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HHS SATURDAY OCT. 14Th. Is “COUPON D A IS’ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1987; AYVMt* DtOj Nat Pran Roi T h e W e a lh cp m anrljeslw Swjntng For Tka Week Ended (Hearing, cool tonlglit. Low Oetober 7. 1M7 near 40. Tomorrow fair, eeason- ★ CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ★ able temperatUMfl. High 60 to Studenta of Aaaumption Jun­ MUs Mary Louise Blake, The Ladies of St. James are Hospital Notes Mrs. Clark Buffington, Bast ior High SchotS wUl aponaor a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' sponsoring a Fall Fashion Show Hartford. Combination Windows and Doors 1 5 ,3 7 5 86. About Town ear waah tomorrow from 1:80 George Blake of 40 Elsie Dr. and Dessert Card Party Fri- DISCHARGED YE8TER* Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. Manchester— A City of Village Charm The lt«v. C. Roiuld Wll«on, to 4:80 p.m. In the parking lot DAY: Louis Sllhavy, 166 Brandy Door Canopies, Boll-up Awnings, Osnvas Awnings Bopairod, has been elected secretary of day, Oct. 20, at 8 p.m. at St. In all areas excepting mater­ tnliiiat«r of Sooond at the Bchool. the Internatlonar Relations Club James’ School Hall. Fashions HUl Rd., Vernon: John Zemek, BtcovTrlT Re-Hang Servlro nity where they are 2:80 to 4 West Willlngton; James ’Tur- (OkMilfled Adverttelng on Page 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS OoBfraipitioM] Oiurch, will of Albertus Magnus College, will be by Mam’selle. Dress nalred or Made New To Your P a ^ rn , W ork Omtora VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 12 ('TWELVE PAGES—'TV SECTION) . MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1967 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and pri­ klngton, 260 Spring St.; Mrs. conduct 0 ccndcc Sunday at New Haven. 7-^hop, Vernon. Tickets for the S Grommet. - Eyelet. - The Grace Group of Center vate rooms where they are Wanda Miller, 388 Spring St.; Jalousie Unite. W aterpm ^ng Compound For T e n ^ Bsw t o ^ ^ t:18 ajn. on radio ctatlon — — event may be obtained from Congregational Church will 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors are Carl Houghton, Pine Ridge Dr., and Canvas. We Do Rescreenlng of Alamlnnm Screens. WINK. The program le aponsor- meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the Donald W. Avery, assistant Mrs. Burton Hilton, 10 Acad- •d by the Mdncheater Cjuncil requested not to smoke In pa­ Andover: Mrs. Shirley Whyte, Heavy Duty Zippers. Robbina Room of the church. director of admissions at West- emy St., or Mrs. John Tierney, tients’ rooms. No more than two o f Ohurchea. East Hartford; Laurie Lucas, After a bualneaa meeting, ern ' Nbw England College, il Academy» St. Those attend- visitors at one time per pa­ WUllmantlc; Gary Aronson, 4 membera will urrap gifts for a Sprlngfleld, Mass., will visit ing thO event are reminded to MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Harold Hlnron of BO Grant tient. Level Rd.; Walter Kohls, 204 Teen Tree and a Wishing Well Manchester High School and bring their own playing cards. American Bombs Hit Rd. haa been appointed apeclal Maple St.; Mrs. Isabella Zoppa, EST."^^9^- cP which will be some of the fea­ East Catholic High School ------ Patients Today: 282 alde*deKuunp of the VFW, It waa 253 Hilliard St.; Mrs. Patricia tures at the Holiday Fair Fri­ Wednesday. New Horizons Fellowship, ded- announced today by Joaeph A. ADMI’TTED YESTERDAY': ’Turklngton, 250 Spring St.; Earl day, Nov. 10, at the church. Re­ ----- icated to adventuresome and S e e m of Gardner, Maaa., com- Mrs. Margherita Atwood, Mea­ Boynton, 44E Case Dr. freshments will be served by The Emma Nettleton Group useful living by the physically Also, Julie Cady, Lebanon; mander-ln-chlef of the VKW of dow Wood Rd., Tolland; Mrs. Mrs. Edna Lynn and her com­ of Center Congregational handicapped, will have a gen- Maureen O’Nell, 36 S. Alton St.; Yes. KoHiy — Wo Hovo Tho Bost f rodueo the United Statea. “ Only mem- Shirley Bigelow, Rt. 4, Coven­ Church will have a business meeting at New Britain Wilfred Arsenault, Stafford bera who are dedicated to the mittee. try; Robert Bray, Talcott Hill In Town! Con Thien Marines meeUng Tuesday at 8 p.m. In Memorial Hospital tomorrow at Rd., Coventry; Mrs. Joaiuie Springs; Peter Saukaltis, 91 (oala of the VFW are conaldered IN SEASON: MACS, COBTLANDS, RED DEUOIODS, the Robbins Room of the 2 P »'' Refreshmente will Costello, 117 West St.; Joseph Birch St.; Mrs. Florence Lock- for thla appointment," Seem The Amerloan Leglioti Aux­ M C W ^ i ALSO iniQSH CIDER, GOURDS, INDIAN SAIGON (A P )—The iliary will have Its annual De- church. Dr. A. Elmer Dlskan served following a general meet- DellaFera, 24 Pine St., Heldle- wood, Broad Brook; Donna CORN AND PUMPKINS. ____ __ aald. Marie and Wendle-Carol Du­ Sheldon, 188 Lakewood Circle; raUIT GALORE: Red. White, Blue Grapes, Pom egraaa^ battered U-S. Marine out­ payment parley botnorrow at 9 will speak about his experiences post at Con *rhien was hit aboard the SS Hope, at 8 :S0. bois, East Hartford; Mrs. Wan­ William Stavens, 26 Cornell St.; PIumB, Nectarines. Honeydews# Cantaloup©#, Pineapple#, asn. at the Hedgen Reataurant, State News by a mistaken bombing New 'Britain. (Mias Barbara ___ The Manchester Homemaker da EntwlsUe, 13 Crestwood Dr.; Mrs. Helen Hagenow, 66 Maple Pears, Limes and Grapefruit. Mrs. Josephine Gubbels, 21F St.; Mrs. Joyce Clcerchia, 296 f r e s h PRODUCE: Asparagus, Beet Greens, from an American plane WalUett o f the Mandheelter Aux­ the AmertCh Le- 'f " « « ' ?* “ ' Tomatoes, Green, Yellow S q i ^ , C h ^ I t o ^ ^ C a ^ - iliary is parley chairman. She Carver Lane; Mrs. Virginia Bldwell St.; Roy Keith, 22 Hol­ late FYiday, killing two NOTICE nei, Auxlltery h.v. been Invlt- Hodson, 473 Gardner St.; Mrs. lister St.; Mrs. Donna Hendlt- nower. Leeks, Green Beens, Shaioto, Peaa, Egg P t o t , I ^ No Incident win be aenhlted by Mra Leon ed to a Joint Installation tomor­ health aide service In the Unit­ Hot Penoers Pickling Onions, White Sweet Potatoes, Marines and wounding 21, to, 36 Clinton St.; Henry Chre­ Bnadley, reeervationiB chairman, row at 7:30 p.m. of the John ed States and Puerto Rico, Edna Keating, 197 Hamlin St.; Corn-Jn-^b BroLll Sproute. ArOchokro, and Cranbei- the U.S. command In Sai­ James Lawrence, Stafford tien, 45 Russell Dr., Vernon; and Mrs. Henry Pefisiiil, De­ Pachulck Poet and Auxiliary at Arises from KeeUer’a atrlke le over Mrs. Emma Berch, 218 Broad gon disclosed. partment chairman, both of the the Polish National Home, Directory of Homemaker-Home- Springs. p T n k o r w h i t e g r a p e f r u i t . • •- S for ^ The report of the mistaken St. and we have a fraah aup- Manchester unit. Miearibers of Church St., 'Thompsonvllle. Health Aide Services In New Also, Mrs. Wllda Lemek, RFD CELERY ................................... ^ DCliSs 2 9 ^ bombing came after a fierce the Miancheeter AAixlllary plan­ ____ York City. The homemaker- 2, Rockville; Barbara McDonald, Also, Harvey Ring, 1 Lewis Negro March three-hour fight early Saturday ply of 85 Keebler Cookie Circle, Rockville; Mrs. Marlene CAULIFLOWER,' Extra Large Hea^!^^. - 4 » J ^ ning to attend the parley are 'IThe annual Glastonbury home health aide service Is the Stafford Springs; Clara Murray, between Marines and attacking HARTFORD (AP) ~ Parad­ and Cracker Itema Includ­ Mrs. Mtuiel Auden, president; Grange Fair will open with a placement of trained, mature, East Hartford; Mrs. Carol 011- Carflro and daughter, 37 Hollis­ MACS, GRADE “A” ! . • • • • • • 16 qt. bskt S lgg S North Vietnamese troops a mile ing Negroes from this efty’s Mrs. Ruth Hlckox, Mrs. Joseph parade tomorrow at 9:30 o.m. professionally supervised wom- wa, Sadds Mill Rd., Ellington; ter St.; Mrs. Letitia Askintowicz ELECTASOL, Giant Pkg! R ^ . 6 9 c ............... 3 9© below Con Thien, which is just ing plenty of Dutch Apple and daughter, 68 Seaman Cir­ North End section carried a Wallett, Mrs. Wilber Little and at 13116 Soulth Glastonbury Fair *0 the home to assist Indlvld- Mrs. Mary Pllurl, Overbrook south of the demilitarized zone. cle; Mrs. Diane Donofrlo and COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY P A P ^ l message for open housing Into and the flavorite Pecan Mrs. Beaalle Fairris. Grounids. Gates open at 10. uals and families during a pari- Rd., Vernon; Mrs. Gloria Post, e Also Complete Line of SE3ALTEST Dairy Products • A spokesman said a Marine RFD 2, Bolton; David Schon, daughter, 101 South St., Vernon. affluent West Hartford on Fri­ Corps aircraft "making a bomb MARS, a message service for od of stress, day night. Sandiea. Miss Kathleen Kelly, daughter families of overseas servicemen, —— Broad Brook; Stanley Stearns, run Friday evening In spport of The Pueblo Indians of New The significance of their of Atty. and Mrs. Eugene T. will too a feature o f the event. The executive committee of ’Thompsonvllle; Krystyna "T H E K IN O ground forces at Con Thien had Mexico are the descendants of march was twofold: it Kelly of 121 Mountain Rd. and Those wishing to conitact their Cub Scout Pack 1B2 will meet zen, 16 Union St. two 600-pound bombs Impact on the oldest known North Ameri-^ coincided with Yom Klppur, the PINEHURST a senior at Mount Saint Mary aonis or diaugiiters overseas are tonight at 7 at Bowers School. BIR’THS YESTERDAY: A the perimeter of the ground can civilization. The 19 ancient' PRODUCE!" holiest of Jewish holidays, and reminded to bring their exact ------ .son to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Law­ unit.” College, Hooksett, N.H., will Pueblo tribes are scattered it carried the marchens GROCERY addresses to the MARS booth Polish Women’s Alliance, rence, Windsorvllle; a daugh­ ’The epokesman said an Inves­ spend the fall semester practice along the New Mexico banks of 176 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER s 64S-OS84 into a suburb which contains a 802 MAIN ST.
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