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IS’ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1987; AYVMt* DtOj Nat Pran Roi T h e W e a lh cp m anrljeslw Swjntng For Tka Week Ended (Hearing, cool tonlglit. Low Oetober 7. 1M7 near 40. Tomorrow fair, eeason- ★ CANVAS and ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ★ able temperatUMfl. High 60 to Studenta of Aaaumption Jun MUs Mary Louise Blake, The Ladies of St. James are Hospital Notes Mrs. Clark Buffington, Bast ior High SchotS wUl aponaor a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' sponsoring a Fall Fashion Show Hartford. Combination Windows and Doors 1 5 ,3 7 5 86. About Town ear waah tomorrow from 1:80 George Blake of 40 Elsie Dr. and Dessert Card Party Fri- DISCHARGED YE8TER* Visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. Manchester— A City of Village Charm The lt«v. C. Roiuld Wll«on, to 4:80 p.m. In the parking lot DAY: Louis Sllhavy, 166 Brandy Door Canopies, Boll-up Awnings, Osnvas Awnings Bopairod, has been elected secretary of day, Oct. 20, at 8 p.m. at St. In all areas excepting mater tnliiiat«r of Sooond at the Bchool. the Internatlonar Relations Club James’ School Hall. Fashions HUl Rd., Vernon: John Zemek, BtcovTrlT Re-Hang Servlro nity where they are 2:80 to 4 West Willlngton; James ’Tur- (OkMilfled Adverttelng on Page 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS OoBfraipitioM] Oiurch, will of Albertus Magnus College, will be by Mam’selle. Dress nalred or Made New To Your P a ^ rn , W ork Omtora VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 12 ('TWELVE PAGES—'TV SECTION) . MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1967 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and pri klngton, 260 Spring St.; Mrs. conduct 0 ccndcc Sunday at New Haven. 7-^hop, Vernon. Tickets for the S Grommet. - Eyelet. - The Grace Group of Center vate rooms where they are Wanda Miller, 388 Spring St.; Jalousie Unite. W aterpm ^ng Compound For T e n ^ Bsw t o ^ ^ t:18 ajn. on radio ctatlon — — event may be obtained from Congregational Church will 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors are Carl Houghton, Pine Ridge Dr., and Canvas. We Do Rescreenlng of Alamlnnm Screens. WINK. The program le aponsor- meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the Donald W. Avery, assistant Mrs. Burton Hilton, 10 Acad- •d by the Mdncheater Cjuncil requested not to smoke In pa Andover: Mrs. Shirley Whyte, Heavy Duty Zippers. Robbina Room of the church. director of admissions at West- emy St., or Mrs. John Tierney, tients’ rooms. No more than two o f Ohurchea. East Hartford; Laurie Lucas, After a bualneaa meeting, ern ' Nbw England College, il Academy» St. Those attend- visitors at one time per pa WUllmantlc; Gary Aronson, 4 membera will urrap gifts for a Sprlngfleld, Mass., will visit ing thO event are reminded to MANCHESTER AWNING CO. Harold Hlnron of BO Grant tient. Level Rd.; Walter Kohls, 204 Teen Tree and a Wishing Well Manchester High School and bring their own playing cards. American Bombs Hit Rd. haa been appointed apeclal Maple St.; Mrs. Isabella Zoppa, EST."^^9^- cP which will be some of the fea East Catholic High School ------ Patients Today: 282 alde*deKuunp of the VFW, It waa 253 Hilliard St.; Mrs. Patricia tures at the Holiday Fair Fri Wednesday. New Horizons Fellowship, ded- announced today by Joaeph A. ADMI’TTED YESTERDAY': ’Turklngton, 250 Spring St.; Earl day, Nov. 10, at the church. Re ----- icated to adventuresome and S e e m of Gardner, Maaa., com- Mrs. Margherita Atwood, Mea Boynton, 44E Case Dr. freshments will be served by The Emma Nettleton Group useful living by the physically Also, Julie Cady, Lebanon; mander-ln-chlef of the VKW of dow Wood Rd., Tolland; Mrs. Mrs. Edna Lynn and her com of Center Congregational handicapped, will have a gen- Maureen O’Nell, 36 S. Alton St.; Yes. KoHiy — Wo Hovo Tho Bost f rodueo the United Statea. “ Only mem- Shirley Bigelow, Rt. 4, Coven Church will have a business meeting at New Britain Wilfred Arsenault, Stafford bera who are dedicated to the mittee. try; Robert Bray, Talcott Hill In Town! Con Thien Marines meeUng Tuesday at 8 p.m. In Memorial Hospital tomorrow at Rd., Coventry; Mrs. Joaiuie Springs; Peter Saukaltis, 91 (oala of the VFW are conaldered IN SEASON: MACS, COBTLANDS, RED DEUOIODS, the Robbins Room of the 2 P »'' Refreshmente will Costello, 117 West St.; Joseph Birch St.; Mrs. Florence Lock- for thla appointment," Seem The Amerloan Leglioti Aux M C W ^ i ALSO iniQSH CIDER, GOURDS, INDIAN SAIGON (A P )—The iliary will have Its annual De- church. Dr. A. Elmer Dlskan served following a general meet- DellaFera, 24 Pine St., Heldle- wood, Broad Brook; Donna CORN AND PUMPKINS. ____ __ aald. Marie and Wendle-Carol Du Sheldon, 188 Lakewood Circle; raUIT GALORE: Red. White, Blue Grapes, Pom egraaa^ battered U-S. Marine out payment parley botnorrow at 9 will speak about his experiences post at Con *rhien was hit aboard the SS Hope, at 8 :S0. bois, East Hartford; Mrs. Wan William Stavens, 26 Cornell St.; PIumB, Nectarines. Honeydews# Cantaloup©#, Pineapple#, asn. at the Hedgen Reataurant, State News by a mistaken bombing New 'Britain. (Mias Barbara ___ The Manchester Homemaker da EntwlsUe, 13 Crestwood Dr.; Mrs. Helen Hagenow, 66 Maple Pears, Limes and Grapefruit. Mrs. Josephine Gubbels, 21F St.; Mrs. Joyce Clcerchia, 296 f r e s h PRODUCE: Asparagus, Beet Greens, from an American plane WalUett o f the Mandheelter Aux the AmertCh Le- 'f " « « ' ?* “ ' Tomatoes, Green, Yellow S q i ^ , C h ^ I t o ^ ^ C a ^ - iliary is parley chairman. She Carver Lane; Mrs. Virginia Bldwell St.; Roy Keith, 22 Hol late FYiday, killing two NOTICE nei, Auxlltery h.v. been Invlt- Hodson, 473 Gardner St.; Mrs. lister St.; Mrs. Donna Hendlt- nower. Leeks, Green Beens, Shaioto, Peaa, Egg P t o t , I ^ No Incident win be aenhlted by Mra Leon ed to a Joint Installation tomor health aide service In the Unit Hot Penoers Pickling Onions, White Sweet Potatoes, Marines and wounding 21, to, 36 Clinton St.; Henry Chre Bnadley, reeervationiB chairman, row at 7:30 p.m. of the John ed States and Puerto Rico, Edna Keating, 197 Hamlin St.; Corn-Jn-^b BroLll Sproute. ArOchokro, and Cranbei- the U.S. command In Sai James Lawrence, Stafford tien, 45 Russell Dr., Vernon; and Mrs. Henry Pefisiiil, De Pachulck Poet and Auxiliary at Arises from KeeUer’a atrlke le over Mrs. Emma Berch, 218 Broad gon disclosed. partment chairman, both of the the Polish National Home, Directory of Homemaker-Home- Springs. p T n k o r w h i t e g r a p e f r u i t . • •- S for ^ The report of the mistaken St. and we have a fraah aup- Manchester unit. Miearibers of Church St., 'Thompsonvllle. Health Aide Services In New Also, Mrs. Wllda Lemek, RFD CELERY ................................... ^ DCliSs 2 9 ^ bombing came after a fierce the Miancheeter AAixlllary plan ____ York City. The homemaker- 2, Rockville; Barbara McDonald, Also, Harvey Ring, 1 Lewis Negro March three-hour fight early Saturday ply of 85 Keebler Cookie Circle, Rockville; Mrs. Marlene CAULIFLOWER,' Extra Large Hea^!^^. - 4 » J ^ ning to attend the parley are 'IThe annual Glastonbury home health aide service Is the Stafford Springs; Clara Murray, between Marines and attacking HARTFORD (AP) ~ Parad and Cracker Itema Includ Mrs. Mtuiel Auden, president; Grange Fair will open with a placement of trained, mature, East Hartford; Mrs. Carol 011- Carflro and daughter, 37 Hollis MACS, GRADE “A” ! . • • • • • • 16 qt. bskt S lgg S North Vietnamese troops a mile ing Negroes from this efty’s Mrs. Ruth Hlckox, Mrs. Joseph parade tomorrow at 9:30 o.m. professionally supervised wom- wa, Sadds Mill Rd., Ellington; ter St.; Mrs. Letitia Askintowicz ELECTASOL, Giant Pkg! R ^ . 6 9 c ............... 3 9© below Con Thien, which is just ing plenty of Dutch Apple and daughter, 68 Seaman Cir North End section carried a Wallett, Mrs. Wilber Little and at 13116 Soulth Glastonbury Fair *0 the home to assist Indlvld- Mrs. Mary Pllurl, Overbrook south of the demilitarized zone. cle; Mrs. Diane Donofrlo and COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY P A P ^ l message for open housing Into and the flavorite Pecan Mrs. Beaalle Fairris. Grounids. Gates open at 10. uals and families during a pari- Rd., Vernon; Mrs. Gloria Post, e Also Complete Line of SE3ALTEST Dairy Products • A spokesman said a Marine RFD 2, Bolton; David Schon, daughter, 101 South St., Vernon. affluent West Hartford on Fri Corps aircraft "making a bomb MARS, a message service for od of stress, day night. Sandiea. Miss Kathleen Kelly, daughter families of overseas servicemen, —— Broad Brook; Stanley Stearns, run Friday evening In spport of The Pueblo Indians of New The significance of their of Atty. and Mrs. Eugene T. will too a feature o f the event. The executive committee of ’Thompsonvllle; Krystyna "T H E K IN O ground forces at Con Thien had Mexico are the descendants of march was twofold: it Kelly of 121 Mountain Rd. and Those wishing to conitact their Cub Scout Pack 1B2 will meet zen, 16 Union St. two 600-pound bombs Impact on the oldest known North Ameri-^ coincided with Yom Klppur, the PINEHURST a senior at Mount Saint Mary aonis or diaugiiters overseas are tonight at 7 at Bowers School. BIR’THS YESTERDAY: A the perimeter of the ground can civilization. The 19 ancient' PRODUCE!" holiest of Jewish holidays, and reminded to bring their exact ------ .son to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Law unit.” College, Hooksett, N.H., will Pueblo tribes are scattered it carried the marchens GROCERY addresses to the MARS booth Polish Women’s Alliance, rence, Windsorvllle; a daugh ’The epokesman said an Inves spend the fall semester practice along the New Mexico banks of 176 OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER s 64S-OS84 into a suburb which contains a 802 MAIN ST.