
Life Sciences : Behavioral Sciences

Li, J.-H., Sun, L., Kappeler, P.M. (Eds.) The Behavioral Ecology of the Tibetan

The first comprehensive book on the social behavior, cooperation, culture, cognition, and group dynamics of the Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana) Recommended reading for undergraduate and graduate students and researchers in the areas of anthropology, biology (zoology, behavior, ecology, conservation biology, wildlife management), cognitive psychology, social sciences and philosophy with an interest in issues connecting humans and nonhuman in behavior and society An open access book, featuring contributions by leading researchers in the field of primatology

Springer This open access book summarizes the multi-disciplinary results of one of ’s main primatological research projects on the endemic Tibetan macaque (Macaca thibetana), which 1st ed. 2020, XVI, 302 p. 93 1st had continued for over 30 years, but which had never been reported onsystematically. illus., 59 illus. in color. edition Dedicated to this exceptional , this book makes the work of Chinese primatologists on thesocial behavior, cooperation, culture, cognition, group dynamics, and emerging technologies in research accessible to the internationalscientific community. Printed book One of the most impressive Asian monkeys, and the largest member of its genus, the Tibetan macaque deserves to be better known. This volume goes a long way towards bringing this Hardcover species into the spotlight with many excellent behavioral analyses from the field.- Frans de Printed book Waal, Professor of Psychology, Emory University, USA. matter. To understand primate Hardcover patterns and trends, and to gain important insight into humanity, we need to augment and ISBN 978-3-030-27919-6 expand our engagement with the most successful and widespread primate genus aside from $ 59,99 Homo. This volume focuses on the Tibetan macaque, a fascinating species with much to tell us Available about social behavior, physiology, complexity and the macaque knack for interfacing with humans. Discount group Professional Books (2) Order online at springer.com/booksellers Product category Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC Contributed volume 233 Spring Street Series New York, NY 10013 Fascinating Life Sciences USA Other renditions T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Softcover [email protected] ISBN 978-3-030-27921-9 Softcover ISBN 978-3-030-27922-6

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ISBN 978-3-030-27919-6 / BIC: PSVP / SPRINGER NATURE: SCL13009 Part of