8462 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZE'l'T.h. [No. 137 [61034 McMillan, Alexander Neil, Burke's Pass, Canterbury. (Hll0 Philp, John, Carrier, Winohester. 61035 Maopherson, Alexander, Shepherd, Woodbury, Geraldine. 61111 Pierce, William Edward, Teamster, Mt. Harding, Methven. 61036 McQuilkin, James, Farmer, Eiffelton. 61112 Pilbrow, Samuel Charles, Farmer, Seafield. *61037 McRae, John, Sheep-farmer, Waihao Downs, Waimate. 61113 Pithie, John, Labourer, care of J, Moore, Lauriston, Ash· *61038 Maher, W. P., General Labourer, care of City Boardinghouse, burton. Timaru. 61114 Pluck, Fredrick Stephen, Farmer, Mitcham. 61039 Maidens, George Deriua, Labourer, Methven. 61115 Poff, James Francis, Stock Agent, Methven. 61040 Mangin, Leonard Robert, Farm Hand, Methven. 61116 Poff, Michael, Farmer, Methven. 61041 Manning, James, Slaughterman, Port Pegasus, Stew.... t 61117 Porter, Robert Grey, Salesman, care of Club Hotel, Strat· Island. ford. 61042 I\Iarsden, Reginald James, 43 Suffolk St, Trevorton, Ash. 61118 Powell, James, l!'arm Labourer, care of Coldstream, Hinds, burton. Ashburton. 61043 Marshall, David Charles, Stationmaster, Morven, Waimate. 61119 Poyntz, Alexander, ]<'arm Hand, care of W. Robins, 61045 Mason, Robert, Labourer, Montalto, Mayfield. Canterbury Hotel, Methven. 61046 Matheson, Farquhar, Medical Praotitioner, Fairlie. 61120 Prattley, George, Dairy.farmer, Winchester. 61047 Maxwell, Reginald, Shephord, Beautiful Valley, Geraldine. 61121 Price, Francis Augustus, Exchange Clerk, Waimate. *61048 May, Cecil George, Tutor, Waitaki High School, Oamaru. 61122 Pye, James Harvey, Labourer, Raincliff, near Pleasant 61049 Maybin, Robert, Ploughman, care of People's Palace, Man. Point. chester St, Christchurch. 61123 Quinlan, Jeremiah James. Drivel', cornel' Cain and North 61050 Mead, Arnold Clifford, Farm Hand, Rakai... Sts, l'imaru. 61051 Middleton, Archibald Currie, Solicitor, Waimato. I 61124 Rayner, Horace Algernon, Farm Hand, Totam Valley, 61052 Miles, James Edwin, Blacksmith, Fairlie, Mackenzie.
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