, noloq, lenga, muser, pekoq, puer, puka, puleq, puter, ueng (2), >ulaq (2), weleq kolor gulung, menggulung, roll linting, melinting 1. kolor bako 1. melinting rokok 1. roll a cigarette 2. kolor tin tara lolaq 2. gulung tembakau 2. roll a cigarette so that we satu linting spy kita (in) may each smoke half bisa mingisap setengah- setengah cp. batong, hele, kodol, kolar, koleq, koliq, kolo, kopol (1), legang (1), lou, luen, lulun, waling kome sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule koming tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: karaq konang konang bari tuduhan suangi accusation of witchcraft konang maq molan menyalahkan sst karena blame s.t. on a witch suangi kong (1) kong bawa, kong laong gong gong kong—kopaq 313

1. kong gasaq 1. dua gong diikat 1. two gongs tied to bergandung dan dipukul hang together and beaten serentak together 2. kong kabolu 2. gong kecil 2. a small gong 3. kong matan 3. mata gong, bagian yg 3. the rounded bulge in the menonjol di tengah-tengah centre of a gong gong 4. kong male bètuq 4. gong yg sudah tua 4. an old or ruined gong dan rusak (har gong yg (lit. moss-covered gong) berlumut) 5. kong muko lolon 5. gong yg ringan, tipis (har 5. a thin gong, whether gong daun pisang) large or small (lit. banana- leaf gong) 6. kong natan 6. gong kecil yg dipukul 6. a small gong which is pertama the fi rst to be struck 7. kong pelaq laong 7. gong berbunyi nyaring 7. gong sounds sonorously >èlèq 8. kong puen bala bauq 8. pangkal gong pangkal 8. gong’s trunk, elephant gading (tempat asal gong tusk’s source (the place dan gading) of origin of gongs and elephant tusks) 9. kong rian 9. gong besar 9. a large, fl at gong 10. kong tawa, kong 10. gong yg dlm 10. a large, deep gong loleng tawa which is suspended 11. kong utun laong 11. gong kecil, anting- 11. small gong, white buyaq anting putih earring cp. pulu, >ulu (2) kong (2) see: ong kong (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kong baluq kong baluq sj ikan kecil (yg meloncat k.o. small fi sh (which di batu-batu) jumps from stone to stone) cp. deraq (1), doniq kongar kongar kangar, kongar wangur menonjol protrude, stick out 1. ai kongar 1. meranggas 1. tree with bare branches 2. waq kongar 2. batu yg menonjol karena 2. stones from which the tanahnya dibawa air hujan soil has been washed away by rain runoff cp. horong, hoyong, luya, soyong kontao pencak silat system of self-defence kopaq kopaq banger, kopaq toang menunggu wait kopaq tuang banger menunggu tuan, wait for the master, listen raya mendengar raja to the king 314 kopel—koqal

cp. banger (2), hodeq, pakang, sapang (2), toang, wenger banger (2) kopel mengail di tempat dlm fi sh in a deep spot 1. kopel wela akal 1. penipu, pendusta (har 1. deceiver, liar (lit. fi sh in watan mengail di gunung, the mountain, deceive at berdusta di pantai) the beach) 2. pan kopel 2. pergi mengail 2. go fi shing cp. akal, >aning, betur, >iqa, taung (1), wotoq kopi (1) kopi tang merangkak crawl, creep cp. doro (1), kapa, mana kopi (2) kopi coffee kopi piling kopi pahit black coffee koping tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ulaq kopol (1) menggulung roll up kopol ape menggulung benang kapas roll up cotton thread cp. kolor, luen, lulun kopol (2) see: kupul koq (1) milik saya, saya mempunyai my, I have (possessive (kata ganti posesif, 1t) pronoun, 1sg) {paradigm: {tasrif: 1t ‘koq’, 2t ‘moq’, 1sg ‘koq’, 2sg ‘moq’, 3sg 3t ‘neq’, 1j eks ‘keq’, 1j in ‘neq’, 1pl ex ‘keq’, 1pl in ‘teq’, 2j ‘meq’, 3j ‘seq’} ‘teq’, 2pl ‘meq’, 3pl ‘seq’} 1. koq huna riane 1. rumah saya besar 1. my house is big 2. koq huna rian 2. saya mempunyai rumah 2. I have a big house besar cp. eti, >ei, >eko, >eqi, èrèq, ko, koqi, koqo, -u koq (2) mencincang chop koq peu mencincang mangga chop a mango cp. bel, bètè (1), hodang, lapuq, tual, pèriq, wèngèl koqal koqal hoko engkau, dia, kami, kamu you (sg), he, she, it, we (ex), jatuh, tersandung you (pl) stumble, fall, trip cp. ‘oqal’ for full paradigm, also: harang (1), heleq, hubaq, lakaq, laleq (1), moqang, koqer—korong 315

moruq, tadan, tatang, turu koqer koqer wawar bunyi air mendidih sound of boiling water cp. bura koqi milik saya, punya saya (kata my, mine (emphatic ganti posesif emfatik, 1t, possessive pronoun, 1sg, sbg obyek) {tasrif: 1t ‘koqi’, objective) {paradigm: 1sg 2t ‘moqi’, 3t ‘neqi’, 1j eks ‘koqi’, 2sg ‘moqi’, 3sg ‘keqi’, 1j in ‘teqi’, 2j ‘meqi’, ‘neqi’, 1pl ex ‘keqi’, 1pl in 3j ‘seqi’} ‘teqi’, 2pl ‘meqi’, 3pl ‘seqi’} sorong koqi berikan milik saya hand me mine cp. eti, >ei, >eko, >eqi, èrèq, ko, koq, koqo, -u koqo milik saya, punya saya my, mine (emphatic (kata ganti posesif emfatik, possessive pronoun, 1sg, 1t, sbg subyek) {tasrif: 1t subjective) {paradigm: 1sg ‘koqo’, 2t ‘moqo’, 3t ‘neqe’, ‘koqo’, 2sg ‘moqo’, 3sg 1j eks ‘keqe’, 1j in ‘teqe’, 2j ‘neqe’, 1pl ex ‘keqe’, 1pl ‘meqe’, 3j ‘seqe’} in ‘teqe’, 2pl ‘meqe’, 3pl ‘seqe’} labur koqo miteng-ne baju saya hitam my dress is black cp. eti, >ei, >eko, >eqi, èrèq, ko, koq, koqi, -u koqon yg milik saya {tasrif: 1t that which is owned by me ‘koqon’, 2t ‘moqon’, 3t {paradigm: 1sg ‘koqon’, 2sg ‘neqen’, 1j eks ‘keqen’, 1j ‘moqon’, 3sg ‘neqen’, 1pl in ‘teqen’, 2j ‘meqen’, 3j ex ‘keqen’, 1pl in ‘teqen’, ‘seqen’} 2pl ‘meqen’, 3pl ‘seqen’} cp. koqo kore menemani, menyertai, befriend, be with, together bersama with kore hèbu kami mandi bersama we (ex) bathe together cp. daling, >èpiq, hama, nerung, noreq, ore, reu, roe (1) korkataq bunyi ayam yg sedang sound of a hen defending membela anaknya, its chicks, cackle berkotek manuq mèluq korkataq ayam betina berkotek the hen cackles cp. kaoq (1), kioq, reqang korong korong wèroq merah red odo korong suangi (har pantat merah) witch (lit. red anus) cp. kanang, meran (2), putuq 316 koroq—kotir koroq korek, mengorek, menggali, dig korok, mengorok cp. aèl, aling, laqur koseng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kuseng kosu see: gosu kotan kotan kamar membersihkan kebun clean a fi eld in preparation untuk persiapan menanam for planting kotan notan mengkerjakan kebun lama work an old fi eld cp. notan kotar kotar bubur kotar bubur libur behiq bintang yg memberi star which gives keturunan descendants kote kote wadeq gasing a top gereng kote bermain gasing spin a top cp. longo kotel kotel kail meloncat jump, hop waiq kotel belalang meloncat the grasshopper hops cp. hetuq, opel, opoq (2), poti koteq kependekan, kesempitan too short, too tight labur koteq baju kependekan, the shirt is too short, tight kesempitan kotiq (1) kotiq kèbèl, kotiq loter kebal invulnerable, immune sio berani long neq siapa yg berani who is brave enough to ling bè wèi bura teboq mencelupkan tangannya put his hand in boiling laleng? >Oneq bè napo di dlm air mendidih? water? His disposition is kotiq Wataknya baru betul-betul truly invulnerable kebal cp. bura, hodong kotiq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: karang (1) kotir tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ahang, mèlèng, nabaq, paraq, pèyu kotong—kua 317 kotong kotong ingiq memotong putus cut off cp. kètèng, tahaq koul tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kawang kowa (1) berzinah, bersetubuh have sexual intercourse 1. kowa areq 1. bersetubuh dgn wanita 1. have sexual intercourse with a woman 2. kowa lopi 2. berzinah sampai punya 2. have sexual relations to anak, tetapi tidak kawin the point of having a child but not marry 3. kowa nope 3. berzinah tetapi tidak 3. have sexual relations but kawin not marry 4. kowa wèq 4. berzinah 4. have sexual intercourse cp. doho, dotoq (2), iq kowa (2) ~ kowal membentangkan extend 1. kowal >ap 1. membentangkan alas 1. spread out s.t. 2. kowal napa 2. membentangkan tikar 2. spread out a woven mat cp. apa (1), leleng, lor, nateng, neler, polung, sereng, tepaq, tetar kowa (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pahang kowal see: kowa (2) kowoq tertutupi rumput yg lebat, covered with dense grass, tertutupi sulur-suluran yg overgrown merambat >eqa kowoq tempat yg tertutupi place covered with dense rumput yg lebat, tempat yg grass, overgrown place tertutupi sulur-suluran yg merambat cp. balètuq, bongoq, bowong (2), lotuq koyong mengotorkan sst di tanah get s.t. dirty on the ground cp. >iwong, lutang

-ku see: -u kua (1) apa, mengapa, kenapa what, doing what, why engkau, dia, kami, kamu? you (sg), he, she, it, we (ex), you (pl)? 1. kua ma? 1. mengapa? 1. why? 2. kuani, kuaqi 2. kiranya 2. possibly 3. o kua kueqko? 3. mengapa engkau 3. why are you crying? menangis? 318 kua—kubeng

cp. ‘ua’ for full paradigm; also: >ape, kata (1), kaiq kua (2) sj kelelawar k.o. bat miqi dongoq kua ‘miqi’ memikul ‘kua’ di ‘miqi’ carries ‘kua’ on its belakang back cp. ara rebeng, miqi, miqi ebo kèdèq, miqi naga, miqi oli kuang kuang nuang menggaris, mencoreng, scratch, draw lines mencoret, menggores 1. kuang ite 1. upacara menggores 1. a ceremony in which pohon rita dgn pisau the bark of the rita tree is (sehingga banyak getah sliced (so that a great deal yg keluar yg moga-moga of sap comes out, making dapat membuat orang it possible, so it is hoped, dikaruniai anak banyak) to have a great number of children) 2. kuang nèbiq 2. menggaris dinding 2. carve on the wall cp, hegar, kaer, kalaq, karo, karung, kuriq, loha, nuang (2), nuraq kuaq memintal pukat twine a net nuaq tara kuaq memintal pukat (har jarum twine a net (lit. net-making pukat kita pakai untuk tool we (in) use to make memintal pukat) a net) cp. nuaq kuasa kuasa bisaq kaya rich, powerful cp. kawasa, noren, pitang sarang kuba tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ruha kuba kubang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: taq kubeng kotak anyaman dari daun lontar-leaf basket for lontar, untuk mengisi storing food supplies perbekalan cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, keler, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal kuda—kuhi 319 kuda kuda sarang kuda horse 1. kuda inan 1. induk kuda 1. female horse 2. kuda lala 2. jalan kuda, jalan raya 2. horse road, highway 3. kuda laqin 3. kuda jantan 3. male horse 4. kuda ronen 4. kuda betina 4. young female horse kuda kayo sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq kude kude rokoq, kude wokoq merasa sst dibawah badan feel something under one’s semasa berbaring body when lying down kudul kudul tènèn berlutut, bertelut kneel cp. udul kuduq see: uduq kueq (1) kueq dareng, kueq nareng kueq dareng tataq mahing engkau, dia, kami, kamu you (sg), he, she, it, we (ex), menangis you (pl) cry, weep, sob 1. kueq dareng neweng 1. menangis tersedu-sedu 1. weep bitterly feeling naing very lonely 2. kueq dareng >oyeng 2. menangis dan meratap 2. weep and sob >ehaq tersedu-sedu cp. ‘ueq’ for full paradigm; also: dareng, lureq lareq, oyeng, uduq kueq (2) ~ kuweq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: uduq kuhi kuhi tayong kumba, tempayan large pot, jug 320 kuhing—kuluq

cp. payang kuhing ~ kuing kuing kaing sisa sludge, leftover matter >ipu kuhing tahi minyak kelapa sludge left over from making coconut oil cp. awa, miteng, nalan (1), nehang, raing kuhiq lubang kecil small hole nunu kuhiq mulut yg lubangnya kecil mouth with a small hole kuing see: kuhing kukaq 1 sj labu kecil, buahnya 1 small gourd, the size of a sebesar telur ayam chicken egg 2 giring-giring anyaman 2 bells woven from lontar daun lontar palm leaf kukoq siput darat, keong snail kula tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kula pawo, hakeq kula pawo sj obat dipakai untuk k.o. medicine used to membersihkan cleanse cp. hèbu kuleng kuleng kaleng kecil small, tiny 1. kuleng kaiq 1. kecil benar 1. very small 2. utun kuleng 2. anak merah, bayi merah 2. newborn infant cp, ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kuseng, mèqè, mokeng, mule (2), tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq kulu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kulu bila, kulu sawa kulu bila see: ala bila kuluq (1) memamah, mengunyah chew, masticate cp. kiqi, mameq, mamoq, mataq (2), puriq kuluq (2) see: guluq kulu sawa—kuq 321 kulu sawa jambu batu, Psidium guajava guava, Psidium guajava kuma kuning yellow cp. eor (1), reoq, uma kuna see: guna kuneng mengalas kepala (untuk support the head (for menjunjung sst) carrying s.t.) cp. mekang, nuneng kupa simpai hoop, band pedaq kupa simpai parang band around a fi eld knife where the blade joins the handle kupil menjadi kecil become small tein kupil ari-arimenjadi kecil, the navel cord becomes kempis smaller, dries up kupoq pendek, menjadi pendek short, become short sorong ko watar kupoq beri saya jagung yg kecil- give me the small maize kupoq kecil ears cp. >èkuq, lere, mèkuq, mèqul, upar, weheq kupul ~ kopol (2) mengerumun swarm ubur kupul lèi tahan lalat mengerumuni luka fl ies swarm over a sore on kaki the leg cp. ele (2), >orang >irung kupuni kompeni Dutch East Indies Company, the Dutch East Indies government kupuni nape dei kompeni baru ikut the Dutch East Indies government just followed kuq mengambil bring, take 1. kuq >ate rian 1. mengambil 1. take a husband suami 2. kuq ka bèi min 2. ambil dan makan, tuang 2. take and eat, pour and minum drink 3. kuq tuber nawaq 3. mengambil jiwa 3. take the soul 4. kuq wangun lean 4. mendaptkan sebab- 4. fi nd the causes musabab 5. kuq wèq 5. kawin 5. marry 6. kuq wèq rian 6. mengambil isteri 6. take a wife cp. ‘uq’ for full paradigm, also: hen, kaqo, mauq, mèq, rèq, taping (2) 322 kur—kuseng kur tiruan bunyi untuk sound for calling chicken memanggil ayam cp. ar, kutu kuraq kuraq mawe leteng lapa menggores dgn ujung pisau scratch with a knife, slice, untuk mengeluarkan kulit, cut open melukai, mengiris kuraq botin mengiris perut (untuk slice a stomach open (to mengeluarkan isinya) clean out its contents) cp. haneq, hèrè, hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kètèng, lèring, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), pipi kure kure keyeng merasa malu karena kecewa shy because disappointed cp. iwiq, kèku, miang kureng sisa kelapa yg sudah coconut meat which digaruk yg tidak remains after grating a dipakai lagi coconut taq kureng sisa kelapa yg sudah coconut meat which digaruk yg tidak dipakai remains after grating a lagi coconut kurenta kertas paper kuriq mengikis, mengukur scrape, scratch, grate 1. kuriq oro 1. mengikis daun koli 1. scrape a lontar leaf (with the blade of a fi eld knife in order to prepare it, by making it thinner, for use in rolling cigarettes) 2. kuriq taq 2. mamarut kelapa 2. grate coconut 3. nuriq kuriq taq 3. parutan memarut kelapa 3. the grater grates coconut cp. doyang, hegar, kaer, kakur, kalaq, karo, karung, karuq (1), kuang, lèring, loha, mèqè, nuang (2), nuraq kurkata tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ling kuru see: guru kuseng kuseng koseng kecil small cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, mèqè, mule (2), kusing—kuyung 323

tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq kusing kucing cat kusing mama kucing hutan, musang wild cat, civet cat kuting menggunting cut kuting uha tara menggunting rambut dgn cut hair with scissors (lit. kanuting gunting (har gunting kita scissors we [in] use to cut) pakai untuk menggunting) cp. bel, >èyè, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hoyaq, kanuting, kèoq, kèrèq (1), lapuq, mèyèq, piq, >ohi, >ohor, tia kutu panggilan ayam sound for calling chicken cp. ar, kur kutun see: utun kutuq tiruan bunyi cicak sound of a lizard tuan kutuq tiruan bunyi cicak sound of a lizard kuweq see: kueq (2) kuwoq kuwoq boling benih seed cp. rehaq, tawan, uluq kuwu tiruan bunyi burung sound of a wild pigeon pergam kuyung 1 mengempis, menyusut 1 shrink 2 merasa kecewa 2 feel disappointed cp. iho, kepiq, kèku, lèpiq, luqur, miyung, mohang L la (1) kalau if la ton tara noq kalau tidak kita akan pakai if not, we (in) will wear ini this la (2) ajakan atau seruan harapan, expression or cry of hope semoga cp. ama, bang (1), ere (2), kalu, mepe laba 1 memahat, alat untuk 1 chisel, carve memahat manuq laba wèq 2 mencakar, bersabung 2 fi ght ayam saling bersabung cocks fi ght each other cp. awe, awen, bayuq, hala kèir, huraq, karung, nu (1) laba ai burung pahat, burung woodpecker (lit. chisel pelatuk (har pahat pohon) trees) cp. ewal laba lia laba lia laba dong Tuhan, ilah God, god laba lia laba dong putu permintaan untuk prayer for offspring (lit. doq korong doq keturunan (har Tuhan Great God, Almighty God, Besar, Tuhan Allah, merah red descend, scarlet come turun, merah turun) down) cp. >ala laha tala, loyo buyaq, lia, loyo rian, tuang >ala laha tala, >ula loyo labe taring tusk wawi labe taring babi pig tusk labor (1) menangkap dgn jerat catch by pulling the cord tangan of a trap cp. loraq labor (2) memotong pendek, cut short, trim (hair) memangkas 1. >anaq labor 1. anak bayi yg dilarikan 1. child taken from its dari ibunya karena ibunya mother, who died in mati waktu melahirkan childbirth 2. labor >anaq 2. a. memotong tali ousat 2. a. cut the umbilical cord setelah ibu yg bersalin after a mother has died in langsung mati; b. anak childbirth; b. giving a child diberikan pada orang lain to another person because karena ibunya mati its mother is dead labur—laeq 325

cp. kobaq, tadiq labur baju, memakai baju shirt, blouse, clothing, wear a shirt 1. labur >anaq 1. saku baju 1. shirt pocket 2. labur imang 2. baju imam, baju jubah 2. priest’s shirt, cassock 3. labur labur bè wèq 3. memakai baju 3. wear a shirt cp. deko, nalen, pakeyang, sede, uen ladaq ladaq bakoq menusuk sekat buku break the internal bambu air bahagian dlm partitions of the nodes of a spy berlubang bamboo for carrying water ladeq merasa amat pedih (spt feel very painful (as when terbakar bara api, kena burnt by coals, pricked by duri, dsb) a thorn, etc.) cp. mèyèng lado ekor ayam jantan cock’s tail cp. tamodo lado >angin batu tempat stone altar in the centre melangsungkan upacara of the old village used in adat rain-making ceremony ladu ladu >ameq sj rumput yg melekat di k.o. weed which sticks to pakaian clothing cp. abun, auq oqor, >èdu, kiriq tahiq, lotong, pinaq, ruq (1), tanga lae lae loroq sakit sick, ill cp. awang, hateq, laen, olong (1), rèqè laen laen moleng sakit, yg sakit, penyakit sick, sick person, sickness 1. laen baraq beteq 1. sakit berat 1. serious illness 2. laen di epu bapa 2. kalau sakit engkau harus 2. if you are ill go to your moleng di epu bapa ke rumah saudara ibu (har mother’s brother (lit. sakit di ‘epu bapa’, sembuh sickness at the mother’s di ‘epu bapa’) brother, recovery at the mother’s brother) 3. laen pètung 3. sakit parah 3. gravely ill cp. awang, engar, hateq, lae, mengar, pètung, rèqè laeq lekas, cepat, segera fast, quick laeq ma cepat ke sini come here quickly 326 laer—laha

cp. ewar, layu, naiq, wengin laer tertinggal waktu dipetik left unpicked, unpicked crop >utan laer kacang yg ketingalan atau beans which have been left kelupaan waktu musim or forgotten during harvest petik cp. ian, puaq lagang see: lakan, legang (2) lagar lagar bakoq menubruk, menabrak, collide, collide with, have a melanggar collision cp. bae, lètur, tèduq lageng ~ lakeng langkah panjang step, stride, long stride cp. lakaq, pakaq lagu ~ laku model, rupa, bentuk, tindak model, form, shape, laku behaviour >ei lagu namo noq mè, keadaan saya (miskin) I am in such (poor) iqer oto arabone? begini, bagaimana saya bias condition, how can I afford beli mobill? a car? cp. adaq, >anung, loku, nulur (2), rupa laku see: lagu laha (1) laha lengaq melakukan, membuat do, make 1. laha iwiq 1. membuat malu 1. shame, embarrass 2. laha lengaq >apeqo? 2. a. engkau mengerja apa?; 2. a. what are you doing?; b. b. engkau marah karena what are you mad at? apa? 3. laha susa 3. membuat susah 3. make trouble 4. mèiq mè >oti laha 4. engkau yg 4. you lost that knife toiq menghilangkan pisau itu 5. mo kara laha riko, 5. engkau janganberbuat 5. don’t be untidy laha rako sembarangan cp. ara (1), laq, tulaq laha (2) mau, berkehendak want, wish >ei laha dahango saya ingin bertanya padamu I want to ask you cp. kahin (2), laleng, nèngoq, ohor, piqur, toher laha (3) hampir almost 1. laha toiq 1. pudar, memudar 1. faded, fade 2. nuo laha mate 2. dia hampir mati 2. he is almost dead lahaq—laiq 327 lahaq membongkar, melepaskan take out, release, tear down 1. lahaq awar 1. melepaskan gigi (palsu) 1. take out (false) teeth 2. lahaq leke 2. membuka, melepaskan 2. open, release shackles pasungan kaki cp. >alar, baqung (1), bele, bogar, bokar, doing, doke, eaq, hiroq, kèming, lataq, >oliq (1), rèpè lahar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tua (2) laheq laheq >uluq, laheq >uti buah pelir testicles, testes lahor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lehor lahung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kalohung, lohung lai tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ariq lain tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: weqen laing laing paqal membelah split laing >iqa membelah ikan split fi sh (in order to dry them in the sun) cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), doing, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hika, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, lawaq (2), paqal, piang laiq (1) memintal spin, twine laiq awaq memintal tali pancing twine a fi shing cord cp. dèning (2), lapa (2), puka, tueng, tuleng, weleq laiq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ingiq, tebeq 328 lair—lakaq lair lair keu sinar, bersinar, bercahaya ray, gleam, radiance, radiate, shine cp. bohor (2), dilaq, >engaq, hange, ilaq, kelaq, kilong, tado laka (1) sj pohon yg daunnya k.o. tree whose leaves are dipakai untuk memerahkan used to paint fi ngernails kuku red laka liman a. cabang pohon ‘laka’; a. branch of the ‘laka’ tree; b. tali pada kaki layar yg b. cord tied to the base of dipegang oleh pengemudi the sail and held by the sampan atau perahu helmsman of a boat cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq laka (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: èhèq lakan ~ lagang gelanggang, medan, arena, plain, large bamboo balai-balai besar tempat platform for a banquet or perjamuan atau pesta feast lagang kole seluruh medan, seluruh the whole plain, the whole gelanggang arena lakang tidak rapat, berjauhan far apart (not fl ush), be far from watar lakang batang jagung yg bijinya maize cob with several tidak rapat grains missing cp. doa, noa, potoq lakaq lakaq koqal langkah, melangkahkan step, stride, walk lakaq natan natan melangkah satu-satu pelan- walk slowly, a step at a time pelan cp. hakal, lageng, likaq (1), ledo, pakaq lakar—lala 329 lakar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lekar, loker laka sau sj tumbuhan yg wangi k.o.fragrant herb which is dipakai untuk bumbu eaten as a condiment makanan lakeng see: lageng lakiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: loyg lakiq lako musang civet cat cp. laqu (2), mama lakong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: likong lakong lakoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lèkoq, tubaq laku daraq sj pohon yg buahnya k.o. tree with red fruit merah cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, tnatu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, ruar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq lala (1) lala >ul jalan road, path, way 1. kuda lala 1. jalan kuda, jalan raya 1. horse road, highway 2. lala doa laeq dehiq 2. berjalan jauh lekas 2. travel far, soon near menjadi dekat (tentang (referring to a long perjalanan yg jauh) journey) 3. lala loloq 3. bagaian sebelah atas jalan 3. top of the road, origin of the road 4. lala lubiq 4. jalan sempit 4. narrow road 330 lala—laleng

5. lala mapaq 5. jalan yg melintasi bukit, 5. path which crosses a hill atau lereng gunung or slope of a mountain 6. lala rian 6. jalan besar 6. main road, thoroughfare 7. lala >utuq 7. a. pertemuan jalan atau 7. a. intersection, crossroads; persimpangan jalan; b. b. tip of a curve in the road ujung pada kelokan jalan cp. >uliq lala (2) tanda pengenal, tanda, sign of identifi cation, mark, menandai mark s.t. lala witing menandai kambing mark a goat cp. bunga, tada, tanada, >uliq lalan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: weren lalang lalang renga kenal, mengenal, know, be acquainted with, berkenalan, memeriksa inspect o lalang >ate oyo? engkau kenal orang itu? do you know that person over there? cp. bisa, ebeng, kengo, nuan, paresaq, tada, ui, >ulu (1) lalaq (1) lalaq wei bubur gruel, pudding, porridge 1. lalaq anen 1. bubur nasi 1. rice pudding, gruel 2. lalaq >iwor 2. bubur cair 2. liquid porridge cp. maka (1) lalaq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sala lalaq lale sj tumbuhan semak-semak k.o. of shrub whose leaves yg bunganya dimakan sbg are eaten as a substitute for pengganti lombok hot peppers cp. ada lolong, atang, bara pehiq, biru, nahaq (1), tuaq loran, >unuq laleng 1 dalam, di dalam, teluk 1 in, inside, lagoon, bay 2 hati, maksud, bermaksud, 2 heart, emotion, berniat, keinginan disposition, intention, intend, desire, want 1. bè huna laleng 1. di dalam rumah 1. in the house 2. >ei laleng balequ 2. saya bermaksud kembali 2. I intend to go back 3. laleng diqen 3. berhati baik 3. good natured 4. laleng kèlèn 4. ingat, terpikirkan 4. remember, think of s.o. 5. moq laleng 5. maksudmu bagaimana? 5. what are your narabone? intentions? 6. neq laleng buren 6. dia marah 6. he is angry laleq—lamaq 331

7. nuo neq laleng 7. dia jahat 7. he is bad, wicked datenne cp. haqing, kahin (2), laha (2), >oneq, >uhe, wela (1) laleq (1) laleq liluq tersandung stumble, trip cp. cp. koqal, oqal, tadan, tipoq laleq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hoeq, loleq laleq, luleq laleq lali lali namang menyanyi sing cp. kaong, >orong lalung (1) ayam jantan, burung jantan male bird, male fowl manuq lalung ayam jantan cock cp. laqin, tèlu lalung (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mèkèr laluq tidak gampang putus, not easily loosened or mulur (spt ingus atau getah separated, elastic (like pohon atau bubur cair, mucus, sap, or the liquid of kanji) porridge or starch) cp. tetaq lama penjaga dari suatu tempat keeper of a place 1. lama >uring 1. penjaga buritan perahu, 1. helmsman juru mudi 2. lama wahan 2. penjaga haluan 2. harpooner laman laman loman sarung keris, pisau, pedang, sheath, sheathe menyarungkan 1. laman mèiq 1. menyarungkan pisau 1. sheathe a knife 2. mèiq laman 2. sarung pisau 2. sheath of a knife lamang lamang liqar memelihara, merawati, raise, care for, take care of, mengasuh keep lamang liqar witing memelihara kambing keep a goat cp. >awe (1), hereng, mawaq, paro, rutaq lamaq (1) lamaq liwo tempat makanan, piring plate, dish lamaq muroq >udeq satu pasang piring one pair of plates cp. perou, pènè, pingan 332 lamaq—lang lamaq (2) bagian, bagian dari share, part sstpembagian cp. >ale (2), >apan, baki, baqe, baqen, bètè (1), bètèn, >ewang, kèrèq (1), lamaq, leq (1), metaq, >umen lamaq (3) lamaq loking dalam di dlm air deep in water cp. lomoq lamaq (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: limaq lamari lemari cupboard lambo sj perahu k.o. ship cp. kalabaq, lete lete, tene lame membuat sambal, lawar mix pepper and spices, mix meat or fi sh with ground coconut cp. lamen lamen (1) sambal sambal cp. lame lamen (2) anak laki-laki one’s own son (in some cases it may refer to one’s children of both sexes) moq lamen pie? anak laki laki engkau how many sons do you berapa? have? cp. ebe, laqi (2) lamoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: limoq lamun rumput laut, yg tumbuh di seaweed with long leaves air dangkal dan berpasir, that grows in shallow, sandy daunnya cukup panjang water cp. ongon lang (1) menyiram, membasahi spray, sprinkle, moisten >uya lang pèu tuaq hujan kecil sekitar bulan small shower around September (har hujan September (lit. rain menyirami pohon mangga sprinkles mango tree and dan pohon lontar) lontar palm) cp. habur, hir (1), hotaq, louq, paoq (1), rehiq lang (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself langa—laong 333

see: ling (2) langa paha bagaian dalam back, hams of an animal langa wana, langa weri paha dalam kanan, paha right ham of an animal, dalam kiri left ham of an animal (in a sacrifi ce, each goes to specifi c clans) langaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: enga langar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muha, tala (1) langoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lengoq langun cacat, pencacatan physical defect, deformity, deformed 1. lèi langun 1. kaki yg kurus kering 1. shrivelled foot 2. tubar langun 2. kepala cacat 2. deformed head lani sj lebah bee, k.o. cp. meqo, oyan, para muhun, rua lanta ~ balanta kayu alas untuk memotong chopping board for cutting daging, ikan up meat or fi sh lanu sj penyakit pikiran yg a mental disease caused disebabkan oleh suami atau by a husband’s or wife’s isteri karena berzinah committing adultery laong ~ balaong laong latong anting-anting besar (yg large earrings (which are dapat dipakai pada telinga worn on the ear or hung atau digantungkan di leher) from the neck) 1. laong butil wawi 1. satu pasang anting-anting 1. earrings which are lowoq yg bisa disembunyikan dlm slightly open and small tangan dan satu anak babi enough to fi t in the hand, yg dibungkus dlm kain a pig small enough to (denda yg harus dibayar be hidden in a cloth (an apabila laki-laki Lèuwayang ordinary earring and a menganiaya perempuan baby pig, a fi ne paid when dari Roma) a man from Lèuwayang molested a woman from Roma) 2. laong loeng 2. anting-anting untuk 2. earring offered as an pemberitahuan announcement 3. laong moliq 3. a. sj anggrék; b. anting- 3. a. a female orchid; b. anting perak silver earrings 4. laong olor 4. anting-anting yg 4. long, straight earrings bentuknya lurus panjang 334 lapa—lapan

5. laong uman 5. anting emas 5. golden earrings 6. laong weren 6. anting-anting kuning 6. yellow earrings, with yg harganya sepuluh a slight coating of gold, pohon, atau dua gong yg worth ten ‘munaq’, or two hargannya lima pohon gongs worth fi ve ‘munaq’ each 7. laong witing 7. belis/maskawin yg 7. a goat and earring terdiri dari kambing dan (payments to ‘èpu’ for anting-anting certain services) 8. manuq neq laong 8. pial ayam (har anting 8. chicken wattles (lit. ayam) chicken’s earrings) 9. tawi laong 9. memakai anting-anting 9. wear earrings cp. giwang, golang, kong, nuber (2), togeq lapa (1) lapa pape memapah atau memangku support or hold, hold on di pangkuan one’s lap cp. >apaq, èrèq (1), hodeq, honing, habuq, hudeq, kabuq, kapung, lapa (1), likoq, luni, moboq, muaq, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, pènè (1), pohing, tanukoq, tukoq lapa (2) tangkai daun lontar atau stalk, strips from the outer kelapa, pelepah skin of the stalk of the lontar or coconut palm 1. lapa laiq, lapa wonor 1. tali pelepah yg durinya 1. strips from the stalk of belum diraut atau durinya a lontar or coconut palm masih ada which has not yet had the thorns removed 2. puli lapa 2. menaruh pelepah 2. insert lontar palm stalk sewaktu menganyam kotak strip when weaving a basket 3. taq lapa 3. pelepah daun kelapa 3. stalk of the coconut palm leaf cp. lapan lapa (3) kondé sementara temporary chignon cp. bule lapa (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kuraq lapan 1 keseluruhan tangkai dan 1 stalk and leaves daun 2 dlm anyaman kotak dll 2 in basket weaving a single satu bagian dibuat dari section consisting of all of helai-helai daun anyaman the strands being woven 3 sehelai daun dlm anyaman 3 one of the strands used in kotak dll weaving a basket cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, lapaq—lapur 335

hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal lapaq lapaq tarang lapaq pikan tiri doheng batu induk, batu ceper, fl at or rimmed stone, anvil landasan 1. lapaq lèu 1. batu upacara di pusat 1. ceremonial stone in the kampung lama centre of the old village 2. lapaq suku 2. batu upacara untuk 2. small stone altar used marga to represent the clan in ceremonies 3. uar lapaq 3. batu induk, batu 3. base stone (on which landasan (tempat menitih maize is crushed) jagung) cp. pikan lapeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: liang laper tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lete lapiq (1) lapis, melapis layer, fold lapiq ai melapis kayu stack up wood cp. balung, dan, >ènung, lèpiq, oleng lapiq (2) menempel adhere, stick cp. bateq, dapeq (1), lateq, nènèq, pataq, raèq, rèbèq lapuq memotong, memangkas cut, chop, break off lapuq ai memotong atau cut or break off twigs from memangkas ranting-ranting a branch spy terlepas dari batangnya cp. bel, bètè (1), biliq, bolaq (1), >èyè, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hodang, hoyaq, iteq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, koq (2), kuting, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohi, >ohor, pate, pèriq, piq, tadiq, tia, topeq (1), tual, tuqi, wèngèl lapur lapur padu lampu lamp cp. padu 336 laq—laqin laq bekerja, mata pencarian work, do, make, work for a livelihood 1. laq >eqa; laq lumen 1. bekerja di kebun 1. work in the fi elds 2. laq kain 2. membuka kebun, bertani 2. open a new fi eld, work a pada tempat atau hutan yg newly opened fi eld baru dibuka untuk kebun cp. ara (1), kareyg, laha (1), >ola , tulaq laqa 1 tangkai panah, sj bambu 1 arrow shaft, k.o. of yg dapat dibuat atau bamboo which can be used dijadikan tangkai anak as an arrow shaft panah 2 alat penggulung 2 device for rolling up daun pandan sebelum pandanus leaves before dipanggang pada api toasting them in order to make a rain cape 1. laqa bolaq 1. bagian untuk panahan 1. share for the arrows dlm perburuan (har tangkai in the division of game panah gugur) animals (lit. the arrow shaft falls out) 2. laqa tara laqan tiuq 2. alat kita pakai untuk 2. device we (in) use to roll menggulung pandan up pandanus leaves before toasting them in order to make a rain cape laqan menggulung daun pandan rolling up pandanus leaves sebelum dipanggang pada before toasting them in api order to make a rain cape laqang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: luqang laqi (1) laqi tokal 1 tinggi 1 high 2 (istilah dlm pesta untuk) 2 (expression used at feasts daging kambing to indicate) goat meat 1. ai noq laqi tokalne 1. pohon ini tinggi sekali 1. this tree is very tall 2. laqi paq weheq? 2. daging kambing atau 2. goat meat or pork? (lit. daging babi? (har tinggi high or low?) atau rendah?) 3. laqi rasa 3. tinggi sekali 3. very high cp. kikiq, lewar (2) laqi (2) laki-laki male cp. ebe, lamen (2), laqin (2) laqin (1) yg tinggi elevated place, s.t. high, s.t. tall 1. laqin loloq 1. di atas lumbung 1. on the granary 2. >ote laqin 2. di atas para para 2. in the storage compartment cp. laqi (1) laqin—lata 337 laqin (2) jantan male (animal) cp. lalung, laqi (2) laq laruq see: laruq laqu (1) laqu matang hadia gift cp. paraseng laqu (2) musang civet cat cp. lako, mama laqur laqur koroq menggali, mencangkul dig, spade, hoe laqur ruq wadeq mencangkul, hoe, prepare the ground for membersihkan rumput cultivation cp. aèl, aling, baq (2), dokaq, hua, koroq, sangkul larang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kain laraq panas sekali, memanaskan very hot, warm up o laraq watar engkau memanaskan you warm up maize jagung cp. darang (1), henga, lati, muq, pana, tape lareq lareq liruq retak crack, cracked uyeng lareq periuk retak cracked pot cp. babaq (2), baq (1), bèti, hika, hingoq, kaqar, lureq lareq, pèhuq lari tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muko lari lolon, tèhèq laru (1) ruas bambu section in bamboo between nodes laru (2) see: loru laru laruq ~ laq laruq gurita kecil small octopus cp. >ara bora, meneng, nunang, oba lata lata hoing menyuruh, mengajak, order, urge, invite mempersilakan 338 latang—latong

lata suo uduq ajak mereka masuk invite them in cp. ata, >ameq (1), doha, hitiq, hoyan, pareta, taping (1), >uda latang (1) alas, landas, melandaskan base, give a base to s.t. latang lèi melandas kaki, tempat support for the foot meyandarkan kaki cp. honing, luni, lunin, mèi, >uq latang (2) melintang, léwat lie across, pass haur boiq latang pedang mungkin melintang the sword might lie across bongan leher the throat cp. liwaq lataq membongkar tear down, knock over, break into 1. lataq doq 1. membongkar turun 1. pull s.t. downwards 2. lataq nèhing 2. membongkar atap rumah 2. pull down the roofi ng cp. >alar, baqung (1), bogar, bokar, doing, doke, eaq, hiroq, lahaq, >oliq (1), rèpè latar membuka ikatan dgn cara open a knot by cutting it mengeratnya dgn pisau with a knife latar taq memotong kelapa cut free a coconut cp. >alar, baqung (1), bogar, bokar, doing, doke, eaq, hiroq, lahaq, rèpè lateng ubur-ubur laut jelly fi sh lateq lateq daneq melekat, mwnempel stick, adhere lateq auq menempel dgn tanah stick mud on s.t. cp. bakeq, bateq, dapeq (1), kateng, lapiq (2), matan lateq, nènèq, pataq, raèq, rèbèq lati lati laraq pedas, menyengat hot, spicy, stinging cp. latin, soroq latin yg pedas that which is hot, s.t. hot, spicy cp. lati latong latong togeq gelang kaki dari tembaga copper anklet 1. latong tèdèq bè lèi 1. gelang kaki dipasang di 1. fi x the anklet to the legs kaki latuq—lau watang 339

2. latong weren 2. gelang kaki dari emas, 2. golden anklet, ivory mawang bala gelang tangan dari gading bracelet cp. ila, laong latuq latuq lolor menuntut, meminta dgn demand, request forcefully sedikit paksaan nuo latuq watar bè >eqi dia menuntut jagung dari he demanded maize from saya me cp. dèning (1), mura, nutuq lau tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >uda lau lete sj burung k.o. bird cp. dai laki, eor (2), ewal, hian, kiki, manuq lalung, mapur, mayg >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang lauq (1) lauq madaq bambu dlm balai-balai yg small bamboo cross-pieces dipakai sbg bantal untuk on which is laid the bed of penahan berat a bamboo platform cp. leran, noruq lauq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kaleso, tudaq laur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: meran, muqu, >uda lau watang sj pohon yg tumbuh di tepi k.o. tree which grows near laut (kulitnya ditaruh dlm the sea (its bark is used to bambu tuak) make palmwine bitter) cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, 340 lawa—lawaq

tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq lawa (1) lawa dekar panjang long ai lawa kayu panjang long piece of wood cp. lawan, tonan, wengeq lawa (2) alat untuk memindah hand reel for skeining yarn benang pintalan lawa ape alat kayu untuk hand reel for skeining yarn, menggulung benang; the activity of skeining pemindahan benang yarn on a ‘lawa’ pintalan pada ‘lawa’ cp. manuel lawan lawan dekar yg panjang that which is long, s.t. long cp. lawa (1) lawang (1) lawang lèkor 1 menurunkan 1 drop, bring down 2 menangkap kaki binatang 2 catch the leg of an animal spy ia terbaring so that it lies down 1. lawang ai mader 1. menurunkan papan yg 1. drop an upright plank berdiri 2. lawang lèi 2. mencekal kaki spy 2. grab the leg so that s.t. is terbanting thrown over 3. lawang wawi 3. menangkap kaki babi spy 3. catch the leg of a pig so terbaring that it lies down cp. tadiq lawang (2) lawan, melawan oppose, opponent cp. holang, holeq (3), >ulaq (1) lawaq (1) lawaq èlir upih, seludang, sarung sheath of the infl orescence pembungkus mayang of areca, gebang, or areng pinang, gebang, enau palm lawaq dara upih pinang hampir masak nearly mature sheath of the infl orescence of pinang palm cp. rawaq (2), riaq lawaq lawaq (2) membelah split lawaq taq membelah kelapa split coconut cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), doing, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hika, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, paqal, piang lawe laka ara kiang—leaq 341 lawe laka ara kiang roh yg menjadi panglima spirit which becomes a perang penjaga kampung war leader protecting the Lèuwayang village of Lèuwayang lawen papan bundar yg dipasang rat defl ector (round fl at pada tiang lumbung sbg sheets of wood at the top alat pencegah tikus of the post of the granary intended to keep rats and mice out) laweq menarik sst ke diri sendiri pull s.t. toward o.s. (in (untuk mengambil daun, order to take its leaves, bunganya atau buahnya), blossoms or fruit), pull s.t. menjatuhkan, merobek down, tear open cp. èhèr, lodung lawin tandan pohon lontar jantan stamen of the male lontar palm layar layar sail cp. buaq, hongi, kawe (1), puan layoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: leyoq layu cepat, lancar fast, quick cp. ewar, laeq, naiq, soro, wengin layuq 1 bambu untuk memasak 1 bamboo for roasting meat daging 2 makanan atau daging yg 2 food which has been dimasak dlm bambu roasted in bamboo layuq tara dayuq memasak dlm bambu (har roast in bamboo (lit. bambu kita pakai untuk bamboo we [in] use for memasak) roasting) cp. dayuq lea tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mule ~ mulea lean (1) menjemur sst dgn dry s.t. by hanging it from menggantungnya pada tali a line or from a bamboo atau bambu jemuran lean labur menjemur baju hang clothes on a line for drying lean (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wangun leaq pohon dadap k.o. tree, Èrythrina, Linn. 342 leba—leda

cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq leba sj belalang k.o. grasshopper cp. adeng, omaq, waiq (1) lebang lebang lètur tiruan bunyi spt bunyi seng dull sound, as when iron yg dilempar is hit cp. lèhiq lebaq singgah stop by, stop in, visit pan ledo nore lebaqe kami pergi berjalan-jalan we (ex) go for a walk and >iheq dan mampir berkunjung stop by for a visit sehenak cp. bongan (1), longeq, ruang, sape, siga lebe lebih more cp. awa, >ilaq, hara, ketang, liwaq, nehang, raing leber see: neber lebo lebo letang tergenang, genangan fi lling a place and not menggenangkan fl owing (water), stagnant, fl ooded >uliq >eqa lebo letang tempat penuh dgn the place was fl ooded genangan air cp. heraq, lebo, letang, loi leda menaruh (mayat di pohon) place (a corpse in a tree) leda maten menaruh mayat di pohon place a corpse in a tree cp. leke ledang—lehaq 343 ledang (1) see: hedang ledang (2) ~ ledaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lekeq, linong ledaq see: ledang (2) ledeq ledeq seleq menggoyang, menggoyang sway, rock to sleep spy tidur 1. ledeq >anaq 1. menggoyang anak spy 1. rock a child to sleep tidur 2. nedung ledeq >Aran 2. tarian goyang di >Aran 2. dance sways at >Aran Hading Hading Hading cp. >ayoq, bayol, dèyu, doyung, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eto (1), >eyoq, kaong, kedong, legang (1), >oda, >oduq, wayong ledo ledo pan berjalan-jalan, bepergian, travel, go, walk, go for a berpesiar walk ledo lebaq kete namang jalan tanya mana ada go ask where there is a tandak circle dance cp. lakaq, ledon ledon orang yg berjalan traveller cp. ledo legang (1) oleng, melenggang swing, sway, roll, shake, pitch tene legang perahu melenggang the boat is swaying, rolling, pitching cp. >ayoq, dequng, >edoq, >ekaq, >eto (1), >eyoq, hele, kedong, kodol, kolar, koleq, koliq, kolo, kolor, ledeq, lulun, >oda, >odor, >oduq, waling, wayong, wetoq legang (2) legang lagang ruang yg luas dan lebar wide, broad space lehaq lehaq leke kungkung, sj borgol pada shackles made of bamboo, leher yg terbuat dari tied at the neck as a leash bambu lehaq >au kungkung anjing place a bamboo leash on a dog 344 leho—leke leho tempuling harpoon lehor lehor lahor 1 selalu bergerak, tidak 1 always moving, never tinggal diam, lincah staying quiet, energetic 2 terlepas (dari ikatan), 2 freed (from a tie), peeled mengelupas cp. bie (1), bingeq, har, helor halor, kaheq, hapiq, kiri, luqang, tahing, wara lehuq memecet spy biji keluar squeeze a seed out of its dari kulitnya skin lehuq >utan mengupas kacang shell beans cp. luhaq leka leka loduq longgar loose labur noq leka loduqne baju ini longgar saja this dress is loose cp. doyung, èhèq, hon, loq (2), nala, noa, oq lekan menyimpan alat-alat yg store long objects panjang lekaq memukul hit, strike paluq kong lekaq laong memukul gong, memukul strike the gong, pound the anting-anting earring cp. awang, bating, bawar, bèngè, dang, dètol, hoding, hoqol, lekaq, naka (1), nènè, paluq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, tèqè, walaq (1), wataq lekar lekar lakar kertak-kertuk, tiruan bunyi rattle, clatter, sound like spt batu kelikil dlm kaleng pebbles in a tin which is yg digoncang being shaken 1. >aluq lekar 1. alu yg mempunyai 1. long rice stamper with a lonceng kayu dgn bunyi rattle on the end khas 2. lekar wètuq 2. membersihkan bambu 2. clean a bamboo with dgn batu-batu kecil lalu pebbles, then rinse with goyg dgn air laut sea water leke leke leda pasung (spt memasung kaki stocks (such as those used orang gila) on the legs of the insane) leke bèlè lèi memasung kaki put shackles on the legs of s.o. cp. lehaq lekeq—lelan 345 lekeq lekeq ledaq, lekeq ledang melihat-lihat, mengintai ke inspect, observe, consider segenap penjuru from all angles kara boraq lekeq ledang jangan melihat spt do not look so inquisitively, mengintai, memata-matai as if spying cp. boraq, ebeng, kengo, leku, paresaq, piloq, tègèl, ui, >ulu (1) leki ~ neki tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: baya, luka leki lekoq lekoq lakoq kelok, berkelok, curve, wind, bend s.t., twist membengkokkan, berputar, melingkar lala lekoq jalan berbengkok, jalan curving road, winding berputar, jalan melingkar road, twisting road cp. balung, boko, bula, dogel (1), doler, duler, >enung, hekong, kalung, kaluq, koel, koleq, lekoq, muser, ongaq, paer, puleq, rèkung, rokong, sekong (1), tokol, ueng (2), wegir, weleq leku leku lereng menyelinap, observe by stealth, lie in menembunyikan diri dgn wait, hide by stooping menundukkan badan leku olong menyelinap untuk lie in wait for birds menangkap burung cp. lekeq, tègèl lela lela doaq lama long (of time) 1. lela lela 1. lama sekali 1. a very long time 2. lela neqe haraq pie? 2. lamanya berapa hari? 2. how many days? cp. doa, hèqè, lelan, >oqing, tuan (2) lela banga ~ banga sj pohon ara yg berbuah k.o. fi g tree with round bundar fruits cp. lela lelan lelan >uliq waktu yg lama lalu, masa old, former, long ago, lalu, dulu kala pertaining to the ancestors cp. èdèr (1), huna, lela, nulon, >oqing, roqong, tara (3), tua (2), tuan (2), turi 346 lelang—lemaq lelang marga clan, descent group cp. >oqing, suku lelaq pohon keroko, Calotropis tree, Calotropis gigantea gigantea cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq lele memasang tali yg set up a rope in the forest digantungan daun lontar or in a fi eld from which atau daun kelapa di lontar or coconut palm hutan atau ladang untuk leaves are suspended in mengepung rusa atau babi order to encirle a deer hutan or pig cp. buel, soro leleng menggantung, terbentang, hang up, spread out, dry menjemur pakaian, clothing, hang goods in a menggantung barang jualan public place (to exhibit or di tempat umum sell them) leleng >iqa noq mase gantungkan ikannya di sini hang the fi sh here so that it iqer agar bisa dibeli can be sold (lit. so that they buy it) cp. apa (1), kowa (2), neler, sereng, tepaq lelu lelu ape kapas yg siap untuk processed cotton dipintal, kapas yg sudah dikeluarkan bijinya

lelu >ula loyo sarang serangga berbentuk insect nest like cotton kapas yg terdapat di daun- on leaves (lit. cotton of daun (har kapas angkasa) heaven) lemaq (1) menggayung air (dlm bail water (from a boat) sampan atau perahu) spy menjadi kering lemaq (2) lemah weak leme—lena 347

cp. losu, mesa, moleng (1), paya (1), pekon leme lima fi ve 1. >iqa uren leme 1. lima ekor ikan 1. fi ve fi sh 2. leme boli >ame 2. lima (dari nyanyian 2. fi ve (from a chant used anak-anak untuk by children when playing menyebutkan bilangan satu hide and seek, usually sampai sepuluh) counting up to ten) 3. lemeqke 3. kami berlima 3. the fi ve of us (ex) cp. lemen leme >apaq sembilan nine leme >apaq dapar sembilan (dari nyanyian nine (from a chant used by anak-anak untuk children when playing hide membilang bilangan satu and seek, usually counting sampai sepuluh) up to ten) lemen limaan, ukuran benda fi ve units (regarding the belis/maskawin yg nilainya value of items of marriage limaan prestations) 1. lemen >apaq 1. empat limaan 1. four units of fi ve (= munaq purun sue, unan sue) 2. lemen buturai 2. delapan limaan 2. eight units of fi ve (= munaq purun >apaq) 3. lemen >ènèng 3. enam limaan 3. six units of fi ve (= munaq purun tèlu) 4. lemen leme 4. lima limaan 4. fi ve units of fi ve (= munaq purun sue >ilaq leme) 5. lemen leme >apaq 5. sembilan limaan 5. nine units of fi ve (= munaq purun >apaq >ilaq leme) 6. lemen pitu (= munaq 6. tujuh limaan 6. seven units of fi ve tèlu >ilaq leme) 7. lemen sue (= unan 7. dua limaan 7. two units of fi ve >udeq, munaq pulu) 8. lemen tèlu (= munaq 8. tiga limaan 8. three units of fi ve pulaq leme) 9. lemen >udeq 9. satu limaan 9. one unit of fi ve cp. leme, pitun, suen, tèlun lempeq lémpéng, menyusun slab, set up the framework kerangka rumah of a building gula lempeq gula lempengan slab sugar lena 1 landai, melandai, dakian 1 slope, sloping, a gentle yg tidak curam incline 2 berbaring 2 lie down lena >alen >ieq istirahat sedikit rest a bit cp. depal (1), nadal, tèqèl, wongun 348 lenga—leq lenga lenga pèq terbalik, telentang reversed, turned up, lie on one’s back cp. baleq, baliq (2), batong, enga, huneq, koloq, lengan, puer, tambaleq, >ulaq (2) lengan yg terbalik s.t. reversed, turned up lèi lengan kaki terbalik, telapaknya inverted foot, foot with the terbalik ke atas sole upwards cp. enga, lenga lengaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: laha, loq (2), peka lenge lenge lewaq sehat, tidak sakit lagi, healthy, recuperate, recover sembuh Pati lenge dèqne Pati sudah sehat Pati is well again cp. bala (3), hange, mohoq (3), moleng (2), tohoq (2) lengoq lengoq langoq sikap pandangan yg tidak of changeable attitude tenang cp. enge leoq leoq bara, leoq lera membakar pada nyala api burn in a fl ame in order to spy bulunya terbakar singe the fur or feathers lepaq (1) lepaq daing, lepaq dang menampar, menempeleng, slap s.o. on the face or side menempelengi of the head, slap 1. kara lepaq wèq 1. jangan saling menampar 1. do not slap each other 2. kara ling lepaq lèi 2. jangan biarkan tangan 2. do not let the hand slap, lèkor menempeleng, kaki the foot kick menendang cp. daing, dang lepaq (2) 1 lembar 1 leaf, sheet 2 penolong bilangan untuk 2 counter for fl at items benda datar kuq bako lolon lepaq ambillah selembar daun take a tobacco leaf >udeq tembako cp. lihen, lolon leq (1) bagian share 1. ka leq 1. pendatang yg sudah 1. people from outside who menjadi penduduk have become members of kampung, sehingga the village, so that they mendapat bagian receive a share in things leq—leri 349

pembagian dlm kampung divided within the village (har makan bagian) (lit. eat [a] share) 2. mèq mara leq 2. kamu membawa bagian 2. you bring a share cp. >ale (2), lamaq (2), malaq, metaq, >umen leq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: uraq leqang mengambil kayu kering take dry wood from a tree, dari pohon, menggoyang- make dead wood fall from goyangkan sst yg ada di atas a tree pohon spy jatuh manuq leqang ayam mencari tempat a hen is hunting a place to untuk bertelur (har ayam nest (lit. a hen makes dead menggoyang-goyangkan sst wood fall from a tree) yg ada di atas pohon spy jatuh) leqi tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muqu lera (1) menambatkan tether, tie lera witing menambatkan kambing tether a goat cp. bun, hongen, howeq, likur, noting, panga, pètèq, pèting, pu (2), rake (1), >uyung lera (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: leoq leran leran lauq berair banyak have plenty of water pènu leran penuh air full of water cp. hoyoq lere rendah, pendek low, short watar lere jagung pendek young maize plants cp. >èkuq, kupoq, mèkuq, mèqul, upar, weheq lereng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: leku, loeng leri leri witur pergi memeriksa jerat-jerat check traps to see if an yg dipasang (mungkin ada animal has been caught binatang yg terjerat) 350 lering—leteng lering bepergian dgn berjalan travel by foot kaki lesu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lipaq leta menjadi kurus become thin wèq leta badan menjadi jatuh kurus the body becomes thin letang mengisi air fi ll with water letang uyeng mengisi priuk dgn air fi ll a pot with water cp. heraq, lebo, loi letar letar elar, letar nedaq 1 baris, berbaris, berleret 1 line, in a line, in a row 2 menyusun sst berbentuk 2 put s.t. into a line baris 3 permainan kemiri yg 3 a game with candlenuts disusun di tanah dgn garis dibawah susunan kemiri cp. nuang (2), piding, polung lete lete laper meniti, berjalan pada titian walk on a narrow path 1. manuq lete 1. bambu di bawah 1. bamboo below the ‘maninan’ dan diatas ‘maninan’ and above the ‘kawanang mèkuq’ di tengah ‘kawanang mèkuq’ in the rumah (har jalan ayam) centre of the house (lit. chicken walk) 2. tuaq lete lala loloq 2. bambu di antara dua 2. bamboo between two pohon lontar untuk jalan lontar palms to enable dari satu pohon ke pohon travel from one to the yg lain (har pohon lontar, other (lit. lontar palm, walk berjalan pada titian jalan on the narrow path, path atas) above) lete lete sj perahu k.o. boat cp. cp. kalabaq, lambo, tene leteng (1) leteng niaq tempurung half, or part, of a coconut shell 1. leteng matan 1. a. setengah tempurung 1. a. the half of the coconut yg ada matanya, b. tiga mata shell which has eyes, b. the yg ada pada tempurung eyes of the coconut shell 2. leteng >uben 2. di bawah tempurung 2. below the half coconut shell 3. leteng >uq 3. pantat tempurung 3. base of the coconut shell 4. taq leteng 4. tempurung 4. half of a coconut shell

cp. awaq (1) leteng—lewar 351 leteng (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kuraq leti menutup lubang cover a hole cp. boran (1), bowong (2), hoba, lètuq, loiq, lotuq leur pohon cemara k.o. tree, Casuarina equisetitolia, Linn. cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq lewang (1) tanjung cape, point, peninsula, promontory cp. hari lewang (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ahi lewaq laut sea cp. ebang, hari, lenge, lutu, tahiq lewar (1) memeriksa penyakit search for the cause of illness lewar manuq tolor suatu cara memeriksa a method of searching for penyakit dlm tubuh the cause of an illness by manusia, dgn menggunakan inspecting the contents of telur yg diguling-gulingkan an egg (lit. examine an egg) pada tubuh si sakit (har memeriksa telur) cp. laqi (1) lewar (2) tinggi high, tall 1. taq lewar 1. pohon kelapa yg sudah 1. coconut tree which is berumur tua dan tidak old and has few nuts (lit. banyak berbuah lagi (har tall coconut tree) pohon kelapa yg tinggi) 352 leye—lèduq

2. >ue laqi taq lewar 2. pinang tinggi kelapa 2. tall areca palm, tall tinggi coconut palm cp. kikiq, laqi (1) leye leye meng jelai, Coix lacryma-jobi, Job’s tears, Coix lacryma- Linn. jobi, Linn. leyoq leyoq layoq berayun bersama (spt sway together (as in a goygan bersama dlm tarian dance) tandak) lèbèq lèbèq loqan menenggelamkan ke sink s.t. in water, plunge, dlm air, menceburkan, immerse, steep (as clothing) mencelup in water 1. lèbèq ape 1. mencelup benang 1. dye thread 2. lèbèq >au 2. menceburkan anjing 2. plunge a dog into water cp. bèwaq, >èlèng, long (2), tèmèq lèbo sj tali hutan yg mejalar k.o. wild creeper (which may be used to tie a door shut) lèbu habis, tidak bersisa fi nished, nothing left cp. bahe, dèi, hawur, ipu, lèpè, mèlèng, mueng (1), pilang, rawa (1) lèbuq lèbuq bong abu tanah dust >eqa >air lèbuq bong keadaan penuh abu, everything is full of dust, berhamburan abu covered in dust cp. rapun, rubu lèdèq lubang hole tutuq >uliq lala derung berbicara tentang tempat speak about the place for daeng lu lèdèq berburu dlm lubang pohon hunting in a hole in a ‘lu’ ‘lu’ tree cp. aqar, bakur, boqi, lèhiq, puraq, >uoq, wèlong lèding pinggir, tepi edge, side cp. >apan, haraq (3), hiku, hikun, narang (1) lèdung lèdung wadeq pohon atau belukar dlm tree or brush in a fi eld kebun atau ladang lèduq mengetukkan, knock, butt menyerudukkan, membenturkan, lègèq—lèhiq 353

lèduq tubar mengetukkan kepala atau knock or butt the head membenturkan kepala (ke (against a table or wall) meja atau dinding) cp. dètol, hoqol, nètol, toq lègèq cekik, mencekik strangle cp. èqèl lègong lègong lèong berlubang (karena kena having holes (because hit lemparan atau tembakan) or speared) cp. lehiq lèhèng pohon kedondong, k.o. tree, Spondia dulcis Spondia dulcis cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq lèhèq memijit, menekan, pinch, break, squeeze, press memecahkan 1. lèhèq tolor 1. memecahkan telur dlm 1. break an egg in a upacara tradisionil traditional ceremony 2. lèhèq wala 2. tukang pemimpin 2. priest (lit. [egg] breaker) upacara adat yg memecahkan telur cp. >amiq, bèti, bikil, buteq, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, doke, >ereq, >èmèng, >ènèq, holaq, iteq, >ikuq, kakal, kètèng, kimuq, lèsuq, lusaq lèsuq, papal, peaq, pere, peruq, pesaq, pèmèq, poloq, rèbèq, tènèn (1), topeq (1), tua (1), tumiq, >uruq lèhiq lèhiq lebang, lèhiq bakur lubang, bolong hole, having holes, perforated, pierced 354 lèi—lèkor

>aran lèhiq papan yg berlubang plank with holes cp. aqar, bakur, boqi, lèdèq, puraq, >uoq, wèlong lèi lèi ling kaki foot, leg 1. lèi amaq 1. sepatu, kaus kaki (har 1. shoe, sock (lit. skin of kulit kaki) the foot) 2. lèi >apan 2. punggung kaki, kura- 2. instep kura kaki 3. lèi dero 3. tumit 3. heel 4. lèi eken 4. kelingking kaki 4. little toe 5. lèi >inan 5. ibu jari kaki 5. big toe 6. lèi laleng 6. tapak kaki 6. arch, instep 7. lèi langun 7. kaki yg kurus kering 7. shriveled foot 8. lèi lengan 8. kaki terbalik, telapaknya 8. inverted foot, foot with terbalik ke atas the sole upwards 9. lèi lodong 9. kaki melonjor 9. stretched legs 10. lèi lolaq 10. kaki kudung 10. feet are lopped or fall off 11. lèi manuq tolor; 11. buku kaki 11. ankle bone 12. lèi meleng 12. kaki penat 12. tired feet 13. lèi mètung 13. kaki tampa alas kaki 13. barefoot 14. lèi ongen 14. pergelangan kaki 14. ankle 15. lèi palun 15. pbagaian belakang aha 15. back of thigh 16. lèi pung 16. bagian depan paha 16. front of thigh 17. lèi tahan 17. luka kaki 17. wound on the foot 18. lèi tuber 18. pergelangan kaki 18. the inner part of the ankle 19. lèi urun 19. kuku kaki 19. toenail 20. lèi utun 20. jari kaki 20. toe 21. lèi >uliq 21. bekas kaki 21. footprint 22. lèi wana 22. kaki kanan 22. right leg 23. lèi weri 23. kaki kiri 23. left leg 24. lèi witeng 24. betis kaki 24. calf of the leg 25. lèi wonor 25. tulang kering 25. shin 26. lèi woq 26. buku-buku jari kaki 26. joints of the toes cp. lèin lèin bagian pada kaki, wilayah lower extremities kaki lèin weriq hujan rintik yg kecil small raindrops cp. lèi lèkè lèkè dèrèng terlekuk ke dlm karena bent under pressure tekanan lèi lèkè kaki yg melekuk ke dlm legs bent under pressure karena tekanan lèkor menendang kick manuq lèkor leteng ayam menendang chicken kicks over the tempurung coconut shell lèkuq—lèpiq 355

cp. hèdèq, lakoq (1), lawang, sedoq, sepaq, suduq lèkuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lukuq lèkuq lèlèn menelan swallow, devour lèlèn >oloq luoq menelan makanan devour one’s food cp. >èkur, lobo, modung lèluq lèluq baing mengetuk dgn tongkat knock with a stick lèluq tubar mengetuk kepala dgn knock on the head with a tongkat atau kayu stick or piece of wood cp. lèduq lèmaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: moleng lèmuq lèmuq luka mencuci dgn air kosong wash with plain water lèmuq odo cebok, mencuci pantat wash the anus with water dgn air lèong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lègong lèpè lèpè dalong lunas, selesai, habis, tidak paid, fi nished, over, nothing bersisa left 1. lèpè kala lomang 1. menyelesaikan tombak, 1. fi nish the spear, sheath haur menyarungkan klewang the sword 2. >utangku lèpè 2. hutang saya lunas 2. my debt is paid cp. bahe, dèi, hawur, ipu, lèbu, mèlèng, mueng (1), nèpè, pilang, rawa (1) lèpèr bertepuk, menepuk clap, applaud 1. lèpèr ling 1. bertepuk tangan 1. applaud 2. lèpèr oroq 2. menyesal (har menepuk 2. regret (lit. clap one’s dada) chest) cp. irong, tataq lèpiq ~ kalèpiq lèpiq lulun melipat, kempis fold, defl ated, fl at lèpiq labur melipat baju fold a piece of clothing cp. balung, >ènung, kepaq, kepiq, kuyung, lapiq (1), luqur, mipi, miyung, napoq, oleng 356 lèpo—lèsuq lèpo keranjang, sokal, bakul large basket in the shape of berbentuk bantal peluk, a bolster, Dutch wife bantal guling cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal lèpun pelepah pisang yg stalk of a banana leaf which dihancur-hancurkan untuk has been crushed to use to pencuci muka, dsb wash the face, etc. lèqing melilit tangkai anak wrap the stalk of an arrow panah dgn benang untuk with thread to secure the menguatkan anak panah head lèqing nameq melilit tangkai anak wrap the stalk of an arrow panah dgn benang untuk with thread to secure the menguatkan anak panah head lèr lèr èyèq kerengga, semut besar k.o. large yellow ant which yg bertubuh kuning lives in trees bertempat di pohon-pohon cp. umer lèrè lèrè koil, lèrè tarang keras, tidak gampang hard, strong hancur, kuat, tidak gampang putus taq lèrè kelapa keras hardened coconut meat cp. hèkèr, kieq, kiqing, lèrèn, manga (1), wadang lèrèn yg keras, yg kuat that which is hard, that which is strong cp. lèrè lèring 1 mengiris 1 scrape 2 bijinya hujan, benda tipis 2 raindrops, thin objects 1. lèring oro 1. mengiris daun lontar 1. scrape a leaf smooth untuk menganyam tikar, to use for weaving mats, bakul, dsb baskets, etc. 2. >uya turu lèring 2. hujan kecil turun rintik- 2. it is raining in small weriq rintik droplets cp. doyg, haneq, hegar, hèrè, hèriq, hodang, kaer, kakur, karung, kèoq, kuriq, mèqè, mèyèq, pipi, reteq lèsuq lèsuq lusaq meremas-remas, memijit press, squeeze lètèq—lèu 357

cp. >amiq, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >ènèq, >ikuq, lèhèq, lusaq lèsuq, pere, peruq, pèmèq, poloq, rèbèq, tua (1), >ukuq >èkuq, >uruq lètèq lètèq bung memancangkan tonggak stake, stick into the ground (such as a post) lètèq huna lelang membangun rumah marga erect a spirit house by di kampung lama putting up one post for a dead ancestor cp. >iher, kèdèq, paheng, paher, pating, tèdèr (1) lètuq lètuq bongoq tutup, menutup shut, close cp. balètuq, bong (2), boran (1), bowong (2), dèdèl, doliq, doqang, habiq, hoba, leti, loiq, lotuq, pataq, pèrèng, uwe (1) lètur lètur bakoq menabrak, bertabrakan, crash, collide, bang menubruk, bertubrukan 1. lètur >aluq 1. menabrakkan bambu 1. knock bamboos together dlm permainan ‘poti >aluq’ in the game ‘poti >aluq’ 2. lètur tubar bè nèbiq 2. menubrukkan kepala di 2. bang one’s head against dinding the wall cp. bae, lagar, lebang, tèduq lèu kampung, desa village, hamlet 1. lèu auq 1. kampung halaman, tanah 1. village area, homeland air 2. lèu auq wala 2. tuan tanah 2. lord of the land 3. lèu ehoq 3. kampung kecil 3. the small village (the (kampung kedua di puncak second village of mankind gunung >Uye Lèwun) at the top of >Uye Lèwun mountain) 4. lèu hikun 4. a. bahagian kiri dan 4. a. the right and left sides kanan kampung; b. sebelah of the village; b. the left kiri kampung lama side of the ancient village 5. lèu laleng 5. a. di dlm kampung; 5. a. within the village; b. a b. nama tempat di region in the new part of Lèuwayang Lèuwayang 6. lèu lèin 6. bahagian kaki kampung 6. the lower part or base of the ancient village 7. lèu mieq 7. kampung lain 7. another village, strange lèu palan village 358 lèuq—lèwoq

8. lèu nanger napang; 8. kampung lain, berasal 8. a different village, lèu napang tene nanger dari kampung lain derived from a different village 9. lèu noyoq; lèu noyoq 9. muatan kampung 9. contents of the village hoyoq leran (penduduk) (the populace) 10. lèu obi 10. di luar kampung, 10. the back of the di belakang kampung village, outside the village (wilayah di luar perbataan (territory outside the kampung lama) borders of the ancient village) 11. lèu puhe; lèu puhe 11. pusat kampung (har 11. centre or navel of the >alang ayaq pusat kampung, tengah ancient village (lit. navel of halaman) the village, centre of the yard) 12. lèu purun >apaq 12. empat puluh empat 12. the forty-four villages >ilaq >apaq kampung (yg ada di (of Kedang) Kedang) 13. lèu rian 13. kampung besar 13. the large village (the (kampung pertama di fi rst village of mankind puncak gunung >Uyo at the top of the Kedang Lewun) mountain) 14. lèu rian lèu ehoq 14. dua kampung 14. the fi rst two villages of permulaan di puncak mankind at the top of the gunung >Uyo Lèwun (har mountain >Uyo Lèwun kampung besar, kampung (lit. great village, small kecil) village) 15. lèu tana 15. kebun-kebun dekat 15. fi elds associated with kampung lama the ancient village 16. lèu tuan 16. kampung lama 16. the old or original part (hamlet) of each village 17. lèu tubar 17. bagian kepala pada 17. the head of the village kampung 18. lèu wala 18. penduduk asli 18. original inhabitants of a village cp. lèwo, riang (2) lèuq ubi edible tuber 1. lèuq sawa 1. ubi jalar 1. sweet potato 2. lèuq sawa nado 2. ubi jalar isinya coklat 2. sweet potato with a yellow interior cp. ai lèuq, apoq, aqer, epe, kepa, tiri (1) lèwèq bola kapas balls of cotton cp. panga lèwèq lèwi membunuh binatang yg kill small animals by kecil dgn cara menindihnya pressing them with the dgn pisau, atau kuku blade of a knife or a fi nger tangan nail lèwo bahasa sastra untuk ‘lèu’, ritual language for ‘lèu’, kampung, desa village, hamlet lèwoq sj ikan k.o. fi sh lia—lidan 359

cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, maqe, mere, oyor, tule lia lia loyo 1 bintang pagi 1 the Morning Star 2 Tuhan 2 God 1. lia huraq manusia, 1. bintang pagi 1. the Morning Star popoq libur >ate diqen menciptakan manusia, created mankind, the bintang bintang tujuh Pleiades protect humanity melindungi manusia 2. lia keu >eqa bia 2. bintang siang terbit 2. the Morning Star rises pagi-pagi at dawn 3. lia keu paiq tuaq 3. bintang siang naik iris 3. the Morning Star climbs tuak and taps palmwine cp. >ala laha tala, laba lia, tuang ala laha tala lia matan tungku, perapian hearth lia namang sj tarian tandak k.o. circle dance cp. beda a e o, bayo, han daq, mado maka, soleq, tèting dai liang liang lapeq 1 gua 1 cave 2 tebing 2 rock cliff cp. >ubeq, >uoq liar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: panga libang see: ala libang libur libur behiq 1 mencipta, mengelas, 1 create, make, weld, forge, menyoldér solder 2 melindungi 2 protect, maintain mengelas parang weld a bush knife libur pedaq cp. bawal, hapang, haqa, huraq, >iriq, >iqur, >iriq, likoq, mae, mawaq, saga lidan lidan limaq dahan, cabang branch 1. ai lidan 1. cabang kayu 1. branch of a tree 360 lie—likir

2. ebe lidan namo 2. pemuda bercabang spt 2. youth branched like a padan, areq lour namo pandan, gadis ramping spt pandanus, maiden slender leur pohon cemara like a casuarina tree cp. ain, liman, limaq, wikaq lie lie puyang halia, jahé ginger lier liar, menjauhkan diri wild, distance o.s. cp. hidung, >otan, otaq liha see: kaliha lihan lihan wadeq tali gantung pada bambu cord handle of a bamboo atau bakul container or basket cp. lihen lihen 1 helai, utas 1 sheet, string 2 penolong bilangan untuk 2 counter for hair or string- benda spt rambut, tali like objects 3 jumbai pada ujung tali 3 a frayed rope on the point yg putus of breaking uha lihen >udeq sehelai rambut a single hair cp. dewaq, lepaq (2), lihan, >ulir, wadeq likan likan madaq tandu litter, stretcher cp. nete likaq (1) likaq lakaq 1 mengapiti 1 hemmed in, wedged in 2 membawa sst dgn cara 2 place over the shoulder menggantungkan di bahu (as a shoulder belt) and kiri dan ujungnya terikat di fasten at the opposite side pinggang kanan 3 berselang seling 3 alternate 1. >aba likaq bè bongan 1. menggantungkan rantai 1. hang the necklace di leher around the throat 2. likaq nowin 2. memakai kain sarung 2. place a cloth over the dgn cara menggantungkan shoulder (as a shoulder di bahu kiri dan ujungnya belt) and fasten at the mengikat di pinggang opposite side kanan 3. tebeq likaq 3. duduk mengapiti 3. sit wedged in cp. dongoq, hèlèq (1), honing, mèq, peka likaq (2) see: nikaq likir tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself likong—lili 361

see: ode likong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: likong lakong likong lakong berbatu, berbelit-belit stony lala likong lakong jalan yg tidak lurus, tidak path which is not straight, bebas karena dihalangi not free because obstructed batu-batu by stones likoq likoq mapaq meluputkan, membela, protect, support, free melindungi 1. likoq >api 1. mencegah api agar tidak 1. prevent a fi re from merambat spreading 2. likoq moleng mapaq 2. sj upacara spy penyakit, 2. a ceremony to cure laen kesalahan jangan datang illness (lit. protect the (har melindungi mereka healthy, support the sick) yg sehat, menyembuhkan mereka yg sakit) cp. bele, hapang, haqa, hodeq, honing, hudeq, >iqur, >iriq, lapa (1), libur, lohe, lohen, loq (2), luni, mae, mawaq, moboq, nedang, noa, nodeq, nukoq, pohing, saga, tong, tanukoq, tukoq likun sabit sickle likur ikat, mengikat tie s.t. likur ling mengikat tangan (di tie the hands (behind the belakang) back) cp. bun, howeq, lera (1), likur, mowaq, panga, pètèq, pèting, pu (2), rake (1), >uleng, >uyung lile lile bolong menonton watch 1. lile namang 1. menonton tarian tandak 1. watch a dance 2. lile wala 2. penonton 2. watcher, spectator cp. ebeng, pakang, rio lili lili >atang tiang post, house post, main supporting posts of a building 1. lili bitan 1. tuang goyak yg bias 1. a loose post which will dipindahkan (har tiang move (lit. live post) hidup) 362 lilin—liman

2. lili bonoq 2. tiang rumah dari sj kayu 2. house post made of yg kuat ‘bonoq’ wood 3. lili >ehaq mader 3. tidak ada keturunan (har 3. lacking descendants >atang >ehaq halaq satu tiang saja berdiri, satu (lit. just [the] post stands, balok saja tergantung) just [the] one beam is suspended) 4. lili kètèng 4. suami mati (har tiang 4. husband dies (lit. house patah) post breaks) 5. lili kètèng >atang 5. suami dan isteri mati 5. husband and wife both roka (har tiang patah, balok dead (lit. house post breaks, retak) beam cracks) 6. lili mateq 6. tiang yg tidak dapat 6. post that may not be dipindahkan (har tiang removed (lit. dead post) mati) 7. lili pèhèq 7. tiang patah tapi tidak 7. post splits without terpisah breaking into two 8. lili wana 8. tiang kanan; tiang 8. the right house post; the rumah yg ada pada batian post on the uphill, right- yg lebih tinggi, bagian hand side of a building kanan bangunan (kanan in relation to a slope ditentukan dgn cara berdiri (right is determined by dgn punggung menghadap standing with one’s back ke bagian yg landai; to the slope; especially terutama di lumbung, juga in the granary, but also di rumah dan di tempat in a dwelling, the site of upacara adat dan di tempat ceremonial prestations penyimpanan barang- and the store place for barang untuk upacara adat) ceremonial objects; a sort of altar) 9. lili weri 9. tiang kiri 9. the left house post cp. tuqul lilin lilin pein menggantung sst yg bertali hang s.t. with a cord over pada bahu the shoulder 1. deseq hoaq lilin 1. kotak sirih-pinang 1. betel basket or small atau sokal kecil bertali yg basket with a cord which digantungkan pada bahu may be hung over the shoulder 2. lilin wela 2. menggantungkan sarung 2. hang a sarong from the dari bahu shoulder liliq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sili liliq liluq see: laleq liman ~ limaq limaq lamaq, limaq lapan, 1 segala bentuk cabang, 1 branch, twig limaq retong dahan, ranting 2 sesisir pisang 2 a bunch of bananas 1. liman >udeq kara 1. semoga jangan mendapat 1. may you not encounter hèpuq celaka (har satu ranting misfortune (lit. one branch, jangan patah) do not break) limaq—ling 363

2. muqu liman sue 2. dua sisir pisang 2. two bunches of bananas 3. pèu limaq 3. cabang/ranting dari 3. branch/twig of a pohon mangga mangga tree cp. ain, balan, lidan, limaq, moten, naèng, >uleng, >ulir, wikaq limaq see: liman limoq limoq lamoq mengotorkan, dirty s.t., touch s.t. menyentuhkan kara limoq lamoq wèi jangan mengotorkan air do not dirty the water cp. lutang linang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tègèl ling (1) ling lèi tangan, lengan hand, arm 1. ling >apan; ling obi 1. punggung tangan 1. back of the hand 2. ling bolaq lèi bolaq; 2. penyakit kusta (har 2. leprosy (lit. hands fall ling lolaq lèi lolaq tangan rontok, kaki rontok; off, feet fall off; hands half, tangan setengah, kaki feet half) setengah) 3. ling daten 3. jari tengah (har jari 3. middle fi nger (lit. bad jahat) fi nger) 4. ling diqen 4. semua jari kecuali jari 4. all fi ngers but the middle tengah (har jari baik) fi nger (lit. good fi ngers) 5. ling eken 5. jari kelingking (har jari 5. the little fi nger kecil) 6. ling hoduq 6. bagian lengan dekat siku 6. part of the arm near the elbow 7. ling >inan 7. ibu jari 7. thumb (lit. mother fi nger) 8. ling kehe lèi >ale 8. hubungan sumbang (har 8. incest (lit. hand at fault, tangan dosa, kaki salah) foot in sin) 9. ling kurkata 9. jari telunjuk 9. index fi nger 10. ling laleng 10. telapak tangan 10. palm 11. ling lèi hèkèr 11. waktu anggota badan 11. stage of a child’s anak menjadi kuat (har development when the kaki tangan kuat) limbs become strong (lit. hands [and] feet strong); cp. lolon paqar 12. ling maq molan 12. jari tengah (har jari 12. the middle fi nger (lit. suangi) witch fi nger) 13. ling >ongan 13. pergelangan tangan 13. wrist 14. ling reoq 14. tangan bengkak 14. sore on the hand bernanah 15. ling todi wèq hen 15. menerima kasih (har 15. thank you (lit. hand tangan terima, badan receive, body take) mengambil) 16. ling tubar 16. ketiga jari yg di tengah 16. the three middle fi ngers (har kepala tangan) (lit. head fi ngers) 364 ling—lipang

17. ling tuber 17. pergelangan tangan, 17. the inner part of the nadi, denyut nadi (har jiwa wrist, the pulse (lit. soul of tangan) the hand) 18. ling >uliq 18. bekas tangan, jari, 18. handprint, fi ngerprint jejak tangan, jejak jari, cap (sign of ownership) tangan, cap jari (sbg tanda milik) 19. ling urung 19. kuku jari 19. fi nger nail 20. ling urung puqen 20. dasar kuku jari, kulit 20. base of the fi ngernail, kuku cuticle 21. ling urung >utuq; 21. ujung atas kuku jari 21. point of the fi ngernail 22. ling utun 22. jari 22. fi nger 23. ling utun woq 23. buku jari 23. knuckles 24. ling wan 24. a. diri sendiri, sbg 24. a. oneself, as opposed lawan kata dari teman (har to a friend (lit. right hand); tangan kanan); b. ketentuan b. the prescription to give memberi dan menerima and take things with the memakai tangan kanan right hand 25. ling wali ka 25. dipanah dgn busur, 25. shot by an arrow, kemujuran dlm pemburuan fortune in the hunt (lit. (har lengan dan bahu arm and shoulder stick) tusuk) 26. ling weri 26. teman, lawan kata dari 26. friend, as opposed to a diri sendiri (har tangan oneself (lit. left hand) kiri) cp. oler ling ling (2) ling lang tiruan bunyi barang besi, sound such as that of metal perak, tembaga lingir béo, tiung myna bird lingir laong weren tema pantun persahabatan (har poem of friendship (lit. tore wetaq dereng, eor béo anting emas, spy kita myna bird golden earrings, apiq uman tema tore berdekatan rumah, burung so that our houses [may be] >iwar lumar sayap kuning, spy kita close together, bird [with] kongsi kebun) yellow wings, so that we [may] share [a] fi eld) cp. beong linong linong ledang cermin mirror 1. bahe unan mè linong 1. lalu hamba itu melihat 1. then the slave saw his >onin baygannya dlm cermin refl ection in a mirror 2. linong bikil ledang 2. cermin pecah cermin 2. the mirror breaks, the rehaq hancur mirror shatters lio sj pisang k.o. banana muqu lio pisang ‘lio’ ‘lio’ banana cp. muko lari lolon, muqu lipang ~ lipang taq isi kelapa contents of a coconut taq lipang isi kelapa dicampur dgn air coconut contents mixed with water lipaq—liung 365 lipaq lipaq lesu, lipaq nodeng lipa, sarung laki-laki man’s sarong 1. lipaq labur 1. lipa dan baju 1. man’s sarong and shirt (gift as payment for certain ceremonial services or for fi nes) 2. lipaq madar 2. kain lipa buatan kota 2. man’s sarong from Mandar, Sulawesi Mandar, Sulawesi 3. lipaq nodeng 3. lipa dan selendang 3. man’s sarong and shawl (a form of bridewealth) cp. nowin lipu lipu dahar balai-balai bamboo platform liqar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lamang liraq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lohe liruq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lareq lita menumbuk dgn hati-hati pound carefully lita leye menumbuk jelai pound Job’s tears liti liti lelaq sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq liung menghabisi, menghabiskan fi nish nau liung kohaq dihabisi saja just fi nish it off cp. inoq, ipu, puteq 366 liwang—loa liwang (1) liwang kiliq nyiru large fl at hexagonal basket for sifting rice 1. liwang lekan 1. sj nyiru 1. k.o. basket for sifting rice 2. liwang ta awar 2. sj nyiru (har nyiru gigi) 2. k.o. basket for sifting rice (lit. a person’s tooth basket) liwang (2) menjalin plait 1. >uru liwang 1. alang-alang yg dijalin 1. plaited sedge grass 2. liwang >uru 2. menjalin alang-alang 2. plait sedge grass cp. doleq, wan (2) liwaq liwaq loqan lebih, melebihi, lewat exceed, surpass, excessive wèi liwaq loqan ma air kelebihan sehingga there was too much water >iheq homaq sebagiannya tterumpah so that some was spilled cp. awa, barekeng, >ilaq, ketang, latang (2), lebe, nehang, raing liwo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lamaq (1) liwun see: liwuq liwuq ~ liwun liwuq paning, liwuq leran menampung, tempat intercept and retain falling himpunan air water, place where water collects 1. èlèng liwuq tahiq 1. menampung langit, 1. intercept the sky, haqa membendung laut obstruct the sea 2. liwuq wèi 2. menampung air 2. collect rainwater 3. namang liwuq leran 3. tarian tandak yg bisa 3. dance which attracts menampung banyak orang many people cp. hen, hodi, todi lo mungkin possibly cp. boiq (1), >ea, wai loa (1) lepas loosen cp. bake, bele, epeng, èdol, èhèq, gasuq (2), hèpuq, loa (1), lohen, loq (2), mowar, nala, noa, nope, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, ohoq, tong, towaruheq, tong, towar loa (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: aran loan—loboq 367 loan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lèbèq loaq yg sudah terlepas that which has loosened anen loaq padi mulai mengeluarkan rice begins to produce its mayg seed stalk lobaq lobaq ding menygrai, menggoreng fry without oil tanpa minyak goreng lobaq watar menygrai jagung fry maize without oil cp. redang lobe lobe hungan air liur, mabuk sirih pinang saliva, intoxicated with betel >ue mal lobe mabuk sirih pinang intoxicated with betel cp. >iyuq, miyuq, potaq lobi tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lobi >aur lobi >aur sj peti, tepi sudutnya dari k.o. trunk with edges and kayu, sedang dindingnya corners of wood and walls dari daun nipa of areng palm leaves cp. keler, pèti (1) lobo lobo lèlèn menelan sst dlm keadaan swallow whole utuh, tanpa dikunyah dahulu 1. >ara bora lobo 1. gurita besar menelan sst 1. the giant octopus swallows s.t. 2. lobo wèiq 2. pertanggungan jawab 2. responsibility for untuk menghasut instigating a murder (lit. pembunuhan (har menelan swallow blood) darah) cp. modung lobong lobong tayong liang yg curam, tebing steep rock face dalam loboq sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, 368 lobuq—loeng

lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq lobuq lobuq lokan, lobuq loqan membuka pakaian, undress melucuti pakaian 1. lobuq paq moq 1. membuka sepatumu 1. take off your shoes rupang 2. lobuq wela 2. membuka kain sarung 2. take off a sarong lodan rantai dari logam yg pipih, a brass chain with fl at links, rantai perak atau emas yg silver or gold dibuat dari lempeng perak atau emas cp. >aba lodo (1) sj pohon lem k.o. sticky tree cp. kapo lodo lodo (2) lodo lower tertumpah keluar dari spill, leak (because the tempat simpanan (karena container is torn or has a tempatnya robek atau hole), come out of a place berlubang), keluar dari of storage tempat simpanan cp. baoq, haoq (1) hiroq, homaq, kètiq, luruq lodong terulur keluar, stretch, stretched out mengulurkan 1. lodong lèi 1. mengulurkan kaki 1. stretch the legs 2. lèi lodong 2. kaki terulur 2. stretched legs cp. kelung, lor, nateng, >oda, sereng, tekaq, tetar lodung menjatuhkan (sst dari drop s.t. tempat tinggi) lodung muqu bè uyeng masukkan pisang ke dlm drop bananas into a pot periuk cp. laweq loduq kurus karena sakit thin from illness loduq leka badan kurus karena sakit the body is thin from wèq loduq illness

cp. leka, piki loeng loeng lereng loeq—lohu 369 loeng lereng bitol hewal memberitakan, tell, inform, report, reveal a memberitahukan, secret, confess membuka rahasia, mengaku 1. loeng nobol lereng 1. memberitahu nenek 1. make known to the teqa moyg ancestors (concerning marriage alliance matters) 2. nuo loeng neq kehe 2. dia memberitahukan 2. he confessed his >ale kesalahannya wrongdoings cp. tutuq loeq cara memasak makanan manner of cooking or dgn cara bahan makanan baking in which food is ditelungkupkan dlm periuk placed in a pot which is lalu ditimbuni dgn bara api then covered with live di atasnya coals loeq lèuq sawa masak ubi jalar cook sweet potatoes cp. iu logeq ~ lokeq memakai, mengenakan, wear, put on mengalungi 1. logeq bang 1. mengalungi kalung 1. wear a necklace 2. logeq labur 2. mengenakan baju 2. put on clothes 3. logeq ila 3. mengenakan cincin 3. wear a ring cp. ale, ara (1), bulu, dogel (2), mero, pake (1), papang (2), pen, uwe (2) loha menggosok rub, scratch loha mato menggosok mata rub the eyes cp. behaq, boyg (1), boyong, dolang, doru, doyg, gosoq, haru, hegar, kaer, kalaq, karo, karung, kuang, kula (1), kuriq, nuang (2), nuraq, ropa lohe lohe liraq luput, terlepas dari ikatan escape, become untied cp. likoq, lohen, lopa (1) lohen yg terlepas, yg terluput that which is free, escaped cp. bele, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), likoq, loa (1), lohe, loq (2), nala, nope, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, tong lohu (1) sj siput k.o. shellfi sh cp. baheq (1), boka (1), ehe (2), elaq, etiq, riding, tupe, wuoq lohu (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself 370 lohung—loko

see: mawang (2) lohung lohung lahung tidak bercabang, tidak not branching, not merged bersangkut-paut cp. kalohung loi tergenang fi lling a place and not fl owing, become stagnant loi >uliq mai tempat di mana air the place where fl owing berhenti mangalir water comes to a stop cp. heraq, kawang, lebo, letang loing loing wadeq tali (kambing atau kuda) rope (for a goat or horse) cp. dewaq loiq loiq bawoq menutup lubang, cover, fi ll in, fi ll up a hole menimbuni lubang cp. bong (2), boran (1), bowong (2), dèdèl, doliq, doqang, habiq, hoba, leti, lètuq, loiq, lotuq, mongoq, pataq, pèrèng, tubi, uwe (1) lokan see: loqan lokeq see: logeq loker loker lakar mencari dgn tangan dlm search with the hand in a sokal, lubang basket or hole ka uduq ai, min lokeq mencari makanan dan search for food and drink waq minuman (har makan (lit. eat enter wood, drink masuk kayu, minum cari search in a stone) dlm batu) loki loki dèwu memasukkan tangan put one’s hands into a hole ke dlm lubang untuk to get s.t. mengambil sst cp. lokong loking tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lamaq (3), lomoq loko tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: loko lowiq loko lowiq—loloq 371 loko lowiq pergi untuk mencari travel in search of informasi information cp. uduq lokong memasukkan atau put in or take out s.t. megeluarkan sst melalui through a hole lubang cp. loki loku loku laku gundul, telanjang bald, bare, naked 1. manuq loku 1. ayam yg tidak berbulu 1. featherless chicken 2. tubar loku 2. kepala gundul 2. bald cp. abon, pela, pengar lolaq lolaq wawoq separuh dari penggalan, part of s.t., half of s.t. setengah dari penggalan cp. >apan, hidir loleng loleng halaq menggantung, tergantung hang, suspend 1. loleng kong rian 1. menggantung gong besar 1. suspend large gongs 2. loleng layar 2. menggantung layar 2. hang the sail cp. dawil, toreng, wetong, wideng loleq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: loleq laleq loleq laleq meréngék whine lolo menangkap catch lolo ioq menangkap riang-riang catch cicada (using sticky (dgn getah) plant sap) cp. èrèq (1), rèpèq (1), sangiq, topeq (2) lolon lolon ain 1 dedaunan 1 leaf, leaves 2 atas, di atas 2 above 1. lolon paqar 1. kuat (har daun tua, 1. strong (lit. old leaves, tahap pertumbuhan waktu stage of an infant’s growth anggota badan anak when its limbs have menjadi kuat) become strong) 2. lolon >udeq nema 2. harapan agar ada 2. wish for offspring (lit. ebul keturunan (har satu daun one leaf, may it emerge) semoga bertunas) cp. halang (2), kikiq, lepaq (2), loloq, wau, wiqil loloq atas, di atas on, on top of, above 1. >ote huna loloq 1. di atas rumah 1. on top of the house 372 lolor—longan

2. puqen >ua loloq 2. kehidupan dlm 2. live a life of abundance were kelimpahan (har (lit. the base bears fruit, the pangkal berbuah, atasnya top has water) berair) cp. lolon, longo, rodang, >ubuq lolor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: latuq loman loman loman menyarungkan, store, be stored securely menyimpan, dlm keadaan (such as a knife in its tersimpan rapih (spt pisau sheath or a hat which fi ts dlm sarungnya, topi yg pas the head) dgn kepala) loman laleng menyimpan sst ke dlm put in a sheath sarungnya cp. dèkèng, èping, hoti, laman, mae, muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, puli, pulin lomoq lomoq loking dalam-dalam di dlm lubang deep in a hole cp. lamaq (3) lomu kosong, dlm keadaan tidak empty, lacking, be lacking mempunyai apa-apa s.t 1. ai lomu 1. pohon yg tidak 1. tree lacking branches bercabang atau berbuah or fruit 2. ine lomu 2. perempuan yg tidak 2. woman without children beranak 3. pan lomu 3. bepergian tampa 3. travelling without taking membawa apa-apa anything cp. amuq, kèpuq, mèlèng, mètung, obal, oqor (2), tokong long (1) bambu yg tajam dipasang sharp bamboo in a fall trap dlm tanah sbg perangkap long mè namo toyaq bambu tajam itu spt ranjau those sharp bamboos are like a man trap cp. hong, toyaq long (2) mencelup, merendam soak, dip, immerse long lèi merendam kaki soak the feet cp. bèwaq, >èlèng, lèbèq, tèmèq longan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lurin longeq—loqing 373 longeq rasa tawar disertai rasa taste fl avourless and cool longeq lebaq dingin sejuk (spt rasa (like spring water, or iced waktu meminum air water) sungai, air es, dsb) longo kepala gasing top cp. loloq, rodang, >ubuq lonu lurus straight uha lonu rambut yg lurus straight hair cp. houq, lonun, lour, milir, mulang (1), oleng, olor, pèlèr, potong, ueng (1), wolang lonun yg lurus s.t. straight areq rian uha lonun perempuan yg berambut a woman with straight hair lurus cp. lonu lopa (1) terlepas keluar, lolos escape, become free >iqa lopa ikan terlepas keluar (pukat) fi sh escaping (from the net) cp. lohe lopa (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wayaq lopor lopor heiq mengiris daging slice meat loq (1) melempar throw, pelt cp. bohil, hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, rawaq (1), tidaq, walu, wetoq, wotoq loq (2) lepas, bebas loose, free loq lengaq cp. bele, doyung, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), hon, leka, likoq, loa (1), lohen, nala, noa, nope, oq, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, tong loqan ~ lokan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kalake, liwaq, lobuq loqing membuka (ikan) dari jerat, remove (fi sh) from a net pukat loqing >iqa membuka ikan dari jerat, remove fi sh from a net pukat 374 lor—loroq lor menjulurkan, mengulurkan extend, stick out, stretch 1. >ebel wakaq lor 1. lidah terjulur, lidah 1. tongue stuck out, tongue terulur stretched out 2. lor >ebel 2. menjulurkan lidah. 2. stick out the tongue cp. kowa (2), lodong, nateng, >oda, sereng, tekaq, tetar lora (1) berkurang, teduh decrease, lessen, subside, calm 1. >angin lora-dèq 1. angin sudah berkurang 1. the wind has subsided 2. >uya lora-dèq 2. hujan sudah berkurang 2. the rain has subsided cp. ere (1), ilin, inoq, kèpuq, nueng, patang (2), urang (1), woqi lora (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: losu, taba lora, tange, tangen loran (1) daun yg tergantung ke drooping leaves bawah taq loran daun kelapa yg tergantung coconut leaves which hang ke bawah down loran (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tuaq loran loraq jerat tangan, menjerat a snare pulled by hand, pull memakai jerat tangan a hand snare cp. labor (1), nèpi, royaq lore (1) cara memasak dlm manner of cooking in the bungkusan pinang, leaf-sheath of the pinang memakai seludang pinang palm covered in live coals dan bara api cp. iu lore (2) see: botan lore lori 1 memasukkan tali celana 1 pass a belt through belt ke dlm lubangnya loops 2 tali untuk 2 cord for hanging a basket menggantungkan kotak 1. lori ko deko noq 1. memasukkan tali dlm 1. insert a cord in these celana saya ini trousers of mine 2. lori hoaq 2. memasukkan tali ke dlm 2. insert a cord in a basket bakul 3. puli lori 3. menaruh tali sewaktu 3. insert a cord when menganyam kotak weaving a basket loroq sudut, teluk angle, corner, bay cp. lae, mutung loru—lotuq 375 loru tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: loru laru loru laru lmeluncur (spt ular) glide (like a snake) cp. >olur >alur loruq membasahi dgn air atau sprinkle with water or oil minyak losing lusin dozen losu losu lora lemah, lunglai, tidak weak, feeble bertenaga cp. lemaq (2), mesa, moleng (1), paya (1), pekon lotaq lotaq dalong menyusun, bersusun stack up, heap up, arrange cp. dalong (1), hubiq, kahin (3), lutur, uang loter tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kotiq lotong sj semak k.o. weed 1. lotong >otan 1. sj rumput 1. k.o. grass 2. lotong puhu >èdu 2. badai yg paling akhir di 2. the last storm of rèhèq musim hujan (har bunga- the rainy season (lit. bunga rumput, batang- blossoming of ‘lotong’- batang rumput tumbang) weeds, falling over of ‘>èdu’-weeds) cp. apa (3), auq oqor, >èdu, kiriq tahiq, ladu, pinaq, ruq (1) lotoq memangkas cabang-cabang trim the branches of a tree pohon lotuq lotuq lètuq menutup, menudungi close, cover s.t. lotuq kareq menutup atau menudungi cover a rubber eraser with karet dgn tempurung atau a half coconut shell or mug cangkir cp. balètuq, bong (2), bongoq, boran (1), bowong (2), bowoq (3), habiq, hoba, kowoq, leti, loiq, mongoq, pataq, pèrèng, uwe (1) 376 lou—loyo lou lou kodoq terguling pada tebing, jatuh fall from a slant, roll down terguling cp. batong, hele, kodol, kolar, koleq, kolor, luen, waling louq menyiram, mencuci dgn sprinkle, wash by cara menyiram sprinkling cp. habur, hir (1), hotaq, lang (1), paoq (1), rehiq lour 1 lurus, licin 1 straight, slick, smooth 2 ramping, semampai, 2 slender, beautiful bagus, cantik 1. ebe lidan namo 1. pemuda bercabang 1. youth branched like a padan, areq lour namo macam pandan, gadis pandanus, maiden slender leur ramping spt pohon cemara like a casuarina tree 2. lour >ebel 2. menjulurkan lidah 2. stick out the tongue 3. pilir milir hèiq lour 3. menyisir lurus 3. comb straight cp. >ieq tuyan, houq, lonu, meloq, melor, meluq, milir, mulang (1), munaq, oleng, olor, pehul, pèlèr, potong, ueng (1), wolang lower tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lodo lowiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: loko lowiq lowoq lowoq dawal membungkus sst dlm kain hide or wrap s.t. in a cloth 1. lowoq dawal >anaq 1. membungkus anak dgn 1. wrap a child in a sarong kain sarung yg dipakai which is being worn 2. wawi lowoq 2. anak babi yg dapat 2. a pig small enough to be dibungkus dlm kain hidden in one’s garments loyg tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: loyg lakiq loyg lakiq terburu-buru hurried, in a rush cp. kanehing, nehing loyo 1 matahari 1 sun 2 hari, waktu 2 day 1. loyo ayaq; loyo 1. tengah hari (har tengah 1. noon (lit. the centre of mulang matahari); matahari tegak the sun, sun in the centre lurus di atas kepala [of the sky]); the sun is straight above one’s head loyo—loyo 377

2. loyo bèuq 2. hari senja (har matahari 2. dusk (lit. sun goes down) tenggelam) 3. loyo bohor 3. a. matahari terbit, 3. a. sunrise; b. the matahari bersinar; villages from Lèuburi to b. wilayah antara desa Lèuwohung; c. name of Lèuburi dan Lèuwohung; c. the new style village for nama desa gaya baru untuk the Buyaq Suri villages Lèudawan Lelang dan Lèudawan Lelang and Lèunada Lèunada 4. loyo bohor bè >ili 4. matahari terbit di 4. when the sun rises above ayaq tengah gunung (dilihat the centre of the mountain dari Lèuwayang; kira-kira (as seen from Lèuwayang; sebulan sebelum titik about a month before the balik matahari di bulan December solstice, a sign Desember, suatu tanda of time for planting) musim tanam dimulai) 5. loyo bohor laqi; loyo 5. matahari terbit tinggi 5. late morning (lit. the sun laqi has risen high) 6. loyo buyaq 6. Tuhan (har matahari 6. God (lit. White Sun) putih) 7. loyo hèlèng 7. matahari terbenam 7. sunset 8. loyo hèlèng popoq 8. permulaan musim barat 8. the beginning of the hering (har matahari terbenam, rainy season (lit. the sun bintang tujuh terbit) sets, Pleiades rises) 9. loyo hepaq 9. matahari miring 9. the sun descends slightly (sesudah tengah hari, ketika (just after noon) matahari mulai condong ke barat) 10. loyoq kelaq, loyo 10. matahari bersinar 10. the sun shines kilaq 11. loyo keu 11. matahari naik 11. the sun climbs (midmorning) 12. loyo matan 12. kemarau 12. the dry season 13. loyo matan ayaq 13. pertengahan musim 13. middle of the dry kemarau season 14. loyo mate 14. gerhana matahari 14. eclipse of the sun 15. loyo mawin 15. sore, sekitar jam empat 15. afternoon, around 4:00 (har sjuk matahari) p.m. (lit. cool sun) 16. loyo moleng 16. sore, sekitar jam empat 16. afternoon, around 4:00 (har matahari lembut) p.m. (lit. soft sun) 17. loyo panan 17. tengah hari (har 17. noon (lit. hot sun) matahari panas) 18. loyo pari narang 18. panas matahari 18. heat of the sun darang 19. loyo rian 19. masih siang, belum 19. still light, not yet dark gelap (har matahari besar) (lit. large sun) 20. Loyo Rian 20. Tuhan (har matahari 20. God (lit. Great Sun) besar) 21. loyo tiba noq 21. tepat hari ini, pada hari 21. today, this day (lit. sun ini (har hari tiba di sini) arrives here) 22. loyo >udeq 22. satu hari, suatu hari 22. one day, once 23. loyo uma >uraq 23. dini hari 23. twilight 24. loyo weheq 24. sore hari, waktu sore 24. afternoon, the time (har matahari sudah before sunset (lit. the sun rendah) is low) 378 lu—ludaq

25. loyo weheq èmi 25. matahari rendah dan 25. just before sunset (lit. dingin the sun is low and cool) 26. loyo weheq uma 26. matahari rendah dan 26. just before sunset (lit. kuning the sun is low and yellow) cp. >eqa (2), haraq (1), lia lu (1) sj pohon di puncak gunung large trees, growing near the top of the mountain lu (2) bunting pregnant (of animals) cp. haqang, muho lua muntah, meludah vomit, spit out cp. bubur, bur, mute, >oaq, >okaq luaq see: ai luaq, ala luaq luar tali hutan, sj tumbuhan k.o. liana berbentuk tali cp. ritiq (1) luba domba sheep lubaq lubaq holaq roboh, tumbang karena collapse, fall over from age sudah tua 1. lubaq holaq mato 1. satu badai di musim 1. a storm of the rainy bute hujan (har roboh, season (which contains the penglihatan tidak jelas) strong winds that destroy the crops, lit. collapsing, vision obscured) 2. luba holaq perung 2. satu badai di musim 2. the fi fth storm of the tiboq hujan (har roboh, bambu rainy season (lit. collapse, bertunas) bamboo sprouts) cp. èhèr, hubaq, koliq, luqur, pèhèq, rèhèq, tawaq lubiq sempit narrow 1. lala lubiq 1. jalan sempit 1. narrow road 2. nunu lubiq 2. mulut kecil, sempit (spt 2. small or narrow mouth kendi) (as a pitcher) cp. garipoq, hipur, >ipeq lubuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mèkèr ludaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: putaq luen—luleq laleq 379 luen mengguling, menggulung roll up, bolster, Dutch wife luen napa menggulung tikar roll up a mat cp. batong, hele, kodol, kolar, kolor, kopol (1), lou, lulun, waling luer luer luer berjalan diam-diam melalui walk quietly past s.t., go in sst, masuk ke dlm dan and out secretly ke luar dgn sembunyi- sembunyi luhaq luhaq lehuq memijit spy bijinya keluar squeeze a seed out of its lepas dari kulitnya skin luka (1) luka baka dipukul gelombang, ombak be struck by a wave, breaker cp. lèmuq luka (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: luka leki luka leki kera, monyet monkey luka leki hioq kaoq monyet berteriak the monkey cries luke luke pèir membersihkan padi atau thresh rice or beans kacang panjang lukeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oweq lukuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lukuq lèkuq lukuq lèkuq kusut, berlekuk-lekuk (spt crumpled (like paper kertas yg diremas), kumal which has been balled up), rumpled luleng bersiul whistle cp. wihun luleq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: luleq laleq luleq laleq tidak mau mengerjakan not wanting to do pekerjaan yg diulang-ulang; repetitious work; not tidak mau repot wanting to be busy 380 luli—luni luli besi untuk memantikkan iron for striking fl int batu api lulu berjalan membungkuk walk bowed over (when (ketika melalui banyak passing a group of people) orang) lulun gulung, menggulung roll, roll up 1. lulun bako 1. menggulung rokok 1. roll a cigarette 2. lulun napa 2. menggulung tikar 2. roll up a mat cp. hele, kodol, kolar, koleq, koliq, kolo, kolor, kopol (1), legang (1), lèpiq, luen, waling lumar lumar wanan kebun fi eld, fi elds, garden lumar wala tuan pemilik kebun owner of a fi eld cp. >alang, bareng, >eqa (1), kain, moniq, polang, tana, tuen lumen see: numen lumoq ulat-ulat kumbang yg an edible, tiny larva or tinggal dlm batang-batang worm which lives in dead lontar atau kelapa yg mati lontar or coconut palm branches cp. dareq, mobeng, tihel lun lun olong air mata tear 1. lun heraq 1. air mata tergenang, 1. tears well up, trickle berlinang-linang down 2. lun kètiq 2. air mata jatuh 2. tears fall lunga lunga iu merebus, masak boil, cook cp. >apa, bangaq (1), bura, dayuq, iu, nome, patang (1) luni 1 bantal 1 pillow 2 penopang (belahan 2 support (the split bamboo bamboo bersilang di cross-pieces in the roof atap rumah yg menahan of a house which fasten berkasan rumput untuk the grass bundels for the atap) roofi ng) 1. luni tèqèl 1. bantal untuk tidur 1. pillow for sleeping 2. napa kowal luni tèqèl 2. tikar dan bantal untuk 2. mat and pillow for tidur sleeping cp. hodeq, honing, hudeq, lapa (1), latang (1), likoq, luni, lunin, mèi, moboq, nedang, lunin—luri 381

nodeq, nukoq, nuneng, pohing, tanukoq, tukoq lunin pengalas base, foundation cp. honing, latang (1), luni, mèi, >uq luoq makanan food cp. >olon luqa besok, lusa tomorrow, day after tomorrow 1. luqa >eyeng 1. besok pagi 1. tomorrow morning 2. luqa loyo 2. besok siang 2. tomorrow during the day 3. luqa luqa; luqa luqa 3. besok-besok, kapan- 3. sometime in the future beuq beuq kapan 4. luqa wèng sue 4. dua hari lagi, besok- 4. two days from now, besok sometime in the future cp. natang (2) luqang terkupas peeled luqang laqang terkupas skinned amaq luqang cp. lehor, wara luqur luqur kuyung kempis, defl ate, collapse, contract mengempismengerut cp. èhèr, hubaq, kepiq, kèku, koliq, kuyung, lèpiq, lubaq, mèqè, miyung, pèhèq, rèhèq, rokong, ruku (2), ruq (2), tawaq lureng see: nureng lureq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lureq lareq lureq lareq 1 retak 1 cracked 2 isakan tangis dgn suara 2 weep with a quiet voice yg halus cp. babaq (2), bèti, dareng, kueq (1), lareq luri tulang daun lontar atau spine of the coconut or kelapa lontar palm leaf luri >inan tulang pendek daun lontar short lontar leaf rib (lit. (har tulang ibu) mother bone) cp. lurin, oro 382 lurin—luteq lurin lurin longan tulang bone, bones 1. lurin laqin 1. tulang panjang daun 1. the long ribs of the lontar (har tulang laki) lontar leaf (lit. male bone) 2. manuq lurin 2. tulang ayam 2. chicken bones 3. tubar lurin 3. tulang kepala, tengkorak 3. skull cp. haraq (3), luri luruq luruq homaq menuang, menumpahkan pour, spill 1. iteq luruq 1. upacara memberi 1. fi nal payment of makan arwah orang mati marriage prestations (diadakan sesudah belis/ (ceremonial offering of maskawin diulunasi, food to the ancestors kedua pihak menanggung after the payment of masing-masing seekor bridewealth, both sides hewan dan makan bersama provide animals and hold untuk meresmikan a communal meal to make hubungan mereka, har the matter offi cial, lit. break patah tuang) [and] spill) 2. tuaq luruq 2. air tuak yg dituangkan 2. palmwine which is untuk orang mati (har being poured out for the menuang tuak) dead at a funeral (lit. spill palmwine) cp. baoq, bèi, haoq (1) hiroq, homaq, hore, kètiq, lodo (2), pihing lusaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lusaq lèsuq lusaq lèsuq meremas, memijit press, squeeze cp. >amiq, >ènèq, >ikuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, pere, peruq, pèmèq, poloq, >ukuq >èkuq, >uruq luta tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: luta amaq luta amaq makanan babi pig food lutang mengotorkan dirty s.t. kara lutang >eqa jangan kotorkan tempat ini do not dirty this place cp. >iwong, koyong, limoq luteq puntung rokok, puntung cigarette butt, burnt kayu bakar remains of fi rewood 1. ai luteq 1. puntung kayu 1. the burnt remains of fi rewood 2. bako luteq 2. puntung rokok 2. cigarette butt cp. èpuq (2) lutu—luya 383 lutu lutu lewaq, lutu nèdèl bilik atau petak dlm storage compartments of lumbung untuk the granary menyimpan jagung 1. lutu laleng 1. bilik-bilik yg paling dlm 1. the inner storage di lumbung compartments of a granary 2. lutu loloq 2. bilik-bilik di atas ‘lutu’ 2. storage compartment dlm lumbung above the ‘lutu’ in the granary 3. lutu >oleq 3. bilik-bilik di sebelah kiri 3. compartments on the dlm lumbung left side of the granary 4. lutu >oliq 4. bilik-bilik di sebelah 4. compartments on the gunung dlm lumbung mountain side of the granary 5. lutu >oteq 5. bilik-bilik di sebelah 5. compartments on the kanan dlm lumbung right side of the granary 6. lutu >oweq 6. bilik-bilik di sebelah laut 6. compartments on the dlm lumbung seaward side of the granary 7. lutu >utuq 7. bilik-bilik yg paling luar 7. the outer storage di lumbung compartments of a granary cp. maka (2), nalang lutur tumpukan, onggokan, heap, pile, stack up, pile menimbuni dgn batu stones on s.t. cp. bongaq, boran (1), hubiq, lotaq, mongaq, motel, otuq, >omo, uang luya layu withered, faded, wilted cp. wewa M ma (1) untuk, spy {tasrif: 1t so, so as to, so that ‘maqu’, 2t ‘maqo’, 3t {paradigm: 1sg ‘maqu’, 2sg ‘mani’, 1j eks ‘maqe’, 1j ‘maqo’, 3sg ‘mani’, 1pl ex in ‘mate’, 2j ‘mame’, 3j ‘maqe’, 1pl in ‘mate’, 2pl ‘mase’} ‘mame’, 3pl ‘mase’} 1. hoing areq weriq 1. meminta para gadis 1. ask the girls to serve mase galeka wayong untuk melayani orang tua food to the old people tua lahar a sin makan 2. homaq tuaq ma neq 2. menuang tuak spy sisa 2. pour the palmwine so makal mani doq tuak keluar that the remains will come out 3. nuo hoing maqe pa 3. dia menyuruh kami 3. he ordered us (ex) to pergi leave 4. tebeq ma ka min 4. duduk untuk makan 4. sit down and eat cp. ara (2), mema, mè (2) ma (2) kemari, ke sini, dari arah from, hither, come from, samping, pada ketinggian an approximately level, yg kurang-lebih setara, lateral direction towards kepada si pembicara the speaker

1. bèyo ma 1. dari tempat tertentu, di 1. from a specifi c location arah samping, kurang-lebih in an approximately level, setara, yg dekat, kepada si lateral direction a small pembicara distance towards the speaker 2. >oyo ma 2. dari arah samping, pada 2. from an approximately ketinggian yg kurang-lebih level, lateral direction a setara, yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker cp. >aq, bèyo, ma, nè, >oyo ma (3) itu, yg itu that, those suo >ata ma mereka itu those over there cp. mawa, mè (2), tèlè, wa, we, wenu mabaq ~ mebaq mabaq toleq ikatan kepala dari daun decoration of leaves worn tied around the head cp. pebaq, tamodo lado mabar see: abar, èbuq madaq 1 pendopo rumah 1 porch, veranda mader—mahan 385

2 para-para 2 loft, shelf over the hearth cp. nekaq, lauq, likan mader mader tebeq berdiri stand 1. kara tebeq piding 1. jangan duduk 1. do not sit close, do not mader hedang berdampingan, jangan stand leaning berdiri bersandar 2. mader nueng 2. berdiri teguh 2. stand still cp. hading mado maka sj tandak (har Mado k.o. dance (lit. Mado calls) berseru) cp. beda a e o, bayo, han daq, lia namang, soleq, tèting dai mae menjaga, memelihara, guard, protect, store menyimpan mae hoaq noq mara peliharalah bakul ini dgn guard this basket well diqen baik cp. dariq, dèkèng, ewa, èping, hapang, haqa, hoti, >iriq, libur, likoq, loman, mawaq, muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, pakang, paro, puli, pulin, rio, rutaq, saga maeng maeng merung kutu busuk, kepinding bedbug cp. merung maeq maeq toyaq duri thorn maeq ka ditusuk duri stuck by a thorn cp. >aiq mahan mahan noping hak kawin antara prescribed marriage kemanakan dgn anak category perempuan paman 1. mahan >ate nimun 1. hak kawin yg tepat 1. mother’s brother’s antara kemanakan dgn anak daughter and father’s sister’s perempuan paman (har son (lit. the true ‘mahan’) ‘mahan’ yg benar) 2. mahan neheq 2. hak kawin antara 2. more distant members of kemanakan dgn anak the cetegory ‘mahan’ perempuan keluarga paman atau anak perempuan paman dgn keluarga kemanakan 3. ohaq pau mahan dei 3. mengawini pasangan 3. not marry the proper noping yg salah (pasangan yg person (address to a couple melanggar peraturan who have committed perkawinan eksogami; incest or violated descent 386 mahaq—mahun

har tidak berbicara asal- group exogamy; lit. not usualnya tunangan) discuss the genealogy of the prospective spouse) mahaq mahaq mareq keras karena kering hard from being dry >ue mahaq buah pinang yg keras areca nut which is hard karena terlalu kering because dried mahara sebentar a little later, in a while, shortly mahara nuo bale sebentar lagi dia kembali he will be back shortly cp. naiq, nape mahil mahil motan banjir fl ood cp. nahi mahing ~ maing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mahing malaq, tataq mahing malaq mendapat rezeki dari receive livelihood from the arwah, hadiah dari orang dead ancestors, gift from mati the dead mahoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bunga, >unga, wunga mahu engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) menggayung, mengambil, fetch, draw, dip water menimba air cp. ‘ahu’ for full paradigm mahu manuq belahan bambu yg bamboo sticks used in dibanting untuk mencari augury; throw bamboo kesalahan; suatu cara sticks in augury mencari kesalahan dgn membanting-banting dua potong belahan bambu mahu manuq >uru taq kalimat yg diucapkan oleh fi rst line of the chant for perimpin upacara adat a ceremony while the waktu memegang ayam priest holds the head of the kurban pada kepalanya chicken mahun sisa tuak yg ada pada dasar remains of palmwine on bambu atau peruik tuak the bottom of a bamboo or (yg agak kental sehingga pot of palmwine; the tidak bisa diminum) consolidation from palmwine tuaq mahun sisa tuak yg ada pada dasar remains of palmwine on bambu atau periuk tuak the bottom of a bamboo or pot of palmwine mahuq—maka 387

cp. makal, nukel (1) mahuq (1) ~ mauq engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) angkut, mengangkut, gather, collect, scoop, take meraup 1. mahuq auq 1. mengangkut tanah 1. gather dirt 2. mahuq >ene 2. meraup pasir 2. scoop up sand 3. mahuq watar 3. mengangkut jagung 3. gather maize cp. ‘ahuq’ for full paradigm, also: bawoq, >èmèng, haba, hen, hoti, kaqo, kuq, mawu, mèq (1), mihuq mahuq, muta, >opung mahuq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mihuq mahuq mai mai sopan mai sopan sedu saer 1 berhenti 1 stop, cease 2 penunjuk aspek sesatif 2 cessative aspect marker 1. kareyang mai 1. berhenti bekerja 1. stop working 2. mai wèq 2. istirahat 2. take a rest 3. o lile maiqo 3. berhentilah menonton! 3. stop watching! 4. >uya turu mai 4. hujan berhenti 4. it stopped raining cp. bahe, dèq, dèqmè, dèqnu, dèqo, hekaq (1), inoq, ipu, main, mete, nau, poho main yg berhenti that which has stopped kawang loiq >uliq main tidak mengalir lagi (har become stagnant (lit. fl ow mengalir menimbuni [and] fi ll up [the] place tempat berhenti) [where it] stops) cp. mai maing (1) alat penusuk/pencongkel tool for planting rice tanah untuk menanam seedlings benih padi cp. baing maing (2) see: mahing maiq ~ maiq wèq maiq sokaq rasa gembira, senang feel happy, pleased cp. mayar, senang maiq wèq see: maiq maka (1) maka lalaq berseru shout maka wala bentara, pewarta herald 388 maka—male

cp. bayaq, bohang, hioq, mado maka, ong, soraq, weqal, wile maka (2) maka lolon para-para di atas ‘lutu’ dlm storage compartment in lumbung the granary, above the ‘lutu’ cp. lutu, nalang makal sisa tuak yg ada pada dasar remains of palmwine on bambu atau periuk tuak the bottom of a bamboo (yg agak kental sehingga or pot of palmwine; tidak bisa diminum) the consolidation from palmwine homaq tuaq ma neq menuang tuak spy sisanya pour out the remains of makal mani doq (yg ada dlm periuk) keluar palmwine cp. mahun, nukel (1) makoq mangkuk bowl makoq tuan tuan mangkuk yg sudah lama ancient chalice umurnya mal sirih, Piper betle, Linn. betel pepper, Piper betle, Linn. 1. mal eker ukur >oneq, 1. menasihati (har 1. advise (lit. a piece of ue nihiq nahaq laleng potongan sirih cari tahu betel pepper knows the hati, potongan pinang heart; a piece of areca nut nasihat kalbu) advises the heart) 2. mal lolon 2. daun sirih 2. leaves of the betel pepper 3. mal lolon wèi èmi 3. perempuan tidak tinggal 3. daughters do not remain di suku, mereka dapat within the clan, but may be dibeli oleh suku lain (har bought by other clans (lit. daun sirih, air dingin) betel leaf, cold water) 4. mal turin 4. buah sirih yg kering 4. dry betel pepper cp. >ue malan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >alu, >ilon, meluq, miteng malaq malaq metaq 1 potongan, bagian 1 slices, parts 2 lapisan sarang lebah 2 layer of a bee’s nest rua >awaq malaq sarang lebah satu bagian one section of a bee’s nest >udeq cp. mahing malaq male (1) male tala bintang star 1. male >anaq kueq 1. bintang pagi (har bintang 1. the morning star (lit. >eyeng anak menangis pagi-pagi) star child crying [in the] morning) 2. male bètuq 2. sj lumut pada batu- 2. k.o. star like moss batuan male—malekaq 389

3. male bohor 3. bintang terbit 3. the star rises 4. male heleng 4. bintang terbenam 4. the star sets 5. male hèpuq 5. meteor (har bintang 5. meteor, shooting stars jatuh) (lit. star drops) 6. male manuq 6. nama ular yg suka 6. name of a snake that menelan telur ayam (har likes to eat chicken eggs bintang ayam) (lit. chicken star) 7. male nenun 7. bintang genap 7. star complete 8. male nore neq ebon 8. meteor (har bintang 8. comet (lit. star with its berekor) tail) 9. male rian; male rian 9. bintang pagi, bintang 9. the morning star (lit. paiq tuaq timur (har bintang besar; [the] great star; [the] great bintang besar menyadap star taps palmwine) tuak) 10. male taq lolon 10. bintang salib, bintang 10. the southern cross (lit. selatan (har bintang daun coconut leaf star) kelapa) 11. male tene 11. a. bintang biduk, 11. a. Ursa Major; b. bintang utara; b. roh guardian spirit (lit. boat pelindung pribadi (har star) bintang sampan) 12. male tene daten 12. a. bintang utara dlm 12. a. Ursa Major in an posisi terbalik, b. aspék inverted position over the jahat roh pelindung pribadi horizon; b. the bad aspect (har bintang berbentuk of the personal guardian sampan, disebut jahat) spirit (lit. the bad boat star) 13. male tene diqen 13. a. bintang utara dlm 13. a. Ursa Major in an posisi tegak lurus; b. aspék upright position over the baik roh pelindung pribadi horizon; b. the good aspect (har bintang sampan baik) of the personal guardian spirit (lit. the good boat star) 14. male tene diqen 14. bintang utara yg baik 14. the good Ursa Major nore male tene daten se dan bintang utara yg jahat and the bad Ursa Major huraq awe menciptakan berlawanan create in oppostion 15. male tene tanang 15. bintang utara 15. Ursa Major greets tonong menyambut (sesudah (after dancing until dawn, bertandak sampai pagi, this riddle is used to say pantun ini untuk pamit) goodbye) 16. tun anaq male 16. genap satu tahun 16. a complete year nenun cp. uno, lia, popo, pari, tala (3) male (2) male ue engkau, kami, kamu pakai, you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) memakai use, wear o male deko engkau memakai celana you are wearing trousers cp. ‘ale’ for full paradigm, also: ara (1), dogel (2), guna, logeq, mero, pake (1), pen, uwe (2) malekaq malaikat angel 390 maleng—mameq maleng ~ maling tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: koli (1) maling see: maleng maliong miliun million cp. selaq maliq ~ moliq sepasang pair, a pair laong maliq >udeq sepasang anting-anting one pair of earrings cp. >eq, mapang (1), munaq (2), nihe malirang belerang (yg mengalir dari sulphur (from a volcano) gunung api) malong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: maqo malu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mesa mama mama laqu musang civet cat cp. lako maman maman mean jinak tame, gentle >au oyo maman anjing di sana jinak saja that dog is tame kohaq-ne cp. >ayang (2), hèmuq, moleng (1) mamaq bapak, panggilan oleh anak father, term of address by (di daerah Dolulolong a small child (Dolulolong Kedang) region) mamaq wèq neq laqi ayah sangat marah (har father is very angry (lit. doa badan ayah tinggi jauh) father’s body [is] high [and] far) cp. ame, >amo mamel mamel koil, mamel mokol liat, ulet tough, rubbery neq >anaq mamel anaknya berkepala batu his child is stubborn mokol cp. >umal mameq mengunyah chew mameq mulea ai lolo mengunyah ramuan obat chew traditional herbal dari daun-daunan medicine mamiq—manga 391

cp. kiqi, kuluq (1), mamoq, mataq (2), puriq mamiq menggigit bibir bawah bite the lower lip (in anger) (menahan marah) mamoq mengunyah, memamah masticate food (for infants) mamoq hengan memamah jagung titik masticate crushed maize cp. kuluq (1), mameq, mataq (2) man (1) see: moan man (2) ikan todak swordfi sh cp. neber mana mana kapa merambat, menjalar spread, creep >api mana api merambat the fi re spreads cp. apa (1), doro (1), kopi (1) manalung alunan gelombang laut wave, waves cp. hokal, >oyoq (1), >ubaq manang (1) manang manong tepat menembak, jitu hit the target exactly memanah cp. eur wali manang manang (2) manang beteq engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) menganyam weave cp. ‘anang’ for full paradigm, doleq, tan man baloq semut kuning yellow ants manga (1) manga kieq, manga tarang teguh, erat, kukuh fi rm, secure, tight, strong 1. pan manga kieq 1. berjalan dgn teguh 1. walk securely 2. wadeq ne hongen 2. mengikat erat 2. tie tightly manga cp. del, garipoq, hèkèr, >ipeq, kiqing, lèrè, mangan, mateq, mèdèq, tudaq manga (2) tertahan caught up, held up cp. atiq, hideq, hobol, hodeq, kateng, tahang 392 manga—manuel manga (3) penuh full >eqa manga kebun yg penuh ditumbuhi a fi eld full of weeds or rumput atau semak-semak brush cp. hapo, heur (2), kabaq, maqar, mègung, mètèq, pènu manga (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: manga paoq mangan yg teguh, erat, penuh that which is fi rm, tight, full >eqa mangan kebun yg penuh ditumbuhi a fi eld full of weeds or rumput atau semak-semak, brush belantara cp. manga, mateq manga paoq buih yg keluar dari mulut fl uid from a decaying orang mati corpse which emerges from the mouth mange mange moaq menganga gape, agape, wide open mange nunu mengangakan mulut hold one’s mouth open widely mangul engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) menutup dgn tutupan cover with a lid cp. ‘angul’ for full paradigm maninan bambu dlm kerangka atap bamboo in the frame of a rumah d ibawah ‘rèpèq rian’ roof below the ‘rèpèq rian’ dan di atas ‘kawanang lawan’ and above the ‘kawanang lawan’ manong 1 burung bangau 1 egret, heron 2 model yg bagus 2 a good example cp. manang (1) manong buyaq bangau putih white egret, white heron manotel keadaan laut yg sea full of waves, stormy sea bergelombang cp. bohung mansikiq see: masinkiq manu mari sudah come now; let us (do) manuel alat pelingkar benang swift, rotating thread winder cp. lawa (2) manuq—manuq 393 manuq manuq >au, manuq laqu ayam chicken 1. manuq >aiq 1. susuh ayam, taji ayam 1. cockspur 2. manuq baran 2. ayam jantan muda 2. young cock 3. manuq bou 3. sarang ayam 3. chicken nest 4. manuq bou >au 4. sarang ayam, pengikat/ 4. chicken nest, dog’s leash lehaq belenggu leher anjing 5. manuq doq 5. dini hari (har ayam 5. early dawn (lit. chickens turun) descend) 6. manuq >ekor tolor 6. ayam betina mengatur 6. chicken preparing to sit kedudukan telur untuk and brood her eggs mengeram 7. manuq èlèng manuq 7. ayam angkasa, ayam 7. chicken of the sky, wang, manuq >ero bumi chicken of the earth manuq auq 8. manuq >èyuq 8. tembolok ayam 8. crop of chicken 9. manuq >inan 9. induk ayam 9. a hen which has begun laying eggs 10. manuq kokoq 10. ayam berkokok 10. the cock crows 11. manuq kokoq rota 11. ayam berkokok terus 11. the cocks crow menerus (matahari hampir continually (just before terbit, sekitar jam 5 pagi) sunrise, around 5 a.m.) 12. manuq kokoq 12. ayam berkokok kedua 12. cocks crow the second wowo sue kali (sekitar jam 2 pagi) time (around 2 a.m.) 13. manuq kokoq 13. ayam berkokok pertama 13. cocks crow the fi rst wowo >udeq kali (sekitar jam 11 malam) time (around 11 p.m.) 14. manuq laba wèq 14. ayam bersabung 14. cocks fi ghting 15. manuq laka waraq 15. ceritera ayam legenda 15. a chicken in legend 16. manuq lalung 16. ayam jantan 16. cock 17. manuq leqang 17. ayam betina mencari 17. a hen hunting a place tempat untuk bertelur to nest 18. manuq likoq 18. anak ayam bersuara 18. cheeping baby chicken 19. manuq lurin 19. tulang ayam 19. chicken bones 20. manuq mèluq; 20. ayam betina muda, yg 20. a hen which has not yet manuq ronen belum pernah bertelur begun to lay eggs 21. manuq mato wahar 21. mata tajam (har ayam 21. sharp eyes (lit. chicken dgn mata yg benar) with true eyes) 22. manuq ne laong 22. pial ayam (har anting- 22. chicken wattles (lit. anting ayam) chicken’s earrings) 23. manuq nèpèng 23. ayam mengeram 23. the chicken broods 24. manuq sina kokoq; 24. ayam [pencipta] yg 24. the chicken which manuq siring kokoq sering berkokok (suatu always crows (a tale) dongeng) 25. manuq siring kokoq 25. mutiara (har telur 25. pearls (lit. eggs of the neq tolor ayam [pencipta] yg sering chicken which always berkokok) crows) 26. manuq tolor 26. telur ayam 26. chicken egg 27. manuq tolor amaq 27. kulit telur ayam 27. egg shell 28. manuq tolor buan 28. telur ayam yg baru 28. fresh egg without a ditelurkan foetus 29. manuq tolor buyaq 29. putih telur 29. egg white 30. manuq tolor uman 30. kuning telur 30. egg yolk 31. manuq tuqi 31. ayam menetas 31. chicks hatch 32. manuq lèi urung 32. kuku ayam 32. claws of a chicken 33. manuq >urun 33. bulu ayam 33. chicken feathers 34. manuq wèiq 34. darah ayam 34. chicken blood 394 manuq dapar—mapaq

35. manuq woiq, manuq 35. balung, jénggér ayam 35. cockscomb woro koiq manuq dapar sj burung puyuh yg tidur k.o. quail which sleeps on di tanah the ground manuq laka ruda ~ manuq garuda eagle laka rudang cp. kaka beang manuq lalung sj burung (har ayam jantan) k.o. bird (lit. cock) cp. dai laki, eor (2), hian, lau lete, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang manuq lete bambu di bawah ‘maninan’ bamboo below the dan di atas ‘kawanang ‘maninan’ and above the mèkuq’ di tengah rumah ‘kawanang mèkuq’ in the (har jalan ayam) centre of the house (lit. chicken walk) manuq sama itik liar wild ducks tene muaq manuq sama perahu membawa orang the boat brings people asing (har perahu muat from elsewhere (lit. the itik liar) boat contains wild ducks) cp. bebeq manuq tahiq dua macam burung laut two k.o. sea bird mapa tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mapa maring mapa maring minta maaf apologize mapang (1) pasangan pair mapang papang cp. >eq, maliq, munaq (2), nubuq mapang (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nahing, wile mapaq (1) mapaq mepeq, mapaq melintang, letak yg lie athwart, obstruct pader melintang, palang cp. bolor, epaq (1), latang (2), likoq mapaq (2) rasa puas minum, kenyang satiated, satisfi ed, no longer thirsty or hungry cp. bolor mapur—maqing 395 mapur sj burung k.o. bird k.o. bird cp. dai laki, eor (2), ewal, hian, huqi, kiki, lau lete, manu lalung, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang maq maq molan maq molan >aheq koleq suangi, penyihir witch maq molan odo korong penyihir, suangi pantat witch with a red anus merah cp. odo korong, purun maqar banyak isi, padat isi full, dense, plenty, much 1. ai lèuq maqar 1. ubi padat isi 1. a dense yam 2. mura maqar 2. banyak bicara 2. talk a lot cp. >ata, damaq, hapo, heur (2), kayaq (1), manga (3), mègung, mètèq (1), mura, pènu, rai, rèiq, rokeq maq >ayang pohon surian, Toona sinensis k.o. small tree, Toona sinensis maqe sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, mere, oyor, tule maqing maqing >anaq maqing >anaq èpu utun kemanakan, pihak yg wife-takers membayar belis/maskawin 1. maqing bote diqen, 1. kemanakan mendukung 1. wife-taker carry well ton, >ei paluqo dgn baik, kalau tidak saya or else I will hit you akan pukul engkau (humor (humorous comments disebut pada kemanakan yg made to wife-takers menggotong jensah pada carrying a corpse during penguburan seorang wanita a funeral of a very aged yg sangat tua di Lèuwayang woman in Lèuwayang on pada tanggal 2 Januari January 2, 1971) 1971) 2. maqing maqing suka 2. anak ipar diberi 2. call to the wife-takers suka kesempatan untuk to plunder the cloth left mengambil kain kain on the chest of the corpse sarung lai-laki (lipa) atau in the funeral just before kain sarung wanita yg ada burial di atas dada jenazah 396 maqo—mara bone

3. maqing rian 3. kemanakan pehak 3. powerful or prestigeous menerima isteri yg wife-takers (lit. great wife- berwibawa (har kemanakan takers) besar) 4. maqing tuan 4. kamanakan yg sudah 4. wife-takers of previous lewat beberapa generasi, generations anak ipar turunan dari nenek cp. binin maqo maqo malong maqo malong emi iring, mencuri steal, abduct maqo wala pencuri thief cp. etil, maqon maqon benda yg dicuri stolen goods cp. maqo maqur (1) luar, halaman outside, yard cp. >alang, bukaq (3), napang, obi, woren maqur (2) parit ditch, trench maqur matan parit di bawah tepi atap di trench left by rain runoff mana air hujan turun below the eaves mara (1) mara ue engkau, kami, kamu pakai, you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) memakai wear, use, do, make use of 1. o mara bahing labur 1. engkau mencuci baju 1. you are washing clothes 2. o mara labur >ape? 2. engkau memakai baju 2. what clothes are you apa? wearing? 3. mara ere 3. diam, menenangkan diri 3. quieten, calm down cp. ‘ara (1)’ for full paradigm, also: ale, daiq, dogel (2), guna, laha (1), logeq, mero, pake (1), pen, uwe (2) mara (2) untuk, buat engkau, kami, for, to you, us (ex), you (pl) kamu mara kua? untuk apa? what for? cp. ‘ara (2)’ for full paradigm, also: bè, boq, de, ele (1), ma (1), moling mara bone bagaimana engkau, kami, how about you (sg), us (ex), kamu? bagaimana dgn, you (pl)? how are things bagaimana untuk engkau, for, with you (sg), us (ex), kami, kamu? you (pl)? ai laqi tokal, o keu mara pohon tinggi sekali, the tree is very tall, how bone? bagaimana engkau can you climb it? menaiknya? maran—masi 397

cp. ‘ara bone’ for full paradigm maran ajakan kepada arwah invitation to the ancestors untuk ikut makan dgn to join in the meal by menumpahkan tuak dan pouring some palmwine jagung ke tanah and dropping some maize on the ground 1. maran, tuan min tuaq 1. ajakan, leluhur minum 1. invitation, ancestors ka watar tuak makan jagung drink palmwine, eat maize 2. min mara maran auq 2. minum setelah 2. drink after pouring a meumpahkan sedikit tuak little palmwine on the ke tanah untuk memberi ground to give drink to minum arwah nenek the souls of the ancestors moyang cp. panaqeng marang marang muqeng marah angry, annoyed cp. bahuq, bekeq, buren, hiwoq, pana, rahe, rihuq marang wala utusan, delegasi untuk delegate, spokesman for menyampaikan maksud prospective groom in dari pemuda kepada marriage negotiations pemudi yg dicinta maren terlarang, melarang, prohibited, prohibit, larangan prohibition 1. hale maren 1. rumah berhala orang 1. ceremonial temple animis associated with the village 2. maren daten 2. tanda larangan yg 2. sign of prohibition berbahaya indicating danger 3. maren miang 3. kemaluan, tempat 3. genitals, prohibited area terlarang 4. maren taq lolon 4. tanda larangan 4. coconut leaf sign of memakai daun kelapa yg prohibition around a dikelilingkan pada pohon coconut tree indicating kelapa yg berarti orang that coconuts may not be tidak boleh memetik picked in the village kelapa di desa itu cp. >e (1), molan, nuren, puru, puting mareq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mahaq maring tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mapa maring masi meskipun although, in spite of cp. age, paq (3) 398 masingkiq—matan mean masingkiq ~ mansikiq mesjid mosque masoq masuk enter cp. dèmèr, eu, uduq masuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: misuq masuq matan matan bitan 1 mata 1 a. source, origin, b. opening. c. node, sprout 2 tutupan 2 cover, lid 1. ai matan 1. mata kayu 1. a. knot or hole left at the base of a branch; b. the depression in the earth below the trunk of a tree 2. deseq matan 2. penutup kotak anyaman 2. lid of a basket 3. leteng matan 3. a. setengah tempurung 3. a. the half of the coconut yg ada matanya; b. tiga mata shell which has eyes; b. the yg ada pada tempurung eyes of the coconut shell 4. lia matan 4. tungku, perapian 4. hearth 5. loyo mata 5. kemarau 5. dry season 6. maqur matan 6. parit di bawah tepi atap 6. trench left by rain runoff di mana air hujan turun below the eaves 7. matan enga 7. dlm ‘mahu manuq’ 7. in bamboo stick augury ketika dua belahan bambu when the piece with the dibanting sebelah dgn node is face up and the mata bambu menghadap other is face down ke atas dan belahan yg lain menghadap ke bawah 8. pedaq matan 8. mata pisau 8. blade of a knife 9. u matan 9. bisul 9. boil 10. uyeng matan 10. tutupan periuk 10. pot lid 11. weloq matan 11. a. pertengahan pintu, 11. a. opening of the door; lubang pintu; b. pintu b. the door to the old kampung lama village cp. >asal, balètuq, hipe, hoal, matan lateq, matan mean, mato, mongoq, >ubuq, wiqil matang bea, pungutan tax, fee, collect a fee >ul matang bea pasar market fee cp. laqu (1) matan lateq sj siput kecil yg matanya k.o. shell, (Common bundar yg melekat di batu, Delphinula, Angaria (Common Delphinula, delphinus Linne, 1758) Angaria delphinus Linne, 1758) cp. boka (1), nuriq, tupe matan mean barang logam mulia, besi precious metals, steel baja cp. >ihin mataq—mato 399 mataq (1) rintik-rintik awan kabut droplets of fog mataq (2) mamah, memamah, masticate, chew mengunyah cp. kiqi, kuluq (1), mameq, mamoq, puriq mataro see: materos mate mate bita mati dead cp. maten, mateq, pèdo maten orang mati, mayat dead person, corpse 1. maten bètèng 1. mayat membengkak 1. swollen corpse 2. maten bitan 2. arwah 2. dead soul 3. maten lurin 3. rangka tubuh 3. skeleton 4. maten neq ahar 4. adat kebiasaan 4. dead person’s restricted penguburan mayat period 5. maten tubar 5. rangka kepala, tengkorak 5. skull cp. mate, mateq mateq yg mati, tepat, teguh which is dead, fi xed, fi rm 1. pèting mateq 1. ikat mati 1. tie fi rmly 2. tèhèq mateq 2. janji mati (tidak dapat 2. a fi rm promise dirobah) 3. waq mateq 3. a. batu mati; b. berwarna 3. a. fragile stone; b. spotted titik-titik coloured cp. del, kieq, kiqing, manga (1), mangan, mate, maten, nimun materos ~ mataro matros sailor matiq (1) matiq mèrèq engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) menahan untuk diri sendiri keep for yourselves matiq tèqèl menahan untuk bermalam invite to stay over night cp. ‘atiq’ for full paradigm, also: niliq matiq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: niliq mato mata eye 1. boraq >ataq seq lipaq 1. lihat kain orang 1. covet s.o’s sarung mara mato tèin tèin dan ingin juga untuk memilikinya 2. mato daten 2. a. buta; b. badai ketiga 2. a. blind; b. the third pada musim hujan, pada storm of the rainy season, saat mendung tebal when the clouds lie so menaungi desa sampai- thick on the village that 400 mato kolong—mawang

sampai orang tidak dapat one cannot see the other melihat ruman-ruman lain houses (lit. bad eyes) (har mata buruk) 3. ability of a priest to see 3. mato dèyèq 3. kepandaian dukun the causes of misfortune melihat kesalahan yg (lit. sharp eyes) menyebabkan kemalangan (har mata tajam) 4. mato miteng 4. mata hitam 4. iris 5. mato munaq 5. mata melihat tetapi tidak 5. their eyes see, but they mengetahui (har mata tidak do not know (lit. the eyes dapat melihat, umpamanya do not see, e.g. eyes glued mata yg tertutup oleh tahi shut by sleep) mata) 6. mato nanan 6. mata bernanah, nanah 6. eyes have pus, pus in mata the eye 7. mato oin 7. alis mata, kening 7. eyebrow 8. mato tègèl 8. mata memperhatikan 8. examine, watch intensely dgn teliti 9. mato tèin 9. tahi mata 9. sleep in the eye 10. mato tèin tèin 10. melihat sst dan 10. see s.t. and want it, menginginkannya, iri covet 11. mato toka 11. mengantuk 11. sleepy, tired 12. mato uluq 12. biji mata 12. pupil of the eye 13. mato >urun 13. bulu mata 13. eyelashes cp. matan, ning mato mato kolong sj belukar (har mata k.o. bush (lit. bird eye) burung) cp. ada lolon, apa (3), mèpè (1) mauq see: mahuq mawa ~ mèwa yg itu those suo >ata mawa mereka itu they, those, them cp. ma (3), wa. wenu mawang (1) mawang bel engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you menyakitkan, menggangu, (pl) harm, beat, hit, strike, melukai, membunuh murder, kill cp. ‘awang’ for full paradigm, also: bating, behi, bèloq, bèngè, bung, dang, dèto, dètol, hateq, lae, laen, lebaq (2), mèrèq (2), nènè, pahang, paluq, >ohor, rahaq (1), rèqè, tèlèr, tèqè, tutu (1), walaq (1), wataq mawang (2) mawang lohu gelang tangan bracelet mawaq—mawu 401

1. mawang >ipeq 1. a. lengan bawah, 1. a. forearm; b. in bahagian tangan yg sesak measurement on the body: gelang; b. ukuran dari from the fi nger tips to the ujung jari ke lengan bawah; centre of the forearm; c. an c. gelang dari gading yg ivory bracelet large enough dapat dipakai di lengan to go around the forearm bawah 2. wela mawang lipa 2. sarung gelang, kain 2. sarong bracelet, cloth nodeng selendang shawl mawaq menjaga, memelihara guard, protect, raise 1. areq mawaq 1. gadis piatu 1. orphaned girl 2. iden mawaq 2. yatim, piatu 2. orphan 3. mawaq >anaq 3. menjaga anak 3. raise, take care of a child 4. mawaq mamaq 4. tidak mempunyai ayah 4. lacking a father cp. dariq, ewa, hapang, haqa, hereng, >iriq, lamang, mae, pakang, paro, rio, rutaq, saga mawar (1) kayu atau ranting yg wood or stick used to hit dipakai untuk memukul cp. bawar, mehi mawar (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >iwar mawe engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) berkumpul gather cp. ‘>awe’ for full paradigm mawin mawin moleng sejuk, lembab, dingin fresh, moist, cool cp. èmi (1), ubar mawu mawu papun berkumpul, bundle, gather, gathering, mengumpulkan, kumpulan meeting 1. mawu toyeq 1. mengumpulkan pikiran 1. gather one’s thoughts (lit. (har kumpulkan kata-kata) gather the words) 2. mawu tuber nawaq 2. berkumpulnya roh-roh 2. collecting of soul in pada upacara roh pelindung guardian spirit ceremony prebadi 3. mawu wèq 3. datang berkumpul 3. gather as a group 4. suo mawu wèq 4. apakah pertemuan itu 4. has their meeting broken baqung dèq? sudah bubar? up yet? cp. ahuq, >awe (2), èpuq (1), haba, mauq, mawun, moten, muleng, muta, >opung, panga, popon, tawu, tawun, tubun, tupu, >uleng 402 mawun—me mawun yg dikumpulkan that which is gathered together cp. >awe, mawu, >opung, tawu, tawun mayan (1) mata parang edge of a blade pedaq mayan tepi mata parang edge of a blade of a fi eld knife mayan (2) sayatan, bekas menyayat slice cp. haneq, hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèrèq (1), kuraq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), payan, pipi mayang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pole (1) mayang >uya sj burung pemanggil hujan k.o. bird which calls the (har panggil hujan) rain (lit. call the rain) cp. dai laki, eor (2), ewal, hian, kiki, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang mayaq mayaq mide kering, haus dry, thirsty 1. >eqi bèq mayaq rasa 1. saya haus sekali 1. I am very thirsty 2. >eqa mayaq 2. tempat kering, halaman 2. dry place, yard cp. ahang, owan, turi mayar mayar ida gembira, bersuka ria happy, pleased cp. ida, maiq, senang mayong payung umbrella cp. payong, tiuq me (1) kamu (kata ganti, 2j) you (personal pronoun, 2pl) me tèhèqke kamu membicarakan you speak (badly about) us (buruk tentang) kami cp. ‘>ei’ for full paradigm; -me, meq, meqe, meqi, meme, meti, mèrèq me (2) kamu (kata ganti you (emphatic emfatik, 2j) pronoun, 2pl) cp. ‘ko’ for full paradigm -me—meka 403

-me kamu (morfem terikat, kata you (bound morpheme, ganti, 2j) personal pronoun, 2pl) me ditame? kamu di mana? where are you? cp. ‘-u’ for full paradigm; me mean tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >alu, maman, matan, tawan, wewe mebaq see: mabaq medeng ikat pinggang 1 belt made of lontar palm leaves 2 waist cloth made of skin (formerly normal wear for the men and women of Kedang) >ètèq medeng mengencangkan ikat tighten a lontar palm leaf pinggang belt medil medil bawa bedil gun cp. bedil mehar penggiling grinder 1. mehar ape 1. penggiling kapas 1. machine for cleaning cotton 2. mehar behar ape 2. penggiling menggiling 2. the grinder cleans cotton kapas 3. mehar watar 3. penggiling jagung 3. machine for grinding maize cp. behar mehi see: mehir mehil kayu pemukul belalang grasshopper swatter mehir ~ mehi mehir mawar, mehi mawar 1 kayu pemukul 1 mallet 2 gading pembalas belis/ 2 an elephant tusk returned maskawin sbg tanda terima to the wife-takers in kasih atas mas kawin yg respect of bridewealth diberikan given by them mehi mawar kain sarung (dulu gading sarong (formerly a small kecil) yg dihadiahkan sbg tusk) which is given in balasan noling nara return for noling nara cp. mèngè, naka (1), nalu, noqol meka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >alu 404 mekang—meluq mekang alas kepala untuk support for the head when menjunjung sst (mis dari carrying s.t. on one’s head daun pisang, kain, dsb) (as a rolled up banana leaf, a piece of cloth) cp. kuneng, nuneng meke tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mirang mekol mekol kewoq bergerak move auq mekol bumi bergerak the earth shakes cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, hekol, kedong, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) melaraq melarat poor, miserable cp. eren meleng meleng moraq penat, letih, lelah, kejang tired, weary, exhausted, stiff lèi meleng kaki penat tired feet cp. hola, hopan, mèdèq, pètung, pilang, rawa (1), toiq, toka meler ikan belanak gray mullet cp. hilaq meling tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: naqen meloq meloq toleq cantik, ganteng, gagah beautiful, handsome 1. ebe >alu meloq toleq 1. pemuda bagus dan 1. good and handsome ganteng youth 2. meloq toleq kohaq 2. cantik sekali 2. extremely beautiful cp. >ieq tuyan, lour, potoq melor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kamakuq meluq meluq malan licin slippery cp. lour, miteng, pehul, soruq mema—meong 405 mema maka, karenanya kamu so, therefore, consequently you (pl) cp. ‘ema’ for full paradigm memaq memang indeed, certainly noq memaq sekarang memang now, this moment meme kamu, untuk kamu, kepada you, for you, to you kamu (kata ganti adesif, 2j) (adessive pronoun, 2pl) cp. ‘>eko’ for full paradigm, me, -me, meq, meqe, meqi, meti, mèrèq memeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rèwun memir ~ mimir senyum, tersenyum smile, smiling cp. >ileq (1) mena kamu akan (penunjuk masa you will (future tense depan, 2j) marker, 2pl) mena tawe kamu akan tertawa you will laugh cp. ‘ena’ for full paradigm meneng ikan cumi-cumi octopus cp. >ara bora, laruq, nunang, oba meng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: leye, mung meng mengar mengar laen bersih clean, free of dirt, free of weeds 1. anen mengar 1. beras yg tidak berkulit 1. husked rice 2. >eqa mengar 2. tempat, halaman bersih 2. cleared area, yard 3. ling mengar 3. tangan bersih 3. clean hands 4. tubar mengar 4. kepala gundul 4. bald head cp. engar, hamur, hidang, hiki (1), ilin, pohoq, wating meo prajurit dari pulau Timor Timorese warriors (from (Amfoan) Amfoan) bèyèng! Meo! lari! Orang Meo! run! Atoni Warriors! (ungkapan keterkejutan (expression of being atau ketakutan) startled or frightened) meong istilah untuk memanggil expression for calling a cat kucing 406 mepe—meran mepe kalau, kalau begitu if, if so mepe wakaq neqi kalau begitu tidak apa-apa if so, it does not matter cp. ama, bang (1), ere (2), kalu, la (1) mepeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mapaq (1) meq milik kamu, kamu punya your, you have (possessive (kata ganti posesif, 2j) pronoun, 2pl) meq huna rumah kamu your house cp. ‘koq’ for full paradigm; me, -me, meqe, meqi, meme, meti, mèrèq meqe milik kamu, kamu punya your, yours (emphatic (kata ganti posesif emfatik, possessive pronoun, 2pl, 2j, sbg subyek) subjective) cp. ‘koqo’ for full paradigm; me, -me, meq, meqi, meme, meti mèrèq meqen yg milik kamu that which is owned by you (pl) cp. ‘koqon’ for full paradigm; koqo, miyung, nèiq meqi milik kamu, kamu punya your, yours (emphatic (kata ganti posesif emfatik, possessive pronoun, 2pl, 2j, sbg obyek) objective) cp. ‘koqi’ for full paradigm; me, -me, meq, meqe, meme, meti, mèrèq meqo meqo ayor sj tabuhan kuning yg buas bee, insect cp. hèngèr, lani, oyan, para muhun, rua, tuki atang, ubur meran (1) meran laur 1 sumbat 1 stop up 2 penyumbat bambu atau 2 leaf stopper for a guci dari daun-daunan bamboo container or earthenware jug cp. muten, >uwi meran (2) merah red muhun meran anak merah, orok newborn child cp. kanang, korong, nuber, putuq merang—metaq 407 merang sj ikan kecil k.o. tiny fi sh mere sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, oyor, tule meriq alas atau kaki cangkir saucer or base of a cup mero memakai, pemakaian, guna, use, make use of menggunakan cp. ale, ara (1), dogel (2), guna, pake (1), pen, uwe (2) merung kumbang labu, kumbang beetle in pumpkins or merung maeng kacang beans cp. bui (1), maeng, mobeng mesa mesa kalema, mesa malu, mesa moleng lemah, rasa lemah tenaga, weak, frail lemah nafsu cp. lemaq (2), losu, paya (1), pekon mesang batu nisan orang Islam Islamic gravestone mese sepotong kain tenun putih waist cloth made of thread yg diikatkan pada mayat worn by a male corpse laki-laki cp. tariq metaq metaq malaq sebagian, sepotong slice, a slice, a part 1. metaq hidir 1. sebagian belahan 1. a lengthwise slice 2. metaq lolaq 2. sebagian penggalan 2. a crosswise slice cp. >ale (2), >apan, baki, baqe, baqen, bel, bètè (1), bètèn, >ewang, haneq, hèlèq (2), hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuraq, lamaq (2), lamaq (2), lapuq, leq (1), malaq, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), nuteq, >ohi, pate, pipi, piq, tadiq, tia, >umen 408 mete—mè mete sementara, sambil, seraya, presently, now, while sedang (penunjuk aspek (imperfective aspect imperfektif) marker) 1. hèpun mèmiq mete 1. nyamuk sedang 1. mosquitoes are biting his kiqi neq wali menggigit pundaknya shoulders 2. mete mulo kena dei 2. kamu pergi lebih dulu, 2. you go fi rst, we will baru kami ikut follow 3. mete pan 3. sambil jalan 3. while travelling 4. pan mete lali namang 4. berjalan sambil 4. walk while singing bernyanyi-nyanyi cp. bahe, dèq, dèqmè, dèqnu, dèqo, mai, nau, noq, ratang (1), ratong (1), sobe (2) mete...mete makin...makin the more...the more mete lela mete ria makin lama makin besar the longer the larger meti kamu (kata ganti fokus you (agent focus agen, 2 j) pronoun, 2 pl) me meti >ulaq kamu yg bertahan it is you (pl) who resisted cp. ‘eti’ for full paradigm; me, -me, meq, meqe, meqi, meme, mèrèq metiq see: metir metir ~ metiq menjepret, alat penjepret, sling, slingshot, catapult ketapél cp. petir metu metu pakoq, metu pokaq malas, segan bergerak lazy cp. pakoq, pokaq, pou metur kayu joran untuk fi shing rod memancing cp. betur (1) meya meja table mè (1) terpaksa {tasrif: 1t mèqu, necessarily {paradigm: 1sg mèku’, 2t ‘mèko’, 3t ‘mèni’, ‘mèqu, mèku’, 2sg ‘mèko’, 1j eks ‘mèke’, 1j in ‘mète’, 3sg ‘mèni’, 1pl ex ‘mèke’, 2j ‘mème’, 3j ‘mèse’} 1pl in ‘mète’, 2pl ‘mème’, 3pl ‘mèse’} 1. o hoing mèqu pan 1. engkau suruh, terpaksa 1. you order, necessarily I saya pergi must go 2. o sorong mèku hen 2. engkau kasih terpaksa 2. you gave it, so I will saya terima have to take it mè (2) ~ mènin itu, waktu itu, cukup that, so that, then, that time (in anaphoric function), enough 1. >ape mè 1. apa itu? 1. what is that? mèbung—mèi 409

2. boraq mè 2. lihat itu 2. look at that 3. mè pe 3. kalau begitu 3. if so 4. mè pe wakaq mè 4. kalau begitu tidak usah 4. if so let it be 5. mè we 5. a. sapaan untuk orang yg 5. a. greeting to s.o. passing lalu lalang; b. itukah, itulah by; b. yes, like that, there 6. baledèq mè we? 6. kamu sudah kembali? 6. you have already returned, have you? cp. bahe, bèing (1), hekaq (1), ma (3), tèlè, wa, we mèbung mendengung, suara yg drone, buzz, purr, voice tidak jelas which is not distinct cp. >èqung mèdè bilah bambu yg dipakai bamboo slats used to lay untuk menindih pelupuh over the split bamboo yg di bawahnya sheets in the wall or fl oor or the split bamboo mats of a bamboo platform cp. pèdè mèdèq mèdèq muqer kaku, kejang, tegang stiff, taut, tight cp. garipoq, >ipeq, kieq, kiqing, manga (1), meleng, tudaq, wider mèdèr daki, peluh yg kering fi ne dirt on the body, grime, dried sweat cp. poar, rèwun, ulaq mèduq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kala mèduq mègung montok, berisi full, packed, stuffed cp. del, hapo, heur (2), hore, hoyoq, >ihi, >ihin, manga (3), maqar, mètèq (1), pènu mèguq see: mèkuq mèhun tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oban mèi alas base, foundation 1. mèi lèi 1. sepatu (har alas kaki) 1. shoe (lit. support for the foot) 2. mèi >ule 2. hadiah pembalas belis 2. a gift by wife-givers on yg bernama ‘oteq’ pada the death of a prominent saat kematian seorang man to protect his hair tokoh untuk melindungi in the grave (lit. base or 410 mèiq—mèkuq kupoq

rambutnya di dlm support [to protect against] kubur (har alas [untuk worms) melindungi terhadap] ulat) cp. honing, latang (1), lèi amaq, luni, lunin, >uq mèiq mèiq opeq pisau knife 1. mèiq >ihin 1. mata pisau 1. sheath for a knife 2. mèiq laman 2. sarung pisau 2. knife blade 3. mèiq >ulin 3. belakang pisau 3. back of a knife blade cp. opeq, pisoq mèir tampian winnowed rice cp. mida, pèir mèke see: mè (1) mèkèl (1) belut sungai river eel mèkèl (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mukel mèkèl mèkèr mèkèr ehoq sulung oldest child, fi rstborn 1. ehoq mèkèr kakang 1. sanak saudara (kakang 1. relatives within the aring aring dari Bahasa clan (kakang aring is Lamaholot) Lamaholot) 2. mèkèr ehoq ayaq 2. bersaudara, persaudaraan, 2. distant members of one’s >utuq famili dlm suku own clan or those of a clan of the same structural position 3. mèkèr mukur; mèkèr 3. a. tertua, turunan nenek 3. a. the eldest, the mukur lubuq lalung moyang yg sulung yg descendants of the ancestor bisa duduk sbg kepala who was the eldest and suku (‘aqe ame’); b. orang may act as the head of the pertama yg keluar dari clan (‘aqe ame’); b. the fi rst tanah di puncak gunung; c. to emerge from the hole in tuan tanah (‘lèu-auq wala’); the top of the mountain; c. d. orang yg memimpin lord of the land (cp. ‘lèu-auq layanan makanan dlm pesta wala’); d. the person who takes charge of handing out food to serve people at a feast 4. reiqte mè ehoq 4. kita semua bersaudari 4. we are all siblings mèkèr kakang aringte mèko see: mè (1) mèkuq ~ mèguq mèkuq kupoq pendek, lebar short, wide 1. mèkuq lawa 1. panjang pendek 1. long and short mèlè—mèngè 411

2. rokoq mèkuq 2. rokok pendek 2. short cigarette cp. >abal, >èkuq, kedeng, kupoq, lere, mèqul, nalar (1), neler, >oang, teleng, upar, weheq mèlè kutu anjing dogs’ lice mèlèng mèlèng kotir kosong, sunyi, hilang rupa, empty, deserted, lose form, hilang berita lose track of cp. amuq, bahe, ere (1), >eqa (1), hawur, lèbu, lèpè, lomu, mètung, obal, oqor (2), pilang, rawa (1), tokong mèlèq itu di bawah that down there 1. mèlèq >aq 1. itu dari bawah 1. that from below 2. mèlèq dau 2. itu naik dari bawah 2. that coming up from below cp. bèlè, ole, >ole (1), >oleq mèliq itu ke arah darat that towards the interior nuo dèpiq areq mèliq dia memeluk gadis yg he fi rmly embraced that kieq-kieq ada di sebelah darat itu maiden over there (towards erat-erat the interior) cp. bèli, oli, >oli, >oliq (3) mèluq binatang betina muda female animal which has yg baru perhah sekali given birth only once or melahirkan atau yg mala not at all belum pernah melahirkan sama sekali manuq mèluq ayam betina muda young female chicken cp. ronen, tèlu mèmè see: namè mèmèl menyimpan sst dlm keep s.t. in the mouth mulut mèmèl ling menaruh jari dlm mulut place a fi nger in the mouth mèmiq agas, nyamuk kecil gnat cp. hèpun mèng see: >uye mèngè kayu pemukul gavel, beater cp. bèngè, mehi 412 mèngi—mèqè mèngi wangi, harum fragrant >uru mèngi sereh citronella, lemon grass cp. ungu, wangiq mènin see: mè mènu bakul yg terbuat dari upih basket made from pinang pinang, tempat menjemur leaves, used to dry brine to air laut agar menjadi garam make salt cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal mènun see: hoaq, mènu mènuq (1) setengah matang half ripe >ue mènuq pohon pinang yg buahnya pinang palm with dry fruit sudah kering mènuq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pènu mèpè (1) katuk k.o. bush cp. ada lolon, apa (3), mato kolong mèpè (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: utu (2) mèpèl tempat menyembunyikan place hiding a trap perangkap cp. nèpèl mèq engkau, kami, kamu bawa, you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) mèq kuq membawa carry, bring, take

cp. ‘èq’ for full paradigm; also: dongoq, hen, kaqo, likaq (1), mauq, taping (2) mèqè mengecil, mengerut, make smaller, scrape, fl atten mengempis cp. doyang, ehoq, eken, hegar, kaer, kakur, karung, keke, kèku, kileng, kuleng, kuriq, kuseng, lèring, luqur, miyung, mule (2), nèiq, mèqul—mèti 413

ruku (2), ruq (2), tèin (2), upor, utu (1), weriq mèqul pendek lebar short and wide cp. >abal, >èkuq, kedeng, kupoq, lere, mèkuq, nalar, neler, >oang, teleng, upar, weheq mèrèq (1) mèrèq mawang engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) pegang, menangkap hold, catch, grab, seize mèrèq mara manga kamu pegang kuat you grab tightly cp. ‘èrèq’(1) for full paradigm, also: >eha, >èmèng, damiq, kabuq, lapaq (1), lolo, matiq, pènè (1), rèpèq (1), tobol, topeq (2) mèrèq (2) engkau, kami, kamu (kata you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) ganti fokus perbuatan, 2t, (action focus pronoun, 2sg, 1j eks, 2j) 1pl ex, 2pl) 1. mèrèqko ka ni 1. engkau memakannya; dia 1. it was eaten by you dimakan olehmu 2. moq witing mèrèqko 2. benarkah engkau 2. are you really selling durungi? menjual kambingmu? your goat? cp. ‘èrèq (2)’ for full paradigm; eti, >ei, >eko, >eqi, koqo, -ku, -u mèroq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: unan mètèq (1) padat berisi full, stopped up ning mètèq hidung tersumbat stopped-up nose cp. hapo, heur (2), manga (3), maqar, mègung, pènu mètèq (2) itu di atas that up there cp. bètè, ote, >ote, >oteq mèti pasang tide 1. mèti doq; mèti mayaq 1. pasang surut 1. low tide 2. mèti ehoq 2. pasang naik dan pasang 2. changes of the tide surut yg sudah mengecil which have become small 3. mèti keu 3. pasang naik 3. rising tide 4. mèti mayaq arang, 4. pasang surut besar, 4. at very low tide, >ate diqen rai pan semua orang pergi mencari everyone goes to collect ruqeng derung kerang dan rumput laut shellfi sh and seaweed 5. mèti mayaq patang 5. pasang surut tenang 5. calm low tide 414 mètung—mèyèq

6. mèti napun 6. setengah surut 6. tide which has gone halfway out 7. mèti ria 7. pasang naik dan pasang 7. changes of the tide surut yg besar which have become large 8. mèti >ula 8. a. perhitungan waktu 8. a. calculation of time menurut bulan, b. pasang according to the lunar surut, c. mengandung, masa calendar, b. low tide, c. kehamilan antara 0-3 bulan pregnant, pregnancy up to the third month 9. mèti >utuq/ehoq 9. pasang sedang, 9. midtide, period between penghujung pasang naik high and low tide dan pasang surut besar mètung mètung mèlèng, mètung kosong, hampa, tidak berisi empty kèloq cp. amuq, ewaq, lomu, obal, oqor (2), seher, setang , tokong mètuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ular mèwa see: mawa mèwèq ~ moweq itu ke arah laut that towards the sea cp. bèwè, owe, >owe, >oweq mèwing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muqang mèwiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bèwiq mèwiq mèwo kutu ayam, kuman pada chicken lice sangkar ayam mèyèng mèyèng ladeq pahit bitter cp. pèiq, pilar mèyèq mèyèq doliq mengiris, menyayat, slice, cut memotong mèyèq ai memotong cabang, ranting cut wood, branches kayu cp. bel, >èyè, haneq, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hèrè, hèriq, hilar, hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuraq, kuting, mèyoq—mieq 415

lapuq, lèring, mayan (2), metaq, nihiq, nuang (2), nuteq, >ohi, >ohor, pate, piq, pipi, tadiq, tahaq, tia mèyoq ~ moyoq itu di arah samping that in a lateral direction mèyoq ma itu datang, itu kemari over there to here (towards (kepada si pembicara) the speaker) cp. bèing (1), bèyo, hekaq (1), ma (1), mèyoq, moyoq, oyo, >oyo, >oyoq (2)wa, we mian mian hoka engkau, kami, kamu tinggal you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) stay, remain o pan paq miano? apakah engkau berangkat are you leaving or staying? atau tinggal? cp. ‘ian’ for full paradigm, also: laer, puaq miang miang iwiq malu shy cp. hidung, iwiq, kèku, kure, maren, maren miang mida mida mèir rapih, rata, rapat orderly, in order, neat, fl at, close together tebeq mida duduk rapih sit properly cp. depil, >ideq, milir, napoq, tunu midaq see: tidaq mide tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mayaq (1) mie mie dèruq air seni, air kencing; urine, urinate kencing, buang air kecil mie tèin weren lalan mani, keturunan sperm, descent mieq berbeda, tidak sama, lain different, other, another 1. >ate diqen palan 1. orang lain 1. other people, s.o. else mieq 2. lèu mieq 2. kampung lain 2. another village 3. o mieq ehaq? 3. engkau sendirian saja? 3. just you? 4. wata mieq 4. pantai lain 4. foreign shores cp. >ahin, geqa, napang, palan, peka, weqen 416 mihar—mipi mihar mihar moliq bahan yg dipetik, petikan goods which have been picked, harvest, harvest goods bihar mihar mencari rezeki (har search for livelihood or for memetik petikan) good fortune (lit. harvest goods) cp. bihar, nuran baran, uta miheq barang pinjaman borrowed goods cp. biheq, >utang mihuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mihuq mahuq mihuq mahuq ~ misuq menyeringai grimace masuq cp. gureng, ulaq milir milir dolang, milir doya, milir mida rata level, smooth, straight 1. auq milir mida 1. tanah rata 1. level ground 2. pilir milir 2. menyisir rata, menyisir 2. comb smooth rapih cp. dolang, houq, lonu, lour, mida, munaq (1), napoq, olor, potong, ueng (1), wolang milu milu gerang mencela, menyalahkan criticize, blame cp. pake (2), >uri mimir see: memir min min ka 1 engkau, kami, kamu 1 you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) minum drink 2 engkau, kami, kamu isap 2 you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) suck, smoke 1. min bako ihe 1. mengisap sedikit 1. have a smoke rokoknya 2. min tu 2. menyusu 2. breast feed 3. min wèi 3. minum air 3. drink water cp. ‘in’ for full paradigm, also: dihil, duhu, dumeq, dupeng, dure, duyeng mipi mipi tequl tipis, ceper thin, fl at miq—miqi oli 417

cp. heda, keang, kepaq, kepel, lèpaq, miyung, napoq, piki miq miq male, miq wèq engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) meniduri, menyetubuhi, have sexual intercourse bersenggama miqi meniduri dia sleep with him, her cp. (1); ‘iq’ for full paradigm, also: doho, dotoq (2), kowa (1) miqen mencium smell, kiss cp. naèq miqer miqer renga bersikap perang, marah- furious, audacious, brave, marah, tidak takut, berani, fearless, courageous, furious berontak, berang 1. >aur miqer 1. kelompok bambu di 1. stand of bamboo in the tengah kampung lama centre of the old village of Lèuwayang tempat Lèuwayang where people memohon keberanian sacrifi ce for courage 2. miqer renga 2. jin di kelompok bambu 2. spirit of the stand of bernama ‘>aur miqer’ di bamboo called ‘>aur miqer’ tengah kampung lama in the centre of the old Leuwayang tempat village of Lèuwayang memohon keberanian (ular where people sacrifi ce bisa berekor setengah) for courage (snake which supposedly lost its tail when someone cut it off) 3. miqer rian 3. pemberani, panglima 3. courageous person, war perang, kepala perang chief cp. bekeq, >eraq >eraq miqi kelelawar bat miqi dongoq kua ‘miqi’ pikul ‘kua’ di ‘miqi’ carries ‘kua’ on its belakang back cp. ara rebeng, kua (2), miqi ebo kèdèq, miqi naga, miqi oli miqi ebo kèdèq sj kelelawar kecil (har k.o. small bat (lit. bat with kelelawar dgn ekor a staked tail) mencuat) cp. ara rebeng, kua (2), miqi naga, miqi oli miqi naga sj kelelawar besar k.o. large bat cp. ara rebeng, kua (2), miqi ebo kèdèq, miqi oli miqi oli sj kelelawar sedang k.o. medium size bat 418 mirang—miteng

cp. ara rebeng, kua (2), miqi ebo kèdèq, miqi naga mirang lauk-pauk side dish mirang meke lauk kita makan pakai sbg side dish we (in) use to eat mirang tara pirang cimilan as a snack cp. naqe, naqen, pirang mireq mireq padu kemiri candlenut miroq belatung, berenga maggot cp. >ule misuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: misuq masuq misuq masuq see: mihuq mahuq mitan mitan moran alat atau benda yg dipakai object used to press with untuk menindih (e.g. press the soil into a grave) cp. pitan miteng miteng kayoq miteng kayoq kuing kaing, miteng kayoq >oqing >ara 1 hitam 1 black 2 gelap 2 dark 3 malam 3 night 1. >eqa miteng 1. (hari) gelap 1. it is dark outside 2. miteng di pan, nihon 2. melakukan perjalanan 2. travel at night, travel also di pan pada malam hari, at day (lit. night also travel, melakukan perjalanan juga day also travel) pada siang hari (har malam juga berjalan, sing juga berjalan) 3. miteng kayoq tedèq 3. kita sudah kotor/hitam 3. we (in) are now very sekali dirty 4. miteng malan; miteng 4. hitam manis 4. shiny black meluq 5. miteng miteng ara 5. saya berusaha biar pun 5. dark, dark be for me as nihon gelap juga tetap berjalan light 6. miteng pèi nihon 6. malam menginap, besok 6. stay overnight, return bale siang kembali tomorrow 7. miteng pèi tuaq 7. malam tidur di bawah 7. at night sleep beneath puqen moniq bareng pohon tuak, di pondok the lontar palm in the small kecil untuk berkumpul building for storing and minum tuak drinking palmwine cp. rukeng, uben miwaq—moar 419 miwaq miwaq baing, miwaq mule menanam plant 1. miwaq mai baing mai 1. berhenti bertanam 1. end of the planting (karena musim sudah lewat, season (lit. planting stops, har menanam berhenti, making holes ends) membuat lubang berakhir) 2. miwaq mule holiq 2. awal musim tanam (har 2. beginning of the hua tanam [dan] mencungkil planting season (lit. plant [dgn] cangkul lurus) [and] gouge [with a] digging stick) cp. dèmèr, heloq, taneng miyung kempis, mengempis fl at, to fl atten cp. kepaq, kepiq, kuyung, lèpaq, lèpiq, luqur, mèqè, mipi, napoq, nèiq miyuq ludah, meludah, saliva, spit, dribble mengeluarkan ludah dgn bibir tertutup cp. >ar, bubur, hiteng, >iyuq, lobe (1), potaq mo kamu (kata ganti you (emphatic pronoun, emfatik, 2t) 2sg) o ka mo hengan >iheq? engkau makan jagung titik would you like some sedikit? pounded maize? cp. ‘ko’ for full paradigm; o, -o, -ko, moq, moqo, meqi, omo, oti, mèrèq moa moa oler menguap yawn moan ~ muan ~ man ukuran berapa kali times 1. man pulaq leme 1. sembilan belas kali 1. nineteenth time, >apaq nineteen times 2. moan pie 2. berapa kali? 2. how many times? 3. moan moan 3. kadang-kadang 3. sometimes 4. moan tèlu; man tèlu 4. tiga kali 4. three times 5. man >udeq 5. tempo hari 5. formerly 6. moan wai 6. sering kali, kerap kali, 6. often, frequently, kadang-kadang sometimes 7. muan watiq 7. sekali lagi 7. again, once more 8. o ka min man pie? 8. engkau makan berapa 8. how many times do you kali? eat? cp. nape moaq moaq eler melihat dgn crane the neck to see memanjangkan leher cp. mange moar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself 420 mobeng—mohil

see: mote mobeng kumbang kelapa, lontar coconut or lontar beetle cp. bui (1), lumoq, merung moboq menumpu, bertumpu support, rest on, lean on 1. tebeq moboq 1. duduk bertumpu pada 1. sit resting on s.t. sst benda 2. te pan bè moboq 2. kita jalan ke tempat 2. we travel to a place to sit seuq duduk di atas batu tinggi on the high boulder cp. hedang, hodeq, honing, hudeq, lapa (1), likoq, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, pohing, tanukoq, tudeq, tukoq moda sj ulat yg tinggal dlm k.o. edible insect with a pohon bambu very fat body found on the shoots of bamboo modal modal rane, modal rongan barang jualan goods for sale cp. hoaq (1), rawiq rongan modang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >uru modang modor kemaluan laki-laki male erection menegang, berdiri modung menelan tanpa mengunyah swallow whole cp. lèlèn, lobo moeng duduk atau bertengger sit or perch on the tip of a pada ujung cabang kayu, branch, stand on the edge berdiri pada tepian tebing of a bank huneng buku kikiq menjunjung bakul carry a basket on the head moeng bertengger tinggi perched high mogong ketam darat land crab cp. uyu, >umang mohang kecewa disappointed, frustrated cp. iho, kèku, kuyung mohil alat pemecah buah kemiri, breaker, lontar leaf device terbuat dari anyaman daun for holding candlenuts to lontar smash the shell mohil bohil mireq pemecah memecahkan the breaker smashes buah kemiri candlenut shells cp. bohil mohing—molan 421 mohing mohing danung gotong royong, bergotong group for cooperative royong, bantu-membantu work, mutual cooperation mohing ling kerja sama cooperative work cp. pohing mohoq (1) mohoq mowar enkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) menguraikan, membuka loosen, open, disentangle cp. ‘ohoq’ for full paradigm, also: bake, hèpuq, hoe, loa (1), nala, newar, noa, puheq, rio mohoq (2) mohoq mehar kain lap, kain pembersih wiping cloth cp. pohoq mohoq (3) sembuh heal mohoq moleng cp. lenge, moleng (2), tohoq (2) mokan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mayaq (2) mokang mokang pakaq membagi tanpa semua divide up without orang mendapat bagian everyone getting a share mokeng mokeng kuleng sebidang kecil small section mokol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mamel mokoq berjongkok, bertinggung squat mokung ikan lumba-lumba porpoise, dolphin mokur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mowaq molan molan maren tukang, juru, dukun expert, practitioner, shaman, priest, skilled worker 1. molan balo; molan 1. juru pengobatan 1. healer using medicines mule 2. molan laha huna 2. tukang kayu 2. carpenter 3. molan maren potaq 3. dukun yg mengobati 3. healer using spit puiq dgn cara meludah pada bagian badan yg sakit 422 moleng—mongaq

4. molan poan 4. dukun yg mengobati dgn 4. sacrifi cer cara mempersembahkan ayamn kurban cp. suru, wala moleng (1) moleng lemaq, moleng talan, moleng tikuq lembut, lemah soft, gentle, weak cp. bala (3), bunen, hèmuq, lenge, losu, maman, mawin, mesa, paya (1), pekon moleng (2) moleng laen sembuh recover, heal cp. bala (3), laen, lenge, mohoq (3), tohoq (2), tuwo moling moling mara engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) berlindung (diri dari protect (yourselves from bahaya), menangkis, danger), ward off, repel, memperbaiki improve, repair 1. moling di noq dèqnu 1. memperbaiki sekarang 1. repair right now juga 2. moling tene >uring 2. memperbaiki buritan 2. repair the stern of the perahu boat cp. ‘oling’ for full paradigm, also: tèdè moliq (1) see: maliq moliq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: boliq, boroq, maliq, molong melihat dari tempat look from an elevated spot ketinggian momol menyembul, timbul emerge, appear tu momol susu baru menyembul breast milk emerges keluar cp. bokur, ebul, èpir, èpil, hingoq, hoal, nuyan, totor mongaq onggokan, tumpukan pile, heap, collection 1. mongaq manuq tolor 1. onggokan telur 1. group of eggs (usually three, for sale in the market) 2. watar mongaq >udeq 2. jagung satu tumpuk 2. a collection of a certain number of cobs of maize cp. bongaq, boran (1), hubiq, lutur, motel, mongoq—moqer 423

otuq, >omo, >uleng, welaq, >omo, >uleng, welaq mongoq tudungan, tutupan, tudung cover, food cover saji cp. balètuq, bong (2), bongoq, borang (1), bowong (2), hoba, loiq, lotuq, matan, uwe (1) moniq moniq bareng pondok kecil untuk small building for storing menyimpan dan and drinking palmwine berkumpul minum tuak miteng pèi tuaq puqen malam tidur di pangkal at night sleep beneath the moniq bareng pohon tuak pondokdi kecil lontar palm in the small untuk berkumpul minum building for storing and tuak drinking palmwine monu tumpul, tidak runcing lagi, dull, blunt, worn aus cp. haboq, kamakuq, robong, >umal mopoq mopoq moriq gumpal, gumpalan clod, lump auq mopoq gumpalan tanah a lump of soil cp. bopoq, >opo moq milik engkau, engkau your, you have (possessive punya (kata ganti pronoun, 2sg) posesif, 2t) 1. moq >anaq adaq 1. anakmu bertindak laku 1. your child is well >alune baik behaved 2. moq naya sio? 2. siapa namanya? 2. what is your name? cp. ‘koq’ for full paradigm; o, -o, -ko, mo, moqo, meqi, omo, oti, mèrèq moqang jatuh, berguguran, sudah fall, fall off, fi nished habis berbuah fruiting cp. bolaq (1), harang (1), hubaq, moruq, oqal, pèhèq, suker, tatang, turu moqer menahan nafas untuk hold one’s breath to gather mengumpulkan tenaga strength moqer >ètèng ambil kekuatan untuk strain to excrete mengejan pada waktu buang air besar 424 moqi—moriq moqi milik engkau, engkau your, yours (emphatic punya (kata ganti posesif possessive pronoun, 2sg, emfatik, 2t, sbg obyek) objective) 1. kuq moqi pan dèqnu 1. ambil yg engkau punya 1. take yours [your dan pergilah! belongings] and go! 2. moqi >ape? 2. engkau kenapa? 2. why you? cp. ‘koqi’ for full paradigm; o, -o, -ko, mo, moq, moqo, omo, oti, mèrèq moqo milik engkau, engkau your, yours (emphatic punya (kata ganti posesif possessive pronoun, 2sg, emfatik, 2t, sbg subyek) subjective) cp. ‘koqo’ for full paradigm; o, -o, -ko, mo, moq, moqi, omo, oti, mèrèq moqon yg milik engkau that which is owned by you (sg) cp. ‘koqon’ for full paradigm; moqo moran barang timbunan (sampah, matter (soil, stones, grass) batu, rumput) with which a hole is fi lled mauq moran tara boran mengisi lubang dgn fi ll a hole with matter (lit. >uoq barang timbuan (har kami we (ex) gather matter for mengangkut timbunan us (in) to fi ll a hole) untuk kita mengisi lubang) cp. boran (1), mitan moraq (1) kebun yg baru dibuka newly opened fi eld for untuk kacang-kacangan beans moraq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: meleng more engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) menyertai, beserta, dan together with, accompany, and o mian more Moris, engkau tinggal dgn Moris, you stay with Moris, I go >ei pan >ul saya pergi ke pasar to the market cp. ‘ore’ for full paradigm; dapeq (2), >èpiq moriq (1) murid pupil sorong bè neq >anaq memberi kepada anak give to his pupil moriq muridnya moriq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mopoq moruq—motong 425 moruq moruq hoko, moruq jatuh fall moqang >ua pèu moruq moruq buah manga jatuh jauh the mango fruit fell far cp. bolaq (1), harang (1), hubaq, koqal, oqal, pèhèq, suker, tatang, turu moruq >uan nuri parrot motan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mahil motaq motaq mowaq bungkusan parcel, package cp. botaq, natun mote mote moar menggunakan pisau atau use a knife carelessly so parang sembarangan, that it becomes dull sehingga majal kara mote mèiq jangan menggunakan pisau do not use the knife sembarangan carelessly motel himpunan, timbunan, collection, heap, pile tumpukan cp. bongaq, boran (1), hubiq, lutur, mongaq, otuq, >omo, >uleng, welaq moten berkas bundle, bunch ai moten >udeq satu ikat kayu a bundle of (fi re) wood cp. balan, liman, mawu, muleng, naèng, panga, popon, >uleng, >ulir, welaq motiq permainan dakon dgn biji- the game mancala biji yg ditaruh di lubang- lubang di tanah atau papan pan motiq bermain ‘motiq’, dakon play mancala motong motong atang pohon kélor, merunggai, k.o. small tree the leaves Moringa oleifera of which are eaten as a vegetable, Moringa oleifera cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, 426 mowaq—muang

kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq mowaq mowaq mokur benang ikat yg dicelupi ikat (tied) designs in cloth warna cp. motaq, pu (2) mowar membuka, menguraikan open, loosen cp. akil, bake, bèti, biloq, bito, bukaq (1), èhèq, hèpuq, hingoq, hoe, loa (1), nala, newar, noa, ohoq, pengar, puheq, rio, towar moweq see: mèwèq mowoq mowoq rane tempat yg tertutup place covered by sedge alang-alang atau rumput- grass or weeds rumputan moyang sakit tertusuk-tusuk illness accompanied by inner sticking pains cp. dakoq moyoq see: mèyoq muan see: moan muang sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu muaq—mueng 427

(1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq muaq memuat contain, hold, load, accommodate tene muaq manuq sama perahu membawa orang the boat brings people asing (har perahu memuat from elsewhere (lit. the itik liar) boat contains wild ducks) cp. èrèq (1), hoyoq, >ihi, kabuq, kapung, lapa (1), noèl, noyoq, pènè (1) muar ~ mur ~ muren ~ mur mur ~ nara mur ~ namur ~ namur mur muar èloq, muar èruq, mur èruq mur èruq walar waliq benar, kebenaran, sungguh, true, truth, truly, correct betul 1. mur >ale 1. benar dan salah, baik 1. true and false, right and dan salah wrong 2. namur mur enga 2. benar-benar telentang 2. very true, face up again watiq lagi (suatu cara undian, (said in a test of fortune, disebut waktu sedang when throwing the membanting dua potong bamboo augury pieces a belahan bambu kali yg second time to confi rm kedua) a fi rst throw when both pieces lie face up) cp. ka tung, nimun, nu (2), wahar mude mude anen limau, jeruk citrus fruit 1. mude bour 1. sm. limau yg asam 1. orange-size sour lime with a dark green, smooth skin 2. mude >èrun 2. limau manis 2. sweet lime 3. mude habu raka 3. limau yg besar dan nyilu 3. large, sour lime 4. mude huriq 4. jeruk purut, Citrun 4. k.o. of lime, Citrun papeda papeda 5. mude kirun 5. jeruk asam 5. sour lime 6. mude lolon 6. daun limau, jeruk 6. leaves of the lime tree 7. mude manuq tolor, 7. jeruk nipis 7. chicken-egg size lime mude rotan with a smooth, edible skin; calamondin 8. mude sedo 8. limau asam 8. sour lime 9. mude taq 9. limau sebesar buah 9. grapefruit-size lime kelapa 10. mude >uan 10. buah limau, jeruk 10. citrus fruit mueng (1) penghabisan last 428 mueng—muhuq kakar

cp. bahe, dei, dein, ipu, lèbu, lèbè mueng (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >eqa (1) muha muha langar mencair, meleleh, hancur become liquid, drip, melt, (masakan) dissolve tayu muha lilin mencair the candle drips cp. >asur, buteq, kakal, nehal, rèhuq (2), ruhuq, ruteq, taha, tèlèr muho muho apang mengandung, hamil, pregnant bunting muho aran ternyata hamil visibly pregnant cp. haqang, lu (2), muhon muhon yg mengandung, hamil, that which is pregnant bunting cp. muho muhong bambu kecil untuk small bamboo for fetching mengambil air yg water, used to bathe a digunakan untuk newborn infant memandikan bayi merah, orok hau muhong bambu kecil untuk a small bamboo for mengambil air yg fetching water used to digunakan untuk bathe a newborn infant memandikan bay merah, orok muhu ~ muhun (1) jagung kembang popcorn watar muhu; watar biji jagung yg berbunga popcorn muhun cp. puhu muhun (1) see: muhu muhun (2) muhun meran, muhun bayi merah newborn child putuq muhun (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: para muhun muhuq muhuq kakar kumbang bubuk insects which destroy bamboo mui—mulang 429 mui engkau, kami, kamu you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) mui eten melihat, mengerti, tahu, see, know, understand, aim menuju for, head for cp. ‘ui’ for full paradigm, also: bisa, boraq (1), ebeng, lalang, lekeq, nuan, tada, tepi mukang buah damar yg ditusuk dgn damar fruit which has been lidi lalu diputar pierced with a palm leaf rib so that it can be spun cp. puka mukel tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hala mukel, mukel mekel mukel mèkèl berusaha melakukan sst try to do s.t. mukel mèkèl hoko berusaha bangun try to get up mukeq mencibir curl one’s lips, insult s.o. by distorting the mouth cp. mutur, pake (2) mukin cemara, rambut palsu false hair untuk kondé uha mukin rambut palsu false hair cp. pukin muko lari lolon sj pisang k.o. banana cp. lio, muqu muko lolon daun pisang banana leaf kong muko lolon gong yg ringan, tipis (har a thin gong, large or small gong daun pisang) (lit. banana-leaf gong) cp. muqu mukur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mèkèr mulang (1) mulang èlor, mulang olor tegak lurus erect, straight up loyo mulang matahari tegak lurus di atas the sun is straight above kepala one’s head cp. batong, hading, houq, lonu, lour, muser, muter, oleng, pèlèr, rading (1), tung, ueng (1), wolang mulang (2) mulang katiq mulang katiq tubi dori pinjam untuk diganti borrow and replace 430 mular—mulo mular sj pohon k.o. tree with large leaves and tiny, inedible fruit cp. ai para, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, liti, loboq, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), uqun , >uaq (1), wawu raèq mule (1) ~ mulea mule lea, mulea ai lolo obat medicine cp. molan mule mule (2) kecil small cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq mule (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: miwaq mulea see: mule (1) muleng ikatan bundle, bunch, s.t. tied together watar muleng >udeq jagung satu ikatan one bundle of maize cp. >eti, mawu, moten, nuyung, panga, popon, >uleng, welaq muli tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ing muli mulin tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: eten, kiki mulo engkau, kami, kamu dulu, you (sg), we (ex), you (pl) duluan are fi rst, go fi rst, lead mete mulo ena dei kamu pergi duluan, saya you go fi rst, I will follow ikut belakangan cp. ‘ulo’ for full paradigm mulu—mupuq 431 mulu daging yg menonjol keluar protruding fl esh mulung tanda larangan sign of prohibition mulung bulung diletakkan tanda larangan place under a sign of prohibition cp. bulung, nading munaq (1) munaq kapuq bulat, tidak berlubang, round, smooth, free of tidak tembus holes, not perforated cp. anaq, bah, lour (2), milir, opang, opol, upal munaq (2) munaq uren pasang, pasangan pair, set lamaq munaq >udeq piring satu pasang one pair of plates cp. >eq, imang (2), maliq, mapang (1), nikaq, nubuq, papang (2), tang, tawe (4), tèdèq munaq (3) penolong bilangan untuk classifi er, unit, measure benda belis/maskawin of volume, for items of marriage prestations bala munaq >udeq; bala gading dinilai satu ‘munaq’ elephant tusk valued at munaq >ehaq one unit mung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mung meng munger gila insane, crazy cp. kamunger mung meng bisu tuli deaf and dumb cp. bukeq, èbuq, >ibo >abo munung (1) pas, cocok, sesuai fi t, match, suit labur munung kohaq baju cocok sekali this shirt fi ts well cp. papang (2), pareq (2), patuq, sosoq (2), tama, tang, tawe (4) munung (2) jatuh ke bawah fall downwards tubar munung kepala jatuh ke bawah the head falls downward mupeq petik, memetik pick cp. bihar, boliq (1), holaq, iteq, muta, puleq, upeq, uta mupuq 1 sumpitan 1 blowpipe 2 sj pompa isap terbuat dari 2 palmwine pump made of buluh bamboo 432 muq—muqu

1. mupuq pupuq tuaq 1. pompa pengisap tuak 1. the pump pumps palmwine 2. mupuq tara pupuq 2. menyumpit (har 2. blow with a blowpipe sumpitan kita pakai untuk (lit. blowpipe we (in) use menyumpit) to blow) cp. pupuq muq suam kuku, panas lukewarm, hot wèq muq badan panas have a fever cp. darang (1), laraq, pana, polan muqang muqang mèwing musuh, seteru, konfrontasi, enemy, foe, adversary, serang confrontation, attack cp. bewaq, buqang, dèkur, hoding, (1), >iwaq, waku (1) muqeng menyimpan store, stack cp. dèkèng, èping, hoti, hubiq, loman, mae, nekaq, nèpè, puli, pulin, >omo, rèbèq muqer tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mèdèq muqin tidak menetas, belum unbroken, uncracked, not menetas yet hatched manuq tolor muqin telur ayam yg belum ditetas unhatched egg cp. naban muqing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: marang muqu muqu anen pisang banana 1. muqu amaq 1. kulit pisang 1. banana skin 2. muqu bauq 2. pangkal pohon pisang 2. banana tree trunk 3. muqu dopong; muqu 3. nama-nama pisang 3. various kinds of banana >èrun; muqu >èrun bugis; muqu >èrun leqi; muqu hiuq; muqu iden; muqu laur; muqu leqi; muqu lio; muqu pareq; muqu pisang; muqu rangan; muqu wèrèq; muqu wèi 4. muqu imiq 4. jantung pisang 4. banana blossom 5. muqu lolon 5. daun pisang 5. banana leaf 6. muqu >uan 6. buah pisang 6. banana fruit mur—muser 433

7. muqu >ulir 7. tandan pisang 7. stem of the banana plant from which the bunches grow mur see: muar mura ~ murang mura maqar, mura rame mura maqar latuq lolor 1 ramai 1 crowded, noisy, bustling, lively, festive 2 omong kosong, mulut 2 nonsense, chatter, big besar talker mura were hasil baik, kelimpahan abundant harvest, abundance cp. dèmul, kako, nèbèq, ningor, rame, repoq (2), >uruq mura >areng ~ murang mendengkur, mengorok grunt (of pigs) >areng (pada babi) wawi mura >areng babi mengorok the pig grunts murang see: mura murang >areng see: mura >areng muren see: muar mur mur see: muar murun murun eqong, murun rane 1 kehidupan, nyawa 1 life, soul 2 roh pelindung 2 guardian spirit 1. huraq murun >ate 1. ciptaan anak manusia 1. create a human child diqen >anaq manusia 2. puiq murun 2. memasukkan kehidupan, 2. enter life, soul nyawa 3. wèi murun 3. (roh halus) penghuni air 3. spirit of the spring cp. nawaq (3), puhun, tuber muser ~ muter (1) muser mulang, muter mulang 1 putar 1 twist, turn 2 angin pusaran 2 whirlwind, tornado cp. baleq, baloq, bating, beloq, buel, bula, dogel (1), duler, ehoq, kaluq, kolar, koleq, koloq, lekoq, panuser, pekoq, puer, puka, puleq, puter, 434 musi—mutur

tuleng, tueng, ueng (2), weleq musi ~ musti mesti must, have to cp. bang (1), paq (4) musing musing >ula musim season, monsoon cp. nèyèng musti see: musi muta engkau, dia, kami, kamu you (sg), he, she, it, we petik, memetik pakai (ex), you (pl) pick, gather, tangan harvest by hand cp. ‘uta’ for full paradigm, also: ahuq, >awe (2), bihar, bikil, bolaq (1), haba, holaq, iteq, mauq, mawu, mupeq, >opung, puheq, puleq, tawu, tubun mute mute >okaq muntah vomit cp. lua, >oaq muten muten meran penyumbat (botol, bottle stopper bambu, dsb) muter (1) see: muser muter (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: weriq mutiq mutiq araq buah-buahan yg belum young, unripe (of fruit) matang atau masih terlalu muda taq mutiq 1. kelapa muda 1. young coconut 2. jantung manusia 2. human heart cp. tange mutung mutung >ale sudut, pojok corner, angle mutung >apaq empat sudut, empat siku square, four-cornered cp. loroq mutur mutur tèdèr memoncongkan/ stick out the lip as a sign of mencibirkan bibir tanda disagreement tidak setuju muwi—muwi 435

cp. mukeq muwi dimakan ulat eaten by worms watar muwi jagung yg dimakan ulat maize which has been eaten by worms, weevils N na see: wa nabal kain atau papan yg dipakai cloth or board used to untuk menampal patch or mend nabal tara tabal menampal (har papan patch, mend (lit. mending tampal kita pakai untuk board we (in) use to mend) menampal) cp. tabal naban naban muqin naban muqin pohing wali kain yg dipakai untuk cloth slung over the menggendong anak shoulder for carrying a child 1. naban kaban >anaq 1. kainnya menggendong 1. the cloth supports the anak child 2. naban puqen 2. marga yg mau menerima 2. clan accepting new orang yg mau masuk dari members luar 3. tuan naban 3. arwah-arwah orang mati 3. dead souls of people yg dlm masa hidupannya who in life were protective bersikap melindungi cp. kaban nabaq nabaq kotir mendung cloudy, overcast cp. oweq nabu tudungan dibuat dari daun cover for the spadix of the lontar untuk menudung lontar palm woven from mayang lontar lontar leaf nadal landai, tempat yg melandai slope, gently sloping nau mahara >ei pan nanti sebentar lagi saya in a while I shall go to that >oyoq nadal pergi ke sana, ke tempat yg place on the hillside agak miring cp. depal, (1), lena, wongun nadan batu sandungan, kayu stumbling block, obstacle, sandungan hindrance nadan >udeq kara tadan jangan ada halangan (har may you encounter no satu sandungan jangan obstacles (lit. one obstacle menghalangi) do not hinder) cp. ikol, nikol, tadan nadaq nasihat advice, admonition nade—naèq 437

nadaq tara tadaq menasihati (har nasihat kita advise (lit. advice we [in] pakai untuk menasehati) use to advise) cp. >adaq, >e (1), nahaq (2), tadaq (1), tuo nade sasaran tembakan, sasaran target panahan hade nade membidik sasaran aim at a target cp. hade nading nading hading 1 tongkat 1 staff 2 tonggak-tonggak dinding, 2 poles in the wall, bamboo bambu dlm kerangka in the frame of a wall dinding 3 tanda larangan yg 3 sign of prohibition staked dipancangkan di tempat out in a public place umum 1. nading lèin 1. bambu tempat berdirinya 1. bamboo in the walls tonggak-tonggak dinding at the bottom where the poles are fi xed 2. nading tubar 2. bambu pada dinding 2. bamboo in the walls at bahagian atas di mana the top where the poles tonggak tonggak dinding are fi xed dipasang cp. bulung, duqa, hodeq, kala duqa, mulung, nading, nukoq, todeq, tukoq nado nado tado pelangi, kecemerlangan rainbow, resplendent display of light nadong mengangguk sbg tanda nod, nod in agreement setuju cp. >adong, piqur, radong naduq naduq baing mengangguk-angguk nod with sleepiness waktu mengantuk naèng 1 mayang kelapa, tandan 1 coconut spadix, bunch of kelapa coconuts 2 sapu (dari mayang kelapa) 2 broom (made of coconut spadix) cp. balan, haèng, hamur, karaq, liman, moten, naraq (2), >uleng, >ulir naèq naèq puhong mencium smell naèq nuhu mencium bau busuk smell a bad smell cp. miqen 438 naga—naing naga ular naga dragon cp. miqi naga, >ular nahaq (1) sj semak berduri k.o. shrub cp. ada lolong, atang, lale nahaq (2) nahaq neyeq, nahaq tahaq, nahaq wato nasihat, ajaran advice, instruction cp. nadaq, tadaq (1), tuo nahaq (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nahaq rian nahaq rian uri, tembuni, ari-ari placenta, afterbirth cp. kaboteq naheq meraba-raba dng galah atau grope one’s way with a tongkat pole or cane cp. nakaq nahi nahi tahi nahi tahi noloq koloq air bah fl ash fl ood cp. mahil nahing nahing mapang, nahing mengeluh, mengaduh sigh, moan, complain nawong cp. dareng, >ere (1), >èqè, idoq, nuhu, ode, wile nahu dia menggayung, he, she, it fetches, draws, mengambil air, menimba dips water air nahu nin haba duqu dia bergayung air minum he, she draws drinking mencari kayu water, gets fi re wood cp. ‘ahu’ for full paradigm nahun nahun nohan barang kiriman untuk parcel, gift for the dead arwah-arwah spirits nahuq ~ nauq dia mengangkut, meraup he, she, it gathers, collects, scoops, takes nahuq watar dia mengangkut jagung she gathers maize cp. ‘ahuq’ for full paradigm, also: >èmèng naing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: neweng naiq—naku 439 naiq 1 cepat 1 fast, quickly 2 sebentar, seketika, sesaat 2 for a moment, in a moment, short while 1. mulo ma naiq 1. datanglah sebentar 1. come here for a moment 2. naiq kohaq 2. tidak lama, sesaat saja, 2. not long, quickly cepat 3. naiq naiq noq 3. cepat-cepat 3. quickly 4. suo naiq kohaq 4. mereka sebentar lagi tiba 4. they will arrive in a >adan moment cp. ama, ewar, laeq, layu, mahara, wengin naka (1) ~ saka (2) naka palu, saka palu 1 pemukul 1 mallet 2 bunyi gaung, siponggang 2 echo cp. bawar, dang, holeq (2), lekaq, mehir, nalu, noqol, paluq, walaq (1), wataq naka (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nuku naka nakang nakang bayar menjanjikan promise nakang labur menjanjikan baju promise new clothes cp. bayar, >èlu nakaq nakaq rukeng meraba dlm gelap grope in the dark 1. nakaq èng 1. tempat tengah bahu (har 1. shoulder blade, middle of meraba-raba tidak sampai) the back (lit. groping and not reaching) 2. o bale nakaq 2. engkau pulang malam 2. are you returning in the rukengo? kah? (har engkau kembali dark? (lit. are you returning meraba-raba?) groping in the dark?) cp. bawar, dang, holeq (2), lekaq, mehi, nalu, noqol, paluq, walaq (1), wataq nakiq sangkutan untuk hook, hook onto menyangkutkan spt janggut pada mata kail awil neq nakiq tara sangkutan mata kail untuk hook of the fi sh hook so >akiq kita menyangkut that we (in) may hook cp. awil, >akiq, >ileq (3), kateng, nangiq, ongaq, sangiq, taka naku naku nalong meminta, memohon ask, request 1. naku ka nin 1. meminta makanan 1. ask for food 2. naku nuo 2. meminta kepada dia 2. reqest of him, ask him 440 nala—nalen

cp. >ameq, dahang (1), dahuq, èhèng, hitiq, hoyan, koli (1), pohong pole, takang (2), >uda, tudi nala melepaskan, terurai, loose, loosen, separate melerai, terbuka cp. bala (2), bake, bele, doyung, epeng, >ewang, èdol, èhèq, gasuq (2), hapang, hèpuq, hoe, hon, keweng, leka, loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nea, newar, noa, nope, ohoq, oq, peaq, pèsol, piang, polo, puheq, rehaq, tong, towar, wang (1) nalan ~ nalaq tambahan, yg sisa, additional amount, leftover, menambah kembali, retaliate, repay, add mengulang pula 1. nalaq paluq 1. menambah kembali 1. hit back pukulan 2. puli >iqa nore neq 2. menaruh ikan dng 2. set out the fi sh and extra nalan tambahannya portions cp. awa, kuhing, nehal, nehang, pati, raing nalang 1 bilik atas dlm lumbung 1 upper storage compartment of a granary 2 bambu pinggir pada 2 bamboo at the side of balai-balai, papan lambung a bamboo platform; side pada perahu plank of a boat cp. maka (2), lutu nalaq see: nalan nalar (1) luas wide cp. >abal, kedeng, mèkuq, mèqul, nalar (1), neler, >oang, teleng nalar (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: neoq nalar nale dia memakai he, she, it uses, wears 1. nale laong 1. dia memakai anting 1. she is wearing earrings 2. nale lipaq 2. dia memakai sarung 2. he is wearing a sarong cp. ‘ale’ for full paradigm nalen pakaian untuk menutup clothing for covering the badan bagian bawah lower body naleq—namè 441

cp. deko, nale, pakeyang, sede, uen naleq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: niq nalo lekar, alas pantat periuk stand for pots nalong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: naku nalu pemukul mallet cp. mehir, naka (1), noqol, paluq, sakapalu nama tempat luas wide area cp. wata namang (1) namang nedung tandak, tempat bertandak circle dance, dancing place namang kolo olong lae tandakan untuk saling dance to exchange love kasih-mengasihi, sayang menyayangi cp. hamang, lali, tana, tèting dai namang (2) laci keranjang yg agak levels, small compartments kecil, laci meja of a basket, table drawers namang wayaq laci tempat sirih compartments in a betel basket cp. damang namaq namaq nokir dapat memuat banyak able to carry a great deal lamaq lomoq hara piring besar dapat memuat large plates can hold more namaq lebih banyak (food) namar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kamar, nariq (1) nameq nameq nubaq anak panah arrow cp. rateq (1), >upil, >ur namè ~ mèmè ~ namè mè spt itu, begitu like that, so, such ~ namo mè ~ naqmè besok jangan berbuat spt in future do not do that luqa weng sue kara laha itu lagi again, do not behave like namè watiq that again cp. >ahaq, e (2), ewe, >èhèq, mè we, namo, o (2), >oe, paqa, sama, >uhuq (1) 442 namè mè—nanga namè mè see: namè namiq namiq nokan menaikkan pukat dari dlm pull a net into a boat laut ke sampan namo spt, macam as, like, like this, like that 1. >ei laha noq namo 1. saya berbuat spt yg 1. I do as you do oti laha engkau lakukan 2. namò mè 2. spt itu, begitu 2. like that 3. namo ai watang pale 3. spt kayu terdampar 3. like fl otsam thrown up on the shore 4. namo hule lolong 4. macam daun bakau 4. like the leaves of the bao hanyut (kias orang yatim mangrove tree fl oat (met. piatu yg tidak mempunyai an orphan without a place tempat bertumpu) to stay) 5. namo noq 5. spt ini 5. like this cp. namè, paqa namur see: muar namur mur see: muar nana tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ako nanan nanah, nanah pohon, getah pus, sap, resin pohon cp. apar, getaq, iqir, padu, reoq, weren (2) nanang 1 dia menganyam 1 he, she, it weaves nanang beteq 2 sehelai daun dlm anyaman 2 one of the strands used in kotak dll weaving a basket cp. ‘anang’ for full paradigm, also: doang, lapan, rèkèq, tutuq nane tenunan yg akan ditenun cotton thread for weaving cp. tan nang see: nangan nanga nanga todi batas, perbatasan, batu- border, boundary, limit, batu tersusun sbg batas stacked stones marking the kampung atau kebun boarder of a village or fi eld nanga loloq di atas batu-batu tersusun on top of the stone wall at sbg batas kebun the foot of a fi eld cp. narang (1) nangan—napang 443 nangan ~ nang tadi, baru recently, just now, a short while ago 1. nape nangan 1. baru tadi 1. just now, just a short while ago 2. nangan >èyèng o 2. tadi pagi engkau pergi 2. where did you go this pan dita? ke mana? morning? 3. nangan laha ian 3. tadi saya hampir tinggal 3. a while ago I almost stayed 4. >ei nangan ulo hoko 4. saya tadi lbangun ebih 4. just now I got up fi rst dulu cp. nape nanger tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: napang nangi nangi >oyang berenang swim nangiq pengait hook, barb nangiq tara sangiq mengait (har pengait kita hook s.t. (lit. hook we [in] pakai untuk mengait) use to catch) cp. >akiq, >ileq (3), nakiq, ongaq, sangiq nangor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ningor nangul dia menutup dng tutupan he, she, it covers with a lid cp. ‘angul’ for full paradigm nanin pendapatan di luar dari income other than the pendapatan pembagian regular income resmi napa napa oro tikar palm leaf mat 1. kowal napa, tepaq 1. membentang tikar 1. spread out a woven mat napa 2. napa kowal luni tèqèl 2. bentang tikar dan taruh 2. spread out the mat and bantal sleep on the pillow 3. napa luni 3. tikar bantal 3. palm leaf mat and pillow cp. ohan napang napang nanger 1 lain, luar 1 other, different, outside 2 orang luar, pendatang 2 outsider, stranger 1. lèu napang nanger 1. kampung lain, berasal 1. a different village, from a dari kampung lain different village 2. lèu napang tene 2. orang luar baik dari 2. people from outside, nanger darat maupun laut both from the interior as well as from overseas 3. napang nanger >adan 3. orang luar datang 3. the stranger comes and sapang mencari looks for 444 napar—naq

cp. >ahin, geqa, maqur (1), mieq, palan, peka, weqen, woren napar batu ceper yg lebar fl at, wide stone nape ~ napo nape moan baru, nanti just now, recently, shortly 1. napo >adan 1. baru datang 1. just arrived 2. nape dauqo? 2. apa engkau baru naik? 2. did you just come up? 3. nape laha 3. baru dibuat 3. just done 4. nape nena pan 4. nanti dia akan pergi 4. shortly he will go cp. mahara, nangan, wenger banger (2) napel kipas palm-leaf fan 1. napel daing >api; 1. kipas mengipas api 1. the fan fans the fi re napel tapel >api 2. napel mara tapel 2. mengipas (har kipas 2. fan s.t. (lit. fan we (ex) kami pakai untuk use to fan) mengipas) cp. daing, tapel naping tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ahar napo see: nape napoq napoq >eler rata fl at 1. Beni Hading auq 1. kampung-kampung 1. the villages of south napoq >alang olor bagian selatan Kedang (har Kedang (lit. Beni Hading Beni Hading tanah rata, fl at land, straight plane) lapangan lurus) 2. >eqa napoq 2. tempat rata 2. fl at place 3. Napoq wala 3. orang Napoq 3. the people of Napoq cp. kepaq, lèpaq, mida, milir, mipi, miyung napun baru diambil just taken 1. mèti napun 1. setengah surut 1. tide which has gone halfway out 2. tuaq napun 2. tuak yg baru diiris 2. just tapped palmwine 3. waq napun 3. pasang laut baru naik 3. tide which has just risen 4. wèi napun 4. air yg baru diambil dari 4. water just taken from the mata air spring naq (1) see: noq naq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: puli naqa—naraka 445 naqa tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nuqu naqa naqe makan lauk eat a side dish cp. mirang, naqen naqen naqen meling lauk side dish o ka min nore naqen engkau makan lauk atau are you eating a side dish paq ton? tidak? or not? cp. mirang, naqe naqmè see: namè nara (1) dia memakai he, she, it wears, uses, does, makes use of nara dèko dèqo dia sudah memakai celana he is already wearing (tingkat pertumbuhan anak trousers (stage of a child’s sewaktu dia mulai memakai development when it celana pendek) begins to wear short pants) cp. ‘ara (1)’ for full paradigm nara (2) untuk, buat dia for, to him, her, it cp. ‘ara (2)’ for full paradigm nara (3) bala bantuan reinforcements toda nara membawa bala bantuan bring reinforcements nara (4) menggigit bite cp. >amir, damiq, kiqi, taku nara ame see: nare ame nara bone bagaimana dia? bagaimana how about him, her, it? dng, bagaimana untuk dia? how are things for, with him, her, it? 1. nara bone nore eqi? 1. bagaimana dng saya? 1. how is it with me? how about me? 2. nara bone nore nuo? 2. bagaimana dng dia? 2. how is it with him, her? how about him, her? cp. ‘ara bone’ for full paradigm nara mur see: muar nara muren see: muar naraka neraka hell 446 narang—nareq narang (1) narang darang 1 tepi, tepian 1 side, border 2 bagian di luar kampung, 2 the region outside the di sebelah kiri-kanan village on the two sides 3 ketinggian 3 height 4 panas terik 4 red hot 1. loyo pari narang 1. panas matahari (har 1. heat of the day (lit. the darang matahari menjemur tepian) sun dries the sides) 2. oroq narang 2. tepi dada 2. side of the chest cp. >apan, haraq (3), hiku, hikun, lèding, nanga, nibang narang (2) lem, perekat glue naraq (1) lidi pencocok daging skewer for meat naraq daraq >ihin >iqa lidi menusuk daging ikan palm leaf rib skewers fi sh meat cp. daraq, karaq naraq (2) sapu broom karaq naraq menyapu dng sapu sweep with a broom cp. haèng, hamur, karaq, naèng nare (1) panggilan untuk saudara term of reference used by laki-laki yg kandung atau a woman for male siblings saudara laki-laki dlm and parallel cousins marga (dipakai oleh para perempuan) 1. nare halaq witing 1. saudara laki-laki 1. the brother brings bala membawa belis marriage prestations 2. nare nara bèi tuaq 2. saudara laki-laki 2. the brother pours menuang tuak palmwine 3. nare neheq 3. saudara laki-laki yg lain 3. genealogically distant dlm keluarga ‘nare’ cp. nare ame, naren nare (2) see: ai nare nare ame ~ nara ame sebutan untuk saudara term of reference used by laki-laki yg kandung atau a woman for male siblings saudara laki-laki dlm and parallel cousins marga (dipakai oleh para perempuan) cp. nare (1) naren saudara laki-laki brother cp. nare (1) nareng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kueq nareq (1) langka, jarang rare, scarce, seldom nareq—natan 447

nareq nape nore jarang baru ada rarely present cp. natan, nuang (3) nareq (2) hitungan calculation, sum cp. kareq (1), rekeng nariq (1) bahasa language 1. nariq edang 1. bahasa Kedang 1. the Kedang language 2. nariq namar 2. tuturan bahasa asing 2. an unintelligibile foreign yg tidak dapat dipahami language (a Kedang (istilah orang Kedang expression for the people untuk orang Ile Ape dan of Ile Ape and their bahasanya) language) cp. kariq, nohiq nariq (2) bahan untuk material used to start a fi re menghidupkan api (spt (like kerosine, dry grass) minyak tanah, rumput kering, dsb) nariq tara dariq >api menghidupkan api dng sst start a fi re with certain (har sst kita pakai untuk material (lit. material we menghidupkan api) [in] use to start a fi re) cp. dariq naru naru bae kilat lightning cp. dolang, ilaq, kelaq, kèdung, kilong, nilaq, >olor nasu gula sugar tuaq nasu gula tuak lontar-palm sugar nata (1) menghitung satu sampai count one to four before dng empat untuk placing a corpse in a grave meletakkan mayat dlm kubur cp. kareq (1), rekeng nata (2) membuat lambang untuk make a mark as a sign tanda nata nuan naya nuo membuat lambang nama, make a sign of a name, he tudel watiq dia memegang erat lagi grasps fi rmly again natan natan natan, natan noreq 1 satu-satu 1 one by one 2 tidak banyak terdapat, 2 scarce, rare langka 3 nama gong yg jarang 3 a gong which is rarely sekali dibunyikan struck lakaq natan natan melangkah satu-satu, walk slowly, a step at a time pelan-pelan cp. deuq, nareq (1), nimoq, >udeq 448 natang—natu natang (1) jin, tempat tinggal jin spirit, dwelling place of a spirit cp. nimon, nèin, niting, ruha kuba natang (2) besok tomorrow cp. luqa nataq tempat, wilayah, bukit place, region, hill 1. boteq nataq palan 1. wilayah bukit yg lain 1. a different hill region 2. nuo puaq di nataqne 2. dia tinggal di tempatnya 2. he stayed at his place 3. >ote nataq >ole 3. di atas bukit, di bawah 3. on the hill, in the valley redeq lembah cp. boteq (1), >eqa (1), hering, keran, neung, papang (2), >uliq, wolor nateng menyodorkan, give, hand over, extend mengulurkan 1. nateng ling 1. mengulurkan tangan 1. stretch out one’s hand 2. >oda doa nateng èng 2. maksud hati memeluk 2. intend to embrace the gunung tetapi apa daya mountain, but unable to tangan tidak sampai (har reach around it (lit. stretch mengulurkan tangan jauh, one’s hand out far, stretch mengulurkan tetapi tidak but not reach) sampai) cp. boq, kowa (2), lodong, lor, ni (1), >oda, sereng, sèraq, sorong, tekaq, tetar nateq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kanolar natiq natiq nèrèq dia menahan untuk dirinya he, she, it retains for him, sendiri her, itself neqi natiq dia tahan he, she, it kept cp. ‘atiq’ for full paradigm natoq see: daten natu (1) natu tonon mengirim send 1. natu suraq 1. mengirim 1. send a letter surat 2. natu >ue mal 2. mengirim sirih pinang 2. send betel and areca 3. natu wèq 3. mengirim diri sendiri 3. send oneself cp. natun natu (2) sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala natun—naun 449

libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq natun kiriman package cp. botaq, motaq, natu (1) nau nau hèqè 1 masih, akan, belum, nanti 1 not yet 2 penunjuk aspek 2 incompletive aspect inkompletif marker 1. hèbu dèq paq nauqo? 1. apakah engkau sudah 1. have you taken a bath or mandi atau belum? not (yet)? 2. lipaq bèq nau mawin 2. kain ini masih basah 2. this cloth is still wet 3. nau bua ipu bele 3. tunggu sampai masa 3. wait until too old to give bahe bisa melahirkan selesai, birth before carrying out baru bisa melaksanakan customary obligations (lit. kewajiban adat (har nanti wait until giving birth has berhenti melahirkan, lepas stopped, releasing fi nished) habis) 4. nau bute ramaq 4. masih tidur 4. still sleeping 5. nau hèqè 5. masih lama 5. still a long time 6. nau ka 6. makan duluan 6. eat fi rst 7. nau mahara (watiq) 7. nanti, sebentar lagi 7. soon, in a little while 8. nau pan ramaq 8. masih berpergian juga 8. still travelling, also still travelling 9. nau tun ma 9. tahun mendatang 9. next year 10. ohaq nau pan 10. belum pergi, belum 10. not yet left berangkat 11. ohaq nau laha 11. belum selesai dilakukan 11. not yet done 12. pan nau 12. akan pergi 12. will go cp. bahe, dèqmè, dèqnu, dèqo, mai, mete, naun, ramaq naun yg belum that which is not yet, he who is not yet a sin dèqya, pan wile mereka sudah makan, they have fi nished eating, bè naun wa sekarang panggil mereka yg now call those who have belum makan not yet eaten cp. nau 450 nauq—nawen nauq see: nahuq nawal 1 kantong, saku 1 bag, sack, pocket 2 kandungan 2 uterus 1. nawal dawal >anaq 1. kandungan mengandung 1. the womb contains the anak child 2. nawal oni >anaq 2. kandungan 2. the womb hides the menyembunyikan anak child 3. nawal tara dawal 3. mengantungi (har 3. put s.t. into a sack (lit. kantung kita pakai untuk sack we [in] use to put mengantungi) things in) cp. dawal, kadewaq nawang nawang bel dia menyakitkan, he, she, it harms, beats, hits, menggangu, melukai, strikes, murders, kills membunuh Boli neti nawangi Boli yg memukulnya Boli hit him cp. ‘awang’ for full paradigm nawaq (1) tubuh body cp. badang, >uliq, >uluq, wèq (1) nawaq (2) seruan untuk membatalkan, call to withdraw, stop, berhenti cancel nawaq (3) jiwa soul cp. murun, tuber nawaq (4) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: noaq nawar jarum untuk menjahit atap bamboo skewer onto daun lontar which lontar-leaf roofi ng is threaded nawar tuhu oro jarum menusuk daun the stick skewers the lontar lontar leaf nawe dia berkumpul he, she, it gathers cp. ‘>awe (2)’ for the full paradigm nawel nawel nètol kasau rumah poles in the roof (to which the roofi ng is tied) cp. noreng nawen 1 genapkan, cari pasangan 1 complete, look for the genap complement, make even 2 dendam 2 revenge 1. nawen lamaq 1. menggenapkan piring 1. complete the plates naweng—nayaq 451

2. tiu di kusing ne 2. tikus pasangan untuk 2. the mouse goes with nawen kucing the cat 3. uq lamaq mase 3. tambah lagi piring spy 3. add some plates so that it nawendeq jumlahnya genap will be a complete set cp. anaq, bahe, gènè, papang (1), sudi naweng sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq nawing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hoeq nawong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nahing nawoq membawa berkali-kali take, carry repeatedly nawu teripang sea cucumber, trepang nawu taq teripang putih white trepang nawung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ewang naya naya >oliq nama, bernama name, named naya moqo hara ria namamu lebih besar, lebih your name is greater termasyhur cp. ae nayan dangau di kebun, ténda small temporary house in the fi elds, tent cp. hayan nayaq (1) séndok tempurung coconut-shell spoon with a bertangkai panjang, irus long handle 452 nayaq—nebi

cp. niduq, nodoq, sanedoq nayaq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: niliq nayo nayo >oyang basah karena embun, basah wet with dew, wet from karena hujan rain nayong gayung water scoop, ladle nayong tara kayong menggayung (har scoop water (lit. water gayung kita pakai untuk scoop we (in) use to scoop menggayung) water) cp. kanayong, kayong nayoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nengoq ne dia, itu (kata ganti he, she, it (emphatic emfatik, 3t) pronoun, 3sg) 1. ne anaq bahe nenung 1. saatnya genap 1. her time is complete; her bahe period has ended 2. ne hara anaq 2. itu lebih dari genap 2. it is more complete cp. ‘ko’ for full paradigm; nuo, ni. neq, neqe, neqi, nene, neti, nèrèq

-ne ~ -i dia (morfem terikat, kata he, she, it (bound ganti, 3t) morpheme, personal pronoun, 3sg) 1. nuo nuiqi 1. dia melihatnya 1. he saw him 2. panne 2. dia pergi 2. she is going cp. ‘-u’ for full paradigm nea nea nala fajar menyingsing, tidak dawn is breaking, fog is lagi dibungkus kabut lifting >eqa nea nala fajar menyingsing the day is breaking neba neba nepi batu mazbah yg an altar stone which dikuburkan untuk is buried in order to mengutuk orang curse s.o. cp. nuba neber ~ leber sj ikan todak kecil k.o. small swordfi sh cp. man (2) nebi 1. tempat menunggui 1. place to wait for birds, burung, rusa, babi; 2. deer, pigs; 2. shield, pemeleh, pelindung, protection, fort bénténg neboq—nehal 453

nebi nolong alat untuk berlindung, protective device, shield perisai cp. hapang, haqa, hebi, >iriq, >iqur, niting, oling, saga, wangan neboq berlabuh, labuhkan anchor, dock a boat 1. neboq tene 1. labuhkan perahu 1. to dock a boat 2. nuha neboq auq 2. pulau tersendiri, tidak 2. island in the midst of the topeq bersambung sea, end of the land 3. tene neboq 3. perahu berlabuh 3. a docked boat cp. nuha neda 1 daratan 1 land 2 jin daratan 2 land spirits 1. neda boteq 1. bukit yg timbul di laut 1. hill emerging from the sea 2. neda bua hari bele 2. dilahirkan oleh jin laut 2. born by the sea (reference to the origin of man) 3. neda hari 3. segala macam jin, baik 3. all kinds of spirits, jin daratan maupun jin whether on land or sea lautan cp. auq (1), >ero, nera, tana nedang sandaran, tempat bersandar support, prop, back cp. hadang, hedang, hodeq, honing, hudeq, lapa (1), likoq, luni, moboq, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, obi, phing, tanukoq, tukoq nedaq pelupuh atau belahan split bamboo sheets which bambu untuk pengalas fi ll in the frame of a wall balai-balai atau untuk or the fl oor of a dwelling membuat dinding house or granary, or the split bamboo mats of a bamboo platform cp. atar, kedaq, letar nede tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nudu nede nedeng rasa sesak di kerongkongan feel the throat full while waktu menelan swallowing nedung tarian, tunggal solo dance, solo dancing nedung mete nedung menari untuk menari, let us do individual dances menari sendirian cp. hedung, namang nehal nehal nalaq hancur, mencair shatter, melt, liquify 454 nehang—nekeq

auq nehal tanah hancur, bubur muddy ground cp. >asur, buteq, kakal, muha, peaq, pesaq, rèhuq (2), ruhuq, ruteq, taha, tèlèr nehang nehang nalan, nehang nalaq sisa, kelebihan, ganjil residue, leftover, odd (of numbers) 1. nehang paq nalan? 1. ada yg lupa? 1. have you forgotten anything? 2. nehang >udeq 2. sisa satu 2. one is left over cp. awa, >ahin, >ilaq, ketang, kuhing, lebe, liwaq, nalan (1), raing neheq yg lain dlm keluarga distant relative 1. ine neheq 1. ibu yg lain dlm keluarga 1. genealogically distant ‘ine’ 2. nare neheq 2. saudara laki laki yg lain 2. genealogically distant dlm keluarga ‘nare’ nehing nehing nakaq buru-buru, tergesa-gesa haste, hurry cp. kanehing, loyang lakiq nehiq see: dehiq nehun sebabnya cause cp. kehu, tibul, tupaq neing neing wating tempat tinggal place of residence, abode nekal kayu atau bambu yg bamboo pole for drying diletakkan melintang untuk clothes, fi sh, etc. tempat jemuran nekaq menyimpan store cp. dèkèng, èping, hoti, loman, mae, muqeng, nèpè, puli, pulin nekaq madaq balai-balai darurat untuk bamboo platform on meletakkan mayat dekat which the corpse is laid kubur during the funeral before interment nekeq nekeq tan menyusun tenunan, setting up the warp menyusun atau mengatur benang untuk ditenun neki—neq 455 neki see: leki neler neler nalar membentang kemana- spread anywhere, scattered, mana, tercerai-bercerai, luas wide cp. apa (1), >abal, >alar, elar, higor, hiroq, kedeng, kowa (2), leleng, mèkuq, mèqul, >oang, pehaq, pesaq, sereng, teleng, tepaq nema maka, karenanya dia so, therefore, consequently he, she, it cp. ‘ema’ for full paradigm nena dia akan (penunjuk masa he, she, it will (future tense depan, 3t) marker, 3sg) nape nena >oyoq baru dia ke sana soon he will go there cp. ‘ena’ for full paradigm nene dia, untuk dia, kepada dia him, her, it; for, to him, her, (kata ganti adesif, 3j) it (adessive pronoun, 3sg) 1. nene nobeq 1. dia punya itu 1. that is his 2. nuo nene >ape? 2. apa bagiannya? 2. what is his share? cp. ‘>eko’ for full paradigm; nuo, ni, -ne, -i, ne, neq, neqe, neqi, neti, nèrèq nenun tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: male, anaq neong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: urang (1) neoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: neoq nalar neoq nalar rasa geli, gelisah nervous nepi tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: neba neq milik dia, punya dia (kata his, hers, its; he, she, it has ganti posesif, 3t) (possessive pronoun, 3sg) neq ame; nuo neq ame bapaknya his father cp. ‘koq’ for full paradigm; nuo, ni, -ne, 456 neqe—nete

-i, ne, neqe, neqi, nene, neti, nèrèq neqe milik dia, punya dia (kata his, her, hers, its (emphatic ganti posesif emfatik, 3t, possessive pronoun, 3sg, sbg subyek) subjective) cp. ‘koqo’ for full paradigm; nuo, ni, -ne, -i, ne, neq, neqi, nene, neti, nèrèq neqen yg milik dia that which is owned by him, her, it cp. ‘koqon’ for full paradigm; neqe neqer tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bawaq neqi milik dia, punya dia (kata his, her, hers, its (emphatic ganti posesif emfatik, 3t, possessive pronoun, 3sg, sbg obyek) objective) sorong neqi berikan miliknya give her her property cp. ‘koqi’ for full paradigm; nuo, ni, -ne, -i, ne, neq, neqe, nene, neti, nèrèq nera tanah land cp. auq (1), >ero, neda, tana neren jahitan yg menyambung two-section cloth dua bagian, lirang neren tèlu kain sarung tiga bagian a three section cloth, used in marriage prestations nereng nereng daping meminjam borrow nereng daping kain meminjam kain sarung borrow a sarong cp. biheq, nineng nerung nerung noreq kawan, teman friend cp. derung, erung, kore, nimon, reu neta tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ular nete pikulan, tandu carrying pole, litter, stretcher nete mara tete memikul (har pikulan kami carry s.t. on a pole (lit. pole pakai untuk memikul) we [ex] use to carry) neten—neweng 457

cp. likan, noèl, tete neten neten neten 1 sudah besar 1 already big 2 setia, penurut perintah, 2 loyal, faithful, obey, penurut suruhan obedient 1. neten paqar 1. anak yg sudah sedikit 1. child which has kuat, yg cukup besar some strength, which is somewhat grown 2. neten wahar 2. pengikut 2. follower cp. dei, dukiq, ikoq neteq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ahaq neti dia (kata ganti fokus he, she, it (agent focus agen, 3t) pronoun, 3sg) 1. >eq nuo neti kuq 1. mungkin dia yg 1. perhaps it is he who mengambilnya took it 2. sio neti kahin laha 2. siapa yg menunjukkan 2. who showed you how to huna namo noq? cara membangun rumah build a house like this? spt ini kepadamu? 3. wile anak bè neti 3. panggil anak yg 3. call the child who is nale labur putuq memakai baju merah wearing a red shirt cp. ‘eti’ for full paradigm; nuo, ni, -ne, -i, ne, neq, neqe, neqi, nene, nèrèq neung neung nataq puncak bukit, tepi tebing top of a bluff or cliff newar membuka, menguraikan open, explain (rub an (proses pemeriksaan unbroken egg on a patient’s penyakit dlm dng abdomen, and subsequently menggulingkan telur pada break the egg to fi nd in its bagian badan) contents the cause of the illness) 1. bake nute newar 1. menguraikan persoalan 1. end a quarrel (lit. open toyeq satu persatu (har membuka the words loosen the kata putus kata) words) 2. newar manuq tolor 2. pecahkan telur ayam 2. rub an unbroken egg on untuk mendapat sebab a patient’s abdomen, and persoalan penyakit subsequently break the egg to fi nd in its contents the cause of the illness 3. newar toyeq 3. membukaan 3. open a discussion, speech pembicaraan, pidato cp. akil, bake, bèti, biloq, bito, bukaq (1), hingoq, hoe, mowar, nala, noa, ohoq, pengar, towar neweng neweng naing sendirian, merasa sendirian, alone, lonely, parentless tidak beribu bapa 458 neweq—nèbiq

kueq dareng neweng menangis tersedu-sedu weep bitterly feeling very naing lonely cp. >ehaq, ingiq, kohaq, nimoq, sandiri neweq cukup berat rather heavy cp. baraq neyeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nahaq (2) nè ke mari, ke sini, dari arah from, hither, come from, ke darat, kurang-lebih rata, an approximately level kepada si pembicara direction landwards (or eastwards) towards the speaker 1. bèli nè 1. dari tempat yg tertentu 1. from a specifi c location di arah ke darat, pada in an approximately level ketinggian yg kurang- direction landwards, a lebih setara, yg dekat, ke si small distance towards the pembicara speaker 2. bètè nè 2. dari tempat tertentu, di 2. from a specifi c location arah ke timur yg dekat, ke eastwards a small distance si pembicara towards the speaker 3. >oli nè 3. dari arah ke darat,pada 3. from an approximately ketinggian yg kurang- level direction landwards a lebih setara, yg jauh, ke si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker 4. >ote nè 4. dari arah timur yg jauh, 4. from, eastwards a ke si pembicara medium distance towards the speaker cp. >aq, bèli, bètè, ma, >oli, >ote nèbèng mengurung diri dlm barricade o.s. in a house rumah nèbèq nèbèq nèbèq ribut-ribut, ribut sekali noisy, loud, rowdy cp. dèmul, kako, mura, ningor, rame, repoq (2) nèbiq nèbiq nolong dinding wall 1. nèbiq lèin 1. kaki dinding 1. the bamboo pole which secures the bottom of the frame of the wall which secures the upright poles 2. nèbiq tubar 2. kepala dinding, dinding 2. the bamboo pole which bagian atas secures the top of the frame of the wall which secures the upright poles cp. atar, >ebir, kèbiq nèbir—nèlèq 459 nèbir tabir dari daun lontar di splash screen on a dugout sampan nèdèl kandang, kandang dlm sty, corral, enclosure in a lumbung granary 1. nèdèl tara dèdèl 1. mengandang (har 1. cage s.t. (lit. cage we [in] kandang kita pakia untuk use to cage s.t.) gengandang) 2. wawi nèdèl 2. kandang babi 2. pigsty cp. dèdèl, kadang, lutu nèdung guntur, guruh thunder nèdung kèdung nilaq guntur mengguntur kilat thunder thunders, lightning kilaq mengilat fl ashes cp. kèdung, rantaka, reka nèhing atap rumah (dari daun roof (made from any kelapa, koli, lontar, seng material: lontar, koli, dsb) corrugated iron, etc.) 1. nèhing >apene? 1. atap apa itu? Atap daun 1. what kind of roof is Nèhing orone lontar that? A roof made of lontar leaves 2. nèhing tara kèhing 2. mengatapi (har atap kita 2. roof a house (lit. roofi ng pakai untuk mangatapi) we [in] use to roof a house) cp. kèhing nèin nèin hudeq 1 napas, bernapas 1 breath, breathe 2 mengharap, harapan, 2 hope berharap 3 semangat 3 soul, spirit 1. beq nèin 1. tarik napas 1. draw a breath 2. >ei ko nèin hudeq 2. saya mengharap 2. I was hoping for your bè o, o paq tokongo pertolongan engkau help, but you are poor as mè tetapi engkau juga tidak well mempunyai apa-apa 3. o nèin bahe 3. kehilangan semangat 3. lose one’s enthusiasm cp. duyeng, hobi, >ipo, natang (1), niting, poho, puiq nèiq kempis, mengempiskan fl atten, pull in 1. nèiq botin 1. mengempiskan perut 1. fl atten the stomach 2. botin nèiq 2. perut kempis 2. fl at stomach cp. mèqè, miyung nèlèn ~ nèlèng pingsan, tidak bernapas unconscious, no breathing cp. hular, noqeng nèlèng see: nèlèn nèlèq tiram kecil oyster cp. ime 460 nèliq—nèpi nèliq lidi pencunkil sisa makanan palm leaf rib used as a pada gigi toothpick nènè kena hit nènèqi bè tubar di memukul kepalanya he hit his head cp. awang, bating, bèngè, lebaq (2), lekaq, paluq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, tèqè, uwe, (2), walaq (1), wataq nènèq menempelkan sst yg cair stick s.t. fl uid or congealed atau sst yg kental cp. bateq, dapeq (1), lapiq (2), lateq, pataq nèngoq nèngog nayoq 1 ingin, kepingin 1 want, long for 2 rindu dendam 2 long for revenge nau te puaq haraq kita tinggal di sini sejenak we (in) stay a little while watiq, kara nèngoq lagi, jangan kepingin cepat longer, do not long to rush nayoq bale kembali back home cp. botan, eqing, laha (2), ohor, piqur, toher nèpè nèpè pèling menyimpan store, stack nèpè dalong menyimpan yg satu di atas stack on top of each other yg lain cp. dalong, dèkèng, èping, hoti, hubiq, lèpè, loman, mae, muqeng, nekaq, >omo, puli, pulin, rèbèq nèpèl menaruh daun-daun yg place new leaves to cover baru untuk menutupi the edges of a path so that pinggiran jalan spy hewan game animals walk into liar berjalan ke perangkap the trap instead of turning itu, dan tidak membelok away dari jalan itu cp. mèpèl nèpèng mengeram brood 1. manuq nèpèng 1. ayam mengeram 1. the chicken broods 2. nèpèng tolor 2. mengerami telur 2. brood eggs nèpi 1 jerat binatang 1 animal snare 2 alat untuk mengukur 2 device for measuring the lebarnya daun lontar untuk width of lontar leaves used anyaman in weaving basketry cp. aweq, loraq, royaq, witur nèpiq—nètol 461 nèpiq penjepit, bilah bambu tongs, bamboo slat for untuk menahan belahan holding split bamboo in bambu di dinding atau place in walls or platforms balai-bali nèpiq tara dèpiq menjepit (har penjepit kita squeeze pakai untuk jepit) (lit. tongs we [in] use to squeeze) cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, doling, kanèming, kèmiq, nipeq, >ona nèq dia membawa he, she, it carries, brings, takes 1. nèq toyeq pitu, nèq 1. membawa kata-kata 1. bring a message, talk a nute leme pesanan, mempunyai lot (lit. bring seven words, kata-kata cukup banyak carry fi ve words) (har membawa tujuh kata, membawa lima kata) 2. nèq witur arang 2. dia membawa jerat 2. he carries a string trap cp. ‘èq’ for full paradigm nèrè nèrè nèrè perlahan, lambat, slow, slowly pelan-pelan pan nèrè nèrè kara berjalan pelan-pelan jangan walk slowly, do not run bèyeng lari cp. nueng, >odeng, paong (1) nèrèq (1) nèrèq nawang dia memegang, menangkap he, she, it holds, catches, seizes, grabs 1. nèrèq tu 1. dia memegang susu ibu 1. he grabs the breast 2. nuo nèrèq witing 2. dia menangkap kambing 2. he catches the goat cp. ‘èrèq (1)’ for full paradigm, natiq nèrèq (2) dia (kata ganti fokus he, she, it (action focus perbuatan, 3t) pronoun, 3sg) moq witing nèrèq ni kambingmu dijualnya he sold your goat; your durung-i goat was sold by him cp. ‘èrèq (2)’ for full paradigm; nuo, ni, -ne, -i, ne, neq, neqe, neqi, nene, neti nètèq tangkai, hulu handle, hilt of a knife pedaq nètèq hulu parang handle of a fi eld knife cp. abun, boteq, >olen, tètèq nètol (1) ketuk, tok-tok-tok knock, knocking sound cp. dètol, hoqol, lèduq, noqol, toq 462 nètol—nibang nètol (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nawel nètoq kentungan yg berbunyi drum which sounds when kalau digoyang angin swayed by the wind cp. noqol nèwung jarum dari bambu untuk bamboo needle used in menganyam anyaman weaving basketry nèwung tara hèwung menjahit (har jarum bambu sew (lit. bamboo needle we kita pakai untuk menjahit) [in] use to sew) cp. hèwung nèyèng musim season cp. musing, nu nèyèng nèyu nèyu dèyu gempa bumi earthquake ni (1) ni nateng memberi give cp. boq, doneng, nateng, sèraq, sorong ni (2) see: nuo nian dia tinggal he, she, it stays, remains nau nian bè laleng dia tinggal di dlm he is staying inside cp. ‘ian’ for full paradigm niaq 1 sj pohon dng buah 1 k.o. tree with round fruit bundar yg dipakai untuk used to make baskets menganyam kotak 2 piring yg dibuat dari 2 plate made from a fruit buah 1. kiliq niaq 1. sj piring anyaman yg 1. k.o. basket made using dibuat dari buah pohon the fruit of the ‘niaq’ tree ‘niaq’ 2. wayaq niaq 2. puan yg di buat dari 2. betel basket made using buah pohon ‘niaq’ the fruit of the ‘niaq’ tree cp. ala bila, kulu bila, leteng niaya aniaya oppress nibang nibang narang timbang scales cp. bading (2), hueq, nueq, tanibang, tibang, ukur nide—niho wawi 463 nide sj tumbuhan yg dimakan k.o. edible plant that dan melata di tanah dekat spreads across the ground pantai near the shore nidi tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kala nidi nidoq nidoq noran talang gutter (of roof) lèu nidoq tene noran orang asing yg ditampung the village receives masuk kampung (har foreigners (lit. village kampung talang, perahu gutter, boat drain) talang) niduq séndok dari tempurung coconut-shell spoon cp. hiduq, nayaq (1), nodoq, oraq (1), sanedoq nieq terjerat pada pukat caught in a net nihe nihe maliq pagar fence cp. dolu nihiq sepotong, sepenggal, seiris slice, piece sorongko wayaq nihiq berikan saya sepotong give me a slice of papaya >udeq papaya cp. bel, bètèn, haneq, hèrèq (2), hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuraq, lapuq, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2), nuteq, >ohi, piq, pipi, tadiq, tia niho niho nakaq terang, menerangi light, light up, bright cp. aran, >araq (3), kanang, nihon, >olor, terang nihon yg terang, siang daytime 1. >eqa nihon 1. hari terang, siang 1. it is light, daytime 2. nihon >ei bale bèq 2. saya akan kembali ke 2. I will return to this huna lelan lipu dahar rumah ini (har siang saya house (lit. at sunup I will kembali ke rumah berhala return to this clan temple dan balai bambu) and bamboo platform) cp. >araq (3), niho, terang niho wawi ~ niho wileng ~ wawi niho semut ant 1. niho wawi miteng 1. semut hitam 1. black ant 464 niho wileng—nilung

2. niho wawi uman 2. semut kuning 2. yellow ant 3. niho wawi wileng 3. semut merah 3. red ant niho wileng see: niho wawi nihu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ahar nikaq ~ likaq memasang install, set up nikaq nimaq memasang tungku set up hearth stones cp. >eq, imang (2), keran, munaq (2), papang (2), tang, tawe (4), tèdèq niki alat dari pelepah untuk scrub brush made from membersihkan bambu palm branch for cleaning a palmwine container nikol halangan hindrance nikol >udeq kara tikol semoga tidak mendapat may you not encounter celaka, jauhkan dari any obstacles or illness penyakit (har suatu (lit. one hindrance do not halangan jangan hinder) menghalangi) cp. huqu haqa, ikol, nadan, tikol niku 1 tali jangkar 1. anchor rope 2 mengikat tali jangkar 2. tie a boat to a pier in pada dermaga place of an anchor niku niwang tali jangkar anchor rope cp. niwang nilaq see: ilaq nile nila, tarum indigo cp. taung (2) niliq niliq nayaq, niliq wenaq biasa, kebiasaan, biasanya, usual, usually, customary, budaya, kebudayaan culture 1. hengan niliq bè kiliq 1. jagung titik biasanya 1. crushed maize is usually dutaruh di piring anyaman kept in the basket 2. niliq matiq 2. a. kebudayaan, kebiasaan 2. a. local culture, local setempat; b. menaruh kain custom; b. put down black hitam dlm upacara cloth in a ceremony cp. adaq, pahain, ramaq ramaq nilung (1) penyu yg sisiknya berwarna turtle with a colourful shell nilung amaq kulit penyu turtle shell cp. ere (3) nilung—nineng 465 nilung (2) sj pohon rita (kulitnya k.o. tree, (with a very bitter amat pahit), Alstonia bark) Alstonia scholaris scholaris cp. ite (2) niluq belahan bambu yg tajam sharp piece of bamboo nimang kulit tiram oyster shell nimang amaq kulit tiram oyster shell nimaq (1) tungku yg terdiri dari tiga fi replace consiting of three batu hearth stones nimaq (2) nikmat grace nimon nimon >atan nimon >atan puiq murun 1 sahabat, sanak saudara, 1 friend, acquaintance, kaum kerabat, kenalan relative, kinsman 2 pemilik, empu 2 guardian, owner, master 1. nimon >arin 1. tuan yg suci 1. guardian spirit 2. nimon rian; nimon 2. Tuhan Allah, yg 2. God rian >arin baraq mahabesar 3. nimon wala 3. pemilik, empu 3. owner, master (of an animal) cp. erung, nerung, noreq, reu, wala nimoq 1 asli 1 genuine, real, authentic 2 satu, sendirian, sendiri 2 one, alone, oneself 1. >ei nimoqku >oyoq 1. saya sendirian ke sana 1. I went there alone 2. mai nimoq 2. berhenti sendiri 2. stop by itself, stop of its own 3. nimoq laha 3. buatan sendiri 3. made by o.s. 4. o nimoqko? 4. engkau sendirian? 4. are you all by yourself? 5. weren nimoq; 5. emas asli 5. genuine, pure gold cp. deuq, >ehaq, ingiq, kohaq, natan, neweng, nimun, sandiri, >udeq nimun yg tepat, benar, that which is real, true, sesungguhnya genuine ame nimun bapak yg benar, bapak yg true father, genitor melahirkan cp. ka tung, mateq, muar, nimoq, taqi, wahar nin nin ka 1 dia minum 1 he, she, it drinks 2 dia mengisap 2 sucks, smokes cp. ‘in’ for full paradigm nineng nineng nereng pinjam borrow nineng nereng moqi pinjam barang engkau borrow your things 466 ning—nita

cp.biheq, daping ning ning mato hidung nose 1. ning bakur; ning 1. lubang hidung 1. nostril, nostrils lèhiq 2. ning mato auq auq 2. muka kotor 2. face is dirty (said of a witch) 3. ning tein totor 3. air ingus meleleh 3. snot drips down ningor ningor nangor hingar-bingar, ribut gaduh noisy, boisterous, loud cp. dèmul, kako, mura, nèbèq, rame, repoq (2) niong memperlihatkan, point at, show menunjukkan cp. kareq (1), nurung, teteng, tuben nipa warna daun nipa (ungu) colour of the nipa palm leaves (purple) anen nipa beras ungu k.o. rice (purple) nipeq penjepit, perangkap tweezers, trap nipeq tara dipeq menjepit (har penjepit kita squeeze (lit. tweezers we pakai untuk menjepit) (in) use to squeeze) cp. akal, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, dumiq, doling, doliq, kanèming, kèmiq, kipeq, nèpiq, >ona niq niq nale dia meniduri, menyetubuhi, he, she, it has sexual bersenggama intercourse cp. ‘iq’ for full paradigm; dotoq nireq warna warni all kinds of, various cp. galulaq, ireq (1) niring 1 mengumpamakan 1 give examples 2 bercakap dng bahasa 2 use , report isyarat, melapor niring namo noq kita mengumpamakan we (in) give examples like spt ini this cp. gepar niruq mengerutkan dahi karena wrinkle the forehead merasakan beban yg berat because of being heavily burdened nita see: dita niting—noaq 467 niting ~ nitung niting natang, nitung jin spirit natang nitung nolong 1. alat pelindung diri, 1. protective device, shield, penghindar bahaya, perisai, device for providing alat kekebalan invulnerability 2. kebalan, ilmu kebal 2. invulnerability, immunity, invulnerability charm cp. kubaq, neda, nèin, ruha kuba nitoq (1) tuas, pengungkit lever 1. nitoq hitoq wetaq 1. tuas atap mempertuaskan 1. poles lift up the eaves of atap rumah a roof 2. nitoq lèin 2. bambu yg menahan 2. bamboo pole which ujung bawah tuas atap holds the lower ends of the poles lifting up the eaves of a roof 3. nitoq tubar 3. bambu yg menahan 3. bamboo pole which ujung atas tuas atap holds the upper ends of the poles lifting up the eaves of a roof cp. hitoq, noing nitoq (2) see: diqen nitung see: niting niwang sauh, jangkar, pemberat anchor, weight fastened pada pukat to a net bele niwang melabuhkan sauh let down the anchor cp. niku, oha niwang noa noa nala terurai, menguraikan, apart, loose, loosen, free, membebaskan, membuka disentangle, unroll noa wadeq membuka tali yg terbelit- disentangle a string belit cp. bake, doyung, èhèq, hèpuq, hoe, hon, lakang, leka, likoq, loa (1), loq (2), mowar, nala, newar, ohoq, oq, >olung, puheq, tong, towar noan terpencil isolated cp. ingiq, potoq noaq noaq nawaq anak yg lebih muda younger child 468 noban—nobol noban noban haba penutup bagian alas gading woven lontar leaf or yg dianyam dari daun wooden stopper at the base lontar atau dibuat dari kayu of an elephant tusk nobaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nueng nobeq itu yg di situ, itu yg dekat that over there, close to the sialamat addressee nobeq >ape? apa itu yg di dekatmu? what is that over there close to you? nobol nobol >aran 1 balok, papan 1 plank; a. planks used as storage cupboards; b. large bamboo poles forming the outer frame of a bamboo platform 2 (kias) hubungan 2 (fi g.) alliance relation perbesanan dng marga ibu, with mother’s clan, terutama dng saudara laki- especially with the laki ibu mother’s brother 3 (kias) belis/maskawin, 3 (fi g.) marriage prestations, umpamanya gading, such as elephant tusks, anting-anting dll earrings 1. nobol atar; nobol atar 1. a. landasan pada belahan 1. a. parts of a bamboo teqa baraq bambu dlm balai-balai; b. platform; b. alliance hubungan perbesanan relationship 2. nobol hudeq teqa 2. sanksi untuk anak ipar 2. fi ne for a sister’s son who hen kalau tidak kawin dgn does not marry a woman wanita dari marga ibu atau in his mother’s clan (lit. marga paman (har balok pole support, receive the menumpu, terima cangkir coconut-shell cup) tempurung) 3. nobol ka 3. gading yg ukuran cocok 3. the tusk is the right measure, size 4. nobol kara kodol 4. moga-moga hubungan 4. may the alliance be teqa kara lengan jangan rusak (har stable (lit. base do not alas jangan goncang, shake, palmwine cup do tempurung jangan terbalik) not be turned upside down) 5. nobol sayin 5. dasar perjanjian, 5. a formal agreement perjanjian antar kampung between villages for mutual dng kampung help 6. nobol puqen 6. saudara laki-laki ibu, 6. mother’s brother, alliance hubungan perbesan dng relation with mother’s marga ibu, belis/maskawin clan, marriage prestation yg diberikan untuk marga owed mother’s clan if one ibu, jika sso mengambil marries a woman from a istri dari marga lain (har different clan (lit. base of pangkal balok) the pole) 7. nobol teqa 7. hubungan perbesanan 7. alliance relationship 8. nobol tuan 8. hubungan perbesanan 8. established marriage yg lama, perkawinan alliance, repeated marriages nodang—nohan 469

yg berulang-ulang dgn with women of the perempuan dari marga yg same clan in subsequent sama generations 9. nobol >utuq 9. saudara kandung 9. wife’s brother, alliance laki-laki isteri, hubungan relation with wife’s clan, perbesanan dgn marga marriage prestation owed pihak isteri, belis/maskawin wife’s clan if one marries yg diberikan pada marga a woman from a new clan, isteri jika sso mengambil establishing a new alliance isteri dari marga baru, (lit. tip of the pole) membuat hubungan perbesanan yg baru (har ujung balok) cp. >atang, baraq, noreng, paheng, tanukoq, tuqul nodang bambu air atau bambu tuak bamboo container for yg panjangnya dua ruas palmwine or water, two sections long >oduq nodang menggoncang bambu shake a bamboo container (yg diisi dng air untuk hard (to clean it) membersihkannya) cp. tuke, walang, wètuq nodeng destar, kain kepala, head cloth, shawl selendang nodeng tara hodeng membungkus kepala (har cover the head (lit. head destar kita pakai untuk cloth we [in] use to cover membungkus kepala) the head) cp. gebar, hodeng, lipaq, sanail nodeq topang, penopang, kayu prop, support tongkat untuk menopang cp. hodeq, honing, hudeq, lapa (1), likoq, luni, moboq, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, pohing, todeq, tanukoq, tukoq nodoq séndok tempurung coconut-shell spoon with a bertangkai panjang, irus long handle cp. hiduq, nayaq (1), niduq, sanedoq noèl noèl doèl pikulan atau kayu pemikul load, carrying pole untuk memikul cp. hoyoq, muaq, nete, noyoq nohan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nahun 470 nohing—noling nohing gading diberi orang yg elephant tusk given to a menerima perempuan sbg wife-taker isteri nore nohing lawang balasan gading (har ada return of an elephant tusk bala gading diberi orang yg (lit. with an elephant tusk menerima perempuan sbg given to a wife-taker, hand isteri, menurunkan gading) down a tusk) nohiq perkiraan calculation, estimation cp. nariq nohoq dia menguraikan, membuka he, she, it loosens, opens, disentangles cp. ‘ohoq’ for full paradigm noing ungkit, pengungkit lever noing tara doing mengungkit (har lever (lit. a lever we [in] use pengungkit kita pakai to lever) untuk mengungkit) cp. doing, doiq (2), dokil, nitoq (1) nokan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: namiq nokaq see: dokaq nokir tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: namaq nolang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: patar noleq (1) lidi dari bambu untuk stick upon which resin is melilit damar put to make a torch koleq noleq melingkar obor damar, twist a resin torch, wrap melilitkan damar pada lidi resin on a palm leaf rib cp. koleq, padu noleq (2) see: >ole nolin nolin bala, nolin welin belis, maskawin bridewealth cp. oteq noling (1) noling nara dia berlindung (diri he, she, it protects (himself, dari bahaya), menangkis, herself, itself from danger), memperbaiki wards off, repels, improves, repairs noling—noning honing, noning paning 471

suo kakaq nuo, nuo mereka melempari dia dgn they threw stones at him, noling wèq bè ai batu, dia berlindung di so he shielded himself balik pohon behind a tree cp. ‘oling’ for full paradigm noling (2) noling nara benda berharga (gong valuable object (gong or atau gading) yg dipakai elephant tusk) given to untuk memberi ganti rugi compensate or make up for atau menutup malu suatu a mistake kesalahan noliq kayu palang wood used as a barrier noliq tara doliq kayu palang untuk pieces of wood to be memalang crossed over each other cp. doling, doliq nolong ~ tolong menangkis, bertahan defence, resistance cp. moling, nebi, niting noloq (1) noloq koloq tanah terbongkar, lumpur mudslide, landslide batu, banjir lumpur, tanah longsor noloq wala perencana, orang yg planner, organizer merencanakan noloq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oteq nome nome hering nome hering tapi halaq 1 kukusan untuk mengukus 1 rice steamer nasi 2 anyaman berbentuk 2 a lontar-leaf strainer terompet untuk memeras for sieving turmeric or santan kelapa the mixture of water and coconut meat used in preparing certain dishes cp, iu, lunga nomong mengangkat atau raise or stick out the head menjulurkan kepala untuk in order to see s.t. melihat sst noning noning honing, noning batu pengalas, pengalas base stone, support for a paning pada balok pengungkit beam used as a lever noning tara honing mengalas (har batu support (lit. base stone we pengalas kita pakai untuk [in] use to support) mengalas) cp. honing 472 nope—nore nope nope horoq melepas, meninggalkan leave behind, abandon, move on, move away from 1. nope horoq wèq 1. meninggalkan 1. abandon, separate, divorce 2. nope lèu auq 2. meninggalkan kampung 2. abandon, move away halaman from the village cp. bele, eaq, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nala, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, tong noping tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mahan noq ~ naq 1 ini 1 this 2 di sini 2 here 3 sekarang 3 now 1. di noq 1. di sini 1. here 2. noq mè; naq mè 2. ini dia 2. this is it 3. noq >uliq 3. di tempat ini 3. at this place cp. bèq, mete, noq, noqo, noyo, ratang (1), ratong (1), soyo, wa, we noqeng noqeng nèlèn nyenyak, tidur nyenyak sleep soundly cp. bute, pèi, tèqèl noqi pukat bersegi tiga three-sided fi shing net noqi tara hoqi memancing (har pukat kita catch fi sh in a net (lit. pakai untuk mengangkut fi shing net we [in] use to dari bawah) lift from below) cp. hoqi noqo ini this noqo >ape? ini apa? what is this? cp. noq, noyo, wa, we noqol kentungan signal drum noqol nètol kentungan yg ditaruh di drum hung in a fi eld kebun yg oleh karena which the wind causes to angin bisa memukul strike itself sendiri cp. hoqol, mèhi, naka (1), nalu, nètoq noran tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nidoq nore (1) ada there is, there are hengan bèq nore ramaq jagun titik di sini masih ada there still is crushed maize cp. noren nore—noti 473 nore (2) dia menyertai, dia beserta, he, she, it accompanies, dia dan together with, and 1. nuo nore sio pan? 1. dia pergi dng siapa? 1. with whom did he go? 2. watar nore >iqa 2. jagung dng ikan 2. maize with fi sh cp. ‘ore’ for the full paradigm, also: dapeq, sobe noren mempunyai, berada, kaya rich cp. kawasa, kuasa, nore, pitang sarang, wala noreng kasau pole cp. nawel, nobol, paheng, tanukoq, tuqul noreq kawan, teman friend ebe nerung areq noreq pemuda teman, pemudi young male friend, maiden kawan friend cp. erung, kore, nerung, nimon, reu noro batu asah whetstone cp. doro (2), >eluq noruq noruq horuq, noruq lauq noruq horuq wala bai 1 kayu untuk alas di bawah 1 crossbeams under the loteng, pelupuh rumah fl oor of the granary lumbung 2 alat untuk menjolok 2 s.t. to prod with 3 sj penyakit pendarahan 3 female haemorrhage perempuan 1. noruq horuq pèu 1. menjolok mangga 1. knock a mango off a (har penjolok menjolok tree (lit. the stick knocks mangga) mango off) 2. noruq tara horuq 2. menjolok (har penjolok 2. knock s.t. down (lit. stick kita pakai untuk menjolok) we (in) use to knock fruit down) notan bekas kebun, ladang bekas fi eld after it has been garapan harvested uduq tuen oreq notan masuk kebun, melangkah enter the fi elds, walk di rumput bekas kebun through grass in an abandoned fi eld cp. kotan, tuen noteq see: >ote noti saluran dari bambu gutter for collecting water untuk menadah air atau or worms menangkap ulat 1. noti tara hoti >uya; 1. saluran untuk 1. gutter for collecting noti tara toti >uya menadah air hujan (har rainwater (lit. gutter 474 noting—nu

saluran kita pakai untuk we [in] use to collect menadah air) rainwater) 2. noti hoti wèi, noti 2. saluran penadah air 2. gutter collects water toti wèi cp. hoti, toti noting menambatkan hewan pada tether tempat yg berumput cp. lera (1) nouq sikat brush nouq tara douq menyikat(har sikat kita brush (lit. brush we [in] use pakai untuk menyikat) to brush) cp. doru, gosoq, karaq nowan nowan wiring anak yg tidak sah bastard cp. howan nowin nowin tariq kain untuk laki-laki man’s sarong nowin wela kain sarung tenun traditional cloth cp. lipaq nowoq kayu tajam lurus dipasang pegs at either end of the di atas bubungan roof of a granary which secure the ‘bariq’ cp. bariq noyo ini this raya tèlè: o lodung Abu raja bilang: engkau the raja said: you drop this Nabas noyo menjatuhkan Abu Abu Nabas Nabas ini cp. noq, noqo, wa, we noyoq muatan load, contents cp. hoyoq, >ihin, muaq, noèl nu (1) ~ >unu nu atan nu atan ai ramuq perang, berperang, war, make war, fi ght, berkelahi quarrel, dispute nu uno patang teban perang ikan ‘uno’, ikan the war of the cooked ‘uno’ noting tambang fi sh, the tied dried fi sh cp. awe, awen, bayuq, laba nu (2) kata penyungguhan expression of intensity cp. muar nu (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nu nèyèng nua—nuba 475 nua tuba, akar tuba untuk fi sh poison, Derris meracuni ikan, Derris cp. tua (3) nuan nuan eten tahu, mengerti know, know how, understand tuben tuben ohaq nuan meskipun dijelaskan even when explained eteno berulang-ulang, engkau repeatedly you do not tidak mengerti understand cp. bisa, lalang, tada, ui nuang (1) sj akar harum yg fragrant root used as dipergunakan untuk obat medicine nuang (2) garisan, corengan, line, slice, scratch sepotongan, segoresan cp. haneq, hegar, hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kaer, kalaq, karo, karung, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kuang, kuraq, kuriq, letar, loha, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nitiq, nuraq, pipi nuang (3) nuang nareq aturan, kejadian, peristiwa arrangement, event, incident cp. uang, yadi nuaq (1) nuaq eker ludah dari batuk, dahak phlegm, sputum, spit due to cough cp. oraq (2) nuaq (2) ~ nuwaq alat untuk memintal pukat, tool for making a net, net- jarum pukat making needle nuaq tara kuaq memintal pukat (har jarum twine a net (lit. net-making pukat kita pakai untuk tool we [in] use to make memintal pukat) a net) cp. kuaq nuar kuda-kuda rumah support poles in the roof nuba pusat, tengah, pertengahan centre, middle 1. nuba lapaq 1. batu mazbah, tempat 1. altar stone persembahan 2. nuba nara 2. pusat kampung, tempat 2. village centre, altar stone, suci pada pusat kampung holy place in the village 3. nuba nara auq puhe 3. sepotong kayu ditanam 3. wooden peg set in the di tengah-tengah batu-batu centre of a circle of altar mazbah stones cp. ayaq, neba, puhe (1) 476 nubaq—nueq nubaq nubaq tara tubaq tombak spear, javelin menombak (har tombak spear with a spear (lit. spear kita pakai untuk we [in] use to spear) menombak) cp. kala, nameq, tubaq nuber (1) merah tua dark red, brown nuber rukeng merah gelap, coklat dark red, brown cp. kanang, kandola, meran (2), putuq nuber (2) anting-anting dipasang di earring worn in the ear telinga cp. giwang, golang, laong, togeq nubi (1) lidi untuk menusuk pinang, leaf spine used to stick karang slices of areca nut together, strung together >ue nubi pinang yg ditusuk dng areca nut stuck through kayu dan kemudian baru with a piece of wood and dijemur dried nubi (2) beting sandbank nubu dua tiang dipasang di atas poles in the roof bangunan rumah untuk memasang bubungan 1. nubu >inan 1. tiang dipasang di atas 1. beams at each end of the bangunan rumah untuk roof of a granary memasang bubungan 2. nubu nuar 2. kuda-kuda rumah, 2. slanting beams in the bubungan rumah frame of the roof of a building nubuq sj hiasan telinga k.o. ear decoration nudu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nudu nede nudu nede mencari-cari di sana-sini wander around, go back and forth looking for s.t. nueng nueng nèrè, nueng nobaq, nueng nueng teduh, tenang, tidak calm, quiet, composed, still bergerak mader nueng berdiri teguh stand still cp. ere (1), ilin, inoq, lora (1), patang (2), woqi nueq nueq nareng ukuran, timbangan measures, scales, weights nuha—nukoq 477

nueq tara hueq mengukur, menimbang measure, weigh (lit. (har ukuran kita pakai measure we [in] use to untuk mengukur, measure, scales we [in] use timbangan kita pakai untuk to weigh) menimbang) cp. dasing, hueq, nibang, sue, tanibang nuha nuha neboq nuha neboq auq topeq pulau island nuhu nuhu nahing nuhu nahing iong aong bau busuk bad smell, odour naèq nuhu mencium bau busuk smell a bad smell cp. buruq, >èwè, rungan nuhuq nuhuq tuhuq jarum dari bambu yg awl, needle for weaving dipakai untuk menusuk spy a net berlubang, jarum pukat nuhuq puhun >ihin alat tusuk dari emas (har gold awl (lit. awl with gold weren; nuhuq tuhuq alat tusuk isi emas) contents) >ihin weren nui dia melihat, mengerti, tahu, he, she, it sees, knows, menuju understands, aims for, heads for cp. ‘ui’ for full paradigm nukaq buah kelapa yg diikat coconuts tied in pairs and berpasangan lalu dililitkan then strung around a pole pada sebuah tonggak nuke tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: inoq nukel nukel makal sisa tuak yg ada pada dasar remains of palmwine on bambu atau kumba tuak the bottom of a bamboo (yg agak kental sehingga or pot of palmwine; tidak bisa diminum) the consolidation from palmwine cp. batuq, mahun, oraq nukoq kayu tongkat, penopang stick, cane, pole, stem, prop, support, foundation nukoq tara tukoq menopang (har tongkat support, prop s.t. or s.o. (lit. kita pakai untuk stick for us (in) to use as a menongkat, penopang kita cane, prop for us (in) to use pakai untuk menyangga) as a support) cp. duqa, hodeq, honing, hudeq, kala duqa, lapa 478 nuku—nuloq

(1), likoq, luni, moboq, nading, nedang, nodeq, pohing, todeq, tanukoq, tukoq nuku tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nuku naka nuku naka tergopoh-gopoh mencari search for a place hastily tempat nukung (1) nukung kawang penuturan bahasa Kedang ancestral wisdom in the dlm bentuk kiasan-kiasan form of metaphors, fi gures of speech, analogies, etc. nukung (2) 1 angin 1 wind 2 penyakit 2 illness 1. nukung >ote doq 1. mau lari ke mana, 1. wherever we may go, nukung >ole keu penyakit dari atas ada, illness from above and penyakit dari bawah juga illness from below is also ada (har angin dari atas there (lit. wind come down turun, angin dari bawah from above, wind come up naik) from below) 2. nukung ria kawang 2. angin besar, kencang 2. large winds, heavy gusts baraq cp. rèqè nulo dia dulu, dia duluan he, she, it is fi rst, goes fi rst, leads nuo nulo ka nin dia makan lebih dulu he ate fi rst cp. ‘ulo’ for full paradigm; also: nulon nulon nulon lelan yg duluan, yg lebih dulu former, formerly, former times, previously nulon ohaq pae, mulo belis yg terdahulu belum pay bridewealth for a pae dei dibayar, belis yg berikut recent obligation before lebih dulu dibayar (har yg paying for an older one dulu tidak dibelisi, dulukan (lit. formerly did not pay yg belakangan) bridewealth, fi rst pay afterward) cp. lelan, nulo, ulo nuloq nuloq req musyawarah (umpamanya deliberation (for example untuk membuat rencana to schedule a hunt, berburu), merencanakan schedule) nuloq wala pengatur perburuan, orang organizer of a hunt, the yg pertama memanah fi rst to shoot a game animal cp. bading (1), kahin (2), tuwo nulur—nupeng 479 nulur (1) nulur pau, nulur paung nulur paung wangun lean mimpi, bermimpi dream nulur (2) nulur waleng bentuk, rupa, gambaran, form, shape, give shape, add memberi warna colour cp. >anung (1), lagu, rupa numen ~ lumen numen èwin tadi malam, malam tadi last night, some time ago numen èwin wèng sue dua malam yg lalu two nights ago numiq alat untuk mencabut kumis tweezers for pulling out the beard numiq tara dumiq mencabut kumis (har pull out the beard (lit. penjepit kita pakai untuk (tweezers we [in] use to mencabut kumis) pull out the beard) cp. dumiq, kanèmèng, tumiq nunang gurita, ikan cumi-cumi octopus, squid cp. >ara bora, laruq, meneng, oba nuneng alas kepala support for the head cp. kuneng, luni, mekang nu nèyèng peerbatasan waktu (tempat time boundary (place yg mendapatan hujan spt where the rains may be Wèi Rawe) made to come, such as Wèi Rawe) nunu nunu wowo mulut mouth nuo ~ ni dia, ia (kata ganti, 3t) he, she, it (personal pronoun, 3sg) 1. ni pan 1. he is going 1. he is going 2. nuo neq 2. dia punya 2. he has 3. nuo pan ledo 3. dia berjalan-jalan 3. she goes for a walk 4. nuo patangne wèi 4. dia memasak air 4. he is boiling water cp.’>ei’ for full paradigm; -i, >i, -ne, yo nupa nupa rasung menyihir bewitch tupa tara nupa menyihir (har ilmu sihir bewitch (lit. black magic kita pakai untuk menyihir) we [in] use to bewitch) cp. seher, tupa nupeng pipa, alat pengisap, pipa pipe, a shell used to make dari siput a pipe 480 nuq—nurung

1. nupeng oro 1. a. pipa dari daun lontar; 1. a. pipe made from lontar b. sj siput, Chicordus palm leaves; b. k.o. shell, palmarosae (Lamarck, 1822) Rose-branch Murex, Chicordus palmarosae, Lamarck, 1822 2. nupeng tara dupeng 2. mengisap pipa (har pipa 2. smoke a pipe (lit. pipe kita pakai untuk mengisap) we [in] use to smoke) 3. nupeng walang 3. a. pipa dari bambu; b. 3. a. pipe made of bamboo; sj siput, Terebra Maculata b. k.o. shell, Marlinspike, (Linne, 1758) Terebra Maculata (Linne, 1758) cp. dupeng nuq tidak tembus not perforated nuqu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nuqu naqa nuqu naqa tongkat bambu bamboo cane nuran tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nuran baran nuran baran tanam-tanaman, hasil bumi food crops, harvest cp. bihar, mihar, uta nuraq goresan, bekas garis scratch cp. hegar, huraq, ireq, kaer, kalaq, karo, karung, kuang, loha, nuang (2) nuren nuren maren nuren rian maren baraq penyakit cacar smallpox nureng ~ lureng nureng hureng sj suling double fl ute cp. hureng (1), peku, >uri sele nuriq 1 nama siput pemarut 1 k.o. shell used to scrape kelapa, Trachycardium coconut, Unicolor Cockle, unicolor Trachycardium unicolor Sowerby, 1840 2 kukuran, parutan, benda 2 grater, material used for untuk mengukur grating nuriq kuriq taq kukuran mengukur kelapa the grater grates coconut cp. boka (1), matan lateq, tupe nurung tunjuk, menunjuk point at s.t. cp. kareq (1), niong, tuben, tuo nutaq—nuyung 481 nutaq nutaq tawan kain untuk mengubur cloth used in funeral mayat ceremonies nutaq miteng kain hitam untuk black cloth used in funeral mengubur mayat ceremonies nute kata word, expression, utterance nute bahe wahe laleng pembicaraan selesai (har discussion fi nished (lit. kata habis, kacang di dlm) words fi nished, beans inside) cp. panaqeng, toyeq nuteq sepotong piece cp. bel, bètèn, hèlèq (2), hoyaq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, >ohi, pate, piq, tahiq, tia nutuq nutuq dèning menuntut demand, strive for cp. latuq nuwaq see: nuaq (2) nuyan yg baru timbul, baru recently emerged, recently bertumbuh grown 1. ruq nuyan 1. rumput yg baru 1. newly sprouted grass bertumbuh 2. oro nuyan 2. tuak yg baru mulai ada, 2. palmwine which has just tuak yg pertama kali diiris begun, palm which has been tapped for the fi rst time cp. bita, momol, tawe (1) nuyung nuyung >uyung ikatan, tali pengikat knot, tied cord nuyung tara >uyung mengikat (har tali pengikat tie (lit. tied cord we [in] kita pakai untuk mengikat) use to tie) cp. dogel (1). >eti, muleng, popon, welaq O o (1) engkau (kata ganti, 2t) you (personal pronoun, 2sg) 1. o di ka 1. engkaupun makan 1. you too are eating 2. o nangan wilequ, 2. engkau tadi memanggil 2. you just called me, didn’t ton? saya, kan? you? cp. ‘>ei’ for full paradigm; -o, -ko o (2) o >e ya (menjawab panggilan) yes (in answer to a call), acknowledgement of a call cp. >ahaq, e (2), ewe, >èhèq, mè we, >oe, paqa, >uhuq (1)

-o ~ -ko engkau (morfem terikat, you (bound morpheme, kata ganti, 2t) personal pronoun, 2sg) 1. o >adan dèqko 1. engkau sudah datang 1. so you have arrived 2. o pan >oteqo? 2. engkau ke sana? 2. are you going up there? 3. o hèbuqo 3. engkau mandi 3. you are taking a bath cp. ‘-u’ for full paradigm; o (1), -ko oaq (1) sj burung, kakoa k.o. bird oaq èluq burung kakoa berbunyi the kakoa bird sings cp. dai laki, eor (2), ewal, hian, kiki, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang oaq (2) see: ohaq oba oba laruq gurita octopus cp. >ara bora, laruq, meneng, nunang obal kosong, tidak ada empty, lacking facilities, perlengkapan, mandul infertile ling obal tangan kosong (tidak ada empty hand (lacking perhiasan) jewellery) cp. amuq, lomu, mèlèng, mètung, oban, oqor (2), tokong oban—odel 483 oban oban awar, oban watun mandul, tidak mempunyai barren, childless anak dlm perkawinan oban mèhun nenek moyang yg tidak persons of past generations mempunyai anak who did not have offspring cp. obal obe pohon tidak berbuah tree without fruit obi obi haraq, obi ron, obi belakang, punggung back, behind, outside sorong 1. kara obi >eqi 1. jangan membelakangi 1. do not turn your back saya on me 2. obi >awang, obi 2. bermuka dua (har 2. duplicitous (lit. back in laleng belakang di muka, belakang front, outside in) di dalam) 3. obi ron 3. sangsi yg diterima karena 3. penalty owed the mengawini wanita lain yg mother’s brother in the bukan dari marga saudara case of marrying into a laki-laki ibu clan other than his cp. bukaq (3), maqur (1), nedang, odo, weqen, woren obong kembung puffed up puiq ma ne obong meniup spy dia kembung blow so that it will be puffed up cp. bowar, obor obor kembung, puff up, enlarge mengembungkan, membesarkan 1. obor hoaq 1. mengembungkan bakul 1. enlarge a basket 2. hoaq obor 2. bakul kembung 2. enlarged basket cp. hubong, obong obuq gembung swollen papar obuq pipi gembung swollen cheeks cp. bètèng, bètèr (2), bowar, >esong ode ode iring, ode likir ode iring pole mayang membujuk, aduh persuade, coax, alas 1. ode nuo ma ni piqur 1. membujuk spy dia setuju 1. coax him so that he will agree 2. ode weq koq lae 2. aduh, badan saya terlalu 2. alas, my body is very sick rehing sakit cp. idoq, >itung, koli (1), nahing, pohong pole, tudi odel keladi, Colocasia antiquorum taro, elephant ear, Colocasia antiquorum 484 odo—ohaq

odel ohaq nau repaq keladi belum berdaun tua the taro does not yet have old leaves cp. tiri (1) odo odo puhoq, odo >uq pantat buttocks, anus, bottom, behind 1. odo korong 1. suangi (har pantat 1. witch (lit. red anus) merah) 2. odo lèhiq 2. lubang pantat 2. anus 3. odo tahan 3. pantat luka 3. wounded buttocks cp. obi odoq odoq dorong berpindah, memindahkan, move, shift s.t. bergeser, menggeserkan 1. odoq ai noq hara 1. geserkan kayu ini ke sana 1. move this piece of wood >oyoq over there 2. odoq witing 2. memindahkan kambing 2. move a goat cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dorong, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, heaq, hekol, kedong, mekol, oliq (1), pewang, sosoq (1), waeng (1) ohan tikar mat cp. napa oha niwang sj tandak dari Ile Ape a dance from Ile Ape ohaq ~ oaq 1 tidak, bukan 1 no, not 2 saja 2 just, only 1. ohaq >ate diqen ton, 1. bukan orang lain 1. not at all a stranger ohaq >anaq mieq ton 2. ohaq bisa anaq 2. tidak boleh genap 2. may not be even (larangan terhadap (prohibition against using pemakaian angka genap an even number of spars in kayu melintang ada atap) the roof) 3. ohaq dèngèr bèing 3. tidak mau mendengar 3. not want to listen, obey 4. ohaq lela 4. tidak lama 4. not long (of time) 5. ohaq lela lela ton 5. tidak begitu lama 5. not at all long (of time) 6. ohaq nau muar 6. tidak begitu benar 6. not really true 7. ohaq nau pan 7. belum jalan, belum 7. not yet going, not yet berangkat left 8. ohaq nau tèqè 8. tidak begitu kena 8. not struck very well 9. ohaq nuan 9. tidak tahu 9. not know 10. ohaq nuo ton 10. bukan dia 10. not him 11. ohaq pau mahan dei 11. tidak cari wanita dari 11. did not address ‘mahan’, noping anak saudara laki-laki ibu follow ‘noping’ 12. sio nape >adan we? 12. siapa baru datang? 12. who just arrived? Oh, o ohaq di Engkau saja just you oho—oin 485

cp. ama, >anung (2), >ehaq, kohaq, piling, ton (1) oho bunyi burung ketitir sound of the spotted dove cp. olong (2) ohoq saya menguraikan, I loosen, open, disentangle membuka {tasrif: 1t ‘ohoq’, {paradigm: 1sg ‘ohoq’, 2sg 2t ‘mohoq’, 3t ‘nohoq’, 1j ‘mohoq’, 3 sg ‘nohoq’, 1pl eks ‘mohoq’, 1j in ‘tohoq’, ex ‘mohoq’, 1pl in ‘tohoq’, 2j ‘mohoq’, 3j ‘sohoq’} 2pl ‘mohoq’, 3pl ‘sohoq’} cp. akil, bake, bèti, biloq, bito, bukaq (1), èhèq, hèpuq, hingoq, hoe, loa (1), mowar, nala, newar, noa, pengar, puheq, towar ohor mau want, wish ohor wowo tali èuq dia sudah mau mengakui he wants to confess (lit. (har mau mulut menyahut want mouth answer voice) suara) cp. laha (2), nèngoq, piqur, toher oi (1) oi bai menyapa orang yg lalu greet passers-by: have a lalang, menyalami: selamat good trip jalan 1. oi bai bahe, tanang 1. pamit 1. take one’s leave tonong di bahe 2. oi bele bai dopeq; oi 2. mengucapkan selamat 2. say farewell bele pan moqo jalan, selamat tinggal 3. oi song 3. nama lagu-lagu yg 3. name of songs which meriwayatkan masa express the intention to berkumpul untuk undertake s.t. together melakukan sst usaha cp. tanang oi (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oi iqil oi iqil sj burung k.o. bird cp. dai laki, eor (2), ewal, hian, kiki, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang oin 1 alis mata 1 eyebrow 2 orang yg tubuhnya besar, 2 a person with a large orang yg berharta, orang yg body, a rich person, an berpengaruh infl uential person 486 okuq—oli

1. oin laqi 1. marah (har alis mata 1. angry (lit. eyebrows tinggi) high) 2. oin wèhèq dèqo 2. tidak marah lagi (har alis 2. no longer angry (lit. mata sudah rendah) eyebrows already low) 3. oin wèhèq wau 3. menjadi bermuka manis 3. adopt a pleasant moleng sesudah marah-marah (har expression after having alis mata rendah muka been angry (lit. eyebrows manis) low face composed) cp. pitang sarang okuq berkumur swirl water around in the mouth cp. douq olaq olaq ron olaq ron pake bie memaki abuse cp. >oba (1) ole 1 itu, yg di bawah yg jauh 1 that down there at a medium distance 2 itu, yg tegak lurus di 2 that vertically down there bawah yg jauh at a medium distance 3 itu, yg di arah barat yg 3 that over there, jauh westwards at a medium distance 1. ole >apan 1. itu, yg di arah barat yg 1. that over there, jauh sekali westwards at a great distance 2. ole >ubeng 2. itu, yg di bawah yg jauh 2. that down there at a sekali great distance oleng melipat, meluruskan fold, straighten out oleng ling balung lèi melipat tangan, melipat fold the hands, cross the kaki feet cp. balung, >ènung, houq, lapiq (1), lèpiq, lonu, lour, mulang (1), olor, pèlèr, potong, ueng (1), wolang oler tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bowong (1), moa, oler ling oler ling istirahat rest cp. hana, poho oli (1) itu, yg di arah daratan, pada that over there, in an ketinggian yg kurang-lebih approximately level setara, yg jauh direction landwards at a medium distance oli—oluq 487

oli >apan; oli wayang itu, yg di arah daratan, pada that over there, in an ketinggian yg kurang-lebih approximately level setara, yg jauh sekali direction landwards at a great distance cp. bèli oli (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: auq oli, miqi oli oling oling ara saya berlindung (dari I protect (myself from bahaya), menangkis, danger), ward off, repel, memperbaiki {tasrif: 1t improve, repair {paradigm: ‘oling’, 2t ‘moling’, 3t 1sg ‘oling’, 2sg ‘moling’, 3sg ‘noling’, 1j eks ‘moling’, 1j ‘noling’, 1pl ex ‘moling’, in ‘toling’, 2j ‘moling’, 3j 1pl in ‘toling’, 2pl ‘moling’, ‘soling’} 3pl ‘soling’} cp. haqa, >iriq, nebi, saga olo olo tiyuq air bersih yg mengalir dari clear water that fl ows from batu wadas setelah hujan stony ground following rainfall cp. oqor, oqol olong (1) olong hen, olong lae, olong todi olong todi awang pareq berhadapan facing, face to face 1. olong hen wau pareq, 1. berhadapan 1. face to face olong todi wèq hen 2. olong lae laleng kelen 2. kasihan 2. pity cp. lun, pue (2) olong (2) 1 burung ketitir 1 k.o. spotted dove 2 kemaluan 2 genitalia cp. oho, udang olor olor èlor lurus straight bering oyo olor èlor bambu itu lurus sekali that bamboo is very rasa-ne straight cp. houq, lonu, lour, milir, mulang (1), pèlèr, potong, ueng (1), wolang oluq tumbuk pound, pounded watar oluq biji jagung yg ditumbuk maize kernels which have agar kulitnya mengelupas been pounded to free them from their skin 488 oma—ona

cp. bae, bongaq, dèqèr (2), rahaq (1), tèlèr, tipaq, tutu (1), wokul (1) oma maka, karenanya engkau so, therefore, consequently you (sg) 1. oma mara bone? 1. engkau bagaimana? 1. so how about you? so how are things for you? 2. oma tawi niku, beq 2. engkau potong tali 2. may you cut the anchor niwang jangkar, mengangkat rope, pull up the anchor jangkar (upacara adat spy (ceremony to drive out penyakit bisa keluar dari illness) rumah) 3. oma til dèngèr mato 3. semoga engkau 3. may your ears hear, your mui mendengar dgn telinga dan eyes see melihat dgn mata 4. o pan oma nimoq 4. pergilah spy engkau bisa 4. go so that you can see mo mui melihat sendiri for yourself cp. ‘ema’ for full paradigm omaq omaq tamal sj kacang k.o. bean cp. aha, ihi, inar, rowe, >utan, >uye, wahe, waiq (1), omel tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: durung omen tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: durung omo engkau, untuk engkau, you, for you, to you kepada engkau (kata ganti (adessive pronoun, 2sg) adesif, 2t) cp. ‘>eko’ for full paradigm ona engkau akan (penunjuk you will (future tense masa depan, 2t) marker, 2sg) 1. mahara ona >oliq 1. sebentar lagi engkau 1. soon you will go there akan ke sana ke arah darat towards the interior 2. ona bale piloq 2. engkau akan kembali 2. you will return to visit bolong berkunjung 3. ona ledo keba kawar 3. engkau akan pergi untuk 3. you will travel to share singgah minum dan makan a meal 4. o pan ona bale 4. engkau pergi dan engkau 4. you leave and you will akan pulang return cp. ‘ena’ for full paradigm onaq—oni 489 onaq kebiri, mengebiri castrate, castrated cp. boqi, kabiri, kaq ong ~ kong (2) ong heler berseru-seru, memangil- call, shout, call for help manggil minta bantuan cp. ae, bayaq, bohang, hioq, irang, maka (1), weqal, wile ongaq 1 mengait, terkait, ikatan, 1 hook, hooked, use a melingkar hook, coil 2 kungkungan 2 shackles ongaq bètè bongan, ikatan tali di leher, pasung tie around the throat, leke bèlè lèi di kaki stocks at the feet cp. >akiq, balung, doler, >eti, >ileq (3), kaluq, kateng, koel, koleq, lekoq, nakiq, nangiq, sangiq ongo penolong bilangan untuk classifi er for ears of maize tongkol jagung watar ongo tèlu jagung tiga tongkol three ears of maize cp. ongon ongon ongon lamun 1 tongkol 1 ear of maize, maize cob 2 sj rumput laut yg dapat 2 k.o. edible seaweed dimakan 1. ongon epaq lamun 1. rumput laut hanyut, 1. seaweed drifts at sea, paleq, pan ona ledo bale rumput laut terdampar, seaweed drifts ashore, go pergi dan kembali and come back 2. ongon ria ria 2. tongkol jagung yg besar- 2. big ears of maize besar cp. ongo oni oni >èkèq, oni tèni bersembunyi, hide, conceal menyembunyikan, mendiamkan 1. oni >anaq 1. menyembunyikan 1. keep silent about a kehamilan (har [rahim] pregnancy (lit. [the womb] menyembunyikan anak) conceals the child) 2. oni aran 2. kesalahan dlm adat 2. breach of customary karena mengawini anak law through marrying a gadis tidak dgn lamaran maiden without making a (har sembunyi) formal proposal (lit. hide) 3. oni aran maqo 3. a. kesalahan dlm adat 3. a. elope, abduct a malong karena mengawini anak woman; b. a bridewealth gadis tidak dgn lamaran; fi ne for this offence (lit. b. denda adat karena hide and steal) mengawini anak gadis tidak dgn lamaran (har bersumbunyi dan mencuri) 490 onin—opol

4. oni nitoq 4. a. permainan sembunyi- 4. a. hide and seek; b. game sembunyian, petak umpat; in which each child hides b. nama permainan an object, and then all race menyembunyikan sst benda to fi nd their opponents’ untuk dicari objects 5. oni raya 5. bermain teka-teki 5. contest between villages to solve a riddle 6. oni toi 6. menyembuyikan sampai 6. hide s.t. to the extent hilang semuanya that it completely disappears cp. boni, bori bawo, emi, >iqur, >iriq, onin, tudeq onin (1) yg tersembunyi that which is hidden cp. boni, bori bawo, emi, >iriq, oni onu polos, tanpa hiasan plain, lacking decoration deseq onu kotak polos, tanpa hiasan plain basket lacking decoration opa sj kotak k.o. basket cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, rèkèq, reku (1), tobal opal see: upal opang opang sele bundar, bundaran, lingkaran circular, round, elliptical, oval kandera werun noq kursi baru ini bundar sekali this chair is very round opang seleqi kohaq indeed cp. munaq (1), opol opaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: doru opel meloncat leap, jump cp. hetuq, kotel, opoq (2), poti opeq pisau knife cp. mèiq, pedaq, pisoq opol opol kodoq bulat, bundar circle, round 1. opol werun 1. berganti bulan 1. change of the moon 2. opol pitun werun 2. suatu perhitunggan 2. method of calculating pitun waktu untuk upacara the correct time for the opoq—oraq 491

makan kacang baru (har new beans ceremony (lit. tujuh kali purnama, tujuh seven full moons, seven kali bulan baru) new moons) cp. munaq (1), opang, papang (1), upal opoq (1) opoq pèhol, opoq pèhor, opoq pèmor, opoq pèngo gemuk plump, fat opoq woyaq gemuk karena kelebihan oily lemak cp. woyaq opoq (2) opoq dèqèr melonjak, melompat leap, jump cp. hetuq, hokuq, kotel, opel, poti oq longgar, melonggarkan, loose, loosen, widen mengendurkan oq wadeq lmeonggarkan tali, loosen a cord, slacken a mengendurkan tali rope cp. doyung, èhèq, hon, leka, loq (2), nala, noa oqal oqal hoko saya, kita, mereka jatuh, I, we (in), they stumble, tersandung {tasrif: 1t ‘oqal’, trip, fall {paradigm: 1sg 2t ‘koqal’, 3t ‘koqal’, 1j ‘oqal’, 2sg ‘koqal’, 3sg eks ‘koqal’, 1j in ‘oqal’, 2j ‘koqal’, 1pl ex ‘koqal’, 1pl ‘koqal’, 3j ‘oqal’} in ‘oqal’, 2pl ‘koqal’, 3pl ‘oqal’} cp. bolaq (1), harang (1), hubaq, laleq (1), moqang, moruq, pèhèq, tadan, tatang, tipoq, turu oqol ~ oqor (1) bunyi air mengalir dlm sound of water fl owing batu-batu over stones oqor (1) see: oqol oqor (2) kosong empty cp. amuq, auq oqor, lomu, mèlèng, mètung, obal, tokong oran tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: otuq oraq (1) séndok spoon oraq niduq séndok tempurung coconut shell spoon oraq leteng 492 oraq—oruq

cp. hiduq, niduq, sanedoq oraq (2) oraq nukel dahak, lendir mucus, phlegm cp. apar, nuaq (1) ore saya menyertai, beserta, dan I accompany, together {tasrif: 1t ‘ore’, 2t ‘more’, 3t with, and {paradigm: 1sg ‘nore’, 1j eks ‘more’, 1j in ‘ore’, 2sg ‘more’, 3sg ‘nore’, ‘tore’, 2j ‘more’, 3j ‘sore’} 1pl ex ‘more’, 1pl in ‘tore’, 2pl ‘more’, 3pl ‘sore’} cp. bele, daling, dapeq (2), >èpiq, kore, sobe, tomeq, tode oreq merambah, membabat, chop open, trim, clear away membuka jalan cp. >iuq oro (1) oro luri lontar, daun lontar lontar palm, lontar leaf 1. oro lolon 1. daun lontar 1. lontar palm leaf 2. oro nuyan 2. tuak baru, pohon tuak 2. palmwine which has just yg pertama kali diiris/ begun, palm which has disadap been tapped for the fi rst time 3. oro tuhuq 3. daun lontar yg dijahit 3. sewn lontar leaf roofi ng untuk atap 4. tuaq oro 4. tuak dari pohon lontar 4. lontar palmwine cp. koli (2), napa, tuaq oro (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oro bèng oro bèng sj burung hantu k.o. owl cp. bèng oroq dada chest 1. oroq ayaq 1. tengah dada; ukuran 1. middle of the chest, gading gajah dari ujung jari breast bone; in measuring ke tengah dada an elephant tusk, from the tip of the fi ngers to the middle of the breast 2. oroq narang 2. tepi dada 2. side of the chest 3. oroq >utuq 3. ujung tulang dada 3. base of the breast bone, solar plexus oruq luruh shell watar oruq biji jagung yg sudah maize kernel which has dikeluarkan dari already been shelled tongkolnya cp. bolaq (1), kaheq, kiri, poruq, tatang, upar otaq—otil 493 otaq setengah liar, tidak mau half wild dekat rumah lagi cp. hidung, lier, >otan ote 1 itu, yg di atas yg jauh 1 that up there at a medium distance 2 itu, yg tegak lurus di atas 2 that vertically up there at yg jauh a medium distance 3 itu, yg di arah ke timur 3 that over there, eastwards yg jauh at a medium distance 1. ote >apan 1. itu, yg di arah ke timur 1. that over there, eastwards yg jauh sekali at a great distance 2. ote halang 2. itu, yg di atas yg jauh 2. that up there at a great sekali distance 3. ote hale ole namang 3. di atas di rumah keramat, 3. above at the temple, di bawah di tempat tandak below at the dancing place 4. ote >ili >ubuq 4. di puncak gunung 4. up at the top of the mountain 5. ote koda roda >udeq, 5. di atas tempat pengikat 5. above the place of ole wade puan sue persatuan dan kesatuan, di the tie of unity, below bawah dibagi dua (dulu divided in two (formerly kala semua orang berdiam everyone lived together at bersama di puncak gunung, the top of the mountain, kemudian turun dan later they descended and tercerai di mana-mana; lived separately; lit. the har di atas silsilah satu genealogy one smoke berumbung; di bawah stack, below genealogy two silsilah dua tiang perahu) masts) 6. ote laqin 6. di tempat tinggi 6. above in a high place 7. ote laqin laqin loloq 7. di dlm lumbung (har di 7. in the granary (lit. on a atas ketinggian) high place) 8. ote neung 8. diatas puncak bukit 8. on a bluff or cliff 9. ote ole 9. di atas dan di bawah 9. up and down oteq oteq noloq 1 rambut 1 hair 2 nama belis, mas kawin 2 bridewealth given at the death of a prominent man to his mother’s clan oteq reoq rambut beruban grey hair cp. binen, nolin, uha oti engkau (kata ganti fokus you (agent focus pronoun, agen, 2t) 2sg) 1. nuo kueq ele oti 1. dia menangis karena 1. he is crying because you lepaqi engkau menamparnya, dia slapped him menangis karena ditampar olehmu 2. oti hoing ma ema 2. karena engkau 2. because you order me to, pan menyuruh sayamaka saya I will go pergi cp. ‘eti’ for full paradigm otil otil kabèngèl cacing kecil-kecil, jentik- small worm, mosquito jentik larvae 494 otuq—oyo otuq otuq oran menumpuk, tumpukan, heap, pile, pile up onggokan waq otuq oran onggokan batu pile of stones cp. bongaq, boran (1), hubiq, lutur, mongaq, motel, >omo oun kadal, cicak, bengkarung k.o. scaly lizard cp. tuan (3), >ular owa owa haboq awan cloud owan owan mayaq lapar, kelaparan hungry, hunger 1. owan birang 1. keadaan miskin dan 1. needy, destitute, melarat impoverished 2. owan mayaqte dèq 2. kita sudah lapar 2. we are hungry owe itu, yg di arah ke laut, pada that over there, in an ketinggian yg kurang-lebih approximately level setara, yg jauh direction seawards at a medium distance owe >uneq itu, yg di arah ke laut, pada that over there, in an ketinggian yg kurang-lebih approximately level setara, yg jauh sekali direction seawards at a great distance cp. bèwè oweq oweq lukeq mendung overcast cp. nabaq oyan ~ oyang sj lebah kecil yg membuat k.o. small bee that nests in sarangnya pada lubang- holes in trees lubang pohon kayu, tawon cp. lani, meqo, para muhun, rua oyang see: oyan oyeng oyeng ita sedu, tersedu 1 sob 2 hiccup 1. kueq dareng oyeng 1. menangis meratap 1. weep and sob >ehaq tersedu 2. oyeng >ehaq 2. tersedu-sedu 2. sobbing 3. oyeng ita sita sayang 3. sedu sedan tanda kasihan 3. sob in pity cp. dareng, èyu, ueq oyo itu, yg di arah samping, that over there, in an pada ketinggian yg kurang- approximately level, lateral lebih setara, yg jauh direction at a medium distance oyor—oyor 495

oyo >apan itu, yg di arah samping, that over there, in an pada ketinggian yg kurang- approximately level, lateral lebih setara, yg jauh sekali direction at a great distance cp. bèyo oyor sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, etang, hilaq, >èlon, >io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, tule >O

>oang ~ wang besar, luas large, wide, broad, spacious 1. >oang ayaq 1. daerah yg kosong 1. empty region 2. >oang leleng 2. mulut besar 2. big mouth cp. >abal, bowar, èlèng, kedeng, mèkuq, mèqul, nalar (1), neler, ria, rian baraq, teleng

>oaq mau muntah want to vomit cp. >okaq

>oar bunyi pecahan ombak sound of breaking waves tahiq >oar bunyi pecahan ombak sound of breaking waves

>oba (1) >oba ron mengutuki, mengumpat, abuse, curse menyumpahi cp. olaq, pasataq, supa

>oba (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: roho

>obang >obang tikol tolak push cp. >anung (2), >ènèq, horuq, tuku (1), >uruq

>obang >api sj burung (har tolak api) k.o. bird (lit. push back fi re) cp. dai laki, eor (2), hian, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, todoq, >uru modang

>oda ~ woda >oda baing, >oda bayol 1 menggoyang, bergoyang 1 shake 2 mengulurkan tangan, 2 reach out jangkau >oda doa nateng èng maksud hati memeluk intend to embrace the gunung tetapi daya mountain but unable to tangan tidak sampai (har reach around it (lit. stretch mengulurkan tangan jauh, one’s hand out far, stretch mengulurkan tetapi tidak but not reach) sampai) cp. >adoq, bayol, dèyu, dequng, doyung, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >odeng—>oe 497

>eyoq, kedong, ledeq, legang (1), lodong, lor, nateng, >odor, >oduq, sereng, tekaq

>odeng >odeng >odeng pelan, sedikit slowly, with intervals, little 1. laq >odeng 1. kerja sebentar saja (lalu 1. work off and on (with istirahat baru kerja lagi) breaks for rest) 2. o min nore >odeng 2. engkau minum sedikit 2. you drink so little saja 3. pan >odeng 3. jalan pelan pelan 3. walk slowly cp. hara, ite, >iheq, kileng, nèrè, paong (1), urang (1)

>odeq tunggul stump, stubble ai >odeq tunggul pohon tree stump

>odor >odor ganing gementar shake, shiver, tremble cp. >adoq, dequng, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >eyoq, kedoq, legang (1), >oda, >oduq, ruku (1)

>odung atur pembagian organise a distribution

>oduq goyang, goncang, shake menggoncang-goncangkan 1. >oduq ling 1. menggoncang- 1. wave the hands while goncangkan tangan dlm dancing pertandakan 2. >oduq nodang 2. menggoncang bambu 2. shake a bamboo (yg diisi dgn air untuk container hard (so as to membersihkannya) clean it) 3. >oduq wetuq 3. menggoncangkan bambu 3. shake a palmwine tuak dgn air dan kelikir bamboo fi lled with water untuk bersihkan bambu and pebbles in order to dari tahi tuak clean it of the residue of palmwine cp. >adoq, bayol, dequng, dèyu, doyung, edeq, >edoq, >ekaq, >ekoq, >eyoq, kedsong, ledeq, legang (1), >oda, >odor

>oe ya, menyahut panggilan yes, answer yes when addressed cp. >ahaq, e (2), ewe, >èhèq, mè we, o (2), paqa, >uhuq (1) 498 >oeq—>oka

>oeq >oeq >aeq sarang laba laba spider’s web

>oha menghalau perburuan drive prey, game together, untuk mengumpulnya pada or to a certain place suatu tempat

>ohe ~ >oheng cara menyapa orang yg greet, address a stranger in tidak dikenal dlm gelap the dark

>oheng see: >ohe

>ohi >ohi dodang memotong, melukai cut, slit, wound cp. akil, awang, bel, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuting, lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohor, paqal, pate, piq, tadiq, tahan, tia, >unga

>ohong (1) menggergaji saw

>ohong (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: beheng, >ohong baheq

>ohong baheq pemanggilan atau calling everything penyeruan menyeluruh atau segalanya

>ohor menggorok, menyembelih cut, slaughter, kill cp. awang, bel, bèloq, >èyè, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kuting, lapuq, mawang (1), mèyèq, >ohi, piq, tia

>ohung pemantik dari dua bilah fi re stick made of bamboo, bambu, penggesek api rub bamboo fi re sticks in dari bambu, menggergaji, order to start a fi re menggosok (bambu untuk menyalahkan api) >ohung >api membuat api dgn gosok make a fi re with bamboo bamboo fi re sticks cp. dira

>oka tempat angker, tempat roh haunted place, dwelling of jahat, tempat pemali an evil spirit, sacred place >oka pasaq ditembak roh jahat shot by an evil spirit >okaq—>ole 499

>okaq >okaq keroq muntah vomit cp. lua, mute, >oaq

>okuq menggoncang turun naik shake up and down >okuq wètuq menggoncang bambu shake a bamboo palmwine tuak (yg diisi air untuk container (which has been membersihkan) fi lled with water in order to clean it) up and down cp. >oduq

>ola >ola laq kerja, berkerja, berkerja work, cultivate kebun >ola a paiq in saya kerja kebun dan iris I work in the fi eld and tap tuak (baru bisa makan palmwine (for a living) minum) cp. kareyang, laq

>olaq >olaq waliq besi, logam iron, metal >olaq kihaq lèi sanggurdi stirrup

>ole (1) 1 ke bawah yg jauh 1 (to) down there at a medium distance 2 tegak lurus ke bawah yg 2 (to) vertically down there jauh at a medium distance 3 ke arah ke barat yg jauh 3 (to) there, westwards at a medium distance 1. >ole >apan 1. ke arah ke barat yg jauh 1. (to) there, westwards at a sekali great distance 2. >ole >aq 2. ke sini, ke mari, dari arah 2. from westwards a ke barat yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker 3. >ole bèlè 3. ke bawah, pada tempat 3. to, there, down there, yg tertentu, yg jauh; ke at a specifi c location at a barat, pada tempat yg medium distance; to, there, tertentu, yg jauh over there, westwards at a specifi c location at a medium distance 4. >ole bèlè >aq 4. ke sini, ke mari, dari 4. from a specifi c location tempat yg tertentu di arah westwards a medium ke barat yg jauh, kepada si distance towards the pembicara speaker 5. >ole bèlè dau 5. dari tempat yg tertentu 5. from a specifi c location yg di bawah yg jauh, ke at a medium distance atas kepada si pembicara below, up towards the speaker 6. >ole bèlè keu 6. dari tempat yg tertentu 6. from a specifi c location yg tegak lurus di bawah at a medium distance yg jauh, ke atas kepada si vertically below, up towards pembicara the speaker 7. >ole bunuq 7. ke, turun ke bawah yg 7. to, go, climb, downwards jauh a medium distance 500 >ole—>oli

8. >ole dau 8. dari bawah yg jauh ke 8. from a medium distance atas kepada si pembicara below, up towards the speaker 9. >ole doq 9. ke, turun tegak lurus ke 9. to, go, climb, vertically bawah yg jauh downwards a medium distance 10. >ole keu 10. dari bawah yg jauh 10. from a medium tegak lurus ke atas kepada distance below, vertically si pembicar up towards the speaker 11. >ole lolaq 11. sebelah bawah; sebelah 11. below; to the west barat 12. >ole namang 12. ke bawah pada tempat 12. down at the dancing tandakan place 13. >ole riang 13. di bawah di kampung 13. down at the hamlet kecil 14. >ole >ubeng 14. ke bawah yg jauh sekali 14. to, there, down there at a great distance cp. bèlè, mèlèq, >oleq

>ole (2) air pasang high tide cp. garodang, kanawang, >ura

>olen tangkai, hulu stalk, stem, hilt cp. abun, ain, inga, nètèq, >ole (1)

>oleq 1 di sana, di bawah yg jauh 1 there, down there at a medium distance 2 di sana, tegak lurus di 2 there, vertically down bawah yg jauh there at a medium distance 3 di sana, di arah ke barat, 3 there, over there, yg jauh westwards at a medium distance 1. >oleq bèlè >apan 1. di sana, di arah ke barat, 1. there, over there, pada tempat yg tertentu westwards, at a yg dekat specifi c location, at a small distance 2. >oleq bèlè >ubeng 2. di sana, di bawah, pada 2. there, down there at a tempat yg tertentu, yg jauh specifi c location, at a small distance cp. bèlè, mèlèq, ole, >ole (1)

>oler udara air duyeng >oler menghirup udara breathe air

>oli ke arah ke daratan, kurang- (to) there, over there, in lebih rata, yg jauh an approximately level direction landwards at a medium distance 1. >oli >apan; >oli 1. ke arah ke daratan, 1. (to) there, over there, wayang kurang-lebih rata, yg jauh in an approximately level sekali direction landwards at a great distance >oliq—>olon 501

2. >oli bèli 2. ke arah ke daratan, 2. (to) there, over there, kurang-lebih rata, pada in an approximately level tempat yg tertentu, yg jauh direction landwards, at a specifi c location, at a medium distance 3. >oli bèli nè 3. ke sini, k emari, dari 3. from a specifi c location tempat yg tertentu di arah in an approximately level ke darat, kurang-lebih direction landwards a rata, yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker 4. >oli nè 4. ke sini, ke mari, dari 4. from an approximately arah ke darat, kurang-lebih level direction landwards a rata, yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker cp. bèli, mèliq, oli, >oliq (3)

>oliq (1) mencungkil, bongkar, pry up, pry off, pull out, pindahkan dig out, move >oliq muqu mencungkil anak pisang dig out a young banana shoot cp. >alar, >ayoq, baqung (1), bata, bèko, bogar, bokar, dèyu, doing, doiq (2), doke, dokil, dopeq, dosor, eaq, edaq, egeq, >edoq, hekol, hèliq, hiroq, hokil, holiq, hoqi, hulur, kedong, koker, lahaq, lataq, mekol, odoq, pewang, piloq, rèpè, sosoq (1), tokil, waeng (1)

>oliq (2) nama name >oliq moqo hara baraq namamu lebih termasyhur your name is very famous cp. ae, naya

>oliq (3) di sana, di arah ke daratan, there, over there, in an kurang-lebih rata, yg jauh approximately level direction landwards at a medium distance 1. >oliqo? 1. apa engkau ke darat? 1. are you going landwards? 2. >oliq bèli >apan; 2. di sana, di arah ke 2. there, over there, in >oliq bèli wayang daratan, kurang-lebih rata, an approximately level pada tempat yg tertentu, direction landwards, at a yg dekat specifi c location, at a small distance cp. bèli, boliq (2), mèliq, oli, >oli, wayang (1)

>olon >olon luoq makanan food >olon luoq >oqeng manna dlm kitab injil manna in the Bible nomong 502 >olong—>ona

>olong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dilaq

>olor >olor >edang kilat, nyala, menyala light, fl ash, fl ame cp. delang, dolang, >doro (3), >engaq, ilaq, kelaq, kilong, naru, niho

>olung gratis, bebas, cuma-cuma free, gratis, unburdened 1. pan >olung 1. berjalan dgn tidak ada 1. walk without a load pembawaan; berjalan bebas dari beban 2. sorong >olung 2. memberi sbg hadiah, 2. give gratis, free of charge diberi secara gratis cp. noa

>oluq 1 masing masing, milik yg 1 separately, possession tidak bisa dibagi-bagi lagi, which may not be further milik yg tidak dibagi lagi; divided, free from duty to tidak dikenai pembagian, share (regarding produce of bebas daripada pembagian land worked) (hasil tanah garapan) 2 pemuda/pemudi yg 2 couple about which it is disebut-sebut untuk rumoured that they will dikawini marry

>olur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >olur >alur

>olur >alur 1 meluncur (ular) 1 glide (snake) 2 mengalir (air) 2 fl ow (water) cp. hipur, kawang, loru laru, soro, susur

>omo >omo goling membukit, onggokan yg stack, heap, pile up cukup besar cp. bongaq, boran (1), hubiq, lutur, mongaq, motel, muqeng, nèpè, otuq, rèbèq

>ona 1 menjepit kilang 1 squeeze 2 alat penjepit mayang tuak 2 k.o. press, device with untuk iris two long handles tied together and crossed to allow the squeezing of the stamen of the lontar palm so the sap will fl ow, to squeeze the stamen of the lontar palm 1. >ona >ipu 1. menjepit minyak 1. squeeze out oil >onan—>opo 503

2. >ona tuaq 2. menjepit mayang pohon 2. squeeze the spadix of a lontar lontar palm cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, doling, kanèming, kèmiq, nèpiq, nipeq

>onan pesisir shore bunuq >ole >onan dau turun kepada pesisir naik descend to the shore, climb >ote wela ke gunung to the mountain cp. wata

>oneng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >oneng >ahiq

>oneng >ahiq membuat guna-guna, obat make magic, love magic untuk tarik wanita

>oneq >oneq laleng hati, hati nurani heart, disposition, one’s innermost self 1. >oneq a 1. suka makan 1. like to eat 2. >oneq diqen 2. senang (har hati baik) 2. happy (lit. the heart is well) 3. >oneq kara pehaq 3. hati jangan lain dari 3. heart, do not deviate nute kesepakatan (har hati from the words of the jangan pisahkan kata) agreement (lit. heart, do not separate the words) 4. >oneq kara upe wèq 4. hati jangan melupa 4. heart, do not forget 5. >oneq pana 5. marah (har hati panas) 5. angry (lit. the heart is hot) 6. >oneq urang laleng 6. kurang senang (har hati 6. unhappy (lit. heart neong kurang, dlm tidak cukup) lacking, innermost not enough) 7. >oneq >udeq laleng 7. sekata, sepakat (har satu 7. one heart, one mind (lit. hama hati, laleng sama); one heart, same innermost) cp. laleng, ukur

>ongan sendi hinge, joint 1. lèi >ongan 1. pergelangan kaki 1. ankle 2. ling >ongan 2. pergelangan tangan 2. wrist cp. woq

>onge >onge bangeq rimbun, pohon yg rimbun leafy, shady tree

>onin bayang shadow, refl ection bahe unan mè linong lalu hamba itu melihat then the slave saw his >onin bayangan dlm cermin refl ection in a mirror

>opaq >opaq tiyuq paya, lumpur marsh, swamp, mud auq >opaq tiyuq tanah yg becak swampy ground cp. paeq

>opo mengumpalkan make into a lump 504 >opor—>oreq

cp. bopoq, mopoq

>opor lumpuh paralyzed cp. rade

>opung mengumpul gather cp. ahuq, >awe (2), haba, mauq, mawu, mawun, muta, >opung, tawu, tawun, tubun

>oqan tempat cukup dlm di laut deep part of the sea (but (yg masih ada kelihatan where the bottom of the dasar laut) sea is still visible) bahi >oweq sape >owe dayung ke laut, sampai di paddling seaward as far >oqan bahe nuo kuq laut dlm baru dia ambil as the deep sea, then he karong ba lotaq-lotaq karung yg bersusun-susun took the sacks which were wa piled up

>oqeng mengambil sst dari tempat take s.t. down which has gantungan been hung up 1. >olon luoq >oqeng 1. manna dlm kitab injil 1. manna in the Bible nomong 2. >oqeng nomong 2. heran (har mengambil 2. surprised (lit. take s.t. sst dari tempat gantungan, down which has been mengeluarkan kepala untuk hung up; stick out the head melihat sst) in order to see s.t.) 3. raya oqeng nomong, 3. raja heran, dia panggil 3. The raja was surprised; nuo wile Abu Nabas: o Abu Nabas: engkau kemari he called to Abu Nabas: ma nè! dari darat! you come here from landward!

>oqi tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kayong

>oqing >oqing >ara lama, lama lalu, lama old, long ago, stored for a tersimpan long time 1. watar >oqing 1. jagung yg sudah lama 1. old maize, maize that has lalu (satu tahun) been stored for a long time (over a year) 2. wèq >oqing >ara 2. badan tua 2. old body cp. èdèr (1), hèqè, lela, lelan, roqong, tara (3), tua (2), tuan (2), turi

>orang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >orang >irung

>orang >irung dikerumuni swarmed over cp. ele (2), kupul

>oreq berjalan dgn melangkahi walk through grass rumput atau semak-semak >oriq—>ote 505

uduq tuen >oreq notan masuk hutan, melangkai enter the forest, walk rumput dlm bekas kebun through grass in an abandoned fi eld cp. >iuq

>oriq menangguhkan janji postpone an appointment

>oro tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kare

>orong >orong soraq nyanyi, nyanyi bersama, sing bernyanyi, nyanyian 1. >orong namang 1. nyanyi dan bertandak 1. sing and dance 2. >orong polung 2. bernyanyi bersama-sama 2. sing together cp. kaong, lali

>oroq curiga, menuduh suspect, accuse cp. eten, tuku (1)

>otan >otan >ara yg liar that which is wild 1. manuq >otan 1. ayam liar 1. wild chicken 2. wawi >otan lier 2. babi hutan 2. wild boar cp. hidung, lier, otaq

>ote 1 ke atas yg jauh 1 (to) up there at a medium distance 2 tegak lurus ke atas yg 2 (to) vertically up there at jauh a medium distance 3 ke arah ke timur yg jauh 3 (to) there, eastwards at a medium distance 1. >ote >apan 1. ke arah ke timur yg jauh 1. (to) there, eastwards at a sekali great distance 2. >ote bètè 2. ke atas, pada tempat yg 2. to, there, up there, at tertentu, yg jauh; ke arah a specifi c location, at a ke timur, pada tempat yg medium distance; to, there, tertentu, yg jauh over there, eastwards at a specifi c location, at a medium distance 3. >ote bètè bunuq 3. dari, turun dari tempat 3. from, come down from yg tertentu yg di atas yg a specifi c location upwards, jauh, ke bewah kepada si down a medium distance pembicara towards the speaker 4. >ote bètè doq 4. dari, turun dari tegak 4. from, come down from a lurus di atas yg jauh, ke medium distance vertically bawah kepada si pembicara above, down towards the speaker 5. >ote bètè nè 5. ke sini, ke mari, dari 5. from, hither, come tempat yg tertentu di arah from, a specifi c location ke timur yg jauh, kepada si eastwards a medium pembicara distance towards the speaker 506 >oteq—>owa

6. >ote bunuq 6. dari, turun dari atas yg 6. from, come down from jauh, ke bawah kepada si a medium distance above, pembicara down towards the speaker 7. >ote dau 7. ke, naik ke atas yg jauh 7. to, go, climb, upwards a medium distance 8. >ote doq 8. dari, turun dari tegak 8. from, come down from a lurus di atas yg jauh kepada medium distance vertically si pembicara above down towards the speaker 9. >ote halang 9. ke atas yg jauh sekali 9. to, there, up there at a great distance 10. >ote keu 10. ke, naik tegak lurus ke 10. to, go, climb, vertically atas yg jauh upwards a medium distance 11. >ote nè 11. ke sini, ke mari, dari 11. from, eastwards a arah ke timur yg jauh, medium distance towards kepada si pembicara the speaker

>oteq 1 di sana, di atas yg jauh 1 there, up there at a medium distance 2 di sana, tegak lurus di atas 2 there, vertically up there yg jauh at a medium distance 3 di sana, di arah ke timur 3 there, over there, yg jauh eastwards at a medium distance 1. >oteq bètè >apan 1. di sana, di arah ke timu, 1. there, over there, pada tempat yg tertentu, eastwards, at a specifi c yg dekat location, at a small distance 2. >oteq bètè halang 2. di sana, di atas pada 2. there, up there at a tempat tertentu yg dekat specifi c location at a small distance 3. >oteq >oleq 3. lalu lalang, memanjang 3. back and forth, lengthen ke timur barat east and west 4. suo bè >oteq wala 4. mereka yg bertugas 4. those whose duty it is berangkat to leave 5. >oteq wau 5. di atas dahi, di muka, 5. on the forehead, on the atas dimuka, sisa rambut yg face, shock of hair left on dilepas di atas dagu anak the forehead of boys when laki-laki setelah rambutnya their heads are shaved dicukur

>oto (1) tutup dgn selimut cover with a blanket >oto wèq tutup badan dgn selimut cover the body with a blanket cp. rabu

>oto (2) mobil car

>owa tempat teduh (mis di quiet place (like in bayang pohon), terlindung the shadow of a tree), dari panas matahari, protected from the heat of naungan the sun, shade 1. >eqa >owa 1. tempat atau keadaan 1. place or situation yg terlindung dari panas protected from the sun, matahari spt di bawah such as beneath a tree pohon >owaq—>oyang 507

2. >ote bèu lolong 2. di atas di naungan daun 2. up at the shade from the >owa pohon beringin leaves of the banyan cp. woqi

>owaq anak pisang young banana

>owe ke arah ke laut, kurang- (to) there, in an lebih rata, yg jauh approximately level direction seawards at a medium distance 1. >owe >aq 1. ke sini, ke mari, dari 1. from an approximately arah ke laut, kurang-lebih level direction seawards a rata, yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker 2. >owe bèwè 2. ke arah ke laut, pada 2. (to) there, in an tempat yg tertentu, approximately level kurang-lebih rata, yg jauh direction seawards, at a specifi c location, at a medium distance 3. >owe bèwè >aq 3. ke sini, ke mari, dari 3. from a specifi c location tempat yg tertentu di in an approximately level arah ke laut, kurang-lebih direction seawards a rata, yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker 4. >owe huna >uneq 4. ke rumah sebelah laut 4. to the house far to jauh seaward 5. >owe >uneq 5. ke arah ke laut, kurang- 5. (to) there, in an lebih rata, yg jauh sekali approximately level direction seawards at a medium distance

>oweq di sana, di arah ke laut, there, over there, in an kurang-lebih rata, yg jauh approximately level direction seawards at a medium distance >oweq bèwè >uneq di sana, di arah ke laut, there, over there, in an kurang-lebih rata, pada approximately level tempat yg tertentu, yg direction seawards, at a dekat specifi c location, at a small distance cp. bèwè, mèwèq, owe, >owe

>oyang 1 air sisa waktu hujan 1 runoff after rainfall berhenti 2 membersihkan luka-luka 2 clean wounds in water di air 3 membasahkan, basah dari 3 make wet, wet from dew embun 1. >oyang aqang 1. dibasahi embun 1. damp with dew 2. >oyang lèi 2. membersihkan luka-luka 2. clean wounds on the feet kaki di air in water cp. doroq, doyang, nangi, nayo, pitaq, rema, ritaq 508 >oyo—>oyoq

>oyo ke arah ke samping, (to) there, in an kurang-lebih rata, yg jauh approximately level, lateral direction at a medium distance 1. >oyo >apan 1. ke arah ke samping, 1. (to) there, in an kurang-lebih rata, yg jauh approximately level, lateral sekali direction at a great distance 2. >oyo bèyo 2. ke arah ke samping, 2. (to) there, in an kurang-lebih rata, pada approximately level, lateral tempat yg tertentu, yg jauh direction, at a specifi c location, at a medium distance 3. >oyo bèyo ma 3. ke sini, ke mari, dari 3. from a specifi c location tempat yg tertentu di arah in an approximately level, ke samping, kurang-lebih lateral direction a medium rata, yg jauh, kepada si distance towards the pembicara speaker 4. >oyo ma 4. ke sini, ke mari, dari arah 4. from an approximately ke samping, kurang-lebih level, lateral direction a rata, yg jauh, kepada si medium distance towards pembicara the speaker cp. bèyo, mèyoq, oyo, >oyoq (2)

>oyoq (1) ombak wave cp. manalung, >ubaq

>oyoq (2) di sana, di arah ke samping, there, over there, in an kurang-lebih rata, yg jauh approximately level, lateral direction at a medium distance >oyoq bèyo >apan di sana, di arah ke samping, there, over there, in an kurang-lebih rata, pada approximately level, lateral tempat yg tertentu, yg direction, at a specifi c dekat location, at a small distance cp. bèyo, mèyoq, oyo P padan pandan pandanus cp. tiuq padang menghormati honour, respect cp. adaq, hora mata, paing pade pade akal, pade pauq, pade berdusta, berbohong, bicara lie, cheat, joke pohong main-main, bercanda 1. pade akal wala, pade 1. pendusta, pembohong 1. liar, deceiver pohong wala 2. pade >ayung 2. kelakar, senda gurau 2. joke, jest, play jokes pader tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mapaq (1) pading miring at an angle, at a slant bel pading memotong miring cut at an angle padu padu >api 1 damar 1 damar resin 2 suluh, obor, alat 2 resin torch, lamp penerangan resin torch padu koleq, padu noleq suluh, obor yg memggunakan damar yg dililitkan pada lidi cp. >api, getaq, kabelung, lapur, mireq, nanan, noleq (1) pae (1) pae bele pae bele ier pohing memberi belis/maskawin, pay bridewealth membayar belis/maskawin 1. areq >udeq, pae bahe, 1. belis/maskawin sudah 1. bridewealth paid (lit. one pae bahe, bele bahe, diberi (har gadis satu sudah maiden, paid for, paid for, nowin bahe, wela bahe dibayar, sudah diantar,kain escorted [to the husband’s laki-laki (lipa) sudah dikasi, house], man’s cloth paid, sarung sudah dikasi) woman’s cloth paid) 2. pae ipu bele bahe 2. membayar lengkap belis/ 2. complete the payment of maskawin bridewealth 3. pae nowan 3. tidak mempunyai ayah 3. lacking a father 4. pae pitan 4. membayar belis/ 4. pay bridewealth for a maskawin untuk isteri younger wife before that of dari laki-laki dlm marga an older wife of members yg lebih muda sebelum of the same clan, pay membayar belis/maskawin bridewealth for one’s wife 510 pae—paher

untuk isteri yg lebih tua, before paying for one’s membayar belis/maskawin mother untuk isteri sebelum membayar belis/maskawin untuk ibu pae (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: anen paeq paya, rawa marsh, swamp cp. >opaq paer mengendap, tenggelam bend down, crouch, sink cp. bèuq, boko, doq, >ènung, hèlèng, lèkoq, rèkung, rokong pahain biasa usual, ordinary cp. niliq, ramaq ramaq pahang pahang kowa rugi loss, damage, harm akal tema pahang kowa membuat kita rugi saja cause us (in) damage cp. awang, taha pahe pahe pahe masing-masing each, every, individually 1. male labur mara pahe 1. masing-masing memakai 1. everyone wears a shirt pahe baju 2. pahe >air, pahe >eqa 2. tempat masing-masing 2. each one’s place >air cp. di...di pahelong ungu, biru muda violet, light blue 1. pahelong helor 1. biru muda 1. light blue 2. pahelong rukeng 2. biru tua 2. dark blue cp. balauq paheng pancang, tiang pole, stake paheng hale pancang/tiang rumah stake, erect a temple keramat cp. kèdèq, lètèq, nobol, noreng, paher, pating, tanukoq, tèdèr (1), tuqul paheq tepat, kena sasaran exact, hit the mark 1. moq panaqeng nobeq 1. istilah kamu gunakan 1. the phrase you used is ohaq paheqne tidak tepat not correct 2. moq tutuq noq pahe 2. pembicaraanmu sudah 2. what you say is exactly dèqne tepat right cp. bètuq, tupar paher memancangkan drive into the ground paher ai memancangkan pancang drive a stake into the kayu ground pahoq—pakan 511

cp. >iher, kèdèq, lètèq, paheng, pating, tèdèr (1) pahoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: poti pahul tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pehul paing paing padang, paing patal mencoba, merasa, try, feel, taste, grope merasakan, mencicip, meraba 1. >eqi paing owan 1. saya merasa lapar 1. I feel hungry 2. o paing panaqo? 2. apakah engkau merasa 2. are you feeling hot? panas? 3. paing ahaq 3. merasa ringan, merasa 3. feel light, feel free of a longgar dari kesulitan diffi culty 4. paing padang wèq 4. merasakan diri sendiri 4. feel oneself 5. paing paing 5. awas! 5. careful!, watch out! 6. paing pana 6. merasa panas 6. feel hot cp. >amar, daq (1), >itaq, poma, soba (1) paiq paiq pehang mengiris untuk menyadap tap (for example, (umpamanya tuak) palmwine) 1. paiq muqu paiq wèi 1. mengiris batang pisang 1. tap a banana plant to 2. paiq taq untuk menyadap airnya take its water 2. mengiris tuak kelapa 2. tap the coconut palm for wine 3. paiq tuaq 3. mengiris tuak lontar 3. tap the lontar palm for wine 4. paiq tudeq laq erung 4. orang dari kampung lain 4. people from another yg datang mengerjakan village who come and kebun, dan menjadi work fi elds in a different berkawan dgn penduduk village and become friends setempat (har iris tuak with the people living sandar kepala, mengerjakan there (lit. tap palmwine kebun bersahabat) lean one’s head work the fi elds and be friends) 5. paiq wala 5. pengiris tuak 5. palmwine tapper paka paka barèkèq kawat wire cp. polo pakaka perkakas tool pakan panjang (spt tanduk long (like a goat’s horns) kambing) witing pakan kambing besar yg large goat with long horns tanduknya sudah panjang 512 pakang—palan pakang pakang nayong menunggui, berjaga-jaga watch, guard, wait for >au pakang >iqa lurin anjing menunggu tulang the dog waits in ikan expectation of being given fi sh bones cp. banger (2), dariq, ebang, ebeng, ewa, hodeq, kopaq, lile, mae, mawaq, paro, puaq, rio, rutaq, saga, sapang (2), toang, wenger banger (2) pakaq langkah step cp. hakal, lageng, lakaq, mokang pakar tidak rapat not close together awar pakar gigi tidak rapat teeth not close together pakasaq see: pasaq (2) pake (1) memakai wear pake labur mwmakai baju wear a shirt cp. ale, ara (1), >ako, dogel (2), logeq, pen, uwe (2) pake (2) pake bie, pake saling menghina, mencela, insult, scorn, blame, mencaci maki criticise cp. milu, mukeq, olaq, >uri pakeyang pakaian clothing cp. labur, nalen, sede, uen pako pako >aten paru-paru lungs cp. pou pakoq pakoq payol malas lazy cp. itor, metu, pokaq, pou palan palan mieq, palan pelan lain another, the other (of the same kind) 1. >ate diqen palan 1. orang lain 1. another person 2. palan sio walaq waur? 2. siapa orang lain yg 2. who are the other bercampur dgn kita? persons who are mixing with us? palaq—paluq 513

cp. >ahin, mieq, napang, weqen palaq 1 menakuk 1 notch 2 mengambil, mengupas 2 remove the outer skin kulit luar palaq taq 1. menakuk batang pohon 1. notch a coconut palm kelapa (spy bisa naik) (to climb it) 2. mengambil, mengupas 2. remove the outer skin of kulit luar buah kelapa a coconut palar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pilar pale pale hadaq terdampar, dibawa arus fl oat on the tide, drift, drift ashore cp. epaq palekaq sj kain laki-laki (lipa) k.o. man’s cloth paleq 1. langkah maju-mundur, 1. step sequence in circle ke kiri ke kanan, dlm dances, forward, backward, bermain tandak to the side 2. jalan terhuyung-huyung 2. stagger (like a drunk) (mis orang mabuk) cp. adaq, epaq (2), patal, pekon paler melintangkan kaki agar put one’s leg in the way orang bisa terantuk dan causing s.o. to trip and fall jatuh put one’s leg in the way paler lèi melintang kaki sehingga causing s.o. to trip and fall orang terantuk dan jatuh paliraq nyiru yg dianyam dari kulit large fl at bamboo basket bambu for winnowing and sifting palu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself cp. naka, paluq palulu sapu tangan handkerchief raya pau neq palulu raja mencari sapu the raja searched for his >udeq toiq tangannya yg hilang lost handkerchief palun paha thigh 1. lèi palun 1. paha 1. thigh 2. manuq palun 2. paha ayam 2. chicken leg 3. waiq palun 3. paha belalang 3. thigh of a grasshopper cp. hamen, pung paluq paluq bèting memukul (dgn pemukul) beat, hit, strike 1. paluq dang 1. memukul gong gendang 1. play gongs and drums 514 pan—pan

2. paluq man sue 2. memukul dua kali 2. hit twice cp. awang, bating, bawar, behi (1), bèngè, bung, dang, dètol, hoding, hoqol, lebaq (2), lekaq, nalu, naka (1), nènè, rahaq (1), saka, sakapalu, tèlèr, tèqè, tutu (1), walaq (1), wataq pan pan bèq pan bèq bale koloq pergi, berjalan go, walk 1. pan bale; pan koloq 1. pergi pulang 1. go and return bèq bale 2. pan doa 2. berjalan jauh, bepergian 2. travel far jauh 3. pan ebeng bale boraq 3. pergi mengunjungi (har 3. go make a visit (lit. go jalan melihat, kembali see, return look) melihat) 4. pan ewar bale naiq 4. cepat pergi, pulang 4. travel fast, return soon segera 5. pan hidung 5. berjalan sesat, tersesat 5. lose one’s way while travelling, lost 6. pan kara koqal hoko 6. bepergian, jangan 6. travel, do not have an kara tipoq laleq dapat celaka di jalan (har accident (lit. travel, do not jalan jangan jatuh, jangan fall, do not trip) terantuk) 7. pan lala 7. utusan (har berjalan di 7. envoy (lit. walk on a jalan) road) 8. pan ledo 8. berpesiar, berjalan-jalan 8. go for a walk, stroll 9. pan lèi metung 9. berjalan dgn kaki 9. go barefoot telanjang 10. pan lumar 10. pergi ke kebun 10. go to the fi elds 11. pan more neboq 11. jalan ke tanah asing (har 11. go to a foreign place wata palan dau lèu jalan berlabuh di pantai (lit. go anchor at a strange mieq lain, masuk kampung lain) beach, enter a foreign [sajak tentang orang mati village [from a chant used karena kematian jahat] at the burial of a person who has died a bad death]) 12. pan nape mena bale 12. pergilah dan baru 12. go so that you can kembali lagi return 13. pan >ole laèq ko 13. pergilah ke bawahlah 13. go and return soon bale dan lekas pulang 14. pan >ole riang 14. pergilah ke dusun 14. go down to the new hamlet 15. pan >ole wata 15. pergilah ke pantai 15. go down to the beach 16. pan ona bale 16. pergilah dan engkau 16. travel and you will akan kembali return 17. pan >ote wela 17. pergilah ke pegunungan 17. go up to the mountain 18. pan pan boiq dapaq 18. setelah sekian lama 18. after the passage of pergi, mungkin bisa time possibly it will happen mendapatnya 19. pan >ul 19. pergi ke pasar 19. go to the market 20. o pan bale dèqo? 20. engkau sudah kembali? 20. you have returned already? pana—panga 515 pana pana rowoq 1 panas 1 hot 2 marah 2 angry cp. bahuq, bekeq, bowol, buren, darang (1), hiwoq, laraq, marang, muq, panan, rahe, rihuq panan panan rowoq 1 yg panas 1 s.t. hot, a hot item 2 demam 2 fever 1. loyo panan 1. tengah hari (har mata 1. midday (lit. hot sun) hari panas) 2. >oneq panan 2. marah (har hati panas) 2. angry (lit. hot heart) 3. panan bowol, panan 3. panas sampai beruap 3. steaming hot bowol bukaq 4. wèi panan 4. air panas 4. hot water 5. wèq panan 5. demam (har badan 5. fever (lit. hot body) panas) cp. pana, muq, ruku (1) panang panang oi panang oi dokeq holeq mewariskan sst bequeath, leave an inheritance pana paong nanas pineapple 1. pana paong lolon 1. daun nanas 1. pineapple leaves 2. pana paong >uan 2. buah nanas 2. the pineapple fruit panaqeng menyebut, sebutan, say, exclamation, expression ungkapan 1. nuo panaqeng tèlè 1. dia menyebut bahwa... 1. he said that... 2. panaqeng dei teqe 2. sebutan, ungkapan 2. expression in our (in) menurut bahasa kita language cp. maran, nute pane pane bel, pane hade memanah shoot with bow and arrow 1. pane hade nade 1. memanah ke arah sasaran 1. shoot at a target 2. pane ruha 2. memanah rusa 2. shoot a deer with bow and arrow cp. nameq, pasaq, >ur panètil peniti pin cp. pètil panga panga liar 1 ikatan 1 tie, bundle 2 benda-benda belis/ 2 bridewealth objects maskawin >ue panga seikatan pinang a bundle of areca nuts cp. bun, howeq, lera (1), likur, mawu, moten, muleng, pètèq, pèting, 516 panga lèwèq—papa lele

popon, pu (2), rake (1), >uleng, >uyung panga lèwèq bola-bola kapas sbg white balls of cotton used pengganti arwah dlm to represent dead spirits in upacara adat ceremonies pangan yg diikat dlm ikatan that which is tied in a bundle pangkaq pangkat rank pangkaq >udeq pangkat yg paling tinggi highest rank paning tabungan, menabung bamboo storage tube, savings cp. èping, hereng, liwuq, noning, taping (1) panuser angin puting beliung whirlwind, water spout cp. muser, taba lora paong (1) paong paong, paong patoq perlahan-lahan, pelan-pelan slow, slowly, gradually pan paong paong jalan pelan-pelan travel slowly cp. nèrè, >odeng paong (2) penyakit kulit skin disease cp. >eteq paoq (1) paoq bara menyiram, menyirami pour on, pour over, spray, sprinkle 1. paoq auq 1. menyirami tanah 1. sprinkle the ground 2. paoq tubar 2. upacara sesudah sembuh 2. ceremony following dari penyakit (har siram recovery from an illness (lit. kepala) pour water on the head) cp. habur, hir (1), hotaq, lang (1), louq, manga, rehiq paoq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: uoq papal memecahkan break papal bedil memecahkan bedil break a rifl e cp. babaq (1), bèti, bikil, buteq, doke, halar, holaq, kakal, kaq, kètèng, kètèq, lèhèq, papaq, peaq, pesaq, pèhuq, topeq (1) papa lele pedagang keliling travelling merchants papan—paq beoq 517 papan kulit luar pada tongkol sheath around the ear of jagung, seludang yg maize, sheath which covers membungkus mayang the fruiting stem of a pohon lontar lontar palm papang (1) menggenapkan, make s.t. complete, round membulatkan cp. anaq, gènè, mapang, munaq (1), nawen, opol, sudi, upal papang (2) papang tanger memasang put together, put in, fi t, place 1. papang wayaq 1. pasang puan (menaruh 1. fi ll a basket (with potongan sirih dan pinang segments of betel pepper dlm puan dgn hitungan and slices of areca nut in ganjil) odd numbers) 2 papang weloq 2. memasang pintu 2. fi t a door cp. bulu, >eq, >eqa (1), hering, hoyoq, imang (2), keran, logeq, mapang, munaq (2), nataq, nikaq, pareq (2), patuq, rèq, sosoq (2), tama, tang, tawe (4), tèdèq, >uliq papaq papaq beaq, papaq bear, pecah (spt bambu pecah) crack (as does bamboo) papaq peaq, papaq pear cp. papaq wau papaq wau sj ular k.o. of snake papar pipi cheek papar obuq pipi gembung swollen cheeks cp. pipin pape meletakkan sst pada place on the lap pangkuan cp. lapa papun papun poler menaruh di luar, menaruh place outside, place outside diluar untuk mendinginkan to cool with dew dgn embun 1. kara papun >anaq 1. jangan menaruh bayi 1. do not place the baby muhun di luar outside 2. papun >oneq mawu 2. sehati (har menaruh hati 2. of one mind (lit. place laleng di luar, mengumpulkan the heart outside, gather maksud) the intention) cp. mawu, pari paq (1) paq beoq membakar burn, roast 518 paq—paqe

1. paq >apur 1. membakar kapur 1. burn lime 2. paq >iqa noq 2. bakar ikan ini 2. roast this fi sh 3. paq moq lèu 3. bakar kampungmu 3. burn your village 4. paq tayu 4. menyalakan lilin 4. burn a candle 5. paq uha 5. membakar rambut (spy 5. burn hair (so that guntur kilat berhenti) thunder and lightening will stop) 6. paq >uru 6. membakar rumput 6. burn grass alang-alang cp. >èhèng, dayuq, heiq, tun (1), tutung (2) paq (2) atau or 1. na mè paq ton? 1. begitu atau tidak? 1. like this or not? 2. o pan paq miano? 2. engkau pergi atau 2. are you leaving or tinggal? staying? paq (3) melainkan, tetapi although, not ... but ..., but, except 1. e hoing mani pan 1. kami menyuruhnya 1. we told him to go, but paq nuo daeqi pergi, tetapi dia tidak mau he did not want to go 2. kara iqer >iqa iqer 2. jangan beli ikan 2. do not buy fi sh, but paq manuq melainkan ayam chicken cp. age, ake, amar, masi, wèqè paq paq (4) harus must lobuq paq moq rupang engkau harus membuka you must take off your sepatu shoes cp. bang (1), musi paqa ya, begitu yes, like that, well cp. >ahaq, e (2), ewe, >èhèq, mè we, namè, namo, o (2), >oe, >uhuq (1) paqal membelah slit paqal >iqa membelah ikan slit open a fi sh cp. akil, baq (1), baqil, bètè (1), doing, halar, hawaq, hiaq, hiar, hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), >ohi paqar paqar retang sudah matang atau cukup ripe, fully grown tua lolon paqar daun yg sudah matang atau fully grown older leaves cukup tua cp. neten paqar, roqong, tara (3), tua (2) paqe mengupas kulit, menguliti skin paqe witing amaq menguliti kambing skin a goat paqung—pareq 519

cp. amaq (1), bie (1), har, kaheq, kiri, tahing, tia, wara paqung paqung danung sj pohon ara, Ficus, Linn. k.o. tree, Ficus, Linn. para tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ai para paraduli peduli pay attention para muhun tabuhan, tawon k.o. wasp, bee 1. para muhun soroq 1. tabuhan menyengat 1. a wasp stung my hand koq ling we tanganku 2. para muhun uyeng 2. tabuhan hitam cokelat 2. a dark brown wasp (lit. >ayang (har tabuhan arang periuk) pot charcoal wasp) cp. ayor, lani, meqo, oyan, rua, tuki >atang parakara perkara case, lawsuit paraq paraq kotir tanah batu, batu cadas rocky ground cp. pureq parasaya percaya believe cp. doraq paraseng 1 persen 1 per cent 2 hadiah 2 gift cp. laqu (1) parasuma percuma in vain pareq (1) berhadapan dgn opposite tebeq pareq moq ame duduk berhadapan dgn sit opposite your father bapakmu cp. >awang, olong (1), >ulaq (2) pareq (2) cocok, pas, persis match, agree, fi t, precise 1. o kuq nuo ohaq 1. engkau mengawini dia, 1. you married him, but he pareqne tetapi dia tidak cocok was not right for you untuk engkau 2. >ula tupar male 2. bulan tepat bintang 2. moon exact star precise pareq persis cp. >adong, bètuq, munung (1), papang (2), patuq, piqur, sosoq (2), tama, tang, tawe (4), toher, tupar pareq (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself 520 paresaq—paro

see: muqu paresaq memeriksa check, inspect cp. ebeng, kengo, lalang, lekeq, >ulu (1) pareta memerintah order, command cp. gahaq, hoing, lata, >uda pari (1) pari darang, pari paya menjemur dry in the sun 1. loyo pari 1. matahari menjemur 1. the sun dries 2. loyo nui pari tèqè 2. kena sinar matahari (har 2. touched by the sun’s rays matahari melihat, keering (lit. the sun sees, drying menyentuh) touches) 3. pari >alen 3. menjemur pinggang 3. dry one’s waist 4. pari labur 4. menjemur baju 4. dry a shirt 5. pari panan boweq 5. lebih panas di pesisir 5. hotter at the shore onan cp. papun pari (2) bintang Antares, rasi Antares, the constellation bintang Skorpio Scorpio 1. pari >alen 1. pinggang rasi bintang 1. trunk of the Skorpio constellation Scorpio 2. pari hèlèng 2. bintang Antares 2. Antares sets terbenam 3. pari keu 3. bintang Antares terbit 3. Antares rises 4. pari keu popoq 4. bintang Antares terbit, 4. Antares rises, Pleiades hèlèng rasi bintang tujuh terbenam sets 5. pari tubar 5. kepala rasi bintang 5. top part of Scorpio Skorpio cp. >uno pari (3) ikan pari ray fi sh parisang prosési procession paro paro baq memelihara, memberi take care of, feed, raise, makan guard, watch, breed 1. paro >anaq 1. memberi anak makan, 1. feed, care for a child memelihara anak 2. paro baq lèu auq 2. menguburkan musuh 2. bury an enemy in the di kampung lama (har old village (lit. feed the memberi makan kampung) village) 3. paro botin baq wowo 3. memberi makan perut 3. feed the stomach and dan mulut mouth 4. paro miqer renga 4. memberi makan 4. feed the soul of a dead pemberani kampung yg village brave telah meninggal 5. paro wawi 5. memberi babi makan, 5. feed, raise a pig memelihara babi paron—patang 521

6. paro witing 6. memberi kambing 6. feed, raise a goat makan, memelihara kambing cp. ewa, hereng, lamang, mae, mawaq, pakang, paron, rutaq, saga paron piaraan s.t. raised, cared for wawi paron babi piaraan domesticated pig cp. >ayang (2), paro parou see: perou pasang wèi melihat air dlm piring look into a bowl of water untuk melihat siapa yg to see who was guilty of menyebabkan kesalahan/ causing misfortune malapetaka pasaq (1) pasaq beaq menembak shoot cp. hade, pane pasaq (2) ~ pakasaq memaksa compel, force pasaq badang memaksa diri berkerja force o.s. to work hard keras cp. doke, gahaq pasataq sumpah oath cp. >oba (1), ron, supa paso baskom dari tanah liat, pasu clay washbasin uyeng paso periuk tanah clay pot pasul tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pesul pataka ringgit rixdolar patal patal paleq mencicipi, mencoba taste, try (food), test 1. patal ling 1. mencoba nasib (har coba 1. test one’s luck (lit. test tangan) one’s arm) 2. patal >olon luoq 2. mencicipi makanan 2. taste food, try food cp. daq (1), paing, soba (1) patang (1) patang bote menjerang, memasak sst boil, to cook s.t. in water dgn air 1. patang anen 1. memasak nasi 1. cook rice 2. patang lalaq 2. memasak bubur 2. cook porridge 3. patang uyeng 3. menjerang, memasak 3. cook in a pot dgn periuk 522 patang—pati

cp. bangaq (1), bura, iu, lunga patang (2) tenang, teduh calm, still mèti mayaq patang pasang surut tenang calm low tide cp. ere (1), ilin (2), inoq, lora (1), nueng, woqi pataq pataq bula menampal, menempel, daub, paste, close menutup pataq auq menutup lubang tanah close the ground (rite to (upacara menutup lubang close the ground once tanah sesudah batu berhala an altar stone has been dipindahkan) removed) cp. bateq, bong (2), boran (1), bowong (2), dapeq (1), habiq, hoba, lapiq (2), lateq, lètuq, loiq, lotuq, nènèq, pèrèng, tabal, totoq, uwe (1) patar patar nolang merajuk grumble, disgruntled, restless cp. huang, >uqur pate pate reiq menyayat, memotong dgn cut, slice thinly pisau, mendendeng 1. pate >ihin 1. mengiris daging 1. slice meat 2. pate >iheq 2. memotong sedikit 2. cut a little 3. pate >ohi 3. memotong dgn parang 3. cut with a fi eld knife dipakai macam gergaji used like a saw 4. pate wawi 4. memotong babi 4. cut up a pig 5. pate witing 5. memotong kambing 5. cut up a goat cp. bel, >èyè, hèlèq (2), hèrè, hilar, hoyaq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohi, piq, tadiq, tahaq, tia, wareng pateng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tilo pati pati >èlu membayar pay, repay pati miheq membayar hutang, pay a debt, pay bridewealth membayar belis/maskawin cp. nalan pating—pau 523 pating 1 memancang 1 stake s.t. 2 membuat upacara 2 conduct a ceremony of pemujuan homage 1. auq pating 1. tanah tempat 1. earth where a memorial dipancangkan tiang, post has been erected, clan tanah tempat dimana ceremonial stone for a dipancangkan tonggak woman peringatan (monumen) arwah para ibu 2. pating ewaq mètung 2. tempat tiang yg 2. place where a post dipancangkan untuk has been erected for upacara pemujuan arwah ceremonies paying homage nenek-moyang to the ancestors 3. pating huna lelang 3. tempat dipancangkan 3. place where a post has tiang sbg rumah keramat been erected as a clan marga temple cp. kèdèq, lètèq, paheng, paher, pating, tèdèr (1) patoq patoq paong suara merdu good singing voice 1. neq èuq >akaq paong 1. suaranya merdu sekali 1. his, her voice is very patoq good 2. patoq tèling 2. bunyi suara yg terang 2. clear, precise singing dan jelas waktu menyanyi voice 3. tanang oi patoq 3. perpisahan yg indah (har 3. a pleasant departing (lit. paong pesan menyapa dgn suara greet with a pleasant voice) merdu) cp. petoq patoq patui kartu Cina untuk main Chinese playing cards kartu patuq cocok fi t cp. munung (1), papang (2), pareq (2), sosoq (2), tama, tang, tawe (4) pau (1) ~ paung pau dei 1 mencari tahu asal-usul sst 1 search for ancestral (kejadian, orang, dsb) knowledge, genealogical background (of s.t., s.o.) 2 mengikuti jejak 2 follow a trail 3 memeriksa 3 inspect 1. pau koda 1. mencari tahu asal-usul 1. search for ancestral nenek moyang, berbicara knowledge, narrate history tentang sejarah 2. pau mahan, pau 2. mencari tahu asal-usul 2. seek the origin of a mahan dei noping wanita (jika dia anaknya sweatheart (discuss the saudara laik-laki ibu, baru genealogy of a woman; bisa dikawini), menari tahu if she is the mother’s asal pacar brother’s daughter, she may be married) 3. pau ote wau 3. sebutan kurang ajar (har 3. an insolent expression periksa muka sendiri) (lit. check your own face, forehead) 524 pau—payong pau (2) mencampur dgn abu mix with ash 1. pau telar 1. mencampur labu dgn 1. mix pumpkins with ash abu 2. pau >utan 2. mencampur kacang dgn 2. mix beans with ash abu paung see: pau (1) pauq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pade pawo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kula pawo pawoq meraup tanah untuk scoop up earth in order to menimbuni lubang fi ll a hole cp. hèbu paya (1) lemah weak cp. lemaq (2), losu, mesa, moleng (1), pekon, pètung, suya paya (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pari payan menyayat buah untuk slice a fruit to get at its mendapat isinya contents payan pèu menyayat buah mangga slice a mango to get at its untuk mendapat isinya contents cp. mayan payang kumba, tempayan pot, earthen pot cp. kuhi, tayong, uyeng payi orang paji (yakni rakyat paji (populations formerly yg dulu taluk dibawah subject to the rajas of kerajaan-kerajaan Adonara, Adonara, Terong, Lamahala, Terong, Lamahala, Lohayong and Lamakera) Lohayong dan Lamakera) payi >utuq >ero Paji di tanjung Paji of the peninsula lewang cp. demon payol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pakoq payong memayungi shade (s.t.) cp. mayong peaq—pehaq 525 peaq peaq bikil pecah terbelah, terlepas break, shatter, broken, fragmented, shattered, detached uyeng bikil peaq periuk tanah yg pecah broken pot cp. babaq (2), bele, bèti, bikil, buteq, doke, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), holaq, kakal, kètèng, lèhèq, loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nala, nehal, nope, papal, pesaq, pèsol, polo, puheq, rèhuq (2), ruhuq, topeq (1), tong pear tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: papaq pebaq pebaq mebaq menghiasi kepala dgn adorn one’s head, wear sst (spt mahkota, destar, a crown, head cloth, lingkaran daun lontar dsb) decoration (made from lontar palm leaves, etc.) peda menggosok rambut, rub hair, wash hair mencuci rambut peda >ipu menggosok rambut dgn rub hair with coconut oil minyak kelapa pedaq pedaq opeq parang bush knife 1. pedaq aruq 1. simpai anyaman pada 1. woven band around the hulu parang handle of a fi eld knife 2. pedaq >ihin; pedaq 2. mata parang 2. blade of a fi eld knife matan 3. pedaq mayan 3. tepi mata parang 3. edge of the blade of a fi eld knife 4. pedaq nètèq 4. hulu parang 4. handle of a fi eld knife 5. tètèq pedaq 5. memakukan lidah parang 5. hammer the blade of a atau akar parang pada fi eld knife into the handle hulunya cp. haur, huriq pedi ikat pelana kuda cinch pehang makan eat cp. a, kinaq, paiq pehaq pehaq welaq bercerai, berpisah scattered, separated cp. >alar, baki, baqe, baqung (2), elar, higor, hiroq, keweng, neler, pesaq, piang, rehaq, tatang, wang (1) 526 pehar—peku pehar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pohoq pehul pehul pahul licin licin amang mè pehul belut itu licin that eel is slippery pahulne cp. lour, meluq, pesul, soruq pein tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lilin peka peka lengaq berganti-ganti, berbeda, alternate, different, change bertukar peka peka berbeda different cp. geqa, hèlèq (1), kelung, likaq (1), mieq, napang peke tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: peran, peruq, poruq pekon pekon paleq tidak kuat, tidak kukuh frail, weak, infi rm, not strong tua lahar oyo pan lala orang tua itu jalannya tidak that old man no longer pekan paleq dèqne kuat lagi walks strongly cp. bayol, lemaq (2), losu, mesa, moleng (1), paya (1), puiq pekong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pèiq pekoq mengubah arah, change direction, deviate, menyimpang, menyérong, turn berputar cp. baleq, baloq, bating, beloq, duler, geqa, koloq, muser, puer, puter, ueng (2), >ukel peku peku lureng, peku nureng peku nureng >uri sele suling bambu yg bamboo fl ute with four mempunyai empat lubang holes cp. nureng, lureng pela—pengar 527 pela pela wadan telanjang, gundul, tidak naked, uncovered tertutup obi pela punggung terbuka, back uncovered, naked telanjang cp. abon, loku, pengar pelan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: palan pelang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pèu pelaq (1) menjilat sisa makanan pada lick food remains from the pinggir mulut side of the mouth cp. dile pelaq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pelaq >èlèq pelaq >èlèq berseru-seru nyaring call sonorously kong pelaq laong >èlèq gong berbunyi nyaring gong sounds sonorously pelin tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ilin (1), ilin (2) peloru ~ peluru pélor, peluru bullet peluru see: peloru peman tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: peman daleq peman daleq hapus ingus dgn lengan wipe nasal mucus with the arm pen pen bang memakai use, wear memakai kalung manik- wear a necklace manik cp. ale, ara (1), >aba, dogel (2), guna, logeq, mero, pake (1), uwe (2) pengar pengar pèling telanjang, terbuka, tidak naked, open, uncovered tertutup 1. pengar uyeng 1. membuka periuk tanah 1. open a clay pot 2. tutuq pengar 2. berbicara secara terbuka 2. talk openly 528 peo—peruq

3. uyeng pengar 3. periuk tanah yg terbuka 3. open clay pot (not (tidak tertutup dgn covered with its lid) tutupan) cp. abon, akil, bake, bakur, bèti, biloq, bito, bukaq (1), hingoq, hoe, loku, mowar, newar, ohoq, pela, rio, towar peo topi hat peper hancur karena ditumbuk shatter by crushing cp. pupur pepuq gusi gum of the teeth peran peran peke menyumbat sst dgn daun- stop, close s.t. with leaves daunan peraq pérak silver cp. salakaq pere pere taku memeras press, squeeze, wring pere ning tein membuang ingus blow the nose cp. >amiq, bula, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq. >ènèq, >ikuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lusuq lèsuq, peruq, pèmèq, rèbèq, tua (1), >uruq perou ~ parou piring tanah earthenware plate cp. lamaq (1), pènè (2), pingan perung perung ahung bambu betung, a large k.o. bamboo, Dendrocalamus asper Dendrocalamus asper 1. perung bareng 1. rumpun bambu betung 1. a stand of betung (Dendrocalamus asper) bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) 2. perung male bètuq 2. bambu betung yg 2. k.o. bamboo with a bertitik-titik putih dotted pattern 3. perung tiboq 3. bambu betung muda 3. young bamboo cp. >aur, bering peruq peruq peke meremas, meremas sst spy press, squeeze the contents isinya keluar out of s.t. peruq manuq tèin memijit-mijit usus ayam squeeze out a chicken’s spy tahinya keluar intestines cp. >amiq, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >ènèq, >ikuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, pesaq—pewang 529

lusuq lèsuq, pere, pèmèq, rèbèq, tua (1), >ukuq >èkuq, >uruq pesaq pesaq belaq memisahkan, pecah belah, break, shatter, fragment, tercerai-berai, mencerai- broken, shattered, beraikan fragmented kara pesaq belaq wèq jangan tercerai-berai do not shatter cp. babaq (1), baki, baqe, baqung (2), bèti, bikil, buteq, doke, dunuq, higor, hiroq, holaq, kakal, keweng, kètèng, lèhèq, nehal, neler, papal, peaq, pehaq, piang, rèhuq (2), ruhuq, topeq (1), wang (1) pesemen ~ semen semén cement pesul pesul pasul terlepas dari pegangan slip from the grasp because karena licin slippery nuo nèrèq >iqa paq dia menangkap ikan tapi he grabbed the fi sh but pesul-i terlepas lagi (karena licin) lost it again (because it was slippery) cp. pehul petal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pihaq petir petir metir menembak atau melempar hurl with a sling memakai katapel petoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ewar, petoq patoq petoq patoq ceréwét, mulut lancang, quarrelsome, hasty speech omongan cepat cp. hele ledeq petuq 1 perangkap yg terlepas 1 trap which has sprung 2 membanting uang dlm 2 throw down coins in a permainan ukik game pewang pewang heaq pindah, pindahkan, move, transfer, retreat memindahkan 1. pewang doa 1. pindah jauh 1. pindah jauh 2. pewang lala 2. berpindah spy jalan 2. move so that the path is terbuka untuk dijalani unobstructed, move out of the way 530 pèdè—pèhuq

cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dorong, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, heaq, hekol, kedong, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), sosoq (1), waeng (1) pèdè pèdè witu suatu cara mengikat dgn fasten by squeezing tindihan bilah bambu between bamboo slats, horizontal bamboo slats which hold the bamboo mats of a wall or platform in place cp. mèdè pèdèq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pèi, pilang pèdèr pèdèr witur memasang jerat set a trap pèdo 1 tiarap, tengkurap 1 face down 2 buah kemiri yg letaknya 2 when the cleft in the tiarap dlm permainan ‘puka candlenut lands down in pèdo’ the game ‘puka pedo’ 3 kata kias yg menyatakan 3 fi g. dead, powerless mati, tidak berdaya cp. dapar, mate, pèq pèhèq pèhèq polur jatuh, rebah, karena kena collapse because of heat, panas, angin, dsb wind, etc. 1. lili pèhèq 1. tiang patah tapi tidak 1. post splits without terpisah breaking into two 2. muqu pèhèq 2. pisang yg roboh (karena 2. banana plant collapsed angin, dsb) (blown down by the wind, etc.) cp. bolaq (1), èhèr, >èrèng, hubaq, lubaq, luqur, moqang, moruq, oqal, rèhèq, tatang, tawaq, turu pèhol see: pèhor pèhor ~ pèhol tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: opoq (1) pèhuq pecah crack, pop cp. babaq (1), baq (1), bèti, bikil, buq pèhuq, pèi—pèling 531

halar, hika, hingoq, hira, kakal, kaq, kaqar, lareq, papal, papaq pèi pèi pèdèq tidur sleep 1. miteng pèi nihon 1. bila gelap tidur, bila 1. when it is dark sleep, bale terang kembali when it is light return 2. miteng pèi tuaq 2. malam tidur di bawah 2. at night sleep beneath puqen moniq bareng pohon tuak, di pondok the lontar palm in the small kecil untuk berkumpul building for storing and minum tuak drinking palmwine cp. bute, noqeng, tèqèl pèing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: èping pèiq pèiq pekong pahit bitter cp. mèyèng, pilar pèir pèir mèir, pèir pèping menampi, menampi winnow tampian cp. >ekoq, pilir, tèho, tihir pèko (1) pèko bèqol rakus greedy, envious cp. turi pèko (2) pèko bèqol terlepas dari sumbatan, come loose from stopper, gagang, pegangan, dsb handle, etc. pedaq pèko parang yg terlepas dari bush knife blade which has gagangnya come loose from its handle pèko (3) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: iraq pèlèr meluruskan yg bengkok straighten out what has atau bungkuk been curved or bent pèlèr ling meluruskan tangan straighten the hands cp. houq, lonu, lour, mulang (1), oleng, olor, potong, ueng (1), wayong pèling menghabiskan makanan yg fi nish food tersisa 1. pèling watar 1. menghabiskan makanan 1. fi nish the food in the dlm piring plate 2. pèlingte 2. mari kita habiskan 2. let’s fi nish our plates makanan 532 pèmèq—pènu

cp. nèpè, pengar pèmèq meremas, memeras dgn press, knead, squeeze kencang, memerah tightly cp. >amiq, dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >ènèq, >ikuq, kiwoq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lusuq lèsuq, pere, peruq, rèbèq, tua (1), >ukuq >èkuq, >uruq pèmor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: opoq (1) pènè (1) memegang hold, grab, grasp 1. pènè laq mader tebeq 1. tugas ibu tua 1. catering work of yg menerima dan old women at festive mengeluarkan makanan gatherings involving pertama dari keranjang receiving the food stuffs anyaman besar waktu pesta and taking food from (har pegang kerja, berdiri baskets before anyone else duduk) may do so (lit. hold work, stand sit) 2. pènè ling rèq hoaq 2. tugas ibu tua waktu pesta 2. catering activity of old dng memegang tangan, women in a festival putting orang yg mengisi makanan food in baskets (lit. hold ke dlm sokal (har pegang hands, put in the basket) tangan, mengisi [makanan dlm] sokal) 3. pènè manuq 3. persembahan ayam 3. sacrifi cial offering of kurban (har pegang ayam) a chicken (lit. hold a chicken) 4. pènè til 4. memegang telinga 4. grab the ear cp. >amir, damiq, >eha, èrèq (1), >èmèng, kabuq, kapung, lamaq (1), lapa (1), lapuq, muaq pènè (2) piring plate pènè haoq piring kayu wooden plate cp. lamaq (1), perou, pingan pèngor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: opoq (1) pènu pènu haoq, pènu mènuq penuh full 1. pènudèq 1. sudah penuh 1. already full 2. pènu haoq 2. penuh meluap 2. overfl owing 3. pènu leran 3. penuh air 3. full of water cp. hapo, heur (2), pèping—pètèq 533

kabaq, manga (3), maqar, mègung, mètèq pèping menghaluskan tempat spy clear a place of coarse yg kasar hilang matter cp. pèir, pil, pilir pèq pèq laiq tiarap, tertiarap, telungkup, terbalik turn over, lie face down 1. pèq kuhi lepe tayong 1. menyimpan kumba 1. store a jug upside down secara terbalik karena because empty (lit. turn isinya telah dikosongkan over the jug store the pot) (har membalik tempayan menyimpan kumba) 2. both bamboo pieces are 2. pèq piqur batong 2. kedua belah bambu face down in the bamboo terlungkup dlm peramalam augury bambu cp. batong, dapar, doing, enga, >èlèng, idir, lenga, pèdo pèrèng menutup, tertutup, close, closed memejamkan 1. mato pèrèng 1. mata tertutup 1. eyes closed 2. pèrèng mato 2. memejamkan mata 2. close the eyes 3. >ula pèrèng 3. bulan gelap (har bulan 3. when the moon rises tertutup) after sunset, i.e., the dark period before the moon fi nally appears (lit. the moon is closed) cp. bong (2), boran (1), bowong (2), habiq, hoba, lètuq, lotuq, pataq, retaq, uwe pèriq pèriq piq memotong (benda panjang chop, cut (s.t. long into spy menjadi pendek) short pieces) pèriq manuq 1. potong ayam; 2. suatu 1. cut up a chicken; 2. a upacara mencari kesalahan ceremony to fi nd the cause dgn memotong kepala of death or misfortune ayam cp. bel, bètè (1), hèlèq (2), hodang, koq (2), lapuq, tual, wèngèl pèsol terlepas, menguraikan tali released, untie a rope yg terikat cp. bele, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nala, nope, peaq, polo, puheq, tong pètèq pètèq medeng 534 pèti —pèu pètèq medeng bote badang mengempang (spy jangan block, dam, tie lolos), ikat cp. bun, hapang, haqa, howeq, >iqur, lera (1), likur, mowaq, panga, pèting, pu (2), rake (1), tikol, >uleng, >uyung pèti (1) pèti goni peti box, container, chest pèti ai peti kayu wooden chest cp. keler, lobi >aur pèti (2) pèti dauq merangkaikan sst dgn yg attach, combine s.t. with lain dgn cara mengikat s.t. else by tying them together cp. tèdèq pètil mengancing baju memakai fasten a shirt using a pin peniti cp. panètil pèting pèting hoe, pèting rake mengikat tie, bind 1. pèting bang 1. a. satu gelang cukup 1. a. an ivory bracelet large besar untuk dipakai di enough to go around the tangan; b. dlm ukuran wrist; b. in measurement dari ujung jari tangan on the body, from the ke pergelangan (har ikat fi nger tips to the wrist manik-manik, memakai (lit. tie a necklace, wear a manik-manik) necklace) 2. pèting mateq 2. mengikat mati 2. tie fi rmly 3. pèting mawu 3. mengikat bersatu spy 3. tie together serangkai 4. pèting taq 4. mengikat kelapa (spy 4. tie coconuts (together berangkai) with a strip of skin so they may be hung to dry) 5. pèting watar 5. mengikat jagung 5. tie maize ears together (spy berangkai untuk in a bunch (so they can be menggantungkannya) hung up) cp. bun, hobel, hongen, howeq, lera (1), likur, panga, pètèq, pu (2), rake (1), >uyung pètung payah tired, fatigued laen pètung sakit payah gravely ill cp. hola, hopan, laen, meleng, paya (1), toka pèu pèu sawe mangga mango 1. pèu >awang lèu; pèu 1. jenis-jenis mangga 1. varieties of mango ohaq; pèu pelang pèyu—pie 535

2. pèu lolon 2. a. daun mangga; b. warna 2. a. leaf of the mango tree; ungu (dari warna daun b. purple (from the newly mangga yg baru bertunas) sprouted mango leaf) 3. pèu nanan 3. getah mangga 3. resin of the mango tree 4. pèu puhun 4. bunga mangga 4. mango blossom 5. pèu sawe 5. sj mangga hutan 5. k.o. wild mango 6. pèu tangen 6. buah mangga yg mentah 6. unripe mango fruit 7. pèu taqen 7. buah mangga yg masak 7. ripe mango fruit 8. pèu >uan 8. buah mangga 8. mango fruit 9. pèu uman 9. mangga yg kuning 9. yellow mango pèyu pèyu kotir asin salty cp. pèyun, tèqu pèyun 1 yg asin 1 s.t. salty 2 empedu 2 bile, gall 1. >iqa pèyun 1. ikan asin 1. salty fi sh 2. wèi pèyun 2. air yg asin 2. salty water cp. pèyu, tèqu piang piang bala memisahkan, menceraikan shred, split, separate, scatter sst gumpalan atau s.t. lumped together or tumpukan spy jmenadi tipis piled up piang ape menceraikan kapas spy jadi shred cotton menipis cp. akil, >alar, baq (1), bongan (2), >ewang, hiaq, higor, hika, hilar, hingoq, hiroq, kaqar, kitong, laing, lawaq (2), nala, neler, pehaq, pesaq, rehaq, sereq, wang (1) pidan ~ pitan pidan piuq, pitan piuq menindis be on top of >au tèqèl pidan watar anjing tidur menindis the dog sleeps on the jagung maize cp. bongaq, mitan, pae, rahaq (1), rèhuq (2), tèlèr piding piding letar berdampingan, berbaris, together (as a school of berjajar, berlérét, berdérét fi sh), in a line, in a row mader piding berdiri berlérét stand in a line, row cp. dereng, polung, tode, tubi pie berapa? how many?, how much? 1. >ate pie? 1. berapa orang? 1. how many people? 2. tun pie? 2. berapa tahun? 2. how many years? 536 pihaq—piling pihaq pihaq petal menginjak, memijak step on, stand on pihaq onin imengnjak bayang-bayang step on s.o.’s shadow cp. hamang, kihaq pihing menuang pour 1. pihing tuaq 1. menuang tuak 1. pour palmwine 2. pihing wèi 2. menuang air 2. pour water cp. bèi, hore, luruq pikan batu mazbah, tempat altar stones (associated with persembahan diletakkan, the ‘huna hale’) batu berhala 1. pikan ehoq 1. mazbah kecil 1. small altar stone 2. pikan rian 2. mazbah besar 2. large altar stone cp. lapaq piki piki rikan kurus thin, slim, skinny cp. keang, kepaq, mipi pil pil pèping, pil wang memilih, memungut choose, select cp. tapi, waeng (1), wang (1) pilang pilang pèdèq musnah, hilang tidak disappeared, through, bersisa fi nished, gone >api pilang api yg sudah mati fi re which has gone out cp. bahe, hawur, lèbu, lèpè, mèlèng, rawa (1), toiq, weting pilar pilar palar kelat, sepat, merasa kelat, sour, bitter rasa agak pahit cp. kiru, mèyèng, pèiq, tamal piling piling piling semata-mata, saja, tidak ada simply, solely, merely, campuran only, just, without accompaniment, alone, purely 1. hengan piling 1. jagung titik semata-mata 1. crushed maize on its 2. tèyo piling pènè 2. hanya kita yg own polung berpegangan tangan 2. it is only we (in) who beriringan are holding hands in a line 3. tin kopi piling 3. kita minum kopi saja 3. we (in) just drink coffee without eating cp. kohaq, ohaq pilir—piqur 537 pilir pilir hèiq, pilir milir, pilir pèping pilir milir pèir mèir menyisir comb pilir milir hèiq lour menyisir lurus comb straight piloq piloq lekeq mengintip peep, pry piloq bolong menjenguk, melawati, call on, make a visit, pay a kunjung-mengunjung call on cp. helar, koker, >oliq (1), ruang, tokil pinaq sj rumput k.o. weed cp. abun, auq oqor, >èdu, kiriq tahiq, ladu, lotong, ruq (1), >ule, tanga pingan piring plate pingan Lèu Hingan piring dari Hinga, Adonara plate from Hinga, Adonara cp. lamaq (1) perou, pènè (2) pingur membuang air ingus blow the nose pingur ning tèin membuang air ingus blow the nose cp. pere piol biola one-string violin pipi iris slice pipi wei iris rotan slice rattan cp. haneq, hèrè, hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kuraq, mayan (2), metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang (2) pipin pipin papar pelipis temple tubar pipin pelipis kepala temple of the head piq memotong cut piq wanan bètè weri memotong yg kanan, cut the right, chop the left membelah yg kiri cp. bel, >èyè, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuting, lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohi, >ohor, pate, pèriq, tadiq, tia piqur piqur bituq, piqur pareq 538 pirang—pitun piqur bituq toher >adong 1 mau, menerima 1 want, agree to a request permintaan 2 mengangguk 2 nod >ei piqur uq nuoqu saya mau menikahi dia I want to marry her cp. >adong, laha (2), nadong, nèngoq, ohor, radong, toher pirang makan makanan kecil snack cp. mirang pireng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: puting piring piring doriq meniru, mencontohkan imitate, exemplify cp. doriq, holeq (2) pisoq pisau knife cp. mèiq, opeq pitan see: pidan pitang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pitang sarang pitang sarang 1 kaya, orang kaya 1 rich, rich person 2 kapitan 2 head of an ethnic group cp. kawasa, kuasa, noren, oin pitaq 1 basah 1 wet 2 masih muda (untuk 2 still young (of bananas) pisang) cp. baran, bètèr (1), doroq, iloq, mutiq, >oyang, rema, ritaq, tange, tangen, tiboq, ubar pitu tujuh seven pitu wituq wangan tujuh (dari nyanyian anak- seven (from a chant used anak untuk menyebutkan by children when playing bilangan satu sampai hide and seek, usually sepuluh) counting up to ten) cp. pitun pitun tujuhan, ukuran benda seven units (regarding the belis /maskawing yg value of items of marriage nilainya tujuhan prestations) 1. bala pitun >udeq 1. sebuah gading gajah 1. an elephant tusk yg panjangnya dari ujung stretching from the fi nger jari sampai bagian tengah tips to the centre of the piuq—poan 539

dada, selébar tiga jari antara breast, with a gap of the jempol dan telunjuk yg width of three fi ngers diletakkan pada lingkaran between the thumb bagian alasnya and index fi nger of the hand placed around the circumference of the base 2. pitun sue 2. dua tujuhan(=’munaq 2. two units of seven pulaq >apa’ or ‘unan >udeq (=’munaq pulaq >apa’ or munaq >apaq’), gading ‘unan >udeq munaq >apaq’), gajah yg panjangnya dari an elephant tusk stretching ujung jari sampai bagian from the fi nger tips to the atas lengan yg lain, selébar top of the opposite upper- lima jari, atau dari ujung arm muscle, with a gap of jari sampai bagian tengah the width of fi ve fi ngers, lengan yg lain selébar or from the fi nger tips to empat jari tangan yg the centre of the opposite diletakkan pada lingkaran upper arm muscle, with a bagian alasnya) gap of the width of four fi ngers of the hand placed around the circumference of the base cp. lemen, pitu, suen, tèlun piuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pidan ~ pitan poan poan kemer upacara membawa kurban ceremony, sacrifi ce, worship, do homage, offering 1. poan >ahar 1. membawa kurban 1. sacrifi ce to declare a berhala untuk menyatakan prohibition berpantang 2. poan ai puqen 2. membawa kurban 2. sacrifi ce for a woman berhala untuk perempuan who has recovered from yg telah sembuh dari the illness ‘noruq horuq’ (lit. penyakit ‘noruq horuq’ (har sacrifi ce at a large rock membawa kurban di liang) face) 3. poan a >utan rian 3. membawa kurban 3. village bean ceremony berhala pada waktu upacara makan kacang di seluruh kampung 4. poan bake bele 4. membawa kurban 4. sacrifi ce to separate berhala untuk melepaskan oneself from faults, illness, diri dari kesalahan, sacrifi ce to separate the penyakit; membawa kurban fertility of a divorced berhala untuk memisahkan couple when the woman kesuburan suami dan istri remarries (lit. separation yg telah bercerai bilamana ceremony) si perempuan kawin lagi (har membawa kurban perpisahan) 5. poan bele baraq bete 5. membawa kurban 5. sacrifi ce to release berhala melepaskan beban (oneself from the burden of 540 poan—poan

(penyakit atau beban illness or the burden of a kesalahan berat) heavy fault) 6. poan ewaq 6. membawa kurban 6. sacrifi ce at a fi eld altar berhala di tempat (to request a good harvest) pemujuan di kebun (untuk memohon agar tanaman berhasil) 7. poan kemer bele 7. membawa kurban 7. sacrifi ce to release the mulea berhala untuk melepaskan remaining medicine (for a sisa obat-obat (karena yg person who has recovered sakit sudah sembuh) from an illness) 8. poan kemer lèhèq 8. membawa kurban 8. sacrifi ce in which an egg tolor berhala dgn memecahkan is used telur ayam 9. poan kemer puhun 9. membawa kurban 9. sacrifi ce to repulse a maq uqur wawar berhala untuk menolak witch’s curse, sacrifi ce kutukan suangi, membawa to free s.o. with a kurban berhala untuk good harvest of the membébaskan sso yg consequences of refusing menikmati panenan yg food to s.o. who does not baik dari akibat apa bila work but asks food of dia menolak permintaan others makanan dari sso pemalas yg selalu minta makanan dari orang lain 10. poan kemer wala 10. orang yg membawa 10. sacrifi cer kurban berhala 11. poan koloq >ula 11. membawa kurban 11. sacrifi ce to adjust the bale male berhala untuk anak yg moon for a child who dilahirkan pada posisi bulan has been born during the yg salah (har balik bulan wrong stage (lit. reverse the putar bintang) moon, turn back the star) 12. poan kuq weiq 12. membawa kurban 12. sacrifi ce to remove the berhala untuk benghapus blood of s.o. killed in the darah orang yg dulu past by the ancestors or of pernah dibunuh oleh s.o. improperly buried nenenk moyang atau darah sso yg dikuburkan salah 13. poan lado >angin 13. membawa kurban 13. sacrifi ce to drive away a berhala untuk menjauhkan wind carrying illness angin yg membawa penyakit 14. poan lèu auq 14. membawa kurban 14. sacrifi ce for the berhala untuk keselamatan wellbeing of the whole seluruh kampung village 15. poan loeng nobol 15. membawa kurban 15. sacrifi ce to inform the teqa berhala untuk memberi ancestors of the mother’s tahu nenek moyang brother’s group (e.g. that pihak saudara dari ibu bridewealth has been paid) (umpamanya bahwa belis/ or to request forgiveness maskawin sudah diberikan) for having paid bridewealth atau memohon maaf dari for a younger woman nenek moyang ibu atas before paying that for the kesalahan belis/maskawin mother sudah diberikan untuk poan—poan 541

perempuan lebih mudah sebulum belis untuk ibu 16. poan loiq bawo 16. membawa kurban 16. sacrifi ce to close the berhala untuk menutup ground (e.g. when tearing tanah (umpamanya down a wall at the edge of bilamana membongkar one’s possessions) kota di perbatasan milik) 17. poan mawu tèin 17. membawa kurban 17. sacrifi ce to gather botin berhala untuk together the navel cords mengumpulkan of a set of siblings, unite tali persaudaraan, siblings who have been mempersatukan kembali estranged because of an kakak adik yg sudah argument or actions terpisah karena kata-kata atau perbuatan 18. poan nuba lapaq 18. membawa kurban 18. sacrifi ce to stones to be berhala pada batu mazbah buried at the edge of the yg akan ditanam di pinggir path to cause misfortune to jalan untuk menjaga orang an enemy dari musuh 19. poan nu nèyèng, 19. membawa kurban 19. sacrifi ce for rain poan ode nu nèyèng berhala untuk minta hujan 20. poan tèin botin 20. membawa kurban 20. sacrifi ce for the navel berhala untuk tali perut cord (held when a woman (dilakukan bilamana si enters her husband’s house) perempuan memasuki rumah suaminya) 21. poan tueng nimon 21. membawa kurban 21. sacrifi ce for a person’s >arin berhala untuk jiwa sso; soul, sacrifi ce to ask health membawa kurban berhala of God so that a pregnant untuk meminta kesehatan woman can give birth pada Tuhan spy ibu yg mengandung dapat bersalin 22. poan tueng toba 22. membawa kurban 22. sacrifi ce to apologize berhala untuk meminta for sexual relations with a maaf atas hubungan seks yg father’s sister’s daughter or salah dgn anak perempuan sister’s daughter dari saudara perempuan ayah atau dgn anak perempuan dari saudara perempuan 23. poan >ula loyo 23. membawa kurban 23. sacrifi ce to apologize berhala untuk meminta for incest maaf atas perbuatan sumbang 24. poan wangun lean 24. membawa kurban 24. sacrifce to ask for berhala untuk meminta mercy for one’s sins ampun atas kesalahan, dosa-dosa 25. poan bele witing 25. membawa kurban 25. sacrifi ce to drop a goat tuaq doq berhala untuk menjatuhkan and palmwine (ceremony kambing dan tuak (upacara in which a chick represents dgn membawa satu anak a buffalo in order to free ayam sbg ganti kerbau the village of illness after untuk membalaskan which the old village is penyakit di dlm kampung, closed) 542 poar—pohong pole

lalu kampung lama ditutup) poar berpeluh sweat tahiq poar ombak pecah sehingga breaking of waves so that ada uap there is spray cp. mèdèr, rèwun podu podu todu jalan terus tanpa berhenti, travel on without stopping ikut saja sepanjang jalan Boli podu todu lala Boli mengikuti perjalanan Boli follows the proper kehidupan yg sopan santun course of life (lit. Boli (har Boli jalan terus saja travels on through [does [tidak mau singgah ketika not want to stop if diajak]) invited]) pohing pohing poreng menolong, membantu 1. o pan pohing nuo 1. engkau tolong bantu dia help, support oyo di sana 1. help him over there 2. pohing ling holo wali 2. bantu-membantu, 2. help (lit. help the hand, menolong (har membantu assist the shoulder) tangan, menolong bahu) 3. pohing poreng wèq, 3. saling bantu-membantu 3. help each other pohing wèq cp. hodeq, honing, hudeq, lapa (1), likoq, luni, moboq, naban, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, tanukoq, tukoq poho poho >ipo 1 bernapas, menarik napas 1 breathe, draw a breath 2 berhenti, istirahat 2 stop, rest 1. poho >ipo wèq, 1. menghentikan lelah, 1. take a break, rest poho wèq beristirahat 2. poho wihong 2. mengeluarkan napas 2. take an audibly deep disertai bunyi breath cp. duyeng, hana, hekaq (1), inoq, ipu, mai, nèin, oler ling, puiq pohong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pade, pohong pole pohong pole mengikuti kemauan follow only one’s own sendiri saja, meminta- wishes, ask repeatedly, coax minta berulang-ulang, membujuk-bujuk cp. dahuq, èhèng, >itung, koli (1), naku, ode, tudi pohoq—polo 543 pohoq pohoq boyang, pohoq menghapus, menggosok wipe clean, rub, clean with pehar, pohoq powar mengelap a cloth 1. pohoq lipu 1. menggosok balai-balai 1. wipe the bamboo platform 2. pohoq uha 2. menggosok rambut 2. rub hair cp. engar, hamur, hawi, hidang, hiki (1), ilin, mengar, wating pokaq malas, segan lazy, unwilling to do s.t. cp. metu, pakoq, pou polan air panas yg sudah sedikit hot water which has dingin, suam kuku cooled somewhat, lukewarm wèi polan air panas yg sudah sedikit hot water which has dingin cooled somewhat cp. muq polang kebun yg tidak dikerjakan unworked fi eld lumar polang ohaq baq kebun yg tidak dicangkul unweeded fi eld polaq (1) polaq diqen untung, beruntung fortunate, fortunately 1. polaq diqen o >adan 1. kebetulan sekali engkau 1. what a nice coincidence datang you came 2. polaq walaq 2. bercampur-campur, 2. mixed, joined acak-acak, bergabung 3. tebeq polaq walaq 3. duduk bercampur, 3. sit in a mixed group (of bergabung (laki-laki dan men and women) perempuan) cp. >utung polaq (2) balok lungsin warp beam pole (1) pole kati, pole mayang, menantang berkelahi atau challenge to a fi ght, declare pole powoq berperang atau bertanding war cp. >adoq, ode, pohong pole pole (2) pohon enau areng palm poler (1) mendinginkan chill cp. hèwoq, papun poler (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: aqang polo polo paka polo paka noa awaq terlepas ikatan (karena untie, become undone (of ikatan tidak kuat) a rope or string) 544 poloq—popoq

cp. bele, eaq, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), hèpuq, hoe, loa (1), lohen, loq (2), nala, nope, peaq, pèsol, puheq, tong poloq poloq >èdèng pijat, mengurut massage cp. >amiq, >ereq, heuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lusaq lèsuq polung polung kowal beriringan in a line, in a row 1. >orong polung 1. bernyanyi bersama-sama 1. sing together 2. pan polung 2. berjalan beriringan 2. walk in a line cp. letar, piding, tode polur tergantung lurus hang straight down 1. lèi polur ling polur 1. kaki tangan tergantung 1. dangling hands and feet lurus 2. taq lolon polur 2. daun kelapa tergantung 2. coconut leaves hanging lurus straight down cp. pèhèq poma meraba untuk merasai feel, touch poma ruq wadeq meraba rumput untuk feel weeds to see if they mengetahui mana yg bisa can be pulled out dicabut atau mana yg tidak cp. >amar, >itaq, paing, ropa, tèqè pomaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dasaq popon rumpun ikatan, berkas cluster, bundle ikatan >uru popon alang-alang satu ikatan a bundle of sedge grass cp. >eti, mawu, moten, muleng, nuyung, panga, >uleng, welaq popoq (1) rasi bintang tujuh Pleiades 1. popoq bohor 1. rasi bintang tujuh terbit 1. Pleiades rises 2. popoq bohor èrèng 2. rasi bintang tujuh terbit 2. Pleiades rises at dusk pèhèq di waktu senja (tanda (sign of the beginning of musim barat mulai) the rainy season) 3. popoq hèlèng 3. a. rasi bintang tujuh 3. a. Pleiades sets, b. the terbenam, b. angin ribut yg sixth storm of the rainy keenam dlm musim barat season 4. popoq hepaq pan 4. rasi bintang tujuh mulai 4. Pleiades passes the kopaq miring meridian, begins to descend 5. popoq huraq 5. rasi bintang tujuh 5. Pleiades creates menciptakan popoq—potal 545

6. popoq keu èrèng 6. rasi bintang tujuh terbit 6. Pleiades rises at dusk, the pèhèq miwaq mai being senja hari, musim tanam time for planting is over mai sudah lewat 7. popoq keu pari 7. rasi bintang tujuh terbit 7. when Pleiades rises hèlèng, pari keu popoq rasi bintang Skorpio Scorpio sets, when Scorpio hèlèng terbenam, bila rasi bintang rises Pleiades sets (refers Skorpio terbit, rasi to the opposed roles of bintang tujuh terbenam these constellations in (berhubungan dgn peranan determining the main berlawanan rasi bintang seasons of the year, may tujuh dan rasi bintang also be used to refer to Scorpio sbg tanda musim personal hostilities between barat dan kemarau, bisa two people) juga sbg tanda permusuhan antara dua orang) 8. popoq neq huna 8. kepala rasi bintang Tarus 8. head of Tarus (lit. (har rumah bintang tujuh) Pleiades’s house) 9. popoq oli bohor 9. rasi bintang tujuh terbit 9. Pleiades rises over the di gunung mountain popoq (2) popoq kita, popoq niaq sj rumput liar yg buahnya k.o. beggars’ lice gampang melekat pada pakaian poreng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pohing poruq poruq peke meluruhkan sst dari pull s.t. off its base or stem, batangnya dgn cara take s.t. from its place, slip menjepitkan dari tangan, off, strip off mengeluarkan sst dari tempatnya 1. poruq anen 1. meluruhkan butir-butir 1. strip rice from its stalk padi dari bulirnya 2. poruq ila 2. mengeluarkan cincin 2. slip a ring off dari jari tangan 3. poruq mawang lobuq 3. denda untuk kawin dgn 3. fi ne for reversing a wela perempuan dlm marga yg marriage alliance (lit. slip biasa menerima perempuan off the bracelets, take (har mengeluarkan gelang off the sarong, fi g. make membuka pakaian; kias naked) menelanjangkan) 4. poruq motong 4. meluruhkan daun 4. strip Moringa oleifera merunggai leaves from the stalk cp. bolaq (1), oruq, tatang potal tambah add potal watiq tambah lagi add more cp. henang, hobel, nalan, taho, taling, tulung 546 potaq—powong potaq potaq miyuq ludah, meludah, meludahi spit, saliva 1. potaq >iyuq >ar 1. menghina (har meludah 1. humiliate (lit. spit and nuaq dan mengeluarkan dahak) cough up and spit out phlegm) 2. potaq puiq 2. meludah dan bertiup 2. spit and blow cp. >ar, bubur, >èmur, hiteng, >iyuq, hiteng, lobe, miyuq poti poti pahoq lompat, melompati jump 1. poti >aluq 1. melompati alu (satu 1. jump over the rice permainan di mana empat stamper (a game in which orang menari melompati four people dance in a empat batang bambu yg matrix of four poles held digerakan oleh empat near the ground by four orang lain mengikuti other people, which they satu irama, dlm Bahasa bounce up and down Lamaholot ‘daku dolo’) and against each other following a rhythm, called, in Lamaholot, ‘daku dolo’) 2. poti hakal bèyèng 2. mengalahkan, 2. defeat, subject (lit. jump ketang menaklukkan (har lompat beyond) melampaui, lompat spy melewati) cp. hetuq, hokuq, kotel, opel, opoq (2) potololi patroli patrol potong lurus straight cp. houq, lonu, lour, milir, mulang (1), oleng, olor, pèlèr, ueng (1), wolang potoq potoq seleng, potoq teleng terpencil, jauh, nyaring, solitary, far, clear, smart èuq potoq gagah sonorous, clearly heard nyaring, terdengar jelas cp. aran, >araq (3), doa, >èlèq, lakang, meloq, noan, terang pou pou pakoq malas, segan bekerja lazy, work shy cp. mesa, metu, pakoq, pokaq powar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pohoq powong bunyi spt gong yg dipukul sound as of a gong powoq—puaq 547 powoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pole (1) poya tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dei poyaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: eiq pu (1) sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq pu (2) pu mowaq, pu pètèq mengikat tie, tie cotton threads to create an ikat pattern cp. bun, howeq, lera (1), likur, panga, pètèq, pèting, rake (1), >uleng, >uyung puan puan layar tiang perahu mast of a boat, ship puaq puaq hoka puaq hoka ledo pan tinggal, bertempat tinggal live, stay 1. o puaq ditaqo? 1. engkau tinggal di mana? 1. where do you live? 2. puaq kena bangèr 2. tungulah dan baru kami 2. wait and we (ex) will bolong dengar hear 3. puaq pakang 3. tinggal menunggu, 3. stay and wait tinggal berjaga-jaga 4. puaq tara doa doa 4. kita tinggal berjauhan 4. we (in) live far from each other 5. puaq tun noq bahe 5. pengharapan atau 5. expectation or persyaratan bahwa suami requirement that a young dan isteri yg baru harus couple will live with the 548 pue—puer

tinggal dgn orang tua woman’s parents for a year dari perempuan untuk before setting up a separate satu tahun sebelum household (lit. stay for this membangun rumah sendiri year) (har tinggal selama tahun ini) cp. ian, laer, >uliq pue (1) ~ puhe (2) penolong bilangan untuk classifi er for high plants 1. pue pie? tumbuhan yg tinggi 1. how many trees? 2. taq pue sue 1. berapa pohon? 2. two coconut trees cp. puqen 2. dua pohon kelapa pue (2) berhadapan face, be faced with, face to face 1. pue mata lolo wahe 1. berhadapan dlm urusan 1. facing each other (tentang adat perkawinan) in an activity (such as bridewealth negotiations) 2. sueq-te pue mata 2. kita dua berhadapan dlm 2. we two face each other urusan in an activity cp. >anung (1), >awang, olong (1), wau pueq pueq awaq, pueq niwang, pueq kabaq pukat, jaring, jala fi shing net 1. bela pueq 1. menyambung pukat- 1. join fi shing nets pukat together; 2. pueq bitan 2. pukat jaring (ukuran 2. fi shing net (with mesh lobang jalanya dibuat dgn the size of the hole made bantuan menyatukan ujung by putting the tips of the jari telunjuk dan jempol) index and thumb together) 3. pueq >iqa 3. pukat penangkap ikan 3. fi shing net (with a (dgn ukuran lobang jala medium size mesh) sedang) 4. pueq neber 4. pukat penangkap ikan 4. fi shing net for catching ‘neber’ (ukuran lobang ‘neber’ (with a mesh the jalanya dibuat dgn bantuan size of the hole formed by menekuk jari telunjuk dan folding the index against jempol) the thumb) 5. pueq watun 5. pukat penangkap ikan 5. fi shing net for catching batu (dgn ukuran lobang stone fi sh (with a medium jala sedang) size mesh) cp. >alaq (1) puer puer koloq, puer weleq memutar, membalikkan reverse, turn, return cp. bale, balen, baleq, baliq (2), baloq, bating, batong, beloq, buel, bula, duler, huneq, kolar, kolo, koloq, lenga, muser, pekoq, puka, puha—puhun 549

puleq, puter, ueng (2), >ulaq (2), weleq puha (1) nakal naughty cp. >èhing, putaq puha (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: iteq puhe (1) pusat centre, central, middle, navel lèu puhe pusat kampung lama centre or navel of the old village cp. ayaq, nuba puhe (2) see: pue (1) puheq puheq wela terlepas dari tempat loosen, remove, tear, undo tumpuan, melepaskan sst dari tempat tumpuannya cp. bake, bata, bele, bihang, epeng, èdol, èhèq, gasuq (2), hèpuq, loa (1), lohen, loqq (2), mowar, nala, noa, nope, peaq, pèsol, polo, reiq, tong, towar puhong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: naèq puhoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: odo puhu puhu >ua, puhu >uan berbunga fl ower, blossom cp. bungang, muhu, puhun (1), roda (2) puhun (1) puhun >uan bunga fl ower 1. puhun bèti >uan 1. beranak cucu (har bunga 1. have grandchildren (lit. hingoq terbuka, buah merekah) blossom break open, fruit burst forth) 2. puhun >udeq nema 2. semoga memperoleh 2. wish for descendants (lit. bèti keturunan (har satu bunga one fl ower may it open) semoga pecah) 3. puhun weren 3. air bunga 3. nectar cp. bungang, puhu, roda (2) 550 puhun—pulaq puhun (2) puhun maq orang baik, kebalikannya a good person, as opposed dari suangi to a witch 1. puhun hidir maq 1. orang yg setengah 1. half human half witch hidir baik setengah suangi (lit. half good person, half (har setengah orang baik, witch) setengah suangi) 2. puhung murun, 2. orang biasa dan suangi 2. human and witch puhun maq puhur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: adung puiq meniup, bertiup, blow, breathe, fan puiq pekon mengembus 1. puiq baqa, puiq 1. meniup buih 1. blow bubbles >uran baqa beterbangan 2. puiq buriq 2. bertiup dan menyembur 2. blow and spray 3. puiq ling 3. meniup jari, 3. whistle using fi ngers membunyikan jari 4. puiq mane obong 4. meniup spy sst jadi 4. blow so that it will be mengembung puffed up 5. puiq murun 5. memasukkan kehidupan, 5. put life, soul into s.t., nyawa; memasukkan give life, give the breath kehidupan, meniup napas of life ke dlm sst 6. puiq peku 6. meniup suling 6. play the bamboo fl ute 7. timur puiq waraq diq 7. hembusan angin timur 7. east and west breeze baraq cp. buriq, daing, duq (2), duyeng, >ipo, nèin, poho, potaq, tapel puka memutar spin 1. puka mireq, puka 1. memutar buah kemiri 1. spin a candlenut pèdo 2. puka mukang 2. memutar buah damar 2. spin a damar fruit cp. baleq, baloq, beloq, buel, bula, gereng, kolar, koloq, laiq (1), muser, puer, puleq, puter, tueng, ueng (2), weleq pukin sisa rambut yg tidak ends of hair which have terkonde not been tied into a hair knot cp. mukin pulaq belas, penolong bilangan teens, counter for tens, menghitung belasan dari used in forming numerals sebelas sampai sembilan from eleven to nineteen belas 1. pulaq >apaq 1. empat belas 1. fourteen 2. pulaq buturai 2. delapan belas 2. eighteen 3. pulaq >ènèng 3. enam belas 3. sixteen puleng—puli 551

4. pulaq leme 4. lima belas 4. fi fteen 5. pulaq leme >apaq 5. sembilan belas 5. nineteen 6. pulaq leme ka 6. perhitungan hari bulan 6. fi fteenth stage of malam kelima belas, ketika the waxing moon, bulan bersinggungan dgn when referring to the bintang Antares sekitar conjunction of the moon bulan Mei (har lima belas and Antares, approximately cocok) May (lit. fi fteen matches) 7. pulaq pitu 7. tujuh belas 7. seventeen 8. pulaq sue 8. dua belas 8. twelve 9. pulaq tèlu 9. tiga belas 9. thirteen 10. pulaq >udeq 10. sebelas 10. eleven puleng see: puleq puleq ~ puleng puleq weleq memetik, memilin, pick, twist, pick s.t. by memutar, cara mengambil twisting it sst dgn memilin puleq taq memetik kelapa dgn cara pick a coconut by twisting memilin buahnya it off cp. baleq, baloq, beloq, bihar, bikil, boliq (1), buel, bula, dogel (1), duler, holaq, iteq, kaluq, kolar, koleq, lekoq, mupeq, muser, muta, puer, puka, puter, tuleng, tueng, ueng (2), upeq, uta, weleq puli puli naq menaruh, meletakkan, put, lay down, set down, menyimpan store 1. puli kong 1. menyimpan gong 1. store the gong 2. puli naru 2. untuk menyelesaikan 2. an ordeal to settle an suatu tuduhan pencurian accusation of theft or atau sengketa maskawin bridewealth dispute (lit. (har taruh kilat) store lightning) 3. puli niliq 3. sedikit kapas dan 3. a little cotton and a few sedikit kain hitam ditaruh little pieces of black cloth di atas batu cépér kecil are placed on a stone over lalu disiram dgn sedikit which a little palmwine is tuak dlm upacara (har poured in a ceremony (lit. meletakkan kebiasaan) place the custom) 4. puli nobol hering 4. meletakkan dasar 4. place the basis of teqa untuk hidup menurut livelihood relating to dasar perkawinan (har marriage alliance (lit. place meletakkan [belis/ [bridewealth objects] on maskawin] di atas balok the beams of the platform) balai) 5. puli nubu puqen naq 5. menyimpan di gudang 5. store in the granary maka lolon (har meletakkan di pangkal (lit. store at the base of 552 pulin—pupuq

balok atap, menyaruh dlm the roof poles, place in para-para) the compartment of the granary) 6. puli reting 6. telantar, tidak tersimpan 6. stored in an untidy baik fashion 7. puli >ue 7. menyaruh buah pinang 7. put down a betel nut (dlm ukuran gading yg (in measuring an elephant panjangnya sampai ke tusk, to the centre of the telapak tangan) palm) 8. puli >ur lekan nameq 8. menyimpan alat perang 8. store away the arms (lit. (har menyimpan busur dan put down the bow, store anak panah) the arrow) cp. dèkèng, èping, hadang, hering, hoti, keran, loman, mae, muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, pulin pulin yg ditaruhkan, yg s.t. that has been put, set diletakkan, barang yg down, stored ditaruhkan cp. dèkèng, èping, hadang, hering, keran, loman, mae, muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, puli pulu sepuluh ten 1. pulu leme 1. berpuluh-puluh, banyak, 1. tens, many, fi g. the rakyat desa (har lima members of the village (lit. puluh) fi fty) 2. pulu uluq kong 2. sepuluh (dari nyanyian 2. ten (from a chant used anak-anak untuk by children when playing menyebutkan bilangan satu hide and seek, usually sampai sepuluh) counting up to ten) cp. purun >udeq pulung permulaan, awal, awalnya beginning, fi rst pulung nuo nawang awalnya dia memukul saya he hit me fi rst >eqi cp. ulo puluq pulut vegetable gum, gluten anen puluq padi pulut rice gluten pung pung palun paha bahagian atas upper part of the thigh, lap cp. hamen punteri putri, bidadari daughter, fairy, beautiful woman pupun sj ular kobra k.o. cobra cp. pupuq, >ular pupuq 1 menyumpit dgn sumpitan 1 blow with a blowpipe pupur—puru 553

2 memompa dgn alat 2 pump with a suction pompa pump 1. mupuq pupuq tuaq 1. pompa memompa tuak 1. the pump pumps palmwine 2. pupuq tara mupuq 2. menyumpit dgn 2. blow with a blowpipe sumpitan 3. >ular pupun pupuq 3. ular kobra 3. the cobra sprays its menyemburkan racunnya poison cp. mupuq pupur pupur peper bunyi bibir sound made by the lips puqen puqen bauq pangkal pohon, pangkal tree trunk 1. puqen mura 1. banyak pangkalnya 1. many trunks 2. puqen nema >ua 2. menghasilkan dgn cukup 2. suffi cient produce loloq nema were baik dari kebun maupun whether from the fi elds or dari pohon-pohon kelapa coconut and lontar palms dan lontar (har pangkal (lit. trunk may it fruit, may semoga berbuah, pucuknya its top fl ow with juice) semoga berair) cp. ain, >utuq puqu sj pohon kapuk k.o. kapok tree cp. kapo (1) puraq melubang-lubangi sst dgn cut holes in s.t., wound pisau, melukai dgn pisau with a knife cp. aqar, bakur, boqi, lèdèq, lèhiq, puriq, >uoq, wèlong pureq pureq paraq tanah batu rocky ground Hiba Raba pureq paraq kampung-kampung di the villages of north loloq bagian utara Kedang (har Kedang (lit. Hiba Raba on Hiba Raba di atas tanah the stony ground) batu) puriq puriq puriq melubangi sst memakai gigi chew holes in, gnaw tiu puriq auq tikus melubangi tanah the mouse is making holes in the ground cp. kiqi, kuluq (1), mameq, mataq (2), puraq puroq puroq rowoq kudis itch, scabies cp. katel, kawaq (1), >uqa puru puru larang melarang, larangan forbid, prohibit, prohibition 554 purun—puting

taq puru kelapa yg dilarang untuk coconuts upon which a dipetik prohibiton has been placed against picking them cp. >e (1), maren, puting purun penolong bilangan counter for tens, used in menghitung puluhan dari forming numerals from dua puluh sampai sembilan twenty to ninety puluh 1. purun >apaq 1. empat puluh 1. forty 2. purun >ènèng 2. enam puluh 2. sixty 3. purun sue >ilaq 3. dua puluh empat 3. twenty-four >apaq pusuq pusuq heleq memancar, memancarkan, spout, gush, diarrhoea, have bérak-bérak diarrhoea cp. bur, retang, sirong putaq putaq ludaq nakal naughty cp. puha (1) puteq puteq liung meletakkan dasar sst start the pattern for anyaman, membentuk weaving a basket, shape the dasar, membentuk kerangka basis, create a framework 1. puteq auq liung >ero 1. meciptakan bumi (har 1. create the earth (lit. membentuk dasar bumi) shape the basis of the earth) 2. puteq auq mete keu 2. pembentukan bumi 2. creation of the earth semakin maju progresses 3. puteq uhe liung >ara 3. membentuk bagian dlm 3. shape the interior of the bumi earth puter puter awil memutar, terbelit turn, twisted memutar balik turn back cp. baleq, baloq, bating, beloq, boleq (2), buel, bula, dogel (1), duler, kolar, koloq, muser, pekoq, puer, puka, puleq, ueng (2), wegir, weleq puting puting pireng haram, pemali restriction, prohibition puting ling ingiq lèi haram tentang kelahiran restrictions related to (har haram tangan, haram birth (lit. restricted hand, kaki) restricted leg) cp. ingiq, >ireng, maren, puru putu—puyang 555 putu putu haeq putus, keputusan perkara, end, resolution of a case, putu nute memutuskan perkara resolve a case cp. kètèng, topeq (1) putus perkara resolve a case putuq putuq korong merah red 1. putuq helor 1. merah muda 1. light red 2. putuq kanang 2. merah tua 2. dark red 3. putuq lore 3. merah celupan akar dari 3. red dye from the root of pohon mengkudu, Morinda Morinda citrifolia citrifolia. 4. putuq manuq wèiq 4. merah cermerlang (har 4. bright red (lit. chicken merah darah ayam) blood red) 5. putuq miteng 5. merah tua 5. dark red 6. putuq miteng eor 6. merah tua kekuningan 6. dark red yellowish gelang brown 7. putuq nuber 7. merah tua 7. dark red 8. putuq taqi 8. merah yg sungguh 8. very red merah 9. putuq waq 9. nama anak laki-laki yg 9. name of a boy who dikeluarkan dari lubang emerged from a hole in a batu stone cp. kanang, korong, meran (2), nuber puyang lengkuas galangale R rabang kentongan yg besar large drum cp. bawa rabaq sj tangga dari bambu ‘>aur’ bamboo ladder which can untuk naik pohon lontar be tied to a lontar palm cp. dera (2) rabiq bekas luka scar rabo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ribo rabo rabu sj handuk untuk k.o. towel for covering the membungkus badan, body, cover the body with menutup dgn handuk a towel rabu wèq menutupi badan dgn cover the body with a handuk towel cp. >oto (1) radang ~ ratang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning (2) ~ ratong by itself see: irang rade lumpuh lame cp. kehong, koheng, >opor rading (1) tegak lurus straight up deseq rading kotak dgn anyaman lurus basket with woven strands ke atas going straight up cp. mulang (1) rading (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ular radong radong >adong menganggukkan kepala nod yes with an upward motion of the chin cp. >adong, nadong, piqur raèq raèq rèbèq, raèq daneq melekat, merekat stick, adhere manuq >urun raèq bè bulu ayam lekat pada batu chicken feathers stick to waq the stone rahaq—rai 557

cp. bakeq, bateq, dapeq (1), kateng, lapiq (2), lateq, rèbèq, wawu rahaq (1) tumbuk pound, hit, crush rahaq watar menumbuk tongkol jagung pound an ear of maize, so spy bijinya keluar as to release the grains cp. awang, bae, bating, bèngè, bongaq, dèqèr (2), kareq, kiliq, lebaq (2), lekaq, nènè, paluq, oluq, pidan, rèhuq (2), tèlèr, tèqè, tipaq, tutu (1), walaq (1), wataq, wokul (1) rahaq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: iqer rahe memarahi, membentak be angry, annoyed, furious menggeram rahe laleng tegur hati (har marah di feel angry (lit. angry inside) dalam) cp. bahuq, bekeq, buren, daqang, hiwoq, marang, pana, rihuq raheq raheq ruhuq dapat, mendapati, ketemu, get, encounter, experience mengalami cp. dapaq, haraq (2), homeng, ruang, ruten, yadi rahing tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wetaq rahiq rahiq burang, rahiq rudang menarik dgn tiba-tiba, tarik pull suddenly, pull with secara paksa, mencaplok force, snatch rahiq bang menjambret kalung rip off a necklace cp. beq, boraq (2), dera (1), etil, >eha, teduq, totoq, wadoq rai ~ raiq rai waran banyak many, much 1. anen rai rasa 1. padi banyak sekali 1. a great deal of rice 2. >ate diqen rai waran 2. banyak orang 2. many people cp. >ata, damaq, kayaq (1), maqar, rèiq 558 raing—ramaq raing sisa, kelebihan rest, surplus, leftover boq batiq bahe, nore menyelesaikan membagi, after dividing, there are still neq raing masih ada sisa, kelebihan leftovers cp. awa, >ilaq, ketang, kuhing, lebe, liwaq, nalan (1), nehang, tapar, >utuq raing raiq see: rai rage tulang daun lontar spine of the lontar palm leaf raka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mude, ruku (1) rakang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: taka rakang rake (1) mengikat tie cp. bun, howeq, lera (1), likur, mowaq, panga, pètèq, pèting, pu (2), >uleng, >uyung rake (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: uben rake rakeng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rukeng rako tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: riko rako rakung cakar, mencakar (pakai scrape, scratch (using a kuku tangan atau barang fi ngernail or s.t. rough) yg kasar) cp. karung ramaq 1 masih, masih ada 1 still, yet, remaining 2 penunjuk aspek 2 incompletive aspect inkompletif marker 1. kuda ole ake hopan 1. walaupun kuda itu 1. although that horse is di bèyèng ramaqne lemah, masih juga berjalan exhausted, it is still running 2. nuo pan dèqne? 2. apakah dia sudah 2. has he left yet? No, he is ramaq bèyone berangkat? Dia masih ada still over there di situ 3. >uya turu ramaqne 3. masih hujan 3. it is still raining cp. bahe, dèq, dèqmè, dèqnu, dèqo, >ehaq nu, mai, mete, nau ramaq ramaq—rani 559 ramaq ramaq kebiasaan begitu, pada often, usually waktu lalu sudah biasa begitu ramaq ramaq a hengan kebiasaan saya makan I usually eat crushed maize jagung titik cp. niliq, pahain, siring rame rame rokan ramai crowded, busy, bustling, lively, noisy, cheerful, merry, festive 1. hoeq laleq rame 1. pesta ramai sekali 1. the feast was very lively rokan 2. >ul lala rame rokan 2. pasar ramai sekali 2. the market was very crowded, bustling cp. dèmul, kako, mura, nèbèq, ningor, repoq (2) ramuq akar root ramuq roqan rane tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: modal, murun ranga sj pohon yg buahnya a tree with fruit which gatal dan berdaun cause a rash and large, lebar berbintik-bintik spotted leaves which yg daunnya dapat can cause irritation and menyebabkan gatal-gatal swelling if they touch the dan bengkak apabila skin tersentuh pada kulit cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq rangan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning see: muqu by itself rani pohon kenari, Canarium canari tree, Canarium commune commune 560 raning—ratang raning tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: runing rantaka 1 rentaka, meriam jg dapat 1 swivel gun di-putar-putar 2 guntur 2 thunder 3 suara orang besar, 3 voice of an important berpangkat person èuq nema rantaka suara spy menjadi rentaka voice become a swivel (kias untuk orang besar yg gun (fi g. important person sabdanya harus dipatuhi, whose words must be tidak dapat ditolak) obeyed) cp. kèdung, nèdung, reka, sampèraq rapaq kekang kuda, tali kekang bridle kuda rapi rapi tanga cara mengambil atau manner of cleansing dirt or membersihkan kotoran faults from the body using atau kesalahan dari tubuh chicken feathers or leaves memakai bulu ayam atau daun-daunan rapu rapu behi cambuk, mencambuk whip, lash cp. wataq rapun abu dust, ash cp. ai rapun, >èwol, lèbuq, rubu raq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rutaq raq raqang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: heler rasa terlalu, amat very, very much, too much, extremely >alu rasa amat bagus very nice cp. rehi, taqi rasung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nupa, tupa ratang (1) ratang noq sekarang, dlm keadaan now, in the present sekarang circumstances 1. pan ratang noq, hara 1. pergi sekarang, sebentar 1. go now, soon it will rain watiq >uyane lagi hujan ratang—rauq 561

2. pan te ratang >uyaq 2. mari kita pergi sekarang, 2. let us (in) go now, the ohaq turu hujan tidak turun rain is not falling cp. mete, noq, ratong (1) ratang (2) see: radang rataq entak, mengentak-entakan stamp rataq lèi entak kaki stamp feet cp. dèqèr (2), hamang, rèq, suduq, tutu (1) rateq (1) anak panah dari bambu three-pronged arrow (used bermata tiga diisi dlm in hunting birds) satu hulu (dipakai untuk berburu burung) cp. nameq rateq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rowa ratong (1) waktu ini, kesempatan this time, now, possibility cp. kareyang, mete, noq, ratang (1) ratong (2) see: radang ratuq (1) ratus, penolong bilangan hundred, counter for menghitung ratusan dari hundreds, used in forming seratus sampai sembilan numerals from one ratus hundred to nine hundred 1. ratuq leme >apaq 1. sembilan ratus enam 1. nine hundred and purun >ènèng >ilaq puluh enam sixty-six >ènèng 2. ratuq sue 2. dua ratus 2. two hundred 3. ratuq >udeq 3. seratus 3. one hundred 4. ratuq >udeq purun 4. seratus duapuluh satu 4. one hundred and sue >ilaq >udeq twenty-one ratuq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rawa rau tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rou rau rauq rauq rawaq, rauq roqan 1 sj pohon tempat mayat 1 k.o. tree in which a ditaruh corpse may be placed 2 jurang di mana 2 ravine where the pembungkus mayat wrappings of a corpse may bisa digantung, tempat be hung up, place where 562 rawa—raya

meletakkan pakaian dan the cloths and mat of a tikar jenasah corpse may be placed cp. èwing, kawa rawa (1) rawa ratuq punah, hilang tidak gone, completely fi nished, berbekas eradicated, extinct 1. suku Pue Bawa rawa 1. suku Pue Bawa sudah 1. the Pue Bawa clan is ratuq punah extinct 2. bering rawa 2. bambu hilang (mis 2. the bamboo is gone karena dipotong orang) (perhaps chopped down by other people) cp. bahe, hawur, ilang, kèpuq, lèbu, lèpè, mèlèng, pilang, toiq rawa (2) tempat makan place for eating rawang sj mendikai, semangka, k.o. small watermelon, Citrullus vulgaris Citrullus vulgaris cp. timu rawang rawaq (1) melempar sembarang saja throw about cp. bohil, dawaq, hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, loq (1), ritiq rawaq, tidaq, walu, wotoq rawaq (2) bungkusan mayat dari upih leaf-sheath of the areca pinang palm used to wrap a corpse cp. lawaq (1), roaq rawaq rawaq (3) satu burung di pohon yg a bird in a tree which we kita tidak bisa lihat cannot see rawiq (1) rawiq kamar menyiapkan masakan, preparing food, the initial memulai pekerjaan stages of cooking memasak cp. iu, topeq (1) rawiq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rawiq rongan rawiq rongan barang jualan goods for sale cp. modal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning rawong by itself

see: rewong raya raya rogang raja king cp. tuang redang—rehiq 563 redang goreng fry 1. redang >iqa 1. menggoreng ikan 1. fry fi sh 2. redang muqu 2. menggoreng pisang 2. fry bananas cp. lobaq redeq lembah valley >ote nataq >ole redeq di atas bukit, di bawah on the hill, in the valley lembah cp. dèlèr rege bunting, sudah mau pregnant, ready to give melahirkan birth wawi rege babi bunting, mau the pig is pregnant, ready melahirkan to give birth rehaq rehaq rehuq 1 biji, butir, terpisah, 1 grain, seed, separate, terpencar, terserak scattered 2 penolong bilangan untuk 2 classifi er for small round benda yg kecil bundar objects 1. anen rehaq 1. biji padi 1. rice seeds 2. manuq tolor rehaq 2. satu butir telur 2. one egg >udeq 3. wai balaq wai rehaq 3. separuh jatuh, separuh 3. some fall, some scatter terserak 4. watar rehaq 4. biji jagung 4. maize grain cp. >ate, behiq, bikil, >ewang, keweng, kuwoq, nala, pehaq, piang, repoq, tawan, uluq, wang (1) rehi ~ rehing 1 tidak dapat, tidak sanggup 1 unable 2 terlalu 2 too, too much 3 sangat, amat 3 very ai ria rehing, >ei èq kayu itu terlalu besar, saya that piece of wood was too rehing tidak dapat membawanya big, I was unable to carry it cp. di (1), ge, rasa, taqi rehing see: rehi rehiq percik, memercik sprinkle 1. rehiq bè weloq 1. percikan pada pintu 1. sprinkle the door (tindakan pencegahan yg (precaution taken by a diambil oleh ‘molan maren ‘molan maren potaq puiq’ so potaq puiq’ sehingga roh that his guardian spirit will pelindunganya tidak akan not return to a house in kembali lagi ke rumah yg which he has attempted dia sudah coba bersihkan a cure) dari hal-hal tidak baik) 2. rehiq wèi 2. memercik air 2. sprinkle water cp. hir (1), hotaq, lang (1), louq, paoq (1), sirong 564 reho—rema reho kesambi, Schleichera oleosa k.o. iron-wood tree, Schleichera oleosa cp. ala behi rehuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rehaq reiq rabik, sobék tear, torn 1. nowin reiq 1. kain laki-laki yg sobék 1. torn man’s cloth 2. labur reiq 2. baju yg sobék 2. torn shirt 3. wela reiq 3. sarung yg sobék 3. torn sarong cp. balaq, bihang, biliq, birang, kitong, pati, puheq reka reka taraq guntur, guruh, bunyi thunder, sound of an letusan explosion cp. kèdung, nèdung, rantaka rekeng menghitung count cp. kareq (1), nareq, nata (1) rekong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kareyang rekoq bunyi derak-deruk (bunyi crunching sound (as when yg terdengar waktu kita eating hard, dry foods) mengunyah makanan yg keras dan kering) reku (1) keranjang yg dibuat dari basket made from the upih pinang (dipakai sheath of the areca palm sementara saja, mis untuk (for temporary use only, as menjemur air laut jadi in the salt-making process) garam) cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, tobal reku (2) reku bakoq dentam resounding sound rema membasahkan sedikit wet s.t. a little sedikit cp. doroq, >oyang, pitaq, ritaq remaq—retang 565 remaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: reteq remba harmonika harmonica renga tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lalang, miqer reoq 1 kuning, menguning 1 yellow, ripe 2 keadaan buah-buahan yg 2 the ripening stage of fruit sudah menguning karena masak 3 bengkak bernanah 3 sore, wound, suppurating wound 1. ling reoqi 1. tangan bengkak 1. the hand is swollen and bernanah pus fi lled sore on the hand 2. mato reoq 2. mata bernanah 2. pus-fi lled eye 3. oteq reoq 3. rambut beruban 3. grey hair 4. watar reoq 4. tongkol jagung yg 4. maize which is turning kulitnya kuning (karena yellow (drying out) kering) cp. apar, babang, bètèr (2), bokoq, bouq, bowar, eor (1), hubong, kuma, nanan, tahan, ubong, uma, >unga repaq daun yg tua old leaves 1. kaèl apoq nape repaq 1. menggali ubi daunnya 1. dig tubers which have baru saja tua just had old leaves 2. odel ohaq nau repaq 2. keladi belum berdaun 2. the taro does not yet tua have old leaves repoq (1) garing crunchy repoq (2) repoq rehaq, repoq rodong ramai tertawa, nyanyi, dll noisy, loud (laughter, singing, etc.) cp. dèmul, kako, mura, nèbèq, ningor, rame req tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nuloq reqang ramai berkotek noisy cackling cp. dèmul, kako, korkataq, mura, nèbèq, ningor, rame retang menceret diarrhoea, have diarrhoea cp. pusuq 566 retaq—rèhèq retaq mengedipkan mata blink, wink retaq pereng cp. helar, kereng, kiruq reteq reteq remaq hujan rintik drizzle, raindrops cp. lèring retong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: limaq, wetong reu reu reu teman, kawan friend cp. erung, kore, nerung, nimon, noreq, reun reun yg teman who is a friend cp. reu rewaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: topeq (2) reweq see: eweq rewong ~ rewoq ~ riwong rewong rawong, riwong anyaman yg belum selesai unfi nished basket (with rawong (yg kelebihan daun- excess strips uncut), tassel, daunnya belum dipotong), fringe jerumbai cp. ape, >èting rewoq see: rewong rèbèq lekatan yg kuat stack, squeeze, stick rèbèq watar menyusun jagung di atas stack, squeeze maize into a bakul yg sudah penuh basket that is already full cp. bakeq, bateq, dapeq (1), dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, hubiq, >ikuq, kateng, lapiq, lateq, lèhèq, lèsuq, muqeng, nèpè, >omo, pere, peruq, pèmèq, raèq, tua (1) rèhèq roboh, rebah collapse, fall down cp. èhèr, hubaq, koliq, lubaq, luqur, pèhèq, tawaqqur, pèhèq, tawaq rèhuq—rèmiq 567 rèhuq (1) rèhuq ruhuq lapuk, rusak rotten, ruined cp. buruq, daten, ingin, kakal, nehal, peaq, pesaq, taha rèhuq (2) meremuk, menghancurkan crush, shatter cp. >asur, bongaq, buteq, kakal, muha, nehal, pidan, rahaq (1), ruhuq, ruteq, taha, tèlèr rèiq rèiq rèiq semua, semuanya, segala, all, many banyak 1. >ate diqen rèiq rèiq 1. banyak orang 1. many people 2. rèiqdaq, rèiqdeq, 2. mereka semua 2. all of them rèiqse 3. rèiqke 3. kami semua 3. we (ex) all 4. rèiqme 4. kamu semua 4. you all 5. rèiqte 5. kita semua 5. we (in) all cp. >ata, damaq, kayaq (1), kole, maqar, rai rèkèng rèkèng kamiq, rèkèng menegur dgn keras, scold, rebuke kemiq memarahi rèkèng rehing memarahi terlalu keras scolded too hard rèkèq 1 rendahkan 1 make lower 2 sehelai daun dlm anyaman 2 one of the strands used in kotak dll weaving a basket rèkèq wèq rendahkan diri (tiarapkan lower oneself (bend over so diri spy tidak kelihatan) as not to be seen) cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, èhèq, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, reku (1), tobal rèki ijuk palm fi bre cp. hoi rèkung tunduk bend over, duck rèkung kole gerakan badan mengikuti movement of the body in lagu dlm acara tarian untuk time to the rhythm of a seluruh perserta song by all participants cp. baeq, boko, doler, dukiq, >ènung, lèkoq, paer, rokong, rokoq rèmiq bergerak-gerak (kelopak move (eyelids) mata) 568 rèmuq—rèting rèmuq see: karèmuq rèpè bongkar knock over, demolish, tear down rèpè daling curang dishonest, deceitful cp. >alar, baqung (1), bogar, bokar, doing, doke, eaq, hiroq, iri, lahaq, lataq, >oliq (1) rèpèq (1) menangkap dgn telapak catch with the hand tangan cp. èrèq (1), lolo, sangiq, topeq (2) rèpèq (2) kayu atau bambu yg the horizontal poles dipasang mlintang running left and right in pada atap rumah yg the roof of a building and mengamankan ‘nawel’ securing the ‘nawel’ 1. rèpèq ehoq 1. ‘rèpèq’ pendek 1. the upper and shorter ‘rèpèq’ 2. rèpèq rian 2. ‘rèpèq’ panjang 2. long ‘rèpèq’ rèpoq rasa garing/kering feel dry rèq rèq kuq isi, mengisi, memasukkan fi ll, put in ke dlm suatu tempat 1. rèq bè hoaq laleng 1. memasukkan ke dlm 1. put into a basket keranjang anyaman 2. rèq rataq 2. beramai-ramai, berhura- 2. lively, boistrous hura, gaduh cp. bèi, hore, hoyoq, papang (2) rèqè rèqè deru, rèqè lewun rèqè lewun uda lau keadaan sakit, kemalangan illness, misfortune, bad rèqè daten; rèqè deru mati dibunuh, mati jatuh death dari pohon, atau mati death from being killed, bersalin falling from a tree, or in childbirth cp. awang, dotan, hateq, lae, laen, nukung rèti biawak, buaya darat monitor lizard cp. tekeq rèting rèting bakoq melepaskan dari bahu, throw, throw down, toss off membanting bawaan dari a heavy load bahu, spt membanting karung rètu—riang 569

rèting doq membanting ke bawah throw s.t. down cp. bating, bèting, dèqèr (1), waiq (2) rètu rètu rotoq batu, tempat batu karang stone, rock, rocky terrain besar bertumpukan rètu rètu ara napoq tempat batu bertumpukan I make a rocky terrain fl at kubuat rata cp. dolu, uluq, waq rèwoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rukeng rèwun ~ rèwung rèwun roqang, rèwun memeq peluh, keringat sweat rèwung nema tawe berpeluh untuk tumbuh sweat so as to grow (said to (dikatakan kepada anak yg a sick child who does not sakit yg keringatnya tidak sweat; sweat should start keluar; keluarnya keringat appearing as a sign of the menandakan berakhirnya end of sickness, so that the masa sakit, sehingga si anak child may get healthy again sembuh kembali dan bisa and grow again) tumbuh lagi) cp. mèdèr, poar rèwung see: rèwun ria ria baraq besar big, large, great waq ria baraqne batu itu besar the stone is large cp. >abal, bowar, >oang, rian baraq, ritiq rawaq rian (1) rian baraq yg besar s.t. big, large 1. hara rian 1. yg lebih besar 1. that which is larger 2. waq rian 2. batu yg besar 2. a large stone cp. ria rian (2) ~ riang (2) nama panggilan untuk grandfather, grandmother nenek, kakek atau moyang (term of address) cp. >aman rian baraq pembesar former head of Kedang cp. >abal, bowal, >oang, ria riang (1) kampung kecil, kampung hamlet, satellite village baru cp. lèu 570 riang—riding riang (2) see: rian (2) rian mèkèr rian mèkèr aqe ame pembesar suku, orang tua clan elders, clan elders pengurus suku arranging bride wealth matters rian nimon rian nimon ai puqen roh pelindung guardian spirit riaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: riaq lawaq riaq lawaq tikar untuk membungkus a mat used to wrap a orang mati corpse cp. roaq rawaq ribiq bambu yg dipotong bamboo branches which ujungnya (sedangkan have been cut leaving stubs rantingnya tetap ada, lalu (the bamboo is stuck in the ditanam di dekat sayur spy ground so vegetables can sayur itu dapat melata pada grow around it) ranting-ranting itu) ribo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ribo rabo ribo rabo dini hari twilight >eqa ribo rabo hari masih gelap, belum twilight, still dark, not yet terang benar light cp. >èrèng pèhèq ribu 1 ribu 1 thousand 2 penolong bilangan 2 counter for multiples menghitung ribuan dari of one thousand used in seribu sampai sembilan forming numerals from ribu one thousand to nine thousand 1. ribu pulu ratuq leme 1. jumlah penduduk 1. the populace of Kedang Kedang (har seribu lima (lit. one thousand fi ve ratus) hundred) 2. ribu ratuq 2. banyak (har ribu ratus) 2. many (lit. thousand hundred) 3. ribu sue 3. dua ribu 3. two thousand 4. ribu >udeq 4. seribu 4. one thousand 5. ribu >udeq ratuq 5. seribu sembilan ratus 5. nineteen hundred and leme >apaq purun leme sembilan puluh delapan ninety-eight >apaq >ilaq buturai riding sj siput k.o. shellfi sh riding sue bao piding hidup bersama (har dua live together, live as a siput berenang bersama) community (lit. two shellfi sh swim together) rihuq—ritiq rawaq 571

cp. baheq (1), boka (1), ehe (2), elaq, etiq, lohu (1), tupe, wuoq (1) rihuq rihuq rahe marah dgn nada yg halus angry with a refi ned tone kara rihuq kara rahe jangan marah, jangan do not be angry, do not menegur dgn kasar scold cp. bahuq, buren, hiwoq, marang, pana, rahe rikan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: piki riko tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: riko rako riko rako tidak teratur, sembarangan untidy, messy cp. hiko hako rikuq daun-daun tua yg gampang old leaves which break pecah kalau dipencét, easily when pressed, such as umpamanya daun tembako tobacco leaves rio rio balong berjaga mata, belum atau stay awake tidak tidur 1. rio mato 1. berjaga mata 1. have a watchful eye on s.t. 2. rio sape nihon 2. berjaga sampai siang 2. watch, stay awake through the night cp. akil, bake, bukaq (1), dariq, ebeng, ewa, hoe, mae, mawaq, mohoq (1), lile, mowar, pakang, pengar, saga, towar ritaq ritaq doroq basah wet cp. doroq, iloq, >oyang, pitaq, rema riti bunyi pukulan dgn kayu sound of striking with wood ritiq (1) sj tali hutan k.o. liana cp. luar ritiq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ritiq rawaq ritiq rawaq ~ ritiq ria bunyi yg gegap-gempita boisterous noise 572 riwong—rodoq riwong see: rewong roa terasa pedih kena panas pain from a burn cp. hile roaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: roaq rawaq roaq rawaq tikar atau seludang mat or leaf-sheath of the pinang yg dipakai untuk areca palm used to wrap a membungkus mayat corpse after the corpse has sesudah mayat ditaruh di been placed outside luar roaq rawaq narang rumah orang mati house for a dead person pendatang yg didirikan who is an outsider erected bukan di dlm kampung not in the village but melainkan di tepi kampung near it cp. riaq lawaq robang puntung stub ebo robang haraq rabiq ekor puntung samping stub tail scarred fl anks berbekas luka robaq (1) parau hoarse kokoq robaq bèli ebang bunyi kokoq ayam jantan hoarse sound of a young muda yg parau cock above the granary robaq (2) menikam stab cp. bakoq, dèqèr (2), sarobaq, tubaq, tuhuq, tukoq robong buntung, kudung, tumpul lop off, chop off, mutilate, blunt cp. monu, >umal roda (1) tempat asap keluar, opening from which berumbung smoke issues, smoke stack roda (2) jumbai jagung, berbunga tassel of maize, blossom manuq lado roda roda ekor ayam jantan mekar cock’s tale blossoms cp. bungang, puhu, puhun (1) rodang 1 kepala, ujung 1 head, top 2 mayat yg tidak berkepala 2 headless corpse cp. kokang, loloq, longo, tubar, >ubuq, >utuq rodong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: repoq (2) rodoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ropa roe—rokong 573 roe (1) bersamaan do simultaneously cp. >èpiq, hama, kore, tading roe (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kokoq rogang karang laut yg besar yg k.o. large coral, used to dipakai untuk membakar make lime kapur cp. ai hapu, biling, bulan, raya, ruhu roho roho >auq, roho >oba roho >oba sobaq sayang merasa kasihan, merasa feel affection, love, regret, sayang, mengucapkan kata be sorry kata yg menyatakan belas kasihan atau penyesalan roho >oba tataq merasa sayang feel affection mahing cp. kèlèn, kiol, sayang, sita, sobaq roing roing >ataq harapan satu benda atau hope that s.t. or s.o. will orang akan kembali; keluh return; concerned because orang tidak lekas pulang s.o. has not quickly returned roka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: turi rokan see: rame rokaq ~ rukaq rokaq kètèng patah, mematahkan break using manpower 1. >ei rokaq ai 1. saya mematahkan kayu 1. I break a piece of wood 2. holaq tulur lolong 2. memetik daun pohon 2. pick locust-tree leaves, rukaq waiq palun ‘tulur’, mematahkan paha break grasshopper legs belalang 3. uq ai rokaq 3. saya mengambil patahan 3. I take a piece of broken kayu wood cp. biliq, bolaq (1), iteq, kètèng rokeq rokeq bariq lebat dense cp. maqar rokong rokong kalung keriting, melengkung bend, shrivel, contract, crinkle, kinky, frizzy 574 rokoq—ropoq

1. mal rokong 1. sirih melengkung 1. a bent betel vine 2. uha rokong 2. rambut keriting 2. kinky hair cp. boko, doler, >ènung, lèkoq, luqur, paer, rèkung, ropoq, tokol, uq (2) rokoq rokoq tènèn bungkuk, membungkuk, bent over with a load, jalan tunduk travel stooped over cp. baeq, boko, dukiq, >ènung, hekong, kalung, kude, rèkung, sekong (1), tokol, wegir roming menggaruk sendiri scratch o.s. cp. karo rompo sj jambu k.o. fruit tree ron ron tohon, ron ton mengutuk, mengeluarkan damn, condemn, curse kata-kata kutukan cp. obi, olaq, >oba (1), pasataq; supa ronaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wewe ronen binatang betina yg belum female animal which has menjadi induk not yet given birth cp. mèluq rongan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rawiq rongan rongoq ~ wongoq rumah rendah, yg atapnya house whose roof comes sampai ke tanah down to the ground 1. wawi wongoq 1. sarang babi 1. pigsty 2. wetaq rongoq 2. rumah yg atapnya rendah 2. house with a low roof ropa ropa rodoq elus, mengelus, gosok stroke, rub cp. behaq, boyang (1), boyong, dolang, doru, doyang, gosoq, haru, heuq, kula (1), loha ropoq keriting frizzy, krinkly uha ropoq rambut keriting frizzy hair, krinkly hair

cp. rokong, tokol roqan—rowe 575 roqan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ramuq, rauq roqong tua old cp. èdèr (1), lelan, >oqing, paqar, tara (3), tua (2), tuan (2), turi rosiq menghasut incite, goad, agitate rota terus menerus continually, continuously manuq kokoq rota ayam berkokok terus the cocks crow continually menerus (just before sunrise, around 5 a.m.) cp. siring, tèru rotan serai, Cymbopogon Citratus lemon grass, Cymbopogon Citratus cp. uma , >uru mèngi roteng menghentakkan kaki stamp the feet repeatedly berulang-ulang roteng tèting dai menghentakkan kaki di stamp repeatedly in place tempat berulang-ulang rotoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rètu rou tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rou rau rou rau berbicara untuk speak in order to entertain menghibur-hibur rowa rowa rateq warna kelabu, warna abu- gray abu witing rowa kambing dgn bulu abu-abu gray coloured goat cp. haboq rowaq yg rendah that which is low oro rowaq pohong lontar yg masih lontar palm which is still rendah low cp. wehen rowe sj kacang beracun k.o. wild bean (which must be boiled and the water thrown away several times before it is safe to eat) cp. aha, ihi, inar, omaq, >utan, >uye, wahe 576 rowiq—ruha rowiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: iteq rowoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pana, panan, puroq royaq royaq loraq jerat tangan, perangkap hand-held snare genggam cp. loraq, nèpi rua rua lani sj lebah yg bersarang dlm k.o. bee which nests in a lubang batu hole in the ground rua weren madu honey cp. meqo, oyan, para muhun ruang ruang piloq menemui, mendapati, meet, reach a place, catch mendapatkan, up with, visit mengunjungi 1. nuo bèyèng ruang 1. dia berlari mendapatkan 1. he runs to catch up with neq ine ibunya his mother 2. pan ruang >amo 2. mengunjungi bapak 2. visit father cp. bongan (1), dapaq, haraq (2), homeng, lebaq (1), raheq, ruten, sape, yadi rubu rubu roing, rubu tobeng kepul, mengepul, asap, smoke, ash, dust berasap cp. bènuq, >èwol, in, lèbuq, rapun, >ulang ruda ~ rudang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: manuq laka ruda/ rudang rudang see: rahiq, ruda rueng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ruku ruha ruha wawi rusa deer 1. ruha tubaq 1. ditikam rusa dgn tanduk 1. the deer gores 2. ruha woiq 2. tanduk rusa 2. deer’s antlers, horns ruha kuba—rupa saya 577 ruha kuba nama jin (Pontianak) yg a free spirit, which may salah satu tangan dan have the hand and leg on kakinya buntung, dan yg one side missing, and the mungkin juga tanpa kepala head may also be missing ruha tilun sj cendawan (har telinga k.o. mushroom (lit. deer’s rusa) ear) ruhu ruhu rogang karang laut yg kecil yg k.o. small coral, used to dipakai membakar kapur make lime cp. ai hapu, biling, bulan, rogang ruhuq hancur shatter cp. >asur, buteq, haraq (2), kakal, muha, nehal, peaq, pesaq, raheq, rèhuq (2), ruteq, taha, tèlèr rukaq see: rokaq rukeng rukeng rakeng, rukeng gelap dark rèwoq malam (har hari gelap) night (lit. the day is dark) >eqa rukeng cp. miteng, nakaq ruku (1) ruku panan, ruku rueng gemetar, demam, demam shiver, feel ill, fever sambil menggigil ruku raka >uliq bingung mengenai lokasi confused about location cp. kèdoq, panan ruku (2) mengerut wrinkle, furrow cp. kèku, luqur, mèqè, ruq (2) run merasa mau feel the need 1. dèruq run 1. merasa mau bérak 1. feel the need to excrete 2. mie run 2. merasa mau kencing 2. feel the need to urinate rungan rungan nuhu bau busuk bad smell cp. buruq, >èwè runing runing raning rebut fi ght for cp. awen rupa rupa saya bentuk, model shape, form, model >anaq mè neq rupa spt siapa ciri-ciri anak itu? who does that child look saya namo ne sio? like? 578 rupang—ruteq dunuq

cp. >anung (1), lagu, nulur (2) rupang sepatu, sendal shoe, sandal lobuq paq moq rupang membuka sepatumu take off your shoes cp. kelong, sepatuq ruq (1) ruq wadeq rumput weed, grass ruq nuyan rumput yg baru tumbuh newly sprouted grass cp. abun (2), auq oqor, >èdu, kiriq tahiq, ladu, lotong, pinaq ruq (2) ~ karuq (2) ruq rekong, ruq rokong kerut, mengerut, berkerut wrinkle, shrivelled, dried up, creased wela ruq-ne sarung berkerut creased cloth cp. kèku, luqur, mèqè, ruku (2) ruqen ruqen derung mengumpulkan kerang dan collect shellfi sh and rumput laut pada waktu air seaweed at low tide laut surut ruqen mèti derung mengumpulkan kerang collect shellfi sh at low tide, nerung pada waktu air laut surut, hunt animals memburu binatang rutaq rutaq paro, rutaq lamang rutaq paro hereng bele piara, pelihara raise, take care of, guard 1. manuq rutaq 1. ayam peliharaan 1. pet chicken 2. rutaq manuq 2. memelihara ayam 2. raise chicken cp. ewa, hereng, lamang, mae, mawaq, pakang, raq, saga rutaq raq sampah, kotoran dlm litter, fi lth in the house rumah dan halaman and yard ruten mendapati atau menemui get, reach, catch up with, dlm pengejaran chase >ei dèhuq nuo, ruten saya kejar dia, dan saya I chased him and got him >oyo Roma dapati dia di Roma at Roma cp. boha, bukaq (2), burang, dapaq, dèhuq, homeng, hoti, raheq, ruang, yadi ruteq ruteq dunuq hancur shattered, smashed, crushed 1. te huang bal di nore 1. kita main bola dan 1. we play ball and when mai wèq ruteq hara setelah berhenti hancur we stop we are somewhat sedikit shattered ruti—ruti botoq 579

2. waq pidan wawi 2. batu menindis babi 2. the stone crushed the >akaq ruteq dunuq sampai hancur pig cp. >asur, bikil, buteq, dunuq, kakal, muha, nehal, rèhuq (2), ruhuq, taha, tèlèr ruti ruti botoq usir berangkat, usir pergi drive away, usher out cp. boha, burang S sabayang sembahyang worship, pray cp. sambeang sabeq janggut beard kobar imu sabeq mencukur kumis dan shave mustache and beard cp. barewoq, imu janggut sabong (1) sabong wangiq sabun soap sabong (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ameq (1) saboq kain putih, kain kafan white shroud used in Muslim burials iqer saboq tara botaq beli kain kafan putih spy buy a white shroud for us maten kita membungkus mayat (in) to wrap a corpse sadang menyediakan, menyiapkan supply, provide, make untuk menunggu sst yg available, prepare s.t. for akan terjadi, persiapan, s.o. or for the unexpected, penyediaan preparation 1. >ei iqer tuaq wetuq 1. saya membeli tuak satu 1. I buy one bamboo >udeq sadang o bambu sdan menyiapkan container of palmwine and untukmu provide it to you 2. sadang watan 2. persiapan menunggu 2. preparations to wait for penduduk pantai coast dwellers cp. galeka, sadia, sudi sadeka sedekah alms sadi see: yadi sadia sedia prepare cp. eko daka, sadang saer tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mai saga ~ saka (1) berjaga, melindungi guard, protect cp. dariq, ewa, hapang, haqa, >iriq, libur, likoq, mae, mawaq, nebi, oling, pakang, paro, rio, rutaq, soraq saga lai—sale 581 saga lai tomat besar large tomatoes cp. sili butu sagaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: supa sahu mereka menggayung, they fetch, draw, dip water mengambil, menimba air suo pan sahu wei mereka pergi mengambil they went to fetch water air cp. ‘ahu’ for full paradigm sahuq ~ sauq mereka mengangkut, they gather, collect, scoop, meraup take sahuq >ene mereka meraup pasir they scoop up sand cp. ‘ahuq’ for full paradigm, also: >èmèng saka see: naka (1), saga sakap mengetam plane cp. dodang, hapiq, haq sakasiq saksi witness sakul see: sangkul sala tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sala lalaq salaka celaka misfortune, accident >ei dapaq salaka bè lala saya mendapat celaka di I had an accident on the jalan road cp. dotan salakaq perak silver mawang salakaq gelang perak silver bracelet cp. peraq sala lakaq see: sili liliq salaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sokaq salaq sale mereka memakai they use, wear tubar tubar nulon suo kepala-kepala dahulu formerly they wore an sale songkoq Stambul mereka memakai kopiah Istanbul-type fez on their Istambul heads cp. ‘ale’ for full paradigm 582 saligur—sangar saligur ikat pinggang yg dipakai backstrap of a loom waktu menenun saling tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pake (2) salopa tempat sirih, puan betel container kuq salopa oyo ma ambil puan itu kemari fetch that betel container cp. èduq, wayaq sama begitu, benaran very much 1. ohaq sama luruq tuan 1. tidak begitu menyembah 1. not pay respect to the leluhur (har tidak begitu ancestors (lit. pour not menuang leluhur) much [for] the ancestors) 2. ohaq sama pan 2. tidak pergi benaran 2. not really go cp. ewe, namè, paqa sambeang sambeang bekor Haji tebeq sambeang sembahyang worship, pray Haji duduk sembahyang the hadji sits and prays cp. sabayang sampe see: sape sampèraq ~ sapèraq meriam cannon 1. me dèngèr sampèraq 1. kamu dengar bunyi 1. did you hear that sound èuq? meriam? of a cannon? 2. wowo nema 2. lubang mulut spy 2. mouth to become a sampèraq menjadi meriam (kias canon (fi g. important untuk orang besar yg person whose words must sabdanya harus dipatuhi, be obeyed) tidak dapat ditolak) sanail selendang shawl cp. gebar, nodeng sanang sanang boteq mereka menganyam they weave suo sanang hoaq mereka menganyam bakul they weave a basket cp. ‘anang’ for full paradigm sandiri sendiri self, own, only, alone cp. >ehaq, ingiq, kohaq, neweng, nimoq sanedoq ~ sanodoq séndok spoon cp. hiduq, niduq, oraq (1) sangar pisang goreng fried banana cp. susur sangiq—saq 583 sangiq mengait hook, catch nangiq tara sangiq mengait (har pengait kita hook s.t. (a hook we [in] pakai untuk mengait) use to catch) cp. >akiq, èrèq (1), ileq (3), lolo, nakiq, nangiq, ongaq, rèpèq, topeq (2) sangiri sj ikan beracun k.o. poisonous fi sh cp. >eto bato sangker cangkir cup nuo nin tuaq sangker dia minum tuak satu he drinks one cup of >udeq cangkir palmwine cp. teqa sangkul ~ sakul cangkul, mencangkul dibble, broad hoe, hoe s.t. sakul auq mencangkul tanah dig the ground cp. baq (2), hua, laqur sangul mereka menutup dgn they cover with a lid tutupan cp. ‘angul’ for full paradigm sanodoq see: sanedoq sapang (1) sampan sampan, small boat, dugout bahi sapang mengayuh sampan row a boat cp. kalabaq, lete lete, tene sapang (2) menunggui look for, wait for sapang hamang mencari tandak look for a dance cp. bamger (2), haba, hawar, hodeq, kopaq, pakang, sari, toang, wenger banger (2) sape ~ sampe sape siga 1 sampai 1 until, as far as 2 singgah, menyinggahi 2 drop in, stop by, visit 1. bale ona sape >ote 1. sepulang nanti engkau 1. on your return stop by huna singgah di rumah my house 2. ka sape bolor 2. makan sampai kenyang 2. eat until satisfi ed cp. bongan (1), bukaq (2), lebaq, ruang, siga sapèraq see: sampèraq saq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: suraq 584 saqa—sarong saqa tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: suraq sara (1) sara ue mereka memakai, they wear, use, do, make berpakaian use of suo bèli sara bel wèq-ya mereka di sana sedang those people over there are berperang waging war cp. ‘ara (1)’ for full paradigm sara (2) sara ue untuk, buat mereka for, to them cp. ‘ara (2)’ for full paradigm sara bone bagaimana mereka? how about them? how are bagaimana dgn mereka, things for them, how are bagainmana untuk mereka? things with them? anen ingin bokan, sema nasi terlalu basi, bagaimana that rice is spoiled, how a sara bone? mereka dapat makan? can they eat that? cp. ‘ara bone’ for full paradigm sarang (1) kuda horse cp. kuda sarang (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pitang saraq syarat condition, requirement laha dei ne saraq berbuat sesuai dgn do as he requires, do as syaratnya he says cp. sèraq sarea ikan tongkol tuna sari cari look for cp. haba, hawar, sapang (2) sarita ceritera ceritera cp. tutuq sarobaq menikam stab cp. bakoq, dèqèr (2), robaq, tubaq, tuhuq, tukoq sarong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sirong satiq—sayin bayan 585 satiq mereka menahan sst untuk they keep for themselves diri sendiri cp. ‘atiq’ for full paradigm sau tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sio sauq see: sahuq sawa Jawa, orang Jawa, pulau Java, Javanese Jawa lamaq sina makoq sawa piring Cina, mangkuk Jawa Chinese plate, Javanese cup cp. sina sawang sawang bel mereka menyakitkan, they harm, beat, hit, strike, menggangu, melukai, murder, kill membunuh Yahudi sawang bel Yesus orang Yahudi membunuh the Jews killed Jesus Yesus cp. ‘awang’ for full paradigm sawe (1) burung pergam pigeon cp. pèu sawe (2) mereka berkumpul they gather cp. ‘>awe’ for the full paradigm saya tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rupa sayang sayang, menyayangi, love mencintai kara >oneq pana wèq, jangan bermarahan, tetapi do not hate each other, paq sobaq sayang wèq saling sayang menyayangi love each other cp. kiol, roho, sita, sobaq sayin sayin bayan perjanjian persahabatan agreement of friendship antar kampung atau between villages or regions wilayah, untuk boleh so that the people of the mengambil makanan atau two villages or regions may minuman dari kebun kedua take food and drink from pihak tanpa minta ijin fi elds in the other village or region without asking permission when they are travelling 586 sayong—seher doti

Edang sayin bayan sore orang Kedang memiliki the people of Kedang have >Iwang Kariq perjanijian dgn orang Ile an agreement with the Ape people of Ile Ape sayong see: hayong se (2) see: suo se (2) mereka (kata ganti emfatik, they (emphatic pronoun, 3j) 3pl) cp. ‘ko’ for full paradigm; -deq, seq, seqe, seqi, sese, seti, sèrèq, suo, -ya sebeng sj keranjang sokal yg k.o. basket used in dipakai untuk mencari collecting shellfi sh and kerang dan rumput laut seaweed sede sj pakaian yg dibuat dari piece of clothing made daun gebang from gebang leaves worn around the loins >anaq oyo nale sede-ne anak itu memakai ‘sede’ that child is wearing a ‘sede’ sedeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: koang sedo tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mude sedoq menyendang kick cp. hèdèq, lakoq (1), lèkor, sepaq, suduq sedu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mai segiq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sunaq sehar see: seher seher ~ sehar seher doti sihir magic, black magic, witchcraft 1. kara seher doti >ate 1. jangan menyihir orang 1. do not practise black diqen magic on a person 2. seher mètung 2. jin yg jahat 2. evil spirit cp. nupa, tupa sekong—senang 587 sekong (1) sekong kalung tidak lurus, bengkok not straight, bent cp. boko, hekong, kalung, lekoq, rokoq, tokol, wegir sekong (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sir selaq (1) pelana kuda saddle selaq (2) selaq maliong sepuluh ribu ten thousand puli watar ongon selaq menyimpan jagung sepuluh store ten thousand corn >udeq ribu batang cobs sele tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: opang, >uri sele seleng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kaong, potoq seleq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ledeq sema maka, karenanya mereka so, therefore, consequently they 1. anen ingin bokan, 1. nasi terlalu basi, 1. that rice is spoiled, how sema a sara bone? bagaimana mereka dapat can they eat that? makan? 2. call them, so that they 2. wile ma sema a sin 2. memanggil datang, spy may eat mereka makan cp. ‘ema’ for full paradigm semen see: pesemen sempaq see: sanempaq, sepaq sena mereka akan (penunjuk they will (future tense masa depan, 3j) marker, 3pl) sena iwiq miang mereka akan malu they will be embarrassed cp. ‘ena’ for full paradigm senang senang goa senang, gembira happy, content, glad, cp. hebaq, maiq, mayar 588 senempaq—seqi senempaq 1 raga, bola rotan, bola 1 ball plaited from rattan, ball 2 mainan yg disepak 2 games in which things are kicked cp. bal, sepaq, sempaq seng (1) uang sen cent sen burong uang sen yg bergambar cent with the image of a burung bird seng (2) atap seng tin roofi ng senguq sengau talk through the nose, nasal tutuq senguq bicara dgn sengau talk through the nose sepaq ~ sempaq sépak kick cp. hedeq, lakoq (1), lèkor, sedoq, senempaq sepatuq sepatu shoe, shoes cp. kelong, rupang seq milik mereka, mereka their, they have (possessive mempunyai (kata ganti pronoun, 3pl) posesif, 3j) 1. kara maqo >aten seq 1. jangan curi uang orang 1. do not steal peoples’ doiq money 2. seq huna tangen, seq 2. mereka mempunay 2. they have a new house, wetaq wèrun rumah baru, rumah baru their new house mereka cp. ‘koq’ for full paradigm; suo, se, -deq, -ya, seqe, seqi, sese, seti, sèrèq seqe milik mereka, punya their, theirs (emphatic mereka (kata ganti posesif possessive pronoun, 3pl, emfatik, 3j, sbg subyek) subjective) >uliq >eqa noq suo wilayah ini punya orang this land belongs to the Leuhoeq seqe-ne Leuhoeq people of Leuhoeq cp. ‘koqo’ for full paradigm, also: -deq, se, seq, seqi, sese, seti, sèrèq, suo, -ya seqen yg milik mereka that which is owned by them cp. ‘koqon’ for full paradigm; seqe seqi milik mereka, punya their, theirs (emphatic mereka (kata ganti posesif possessive pronoun, 3pl, emfatik, 3j, sbg obyek) objective) lamaq oti nereng piring yg tadi engkau the plates you borrowed nangan sorong seqi bale pinjam itu, kembalikan recently, give their kepunyaan mereka itu belongings back sereng—sèloq 589

cp. ‘koqi’ for full paradigm, also: -deq, se, seq, seqe, sese, seti, sèrèq, suo, -ya sereng mengulurkan, stretch out, extend membentangkan >iqa weriq weriq, menangkap ikan kecil catch small fi sh with the sereng ling mara mèrèq pakai tangan hands cp. apa (1), kowa (2), leleng, lodong, lor, nateng, neler, >oda, tekaq, tetar sereq cerek kettle sese mereka, untuk mereka, them, for them, to them kepada mereka (kata ganti (adessive pronoun, 3pl) adesif, 3j) >ei pan >owe >ul iqer saya pergi ke pasar I go to the market to buy sese >ue mal bako membeli sirih pinang dan them betel and areca and tembakau untuk mereka tabacco cp. ‘>eko’ for full paradigm; suo, se, -deq, -ya, seq, seqe, seqi, seti, sèrèq setang setang mètung Setan Satan >ei tauq setangu saya takut Setan I am afraid of Satan seti mereka (kata ganti fokus they (agent focus pronoun, agen, 3j) 3pl) suo seti paluqi mereka yg memukulnya it was they who beat him cp. ‘eti’ for full paradigm; suo, se, -deq, -yq, seq, seqe, seqi, sese, sèrèq seuq batu tinggi high boulder te pan bè moboq seuq kita jalan ke tempat duduk we go to that place to sit di atas batu tinggi on the high boulder sèh bunyi untuk mengusir sound to shoo away (a (ayam) chicken) sèkiq sisip insert mèiq sèkiq bè >alen pisau disisip di pinggang knife slipped into belt or clothing at the waist cp. dèkiq, dokeq, doleq, hèkiq, hiki (2), >iher sèloq campur air dingin ke air mix hot water anc cold panas water cp. hèdol 590 sèntèr—sikiq sèntèr sèntèr sintur sénter fl ashlight kara sèntèr koq ning jangan sénter mukaku do not direct the fl ashlight mato at my face sèq sèq kuq mereka membawa they carry, bring, take suo sèq >apeya? apa yg mereka bawa? what have they brought? cp. ‘èq’ for full paradigm sèraq sèraq saraq sèraq saraq papang tangèr memberikan, menyerahkan give, hand over, surrender >uliq noq oti sèraq bè tempat ini sudah engkau you gave this land to me >eqi dèqne serahkan kepada saya cp. boq, doneng, nateng, ni (1), sorong sèrèq (1) sèrèq sawang mereka memegang, they hold, catch, seize, grab menangkap suo pan sèrèq witingya mereka pergi menangkap they went to catch their kambing mereka goat cp. ‘èrèq (1)’ for full paradigm sèrèq (2) mereka (kata ganti fokus they (action focus pronoun, perbuatan, 3j) 3pl) cp. ‘èrèq (2)’ for full paradigm; suo, se, -deq, -ya, seq, seqe, seqi, sese, seti sian mereka tinggal they stay, remain suo pan paq sianya? mereka pergi atau tinggal? are they leaving or staying? cp. ‘ian’ for full paradigm siduq menampar dari tangan, knock out of the hand, menyinggung dgn jari touch with the fi ngers tangan, menyentuh jari of the hand, stick fi ngers tangan dgn kasar pada roughly in s.o.’s face muka orang siga ~ sika siga sape singgah to stop by, drop in bale ona siga bètè huna apabila engkau kembali, when you come back, stop singgahlah di rumah kami by at (our) house cp. >eduq, lebaq, sape sika see: siga sikiq jalan dgn ujung kaki, jalan walk on tiptoes berjinjit sili—sio 591

sikiq suduq permainan anak-anak, children’s game, where menggunakan batu yg a stone is kicked and ditendang, dgn kaki sebelah subsequently lifted up with diangkat a foot sili (1) cili, lombok chilli sili noq lati laraq rehing cili ini terlalu pedas these chillies are too hot sili (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sili liliq sili butu tomat kecil (har cili dari small tomato (lit. chilli Buton) from Buton) sili butu bètè >ul rai tomat di pasar ada banyak at the market there are lots waran sekali of tomatoes cp. saga lai sili liliq ~ sala lalaq satu seruan a call sin sin a 1 mereka minum 1 they drink 2 mereka isap, merokok 2 they suck, smoke suo bèq sin kopiya mereka di sini minum kopi those people here drink coffee cp. ‘in’ for full paradigm sina sina babaq Cina, orang Cina China, Chinese sina babaq bukaq tokoq orang Cina membuka toko a Chinese person has opened a store sina sawa Cina, Jawa, dunia sebelah China, Java; the world to barat; perbatasan atau akhir the west; the border or end dari wilaya to the land 1. lamaq makoq >ata 1. piring mangkok ini 1. these cups and plates are noq >ole sina puqen datang dari tanah Cina from China and Java Jawa matan >aqya; dan Jawa 2. sina puqen, sawa 2. negara-negara barat 2. the world to the west matan, ote wing, ole wang, ote bim, ole bam sing see: siring sintur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: sèntèr sio sio sau siapa who 1. sio sau sobe, >ei oaq 1. siapapun di situ saya 1. whoever may be there, I tauqku tidak takut am not afraid of them 2. sioya? 2. siapa mereka? 2. who are they? 3. sioqo? 3. siapa engkau? 3. who are you? 592 siq—soba siq siq sale mereka meniduri, they have sexual menyetubuhi, bersenggama intercourse suo siq wèq mereka saling bersetubuh they have sexual intercourse cp. ‘iq’ for full paradigm sir sir sekong suka akan, senang akan, like, fancy menyukai, menyenangi 1. labur tèlu >ata owe 1. dari tiga baju itu, saya 1. of those three dresses me, >ei sir ko putuq senang yg merah over there, I like the red one best 2. sir sekong wèq 2. kedua pihak saling 2. like, love each other mencintai, saling menyukai 3. sueqdeq sir sekong 3. keduanya saling 3. those two love each wèqya menyukai other cp. hebaq, senang, sukaq (1), toher siring ~ sing sering often cp. ramaq ramaq, rota, tèru sirong sirong sarong terpancar, bepercikan, spout, gush, spatter, splash, percik soak hau bikil ma neq wèi bambu air pecah sehingga the water bamboo broke sirong sarong koq wèq airnya bepercikan ke tubuh and soaked my body bahe saya cp. pusuq, rehiq sita sita sayang cinta, mencintai, sayang love 1. >ei sita sayang o rasa 1. saya cinta padamu 1. I love you

2. kara awe >unu wèq, 2. jangan berkelahi, 2. do not quarrel, instead paq sita sayang wèq melainkan cinta-mencintai love each other kohaq cp. eroq, kiol, roho, sobaq sitaq kain cloth 1. sitaq buyaq 1. kain putih yg bolos 1. white plain cloth 2. sitaq kandola 2. sarung merah tua 2. dark red cloth so (1) see: suo so (2) see: sobe (2) soba (1) mencoba try, attempt, test, measure ma te >obang waq rian mari kita mendorong batu come, let us push over noq tara soba teq hèkèr besar itu untuk mencoba that big stone to test our tenaga kita strength soba—soka 593

cp. daq (1), gatang, hueq, paing, patal, tibang, ukur soba (2) memberi hadiah tanda give a token of friendship, soba sayang bersahabat, tanda takluk, make a peace offering, berdamai show a sign of submission suo sèq bala pan sara mereka membawa gading they took an elephant tusk soba raya Sagu untuk pergi berdamai dgn to make peace with the raja Adonara king of Adonara sobaq sobaq sayang kasih sayang love kara ruti botoq seqi jangan mengusir mereka do not chase them away, nore sobaq sayang ee pergi, hendaknya their intentions are good memperlakukan mereka dgn kasih sayang cp. eroq, kiol, roho, sita sobe ~ so dan, lalu, sedangkan and, but, while, since, whereas >ei pan sobe o we? saya pergi sedangkan I am going but what about engkau bagaimana? you? cp. bahe, dèq, dèqmè, dèqnu, dèqo, mai, nau, noq, ratang (1), ratong (1), sobe sobeq situ, sana (tempat dekat si that place, there (close to alamat) the addressee) >ape piling sobeq? apa itu yg di sana (dekat what is that there (close engkau)? to you)? cp. mè we, nobeq, weli sodong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: soruq sodoq pindah perlahan-lahan, move slowly, travel slowly jalan perlahan-lahan sodoq nèrè nèrè la, la jalan perlahan-lahan, travel slowly, move aside heaq tauq toyaq pindah karena takut ranjau because afraid of a bamboo bambu (dari nyanyian fall trap (line from the song Bung Ribi) Bung Ribi) sogang ~ sokang melantik appoint nuo sokang nuo naraqi dia mengangkatnya he appointed him raja raya menjadi raja sohoq mereka menguraikan, they loosen, open, membuka disentangle cp. ‘ohoq’ for full paradigm soka menari dance 594 soka hedung—sopan soka hedung menari-nari untuk welcome dance to meet soka hedung sara horaq menjemput pengantin the bride areq binen wanita cp. hedung sokang see: sogang sokaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >akiq, maiq, sokaq salaq, sokaq wèq sokaq salaq sombong boast, brag cp. baya, helor halor, hèqèng wèq, kaher, sokaq wèq sokaq wèq sokaq bayaq, sokaq bituq menyombongkan diri boast, brag about o.s. kara sokaq wèq bèing jangan terlalu do not brag about yourself boiq naiq kohaq mate menyombongkan diri, lest you encounter an early nanti lekas mati death cp. kaher, sokaq salaq soleq ~ deka soleq sj tandak k.o. dance cp. beda a e o, bayo, han daq, lia namang, mado maka, tèting dai soling mereka melindungi (diri they protect (themselves soling sara sendiri dari bahaya), from danger), ward off, menangkis, memperbaiki repel, improve, repair cp. ‘oling’ for full paradigm solon dadu serdadu soldier song tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oi songkoq songkok atau kopiah a red fez merah, model Istanbul tubar tubar nulon suo kepala-kepala dahulu formerly they wore an sale songkoq Stambul mereka memakai kopiah Istanbul-type fez on their Istambul heads sopa potong spy menjadi sama cut smooth narang sopa dolang rata cut the edge smooth, rub milir tepi potong rata, gosok rata smooth sopan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mai soraq—sosoq 595 soraq soraq >orong bersorak-sorai cheer, yell, shout soraq >orong sara bersorak-sorai secara cheer and scream together hama-hama bersama-sama cp. bayaq, bohang, hioq, irong, maka (1), ong, weqal, wile sore mereka menyertai, beserta, they accompany, together dan with, and suo sore pan >ote mereka bersama pergi ke together they went to Edang Kedang Kedang cp. ‘ore’ for the full paradigm soro soro lele melaju, melancar spt glide, move quickly, be perahu melancar di laut carried by a current boraq tene Bugis lihat ada sebuah perahu look, a Bugis boat is >udeq soro lele >ote Bugis melaju dari timur moving quickly from the nène East cp. layu, >olur >alur sorong sorong nateng memberi, menyerahkan, give, hand, surrender mengulurkan 1. daqko sorong bukaq 1. tolong berikan papan yg 1. please hand me out this >aran nobeq laleng we ada di dlm itu board which is in here 2. sorongku metaq 2. berikan saya sepotong 2. give me a lengthwise hidir belahan slice 3. sorong wèq; sorong 3. menyerahkan diri 3. surrender o.s. nateng wèq 4. >iqa >elang >ata 4. bawa ikan ini ke rumah, 4. take these fi sh home, do noq, mèq >ote huna, jangan berikan ke siapa- not give them away kara mara sorong siapa nateng wèq cp. boq, doneng, nating, ni (1), obi, sèraq soroq menyengat sting para muhun soroq koq tabuhan menyengat a wasp stung my hand ling we tanganku cp. lati, tuhuq soruq soruq sodong tergelincir, jalan mendaki slippery, slippery slope yg gampang perosok >ei pan dau paq saya naik bukit tetapi I climbed a hill, but it was soruqku ma bung koq tergelincir jatuh dan lutut slippery and I fell and hurt udul we saya terbentur my knee cp. heleq, meluq, pehul, tohur sosoq (1) menyeret kaki, melangkah move, drag, shuffl e, scrape tanpa mengangkat kaki, the feet in a dance 596 sosoq—sue

menggesekkan kaki dlm do not drag your feet, there tandakan is too much dust kara pan sosoq >eqa jangan menyeret kaki, >air lèbuq bong bahe banyak debu beterbangan cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, hekol, kedong, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, teduq, toda, waeng (1) sosoq (2) cocok fi t, match ohaq sosoq tidak cocok not fi t, not match cp. munung (1), papang (2), pareq (2), patuq, tama, tang, tawe (4) soyo di tempat ini, di sini here, at this place pan ona bale soyo >uliq sekarang engkau pergi, now you go but you will puaq tetapi engkau akan kembali come back and stay right ke sini ke tempat tinggal here cp. bèq, noq soyong >oli >Alor auq soyong menganjur, menjorok jut out, stick out di Alor di mana tanah at Alor where the land juts menganjur (tanjung) out (peninsula) cp. kongar sudi sudi sadang mencukupi complete, fulfi ll, suffi ce, be suffi cient 1. >iqa noq ara sudi 1. ikan ini saya siapkan 1. this fi sh I especially sadang o khusus untukmu prepared for you 2. napa noq sudi lipu 2. tikar ini akan mencukupi 2. this mat will do as a sbg tempat tidur place to sleep cp. gènè, nawen, papang (1) suduq menendang dgn hentakan, stamp with feet, toes menggunakan ujung jari kaki cp. hamang, hèdèq, lèkor, rataq, sedoq, sikiq, tutu (1) sue dua two 1. sue nueq doni 1. dua (dari nyanyian anak 1. two (from a chant used anak untuk menyebutkan by children when playing bilangan satu sampai hide and seek, usually sepuluh) counting up to ten) 2. sue uq >udeq nope 2. dua diambil satu, sama 2. two minus one equals >udeq dgn satu one 3. sueqdeq pan huangya 3. keduanya pergi bermain 3. the two of them go playing suen—suku 597

4. sueqke huang bal 4. kami berdua main bola 4. the two of us (ex) play ball 5. sueqme pan >ul 5. kamu berdua pergi ke 5. you two go to the pasar market 6. wile sueqdeq ma 6. panggil keduanya kemari 6. call both of them to come here 7. sueqya 7. mereka berdua 7. the two of them cp. suen suen duaan, ukuran benda belis/ two units (regarding the maskawin yg nilainya value of items of marriage duaan prestations) bala suen >udeq sebuah gading nilainya an elephant tusk worth duaan (gading gajah yg two units (an elephant tusk panjangnya dari ujung jari stretching from the fi nger sampai bagian atas lengan tips to about the centre yg sama, selébar dua jari of the upper arm muscle antara jempol dan telunjuk of the same arm, with a yg diletakan pada lingkaran gap of the width of two bagian atasnya) fi ngers between the thumb and index fi nger of the hand placed around the circumference of the base) cp. lemen, pitun, munaq (3), sue, tèlun sui mereka melihat, mengerti, they see, know, understand, tahu, menuju aim for, head for suo boraq paq ohaq sui mereka melihat tetapi they looked but did not >eqiya mereka tidak dapat melihat see me saya cp. ‘ui’ for full paradigm sukaq (1) suka like cp. hebaq, kiol, sir, toher sukaq (2) cuka vinegar suker suker tudaq suker tudaq doliq harang susah payah, berdukacita worry, grief, sorrow suker eren dlm keadaan serba live in poverty, destitution kekurangan cp. >èqè, susa suku suku huna, suku lelang suku lelang lèu auq marga descent group, clan 1. >ei noq suku 1. saya tidak mempunyai 1. I have no clan, I am tokongu, >ei >anaq marga, saya anak haram illegitimate nowanu 2. puli panga noq mara 2. simpan harta ini untuk 2. put these goods aside as suku >umen bahagian marga the clan’s share 3. suku >aman 3. bapak-bapak dlm marga 3. male elders of the clan 4. suku pie bètè lèu? 4. ada berapa marga di 4. how many clans are kampung ini? there in the village? 598 sulo—suraq

5. suku pitu pataq 5. marga-marga di desa 5. the clans in the village lelang leme>apaq harus bersatu untuk must unite in order to melengkapi (memperkuat) complete (strengthen) the desa (har tujuh marga harus village (lit. seven clans must rekat dgn sembilan marga) paste to nine clans) 6. suku topeq lelang 6. marga punah, marga 6. a whole line dies out, amuq hilang karena tidak ada leaving no children or anak-anak atau laki-laki yg brothers who might have bisa menurunkan anak (har children (lit. clan broken marga putus marga kosong) clan empty) 7. suku >umen lelang 7. bagian marga 7. the clan’s share lamaq cp. huna suku, kalake suku sulo mereka dulu, mereka they are fi rst, go fi rst, lead suo sulo panya, e nape duluan they went fi rst, we deiqe mereka duluan pergi, baru followed kami belakangan cp. ‘ulo’ for full paradigm sun see: tun (2) sunaq sunaq segiq, sunaq geiq sunat circumcise kara sunaq koq >anaq jangan sunat anakku do not circumcise my child suo ~ se ~ so (1) mereka (kata ganti, 3j) they (personal pronoun, 3 pl) 1. se sin 1. mereka minum 1. they are drinking 2. so ramaq sobe? 2. mereka masih ada di 2. are they still there? situ? 3. they offered us betel and 3. suo sorong eke >ue 3. mereka menawarkan areca mal kami sirih pinang cp. ‘>ei’ for full paradigm, also: baba, -deq, -ya supa supa sagaq sumpah, bersumpah, oath, swear, curse menyumpahi kara supa sagaq nuo jangan menyumpahi dia do not curse him lest he boiq ni mate nanti dia mati die cp. >oba (1), pasataq, ron suraq suraq saq, suraq saqa surat letter 1. natu suraq 1. mengirim surat 1. send a letter 2. suraq noq sio neti 2. siapa yg menulis surat 2. who wrote this letter? huraqi? ini? cp. huraq suru—suya 599 suru juru, ahli expert, specialist cp. molan susa ~ suya susa paya, suya paya susah, sengsara trouble, troubled, hard, diffi cult, bothersome koq >ate rian mate ma, suamiku mati, maka since my husband is dead, puaqku susa paya hidupku susah dan sengsara my life is hard cp. suker susur susur sangar mencucur fl ow cp. hipur, kawang, >olur >alur suya see: susa T ta see: >ata taba (1) taba teti tali dari gebang string made of the gebang palm 1. kuq wadeq taba mara 1. ambil tali gebang untuk 1. take the gebang palm- hongen manuq ikat ayam leaf string and tie up the chicken 2. tèbuq taba 2. tali dari gebang 2. string made of the gebang palm 3. tueng taba 3. memintal tali dari 3. spin string made of the gebang gebang palm cp. tèbuq taba (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: taba lora tabal tabal bula tampal, menampal patch 1. nabal tara tabal 1. menampal (har papan 1. patch, mend (lit. tampal kita pakai untuk mending board we [in] use menampal) to mend) 2. wela birang noq tabal 2. sarung robék ini dgn apa 2. patch this torn sarong mara >ape? menampalnya? with what? cp. nabal, pataq taba lora puting beliung, topan, whirlwind, water spout, taufan typhoon tuaq taba lora puting beliung, taufan water spout, typhoon cp. panuser tabang tempurung besar large half coconut shell cp. teqang tabeq tabik, salam greet, greeting cp. kare, tanang (1) tada tada lalang 1 kenal, mengenal 1 know 2 tanda, menandai 2 sign, mark s.t. 1. >ate diqen oyo, >ei 1. saya tidak kenal orang itu 1. I do not know that ohaq tada person 2. nuo nore neq tada 2. dia ada satu tanda pada 2. he had a sign in his hand >udeq bè ling tangannya 3. tada daten 3. tanda buruk, tanda tidak 3. bad sign, a birthmark on baik the front of the body tadan—taha 601

4. tada mèti 4. mengenal pasang-surut 4. know the tides, sign of a laut transition 5. tada mèti nape kawe 5. kenali pasang surut dulu, 5. judge the tide before baru menyeberang crossing cp. bisa, bunga, lala (2), nuan, tanada, ui tadan halangan, menghalangi, hinder, hindered, hamper, terhalang, menyandung stumble oto ohaq pan, ele neq mobil tidak berjalan karena the car does not go roda tadan bè waqne rodanya terhalang batu because its tire is caught in the rock cp. haqa, koqal, laleq (1), nadan, oqal, tikol tadaq (1) tadaq tonon menaséhati advise, admonish 1. nadaq tara tadaq 1. menaséhati (har 1. advise (lit. advice we [in] naséhat kita pakai untuk use to advise) menaséhati) 2. o kelen tadaq nuo 2. tolong menaséhati dia 2. please give him some >ieq sedikit advice cp. >adaq, >ikir, nadaq, nahaq (2), tèhèq, tuo tadaq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tudaq tading tading bading tanding, membandingkan compare, equal, balance bicara saja jangan saling tèhèq kohaq, kara banding-membandingkan just speak, do not compare tading bading weq each other cp. roe (1) tadiq tadiq lawang memotong, memangkas cut off (fruit from trees), clip cp. bel, hèlèq (2), hèriq, hodang, hoyaq, labor (2), lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohi, pate, piq, tia, tual tado bercahaya, bersinar shine, radiate cp. bohor (2), >engaq, hange, kelaq, ilaq, kilong, lair, nado, nilaqg, lair, nado, nilaq tagong menanggung take responsibility taha taha baka 602 tahan—tahiq taha baka buteq biang rusak, rusak lalu membusuk damage, damaged and atau berbau smelling, rotting >unga taha luka yg membusuk infected and smelly wound cp. >asur, buruq, buteq, daten, ingin, kahal, muha, nehal, pahang, rèhuq (1), rèhuq (2), ruhuq, tahan, tèlèr tahan tahan baka yg terluka, yg rusak dan a wound, a sore; s.t. membusuk damaged, disintegrating and smelly 1. lèi tahan 1. kaki yg terluka 1. a wounded leg 2. odo tahan 2. pantat terluka 2. wounded buttocks cp. awang, >ohi, reoq (2), taha, >unga tahang tahang teheng tahan, menahan hold back, endure, stand fi rm bele mani pan, kara lepaskan dia pergi, jangan let him go, do not hold tahang teheng ditahan him back cp. hideq, hobol, hodeq, kateng, manga (2) tahaq tahaq tanar menyayat cut off, peel 1. tahaq lili 1. menyayat tiang 1. cut off the house post 2. tahaq tanar 2. membuat rata, meratakan 2. fl atten cp. >èyè, hilar, kètèng, kotong, mèyèq, nahaq, pate, tihiq tahi ~tayi tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nahi, tibul tahing tahing tobang mengupas remove the skin of s.t., peel tahing taq mengupas kelapa husk a coconut cp. bie (1), bingeq, hapiq, har, kaheq, kiri, lehor (2), paqe, wara tahiq tahiq >angin laut sea, ocean 1. nuo pan >owe 1. dia pergi ke laut 1. he went to sea tahiqne 2. tahiq bitan 2. laut yg berarus (har laut 2. a rough sea, the Savu sea hidup) (lit. living sea) 3. tahiq laleng 3. di dlm laut 3. in the depths of the sea 4. tahiq mate 4. laut teduh, laut tenang, 4. a calm sea, the Flores Sea tidak bergelombang (har (lit. dead sea) laut mati) 5. tahiq >oar 5. bunyi pecahan ombak 5. sound of breaking waves taho—taku 603

6. tahiq poar 6. ombak pecah sehingga 6. breaking of waves so that beruap there is spray 7. tahiq rataq 7. bibir pantai di mana 7. edge of the sea where ombak tepian the waves play out 8. tahiq tamal 8. asal-asalan, tidak begitu 8. perfunctory, not bagus, tidak begitu enak particulary good, not (har laut asam) particulary delicious (lit. sour sea) cp. hari, kiri tahiq, lewaq, tohu, tuaq taho menambah add cp. henang, hobel, nalang, potal, taling, tulung tahu kita menggayung, we (in) fetch, draw, dip mengambil air, menimba water air cp. ‘ahu’ for full paradigm tahuq ~ tauq (2) kita mengangkut, meraup we (in) gather, collect, scoop, take cp. ‘ahuq’ for full paradigm, also: >èmèng taka tersangkut pada sst (batu, caught by s.t. (a rock, stick, kayu, dsb) etc.) cp. kateng, nakiq taka rakang laba-aba spider taka rakang bun >awaq laba-laba membuat sarang the spider spins its web cp. ara boreng takang (1) yg tidak rapat, yg berjarak be at a distance, have gaps (mis gigi yg letaknya berjarak) takang (2) takang >ameq seruan untuk utter a blessing or curse, mendatangkan berkat atau express an order kutukan, menyebutkan pesanan takang tolor memeriksa telur ayam inspect an egg to fi nd the untuk mengetahui cause of illness sebabnya penyakit takeq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tèin (2) taku menyuap, makan dgn eat with the hand tangan cp. pere 604 tala—tama tala (1) tala langar bagian dlm paha inner thigh tala (2) mengasah sharpen tala mèiq mengasah pisau dgn kayu sharpen a knife with wood atau bambu or bamboo cp. doro (2), >eluq tala (3) bintang star cp. male (1) tala (4) see: tèlè talan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: moleng (1) tale kita memakai we (in) use, wear cp. ‘ale’ for full paradigm taleng berbulu hairy cp. >urun taleq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tiq talerang surat kawat, télégram telegram tali menyahut, menjawab answer, reply, respond >ei wile nuo paq ohaq saya memanggilnya tapi dia I called him but he did not taline tidak menyahut reply cp. holo, tapan taling tambah, menambah add to, increase, take more taling watar menambah makanan take more food cp. daling, dalong, henang, ketang, potal, taho, tulung talu talu beru batu-batuan yg ditemukan stone found as a sign of di dlm tempat sirih sbg suatu acquiring food restrictions tanda untuk berpantang talu nawang hukuman karena tidak punishment for not menuruti pantangan observing the new crops makanan (har dipukul food restrictions (lit. the ‘talu’) ‘talu’ stone strikes) taluma pohon turi k.o. tree (Sesbania grandifl ora) ta ma see: >ata ma tama cocok fi t, match tamal—tanane 605

cp. munung (1), papang (2), pareq (2), patuq, sosoq (2), tang, tawe (4) tamal tamal bila, tamal tobi 1 pohon asam 1 tamarind, Tamarindus indicus 2 asam 2 sour 1. tahiq tamal 1. asal-asalan, tidak begitu 1. perfunctory, not bagus, tidak begitu enak particulary good, not (har laut asam) particulary delicious (lit. sour sea) 2. tamal lolong 2. daun asam 2. tamarind leaves 3. tamal >uan 3. biji asam 3. tamarind beans cp. kiru, omaq, pilar tambaleq terbalik, berbicara dgn reversed, reversed language, bahasa terbalik speak the reversed language tutuq tambaleq berbicara terbalik speak reversed language cp. boko, lenga tameq tameq deheng memimpin, mengantar lead, accompany, escort cp. bele, ore, tode tami membujur, memanjang lengthwise kelung ling tami wali gading yg membujur ke elephant tusk which bahu (har ganti tangan, extends to the shoulder (lit. memanjang ke bahu) replace the hand, extend to the shoulder) cp. eur wali manang tamodo tamodo lado perhiasan kepala head decoration cp. >era (2); mabaq tan ~ tanane tan hoe, tan nekeq menenun weave cp. anang, doleq, nane, nekeq tana 1 tanah, bumi 1 ground, soil, earth, fi eld, land 2 tempat pertempuran 2 dancing place for a tandak dancing contest tana >opaq tanah lumpur muddy land cp. auq (1), >alang, bareng, >eqa (1), >ero, lumar, namang (1), neda, nera tanada tanda sign cp. bunga, lala (2), tada tanane see: tan 606 tanang—tangaq tanang (1) tanang tonon, tanang pesan, memesan, salam let know, give notice, greet tonong 1. tanang oi patoq 1. perpisahan yg indah 1. a pleasant departing (lit. paong (har pesan menyapa merdu greet with a pleasant voice) suara) 2. tanang o nu 2. memberi pesan pada 2. let you (sg) know engkau 3. tanang tonon wèq 3. berpesan-pesanan, saling 3. exchange information, bersalamn greet each other cp. kare, tabeq tanang (2) kita menganyam we (in) weave cp. ‘anang’ for full paradigm tanangul tutupan periuk lid of a pot tanangul tara tangul menutup (har tutupan kita cover with a lid (lit. lid we pakai untuk menutup) [in] use to cover with a lid) cp. angul, tangul tanapiq see: tènapiq tanar memotong memakai cut with a plane menarah cp. tahaq taneng taneng loiq mengubur, menanamkan bury taneng maten mengubur mayat bury a corpse cp. dèmèr, heloq, miwaq tang tang doreng memasang fi t, affi x, mount, apply 1. tang dera 1. memasang tangga untuk 1. put up a ladder naik 2. tang lèi 2. memasang sebelah kaki 2. place the foot to begin untuk mulai memanjat climbing a tree pohon cp. behaq, >eq, imang (2), kopi, munaq (2), munung (1), nikaq, papang (2), pareq (20, patuq, tama, tang, tawe (4), tèdèq tanga sj rumput yg tinggi besar k.o. grass with long, large batangnya, dipakai untuk stalks used for arrows tangkai anak panah cp. abun, auq oqor, kiriq tahiq, ladu, pinaq, rapi, >uru tangaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself tange—tapaq 607

see: tongaq tangaq tange tange dolor, tange lora 1 mentah, belum masak 1 unripe, immature, uncooked 2 hijau 2 green anen tange nasi mentah the rice is not yet ripe cp. mutiq, pitaq, tangen, taqen (1), taqi tangen tangen dolor, tangen lora yg mentah, sst yg belum s.t. unripe, uncooked, green masak, hijau 1. anen tangen 1. nasi mentah 1. uncooked rice 2. labur tangen 2. baju hijau 2. a green dress cp: pitaq, tange, wèrun tanger tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: papang (2) tangul kita menutup dgn tutupan we (in) cover with a lid tanangul tara tangul menutup dgn tutupan (har cover with a lid (lit. lid we tutupan kita pakai untuk [in] use to cover with a lid) menutup) cp. ‘angul’ for full paradigm, tanangul tanibang dacing, alat timbang scales cp. dasing, nibang, nueq, tibang tanudaq alat untuk memasang device for setting up thread benang cp. tudaq tanueng alat pemintal benang spindle memakai jari tangan cp. tueng tanukoq alat penopang, tongkat stick, pole, support cp. hodeq, honing, hudeq, lapa (1), likoq, luni, moboq, nedang, nobol, nodeq, noreng, nukoq, paheng, pohing, tukoq, tuqul tapan menjawab, menyahut reply holo nute tapan toyeq menjawab perkataan, answer the words sahutan cp. holo, tali tapaq bunyi sst benda yg jatuh sound of s.t. which falls on menimpa sst top of s.t. 608 tapar—taq tapar tapar raing menggelepar-gelepar fl utter, squirm, twitch cp. dequng, kea kayang tape tape daya, tape heiq, tape laraq memanaskan di atas api warm s.t. by a fi re tape >alen memanaskan pinggang warm one’s back at the fi re cp. heiq, tunu tapel tapel daing mengipas fan s.o. or s.t. 1. napel tapel api 1. kipas mengipas api 1. the fan fans the fi re 2. napel mara tapel 2. mengipas (har kipas 2. fan s.t. (lit. fan we [ex] kami pakai untuk use to fan) mengipas) 3. tapel mara napel 3. kami mengipas dgn kipas 3. we (ex) fan with a fan cp. daing, duq (2), napel, puiq tapi 1 menapis 1 strain, sieve, fi lter 2 memilih 2 select tapi tawan memilih bibit select seeds cp. baqul, keka, nome, pil, tuli, waeng (1), wang (1) taping (1) taping boran taping boran liwuq paning cara memanggil dgn wave, call s.o. to come melambaikan tangan closer, invite s.o. to come in with a waving gesture lolon taping daun melambai-lambai leaves wave cp. >ameq (1), doha, hitiq, lata taping (2) membawa datang bring s.t. taping tèlar membawa labu datang bring pumpkins cp. kuq, mèq tapo kelapa coconut cp. taq taq taq >ue kelapa, nyiur coconut 1. >ipu taq 1. minyak kelapa 1. coconut oil 2. taq ahaq 2. buah kelapa yg ringan 2. an old and dry, hence karena sudah tua light coconut (when the coconut shell turns dark and can be used for making cups and spoons) 3. taq amaq 3. kulit kelapa 3. the outer skin of an unhusked coconut 4. taq baran 4. pohon kelapa yg masih 4. the young coconut palm muda (belum berbuah) (not yet fruiting) taq—taq 609

5. taq bèti 5. buah kelapa pecah 5. coconut splits because of karena kena panas matahari the heat of the sun 6. taq èbur 6. lembaga kelapa, teras 6. coconut germ, coconut kelapa pith 7. taq >ehu 7. kelapa yg kulitnya dapat 7. a coconut with an edible dikunyah husk 8. taq ero 8. pohon kelapa atau 8. stage in the development pinang yg pertama kali of (the) coconut or pinang berbunga palm when the fruiting branch begins to emerge 9. taq >ipu 9. santan kelapa yg 9. coconut milk rich in mengandung banyak coconut oil minyak 10. taq kubang, taq 10. jantung 10. heart mutiq 11. taq kureng 11. sisa kelapa yg digaruk 11. coconut meat which yg tidak dipakai remains after grating a coconut 12. taq lewar 12. pohon kelapa yg sudah 12. coconut tree which is berumur tua dan tidak old and has few nuts banyak berbuah lagi 13. taq lèrè 13. daging kelapa yg keras 13. hardened coconut meat 14. taq lipan 14. isi kelapa dicampur 14. coconut contents dgn air mixed with water 15. taq lolon 15. daun kelapa 15. coconut leaves (wrapping for a corpse) 16. taq lolon >ubuq 16. pucuk daun kelapa 16. the fi rst of the coconut leaves 17. taq maren lolon 17. larangan daun kelapa 17. coconut leaf sign of (yg menandakan larangan prohibition around a memetik kelapa di coconut tree indicating kampung tsb) that coconuts may not be picked in the village 18. taq matan 18. bahagian tempurung 18. eyelike indentions on a kelapa yg ada tiga matanya coconut 19. taq mutiq 19. buah kelapa yg masih 19. young coconut kecil atau masih muda 20. taq naeng 20. tandan kelapa tempat 20. fruiting branch of a buah bergantung coconut palm 21. taq puqen 21. pangkal pohon kelapa 21. trunk of a coconut tree 22. taq rèki 22. ijuk kelapa 22. burlap-like fi bres around the trunk of a coconut tree 23. taq taran 23. kelapa tua 23. old coconut 24. taq tawen 24. buah kelapa yg sudah 24. sprouting coconut, the bertunas sprout of the coconut 25. taq teneng 25. upih atau seludang 25. sheath which covers the yg membungkus mayang fruiting stem of a coconut kelapa palm 26. taq turin 26. buah kelapa yg sudah 26. dried up coconut, kering stage when coconut fruit dries up 27. taq >ua 27. kelapa yg sudah 27. coconut tree old berbuah enough to fruit 28. taq >uan 28. a. buah kelapa; b. kelapa 28. a. the coconut fruit; b. berbuah the fruiting of the coconut 610 taqe—taqin

29. taq >uan buyaq 29. pohon kelapa yg 29. white-fruited coconut buahnya putih palm 30. taq >uan putuq 30. pohon kelapa yg 30. red-fruited coconut buahnya merah 31. taq >ulur 31. buah kelapa muda yg 31. a. soft coconut meat; isinya lembut b. stage when the coconut meat appears 32. taq >ulur lèrèn 32. buah kelapa muda yg 32. a. young coconut fruit isinya keras with tough meat; b. stage when coconut meat has hardened 33. taq >ulur moleng 33. buah kelapa yg isinya 33. a coconut whose meat lembut (har kelapa lembut) is still soft and somewhat fi lmy (lit. soft coconut) 34. taq >uq 34. pantat tempurung 34. the indentation in the kelapa whole coconut opposite the stem 35. taq weren 35. air kelapa 35. the water of a coconut cp. tapo taqe taqe bètèr, taqe dara masak alami ripen naturally, ripen through sunlight muqu taqe dara pisang masak dlm keadaan banana ripening to the mulai berwarna kuning point of turning yellow cp. dara (1), daran, duren, pitaq, taqen (2), taqi, taqin taqen (1) taqen bètèr yg masak secara alami s.t. ripened naturally, ripened through sunlight muqu taqen pisang yg masak secara a ripe banana alami cp. dara (1), daran, duren, tange, taqe, taqi, taqin, wèrun taqen (2) taqen >aten hati liver me ka neq >ihin, puli kamu makan dagingnya, you eat its meat, leave me koq taqen >aten berikan hatinya untuk saya the liver cp. >aten taqi taqi murun, taqi tange masak karena dimasak atau cooked, done, very dibakar, yg sungguh 1. >iqa bèq taqi dèqne 1. ikan ini sudah masak 1. this fi sh is done 2. putuq taqi 2. merah yg sungguh 2. very red merah cp. nimun, rasa, rehi, taqe, taqen (2), taqin taqin yg dimasak oleh panas cooked food api (karena dimasak atau dibakar) tara—taraq mèhèl 611

cp. taqe, taqen (2); taqi tara (1) kita memakai we (in) wear, use, do, make use of cp. ‘ara (1)’ for full paradigm tara (2) untuk, buat kita for, to us (in) cp. ‘ara (2)’ for full paradigm tara (3) tara turen, tara turin masak, cukup umur, ripe, old berumur tua cp. èdèr (1), lelan, >oqing, paqar, roqong, taran, tua (2), tuan (2), turi, >umur (1) tara bone bagaimana kita? bagaimana how about us (in)? how are dgn, untuk kita? things for, with us (in)? cp. ‘ara bone’ for full paradigm taran taran koil, taran turen, taran turin yg masak, yg tua, yg that which is ripe, that berumur which is old manuq taran koil ayam yg tua (sehingga old chicken (which is so dagingnya sukar makan) old its fl esh is hard to eat) cp. tara tarang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lapaq, lèrè, manga taraq taraq bèhu 1 bunyi yg terdengar ketika 1 crack, the sound of dry kayu kering dipatahkan wood breaking or a stone atau batu dipukul being struck 2 bunyi letusan 2 sound of an explosion cp. reka taraq mèhèl pohon belukar dgn buah k.o. tree with an edible, berbentuk ginjal yg dapat kidney-shaped fruit (the dimakan (daunnya biasa leaves of the female tree dipakai untuk menyapu may be used for sweeping a kubur baru) new grave) cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, 612 tariq—tatar

laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq tariq cawat loincloth tariq lèwo bala wela cawat Lewobala, sarung loincloth from Labala, mau behi Maubehi (hadiah diberi sarong from Maubehi oleh Lemur Lale kepada (refers to gift made by Wèi Rawe spy sungai itu Lemur Lale to Wèi Rawe jangan lari) to keep the spring from moving) cp. behi (2), mese, wela (2) tata panggilan pengganti kakak term of address for ‘aqe’, tata maqing saudara perempuan dari father’s sister bapak cp. bao tatal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning see: tatal hewal by itself tatal hewal memberi makanan untuk give food for a departure perpisahan tatang rontok dan jatuh fall and be scattered around berserakan (spt daun daun (like leaves) yg gugur) ai lolon tatang daun kayu gugur leaves fall cp. bolaq (1), elar, harang (1), hiroq, hubaq, moqang, moruq, oqal, oruq, pehaq, pèhèq, poruq, turu tataq tataq mahing, tataq maing bertepuk, menepuk clap, slap 1. tataq ling 1. bertepuk tangan 1. clap hands 2. tataq obi 2. menepuk punggung sso 2. slap s.o.’s back cp. dang, kueq (1), lèpèr tatar sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, tatiq—tawaq 613

kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq tatiq kita menahan sst untuk we (in) keep for ourselves dirisendiri cp. ‘atiq’ for full paradigm tatong (1) siter bambu bamboo zither tatong (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: titong taung (1) mengail dgn umpan ikan fi sh with a hook and line kecil untuk mendapatkan using a small fi sh as bait for ikan besar a larger one cp. >aning, betur, kopel, wotoq taung (2) nila, tarum indigo cp. nile tauq (1) tauq >iwiq takut afraid kara tauq jangan takut do not be afraid cp. bèwiq mèwiq, buqang, daqang, tomo tauq (2) see: tahuq tawa gong yg lubang mulutnya gong with a deep mouth dalam, pingerannya panjang and long sides tawan tawan mean benih, bibit seed, grain, kernel, stone cp. kuwoq, nutaq, rehaq, uluq tawang kita menyakiti, menggangu, we (in) harm, beat, hit, melukai, membunuh strike, murder, kill cp. ‘awang’ for full paradigm tawaq tawaq tolu runtuh topple, collapse 614 tawe—tayi

waq tawaq batu runtuh the stone topples cp. èhèr, hubaq, koliq, lubaq, luqur, pèhèq, rèhèq tawe (1) tawe tobeq tumbuh, bertumbuh grow cp. bita, tawen tawe (2) tawe haeq, tawe heko, tawe heler tertawa laugh, giggle tawe repoq rodong tertawa ramai laugh loudly tawe (3) kita berkumpul we (in) gather cp. ‘>awe’ for full paradigm tawe (4) memasang fasten, fi x, fi t tawe laong memasang anting-anting fi t a pair of earrings to di telinga the ear cp. bakeq, >eq, imang (2), munaq (2), munung (1), nikaq, papang (2), pareq (2), patuq, tama, tang, tèdèq tawen tawen tobeq yg tumbuh, tumbuhan s.t. growing, s.t. grown, evolved things cp. tawe (1) tawi memotong putus tali, cut a cord, cut off a bunch tandan tawi wadeq memotong putus tali- cut a cord temali cp. tia, tohoq (1) tawu kumpul gather cp. ahuq, >awe (2), haba, mawu, mawun, muta, >opung, tawun, tubun tawun yg dikumpulkan that which is gathered together cp. >awe, mawu, mawun, >opung, tawu tayaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tèiq tayaq tayi see: tahi tayong—tebeq 615 tayong kumba besar, tempayan large pot besar cp. kuhi, lobong tayu lilin candle tayu muha lilin mencair the candle drips te (1) kita (kata ganti, 1j in) we, us, our (personal pronoun, 1pl in) te nape >adan kita baru datang we (in) have just arrived cp. ‘>ei’ for full paradigm; teq, teqe, teqi, tete, teti, tèrèq, -te te (2) kita (kata ganti emfatik, we, us, our (emphatic 1j in) pronoun, 1pl in) cp. ‘ko’ for full paradigm

-te kita (morfem terikat, kata we (bound morpheme, ganti, 1j in) personal pronoun, 1pl in) a tinte mari kita makan let us eat cp. ‘-u’ for full paradigm; te teban ikan kering, ikan tambang dried fi sh, tied up fi sh teban noting ikan kering terikat tied dried fi sh cp. uno tebeq tebeq laiq, tebeq mader, tebeq tèqèl duduk sit 1. tebeq ayaq mader 1. a. suatu cara memanggil 1. a. means of calling spirits tuan roh untuk mendengar in order to hear their suaranya b. duduk voices b. sit in a group berkumpul (har duduk di (lit. sit in the centre, stand tengah-tengah, membuat ancestors) leluhur berdiri) 2. tebeq balung 2. duduk bersila 2. sit with legs crossed 3. tebeq eder, tebeq idir 3. duduk miring 3. sit at a slant 4. tebeq hiku puqen 4. duduk di ujung balai- 4. sit on a balai resting balai, pada tiang balai-balai one’s side against a post 5. tebeq manga 5. duduk tegap (satu 5. sit securely (a stage in an tahap pertumbuhan dlm infant’s development) perkembangan anak) 6. tebeq mida 6. duduk rapih 6. sit properly 7. tebeq mokoq 7. berjongkok 7. squat 8. tebeq nueng mader 8. duduk tenang, berdiri 8. sit quietly stand slowly nèrè pelan 9. tebeq omo 9. duduk lantai dgn tangan 9. sit on the fl oor with legs memeluk kaki together, bent back against the body 10. tebeq >ote bubun 10. duduk di ubun-ubun 10. sits on the fontanelle ayaq (tentang gugusan bintang (said of the Milky Way, bimasakti, apabila anak when a child is born with lahir dgn tulang ubun- an open seam between ubun yg belum tertutup the bones of the skull as 616 teda lela—teheng

yg dikatakan akibat si ibu a result of its mother’s dulu melanggar larangan having violated certain tertentu) prohibitions) 11. tebeq rongoq 11. mendiami rumah 11. live in a low house rendah, menunggui sst dlm with a roof that touches rumah rendah the ground, to lie in wait (in hunting) 12. tebeq piding 12. duduk berderet 12. sit in a row 13. tebeq tubi 13. duduk berdekatan 13. sit close together 14. tebeq walaq waur 14. duduk berselang-seling 14. sit interspersed cp. hoko (1), mader, tèqèl teda lela suatu aba-aba nyanian chant used when lifting s.t. untuk menarik sst in unison bersama-sama teda lela bate tala tayo suatu aba-aba nyanian a chant used when lifting untuk menarik sst s.t. in unison bersama-sama tedal letak miring, tidak tegak- place, put s.t. at an angle tedal hoyong lurus cp. hèkèr tedaq sandar, miring lean, aslant cp, hedang, hepaq, hudeq, idir, iring, tuda, tudeq teduq menyeret, menghela, lead on a line, drag, pull menarik 1. teduq >ulun bare 1. menyeret kain hitam 1. lead the black cloth koda penunjuk jalan, memikul showing the way, carry the silsilah genealogy on the shoulder 2. teduq witing 2. mengeret kambing 2. lead a goat cp. beq, boraq (2), dera (1), rahiq, sosoq (1), toda, wadoq teha tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tuen, ueng (2) tehang tehang maeq 1 miang 1 small plant hairs 2 sj tumbuhan berduri 2 k.o. thorny plant tehang taqe lawaq dara rumput tua dan the weeds are old and menguning, upih pinang turning yellow, the hampir masak, musim infl orescence matures, the rumput menguning, hujan season of weeds turning sekitar bulan Maret atau yellow, a rain in March or April April teheng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tahang teheq—tel 617 teheq sj pohon k.o. tree, from which water may be extracted cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq teho menggoyang nyiru sift rice in a fl at basket >ekoq teho anen memisahkan beras sift rice sift rice in a fl at basket dari sekam dgn cara menggoyang nyiru yg berisikan beras tehu tebu sugarcane, sorghum tehu bonoq sj tebu yg kulitnya merah k.o. red-skinned sugarcane teka tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tupa tekal tekal mapaq letak melintang place across (such as a bamboo pole for drying clothes, fi sh, etc.) tekaq mengulurkan, melonjorkan stretch 1. tekaq bedil loleng 1. mengulurkan bedil, 1. place the rifl e at the boiq menggantung tempat isi ready, hang up the powder mesiu (menanti musuh) pouch (in readiness for an attack) 2. tekaq lèi 2. melonjorkan kaki 2. stretch out one’s legs (as after a feast or meal) cp. lodong, lor, nateng, >oda, sereng, tetar tekeq tekeq rèti, tekeq tuan tokek gecko cp. tuan tel tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bèyèng 618 telar—tene telar telar timu labu merah a red pumpkin teleng lebar, luas wide, spacious, extended cp. >abal, kedeng, mèkuq, mèqul, nalar (1), neler, >oang, potoq tema maka, karenanya kita so, therefore, consequently we (in) 1. tema bangèr ai puqen 1. maka kita menunggu 1. therefore we await the pemimpinya (har pangkal leader (lit. tree trunk) pohon) 2. tema kopaq rian 2. kita menunggu roh 2. we await the guardian nimon pelindung spirit 3. tema >oneq >udeq 3. spy kita bersatu (har kita 3. so that we should be in laleng >udeq satu hati, satu kemauan) unity (lit. we (in) have one heart, one intention) 4. tema tara bone 4. kita harus berbuat 4. what shall we do? how kohaq? bagaimana? shall we do it? cp. ‘ema’ for full paradigm tena kita akan (penunjuk masa we (in) will (future tense depan, 1j in) marker, 1pl in) ake >uya turu di, tena walaupun hujan, kita akan although it is raining, we pan lumarqe pergi kerja kebun will go to the fi eld cp. ‘ena’ for full paradigm tene tene layar sampan, perahu boat, sampan 1. lèu napang tene 1. orang luar baik dari 1. people from outside nanger darat maupun dari laut both from the interior as well as from overseas 2. tene >ale 2. haluan perahu 2. bow of a boat 3. tene kalabaq 3. sj Perahu 3. dugout with splash boards 4. tene kole, tene kole 4. sj perahu 4. k.o. boat kole 5. tene kora, tene 5. sj perahu kerajaan yg 5. k.o. boat korakora banyak dayungnya 6. tene lambo 6. sj perahu dgn banyak 6. k.o. of boat with many dayung, untuk raja oars, for a raja 7. tene lete lete 7. sj perahu 7. k.o. boat 8. tene muaq manuq 8. orang asing dari luar 8. people who come sama Kedang yg dating naik from outside Kedang (lit. perahu (har perahu the boat carries the wild memuat itik liar) ducks) 9. tene rian 9. perahu besar 9. large boat 10. tene sapang 10. sampan 10. sampan, small boat, dugout 11. tene sue mè buaq 11. dua sampan itu berlayar 11. those two ships sail polung bersama together 12. tene >uring 12. buritan perahu 12. boat’s stern 13. tene wala 13. pemimpin di perahu 13. boat master teneng—teqa 619

cp. lambo, lete lete, sapang (1) teneng upih atau seludang yg sheath which covers the membungkus mayang fruiting stem of a coconut kelapa atau pinang or areca palm mèti pènu, >anaq waktu pasang naik, anak at high tide small children kutun huang taq teneng kecil biasa bermain dgn play with coconut sheaths upih kelapa tenun tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >uqur tepa tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: buyaq, tepa tule tepaq menghamparkan, spread out membentangkan tepaq napa membentangkan tikar spread out a mat cp. apa (1), kowa (2), leleng, neler, sereng tepa tule katak frog cp. tokoq tepi tepi bolong meninjau, memandang see, look, look at, peer dari jauh tepi tahiq bolong meninjau ke laut (har look toward the sea (lit. >angin meninjau laut, melihat look at the sea, behold the angin) wind) cp. boraq (1), ebeng, ui tepong tepung fl our, rice fl our tipaq tepong menumbuk tepung pound rice fl our cp. bong (1) teq milik kami, kami our, we have (possessive mempunyai (kata ganti pronoun, 1pl in) posesif, 1j in) 1. teq manuq 1. ayam kita 1. our (in) chicken 2. teq witing 2. kambing kita 2. our (in) goat cp. ‘koq’ for full paradigm, also: te, -te, teqe, teqi, tete, teti, tèrèq teqa 1 cangkir tempurung kecil 1 small coconut-shell cup untuk tuak for palmwine 2 kemanakan, pihak yg 2 wife-takers (like cups set membayar belis (spt on a plank by wife-givers) seperangkat cangkir yg ditaruh di atas papan oleh pihak pemberi perempuan) 620 teqang—tetaq

cp. nobol, sangker, teqang teqang teqang tabang cangkir tempurung besar large coconut shell cup untuk air atau tuak for water or palmwine, measure for liquids: half a coconut shell cp. teqa teqe milik kita, punya kita (kata our, ours (emphatic ganti posesif emfatik, 2j in, possessive pronoun, 2pl in, sbg subyek) subjective) cp. ‘koqo’ for full paradigm, also: te, -te, teq, teqi, tete, teti, tèrèq teqen yg milik kita that which is owned by us (in) cp. ‘koqon’ for full paradigm; teqe teqi milik kita, punya kita (kata our, ours (emphatic ganti posesif emfatik, 1j in, possessive pronoun, 1pl in, sbg obyek) objective) kara paluq teqi jangan pukul kita do not hit us (in) cp. ‘koqi’ for full paradigm; te, -te, teq, teqe, tete, teti, tèrèq tequl tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mipi terang terang clear cp. aran, >araq (3), niho, nihon, potoq, todi tereq kemaluan perempuan vagina tereq setang tereq kemaluan perempuan setan, vagina a satan, vagina an binatang kemaluan perempuan animal (an obscentity) binatang cp. kereq, >uti teta teta teta memintal jala spin a web ara boreng teta teta, setelah memintal the spider spins its web and bahe mè, puaq bè ara memintal jala, laba-laba then stays in the centre of boreng awaq ayaq menempati bagian tengah the web sarangnya cp. tetar tetaq tetaq laluq tidak gampang putus, not easily loosened or mulur (spt ingus atau getah separated, elastic (like tetar—tèbuq 621

pohon atau bubur cair, mucus, sap, or the liquid of kanji) porridge or starch) cp. laluq tetar merentang, memulurkan stretch, extend tetar wadeq merentang tali stretch the cord cp. kowa (2), lodong, lor, nateng, sereng, tekaq, teta tete (1) kita, untuk kita, kepada kita us, for us, to us (adessive (kata ganti adesif, 1j in) pronoun, 1pl in) cp. ‘>eko’ for full paradigm; te, -te, teq, teqe, teqi, teti, tèrèq tete (2) tete >eler mengusung carry on a pole 1. nete mara tete 1. memikul (har pikulan 1. carry s.t. on a pole (lit. kami pakai untuk pole we [ex] use to carry) memikul) 2. tete wawi 2. mengusung babi 2. carry a pig on a pole cp. nete teteng teteng niong mengangkat tinggi untuk lift s.t. so as to show it memperlihatkan teti (1) kita (kata ganti fokus agen, we (agent focus pronoun, 1j in) 1pl in) cp. ‘eti’ for full paradigm; te, -te, teq, teqe, teqi, tete, tèrèq teti (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: taba (1) teting tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: boleq (2) tewel tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: doa tèboq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bura tèbul tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: waiq tèbuq pohon gebang, Corphya gebang palm, Corphya utan, utan, Linn. Linn. 622 tèdè—tèhèq

1. tèbuq lapan 1. tangkai dan daun pohon 1. branch and leaves of the gebang gebang palm 2. tèbuq taba 2. tali gebang 2. gebang palm-leaf string tèdè memperbaiki barang- repair s.t. dented or bent barang yg berlekak-lekuk tèdè kala memperbaiki tombak repair a spear cp. moling tèdèq memasang fi x, attach latong tèdèq bè lèi gelang kaki dipasang di fi x the anklet to the legs kaki cp. >eq, imang (2), munaq (2), nikaq, papang (2), pèti (2), tang, tawe (4) tèdèr (1) memancangkan drive into the ground, stake cp. >iher, kèdèq, lètèq, paheng, paher, pating tèdèr (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: mutur tèduq menyodokkan kepala, butt, collide membentur cp. bae, lagar, lètur, tukal tègèl tègèl linang memperhatikan dgn teliti observe, examine, heed, pay attention mato tègèl mata memperhatikan dgn examine, watch intensely teliti cp. doraq, ebeng, lekeq, leku tèhèq ~ tèq (2) tèhèq lari, tèhèq tadaq berkata, omong, berbicara, speak, talk membicarakan 1. kara tutuq hueq 1. jangan berbicara untuk 1. do not accuse and tèhèq lari mencari kebenaran, jangan reproach mencela 2. nuo tèhèq tèlè nuo 2. dia berkata bahwa nanti 2. he said that he would nena >aq dia ke sini come here 3. tèhèq aran 3. berkata terang, berbicara 3. speak clearly jelas 4. tèhèq hian hitiq 4. bicara spt burung ‘hian’ 4. speak like the ‘hian’ bird calls 5. tèhèq mateq 5. janji mati, tidak dapat 5. fi xed promise dirobah 6. tèhèq nadaq 6. menaséhati 6. advise 7. tèhèq tèlè 7. berkata bahwa... 7. say that... 8. tèhèq toyeq pan lala 8. berbicara kata ikuti jalan 8. say words follow the path tèin—tèlèr 623

9. tuben hoing tèhèq 9. mengajar dan mencela 9. instruct and scold lari 10. ukur hueq tèhèq 10. mengukur, menimbang, 10. measure, weigh lari menakar cp. kariq, kete (2), tèlè, tutuq, tuwo tèin (1) tèin dewaq, tèin wadeq tali string, cord 1. mato tèin 1. tahi mata 1. sleep in the eye 2. ning tèin 2. ingus 2. nasal mucus 3. oro tèin 3. tali kecil pada daun 3. small fi bre in a lontar lontar leaf 4. tèin botin 4. tali perut, usus 4. intestines, bowels 5. tèin hèriq 5. rasa lapar (har perut 5. feel hungry (lit. the teriris) stomach slices) 6. tèin ikang 6. usus yg bercabang 6. branching intestines 7. tèin puhe 7. tali pusat 7. centre of the string, small nib in the small intestine of a chicken 8. tèin puqen 8. pangkal usus 8. base of the intestine 9. tèin >udeq dewaq 9. satu turunan dari nenek 9. common descent (lit. >udeq moyang yg sama (har tali one navel cord one womb) satu tali satu) cp. botin, dewaq, lihan, lori, wadeq tèin (2) kecil small cp. ehoq, eken, ite, keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq tèiq tayaq kacoak, lipas cockroach tèlè ~ tala (4) bahwa, berkata bahwa... that, say that... nuo tèhèq tèlè... dia berkata bahwa... he said that... cp. ma (3), mè (2), panaqeng, tèhèq, we tèlèr tèlèr bung menitik, menghancurkan, hit, pound, crush with a menumbuk dgn batu stone tèlèr watar menitik jagung crush maize with a stone cp. awang, >asur, bating, bèngè, bongaq, buteq, dèqèr (2), kakal, kakaq (1), kakaq (2), lebaq (2), lekaq, lita, mawang (1), muha, nehal, nènè, oluq, paluq, pidan, rahaq (1), rèhuq (2), ruhuq, ruteq, taha, tèqè, tipaq, totoq, 624 tèlu—tèlun

tutu (1), walaq (1), wataq, wokul (1) tèlu tiga three 1. tèlu ka 1. dlm perhitungan bulan 1. in keeping track of yaitu pertemuan bintang months, when the moon Antares dan bulan pada comes into conjunction malam ketiga bulan baru, with Antares around the sekitar Oktober Nopember third night of the new moon, in October or November 2. tèlu man sue mè (se) 2. dua kali tiga menjadi 2. two times three equals >ènèng enam six 3. tèlu mèluq lalung 3. tiga (dari nyanyian anak- 3. three (from a chant used anak untuk menyebutkan by children when playing bilangan satu sampai hide and seek, usually sepuluh) counting up to ten) 4. tèluq-ke 4. kami bertiga 4. the three of us (ex) 5. tèluq-me 5. kamu bertiga 5. the three of you (pl) 6. tèluq-te 6. kita bertiga 6. the three of us (in) 7. tèluq-ya, tèluq-deq 7. mereka bertiga 7. the three of them cp. tèlun tèlun tigaan (ukuran benda belis three units (regarding the yg nilainya tigaan) value of items of marriage prestations) 1. tèlun sue 1. dua tigaan (gading gajah 1. two units of three yg panjangnya dari ujung (=‘munaq >ènèng’), an jari sampai di dada pada elephant tusk stretching sisi yg sama, selébar tiga from the fi nger tips to the jari antara jempol dan inner side of the breast telunjuk yg diletakkan pada on the same side, with a lingkaran bagian alasnya) gap of the width of three fi ngers between the thumb and the index fi nger of the hand placed around the circumference of the base 2. tèlun tèlu 2. tiga tigaan 2. three units of three (=‘munaq leme >apaq’) 3. tèlun >udeq 3. satu tigaan (gading gajah 3. one unit of three, an yg panjangnya dari ujung elephant tusk stretching jari sampai bahu dari from the fi nger tips to the tangan yg sama, selébar tiga shoulder of the same arm, jari; atau yg panjangnya with a gap of the width of dari ujung jari sampai three fi ngers, or from the did dada pd sisi yg sama, fi nger tips to the breast selébbar dua jari anatara of the same side, with a jempol dan telunjuk yg gap of the width of two diletakkan pada lingkaran fi ngers between the thumb bagian alasnya) and index fi nger of the hand placed around the circumference of the base cp. tèlu, munaq tèlu tèmèq—tèqè 625 tèmèq tèmèq bèwaq merendam soak, immerse, pour water over s.t. 1. tèmèq hengan 1. merendam jagung titik 1. pour water on crushed maize to soften it 2. tèmèq taung 2. merendam benang pada 2. soak cloth or thread in air tarum indigo dye cp. bèwaq, >èlèng, lèbèq, long (2) tèmèr terperosok dlm lumpur, stuck in mud, up to one’s terbenam dlm lumpur neck in mud tènapiq ~ tanapiq sarung Kedang yg mahal a fi ne Kedang sarong with dgn benang sutra dan silk thread and decorations penuh hiasan all the way through cp. wela (2) tènèn (1) tekanan pressure cp. >èkuq, >ènèq, kudul, lèhèq, rokoq, >uko (2) tènèn (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kudul tèngè tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >èru tèni tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oni tèq (1) kita bawa, membawa we (in) carry, bring, take cp. ‘èq’ for full paradigm tèq (2) see: tèhèq tèqè kena, menyentuh, hit, strike, touch mengenai sasaran 1. >angin >ubaq tèqè 1. kena penyakit yg 1. cold, infl uenza didatangkan oleh angin 2. >ei pane wawi tèqè 2. saya memanah babi 2. I shot the pig in the bè neq botin mengenai perutnya stomach 3. owa tèqè 3. awan menyentuh tanah, 3. the clouds touch the rumah pada musim hujan land or houses, fl oat keadaan kabur karena awan through houses during the rendah dekat dgn tanah rainy season cp. awang, bating, bèngè, dètol, ètèr, hoding, hoqol, lebaq (2), lekaq, mawang (1), nènè, paluq, poma, 626 tèqèl—tèting dai

rahaq (1), tèlèr, topeq (2), uwe (2), walaq (1), wataq tèqèl ~ tèqèng tèqèl hoko, tèqèl tebeq, tèqèl tèqèl berbaring, tidur sleep 1. sueq-deq tèqèl hoko 1. mereka berdua berzinah 1. the two of them commit adultery 2. tèqèl pèq 2. berbaring tiarap 2. sleep face down cp. bute, lena, noqeng, pèi tèqèng see: tèqèl tèqu tèqu >apur garam salt tèqu nimang garam dijemur di kulit salt from water evaporated tiram in an oyster shell cp. >apur, pèyu, pèyun tèrèq (1) tèrèq tawang kita memegang, we (in) hold, catch, seize, menangkap, mencekal grab cp. ‘èrèq (1)’ for full paradigm tèrèq (2) kita (kata ganti fokus we (action focus pronoun, perbuatan, 1j in) 1pl in) cp. ‘èrèq (2)’ for full paradigm; te, -te, teq, teqe, teqi, tete, teti tèru terus on and on, continuously cp. horiq (2), rota, siring tètèq memakukan nail s.t. 1. tètèq pedaq 1. memakukan lidah parang 1. hammer the blade of a atau akar parang pada fi eld knife into its handle hulunya 2. tètèq tilo 2. memakukan pasak 2. hammer a peg or dowel cp. kèdèq, nètèq tètèr tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tuen tèting dai sj tandakan k.o. circle dance roteng tèting dai menghentakkan kaki di stamp repeatedly in place tempat berulang-ulang cp. beda a e o, bayo, han daq, lia namang, mado maka, namang (1), soleq tèwu—tidaq 627 tèwu tebus, menebus redeem tèwu wala penebus redeemer tia tia paqe, tia tawi memotong, memangkas cut tia taq lolon memotong daun kelapa cut coconut leaves cp. bel, >èyè, hawaq, hèlèq (2), hodang, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, kuting, lapuq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuteq, >ohi, >ohor, pate, piq, tadiq tian (1) kita tinggal we (in) stay, remain cp. ‘ian’ for full paradigm tian (2) sirip belakang ikan dorsal fi n of a fi sh tiba genap waktunya, datang time for s.t. to happen waktunya loyo tiba dèq genap harinya the day has come tibang tibang barang mengukur, menimbang measure, weigh tibang nuteq haeq toyeq memusyawarahkan deliberate (lit. weigh words, (har menimbang kata, hang out the words) menggantung perkataan) cp. bading (2), gatang, hueq, nibang, soba (1), tanibang, ukur tiboq tiboq hering tumbuhan yg baru young, young shoot bertunas, tumbuhan muda 1. ebe tiboq 1. pemuda yg baru tumbuh 1. boy reaching adolescence 2. perung tiboq 2. bambu betung yg muda 2. young bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper, (Dendrocalamus asper, Backer) Backer) cp. baran, pitaq, tobeq, ubar, wèru tibul tibul bua, tibul dewaq tibul dewaq tahi manuq menurunkan keturunan, procreate, cause, give rise mendatangkan hasil to bua bikil tibul dewaq ledakan keturunan, give birth and shatter menurunkan keturunan (refers to the dispersal of the ancestors of mankind from the top of the mountain) cp. nehun, tupaq tidaq ~ midaq melempar, melemparkan throw 628 tihel—til

kara tidaq >ate diqen jangan melempar orang do not throw at people cp. bohil, hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, loq (1), rawaq (1), walu, wetoq, wotoq tihel sj ulat yg bisa dimakan k.o. edible worm with a bright red head and a dark body cp. dareq, lumoq, >ule, tiheql dareq tihel dareq ulat besar yg kuning large yellow worm cp. dareq tiher tiher wawar mendesis, berbunyi spt sizzle, sound as of frying oil minyak digoreng or burning wood dèruq tiher bunyi kentut sound of a fart tihiq tihiq haneq, tihiq tahaq membelah dgn pisau cut up fruit tihiq waya membelah buah papaya cut up a papaya fruit cp. nihiq tihir tihir pèir menggoyang-goyang niru sift rice in a fl at basket untuk membersihkan beras with a backward and forward movement, the right hand holds the basket in front, the left in back cp. liwang, teho tikiq tikiq tokoq menggelitik, geli tickle, ticklish cp. >iwiq, kitiq tikol tikol nikol menghalangi hinder, block, be an halangan jangan obstacle nikol kara tikol menghalangi hindrance do not hinder cp. hapang, haqa, ikol, >iqur, nadan, nikol, >obang, pètèq, tadan tikuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: moleng (1) til til mato telinga ear 1. til bukeq 1. telinga tuli, pekak 1. deaf 2. til dèngèr mato mui 2. mendapat tahu, 2. acquire direct knowledge mengetahui secara (lit. ear hear eye see) langsung (har telinga mendengar mata melihat) 3. til lehiq 3. lubang telinga 3. ear hole tilo—tiri 629

4. til lolon 4. daun telinga 4. auricle 5. til tawe laong 5. hiasan telinga dari perak 5. silver decorations worn dipasang di tepi telinga on the edge of the ears tilo tilo pateng pasak, paku kayu peg, dowel tètèq tilo mamakukan pasak hammer a peg or dowel timu mentimun, ketimun cucumber timu >upen sj mentimun yg panjang k.o. long cucumber cp. tèlar timu rawang mendikai, semangka, small watermelon, Citrullus Citrullus vulgaris vulgaris cp. rawang timur timur east tin tin a 1 kita minum 1 we (in) drink 2 kita menghisap 2 we (in) suck, smoke cp. ‘in’ for full paradigm tiong tiong barang 1 tagih, menagih 1 dun, press for payment 2 jaga malam 2 nightly vigil 1. tiong doiq 1. menagih uang 1. press for payment of money 2. tiong mato 2. berjaga mata 2. keep a watchful eye on s.t. 3. tiong tara bia bitiq 3. jaga malam sampai hari 3. keep a vigil until almost mau siang dawn 4. tiong >utang 4. menagih hutang 4. press for payment of a debt tipaq menumbuk pound tipaq tepong menumbuk tepung pound rice fl our cp. bae, bongaq, danaq, deraq, dèqèr (2), oluq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, tutu (1), waku (1), wokul (1) tipoq tipoq laleq terantuk trip, bump into, collide cp. huduq, oqal tiq tiq taleq kita meniduri, bersetubuh, we (in) have sexual bersenggama intercourse cp. ‘iq’ for full paradigm tiri (1) tiri boheq 1 keladi, Colocasia 1 k.o. tuber, Colocasia antiquorum antiquorum 2 buncit 2 bloated 630 tiri—tiwang

botin tiri perut besar, perut buncit big belly, bloated belly cp. ai lèuq, apoq, aqer, epe, kepa, lèuq, odel tiri (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lapaq titong titong tatong jatuh terbuang-buang fall down while being dlm pengangkutan (mis transported (such as food makanan yg jatuh sambil/ while being carried to the sementara makan atau mouth, or rice while being beras yg jatuh terbuang transported) dlm pengangkutan) tiu tiu waiq tikus rat, mouse 1. tiu bogar manuq keir 1. tanah menjadi pulau- 1. earth becomes islands pulau (pemulaan pada (the beginning of a legend cerita mengenai penciptaan about the creation of langit dan bumi, har heavens and earth, lit. tikus membongkar ayam mouse throws out mengais) [dirt from its hole] chicken scratches in the dirt) 2. tiu laka rome 2. nama tikus 2. a long-nosed fi eld rat 3. tiu mule 3. tikus kecil 3. small mouse 4. tiu til 4. a. telinga tikus; b. sj 4. a. mouse ear; b. an edible cendawan yg berbentuk mushroom resembling a telinga tikus mouse ear tiuq sj pandan, payung dari k.o. pandanus, pandanus daun pandan leaf used as a rain cape cp. mayong, padan tiwa tiwa bele, tiwa werong tiwa bele kèlèn kauq membuang discard, throw away 1. lèu tiwa auq nèq 1. kampung dibuang tanah 1. throw away the village dibawa take the land 2. tiwa >olon luoq 2. membuang makanan sisa 2. throw away the leftovers >ahin (a stage in the funeral when the corpse’s food is thrown away) 3. tiwa wèq 3. keguguran, anak dlm 3. miscarriage, abortion kandungan gugur cp. tiwan, walu, wetoq, wotoq tiwan benda yg dibuang s.t. that has been thrown away cp. tiwa tiwang menjala, menebarkan jala catch fi sh with a net, cast a net tiwang >alaq membuang jala throw the net tiwiq—tobi 631

cp. >alaq (1) tiwiq hampir mau jatuh almost fall tiyuq tiyuq tongoq air yg mengalir pada tanah stream wadas cp. olo, >opaq to see: ton (1) toa berselancar di ombak, surf on waves berlancar bersama ombak dei >oyoq ne kolo ria mengikuti ombak besar we surf on the big waves e toa memecah kami berlancar toang toang banger menunggu wait, await toang >eqa bia luqa menunggu datangnya fajar wait for tomorrow’s dawn dinihari besok cp. banger (2), hodeq, kopaq, pakang, sapang (2), wengar banger (2) toba pelampung pukat fl oats of a net cp. tueng tobal sj bakul, sokal k.o. basket cp. biri (1), bolaq (2), buku, deseq, doang, hoaq (2), kabalaq, kiliq, kubeng, lapan, lèpo, mènu, nanang, opa, rèkèq, reku (1) tobang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tahing tobeng menyala tinggi, asap naik fl ame up high, smoke rises, menjulang ke atas soars up cp. rubu tobeq baru tumbuh, tumbuhan new growth yg baru muncul keluar dari dlm tanah apoq tobeqne ubi baru mulai tumbuh the tuber has started to grow cp. tawe, tawen, tiboq, tupu tobi pohon asam tamarind, Tamarindus indicus 632 tobol—todi

tobi lèmuq nama badai pertama pada the fi rst storm of the musim hujan, waktu petani rainy season (lit. tamarind selesai menanam (har asam washes) mencuci) cp. tamal tobol tobol kieq memegang di dlm telapak hold in the palm of one’s tangan hand 1. tobol mara kieq 1. memegang erat, 1. grasp strongly mèrèq mara manga memegang dgn kuat 2. tobol >ula loyo, 2. memegang langit di dlm 2. hold the heavens in the baing >ero auq telapak tangan, menanami palm of the hand, plant tanah the land 3. tobol >ur hawel 3. siap tempur (har 3. prepare for a fi ght (lit. nameq memegang busur menyisip grab the bow, stick the anak panah dipinggang) arrows under the belt) cp. mèrèq (1) tobu tobu tahiq suatu cara mencari salah an ordeal to determine benar antara dua orang, who is telling the truth dgn membenamkan diri in which each immerses kedlm laut; siapa yg keluar himself in the sea and duluan dia kalah perkara whoever comes up fi rst loses toda menunda drag, tow toda nara menunda bala bantuan bring reinforcements cp. sosoq (1), teduq todang cacing worm, earthworm, rainworm todang doro cacing menjalar the worm crawls cp. hala todang, kiki todang tode tode hoyan tode hoyan liwuq paning berantaran, beriringan, accompany, in rows, side berdampingan by side cp. bele, dereng, imang (2), ore, piding, polung, tameq, tubi todeq todeq bare tongkat, memakai tongkat walking stick, hold up with a stick pan todeq nuo menopang dia waktu support him in walking berjalan dia cp. bare, duqa, hodeq, kala duqa, nading, nodeq, nukoq, tukoq todi todi hen, todi terang todoq—toher 633

todi hen piqur pareq menerima, menerima receive, receive a favour, anugerah, menadah dari receive from above atas 1. todi ka hen min 1. menerima makanan dan 1. accept food and drink minuman 2. todi imen hen woiq 2. mengubankan paru 2. offering of a chicken ayam dlm upacara adat beak in a ceremony (lit. (menerima paruh, receive the beak, take the mengambil balung) cock’s comb) 3. todi nowin hen deko 3. menerima kain pakaian, 3. receive the male cloth mengabil celana take the trousers cp. hen, hodi, hoti, >iku, liwuq, nanga, olong (1), toher, toti todoq sj burung k.o. bird cp. dai laki, eor (2), ewal, hian, kiki, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq, >uru modang todu mengikuti follow 1. Boli podu todu lala 1. Boli mengikuti 1. Boli follows the perjalanan kehidupan yg proper course of life (lit. sopan santun (har Boli Boli travels on through jalan terus saja [tidak mau [does not want to stop if singgah ketika diajak]) invited]) 2. Beda todu lala rian 2. Beda mengikuti jalan 2. Beda travels the main raya path 3. todu uben nakaq 3. berjalan dlm kegelapan 3. travel at night, travel in rukeng malam the dark cp. dei, dori, dukiq, ikoq, podu togeq anting-anting earring cp. giwang, laong, latong, nuber (2) toha tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ahe tohar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: totoq toher toher >adong mau, menerima, like, want, accept, nod in mengangguk tanda setuju, agreement, agree setuju cp. hebaq, hen, laha (2), nèngoq, ohor, pareq (2), piqur, sir, sukaq (1), todi 634 tohon—tokil tohon tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ron tohoq (1) tohoq mowar, tohoq tawi, kita menguraikan, we (in) loosen, open, tohoq towar membuka disentangle kita membuka rotan, we loosen the rattan, pull tohoq wei bata >uleq, mencabut pasak, kita out the peg, we loosen the tohoq ongaq lahaq leke membuka kungkungan, shackles, take off the stocks membongkar pasung cp. ‘ohoq’ for full paradigm tohoq (2) sembuh heal cp. lenge, mohoq (3), moleng (2) tohur dakian yg gampang slippery slope perosok cp. soruq toi tidak kelihatan invisible toin barang yg hilang goods which have disappeared cp. toiq toiq toiq weting hilang disappear, be missing, gone witing toiq kambing hilang the goat disappeared, the goat got lost cp. boni, ilang, kèpuq, mèlèng, oni, pilang, rawa (1), toin toka toka >adong, toka naduq mengantuk sleepy, tired mato toka mengantuk sleepy cp. hola, hopan, meleng, pètung, tue toka tokal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: laqi tokaq jolok poke, prod tokaq waya menjolok papaya prod a papaya cp. dokur, horu, horuq tokil mencungkil pry out cp. doiq (2), dokil, hèliq, hokil, holiq, hoqi, hulur, koker, >oliq (1), piloq tokol—tolor 635 tokol tokol kalung melengkung, bengkok, bent, crooked, curved, keriting curled 1. ai tikol 1. kayu bengkok 1. crooked wood 2. uha tokol kalung 2. rambut keriting 2. frizzy hair 3. >ular tokol kalung 3. ular berputar-putar, 3. the snake writhes melingkar-lingkar cp. boko, hekong, kalung, koheng, lekoq, rokong, rokoq, ropoq, sekong (1), wegir tokong tidak ada there is no, there is none, not there, no, empty 1. >iqa tokong 1. tidak ada ikan 1. there is no fi sh 2. nau luqa >ul tokong 2. besok tidak ada pasar 2. tomorrow there will be no market cp. amuq, eren, lomu, mèlèng, mètung, obal, oqor (2) tokoq (1) tokoq talaq katak frog tokoq lèi sj cendawan (har kaki an edible mushroom (lit. katak) frog’s leg) cp. ireq, tepa tule, tikiq tokoq (2) toko store tola menjulang carry on the shoulders tola >anaq menjulang anak di carry a child on the bahu shoulders cp. bala (1), bare, doèl toleq 1 hiasan 1 decoration 2 tegak lurus ke atas (spt 2 stick up straight (like the ekor ayam jantan atau ekor tail of a cock or a horse kuda waktu berlari) when running) cp. mebaq, meloq toling toling tara 1 kita melindungi (diri kita 1 we (in) protect (ourselves dari bahaya), menangkis from danger), ward off, repel 2 kita memperbaiki 2 we (in) improve, repair cp. ‘oling’ for full paradigm tolong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hiko, nolong tolor telur, bertelur egg, lay an egg 1. manuq tolor 1. telur ayam 1. chicken egg 2. nèpèng tolor 2. ayam mengeram 2. brood eggs 636 tolu—tong

3. tolor muqin 3. telur yg belum ditetas, 3. an egg which has not telur yg sudah rusak, tidak yet hatched, an unfertilized menetas egg, a bad egg 4. tolor tuqi 4. telur yg sudah menetas 4. hatched egg cp. bua tolu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tawaq tomo tomo lekeq, tomo tauq menengadah, look up to, listen to, mendengarkan dgn hormat honour, adore, worship dan kagum 1. tomo loloq boraq 1. melihat dan memeriksa 1. look at and inspect the puqen hasil bumi, kebun (har harvest (lit. look up above, menengadah ke atas see the tree trunk) melihat pangkal pohon) 2. tomo tauq raya 2. menghormati raja 2. honour the ‘raja’ 3. tomo wèq bangèr 3. dengar-mendengar, 3. listen, pay attention to wèq hormat-menghormati each other, honour each other ton (1) ~ to tidak, bukan no, not 1. noq ton paq oyo 1. bukan ini tetapi itu 1. not this but that 2. o pan paq tonqo? 2. engkau pergi atau tidak? 2. are you going or not? cp. ama, >anung (2), ohaq ton (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ron tonan panjang long 1. dèko tonan 1. celana panjang 1. long trousers 2. tamal tonan 2. asam panjang 2. long tamarind fruit 3. >utan tonan 3. kacang panjang 3. string beans cp. lawa (1), wengeq tonaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: hereng tong tong bele melepaskan leave, free tong bele di suku di melepaskan sst hal pada leave to each clan (such suku marga-marga (spt tentang as the division of the pembagian kambing sacrifi cial goat among kurban untuk para marga the clans of the village at di desa dlm upacara ceremony for erecting a pendirian ‘huna hale’) ‘huna hale’) cp. bele, epeng, èdol, gasuq (2), likoq, loa (1), lohen, lokoq, loq (2), nala, noa, nope, peaq, pèsol, polo, puheq tongaq—toq 637 tongaq has no discernible meaning by itself see: tongaq tangaq tongaq tangaq tidak ada artinya sendiri high and pointed tongoq di puddle tinggi lonjong cp. >ipoq >apoq, tiyuq tonon ~ tonong lekukan atau lubang batu has no discernible meaning tempat air hujan tergenang by itself see: natu (1), tadaq, tanang (1) tonong tidak ada artinya sendiri see: tonon topaq topaq kaleso ketupat 1 a small, cube-shaped coconut-leaf container for steamed rice or maize 2 a package containing s.o.’s private medicine or powder topeq (1) topeq latar, topeq rawiq putus, memutuskan break, break off, terminate, end topeq wadeq memutuskan tali break a rope cp. bèti, bikil, biliq, bolaq (1), buteq, doke, holaq, kakal, kètèng, iteq, lapuq, lèhèq, papal, peaq, pesaq, putu topeq (2) topeq tèqè tangkap, menangkap catch 1. topeq bola 1. menangkap bola 1. catch a ball 2. topeq ètè 2. salah tangkap, gagal dlm 2. make a mistake in menangkap catching, miss cp. èrèq (1), lolo, rèpèq (1), sangiq topeq rewaq balasan belis/maskawin return for bridewealth in berupa kain the form of cloth toq toq toq bunyi ketukan tap, tapping, sound of wood when struck toq rian nimon ai me minta pada roh tap of the guardian spirit puqen pelindung base of the tree, ask the guardian spirit cp. dètol, hoqol, ka toq, lèduq, nètol 638 toqer—towar toqer tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bèhu tore kita menyertai, beserta, dan we (in) accompany, together with, and 1. ma, tore a tin 1. mari, kita makan 1. come, we (in) will eat bersama together 2. tore bukaq dulin 2. kita bersama pergi 2. we (in) leave the bale lèu kembali ke kampung community together return to the village together 3. tore erung boreq 3. kita bersama bersenang- 3. we (in) associate and tawe haeq senang laugh together 4. tore pan >ul 4. kita bersama pergi ke 4. we (in) will go to the pasar market together cp. ‘ore’ for full paradigm toreng tergantung, menggantung, hang, dangle menggelantung bèu toreng akar dari pohon beringin roots of the banyan dangle bergelantungn cp. dawil, doreng, loleng, wetong, wideng toti 1 menadah air hujan dgn 1 get water by placing a menempatkan bambu pada bamboo container at a sebuah pohon tree to tap the runoff from the rain 2 mengambil sedikit saja air 2 take just a little tadahan hujan toti wèi menadah air collect run-off water cp. hoti, noti, todi totoq totoq tohar mencotok, mencucuk, peck, snatch, grab with the mematuk, menitikkan beak, daub 1. ling totoq apur 1. jari menitikkan kapur 1. the fi nger daubs lime 2. totoq manuq wèiq 2. menitikkan darah ayam 2. daub chicken blood on pada persembahan the body or altar during a guardian spirit ceremony 3. totoq wange duhu 3. mencari makanan (har 3. look for food (lit. peck at aqang mencotok anai-anai, termites, sip drops of dew) menghirup embun) cp. etil, >eha, kakaq (2), pataq, rahiq, tèlèr totor menyembul run down, appear, emerge ning tèin totor ingus menyembul keluar mucus running down the dari hidung nose cp. bokur, ebur, hingoq, hoal, momol towar membuka, menguraikan open, loosen cp. akil, bake, biloq, bukaq (1), èhèq, hèpuq, toyaq—tu 639

hoe, loa (1), mowar, nala, newar, noa, ohoq, pengar, puheq, rio toyaq toyaq long ranjau (bambu runcing yg pointed (bamboo) stakes dipasang di tanah) toyaq >utuq baya ayaq ujung Tanjung Baja, Toyaq Point, centre of Baja tengah-tengah Tanjung Peninsula Baja cp. aweq, maeq toyeq toyeq nute toyeq nute wangun lean kata, kata-kata word, words 1. toyeq ipu ipu puqen 1. penghabisan 1. end of speaking (fi nish pembicaraan (har habis the words, end the kata, habis bicara) discussion) 2. toyeq mate nute 2. akhir pembicaraan, 2. the end of discussions, pilang perundingan (har kata mati, negotiations (lit. the words bicara habis) are dead, the words are fi nished) 3. toyeq puqen wangun 3. pokok pembicaraan 3. topic of discussion bauq 4. toyeq tokong 4. tidak ada kata, tidak ada 4. words lacking (in augury perkataan (dlm peramalan when a dying chicken fails apabila ayam kurbannya to fall on a stone indicating tidak tepat jatuh di batu yg the possible cause of menandakan kemungkinan misfortune or death) diketahuinya penyebab dari suat kemalangan atau kematian) 5. toyeq wangun 5. kata-kata yg jadi sebab 5. words which are the cause of a misfortune or evil cp. nute tu tu muqin, tu tape susu, menyusui 1 milk, breast feed 2 a woman’s breast 1. tu bakur 1. lubang susu 1. opening in the breast 2. tuqi 2. menyusui dia 2. breast feed him 3. tu lèhiq 3. lubang susu 3. opening in the breast 4. tu matan 4. punting susu 4. tip of the nipple 5. tu momol 5. susu yg baru menyembul 5. breast milk emerges keluar 6. tu narang 6. pinggiran susu 6. dark circle around nipple 7. tu puqen 7. pangkal susu 7. a. base of the breast, breast muscle; b. in measuring elephant tusk: from the tip of the fi ngers to the middle of the breast muscle 8. tu >utuq 8. anak bungsu (har ujung 8. the youngest child (lit. susu) tip of the breast) 9. tu weren 9. air susu 9. breast milk 640 tua—tuan tua (1) memeras, memerah squeeze, squeeze out tua taung menghitamkan benang ikat dye thread black with dgn tarum dan kapur indigo and lime cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >ikuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, pere, peruq, pèmèq, rèbèq tua (2) tua lahar, tua tara tua old (of man) cp. èdèr (1), lelan, >oqing, paqar, roqong, tuan (2), turi tua (3) meracuni poison nua tara tua racun untuk meracuni ikan poison for poisoning fi sh tual tual tadiq menebang chop, cut down cp. bel, bètè (1), hodang, koq (2), lapuq, pèriq, wèngèl tuan (1) tuan lelang, tuan mate, tuan woq tuan woq nulon lelang roh orang-orang mati, ancestors leluhur 1. tuan ewaq mètung 1. roh orang mati dlm 1. lord of the altar, altar’s ewaq ne tuan marga penjaga benih dan lord (ancestor who guards keturunan over descendants) 2. tuan lèu 2. a. roh orang-orang mati 2. a. dead souls of the di kampung; b. kampung village; b. village of the roh orang mati dead 3. tuan naban 3. roh orang-orang mati 3. dead souls of people yg dlm hidupnya bersikap who in life were protective melindungi 4. tuan nimon 4. roh orang-orang mati yg 4. dead people whom we kita kenal knew 5. tuan suku 5. leluhur suku 5. ancestors of the clan 6. tuan suku min tuaq 6. leluhur suku minum 6. clan ancestors drink tuak palmwine 7. tuan utun dein nore 7. roh orang mati yg baru 7. newly dead wèrun tangen 8. tuan wenaq 8. roh orang mati yg sudah 8. long-dead ancestors lama cp. >aman tuan (2) tuan wenaq lama old (of things) tuan tuan yg sudah lama very old, ancient cp. èdèr (1), hèqè, lela, lelan, >oqing, roqong, tara (3), tua (2), turi tuan—tuaq 641 tuan (3) tuan oun, tuan tekeq cicak k.o. lizard cp. tekeq tuang tuang raya tuan lord tuang hoing witing tuan menyuruh kambing lord orders a tied goat loing terikat tuang >ala laha tala, tuang Allah yg maha tinggi, God ala latala, tuang >ala ta >ala Tuhan Allah cp. >ala laha tala, laba lia, lia, >ula loyo tuang >ala latala see: tuang >ala laha tala tuang >ala ta >ala see: tuang >ala laha tala tuan taq sj tumbuhan yg k.o. plant that resembles a menyerupai pohon kelapa coconut tree tuaq tuaq tahiq 1 pohon lontar 1 lontar palm 2 tuak 2 palmwine 1. tuaq ape 1. tuak kapas (pohon lontar 1. cotton palmwine (the yg berair pada waktu buah second period of tapping kapas merekah) which coincides with the ripening of cotton) 2. tuaq >ara 2. balok dari pohon lontar 2. beam made from lontar (untuk membangunkan palm wood (for building a rumah, dsb) house, etc.) 3. tuaq bahe dèq bèi 3. tuak habis, tuang lagi 3. the palmwine is fi nished, watiq pour more 4. tuaq baran 4. polon lontar yg masih 4. young lontar palm, muda which is not yet ready to be tapped 5. tuaq >èrun 5. tuak manis 5. sweet palm juice 6. tuaq kara lihan topeq 6. jangan mendapat celaka 6. do not have an accident (har tali bambu tuak jangan (lit. cord handle of putus) palmwine bamboo, do not break) 7. tuaq laqi 7. pohon lontar itu tinggi 7. the palm tree is tall 8. tuaq laqin 8. pohon lontar yg tinggi 8. tall palm tree 9. tuaq loloq lala rian 9. pohon lontar di pinggir 9. lontar palm by a main jalan road 10. tuaq luruq 10. tuak yg ditumpahkan 10. palmwine which has untuk roh orang mati been poured out for the dead 11. tuaq mahun 11. sisa tuak yg ada pada 11. remains of palmwine dasar bambu atau kumba on the bottom of a tuak bamboo or pot of palmwine 12. tuaq mayaq 12. tuak kering, pohon yg 12. the lontar palm has tidak mengeluarkan tuak stopped giving palmwine 642 tuaq loran—tubaq

13. tuaq moleng 13. tuak yg rasanya kurang 13. palmwine which is not pahit bitter 14. tuaq nasu 14. gula tuak 14. lontar palm sugar 15. tuaq oro 15. tuak yg asalnya dari 15. palmwine from the pohon lontar lontar palm 16. tuaq oruq 16. a. pohon lontar jantan; 16. a. male lontar palm; b. b. tuak yg asal dari pohon palmwine from the male lontar jantan lontar palm 17. tuaq rèki 17. ijuk pohon lontar 17. burlap-like fi bre around the base of the branches of the lontar palm 18. tuaq taba lora 18. puting beliung, tofan 18. water spout, typhoon 19. tuaq taq 19. tuak yg asalnya dari 19. palmwine from the pohon kelapa coconut palm 20. tuaq tein 20. sisa-sisa tuak yg berupa 20. fi lm which forms on ingus the surface of palmwine 21. tuaq tokong 21. tidak ada tuak 21. there is no palmwine 22. tuaq >ua 22. a. buah lontar; b. lontar 22. a. lontar fruits, b. female ibu (karena berbuah) lontar palm (may be tapped longer than the male) 23. tuaq >uan keu 23. buah lontar muncul 23. lontar fruits emerging keluar 24. tuaq walan 24. bunga pohon lontar 24. the (spadices) jantan blossoming stem of the male lontar palm 25. tuaq were 25. tuak berair 25. period when the lontar palms give the most wine cp. bewiq, koli (2), oro (1) tuaq loran sj tumbuhan k.o. plant cp. awa daqa, bara pehiq, biru, heur (1), lale, tubung, >unuq tuaq woloq burung suangi yg berbunyi night bird, which is said pada malam hari (har tuak to be an evil spirit (lit. bergelembung) palmwine bubbles) tubaq tubaq lakoq, tubaq tuhuq menikam, menombak stab, spear, gore 1. nubaq tara tubaq 1. menombak (har 1. spear with a spear (lit. tombak kita pakai untuk spear we (in) use to spear) menombak) 2. tubaq hodeq 2. menopang dgn tongkat; 2. support with poles; gading yg panjangnya bisa an elephant tusk which sampai pergelangan dlm reaches the inner wrist kalau diukur di badan when measured against the body 3. tubaq kala 3. menikam lembing, 3. stab with a spear, throw menombak a spear 4. tubaq lèu 4. menikam untuk 4. stab in order to mark the menandai pusat kampung centre of the village cp. bakoq, dèqèr (2), kala, nubaq, robaq (2), sarobaq, tukoq tubar—tuber 643 tubar tubar uha kepala head 1. tubar bele lèin bele, 1. melepaskan bagian 1. release the head, release hikun di bele wanan kepala dan kaki, melepas the feet, also release the left di bele juga yg kiri dan kanan and right (a ceremony to (suatu upacara spy penyakit rid a person of all illness) apapun dapat terlepas) 2. tubar hidir wana 2. kepala sebelah kanan 2. right half of the head (a (bagian dalam penbagian share in a sacrifi cial animal kurban yg diberikan ke which goes to specifi c marga tertentu) clans in certain cases) 3. tubar hidir weri 3. kepala sebelah kiri 3. left half of the head (a (bagian dlm pebagian share in a sacrifi cial animal kurban yg diberikan ke which goes to specifi c suku tertentu) clans in certain cases) 4. tubar laèn 4. kepala yg sakit, sakit 4. headache kepala 5. tubar langun 5. kepala yg cacat 5. deformed head 6. tubar lèin 6. bagian atas dan bawah 6. the top and bottom of dlm kampung (har the old village (lit. head bahagian kepala dan kaki) and feet) 7. tubar lurin 7. tulang kepala, tengkorak 7. skull 8. tubar menga 8. kepala gundul 8. bald head 9. tubar munung 9. kepala jatuh ke bawah 9. the head falls downward cp. rodang tuben tuben hoing, tuben niong, tuben nurung tuben hoing tèhèq lari menunjuk, mengajar point, point out, show, teach tuben lala 1. menunjukkan jalan 1. show the way 2. kain yg diberikan oleh 2. a cloth given by the ‘èpu the ‘èpu bapa’ pada upacara bapa’ at a funeral penguburan cp. ayar, kareq (1), niong, nurung, tuo tuber tuber nawaq tuber nawaq ai ongaq, tuber nawaq uluq udang jiwa, arwah soul 1. tuber anaq nawaq 1. jiwa genap, jiwa 1. soul complete, spirit nenun hadir genap (upacarag whole (ceremony to call memanggil jiwa untuk back the soul in order to menyembuhkan suatu cure an illness) penyakit) 2. tuber èuq 2. suara jiwa (dari roh 2. voice of the soul (of a orang mati yg masih dead person while it is still menunggu mayatnya around waiting for burial dikubur dan pesta and the funeral feast so that pemakaman sehingga ia it can enter the land of the dapat memasuki alam dead) orang mati) cp. eqong, murun 644 tubi—tudeq tubi tubi dori dekat, berdekatan, near, close berdamping 1. mader tubi 1. berdiri berdekatan 1. stand near 2. tebeq tubi 2. duduk berdekatan 2. sit near 3. tubi urung 3. menaruh barang dekat 3. put s.t. next to a dgn kuku spy kuat, fi ngernail to strengthen umpamanya mata parang it, such as the blade of a spy dapat mencungkil sst fi eld knife in order to pry s.t. out cp. dehiq, dereng, piding, tode tubun mengumpulkan gather cp. ahuq, >awe (2), èpuq (1), haba, mawu, muta, tawu tubung pohon kecubung, pohon k.o. plant, Datura fastuosa mata kucing, Datura fastuosa cp. awa daqa, biru, heur (1), tuaq loran, >unuq tuda bersandar lean against tuda hau menyandarkan bambu air prop a bamboo to a tree to catch rainwater cp. hedang, hudeq, tedaq, tudeq tudaq tudaq lauq, tudaq tadaq sesak, tidak bebas bergerak tight, constricted, restricted atau digerakkan karena in movement because too terlalu panjang long cp. doling, garipoq, >ipeq, kieq, kiqing, manga (1), mèdèq, suker, tanudaq, tuku (2), >uko (1) tudel memegang teguh hold fi rmly tudel >ohung memegang pemantik dari hold fi re sticks fi rmly dua bilah bambu kuat-kuat tudeq tudeq hedang menyandar, lean on s.t., hide menyembunyikan 1. paiq tudeq laq erung 1. orang dari kampung lain 1. people from another yg datang mengkerjakan village who come and kebun, dan menjadi work fi elds in a different bersahabat dgn penduduk village and become friends setempat (har iris with the people living tuak, sandar kepala, there (lit. tap palmwine, mengkerjakan kebun, lean one’s head, work the bersahabat) fi elds and be friends) tudi—tuen 645

2. tudeq erung 2. orang luar yg datang 2. the newly arrived clans menumpang tinggal, (lit. lean and be friends. In pendatang (har menyandar Lèuwayang: Laong Hodiq, dan menjadi sahabat. Di Hoqa Ratan and Toul Wala) Lèuwayang,: Laong Hodiq, Hoqa Ratan dan Toul Wala) 3. tudeq erung, paiq laq, 3. orang luar yg datang 3. new arrivals (lit. lean, tala meiq, bote manuq menumpang bertani (har be friends, tap palmwine, menyandar dan menjadi work the fi elds, sharpen sahabat, mengiris tuak, the knife, carry the mengkerjakan kebun, chicken) mengasah pisau, mengapit ayam) 4. tudeq tubar bè waq 4. berlindung (har 4. protect, guard (lit. rest menyandarkan kepala di one’s head on a stone) batu) 5. tudeq tubar, boni 5. tempat kita berlindung 5. place where we seek woiq (har menyandarkan kepala, shelter (lit. bow one’s head, menyembunyikan tanduk) hide one’s horns) cp. boni, bori bawo, emi, hudeq, >iqur, >iriq, moboq, oni, tedaq, tuda tudi tudi baring tudi baring dahoq dalong meminta-minta terus- plead, beg, wheedle menerus 1. >anaq tudi baring 1. anak meminta-minta 1. the child pleads for gula bè neq >ine gula-gula dari ibunya candy from its mother 2. doiq bèq tokong, 2. uang sudah tidak ada, 2. there is no more money, kara tudi baring jangan meminta terus don’t wheedle for it menerus cp. dahuq, èhèng, koli (1), naku, ode, pohong pole tudu salah mistake tudu tudu terus-terusan continuously cp. >ale (1), >alen, dotan, ètèr, kehe, kehen, rèqè, salaka tue tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tue toka tue loiq see: tue toka tue toka ~ tue loiq mengantuk feel sleepy tuen tuen teha, tuen tètèr hutan, bekas kebun forest, forested-over fi eld 646 tueng—tuke

1. tuen tubar 1. hulu hutan (nama 1. head of the forest (a tempat dekat puncak former village site located gunung Kedang) in the forest near the top of the Kedang mountain) 2. uduq tuen oreq 2. masuk hutan melangkahi 2. enter the forest, walk notan rumput dlm bekas kebun through grass in an abandoned fi eld cp. kain, notan tueng tueng ehang, tueng toba pintal, memintal spin, twist thread 1. tueng ape; tueng lelu 1. memintal benang kapas 1. twist cotton thread 2. tueng koloq 2. a. memutar balik; 2. a. turn back; b. trade b. berdagang, perdagangan 3. tueng nimon >arin 3. memintal benang untuk 3. twist thread representing jiwa sso dlm upacara adat the soul in a guardian spirit roh pelindung ceremony 4. tueng taba 4. memintal benang gebang 4. twist string from gebang palm leaf used in making nets cp. bula, dèlèn, dèning (2), duler, koleq, laiq (1), muser, puka, puleq, tanueng, tuleng, ueng (2), weleq tugu ~ tugul bendera fl ag tugul dei lama >uring, bendera ikut juru mudi, the fl ag follows the Mayong Payong bela Mayong Payong pengatur helmsman, Mayong Payong waeng sampan the organizer of the boat cp. tuqul tugul see: tugu tuhuq tuhuq bakoq, tuhuq tubaq menikam, menusuk stab, sting, skewer oroq tuhuq daun lontar yg dijahit sewn lontar-leaf roofi ng untuk atap cp. bakeq, bakoq, daraq, dèqèr (2), horuq, nawar, nuhuq, robaq (2), sarobaq, soroq, tukoq tui kita melihat, mengerti, we (in) see, know, tahu, menuju understand, aim for, head for tui wèq kita saling melihat, kita we see each other, we saling mengetahui know each other cp. ‘ui’ for full paradigm tukal menanduk butt cp. tèduq, woiq tuke bambu air untuk membawa bamboo container for air ke rumah bringing water into the tuki—tukur 647

house (for cooking and other purposes) cp. hau, nodang, walang, wètuq tuki tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ènung tuki >atang angkut-angkut (nama mud dobber tabuhan yg sarangnya dari tanah) cp. para muhun tukoq tukoq bakoq tongkat, menopang support, prop, hold s.t. so dgn tongkat, menahan, that it does not return to menahan sst spy jangan its initial position, stab kembali ke posisi semula, menikam, menusuk nukoq tara tukoq menopang dgn tongkat, support, prop s.t. or s.o. (lit. menopang (har tongkat stick for us [in] to use as a kita pakai untuk cane, prop for us [in] to use menopang, penopang kita as a support) pakai untuk menopang) cp. bakeq, daraq, dèqèr (2), duqa, hodeq, honing, horuq, hudeq, kala duqa, lapa (1), likoq, luni, moboq, nading, nedang, nodeq, nukoq, pohing, robaq (2), sarobaq, tanukoq, todeq, tubaq, tuhuq tuku (1) tuku lekan, tuku >udung, membalikkan kesalahan return the blame to s.o. tuku >udeq pada orang lain, mendesak, else, accuse menuduh Irma tuku teq >eqi uq Irma menuduh saya Irma accused me of taking neq awaq mengambil alat pancingnya her fi shing net cp. >anung (2), duruq, >obang, >oroq, >uruq tuku (2) tuku lekan sesak stuck tuku tuku mendesak-desak, sesak jostle, stuck because too karena terlalu panjang long cp. >ipeq, ka (1), tudaq tukur menjahit mulut sew the opening 1. tukur hoaq 1. menjahit mulut bakul 1. sew the opening of a large basket 2. tukur karong 2. menjahit mulut karung 2. sew the opening of a gunny sack 648 tulaq—tulur tulaq tulaq basa membuat make, build 1. basa lia orong 1. mengadakan 1. hold a dance, make namang, tulaq >uri pertandakan, membuat poems orong sele pantun 2. tulaq tene 2. membuat sampan atau 2. build a boat perahu cp. laha (1), laq tule tule lèwoq sj ikan k.o. fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tepa tule tuleng memintal spin, twist rope tuleng loing memintal tali spin rope cp. bula, dèning (2), duler, koleq, laiq (1), muser, puleq, tueng, ueng (2), weleq tuli tuli tapi menulis write cp. basa, huraq tulo kita dulu, kita duluan we (in) are fi rst, go fi rst, lead cp. ‘ulo’ for full paradigm tulung tulung taling menambah add, increase, take more cp. henang, hobel, ketang, nalan, potal, tahu, taling tulur sj pohon, Acacia locust tree, Acacia tulur lolon daun pohon ‘tulur’ leaves of the locust tree cp. ai para, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, liti, loboq, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, tatar, teheq, uar (1), uqun , >uaq (1), wawu raèq tumiq—tupang 649 tumiq mencubit pinch cp. dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, >ereq, >èmèng, iteq, kimuq, lèhèq, numiq tumoq kutu pakaian clothes lice cp. utu tun (1) tun iu memanggang, membakar roast, burn cp. >èhèng, dayuq, heiq, paq (1), tutung (2) tun (2) ~ sun tun >ula tahun year 1. nau tun ma 1. tahun depan 1. next year 2. tun pie? 2. berapa tahun? 2. how many years? 3. tun wèqèn 3. tahun yg lain, tahun 3. another year, next year, depan, tahun lalu last year tung tegak erect cp. batong, hading, ka tung, mulang (1) tungara tenggara southeast tungen kenang, mengenang, ingat, remember s.o. with mengingat manusia affection cp. eqing, >ikir, >ingaq, kèlèn, roho tunu tunu dayang tunu dayang tape laraq menghimpit close together, so as to warm each other tèqèl tunu wèq tidur berhimpitan spy sleep close together to terasa hangat keep warm cp. depil, dieq, mida tuo naséhat, penunjuk advice, admonition, warning tuo moleng balo laen pengobatan yg diberikan treatment given with dgn naséhat dan obat- advice as well as medicine obatan cp. >e (1), nadaq, nahaq (2), nurung, tadaq (1), tuben tupa tupa rasung, tupa teka sihir, menyihir, black magic, witchcraft melontarkan sihir tupa tara nupa menyihir (har sihir kita bewitch (lit. black magic pakai untuk menyihir) we [in] use to bewitch) cp. nupa, seher tupang patah dgn tiba-tiba break suddenly 650 tupaq—turi tupaq menyebabkan cause cp. ele (1), nehun, tibul, wangun tupar tupar pareq tepat exact, precise >ula tupar male pareq tepat waktu (har bulan on time (lit. moon exact, tepat, bintang persis) star precise) cp. bètuq, paheq tupe tupe boka, tupe elaq tupe boka elaq arang sj siput, spt batu lola hanya k.o. shell, Commercial Top, bentuknya lonjong, Tectus Tectus niloticus, Linn. 1767 niloticus, Linn., 1767 cp. baheq (1), ehe (2), etiq, lohu (1), matan lateq, nuriq, riding tupu tupu mawu tumbuhan atau tanaman tiny seedlings, sprouts yg baru muncul keluar berbentuk jarum, kecambah watar tupu kecambah jagung maize sprouts cp. tobeq tupun anak panah yg dipakai metal prong of a fi shing memanah ikan arrow cp. nameq, >ur tuqi menetas hatch, break, crack open 1. tolor tèlu tuqi tèlu 1. tiga telur menetas tiga 1. three eggs hatched, three ton tidak did not 2. tolor tuqi dèq 2. telur sudah menetas 2. the eggs have hatched cp. lapuq tuqul tiang pole tuqul mayong bendera Kedang the fl ag of Kedang cp. lili, nobol, noreng, paheng, tanukoq, tugu turen tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tara (2) tureng tureng wering 1 sedih 1 sad 2 tangisan yg halus dan 2 quiet sobbing which mengharukan hati para affects those who hear it pendengar turi turi roka 1 kering, karena kena panas 1 old, dry, sun-dried matahari 2 kikir, tamak, loba 2 stingy, greedy turin—tutu 651

cp. ahang, èdèr (1), lelan, mayaq (1), >oqing, pèko (1), roqong, tara (3), tua (2), tuan (2), turin turin turin rokan 1 benda yg kering karena 1 s.t. dried by heat kena panas 2 orang yg sifatnya kikir 2 s.o. who is stingy 1. mal turin 1. pinang kering 1. dry betel pepper 2. taq turin 2. buah kelapa yg sudah 2. dried-up coconut, stage kering when coconut fruit dries up cp. turi turu turun, jatuh go down, come down, descend, fall 1. turu ma tapi tawan 1. hujan turun maka kita 1. the rains have come, so memilih bibit we (in) must select our seeds 2. >uya turu 2. hujan berjatuhan 2. rain pours down cp. bèuq, bolaq (1), bunuq, doq, harang (1), hèlèng, hubaq, moqang, moruq, oqal, pèhèq, tatang tuta 1 blék, seng, aluminium 1 tin, zinc, aluminium 2 cangkir kaléng 2 tin cup cp. >emar tuteq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: dèhuq tutu (1) tutu bung memukuli sampai hancur beat, stamp, pound 1. tutu bung anen 1. memukuli padi sampai 1. stamp unhusked rice (to hancur (spy kulitnya dapat separate the grains from diambil) the husk) 2. tutu bung >utan 2. a. memukuli kacang 2. a. stamp beans (in order sampai hancur (spy to separate the beans from kulitnya dapat diambil); b. the husks); b. a time mark, tanda waktu (sekitar bulan approximately June, when Juni) ketika kacang kering dried beans are stamped to biasanya dipukuli untuk separate them from their buang kulitnya shells cp. awang, behi (1), bongaq, bung, dang, dèqèr (2), dètol, hamang, oluq, paluq, rahaq (1), rataq, suduq, tèlèr, tipaq, wokul (1) 652 tutu—tutuq tutu (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tutu hai tutu hai hadiah, pemberian untuk gift to an important person, orang besar spt raja such as a raja tutul sepenuh, sepanjang as full as, as big as, as long as napa tutul lipu besar tikar sebesar balai- a mat as big as the bamboo balai platform tutung (1) sj ikan berduri, yg dapat k.o. blow fi sh mengembang-kempiskan diri cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahi, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tutung (1), tutung >otan, uno tutung (2) 1 api 1 fi re 2 membakar 2 burn, kindle 1. tutung hoding 1. api menyambar 1. fi re spreads rapidly 2. tutung padu noleq 2. membakar damar lidi 2. light the resin torch (damar yg dililitkan pada (early evening) lidi atau bilah) cp. >api, >èhèng, dayuq, paq (1), tun (1) tutung >otan landak porcupine cp. tutung (1) tutuq tutuq nanang, tutuq tèhèq bertutur, berbicara, talk, converse, tell, discuss, berceritera chat 1. tutuq hueq 1. berbicara untuk mencari 1. discuss in order to fi nd kebenaran the truth 2. tutuq >ine >ame 2. berbicara tentang adat 2. speak about marriage tèhèq binen maqing belis/maskawin obligations 3. tutuq kabaq 3. menguasai pembicaraan, 3. dominate the mulut besar conversation, big talker 4. tutuq kabaq >eqa 4. omong banyak untuk 4. talk a lot to push o.s. ohaq menonjolkan diri, forward, talk beyond berbicara berlebihihan proper bounds 5. tutuq mapur kariq 5. berbicara banyak, 5. talk a lot, talk fl uently berbicara lancar (har (lit. talk like the ‘mapur’ berbicara spt burung birds speak) ‘mapur’) 6. tutuq nanang loèng 6. berbicara untuk 6. converse, make known, lèrèng memberi tahu sst to talk so as to convey information 7. tutuq nanang wela 7. Bahasa Kedang (har 7. the Kedang language (lit. bahasa dari gunung) language of the mountain) tuwo—tuyan 653

8. tutuq nobol loeng 8. berbicara tentang adat 8. discuss marriage teqa perkawinan (har bicara customary law (lit. discuss balok, memberitakan the beams, inform the balok) plank) 9. tutuq nore nute sayin, 9. berbicara tentang 9. converse with respect tèhèq nore toyeq bayan perjanjian kampung dgn to an agreement between kampung villages 10. tutuq rian nimon ai 10. berbicara tentang 10. speak to the guardian puqen penguasa spirit, base of the tree 11. tutuq senguq 11. berbicara dgn sengau, 11. talk through the nose bindeng 12. tutuq tèlè... 12. berkata bahwa... 12. say that... 13. tutuq >uli pau koda 13. menceritera ceritera 13. tell folk tales (lit. tell rakyat (har berbicara of the place, narrate the tentang tempat, history) menceritera sejarah) cp. kariq, kete (2), loeng, sarita, tèhèq tuwo tuwo kahin, tuwo moleng, merencanakan, memberi schedule, offer one’s tuwo tèhèq pikiran thoughts

tuwo moleng balo laen bertujuan untuk sembuh plan to recover cp. bading (1), kahin (2), nuloq tuyan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ieq tuyan U u u matan bisul boil

-u ~ -ku saya (morfem terikat, kata I (bound morpheme, ganti, 1t) {tasrif: 1t ‘-u, personal pronoun, 1sg) -ku’, 2t ‘-o, -ko’, 3t ‘-ne, -i’, {paradigm: 1sg ‘-u, -ku’, 1j eks ‘-e, -ke’, 1j in ‘-te’, 2j 2sg ‘-o, -ko’, 3 sg ‘-ne, -i’, ‘-me’, 3j ‘-ya, -deq’} 1pl ex ‘-e, -ke’, 1pl in ‘-te’, 2pl ‘-me’, 3pl ‘-ya, -deq’ 1. a in dèqku 1. saya sudah makan 1. I have eaten already 2. >ei maderqu 2. saya berdiri 2. I am standing 3. èrèqku awangi 3. saya memukulnya 3. I hit him cp. >ei ua (1) ua ua apa, mengapa, kenapa saya, what, doing what, why I, kita, mereka? {tasrif: 1t we (in), they? {paradigm: ‘ua’, 2t ‘kua’, 3t ‘kua’, 1j 1sg ‘ua’, 2sg ‘kua’, 3sg ‘kua’, eks ‘kua’, 1j in ‘ua’, 2j ‘kua’, 1pl eks ‘kua’, 1pl in ‘ua’, 3j ‘ua’} 2pl ‘kua’, 3pl ‘ua’} ua ua mè so sèrèq >eqi saya berbuat apa maka what have I done to cause mereka menangkap saya? them to catch me? ua (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ua bai ua bai seruan sso yg turut merasa expression of sympathy sayang terhadap sso yg for s.o. who has had an mendapat kecelakaan accident uang mengatur, menyusun order, stack up cp. dalong (1), hubiq, kahin (3), lotaq, lutur, nuang (3) uaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: helar, hular uar (1) sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, uar—uben 655

kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, ubang, uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq uar (2) batu penumbuk, batu stone for grinding or penitih crushing food or betel quid 1. uar >anaq 1. batu penumbuk, batu 1. stones for grinding or penitih crushing food or betel quid 2. uar >inan 2. batu landasan besar 2. large, fl at-bottom yg digunakan sbg alas stone, on which maize is menumbuk jagun pounded to make crushed maize 3. uar lapaq 3. batu pemukul dan batu 3. pounding stone and landasan stone pounding block cp. henga, hengan ubang pohon yg kulitnya dapat tree whose bark may be dibuat pakaian used to make cloth ubang amaq kulit pohon ‘ubang’ bark of the ‘ubang’ tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, uar (1), uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ubar ubar araq muda fresh, young 1. muhun meran ubar 1. anak merah 1. a newborn baby, a very >anaq young infant 2. taq ubar 2. buah kelapa muda 2. young coconut 3. >ue ubar mal tangen 3. pinang muda, sirih muda 3. young areca nut, young betel pepper cp. baran, mawin, pitaq, tiboq uben uben rake malam night 1. uben ayaq 1. tengah malam 1. midnight 656 ubong—uen

2. uben bèq tibang doa, 2. jauh malam, jauh tengah 2. late at night, late in the loyo bèq barang lela hari day 3. uben diqen 3. malam baik (selamat 3. good night (tranlation of malam, terjemahan dari the Dutch greeting, used Bahasa Belanda, dipakai almost exclusively on the hampir cuma di pulau island of Lembata) Lembata) 4. uben doa 4. jauh malam 4. late at night 5. uben ehoq 5. waktu yg sudah lewat 5. early morning, before tengah malam dawn 6. uben kapung oroq 6. berjaga (tanggung jawab 6. watch over (represents laleng loyo dongoq obi kepala desa, har malam the village head’s lolo memeluk dlm dada, siang responsibilities, lit. at night membawa pada punggung) cradle within the chest, at day carry on the back) 7. uben uben ara loyo 7. malam-malam menjadi 7. night, night be for me as hari though day cp. miteng ubong bengkak dan berbintil swollen into a lump (as an (mis pada luka kaki yg infected sore on the foot) terinfeksi) cp. babang, bètèr (2), bokoq, bouq, bowar, hubong, reoq, ubong ubur lalat fl y, insect ubur oyan cp. meqo udang 1 burung 1 bird udang olong 2 burung tekukur 2 pigeon udang olong èuq repoq burung-burung berbunyi the birds sing loudly rodang ramai cp. uluq udul lutut knee udul wonor cp. kudul uduq ~ kuduq uduq kueq, kuduq kuweq, uduq loko masuk, menyuruk masuk enter, duck to enter uduq tuen masuk kebun enter the fi elds, the season of entering the fi elds (July, August) cp. dèmèr, eu, masoq ue see: uwe uen ~ uwen uen nalen, uwen nalen pakaian untuk selimut clothing used as a blanket cp. deko, labur, nalen, pakeyang, sede, uwe (1) ueng—ui 657 ueng (1) lurus straight cp. houq, lonu, lour, milir, mulang (1), oleng, olor, pèlèr, potong, wolang ueng (2) ueng teha 1 berputar 1 turn, rotate, twist 2 pusing, berpusing 2 dizzy kote ueng teha gasing berputar-putar the top spins cp. baleq, baloq, bating, beloq, buel, bueng, bula, dogel (1), duler, hueng, hular, ireq (1), kaluq, kibo kabo, kolar, koleq, koloq, lekoq, muser, pekoq, puer, puleq, puter, tuleng, tueng, weleq ueq ueq dareng saya, kita, mereka menangis I, we (in), they cry, weep, {tasrif: 1t ‘ueq’, 2t ‘kueq’, sob {paradigm: 1sg ‘ueq’, 3t ‘kueq’, 1j eks ‘kueq’, 1j 2sg ‘kueq’, 3sg ‘kueq’, 1pl in ‘ueq’, 2j ‘kueq’, 3j ‘ueq’} ex ‘kueq’, 1pl in ‘ueq’, 2pl ‘kueq’, 3pl ‘ueq’} cp. oyeng uha uha oteq rambut hair 1. uha bule 1. kondé 1. chignon, knot of hair 2. uha lonun 2. rambut palsu 2. false hair 3. uha mukin 3. rambut lurus 3. straight hair 4. uha ropoq 4. rambut keriting 4. frizzy hair 5. uha >ue balan 5. rambut berombak (har 5. wavy hair (lit. areca rambut bulir pinang) bunch hair) cp. tubar uhang uhang ahang, uhang ateq ampas waste, dregs taq uhang ampas kelapa coconut dregs ui ui eten saya melihat, mengerti, I see, know, understand, tahu, menuju {tasrif: 1t aim for, head for ‘ui’, 2t ‘mui’, 3t ‘nui’, 1j eks {paradigm: 1sg ‘ui’, 2sg ‘mui’, 1j in ‘tui’, 2j ‘mui’, ‘mui’, 3 sg ‘nui’, 1pl ex 3j ‘sui’} ‘mui’, 1pl in ‘tui’, 2pl ‘mui’, 3pl ‘sui’} 1. >ei ui >oyoq 1. saya melihat ke sana, saya 1. I look there, I am menuju ke sana heading there 2. ui >oliq 2. saya menuju ke timur; 2. I head eastwards, I head saya menuju ke wilayah toward the land daratan 658 ukiq—uluq

3. ui >ul eten lala 3. saya berjual beli (har saya 3. I buy and sell (lit. I see melihat pasar, mengetahui the market, contemplate jalan) the path) cp. bisa, boraq (1), ebeng, lalang, ekeq, nuan, tada, tepi ukiq mahkota crown cp. belang, petuq ukur ukur hueq, ukur >oneq ukur hueq tèhèq lari mengukur, menimbang, measure, weigh menakar 1. mal eker ukur >oneq, 1. menaséhati (har 1. advise (lit. a piece of ue nihiq nahaq laleng potongan sirih mencari betel pepper used to know tahu hati, potongan pinang the heart, a piece of areca menasihati kalbu) nut to advise the heart) 2. ukur ai noq ma pèrèq 2. mengukur kayu ini 2. measure this wood in untuk dipotong order to cut it cp. bading (2), gatang, nibang, soba (1), tanibang, tibang ulaq ulaq koping kotor, banyak kotoran dirt, fi lth, dirty, fi lthy 1. ulaq koping daten 1. dosa, kesalahan 1. sin, fault >ale 2. ulaq rian 2. a. tumbuhan yg 2. a. plant which lives hidupnya terapung di air, by fl oating on the water, Pistia stratiotes; b. jamur Pistia stratiotes; b. any (har kotoran besar) inedible mushroom (lit. great fi lth) cp. buhang, gureng, >iwong, karèmuq, mèdèr, >umuq uliq warna colour uliq engar putih tidak, hitam tidak neither white nor black ulo saya dulu, duluan {tasrif: 1t I am fi rst, go fi rst, lead ‘ulo’, 2t ‘mulo’, 3t ‘nulo’, 1j {paradigm: 1sg ‘ulo’, 2sg eks ‘mulo’, 1j in ‘tulo’, 2j ‘mulo’, 3sg ‘nulo’, 1pl ex ‘mulo’, 3j ‘sulo’} ‘mulo’, 1pl in ‘tulo’, 2pl ‘mulo’, 3pl ‘sulo’} 1. >ei pan ulo 1. saya pergi lebih dulu 1. I go fi rst, I walk ahead 2. ulo lawin 2. tandan pohon lontar 2. stamen of the male jantan yg muncul pertama lontar palm that emerges fi rst cp. pulung uluq 1 biji 1 seed, kernel, stone 2 penolong bilangan untuk 2 classifi er for round objects biji-bijian 1. mato uluq 1. biji mata 1. pupil of the eye uma—unan 659

2. pèu uluq leme 2. lima biji mangga 2. fi ve pieces of mango fruit 3. uluq badang; uluq 3. badan 3. body nawaq (= >uliq nawaq); uluq udang cp. >ate, kuwoq, laheq, pulu, rehaq, rètu, tawan, >ulun duan, waq uma uma eor, uma kateq, uma rotan, uma >uraq 1 kunyit 1 turmeric 2 kuning, kekuning- 2 yellow, yellowish kuningan 1. loyo uma >uraq 1. dini hari 1. twilight 2. uma manuq tolor 2. kuning cemerlang (har 2. bright yellow (lit. kuning telur ayam) chicken-egg yellow) 3. uma telar puhun 3. kuning tua (har kuning 3. orange (lit. pumpkin- bunga labu merah) blossom yellow) 4. uma >uraq 4. fajar 4. dawn 5. [uma] >uraq ka 5. nasib (har kunyit makan) 5. fortune (lit. turmeric bites) cp. eor (1), kuma, reoq, uman uman uman eor yg kuning atau sst yg yellow things berwarna kuning kuq pèu uman sorong ambillah mangga yg take the yellow mango nuo kuning itu dan kasikan there and give it to him padanya cp. uma umer semut besar yg berwarna a large black ant hitam 1. umer tete todang 1. semut mengusung cacing 1. ant carry on a pole, rain doro pan merayap worm crawls 2. umer tuaq 2. semut hitam pada pohon 2. black ants found at the lontar top of palm trees unan unan mèroq 1 hamba, orang belian, 1 slave, servant, helper budak 2 ukuran belis/maskawin 2 a solid measure of ten yg bernilai sepulu ‘munaq’ units atau satu budak 3 penjepit pakaian 3 a clip for holding clothing while serving 1. unan bala laong 1. belis gading yg bernilai 1. the former bridewealth weren satu budak dan anting emas required in Kalikur, (har budak, gading, anting consisting of a very long emas) tusk and a tusk of ten units plus a pair of gold earrings (lit. slave, elephant tusk, gold earrings) 660 ungu—upaq

2. unan leme 2. a. lima budak; b. gading 2. a. fi ve slaves; b. fi ve units yg bernilai lima budak of ten (=munaq purun leme. An elephant tusk worth fi ve slaves, an elephant tusk stretching from the fi ngertips to the wrist of the opposite arm, with the circumference spanned by placing the index and thumb of both hands around the base of the tusk, leaving an unspecifi ed but small gap between the tips [the gap cannot be precisely measured because both hands are taken up]) 3. unan sue 3. a. dua budak; b. gading 3. a. two slaves; b. elephant yg bernilai dua budak tusk worth two slaves, two units of fi ve (=munaq purun sue, lemen apaq. An elephant tusk stretching from the fi nger tips to the inner side of the elbow on the opposite side with a gap of fi ve fi ngers) cp. munaq ungu ungu mèngi harum fragrant cp. mèngi, wangiq uno uno tebang sj ikan k.o. fi sh uno patang ikan ‘uno’ yg dijerang boiled ‘uno’ fi sh cp. apu (1), >adar, bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahi, >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, maqe, mere, oyor, tule, tutung (1) uoq uoq paoq melepuh, lecet pada kulit blister, chafe (mis karena panas atau gesekan) upal ~ opal upal maring 1 utuh, bulat 1 whole, entire, round 2 tidak rusak, tidak pecah 2 unblemished upal maring nueng nèrè utuh dan teduh whole and calm cp. kole, munaq (1), opol, papang (1) upaq buah labu yg dipakai untuk gourd used for carrying mengisi air atau kapur water or lime upar—uq 661 upar pendek short cp. >èkuq, kupoq, lere, mèkuq, mèqul, oruq, weheq upe upe nope upe nope eqing botan lupa, melupakan forget 1. >oneq kara upe wèq 1. jangan saling melupakan 1. do not forget each other 2. o upe 2. engkau lupa 2. you forgot 3. upe >eqi 3. melupakan saya 3. forget me 4. upe wèq 4. saling melupakan 4. forget each other cp. kata upe, upen upen sst yg terlupakan s.t. forgotten deko noq upen celana ini yg terlupakan these are the shorts which were forgotten cp. upe upeq upeq puleq memetik dgn jari pick with the hand upeq muqu taqen memetik pisang masak pick ripe bananas cp. bihar, boliq (1), holaq, iteq, mupeq, puleq upor kecil small 1. muqu upor 1. pisang kecil 1. small bananas 2. watar upor 2. jagung batang kecil 2. maize with small ears cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), >oruq, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq uq (1) uq tèq saya, kita, mereka I, we (in), they bring, take mengambil {tasrif: 1t ‘uq’, {paradigm: 1sg ‘uq’, 2sg 2t ‘kuq’, 3t ‘kuq’, 1j eks ‘kuq’, 3sg ‘kuq’, 1pl ex ‘kuq’, 1j in ‘kuq, uq’, 2j ‘kuq’, 1pl in ‘kuq, uq’, 2pl ‘kuq’, 3j kuq, uq’} ‘kuq’, 3pl ‘kuq, uq’} 1. uq nunu bae wowo 1. upacara persembahan 1. ceremony ending a untuk menghapus quarrel (lit. take the mouth, kesalahan karena stamp the voice) bermarahan (har ambil mulut, menumbuk suara) 2. uq wating èq karang 2. membersihkan, 2. take, clean, carry away, membawa, menyapu bersih clean up cp. ahuq, èq, hen, kaqo uq (2) musim ambil-mengambil season of taking and (Pebuari, Maret) bringing (February, March) 662 uq—uren uq (3) sj tikus besar dgn ekor large rat with a long tail yg panjang dan ujung with a white tip ekornya berwarna putih uqun sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, >uaq (1), wawu raèq ura ulas (spt terdapat dlm buah section (like those in a limau) citrus fruit) cp. >ale (2) urang (1) urang neong kurang little, few, small hoeq laleq neq wèi pesta ini kekurangan air there is a shortage of water urang for this festival cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kèpuq, kuleng, kuseng, lora (1), mule (2), >odeng, tèin (2), upor, utu (1), utun, weheq, weriq urang (2) udang shrimp uraq uraq >ali, uraq leq urat vein 1. uraq ka 1. nasib (har urat makan) 1. fortune (lit. vein eats) 2. wanan uraq leq diqen 2. kanan menandakan baik, 2. right indicates good, left weri uraq leq daten kiri menandakan jahat indicates bad cp. >ali uren penolong bilangan untuk classifi er for anything segala benda yg dapat countable dihitung 1. >iqa uren sue 1. dua ekor ikan 1. two fi sh 2. waq uren tèlu 2. tiga biji batu 2. three stones 3. wetaq uren sue 3. dua buah rumah 3. two houses cp. munaq (3) urung—utun 663 urung (1) kuku nail, claw 1. lèi urung 1. kuku jari kaki 1. toenail 2. ling urung 2. kuku jari tangan 2. fi ngernail cp. kalaq urung (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: urung erang urung erang sisa benang remains of thread uta saya, kita, mereka memetik I, we (in), they pick, gather, memakai tangan {tasrif: 1t harvest by hand {paradigm: ‘uta’, 2t ‘muta’, 3t ‘muta’, 1sg ‘uta’, 2sg ‘muta’, 3sg 1j eks ‘muta’, 1j in ‘uta’, 2j ‘muta’, 1pl ex ‘muta’, 1pl in ‘muta’, 3j ‘uta’} ‘uta’, 2pl ‘muta’, 3pl ‘uta’} uta pèu saya memetik buah mangga I pick a mango cp. bihar, boliq (1), holaq, iteq, mihar, mupeq, nuran baran, puleq uteq uteq mataq bubuk pecahan beras broken bits of rice seed setelah ditampi after winnowing utu (1) utu kuleng kecil small 1. bering noq >akaq 1. bambu ini kecil dan 1. this bamboo is small and utu olor panjang long 2. niho wawi ta noq 2. semut-semut ini kecil 2. these ants are very small akaq utu haran sekali 3. utu olor 3. kecil dan lurus, kecil dan 3. small and straight, long panjang and thin 4. utu utu putaq ludaq 4. cerewet, banyak omong 4. quarrelsome, talkative cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utun, weheq, weriq utu (2) utu ihen, utu tumoq kutu rambut head louse, lice 1. haba utu 1. mencari kutu rambut 1. pick head lice 2. utu abang 2. sj kutu yg besar 2. k.o. large louse 3. utu mèpè 3. kutu yg menetas 3. hatched lice utun ~ utung ~ kutun utun haran sst yg kecil small, s.t. small 1. utun dein 1. anak-anak belakangan, 1. younger children yg lahir kemudian 2. waq utun 2. batu yg kecil 2. small rock cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kuleng, kuseng, mule (2), tèin 664 utung—uyu

(2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), weheq, weriq utung see: utun uwe (1) ~ ue uwe habiq selimut, menyelimuti, blanket, cover menutupi uwe habiq wèq menyelimuti badan cover the body with a blanket cp. bong (2), boran (1), bowong (2), hoba, lètuq, loiq, lotuq, mongoq, pataq, pèrèng, uen uwe (2) ~ ue uwe nale memakai, mengenakan wear uwe lipaq labur mengenakan baju dan wear a shirt and sarong sarung cp. ale, ara (1), dogel (2), logeq, mero, nènè, pake (1), pen, tèqè uwen see: uen uyeng uyeng wihang periuk pot, cooking pot 1. uyeng auq 1. periuk tanah 1. earthenware pot 2. uyeng >ayang 2. arang pada periuk 2. soot on a pot 3. uyeng bayang waq 3. periuk Mule Waq (har 3. pot from Mule Waq (lit. periuk mendayung batu) pot of those who paddle rocks) 4. uyeng matan 4. tutupan periuk 4. pot lid 5. uyeng >olaq 5. periuk besi 5. iron pot 6. uyeng paso 6. periuk tanah 6. clay pot cp. payang uyu uyu mogong ketam, kepiting crab uyu >udeq kara huq, menjauhkan bahaya (har ward off danger (lit. one pari >udeq kara haq satu ketam jangan diukur, crab do not measure, one satu ikan pari jangan ray do not pierce) ditikam) cp. mogong, >umang >U

>ua (1) >ua wei rotan thick rattan

>ua (2) ~ wua >ua >ihi, >ua >ihin buah, berbuah fruit 1. ai >ua wèi liwuq 1. pohon berbuah, air 1. tree fruits, water gathers berhimpun 2. taq >ua dèq 2. pohon kelapa sudah 2. the coconut tree has berbuah started fruiting cp. >ihi, puhu, >uan

>uan ~ wuan >uan >ihin berbuah contain fruit, bear fruit 1. >ihin >uan 1. berbuah, berisi 1. contain fruit 2. puhun bèti >uan 2. beranak cucu (har bunga 2. have grandchildren (lit. hingoq mekar, buah merekah) blossom break open, fruit burst forth) cp. >ihi, moru >otan, puhu, puhun, >ua

>uaq (1) sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, wawu raèq

>uaq (2) bagian dalam perahu hold of a boat tene >uaq bagian dalam perahu hold of a boat cp. èwèng, >èwè

>uban batang pisang yg sudah chopped-down banana ditebang trunk cp. wali

>ubaq 666 >ubaq—>udeq

>ubaq >angin gelombang laut, ombak, waves, breakers, storm badai waves cp. hokal, manulung, >oyoq (1)

>ubeng bawah, sebelah bawah under, below cp. bèlè, ole, >ole, >ubeq

>ubeq tebing, kaki bukit steep mountainside, foot of a hill >ubeq >udeq kara satu tebing jangan curam one mountainside do not lamaq be steep cp. liang

>ubuq pucuk, puncak shoot, sprout, top, peak 1. >ili >ubuq 1. puncak gunung 1. mountain peak 2. taq lolong >ubuq 2. pucuk daun kelapa 2. shoots of coconut-palm leaf 3. >ubuq kebol lolon 3. melahirkan keturunan 3. produce descendents (lit. tawe (har pucuk melambai, daun top sway, leaf grow) tumbuh) cp. hipe, hoal, kokang, loloq, longo, matan, rodang, wiqil

>uda >uda lau menyuruh, meminta order, request >uda letar pemberian obat untuk si medicine administered to a sakit sick person cp. ata, dahuq, èhèng, hoing, lata, naku, pareta

>udeq satu one 1. >udeq mude lolon 1. satu (dari nyanyian anak- 1. one (from a chant used anak untuk memyebutkan by children when playing bilangan satu sampai hide and seek, usually sepuluh, har satu daun counting up to ten, lit. one jeruk) lime leaf) 2. >udeq ka 2. dlm perhitungan bulan 2. in keeping track of yaitu pertemuan antara months, when the moon bintang Antares dan bulan comes into conjunction pada malam pertama bulan with Antares around the baru, sekitar Nopember, fi rst night of the new Desember (har satu cocok) moon, in November or December (lit. one matches) 3. >udeq kolor >udeq 3. seorang menggulung 3. s.o. rolls a cigarette, toang sebatang roko seorang yg another waits (a verse) lain menunggu (satu sajak) 4. >udeq nore hidir 4. satu setengah (potong 4. one and a half (cut membujur) lengthwise) 5. >udeq nore lolaq 5. satu setengah (potong 5. one and a half (cut melintang) perpendicularly) 6. >udeq taling >udeq 6. satu tambah satu menjadi 6. one plus one equals two ma-se sue dua >udung—>uhe 667

cp. deuq, natan, nimoq

>udung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tuku

>uduq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tuku

>ue ~ wue >ue ai, >ue mal >ue mal bako oro pinang, Areca catechu, Linn. areca nut, Areca catechu, Linn. 1. >ue amaq 1. kulit buah pinang 1. the skin of the areca nut 2. >ue amaq buruq 2. kulit buah pinang 2. a. the skin of the areca balang menjadi buruk nut ripens and drops to the ground where it begins to rot; b. a storm of the rainy season 3. >ue laka rudang 3. sj pohon pinang 3. k.o. areca palm 4. >ue mènuq 4. buah pinang yg sudah 4. areca nut which is matang already ripe 5. >ue nubi 5. pinang yg ditusuk dgn 5. areca nut pierced with a kayu dan kemudian baru piece of wood and dried dijemur 6. >ue teneng 6. upih atau seludang yg 6. sheath which covers the membungkus mayang fruiting stem of an areca pinang palm 7. >ue ubar 7. buah pinang muda 7. fresh areca nut, still in the shell 8. >ue ubar mal tangen 8. pinang muda dan sirih 8. fresh areca nut and betel muda pepper 9. >ue wayaq wèi 9. sirih pinang yg dimakan 9. the fi rst betel quid leteng untuk pembukaan chewed at the beginning pembicaraan adat of a customary law negotiation (lit. areca [in the] betel basket, water [in the] coconut shell) 10. >ue weren 10. sari buah pinang 10. juice of the areca nut 11. >ue weren kuhi 11. sari pinang satu 11. one large pot of areca >udeq kumbang juice (a fi ne for breaching ‘sayin bayan’) cp. mal, taq

>uhaq >uhaq dèwun usang worn out, decrepit labur >uhaq dèwun baju usang worn-out shirt cp. hola

>uhe >uhe >ara >uhe >ara >ero auq 1 bagian dalam 1 inside 2 bagian tanah yg di dalam 2 inside the earth 1. >uhe auq 1. bagian tanah yg di dalam 1. inside the earth 668 >uhuq—>ukuq >èkuq

2. >uhe dan pitu >ara 2. bagian dalam tujuh lapis 2. inside the earth seven dan leme lima lapis levels, the earth fi ve levels (refers to the levels of the universe above and below this one) 3. >uhe koda 3. bagian dlm tanah milik 3. within one’s own land 4. >uhe rian baraq 4. jin dlm tanah 4. spirit in the earth 5. >uhe >ubeng >ara 5. jauh di dlm pusat tanah 5. far in the interior of the lolo (jauh sekali) earth below far above the land (far away) cp. laleng, wela (1)

>uhuq (1) ~ wuhuq ya yes o nape baleqo? engkau baru pulang? Ya have you just returned? Yes > Uhuqku cp. >ahaq, e (2), ewe, >èhèq, mè we, o (2), >oe, paqa

>uhuq (2) punggung gunung back of the mountain >uhuq >apan wolor di sebelah punggung at the back of the >apan gunung, di sebelah bukit mountain, at the hill

>uhur tulang punggung, tulang spine belakang cp. obi

>ukar ~ wukar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wela (1)

>ukel >ukel pade menyerah pada tujuan, give up on an aim, change berganti arah direction bè lala ayaq pan lala apabila dlm perjalanan sbg when travelling as an envoy kara >ukel pade wèq utusan jangan mengubah do not change direction tujuan midway cp. pekoq

>uko (1) >uko tudaq tekanan dari dalam, karena inside pressure (e.g. air, tidak muat lagi (mis udara water) di dlm bola)

>uko (2) >uko tènèn gagap bicara stutter

>ukuq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ukuq >èkuq

>ukuq >èkuq meremas crumple cp. >amiq, >ikuq, lèsuq, lusaq lèsuq, peruq, pèmèq >ul—>ula 669

>ul ~ wul >ul lala pasar market 1. >ul kantor 1. pasar yg dulu ada di 1. former market at Kalikur Kalikur 2. >ul sue haraq pulaq 2. dua kali pasar dari 2. two markets from now, >apaq sekarang, jadi masih empat fourteen more days belas hari lagi cp. lala (1)

>ula ~ wula 1 bulan 1 moon >ula male 2 waktu 2 time

1. anaq >ula nenun 1. genap waktunya (har 1. the proper stage of loyo; >ula anaq male bulan genap mata hari an event or transition nenun genap) (lit. moon complete sun complete) 2. >ote >ula loyo loloq 2. di langit 2. up in the sky 3. >ula bèuq 3. bulan tenggelam 3. setting of the moon 4. >ula bita hokoq, 4. bulan hiduplah lagi, 4. moon come back to life, >ula mori mari ko, bulan datanglah kembali, moon come here, come mari ko, >ula mori datanglah kembali, bulan here, moon come here (a mari ko hiduplah lagi (nanyian song sung accompanied dipakai selama gerhana by beating gongs on the bulan) eclipse of the moon) 5. >ula halaq 5. bulan kesiangan, bulan 5. the waning moon (when tua the moon is waning, it is still visible after sunup) 6. >ula halaq lèu >udeq 6. bulan kesiangan satu hari 6. the fi rst stage of the waning moon 7. >ula hèlèng 7. bulan terbenam 7. the moon sets 8. >ula lelan ayaq 8. pertengahan bulan 8. middle of the month 9. >ula male >adan 9. haid, datang bulan 9. menstruation, coming of menstruation 10. >ula male ohaq 10. haid sudah berhenti 10. menstruation ceases, >adan watiq sama sekali, datang bulan menopause sudah berhenti sama sekali 11. >ula mate 11. gerhana bulan 11. eclipse of the moon 12. >ula mèti utu 12. waktu di mana pasang 12. time when high and naik dan pasang surut low tides produce the least sudah menjadi berkurang change 13. >ula miteng 13. bulan gelap karena 13. the new moon tidak ada bulan pada waktu malam 14. >ula opol 14. bulan purnama 14. full moon 15. >ula opol tudaq 15. bulan purnama 15. full moon 16. >ula owe hèlèng 16. bulan terbenam di laut 16. the moon sets in the sea 17. >ula pèrèng 17. bulan gelap (har bulan 17. when the moon rises tertutup) after sunset, the dark period before the moon fi nally appears (lit. the moon is closed) 18. >ula >udeq nore 18. satu setengah bulan 18. a month and a half lolaq 19. >ula weqen 19. bulan lain, bulan depan 19. another month, next month 670 >ula loyo—>ular

20. >ula weqen nau 20. bulan lain waktunya 20. another month a long hèqè masih lama time in the future 21. >ula wèrun 21. bulan baru, bulan yg 21. the waxing moon, baru, bulan sabit sickle-shaped moon 22. >ula wèrun keu 22. bulan baru, terbit 22. the waxing moon 23. >ula wèrun keu 23. bulan baru yg terbit 23. the new moon rises katiq dei >uliq dan berganti tempatnya and changes its place, the waxing moon cp. musing, tun, >ula loyo

>ula loyo 1 langit, angkasa 1 sky, heaven 2 Tuhan Allah 2 God cp. >ala laha tala, èlèng, laba lia, lia, tuang ala laha tala

>ulang sisa-sisa pembakaran yg burned remains drifting in melayang-layang di udara the air cp. >asur, rubu

>ulaq (1) ~ wulaq >ulaq lawang, >ulaq weleq melawan, tidak taat, bandel resist, disobey, oppose, be stubborn >ei hoing nuo pan paq saya menyuruhnya pergi I ordered him to go, but he nèrèqne >ulaqku tapi ia melawan disobeyed cp. holang, holeq (3)

>ulaq (2) >ulaq watiq, >ulaq weleq membalik, terbalik opposite, inside out, upside down nale labur >ulaq mengenakan baju terbalik he wears a shirt inside out (bagian dalam di luar dan bagian luar di dalam) cp. baleq, baliq (2), batong, huneq, koloq, lenga, pareq (1)

>ular >ular ipan, >ular oun ular snake 1. >ular hari 1. ular laut 1. sea snakes 2. >ular male manuq 2. ular terbang (har ular 2. fl ying snake which never bintang ayam) touches the ground, said to eat eggs, live in the tops of trees, and to have wings which fold out like a bat’s with which it sails from tree to tree at night (lit. chicken star snake) 3. >ular mètuq 3. ular hijau yg pendek 3. a short, green snake 4. >ular miteng 4. a. ular hitam yg tidak 4. a. a large black snake, not berbisa; b. akar gantung, poisonous; b. a liana used as liana yg dipakai sbg obat medicine 5. >ular naga >ara bora 5. ular naga dan gurita 5. dragon, sea monster besar 6. >ular neta rading 6. sj ular 6. k.o. snake >ule—>uliq 671

7. >ular papaq wau 7. ular lidi berwarna hitam 7. a small black or yellow atau kuning dan tidak snake, not poisonous berbisa 8. >ular pupun 8. ular kobra 8. the spitting cobra 9. >ular tangen 9. ular kecil berwaran hijau 9. a small poisonous green dan berbisa snake 10. ular tiu 10. ular tikus, ular ini 10. mouse snake, a very sangat berbisa poisonous snake

>ule >ule miroq ulat caterpillar 1. mèi >ule 1. hadiah pembalas belis/ 1. a gift by wife-givers on maskawin yg bernama the death of a prominent ‘oteq’ pada saat kematian man to protect his hair seorgang tokoq untuk in the grave (lit. base [to melindungi rambutnya di protect against] worms) dlm kubur (har alas [untuk melindungi terhadap] ulat) 2. >ule pinaq 2. ulat yg biasa makan 2. caterpillar that rumput dinamakan ‘pinaq’ commonly eats a weed called ‘pinaq’

>uleng rangkaian, ikatan, bunch, bundle, collection, himpunan group >iqa >uleng >udeq ikan satu rangkaian a bunch of fi sh cp. balan, liman, mawu, mongaq, motel, moten, muleng, naèng, panga, popon, >ulir, welaq

>uleq pasak pada balai-balai peg in bamboo platform

>uli (1) >uli adung tengkuk neck >uli puqen 1. tengkuk 1. nape of the neck 2. sepotong rambut yg 2. the shock of hair which ditinggalkan di belakang is left at the back of the kepala anak perempuan head on young girls when setelah rambutnya dicukur their heads are shaved cp. bongan (3), >ulin

>uli (2) kemudi steering oar, rudder >uli koda cerita rakyat stories, legends

>ulin belakang pisau, belakang back of a knife blade, back parang of a fi eld knife blade 1. mèiq >ulin 1. belakang pisau 1. back of a knife blade 2. pedaq >ulin 2. belakang parang 2. back of a fi eld knife blade cp. >uli (1)

>uliq >uliq watiq tempat place 1. lèi >uliq 1. bekas jejak kaki 1. footprint 2. >uliq iu daqa (= lia 2. tempat masak, dapur 2. hearth matan) 672 >ulir—>ulun

3. >uliq lala 3. pokok pangkal suatu 3. principal cause of an kejadian (har tempat jalan) event (lit. place path) 4. >uliq nawaq 4. badan 4. body (= >uluq nawaq) 5. >uliq puaq 5. tempat tinggal 5. place of abode 6. >uliq taneng maten 6. pekuburan, tempat 6. grave menguburkan mayat cp. >eqa (1), hering, keran, lelan, nataq, papang (2)

>ulir ~ wulir >ulir balan tandan (pisang), ikat, utas, bunch (of bananas), tied rangkaian bunch, numeral classifi er for long, thin, supple things, chain 1. bang >ulir >udeq 1. satu utas manik-manik 1. a string of beads 2. muqu >ulir >udeq 2. satu tandan pisang 2. one bunch of bananas cp. balan, lihen, liman, moten, naèng, >uleng, welaq

>uloq (1) buluh pandai besi untuk bamboo pipes of bellows mengembus api (yg dibuat used to conduct air to dari bambu’ahung’) charcoal fi re (made from the bamboo called ‘ahung’) >uloq loloq walang rahasia, tersembunyi (har di secret, hidden (lit. on the laleng atas buluh, di dlm bambu) bamboo pipes, inside the bamboo) cp. ahung

>uloq (2) alat untuk memisahkan utensil used to separate benang atas dari benang the upper and lower warp bawah (yg dibuat dari threads (made from the bambu ‘ahung’) sewaktu bamboo called ‘ahung’) menenun when weaving

>ulu (1) >ulu >ala, >ulu bala, >ulu memeriksa inspect bolong bahe mè nuo >oweq habis itu dia ke laut then he went seaward to >ulu >ataq mengamat-amati dan inspect s.t. and to test its mengangkat sst untuk weight merasakan berat-ringannya cp. eleng, kengo, lalang, lekeq, paresaq

>ulu (2) >ulu bala moko dari Alor, gendang Alorese moko, bronze perunggu drum cp. kong

>ulun kain hitam penunjuk jalan black cloth to show the orang mati atau penunjuk way for a dead person or to jalan nenek moyang turun show the ancestors the way dari atas to descend from above >ulur—>uner 673

1. teduq >ulun bare 1. menyeret kain hitam 1. lead the black cloth koda penunjuk jalan, memikul showing the way, carry the silsilah genealogy on the shoulder 2. >ulun duan 2. kain hitam bersama 2. black cloth and cotton bola-bola kapas (‘nutaq’ dan balls (‘nutaq’ and ‘panga ‘panga lèwèq’) lèwèq’)

>ulur (1) 1 daging buah kelapa muda 1 meat of the young coconut fruit 2 tahap daging buah kepala 2 stage when coconuts mulai berbentuk begin to form meat inside

>ulur (2) >ulur >ulur merah atau biru (karena red or blue welts (caused pukulan, cambukan) by being hit or whipped) wèq >ulur badan yg merah atau body with red welts biru (karena pukulan, (because of being hit or cambukan) whipped)

>umal >umal mamel majal, tidak tajam, tumpul blunt, dull cp. haboq, kamakuq, monu, robong

>umang umang hermit crab cp. mogong, uyu

>umen >umen lamaq bagian, pembagian part, share Toni nèq neq >umen Toni membawa bagiannya Toni took his share to add lamaq pan mawu untuk dikumpulkan to the collection cp. >ale (2), >apan, bage, baki, baqe, baqen, bètè (1), bètèn, boq, >ewang, kèrèq (1), lamaq (2), leq (1), malaq, metaq

>umuq kotor, keruh dirty, turbid cp. buhang, gureng, >iwong, karèmuq, ulaq

>umur (1) umur, usia age moq >umur tun pie? berapa tahun umurmu? how old are you? cp. tara (3)

>umur (2) see: >èmur

>uneq sebelah laut seaward cp. bèwèq, owe, >owe, >oweq

>uner >uner waner biji beku congealed grains 674 >unga—>upeq

>unga ~ wunga >unga mahoq, wunga mahoq luka, terluka wound, sore, wounded 1. lèi >unga 1. kaki luka 1. wounded leg 2. >unga >inge mange 2. luka menganga lebar 2. wide open wound 3. >unga mahoq 3. luka karena goresan 3. wound from a scratch 4. >unga taha 4. luka yg membusuk 4. infected and smelly wound cp. awang, >ohi, reoq, tahan

>uno ~ wuno >uno lia, >uno pari bintang sore evening star 1. >uno keu lia hèlèng 1. bintang sore terbit, 1. the evening star rises, the bintang pagi terbenam morning star sets 2. >uno lia oi bai 2. bintang sore dan bintang 2. the evening and pagi memberi salam morning stars say farewell 3. >uno >udeq kara 3. satu bintang sore jangan 3. one evening star do not huq; pari >udeq hara pas; satu bintang Antares match, one Antares do not haqa jangan menghalngi block cp. lia

>unu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: awe, nu (1)

>unuq sj tumbuhan, yg daunnya k.o. small plant with leaves spt daun wortel (daun itu like those of a carrot (the rasanya spt seledri dan biasa leaves taste like celery and dimakan dgn garam dan may be mixed with salt and cabe) hot peppers as a relish) cp. awa daqa, bara pehiq, biru, heur (1), lale, tuaq loran, tubung

>uoq ~ wuoq (2) lubang, gua hole, cave, cavern 1. kaèl >uoq mara 1. menggali lubang untuk 1. dig a hole to plant a miwaq muqu menanam pisang banana tree 2. mauq moran tara 2. mengisi lubang dgn 2. fi ll a hole with matter boran >uoq barang penimbuan (lit. we [ex] gather matter (har kami mengangkut for us [in] to fi ll a hole) timbunan untuk kita mengisi lubang) cp. bakur, boqi, lèdèq, lèhiq, liang, puraq, wèlong

>upeng sj mentimun yg panjang k.o. long cucumber cp. timu

>upeq >upeq >aluq lesung rice mortar, wooden basin for stamping rice 1. >upeq ehoq 1. lesung kecil 1. small rice mortar 2. >upeq mader 2. lesung berdiri 2. large rice mortar with a stand >upil—>uraq 675

3. >upeq rian 3. lesung besar 3. large rice mortar

>upil >upil nameq isi anak panah, mata anak iron arrowhead, iron tip of panah dari besi an arrow cp. >ur

>uq ~ wuq 1 dasar 1 base 2 pantat 2 buttocks, anus 1. >deseq >uq 1. dasar kotak daun lontar 1. base of a lontar palmleaf basket 2. >uq bakur 2. lubang pantat 2. anus 3. >uq matan 3. berpasangan (har alas 3. pair (lit. base [and] top) [dan] tutupan) 4. >upeq >uq 4. dasar lesung 4. base of rice mortar cp. latang (1), lunin, mèi, odo

>uqa >uqa puroq puru, luka puru tumour, ulcer, abscess, framboesia cp. biluq

>uqel otak brain

>uqung sebutan yg menyatakan expression of agreement mau piqur >uqunq daeq kalau mau bilang mau, if you agree say so, if you >èqèng kalau enggan bilant tidak disagree say so mau cp. >èqeng

>uqur >uqur wawar >uqur wawar tenun haker bersungut grumble cp. bingur, patar

>ur ~ wur >ur nameq busur bow 1. ai >ur 1. kayu yg dipakai untuk 1. wood used in the membuat busur construction of an archer’s bow 2. >ur ara 2. sj kayu kuning untuk 2. wood, perhaps the locust, membuat busur used to make bows cp. pane, tupun, >upil

>ura air surut outgoing current cp. garodang, kanawang, >ole (2)

>uran >uran warun buih, busa gelembung foam, bubble puiq >uran baqa meniup buih, busa blow bubbles cp. wokul (2), woloq

>uraq (1) tinta gurita octopus ink 676 >uraq—>uru mèngi

1. a oba >uraq 1. saya makan tinta gurita 1. I eat octopus ink 2. >uraq hoder 2. cocok 2. match 3. >uraq ka 3. masuk seluruhnya sampai 3. put all the way in dalam

>uraq (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: uma

>ure kulit kayu untuk k.o. plant, the bark of memahitkan minuman which is used to make tuak palmwine bitter >ure ala behi, >ure lau macam-macam kulit various kinds of bark used watan, >ure reo amaq kayu untuk memahitkan to make palmwine bitter minuman tuak

>ureq >ureq >aur tusuk konde (yg dibuat pin which a woman uses to dari bambu aur) hold together her knot of hair, chignon pin (made of the bamboo called ‘>aur’)

>uri >uri bai mencela, menghina revile, blame, disapprove, humiliate cp. milu, pake

>uri sele 1 sj suling 1 double pan pipes 2 pantun, syair, sajak 2 saying, poem, verse daqko lali >uri sele tolong nyanyikan satu please sing a song >udeq pantun cp. nureng, peku

>uring >uring >ale buritan perahu atau kapal stern of a boat or ship tene >uring buritan perahu stern of a boat cp. >ale (3)

>uru >uru tanga rumput alang-alang, sedge grass, Imperata Imperata cylindrica cylindrica 1. >uru liwang 1. jalinan alang-alang pada 1. fl at covering of sedge bilah bambu grass for roofi ng held together by a bamboo lath 2. >uru pae 2. sj rumput yg biasa 2. k.o. grass that grows near tumbuh di pinggir pantai the shore 3. >uru popon 3. alang-alang satu ikat 3. a bundle of sedge grass 4. >uru tahiq 4. alang-alang laut, nama 4. sea grass, name of a plain dataran di Meluwiting near Meluwiting

>uru kua ketam darat yg besar large landcrab

>uru mèngi serai, Andropogon nardus citronella, lemon grass, Andropogon nardus cp. rotan >uru modang—>utan 677

>uru modang sj burung k.o. bird cp. dai laki, eor (2), hian, lau lete, manuq lalung, mapur, mayang >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, >obang >api, todoq

>urun ~ wurun >urun taleng bulu feathers, body hair 1. manuq >urun 1. bulu ayam 1. chicken feathers 2. mato >urun 2. bulu mata 2. eyelashes 3. wèq >urun 3. bulu badan 3. body hair

>urupia rupiah rupiah

>uruq >uruq >eban mendesak, berdesakan press, push, crowd, crowded 1. >ate diqen rai waran 1. banyak orang berdesak- 1. many people crowd >uruq >eban wèq desak together 2. >uruq wèq 2. saling berdesakan 2. crowd each other cp. >amiq, duruq, >ènèq, >ikuq, horuq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lusuq lèsuq, mura, >obang, pere, peruq, pèmèq, tuku (1)

>usul tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >asal (1), >usual >asal

>usul >asal asal-usul traditional history >ei tutuq nanang >usul saya membicarakan asal- I relate traditional history >asal usul cp. >asal (1), >ayal

>uta tumbuhan laut yg dapat sea anemone berkembang untuk mengisap sst untuk dimakan dagingnya

>utan >utan wewe kacang beans 1. lehuq >utan 1. mengupas kacang 1. shell beans 2. >utan buyaq 2. kacang putih 2. white beans 3. >utan diqen 3. kacang yg baik (yg bisa 3. good beans (which may digunakan sbg bibit) be used as seed) 4. >utan hapu 4. sj kacang 4. k.o. bean 5. >utan laer 5. kacang yg ketingalan 5. beans which have been atau terlupaan waktu left or forgotten during dipetik pada musim petik harvest 6. >utan laleng, >utan 6. kacang tanah 6. peanuts tuang 7. >utan miteng 7. kacang hitam 7. black beans 678 >utang—>utuq

8. >utan puhun 8. kunang-kunang (har 8. fi refl y (lit. bean blossom) bunga kacang) 9. >utan putuq 9. kacang merah 9. red beans 10. >utan tonan 10. kacang panjang 10. string beans 11. >utan watar 11. hasil kebun, hasil panen 11. harvest, agricultural (har kacang [dan] jagung) products (lit. beans [and] maize cp. aha, ihi, inar, omaq, rowe, >uye, wahe

>utang >utang miheq hutang, berhutang debt, credit, obligation, be in debt 1. hoe >utang 1. menebus hutang 1. redeem a debt 2. tiong >utang 2. menagih hutang 2. press for payment of a debt

>uti >uti laheq, >uti tereq kontol, kemaluan laki-laki penis 1. >uti ayaq 1. bagian tengah kontol 1. centre of penis 2. >uti bodo tereq 2. kontol bodoh, selubung 2. penis stupid, vagina bodo bodoh (kata makian) supid (an obscenity) 3. >uti bukeq tereq 3. kontol pekak, selubang 3. penis deaf, vagina deaf bukeq pekak (kata makian) (an obscenity) 4. >uti lèhiq 4. lubang kontol 4. hole in penis 5. >uti ohaq tada tereq 5. kontol tidak kenal, 5. penis does not know, ohaq tada nonok tidak kenal vagina does not know (an (kata makian untuk obscenity, for example for orang berzinah mis dlm an incestuous couple) hubungan sumbang) 6. >uti puhan maq, 6. kontol suangi, selubung 6. penis a witch, vagina a tereq di puhun maq juga suangi (kata makian) witch (an obscenity) 7. >uti puqen 7. pangkal kontol 7. base of penis 8. >uti setang >uti 8. kontol setan, kontol 8. penis a satan, penis an benatang binatang (kata makian) animal (an obscentity) 9. >uti unan tereq unan 9. kontol budak, selubung 9. penis a slave, vagina a budak (kata makian) slave (an obscenity) 10. >uti >utuq 10. ujung kontol 10. head of the penis cp. kokang, rodang

>utin 1 pangkal pisau atau parang 1 base of a knife blade or yg dibenamkan dlm hulu bush knife blade which is sunk in the handle 2 sengat pada tabuhan atau 2 stinger of a wasp or bee lebah mato >utin sudut mata corner of the eye cp. >uti

>utung untung luck, fortune, advantage cp. eur wali manang, polaq (1)

>utuq ~ wutuq >utuq puqen ujung tip >uwi—>Uyo Lewun 679

1. >utuq >ale 1. bagian binatang 1. extremities of a kurbanpersembahan untuk sacrifi cial animal reserved tuan tanah for the lord of the land 2. >utuq dèyèq 2. ujung runcing, tajam 2. sharp point 3. >utuq lewang, wutuq 3. ujung atau ujung dan 3. point, or point and lewang tanjung peninsula 4. >utuq raing 4. laba, kelebihan 4. profi t, advantage, surplus

>uwi memakal, menyumbat caulk, stop up cp. >ènèq, meran (1)

>uwu ~ wuwu >uwu >ere lukah, bambu anyaman fi sh trap of woven bamboo berupa kotak untuk menangkap ikan cp. >ere (2)

>uwung bunyi ramai noisy sound sawe kuwu >uwung burung pergam berbunyi the pigeons are noisy down >oleq ramai di bawah below

>uya >uya >angin hujan rain 1. >uya inoq 1. hujan berhenti 1. stop raining 2. >uya ioq 2. hujan musim riang-riang 2. cicada rain (last rain berbunyi (hujan terakhir of the dry season which pada awal musim kering yg brings out the cicadas that menyebabkan riang-riang make a great deal of noise berbunyi berisik di petang in the evening) hari 3. >uya lang pèu tuaq 3. hujan menyirami 3. rain waters the mango mangga dan pohon lontar and lontar palm (a small (hujan singkat di sekitar shower around September) bulan September) 4. >uya laru (= >iqa 4. ikan paus 4. whale laru) 5. >uya timur 5. hujan timur (hujan 5. east rain (small shower singkat di awal musim early in the dry season) kering) 6. >uya turu 6. hujan turun 6. it is raining 7. >uya turu lering 7. hujan rintik-rintik 7. rain and sprinkle weriq 8. >uya waraq 8. hujan barat, musim barat 8. west rain, the rainy season

>uye >uye pisang sj kacang pohon k.o. tree bean cp. aha, ihi, inar, omaq, rowe, >utan, >uye, wahe

>Uye Lewun see: >Uyo Lewun

>Uyo Lewun ~ >Uye 1 nenek moyang orang 1 name of an ancestor of Lewun Kedang the Kedang people 680 >uyung—>uyung

2 gunung Kedang 2 name of the Kedang mountain >Uyo Lewun Kayaq gunung Kedang the Kedang mountain Tene

>uyung >uyung >eti, >uyung mengikat tie pèting 1. nuyung tara >uyung 1. mengikat (har tali 1. tie (lit. tied cord we (in) pengikat kita pakai untuk use to tie) mengikat) 2. >uyung ai 2. mengikat kayu 2. tie up a bundle of fi rewood 3. >uyung nute holo 3. kata sepakat, seia-sekata 3. unanimity, unamimous, toyeq (har ikat kata menyambung in agreement (lit. tie [the] kata) words continue [the] words) 4. >uyung nute mawu 4. kata sepakat, seia-sekata 4. unanimity (lit. tie [the] toyeq (har ikat kata ambil kata) words gather [the] words) 5. >uyung pèting ohaq 5. tidak putus ikatan 5. the tie of brotherhood topeq persaudaraan, sambung unbroken menyambung cp. bun, howeq, lera (1), likur, nuyung, panga, pètèq, pu (2), rake (1) W wa ~ ba ~ na ~ ya ini, yg itu, yg tadi (jamak) these, those, which, just mentioned (plural) 1. >ata noq ba, >ata 1. yg ini 1. these noq wa 2. uen nalen >ata noq 2. pakaian yg ini, dibawa 2. take these clothes or ba, meq pa nope atau ditinggalkan leave them cp. bè, ditan, ma (3), mawa, mè (1), mèyoq, noq, noqo, noyo, we, wenu wadan tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pela wadang kekuatan yg hebat, very powerful, fi nal power, kekuatan terakhir, tambah add more power (as when tenaga lagi (spt pada tahap fi nishing a fi nal sprint) terarkhir lari sprint) cp. hèkèr, kieq, kiqing, lèrè, pohing, wengin wade tali keturunan, silsilah genealogy koda wade deuq dewaq turunan satu tali descent line one cord cp. koda, waden, wadeq waden hubungan relasi relationship cp. wade wadeq wadeq arang tali, tali yg kecil rope, cord, string, bindings 1. belen wadeq 1. memintal tali di paha 1. twist cord on the thigh 2. laiq wadeq 2. memintal tali (pakai 2. spin cord (using a kayu) spindle) 3. nèq wadeq arang 3. dia membawa jerat 3. he carries a string trap witur 4. oq wadeq 4. melonggarkan tali, 4. loosen a cord, slacken mengendurkan tali a rope 5. wadeq hongen 5. tali tertambat 5. tied cord 6. wadeq hongen 6. tali terikat kuat 6. cord tied tightly manga 7. wadeq rapaq 7. tali kekang 7. reins cp. ara (1), dewaq, kote, lèdung, lihan, lihen, loing, loriq, ruq (1)tèin, witur wader tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself 682 wadoq—wai

see: >ali wadoq wadoq dudang menyentak pull, pull out wadoq witing menyentak kambing pull a goat cp. beq, boraq (2), dera (1), rahiq, teduq waeng (1) waeng wake memindahkan, memilih move, transfer, shift, select cp. >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, dèyu, dopeq, dorong, dosor, edaq, egeq, >edoq, heaq, hekol, kedong, mekol, odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, pil, sosoq (1), tapi, wang (1) waeng (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: bela waeng waer tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: weheq, were wagaq ~ wakaq (2) jengkal span, from the tip of the index fi nger to the tip of the spread-out thumb or from the fi nger tips to the base of the palm wakaq >apaq empat jengkal four span wahar wahar waliq benar true cp. ka tung, muar, neten wahar, nimun wahe sj kacang k.o. bean cp. aha, ihi, inar, omaq, rowe, >utan, >uye wahi wahi wayang kayuh oar cp. bahi, bayang wahoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kapal (1) wai 1 beberapa, separuh 1 several, an indefi nite amount, a bit 2 mungkin 2 possibly, perhaps, expression of uncertainty or question wail—wake 683

1. o kuq wai 1. mungkin engkau ambil 1. possibly you take 2. pano wai? 2. apakah engkau pergi? 2. are you going? 3. sorongko wai 3. kasih saya separuh, 3. give me some, a little sedikit 4. wai pan wai puaq 4. ada yg pergi, ada yg 4. some go, some stay tinggal cp. boiq (1), >ea, lo wail mengangkat dan lift and throw down, lift membanting, mengangkat and throw away dan melempar waiq (1) belalang grasshopper, cricket 1. waiq adeng; waiq 1. jenis-jenis belalang 1. k. o. grasshopper >ayang; waiq leba; waiq motaq; waiq omaq 2. waiq palun 2. paha belalang 2. thigh of grasshopper 3. waiq tèbul 3. sj belalang yg sedikit 3. k.o. grasshopper which putih is whitish cp. adeng, ar ataq, ioq, leba, tiu waiq (2) pegang dan banting (dlm grab and shake (in a fi ght), perkelahian), membanting shake s.o. held tight in the orang yg dipeluk arms. cp. bating, bèting, dèqèr (1), rèting wair tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wider, wegir wakaq (1) ~ >akaq 1 biar, membiarkan 1 leave, leave alone, let, let it be 2 dlm keadaan 2 in the state of 1. daeq dèq wakaq mè 1. sudah tidak mau, maka 1. already does not want to, tidak usah so there is no point 2. wakaq hubiq 2. dlm keadaan tersusun 2. piled up 3. wakaq loleng 3. tetap tergantung 3. left hanging 4. wakaq namè 4. tetap begitu 4. left like that 5. wakaq neqi 5. abadi, tidak usah, biarlah, 5. eternal, never mind, that tidak apa-apa will do, it does not matter 6. wakaq puaq 6. tetap tinggal, tinggal 6. left behind, left for ever, kekal, abadi, lestari eternal, lasting, enduring 7. wakaq puli 7. tetap tertaruh 7. left in place cp. age, bèq wakaq (2) see: wagaq wake (1) memisakan yg besar dari yg select the large from the kecil, yg baik dari yg buruk small, the bad from the good cp. waeng (1) wake (2) kuak quack 684 waker—walaq waker tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: belung waku (1) hantam attack wakuqi hantam dia attack him cp. bewaq, danaq, dèkur, hoding (1), >iwaq, muqang, tipaq, wokul (1) waku (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wèngèl wala 1 empunya, pemilik 1 owner 2 tukang 2 one who is skilled in a certain activity 1. galeka wala 1. pelayan 1. server 2. hedung wala 2. penari 2. solo dancer 3. namang wala 3. tukang tandak, penandak 3. circle dancer 4. napoq wala 4. penghuni dusun Napoq 4. inhabitant of the hamlet Napoq 5. nimon wala 5. pemilik, yg empunya 5. owner 6. suo bè >oteq wala 6. mereka yg bertugas 6. they who are leaving berangkat 7. wata wala 7. orang pantai 7. shore dweller cp. molan, nimon, noren walan bunga jantan pohon lontar, spadices of the lontar palm mayang pohon lontar tuaq walan bunga jantan pohon lontar, spadices of the lontar palm mayang pohon lontar walang 1 sj bambu 1 k.o. bamboo 2 tempat air atau tuak yg 2 water or palmwine terdiri dari beberapa ruas container consisting of bambu several sections of bamboo walang >ayang sj buluh yg lebih besar dari k.o. bamboo that is larger buluh biasa than usual cp. >aur, bering, nodang, tuke, wètuq walaq (1) memukul, memalu hit, strike cp. awang, bating, bawar, bèngè, dang, dètol, hoding, hoqol, lebaq (2), lekaq, nakaq (1), nènè, paluq, polaq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, tèqè, wataq walaq (2) walaq waur bercampur, berselang-seling mixed, interspersed, alternating wale—wan 685

tebeq walaq waur duduk berselang-seling sit insterspersed cp. belaq, dawur, hèlèq (1), hoq, kehoq (1), polaq wale tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: ele (2) waleng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >anung (1), nulur (2) waler tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: doler wali wali >uban bahu shoulder wali bauq 1. pangkal bahu 1. shoulder joint 2. ukuran panjang gading 2. in measurement of yg diletakan di tubuh, dari elephant tusks on the body, ujung jari ke pangkal bahu from the fi nger tips to this point cp. eur wali manang, pohing waling waling wilung berguling-guling, bergulir roll cp. batong, hele, kodol, kolar, koleq, koliq, kolo, kolor, legang (1), lou, luen, lulun waliq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >olaq, wahar walor tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wilor walor walu walu weker membuang, melemparkan throw, throw away cp. bohil, hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, loq (1), rawaq (1), tidaq, tiwa, wetoq, wotoq walur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: huna wan (1) bersin sneeze 686 wan—wang wan (2) wan dauq menjalin plait cp. doleq, liwang (2) wana (1) memanaskan heat, heat up wana anen èmin memanaskan nasi dingin heat up cold rice cp. darang (1), >èhèng wana (2) kanan right 1. lèi wana 1. kaki kanan 1. right leg 2. lili wana 2. tiang kanan 2. right house post 3. ling wana 3. tangan kanan 3. right arm/hand 4. wana pan 4. arah kanan 4. prescription to travel to the right, concerns the horizonal parts of a building cp. wanan wanan yg kanan of the right wanan uraq lèq diqen kanan menandakan baik, right indicates good, left weri uraq lèq daten kiri menandakan jahat indicates bad cp. lumar, wana wanang tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wanang weneng wanang weneng berpesiar ke seberang travel across wanar see: hanar waner tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >uner wang (1) ~ wangen wang weng, wangen wengan memilih, mwmisah select, separate, pick out wang bè rian ehaq pilih yg besar saja just pick the big ones cp. baki, baqe, baqung (2), doling, >ewang, gelaq, keweng, nala, pehaq, pesaq, piang, pil, rehaq, tapi, waeng (1), weng (1) wang (2) ~ wangen ~ weng ~ wing wang weng, wangen wengen, weng wang, wing wang bingung, bimbang, tidak confused, doubtful tahu kepastian 1. nuo weng wang 1. dia lupa di mana 1. he forgot where he put pedaq puli de ditaq-ne parangnya diletakkan his bush knife wang—waq 687

2. weng wang >uliq 2. bimbang, tidak tahu 2. be confused about a kepastian suatu tempat place cp. doling, gelaq wang (3) see: >oang wangan perisai shield cp. haqa, nebi, pitu wangè anai-anai, rayap termite 1. wangè buyaq 1. anai-anai putih 1. white termites (which live in dead bamboo and wood and do great harm to buildings) 2. wangè miteng 2. anai-anai hitam 2. black termites (which live in palm trees and are not a nuisance) wangen see: wang (1), wang (2) wangiq wangi fragrant cp. mèngi, sabong, ungu wangun wangun lean sebab, penyebab reason, cause (of misfortune) 1. haba toyeq wangun 1. mencari sebab 1. search for causes of misfortune 2. toyeq nute wangun 2. kata-kata yg jadi 2. words which are the lean penyebab kemalangan cause of a misfortune or atau sial evil cp. ele (1), tupaq wangur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kongar waniq benang yg dililitkan pada weft stick lidi untuk menenun sarung cp. gurung waq waq ai batu rock, stone, boulder 1. waq abar lili abar 1. batu berbunyi tuk-tuk- 1. stone rings hollow, house tuk, tiang rusak berbunyi post gives a knock when gler-gler-gler kalau diketuk struck 2. waq bitan 2. batu keras 2. hard, unbreakable stone 3. waq dolan waq dèyèq 3. batu yg tepinya tajam 3. sharp stone dolan 4. waq era 4. batu kelikil 4. pebbles 5. waq kara baqung 5. batu jangan terbongkar 5. stone do not tumble over 688 waqa—waraq

6. waq laba 6. a. batu yg dipahat; 6. a. stone which has been b. nama tempat di chiselled; b. name of a Lèuwayang location in Lèuwayang 7. waq luli 7. batu pemantik 7. fl int stone 8. waq male bètuq 8. batu yg berlumut 8. stone with a dotted pattern 9. waq mateq 9. a. batu mati; b. berwarna 9. a. fragile stone; b. spotted titik coloured 10. waq motel 10. timbunan batu, 10. collection, heap, pile of tumpukan batu stones 11. waq nimaq 11. batu tungku 11. hearth stone 12. waq rètu 12. tempat timbunan batu 12. place where stones are piled up 13. waq rian puqen 13. pangkal batu besar, 13. base of the large rock, dasar jurang besar di dekat base of a large cliff near Atanila (yg diasosiasikan Atanila (associated with dgn arwah-arwah orang souls of the dead) mati). 14. waq sayin 14. batu perjanjian sayin- 14. a stone marking the bayan sayin-bayan agreement 15. waq tene 15. batu yg berbentuk 15. boat rock perahu 16. waq watan 16. batu pantai 16. stone at the shore cp. ai, dolu, rètu, uluq waqa rodi, kerja paksa corvée, forced labour waqa wala yg harus kerja paksa someone who has to do forced labour waqan gandung outrigger cp. >eler (1) wara terkupas peeled cp. abon, amaq (1), bie (1), har, kaheq, kiri, lehor, luqang, tahing waran tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: rai warang mengawani (spt mengawani accompany (as in sso yg makan sendirian) accompanying s.o. eating by himself) waraq 1 barat 1 west 2 musim hujan 2 the rainy season 1. >ole waraq 1. disebelah barat 1. to the west 2. waraq ayaq 2. pertengah musim hujan 2. middle of the rainy season 3. waraq laleng 3. dlm musim hujan 3. in the rainy season 4. waraq lateng 4. hujan yg turun pada 4. a small storm of the muwim ulat datang rainy season, associated with the appearance of the caterpillars wareng—watar 689

5. waraq mato daten 5. satu hujan di musim 5. a rain in the rainy season hujan (har musim barat (lit. rainy season eyes bad) mata buruk) wareng wareng weke 1 menyayat daging menjadi 1 slice meat in strips for dendeng drying 2 dendeng 2 strips of meat for drying cp. kètèng, pate wariq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >eroq warong balai pertemuan yg tidak meeting house without berdinding walls warong wetaq narang balai pertemuan dekat meeting house near the perumahan penduduk dwelling warun (1) pohon waru, Hibiscus hibiscus tree, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Linn. tiliaceus, Linn. warun (2) tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >uran wata wata nama pantai beach, shore 1. wata mieq 1. pantai asing 1. foreign shores 2. wata palan 2. pantai lain, pantai asing 2. another shore 3. wata wala 3. orang pantai 3. shore dweller cp. >onan, watan watan ~ watang 1 yg di pantai 1 at the shore 2 orang yg berdiam di 2 shore dweller, Muslim pantai, orang Islam cp. wata watang see: lau watan, watan wataq wataq behi memukul, mencambuk dgn hit or whip with a broom sapu atau ranting kayu or branch wataq ape memukul kapas beat cotton cp. awang, bating, bawar, bèngè, dang, lebaq (2), lekaq, mawang (1), naka (1), nènè, paluq, rahaq (1), rapu, tèlèr, tèqè, walaq (1) watar watar anen, watar wereq jagung maize 1. pèting watar 1. mengikat jagung spy 1. tie maize plants together berangkai so they can be hung up 690 watar—watar

2. watar ain 2. batang jagung 2. stalk of the maize plant 3. watar apiq 3. sekam jagung 3. maize husk 4. watar binoko 4. jagung yg asalnya dari 4. maize originating from Binongko, Sulawesi Selatan Binongko, South Sulawesi 5. watar buyaq 5. jagung yg berbiji putih 5. white maize, about three and a half months old 6. watar buyaq ohaq 6. jagung putih biasa 6. white-kernelled maize 7. watar èbur 7. teras batang jagung 7. pith of a maize stalk 8. watar hengan 8. jagung titik 8. crushed maize 9. watar holoq 9. jagung Solor 9. sorghum, Sorghum vulgare 10. watar imu 10. kumis jagung 10. hair at the end of the maize cob, maize tassels 11. watar iun 11. jagung yg ditanak 11. boiled maize 12. watar lere 12. jagung pendek 12. low young maize plants 13. watar madura/ 13. jagung dari pulau 13. maize from Madura, a manura Madura very early ripening form of maize 14. watar matan 14. mata pada biji jagung 14. tip of a grain of maize 15. watar muhu; watar 15. biji jagung yg berbunga 15. popcorn muhun 16. watar muleng 16. jagung satu ikatan 16. one bundle of maize >udeq 17. watar muwi 17. jagung yg dimakan ulat 17. maize which has been eaten by worms, weevils 18. watar oluq 18. biji jagung yg 18. maize kernels which ditumbuk untuk keluarkan have been pounded to free kulitnya them from their skin 19. watar ongon 19. tongkol jagung 19. maize cob 20. watar oruq 20. biji jagung yg 20. maize kernel which has sudah dikeluarkan dari already been shelled tongkolnya 21. watar >oruq 21. tongkol jagung yg 21. short ear of maize pendek (yg langsung (which is eaten dimakan karena terlalu immediately because it is kecil) too small) 22. watar >oqing; watar 22. jagung lama, jagung 22. old corn stored in the >oqing >ara simpanan yg sudah lama husks 23. watar papan 23. kulit luar pada tongkol 23. the sheath around the jagung ear of maize 24. watar putuq 24. jagung berbiji merah 24. red maize 25. watar rehaq 25. biji jagung yg sudah 25. maize seeds which have diluruh been shelled 26. watar reoq 26. tongkol jagung yg 26. maize which is turning kulitnya menguning yellow (drying out) 27. watar rodan 27. bunga jantan pada 27. tassel of maize plant jagung 28. watar tadan 28. tepung sari jagung 28. maize pollen jatuh berguguran 29. watar tawan 29. benih jagung 29. year-old maize seed, still young enough to germinate 30. watar tèlèr 30. beras jagung 30. crushed maize 31. watar tuber 31. jiwa jagung, yg diambil 31. soul of the maize, taken dari ladang sebelum panen from the fi elds before dan disimpan di tempat picking and storing at the tertentu di lumbung dan right post of the granary wating—watun 691

baru dipakai kemabli pada until it is used to begin masa tanam mendatang planting in the next season 32. watar uma 32. jagung bijinya kuning 32. the maize is yellow 33. watar uma lèi laqi 33. jagung kuning yg 33. the maize is yellow batangnya tinggi and the base high (three months old) 34. watar uma lèi 34. jagung kuning yg 34. the maize is yellow weheq batangnya rendah and the base is low (three months old) 35. watar uman ohaq 35. jagung kuning yg biasa 35. yellow maize 36. watar uman rian 36. jagung kuning yg 36. the maize is yellow and bijinya besar large; ca. three months old 37. watar uma utun 37. jagung kuning yg 37. the maize is yellow and bijinya kecil small 38. watar upor 38. tongkol jagung yg kecil, 38. maize cob which is pendek small and short 39. watar weriq 39. a. jagung yg tongkolnya 39. a. small maize; b. fi ne kecil; b. jagung giling yg ground maize halus 40. watar wokar 40. jagung giling sedang 40. coarse ground maize besar cp. weren wating wating belung, wating haèng, wating karaq membersihkan clean, clear 1. uq wating èq karang 1. membersihkan, menyapu 1. clean up (lit. take, clean, bersih (har ambil, bersikan, carry away, sweep) bawa, sapu) 2. wating huna haèng 2. membersihkan, 2. clear up a problem in suku meluruskan kesalahan marriage alliance (lit. clean pada adat perkawinan (har the house, sweep the clan) membersihkan rumah, menyapu suku) 3. wating karaq haèng 3. membersihkan semua 3. clean up all faults piang kesalahan 4. wating nobol haèng 4. membersihkan, 4. clear up a problem in teqa meluruskan kesalahan marriage alliance (lit. clean pada adat perkawinan (har the bamboo platform, membersikan balai-balai, sweep the bamboo menyapu balai-balai) platform) cp. engar, hamur, hidang, hiki (1), ilin, mengar, neing, pohoq watiq lagi again nuo paluqi watiq dia memukulnya lagi he struck it again cp. >ulaq, >uliq wato tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: nahaq (2) watun tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: oban 692 watur—wawi watur tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: elar wau wau dulang, wau hen, wau ireq, wau lolon wau hen >awang pareq 1 muka 1 face, forehead 2 hadapan, depan 2 front 1. tebeq bè wau 1. duduk di depan 1. sit in front 2. wau aruq 2. senja, waktu senja (har 2. fading of twilight (lit. tidak bisa melihat muka) face cannot be seen) 3. wau bare hanger 3. sehat (har muka sehat) 3. healthy (lit. face healthy) 4. wau dulang 4. dahi 4. forehead 5. wau laqi 5. muka marah 5. angry face 6. wau mato 6. gila 6. insane, crazy 7. wau moleng 7. muka manis, ramah- 7. friendly face, jovial tamah 8. wau rai 8. banyak yg hadir 8. many are present 9. wau were 9. muka sehat (har muka 9. healthy face (lit. face has berair), muka berpeluh water), face fl owing or face sweating cp. awar, >anung (1), >awang, pue (2) wauq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: woqi waur mencampur mix cp. dawur, hoq, kehoq (1), walaq (2) wawar bunyi air mengalir, bunyi sound of fl owing water, hujan yg jatuh sound of falling rain cp. aqal, koqer, tiher, >uqur wawi wawi witing babi pig 1. dèdèl wawi 1. mengandangi babi 1. pen a pig 2. wawi botin 2. a. perut babi; b. sj 2. a. pig’s stomach; b. k.o. cendawan edible mushroom 3. wawi >inan 3. babi betina, induk babi 3. female pig 4. wawi labe 4. taring babi 4. pig tusk 5. wawi laqin 5. babi jantan 5. male pig 6. wawi lowoq 6. anak babi yg dapat 6. a pig small enough to be dibungkus dlm kain hidden in one’s garments 7. wawi mura >areng 7. babi mendengkur 7. the pig grunts 8. wawi namang 8. tempat babi berkumpul 8. place where (wild) pigs gather 9. wawi nèdèl 9. kandang babi 9. pigpen 10. wawi >otan; wawi 10. babi hutan 10. wild pig >otan >otaq lier 11. wawi paron 11. babi piaraan 11. domesticated pig 12. wawi rongoq 12. sarang babi 12. pig’s nest wawi niho—wayang 693

cp. >au, niho wai, ruha, witing wawi niho see: niho wawi wawi rae sj binatang laut, bulu babi k.o. sea animal wawoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: lolaq wawu tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wawu raèq wawu raèq sj pohon k.o. tree cp. ai hapu, ai nare, ai para, ala behi, ala libang, angar, awaq (3), banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, lau watang, leaq, lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liti, loboq, motong, muang, mular, natu (2), naweng, pu (1), ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, tatar, teheq, tulur, uar (1), ubang, uqun, >uaq (1) waya papaya papaya 1. waya >inan 1. pohon pepaya betina 1. female papaya 2. waya laqin 2. pohon pepaya jantan 2. male papaya 3. waya lolon 3. daun pepaya 3. papaya leaves 4. waya puhun 4. bunga pepaya 4. papaya blossoms 5. waya puqen 5. pangkal pohon pepaya 5. trunk of a papaya tree 6. waya tangen 6. pepaya mentah 6. unripe papaya (used as a vegetable) 7. waya taqen 7. pepaya masak 7. ripe papaya 8. waya timur 8. pepaya timur, pepaya yg 8. eastern papaya (a large, besar panjang long papaya) 9. waya >uan 9. pepaya berbuah 9. the papaya bears fruit 10. waya weriq 10. pepaya yg buahnya 10. small papaya fruit kecil waya èyèq semut hitam black ant cp. èyèq (1) wayang (1) di darat landwards huna wayang di belakang rumah at the back of the house 694 wayang—wedaq

cp. bèli, boliq (2), oli, >oli, >oliq (3) wayang (2) dayung paddle 1. hapiq wayang 1. menarah kayu untuk 1. plane a piece of wood to dijadikan dayung make a paddle 2. wayang wala 2. pendayung 2. oarsman cp. bahi, bayang, wahi wayaq wayaq èduq 1 puan, tempat sirih 1 betel dish, betel basket 2 menyodorkan puan 2 offer a betel dish 1. deseq wayaq 1. kotak tempat isi sirih 1. betel basket pinang 2. wayaq bako 2. menyodorkan tembakau 2. offer tobacco 3. wayaq doping 3. menyodorkan puan, 3. offer a betel dish, offer menyodorkan rokok cigarettes 4. wayaq lopa 4. puan kecil 4. small basket 5. wayaq matan 5. tutupan puan 5. lid of a betel basket 6. wayaq niaq 6. puan yg di buat dari 6. betel basket made using buah pohon ‘niaq’ the fruit of the ‘niaq’ tree 7. wayaq uq 7. alas puan 7. bottom of a betel basket cp. deseq, èduq, salopa wayong wayong pèlèr lenggang, ayun, mengayun swing, wave, sway wayong ling berlenggang tangan, swing one’s arms, wave mengayun tangan one’s hand cp. >ayoq, >edoq, >ekaq, >eto (1), >eyoq, galeka, genong, kebol, kedong, kelor, ledeq, legang (1), wetoq we ini, itu, yg tadi (tunggal) this, that, just mentioned (singular) 1. baledèqmè we? 1. kamu sudah kembali? 1. have you already returned? 2. dita we? 2. yg mana? 2. which one? 3. mè we 3. itu 3. that 4. nobeq we 4. itu (yg dekat orang yg 4. that (over there, close to ditanya) the addressee) 5. noq we 5. ini (yg disini) 5. this (here) 6. nuo we nu 6. dia ini, dia itu 6. he here, he there 7. sio oyo we? 7. siapa yg disitu? 7. who is that over there? cp. ma (3), mè (2), mèyoq, noq, noqo, noyo, tèlè, wa weaq burung kakatua cockatoo wedaq bedak face powder (a mixture of powdered rice and turmeric which young women put on their faces to prevent pimples) wedong—weker 695

wedaq ning mato membedaki muka put powder on the face wedong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: weko wegir ~ wekir wegir wair bengkok, tidak lurus, crooked, bent, twisted terputar cp. boko, dogel, hekong, kalung, koheng, lekoq, puter, rokoq, sekong (1), tokol, weleq wegor kacau, mengacaukan confuse cp. kewoq (1) wehaq mencocokan di lubang fi t into a hole wehar tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wèru wehen yg rendah that which is short, low cp. rowaq, weheq weheq weheq waer 1 rendah 1 low, short, small 2 kias, daging babi 2 fi g. pig meat, pork >ate rian laqi tokal, si suami tinggi sekali, si the husband is very tall, the wèq rian weheq waer isteri rendah sekali wife is very short cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kuleng, kupoq, kuseng, lere, mèkuq, mèqul, mule (2), tèin (2), upar, upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, wehen, weriq wehir menggoyang tangan, tanda wave the hand in refusal tidak mau cp. witur weho sj burung pipit k.o. sparrow weho >awaq sarang burung pipit sparrow’s nest wei rotan, tali rotan rattan beq wei tarik rotan, tarik tambang pull rattan, tug of war cp. lalaq, >ua weke tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wareng weker tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself 696 wekir—welaq

see: walu wekir see: wegir weko weko wedong bergéléng tidak shake the head indicating ‘no’ wela (1) wela >ukar, wela wukar wela >ukar >ili >abong pegunungan, pedalaman in the mountains, inland 1. wela >ukar 1. penduduk pegunungan, 1. mountain dwellers, orang udik country bumpkins 2. wela wela >ili kole 2. seluruh gunung dan 2. entire population of sadang watan tahiq buel pantai, seluruh Kedang, Kedang penduduk di sekeliling gunung cp. laleng, >uhe wela (2) wela tariq sarung perempuan sarong 1. wela ape tene 1. sarung dari benang dari 1. sarong made with luar commercial thread 2. wela hebat topon 2. sarung dari wilayah Ile 2. sarong with narrow tie- Ape dyed bands at either end 3. wela hebat tutul 3. sarung dari wilayah Ile 3. sarong with broad tie- Ape dyed bands 4. wela lèin 4. bagian bawah sarung 4. base of a sarong 5. wela mawang lipa 5. sarung, gelang, kain lipa, 5. sarong, bracelet, cloth, nodeng selendang shawl 6. wela mau behiq 6. sarung dari wilayah Mau 6. sarong from Mau Behiq Behiq 7. wela munaq >ehaq 7. sarung dgn satu pelipit, 7. sarong with only one yg nilainya satu kesatuan seam (two sections) worth one unit 8. wela munaq sue 8. sarung dgn dua pelipit, 8. sarong with two seams yg nilainya dua kesatuan (three sections) worth two units 9. wela munaq tèlu 9. sarung dgn tiga pelipit, 9. sarong with three seams yg nilainya tiga kesatuan (four sections) worth three units 10. wela namang 10. sarung yg dipakai dlm 10. ordinary decorated nedung tandak, pesta tarian sarong suitable for wear at festivities 11. wela ruq-ne 11. sarong berkerut 11. creased sarong 12. wela wato ohi 12. sarung merah dari 12. red sarong from Ile Ape wilayah Ile Ape made from native thread with natural dyes and traditional patterns cp. tènapiq welaq ikatan, rangkaian collection, a certain number of s.t., bunch 1. >iqa welaq >udeq 1. ikan satu ikatan (bisa 1. one tie of fi sh (may be lima, enam ekor) fi ve or six fi sh) weleng—wenaq 697

2. taq welaq sue 2. empat puluh buah kelapa 2. forty coconuts 3. welaq wèi 3. sst pekerjaan yg sia- 3. a useless or impossible sia atau mustahil (har task (lit. tie water with a merangkaikan air memakai string) tali) cp. balan, >eti, mongaq, motel, moten, muleng, nuyung, pehaq, popon, >uleng, >ulir weleng see: weleq weleq ~ weleng weleq wegir memilin, memutar, twist, spin memintal cp. baleq, baloq, beloq, buel, bula, dogel (1), duler, kaluq, kolar, koleq, koloq, laiq (1), lekoq, muser, puleq, puer, puka, puleq, puter, tuleng, tueng, ueng (2) weler tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wetoq weli di sana there cp. mè we, noling, sobeq welin welin maliq, welin nolin 1 harga 1 price 2 mahal 2 expensive ohaq welin tidak mahal inexpensive cp. nolin, weren (1) welong tali pendek pengikat leher leader rope for tying a goat babi atau kambing weloq weloq dera pintu door 1. habiq weloq matan 1. menutup pintu desa 1. close the doors of the village 2. weloq matan 2. pintu desa lama 2. doors to the old village 3. weloq matan lèu lèin 3. pintu desa lama di 3. door to the old village bagian bawah kampung at the bottom of the old village wenaq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ahar, >iyuq, niliq, tuan, were 698 weneng—were weneng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wanang weneng weng see: >eng, wang (2) wengeq panjang long cp. lawa (1), tonan wenger tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wenger banger (1), wenger banger (2) wenger banger (1) mendengarkan hear, listen cp. banger (1), dèngèr wenger banger (2) menanti, menunggu wait cp. banger (2), hodeq, kopaq, nape, pakang, sapang (2), toang wengin wengin wadang kencang fast, quick >angin puiq wengin angin bertiup kencang the wind is blowing very wadang sekali strongly cp. >angin, ewar, laeq, layu, naiq, wider wenu ini, itu (jamak) these, those cp. ma (3), mawa, wa, we weqal weqal wèding berteriak shout cp. bayaq, bohang, hioq, maka (1), ong, soraq, wile weqen weqen lain yg lain another, other (of two) lèi amaq neq weqen pasangannya kaus kaki di where is the other sock? dita? mana? cp. >ahin, mieq, napang, palan weraq nangka breadfruit, breadfruit tree 1. weraq puqen 1. pangkal pohon nangka 1. trunk of the breadfruit tree 2. weraq >uan 2. buah nangka 2. breadfruit fruit cp. boroq were were waer, were wenaq berair have water, be juicy, fl uid weren—wero 699

1. min mara wau were 1. minum spy bisa 1. drink in order to sweat berpeluh, berkeringat 2. lèi were 2. kaki berpeluh 2. sweaty feet 3. tuaq were 3. tuak sudah keluar, 3. lontar palm is producing pohon lontar sudah mulai palmwine mengluarkan tuak cp. mura were, weren (2) weren (1) weren lalan 1 emas 1 gold, valuable 2 berharga, yg berharga 2 that which is valuable weren nimoq emas asli, murnih genuine, pure gold cp. welin (1) weren (2) weren lalan, weren nanan, weren watar kuah, gulai, yg berair sap, soup, sauce, fl uid 1. taq weren 1. air kelapa 1. coconut water 2. tu weren 2. air susu 2. mother’s milk 3. wèi weren 3. air dari mata air 3. water of a spring cp. nanan, were wereq jawawut millet 1. wereq >au ebon 1. bulir-bulir jawawut 1. millet seeds begin to mulai bergantung hang down (like a dog’s tail) 2. wereq balan 2. bulir jawawut 2. millet seeds 3. wereq muqu lèi 3. sj jawawut 3. a variety of millet with a thick head cp. watar weri kiri left 1. lèi weri 1. kaki kiri 1. left leg 2. ling weri 2. tangan kiri 2. left arm, hand 3. wanan uraq leq diqen 3. kanan menandakan baik, 3. right indicates good, left weri uraq leq daten kiri menandakan jahat indicates bad 4. weri pan 4. arah kiri 4. travel to the left wering bunyi yg kecil dan lemah small and gentle sound lembut cp. tureng weriq weriq haran, weriq muter kecil small weriq dein generasi berikut, anak-anak generation, subsequent yg lahir belakangan children cp. ehoq, eken, keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kuleng, kuseng, mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), utun, weheq wero see: >ero 700 werong—wèi werong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: tiwa wetaq wetaq ebang, wetaq rahing wetaq rahing huna walur rumah house 1. wetaq ebang 1. lumbung 1. granary 2. wetaq maqur; wetaq 2. a. di luar rumah; b. parit 2. a. in front of the house; maqur matan dibawah tepi atap di mana b. trench left by rain runoff air hujan turun below the eaves 3. wetaq narang 3. di dekat rumah, tepi 3. side of the house rumah 4. wetaq rian 4. lumbung 4. granary 5. wetaq rongoq 5. rumah yg atapnya rendah 5. house with a low roof 6. wetaq tuan 6. rumah lama 6. old house cp. huna weting hilang lenyap disappeared, lost from sight cp. pilang, toiq wetong ~ retong menggantung, tergantung hang, hung cp. dawil, loleng, toreng, wideng wetoq wetoq weler 1 mengayun, berayun 1 swing 2 membuang 2 throw wetoq lèi mengayunkan kaki ke slide the feet forward in muka dlm pertandakan dancing cp. >ayoq, >edoq, >eto (1), >eyoq, hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, legang (1), loq (1), tidaq, tiwa, walu, wayong, wotoq wewa wewa kalor pucat, layu, tidak segar pale, faded, not fresh neq ning mato wewa mukanya pucat karena dia his face is pale because he ele nuo laen moleng sakit is sick cp. haboq, luya wewe wewe mean, wewe ronaq kacang hijau green gram cp. >utan wèding tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: weqal wèdung bambu untuk diisi sambal bamboo container for sambal cp. dohang wèi wèi ai air water wèi—wèi 701

1. boraq wèi 1. melihat air dlm piring 1. look at water in a bowl untuk melihat siapa yg to discover a fault menyebabkan kesalahan/ malapetaka 2. wèi aèl, wèi kaling 2. perigi, sumur 2. well, spring 3. wèi alaha kubar 3. air yg sudah 3. water which has been disembahyangkan secara prayed over in an Islamic Islam (har air Allahu Akbar) ceremony (lit. Allahu Akbar water) 4. wèi boroq 4. sungai pohon sukun, 4. breadfruit river, the gugusan bintang bimasakti Milky Way 5. wèi boroq wèi nawar 5. sungai pohon sukun, 5. breadfruit river, bamboo sungai jarum bambu, skewer river, the Milky gugusan bintang bimasakti Way 6. wèi hur wèi miteng 6. nama tempat di mana 6. a spring beyond Lebe ada air 7. wèi ile 7. nama sungai di 7. a spring in Lèuwayang Lèuwayang 8. wèi kara hau bikil 8. semoga tidak ada 8. may there not be any halangan (har bambu air obstacles (lit. do not jangan pecah) break the bamboo water container) 9. wèi Katel tubar 9. hulu air Katel 9. head of Katel stream, the lower peak of the Kedang mountain 10. wèi kawang 10. air mengalir, air sungai, 10. fl owing water, a spring, air kali a stream 11. wèi laong 11. sungai anting-anting, 11. earring stream near sungai dekat Edang Edang 12. wèi lolon kawang 12. di atas mata air 12. above the spring, bale mengalir kembali (suatu fl owing back (refrain of a sajak) song) 13. wèi matan 13. mata air 13. spring 14. wèi miteng 14. mata air dekat 14. a spring near Leudanung Lèudanung 15. wèi murun 15. roh penghuni mata air 15. guardian spirit of a spring 16. wèi nawar 16. sungai jarum bambu, 16. bamboo skewer river, gugusan bintang bimasakti the Milky Way 17. wèi nawar tebeq 17. gugusan bintang 17. the Milky Way sits on >ote bubun ayaq bimasakti tepat di kepala the centrE of the fontanel (bayi merah yg tulang (refers to a child born with kepalanya dari ubun-ubun an open groove running sampai bagian bawah from the fontanel to the kepalanya belum tertutup base of the skull, which karena waktu sedang hamil is deemed to result from ibunya pernah duduk di a pregnant woman sitting batu di sebelah bawah on rocks at the bottom of kebun) a fi eld) 18. wèi nimon 18. roh penghunimata air 18. guardian spirit of a spring 19. wèi puqen 19. mata air 19. spring, well, water where it emerges from a spring 20. wèi rawe 20. nama mata air di 20. the main spring in Lèuwayang Lèuwayang 702 wèiq—wèng

21. wèi riang 21. mata air dekat ibu kota 21. spring near the capital kecamatan Buyasuri of the district of Buyasuri 22. wèi tongoq 22. air yg tergenang pada 22. puddle lekukan batu 23. wèi tubar 23. bagian atas mata air 23. the upper part of ‘wèi rawe’ ‘wèi rawe’ 24. wèi weheq 24. mata air di bawah 24. the lower part of ‘wèi rawe’ ‘wèi rawe’ 25. wèi were 25. berair 25. fl uid, fl owing 26. wèi weren 26. air dari mata air 26. water of a spring 27. wèi wèrun 27. satu mata air dekat 27. spring near Lèudanung Lèudanung 28. wèi wolang 28. nama sungai dekat jalan 28. creek near the road to ke Balauring Balauring cp. ai, anan wèiq wèiq dara, wèiq nanan darah blood 1. wèiq daten 1. darah buruk, darah yg 1. bad blood, black blood hitam 2. wèiq ulaq 2. darah kotor 2. dirty blood 3. wèiq weren 3. darah keturunan, darah 3. blood relatives daging cp. dara (2) wèkoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kalung wèlong lubang di dlm tanah, di vent or hole in the ground, pusaran air, lubang tempat whirlpool, vortex, hole gurita menginap occupied by an octopus wèlong wowon lubang di laut (tempat hole in the sea (location of gurita besar) the giant octopus) cp. aqar, bakur, boiq, lèdèq, lèhiq, puraq, >uoq wènèn tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wiru wèng penolong bilangan untuk classifi er for days penentuan waktu dlm perhitungan hari 1. nau wèng sue ke 1. dua hari lagi kami 1. we (ex) will return in baleke kembali two days 2. wèng pie? 2. kapan?, berapa hari 2. how many days? when? 3. wèng sue 3. dua hari, beberapa hari 3. two days, several days 4. wèng sue ma 4. dua hari yg akan datang 4. two days in the future, in two days 5. wèng sue noq 5. dua hari yg lalu 5. two days ago cp. nangan, lua, lumin wèngèl—wèroq 703 wèngèl wèngèl waku memukul dgn belakang strike with the back of the parang atau pisau blade of a knife or bush knife wèngèl pèu menghancurkan daging crush mango with the back mangga dgn belakang pisau of the blade of a knife cp. koq wèq (1) badan, tubuh body 1. wèq bala 1. badan sudah sehat 1. cured, recovered (lit. kembali healthy body) 2. wèq baraq beteq 2. rasa badan mau sakit (har 2. coming down with an badan berat) illness (lit. heavy body) 3. wèq binen >anaq 3. satu turunan (har suami 3. one descent line (lit. utun isteri, dan anak-anak kecil) husband and wife, young children) 4. wèq leta 4. badan mengurus 4. the body becomes thin 5. wèq losu loran 5. badan lembek, lemah 5. weak body 6. wèq muq, wèq panan 6. demam, keadaan badan 6. fever, have a fever terasa deman, badan panas 7. wèq piang bala 7. keadaan badan mulai 7. recover membaik 8. wèq rèiq bahe kole 8. seluruh tubuh 8. the whole body 9. wèq rian 9. isteri 9. wife cp. badang, nawaq (1) wèq (2) tekanan kata kerja refl eksif refl exive marker 1. kowa wèq 1. bersetubuh 1. have sexual relations with each other 2. kuq wèq 2. kawin, menikah 2. marry 3. miq wèq 3. bersenggama 3. have sexual intercourse 4. tanang tonong wèq 4. bertukar pesan, pesan- 4. exchange information, memesan greet each other 5. tiwa wèq 5. keguguran 5. miscarriage, abortion 6. tui wèq 6. saling melihat, saling 6. see each other, know mengetahui each other 7. upe wèq 7. saling melupakan 7. forget each other 8. >uruq wèq 8. saling berdesakan 8. crowd each other 9. wiru >ataq wèq 9. saling membisik 9. whisper to each other cp. èpuq, eq wèqè tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: wèqè paq wèqè paq seandainya, sekiranya supposing that, if perhaps, in case of, it appears that cp. paq (3) wèrèq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: muqu wèrèq wèroq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself 704 wèru—wikaq

see: dolor, doroq, korong wèru wèru wehar baru new 1. a wèru 1. makan hasil panenan 1. eat new harvest baru 2. watar wèru 2. jagung panenan baru 2. new maize cp. tiboq, wèrun wèrun wèrun tangen, wèrun taqe yg baru that which is new cp. wèru wètuq tempat air atau tuak terbuat container for water or dari seruas bambu palmwine made from a section of bamboo 1. wètuq bako 1. bambu untuk tempat 1. bamboo container for tembakau tobacco 2. wètuq tèqu 2. bambu untuk tempat 2. bamboo container for garam salt 3. wètuq tuaq 3. bambu untuk tuak 3. bamboo container for palmwine cp. nodang, tuke, walang wideng menggantung, tergantung hang, hanging cp. dawil, loleng, toreng, wetong wider wider wair kencang, tegang taut, tense 1. beq wadeq wider 1. menarik tali dgn 1. pull the rope taut so that wider nema poti kencang spy dia bisa he can jump melompatinya 2. mato wider wair 2. marah-marah (har mata 2. angry (lit. eyes tense) kencang) cp. mèdèq, wengin wido cucuran atap eaves of the roof wido >utuq maqur tempat dekat rumah (har near the house (lit. eaves) matan cucuran atap) wihang ~ wihaq wihang wihaq periuk untuk menggoreng pot for roasting maize biji jagung cp. uyeng wihaq see: wihang wihun bersiul whistle cp. luleng wikaq cabang, bercabang branch, branched ebo lawan woiq wikaq ekor panjang tanduk long tail branched horn bercabang wile—witeng 705

cp. ain, ikang (2), ikaq, lidan, liman, limaq wile wile nahing wile nahing mapang èhèng, wile nahing mapang èwèl memanggil (dari jarak call, shout (from nearby dekat dgn menyebut nama using the name of the yg dipanggil) person called) 1. wile >anaq be neti 1. memanggil anak yg 1. call the child wearing nale labur putuq memakai baju merah the red shirt 2. wile nahing wèq 2. memanggil, saling 2. call, shout, calling berpanggilan 3. wile tuan suku keu 3. suatu upacara memanggil 3. call the clan ancestors to tebeq orang mati dlm suku untuk enter and sit down datang dan duduk cp. ae, bayaq, bohang, hioq, irang, maka (1), ong, soraq, weqal wileng tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning see: niho wawi by itself wilor wilor walor selalu di muka always in the fore cp. hèqèng wèq wilung tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: waling wing see: wang (2) wiqil bertunas, mulai berdaun bud, sprout cp. dolor, hipe, hoal, lolon, matan, >ubuq wiri subur fertile, fl ourish wiring 1 karat, berkarat 1 rust, rusty 2 obat dari karat yg dikikis 2 medicine made of rust dan dicampur pada air which has been scraped off limau untuk mengobati and mixed in lemon juice luka in order to be put on a wound cp. nowan wiru wiru >ataq, wiru wènèn bisik, berbisik, membisik whisper wiru >ataq wèq berbisikan, saling membisik whispering to each other witeng betis calf of the leg 1. witeng laleng 1. betis bahagian dalam 1. inside part of the calf of the leg 706 witing—witun

2. witeng obi 2. betis bahagian luar 2. the foreleg on either side of the shin 3. witeng wonor 3. tulang kering pada betis 3. the shin bone witing witing luba, witing wawi kambing goat 1. witing bala 1. kambing dan gading 1. goats and elephant tusks untuk belis, maskawin for bridewealth 2. witing kaq 2. kambing kebiri 2. castrated goat 3. witing laong 3. kambing dan anting- 3. goat and earring for anting besar untuk belis, bridewealth maskawin 4. witing loing 4. kambing terikat 4. goat on a rope 5. witing male bètuq 5. kambing dgn bulu yg 5. goat with hair sprinkled bertitik-titik hitam (har with black dots (lit. moss kambing yg berlumut) covered goat) 6. witing mate tuaq 6. suatu keputusan adat 6. an agreement luruq belis yg disyahkan dgn concerning bridewealth pembunuhan kambing dan ratifi ed by killing a goat penuang tuak (har kambing and pouring palmwine mati, tuak menuang) (lit. goat dead, palmwine poured) 7. witing pakan 7. kambing besar yg 7. large goat with long tanduknya sudah panjang horns 8. witing rowa 8. kambing dgn bulu 8. gray-coloured goat keabu-abuan 9. witing rutaq wawi 9. memelihara kambing 9. raise goats raise pigs paro dan babi 10. witing tuaq 10. kambing dan tuak 10. goat and palmwine (suatu upacara untuk (a ceremony to prevent menolak penyakit) illness) 11. witing tun 11. kambing bakar 11. roasted goat 12. witing waq mateq 12. kambing berwarna 12. kambing with spotted titik-titik (har kambing coat (lit. dead stone goat) batu mati) 13. witing wawi awar 13. babi dgn taring besar 13. pig with big tusks latong 14. witing woiq 14. tanduk kambing 14. goat’s horns 15. witing woiq wolang 15. bentuk tanduk kambing 15. straight goat’s horns yg lurus cp. wawi witu jari-jari, cabang-cabang individual parts of a bunch pada suatu kesatuan (spt (like individual legs of jari-jari pada ikan gurita, an octopus, individual pada tandan kelapa, tandan coconut in a bunch of tuak) coconuts on a stem, individual lontar fruits in a bunch on a stem) cp. pèdè,witun witun lidi yg dicocok buah- spine on which fruit are buahan skewered >ue witun bako motaq lidi yg dicocoki pinang skewer of areca nut bungkusan tembako package of tobacco cp. witu wituq—wolang 707 wituq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: pitu witur witur wadeq, witur wehir jerat string catch for trapping chickens 1. ei pan boraq witur 1. saya pergi melihat jerat 1. I go and look at the trap wehir 2. nèq wadeq arang 2. dia membawa jerat 2. he carries a string trap witur 3. pèdèr witur 3. memasang jerat 3. set a trap cp. aweq, leri, nèpi, pèdèr wiwir bibir lip, lips woda see: >oda wohor tanah yg terbuka oleh land exposed by the tides, pasang, tanah tandus infertile land woiq tanduk, balung, jénggér horns, cockscomb woiq dokur eliq kambing yg tanduknya a goat whose horns reach sampai menyogok ketiak, the armpit (a fi ne for a tanduk kambing yg breach of the sayin-bayan panjang agreement) cp. tukal, woro koiq wokar kasar, sedang besarnya coarse watar wokar beras jagung sedang coarse ground maize besarnya cp. ehoq, karang (1) wokoq tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: kude wokul (1) hantam pound cp. bongaq, danaq, dèqèr (2), oluq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, tipaq, tutu (1), waku (1) wokul (2) gelembung bubble cp. >uran, woloq wolang lurus straight witing woiq wolang bentuk tanduk kambing straight goat’s horns yg lurus cp. houq, lonu, lour, milir, mulang (1), oleng, olor, pèlèr, potong, ueng (1) 708 wolar—woren wolar wolar bala bubungan rumah ridge pole of a roof bariq wolar kayu yg menutupi lubang the split half of a bamboo di bubungan rumah pole which lies above the ‘bowong wolar’ and covers the crack in the roof ridge in a granary (one of two ‘wolar bala’) wolor bukit hill cp. boteq (1), nataq woloq menggelembung bubble cp. tuaq woloq, >uran, wokul (2) wongoq see: rongoq wongun wongun hoduq tempat mendaki slope cp. dau, dohil, eu, lena (2), nadal wonor tulang kering pada betis shin bone wonor lurin tulang kering pada betis shin bone cp. lapa (2), udul, witeng woq buku pada bambu joint, node cp. >ongan, tuan woqal tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >ili woqel tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: >èlu, >èlun woqi woqi wauq bernaung, berteduh shade, shaded, shelter, sheltered woqi loyo hayan >uya berteduh dari matahari shaded from the sun membuat pondok untuk sheltered from the rain tempat berteduh hujan cp. hayan, inoq, lora (1), nueng, patang (2), >owa woqo toqo sj kumbang bumble-bee cp. ang kokiq, bui (1) woren luar, diluar rumah outside, outside the house 1. woren nein 1. mencerét 1. have diarrhoea 2. pan woren 2. pergi ke belakang 2. go empty one’s bowels (lit. go outside) woreq—wowon 709

3. puaq bè woren 3. tinggal di luar rumah, 3. stay outside the house, sejenak tinggal sendirian stay for a short while only cp. bukaq (3), maqur (1), napang woreq see: >oreq woro tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: woro koiq woro koiq balung ayam, jénggér ayam cockscomb cp. woiq worong tidak ada artinya sendiri has no discernible meaning by itself see: baheq, era wotoq wotoq walu membuang, melemparkan, throw, cast, fi sh with a cast memancing dgn tali net, fi sh with a long line panjang cp. >aning, betur, bohil, hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, kopel, loq (1), metur, rawaq (1), tidaq, tiwa, walu, wetoq wowo lubang mulut, suara mouth hole, voice 1. a wowo sue 1. dua kali makan sirih 1. chew betel twice 2. boting bolor wowo 2. semua kenyang dan puas, 2. all is well and pleasing mapaq baik perut maupun mulut (lit. stomach full mouth (har perut kenyang mulut satiated) puas) 3. wowo ara bora 3. lubang mulut besar spt 3. mouth wide like that of lubang gurita besar a giant octopus 4. wowo moleng èuq 4. suruhan atau perintah yg 4. softly spoken orders lema lemah-lembut 5. wowo nema 5. lubang mulut spy 5. mouth become a canon sampèraq menjadi meriam (kias (fi g. important person orang besar yg sabdanya whose words must be harus dituruti, tidak dapat obeyed) ditolak) 6. tutuq wowo >udeq 6. bicara satu kali 6. speak once 7. wowo raiq 7. bermulut banyak, bicara 7. talk a lot banyak cp. èuq (2), kinaq, nunu wowon tempat di pantai selatan place near Atanila, where Kedang di mana roh orang dead souls go before mati berangkat ke tanah departing to the land of orang mati the dead wowon wala orang dari Wowon person from Wowon 710 woyaq—wuq woyaq woyaq >awal daging yg berminyak, fat, fatty meat opoq woyaq kelebihan lemak oily cp. >ipu, opoq (1) woyong 1 sm tempat gantungan dari 1 lontar palm-leaf sling for anyaman daun lontar holding baskets 2 menggantung kotak dlm 2 hold baskets in such a ‘woyong’ sling 3 sj binatang laut yg 3 an animal in the sea merayap spt ‘woyong’ which crawls like a ‘woyong’ wua see: >ua wuan see: >uan wue see: >ue wuhuq see: >uhuq (1) wukar see: >ukar wul see: >ul wula see: >ula wulaq see: >ulaq (1) wulir see: >ulir wunga see: >unga wuno see: >uno wuoq (1) sj siput k.o. of shellfi sh cp. baheq (1), ehe (2), elaq, lohu (1), riding wuoq (2) see: >uoq wuq see: >uq wur—wuwu 711 wur see: >ur wurun see: >urun wutuq see: >utuq wuwu see: >uwu Y ya see: wa

-ya ~ -deq mereka (morfem terikat, they (bound morpheme, kata ganti, 3j) personal pronoun, 3pl) 1. mèqdeq >oli wetaq 1. bawalah ke rumah 1. bring them to the house 2. pan dèqya 2. mereka sudah pergi 2. they have left already 3. sioya? 3. siapa mereka? 3. who are they? 4. taq moruqdeq 4. kelapa-kelapa jatuh 4. coconuts fell cp. ‘-u’ for full paradigm; suo yadi ~ sadi jadi, dapat, boleh become, happen, can koq wèq panan, ohaq badanku demam, aku tidak I have got a fever, I can sadi pan jadi pergi not go cp. dapaq, nuang (3) yato terapung jauh, dibawa fl oating far, carried far by angin arus jauh wind and currents yato bao dibawa oleh arus, tidak carried by the current, not tercapai tujuannya reaching its destination yendela jendela window

-yo -lah emphasizing suffi x 1. palan suo walaq 1. siapa orang lain yang 1. who are the other waur. Teyo piling pènè bercampur dengan persons who are mixing polung kita? Hanya kitalah saja with us? It is only we (in) yg berpegangan tangan who are holding hands in beriringan a line 2. sioyo? 2. siapa dia? 2. who is it? English – Kedang fi nderlist

A affection roho always horiq (2) affi x tang amount, small hara abandon nope afraid bèwiq mèwiq, buqang, ancestor of the Kedang abduct maqo tauq (1) people >Uye Lèwun, abode neing afterbirth kaboteq, nahaq >Uyo Lèwun above halang (2), kikiq, lolon rian ancestors >aman, tuan (1) abscess >uqa afternoon, late bèuq ancestors, invitation abuse olaq, >oba (1) again watiq to maran Acacia tulur agape mange anchor niwang accept toher age >umur (1) anchor a boat neboq accept a post ekaq ago, long lelan, >oqing anchor rope niku accident dotan, salaka agree >adong, pareq (2), and ore, so, sobe accommodate muaq toher Angaria delphinus (Linne, accompany bele, ore, tameq, agreement, expression 1758) matan lateq tode of >uqung angel malekaq accompany (as in agreement, not being able anger rahe accompanying s.o. eating to reach betang angle loroq, mutung by himself) warang agreement of angle, at an pading accusation of friendship sayin angry bekeq, buren, hiwoq, witchcraft konang aim hade marang, pana, rahe accuse >oroq, tuku (1) air >oler angry with a refi ned acquaintance nimon alas idoq, ode tone rihuq acquainted with, be lalang alike hama animal ewang Adam’s apple adung boko all kole, rèiq animal, female mèluq add henang, hobel, nalan, all right diqen, ditoq, nitoq animal, k.o. sea woyong potal, taho, tulung all sorts galulaq, ireq (1) anklet latong add to taling almost laha (3) Annona squamosa ai nona additional amount nalan, alms sadeka annoy ganing, kati, kehoq (2) nalaq alone >ehaq, hèq, ingiq, annoyed marang, rahe address kare kohaq, neweng, nimoq, another mieq, palan, weqen address a stranger in the sandiri answer holo, tali dark >ohe, >oheng along with >èpiq, hènèq answer ‘yes’ >ahaq address term for already dèq, daq ant niho wawi, niho wileng, women inaq also di (1), ge, hènèq wawi niho adhere bateq, lapiq (2), lateq Alstonia scholaris ite (2), ant, large yellow lèr admonish >ikir, tadaq (1) nilung (2) ant, black èyèq , waya èyèq admonition >e (1), nadaq, altar ewaq mètung ant, k.o. umer tuo altar stone which is buried Antares pari (2) adoptive child kèq (1) in order to curse ant, yellow man baloq adore tomo someone neba anus odo, >uq, wuq adorn >ako altar stones pikan anvil lapaq adorn one’s head pebaq alter kelung any dawaq, dèwoq advantage >utung alternate hèlèq (1), likaq anything ua (1) adversary muqang (1), peka apart lakang, noa, pakar advice nadaq, nahaq (2), tuo alternating belaq, hèlèq (1), apathetic buye advise tadaq (1) walaq (2) apologize mapa maring adze dodang although age, ake, masi, apparent aran, arang (2) Aegle Marmelos Correa ala paq (3) appear momol, totor bila, bila, kulu bila aluminium tuta appear small because far 714 English – Kedang

away èpir, èpil aspect marker, and above the ‘kawanang applaud irong, lèpèr inceptive dèqmè mèkuq’ manuq lete apply behaq, tang aspect marker, bamboo branches which appoint sogang, sokang inchoative dèqo have been cut leaving appointment >èlun aspect marker, stubs ribiq appointment, make incipient dèqnu, hèqnu bamboo cane nuqu naqa an >èlu aspect marker, bamboo container for palm approach >eduq incompletive nau, ramaq wine or water nodang area >eqa (1) aspect marker, bamboo container for area, wide nama perfective dèq, daq sambal wèdung areca nut >ue, wue assembly, place of bareng bamboo covering of a Areca catechu, Linn. >ue, assent >adong bamboo platform dahar wue associate with erung bamboo cross-pieces on arena lagang, lakan asthma dakoq which is laid the bed of a areng palm pole (2) at ba, bè, dè, di (2), diq bamboo platform lauq argue awe athwart, lie mapaq (1) (1) arm ling (1) attach pèti (2), tèdèq bamboo for roasting arm, upper part buqul attach a peg to wood hipan meat layuq armpit eliq attack bewaq, dèkur, hoding bamboo frame of a large arrack >araq (1) (1), >iwaq, muqang, waku platform baraq (2) arrange kahin (3), lotaq (1) bamboo in the frame of a arrange in an orderly attempt daq (1), soba (1) roof maninan fashion hubiq attention, pay paraduli bamboo in the frame of a arrangement nuang (3) attitude, of wall nading arrangement of stones in changeable lengoq bamboo, k.o. >aur, walang shallow seawater to catch attraction of a cock to a bamboo, k.o. large bering, fi sh >atur (1) hen kidiq perung arrive >adan, hoteng audacious miqer bamboo, k.o. small ahung, arrogant baya authentic nimoq muhong arrow nameq Averrhoa Bilimbi ala libang, bamboo mats for seating arrow head >upil libang platform atar arrow shaft laqa await banger (2), toang bamboo pipes of a bellows arrow, three pronged rateq awl nuhuq used to conduct air to (1) axe baliq (1) the charcoal fi re >uloq Artocarpus communis boroq axe, small ka toq (1) as namo bamboo platform dahar, as far as sape, sampe lipu as long as >asal (2) B bamboo platform, large, as well as daling for a banquet or ascend dau, dohil, eu bachelor buyang feast lagang, lakan ash rapun, rubu back nedang, obi bamboo platform on which ashes, kitchen >èwol back of a knife blade >ulin the corpse is laid before ashore, cast epaq (1) backstrap of a loom saligur interment nekaq madaq ask >ameq (1), dahang (1), bad buruq, daten, datoq, bamboo pole for drying dahuq, hitiq, hoyan, naku natoq clothes, fi sh, etc. balean, ask nicely kete (2), keter bag kadewaq, nawal nekal ask repeatedly pohong pole bail water lemaq (1) bamboo, section between ask s.o. to carry out a task bailer kaneraq nodes laru (1) for later payment kahin bait akal, >ani bamboo, sharp, in a fall (1) balance tading trap long (1) askew idir, eder bald loku bamboo, sharp piece aslant eder, hepaq, idir, iring, ball bal, senempaq of niluq tedaq ballast bara (1) bamboo sheets nedaq aspect marker, balls of cotton lèwèq bamboo skewer on to which cessative mai bamboo at side of lontar leaf roofi ng is aspect marker, ‘balai’ nalang threaded nawar imperfective mete bamboo below the ‘maninan’ bamboo slat for holding English – Kedang 715

split bamboo in place in sifting rice liwang (1) because bale, ele (1) walls or platforms nèpiq basket in the shape of a beckon kebol bamboo slats used to lay bolster lèpo become sadi, yadi over the split bamboo basket, k.o. bolaq (2), become thin from sheets in the wall or kabalaq, kubeng, opa, reku illness loduq fl oor or the split bamboo (1), tobal bedbug maeng mats of a bamboo basket, large, fl at, for bee, k.o. lani, meqo, para platform mèdè winnowing and muhun, rua bamboo, small muhong sifting liwang, paliraq bee, k.o. small oyan, oyang bamboo sticks used in basket, large, made of palm bees’ nest, layer of malaq augury mahu manuq leaves hoaq (2) beetle, coconut or bamboo storage basket, one of the strands lontar mobeng tube paning used in weaving a lapan, beetle, dung ang kokiq bamboo supporting the nanang, rèkèq beetle in pumpkins or roof depan basket, small kiliq beans merung bamboo water container basket to collect dried sea beetle, k.o. bui (1) hau, tuke water to make salt mènu befriend kore bamboo which can be used basket used as a chicken beg dahuq, tudi as an arrow shaft laqa cage biri (1) beggars’ lice, k.o. popoq (2) banana muqu basket used in collecting beginning pulung banana, k.o. lio, muko lari shell fi sh and seaweed behaviour adaq, lagu, laku lolon sebeng behead hodang, hodaq banana, k.o. wild >ipu basket woven from gebang behind obi, odo banana leaf muko lolon palm leaves blanse believe doraq, parasaya banana trunk, chopped basket woven from lontar bell (on clothing) >etung down >uban palm leaves deseq bells, large kili bolo banana, young >owaq bastard nowan bells woven from lontar bananas, bunch of liman, bat ara rebeng, kua (2), oli, palm leaf kukaq limaq miqi, uq (3) belly botin band kupa bat, k.o. large miqi naga belongings hoaq (1) band made of palm stalk bat, k.o. small miqi ebo below >ubeng skin aruq (1) kèdèq belt made of lontar palm bang lètur bathe hèbu, >èbu leaves medeng banyan bèu bathe in the dust (like a bend boko, doler, >ènung, barb nangiq chicken) >èbor rokong bare loku bay loroq bend down paer bark1 amaq (1) beach wata bend over rèkung bark2 boang, bowong (1) beak, lower imen, imeq bend s.t. lekoq barren oban beam1 bohor (2) bent hekong, kalung, kaul, barricade oneself in a beam2 kawanang rokoq, sekong (1), tokol, house nèbèng beams >atang wegir, wekir barrier, wood used as a bean, k.o. aha, ihi, omaq, bent over boko noliq rowe, wahe bent under pressure lèkè base latang (1), lunin, mèi, bean, k.o. tree >uye benzoin kameyang >uq, wuq bean, wild inar bequest panang base of tree bauq beans >utan betel basket wayaq base of a cup meriq beard sabeq betel container salopa base of a knife blade beard, long broad barewoq betel dish wayaq which is sunk into the beast ewang betel pepper mal handle >utin beat behi (1), bung, dang, betel, plate for èduq base stone noning dèto, dètol, mawang (1), between >alaq (2) basin, clay paso paluq, tutu (1) bewitch nupa basin for stamping rice, beat up kiwoq big >abal, ria wooden >upeq beater mèngè big, already neten basket, hexagonal, with beautiful >araq >araq , >ieq big as, as tutul cover buku tuyan, lour, meloq big, s.t. rian (1) basket, hexagonal, used for beautiful woman punteri bile pèyun 716 English – Kedang bind hongen, howeq, pèting blowpipe mupuq brag sokaq salaq, sokaq wèq bindings wadeq blue balauq brain >uqel Binongko, from binoko blue colour on a swelling branch ain, lidan, liman, bird burong (1) (because of bruising) ia limaq, wikaq bird common in coconut blue, light pahelong branched ikang (2), ikaq, palms where it associates bluff, top of neung wikaq with the ‘mapu’ iwi blunt monu, robong, >umal branching, not lohung bird in a tree which we blurred habu (1) brave >eraq >eraq, miqer cannot see rawaq (3) board >aran breadfruit tree weraq, boroq bird, k.o. dai laki, eor (2), board for chopping lanta, break bèti, bikil, buteq, doke, hian, lau lete, manuq lalung, balanta holaq, kakal, kètèng, kètèq, mapur, oaq (1), oi iqil, boast kaher, sokaq salaq, lèhèq, papal, peaq, pesaq, >obang >api, todoq, >uru sokaq wèq topeq (1) modang boat sapang (1), tene break (of waves) kolo bird, k.o., which calls the boat, k.o. lete lete break into lataq rain mayang >uya body badang, nawaq (1), break leaves biri (2) bird, male lalung (1) wèq (1) break off biliq, bolaq (1), bird of prey, a kiki, kiki body hair >urun, wurun iteq, lapuq, topeq (1)

mulin boil1 bangaq (1), bura, iu, break off a branch holaq birth, give bua lunga, patang (1) break open hingoq birth, ready to give rege boil2 u break out bèhu bite >amir, kiqi, nara (4) boiled iun break suddenly tupang bite intentionally damiq boiling water, sound break the internal partitions bite the lower lip mamiq of koqer of the nodes of a bamboo bitter mèyèng, pèiq, pilar boisterous ningor for carrying water ladaq black miteng bolder, high seuq break up, not kaoq (2) black and blue >ulur (2) bolster luen break, using black cloth (to show the bone lurin manpower rokaq, rukaq way for a dead person or booming sound, like that break wind >ètèng ancestors) >ulun of an airplane from break with the teeth kaq black magic tupa afar >èqung breakers >ubaq blame milu, pake (2), >uri border nanga, narang (1) breakfast hèqèr blame s.o. tuku (1) border or end of the breast tu blanket uwe (1), ue land sina sawa breast feed tu blaze delang bore bor breath >ipo, nèin bleat boreng born, that which has breath, deep hobi blemish dihan dahan, dihang been buan breathe duyeng, >ipo, nèin, dahang borrow biheq, daping, poho, puiq blended dawur, daur nereng, nineng breathing, not nèlèn, nèlèng blessing or curse, utter borrow in order to breathless (because food a takang (2) replace mulang (2) or drink blocks the blink helar, kereng, kiruq, borrowed goods miheq windpipe), choke iraq retaq bother >aheq, ganing, kehoq breeze, soft dihiq, diq (2) blister uoq (2) bridewealth nolin, oteq block hapang, haqa, hiqur, bothersome susa, suya bridewealth objects panga >iqur, pètèq, tikol bottle botel bridewealth, to pay pae (1) block the road in order to bottle stopper muten bridle rapaq set up a snare èpèng bottom odo bright aran, arang (2), niho blood dara (2), wèiq boulder waq bring èq, uq (1) bloom bungang bounce dotel, hodong bring about huraq blossom puhu, roda (2) boundary nanga bring alive bita blossom of banana imiq bow1 >ale (3) bring repeatedly bawaq blouse labur bow2 >ur, wur bring s.t. taping (2) blow buriq, puiq bowl makoq bring to life dariq blow the nose pingur box1 bayuq bring together èpuq (1) blow with a box2 keler, pèti (1) broad kedeng, >oang, wang blowpipe pupuq bracelet mawang (2) broken babaq (1), bikil, English – Kedang 717

buteq, dunuq, peaq, pesaq bush, k.o. apa (3), mato care for lamang broken (so that the contents kolong, mèpè (1) care, take rutaq spill out) bere bush knife pedaq cared for, s.t. paron broken bits of rice seed busy, not wanting to careful, be bèing (1) after winnowing uteq be luleq laleq caress heuq brood nèpèng but sobe, so carried far by wind and broom naèng, naraq (2) Buton butu (1) currents yato brother naren butt tèduq, tukal carried by a current soro brown kandola, nuber (1) butterfl y ebal carried, that which brush doru, gosoq, karang, buttocks odo, >uq, wuq is naban karaq, nouq button kasing carry èq brush aside with the buttoned kateng, kateq, ateq carry a child at the hand >eban buy iqer, ier side hakaq brush in a fi eld lèdung buy and sell kahin (3) carry, able to namaq bubble >uran, wokul (2), buzz mèbung carry by embracing, or on woloq the hips bote, haqang bud dolor, wiqil carrying pole nete, noèl budding dolor C carry in the hand eweq, buffalo arabau reweq build tulaq cackle kaoq (1), kioq, carry on a pole tete (2) build a hut hongo korkataq carry on the head huneng build a place to wait for cactus >atung carry on the shoulders bare, birds, deer, pigs hebi cage bou (1), dèdèl tola building for storing cage, put in a dèkèng carry outside datang and drinking palm cake bolo (1), bolu carry repeatedly nawoq wine moniq calcium >apur (1) carry s.t. kaban bulge duyuq calculation nareq (2), nohiq carry s.t. in the palm of the bulge out (as of earth being calf of the leg witeng hand dasaq pushed up by a fresh call ae, irang, kong, ong (2), carry s.t. on a pole shoot) bokol wile which rests on the bullet peloru, peluru call, a sili liliq, sala lalaq shoulder doèl bumble-bee woqo toqo call a dog keteq carry s.t. on the back using bump into tipoq call, exclamation to start a a head strap dongoq bump into accidentally ‘pantun’ >eleng carry s.t. which is facing huduq call sonorously pelaq >èlèq front to back dapang bunch balan, moten, >uleng, calling everything >ohong carry simultaneously two >ulir, welaq, wulir baheq objects on the right and bunch of bananas liman, calm ere (1), ilin, inoq, lora left ipaq limaq (1), nueng, patang (2) carve huraq, laba bunch of coconuts naèng calm, not kede kada case parakara bundle mawu, moten, Calotropis gigantea lelaq cash doiq (1) muleng, panga, popon, can dapaq, sadi, yadi cast wotoq >uleng canari tree rani cast a net tiwang burble aqal Canarium commune rani castrate boqi, kabiri, onaq burn paq (1), tun (1), tutung cancel, call to nawaq (2) Casuarina equisetitolia leur (2) candle tayu cat kusing burn in a fl ame in order candlenut mireq cat, civet laqu (2) to singe the fur or cane nukoq cat, expression for calling feathers leoq cannon sampèraq, sapèraq a meong burned remains drifting in canyon èwèng catapult metir, metiq the air >ulang cape lewang (1) catapult back hodong burst kaqar captain pitang sarang catch èrèq (1), lolo, rèpèq (1), burst due to heat hika captain of a ship >anaq sangiq , topeq (2) bury taneng koda catch by pulling the cord of bury a gravestone with car >oto (2) a trap labor (1) the intention of killing cards, Chinese catch fi sh with a net tiwang s.o. keba (1) playing patui catch s.t. by putting a hand 718 English – Kedang

in a hole dèwu cheat pade same generation aqe catch the leg of an cheat when dividing out clan mate, younger >ariq animal so that it lies s.t. >ire clap lèpèr, tataq down lawang (1) check paresaq classifi er for anything catch up with ruang, ruten cheek papar countable uren caterpillar >ule cheer irong, soraq classifi er for days wèng caught ateq, kateng, kateq cheerful rame classifi er for ears of caught by s.t. taka chest1 keler maize ongo caught in a net nieq chest2 oroq classifi er for fl at caught up manga (2) chest, wooden pèti (1) items lepaq (2) caulk >uwi chew kiqi, kuluq (1), mameq, classifi er for hair or string- cause nehun, tibul, tupaq mataq (2) like objects lihen cause (of chew holes in puriq classifi er for high misfortune) wangun chicken manuq plants pue (1), puhe (2) cause s.o. to be chicken lice mèwo classifi er for items frightened >ikir chignon pin >ureq of marriage cave liang, >uoq, wuoq (2) chignon, temporary lapa (3) prestations munaq (3) cave where animals child >anaq (1) classifi er for long, thin, live >anga child, newborn muhun (2) supple things >ulir, wulir cavern >uoq, wuoq (2) child who always classifi er for multiples of cavity bakur cries bingur one hundred ratuq (1) cease mai childless oban classifi er for multiples of Ceiba pentandra kapo chill poler (1) one thousand ribu cement pesemen, semen chilli sili (1) classifi er for people >ate cent seng (1) chilly èmi (1) classifi er for round centipede ipan chin imen, imeq objects uluq central puhe (1) China sina, sina sawa classifi er for small round centre nuba, puhe (1) Chinese person babaq (2) objects rehaq ceremony poan chipped kitong classifi er for units >ilaq certain atoq, ka tung chirp kioq clatter lekar certainly memaq chisel laba claw kalaq, urung (1) chafe uoq choke iraq clean engar, hamur, hidang, chain >ulir, wulir choose pil hiki (1), ilin, mengar, pohoq, chain of braided wire, a chop bel, bètè (1), hodang, wating gold >aba hodaq, koq (2), lapuq, tual clean a bamboo palm wine chain of fl at brass chop, cut (s.t. long into container douq (1) links lodan short pieces) pèriq clean a fi eld in preparation chain of silver or chop off robong for planting kotan gold lodan chop open >oreq clean cotton with a chair kandera, karosi chopping board lanta, bow buhu (2) chalk >apur (1) balanta clean the teeth >èmur, challenge hitiq, hoyan cigarette butt èpuq (2), luteq >imur, >umur (2) challenge to fi ght >adoq, cinch pedi clean wounds in >aduq, pole (1) circle opol water >oyang change kelung, peka circle dance namang (1) cleansing dirt or faults from change direction pekoq, circle dance, k.o. tèting dai the body using chicken >ukel circular opang feathers or leaves rapi change places dopeq circumcise sunaq clear1 aran, arang (2), >araq change skin bèlu citronella >uru mèngi (3), potoq, terang chant used when lifting s.t. Citrullus vulgaris rawang, clear2 wating in unison teda lela timu rawang clear a place of coarse charcoal >ayang (1) citrus fruit mude matter pèping chase boha, dèhuq, ruten civet cat lako, laqu (2), mama clear away >iuq, >oreq chase away burang, horiq (1) clan lelang, suku clear brush belung chatter mura, murang clan elders rian mèkèr clear throat èrèn chattering of teeth or clan mate or equivalent in cliff, top of neung beak kir a ‘mèkèr ehoq’ clan, elder climb dau, dohil, eu, kapa, English – Kedang 719

keu cockroach tèiq tayaq combine s.t. with s.t. else by climb a tree by embracing cockscomb woiq, woro koiq tying it together pèti (2) the trunk doho cockspur >aiq come >adan, hoteng cling dapeq (1) coconut tapo, taq come by >eduq clip hèriq, tadiq coconut-leaf container for come down turu clip for holding clothing steamed rice topaq come from, an while serving unan coconut meat which approximately level clod mopoq remains after grating a direction seawards >aq clods, make bopoq coconut kureng come loose from stopper, clog kelong coconut milk batuq handle, etc. pèko (2) close1 habiq, lètuq, lotuq, coconut or pinang palm come out bukaq (3) pataq, pèrèng when the fruiting branch come out of a place of close2 tubi begins to emerge ero storage lodo (2) close s.t. with leaves peran coconut shell cup teqang come unstuck alaq close the mouth of an coconut shell, half awaq (1), come up dau object hupoq leteng (1) command gahaq, pareta close to >ideq coconut shell, large commend ahi close together depil, mida, half tabang commercial tunu coconut shell spoon with a association >iwar closed up dieq long handle nayaq (1), Common Delphinula matan cloth sitaq nodoq lateq cloth, black, used coconut spadix naèng commotion dèmul, ganedel in cremation coconuts tied in pairs and compare tading ceremonies nutaq then strung around a compartment, upper, of a cloth, k.o. man’s palekaq pole nukaq granary nalang cloth or board used to patch coffee kopi (2) compartments of a or mend nabal coil balung, baluq, doler, basket namang (2) cloth sling over the kaluq, koel, koil (1), ongaq compassion, exclamation shoulder for carrying a coin gobang, kobang of eroq child naban Coix lacryma-jobi, Linn. leye compel pasaq (2), pakasaq cloth, two-section neren cold èmi (1) complain nahing cloth used to tie a loin cold, a boqor complete anaq, bahe, nawen cloth, strip of behi (2) cold, that which is èmin (1) complete, make s.t. papang cloth of lesser collapse èhèr, hubaq, koliq, (1) quality baraging, wela lubaq, luqur, rèhèq, tawaq complete s.t. gènè, sudi baraging collapse because of heat, composed nueng clothes about to wear wind, etc. pèhèq conceal oni out buha collect ahuq, auq (2), hoti conceited helor halor, clothing labur, pakeyang collection mongaq, motel, hèqèng wèq clothing for covering the >uleng, welaq concerned because lower body nalen collect left-overs huluq s.o. has not quickly clothing, piece of sede collect rain water liwuq, returned roing clothing used as a liwun conch buri (2) blanket uen, uwen collect shellfi sh and seaweed condemn ron cloud owa at low tide ruqen condiment lamen (1) cloudy nabaq collide bae, lagar, lètur, tèduq condiment made from cluster popon collide with lagar fi sh intestines and co-ownership >iwar collision lagar gills dohang coal, glowing >eroq Colocasia antiquorum odel, conduct a ceremony pating coals >awaq (2) tiri (1) confess loeng coarse karang (1), wokar colour uliq confuse kewoq (1), wegor coax >itung, koli (1), ode, colour, add nulur (2) confused doling, doliq, gelaq, pohong pole colour of the nipa palm wang (2), wangen, weng, cob of maize ongon leaves (red) nipa wing cobra, k.o. pupun comb hèiq, pilir congealed grains >uner cock’s tail lado comb made of bamboo or connect dauq, hobel, hudeq cockatoo weaq wood hèiq connect two things by 720 English – Kedang

putting a part of one into cord for hanging a crack1 baq (1), bèti, hika, the other’s hole hupeng basked lori hingoq, kaqar, lareq, pèhuq consequently ema, ma (1) cord handle of a bamboo crack2 taraq consider from all angles, container or basket lihan crack (as does to lekeq cord, tied nuyung bamboo) papaq constantly horiq (2) core >ara crack or break (because of constricted doling, doliq, cork tree, k.o. boyol heat, like dried beans) tudaq corner loroq, mutung hira contain hoyoq, >ihi, muaq Corphya utan, Linn. tèbuq cracked babaq (1), lareq, container keler, pèti (1) corpse maten lureq lareq container for corpse, headless rodang cradle bote gunpowder boiq (2) corral nèdèl cram >ènèq container made correct muar, mur, muren, crash lètur from a section of mur mur, nara mur, namur, craw >èyuq bamboo wètuq namur mur crawl doro (1), kopi (1) container made of lontar corvée waqa crazy kamunger, munger leaves apuq cotton ape creased ruq (2), karuq (2) container for water made of cotton, balls of lèwèq create huraq, libur bamboo hau cotton, processed lelu create a framework puteq contemplate eten cotton thread for credit >utang content senang weaving nane creep doro (1), kapa, kopi contents >ihin, >ihing, cough >ahar (2), boqor, èrèn (1), mana >ihiq, noyoq count kareq (1), rekeng creeper, wild lèbo contents of a count one to four before crib nimang coconut lipang, lipang taq placing a corpse in a cricket ar ataq, ioq, waiq (1) continually rota grave nata (1) crinkle rokong continue hoding (2), holo counted in a division kalèq crippled kehong, koheng continuously rota, tèru countenance >anung (1) criticize milu contract luqur, rokong couple about which it is crooked boko, hekong, Conus eximus boka (1) rumored that they will kalung, kaul, koheng, tokol, converse tutuq marry >oluq wegir, wekir cook iu, lunga, nome courageous >eraq >eraq crop >èyuq cook in a pot covered on cover bong (2), boran (1), crop, unpicked laer top with live coals loeq bowong (2), hoba, loiq, cross balung, baluq cook meat using little lotuq, mongoq, uwe (1), ue cross a small bridge lete water hekeq cover a hole leti cross eyed hekeng, heruq, cook with little water >apa cover for food mongoq hèting cooked taqi cover for the spadix of the crossbeams under the fl oor cooked food taqin lontar palm woven from of the granary noruq cooking in the leaf-sheath lontar leaf nabu crossing of two pieces of of the pinang palm lore cover in earth or wood as a barrier doling, (1) sand >iher doliq cooking, the initial stages cover s.t. bongoq crouch paer

of rawiq (1) cover the body with a crow1 ang cool èmi (1), mawin towel rabu crow2 kokoq cool s.t. hèwoq cover up bori bawo crowd >uruq cool, that which is èmin (1) cover with a blanket >oto crowded mura, murang, coop bou (1) (1) >uruq cooperation between cover with a cloth gebar, crown ukiq two heads of fi shing kebar crown of the mountain parties bela cover with a lid angul kodan cooperation, covered with dense grass crumple >ukuq >èkuq mutual mohing kowoq crumpled lukuq lèkuq coral, k.o. ai hapu, biling, crab uyu crunch kamar bulan, rogang, ruhu crab, land mogong crunching sound (as coral reefs hari crab, large land >uru kua when eating hard, dry cord dewaq, tèin (1), wadeq crab, small sea >umang foods) rekoq English – Kedang 721 crunchy repoq (1) cut open kuraq debt >utang crush bongaq, pidan, pitan, cut short kobaq, labor (2) debt, be in >utang rahaq (1), rèhuq (2), tèlèr cut smooth sopa deceive akal, >iro crush grain bae cut thin hapiq declare war pole (1) crush maize kakaq (2) cut thinly pate decline >anung (2) crush the shells of cut to pieces hodang, hodaq decorate >ako candlenuts with a cut up fruit tihiq decoration toleq ‘mohil’ bohil cut with a plane tanar decoration, head tamodo crush with a pestle gosu, Cymbopogon Citratus rotan decoration of leaves kosu worn tied around the crush with a stone gosu, kosu head mabaq, mebaq crushed dunuq, ruteq D decoration on the reverse cry kueq (1), ueq side of a coin belang cubic measure of 3.125 dam pètèq decorations worn on kg ganatang, kanatang damage pahang, taha the edge of the ears, cucumber timu damar kabelung, padu silver til tawe laong cucumber, bitter aparia damar fruit which has been decoy akal cucumber, k.o. pierced with a palm leaf decrease lora (1) long >upeng rib mukang decrepit >uhaq cultivate >ola damn ron deep in a hole lomoq culture niliq dance soka deep in water lamaq (3) cultured >alu dance from Ile Ape oha deer ruha cup sangker niwang defeat >iuq cup, coconut shell teqa dance in a circle hamang, defect, physical langun cupboard lamari lia namang defense nolong, tolong cured bala (3) dance, k.o. bayo, deka soleq, defl ate luqur curl one’s lips mukeq mado maka, soleq defl ated lèpiq, kalèpiq curled tokol dance, to solo hedung deformed langun curling ropoq dance, a solo nedung deformity langun current kanawang dance step, circle beda a e o delegate marang wala current along the dance step sequence han daq deliberation nuloq shore garodang dancing place namang (1), Delphinula, Common matan current, outgoing >ura tana lateq curse >oba (1), ron, supa dangle toreng demand latuq, nutuq curve lekoq dark miteng, rukeng demolish baqung (1), bokar, curved tokol dark red nuber (1) rèpè customary niliq darn by way of Dendrocalamus asper perung customary traditions adaq embroidering buyur denial ea cut bel, >èyè, hawaq, hèlèq dash bèyèng, bèyong dense maqar, rokeq (2), hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq (1), date tree buqer (1) dense (of fruit on kuting, lapuq, mèyèq, >ohi, Datura fastuosa tubung trees) balir >ohor, piq, tia daub pataq, totoq dent kèwèng cut a cord tawi daughter punteri deny ehing cut little by little hèriq daughters of women in the Derris nua cut beams haq clan, and others >ine descend bunuq, doq, turu cut down tual ehoq, >ine utun descend upon bariq cut down brush >iuq dawn, almost bia (1) descent group lelang, suku cut holes in s.t. puraq dawn is breaking nea descent, sharp hoduq cut into small bits hèrè day >eqa (2), haraq (1), loyo desert epeng cut in two baq (1), baqil day after tomorrow luqa deserted mèlèng cut off kètèng, kètèq, kotong, daybreak bia (1) despite age, ake tahaq daytime nihon destitute eren cut off (fruit from trees) dead mate, pèdo destroy èhèr tadiq dead person maten destroyed hawur cut off a bunch tawi dead, which is mateq deviate geqa, pekoq cut off bark hapiq deaf bukeq, èbuq, >ibo >abo device for holding cut off branches hapur deaf and dumb mung meng candlenuts to smash the 722 English – Kedang

shell mohil disaster dotan down there at a medium device for measuring the discard tiwa distance >ole (1) holes in a net dewang discuss tutuq do what? ua (1) device for measuring disease, k.o. lanu do wrong kehe the width of lontar disease, of skin >eteq doze bute leaves nèpi disentangle bake, ohoq dozen losing device for rolling pandanus disgruntled patar drag sosoq (1), teduq, toda leaves laqa disgusted eiq dragon naga device for setting up disgusting eiq draw1 bèdu

thread tanudaq dish lamaq (1) draw2 boraq (2) device for squeezing dish, side >elang draw a breath poho of the lontar palm disintegrate buteq drawers of a table namang stamen >ona disintegrated bènèn (1) (2) devour lèlèn dislike itor draw lines kuang dew apun, aqang disobey >ulaq (1), wulaq draw water ahu diaper kanolar (1) disperse higor, hiroq dream nulur (1) diarrhoea pusuq, retang dispersed baqung (2) dregs uhang dibble hua, sangkul, sakul disposition >oneq dress up >ako die in childbirth hobaq dissolve muha dried by heat turin die out topeq (1) distance, be at a takang (1) dried up ruq (2), karuq (2) different geqa, mieq, napang, distance o.s. lier drift pale peka distend duyuq drill bor diffi cult susa, suya distribute boq drink duhu, in dig aèl, aling, kaèl, kaling, disturb >aheq, ganing, kati, drip muha koroq, laqur kehoq (2) drive away boha, burang, ruti dig earth kokiq ditch maqur (2) drive into the digging stick hua dive hèlèng, hulur ground paher, tèdèr (1) digging stick, long divert beloq drive prey, game together, handled dokaq, nokaq divide bage, baqe, bètè (1), or to a certain dig out bata, holiq, >oliq (1) hiaq place >oha dig out s.t. to throw it away, divide unevenly, not drizzle reteq move it hokil honestly iri drone mèbung dig up doiq (2) divide up without everyone drooping leaves loran (1) dim èpil, èpir, haboq getting a share mokang drop down lawang (1) dip long (2) divided, that which drop in >eduq, siga, sika dip water ahu is baqen droplets of fog mataq (1) dirt ulaq dizzy bueng, hueng, hular, drop s.t. lodung dirt, free of mengar ireq (1), kibo kabo, ueng (2) drum bawa, dang dirt on the body mèdèr do ara, laha (1), laq drum, bronze >ulu (2) dirty buhang, gureng, dock a boat neboq drum, large rabang >iwong, karèmuq, rèmuq, dog >au drum which sounds ulaq, >umuq dogs’ lice mèlè when swayed by the dirty, get s.t. koyong dolphin mokung wind nètoq dirty s.t. limoq, lutang done taqi drunk bahuq, kibo kabo disagree holang do not go too far bèing (1) dry ahang, mayaq, turi disagreement, expression door weloq dry clothing leleng of >èqè, >èqèng dorsal fi n tian (2) dry, feel rèpoq disappear ilang, toiq do simultaneously roe (1) dry in the sun pari (1) disappeared pilang, weting double henang dry s.t. lean (1) disappeared, that which double fl ute nureng, lureng duck1 bebeq

has toin doubtful wang (2), wangen, duck2 rèkung disappear quickly from weng, wing ducks, wild manuq sama view >etaq dove sawe (1) duck to enter uduq, kuduq disappoint iho dove, k.o. spotted olong (2) dugout kalabaq, sapang (1) disappointed kèku, kuyung, dowel tilo dull haboq, kamakuq, monu, mohang down below boleq (1) >umal disapprove >uri down, go bunuq dull-witted balenger English – Kedang 723 dumb balenger, kamakuq eel amang enquire dahang (1) dun tiong eel, saltwater amang enter eu, masoq, uduq dusk >era (1), >èrèng pèhèq eel with fi ns >èbo enter a trap dodang dust lèbuq, rapun, rubu egg tolor entered dèmèr Dutch East Indies egg, louse ihen entire upal, opal Company kupuni eggplant ala bola, bola envelop kapuq Dutch East Indies egg yoke which is still envious pèko (1) government kupuni stuck to a newly hatched epiglottis èqil Dutch wife luen chick kikoq equal tading duty to share (regarding egret manong eradicated rawa (1) produce of land worked), eight buturai, butu eraser kareq (3) free from >oluq eject ding erect batong, hading, mulang dwelling place of an evil elastic laluq, tetaq (1), tung spirit >oka elbow >iqu erection, male modor dwelling place of a elder, he who is an kakan erupt bèhu spirit natang (1) elder male ame Èrythrina, Linn. leaq elders kalake escape lohe, lopa (1) elders, male ame èpu escaped, that which E elephant ear odel has lohen elephant tusk used in escort bele, tameq each di ... di, pahe bridewealth nobol estimation nohiq eagle kaka beang, kabeang, elliptical opang eucalyptus tree ai buyaq manuq laka ruda, manuq laka else, s.t. or s.o. >ahin Eugenia kulu sawa rudang embarrassed kèku evacuate >iriq ear til ember >awaq (2), >eroq even bèdu ear decoration golang, embrace >auq (1), dèpiq, even (of numbers) anaq kolang, nubuq kabuq, kapung evening star >uno, wuno ear of maize attached to a emerge bokur, ebul, hingoq, event nuang (3) larger ear hipen hoal, momol, totor ever dèq, daq ear wax apar emerged nuyan every di...di, pahe earring giwang, nuber (2), emphasizing suffi x -yo evict horiq (1) togeq empty amuq, lomu, mèlèng, evil kehen earrings balaong, laong mètung, obal, oqor (2), exact paheq, tupar earth auq (1), awuq , >ero, tokong examine ebeng, tègèl tana, wero empty out s.t. that has example, good manong earthquake nèyu continuously been exceed liwaq earthworm hala todang, stored dokang excellent >alu todang encircle kole Exceptional Cone boka (1) east timur enclose buel excessive barekeng, liwaq easy gapang, ka (1), kalohung enclosure in a exchange katiq eat a, kinaq, pehang granary nèdèl excited kako eaten by worms muwi encounter raheq exclamation panaqeng eat with the hand taku encounter with the spirit of exclusive ireq (1) eaves wido a dead person kaweq excrement dèruq echo holeq (2), naka (1), encourage with exemplify piring saka (2) words >idiq exhausted hola, hopan, edge lèding end putu meleng edge of a blade mayan (1) ends of hair which have not exit doq edible plant that spreads been tied into a expel burang, ding, horiq (1) across the ground near hair knot pukin expensive welin the shore nide endure hideq, tahang experience raheq edible, tiny larva or worm enemy muqang expert molan, suru living in dead palm energetic lehor explain newar branches lumoq enlarge obor explain clearly aran, arang (2) edible worm with a bright enough bèing (1), hekaq (1), explode bèhu red head and a dark mè (2), mènin express an order takang (2) body tihel enough, not èng expression nute, panaqeng 724 English – Kedang expression of ignorance i fasten by squeezing between Ficus, Linn. danung (2), expression of sympathy bamboo slats pèdè paqung for s.o. who has had an fat opoq (1), woyaq Ficus religosa gudiq accident ua bai fat, liquid >ipu fi eld >alang, bareng, >eqa (1), extend kowa (2), kowal, lor, father ame lumar, tana nateng, sereng, tetar father and his elder and fi eld after it has been extended teleng younger brothers harvested notan extensive buriq and male parallel fi eld, freshly cleared kain extinct rawa (1) cousins ame kang >aring, fi eld, newly opened extinguish hèwoq ame kakang >aring for beans (not for extract bata father’s brother ame maize) moraq (1) extremely rasa father’s sister’s husband fi eld, unworked polang extremities, lower lèin (woman speaking) aqe fi g tree gudiq eye mato father (term of fi g tree, k.o. danung (2), eyebrow oin address) mamaq paqung eyes mato fathom dagang, dakang, fi g tree, k.o., with round dèpè, huq fruits lela banga, banga fatigued pètung fi ght awe, awen, bayuq, laba, F fatty meat woyaq nu (1), >unu fearless miqer fi ght for runing face >anung (1), >awang, pue feast hayaq, hoeq fi ght for what has been (2), wau feathers >urun, wurun scattered (such as sweets face down pèdo, pèq fee matang for children) buri (1) face to face pue (2) feeble losu fi ght, object or reason facilities, lacking obal feed paro of awen facing olong (1) feel >amar, >itaq, paing, fi gure of speech nukung (1) faded luya, wewa poma fi le kanikir, kikir faeces dèruq feel cool because of a fi ll bèi, hore, rèq fairy punteri breeze dihiq, diq (2) fi ll a basin hore faithful neten feel s.t. under one’s body fi ller, interrupting the fall harang (1), hubaq, koqal, when lying down kude sentence while waiting moqang, moruq, oqal, tatang, feel the need run or searching for a turu feel the throat full while word >ini fall, almost tiwiq swallowing nedeng fi ll in loiq fall down koliq, rèhèq female areq fi ll up a hole loiq fall down while being female (of man or fi ll up space kabaq transported titong animals) >inan fi ll up with water heraq fall downwards munung (2) female animal which has fi ll with water letang fall from a slant lou given birth only once fi lling a place and not fall off bolaq (1) or not at all mèluq fl owing loi fall on bariq female animal which fi lter tapi fall on one’s face humoq has not yet given fi lth ulaq fall over from age lubaq birth ronen fi lth in the house and fallen and spread out >alar fence nihe yard rutaq raq fan daing, duq (2), puiq, tapel fertile wiri fi lthy gureng, ulaq fancy sir fertile land biri (3) fi nd out du fan, palm-leaves napel festival hayaq fi ne1 >alu far doa, doaq, lakang, potoq festivial platform basar fi ne2 deda far as bukaq (2) festivity hoeq fi nish inoq, ipu, liung far, s.t. doan, doaq fetch s.o. horaq fi nish a basket, fold under fart >ètèng fetch water ahu the loose ends >èting fast1 ewar, laeq, layu, naiq, fever panan, ruku (1) fi nished bahe, hawur, lèbu, wengin few urang (1) lèpè, pilang, rawa (1) fast2 hideq fez, red songkoq fi nished fruiting moqang fasten bakeq, tawe (4) fi bre, of palm rèki fi nished, not holang fasten a shirt using a fi bre, of sugar palm hoi fi nished, that which pin pètil Ficus benjamina bèu is bahen English – Kedang 725

fi nish food pèling of marriage fl y here and there hir (2) fi re >api, tutung (2) prestations) lemen fl ying fox ara rebeng fi refl y kapo lodo fi x tawe (4), tèdèq foam >uran fi re place consisting of three fi xed mateq foe muqang hearth stones nimaq (1) fl ag tugu, tugul fog is lifting nea fi re, start a dariq fl ame delang, doro (3), >olor foggy aruq (2), >eran, habu fi re stick >ohung fl ame up high tobeng (1) fi re up >idiq fl ank haraq (3) fold balung, baluq, >ènung, fi rewood duqu fl are up delang, >edang kalèpiq, lapiq (1), lèpiq, oleng fi rewood, burnt remains fl ash >engaq, kelang, kelaq, follow dei, dori, dukiq, ikoq, of luteq kilong, kiloq, >olor todu fi rm del, kieq, kiqing, king, fl ash fl ood nahi follow advice doraq manga (1), mateq fl ash of lightening ilaq, follow an order, not hakal fi rm, that which is mangan dilaq, kilaq, nilaq follow a trail pau (1), paung fi rst mulo, pulung fl ashlight sèntèr follow only one’s own fi rst ascending generation fl at kepaq, kalèpiq, lèpiq, wishes pohong pole females of own clan or mipi, miyung, napoq follow s.o. or s.t. to a mèkèr ehoq clan aqe fl at land bai biri particular place to fi rstborn mèkèr fl atten mèqè, miyung, nèiq capture him or it >iku fi rst, be ulo fl avourless èmi (2) following dein fi sh >aning, >iqa, kopel fl avourless, that which fontanelle bubun (1) fi sh bone stuck in the is èmin (2) food luoq, >olon throat, have a dakoq fl aw dihan dahan, dihang foodcover balètuq fi sh, dried teban dahang food crops nuran baran fi sh hook awil fl awless kalohung food, for pigs luta amaq fi shing cord awaq (2) fl ea epi food for travel kanikiq fi shing net, three fl esh >ihin, >ihing, >ihiq food made of maize which sided noqi fl esh (of humans) dadi is fi rst pounded and then fi shing rod betur (1) fl esh, protruding mulu cooked bowo fi sh, k.o. apu (1), >adar, fl oat bao food which has been roasted bèqur, buhu (1), buru gahing, fl oating far yato in bamboo layuq >etang, >èlon, hilaq, io, fl oat on the tide pale fool bukeq iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, fl oats of a net toba foot lèi maqe, mere, oyor, tule fl ood mahil, nahi foothold hudeq fi sh, k.o. blow tutung (1) fl ooded lebo foot of a hill >ubeq fi sh, k.o. poisonous >eto fl oor auq (1), awuq for ara (2), boq, ele (1) batoq, sangiri fl our bong (1), tepong forbid puru fi sh, k.o. shell fi sh riding fl ourish wiri forbid to follow hiko fi sh, k.o. small deraq (1), fl ow kawang, >olur >alur, force doke, gahaq, pakasaq, doniq, kong baluq susur pasaq (2) fi sh, k.o. tiny merang fl ower bungang, puhu, puhun forced labour waqa fi sh poison nua (1) fore, always in the wilor fi sh trap >ere (2), >uwu, fl owering, almost buler forehead wau wuwu fl uid were, weren (2) forest tuen fi sh with a cast net wotoq fl uid from a decaying forested over fi eld tuen fi sh with a hook and corpse which emerges foretell gepar, kepar line taung (1) from the mouth manga forge bawal, libur

fi t1 munung (1), papang (2), paoq forget upe pareq (2), patuq, sosoq (2), fl ung aside because of forgotten, that which tama, tang, tawe (4) grazing the target dohu is upen

fi t2 hular fl ung away hodong form >anung (1), lagu, laku, fi t into a hole wehaq fl ung back hodong nulur (2), rupa fi t planks (as in constructing fl ute, bamboo peku formed, differently ireq (1) a boat) halang (1) fl ute, double nureng, lureng former lelan, nulon fi ve leme fl utter tapar fort nebi

fi ve units (regarding fl y1 baqa, buaq, hea fortunate polaq (1)

the value of items fl y2 ubur fortune eur wali manang, 726 English – Kedang

>utung G gills >ahang foundation lunin, mèi ginger lie four >apaq galangale puyang girl areq fragment pesaq gall pèyun give boq, nateng, ni (1), sèraq, fragmented peaq gallop hokuq sorong fragrant mèngi, ungu, gambier gabeng, kabeng give a base to s.t. latang (1) wangiq game, k.o. betur (2) give as a gift doha, doneng frail mesa, pekon game mancala motiq give a sign by touching s.o.’s framboesia biluq, >uqa games in which things are hand or body keriq frayed rope on the point of kicked senempaq give examples niring breaking lihen game with candlenuts letar give food for a free1 bele, likoq, loq (2), noa, gap between two adjacent departure tatal hewal tong things >alaq (2) give notice tanang (1) free2 >olung gape mange give out baqe freed (from a tie) lehor gaping >inge give up on an aim >ukel free of troubles ahaq gaps, have takang (1) gizzard ebang free, that which is lohen garden lumar glad senang fresh mawin, ubar garlic bawang buyaq glance helar fresh, not wewa gate to the old glare >engaq fried banana sangar village balowe gleam lair friend nerung, nimon, noreq, gather auq, awe, awu, haba, glide >olur >alur, soro reu ahuq (1), muta, >opung, glide (like a snake) loru laru friends, be erung tawu, tubun glitter ilaq, dilaq, kilaq, nilaq friendship, token of soba (2) gathered together, that glue narang (2) friend, who is a reun which is mawun, tawun gluten puluq frighten daqang, haqing, gathering mawu gnat mèmiq >ikir gather that which is spread gnaw puriq frightened bèwiq mèwiq, out bahir go ledo dotoq (1), kèqèr gavel mèngè goad rosiq fringe rewong, rewoq, riwong gebang palm tèbuq go ahead gasuq (1), kasuq frizzy ropoq gecko tekeq go along the edge eteng frog tepa tule, tokoq (1) genealogy koda, wade go around kole front >awang, wau generosity budi goat pakan, witing fruit >ua (2), wua genital area where hair goat meat laqi (1) fruit, containing >uan, grows bonger go back heq wuan genitalia olong (2) go back and forth nudu fruit of the lontar palm auq gentle hèmuq, maman, nede oli moleng (1) God >ala laha tala, laba lia, fruit tree ala bila, bila, kulu genuine nimoq, nimun lia, tuang ala laha tala, tuang bila germ of coconut, etc. èbur ala latala, tuang ala ta ala, fruit tree, k.o. rompo gesticulate genong >ula loyo frustrated mohang get dapaq, raheq, ruten go down bèuq, bunuq, fry lobaq, redang get at s.o. via s.o. or s.t. hèlèng, turu fulfi ll sudi else hetoq (1) go earlier gasuq (1), kasuq full hapo, heur (2), manga get free lohe goes by, which kawen (3), maqar, mègung, mètèq get up hoko (1) goes fi rst, he/she/it nulo (1), pènu gift laqu (1), paraseng go fi rst ulo full as, as tutul gift for which a return will go home koloq full, be >ihi be given later dukaq go in and out secretly luer full, that which is mangan katiq gold weren (1) fully grown paqar gift from the dead mahing gone pilang, rawa (1), toiq fully packed hapo malaq gong gasaq (2), kong (1) furious bekeq, miqer gift to an important person, gong, small kabolu furrow kèku, ruku (2) such as a raja tutu hai gong, sound of dung future tense marker ena Gigantochloa gong which is rarely verticillata bering struck natan giggle tawe (2) gong with a deep mouth English – Kedang 727

and long sides tawa greedy pèko (1), turi gunny sack karong good >alu, diqen, ditoq, >ieq green tange gush pusuq, sirong tuyan, nitoq green gram wewe gutter for collecting water good person as opposed to greet kare, tabeq, tanang (1) or worms noti a witch puhun (2) greet a stranger in the gutter (of roof) nidoq goods hoaq (1) dark >ohe, >oheng goods, cloth from the greet passers by oi (1) Boleng mountain grey haboq H area boleng (1) grief suker goods for sale modal, rawiq grimace mihuq mahuq, hair oteq, uha rongan misuq masuq hair, false mukin go out bukaq (3) grime mèdèr hair on the back of the gore tubaq grind behar head, arrange bule go round buel grinder mehar hairy taleng go too far gasuq (1), kasuq grindstone >eluq half (of s.t. cut gouge out holiq groan of pain or illness idi lengthwise) hidir go up dau grope >itaq, paing half of s.t. lolaq gourd, k.o. edible, green grope in the dark nakaq hamlet lèu, riang (1) coated, white meat ara grope one’s way with a pole hamlet in Lèuwayang edang (3) or cane naheq (2) gourd, small kukaq ground auq (1), awuq, >ero, hammer dèto, dètol gourd used for carrying tana, wero hamper tadan water or lime upaq group >uleng hams of an animal langa grab >eha, èrèq (1), pènè (1) group buying of an animal hand ling (1) grab and shake waiq (2) to be divided and handkerchief palulu grab quickly >èhang eaten duhing handle of a knife nètèq grab with the beak totoq group for cooperative hand over boq, nateng, sèraq grace nimaq (2) work mohing hand reel for skeining gradually paong (1) group of people who go to yarn lawa (2) grain rehaq, tawan sea together to put out a handsome >ieq tuyan, meloq granary ebang net >araq (2) hand s.t. sorong grandfather rian (2), riang (1) grow bita, tawe (1) hang dawil, loleng, retong, grandmother rian (2), grow into a spreading, toreng, wetong, wideng riang (1) tangled mass biling hang down dewel grandparents’ generation grown nuyan hang goods in a public place regardless of sex, term of grown, that which to exhibit them leleng address for bapa (1) has tawen hanging wideng grasp >amir, damiq, >èmèng, growth, new tobeq hang s.t. halaq (2) pènè (1) grub, k.o. edible batel hang straight down polur grass abun, ruq (1), tanga gruel lalaq (1) hang s.t. with a cord over grass, bundle of ahan grumble patar, >uqur the shoulder lilin grasshopper waiq (1) grunt mura >areng, murang hang up leleng grasshopper, k.o. adeng, >areng happen yadi, sadi leba guard ewa, mae, mawaq, paro, happen, not kata (1) grasshopper swatter mehil rutaq, saga, saka (1) happy mayar, senang grate karuq (1), kuriq guardian nimon happy, feel maiq, maiq wèq grater nuriq guardian of the village hard1 lèrè grater, coconut kanaruq gate kapitan dulin hard2 susa, suya gratis >olung guardian spirit rian nimon hardest part >ara graula intermedia guide (s.t.) by swimming hard from being dry mahaq javanensis eor (2) and walking through hard, that which is lèrèn gravel era water bawang (1) harm awang (1), pahang gravestone, Islamic mesang gully èwèng harmonica remba gray rowa gulp >èkur harpoon leho gray mullet meler gum of the teeth pepuq harvest bihar, mihar, nuran grease >ipu gum, vegetable puluq baran, uta great ria gun medil harvest goods mihar 728 English – Kedang haste nehing hem in likaq (1) hoarse robaq (1) hastily kanehing her neq, neqe, neqi, nene hoe laqur, sakul, sangkul hasty speech hele ledeq, herb which is eaten as a hold èrèq (1), kabuq, kapung, petoq patoq condiment, k.o. fragrant lapa (1), muaq, pènè (1) hat peo laka sau hold back tahang hatch tuqi here bèq, naq, noq, soyo hold baskets in a hatched, not yet muqin hereafter ahèraq sling woyong haunted place >oka here are bèq hold by clamping or have koq (1) here is bèq pinching under the have holes (because hit or hers neq, neqen arms diteq speared) lègong hibiscus tree warun (1) hold fi rmly tudel have sexual intercourse iq Hibiscus tiliaceus, hold in one’s fi st butil have to bang (1), musi, musti Linn. warun (1) hold in the palm of one’s hawk kabeang, kaka beang, hiccup èyu hand tobol kaka rian hidden, that which is onin hold of a boat >uaq (2) hazy >era (1) (1) hold on one’s lap lapa (1) he -i, ne, -ne, neti, nèrèq (2), hide boni, bori bawo, emi, hold one’s breath moqer ni, nuo hiqur, >iqur, >iriq, oni, hold out, able to hoder head rodang, tubar tudeq hold s.t. so that it does head cloth nodeng hide above (on a rack, not return to its initial head decoration >era (2) etc.) doqang position tukoq head, former, of hide by stooping leku hold up with a stick todeq Kedang rian baraq hide in one’s fi st butil hole aqar, bakur, lèdèq, lèhiq, head for ui hide or store s.t. in the >uoq, wuoq (2), wèlong head of a fi shing party bela shrubbery huwer holed bèqol waeng, bela waeng wala hide or wrap s.t. in a hole, make a boqi heal mohoq (3), moleng (2), cloth lowoq hole occupied by an tohoq (2) hide s.t. in clothes or a hair octopus wèlong healthy hange, hanger, lenge bun hèwil hole, small kuhiq heap bongaq, boran (1), lutur, high kikiq, laqi (1), lewar (2) hollow kepiq, kèwèng mongaq, motel, otuq, >omo high above, towards a homage poan heap up lotaq place hobu homeland >eqa (1) hear banger (1), dèngèr, high and pointed tongaq honour adaq, hora mata, wenger banger (1) tangaq padang heart >oneq hill boteq (1), nataq, wolor hook >akiq, >ileq (3), nakiq, hearth lia matan hilt >olen nangiq, ongaq, sangiq hearth stones nimaq (1) hilt of a knife nètèq hooked ateq, >akiq, >eti, heat darang (1), wana (1) him nene kateng, kateq heat of the sun in the hinder tadan, tikol hoop kupa ground ala luaq, ai luaq, hindquarter ebon hop kotel luaq hindrance ikol, nadan, nikol hope nèin heat s.t. before straightening hinge >ongan hope, expression of la (2) it or bending it dayang hip, inside of the tala (1) hope that s.t. or s.o. will heat up wana (1) his neq, neqe, neqi, nene return roing heat up food hanar, wanar history, traditional >usul horns woiq heaven èlèng, >ula loyo >asal horse kuda, sarang (1) heavy baraq (1) hit awang (1), bating, bèngè, hot darang (1), muq, pana heavy, rather neweq nènè, paluq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, hot (of path), too ala luaq, heddle, string gurung tèqè, walaq (1), wataq ai luaq, luaq heed doraq, tègèl hit hard danaq hot (of spices) lati heel dèro hit s.o. bawar hot, sharp (of spices), height narang (1) hit the mark paheq that which is latin held up manga (2) hit the target hot, s.t. panan hell naraka exactly manang (1) hot, very laraq help pohing hit with a long stick depal hot water which has cooled help a friend in a (2) somewhat polan fi ght hipaq hitting, sound of bung house huna, wetaq English – Kedang 729 house, k.o. rongoq, wongoq in spite of age, ake, masi surprise behe house post lili in the condition of bèq interspersed walaq (2) how ara bone incense kameyang intoxicated bahuq how many, how much pie incident nuang (3) intoxicated with betel lobe howl boang, boreng, >ere (1) incite rosiq introduce in order to hug >auq (1) incite to fi ght hope raise >awe (1) hull balaq incline, gentle lena Intsia retusa ipil humiliate >uri incline one’s head baeq invade dèkur hundred ratuq (1) income nanin invisible toi hung toreng, retong, wetong increase henang, ketang, invitation to hung by a cord doreng taling, tulung ancestors maran hungry owan indeed memaq invite >ameq (1), doha, hitiq, hunt derung indefi nite amount wai ßlata hurl with a sling petir indifferent buye invite s.o. to come in with a hurried loyang lakiq indigo nile, taung (2) waving gesture taping (1) hurry nehing indistinct aruq (2) invulnerable kotiq (1) husk amaq (1), kaheq individual parts of a iron >olaq husk, maize kalauq bunch witu iron for striking fl int luli Hydrocotyle individually pahe iron-wood tree reho sibthorpioides bara pehiq infertile obal island nuha infertile land wohor isolate baki, dèkèng, >ewang infested doran isolated ingiq, noan I infi rm bayol, pekon it -i, ne, -ne, nene, neti, nèrèq infl amed bètèr (2) (2), ni, nuo I >ei, >eqi, ko, eti, èrèq (2), infl uential person oin it appears that wèqè paq -u, -ku inform loeng itch katel, kawaq (1), puroq I will ena inhale dihil, duyeng its neq, neqe, neqi if ama, bang (1), ere (2), kalu, inland wela (1) la (1), mepe insane kamunger, munger if perhaps wèqè paq insect meqo, ubur J if so mepe insect, k.o. moda, muhuq ignite delang insert doleq, hèkiq, hiki (2), jambu kulu sawa ikat (tied) designs in >iher, sèkiq Java sawa cloth mowaq inserted hikeq, hokeq Javanese sawa ill lae insert into s.t. dèkiq javelin nubaq ill, feel ruku (1) inside laleng, >uhe jaw, lower imen, imeq illness rèqè inside out >ulaq (2) jelly fi sh lateng illness accompanied inside the earth >uhe Jew’s harp edang (1) by inner sticking insipid èmi (2) Job’s tears leye pains moyang insipid, that which is èmin join dauq, dèning (1), èpuq imagine eqing (2) (1) imbecile balenger inspect kengo, lekeq, paresaq, joint1 hama imitate doriq, holeq (2), >ulu (1) joint2 >ongan, woq piring install nikaq, likaq joke pade immature tange instruct ayar jug kuhi immerse bèwaq, >èlèng, instruction nahaq (2) juicy, be were lèbèq, long (2), tèmèq insuffi cient èng jump hetuq, kotel, opel, opoq immune kotiq (1) insult pake (2) (2), poti Imperata cylindrica >uru insult s.o. by distorting the jump up/out hoal imprison dèkèng mouth mukeq just >ehaq, hèq, kohaq improve >ahe intend haqing, kahin (2), just mentioned wa, ba, na, in laleng laleng we, ya in a lateral direction boyoq intend bad kadu just now nang, nangan, nape, in addition hènèq intensity, expression of nu napo in case of wèqè paq (2) just taken napun in order ditoq, diqen, nitoq interior >iwan, >iwang jut out soyong in order to ma (1) interjection expressing 730 English – Kedang

K L leader rope for tying a goat welong Kaempheria galanga heur (1) lacking kèpuq, lomu lead ulo kapok tree kapo lacking decoration onu lead on a line teduq kapok tree, k.o. puqu ladder dera (2) leaf lepaq (2), lolon Kedang edang (2) ladder, bamboo rabaq leaf-sheath of the areca Kedang mountain >Uye laden with fruit balir palm used to wrap a Lèwun, >Uyo Lèwun ladle kayong corpse roaq rawaq keep lamang lagoon laleng leaf, small dolor keeper of a place lama lame kehong, koheng, rade leaf spine used to stick keep for oneself atiq lament kareq (2) slices of areca nut keep quiet about s.t >èkèq lamp lapur, padu together nubi (1) keep s.t. in the lance kal leaf stopper for a bamboo mouth mèmèl land auq (1), awuq, >ero, container or earthenware keep s.t. to age or neda, nera, tana, wero jug meran (1) ripen buq land exposed by the leafy >onge kernel tawan, uluq tides wohor leak kètiq, lodo (2) kettle sereq land remaining unworked lean tedaq kick hèdèq, lèkor, sedoq, after a period of lean against hedang, ledang sempaq, sepaq communal work on the (1), moboq, tuda, tudeq kick a fruit in a fi elds >iqung, hiqung leap hetuq, opel, opoq (2)

game behuq landslide noloq (1) leave1 tong kid that does not want to be land spirits neda leave2 wakaq (1), >akaq fed by its mother hobing landwards boliq (2), wayang leave an inheritance panang kidneys ehuq, èrèq (3) (1) leave behind epeng, nope kill awang, >ohor language kariq, nariq (1) leaves lolon kill an animal bèloq lap pung leaves, old repaq kill small animals by large >oang, ria, wang left weri pressing with a knife large bat., k.o. miqi naga leftover awa, nalan, nalaq, blade or fi nger nail lèwi large fl at hexagonal basket nehang, raing kindle tutung (2) which may be used for leftover matter kuhing kinds, all nireq sifting rice liwang (1) leg lèi king raya large goat with long lemon grass rotan, >uru kiss miqen horns pakan mèngi knead >ikuq, kiwoq, udul large rat with a long tail length matching a certain kneel kudul with a white tip uq (3) measurement huq knife mèiq, opeq, pisoq large, s.t. rian (1) lengthwise tami knife, long fi eld haur larva otil leprosy ai rapun knock dètol, dèto, nètol (1) lash rapu lessen lora (1) knock or butt the head last dei, dein, mueng (1) lest boiq (1) against a table or last breath èyu let wakaq (1), >akaq wall lèduq last night numen, lumen let know tanang (1) knock out of the later, a little mahara letter suraq hand siduq laugh tawe (2) let us (do s.t.) manu knock over lataq, rèpè laugh loudly heler level1 dan knock with a stick lèluq law hukung level2 milir knot dogel (1), nuyung lawsuit parakara level below this knot, interlaced >eti lax hon earth ahèraq know bisa, lalang, nuan, lay an egg bua, tolor levels of a basket namang tada, ui lay down puli (2) know how nuan layer lapiq (1) lever nitoq (1), noing know, not >ea, >eqa (3), layer of a bees’ nest malaq lever up doing, hitoq kaiq (1) layers, form dalong (1) liana, k.o. luar, ritiq (1) kris kere layers of stone dolu lice utu (2) lazy metu, pakoq, pokaq, pou lice, chicken mèwo

lead1 mulo lice, clothes tumoq

lead2 tameq lice, dogs’ mèlè English – Kedang 731 lick dile listen banger (1), dèngèr, look right enge lick food remains from the wenger banger (1) look up to tomo side of the mouth pelaq listen to tomo loose doyung, hon, leka, loq (1) lit, be (of fi re) bita (2), nala, noa, oq lid balètuq, matan litter1 likan, nete loosen bake, èhèq, hèpuq, loa lid of a pot tanangul litter2 rutaq raq (1), mowar, nala, noa, ohoq, lie akal, pade little >odeng, urang (1) puheq, towar lie across latang (2) little, a hara, ite (1), iter, loosened gasuq (2) lie athwart mapaq (1) >iheq, >ieq (1), >iseq, kite loosened, that which lie down lena little, very kileng has loaq lie in wait leku live1 bita lop off robong lie on one’s back enga, live2 puaq lord tuang lenga lively rame lose form mèlèng lie on one’s stomach dapar liver >aten, taqen (2) lose one’s way hidung lie on top of each living, the bitan lose track of mèlèng other harang (1) living things bitan loss pahang life murun lizard tuan (3) lost hibol, hibong lift bitiq, bitur, bituq (1), lizard, k.o. scaly oun lost from sight weting bokar load hoyoq, muaq, noèl, loud kako, nèbèq, ningor, lift an object to ascertain its noyoq repoq (2) weight >atar, >ataq load, very heavy biking louse utu (2) lift and throw wail bokong love kiol, roho, sayang, sita, lift higher dote locust ioq sobaq lift in unison bitiq locust tree tulur love magic >oneng >ahiq lift out doiq (2), dokil loft madaq low lere, weheq lift s.t. hoqi loin cloth tariq low down boleq (1) lift s.t. so as to show lonely neweng lower èdol it teteng long lawa (1), tonan, wengeq lower, make rèkèq lift the edge of a sarong (as long for botan, eqing lowland boleq (1), dèlèr when urinating) haiq long for revenge nèngoq low, that which is wehen lift up batong, bitiq, bote, long (of distance, low, that which is doiq (2), dokil, hoqi time) doa, doaq still rowaq lift with the snout humoq long (of time) hèqè, lela loyal neten light1 niho, >olor long rice mortar with lubricate behaq light2 ahaq two or three stamping luck eur wali manang, light up niho bowls kadena >utung light, resplendent display long, that which is lawan lukewarm muq, polan of nado lontar leaf oro (1) lump bopoq, mopoq, >opo light weight ahaq lontar palm koli (2), oro lunge duruq lightning kèdung, kilong, (1), tuaq lungs pako kiloq, naru look boraq (1), tepi like1 hebaq, sir, sukaq (1), look away hobong toher look back enge M like2 namo look by stretching the like, not itor neck moaq mad kamunger like that namè, mèmè, namè look for haba, sapang (2), sari made from daiq mè, namo mè, naqmè, namo, look for s.o. hawar maggot miroq paqa look for s.t. nudu nede magic, black seher, sehar lime >apur (1) look from an elevated magic, love >oneng >ahiq limit nanga spot molong maiden >inan limpet etiq look in all directions helor maize watar line letar, nuang (2) halor maize, boiled bangaq (2) line, in a letar, piding, polung look into a bowl of maize, crushed hengan linked >eti water to see who maize, ear of ongon lip wiwir was guilty of causing maize, tassel of roda (2) liquefy >iwor misfortune pasang wèi make laha (1), laq, tulaq liquid, become muha look left enge make a mark as a sign nata 732 English – Kedang make holes in bamboo measure gatang, hueq, katang, kehoq (1), walaq (2) through which to tie a nueq, soba (1), tibang, ukur mix liquids baur cord horoq (1) measure for palm mix old and new palm make level >eleq wine awaq wine hakol (1) make use of ara (1) measure of volume for mix pepper and spices lame male ebe, laqi (2) items of marriage mix with ash pau (2) male animal laqin (2) prestations munaq (3) moan dareng dareng, >ere male bird or fowl lalung (1) meat >ihin, >ihing, >ihiq (1), nahing male erection modor meat of the young coconut moan of pain or illness ido, male siblings, term of fruit >ulur (1) >ido address for woman nare medicine mule (1), mulea mock s.o. indirectly hetoq (1) medicine, give balo (1) males, term of address for medicine used to cleanse, model lagu, laku, rupa older >amo k.o. kula pawo moist mawin mallet mehi, mehir, naka (1), meet haraq (2), ruang moisten lang (1) nalu, saka (2) meet unexpectedly hoko (2) moko, Alorese >ulu (2) man >ata, >atan, >ataq, ebe, ta meeting mawu molest ganing, kehoq (2) man’s sarong lipaq, nowin meeting house without moment, for a naiq mancala motiq walls warong Momordica, Linn. aparia mango pèu meeting place of two money doiq (1) mangrove kawakaq winds balikung monitor lizard rèti mangrove tree, k.o. hule melt muha, nehal monkey luka leki many >ata, >ataq, damaq, mention ae monsoon musing kayaq (1), rai, raiq, rèiq, ta merchants, travelling papa moon >ula, wula mark bunga, lala (2), tada lele more hara, >ilaq, ka (3), lebe market >ul, wul mercy apong, apung more...the more, the mete... marriage category mahan merely piling mete marry doho merged, not lohung Morinda citrifolia botan marsh >opaq, paeq merry rame lore, lore massage >amiq, heuq, poloq messy riko rako Moringa oleifera motong mast puan metal >olaq morning >èyèng masticate kuluq (1), mataq (2) metal prong of a fi shing morning star lia masticate food for arrow tupun mortar, rice kadena, >upeq infants mamoq metals, precious matan mosque masingkiq, mansikiq mat ohan mean mosquito hèpun mat made of bamboo atar metaphor nukung (1) mosquito larvae otil mat made of palm middle ayaq, nuba, puhe (1) moss apa (3) leaf napa milk tu mother (term of address) mat used to wrap a mill behar >ino corpse riaq lawaq, roaq millet wereq mother of an illegitimate rawaq million maliong child howan match1 munung (1), pareq mine koqi, koqo, koqon mother, the category which (2), sosoq (2), tama mirror linong includes ine match2 gèruq miserable melaraq mount tang match in measurement ka misfortune dotan, rèqè mountain >ili (2) misfortune, expression of mountain, back of >uhuq material used to start a satisfaction at s.o’s dikeq mountains >iwan, >iwang fi re nariq (2) miss aim ètèr mountains, in the wela (1) matter (soil, stones, grass) missing kèpuq, toiq mourn >ireng with which a hole is miss narrowly hipur mouse tiu fi lled moran mistake kehe, ètèr mouth nunu may >e (2), dapaq mistaken >ale (1) mouth hole wowo may it happen >e (2) mix daur, dawur, hoq, kehoq move >ayoq, baqung (1), bokar, maybe boiq (1), >ea, >eqa (1), waur dèyu, dopeq, dosor, edaq, egeq, (3) mix cold and hot >edoq, hekol, kedong, mekol, me >eko, >eqi water hèdol, sèloq odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, sosoq meal bong (1) mixed daur, dawur, hoq, (1), waeng (1) English – Kedang 733 move about doyung neck bones kanobang now mete, noq, naq, ratang move and shake s.t. so as to necklace >aba, bang (2) (1), ratong (1) free it betul needle batur move away nope needle for weaving a move because not fi rmly net nuhuq O planted biyung bayung needle used in weaving move eyelids rèmiq basketry nèwung oar wahi move from one place to neglect epeng oath pasataq, supa another dorong nervous neoq nalar obedient neten move quickly soro nest >awaq (1), bou (1) obey dei, dukiq, ikoq move rice grains, maize nest, insect lelu >ula loyo object, unfamiliar >awai kernels, etc. with the net >alaq (1) object used to press hands to another net, caught in a nieq with mitan place bawoq net, fi shing pueq obligation >utang move slowly sodoq net making needle nuaq obscure >eran, èpil, èpir move, wriggle in order to (2), nuwaq observe lekeq, tègèl free o.s. when held begor new wèru observe by stealth leku movements eko daka new, that which is wèrun obstacle nadan moving, always lehor newborn child muhun (2) obstacle, be an tikol much damaq, maqar, rai, raiq news ganepar, kanepar obstacles, many huqu haqa much, too rehi, rehing next to dereng obstruct mapaq (1) much, very rasa nice >alu, diqen, ditoq, nitoq obstruction ikol mucus apar, oraq (2) nick >èhing ocean tahiq mud >opaq night uben Ocimum bassillicum awa daqa mud dobber tuki >atang night bird, which is said to octopus meneng, nunang, muddy buhang be an evil spirit (lit. palm oba murder awang wine bubbles) tuaq octopus, giant >ara bora mudslide noloq (1) woloq octopus ink >uraq (1) mushroom, k.o. ruha tilun night, last numen, lumen octopus, small laruq, laq mussel, k.o. arang (1) nine leme >apaq laruq must bang (1), musi, musti, no ama, >anung (2), to, ton (1) odd (of numbers) nehang paq (4) no particular dawaq, dèwoq odour nuhu mustache imu nod >adong, nadong, piqur, odour, body >èwè my ko, koq, koqi, koqo radong offer doha myna bird beong, lingir nod in agreement nadong offer a betel dish wayaq nod with sleepiness naduq offering poan node woq offering to the ancestors N noise, boisterous ritiq before a meal maran rawaq, ritiq ria offer one’s thougthts tuwo nail urung (1) noise like a cricket ioq often ramaq ramaq, siring, nail s.t. tètèq noisy dèmul, kako, mura, sing nailed kèdèq murang, nèbèq, ningor, rame, oil >ipu naked abon, loku, pela, repoq (2) oil on swollen parts of the pengar noisy cackling reqang body, put hot >èdèng name ae, naya, >oliq (2) noisy sound >uwung old lelan, >oqing, roqong, tara name, give a hekaq (3) none tokong (3), tua (2), tuan (2), turi name, substitute kanaher nonsense mura, murang oldest child mèkèr nap bute nose ning old (of lontar palms) èdèr (1) narrow garipoq, >ipeq, not ama, >anung (2), ohaq, old leaves which break easily karipoq, lubiq oaq, to, ton (1) when pressed rikuq naughty puha (1), putaq not…but… paq (3) old, that which is taran nauseating eiq notch palaq on bè, ba navel puhe (1) notebook kayer one deuq, nimoq, >udeq near dehiq, deniq, nehiq, tubi not there tokong one by one natan neat mida not, do kara onion bawang putuq neck adung, bongan (3), not yet nau only >ehaq, hèq, kohaq, >uli (1) nothing left lèpè sandiri 734 English – Kedang ooze kètiq owl, k.o. oro bèng parry hobol open akil, bake, bakil, biloq, own sandiri part >ale (2), >apan, baki, bukaq (1), hoe, mohoq (1), owned by him, that which baqe, baqen, bètè (1), bètèn, mowar, newar, pengar, towar is neqen >ewang, kèrèq (1), metaq, open a knot by cutting it owner nimon, wala >umen with a knife latar oyster ime, nèlèq part of s.t. lolaq opened bala (2) oyster shell nimang participate dèning (1) open eyes wide bèlong, parts malaq golang, kolang pass latang (2) open ohoq P pass a belt through belt opening matan loops lori opening from which smoke Pachyrrhizus erosus, pass by hakal, hiba issues roda (1) Urban kepa passes, that which kawen open, wide mange package botaq, motaq, natun pass s.t. from hand to opponent lawang (2) packed del, mègung hand galola, kalola oppose holeq (3), lawang (2), paddle bahi, bayang, wayang past hiba >ulaq (1), wulaq (2) past the meridian hepaq opposite pareq (1), >ulaq (2) paid lèpè paste pataq oppress niaya pain from a burn hile, roa patch tabal or paq (2) painful, feel ladeq path lala (1) ordeal to determine who is paint >ida patola katipa telling the truth tobu pair >eq, maliq, mapang (1), patrol potololi order1 hoing, lata, pareta, moliq, munaq (2) patter aqal >uda paired imang (2) pay pati order2 uang palate angor pay attention ebeng, tègèl order, in mida pale haboq, wewa payment, press for tiong order s.o. to do s.t. ata palm fi bre rèki peace dame orderly mida palm leaf rib used as a peace offer soba (2) ordinary pahain toothpick nèliq peak >ubuq organise a palm leaf, spine of luri pebble era distribution >odung palm wine tuaq peck totoq organiser of a fi shing palm wine, consolidation peel bia, bie (1), hapiq, har, party bela waeng, bela from makal, mahun kaheq, kiri, tahing waeng wala palm wine, container peeled lehor, luqang, wara origin >asal (1), >ayal for nodang peel off the skin of a orphaned iden (1) palm wine, measure fruit bingeq other >ahin, mieq, napang, for awaq (1) peep helar, piloq palan, weqen palm wine pump mupuq peer tepi ouch idoq palm wine rest in bamboo peg tilo our (ex) keq, keqe, keqi container nukel peg in bamboo our (in) teq, teqe, teqi pan gawali platform >uleq ours (ex) keqen pan pipes, double >uri sele pegs at either end of the ours (in) teqen pandanus padan roof of a granary which outrigger >eler (1), waqan pandanus, k.o. tiuq secure the ‘bariq’ nowoq outside bukaq (3), maqur (1), pandanus leaf used as a rain pelt kakaq (1), kidaq, loq (1) obi, woren cape laqan, tiuq pendant bang (2) outsider napang pant hèng penetrate boruq oval opang pants deko peninsula lewang (1) over lèpè papaya waya penis >uti overcast nabaq, oweq paper kurenta people >ata, >ataq, ta overfl ow haoq (1), heur (2), paralyzed >opor per cent paraseng kabaq parcel motaq perch ele (2), halaq (1) overgrown kowoq parcel (gift for the dead perforated lèhiq overloaded biking bokong spirits) nahun perforated, not nuq overripe bènèn (1), hèbèl pardon apong, apung perhaps boiq (1), >ea, >eqa overtake hakal, hiba, ketang parentless neweng (3) overturn baqung (1), bokar parrot moruq >uan permitted, not iri English – Kedang 735 person with a large place for hanging maize to bitter >ure body oin dry haeq planted dèmèr persuade >itung, koli (1), place hiding a trap mèpèl plate lamaq (1), pènè (2), ode place near Atanila wowon pingan phlegm nuaq (1), oraq (2) place new leaves on the plate, earthenware parou, pick bihar, holaq, mupeq, edges of a path so perou muta, puleq, puleng, uta that game walk into a plate made from a pick by breaking off boliq trap nèpèl fruit niaq (1) place of residence neing plate, pentagonal, made pick by hand uta place on the lap pape from lontar palm pick off balaq place or insert under leaf >ileq (2) pick out wang (1), wangen dust bèwol platform for a banquet pick the remains of food, place outside to cool with or feast, large dirt from s.t. hèliq dew papun bamboo lagang, lakan pick up bitiq place over the shoulder and platform in a boat, small pick up in order to fasten at the opposite bamboo bana raise >awe (1) side likaq (1) play >ayung, baramaing, pick with the hand upeq place s.t. at an angle tedal huang piece bètèn, kèrèq (1), nihiq, place s.t. on a board or play a percussive nuteq stone to cut it hadang, instrument dang, hoqol pierce bakeq, boruq hadaq play around kati pierced lèhiq place separately benar plead tudi piercing chest pain, place, that sobeq please daq (1) have dakoq place to wait for birds, deer, pleased mayar pig wawi pigs nebi pleased, feel maiq, maiq wèq pig food luta amaq place where the cloths and pleased with, be hebaq pigeon udang mat of a corpse may be pledge bayar, gade, gerang pigeon, small wall ila wai placed rauq Pleiades popoq (1) pile bongaq, hubiq, lutur, place where the rains may plenty maqar mongaq, motel, otuq, >omo be made to come nu pluck bihar, >èmèng pile stones on s.t. lutur nèyèng pluck off with the nails iteq pile up rubbish horan placenta kaboteq, nahaq rian plump opoq (1) pillow luni plain1 onu plunder >èhing pin panètil plain2 lagang, lakan plunge lèbèq pin for knot of hair >ureq plait doleq, liwang (2), wan plural >ata, >ataq, ta pinch1 dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, (2) pocket nawal >ereq, >èmèng, iteq, kimuq, plan bading (1), kahin (2) poem >uri sele

kipeq, lèhèq, tumiq plane dodang, hapiq, haq, point1 tuben pinch2 >èhing sakap point2 lewang (1) pinched doling, doliq plank >aran, nobol point at kareq (1), niong pineapple pana paong plank at side of boat nalang point at s.t. nurung pipe nupeng plant miwaq point out tuben Piper betel, Linn. mal plant young plants heloq pointed dèyèq, èruq pith >ara plant hairs, small tehang pointed (bamboo) pith of coconut, etc. èbur plant, k.o. awa daqa, biru, stakes toyaq pity kasiang heur (1), tuaq loran, tubung, poison hokor, tua (3) pity, exclamation of eroq >unuq poke dokur, horuq, tokaq place >eqa (1), hering, keran, plant, k.o. creeping ape pole nobol, noreng, paheng, nataq, papang (2), >uliq boyang tanukoq, tuqul place a corpse in a plant, k.o. thorny tehang pole for carrying noèl tree leda plant seed in weedy pole for drying (clothes, place above dokeq ground dèwor fi sh, etc.) nekal place across tekal plant that resembles a poles for securing a place covered by sedge grass coconut tree, k.o. tuan loom kadayang or weeds mowoq taq poles in the roof nuar, nubu place, elevated laqin (1) plant, the bark of which is poles in the roof to which place for eating rawa (2) used to make palm wine the roofi ng is tied nawel 736 English – Kedang poles running left and right pregnant, that which provided that >asal (2) in the roof securing the is muhon provisions kanikiq ‘nawel’ rèpèq (2) preparations to parry, pry >oliq (1), piloq polish behaq, haruq hit hekaq (2), eko daka pry out tokil poor eren, melaraq prepare sadia pry out of a hole koker pop pèhuq prepare s.t. for s.o. sadang Pterocarpus indica ai nare, popcorn muhu, muhun (1) prescribed marriage nare (2) populations subject to the category (e.g. pudding lalaq (1) raja of Larantuka demon mother’s brother’s puddle >ipoq >apoq, tongoq populations subject to the daughter) mahan puff up hubong, obor raja of Adonara payi prescriptions, puffed up bowar, obong porch madaq ceremonial >ahar (1) pull beq, boraq (2), dera (1), porcupine tutung >otan presently mete rahiq, wadoq porpoise mokung press >amiq, >ènèq, >ikuq, pull a boat ashore >èruq porridge lalaq (1) lèhèq, lèsuq, lusaq lèsuq, pere, pull a hand snare loraq portion bètèn peruq, pèmèq, >uruq pull a net into a possession which may not press against the boat namiq be further divided >oluq chest barun pull in nèiq possibility ratong (1) press forward duruq pull off iteq possibly >ea, >eqa (3), lo press, k.o. >ona pull out bata, bèko, >oliq (1) post lili press tight dèpiq pull out of a hole doke postpone an pressure tènèn (1) pull out whiskers dumiq appointment >oriq pressure, inside >uko (1) pull quickly >èhang pot payang, uyeng previously nulon pull s.t. down laweq pot for roasting price welin pull s.t. off its base or maize wihang, wihaq priest molan stem poruq pot, large kuhi, tayong priest, Muslim imang (1) pull s.t. toward o.s. laweq pot, stand for nalo prison bui (2) pull, sudden dudang pound bongaq, dèqèr (2), proceed ulo pull to the side heaq oluq, rahaq (1), tèlèr, tipaq, procession parisang pull towards o.s. baweq tutu (1), wokul (1) procreate tibul pull weeds èir pound grain bae prod dokur, horuq, tokaq pump, for palm pound a second time deraq prod, a noruq wine mupuq (2) prohibit maren, puru pump with a suction pound carefully lita prohibition putting pump pupuq pound maize in a hurry prohibition, place a sign pumpkin telar babal of bulung pupil moriq (1) pound maize kernels after prohibition, sign of mulung, pure ilin soaking them to remove nading purely piling the outer shell ahal promise bayar, >èlu, nakang purpose guna, kuna pour bèi, hore, luruq, pihing promised, that which purr mèbung pour, last bunung is >èlun pursue dèhuq pour over paoq (1) promontory lewang (1) pus apar, nanan pour water over bèwaq, prop nedang, nodeq, nukoq, pus, sticky iqir tèmèq tukoq push >ènèq, >obang, >uruq powder, face wedaq property belaya, balaya push back holong power, add wadang protect hapang, haqa, >iriq, push each other >eban powerful kuasa libur, likoq, mae, mawaq, push to the side >eban powerful, very wadang saga, saka (1) put hering, keran, puli powerless pèdo protect from danger oling put down pulin pox, small nuren protect from the heat of the put food on a fl at practitioner molan sun >owa ceremonial stone huqi praise ahi protection nebi put in hoyoq, papang (2), rèq pray sabayang, sambeang protrude horong, hoyong, put in or take out s.t. precise bètuq, pareq (2), tupar kongar through a hole lokong pregnant haqang, muho protruding homong put into s.t. dawal pregnant (of animals) lu (2) provide sadang put on bulu, logeq, lokeq English – Kedang 737 put on a ring or rattle lekar regret kèlèn, roho bracelet bawang (2) rattle when shook >ekal reinforcements nara (3) put one’s hands into a hole ravine, large kawa reject >anung (2), daeq to get s.t. loki ravine where the wrappings relationship waden put out hèwoq of a corpse may be hung relative, distant neheq put rice seeds into the up rauq release bele, eaq, lahaq earth hiling ray lair release a support èdol put s.t. at an angle tedal ray fi sh pari (3) release of s.t. tied (such as put things down without reach bukaq (2), ruten in a snare) adal order huqu haqa reach a place ruang released pèsol put together papang (2) reach out >oda, woda released as a prop èdol put up s.t. with split read basa (1) released from a catch etang bamboo kedaq real nimun remain ian putrid buruq rear hereng remainder awa, >ahin rear part ebon remaining ramaq reason wangun remains of food at a place Q rebuke rèkèng or festival uteq receive hen, hodi, liwun, remember eqing, >ingaq, quack wake (2) liwuq, todi kèlèn quail boreq (1) receive a burden, remember s.o. with quail, k.o. manuq dapar task, responsibility affection tungen quarrel awe, nu (1), >unu unexpectely homeng remove bata, hèpuq, puheq quarrelsome hele ledeq, receive a favour todi remove fi sh from a petoq patoq receive from above todi net loqing quick ewar, laeq, layu, wengin receive livelihood from the remove s.t. from a hole quiet ere (1), ilin, nueng dead ancestors mahing using a pick doker quiet place (like in the malaq remove the outer skin palaq shadow of a tree) >owa receive s.o. horaq repair oling recently nang, nangan, nape, repair s.t. dented or napo bent tèdè R recently emerged nuyan repay nalan, pati recite poetry or verse to repeat bawaq radiate lair, tado express one’s love hureng repeatedly horiq (2) rain >uya (1) replace katiq, kelung rain drops lèring, reteq recover bala (3), lenge, reply holo, tali, tapan rain water, collect liwuq, moleng (2) report gepar, kepar, niring liwun, toti rectify moling request dahuq, èhèng, naku, rainbow nado recuperate lenge >uda rainworm todang red kanang, korong, meran request forcefully latuq rainy season waraq (2), putuq requirement saraq raise1 bitur, bituq (1) red welts from being residue awa, >ahin, nehang raise2 hereng, lamang, mawaq, whipped >ulur (2) resin getaq, nanan, padu paro, rutaq redeem tèwu resist >ulaq (1), wulaq raise up dote refi ned >alu resistance nolong, tolong raised, that which is paron refl ection >onin resolve a case putu random, at dawaq, dèwoq refl ections of a sparkling resounding sound reku (2) rank pangkaq object >atur (2) respect adaq, padang rare nareq (1), natan refl exive marker wèq (2) respond tali rasp kanaruq, karuq (1) refusal >èqè, >èqèng responsibility, take tagong rat tiu refuse daeq, ehing rest1 hana, oler ling, poho rat defl ector lawen refuse to speak to each rest2 hudeq rat, k.o. large uq (3) other buye rest3 raing rattan wei region nataq rest on moboq rattan band protecting region below the old village restless patar an elephant tusk from on the beach duli, dulin restrain hobol breaking aruq (1) region outside the village on restricted in movement rattan, thick >ua (1) the two sides narang (1) because too long tudaq 738 English – Kedang restriction puting fruit reoq fi re >ohung restrictions, rippled hokal rub betel quid as a medicine ceremonial >ahar (1) rise bohor (1), eu, hoko on the chest and result of dividing baqen (1), keu stomach duaq retain for oneself atiq rita tree ite (2) rub hair peda retaliate nalan river bank >ubeq rub in haru retreat pewang river eel mèkèl (1) rub the anus with a stone return bale, balen, beloq, river snake mèkèl (1) after excreting >ilu kolo, koloq, puer rixdolar pataka rubber kareq (3) return for bridewealth in road lala (1) rubbery mamel the form of cloth topeq roar boreng , >ere (1) rudder >uli (2) rewaq roast >èhèng, heiq, paq (1), ruined rèhuq (1) return, in bale tun (1) rumpled lukuq lèkuq return to health bala (3) roast in an open fi re danar run bèyèng, bèyong reveal a secret loeng roast maize kernels henga run down totor revenge nawen roast s.t. inside a rung of a ladder >awiq reverse baleq, baliq (2), bamboo dayuq runoff after a rain >oyang batong, huneq, koloq, puer rob >èhing rupiah >urupia reverse lenga rock1 rètu, waq rush, in a loyang lakiq reversed language tambaleq rock2 >eyoq rust wiring reversed, that which rock cliff liang rustle kamar is lengan rock to sleep ledeq rusty wiring revile >uri rocky ground paraq, pureq revive dariq rod, fi shing metur rib haraq (3) roll hele, kodol, kolar, koleq, S rice anen, aneng kolo, kolor, legang (1), lulun, rice cooked in a waling sabre huriq (1) small coconut leaf roll down lou sack nawal package kaleso roll s.t. hele sacred kemer rice fl our tepong roll up kopol (1), luen sacred place >oka rice plant anen, aneng roof kèhing, nèhing sacrifi ce poan rice steamer nome roof, of mouth angor sad tureng rich kawasa, kuasa, noren, roof, the two narrower sides saddle selaq (1) pitang sarang of bubun (2) sail buaq, layar rich person oin, pitang roost halaq (1) sail across kawe (1) sarang root ramuq sail against the wind and riddle eten, ing muli root, fragrant, used as current hukur ridge pole of a roof wolar medicine nuang (1) sailor materos, mataro rifl e bedil root out doiq (2) saliva >iyuq, lobe, miyuq, right wana (2) rope dewaq, wadeq potaq right, that which is to rope for a goat or salt tèqu the wanan horse loing salty pèyu ring, fi nger ila rotate ueng (2) salty, s.t. pèyun rinse the mouth >èmur, rotten buruq, daten, datoq, same hama >imur, >umur (2) ingin, natoq, rèhuq (1) sand >ene ripe paqar, tara (3) rotting taha sand, fi ne buta ripe, almost bètèr (1), dara rough seas bohung sandal rupang (1), duren round munaq (1), opang, opol sandbank nubi (2) ripe, half mènuq (1) round, make s.t. papang (1) sandbar hari ripen naturally taqe row bahi sap nanan, weren (2) ripen through sunlight taqe row, in a letar, piding, polung sap of the nangka tree ripened naturally taqen (1) rowdy dèmul, nèbèq used as a glue to trap ripened through rows, in tode birds iqir sunlight taqen (1) rub behaq, boyang (1), sap, sticky plant getaq ripe, that which is taran boyong, dolang, doru, sarong tanapiq, tènapiq, ripe, that which is doyang, gosoq, loha, ropa wela (2) almost daran rub bamboo fi re sticks satan setang ripe, the ripening stage of in order to start a satellite village riang (1) English – Kedang 739 satiated mapaq (2) smooth haruq secure manga (1) satisfi ed mapaq (2) scrape with a spoon hulur security gade, gerang satisfi ed (after a scratch hegar, kaer, kalaq, sedge grass >uru meal) bolor karo, karung, kuriq, loha, see boraq (1), ebeng, mui, tepi sauce weren (2) nuang (2), nuraq see ui saucer meriq scratched by s.t. duraq, seed kuwoq, rehaq, tawan, save èping, paning durang tupu saw >ohong (1) scratch for food hala kèir seek haba say maran, panaqeng scratch o.s. roming seek to know du say a name kèq (2) scratch the ground kèir seize damiq, >èmèng, èrèq say that... tèlè, tala (4) scratch with a knife kuraq seldom nareq (1) scabies puroq scream bayaq, hioq select pil, tapi, waeng (1), scales nibang, nueq, tanibang scour doyang wang (1), wangen scales of fi sh or scrub brush made from select the large from the reptiles >anaq (2) palm branch for small, the bad from the scales, k.o. portable cleaning a palm wine good wake (1) balanced dasing container niki self >ehaq, hèq, sandiri scar rabiq sea hari, lewaq, tahiq self-defence system kontao scarce nareq (1), natan sea anemone >uta self, one’s innermost >oneq scatter >alar, bongan (2), sea animal, k.o. wawi rae sell durung higor, hiroq sea bird, k.o. manuq tahiq sell one’s labour, sell scattered elar, neler, pehaq sea cucumber nawu one’s capital with the scatter seed behiq sea, deep part of >oqan expectation of a later scattered around tatang sea full of waves manotel return danung (1) scatter s.t. lumped together Seagypsies baio laoq, bai send natu (1) or piled up piang laoq, balaoq, bayo laoq, blaoq separate >ewang, keweng, shackles ongaq sea monster >ara bora nala, piang, rehaq, wang (1), schedule bading (1), nuloq, sea plant, root of a ai wangen tuwo miteng separate fi ghters hapang, schedule, set a kahin (2) search haba haqa Schleichera oleosa ala behi, search for a place separated baqung (2), pehaq reho hastily nuku naka separated, not easily laluq, scissors kanuting search for ancestral tetaq scold rèkèng knowledge/genealogical servant unan scoop ahuq, auq background pau (1), serve galeka, kaleka scoop up hoqi paung Sesbania grandifl ora taluma scoop up earth in order to search for causes kehu set1 bèuq, >èlèng, hèlèng

fi ll a hole pawoq search for the cause of set2 munaq (2) scoop up, move s.t. with the illness lewar (1) set a trap pèdèr hands bawoq search with the hand in a set down hering, puli, pulin scoop water kayong basket or hole loker set free bele scoop, water kanayong, season musing, nèyèng setting up the warp nekeq nayong season of taking and set up keran, likaq, nikaq scorched kawaq (2) bringing (February, set up a rope to suspend scorn pake (2) March) uq (2) leaves in order to encirle Scorpio pari (2) sea spirit hari a deer or pig lele scorpion >ela sea, stormy manotel set up the framework of a scrape doyang, hegar, kaer, seaward bèwèq, >uneq building lempeq kakur, karung, kuriq, lèring, seaweed lamun set upright hading mèqè seaweed, k.o. edible ongon seven pitu scrape for food bogar second ascending seven units (regarding scrape, scratch (using generation èpu the value of items a fi ngernail or s.t. section >ale (2), ura of marriage rough) rakung section of coconut or prestations) pitun scrape the feet in a lontar tree near the several wai dance sosoq (1) branches buqer (2) sew hèwung scrape thin to make section, small mokeng sew the opening tukur 740 English – Kedang sexual intercourse doho, shed bolaq (1), hèpuq shrivel rokong dotoq (2), kowa (1) sheep luba shrivelled ruq (2), karuq (2) sexual intercourse, have iq sheet lepaq (2), lihen shroud kapang shackles lehaq shelf over the hearth madaq shrub, k.o. ada lolon, atang, shade >owa, woqi shell kaheq, kiri, oruq lale, nahaq (1) shade (s.t.) payong shell fi sh, k.o. baheq (1), ehe shrunk kepiq shaded woqi (2), elaq, lohu (1), riding, shrunken eyes kisuq shadow >onin wuoq (1) shuffl e sosoq (1) shake >ayoq, dequng, edeq, shell, k.o. boka (1), matan shut habiq, lètuq >edoq, >ekaq, >eyoq, legang lateq, tupe shy hidung, iwiq, miang (1), >oda, >odor, >oduq, shell, k.o., used to scrape shy because disappointed woda coconut, Unicolor kure shake the head indicating Cockle nuriq siblings eru anaq, kakang ‘no’ weko shell used to make a >aring, kang >aring shake up and down >okuq pipe nupeng siblings, male, and parallel shaking bayol shelter hayan, woqi cousins (woman shallot bawang putuq shield haqa, nebi, wangan speaking) nara ame, nare shallow heda, hetel, kepaq, shift dosor, odoq, waeng (1) ame kepel shin bone wonor sibling, younger >ariq shape >anung (1), lagu, laku, shine bohor (2), dilaq, sick hateq, lae, laen nulur (2), rupa >engaq, hange, hanger, ilaq, sickle likun shape s.t. >eruq kilaq, kilong, kiloq, lair, sickness laen shape the basis puteq nilaq, tado sick person laen share >ale (2), lamaq (2), leq shine, begin to kelaq, kelang side >apan, haraq (3), hiku, (1), >umen shiny from oil dolang, >ilon hikun, lèding, narang (1) shark >iu ship kapal (2), lambo side by side imang (2), tode sharp èruq shirt labur side dish mirang, naqen sharpen doro (2), >eluq, shiver kedoq, >odor, ruku (1) side dish, eat a naqe tala (2) shoe rupang, sepatuq sieve baqul, keka, tapi shatter kakal, nehal, peaq, shoe, wooden kelong sift rice >ekoq

pesaq, rèhuq (2), ruhuq shoot1 hade, pasaq (1) sift rice in a fl at shatter by crushing peper shoot2 >ubuq basket teho, tihir shattered >asur, bikil, dunuq, shore >onan, wata sigh dareng, idoq, nahing ruteq shore dweller watan, watang sign bunga, tada, tanada shave kobar short kupoq, lere, mèkuq, sign language, use niring shawl gebar, kebar, nodeng, mèguq, mèqul, upar, weheq sign of identifi cation lala sanail short, become kupoq (2) she -i, ne, -ne, neti, nèrèq (2), shorten èguq, èkuq, >èkuq sign of prohibition mulung ni, nuo shorten the height of èhèq sign of prohibition sheaf of grass ahan short, that which is wehen staked out in a public sheath laman short, too koteq place nading sheath around an ear of short while ago, a nangan, sign to stop playing gongs maize papan nang and drums hole sheath which covers the shortly mahara, nape, napo signal drum noqol fruiting stem of an should bang (1) silent ere (1) areca, gebang or areng shoulder wali silver peraq, salakaq palm lawaq (1) shout bayaq, bohang, hioq, simply piling sheath which covers kong (2), maka (1), ong, sin >ale (1), >alen (1), kehe, the fruiting stem of soraq, weqal, wile kehen a coconut or areca shout at >idiq sinew >ali palm teneng shout at s.o. daqang sing >orong, lali sheath which covers the shout s.t. to s.o. irang sing a lullaby kaong fruiting stem of a show niong, tuben singed kawaq (2) coconut palm èlir shred piang single buyang sheath which covers the shrimp urang (2) single section consisting of fruiting stem of a lontar shrink kuyung all of the strands being palm papan shrink back kèku woven in a basket lapan English – Kedang 741 sink hèlèng, paer slice meat in strips for smoke in sink into a hole èdong drying wareng smoke rises tobeng sink s.t. in water lèbèq slice off kètèng, kètèq smoke stack roda (1) sip duhu, dumeq, duq (1), slice thinly hèrè, pate smooth milir, munaq (1) dure, dureq slick lour smoothly kalohung sister binen slim piki snack pirang sit tebeq sling metir, metiq snail kukoq sit astride hangaq sling for holding snake >ular sit or perch on the tip of a baskets woyong snake, k.o. papaq wau branch moeng slingshot metir, metiq snap at s.o. daqang situation >eqa (2) slip heleq, koqal snare aweq, nèpi six >ènèng slip and lose one’s snare, hand held royaq sizzle tiher balance heleq snare pulled by hand loraq skewer daraq, tuhuq slip from the grasp because snarl rahe skewer for meat naraq (1) slippery pesul snatch etil, >eha, rahiq, totoq skid heleq slip into a hole èdong sneeze wan (1) skilled in a certain slip into the roof or snore >areng activity wala wall dokeq snort kèqèr skin amaq (1), paqe slip off poruq snot apar skin about to open (as in slip under huwer snout, pig bingur beans because soaked or slippery meluq, pehul, soruq so namè, mèmè, namè mè, almost ripe) boka (2) slit akil, bakil, >ohi, paqal namo mè, naqmè skin covering the fl esh apa slope lena, nadal, wongun so I ema, mè (1) (2) slope, slippery soruq, tohur so that ma (1), mè (2), mènin skin disease paong (2) slow nèrè, >odeng, paong (1) so there! dikeq skin left behind in the slowly nèrè, paong (1) so-and-so atuq process of shedding and sludge kuhing, kuing soak bèwaq, long (2), tèmèq replacing skin aqan slurp dumeq, dure, dureq soap sabong (1) skinny piki small ehoq, eken, ekeng, soar buaq sky èlèng, >ula loyo kehoq (3), keke, kuleng, sob dareng, kueq (1), oyeng, slab lempeq kuseng, kutun, mule (2), tèin ueq slack hon (2), upor, urang (1), utu (1), sob quietly tureng slant, at a pading utun, utung, weheq, weriq soft hèmuq, moleng (1) slap dang, tataq small basket for storing soft breeze dihiq, diq (2) slap s.o. on the face or side bean seeds botiq soft inner part èbur of the head lepaq (1) small, become kupil soften behi (1) slap with the fl at of the small, make mèqè Solanum melongena ala bola, hand daing small pox nuren bola slash the outer skin of the small temporary house in soldier solon dadu coconut guluq, kuluq the fi elds nayan solely piling slats which hold the small, that which is keken solid del bamboo mats of a wall or small, very kileng solid measure of ten platform in place pèdè smart potoq units unan slaughter >ohor smash gosu, kosu solitary potoq slaughter an animal bèloq smashed >asur, dunuq, ruteq solo dance nedung slave unan smear with fi lth >iwoq something hara sleep bute, pèi, tèqèl, tèqèng smell miqen, naèq son lamen (2) sleep soundly noqeng smell, bad buruq, >èwè, song, a beda a e o sleepy toka, tue loiq, tue toka nuhu, rungan song expressing slender keang, lour smell of stagnant the intention of slice haneq, hèriq, hodang, water iong (1) drinking palm wine hodaq, hoyaq, kèoq, kèrèq smell of urine bèngu together bèwiq tuaq (1), kuraq, malaq, mayan (2), smell, pleasant buong song sung at festive metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, nuang smell, rotten bunger mealtimes beheng (2), pipi smile >ileq (1), memir, mimir Sonneratia boyol slice a fruit payan smoke bènuq, min, rubu sore reoq, tahan, >unga, slice meat lopor smoke a pipe dupeng wunga 742 English – Kedang sore neck ite (3) sound, small and skewered witun sorghum tehu gentle wering spin rope tuleng sorrow >èqè, >èqèng, suker sound of metal ling (2) spirit natang (1), nèin, niting, sorry, be roho sound to shoo away (a nitung soul murun, nawaq (3), tuber chicken) sèh spirit, free ruha kuba soul of a witch eqong sound, unclear abar, mabar spirit of a deceased sound èuq (2) soup weren (2) person eqong sound as of a gong powong sour kiru, pilar, tamal spirit which becomes a sound following sour, that which is kirun war leader protecting lightning reka source >asal (1), matan the village of sound for calling southeast tungara Lèuwayang lawe laka ara chicken ar, kur, kutu sow behiq, >iher kiang sound, knocking nètol (1) space between two adjacent spit >ar, hiteng, >iyuq, sound like pebbles in a tin things >alaq (2) miyuq, potaq being shook lekar space, wide legang (2) spit due to cough nuaq (1) sound made by the spacious >oang, teleng, wang spit medicine on lips pupur spade dokaq, laqur, nokaq patient buhuq sound of a cricket >eng, spadices of the lontar spit out bubur, bur, lua weng (2) palm walan spittle bur, >iyuq sound of a fl ute hureng (1) spadix abun splash sirong sound of a hen defending its span wagaq, wakaq (2) splash screen on a chicks korkataq sparkle dilaq, ilaq, kelang, dugout nèbir sound of a large stone kelaq, kilaq, kilong, kiloq, splashed by waves habur falling to earth >èding nilaq split akil, bakil, baq (1), sound of a lizard kutuq sparkling engar hawaq, hiaq, hika, hilar, sound of a wild sparrow, k.o. weho hingoq, kaqar, kitong, laing, pigeon kuwu spatter sirong lawaq (2), piang sound of falling rain wawar speak kariq, kete (2), keter, split lengthways halar, hiang, sound of fl owing tèhèq, tèq (2) hiar water aqal, wawar speak in order to split open doing sound of frying oil or entertain rou rau split open on its own hiar burning wood tiher spear kala, nubaq, tubaq split with knife or sound of iron when specialist suru razor hariq hit lebang specify kareq (1) split wood with an sound of rain somewhat far speech kariq axe dikel away >ae speech defect in spokesman for prospective sound of s.t. which falls on pronouncing ‘r’ kebelora, groom in marriage top of s.t. tapaq kebel negotiations marang wala sound of s.t. which is spice ropes howeq spoon oraq (1), sanedoq, cracked abar, mabar spicy lati sanodoq sound of striking with spider ara boreng, taka rakang spoon made of coconut wood riti spikes on the stem of the shell nayaq (1), niduq, sound of the hull of a boat lontar palm bebak nodoq grazing the bottom of spill baoq, haoq (1), hiroq, spoon s.t. hiduq the sea goqor homaq, kètiq, lodo (2), luruq spotted belaq sound of the ‘hian’ spin laiq (1), puka, tueng, spout pusuq, sirong bird hitiq weleng, weleq sprain holeq (1) sound of the ‘kakoa’ spin a web teta sprained hongaq bird èluq spin a top gereng spray lang (1), paoq (1) sound of the owl bèng spin by hand dèlèn spread apa (1), mana sound of the speaking spindle tanueng spread anywhere neler bird, graula intermedia spine >uhur spread out apa (1), leleng, javanensis keor spine of the coconut or tepaq sound of the spotted lontar palm leaf luri spread out objects to dry in dove oho spine of the lontar palm the sun keal sound of wood when leaf rage spread rapidly hoding (1) struck toq spine on which fruit are spread throughout (such as English – Kedang 743

lice or dandruff in the stamp grain bae stick into the ground >iher, hair) doran stamp on dèqèr (2) lètèq sprinkle hir (1), hotaq, lang stamp the feet stick out kongar, soyong (1), louq, paoq (1), rehiq repeatedly roteng stick out the head in order sprinkle with dust or stamper, rice >aluq to see s.t. nomong ash bulu stand mader stick out the lip as a sign of sprinkle with water or stand fi rm tahang disagreement mutur oil loruq stand for pots nalo stick s.t. fl uid or sprout hipe, hoal, matan, stand on pihaq congealed nènèq >ubuq, wiqil stand on the edge of a stick s.t. on s.t. (such sprouts tupu bank moeng as medicine on a sputum nuaq (1) star male (1), tala (3) wound) daneq squat mokoq star which gives stick under the belt hawel squawk kaoq (1) descendants kotar stick up hoang squeal >ere (1) start a fi re dariq stick up straight (like the squeeze dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, startled kèqèr tail of a cock or a horse >ereq, >ikuq, kipeq, lèhèq, start the pattern for weaving when running) toleq lèsuq, pere, peruq, pèmèq, a basket puteq stick upon which resin rèbèq, tua (1) state niring is put to make a squeeze a seed out of its state of, in the wakaq (1), torch noleq (1) skin lehuq, luhaq >akaq stick used to knock fruit off squeeze out tua (1) state one’s plans kahin (2) a tree noru squint eyed hekeng, heruq stay ian, puaq stiff meleng, mèdèq squirm tapar stay awake rio still1 nueng, patang (2) squirm like a baby which is steal etil, maqo still2 ramaq lying down kea kayang steam bowol, halaq (3) sting soroq, tuhuq stab bakoq, dèqèr (2), robaq steel matan mean stinger of a wasp or bee (2), sarobaq, tubaq, tuhuq, steep hoduq >utin tukoq steep in water lèbèq stingy turi, turin stack hubiq, muqeng, nèpè, steep place daun stink bunger >omo, rèbèq steep rock face lobong stir kiwoq stack s.t. bongaq steering oar >uli (2) stocks (such as those used stack up lotaq, lutur, uang stem abun, ain, inga, >olen on the legs of the stacked stones nanga step lageng, lakeng, lakaq, insane) leke staff kala duqa, nading pakaq stolen goods maqon stage when coconuts step on kihaq, pihaq stomach botin begin to form meat step sequence in circle stone rètu, uluq, waq inside >ulur (1) dances (forward, stone altar lado >angin stagger epaq (2), paleq backward, to the stone, base noning stagnant lebo side) paleq stone, fl at and wide napar stagnant, become loi steps of stone dolu stone, fl at or rimmed lapaq stake lètèq, paheng, tèdèr (1) stern >uring stone found as a sign staked kèdèq stick1 nukoq, tanukoq of acquiring food stake s.t. pating stick2 bateq, dapeq (1), lateq, restrictions talu stale ingin raèq, rèbèq stone or sling for throwing stalk abun, ain, >olen stick3 ka (1) at a target eraq stalk and leaves lapan stick crushed leaves on to stone wall dolu stalk of a banana leaf which s.t. barun stones dolu has been crush to use to stick fi ngers roughly in s.o.’s stones for grinding or wash the face lèpun face siduq crushing food or betel stalk of the leaves of lontar stick for leading a blind quid uar (2) or coconut palms lapa person kala mèduq stony likong lakong (2) stick holes in the ground for stop hekaq (1), inoq, ipu, stamen of the male lontar sowing rice seeds baing mai, poho palm lawin stick in bakeq stop by lebaq, sampe, sape, stamp hamang, rataq, suduq, stickiness on the teeth when siga, sika tutu (1) chewing kita stop, call to nawaq (2) 744 English – Kedang stop in lebaq strike one after the suggest to test one’s stopped, that which other howe strength (by jumping, has main strike with the back of the wrestling) >adoq, >aduq stopped up mètèq (1) blade of a knife or bush suit munung (1) stopper at the base of an knife wèngèl sulk bingur elephant tusk noban strike with the fi st or a sulphur malirang stop s.t. with leaves peran stone bung sum nareq (2) stop up meran (1), >uwi striking, sound of bung summon hoing, hoyan storage compartment in the string dewaq, lihen, wadeq sun loyo granary lutu, maka (2) string catch for trapping sunken kepiq store1 èping, hoti, loman, mae, chickens witur supple bunen muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, puli string made of the gebang supplementary store2 tokoq (2) palm taba (1) weft doing doing store above halaq (2) strip off poruq supply sadang stored, s.t. pulin strips of meat for support hodeq, honing, stored for a long drying wareng hudeq, lapa (1), likoq, luni, time >oqing strive dèning (1) moboq, nedang, nodeq, store fruit in a gunny sack stroke heuq, ropa nukoq, pohing, tanukoq, so that it will soon strong hèkèr, kieq, kiqing, tukoq ripen buq king, lèrè, manga (1) support for a beam used as storehouse ebang, kadang strong, not pekon a lever noning store long objects lekan strong, that which is lèrèn support for cutting or store maize seeds for strong willed baya fashioning hadang, hadaq planting near the fi re struck bakoq support for the place buqun, buqung struck by a wave, head nuneng store (on a rack) doqang breaker luka (1) support for the head when story1 sarita strung together nubi (1) carrying s.t. on one’s story2 dan stub robang head mekang straddle bakar, bikar, hakaq stubble >odeq support poles in the straight houq, lonu, lour, stubborn >ulaq (1), wulaq roof nuar milir, olor, potong, ueng (1), stuck ka (1), tuku (2) suppose eten wolang stuck in mud tèmèr supposing ere (2) straight up mulang (1), stuck to kateng, kateq, ateq supposing that wèqè paq rading (1) stuff >ènèq surety gade, gerang straighten out oleng stumble koqal, laleq (1), oqal, surf on waves toa straigthen out what tadan surpass ketang, liwaq, raing has been curved or stumbling block nadan surprise, expression of >è, bent pèlèr stump >odeq ehe (1) straight, s.t. lonun stupid balenger, bukeq, surprised dotoq (1), kèqèr strainer baqul, tapi kamakuq surrender sèraq, sorong strainer of lontar leaves, for sturdy kiqing, king surround bukul tumeric or a mixture of stutter >uko (2) suspect eten, >oroq water and coconut nome sty nèdèl suspend halaq (2), loleng stranger napang submission, sign of soba (2) suspended kewel strangle lègèq submit dukiq swallow >èkur, lèlèn strangled èqèl subordinate >iuq swallow whole lobo, stream tiyuq subside lora (1) modung stretch lodong, lor, sereng, such namè, mèmè, namè mè, swamp >opaq, paeq tekaq, tetar namo mè, naqmè swarm ele (2), kopol (2), stretch by slicing hilar suck duhu, dumeq, min kupul stretcher likan suddenly kanehing swarmed over >orang stride lageng, lakeng, lakaq suffer hideq >irung strike awing, bating, bèngè, suffi ce sudi swatter for dèto, dètol, hoding (1), suffi cient in measurement, grasshoppers mehil hoqol, lekaq, paluq, tèqè, be ka (2) sway >ekaq, >eto (1), >eyoq, walaq (1) sugar nasu kedong, ledeq, legang (1), strike down bariq sugarcane tehu wayong English – Kedang 745 sway together (such as in a take repeatedly nawoq tent nayan dance) leyoq take s.t. down which has term of address for swear supa been hung up >oqeng ‘aqe’ tata sweat poar, rèwun, rèwung take s.t. fl oating hawe Terminalia catappa, sweat, dried mèdèr take s.t. from its Linn. kaliha, liha sweep haèng, hamur, karang, place poruq terminate topeq (1) karaq take that which is spread termite wangè sweet >èru out bahir test soba (1) sweetsop ai nona take up a post ekaq testicles laheq swell hubong talk tèhèq, tèq (2), tutuq tether lera (1), noting swelling bokoq, bouq talk through the nose, that ma (3), mè (2), mènin, swift manuel nasal senguq tala (4), tèlè, we swim nangi tall lewar (2) that down there mèlèq swing >ayoq, >edoq, >eto tamarind Tamarindus indicus that down there at a (1), >eyoq, legang (1), tamal, tobi medium distance ole wayong, wetoq tame >ayang (2), maman that down there at a specifi c swirl water around in the tap1 toq location at a small

mouth okuq tap2 paiq distance bèlè swivel gun rantaka tap the spadix of a that over there, close to the swollen bètèng, bètèr (2), palm heliq addressee nobeq bowar, >esong, obuq tap a tree for run off rain that over there, eastwards swollen (as when suffering water toti at a specifi c location at a from beri beri) babang target nade small distance bètè (2) swollen into a lump ubong taro odel that over there, eastwards at swoop down upon bewaq tassel rewong, rewoq, riwong a medium distance ote sword haur, huriq (1) tassel of maize roda (2) that over there in a lateral swordfi sh man (2) taste paing, patal direction mèyoq, moyoq swordfi sh, k.o. small neber, taste (a liquid) duq (1) that over there, in an leber taste fl avourless and approximately level sword, weaving huriq (1) cool longeq direction landwards bèli, sympathy, expression tattered birang oli (1) of eroq taut mèdèq, wider that over there, in an tax matang approximately level teach ayar, tuben direction seawards bèwè, T teacher guru, kuru owe

tear1 bihang, puheq, reiq that over there, in an table meya tear2 lun approximately level, tail ebo tear apart baqung (1), bokar lateral direction bèyo, taint dihan dahan, dihang tear down lahaq, lataq, rèpè oyo dahang tear from biliq that over there, westwards at take ahuq, auq (2), èq, hen, tear open èhèr, laweq a medium distance ole kaqo, mèq, uq (1) Tectus niloticus, Linn. tupe that over there, westwards take, able to hoder teens pulaq at a specifi c location at a take a fold in the sarong at telegram talerang small distance bèlè the side and push it in at tell loeng, tutuq that place sobeq the waist apu (2) tell s.o. not to spread the that over there, towards the take care of lamang, paro news >adaq interior mèliq take dry wood from a tell s.o. to be quiet >adaq that over there, towards the tree leqang tell s.t. but not at the right sea mèwèq, moweq take from below hoir moment iong (2) that up there mètèq (2) take in order to raise >awe tell to hoing that up there at a medium (1) temple pipin distance ote take just a little toti ten pulu that up there at a specifi c take more tulung ten cents bite location at a small take off kèming tender hèmuq distance bètè (2) take on the lap barun tens purun that vertically down there at take out kèming, lahaq tense wider a medium distance ole 746 English – Kedang that vertically up there at a thin keang, kepaq, mipi, piki tide mèti medium distance ote thin, become leta tide, high >ole (2) that which is not yet naun thin objects lèring tidy engar their seq, seqe, seqi things hoaq (1) tie1 bun, howeq, lera (1), likur, theirs seqen think kèlèn panga, pètèq, pèting, pu (2), them sese thirsty ahang, mayaq rake (1), >uyung then bahe, mè (2), mènin thirsty, no longer mapaq (2) tie2 bèdu there sobeq, weli this naq, noq, noqo, noyo, we tie cotton threads to create there are nore (1) thorn >aiq, maeq an ikat pattern pu (2) there, down there at a those ba, ma (3), mawa, tied in a bundle, that which medium distance >oleq mèwa, na, wa, wenu, ya is pangan there, eastwards at a those whose arrival is tied up fi sh teban medium distance >ote expected, term for baba tie ikat designs bowaq there, in an approximately thousand ribu tie to a piece of level direction thousand, ten selaq (2) wood huwaq seawards >owe thread in a cord, weave the tight garipoq, >ipeq, karipoq, there, in an approximately third dèning (2) kieq, king, kiqing,, manga level, lateral thread, remains of urung (1), mèdèq, tudaq direction >oyo erang tighten >ètèq there is nore (1) thread winder, tighten a bow’s string by there, over there, rotating manuel pulling it to the top of eastwards at a medium threaten gasaq (1), haqing, the bow so that it is distance >oteq kadu, kasaq taut >auq (2) there, over there, in an three tèlu tight, that which is mangan approximately level three units tèlun tight, too koteq direction landwards >oli, thresh rice or beans luke tilt one’s head baeq >oliq (3) thrive bita time >ula, wula there, over there, in throat adung, bongan (3), time boundary nu nèyèng an approximately èrèn time for s.t. to happen tiba level direction through pilang time of day >eqa (2) seawards >oweq throw hade, kakaq (1), kidaq, times moan, muan, man there, over there, in an loq (1), midaq, tidaq, walu, time, short kanehing approximately level, wetoq, wotoq time, this ratong (1) lateral direction >oyoq throw a fruit in a timid buqang (2) game behuq tin >emar, tuta there, over there, throw about rawaq (1) tin cup tuta westwards at a medium throw at bohil tin roofi ng seng (2) distance >oleq throw away tiwa, walu tiny kuleng there, up there at a medium throw bamboo sticks in tip kokang, >utuq, wutuq distance >oteq augury mahu manuq tip of an arrow >upil there, vertically down throw down rèting tip toes, walk on sikiq there at a medium throw down coins in a tired hola, hopan, meleng, distance >oleq game petuq pètung, toka there, vertically up throw down roughly dèqèr to ba, bè, dè, di (2), diq, there at a medium (1) mara (2) distance >oteq thrown away tiwan tobacco bako there, westwards at a throw out eaq together >èpiq, hama medium distance >ole throw upwards hode together (as a school of (1) thrust dèqèr (2) fi sh) piding therefore ema, ma (1) thrust oneself forward in together, not close pakar these ba, na, wa, wenu, ya order to get a postion, together with daling, ore they baba, -deq, se, seti, sèrèq, honor hèqèng wèq tomatoes, large saga lai so (1), suo, -ya, thrust s.t. down èdong tomato sili butu they will sena thud abaq, abar, >èding, tomorrow luqa, natang (2) thick batuq, kapal (1) mabar tongs nèpiq thicken batuq thunder kèdung, nèdung, tongue >ebel thigh hamen, hameng, palun rantaka, reka too di (1), ge, rehi, rehing thigh, upper part pung tickle >iwiq, kitiq, tikiq tool pakaka English – Kedang 747 tool for making a net nuaq tread hamang muren, mur mur, nara mur, (2), nuwaq treatment, medical balo namur, namur mur, nimun, tool for planting rice treat s.o. to s.t. doha wahar seedlings maing (1) treaty between villages or trunk bauq tool for spinning regions bela bayan trunk of bamboo èdèr (2) thread >ehang tree ai trunk of tree ain too much barekeng tree in which a corpse may trunk, tree puqen Toona sinensis maq >ayang be placed rauq trunk with edges and tooth awar (1) tree, k.o. ai hapu, ai nare, ai corners of wood and toothpick nèliq para, ala behi, angar, awaq (3), walls of areng palm top loloq, longo, rodang, banga, bonoq, dala wèi, douq leaves lobi >aur >ubuq (2), ehuq, ener, eto, èyèq (2), truth muar, mur, muren, top, a kote hala (1), hangol, kaliha, ketoq mur mur, nara mur, namur, topple hubaq, tawaq kayoq, kiang, koka, kuda namur mur torch noleq (1), padu kayo, laka (1), laku daraq, try daq (1), paing, soba (1) torn birang, kitong, reiq lau watang, leaq, lela banga, try food patal torn lengthwise hiang lelaq, leur, lèhèng, liha, liti, try to do s.t. mukel mèkèl torn (so that the contents loboq, motong, muang, nare tuber, k.o. ai lèuq, apoq, aqer, spill out) bere (2), natu (2), naweng, pu (1), au lèuq, epe, kapoq, kepa, toss bèting ranga, taluma, taraq mèhèl, lèuq, tiri (1) toss off rèting tatar, teheq, uar (1), ubang, tumeric uma touch poma, tèqè uqun, >uaq (1), wawu raèq tumour >uqa touch s.t. limoq tree, k.o. fruit ala libang, tumult ganedel touch s.t. libang tuna sarea unintentionally >amar tree, k.o. small maq >ayang turbid karèmuq, rèmuq, touch with the fi ngers of the tree, k.o. sticky lodo (1) >umuq hand siduq tree, k.o., with large turn baleq, baloq, bating, tough mamel leaves and tiny, inedible beloq, duler, koloq, muser, tow toda fruit mular muter (1), pekoq, puer, puter, towards bè, ba tree, mangrove hule ueng (2) towards the east boteq (2) tree or brush in a turned up lenga, lengan towards the sea boweq fi eld lèdung turn one’s face aside so as towel for covering the body, tree, shady >onge not to see hobong k.o. rabu tree the bark of which is turn one’s head enge trample >eleq, >idoq used to dye thread red turn over batong, doing, pèq transfer pewang, waeng (1) katènèr turns, take hèlèq (1) transfer into another tree with round fruit used turn the mouth downwards container hore to make baskets niaq to empty bunung transgress hakal tree without fruit obe turn up batong trap akal, nipeq trees growing near the top turn upside down boko traps, check leri of the mountain lu (1) turtle ere (3) traps, place bamboo hong tremble dequng, kedoq, turtle with a colourful trap which has >odor shell nilung (1) sprung petuq trench maqur (2) tusk labe travel ledo trespass >ale (1), >alen (1) tusk, elephant bala (1) travel across wanang weneng trick akal, >ayung tusk given to a wife-taker travel alone eteng trim >oreq nohing travel by foot lering trim hair labor (2) tweezers kèmiq, nipeq travel in search of trim the branches of a tweezers for plucking out information loko lowiq tree lotoq the beard kanèming, traveller ledon trip laleq (1), oqal, paler tipoq numiq travel on without trip, causing s.o. to paler twenty-fi ve cents koar stopping podu trip, have a good oi (1) twig liman, limaq travel slowly sodoq trouble susa, suya twilight >èrèng pèhèq, ribo travel stooped over rokoq troubles, many huqu haqa rabo travel to fi nd something you trousers deko twine laiq (1) long for keba (2) true ka tung, muar, mur, twins ikang (1) 748 English – Kedang twist bula, dogel (1), duler, untie hoe, polo vertically up there at a kaluq, koleq, lekoq, muser, untie a rope pèsol medium distance >ote muter (1), puleng, puleq, until sape, sampe very rasa, rehi, rehing, taqi ueng (2), weleng, weleq unwilling to do s.t. pokaq very much sama twist cord on the up there at a medium very old >ara thigh belen distance >ote very short kèpuq twisted puter, wegir, wekir up to one’s neck in vigil, nightly tiong twist rope tuleng mud tèmèr village lèu, lèwo twist thread tueng upright hading vine, k.o., the liquid of the twitch dequng, tapar upside down huneq, >ulaq leaves of which are used two sue (2) in treating plague kala two and a half cent upside down, turn baliq (2) nidi coin gelang upwards boteq (2) vinegar sukaq (2) two and a half cents begol urge hitiq, hoyan, lata violet pahelong two units suen urinate mie violin, one string piol typhoon taba lora urine mie visible aran, arang (2) us (ex) eke, ke visit bongan (1), lebaq, ruang, us (in) te, tete sape, sampe U use ale, ara, dogel (2), guna, voice èuq (2), wowo kuna, male (2), mara (1), voice, good singing patoq ulcer >uqa mero, pen voice, high-pitched >èlèq umbrella mayong use a knife carelessly so that voice of an important unable rehi, rehing it becomes dull mote person rantaka unblemished upal, opal usher out ruti vomit lua, mute, >oaq, >okaq unbroken muqin usual niliq, pahain voyages of warfare by kora Uncaria gambir, usually ramaq ramaq kora hongi Roxb. gabeng, kabeng uterus nawal uncertainty wai utensil used to separate the unclear luer upper and lower warp W uncomplicated kalohung threads >uloq (2) unconscious hular, nèlèn, utterance nute wag kebol nèlèng waist >alen (2) uncooked tange waist cloth made of uncooked, s.t. tangen V thread and worn by a uncover s.t. bito, bitol cropse mese uncovered pela, pengar vagina tereq wait banger (2), hodeq, uncracked muqin vague aruq (2), >eran, èpil, kopaq, toang, wenger banger under >ubeng èpir, habu (1) (2) understand nuan, ui vain, in parasuma wait for banger (2), sapang undo hèpuq, polo, puheq valley dèlèr, redeq (2) undress lobuq valuable weren (1) wait for birds, deer, unfi nished basket valuable object given to pigs hebi (with excess strips compensate or make up wait on s.o. galeka, kaleka, uncut) rewong, rewoq, for a mistake noling (2) sadang riwong vapour bowol wake s.o. diyu unfold bala (2) various galulaq, nireq wake up hoko (1) unit munaq (3) vegetable, k.o. bara pehiq, walk lakaq, ledo unite èpuq (1) kandola walk bowed over (when unit of four candlenuts in vegetables ai lolo passing a group of the game huang bou bou veil bowong (2) people) lulu (2) vein >ali, uraq walk hurriedly duong unmarried buyang vent wèlong walk in tall grass or unripe mutiq, tange veranda madaq brush >oreq, woreq unripe, s.t. tangen verse >uri sele walking stick duqa, todeq unroll bala (2) vertically down there at a walk quietly past s.t. luer unstable >ekaq medium distance >ole walk through grass >oreq untidy riko rako (1) walk with legs wide English – Kedang 749

apart eqan water, sound of, fl owing kiriq, tahiq, ladu, lotong, walk without looking to the over stones oqol, oqor (1) pinaq, ruq (1) sides duong water spout panuser, taba weeds, free of mengar wall >ebir, nèbiq lora weep dareng, kueq (1), ueq wall, erect a kèbiq wave1 genong, kebol, kelor, weep with a quiet wall woven from wayong voice lureq lareq

bamboo biri (1) wave2 manalung, >oyoq (1) weft stick waniq wander around nudu nede wave back and forth hetoq weigh hueq, tibang, ukur want laha (2), nèngoq, ohor, (2) weigh a case bading (2) piqur, toher wave, call s.o. to come weight fasted to a want, not daeq, itor closer taping (1) net niwang war nu (1), >unu wave one’s hands hayong, weights nueq ward off oling sayong war fl eet hongi waves >ubaq weld libur war, make nu (1), >unu waves, sound of well paqa warm o.s. near a fi re daya breaking >oar west waraq warm s.t. by a fi re tape wave the hand in wet doroq, iloq, pitaq, ritaq warm up henga, laraq refusal wehir wet from rain nayo warn >ikir wavy hokal wet, make >oyang warning >e (1), tuo way, give heaq wet s.t. a little rema warp beam polaq (2) way, move out of the heaq wet with dew nayo warp, setting up nekeq way of wearing a what >ape warriors, from Timor, sarong haweq what about…? ara bone who burned the villages way of wearing a sorong for wheedle tudi of Kedang in the men bokaq wheel of an 1870s meo we (ex) e, -e, ke, -ke, keti, automobile kanolar (2) wash bahing, hamur, hidang, mèrèq when ama, ere (2) hiki (1) we (in) te, -te, teti, tèrèq when the cleft in the wash ashore epaq (1) weak lemaq (2), losu, mesa, candlenut lands down wash by sprinkling louq moleng (1), paya (1), pekon in the game ‘puka wash hair peda weakness because of pedo’ pèdo wash the face èuq (1) malnourishment holeng where dènita, didita, dinita, wash with water lèmuq weakness, in children, in the dita, nita wasp, k.o. ayor, para muhun support of the throat or whereas sobe, so waste uhang neck bangol whet doro (2) watch ebeng, lile, pakang wealth belaya, balaya whetstone noro watch over ewa wear dogel (2), logeq, lokeq, which bè, ba, ditan, na, wa, ya watch to make sure you do male (2), mara (1), pake (1), while mete, so, sobe not run out dariq dariq pen , ue , uwe (2) while, in a mahara water wèi wear a crown, head cloth, whine loleq laleq water, clear, that fl ows from decoration made from whip rapu, wataq stony ground following a lontar palm leaves pebaq whirlpool wèlong rain olo wear a shirt labur whirlwind panuser, taba lora water container, wear clothes whisper wiru bamboo hau haphazardly bihu whistle luleng, wihun water, container for nodang wear ale, ara (1) white buyaq water drops left after a weary meleng white balls of cotton used to rain aqang weave doleq, manang (2), tan, represent dead spirits in water, have were tanane ceremonies panga lèwèq water, have plenty of leran weaving from gebang palm white egret manong buyaq watermelon, a small timu leave ibung white heron manong buyaq rawang web >awaq (1) white shroud used in water or palmwine web, spider’s >oeq Muslim burials saboq container consisting wedge honing, likaq (1) who sio of several sections of wedged hikeq, hokeq who is not yet naun bamboo walang weed baq (2), bèko who knows kaiq (1) water scoop nayong weed, k.o. auq oqor, >èdu, whole kole, opal, upal 750 English – Kedang why >ape, kata (1), kua (1) wood or stick used to because of being heavily wide >abal, kedeng, mèguq, hit mawar (1) burdened niruq mèkuq, mèqul, nalar (1), woodpecker ewal, laba ai write huraq, tuli neler, >oang, teleng, wang wood, soft >ewu wrong >ale (1), ètèr, kehe widen oq wood used as a wrongdoing >alen (1) wide open >inge barrier noliq widowed iden (1) woods freshly cleared for a wife-givers èpu fi eld kain Y wife-givers, term of address word nute, toyeq for bapa (1) work kareyang, laq, >ola yard >alang, maqur (1) wife-giving line >èpu, >ine worker, skilled molan yawn moa >ame work, not wanting to do year tun (2), sun wife-takers maqing, teqa repetitious luleq laleq yearn kete (1) wild hidung, lier, otaq work shy pou yearn for botan wild, that which is >otan world to the west sina sawa yell hioq, soraq will, I ena worm kiki todang, todang yellow eor (1), kuma, reoq, wilted luya worm, k.o., that lives on a uma wind1 doler, duler, kaluq dog’s tongue atel yellowing skin aeq wind2 >angin worm, k.o. large yellowish-brown dola wind around kapuq yellow tihel dareq yellow things uman wind around s.t. boleq (2) worm, k.o. yellow yelp boang winding lekoq edible dareq yes >ahaq, e (2), ewe, >èhèq, wind, on shore >ebar worm, small otil o (2), >oe, paqa, >uhuq (1), window yendela worm, stomach hala mukel wuhuq wing apiq worn monu yesterday èwin wink kereng, kiruq, retaq worn out hola, >uhaq yet ramaq winnow >ekoq, pèir worry suker you (pl) me, -me, meme, winnowed rice mèir worship sabayang meti, mèrèq wipe doru wound reoq, tahan, >unga, you (sg) ko, -ko, mo, o, -o, wipe clean hawi wunga omo, onin, oti, mèrèq wipe nasal mucus with the wound caused by brushing you and more arm peman dale against a sharp you will ona wiping cloth mohoq (2) object dira young baran, tiboq, ubar wire paka wound, touch a hèru younger child noaq wish laha (2), ohor, piqur wound up in a rope doreng young (of fruit) mutiq wisp pohoq wound with a knife puraq young shoot tiboq witch maq wrap botaq, koleq young, still (of witchcraft sehar, seher, tupa wrap a head cloth around bananas) pitaq witchcraft, accusation the head hodeng your (pl) meq, meqe, meqi of konang wrap o.s. in a blanket huka your (sg) moq, moqi, moqo with dapeq (2), >èpiq, ore wrap s.t. in a cloth dawal yours (pl) meqen withdraw eq, heq wrap the stalk of an arrow yours (sg) moqon withdraw, call to nawaq (2) with thread to secure the youth ebe withdraw o.s. hidung head lèqing withered luya wriggle begor, hekol with (the aid of) daiq wring bula, pere Z witness sakasiq wring out washing buleng wobble doyung wrinkle karuq (2), kèku, ruku zinc tuta woman areq (2), ruq (2) zithar, bamboo tatong (1) wood ai wrinkle the forehead Zizyphus Jujuba buqer (1) Indonesian – Kedang fi nderlist

A akar harum dipergunakan benang tanudaq untuk alat untuk memindah aba-aba nyanian untuk obat nuang (1) benang pintalan lawa menarik sst bersama- akhir dei (2) sama teda lela akhir, yg dein alat untuk mengukur abu rapun akhirat ahèraq lebarnya daun lontar abu-abu haboq, rowa alam raheq untuk anyaman nèpi abu dapur >èwol alang-alang >uru alir kawang, >olur >alur abu tanah lèbuq alas honing, latang (1), luni, alis mata oin Acacia tulur lunin, mèi Alstonia scholaris ite (2), ada nore (1), noren alas atau kaki nilung (2) adat adaq cangkir meriq alu >aluq adik >ariq alas, kayu lanta, balanta aluminium tuta adik, anak yg noaq alas kepala kuneng, alunan manalung aduh idoq, nahing, ode mekang, nuneng amat rasa aduh, seruan waktu alas pantat periuk nalo ambil hen, kaqo, uq (1) mengerang alat atau benda yg dipakai ambil: mengambil atau kesakitan idi untuk menindih mitan membersihkan kotoran aduk kiwoq alat dari pelepah untuk atau kesalahan rapi agar ema membersihkan ambil: mengambil dgn agar mereka sema bambu niki cepat >eha, >èhang agas mèmiq alat penjepret metir, metiq ambil: mengambil dari air wèi, were alat pelingkar bawah hoir air bah nahi benang manuel ambil: mengambil air, bambu nodang alat pemecah buah dgn cepat tanpa air: berair banyak leran kemiri mohil memberitahu etil air bersih yg mengalir alat pemintal ambil: mengambil dari batu wadas setelah benang >ehang kayu kering dari hujan olo alat penggulung daun pohon leqang air kencing mie pandan sebelum ambil: mengambil kulit air ludah >iyuq dipanggang pada luar palaq air mata lun api laqa ambil: mengambil sedikit air panas yg sudah sedikit alat pengisap nupeng toti dingin polan alat penusuk tanah ambil: mengambil sisa-sisa air pasang >ole (2) untuk menanam benih yg ditinggalkan huluq air sisa waktu hujan padi maing (1) ambil: mengambil berhenti >oyang alat penjepit mayang tuak sst dari tempat air surut >ura untuk iris >ona gantungan >oqeng arus yg naik >ole (2) alat ukuran mata ambil: mengambil sst yg pukat dewang terapung hawe air yg mengalir pada alat untuk mencabut ambil: mengambil untuk tanah wadas tiyuq kumis numiq dipelihara >awe (1) ajak >ameq (1), hitiq, alat untuk memintal ambil: mengambil hoyan, lata pukat nuaq (2), nuwaq yg terbentang atau ajar ayar, tuben alat untuk memisahkan terhampar bahir ajaran nahaq (2) benang atas dari ambil: saya mengambil akan, saya ena benang bawah >uloq air ahu akar ramuq (2) amis bunger akar bahar ai miteng alat untuk memasang ampas uhang 752 Indonesian – Kedang ampun apong, apung angkat: mengangkat ujung arus kanawang anai-anai wangè sarung haiq arus pinggir garodang anak >anaq (1) angker >oka arwah eqong, tuber anak angkat kèq (1) angkut >èmèng, mahuq arwah, ajakan anak kambing yg (1), mauq kepada maran tidak mau menyusu angkut-angkut tuki asah doro (2), tala (2) induknya hobing >atang asah, batu >eluq, noro anak laki-laki lamen (2) angkut dari bawah hoqi asal (pangkal) >asal (1), anak merah muhun (2) angkut: saya >ayal anak panah nameq mengangkut ahuq, asal saja >asal (2) anak panah dari bambu auq (2) asal usul >usul >asal bermata tiga diisi dlm angsana ai nare, nare asam kiru, kirun, tamal satu hulu rateq (1) angus kawaq (2) asam, pohon tamal, tobi anak panah yg dipakai aniaya niaya asap rubu memanah ikan tupun anjing >au asap: mengasapi bènuq anak perempuan dari anjur soyong asin pèyu perempuan dlm Annona squamosa ai nona asin, yg pèyun marga >ine ehoq, >ine antan >aluq asing ingiq utun antar >alaq (2), bele, tameq asing: mengasingkan anak tongkol jagung antar: mengantar orang diri hidung yg menempel pada atau hewan ke suatu asli nimoq tongkol induk hipen tempat tertentu untuk asma, sakit dakoq anak yg adik noaq ditangkap >iku aspek, penunjuk bahe, anak yg tidak sah nowan antar: mengantar bahedèq, dèq, dèqmè, anakoda >anaq koda sst dari tangan ke dèqnu, dèqo, mai, mete, anyaman dari daun lontar tangan galola, kalola nau, ramaq bersegi lima >ileq (2) antara tode asuh lamang ancam gasaq (1), kasaq, Antares, bintang pari (2) Atanila, Lodobelolong, haqing, kadu anting-anting giwang, Lewo Elen, wilaya elen ancang-ancang untuk togeq, laong, balaong atap kèhing menangkis, memukul, anting-anting yg dipasang atap rumah nèhing dsb. hekaq (2) dlm telinga golang, atap rumah, bagian yg andai ere (2) kolang, nuber (2) sempit bubun (2) Angaria delphinus (Linne, antuk huduq, tipoq atap seng seng (2) 1758) matan lateq anu atuq atas lolon, loloq angguk >adong, nadong, anyam: saya atau paq (2) piqur, radong menganyam anang atur kahin (3), uang angguk waktu anyaman berbentuk atur: pengatur mengantuk naduq trompet untuk penangkapan ikan bela angin >angin memeras santan waeng, bela waeng wala angin darat >ebar kelapa nome atur: tidak teratur riko angin pusaran muser, anyaman yg belum selesai rako muter rewong, rewoq, riwong atur pembagian >odung angin puting apa >ape, kua (1) aturan nuang (3) beliung panuser api >api, tutung (2) aus monu angkasa >ula loyo apit likaq (1) Averrhoa Bilimbi ala libang, angkat bitiq, bitur, bituq apung bao, yato libang (1), dote ara, sj pohon danung (2), awal pulung angkat: mengangkat dan paqung awan owa membanting wail arak >araq (1) ayah ame angkat: mengangkat sst aral ikol ayak keka benda untuk mencoba arang >ayang (1) ayam manuq merasakan berat Areca catechu, Linn. >ue, ayun >eto (1), hetoq (2), ringannya >atar, >ataq wue wayong, wetoq angkat: mengangkat ari-ari kaboteq, nahaq rian ayun: berayun tinggi untuk armada laut hongi bersama leyoq memperlihatkan teteng Artocarpus communis boroq Indonesian – Kedang 753

B bakul bolaq (2), hoaq (2), bambu dlm balai- kabalaq, tobal balai yg dipakai sbg babi wawi bakul berbentuk bantal bantal untuk penahan baca basa (1) peluk lèpo berat lauq (1) badai >ubaq bakul kecil tempat bambu dlm kerangka atap badan badang, wèq (1) menyimpan benih rumah maninan bagaimana ara bone kacang botiq bambu dlm kerangka bagi bage, baki, baqe, boq, bakul untuk sangkar dinding nading >umen ayam biri (1) bambu kecil, sj ahung, bagi: membagi tanpa bala bantuan nara (3) muhong semua orang mendapat balai lipu bambu tongkat nuqu bagian mokang balai bambu kecil dlm naqa bagi: membagi yg tidak sampan bana bambu penyangga sama, yg tidak jujur iri balai besar tempat penahan atap depan bagian >ale (2), lamaq perjamuan atau bambu, sj >aur, bering, (2), leq (1), malaq, metaq, pesta lakan, lagang walang >umen balai-balai dahar bambu untuk memasak bagian dlm yg balai-balai darurat untuk daging layuq lembut èbur meletakkan mayat bambu untuk diisi bagian di luar dekat kubur nekaq sambal wèdung kampung lamaq (2), madaq bambu untuk narang (1) balai pertemuan yg tidak menjemur balean, bagian pohon kelapa atau berdinding warong baleang pohon tuak yg dekat balam ehuq bambu yg dapat dijadikan pada pelepahnya buqer balasan belis berupa kain tangkai anak panah, (2) topeq rewaq sj laqa bagian tanah yg di balik baleq, baliq (2), bambu yg dipasang pada dalam >uhe batong, boko, huneq, balai-balai bagian lebar bagus >alu, diqen, ditoq, koloq, lenga , puer, sebelah atas baraq (2) >ieq tuyan, nitoq tambaleq, >ulaq (2) bambu yg dipotong bahan untuk balik: yg terbalik lengan ujungnya ribiq menghidupkan balik: membalikkan bambu yg tajam dipasang api nariq (2) mulut (bambu tuak, dlm tanah sbg bahan yg dipetik mihar bambu air) ke bawah perangkap long (1) bahasa nariq (1) spy tertuang sampai bandel >ulaq (1), wulaq bahu wali habis bunung banding tading bahwa tèlè, tala (4) balok >atang, nobol bangau manong baik >alu, diqen balok lungsin polaq (2) bangau putih manong baik: memperbaiki >ahe balok bambu >eler (1), buyaq baik, tidak daten, datoq, kawanang bangun batong, hoko (1) natoq balong >ipoq >apoq bangun: membangunkan baja baya balui bèhu orang yg tidur diyu Bajau Laut baio laoq, bai balun balung, baluq, kaluq banjir mahil laoq, balaoq, bayo laoq, balung woiq bantah awe blaoq balung ayam woro koiq bantal luni baju labur balut barun, botaq banting bating, bèting, bakar >èhèng, dayuq, paq bambu air hau, tuke dèqèr (1), rèting, waiq (2) (1), tun (1), tutung (2) bambu air atau bambu banting: membanting bakar: membakar di atas tuak yg panjangnya dua uang dlm permainan bara api danar ruas nodang ukik petuq bakar: membakar pada bambu, belahan, yg bantu pohing nyala api leoq dibentangkan pada bantu: membantu kawan bakar: membakar balai-balai atar dlm perkelahian hipaq semangat dengan kata- bambu, belahan, yg bantu-membantu mohing kata >idiq tajam niluq banyak >ata, >ataq, ta, bakau hule bambu besar perung damaq, kayaq (1), maqar, bakau, pohon kawakaq bambu betung perung rai, raiq, rèiq 754 Indonesian – Kedang banyak isi maqar batu lola elaq bayar pati bapak ame, >amo, mamaq batu mezbah yg bea matang bapak bapak, sebutan dikuburkan untuk bebal kamakuq panggilan untuk >amo mengutuk orang neba bebas >olung bapak beradik kakak ame batu nisan orang bebek bebeq kang >aring, ame kakang Islam mesang beberapa wai >aring batu pemukul uar (2) beda geqa, mieq, peka bapak bersaudara ame batu pengalas noning bedak wedaq kang >aring, ame kakang batu penitih uar (2) bedil bedil, medil >aring batu sandungan nadan begitu ewe, namè, mèmè, bara >awaq (2), >eroq batu seremoni lado namè mè, namo mè, bara bahara bara (1) >angin naqmè, paqa, sama barang hoaq (1) batu: tempat batu bekal kanikiq barang dari daerah karang besar bekas kebun notan gunung Boleng boleng bertumpukan rètu bekas luka rabiq (1) batu tinggi seuq beku, biji >uner barang jualan modal, batu untuk melempar bekuan cairan ingus/ rawiq rongan sasaran eraq telinga apar barang kiriman untuk batu-batu tersusun nanga bela likoq arwah-arwah nahun batu-batuan yg belah akil, bakil, baq (1), barang pinjaman miheq dikemukan dlm tempat baqil, bètè (1), doing, halar, barang yg hilang toin sirih sebagai suatu hawaq, hiang, hiaq, hiar, barat waraq tanda talu hilar, hingoq, kaqar, kitong, baring lena, tèqèl, tèqèng batuk >ahar (2), boqor laing, lawaq (2), paqal baris letar, piding batuk tertahan èrèn belah: membelah dgn baru tiboq, wèru bau air yg tersimpan pisau tihiq baru (terjadi) nangan, lama iong (1) belah: membelah nang, nape, napo bau badan >èwè memakai kapak dikel baru diambil napun bau busuk buruq, rungan belah: membelah baru, pohon warun (1) bau harum buong memakai pisau atau baru tumbuh tobeq bau kencing bèngu silet hariq baru, yg wèrun baur hoq belah panjang hiang basah doroq, lang (1), bawa dongoq, likaq (1) belah: terbelah karena >oyang, pitaq, rema, ritaq bawa: membawa benda panas hika basah karena embun/ yg diletakkan di atas belah: terbelah kena hujan nayo telapak tangan dasaq panas hira basah kena air iloq bawa: membawa berkali- belahan bètèn basah: membasahi dgn air kali bawaq, nawoq belahan bambu atau minyak loruq bawa: membawa yg dibanting basi ingin datang taping (2) untuk mencari baskom paso bawa: membawa datang kesalahan mahu manuq basuh bahing untuk piara >awe (1) belahan bambu yg batal, seruan untuk bawa: membawa dibentangkan pada membatalkan nawaq dua benda secara balai-balai dahar (2) bergandeng di kiri dan belakang obi batang abun, ain kanan ipaq belakang parang/ batang bambu èdèr (2) bawa: saya membawa èq pisau >ulin batang pisang yg sudah bawah >ubeng belakang, yg bagian ebon ditebang >uban bawang bawang putuq belalak golang, kolang batas nanga bawang merah bawang belalang waiq (1) batas waktu nu nèyèng putuq belalang, sj leba batu dolu, rètu, waq bawang putih bawang belalang yg kakinya batu asah noro buyaq panjang, sj adeng batu berhala pikan bayang >onin belas pulaq batu cadas paraq bayang bayangan yg belas kasihan roho batu ceper yg lebar napar kelihatan pada benda belatung miroq batu induk lapaq yg berkilauan >atur (2) belerang malirang Indonesian – Kedang 755 beli iqer, ier benjol bokoq bersih: membersihkan beli: pembelian bentak daqang, rahe kebun kotan hewan secara bentang apa (1), kowa (2), bersih: membersihkan kelompok duhing kowal, leleng, neler, sereng, semak belukar belung belis nolin, oteq tepaq bersih: membersihkan belis, benda-benda panga bèntèng nebi bambu tuak douq (1) belis, memberi pae (1) bentuk >anung (1), lagu, bersih: membersihkan belit boleq (2), dogel (1), laku, nulur (2), rupa kapas dgn busur buhu doler, doreng, puter bentuk dasar puteq (2) beliung dodang bentuk kerangka puteq bersih: membersihkan belok beloq bentur tèduq luka-luka di air >oyang belukar dlm béo beong, lingir bersih: membersihkan kebun lèdung berahi ayam kidiq padi atau kacang belukar, sj ada lolon, mato bérak pusuq panjang luke kolong bérang bekeq bersin wan (1) belukar, sj, daunnya berani miqer berumbung roda (1) dipakai sbg sayur atang berapa pie besar >abal, bowar, >oang, belum nau beras anen, aneng wang, ria, rian baraq belum, yg naun berat baraq (1) besar: pembesar belut amang berat, cukup neweq suku rian mèker belut sungai mèkèl (1) berbatu likong lakong besar, sudah neten belut yg bersirip >èbo berbunyi spt besar, yg rian (1) benam >èlèng, hèlèng, jengkerik ioq beserta, saya ore >iher berenga miroq besi >olaq benang ikat yg dicelupi berhala kemer besi untuk memantikkan warna mowaq beri doneng, ni (1), sèraq, batu api luli benang sisa erang, urung sorong besi waja matan mean erang beri: memberi besok luqa, natang (2) benang yg dililitkan pada isyarat keriq betina mèluq, ronen lidi untuk menenun beri: memberi betina muda mèluq sarung waniq makan paro beting nubi (2) benang yg dipakai beri: memberi makanan betis witeng untuk mengatur untuk perpisahan tatal betul muar, mur, muren, tenunan gurung hewal mur mur, nara mur, namur, benar ka tung, muar, mur, beri: memberi namur mur muren, mur mur, nara mur, pikiran kahin (2), tuwo biar age, ake, wakaq (1), namur, namur mur, wahar beri: pemberi >akaq benar, yg nimun perempuan >èpu, >ine biasa niliq, pahain, ramaq benda >awai >ame ramaq benda adat pembalas beri: pemberian yg akan biat tulaq belis mehir, mehi digantikan kemudian biawak rèti benda berharga (gong hari dukaq katiq bibir wiwir atau gading) noling (2) beringin bèu bibit tawan benda tipis lèring berita ganepar, kanepar, bicara kete (2), keter, tèhèq, benda yg dicuri maqon gepar, kepar tèq, tutuq bendera tugu, tugul berita: bicara: berbicara bénggol begol, gelang memberitahukan iong dgn bahasa bengkak babang, bètèng, (2), loeng terbalik tambaleq bètèr (2), bokoq, bouq, berkas moten, popon bicara: berbicara untuk bowar, >esong, hubong, berkat, seruan takang (2) menghibur-hibur rou reoq, ubong berkata bahwa... tèlè, rau bengkarung oun tala (4) bicara: bersikap tidak mau bengkok boko, hekong, berontak miqer berbicara buye kalung, kaul, lekoq, sekong bersih engar, hamur, hiki bidadari punteri (1), tokol, wegir, wekir (1), ilin, mengar bidang kecil mokeng bengkuang kepa bersih: bidara buqer (1) benih kuwoq, tawan membersihkan wating bidik hade 756 Indonesian – Kedang biji rehaq, uluq boleh yadi, sadi sambal lame biji hujan lèring boleh jadi boiq (1) buat: membuat tempat bila ere (2) bolong bakur, lèhiq menunggui burung, bila: pembilang >ate, bongkar >alar, baqung (1), rusa, babi hebi >ilaq, lepaq (2), lihen, bogar, bokar, doing, doke, buat: membuat tempat munaq (3), ongo, pue (1), eaq, hiroq, lahaq, lataq, berteduh hayan puhe (2), pulaq, purun, >oliq (1), rèpè buat: membuat upacara ratuq (1), rehaq, ribu, uluq, bongkar: membongkar pemujuan pating uren, >ulir, wèng, wulir pada simpanan buaya darat rèti bilah bambu untuk yg sudah sering bubar baqung (2) menahan belahan disimpan dokang bubuh bulu bambu di dinding atau bor bor bubuk muhuq balai nèpiq borgol lehaq bubuk pecahan beras bilah bambu yg dipakai botol botel setelah ditampi uteq untuk menindih buah >ua (2), >uan, wua, bubungan rumah wolar pelupuh yg di wuan bubur lalaq (1) bawahnya mèdè buah: berbuah sarat, budak unan bilik atau petak dlm lebat balir budaya niliq lumbun untuk simpan buah: habis budi, pohon gudiq jagung lutu berbuah moqang bugar kembali bala (3) bilik di atas dlm buah damar yg buih >uran lumbung nalang ditusuk dgn lidi lalu buih yg keluar dari mulut bimbang wang (2), diputar mukang orang mati manga paoq wangen, weng, wing buah dari pohon bujangan buyang binatang ewang lontar auq oli bujuk >itung, koli (1), ode, binatang laut, sj wawi rae, buah kelapa yg diikat pohong pole woyong perpasangan nukaq buka akil, bakil, bake, bala bingung wang (2), wangen, buah kemiri yg letaknya (2), bèti, biloq, bito, bitol, weng, wing tiarap dalam permainan bukaq (1), hingoq, mowar, Binongko, dari binoko ‘puka pèdo’ pèdo newar, pengar, towar bintang male (1), tala (3) buah labu yg dipakai buka: membuka ikan dari bintang siang lia untuk mengisi air atau jerat loqing bintang sore >uno, wuno kapur upaq buka: membuka bintang tujuh popoq (1) buah pelir laheq ikatan bala (2), hoe bintang yg memberi buah yg belum matang buka: membuka ikatan keturunan kotar atau masih terlalu dgn cara mengeratnya bintik belaq muda mutiq dengan pisau latar bintil ubong buang tiwa, walu, wetoq, buka: membuka mata biola piol wotoq lebar-lebar bèlong biru balauq buang: membuang air buka: membuka biru karena pukulan / ingus pingur pakaian lobuq memar ia, >ulur (2) buang: membuang ke buka: membuka biru muda pahelong atas hode rahasia loeng bisik wiru buang: membuang buka: saya bisul u muka spy jangan membuka ohoq bisu tuli >ibo >abo, mung melihat hobong bukan ama, >anung (2), meng buang: yg dibuang tiwan ohaq, oaq, ton (1), to blék tuta buat laha (1) bukit boteq (1), nataq, bodoh balenger, bukeq, buat: membuat balok haq >omo, wolor kamakuq buat: terbuat dari daiq buku woq bohong pade buat: saya berbuat apa ua buku tulis kayer bola bal, senempaq buat: membuat lambang bulan >ula, wula bola kapas lèwèq untuk tanda nata (2) bulat munaq (1), opal, opol, bola-bola kapas sbg buat: membuat lubang papang (1), upal pengganti arwah dlm untuk ditanami bibit bulir balan upacara adat panga padi baing bulu taleng, >urun, wurun lèwèq buat: membuat buluh pandai besi untuk Indonesian – Kedang 757

mengembus api >uloq graula intermedia butir rehaq (1) javanensis keor Buton, berasal dari butu bumi >ero, tana, wero bunyi sst benda yg jatuh (1) buncit duyuq, homong, menimpa sst tapaq hoyong bunyi suling >eng, hureng C bundar opang, opol (1), weng (2) bunga bungang, puhu, bunyi untuk memanggil cabang ain, lidan, liman, puhun (1), roda (2) ayam kur limaq, wikaq bunga: hampir bunyi untuk mengusir cabang: tidak berbunga buler ayam sèh bercabang lohung bunga jantan pohon bunyi yg gegap- cabik birang lontar walan gempita ritiq rawaq, cabik: mencabik kulit bungkuk rokoq ritiq ria buahnya bingeq bungkus botaq bunyi yg kecil dan lemah cabik: tercabik bungkus: membungkus sst lembut wering memanjang hiang dlm kain lowoq bunyi yg terdengar ketika cabut bata, bèko, boraq (2), bungkusan motaq kayu kering dipatahkan >emèng, kèming bunting haqang, lu (2), atau batu dipukul taraq cabut kumis dumiq muho bunyi yg terdengar ketika cabut rumput èir bungsu >anaq tu >utuq pantat perahu bergesek cacar nuren bunting rege dgn dasar laut goqor caci pake (2) bunting, yg muhon bunyi yg tidak cacing kiki todang, todang buntung robong terang abar, mabar cacing kecil-kecil otil bunuh awang burai lodo (2) cacing, sj, yg terdapat bunyi èuq (2) buritan >uring pada lidah anjing atel bunyi air mengalir wawar buru derung cacing tanah hala todang bunyi air mengalir dlm buru: terburu kanehing, cacing yg hidup dlm batu-batu aqal, oqol, loyang lakiq usus hala mukel oqor (1) buru-buru nehing cahaya >engaq, kelaq, bunyi ayam yg buruk dahan, daten, datoq, kelang, kilong, kiloq, lair, sedang membela dihan, natoq tado anaknya korkataq burung burong (1) cair >iwor, muha, nehal bunyi bibir pupur burung bangau manong cakap: bercakap dgn bunyi burung ‘hian’ hitiq burung buas kiki, kiki bahasa niring bunyi burung hantu bèng mulin cakar hala kèir, karung, bunyi burung ketitir oho burung darat kecil, sj iwi laba, rakung bunyi burung burung di pohon yg kita Calotropis gigantea lelaq pergam kuwu tidak bisa lihat rawaq cambuk wataq bunyi cicak kutuq (3) campak bèting bunyi derak-deruk rekoq burung hantu, sj oro bèng campur dawur, daur, hoq, bunyi gemeletuk gigi kir burung ketitir olong (2) waur bunyi goncang >ekal burung laut manuq tahiq campuran, tidak bunyi hujan di tempat yg burung pahat laba ai ada piling sedikit jauh >ae burung pelatuk, sj ewal, campur: mencampur bunyi hujan yg laba ai air dingin ke air jatuh wawar burung, sj dai laki, eor panas hèdol, sèloq bunyi kulit kambing kir (2), hian, lau lete, manuq campur: mencampur bunyi pukulan dgn lalung, mapur, mayang barang cair baur kayu riti >uya, oaq (1), oi iqil, campur: mencampur dgn bunyi ramai >uwung >obang >api, todoq, >uru abu pau (2) bunyi riang-riang >eng, modang campur: mencampur tuak weng (2) burung suangi yg lama dan baru hakol bunyi spt gong yg berbunyi pada malam (1) dipukul powong hari tuaq woloq Canarium commune rani bunyi spt minyak busuk buruq cangkir sangker digoreng tiher busuk, bau bunger cangkir tempurung teqa, bunyi sj burung, busur >ur, wur teqang 758 Indonesian – Kedang cangkul baq (2), hua, laqur, cincang bel, koq (2) hèliq, hokil, holiq, hoqi, sakul, sangkul cincin di jari ila hulur, >oliq (1), tokil cangkul lurus bertangkai cinta kiol, sita cungkil tanah kokiq panjang dokaq, nokaq cintai sayang curam, tidak depal (1) cantik lour, meloq cipta huraq, libur curang >iro caplak anjing epi cita kahin (2) curang: berlaku curang caplok rahiq Citrullus vulgaris timu dalam membagi cari haba, hawar, sapang rawang, rawang sst >ire (2), sari cium miqen, naèq curi etil, maqo cari: mencari dgn coba daq (1), paing, patal, curiga >oroq tangan dlm sokal, soba (1) Cymbopogon Citratus rotan lubang loker cobek gosu, kosu cari: mencari salah cocok munung (1), pareq benar tobu (2), patuq, sosoq (2), tama D cari: mencari cocok (dlm ukuran) ka penyebabnya kehu (2) dacing dasing, tanibang cari: mencari tahu du cocok: mencocokkan di dada oroq cari: mencari tahu asal lubang wehaq dadap leaq usul pau (1), paung Coix lacryma-jobi, daerah auq (1), awuq cari: mencari di sana Linn. leye dagang: pedagang sini nudu nede Colocasia antiquorum odel, keliling papa lele cat behaq, >ida tiri (1) daging dadi, >ihin, >ihing, cawat tariq comot >èmèng >ihiq cebur lèbèq congkak hèqèng wèq daging buah kelapa Ceiba pentandra kapo contoh piring muda >ulur (1) cekik èqèl, lègèq Conus eximus boka (1) daging kambing laqi (1) cela milu, pake (2), >uri coreng kuang daging yg menonjol celah >alaq (2) corengan nuang (2) keluar mulu celaka salaka coret kuang dagu imen, imeq celana deko Corphya utan, Linn. tèbuq dahak nuaq (1), oraq (2) celup lèbèq, long (2) cotok totoq dahan lidan, liman, limaq cemara leur cuat hoang daki mèdèr 1 cemerlang nado cubit iteq, kimuq, tumiq daki dau, dohil, eu, 2 cendawan, sj ruha tilun cuci bahing, hamur, hidang wongun cengkam >amir, damiq cuci muka èuq (1) daki: jalan mendaki cepat ewar, laeq, layu, naiq cuci: mencuci dgn cara yg gampang ceper heda, kepaq, kepel, menyiram louq perosok soruq, tohur mipi cuci: mencuci dgn air daki, tempat daun ceper, batu lapaq kosong lèmuq dakian yg tidak cerai higor, hiroq, neler, cuci: mencuci curam lena pehaq, pesaq, piang mulut >èmur, >imur, dalam laleng, >uhe, wela cerek sereq >umur (2) (1) ceréwét hele ledeq, petoq cuci: mencuci dalam: pedalaman >iwan, patoq rambut peda >iwang ceritera sarita, tutuq cucur susur dalam di dlm air lamaq cermin linong cucuran atap wido (3) cet >ida cuka sukaq (2) dalam di dlm ciap kioq cukup bèing (1), hekaq (1), lubang lomoq cibir mukeq mè (2), mènin dalam keadaan bèq, cibir: mencibirkan cukup, mencukupi sudi wakaq (1), >akaq bibir tanda tidak cukup, tidak èng dalam keadaan setuju mutur cukur kobar takut bèwiq mèwiq cicak oun, tuan (3) cuma: percuma parasuma dalam, tidak hetel cicip paing, patal cuma-cuma >olung damai dame cicit >ere (1) cumi-cumi meneng, damai, berdamai soba (2) Cina sina nunang damar kabelung, padu Cina, orang sina cungkil doiq (2), dokil, dampar epaq (1), pale Indonesian – Kedang 759 damping dereng, piding, Dendrocalamus dinding dari batu di tode, tubi asper perung pinggir laut untuk dan sobe, so dengan daiq, >èpiq, hènèq menjebak ikan >atur dan: saya dan... ore dengan saya ore (1) dangau di kebun nayan dengar banger (1), dèngèr, dinding, membuat kèbiq dangkal hetel wenger banger (1) dingin èmi (1), mawin dapat dapaq, homeng, dengkur >areng, mura dingin: raheq, ruang, ruten, yadi, >areng, murang >areng mendinginkan hèwoq, sadi dengung >èqung, mèbung poler (1) dapat: mendapat rezeki dengus kèqèr dingin, yg èmin (1) dari arwah mahing dentam reku (2) dinihari ribo rabo malaq depa dèpè, huq diri hading, mader dapat: pendapatan nanin depan wau diri: berdiri pada tepian dapat bertahan/ deret piding tebing moeng menerima hoder deretan doran dobel henang dapat memuat derita hideq domba luba banyak namaq Derris nua dos buku dapat, tidak rehi, rehing desa lèu dosa >ale (1) dapur lia matan desak duruq, tuku (1), dua sue darah dara (2), wèiq >uruq dua puluh lima sen koar darat wayang (1) desau kamar duaan suen daratan neda desir kamar duda iden (1) dari >aq, ma, nè destar nodeng duduk tebeq dasar >uq, wuq di bè, ba, dè, di, diq duduk atau bertengger datang hoteng di atas halang (2) pada ujung cabang datang: mendatangkan di mana dènita, dinita, kayu moeng hasil tibul didita, nita duit doiq (1) datang waktunya tiba di sana >oleq, >oliq, dukacita suker Datura fastuosa tubung >oteq, >oweq, >oyoq, weli dukuh dlm desa daun lolon, wiqil di sini bèq, noq Leuwayang edang (2) daun pisang muko lolon dia nuo, ni dukun molan daun yg tergantung ke dia (kata ganti adesif, dukung bote bawa loran (1) 3t) nene dulu, saya ulo daun yg tua repaq dia (kata ganti emfatik, dulu kala lelan daun-daun tua yg 3t) ne duluan, yg nulon gampang pecah kalau dia (kata ganti fokus agen, dungu balenger, bukeq, dipencet rikuq 3t) neti kamakuq dayung bahi, bayang, dia (kata ganti fokus dunia sebelah barat sina wayang (2) perbuatan, 3t) nèrèq (2) sawa debak abaq dia (kata ganti posesif, dunia seberang di bawah debam >èding 3t) neq tanah ahèraq debap abaq dia (kata ganti posesif dupa kameyang dedaunan lolon emfatik, 3t) neqe, neqi duri maeq dehem èrèn dia (morfem terikat) -i, duri pada pelepah pohon dekap pada dada barun -ne lontar bebak dekat dehiq, nehiq, deniq, dia akan nena dusta akal, pade dereng, tubi diam ere (1), >èkèq delapan buturai, butu diam: mendiamkan oni delegasi untuk menyampai diam, tidak lehor E maksud dari pemuda ke diang di api daya pada pemudi marang dibagai, yg baqen ekor ebo wala didih bura, koqer ekor ayam jantan lado demam panan, ruku (1) didik ayar ekor, bagian ebon Demon, orang demon di mana dita elang kaka beang, kabeang, denda deda dinding >ebir, nèbiq kaka rian dendam nawen dinding anyaman dari elus ropa dendeng pate, wareng buluh biri (1) emas weren (1) 760 Indonesian – Kedang embek boreng, kèqèr G gaul erung embun apun, aqang gaung naka (1), saka (2) embus puiq gabus, sj pohon boyol gayung kanayong, kayong, embusan angin yg lemah gadai gade, gerang nayong lembut dihiq, diq (2) gading bala (1) gayung: saya menggayung empat >apaq gading diberi orang yg air ahu empedu pèyun menerima perempuan gayung: menggayung empu nimon sbg isteri nohing air, spy menjadi enam >ènèng gading pembalas kering lemaq (1) enau pole (2) belis mehi, mehir gebang tèbuq endap paer gadis areq gelang kaki latong engah hèng, hopan gagah meloq, potoq gelang rotan aruq (1) enggan itor gagak ang gelang tangan mawang (2) enggan, ungkapan yg gagang inga gelanggang lakan, lagang menyatakan >èqè, gagap bicara >uko (2) gelanting toreng >èqèng gali aèl, aling, kaèl, kaling,, gelap miteng, rukeng engkau o (1), onin koroq, laqur gelembung >uran, wokul engkau (kata ganti adesif, gambir gabeng, kabeng (2), woloq 2t) omo gampang gapang, géléng: bergéléng engkau (kata ganti kalohung tidak weko emfatik, 2t) mo gandeng imang (2) gelepar kea kayang, tapar engkau (kata ganti fokus gandung waqan geli >iwiq agen, 2t) oti ganggu >aheq, ganing, kati, geliat begor engkau (kata ganti fokus kehoq (2) gelincir heleq, soruq perbuatan, 2t) mèrèq ganggu: saya gelinding kolar (2) menggangu awang gelindingkan kodol engkau (kata ganti posesif, ganjal honing gelitik kitiq, tikiq 2t) moq gantang ganatang, gelombang hokal, engkau (kata ganti posesif kanatang, gatang, katang, manalung, >ubaq emfatik, 2t) moqo, hueq gelombang: dipukul meqi ganteng meloq gelombang luka (1) engkau (morfem ganti kelung, peka gelun kaluq terikat) -o, -ko gantung dawil, dewel, gembira mayar, senang engkau akan ona doreng, halaq (2), kewel, gembira, merasa maiq, entah >ea, >eqa (3), kaiq leleng, loleng, retong, maiq wèq (1) toreng, wetong, wideng, gembung obuq entak dèqèr (2), rataq woyong gementar kedoq entak: mengentakkan kai gantung: menggantung gementar >odor, ruku berulang-ulang roteng barang jualan ditempat (1), nèyu eram nèpèng umum leleng gempar ganedel erat kieq, manga (1), gantung: tergantung gemuk opoq (1) mangan lurus polur genang heraq, lebo, letang, eret teduq gantung sst yg bertali loi erti: saya mengerti ui, pada bahu lilin genangan >ipoq >apoq uan gapai hayong, sayong genap anaq, papang (1) Èrythrina, Linn. leaq garam tèqu genap: Eugenia kulu sawa garing repoq (1) mengenapkan gènè, garis kuang nawen garisan nuang (2) genap waktunya tiba F garuda kaka beang, gendang bawa kabeang, manuq laka ruda, gendang perunggu >ulu fajar menyingsing nea manuq laka rudang (2) fajar merekah bia (1) garuk kakur, karo, roming gendola kandola Ficus benjamina bèu gasing kote gendong kaban Ficus, Linn. danung (2), gasing, kepala longo gendong: menggendong paqung gasing, main gereng anak hakaq frambusia biluq gatal katel, kawaq (1) genggam butil, >èmèng Indonesian – Kedang 761 gerak dèyu, hekol, lehor, boyong, dolang, doru, gunung >ili, wela (1) mekol gosoq, haru, loha, ropa gunung: gerak: bergerak-gerak gosok: menggosok pegunungan >iwan, (kelopak mata) rèmiq cat >ida >iwang gerak: mengerak-gerakkan gosok: menggosok lubang gunung Kedang >Uyo sst yg tertangkap untuk pantat dgn batu setelah Lewun, >Uye Lewun melepaskannya betul buang air besar >ilu gurita nunang, oba gerak, tidak nueng gosok: menggosok gurita besar >ara bora gerak gerik begor, eko rambut peda gurita kecil laruq, laq daka gotong royong mohing laruq gerbang pintu kampung goyang >ayoq, bayol, dèyu, guru guru, kuru lama balowe doyung, edeq, >edoq, guruh nèdung gergaji >ohong (1) >ekaq, >ekoq, >eyoq, gusar hiwoq gerinda >eluq kedong, ledeq, >oda, gusi pepuq gersik kamar >oduq, woda gerutu karang (1) goyang: bergoyang gesah nehing karena tidak kuat H gesek doyang berdiri biyung bayung gesek: penggesek api dari goyang: menggoyang- habis bahe, dei, ipu, lèbu, bambu >ohung goyang niru teho, tihir lèpè, liung, mueng (1) geser dorong, dosor, edaq, goyang: menggoyang habis: menghabiskan odoq supaya tidur ledeq makan yg getah getaq goyang: menggoyang tersisa pèling getah pohon nanan tangan, tanda tidak habis, yg bahen getah pohon nangka iqir mau wehir hadap olong (1), pue (2) getar dequng gratis >olung hadapan pareq (1), wau Gigantochloa graula intermedia hadiah doneng, laqu (1) verticillata bering javanensis eor (2) hadiah dari orang gigi awar (1) gua liang , >uoq, wuoq (2) mati mahing malaq gigil kedoq gugur bolaq (1), moqang hadiah, pemberian untuk gigit >amir, damiq, kiqi, gula nasu orang besar tutu hai nara (4) gulai weren (2) hak kawin antara gigit bibir bawah mamiq guling batong, hele, kodol, kemanakan mahan gila kamunger, munger kolar, koleq, kolor, lou, halal, tidak iri giling behar, mehar luen, waling halaman maqur (1) ginjal ehuq, èrèq (3) gulir waling halang haqa, tadan, tikol giring-giring >etung gulung kolor, kopol (1), halangan huqu haqa, ikol, giring-giring anyaman luen, lulun nikol daun lontar kukaq gulung: menggulung daun halau burang, horiq (1) giring-giring besar kili pandan laqan halau: menghalau bolo gumpal bopoq, mopoq, perburuan untuk goncang >ekaq >opo mengumpulnya pada goncang: menggoncang gumpalan mopoq suatu tempat >oha turun naik >okuq guna dogel (2), guna, kuna, halia lie gong gasaq (2), kabolu, kong mero halilintar kèdung (1), tawa guna-guna, halipan ipan gong yg jarang membuat >oneng haluan >ale (3) dibunyikan natan >ahiq halus: menghaluskan gonggon bowong (1) guna: menggunakan tempat spy yg kasar gopoh nuku naka pisau atau parang hilang pèping goreng redang sembarangan, sehingga hamba unan goreng tanpa majal mote hambur elar minyak lobaq guncang >edoq, >oduq hamil muho gores kuraq, nuang (2) gundul loku, pela hamil, yg muhon goresan nuraq gunting kanuting, kuting hampa mètung gorok >ohor guntur kèdung, nèdung, hampar apa (1), tepaq gosok behaq, boyang (1), rantaka, reka hampir laha (3) 762 Indonesian – Kedang hancur >asur, buteq, gosu, hiasan toleq ibu ine, >inan kakal, kosu, muha, nehal, hiasan kepala >era (2), ibu anak haram howan rèhuq (2), ruhuq, ruteq, pebaq, tamodo ijuk hoi, rèki taha, tèlèr hiasan sebaliknya mata ikan >iqa hancur karena uang belang ikan belanak meler ditumbuk peper hiasan telinga til tawe ikan cumi-cumi meneng hancur luluh dunuq laong, nubuq ikan kecil, sj deraq (1), hancur, tidak kaoq (2) Hibiscus tiliaceus, doniq, kong baluq, merang handuk untuk Linn. warun (1) ikan kering teban membungkus hidung ning ikan pahada >adar badan rabu hidup bita, dariq ikan, sj apu (1), bèqur, hantam danaq, tipaq, waku hidup, yg bitan buhu (1), buru gahing, (1), wokul (1) hijau tange, tangen >èlon, >etang, hilaq, io, hanya kohaq hilang ilang, kèpuq, rawa iteng, kakoq, kome, lèwoq, hanyut bao (1), toiq maqe, mere, oyor, tule, hapus hawi, pohoq hilang: menghilang cepat tutung (1), uno hapus ingus dengan dari pandangan >etaq ikan, sj, yg lengan peman dale hilang lenyap weting beracung >eto batoq, haram puting hilang rupa / sangiri haraman >ahar (1) berita mèlèng ikan tambang teban harapan satu benda hilang tidak ikan tongkol sarea atau orang akan bersisa pilang ikat howeq, likur, mowaq, kembali roing himpit dieq, tunu pètèq, pèting, pu (2), rake harga welin, weren (1) himpun >uleng (1), >uleng, >uyung hari >eqa (2), haraq (1), himpunan motel ikat: suatu cara mengikat loyo hina pake (2), >uri dgn tindihan bilah harmonika mulut remba hindar heaq bambu pèdè harta belaya, balaya hingar-bingar ningor ikat: mengikat tali haru doling, doliq hinggap ele (2) jangkar niku harum mèngi, ungu hirau doraq ikat: mengikat tali pada harus bang (1), paq (4) hirup dihil, duq (1), duyeng benang bowaq harus disertai hènèq hitam miteng ikat: mengikatkan ke hasil belahan bètèn hitung kareq (1), nareq (2), sepotong kayu huwaq hasil bumi nuran baran rekeng ikatan >eti, muleng, hasil pembagian baqen hitung: menghitung nuyung, pangan, popon, hasut rosiq satu sampai dengan welaq hasut: menghasut empat nata (1) ikatan kepala dari daun- berkelahi hope hitung: sudah dihitung daun mabaq, mebaq hati laleng, >oneq, taqen dlm pembagian kalèq ikatan pelepah aruq (1) (2) hiu >iu ikat pelana kuda pedi hati: perhatikan ebeng, hormat adaq, hora mata, ikat pinggang medeng tègèl padang ikat pinggang yg dipakai hati, panas hiwoq hubungan relasi waden waktu menenun saligur haus ahang, mayaq hujan >uya ikut dori, ikoq, todu hela teduq hujan rintik reteq ikut (perintah) dukiq helai lihen hukum hukung ikut: mengikuti jejak pau helai: selhelai daun hulu nètèq, >olen (1), paung dlm anyaman kotak hutan kain, tuen ikut: mengikuti kemauan dll lapan, nanang, rèkèq huyung epaq (2) sendiri saja pohong hendak kahin (2), laha (2), Hydrocotyle pole laleng sibthorpioides bara pehiq ikut saja sepanjang henti hekaq (1), inoq, mai jalan podu henti: seruan untuk ilah laba lia berhenti nawaq (2) I ilalang >uru henti: yg berhenti main imam imang (1) heran >è, ehe (1) ia nuo, ni Imperata cylindrica >uru hias >ako iba eroq indah >ieq tuyan Indonesian – Kedang 763 induk >inan J jamak >ata, >ataq, ta induk, batu lapaq jambu batu kulu sawa ingat >ikir, >ingaq, kèlèn, jadi nuang (3), yadi, sadi jambu, sj rompo tungen jaga dariq, ewa, mae, janda iden (1) ingat: mengingat mawaq, pakang, rio, saga, jangan kara kekasih eqing saka (1) jangan sampai boiq (1) ingin nèngoq jaga: penjaga gerbang jangan terlalu bèing (1) ingkar ehing pintu kampung kapitan janggut sabeq ini noq, naq, noqo, noyo, dulin janggut panjang dan wa, ba, na, ya, we, wenu jaga: penjaga tebal barewoq injak hamang, kihaq, pihaq tempat lama jangkar niwang injak: menginjak hingga jaga malam tiong jangkau >oda, woda rata >eleq jagung watar janji bayar, >èlu, nakang injak turun >idoq jagung rebus bangaq (2) janji: perjanjian antara insang >ahang jagung titik hengan kampung atau intai lekeq jagung titik yg direbus wilaya bela bayan, sayin inti >ara bowo bayan intip piloq jagung kembang muhu, janji: yg dijanjikan >èlun iring polung, tode muhun (1) jantan laqin (2) iris haneq, hèrè, hèriq, jahit hèwung jantan, ayam atau hodang, kèoq, kuraq, jahit: menjahit burung lalung (1) lèring, mèyèq, pipi mulut tukur jantung pisang imiq iris tuak paiq jahitan yg menyambung jarak takang (1) iris daging lopor dua bagian/ jarang nareq (1) isap dihil, duhu, dumeq, lirang neren jari-jari pada suatu dupeng, dure, dureq, jajar piding kesatuan witu duyeng, min jakun adung boko jaring pueq isap, saya in jala >alaq (1), tiwang jarum batur isi hore, hoyoq, >ihi, >ihin, jalan lala (1) jarum dari >ihing, >ihiq, mègung, rèq jalan: berjalan diam-diam bambu nèwung, nuhuq isi anak panah >upil melalui sst. luer jarum pukat nuaq (2), isi kelapa lipang, lipang taq jalan: berjalan dgn nuhuq, nuwaq isi yg penuh hapo melangkahi rumput jarum untuk menjahit istirahat hana, oler ling, atau semak >oreq, atap daun lontar nawar poho woreq jatuh bolaq (1), hubaq, itik liar manuq sama jalan: berjalan-jalan ledo koqal, laweq, lodung, itu mè (2), mènin, mèyoq, jalan: berjalan moqang, moruq, oqal, moyoq, ba, na, wa, we, membungkuk lulu pèhèq, tatang, turu wenu, ya jalan: berjalan jatuh, hampir mau tiwiq itu, yg mawa, mèwa sendirian eteng jatuh terbuang-buang dlm itu yg dekat jalan: berjalan tergesa- pengangkutan titong sialamat nobeq gesa duong jatuh terguling lou itu yg di arah ke barat / jalan: orang yg berjalan jatuh bawah bèlè, ole ledon tertelungkup humoq itu yg di arah ke jalan berjinjit sikiq jatuh ke bawah munung darat bèli, mèliq, oli jalan perlahan- (2) itu yg di arah ke lahan sodoq jauh doa, doaq, lakang, laut bèwè, mèwèq, jalan terhuyung- potoq moweq, owe huyung paleq jauh: menjauhkan itu yg di arah ke jalan terus tanpa diri lier samping bèyo, oyo berhenti podu jauh, yg doan, doaq itu yg di arah ke timur / jalan untuk menemui Jawa sawa atas bètè, mètèq, ote sesuatu yg Jawa, orang sawa dirindukan keba (2) jawab tali, tapan jalar doro (1), kapa, mana jawab: menjawab jalin doleq, liwang (2), ya >ahaq wan (2) jawawut wereq 764 Indonesian – Kedang jelai leye jual: menjual tenaga atau laki nowin jelas aran, arang (2) modal danung (1) kain yg dipakai untuk jemput horaq juga ge menggendong jemput: penjemputan roh julang tola anak naban orang hidup oleh orang juling heruq, hèting kain yg hampir mati kaweq julur lor rusak buha jemur lean (1) julur: menjulurkan kain yg kurang baik jendela yendela kepala untuk melihat mutunya baraging jénggér woiq sst nomong kais bogar, hegar, kaer, jénggér ayam woro koiq jumbai jagung roda (2) kalaq, kèir jengkal wagaq, wakaq (2) jumpa haraq (2) kait ateq, >akiq, >eti, jengkerik ar ataq junjung huneng kateng, kateq, ongaq, jentik otil jurang di mana sangiq jepit dèpiq, dieq, dipeq, pembungkus mayat bisa kait: pengait nangiq kipeq, doling, doliq, digantung rauq kaitan >ileq (3) kanèming, kèmiq, nèpiq, juru molan, suru kakak aqe nipeq, >ona kakak adik kakang >aring, jepit: cara membawa kang >aring dgn menjepitkan pada K kakak, yg kakan ketiak diteq kakatua weaq jepit: penjepit kabar gepar, kepar kakék-kakék ame èpu pakaian unan kabung >ireng kaki lèi jepret metir, metiq kabur aruq (2), >eran, kaki, bagian lèin jerang patang (1) haboq, habu (1) kaki bukit >ubeq jerat aweq, witur kabut, tidak lagi kaki kepanasan karena jerat: terjerat pada dibungkus nea kena tanah yg pukat nieq kacang >utan panas ala luaq, ai luaq, jerat binatang nèpi kacang hijau wewe luaq jerat, memeriksa leri kacang hutan, sj, kulitnya kaki seribu ipan jerat tangan loraq, royaq amat gatal inar kaktus >atung jernih ilin kacang pohon, sj >uye kaku mèdèq jeruk mude kacang, sj aha, ihi, omaq, kala jengking >ela jerumbai rewong, rewoq, rowe, wahe kalahkan >iuq riwong kacau kehoq (1), wegor kalau ama, ere (2), kalu, la jijik eiq kacoak tèiq tayaq (1), mepe jika bang (1), kalu kadal oun kali1 èwèng jilat dile kagum ehe (1) kali2 moan, muan, man jilat: menjilat sisa kail kopel, taung (1) kalong ara rebeng makanan pada pinggir kail, mata awil kalung >aba, pen mulut pelaq (1) kain lipaq, palekaq, sitaq kalung leher bang (2) jin natang (1), niting, nitung kain atau papan yg kambing witing jin daratan neda dipakai untuk kami e (1), ke jin laut hari menampal nabal kami (kata ganti adesif, 1j jin, nama ruha kuba kain hitam penunjuk jalan eks) eke jinak >ayang (2), maman orang mati >ulun kami (kata ganti emfatik, jinjing eweq, reweq kain hitam untuk 1j eks) ke jinjit eweq, reweq mengubur mayat nutaq kami (kata ganti fokus jitu memanah manang (1) kain kepala nodeng agen, 1j eks) keti jiwa nawaq (3), tuber kain pengikat cawat behi kami (kata ganti jolok dokur, horuq, tokaq (2) fokus perbuatan, 1j jolok: alat untuk kain pembersih mohoq eks) mèrèq (2) menjolot noruq (2) kami (kata ganti posesif, jongkok mokoq kain putih saboq 1j eks) keq joran betur (1), metur kain tenun putih yg kami (kata ganti posesif jorok soyong diikatkan pada mayat emfatik, 1j eks) keqe, jual durung laki-laki mese keqi jual beli kahin (3) kain untuk laki- kami (morfem terikat, 1j Indonesian – Kedang 765

eks) -e, -ke karenanya saya ema kayuh bahi, wahi kami akan kena karet kareq (3) ke arah ke barat / kami, yg milik keqen kartu Cina patui bawah bèlè, >ole, >oleq kampung lèu karung karong ke arah ke darat bèli, >oli, kampung baru riang (1) kasar karang (1), wokar >oliq kampung kecil riang (1) kasau noreng ke arah ke laut bèwè, kamu me (1) kasau rumah nawel >owe, >oweq kamu (kata ganti adesif, kasih sobaq ke arah ke samping bèyo, 2j) meme kasihan kasiang >oyo, >oyoq kamu (kata ganti emfatik, kasihan, merasa roho ke arah ke timur / 2j) me kata nute, toyeq atas bètè, >ote, >oteq kamu (kata ganti fokus kata perhitungan barang keadaan >eqa (2) agen, 2j) meti atau benda adat munaq kebal kotiq (1) kamu (kata ganti fokus (3) kebiasaan ramaq ramaq perbuatan, 2j) mèrèq katak maran, tepa tule, kebiri boqi, kabiri, onaq (2) tokoq (1) kebun bareng, >eqa (1), kamu (kata ganti posesif, katuk mèpè (1) kain, lumar 2j) meq katup tenggorokan èqil kebun, bekas notan, tuen kamu (kata ganti posesif kawan erung, nerung, kebun yg baru emfatik, 2j) meqe, meqi noreq, reu dibuka moraq (1) kamu (morfem terikat, 2j) kawan: kebun yg tidak -e, -ke mengawani warang dikerjakan polang kamu akan mena kawat paka kecapi mulut edang (1) kanan wana (2) kawin doho kecewa iho, kèku, kuyung, kanan, yg wanan kaya kawasa, kuasa, pitang mohang kancing ateq, kasing, sarang kecil ehoq, eken, ekeng, kateng, kateq kayu ai keke, kehoq (3), kileng, kancing: menancing baju kayu alas lanta, balanta kuleng, kupil, kuseng, memakai peniti pètil kayu api duqu mèqè, mule (2), tèin (2), kandang dèdèl, kadang, kayu atau bambu yg upor, utu (1), weriq nèdèl diletakkan melintang kecil serupa telur kandung muho, nawal untuk tempat kutu ihen kandung, yg muhon jemuran nekal kecil, yg utun, utung, kangkang bakar, bikar, kayu atau bambu yg keken, kutun eqan, hakaq, hangaq dipasang melintang kecubung tubung kantong dawal, kadewaq, pada atap rumah rèpèq kedang teleng nawal (2) Kedang edang (2) kantuk toka, tue toka, tue kayu ipil ipil kedip kereng, kiruq, retaq loiq kayu joran untuk keduk hoqi kapak baliq (1), ka toq memancing metur kehidupan murun kapak kecil ka toq kayu lunak >ewu kejang mèdèq, meleng kapal kapal (2) kayu palang noliq kejar dèhuq kapan kapang kayu pemukul mehir, kejut dotoq (1), >è, kèqèr kapas ape mehi, mèngè kekang kuda rapaq kapas, bola lèwèq kayu pemukul kelabang ipan kapas yg siap untuk belalang mehil kelabu rowa dipintal lelu kayu penjolok noruq keladi odel, tiri (1) kapitan pitang sarang kayu tongkat nukoq kelahi awe, awen, nu (1), kapoh, sj pohon puqu kayu putih ai buyaq >unu kapuk kapo kayu sandungan nadan kelapa tapo, taq kapur >apur (1) kayu tajam lurus kelapa atau pinang, karang1 ruqen dipasang diatas pohon, yg pertama kali karang2 nubi (1) bubungan nowoq berbunga ero karang laut, sj ai hapu, kayu untuk alas di bawah kelapa, lembaga èbur biling, bulan, rogang, ruhu loteng noruq kelapa, tulang daun luri karat wiring kayu yg dipakai untuk kelat pilar karena bale, ele (1) memukul mawar (1) kelelawar ara rebeng, kua 766 Indonesian – Kedang

(2), miqi kempis kalèpiq, kepiq, kerbau arabau kelelawar besar, sj miqi kuyung, lèpiq, luqur, kerengga lèr naga miyung, nèiq kerikil era kelelawar kecil sj miqi kempis, mata kisuq kering ahang, mayaq, turi ebo kèdèq kemudi >uli (2) kering: benda yg kelewang huriq (1) kemurahan hati budi kering karena kena kelihatan aran, arang (2) kena logeq, lokeq, nènè, panas turin kelikir era tèqè, uwe (2), ue keringat rèwun, rèwung keliling buel, kole kena goresan duraq, keriting rokong, ropoq, keliur gelaq durang tokol kelok lekoq kena: mengenakan cincin kerja kareyang, laq kelom kelong atau gelang bawang (2) kerja: bekerja kebun >ola kelompok orang kena: tidak dikenai kerja paksa waqa yg. membuang pembagian >oluq kerja sama antara dua pukat >araq (2) kena, hampir hipur kepala kelompok keluar bukaq (3), ding kena sasaran paheq penangkapan ikan bela keluar: mengeluarkan kenal lalang, tada kerling helar dahak >ar kenalan nimon keroko, pohon lelaq keluar: mengeluarkan sst kenang tungen kerongkongan adung dari dlm lubang doke, kenapa >ape, kata (1) kertak-kertuk lekar doker, koker kenapa, saya ua kertas kurenta keluar dari dalam hoal kencang >ètèq, wengin, keruh buhang, karèmuq, keluar dari tempat wider rèmuq, >umuq simpanan lodo (2) kencang: menenangkan kerumun ele (2), kupul, keluarga, yg lain tali busur >auq (2) kopol (2), >orang >irung dalam neheq kencing mie kerut karuq (2), kèku, keluh dareng, >èqè, kencur heur (1) luqur, mèqè, ruku (2), >èqèng, idoq, nahing kendur oq ruq (2) keluh orang tidak lekas kental batuq kerut dahi niruq pulang roing kentara aran kesambi ala behi, reho keluhan waktu mengerang kentungan nètoq, noqol, keseléo holeq (1) kesakitan >ido rabang ketapél metir, metiq kentut >ètèng ketam uyu kemaluan olong (2) 1 kenyang bolor, mapaq (2) ketam sakap kemaluan laki-laki >uti 2 kemaluan laki- keok kaoq (1), kioq ketam darat mogong, laki menegang, keong kukoq >uru kua berdiri modor keong laut besar buri ketapang kaliha, liha kemaluan kepala rodang, tubar ketat dèpiq perempuan tereq kepala gasing longo keterlaluan barekeng kemaluan tempat tumbuh kepala urusan ketika naiq bulu bonger penangkapan ikan bela ketimun timu kemanakan maqing waeng, bela waeng wala ketitir olong (2) kemanakan, pihak yg kepinding maeng ketuk dètol, dèto, hoqol, membayar belis teqa kepingin nèngoq lèduq , nètol (1), toq kemangi awa daqa kepiting uyu ketuk: mengetuk dgn kemari / ke sini >aq, ma kepung bukul, kole tongkat lèluq (3), nè kera luka leki ketupat topaq kemarin èwin keranjang lèpo, reku (1) kiasan nukung (1) kemasukkan roh baloding keranjang anyaman kibar kebol, kelor kembali bale, balen, koloq panjang dari daun kibas kebol kembar ikang (1) gebang blanse kikir1 kanikir, kikir kembung obong, obor keras lèrè kikir2 turi, turin kemenyan kameyang keras karena kikis kuriq kemilau: kelihatan kering mahaq kilat dolang, >engaq, ilaq, kemilau karena kena keras, yg lèrèn dilaq, kilaq, nilaq, kelaq, minyak >ilon kerat hèriq, kèrèq (1), kelang, kilong, kiloq, naru, kemiri mireq kètèng, kètèq, kuraq >olor Indonesian – Kedang 767 kilau >engaq, kelaq, kilong, kris kere kumpul awe, èpuq (1), kiloq kuah weren (2) mawu, mawun, >opung, kilik kitiq kuak wake (2) tawu, tawun, tubun kilir holeq (1), hongaq kuali gawali kumpul: mengumpulkan kipas daing, napel, tapel kuali besar kawa sisa huluq kira nohiq kuap moa kumur >èmur, >imur, kira: sekiranya wèqè paq kuat hèkèr, kieq, kiqing, >umur (2), okuq kiri weri lèrè, wadang kunang-kunang kapo lodo kirim natu (1) kuat, tidak pekon kundur ara (3) kiriman natun kuat, yg lèrèn kungkung lehaq, ongaq kita te (1) kubur taneng kuning eor (1), kuma, reoq, kita (kata ganti adesif, 1j kubur: menguburkan uma in) tete batu mazbah dengan kuning telur kikoq kita (kata ganti emfatik, 1j maksud mematikan kuning, yg uman in) te lawan keba (1) kunjung ruang kita (kata ganti fokus kucing kusing kunyah kuluq (1), mameq, agen, 1j in) teti kucing, istilah untuk mamoq, mataq (2) kita (kata ganti fokus memanggil meong kunyit uma perbuatan, 1j in) tèrèq kuda kuda, nuar, sarang (1) kupas bia, bie (1), har, (2) kudis puroq kaheq, kiri, luqang, paqe, kita (kata ganti posesif, 1j kudung robong tahing, wara in) teq kue bolo (1), bolu kupu-kupu ebal kita (kata ganti posesif kuku urung (1) kurang kèpuq, lora (1), emfatik, 1j in) teqe, kukuh kiqing, king, manga urang (1) teqi (1) kurang: mengurangi kita (morfem terikat, 1j kukuh, tidak pekon tingginya èhèq in) -te kukur karuq (1), kuriq kursi kandera, karosi kami akan tena kukuran kanaruq, nuriq kurung dèdèl, dèkèng kita, yg milik teqen kukus halaq (3) kurung: mengurung diri klewang haur kukusan untuk mengukus dlm rumah nèbèng kobra, sj pupun nasi nome kurus keang, piki kokok kokoq kulit amaq (1) kurus karena sakit loduq kompeni kupuni kulit dalam apa (2) kurus, menjadi leta komplet bahe kulit jagung kalauq kusta ai rapun konde bule kulit kayu untuk kusut-kisut lukuq lèkuq kond sementara lapa (3) memahitkan minuman kutu anjing mèlè kongsi >iwar tuak >ure kutu ayam mèwo kopi kopi (2) kulit luar pada tongkol kutu busuk maeng kopiah songkoq jagung papan kutu pada pakaian tumoq korek koroq kulit tiram nimang kutu rambut utu (2) korek api gèruq kulit yg dilepaskan kutuk >oba (1), ron korok koroq sewaktu pertukaran kwalitas kiqing kosong amuq, lomu, kulit aqan mèlèng, mètung, obal, kulit yg menguning aeq oqor (2) kulit yg mulai L kota dolu, opa terbuka boka (2) kotak buku, keler, kubeng kumal lukuq lèkuq labah-labah ara boreng, kotak daun lontar apuq kuman pada sangkar taka rakang kotak anyaman bersudut ayam mèwo labil bayol enam deseq kumba kuhi, payang, labu ara (3) kotek korkataq, reqang tayong labu kecil kukaq kotor buhang, gureng, kumbang ang kokiq, bui labu merah telar >iwong, karèmuq, koyong, (1), woqo toqo labuh neboq limoq, lutang, rèmuq, ulaq, kumbang kacang merung laci keranjang / >umuq kumbang kelapa mobeng meja namang (2) kotoran dlm rumah dan kumbang labu merung ladang bekas halaman rutaq raq kumis imu garapan notan 768 Indonesian – Kedang lagi watiq lapangan >alang lateq, raèq, rèbèq lagu yg meriwayatkan lapar owan lekat: rasa melekat pada maksud berkumpul lapis dan, lapiq (1) gigi kita minum tuak bèwiq lapisan sarang lekuk kèwèng tuaq lebah malaq lekuk: terlekuk ke dlm lagu: melagukan lapor niring karena tekanan lèkè syair hureng (1) lapuk rèhuq (1) lekukan batu lah -yo larang >e (1), maren, puru tempat air hujan lahan sisa yg belum larang: melarang spy tergenang tongoq digarap hiqung, >iqung jangan mengikuti hiko lekum adung boko lahir bua larangan maren lelah hopan, meleng lahir: yg dilahirkan buan larangan, tanda nading leleh muha lain mieq, napang lari bèyèng, bèyong leluhur tuan (1) lain dari kebiasaan ireq las libur lem narang (2) (1) lata doro (1), kapa lemah lemaq (2), losu, lain, yg >ahin, weqen lauk mirang, naqe, naqen mesa, moleng (1), paya (1) laju soro laut hari, lewaq, tahiq lemah karena kurang laki-laki ebe, lamen (2), laut makan holeng laqi (2) bergelombang bohung, lemak woyaq lalat ubur manotel lemari lamari lalu bahe, hiba, kawen, so, laut, sebelah >uneq lembab mawin sobe laut, tempat cukup dlm lembah dèlèr, redeq lama hèqè, lela, >oqing, di >oqan lembar lepaq (2) tuan (2) lawan holang, holeq (3), lembing kala lama, masih hèqè lawang (2), >ulaq (1), lembut bunen, hèmuq, lama tersimpan >oqing wulaq moleng (1) lambai genong, hayong, lawar lame lempar bohil, hade, kakaq kebol, sayong layan galeka, kaleka (1), kidaq, midaq, loq (1), lambai: cara memanggil layang buaq, hea rawaq (1), tidaq, walu, dgn melambaikan layar buaq, hongi, kawe wotoq tangan taping (1) (1), layar lempar: melempar lambat nèrè layar: berlayar melawan memakai katapel petir lampau ketang arus dan angin hukur lempar: melemparkan lampin kanolar (1) layu luya, wewa buah balam behuq lampu lapur lebah, sj lani, rua lémpéng lempeq lampung: pelampung lebah kecil, sj oyan, oyang lender oraq (2) pukat toba lebar >abal, kedeng, lengan ling (1) lancar layu, soro mèguq, mèkuq, mèqul lengan, bagian atas buqul lancar: berselancar di lebar luas buriq lenggang legang (1), ombak toa lebat rokeq wayong landai depal (1), lena, nadal lebih awa, >ilaq, ketang, lengkap anaq landak tutung >otan lebe, liwaq, nehang, raing lengkap: tidak ada landas latang (1) lebih dulu, yg nulon perlengkapan obal langgar lagar lebih, yg, (dlm lengkuas puyang langit èlèng, >ula loyo perbandingan) ka (3) lengkung tokol langit mulut angor ledak bèhu lenting dotel, hetuq, langka nareq (1), natan leher bongan (3) hodong langkah hakal, lakaq, pakaq leher: salah tumpuhan lepas bele, eaq, epeng, èdol, langkah maju-mundur, leher atau tengkuk anak gasuq (2), loa (1), lopa (1), ke kiri ke kanan, dlm karena jatuh bangol loq (2), nala, nope, peaq, bermain tandak paleq lekak-likuk, memperbaiki pèsol, polo, puheq, tong langkah panjang lageng, barang-barang yg tèdè lepas: pelepasan dari sst lakeng lekak-likuk lukuq lèkuq yg terkait adal lanjur gasuq (1), kasuq lekar nalo lepas: terlepas dari lantaran bale lekas laeq pegangan pesul, pèko lantik sogang, sokang lekat ateq, bakeq, bateq, (2) lanting hodong dapeq (1), kateng, kateq, lepas: terlepas dari tempat Indonesian – Kedang 769

pegangan etang kesalahan pasang wèi longgar èhèq, hon, leka, oq lepas dari ikatan lehor, lihat: melihat dari tempat longgar, tidak doling lohe ketinggian molong longsor noloq (1) lepas dari kesulitan ahaq lihat: melihat dgn lonjak opoq (2) lepas dari lekatan alaq memanjangkan lontar koli (2), oro (1), tuaq lepas, yg loaq, lohen leher moaq lontar: melontar buah lepat kaleso lihat: melihat tak tentu balam behuq lepuh uoq arah helor halor lontar, tulang daun luri lerai hapang, nala lihat: saya melihat ui luar maqur (1), napang, leret letar, piding lihat: tidak kelihatan toi woren lesung >upeq lilin tayu luas kedeng, nalar (1), neler, lesung panjang dgn lilit boleq (2), duler, kapuq, >oang, wang, teleng dua atau tiga koleq lubang aqar, bakur, bèqol, lobang kadena lilit: melilit tangkai boqi, lèdèq, lègong, lèhiq, letak hadang, hadaq, halaq anak panah dengan puraq, >uoq, wèlong, (2), hering, keran, puli benang lèqing wuoq (2) letak: meletakkan dasar sst lima leme lubang: melubangi sst anyaman puteq limaan, ukuran benda memakai gigi puriq letak: meletakkan di belis yg nilainya lubang: melubangi bambu bawah abu bèwol limaan lemen untuk ikatan tali horoq letak: meletakkan sst pada limau mude (1) pangkuan pape limpah heur (2) lubang di dlm letak: meletakkan linang heraq tanah wèlong terpisah-pisah benar lincah helor halor, lehor lubang kecil kuhiq letak: yg diletakkan pulin lindung haqa, hiqur, >iriq, lucut: melucuti letak melintang mapaq >iqur, libur, likoq, moling, pakaian lobuq (1), tekal nebi, saga, saka (1) ludah bubur, hiteng, >iyuq, letak miring tedal lindung: berlindung dari lua, miyuq, potaq letus bèhu panas matahari >owa luka awang, >ohi, puraq, léwat hakal, ketang, latang lingkar balung, baluq, tahan, >unga, wunga (2), liwaq koel, koil (1), koleq, lekoq, luka: saya melukai awang léwat: yg di léwati kawen ongaq luka karena tergores pada liang tempat tinggal lingkar: pelingkar benda tajam dira binatang >anga benang manuel lukah >ere (2), >uwu, liang yg curam lobong lingkaran opang wuwu liar hidung, lier lintang latang (2), mapaq lumas behaq liar, setengah otaq (1) lumba-lumba mokung liar, yg >otan lintang: melintangkan lumbung ebang liat mamel kaki paler lumpuh >opor, rade licin lour, meluq, pehul lintar kèdung lumpur >opaq lidah >ebel lipa lipaq, palekaq lumut, sj apa (3) lidi dari bambu untuk lipa: suatu cara memakai lunas lèpè melilit damar noleq (1) lipa haweq luncur loru laru, >olur lidi pencocok lipan ipan >alur daging naraq (1) lipas tèiq tayaq lunglai losu lidi untuk munusuk lipat kalèpiq, lèpiq, oleng lupa upe pinang / karang nubi liput kabaq, kapuq lupa: sst yg terlupa upen (1) lirik helar lupuh: pelupuh atau lidi yg dicocok buah- liuk hekol belahan bambu untuk buahan witun liur >iyuq, lobe pengalas balai-balai lidi pencungkil sisa loba turi atau dinding nedaq makanan nèliq logam mulia matan mean luput likoq, lohe lihat boraq (1), ebeng, lolong boang luput, yg lohen lekeq, mui lombok sili (1) luruh bolaq (1), oruq, lihat: melihat air dlm lompat hetuq, hokuq, opoq poruq, tatang piring untuk melihat (2), poti lurus houq, lonu, lour, siapa yg menyebabkan loncat hetuq, kotel, opel mulang (1), oleng, olor, 770 Indonesian – Kedang

pèlèr, potongm ueng (1), mangga pèu dlm tempat isian yg wolang mangkuk makoq lebih besar damang lurus, yg lonun manis >èru masuk, saya eu lusa luqa manis, yg. >èrun masuk perangkap dodang lusin losing marah bekeq, buren, masuk sembunyi- lutut kudul, udul marang, pana, rahe, rèkèng sembunyi luer marah dgn nada yg mata matan, mato halus rihuq mata anak panah >upil M mari sudah manu mata kempis kisuq masa depan, penunjuk, mata parang mayan (1) maaf mapa maring persona satu matahari loyo mabuk bahuq, kibo kabo tunggal ena matang paqar mabuk sirih pinang lobe masa lalu lelan matang, hampir bètèr (1) macam galulaq, namo masak >apa, dayuq, iu, matang, setengah mènuq mahal welin lunga, taqen (1), tara (3) (1) mahkota ukiq masak: cara memasak dgn mati hèwoq, mate, pèdo main >ayung, baramaing, air hanya sedikit hekeq mati, orang maten huang, kati masak: cara memasak dlm mati waktu main: sm bungkusan pinang lore melahirkan hobaq permainan betur (2), (1) mati, yg mateq letar, motiq masak: cara memasak dlm matros materos, mataro mainan yg periuk ditimbuni dgn mau laha (2), ohor, piqur, disepak senempaq bara toher maja, pohon ala bila, bila, api di atasnya loeq mau, sebutan yg kulu bila masak, belum tange menyatakan >uqung majal >umal masak, hampir bètèr (1), mau, tidak daeq maka saya ema, mè (1) dara (1), duren mayang abun makan kinaq, pehang masak alami taqe mayang kelapa naèng makan, saya a masak karena dimasak mayang pohon makan makanan atau dibakar taqi lontar walan kecil pirang masak, sst yg mayat maten makanan luoq, >olon belum tangen mayat, menaruh, pada makanan babi luta amaq masak, yg taran pohon leda makanan yg dimasak dlm masak, yg sudah mayat yg tidak bambu layuq hampir daran berkepala rodang makanan yg dimasak oleh masam kiru mazbah, batu pikan panas api taqin masih nau, ramaq medan lakan, lagang maki olaq masing-masing di...di, medan pesta basar makin...makin mete... pahe meja meya mete masuk dèmèr, >iher, melainkan paq (3) maksud laleng keu, kuduq, masoq, rèq, uduq melarat melaraq melaikat malekaq masuk: memasukkan atau memang memaq mala petaka dotan megeluarkan sst melalui menceret retang malam miteng, uben lubang lokong mendikai, sj timu rawang, malam tadi lumen, numen masuk: memasukkan rawang malang rèqè benih padi pada mendung nabaq, oweq malas metu, pakoq, pokaq, lubang-lubang mengajak untuk menguji pou tanah hiling tenaga >adoq, >aduq malu iwiq, kèku, kure, masuk: memasukkan mengapa kua (1) miang tali celana ke dlm mengkudu botan lore, lore mamah kuluq (1), mamoq, lubangnya lori mentah tange mataq (2) masuk: memasukkan mentah, yg tangen mampir >eduq tangan ke dlm lubang mentimun timu mana, yg ditan untuk mengambil mentimun, sj, yg mandi hèbu, >èbu sst loki panjang >upeng mandi abu >èbor masuk: memasukkan merah kanang, korong, mandul obal, oban tempat isian kecil ke meran (2), putuq Indonesian – Kedang 771 merah karena moga >e (2) berbafas nèlèn, nèlèng pukulan >ulur (2) mohon naku nafas: tidak dapat merah kekuning-kuningan mok dari blek tuta bernafas èqèl dola moko >ulu (2) nafas dalam hobi merah tua kandola, nuber Momordica, Linn. aparia naik dote, keu (1) montok mègung naik: menaikkan pukat merdu suara patoq monyet luka leki dari dlm laut ke mereka baba, suo, se, so (1) Morinda citrifolia botan sampan namiq mereka (kata ganti adesif, lore, lore naik, saya eu 3j) sese Moringa oleifera motong nakal puha (1), putaq mereka (kata ganti moyang rian (2), riang (1) nakhoda >anaq koda emfatik, 3j) se (2) muat hoyoq, muaq nalayah duq (2) mereka (kata ganti fokus muatan noyoq nama naya, >oliq (2) agen, 3j) seti muda baran, pitaq, tiboq, nama: memberi mereka (kata ganti fokus ubar nama hekaq (3) perbuatan, 3j) sèrèq (2) mudah kalohung nama lain kanaher mereka (kata ganti mujur eur wali manang, nanah nanan, reoq posesif, 3j) seq tami nanah pohon nanan mereka (kata ganti posesif muka >anung (1), >awang, nanah yg melekat iqir emfatik, 3j) seqe, seqi wau nanas pana paong mereka (morfem terikat, muka, selalu di wilor nangka weraq 3j) -deq, -ya mula pulung nanti nape, napo, wenger mereka akan sena mulur laluq, tetaq banger (2) mereka yg ditunggu mulut nunu nasihat nadaq, nahaq (2), kedatangannya baba mulut besar mura, murang tadaq (1), tuo mereka, yg milik seqen mulut lancang hele ledeq, nasihat: menasihati untuk meriam sampèraq, sapèraq petoq patoq jangan melanjutkan merunggai motong mulut, lubang wowo berita kepada orang mesjid masingkiq, mansikiq muncul, baru ebul lain >adaq meskipun age, ake, masi muncul ke atas bokur naung woqi mesti bang (1), musi, musti muncul keluar bokol naungan >owa miang tehang mundur heq negeri auq (1) milik nimon mungkin boiq (1), >ea, nenek >aman, rian (2), milik: pemilik wala >eqa (3), lo, wai riang (1) milik bersama >iwar mungkir ehing nenek biar laki-laki milik saya koq (1), koqo muntah lua, mute, >oaq, maupun perempuan, milik saya, yg koqon >okaq nama panggilan milik yg tidak bisa dibagi- murid moriq (1) untuk bapa (1) bagi lagi >oluq musang lako, laqu (2), nenek moyang >aman miliun maliong mama nenek moyang orang mimpi nulur (1) musim musing, nèyèng Kedang >Uyo Lewun, minta dahuq, èhèng, koli musim ambil- >Uye Lewun (1), naku, pohong pole, mengambil uq (2) nenek-nenek èpu >uda, tudi musim barat waraq neraka naraka minta: meminta orang muslihat akal nganga mange lain untuk melakukan musnah hawur, pilang nganga lebar >inge sst pekerjaan kahin (1) musuh muqang niat laleng minta dgn sedikit musyawarah nuloq niat: berniat melakukan paksaan latuq kejahatan kadu minta maaf mapa maring nikmat nimaq (2) minum, saya in N nila nile, taung (2) minyak >ipu, woyaq ninabobok kaong miring eder, hepaq, idir, nafas >ipo, nèin, poho niru yg dianyam dari kulit iring, tedaq nafas: hembusan nafas bambu paliraq miskin eren terakhir menjelang nonton lile model lagu, laku, rupa kematian èyu nuri moruq >uan model yg bagus manong nafas: tidak nyala doro (3), >edang, 772 Indonesian – Kedang

>olor P paman èpu nyala: menyalakan panah, anak nameq, rateq api delang, duq Pachyrrhizus erosus, (1) nyala: menyala Urban kepa panas darang (1), >èhèng, tinggi tobeng pada ba, bè, dè, di, diq laraq, muq, pana, wana (1) nyamuk hèpun pada bagian laut bèwèq panas: memanaskan biji nyanyi kaong, lali, >orong padam hèwoq jagung henga nyanyian beda a e o padat del panas: memanaskan di nyanyian waktu duduk padat berisi maqar, mètèq atas api tape makan, dlm bentuk (1) panas: memanaskan pantun beheng padi anen, aneng makanan yg nyaring >èlèq, potoq pagar nihe dingin hanar, wanar nyata aran, arang (2) pagi >èyèng panas: memanaskan untuk nyawa murun paha hamen, hameng, palun meluruskan atau mem- nyenyak noqeng paha bagian atas pung bengkokkan dayang nyiru liwang (1) paha dalam langa panas matahari yg ada nyiur taq pahada, ikan >adar pada tanah ala luaq, ai pahat laba luaq, luaq pahit mèyèng, pèiq, pilar panas terik narang (1) O Paji, orang payi panas, yg panan pakai dogel (2), logeq, pancang kèdèq, lètèq, obat balo, mule (1), mulea lokeq, mero, pake (1), pen, paheng, paher, pating, obat dipakai untuk uwe (2) tèdèr (1) membersihkan, pakai: memakai pancar pusuq, sirong sm kula pawo baju labur pancing >aning, wotoq obat untuk tarik pakai: cara laki-laki pancung hodang, hodaq, wanita >oneng >ahiq memakai lipa bokaq tadiq, tia Ocimum bassillicum awa pakai: cara wanita pandan padan daqa memakai sarung apu pandan, sj tiuq oleng legang (1) (2) pandang tepi ombak >oyoq (1), >ubaq pakai: memakai pandang: sikap ombak, bunyi destar hodeng pandangan, yg tidak pecahan >oar pakai: memakai pakaian tenang lengoq omong tèhèq, tèq (2) sembarang bihu panen bihar omong kosong mura, pakai: saya memakai ale, panggang darang (1), murang ara (1), ue dayuq, heiq omong main-main pade pakaian pakeyang panggil ae, bohang, kong omongan cepat petoq pakaian, sm sede (2), ong, wile patoq pakaian untuk panggil: memanggil onggok bongaq, lutur, selimut uen, uwen anjing keteq otuq, >omo pakaian untuk menutup panggil: memanggil onggokan mongaq badan bagian ayam ar, kutu orang >ata, >atan, >ataq, ta bawah nalen panggilan anak-anak orang lain >ahin pakal >uwi kepada ibunya >ino orang luar napang pakan tambahan doing panggilan, menyahut >oe orang mati maten paksa gahaq, mè (1), pasaq panggilan orang tua pengurus (2), pakasaq menyeluruh >ohong suku rian mèkèr paku kèdèq, tètèq baheq orang tua adat kalake paku kayu tilo panggilan pengganti orang yg berharta / palang mapaq (1) kakak tata berpengaruh oin palang: terpalang panggung basar orang yg bukan antara dua kayu pangkal pisau atau parang suangi puhun (2) palang doling, doliq yg dibenamkan dlm orang yg tubuhnya palang, kayu noliq hulu >utin besar oin palit >iwoq pangkal pohon ain, bauq, otak >uqel palu hoqol, walaq (1) puqen oto >oto (2) palut lepaq (1) pangkalan tala (1) Indonesian – Kedang 773 pangkas labor (2), tadiq pasangan mapang (1) pelangi nado pangkas: memangkas pasar >ul, wul peleh hapang, haqa, hiqur, cabang-cabang pasir buta, >ene >iqur, nebi pohon hapur, lotoq pasti ka tung pelepah lapa (2) pangkat pangkaq pasu paso pelepah pisang yg pangkat: menerima pasung leke dihancurkan untuk suatu pangkat atau patah biliq, bolaq (1), iteq, pencuci muka lèpun jabatan ekaq kètèng, kètèq, rokaq, rukaq pelihara mae, mawaq, paro, pangku barun, lapa (1) patah: mematahkan rutaq panjang lawa (1), tonan, daun biri (2) pelipis pipin wengeq, pakan patah dgn tiba- pélor peloru, peluru panjang dgn suatu ukuran, tiba tupang peluh poar, rèwun, rèwung sama huq patola katipa peluh yg kering mèdèr panjang, yg lawan patroli potololi peluk dèpiq, kabuq, kapung panjat doho, keu patuk totoq pemali puting panjat, saya eu paya >opaq, paeq pemantik dari dua bilah pantai wata, watan, watang payah pètung bambu >ohung pantangan >ahar (1) payung mayong, payong pemuda/pemudi yg pantas >ieq tuyan payung dari daun disebut-sebut untuk pantat odo, >uq, wuq pandan tiuq dikawini >oluq pantun >uri sele pecah babaq (1), baq (1), penat meleng papah lapa (1) bèti, bikil, halar, kakal, kaq, pencak silat kontao papan >aran, nobol papal, pèhuq pencil noan, potoq papan bundar yg dipasang pecah (ombak) kolo pendek èguq, >èkuq, kèpuq, sbg alat pencegah pecah (spt bambu kupoq, lere, mèkuq, tikus lawen pecah) papaq mèguq, mèqul, upar papaya waya pecah: alat pemecah buah pendopo rumah madaq para-para dlm kemiri mohil penggal hodang, hodaq, lumbung maka (2) pecah: memecahkan buah nihiq parang pedaq kemiri bohil peniti panètil parau robaq (1) pecah sedikit kitong penjara bui (2) parenta pareta pecah terbelah peaq pental hodong pari, ikan pari (3) pecah retak bere pental: terpental keluar paria aparia pecah, tidak opal, upal karena kena serempet parit maqur (2) pecah-belah pesaq sasaran dohu paru-paru pako pedang haur, huriq (1) penuh hapo, kabaq, manga paruh bawah imen, imeq pedas lati (3), pènu parut kanaruq, karuq (1) pedih: terasa pedih kena penuh, yg mangan pas munung (1), pareq (2) panas hile, roa penyu ere (3) pasak tilo pedih, merasa ladeq penyu yg sisiknya pasak pada balai- pedis lati berwarna nilung (1) balai >uleq pedis, yg latin penyumbat botol muten pasang1 >eq, imang (2), likaq, peduli paraduli perah pèmèq munaq (2), nikaq, papang (2), pegang pènè (1) perahu tene tang, tawe (4), tèdèq pegang dan banting waiq perahu, bagian dlm >uaq pasang 2 mèti (2) (2) pasang: memasang pegang: memegang dlm perahu, sm kalabaq, lambo, bambu pada mayang telapak tangan tobol lete lete lontar heliq pegang, saya èrèq (1) perak peraq, salakaq pasang: memasang pegang teguh tudel peram buq jerat pèdèr pejam pèrèng perang nu (1), >unu pasang: memasang pasak pekak bukeq, èbuq perang, bersikap miqer pada kayu hipan pekik hioq peranjat kèqèr pasang: memasang tanda pelahan nèrè peras >ikuq, pere, peruq, larangan bulung pelan nèrè, >odeng, paong pèmèq, tua (1) pasang: sepasang maliq, (1) percaya doraq, parasaya moliq pelana kuda selaq (1) percik rehiq, sirong 774 Indonesian – Kedang percuma parasuma pijat poloq piring anyaman dari daun perekat narang (2) pijit >ereq, lèhèq, lèsuq, lontar kiliq perempuan areq lusaq lèsuq, poloq piring yg dibuat dari pergam sawe (1) pijit supaya biji keluar buah niaq pergi ledo kulitnya lehuq, luhaq piring tanah perou, parou pergi: bepergian dgn pikat akal pisah baki, baqe, baqung berjalan kaki lering pikir kèlèn (2), >ewang, keweng, pergi untuk mencari pikul bare, doèl, dongoq pehaq, pesaq, piang, wang informasi loko lowiq pikul: memikul (1), wangen periksa ebeng, kengo, keluar datang pisah: memisahkan lalang, paresaq, >ulu (1) pikul: memikul pikulan yg yg besar dari yg periksa: memeriksa mukanya menghadap kecil wake (1) penyakit lewar (1) ke belakang dapang pisang muqu perinci kareq (1) pikulan nete pisang, anak >owaq perintah gahaq pikulan atau kayu pemikul pisang goreng sangar perisai haqa, wangan untuk memikul noèl pisang hutan >ipu peristiwa nuang (3) pilih pil, tapi, waeng (1), pisang, sj lio, muko lari periuk uyeng wang (1), wangen lolon periuk untuk menggoreng pilin bula, puleq, puleng, pisau mèiq, opeq, pisoq biji jagung wihang, weleng, weleq pohon ai wihaq pimpin tameq pohon ara, sj banga, lela perkakas pakaka pinang >ue, wue banga, paqung perkara parakara pincang kehong, koheng pohon asam tamal perlahan paong (1) pindah dopeq, dorong, pohon atau belukar pernah dèq, daq dosor, edaq, egeq, heaq, dlm kebun atau perosok: terperosok dlm odoq, >oliq (1), pewang, ladang lèdung lumpur tèmèr waeng (1) pohon belukar taraq perosok ke bawah èdong pindah: memindahkan mèhèl perosok ke dlm dgn jari tangan ke pohon dgn buah lubang èdong tempat lain bawoq bundar yg dipakai persen paraseng pindah perlahan- untuk menganyam persis pareq (2) lahan sodoq kotak niaq perut botin pinggang >alen (2) pohon pesan tanang (1) pinggir lèding gendondong lèhèng pesiar ledo pingsan hular, nèlèn, pohon kenari rani pesiar ke nèlèng pohon keroko lelaq seberang wanang pinjam biheq, daping, pohon lem, sj lodo (1) weneng nereng, nineng pohon mata pesisir >onan pinjam untuk kucing tubung pesta hayaq, hoeq diganti mulang (2) pohon rita ite (2) peti keler, lobi >aur, pèti pintal dèning (2), laiq (1), pohon, sj ai para, ala libang, (1) tueng, tuleng angar, awaq (3), banga, petik bihar, boliq (1), holaq, pintal: alat bonoq, dala wèi, douq (2), iteq, mupeq, muta, puleq, pemintal tanueng ener, eto, èyèq (2), hala (1), puleng pintal: memintal pakai hangol, ketoq kayoq, kiang, petikan mihar tangan dèlèn koka, kuda kayo, laka (1), petik dgn jari upeq pintal: memintal laku daraq, lau watang, lela petik memakai pukat kuaq banga, libang, liti, loboq, tangan uta pintal di paha belen muang, mular, natu (2), piara hereng, lamang, rutaq pintu weloq naweng, pu (1), ranga, tatar, piaraan >ayang (2), paron pipa nupeng teheq, tulur, uar (1), uqun, piatu iden (1) Piper betle, Linn. mal >uaq (1), wawu raèq pihak pemberi pipi papar pohon, sj, di puncak perempuan >èpun pipih kepaq gunung lu (1) pihak yg membayar pipit weho pohon, sj, kulitnya dipakai belis maqing piring lamaq (1), pènè (2), untuk memerahkan pijak hudeq, pihaq pingan benang katènèr Indonesian – Kedang 775 pohon, sj, tempat mayat belakang parang atau puyuh, sj burung, yg tidur ditaruh rauq pisau wèngèl di tanah manuq dapar phon tidak berbuah obe pukul: memukul dgn kayu pohon yg kulitnya dapat panjang depal (2) dibuat pakaian ubang pukul: memukul dgn kayu R pohon yg rimbun >onge pemukul bèngè pojok mutung pukul: memukuli sampai raba >amar, paing, poma poles behaq hancur tutu (1) raba: meraba dlm polos onu pukul: pemukul nalu gelap nakaq pompa isap terbuat dari pulang bale, balen, kolo, raba: meraba dgn galah buluh mupuq koloq atau tongkat naheq pompa: memompa dgn pulau nuha rabik balaq, bihang, biliq, alat pompa pupuq pulau pasir hari birang, reiq potong bel, hèlèq (2), pulih bala (3) racun hokor, tua (3) hoyaq, kèrèq (1), kobaq, puluh purun raga senempaq lapuq, metaq, mèyèq, nihiq, pulut puluq rahang bawah imen, imeq nuteq, >ohi, pate, pèriq, pun di (1), ge raja raya piq, tadiq, tia punah rawa (1) rajuk patar potong: memotong punai ila wai rakus pèko (1) putus kotong puncak kokang, >ubuq ramai mura, murang, rame, potong: memotong putus puncak bukit neung repoq (2) tali tawi puncak gunung kodan ramah adaq potong: memotong sedikit pundi kadewaq remas >amiq, >ikuq, lèsuq, demi sedikit hèriq punggung obi lusaq lèsuq, peruq, pèmèq, potong: memotong untuk punggung gunung >uhuq >ukuq >èkuq mengambil bagian luar (2) ramas: meramas pohon hapiq pungut pil cucian buleng potong memakai pungut: mengungut untuk rambah >iuq, oreq menarah tanar dipelihara >awe (1) rambat kapa, mana potong pendek labor (2) pungutan matang rambut oteq, uha potong spy menjadi sama puntung robang rambut palsu untuk rata sopa puntung kayu bakar luteq konde mukin potongan bètèn, malaq puntung rokok èpuq (2), ramping keang prajurit dari pulau Timor luteq rangkai >uleng, >ulir, (Amfoan) meo punya noren, wala welaq, wulir presis bètuq punya: tidak mempunyai rangkai: merangkaikan sst prosési parisang apa apa lomu dgn yg lain dgn cara Pterocarpus indica nare (2) punya, saya koq (1) mengikat pèti (2) puan èduq, salopa, wayaq puru >uqa rangkak kopi (1) puas mapaq (2) pusat nuba, puhe (1) rangkap nipeq puasa hideq pusing bueng, hueng, rangkul >auq (1) pucat haboq, wewa hular, ireq (1), kibo kabo, ranjau toyaq pucuk >ubuq ueng (2) ranjau: memasang ranjau puisi kanaher puting beliung taba lora dari bambu hong puji ahi putar baleq, baloq, beloq, rantai dari logam yg pukat >alaq (1), pueq buel, bula, kolar, koloq, pipih lodan pukat bersegi tiga noqi muser, muter (1), pekoq, rantai dari perak atau pukat, terjerat pada nieq puer, puka, puleq, puleng, emas lodan puki >uti puter, ueng (2), weleng, rantai perhiasan >aba pukul bawar, behi (1), dang, weleq ranting ain lekaq, naka (1), paluq, saka putih buyaq ranum bènèn (1), hèbèl (2), walaq (1), wataq putri punteri rapat depil, >ideq, mida pukul: kayu putus kètèng, kètèq, putu, rapih mida pemukul mehir, mehi topeq (1) rasa paing pukul: memukul dgn putus, tidak rasa: merasa dingin karena batu bung gampang laluq, tetaq tiupan angin dihiq, pukul: memukul dgn puyuh boreq (1) diq (2) 776 Indonesian – Kedang rasa: merasa geli/ ribu, sepuluh selaq (2) S gelisah neoq nalar ribut dèmul, kako, nèbèq, rasa: merasa mau run ningor sabit likun rasa: merasa sesak di rimbun >onge sabun sabong (1) kerongkongan waktu rindu botan, eqing, kete (1) sabung laba menelan nedeng rindu dendam nèngoq sahabat erung, nimon rasa: merasa sst di ringan ahaq sahabat: memberi hadiah bawah badan semasa ringgit pataka tanda bersahabat soba berbaring kude rintangan huqu haqa, ikol (2) rasa, tanpa èmi (2) rintik-rintik awan sahut tali, tapan rasa, yg tanpa èmin (2) kabut mataq (1) saja kohaq, oaq, ohaq, rasa tawar disertai rasa rita, sj pohon nilung (2) piling dingin sejuk longeq roboh èhèr, hubaq, lubaq, sajak >uri sele rata mida, milir, napoq rèhèq sakit hateq, lae, rèqè rata: meratakan barang- roda mobil kanolar (2) sakit: penyakit laen barang yg dijemur keal rodi waqa sakit: penyakit pendarahan ratap kareq (2) roh orang mati eqong perempuan noruq ratus ratuq (1) roh pelindung murun, sakit: saya raung boreng, >ere (1) rian nimun menyakitkan awang raup bawoq roh suanggi eqong sakit: sm penyakit lanu raup: meraup tanah roh yg menjadi sakit kulit >eteq, paong untuk menimbuni panglima perang (2) lubang pawoq penjaga kampung sakit leher ite (3) raup: saya meraup ahuq, Lèuwayang lawe laka sakit tertusuk- auq (2) ara kiang tusuk moyang raut >eruq rombak hiroq, lahaq sakit, yg laen rawa paeq rongga bakur saksi sakasiq rawat lamang rongseng bingur saku nawal rayap doro (1) rotan >ua (1), wei salah >ale (1), >alen (1), rebah hubaq, pèhèq, rèhèq ruang yg luas dan dotan, ètèr, kehe, kehen, rebus bangaq (1), lunga lebar legang (2) tudu rebut awen, runing ruas bambu laru (1) salah: mengambil atau rebut: berebut yg rugi pahang membersihkan kotoran dihamburkan buri (1) rumah huna, rongoq, atau kesalahan rapi refl eksif wèq (2) wetaq, wongoq salak bowong (1) reka roing rumpun popon salam: menyalami oi (1) rekah kaqar rumput ruq (1) saluran dari bambu untuk rekat raèq rumput alang alang, menadah air atau remuk rèhuq (2) berkas ahan tangkap ulat noti renang nangi rumput laut lamun, ongon sama >èpiq, hama, kore, rencana bading (1), kahin rumput liar yg buahnya roe (1) (2), nuloq, tuwo gampang melekat pada sama dengan daling, rendah èhèq, lere, rèkèq, pakaian, sj popoq (2) dapeq (2) weheq rumput, sj abun, auq oqor, sama, tidak mieq rendah, menjadikan èdol >èdu, kiriq tahiq, ladu, samar >eran, èpir, èpil rendah, yg rowaq, wehen pinaq, tanga sambal lamen (1) rendam bèwaq, tèmèq runcing dèyèq, èruq sambal asin, sm dohang réngkék loleq laleq runtuh èhèr, tawaq sambar hoding (1), howe rentaka rantaka rupa >anung (1), lagu, laku, sambung dauq, hobel, rentang teta, tetar nulur (2) hoding (2) retak babaq (1), bèti, lareq, rupiah >urupia sambung: satu cara lureq lareq rusa ruha menyambung hupeng retak, bunyi sst benda yg rusak rèhuq (1), taha sambung: menyambung telah abar, mabar rusak, tidak upal, opal tali-tali howeq riak hokal rusuk haraq (3) sambut horaq riang-riang ioq sampah rutaq raq ribu ribu sampai bukaq (2), sape, Indonesian – Kedang 777

sampe mutunya baraging seandainya wèqè paq sampai, tidak èng sasaran nade sebab ele (1), tupaq, sampan sapang (1), tene satu deuq, >udeq wangun samping haraq (3), hikun satu: sebabnya nehun sana sobeq mempersatukan èpuq sebar boq sanak saudara nimon (1) sebelah >apan, hikun sandar hedang, hudeq, satu-satu natan sebentar mahara, naiq ledang (1), tedaq, tuda, satunya nimoq seberang kawe (1) tudeq saudara eru anaq, kakang sebut ae, irang sandaran hadang, hadaq, >aring, kang >aring sebut nama kèq (2) nedang saudara laki-laki naren sebut nama diri kaher sandung laleq (1), oqal, saudara laki-laki, sebut pesanan takang (2) tadan panggilan untuk nare sedak iraq sandungan nadan (1), nare ame, nara ame sedang mete sangai henga saudara laki-laki ibu sedang besar wokar sanggah hobol dan anak anaknya yg sedangkan sobe, so sangkal ea, ehing laki-laki, panggilan sedeka sadeka sangkar bou (1) untuk bapa (1) sedia sadang, sadia sangkut >akiq, kateng, saudara perempuan binen sedih tureng nakiq, taka sauh niwang sedikit hara, ite (1), iter, sangkut-paut: tidak saya >ei, >eqi kite, >iheq, >ieq (1), >iseq, bersangkut- saya (kata ganti adesif, kileng, >odeng paut lohung 1t) >eko sedot dumeq sangra: menyangrai biji saya (kata ganti sedu oyeng, èyu jagung henga emfatik) ko segala rèiq santan batuq saya (kata ganti fokus segan pokaq sapa kare agen, 1t) eti segan bergerak metu sapa: menyapa orang yg saya (kata ganti fokus segan kerja pou lalu lalang oi (1) perbuatan, 1t) èrèq (2) segar, tidak wewa sapa: menyapa orang saya (kata ganti posesif, segera laeq yg tidak dikenal dlm 1t) koq sehat hange, hanger, lenge gelap >ohe, >oheng saya (kata ganti posesif sejuk èmi (1), mawin sapu haèng, hamur, karaq, emfatik, 1t) koqo, koqi sekarang naq, noq, ratang karang, naèng, naraq (2) saya (morfem terikat) -u, (1) sapu tangan palulu -ku sela >alaq (2) sarang >awaq (1), bou (1) saya akan ena selalu horiq (2) sarang laba laba >oeq saya, yg milik koqon selam hèlèng, hulur sarang lebah, sayang eroq, roho, sita, selamat jalan, lapisan malaq sobaq menyalami oi (1) sarang serangga bentuk sayap apiq selang hèlèq (1) kapas yg terdapat di sayat >èyè, hilar, mèyèq, selang seling belaq, walaq daun-daun lelu >ula pate, tahaq (2) loyo sayat: menyayat selendang gebar, kebar, sarapan hèqèr buah payan nodeng, sanail sarat dengan sayat: menyayat selesai ipu, lèpè beban biking bokong daging menjadi selesai: menyelesaikan saringan baqul dendeng wareng anyaman >èting sarung Kedang tènapiq, sayat: menyayat kulit luar selimut huka, uwe (1), ue tanapiq buah kelapa guluq, selinap leku sarung keris / kuluq selip hikeq, hokeq pisau laman sayat: menyayat seludang pinang / gebang sarung pembungkus tipis haruq / enau lawaq (1) mayang pinang / sayatan mayan (2) seludang pinang yg gebang lawaq (1) sayur ai lolo dipakai untuk sarung perempuan wela sayur mayur ai lolo membunkus (2) sayuran ai lolo mayat roaq rawaq sarung yg kurang baik Schleichera oleosa reho seludang yg membungkus 778 Indonesian – Kedang

mayang kelapa èlir sandiri seri hange, hanger seludang yg membungkus sendirian ingiq, neweng serikaya ai nona mayang pohon séndok hiduq, niduq, oraq sering siring, sing lontar papan (1), sanedoq, sanodoq seringai mihuq mahuq, seluruh kole séndok tempurung misuq masuq semak apa (3), lotong bertangkai sérong pekoq semak berduri, sj nahaq panjang nayaq (1), serta saya ore (1) nodoq seru bohang, irang, kong semangat nèin seng tuta (2), maka (1), ong semanggi bara pehiq sengat lati, soroq seru: berseru puisi kaher semangka timu rawang sengat pada tabuhan atau seru nyaring pelaq >èlèq semata-mata piling lebah >utin seruan, satu sili liliq, sala sembahyang sabayang, sengau senguq lalaq sambeang senggama: saya seruan sayang terhadap sembarang dawaq, dèwoq bersenggama iq sso yg mendapat sembarangan riko rako sengsara susa, suya kecelakaan ua bai sembelih bèloq, >ohor senja hari >èrèng pèhèq seruan untuk memulai sembilan leme >apaq sentak wadoq suatu nyanyian sembuh lenge, mohoq (3), senteng koteq pantun >eleng moleng (2), tohoq (2) senter sèntèr seruan yg menyatakan sembul momol, totor sentuh >itaq, limoq keheranan behe sembunyi boni, bori bawo, sentuh: menyentuh jari seruh puisi kaher emi, hèwil , >iriq, oni, tangan dgn kasar pada sesak >ipeq, tudaq, tuku (2) onin (1) muka orang siduq sesak napas iraq sembunyi: sentuh: menyentuh sesat hibol, hibong, hidung menyembunyikan sst secara tidak Sesbania grandifl ora taluma diri leku sengaja >amar sesuai munung (1) sembunyi di atas doqang sentuh luka hèru setan setang sembunyi di dlm senyum >ileq (1), memir, setengah hidir tangan butil mimir setengah dari sembur bur, pusuq sépak sepaq, sempaq penggalan lolaq sembur: menyemburkan sepakat, tidak betang seteru muqang obat ke tubuh si sepanjang tutul setia neten sakit buhuq separuh wai setuju, tidak holang semén pesemen, semen separuh dari setujuan untuk menyukuri sementara mete penggalan lolaq kemalangan yg semoga la (2) sepasang maliq, moliq menimpa sso dikeq sempat ratong (1) sepatu rupang, sepatuq siang nihon sempit garipoq, karipoq, sepenuh tutul siang, hari mau bia (1) lubiq seperti namo siap rawiq (1), sadang semua rèiq seperti itu namè, mèmè, siap: melakukan semut niho wawi, niho namè mè, namo mè, persiapan eko daka wileng, wawi niho naqmè siap: menyiapkan semut besar lèr sepuluh pulu masakan rawiq (1) semut besar yg berwarna sepuluh sen bite siapa sio hitam umer serah sèraq, sorong sihir nupa, sehar, seher, tupa semut hitam èyèq (1), serah: menyerah pada sikat nouq waya tujuan >ukel siku >iqu semut kuning man baloq serai rotan, >uru mèngi sila >ameq (1) sen seng (1) sérak >alar, bongan (2), sila: mempersilakan senang hebaq, senang, sir elar, higor >ameq (1), lata senang akan sir serang bewaq, >iwaq, silau >engaq senang, rasa maiq, maiq muqang sili sili (1) wèq serbu dèkur, >iwaq silsilah koda, wade sendal kayu kelong serdadu solon dadu simpai kupa sendi >ongan seret: menyeretkan simpan dèkèng, doqang, sendiri >ehaq, hèq, nimoq, kaki sosoq (1) èping, loman, mae, Indonesian – Kedang 779

muqeng, nekaq, nèpè, puli, sisa-sisa pembakaran yg sst dgn daun pulin melayang-layang di daunan peran simpan: menyimpan alat- udara >ulang sumbat: penyumbat alat yg panjang lekan sisa, yg nalan, nalaq botol muten simpan: menyimpan bibit sisi haraq (3), hiku sumbing kitong jagung buqun, buqung sisik >anaq (2) sumpah >oba (1), pasataq, simpan: menyimpan sisip dèkiq, dokeq, doleq, supa buah-buah dlm hawel, hèkiq, hiki (2), sèkiq sumpit pupuq karung buq sisip: menyisipkan di sumpitan mupuq simpan: menyimpan sst bawah huwer sunat sunaq dlm rerumputan huwer sisir pilir sungguh muar, mur, muren, simpan dlm sisir dari bambu atau mur mur, nara mur, namur, mulut mèmèl kayu hèiq namur mur, nu (2) simpang pekoq sisir pisang liman, limaq sungguh, yg nimun, taqi simpul dogel (1) siter bambu tatong (1) sungkur doiq (2), humoq sinar bohor (2), kelang, situ sobeq sungkur babi bingur kelaq, lair, tado siul luleng, wihun sungut bingur, >uqur sindir hetoq (1) skorpio, bintang pari (2) sunting hiki (2) singgah lebaq, sampe, sape, sodor: menyodorkan sunyi ere (1), mèlèng siga, sika puan wayaq supaya ma (1) singgung: menyinggung sogok dokur supaya saya ema dgn jari tangan siduq sokal hoaq (2), lèpo, tobal suram >era (1) singkat, waktu kanehing sokal yg dipakai untuk surat suraq sini noq, naq, soyo mencari kerang sebeng surat kawat talerang sipi hipur sombong baya, helor halor, surian, pohon maq >ayang siponggang holeq (2), naka hèqèng wèq, sokaq salaq, suruh ata, hoing, lata, >uda (1), saka (2) sokaq wèq suruh: menyuruh sso siput buri (2) songkok songkoq bungkam >adaq siput batu laga arang (1) Sonneratia boyol suruk: menyuruk siput darat kukoq sopan santun adaq masuk uduq, kuduq siput kecil, sj, yg melekat sorak irong, soraq surut kèku di batu matan lateq sore bèuq susah suker, susa, suya siput kukuran nuriq suam kuku muq, polan susu tu siput, sj baheq (1), boka suangi maq susuh >aiq (1), ehe (2), elaq, etiq, lohu suap taku susul dori (1), riding, tupe, wuoq (1) suara èuq (2) susun dalong (1), hubiq, siput tiram ime suara burung ‘kakoa’ èluq kahin (3), lotaq, uang siram habur, hotaq, lang suara orang besar, susun: menyusun atau (1), louq, paoq (1) berpankat rantaka mengatur benang untuk siram: menyiram dgn subur wiri ditenun nekeq abu bulu sudah dèq, daq susun: menyusun sirih mal sudah habis papan halang (1) sirih, tempat èduq berbua moqang susun: menyusun kerangka sirip belakang ikan tian sudut >iuq, loroq, mutung rumah lempeq (2) suka hebaq, kiol, sir, sukaq susun: menyusun sst sisa awa, kuhing, kuing, (1) dgn bambu yg sudah nehang, raing suka ria mayar dibelah kedaq sisa kelapa yg sudah suku lelang, suku susun: menyusun digaruk yg tidak sukun boroq tenunan nekeq dipakai lagi kureng suling, sm lureng, nureng, susur eteng sisa tuak dlm peku, >uri sele susut kuyung bambu nukel suluh padu syarat saraq sisa rambut yg tidak sulung mèkèr terkondai pukin sumbat meran (1), >uwi sisa air hujan yg sumbat: menyumbat bertengger pada mulut hupoq rerumputan aqang sumbat: menyumbat 780 Indonesian – Kedang

T kambing welong atau perut dgn kapur tali pengikat nuyung sirih duaq taat, tidak >ulaq (1), tali rotan wei tandak hamang, namang wulaq tali untuk (1) tabik tabeq menggantungkan tandak dari Ile Ape, tabrak bae, lagar, lètur kotak lori sm oha niwang tabuhan para muhun, tuki tali yg kecil wadeq tandak, sm beda a e o, >atang tamak turi bayo, deka soleq, han daq, tabuhan buas ayor, meqo Tamarindus indicus tamal lia namang, mado maka, tabung paning tambah potal, taho, taling, soleq, tèting dai tabungan èping tulung tandan balan, >ulir, wulir tabur behiq tambah kembali nalaq tandan kelapa naèng taburan doran tambah lagi henang tandan pohon lontar tadah hoti, todi, toti tambahan nalan, nalaq jantan lawin tadi nangan, nang tambal: menambal tandang bongan (1) tadi malam lumen, numen pakaian dgn cara tanding tading tadi, yg wa, ba, na, ya, we menyulam buyur tandu likan, nete tagih tiong tambat hongen, lera (1) tanduk tukal, woiq tahan hideq, hobol, hodeq, tambat: menambatkan tandukkan lèduq kateng, manga (2), tahang hewan pada tempat yg tangan ling (1) tahan: menahan nafas berumput noting tangga dera (2) untuk mengumpulkan tampa hiasan onu tangga, anak >awiq tenaga moqer tampal pataq, tabal tangga, sm rabaq tahan untuk diri, tampar daing, dang, lepaq tangguh janji >oriq saya atiq (1) tanggung tagong tahap daging buah kepala tampar dari tangan siduq tangis: saya mulai berbentuk >ulur tampi >ekoq, pèir menangis ueq (1) tampian mèir tangisan dengan suara yg tahi dèruq tampung liwuq, liwun halus lureq lareq, tureng tahu bisa, nuan tanah auq (1), awuq, >ero, tangkai abun, nètèq, >olen tahun tun (2), sun nera, tana, wero tangkai dan daun lapan tahu, saya ui tanah air >eqa (1) tangkai daun lontar atau tajam, tidak >umal tanah batu paraq, pureq kelapa lapa (2) taji >aiq tanah garam paeq tangkai panah laqa takar ukur tanah rata bai biri tangkap lolo, rèpèq (1), takluk dukiq tanah tandus wohor topeq (2) takluk, memberi tanah yg subur biri (3) tangkap: menangkap dgn tanda soba (2) tanah yg terbuka oleh jerat tangan labor (1) takuk palaq pasang wohor tangkap: menangkap takut buqang, daqang, tanak: menanak kaki binatang spy ia >ikir, tauq (1) makanan iu terbaring lawang (1) talang nidoq tanak: yg ditanak iun tangkap: menangkap sst tali dewaq, tèin (1), wadeq tanam dèmèr, heloq, dlm lubang dengan tali dari gebang taba (1) miwaq, taneng tangan dèwu tali gantung pada bambu tanam benih dlm tangkap: perangkap yg atau bakul lihan rumput dèwor terlepas petuq tali hutan, sj luar, ritiq (1) tanam-tanaman nuran tangkap: saya menangkap tali hutan yg baran èrèq mejalar lèbo tancap bakeq, bakoq, >iher tangkis nolong, tolong tali jangkar niku tanda bunga, lala (2), tada, tangkis, saya oling tali kambing atau kuda tanada tanjung lewang (1) loing tanda larangan mulung tantang: menantang tali kekang kuda rapaq tanda pemberhentian berkelahi >adoq, >aduq tali keturunan wade musik gong tantang: menantang tali pancing awaq (2) gendang hole pertandingan pole (1) tali pendek pengikat tanda pengenal lala (2) tanya dahang (1), kete (2), leher babi atau tanda: menandai dahi keter Indonesian – Kedang 781 tapis tapi tegak lurus mulang (1), tempat berkumpul minum tarah dodang, hapiq, haq rading (1) tuak moniq tari hedung, soka tegang wider tempat bersandar nedang tarian nedung teguh kieq, kiqing, king, tempat tarik beq, dera (1), rahiq manga (1) bertandak namang (1) tarik: menarik dgn teguh, yg. mangan, mateq tempat di mana jiwa cepat >èhang teguk >èkur orang mati berangkat tarik: menarik dgn tiba tegur >e (1), >èngèr, kare, ke tanah orang tiba dudang rèkèng mati wowon tarik: menarik diri eq teka-teki eten, ing muli tempat dua tiupan angin tarik: menarik tekan >ènèq, lèhèq, tènèn bertemu balikung napas poho (1) tempat gantungan tarik: menarik tekan: menekan dari anyaman daun sampan dari laut ke badan dgn minyak lontar woyong darat >èruq panas >èdèng tempat gantungan tarik: menarik sst kepada tekanan dari dlm >uko untuk menjemuran diri baweq, laweq (1) jagung haeq taring labe tekukur udang tempat himpunan taruh hadang, hadaq, telan lèlèn, modung air liwuq, liwun hering, keran, puli, pulin telan: menelan sst dlm tempat luas nama taruh: menaruh barang keadaan utuh lobo tempat makan rawa (2) sembarangan huqu telanjang abon, loku, pela, tempat mayat ditaruh, sj haqa pengar pohon rauq taruh: menaruh daun- telantar epeng tempat menjemur air daun yg baru untuk telentang enga, lenga laut agar menjadi menutupi pinggiran telinga til garam mènu jalan nèpèl télor kebelora, kebel tempat menuggui taruh: menaruh di teluk loroq burung/rusa/babi nebi atas halaq (2) telungkup pèq tempat menyembunyikan taruh: menaruh di luar telur bua, tolor perangkap mèpèl papun telur: yg ditelurkan buan tempat pemali >oka taruh: menaruh makanan telut kudul tempat pemujuan ewaq di batu ceper teman kore, nerung, noreq, mètung sakral huqi reu tempat pertempuran taruh: menaruh mayat di teman, yg reun tandak tana pohon leda tembak hade, pasaq (1) tempat sirih salopa, wayaq tarum nile, taung (2) tembak: menembak tempat teduh >owa taufan taba lora memakai katapel petir tempat tinggal neing tawar1 èmi (2) tembako bako tempat tinggal jin natang tawar2 doha tembolok ebang, >èyuq (1) tawar, yg èmin (2) tembuni kaboteq, nahaq tempat untuk serbuk tawon oyan, oyang, para rian mesiu/obat bedil boiq muhun tembus bokur, boruq (2) tebakan eten tembus, tidak nuq tempat yg di luar tebal kapal (1) tempa bawal kampung lama duli, tebang tual tempat >eqa (1), nataq , dulin tebar: menebarkan >uliq tempat yg tertutup alang- jala tiwang tempat air atau tuak alang atau rumput- tebing liang, >ubeq terbuat dari seruas rumputan mowoq tebing dalam lobong bambu wètuq tempat yg mendapatan tebuh tehu tempat air atau tuak yg hujan seperti Wèi tebus tèwu terdiri dari beberapa Rawe nu nèyèng Tectus niloticus (Linne, ruas bambu walang tempayak, sj batel 1767) tupe tempat angker >oka tempayan kuhi, payang teduh ilin, inoq, lora (1), tempat asap keluar roda tempel bateq, dapeq (1), nueng, patang (2), woqi (1) lapiq (2), lateq, nènèq, tegak hading, tung tempat berkumpul bareng pataq 782 Indonesian – Kedang tempel: menempelkan terima: menerima mayat riaq lawaq, roaq sst pada tempat suatu pangkat atau rawaq tertentu daneq jabatan ekaq tikus tiu tempeleng lepaq (1) teripang nawu tikus besar uq (3) tempias hir (1) terlalu rasa, rehi, rehing timah >emar tempuling leho Terminalia catappa, timba kaneraq tempurung leteng (1) Linn. kaliha, liha timba: saya menimba tempurung besar tabang tertawa heler, tawe (2) air ahu temu haraq (2), raheq, terung ala bola, bola timbang bading (2), hueq, ruang terus horiq (2), rota, nibang, tibang, ukur temu: bertemu tiba- tèru timbang, alat tanibang tiba hoko (2) tetas tuqi timbangan dasing, nueq tenang ilin, inoq, nueng, tetas, belum muqin timbul momol, nuyan patang (2) tiada eren timbun boran (1), loiq tenang, tidak kede kada tiang lili, tuqul timbun: barang ténda nayan tiang dipasang di atas timbunan moran tendang hèdèq, lèkor, bangunan rumah timbun: menimbun sedoq, suduq untuk memasang sampah horan tengadah tomo bubungan nubu timbun: menimbuni dgn tengah ayaq, nuba tiang perahu puan batu lutur tenggara tungara tiap di...di timbunan motel tenggelam bèuq, paer tiarap dapar, pèdo, pèq timpa bariq, harang (1) tenggelam: tiba >adan, hoteng, timur timur menenggelamkan ke kanehing tindak laku lagu, laku dalam air lèbèq tiba-tiba loyang lakiq tindih harang (1) tengger halaq (1) tidak ama, >anung (2), oaq, tindih: menindih binatang tenggorokan adung ohaq, to, ton (1) kecil dgn pisau atau tengkuk >uli (1) tidak ada tokong kuku tangan lèwi tentu atoq tidak berisi mètung tindis pidan, pitan tenun tan, tanane tidak jadi kata (1) tinggal ian, laer tenunan dari daun tidak mau itor tinggal: gebang ibung tidak mau, ungkapan yg meninggalkan epeng, tenunan yg akan menyatakan >èqè, nope ditenun nane >èqèng tinggi kikiq, laqi (1), lewar tepat bètuq, paheq, tupar tidak mau repot / (2) tepat menembak manang mengerjakan pekerjaan tinggi lonjong tongaq (1) yg diulang-ulang luleq tangaq tepat, yg mateq, nimun laleq tinggi, yg laqin (1) tepi lèding, narang (1) tidak rapat pakar tinggung mokoq tepi tebing neung tidak selesai holang tingkat dan tepuk lèpèr, tataq tidak suka itor tinjau tepi tepung bong (1), tepong tidur bute, pèi, tèqèl, tinju bayuq terang >araq (3), niho, tèqèng tinta gurita >uraq (1) nihon, terang tidur: saya meniduri iq Tionghoa, orang babaq terapung bao tidur nyenyak noqeng (2) teras >ara tidur, tidak rio tipis kepaq, mipi teras kelapa èbur tiga tèlu tipu akal, >ayung terbang baqa tigaan tèlun tiram kecil nèlèq terbang ke sini ke tikam bakoq, robaq (2), tiris kètiq sana hir (2) sarobaq, tubaq, tuhuq, tiru doriq, holeq (2), piring terbit bohor (1) tukoq tiruan bunyi barang besi/ teriak bayaq, bohang, hioq, tikam: merasa spt perak/tembaga ling (2) irong, weqal ditikam-tikam dlm tiruan bunyi spt teriakan >idiq, kanaher dada dakoq bunyi seng yg terima hen, todi, toher tikar napa, ohan dilempar lebang terima: menerima dgn tikar yg dipakai untuk tiruan bunyi spt bunyi alat hodi membungkus gong yg dipalu dung Indonesian – Kedang 783 titi lete tuan tuang tumbuh bita, nuyan, tawe titik kakaq (2), tèlèr, totoq tuang bèi, luruq, pihing (1) titik: menitik jagung dgn tuang: menuang yg tumbuh melebar biling terburu-buru babal terakhir bunung tumbuhan tawen tiung beong, lingir tuas hitoq, nitoq (1) tumbuhan berduri, tiup buriq, puiq tuba nua sj tehang todak man (2) tubruk bae, lagar, lètur tumbuhan laut, sj >uta todak kecil neber, leber tubruk: menubruk tumbuhan merambat, tokek tekeq maju duruq sj kala nidi toko tokoq (2) tubuh nawaq (1), wèq (1) tumbuhan, sj bara pehiq, tolak >anung (2), holong, tubuh: bersetubuhi doho, biru, lale, tuaq loran, >obang, tuku (1) dotoq (2), kowa (1) >unuq tolak: menolak ke tubuh: saya tumbuhan yg baru samping >eban bersetubuhi iq muncul tobeq, tupu toleh enge tudak man (2) tumbuhan yg dimakan tolong pohing tuduh >oroq, tuku (1) dan melata di tanah tolong: penolong tuduhan suangi konang dekat pantai, sj nide bilangan >ate, >ilaq, tudung bongoq, bowong tumbuhan yg menjalar, lepaq (2), lihen, munaq (2), kowoq, lotuq sj ape boyang (3), ongo, pue (1), puhe tudung saji balètuq, tumbuhan yg menyerupai (2), pulaq, purun, ratuq mongoq pohon kelapa, sj tuan (1), rehaq, ribu, uluq, uren, tudungan balètuq, mongoq taq >ulir, wèng, wulir tudungan dibuat dari tumbuhan yg wangi tomat sili butu daun lontar untuk dipakai untuk bumbu tomat besar saga lai menudung mayang makanan, sj laka sau tombak kala, nubaq lontar nabu tumbuk bae, oluq, rahaq tok-tok nètol (1) Tuhan laba lia, lia (1), tipaq tongkat duqa, hodeq, Tuhan Allah >ala laha tala, tumbuk: menumbuk kala duqa, nading, nukoq, tuang ala laha tala, tuang biji jagung yg telah todeq, tukoq ala latala, tuang ala ta ala, direndam ahal tongkat tanukoq >ula loyo tumbuk: menumbuk dgn tongkat pembimbing tuju: saya menuju ui hati-hati lita orang buta kala mèduq tujuh pitu tumbuk: menumbuk yg tongkat-tongkat tujuhan, ukuran benda kedua kali deraq (2) untuk menahan alat belis yg. nilainya tumit dèro tenunan kadayang tujuhan pitun tumpah baoq, homaq, lodo tongkol ongo, ongon tukang molan, wala (2), luruq tonjol hèqèng wèq, horong, tukar kelung, peka tumpah ruah keluar haoq kongar tukar: bertukar kulit bèlu (1), heur (2) Toona sinensis maq >ayang tukik baeq tumpah: menumpahkan topang hodeq, nodeq, tulang lurin sst ke dlm tempat yg nukoq tulang: ketulangan di lain hore topi peo kerongkongan dakoq tumpah: menumpahkan topi gading yg. dianyam tulang belakang >uhur tuak dan jagung untuk dari daun lontar atau tulang daun lontar rage arwah maran dibuat dari kayu noban tulang daun lontar atau tumpu hudeq, moboq trak teduq kelapa luri tumpuk bongaq, lutur, tua paqar, roqong, tara (3), tulang kering pada mongaq, motel, otuq tua (2) betis wonor tumpul monu, robong tua (khusus pohon tulang leher kanobang tunas dolor, hipe, wiqil lontar) èdèr (1) tulang punggung >uhur tunda toda tua, yg taran tulang rawan adung boko tunduk baeq, dukiq, tuak tuaq tuli bukeq, èbuq >ènung, rèkung, rokoq tuak, bambu nodang tulis huraq, tuli tunggal >ehaq, hèq tuak, sisa mahun, makal tumbang koliq tunggu banger (2), hodeq, tuak, ukuran tumbang karena sudah kopaq, pakang, sapang (2), minum awaq (1) umur lubaq toang, wenger banger (2) 784 Indonesian – Kedang tunggu: menunggui ubi, sj apoq, kapoq, aqer, ungsi >iriq burung / rusa / epe ungu pahelong babi hebi ubun bubun (1) untuk saya ara (2), ma (1) tunggul >odeq ubur-ubur laut lateng untung polaq (1), >utung tungku yg terdiri dari tiga udang urang (2) upih èlir batu nimaq (1) udara >oler upih atau seludang tunjuk niong, nurung, uir-uir ioq yg membungkus tuben, tuo ujung kokang, rodang, mayang kelapa atau tuntun: menuntun sst di >utuq, wutuq pinang teneng dlm air bawang (1) ukir huraq upih pinang / gebang / tuntut dèning (1), latuq, ukur gatang, katang, hueq, enau lawaq (1) nutuq tibang, ukur upil apar tupai uq (3) ukuran nueq urai bake, hoe, mohoq (1), turi, pohon taluma ukuran berapa kali moan, mowar, nala, newar, noa, turun bunuq, doq, lawang muan, man towar (1), turu ukuran pelukan urai: saya turun: menurun pada pohon untuk menguraikan ohoq tajam hoduq mengukur besarnya urai: menguraikan tali yg turun: menurunkan pohon dagang, dakang terikat pèsol keturunan tibul ukuran tuak awaq (1) urap haru turut dei, dukiq, ikoq ulang horiq (2), koloq urat >ali, uraq turut suruhan neten ular >ular uri nahaq rian tusuk bakeq, daraq, horuq, ular naga naga urut amiq, heuq, poloq tuhuq, tukoq ular, sj papaq wau usaha mukel mèkèl tusuk: menusuk sekat ular sungai mèkèl (1) usang >uhaq buku bambu air ladaq ulas ura usia >umur (1) tusuk kondai >ureq ulat tihel, >ule usir boha, burang, horiq (1) tutup bong (2), boran (1), ulat besar yg kuning, usir: mengusir pergi / bowong (2), hoba, lètuq, sj tihel dareq berangkat ruti loiq, lotuq, pataq, pèrèng, ulat, dimakan muwi usung tete (2) ue, uwe (1) ulat, sj dareq utang >utang tutup: menutup dgn ulat, sj, yg tinggal dlm utas lihen, >ulir, wulir handuk rabu pohon bambu moda utuh upal, opal tutup: menutup dgn ulat-ulat kumbang lumoq utusan marang wala kain gebar, kebar ulet mamel tutup: menutup dgn ulur lodong, lor, nateng, selimut >oda, sereng, tekaq woda W >oto (1) umang-umang >umang tutup: menutupi jalan spy umpamakan niring wajah >anung (1) pasang jerat èpèng umpan akal, >ani waktu >ula, wula tutup: saya menutup dgn umpat >oba (1) waktu ini ratong (1) tutupan angul umur tara (3), >umur (1) waktu yg lama lalu lelan tutup lubang leti Uncaria gambir, walau age, ake tutupan balètuq, matan, Roxb. gabeng, kabeng wangi mèngi, wangiq mongoq undang doha waris panang tutur kariq, tutuq ungkapan untuk warna uliq memanggil ibu inaq warna biru pada bagian ungkapan yg memohon yg bengkak (karena U kepada pendengar memar) ia untuk turut warna daun nipa, uang doiq (1), gobang, melengkapinya >ini ungu nipa kobang ungkapan yg menyatakan uap bowol kurang tahu i warna warni ireq (1), nireq ubah arah pekoq ungkit doiq (2), dokil, warta ganepar, kanepar, ubi lèuq, ai lèuq, au lèuq noing gepar, kepar Indonesian – Kedang 785 wilayah >eqa (1), nataq

Y ya e (2), ewe, >èhèq, o (2), >oe, paqa, >uhuq (1), wuhuq yang bè, ba yatim iden (1)

Z zinah kowa (1) Zizyphus Jujuba buqer (1)