Regulation 22 Statement (Including Appendix 1 and 2)
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South Oxfordshire District Council Local Plan 2031 REFINED OPTIONS South Oxfordshire District Council REGULATION 22 STATEMENT (INCLUDING APPENDIX 1 AND 2) MARCH 2019 I Summary This statement provides a summary of the consultation undertaken on The South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2034 to demonstrate compliance with Regulation 22 (1)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended 2017) (the Regulations). The statement details the consultation stages undertaken on the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2034 as follows: • Issues and Scope (consultation one - June 2014) • Refined Options (consultation two - February 2015) • Preferred Options (consultation three - June 2016) • Second Preferred Options (consultation four – March 2017) • Final Publication Version (First) (consultation five – October 2017) • Final Publication Version (Second) (consultation six – January 2019) The first four stages of consultation were undertaken in accordance with Regulation 18 of the Regulations. The fifth consultation, undertaken in October 2017, was intended to satisfy the requirements for the final statutory consultation prior to submission of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan to the Secretary of State, but has subsequently been treated as a Regulation 18 consultation. The consultation on the Final Publication Version (Second) of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan, in January 2017, was undertaken in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Regulations. The statement sets out the consultation process undertaken, detailing the methods used, the people and organisations consulted and the number of representations received. This statement provides a summary of the main issues that have arisen through the Regulation 18 consultation on the South Oxfordshire Local Plan and shows how these issues have been addressed before summarising the main issues raised in relation to each policy within the Final Publication (Second) version of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan. i Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 Section 1: Background .......................................................................................................... 2 Section 2: Summary of Public Consultation Actions .............................................................. 5 Section 2.1: Issues and Scope Stage – June 2014 ............................................................... 6 Section 2.2: Refined Options Stage - February 2015 ............................................................ 7 Section 2.3: First Preferred Options Stage - June 2016 ...................................................... 10 Section 2.4: Second Preferred Options Stage - March 2017 ............................................... 12 Section 2.5: Final Publication Version (First) - October 2017 .............................................. 13 Section 2.6: Final Publication Version (Second) – January 2019 ........................................ 17 Section 3: Main Issues Raised During Regulation 18 Consultations .................................... 22 Section 3.1 Spatial Strategy ................................................................................................ 22 Section 3.2 Development Needs ......................................................................................... 26 Section 3.4 Green Belt ........................................................................................................ 29 Section 3.5 Proposed Strategic Sites .................................................................................. 31 Section 3.6 Didcot ............................................................................................................... 40 Section 3.7 Henley-on-Thames, Thame and Wallingford .................................................... 41 Section 3.8 Development in the Villages ............................................................................. 44 Section 3.9 Non-Strategic Housing Allocations ................................................................... 48 Section 3.10 Affordable Housing ......................................................................................... 50 Section 3.11 Housing .......................................................................................................... 51 Section 3.12 Employment ................................................................................................... 54 Section 3.13 Infrastructure .................................................................................................. 56 Section 3.14 Environment ................................................................................................... 62 Section 3.15 Design ............................................................................................................ 64 Section 3.16 Town Centres ................................................................................................. 66 Section 3.17 Community Facilities ...................................................................................... 67 Section 4: Main Issues Raised During the Regulation 19 Consultation (January 2019) ....... 70 Section 5: Issues Raised Following the End of the Regulation 19 Consultation................. 126 Contents of Appendices .................................................................................................... 128 Appendix 2a. Facebook adverts from Final Publication (First) Consultation ...................... 165 Appendix 2b. Twitter adverts from First Preferred Options Consultation............................ 167 Appendix 2c. Twitter adverts from Final Publication (First) Consultation ........................... 171 Appendix 2d. Text from Council webpage during Refined Options Consultation ............... 175 Appendix 2f. Text from webpage duing Second Preferred Options Consultation ............... 178 Appendix 2g. Text from webpage during Final Publication (First) Consultation ................. 180 Appendix 2h. Text from webpage during Final Publication (Second) Consultation ............ 184 ii Appendix 2j. Examples of display boards used during consultation events during the Final Publication (Second) Consultation .................................................................................... 190 Appendix 2k. Example of Publication (Second) Consultation Press Advert ....................... 204 Appendix 2l. Publication (Second) Consultation Factsheet ............................................... 205 Appendix 2m. Consultation Advert for Publication (Second) Consultation ......................... 207 Appendix 2n. Photo montage of consultation events ......................................................... 208 iii Introduction 1. This statement has been produced to provide a summary of the consultation undertaken for the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2034 and the main issues arising from the six consultations carried out. This statement has been produced in accordance with Regulation 22 (1)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 20121 (“the Regulations”). The Regulations state that this statement needs to set out the following information: which bodies and persons the local planning authority invited to make representations under Regulation 18; (ii) how those bodies and persons were invited to make representations under Regulation 18; (iii) a summary of the main issues raised by the representations made pursuant to Regulation 18; (iv) how any representations made pursuant to Regulation 18 have been taken into account; (v) if representations were made pursuant to Regulation 20, the number of representations made and a summary of the main issues raised in those representations; and (vi) if no representations were made in Regulation 20, that no such representations were made. 2. This statement explains each of the consultation stages on the Local Plan in relation to the methods used, the people and organisations consulted and the number of representations received. This statement also provides a summary of the main issues that have arisen through the production of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan and shows how these issues have been addressed within the Final Publication Version (Second) of the South Oxfordshire Local Plan. 3. The South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2034 was submitted to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 29 March 2019. 1 1 Section 1: Background 4. The South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2034 will replace both the South Oxfordshire Core Strategy (2027) and The South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011. It will set out the overall development strategy for the period from 2011 to 2034. It will include strategic policies as well as allocations for housing and employment sites. It will also include detailed development management policies to replace the remaining saved policies of the Local Plan 2011. 5. The following key stages of consultation have been undertaken on The South Oxfordshire Local Plan: Issues and scope (consultation one - June 2014) Refined options (consultation two - February 2015) Preferred options (consultation three - June 2016) Second Preferred Options (consultation four – March 2017) Final Publication Version (first) (consultation five – October 2017) Final Publication Version (second) (consultation six – January 2019) 6. The Council consulted with key stakeholders and the