The Typical Cyclothem Tejerina Basin Ocejo Basin
LEIDSE GEOLOGISCHE MEDEDELINGEN, Dl. 32 1965 blz. 75-149, Preissued 20-1-1965 TheOcejo(Cantabriangeologyandof SaberotheMountains,Valderrueda,coal basinsTejerina,Spain) BY H.M. Helmig Contents ABSTRACT 77 INTRODUCTION 78 CHAPTER I. STRATIGRAPHY 81 Introduction 81 Older Palaeozoic 81 Cea formation 88 Introduction 88 Subdivision 88 The typical cyclothem 92 Valderruedabasin 94 The unconformable contact 94 Subdivision 95 Carrion member 97 Prado member 102 Tejerina basin 106 The unconformable contact 106 Subdivision 106 Carrión member 106 Prado member 109 Ocejo basin 110 The unconformable contact 110 Subdivision 113 Carrión member 113 Prado member 114 Sabero basin 114 The unconformable contact 114 Subdivision 114 Carrión member 114 Prado member 115 Younger formations 120 CHAPTER II. STRUCTURE 122 Introduction 122 Valderrueda basin 124 Tejerina basin 130 Ocejo basin 132 Sabero basin 134 CHAPTER III. GEOLOGICAL HISTORY 139 RESUMEN EN ESPANIOL 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY 146 APPENDICES I, II, III in back pocket Abstract Four Upper Carboniferous limnic coal basins in the Cantabrian mountains are described. In the coal which known the Cea formation and overlie measures, are as unconformably the Older Palaeozoic, two sedimentary cycles are recognised. Accordingly, the unconformable into members. sequence is subdivided two Carrión with and becomes The lower one, the member, starts quartzite conglomerates finer It anthracitic coal and D floras. gradually grained upwards. yields upper Westphalian Its maximum thickness is 1200 m. The the Prado with limestone and also upper one, member, begins conglomerates grades to finer sediments upwards. It contains dry to fat coals and Stephanian A to B floras. Its thickness be 2500 but section is maximum compiled may approximately m a complete not found anywhere.
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