OFFICE HOURS Weekdays 8:00 am - 4:00 pm REV. WILLIAM A. SMITH DEACON BRUCE DOBBINS [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 330-278-4121 330-278-4121 x18 330-278-4121 x17 — MASS SCHEDULE — Rev. Joseph Mecir, Pastor Emeritus or 330-203-6475 Rev. William P. O’Neill, Pastor Emeritus WEEKENDS Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:00 & 11:00 am WEEKDAYS — PARISH MINISTRIES & ORGANIZATIONS — Monday, Tuesday, Friday & 1st Saturday 8:00 am DIRECTOR OF PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION (PSR) HOLY DAYS Bridget Kovalik ...... 330-391-0438 8:00 am & 7:00 pm [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MUSIC MINISTRY & LITURGY — SACRAMENTS — Mary Gabriel ...... 330-636-1739 RECONCILIATION [email protected] Saturday 3:00 - 3:45 pm EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Other times by appointment Adrienne Bures ...... 330-289-3119 BAPTISM [email protected] 1st & 3rd Sundays 12:00 pm PROCLAIMER OF THE WORD Classes required for 1st child Celeste Cook ...... [email protected]

MARRIAGE PASTORAL MINISTER—BEREAVEMENT & WOMEN OF HOPE 6 months preparation Carolyn Zaverl ...... 216-310-1875 Call parish priest to set a date [email protected] ANOINTING OF THE SICK MEN OF FAITH & FUNERALS Adam Prokop ...... 330-515-6262 Call parish office to arrange [email protected] — OUTDOOR — FINANCE CHAIRPERSON—SAFETY & SECURITY Tom Minch ...... [email protected] Open daily, dawn to dusk Mission Statement: We, the Roman Catholic faith community of Our Lady of Grace, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and dedicated to our Blessed Mother, value our mission to make God’s presence visible in today’s world. In service to God’s will, and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we manifest God’s peace, love and saving presence as we pray, worship, work and live together in His Name.

1088 Ridge Road • Hinckley, Ohio 44233 • 330-278-4121 • www.olghinckley.org • [email protected]

November 15, 2020 Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS ray for omfort and ealing P C H SUNDAY NOVEMBER 15 33rdSunday Ordinary Time Joanne & Vince Jan Krivos 8 AM Living & Deceased of Our Parish Family Ackermann Autumn Lemke 11 AM Al, David & Paul Zelenak / Ruth Zelenak Sandra Anawich Nick Piro Mark Augustyn LD Nerlich MONDAY NOVEMBER 16 Sts. Margaret & Gertrude /Weekday Pattie Bulkowski Mathilde Nerlich 8 AM Toni Norton Chris Burke The Novak Family TUESDAY NOVEMBER 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary /Weekday Eric Burke Ed & Carol Pickering 8 AM Don & Gertie Brobst / Jane Carl Martin Puljic FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20 Weekday Denise Ciphers Milan Racanovic 8 AM Jon Csicsilla / Friends & Family Cathy Cone Christine Rigo SATURDAY NOVEMBER 21 Weekday Christine Csicsila Dennis Rogozinski 4 PM Living & Deceased of Our Parish Family Colleen Darabant Braidyn Schneid SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 34thSunday Christ the King Phyllis DePiero Charles Schodowski 8 AM Albert & Ethel Jackson / Jake & Vicki Lott Bill Dlugos June Schodowski 11 AM Kelly Higgins / Gail Grill Mariyln Dlugos Marilyn Schodowski MONDAY NOVEMBER 23 Sts. Clement I & Columban /Weekday Fuciu Family Geraldine Slatkovsky 8 AM Dave Schak / Yakich Family Cheryl Henderson Michelle Trisk Linda Joseph Brandon Vanek READINGS FOR THE WEEK Megan Keefe Derek Vita Debbie Klein Helen Vujevich Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 Mike Klein Mort Winer Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 Kathleen Klosinski Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Mt 14:22-33 Richard Konnerth Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 Is there someone you would like us to Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; pray for? Please call the Parish Office 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 (330) 278—4121

WEEKLY COLLECTIONS — Nov 3—8 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH All ...... $10 All Souls ...... $265 Improvements ...... $1,205 NOVEMBER 16 Mass ...... 8:00 am Priests Rerement Fund ...... $15 NOVEMBER 17 Mass ...... 8:00 am Shrine ...... $95 Adoration ...... 8:30 am—6 pm Sustaining Spiritual Home ...... $1,500 NOVEMBER 19 Rosary ...... 7:00 pm Weekly ...... $3,251 Men of Faith ...... 7:00 pm

WEEKLY REVENUE ...... $6,341 NOVEMBER 20 Mass ...... 8:00 am WEEKLY EXPENSES ...... $6,873 NOVEMBER 21 Reconciliation ...... 3—3:45 pm Weekly DEFICIT ...... $(532) Please wear your mask YTD Revenue ...... $170,792 Vigil Mass ...... 4:00 pm YTD Expenses ...... $115,137 NOVEMBER 22 Sunday Mass ...... 8:00 am YTD Surplus ...... $55,655 Sunday Mass ...... 11:00 am Thank you for your deep faith and generosity. NOVEMBER 23 Mass ...... 8:00 am

November 15, 2020 Page 3

WORDS FROM OUR SHEPERD joy, humor and laughter were important in spiritual life. He then A few days ago, I came listed 10 points and why they were across an old copy of important. A few of these points were the poem “Casey at the that humor: evangelizes, welcomes, Bat,” written in 1888 by heals and deepens our relationship with Ernest Lawrence Thayer. God. It has been years since I Fr. Martin asked, “Do we really last thought about that think people are going to want to join poem. The end of the the if we are poem “There is no joy miserable?” in Mudville- for Mighty Casey has Noting that joy and laughter struck out,” somewhat reminds me of often come across best in the homily what is going on through most of this because the priest or deacon might use year, NO JOY! With Co-Vid 19, the a joke or be light hearted, Fr. Martin pandemic, with the closing of the continued, “It is the celebration of the church and many other places for at Mass, so it should be a celebration. least months, racial unrest, and This doesn’t mean you’re laughing and finishing up with the Presidential grinning idiotically and being election, it may seem that all of the ridiculous, a sense of joy needs to joy of this world is gone. come through because-guess what? - But believe it or not, there is Christ is risen!!! joy, humor and laughter in the Have a Blessed Week! Fr. Bill Catholic Church! One just needs to look. In the Book of Ecclesiastes 3:4 it is written “…and a time to laugh…” MINISTRY SCHEDULE And as we all know, the Mass is a November 14—15 celebration. Following the installation Reader: Celeste Cook of Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan in 4:00 PM New York, he was asked by a reporter EOMOHC: Deacon Bruce if there is anything he would like to Pay Kadlec- Reader: condemn? His response was “Yes, I’d 8:00 AM Dobbins like to condemn light beer and instant EOMOHC: Deacon Bruce mashed potatoes.” Pope John XXIII Reader: Kallan Hrics was once asked “How many people 11:00 AM EOMOHC: Deacon Bruce work at the Vatican?” His response was “About half.” November 21—22 Reader: Wendy Stanek In the ‘Catholic Herald,’ the 4:00 PM Catholic newspaper for the EOMOHC: Ruth Ann Manley Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Reader: an article about humor, laughter and 8:00 AM Celeste Cook joy was written. For this article Fr. EOMOHC: Mary Long James Martin, a Jesuit priest, was Reader: Ken Gaume interviewed. Fr. Martin stated that 11:00 AM EOMOHC: Deacon Bruce

November 15, 2020 Page 4 Elizabeth of Hungary Feast day November 17

Elizabeth was born in 1207. Her father was Alexander II, the king of Hungary. Her marriage was arranged when she was just a child, and at age four, she was sent to for education and eventual marriage. When she was 14, she married Louis of Thuringia. They loved each other deeply.

According to legend, Elizabeth went out with loaves of bread to feed those who were poor. Her husband saw her and took hold of her cape to see what she was carrying. What he saw was roses rather than bread! Because of this, she is also known as the patroness of bakers. Louis supported her in all she did to relieve the sufferings of those who were poor or sick. But Louis’s mother, Sophia, his brother, and other members of court resented Elizabeth’s generosity. She was taunted and mocked by the royal family, but deeply loved by the common people. Louis loved her and defended her. They had three children. In 1227, after six years of marriage, Louis went to fight in the Crusades. He died on the way. Elizabeth was grief stricken. Her in-laws accused her of mismanaging the finances of the kingdom, forcing her and her children out of the palace. For a while, they found refuge only in barns. Finally, they were taken in by her uncle, the bishop of Bamberg. When her husband’s friends returned from the Crusades, they helped restore her to her rightful place in the palace. Elizabeth increased her service to others. She was 24 when she died. She was canonized only four years later. Elizabeth is symbolized by a triple crown—for roles as a member of royalty, as a mother, and as a saint, crowned in heaven. She is the patroness of the Franciscan Third Order and of all Catholic Charities.

Excerpted from Christ Our Life, by Sisters of Notre Dame of Chardon, Ohio Image credit: St Elizabeh of Hungary Spinning for the Poor by Marianne Stokes, 1895. Public Domain via Wikimedia.

November 15, 2020 Page 5 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION SAINT ROSE PHILIPPINE DUCHESNE (1769-1852) — November 18 This week might be a good time to stock our Pope Benedict once declared himself spiritual cupboard along with our kitchen cupboard struck by how remarkably diverse our American in preparation for our celebration of Thanksgiving. saints are—some native born: Mother Seton, Before there was a Thanksgiving Day, even before Katherine Drexel, Kateri Tekakwitha; most, like there were Pilgrims, the Roman Catholic Church many Catholics today, immigrants: Padre Serra, celebrated Ember Days (“change-of-season days”) as Bishop Neumann, Mother Cabrini, Rose periods of thanksgiving for seasonal harvests. This Philippine Duchesne. When the French means it is a customary Catholic way to give thanks Revolution that dispersed her convent ended, to God through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. In Rose joined the Religious of the Sacred Heart, the 1969 reformed calendar it was left up to the volunteering for their United States mission, national conferences of bishops to set dates for opening the first free school west of the Ember Days. (The ones on the old calendar fit a Mississippi. Only after lengthy service as Mediterranean climate, and on the new calendar it Superior did Rose—now seventy-one—realize her was imagined that each nation knew best when to life’s dream, undertaking a mission among the schedule such seasonally oriented days.) Potawatomi Indians. When some worried about The United States bishops have not yet her advanced age and failing health, the Jesuit resurrected Ember Days, Rogations Days, and other mission leader overruled them: “She must come! national days of prayer. However, tucked within She may not be able to do much work, but she’ll Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers (a book bring the mission success by praying for us!” published by the U. S. bishops) is a on Frustrated by her inability to learn their Ember Days that proposes, among others, the three languages, Rose nevertheless “spoke” to the days before Thanksgiving as days of prayer, charity, Native Americans by her prayerful presence and fasting. Why wait for an official proclamation? before the tabernacle. “Quah-kah-ka-num-ad,” Why not undertake to observe those three days in they named her, “Woman-Who-Prays-Always”— that way in your parish, or even in your family? their way of bestowing the title the Church What could be more natural at this time of year? would later make official: saint! —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Thank you from Sr. Dorothy, MSC Sisters . . . It was a joy for me to be present with you—virtually—during the month of September 2020. I shared with you the efforts of the MSC Sisters to empower the local church in 21 countries around the world to connue a tradion of compassionate presence through skilled and creave responses to needs. Although I had hoped to meet many of you personally, I am grateful for your “virtual” generosity in response to my mission appeal. Our indigenous Sisters are grateful that they can be the Heart of God in our world. Without your generosity and shared mission, much of our work would be in jeopardy. Our Sisters will connue to pray for all of you—especially during this me of pandemic—and we ask that you connue to pray for us as well...In Jesus’ heart, Sister Dorothy Fabritze, MSC

November 15, 2020 Page 6 CHANGE OUR LIVES The letters of Paul to the Thessalonians are among his earliest writings, and are driven by his belief and the belief of the entire early Christian community that the return of Christ was imminent, and that devoting time or attention to anything else was foolish. As time progressed, this fervor subsided a bit. Today we may wonder, when we hear these readings about the coming end-times, if we should take them to heart, if we really believe that Christ still may come upon us as a “thief at night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2). Does this mean that we are to stop our long-range goal-setting, get rid of our yearly calendars and planners, or stop putting money in the college education fund? Of course not. What it does mean is that we need to change our lives, living like children of the light and illuminating the world around us with the light of the gospel. Then, on that day, when the details of our daily living become unimportant, we will be ready to find our peace and security in Christ Jesus.

Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

FAMILY PERSPECTIVES Life in a family is a gift. The same applies to life in a parish community. We join others who share a common purpose and goal. When we heard today’s parable and others like it, we can be moved to action, investing ourselves and our families more fully into the Christian life. What is one gift or talent that you have received from the hand of God and are using to serve your family and the People of God?

November 15, 2020 Page 7 MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES:

A Men's Choir has ministered the past 5 years at the 9 am Thanksgiving Day Mass in remembrance of Fr. Mac at his request to have a Men’s Choir....and the men of the parish were asked again to join the men of the Music Ministry at the 9 am Mass on Thanksgiving Day. There were NO auditions and NO additional evening rehearsals required. However, our church experience has been different than what we have been accustomed to this year. In an effort to keep everyone safe by masking up and social distancing, we also need to continue to do our best not to super spread Covid germs by not singing. We can continue a modified version of this beautiful tradition by everyone coming to 9:00 am Thanksgiving Day Mass to first give thanks to God before celebrating with our families. We all have so much to truly be thankful for, remembering the ministry Fr. Mac shared with our parish. No excuses this year about not being a good singer, we all can come together as a parish family to the table of plenty to share the heavenly feast! Happy and blessed Thanksgiving!

St. Edward’s High School Presents —-

The Edwardian Players will present, Exhibit This! The Museum Comedies, a play by Luigi Jannuzzi, where the Metropolitan Museum of Art come to life! In a fast-paced series of comedic plays and monologues 30 some paintings and sculptures emerge from their molds & frames. Artists, guards critics, lovers, curators and visitors (the audience) spend one very special night in this new comedy.

Show dates are November 19, 20 and 21 at 7:30 pm and 22nd at 3:00 pm at St. Edward High School, 13500 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, Ohio 44107. Our performances will be socially distanced. For those who wish to attend live, tickets will be sold in “pods” of up to 8-tickets purchased together and will be distanced from other groups. Live stream tickets are also available for our final two performances. Live and streaming tickets are available at edwardianplayers.com

GIVING TREE 2020 SPECIAL ENVELOPE This year’s Giving Tree may CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR look different, but the HUMAN DEVELOPMENT outcome will be the same— Please return by November 22 making Christmas special Thank you for your kind generosity. for those in need! Special Mass Intentions are available for 2021. insert in today’s bulletin Please call the office to arrange. and check out our website for all the Your $10 donation for each Mass is details. appreciated.