GE IN CHINA 2010年 第2期 总62期 Issue 2 2010, No. 62

GE传承爱迪生创新精神亮相上海世博会 GE Brings Innovation Spirit of Thomas Edison to EXPO 2010 Shanghai

GE颜巴赫燃气内燃机支持全球最大牛粪发电项目 GE Jenbacher Biogas Technology Supports Shenyang Huishan Cow Farm

GE医疗首推为中国市场量身定制CT产品 GE Healthcare Launches First CT Product Customized for China Market CEO致辞 02 创新与合作的春天

业务发展 《GE在中国》是GE(中国)有限公司公关 GE颜巴赫燃气内燃机支持全球最大牛粪发电项目 05 传播部编印的季度通讯。欢迎积极投稿, 05 并提出您的意见和建议。 06 GE、CPECC分别与美国贸易及发展署签订协议推动清洁煤技术在华应用 GE in China is published quarterly by GE 08 GE与扬州签署谅解备忘录,推进城市可持续发展进程 China Communications & Public Relations. We welcome all comments, suggestions 10 GE智能电网技术助力扬州智能电网展示中心 and contribution of articles. 11 GE石油天然气集团入股沈阳透平机械股份有限公司 出版人 Publisher 12 GE膜生物反应器解决方案助力呼和浩特热电厂实现水资源回用 李国威 Geoff Li 13 GE宝石能谱CT落户上海 本期责任编辑 Managing Editor 刘娟涓 Ellen Liu 14 GE医疗集团召开eXperT论坛,在华首推全球磁共振合作中心

编辑 Staff Editors 16 GE医疗首推为中国市场量身定制CT产品 钟路音 Lu Zhong 18 GE中国东北区总部在沈阳成立 曾妮 Rachel Zeng 郭正华 Roy Guo 20 GE中国研发中心成立十周年庆典暨“全球企业,中国智造”论坛隆重举行 周祖怡 Martin Zhou 徐遥 Sherry Xu 22 GE照明集团与陕西电子信息集团签署战略合作协议 运输系统与三一集团将在多领域加强合作 通讯员 Correspondents 24 GE 陈俊美 Cathy Chen 25 GE家电与日日顺签署分销协议 邓瑾 Jane Deng 黄楠 Nancy Huang 26 CNBC支持2010年博鳌亚洲论坛 刘曼娜 Manna Liu 刘暐 Wendy Liu 李霞 Lisa Li 李颖仪 Lubby Li 特别报道 秦之刚 Zhigang Qin 沈聆 Rainy Shen 28 GE传承爱迪生创新精神亮相上海世博会 肖傲霜 Aoshuang Xiao 肖伟群 Lilian Xiao 30 追求梦想,不断超越 袁雯 Angela Yuan ——GE携手中国花样滑冰队共创辉煌 翟莲子 Lianzi Zhai

健康创想 38 GE中国推出“健康我先行”项目, 工作场所将全面禁烟

媒体看点 GE(中国)有限公司 上海市浦东张江高科技园区华佗路1号1号楼8楼 40 健康管理 泛数据化 邮编: 201203 电话: (8621)38777888 44 纳尼:GE重生 传真: (8621)38777508 酷科技 北京市朝阳区光华路7号汉威大厦西区六层 48 GE:偏执的科学家 邮编: 100004 电话: (8610)65611166 50 USM Go,中国“智”造 传真: (8610)65611168 28 服务中国 走向世界 网址: 绿色创想 53 GE ZeeWeed®超滤解决方案助力中国石油 四川石化实现水资源高效利用 54 GE医疗发布Signa HDe至臻版1.5T磁共振 56 88台GE风机中标河北、山西项目

GE人物 58 人物专访黄克强

30 业务动态 66 GE RNP技术助力中国航空 67 GE医疗参加中国国际医疗器械博览会,推出四大解决方案 CEO Message 68 GE Motors与太钢签订3000万美元设备供应合同 03 A Spring of Innovation and Partnerships 69 GE参加中美水环境利用与保护(武汉)经贸合作会议 70 GE三次蝉联慧聪网中国水工业行业十大名膜企业之首 Business Highlight 71 GE全息光盘技术获“年度最炫技术奖” 05 GE Jenbacher Biogas Technology Supports Shenyang Huishan Cow Farm 72 GE中国研发中心荣获“生产力创新奖” 07 GE, CPECC Sign Agreements with USTDA to Develop Clean Coal 73 GE中国研发中心被授予“环境诚信绿色企业”称号 Technology in China 73 GE中国研发中心位列年度最佳企业研究院 09 GE Signs MOU with Yangzhou, Accelerates Sustainable Development 74 GE石油天然气集团上海工厂荣获“安全生产诚信五星级企业”称号 10 GE Assists Yangzhou’s Smart Grid Demonstration Center 74 GE智能平台推出Proficy® Change Management SmartStart产品 11 GE Oil & Gas Signs Minority Shareholding Agreement with Shenyang 75 GE智能平台获产业钜献奖及管理精英奖 Turbo Machinery Corporation 77 全球著名财经主播伯恩·哈德罗重归CNBC 12 GE ZeeWeed® MBR Solution Supports Huhhot Thermal Power to Realize 78 GE和Hotpoint®牌家电中标新一轮“家电下乡”项目 Water Resource Reuse 13 GE Gem Energy Spectrum CT Installed in Shanghai 爱心满中国 15 GE Healthcare Hosts eXperT Forum, Establishes China’s First GE MR Global Advanced Application Center 80 GE荣获“环球人物榜”社会责任奖 17 GE Healthcare Launches First CT Product Customized for China Market 81 GE支持中国灾区 19 GE Sets up Northeast China Headquarters in Shenyang 82 中国民航总局致谢GE支持玉树灾区 21 GE Celebrates 10 Years of Innovation in China 84 GE入选“2010中国CSR竞争力杰出案例” 23 GE Lighting, Shaanxi Electronic Information Group Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement 24 GE Transportation, Sany Group Expand Multi-business Cooperation 25 GE Signs Appliance Distribution Agreement with Gooday Mart 26 CNBC Supports Boao Forum for Asia

Special Report 29 GE Brings Innovation Spirit of Thomas Edison to EXPO 2010 Shanghai 30 Successful Cooperation between GE and Chinese Team

81 71 GE’s Micro-Holographic Disc Named Coolest Technology of 2009 72 GE CTC Receives "Productivity Innovation Award" 73 GE CTC Receives “Green Company Award” from Pudong EPB 73 GE CTC Named 2010 Best Corporate R&D Center 74 GE Oil & Gas Shanghai Site Awarded As Work Safety Integrity Star Enterprise 74 GE Intelligent Platforms Launches Proficy® Change Management SmartStart 75 GE Intelligent Platforms Wins Industrial Contribution and Management Elite Awards 77 CNBC Announces Return of Bernard Lo 54 78 GE and Hotpoint® Branded Appliances Win Bid for “Rural Rebate” Program Healthymagination GE China Rolls out HealthAhead Campaign, Worksites to be Tobacco-free 39 GE in Community 80 GE Receives “Global People 2009” Social Responsibility Award GE in Media 81 GE Responds to Disaster Relief Efforts in China 42 Health Management in GE 83 CAAC Appreciates GE for Navigation Assistance in Yushu Earthquake 46 Nani Beccalli-Falco: GE’s Renewal Disaster Relief Cool Technology 84 GE Recognized as Outstanding Case in CSR Competitiveness in China 2010 49 GE Micro-holographic Storage Discs Upgrade Disc Capacity to 500G 51 USM Go Technology Designed in China for the World

Eco Update 53 GE Water Solution Helps PetroChina Sichuan Project 55 New Signa HDe 1.5T MRI Launched in Beijing 56 New Wind Energy Deal Signed for Hebei, Shanxi Projects

GE People 61 Meet the Leader: Albert Wong

News Flash 66 GE RNP Technology Supports Chinese Aviation 67 GE Healthcare Participates in CMEF, Highlights Four Solutions 68 GE Motors, TISCO Sign USD 30 Million Supply Contract 69 GE Attends US-China Cooperation on Water Utilization and Conservation Forum 58 70 GE Ranks China Top Ten International Membrane Company GE家电 CEO致辞 CEO Message


对于GE中国而言,2010年春季预示着GE将出炉众多的创新解决方案, 来帮助中国解决发展过程中面临的种种挑战。

作为“健康创想”的一部分,GE医疗集团推出了全新的Brivo CT,针对 中国基础医疗市场,为其提供成像质量高同时成本较低的CT产品。

GE的绿色创想技术仍然闪耀。GE能源集团向位于沈阳的辉山乳业奶牛 场提供四台颜巴赫燃气内燃机,以处理并利用其25万头奶牛产生的牛 粪进行发电。该项目建成后将成为全球最大的牛粪沼气发电项目。

当GE中国赞助的中国花样滑冰队在温哥华冬奥会上夺得中国奥运史上 首枚花样滑冰项目金牌时,GE与中国之间的合作和友谊得到了进一步 的加深。作为中国花样滑冰队的荣誉领队,我有幸在比赛现场目睹了 这一激动人心的历史时刻。随后,GE特别举办了庆功活动,与中国花 样滑冰队、GE加拿大的同仁、温哥华政府和数百名游客一同庆祝他们 取得的优异成绩。

当青海省在四月份遭受强烈地震后,GE与无数中国民众一样深感悲 痛。GE快速做出回应,向灾区受难居民提供了经济救助。

作为美国馆的首席合作伙伴,GE很荣幸地参与了本届上海世博会。世 博会对于GE来说并不陌生,GE的创始人托马斯·爱迪生在1876年的费城 世博会上即展示了他的发明——电报机,而他的一系列其它发明诸如 发电机、灯泡、留声机也在之后的几届世博会上相继亮相。

如今GE将创新精神延续到了2010年上海世博会。成功举办北京奥运会 两年后,中国再度让世界瞠目,呈现了展示人类文明和创新精神的、 迄今最大规模的世博会。GE很高兴能够利用这一绝佳的平台展示GE的 “绿色创想”和“健康创想”技术和解决方案,它们将成为中美双方 在清洁能源和可持续发展方面合作的催化剂。

通过积极地从多方面参与中国的社会和经济生活,GE不断兑现“立足 中国,服务中国”的承诺。我相信,只要坚持这一承诺,随着中国逐 渐成为GE的第二故乡,我们一定会不断地收获增长。

罗邦民 GE大中华区 总裁兼首席执行官

02 GE在中国 A Spring of Innovation and Partnerships

For GE in China, the spring of 2010 has heralded the introduction We are honored to be part of the World EXPO in Shanghai as a of numerous innovative new solutions addressing China’s growth founding partner of the USA pavilion. GE is no stranger to the World challenges. EXPO. Our founder Thomas Edison took his telegraph to the World EXPO in Philadelphia in 1876. He exhibited other inventions such As part of healthymagination, our Healthcare business launched the as the power generator, light bulb and gramophone in subsequent new Brivo CT specifically designed for China’s primary care market, EXPOs. providing high-quality imaging services at lower cost. Now the spirit of GE innovation extends to the 2010 EXPO in GE’s ecomagination technologies continue to shine. Our Energy Shanghai. A vast showcase of civilization and innovation, this business is delivering four units of the Jenbacher biogas power largest World EXPO in history is another gift from China to the world, generator to process and utilize the manure of 250,000 cows at two years after Beijing hosted an exceptional Summer Olympic Huishan Cow Farm in Shenyang. When completed, it will be the Games. We are proud to use this tremendous platform to exhibit largest cow-manure based biogas project in the world. our ecomagination and healthymagination technologies, which will serve as catalysts for U.S.-China partnership on clean energy and The bond of friendship and cooperation between GE and China sustainable development. was deepened and strengthened when the GE China-sponsored Chinese national figure skating team won the country’s first Olympic By engaging in so many aspects of China’s social and economic life, gold medal in the sport at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games. GE is actively pursuing our commitment to our “In China, For China” In my position as honorary coach for the team, I was proud to be strategy. Adhering to this track will, I believe, ensure us continued in the Vancouver arena during this amazing moment. GE then growth here as China becomes GE’s second home. held a celebration with the team, our GE Canada colleagues, the government of Vancouver and hundreds of visitors to the Olympics.

We shared the grief of the Chinese people when a deadly quake hit Mark Norbom Qinghai province in April. GE was quick to respond with financial President & CEO support for the unfortunate victims of this disaster. GE Greater China

GE IN CHINA 03 业务发展 Business Highlight

04 GE在中国 GE颜巴赫燃气内燃机支持全球最大牛粪发电项目

GE绿色创想认证的产品颜巴赫燃气内燃机将 另外,沼气池的残余基板还可 被用于辽宁沈阳新建中的沼气发电项目。位于 被用作高质量的农业肥料,以 沈阳市的辉山乳业奶牛场拥有25万头奶牛, 较高的PH值中和酸效应,从而 GE的4台颜巴赫JMS420燃气内燃机将利用其牛 保留土壤养分并且几乎无臭。 粪转化而成的沼气进行发电,预计每年可产生 此次沼气发电项目建成后将成 38,000兆瓦时的电力,并入国家电网。 为全球最大的牛粪发电项目, 其不但会降低发电成本、提高 这一项目的最大特点在于其对燃料的循环利 发电效率,预计每年还将减少 用。除了将沼气用来发电,沼气发酵残余液还 约18万吨的二氧化碳排放。 将被用于滋养农场的草坪,而沼渣则将作为有 机肥料进行销售。这种对沼气的合理利用给辉 GE能源集团颜巴赫燃气内燃机 山乳业奶牛场带来了不少益处。它既为粪肥、 事业部首席执行官普拉笛·杨基 厩液以及生物废料的处理提供了一个新的选 说:“现在,中国和亚洲其它国家都在致力于 沈阳辉山乳业是东北地区最大的液态奶生产企 择,变废为宝,使这些废料成为代替传统燃料 利用自身多样化、可再生和可替代的资源来创 业,其全力打造自营牧场模式,已具备全方位 的能源,又能大幅度减少温室气体的排放。同 造更清洁的能源。我们很高兴能参与辉山沼气 的牧业管理体系。辉山沼气发电项目预计于 时,颜巴赫燃气内燃机可以高效地利用生物沼 发电项目,我们将与辉山集团共同打造沼气发 2010年9月开始商业运营。 气进行热电联供,最大程度地利用这一能源。 电全球样板工程。” GE Jenbacher Biogas Technology Supports Shenyang Huishan Cow Farm

GE’s ecomagination-approved Jenbacher advantages for the Huishan Cow Farm. The but will also reduce about 180,000 tons of gas engines will power the new Shenyang system provides an alternative disposal carbon dioxide emissions each year. Huishan Cow Farm, which is run by the method for solid and liquid manure and Shenyang Huishan Milk Co., Ltd. and located biowaste while simultaneously harnessing Prady Iyyanki, CEO of GE’s Jenbacher Gas in Liaoning Province. The manure from the these substances as an alternative Engine Business said: “We are thrilled to be a 250,000 cows will be converted into biogas at energy source, effectively substituting part of the Huishan gas energy project. This the Huishan farm and is expected to produce conventional fuels. This type of energy collaboration is indicative of not only China’s, 38,000 MWh a year through four GE JMS420 generation has high potential for reducing but many other Asian countries’ desire to Jenbacher gas engines. The energy generated greenhouse gases and is extremely efficient harness their own diverse, renewable and will be sold to the state grid in China. of producing on-site power and heat. In alternative resources to create cleaner addition, the remaining substrate from sources of energy.” One of the project’s major advantages the digester can be used as high-quality is the utilization of fuel circulation. In fertilizer that can neutralize high ph-value The Shenyang Huishan Milk Co., Ltd. is the addition to the use of biogas for power acidity while retaining nutrients in a nearly largest milk manufacturer in Northeast China generation, the residual liquid, a byproduct odorless formula. At completion, the project and manages a self-operating pasture and of biogas production, will be used to irrigate will be the world's largest of its kind. This complete animal husbandry management surrounding pastures while the solid waste major project will not only reduce energy system. The Huishan Cow Farm is scheduled to can be sold as organic fertilizer, both being generation costs and increase efficiency, begin commercial operation in September 2010.

GE IN CHINA 05 业务发展 Business Highlight

GE、CPECC分别与美国贸易及发展署签订协议 推动清洁煤技术在华应用

美国贸易发展署署长Leocadia I. Zak(前排左)与GE 能源集团发电及水处理业务董事长兼首席执行官Steve Bolze(前排右)签署协议 Leocadia I. Zak (left, front row), Director of USTDA, and Steve Bolze (right, front row), President & CEO of Power & Water, GE Energy, sign the agreement

2010年4月16日,GE与中国电力工程顾问集团公司(CPECC)分别同 2009年11月在美国总统奥巴马与胡锦涛主席会晤期间,两国签署了中 美国贸易及发展署签订协议,以推动清洁煤技术在中国的应用。根据 美清洁能源合作声明,当时CPECC与美国贸易及发展署所签定的谅解备 协议,美国贸易及发展署将提供资金,用以资助并促进一个基于GE的 忘录是其中的重要组成部分。本次的协议签署便是谅解备忘录的具体 IGCC技术而设计展开的,针对中国市场并具商业化规模的IGCC可行性 落实。 研究。在研究的初期阶段,GE与CPECC将评估IGCC电厂设计的成本和 性能表现。 20多年来,GE的IGCC技术处于行业领先地位,并被广泛地应用于多个 大型电力公司。在中国,已经有40多家企业与GE签署了技术使用许可 “中国的煤炭资源储量丰富且成本低廉。煤气化技术可以让我们更清 协议,随着合作项目规模的扩大,GE的先进技术将在降低项目总成本 洁地利用煤炭资源,”GE发电与水处理业务总裁Steve Bolze说,“要 方面起到重要的作用。 实现二氧化碳及其它排放物质显著降低的目标,应用IGCC这样的清洁 煤发电技术势在必行。GE很高兴能与CPECC和美国贸易及发展署在这 中国电力工程顾问集团公司是面向国内外市场,提供电力工程建设综 一重要领域合作。” 合服务的中介机构,并具有国家发展和改革委员会认定的火电项目评 估资格。美国贸易及发展署是一个独立的联邦政府机构,旨在促进发 整体煤气化联合循环发电和碳捕捉及封存技术都经过了商业示范,需 展中国家和中等收入国家的发展,其通过资金援助的方式支持现代基 要广泛应用后才能利用当地丰富的煤炭资源进行低成本发电,同时大 础设施的发展,保证公平开放的贸易环境。 幅降低全球二氧化碳排放量。中美双方政府及企业将共同肩负起这一 重任,加快实施IGCC的商业化进程。

06 GE在中国 GE, CPECC Sign Agreements with USTDA to Develop Clean Coal Technology in China

On April 16, 2010, GE and the China Power Engineering Consulting Group Corporation (CPECC) respectively signed agreements with the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), marking a critical step toward the deployment of “cleaner coal” technology in China. Under the terms of the agreements, the USTDA will fund a feasibility study that would support the advancement of commercial scale integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) facilities in China based on GE-designed IGCC technology. In this initial study phase, GE and the CPECC will evaluate the cost and performance of an

IGCC design. 美国贸易发展署署长Leocadia I. Zak(前排左)与中国电力工程顾问集团公司总经理汪建平(前排右) 签署协议 “Coal is an abundant and low cost resource Leocadia I. Zak (first from left, front row), Director of USTDA, and Wang Jianping (first from right, front row), in China and the U.S. Gasification technology General Manager of CPECC, sign the agreement allows us to use it in a much cleaner way,” said Steve Bolze, President & CEO of Power & Water, GE Energy. “To achieve significant deployment of these commercial scale IGCC advanced technology will play a more reductions in carbon dioxide and other facilities. important role in reducing the total cost. emissions, cleaner coal power generation technologies such as IGCC must be part of This signing follows the Memorandum of The CPECC is the largest corporation in China the solution; GE is pleased to be working with Understanding previously signed between for electric power planning, survey and the CPECC and the USTDA in this important the CPECC and the USTDA as part of the engineering and is responsible for evaluating endeavor.” US-China Clean Energy Announcements thermal power projects authorized by made by US President Obama and Chinese the National Development and Reform IGCC and carbon capture technologies President Hu Jintao in November 2009. Committee. The USTDA is an independent have been commercially demonstrated and U.S. Government foreign assistance agency will need to be widely deployed to enable GE’s IGCC has been a leading technology and is committed to promoting economic low cost power generation from domestic for twenty years and has already been growth in developing and middle income energy resources, especially if they are to implemented in many large power countries. The USTDA provides grant funding achieve significant reductions in carbon companies. More than forty companies to overseas project sponsors for the planning dioxide emissions globally. Governments and in China have signed technology license of projects that support the development of industry in both the United States and China agreements with GE and as the scope modern infrastructure and an open trading have critical roles to play in accelerating the of cooperation projects expands, GE’s system.

GE IN CHINA 07 业务发展 Business Highlight


2010年4月18日,GE与扬州市政府签署了谅解 GE能源基础设施集团全球输配电业务副总裁鲍 电动汽车能够大幅降低机动车对化石燃料的依 备忘录,双方将应用GE先进的技术解决方案携 勃·格力甘表示,GE的智能电网系统将助力扬 赖,被视为解决城市交通排放难题的优先解决 手构建扬州的可持续发展模式,共同推进“智 州智能电网的构建,提高输配电的可靠性和效 方案。 能扬州”计划的落实。为推进扬州城市智能化 率,促进清洁能源技术的更大规模应用。同时 的进程,GE将积极参与扬州对电力、公共照 让终端消费者有效地管理能源消耗,使由可再 GE医疗集团的IT解决方案将为扬州医疗系统的 明、交通和医疗服务等城市各方面基础设施的 生能源转化而来的电力低成本地并入电网。GE 数字化工程提供技术支持。此外,GE还承诺 改造,助其早日实现高效低耗的可持续发展目 将致力于与扬州及其它有关部门合作,共同推 为扬州提供人才和领导力培训服务,并促成 标。值得一提的是,这次合作是GE第一次为中 进智能电网商业应用试点项目的落实。他同时 CNBC电视台与扬州合作。 国城市提供全方位、跨领域的可持续发展整体 透露,GE已与扬州电力企业展开谈判,就智能 解决方案。 电网设备生产的本土化探讨合作的可能性。 在世界范围内,GE已与数个知名城市建立了合 作伙伴关系,为他们规划并实施可持续发展解 “资源压力和基础设施超负荷运作对目前世 除了智能电网,GE还和扬州达成了发光二极管 决方案。在北美,GE参与了迈阿密智能电网建 界上任何一个城市管理者来说都是头疼的问 (LED)绿色光源产业的合作意向,GE的LED 设;在中东,GE正与阿联酋政府合作筹建世界 题,我们的整体解决方案将帮助像扬州这样的 照明解决方案能够提供高能效和长寿命的LED 上第一座碳中和、零废弃物的城市马斯达斯; 现代都市通过公共服务智能化来缓解乃至解决 产品。本次合作将有助于GE产品在中国的销售 在欧洲,荷兰的鹿特丹正大规模地应用GE提供 这类矛盾,这就是‘智能扬州’计划的核心宗 业绩,同时提高双方的绿色光源产业竞争力。 的可持续发展整体解决方案。 旨,”GE大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民 说。“我们已经与世界各地许多城市就可持续 绿色公共交通是“智能扬州”计划的另一组成 发展问题展开合作,‘智能扬州’项目的启动 部分。GE正在与江苏省汽车制造商探讨电动客 为我们在中国全面展开这类业务迈出了坚实的 车项目合作的可能性,用GE先进的技术为扬 第一步。” 州乃至中国公交运输工具的绿色升级做准备。

08 GE在中国 GE Signs MOU with Yangzhou, Accelerates Sustainable Development

On April 18, 2010, GE and the government illustrated how GE’s Smart Grid technologies technologies to China in the process. of Yangzhou signed a memorandum will fully support the city of Yangzhou by Deployment of a fleet of electric public of understanding (MOU) to support the increasing the reliability and efficiency of transport vehicles will render cities less sustainable development of the city. As its electric network while promoting the dependent on fossil fuel, which in turn helps outlined in this understanding, the two sides implementation of clean-energy technology. alleviate the problem of urban emissions. will leverage GE’s advanced technologies As a result, consumers will have access to and work together to guide the city towards the tools they need to manage their energy GE will also leverage its expertise in becoming one of China’s most advanced use and more clean energy resources can healthcare IT to assist Yangzhou’s ongoing sustainable urban communities. According be added to the generation mix. GE will soon drive to digitize the city’s public medical to the MOU, GE will facilitate efficient move beyond the demonstrative phase services. In addition, GE will assist Yangzhou consumption through grid modernization, to the large scale trial implementation develop a strong workforce through training lighting solutions, low-emission public of its smart grid solutions in Yangzhou. programs and facilitate cooperation transportation and digitized healthcare GE is already negotiating with local grid between CNBC and Yangzhou. services in Yangzhou. This is the first time equipment manufacturers to explore for GE to provide coordinated sustainable cooperative opportunities in manufacturing GE has been participating in several high- solutions across various fields in a major city related products. profile, large-scale sustainable city projects in China. all over the world. In North America, GE In addition to grid modernization, GE is helped build an intelligent power delivery “Our coordinated solutions will help fulfill also deploying environmentally-friendly network in Miami; in the Middle East, GE is the dreams of a ‘Sustainable Yangzhou’, LED roadway lighting solutions with its involved in the planning and construction and will build the city’s capacity in coping energy efficient and reliable LED products of Masdar in the United Arab Emirates, the with sustainability challenges resulting in Yangzhou. This cooperation will help GE world’s first carbon-neutral, zero-waste city; from increased strains on resources and improve its sales performance in China while and in Europe, GE commits itself to using its infrastructure,” said Mark Norbom, President increasing both parties’ competitiveness innovative technology to reduce the amount & CEO of GE Greater China. “We are in the environmentally-friendly lighting of operational emissions at the Port of committed to working with various cities industry. Rotterdam. around the world, helping them deal with their urban challenges in sustainable ways. Green transportation formed another Yangzhou serves as the perfect starting aspect of the Sustainable Yangzhou vision. point for this kind of endeavor in China.” GE has engaged auto manufacturers in Jiangsu to explore the possibility of jointly Bob Gilligan, Vice President of GE Energy's producing electric buses, introducing various transmission and distribution business GE proprietary transport electrification

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2010年4月19日,江苏扬州“智谷”暨智能电网展示中心盛大启动,GE智能电网技术为该中心提供了大力支持。 通过实际模拟,参观者可以感受到GE如何运用先进技术带来便利与革新,并为将来发展提供充足、清洁及廉价的 能源保证。

这一展示中心是响应“2009年中美双方在清洁能源领域开展合作声明”的一个实际举措。GE展示了包括智能电表 和故障自动检测隔离及供电恢复软件在内的一系列产品技术,体现其在家庭、电网及电力生产企业等网络控制中 的智能应用。另外,GE还展示了更加广泛、综合的城市通信网络解决方案。

GE与扬州市的智能电网合作项目于2009年12月启动,并签署了正式协议。在全球范围内,GE正在成功引领智能化 的电力管理及使用,其先进技术正在为英国、印度和美国等国家提供低成本的优质服务,以便更好地管理家庭用 电消费。

GE Assists Yangzhou’s Smart Grid Demonstration Center

On April 19, 2010, Yangzhou’s state-of- and in utility network control centers. It also the-art Smart Grid Demonstration Center demonstrates communication infrastructure was opened, and GE smart grid technology systems that can enable citywide solutions provided great support to the center. beyond the scope of energy. Through detailed simulations, the center is verifying how GE’s advanced technologies The cooperation between GE and the can bring convenience and innovation while government of Yangzhou on smart grid providing the future with enough clean and technology began in December 2009 when affordable energy. both parties signed an official agreement. GE is leading the management and The center is in line with 2009’s U.S.-China advancement of smart grid technology Clean Energy Announcements, which called adoption around the world. GE’s innovative for far reaching cooperation between the technologies are providing reliable low- two countries to promote clean energy. The cost services to countries across the globe, center includes a huge array of GE products, including Britain, India and the USA, and such as smart meters and automated outage helping them improve household electricity identification and restoration software, management. which affect energy in homes, on power lines

10 GE在中国 GE石油天然气集团入股沈阳透平机械股份有限公司

2010年1月20日,GE石油天然气集团宣布签署协议收购沈阳透平机械股 力。通过并肩合作,沈鼓集团和GE石油天然气集团将继续通过先进的 份有限公司的少数股权。沈阳透平机械股份有限公司是中国大型的国 技术创新和世界领先的工程专长,为中国的重要能源基础设施项目提 有企业,致力于设计和制造透平机械设备,是沈阳鼓风机集团有限公 供支持。” 司(沈鼓集团)的主要运营子公司。此项协议的签订巩固了GE与沈鼓 集团长达30年的合作关系,该股权持有进一步印证了GE为中国客户提 沈鼓集团成立于1934年,致力于设计、制造和销售离心式和往复式压 供可靠的合作,及时的交付以及致力于其业务目标的长期承诺。 缩机和各种泵,产品应用范围涵盖国内石油化工、化肥、煤炭、天然 气运输以及电力行业等。 GE石油天然气集团业务发展总经理贝托尼表示:“此次与沈鼓的战 略联盟体现了我们对于中国的承诺,并提高了我们在当地市场的影响

GE Oil & Gas Signs Minority Shareholding Agreement with Shenyang Turbo Machinery Corporation

On January 20, 2010, GE Oil & Gas announced an agreement to The SBW Group, founded in 1934, is dedicated to the design, acquire a minority equity interest in the Shenyang Turbo Machinery manufacture and commercialization of centrifugal and reciprocating Corporation. The Shenyang Turbo Machinery Corporation is a large- compressors and pumps for application in the China’s petrochemical, scale Chinese state-owned enterprise, dedicated to the design fertilizer, coal, natural gas, transportation and power industries. and manufacture of turbomachinery equipment and is the main operating subsidiary of the Shenyang Blower Works Group Co., Ltd. (SBW Group). The announcement consolidates a long-term partnership between GE and the SBW Group that spans 30 years and the equity holding formalizes GE’s position as a reliable business partner that consistently delivers. This agreement is also indicative of GE’s long-term commitment in China.

Fernando Bertoni, General Manager of Business Development for GE Oil & Gas, said: “This strategic alliance reflects our commitment to China and strengthens our local market presence. Working together, both parties will continue to support critical energy infrastructure projects in China with advanced technological innovation and world- leading engineering expertise.”

GE IN CHINA 11 业务发展 Business Highlight

GE膜生物反应器解决方案助力呼和浩特热电厂 实现水资源回用

GE绿色创想认证的ZeeWeed®膜生物反应器解决方案成为华能北方联 行可以长期保持高品质的出水,满足客户高效利用水源和节能减排的 合电力呼和浩特热电厂(呼和浩特热电厂)再生水深度处理及回用的 需求。此次应用是GE膜生物反应器技术在中国电力行业冷却塔补给水 核心技术。呼和浩特热电厂靠近黄河流域水资源紧缺的地区,GE膜生 回用水工程上的最大规模应用实例,将有效促进该技术在中国电力行 物反应器系统将大幅度减少生产流程中所需的黄河水源,因而可减轻 业乃至其它工业领域的推广应用。 由于过度汲取而造成的黄河水平面日益下降的情况。 呼和浩特热电厂隶属于中国华能集团公司。中国华能集团公司是经国 呼和浩特热电厂再生水深度处理系统的进水为城市污水处理厂二级出 务院批准成立的国有重要骨干企业,居于世界500强。目前,其旗下的 水,此二级出水在GE膜生物反应器的深度处理后将作为电厂机组循环 所有企业均达到节约环保型企业标准要求,各项能源消耗指标和排放 水系统及锅炉系统的补给水。该系统的日处理水量为37,000m3,新鲜 指标达到国内外先进水平。 补水的节水量达1565m3/h,峰值达1720m3/h。同时,其稳定高效的运

GE ZeeWeed® MBR Solution Supports Huhhot Thermal Power to Realize Water Resource Reuse

GE ecomagination-certified ZeeWeed® membrane bioreactor (MBR) GE’s MBR system helps customers conserve resources and reduce technology has been adopted by Huhhot Thermal Power to improve waste. Huhhot Thermal Power is the Chinese power industry’s largest energy and water utilization efficiency and reduce waste discharge. application of GE ZeeWeed® MBR in cooling water reuse and the Since Huhhot Thermal Power lies within close proximity to the project will effectively promote GE MBR technology in China. water shortage zone in the Yellow River Basin, GE’s MBR system will dramatically reduce the amount of water extracted from the Yellow Huhhot Thermal Power is a subsidiary of the China Huaneng River, helping maintain the river’s water level. Group which operates with the approval of the State Council, has been reorganized as a key state-owned enterprise and is listed as Huhhot Thermal Power’s wastewater tertiary treatment system one of the top global 500 companies. Currently, all of the group’s intakes secondary municipal wastewater, which will be treated subsidiaries meet strict environmentally-friendly standards and all by GE’s MBR system and will then be used for cooling the plant’s energy consumption and emission indexes can meet both domestic circulation and boiler feed system. With a daily capacity of 37,000m3, and international requirements. GE’s MBR system can conserve an average of 1,565m3/h clean feedwater, or up to 1,720m3/h. The stable and efficient operation of

12 GE在中国 GE宝石能谱CT落户上海

2010年4月8日,GE医疗集团宣布其全新高端 最高分辨率的成像技术,可以发现常规CT不 的宝石能谱CT在上海华东、瑞金、仁济三家 能发现的病灶并帮助肿瘤定性,使更多肿瘤患 医院装机并投入使用。作为全球顶尖水准的创 者的病情能够早期发现,早期治疗;同时还可 新CT产品,宝石能谱CT拥有高清晰成像和超 以大大提高心脑血管疾病的诊断成功率。此 低辐射剂量的特点,在早期诊断微小病灶和减 外,宝石能谱CT是目前世界上辐射剂量极低 少辐射伤害等方面具有革命性突破。此次宝石 的CT,仅为常规CT的50%,安全性得到了显著 能谱CT落户上海,是GE医疗帮助上海公众改 的提高。 善健康现状的重大举措,同时助力上海世博会 定点医院——瑞金医院和仁济医院,助其为公 宝石能谱CT于2009年10月全球首度发布,此 (从左至右)瑞金医院院长朱正纲、仁济医院院长 众提供紧急救援医疗服务。 前仅在美国麻省总医院等一些国际知名医院装 范关荣、GE医疗集团大中华区总裁兼首席执行官马 机使用。此次在上海三家医院的应用,实现了 思礼、GE医疗集团大中华区CT部门总经理陈金雷、 GE医疗集团大中华区副总裁兼影像事业部总经理陈 GE医疗一直通过产品和技术的创新,为患者 上海与国际性大都市先进医疗机构的同步,使 雁,以及华东医院院长俞卓伟在启动仪式上 提供最佳的解决方案。宝石能谱CT拥有业界 上海医疗服务水平迈向国际水准。 (from left to right) Zhu Zhenggang, Director of Ruijin Hospital; Fan Guanrong, Director of Renji Hospital; Marcelo Mosci, President & CEO of GE Healthcare Greater China; Chen Jinlei, General Manager of CT, GE Healthcare; Chen Yan, Vice President of GE GE Gem Energy Spectrum CT Healthcare Greater China and General Manager of Digital Imaging Business; Yu Zhuowei, Director of Installed in Shanghai Huadong Hospital

On April 8, 2010, GE Healthcare announced GE Healthcare is committed to providing The Gem Energy Spectrum CT was launched that its advanced Gem Energy Spectrum patients with the best medical solutions in October 2009 and was only installed in CT was installed in Shanghai’s Huadong, through the world’s most innovative Massachusetts General Hospital and other Ruijing and Renji Hospitals. As one of the products and technologies. The Gem Energy world famous hospitals. By installing Gem world’s most innovative CT products, the Spectrum CT has the highest imaging Energy Spectrum CTs in three hospitals Gem Energy Spectrum CT possesses high- resolution in the field which enables it to in Shanghai, the city will now be on the resolution imaging capabilities and delivers discover lesions that regular CT might miss. advanced medical forefront and on par with low-dose radiation, making it ideally suited The CT can also identify tumors, allowing even the highest international standards. for the early diagnosis of small lesions medical professionals to provide early while decreasing risks associated with diagnosis and treatment. In addition, this radiation exposure. By installing the GE CT can help diagnose cardiovascular and Gem Energy Spectrum CT, GE Healthcare cerebrovascular diseases. The Gem Energy has taken a major step towards improving Spectrum CT emits one of the world’s lowest medical services for the people of Shanghai. doses of radiation, half of a regular CT, This move also supports Ruijing and Renji making this technology safer for patients. Hospitals, which are designated as hospitals for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

GE IN CHINA 13 业务发展 Business Highlight

GE医疗集团召开eXperT论坛,在华首推 全球磁共振合作中心

GE磁共振全球高级临床应用 合作中心成立仪式 The unveiling ceremony of GE MR Global Advanced Application Center

2010年3月28日,GE医疗集团在北京召开了GE磁共振eXperT新技术论 GE磁共振全球高级临床应用合作中心(中国)旨在帮助在中国的GE 坛并成立了GE磁共振全球高级临床应用合作中心(中国),这是GE 磁共振用户与GE全球研发中心和世界顶级医院研究中心之间搭建起桥 医疗集团整合全球资源帮助中国医疗行业成长的一个重要项目,是在 梁,以获得先进的磁共振技术资源,同时让中国用户的最新需求能第 “科研临床化磁共振”理念下的一个重大举措。 一时间反映给GE全球研发中心,并与世界顶级医院和专家进行交流。 此外,该合作中心将有利于丰富中国的医学研究资源,提升中国医学 目前,如何把科研成果应用于医学实践已成为磁共振领域面临的重大 界人员的水平。 挑战。对此,GE医疗提出了“科研临床化磁共振”理念,旨在为病人 提供个性化诊断方案,搭建以病人与磁共振医学科研工作者为中心的 GE与中国在磁共振方面已开展多年合作,并帮助部署了国内第一台 磁共振新平台。作为落实这一理念的重要手段,GE推出了最高端的 1.5T和3.0T磁共振设备。在2007年,GE携手中华放射学会共同创建了 临床科研平台eXperT新技术,带来了图像质量、信号量化、扫描流程 中华磁共振应用学院。迄今为止,GE已经与中国多家顶级医院建立了 的革命。该技术突破了以往局限,能够一次成像产生四种不同的对比 中国磁共振研发平台。此次GE磁共振全球高级临床应用合作中心(中 度。它的另外一项优势是将以往只适用于科研的对比度运用到常规的 国)的成立将把中国磁共振领域的科研临床化推向一个新的高度。 临床应用中来。

14 GE在中国 GE Healthcare Hosts eXperT Forum, Establishes China’s First GE MR Global Advanced Application Center

On March 28, 2010, GE Healthcare hosted the GE Magnetic The GE MR Global Advanced Application Center (China) aims to bridge Resonance (MR) eXperT Technology Forum in Beijing and established communication gaps between GE MR clients, the GE Global Research the GE MR Global Advanced Application Center (China). With the Center and other world leading research centers in order to bring establishment of this center, GE has taken a significant step towards more advanced MR technologies and resources to China and connect optimizing global resources to help benefit the development of Chinese clients to the GE Global Research Center and the world’s healthcare in China. This recent move follows GE Healthcare’s top hospitals and experts. In addition, this center will benefit both strategy of focusing MR research on clinical application. Chinese medical researchers and resources.

Applying scientific achievements in medical practice has become a GE has worked with China to research and develop MR technology big challenge in the MR field. That is why GE places great emphasis for years and installed China’s first 1.5T and 3.0T MR equipment. on clinical application, which provides customized diagnostic In 2007, GE and the Chinese Society of Radiology founded the GE programs for patients and builds a new platform for MR medical China MR Academy. GE has established MR research platforms with researchers. To implement this strategy, GE launched eXperT numerous Chinese hospitals. The birth of the GE MR Global Advanced technology, which has ushered in a new era for image quality, signal Application Center (China) will push China’s MR clinical research to a quantization and scanning process. GE’s eXperT technology has set whole new level. a new standard with its ability to produce four contrasts after each imaging. Another advantage of eXperT technology is that it can apply laboratory contrast to clinical practices.

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2010年3月13日,GE医疗集团在京发布了全新的Brivo CT 325/315系列 训项目,以帮助提高基层医生临床诊断的准确性,并确保患者获得高 产品。这是GE医疗在“立足中国,服务中国”理念的引领下,首次针 质量的医疗服务。Brivo CT 325/315系列拥有完善的五年售后服务和远 对中国市场需求,在本地研发并生产的高性价比CT解决方案,体现了 程维修系统,以及为当地培养维修工程师的举措,以保证设备的稳定 GE在全球范围的“健康创想”战略。 运行。此外,GE医疗依托集团强大背景,为基层医院提供灵活多样的 融资方案,并有无需担保,先安装设备后还贷等优惠政策,真正帮助 中国医疗改革需要进一步改变医疗资源配置不合理的情况,特别向农 基层医院解决设备采购中的资金问题。 村和基层倾斜。在有限的经济条件下提高医疗水平和普及性,同时 保证医疗服务质量,对于基层医疗机构来说尤为关键。正是为了配 作为一款全功能CT产品,Brivo CT 325/315系列使设备效能得到了充分发 合这一医改新政策,将优质医疗资源向基层推进,GE推出了Brivo CT 挥,能帮助医院实现低投入高产出,从而在为医生提供便利的同时也为 325/315系列。该系列针对中国市场特点,利用了GE医疗在CT领域40多 患者提供更高质量的就医条件。目前,Brivo CT 325/315系列已经面向全 年的经验及GE现有的高科技平台和科研人才优势,具备高性能、高稳 国推出,并将于各重点城市陆续装机。 定性和低消耗的特点。

Brivo CT 325/315系列在研发过程中使用了多项先进技术,稳定的系统 设计保障了平稳的系统运行,大幅提升了系统的可靠性;完善的 临床应用为各科室提供不同层面的支持;先进的成像技术使 其具有高于同类CT产品的图像质量。同时,该系列还针对 中国国情增强了检出脑中风及肿瘤的相关功能,并着重 加强了产品的综合稳定性,使其在高病人流量的情况下 仍游刃有余。另外,全新的工业设计大幅减少了占地 面积。针对临床人员,GE医疗还专门提供一整套的培

16 GE在中国 GE Healthcare Launches First CT Product Customized for China Market

On March 13, 2010, GE Healthcare launched its new Brivo computed tomography (CT) 325/315 series in Beijing. The launch of this series marks the introduction of GE Healthcare’s first locally developed and produced cost-efficient CT solutions customized to the needs of the China market, further reflecting GE’s “healthymagination” and “In China, For China” localization strategies.

One of the goals pursued by medical reform in China is the further optimization of medical resources in order to bring medical services to less developed and remote areas where limited budget is available but high quality products are needed. As a response, GE launched its new Brivo CT 325/315 series. The series caters to the China market and leverages more than four decades of GE’s experience, advanced technological platforms and scientific knowledge. It features high local maintenance engineers, GE Healthcare also provides five-year performance, high stability and low maintenance costs. post-sale and remote maintenance services to ensure the smooth operation of the equipment. Also available through GE Healthcare The Brivo CT 325/315 series is equipped with numerous leading is a set of flexible financing programs for primary hospitals as well technologies that ensure its stability and operation. The series as preferential policies that allow medical facilities to first install adapts to applications across a wide range of clinical practices and the equipment and then repay the loan with no requirement of provides improved image quality compared to ordinary machines. It guarantee. also provides better stroke and tumor detection allowing it to meet the needs of Chinese patients. The product’s overall stability has also As a full function CT, the Brivo CT 325/315 series offers the optimal been strengthened allowing it to manage continuous operation in performance which allows hospitals to achieve higher returns and busy Chinese hospitals. In addition, the series’ advanced industrial provide more convenient and higher quality medical care. Currently, design reduces its size allowing it to occupy less space. With the the Brivo CT 325/315 series of products are being installed in launch of the Brivo 325/315 series, GE Healthcare has also specially hospitals in major cities all over China. designed a complete set of training programs for clinicians so as to improve the accuracy of clinical diagnosis and ensure patients receive the highest quality medical care. In addition to training

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GE副董事长、GE技术基础设施集团全球总裁兼 首席执行官约翰·赖斯(左)与辽宁省委常委、 沈阳市委书记曾维(右)为GE中国东北区总部 成立揭牌 John Rice, Vice Chairman of GE, President & CEO of GE Technology Infrastructure, and Zeng Wei, member of Standing Committee of Liaoning Provincial Congress, secretary of Shenyang Municipal Committee, at the GE Northeast China Headquarters Unveiling Ceremony

2010年5月25日,GE宣布在沈阳成立GE中国东北区总部。这是GE在中 展潜力。GE将一如既往的关注沈阳的发展,并继续加强与本地企业的 国推进第二故乡战略、致力于加强本土化能力的进一步体现。通过这 合作,结合各自优势,共同探索国内乃至全球市场。我们相信,沈阳 一举措,GE将进一步完善在东北地区的产业链条,巩固在能源、交通 是GE在中国实现本土化发展、深化中国第二故乡战略的最佳实践地区 等基础设施领域的规模;并更好地整合资源,提升公司在这一地区的 之一。” 整体业务实力、扩大业务范围。GE副董事长、GE技术基础设施集团全 球总裁兼首席执行官约翰·赖斯,辽宁省委常委、沈阳市委书记曾维以 沈阳市副市长王英表示:“近年来,随着国务院振兴东北老工业基地 及沈阳市副市长王英共同出席了此次揭牌仪式。 战略的实施,沈阳在传统工业改造升级和高新技术产业领域实现了高 速发展。在这一发展进程中,GE在沈阳建立的企业及供应商发展中心 在沈阳成立东北区总部,将有助于GE整合各业务集团资源;引入在北 等经营实体,为沈阳经济的振兴起到了重要作用。我们非常欣赏并认 京、上海等地实施的成功模式及经验;提升在这一地区的整体技术与 同GE在全球和中国推出的‘绿色创想’和‘健康创想’战略,这与沈 生产能力,从而更好的服务当地客户,增强合作企业的产业竞争力。 阳市发展高科技能源环保产业,完善广覆盖、高质量和低成本的公共 此外,GE还将借助沈阳在能源、工业以及大型重装方面的地缘优势, 医疗体系的目标完全一致。放眼未来,沈阳市委、市政府将以更加开 深化在这些传统工业领域的优势,并积极与当地政府和企业携手,寻 放、创新和务实的精神,支持和推动国际知名企业在沈阳的投资和业 求在交通、清洁能源、医疗及环保等方面的合作机遇,满足该地区对 务发展。” 这些领域的需求。 GE与沈阳有着百年合作渊源。早在1908年,GE就在沈阳建立了第一座 约翰·赖斯表示:“我们非常高兴在沈阳成立GE中国东北区总部。沈阳 电灯厂。经过多年努力,GE在沈阳已有超过六家企业及机构投入生产 不仅是中国工业化发展的重要基地,更是一座极具活力与创新精神的 运营。截至目前,GE在沈阳的总投资额累计逾亿美元,员工数达362 城市,它在实现产业升级及多元化发展中表现出的开放及勇于迎接挑 名,是GE在中国继长江三角洲、北京之后投资最集中的地区。沈阳将 战的精神,让我们看到了这里以及整个东北地区蕴含的巨大商机和发 作为GE在中国发展的样本,继续推行到其他城市及地区。

18 GE在中国 GE Sets up Northeast China Headquarters in Shenyang

On May 25, 2010, GE inaugurated its opportunities in Northeast China Headquarters in Shenyang, transportation, further evidence of the company’s new energy, commitment to making China its second environmental home. The headquarters has been set up protection and other to further strengthen GE’s industrial chain exciting areas so across Northeast China and consolidate as to meet the local its infrastructure business such as energy demand of these 沈阳市副市长王英 and transportation. The new headquarters sectors. 在揭牌仪式上致辞 will also hone GE’s competitive edge in Wang Ying, Vice the region and create a broader scope of “It is our great Mayor of Shenyang, business by integrating existing resources. pleasure to makes a speech John Rice, Vice Chairman of GE, President & announce Shenyang CEO of GE Technology Infrastructure; Zeng as the site of role in developing the economy of Shenyang. Wei, member of the Standing Committee of GE’s regional headquarters for Northeast GE’s ecomagination and healthymagination the Liaoning Provincial Congress, secretary China,” said John Rice. “This city is not only are consistent with the objectives of this of the Shenyang Municipal Committee; and an important base for China’s machinery city, which include developing the high- Wang Ying, Vice Mayor of Shenyang, all industry; it is a center of innovation that tech green energy industry and enhancing attended the opening ceremony. is evolving quickly to confront world- the public healthcare system through scale challenges. This has given us great comprehensive high quality, low cost The establishment of the Northeast China confidence in Shenyang’s vast potential coverage. In the future, the government Headquarters in Shenyang will introduce and the business opportunities in the city of Shenyang will continue to fully support the best practices of Beijing and Shanghai and region as a whole. This is a place where the investment and business growth of in the region while improving GE’s expertise, we can truly invest in the future and we international companies in the city on the capacity and customer satisfaction and are looking forward to building strong local basis of opening-up, innovation and best sharpening local partners’ competitiveness. partnerships that enable us to explore the practices.” said Mr. Wang. The move will also strengthen GE’s China market together now and the global competitive position in traditional industrial market in the near future. GE sees China as GE has a more than 100-year history sectors given Shenyang’s position as a center its second home, and Shenyang will be our in Shenyang. GE built its first light bulb of energy, industry and heavy-machinery front door.” factory in the Northeast China city back manufacturing. Moreover, GE will actively in 1908. In recent years, GE has set up six join hands with the local government and “Shenyang has been speeding up the manufacturing and service entities with companies in pursuit of more cooperative reconstruction and upgrading of traditional 362 employees at a total investment of and high-tech industries aligned with the over USD 100 million in Shenyang, which is State Department’s strategy of revitalization second only to the Yangtze Delta region and to encourage the old industrial base to Beijing. The establishment of its Northeast rejuvenate itself. GE businesses China Headquarters in Shenyang will further in Shenyang are accelerate GE’s localization and business playing development in China. the key

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GE中国研发中心成立十周年庆典暨 “全球企业,中国智造”论坛隆重举行

2010年6月4日,GE中国研发中心(CTC)在成立 在由著名主持人袁岳主持的对话环节中,与会 的高度重视和支持。自2008年起,GE累计投 十周年之际,举办了“全球企业,中国智造” 专家们就创新企业如何在中国建立新的创新机 入7500万美元专项基金用于“立足中国,服 论坛。GE高级副总裁、GE全球研发中心总裁 制从而带动企业全球化发展、创新人才培养等 务中国”项目。 Mark Little博士、GE CTC总裁陈向力博士,与来 问题展开了热烈的讨论。 自政府、创新企业、高校及科研院所的专家汇 GE CTC还与清华大学、中科院等科研院所开 聚一堂,共同探讨企业创新体系和发展之道。 “‘全球企业,中国智造’,不仅是对中国企 展了数十项合作研发项目。2009年,在上海 业国际化的要求,也是国际企业本土化的理想 市科委支持下,GE CTC与上海市肺科医院合 在论坛开幕辞中,上海市科委领导高度评价了 状态。”陈向力指出,“GE中国研发中心的 作开发了尘肺病早期检测技术,并将在更广 GE CTC十年来对上海市科技实力提高的贡献以 发展,离不开政府、合作伙伴和业界的共同支 阔的领域与中国政府、科研院所和企业等积 及其对其它跨国公司研发中心落户上海的示范 持。我们从无到有,积极开拓,为中心未来的 极开展合作。 作用。Mark Little博士强调了GE CTC在整个GE 发展打下了坚实的基础。在未来,我们将继续 体系中的重要作用,称其为“GE全球的增长 扎根中国,解决人类生活所面临的能源、环境 GE CTC十年来培养了大批创新人才,目前GE 引擎”。 和气候等问题。用创新启动未来,实现下一个 CTC的1400余名研发人员中超过9成是本土的 十年的飞跃!” 科研精英,累计申请专利超过450项。此外, 随后,陈向力分享了GE CTC在中国的创新经 为了鼓励中国高校学生的创新精神,从2003 验。GE CTC所倡导的“立足中国,服务中国” GE CTC凭借自身的优势,致力于中国科技实力 年起,GE CTC与GE基金会及香港教育协会每 战略,使其完成了从产品本地化向高新技术开 的提高和经济发展,并开发了大批处于国际领 年合作举办“GE基金会科技创新大赛”,目 发的功能转化,成为GE“反向创新”模式的 先地位的高新技术。2007年,GE CTC提出了 前已有近200名学生受益。 示范。同时,来自商务部、科技部的专家介绍 “立足中国,服务中国”战略,即针对中国市 了有关创新企业的发展现状。 场开发新产品新技术。该战略得到了GE总部

20 GE在中国 GE Celebrates 10 Years of Innovation in China

On June 4, 2010, GE China Technology Center (CTC) celebrated its the energy, environment, and climate change fields. We will keep our Tenth Anniversary and held an innovation forum under the title imagination at work to achieve another decade of success.” of Global Enterprises Innovating in China. Mark Little, Senior Vice President of GE and Director of GE Global Research, Chen Xiangli, GE GE leverages all of its many advantages in pursuit of its mission of CTC President, and government, academia and business elites all progressing technology development and economic growth in China. gathered together to explore how to develop through innovation. To date, GE has developed numerous world leading technologies and products in China. GE CTC introduced the “In China, For China” strategy During the opening speech, leaders from Shanghai’s Science and in 2007, aiming to develop new technologies and products that cater Technology Commission gave high praises to GE CTC for its great to the China market. The strategy is well acclaimed within GE and has contributions to scientific development in Shanghai as well as its received investments of 75 million USD for related projects. exemplary role in bringing multinational corporations’ innovation centers. Mark Little explained how GE CTC plays an essential role in GE GE CTC has also actively collaborated with academic institutions, and how it is a key accelerator for GE’s global growth and innovation. including Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences through more than ten joint projects. In 2009, with the support of the Chen Xiangli also shared the innovation of GE CTC. Following the “In Shanghai Municipal government, GE CTC worked with the Shanghai China, For China” strategy, GE CTC transformed its role from pure Pulmonary Hospital to develop a Pneumoconiosis (Black Lung) early product adaptation to product innovation in China, becoming the diagnosis system. GE will remain committed to working with the perfect model of GE’s “reverse innovation”. Meanwhile, experts from Chinese government, academic institutions and companies in a broad both the Ministry of Science and Ministry of Commerce gave updates and far reaching range. on innovation policy and innovation trends. Over the past ten years, GE CTC has developed into a center with Facilitated by Yuan Yue, the well-known TV anchor, experts discussed over 1,400 researchers, 90% of whom are local Chinese who have how to build an effective mechanism for innovation to create and developed over 450 patents. In order to inspire innovation among promote pipelines for global development and well trained talent. Chinese students, since 2003, GE CTC has also worked with the GE Foundation and the Institute of International Education to hold “Global Enterprises Innovating in China is not only a necessity on the the annual “GE TECH Awards” innovation competition which have path to globalization, but also the ideal developmental model for the benefitted over 200 master and PhD students. localization of multinational companies,” Chen Xiangli said. “With huge support from the government and partners, GE CTC has developed quickly over the last ten years and has established a foundation for future development. We will continue to follow the ‘In China, For China’ strategy and keep solving some of the toughest challenges in

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GE照明亚太区总裁兼首席执行官高思(前排左)和陕 西电子信息集团总经理田盘龙(前排右)在签字仪式 上。GE照明全球总裁兼首席执行官马凯(后排左二) 和西安市委书记孙清云(后排左三)及陕西省副省长 吴登昌(后排左四)见证了签字仪式 James Gosart (left, front row), President & CEO, Asia Pacific of GE Lighting, and Tian Panlong (right, front row), President of the SEC, at the signing ceremony. Michael Petras (second from left, second row), President & CEO of GE Lighting, Sun Qingyun (third from left, second row), Xi’an CPC General Secretary, and Wu Dengchang (fourth from left, second row), Shaanxi Vice Governor, witness the signing ceremony

2010年3月25日,GE照明集团与陕西电子信息集团在西安签署了战略合 共同进行LED的销售活动,谋求建立合资企业,共同实施产品的设计、 作协议,西安市委书记孙清云、陕西省副省长吴登昌等领导出席了签 生产和质量监控等。 约仪式。 陕西电子信息集团总经理田盘龙表示,本次签约预示着陕西电子信息 此次签约标志着双方的合作进入实质性阶段。双方将在此基础上在半 集团和GE更深入合作的开始,双方将在互信互利的原则基础上进行实 导体照明领域展开全面合作,充分发挥产业优势,建立高水平的半导 质性的合作。陕西电子信息集团将会成为GE在陕西值得信赖的伙伴, 体照明研发团队和生产制造基地。同时以半导体照明应用产业带动整 他相信通过双方的共同努力,一定会将陕西半导体照明产业带入发展 体区域半导体照明产业链及相关配套产业的发展,实现地区产业在规 的快车道。 模和技术上的突破。 陕西电子信息集团是陕西省电子信息行业的龙头企业,在07年初就进 GE照明全球总裁兼首席执行官马凯表示,本次签约是GE照明集团和陕 入半导体照明产业领域,并在产业链的上、中、下游均进行了投资。 西电子信息集团迈向合作之路的第一个里程碑。此次合作将加强GE在 目前,陕西电子信息集团已经在半导体照明外延片和芯片方面建立了 LED路灯和市政工程应用方面的领先地位,使得GE能以更迅捷的反应和 一只具有自主知识产权的高水平研发团队,并具备了批量生产的能 更短的交货时间为当地客户提供更优质的服务。同时他希望双方能够 力,计划于2012年实现规模化生产的目标。

22 GE在中国 GE Lighting, Shaanxi Electronic Information Group Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement

On March 25, 2010, GE Lighting and the Shaanxi Electronic Information Group (SEC) signed an agreement on strategic cooperation in Shaanxi. Sun Qingyun, Xi’an CPC General Secretary and Wu Dengchang, Shaanxi Vice Governor, as well as other government officials attended the signing ceremony.

EvolveTM LED R150路灯 This recent agreement will further consolidate the cooperation between GE and EvolveTM LED R150 the SEC. The two parties will expand cooperation on semiconductor lighting fields through both parties’ respective industrial advantages and expertise and establish an advanced R&D team and production base for semiconductor products. As a result, the entire supply chain and related industries will benefit from the strong growth in the semiconductor lighting industry, bringing economic gains to the whole region.

President & CEO of GE Lighting, Michael Petras, expressed his view that this agreement will be a new and important milestone for both GE Lighting and the SEC, and it will further establish GE’s leading position in supplying LED street lamps and municipal engineering projects, enabling GE to provide better services through even faster response and shorter delivery times. He also expects it will allow both parties to better promote LED products, and possibly lead to the establishment of a joint venture and cooperation on product design, manufacturing and quality control. Iberia庭院照明系统 EvolveTM LED Iberia Tian Panlong, President of the SEC, shared his view on how he thinks this agreement is just the start of a long and strong cooperation between GE and the SEC, and that both parties will establish substantive cooperation with mutual trust and mutual benefit. He continued by saying the SEC will become GE’s reliable partner and that this cooperation will speed the development of Shaanxi’s semiconductor lighting industry through both parties’ efforts.

The SEC is a leading enterprise in Shaanxi’s electronic information industry. Since entering the semiconductor lighting field in 2007, the SEC has invested in all segments of the industry. Currently, the SEC possesses a highly professional R&D team of semiconductor epitaxial slice and chip with independent intellectual property and has achieved high manufacturing capacity, expecting to reach large-scale production in 2012.

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2010年2月4日,GE运输系统集团与三一集团在长沙签署了谅解备忘 录,旨在进一步利用GE的先进技术,在金融、采矿和风力发电等多个 领域与三一集团展开战略性合作。

根据该谅解备忘录,GE将与三一集团在多个基础设施领域展开合作, 包括支持三一集团的矿用自卸卡车开发项目,共同拓展在采矿业上的 合作包括地下开采方面,以及合力发展风力发电,尤其是1.5兆瓦和2.0 兆瓦及以上的风力发电机。另外,GE还将加强与三一集团在金融解决 方案和战略投资方面的合作。

“GE致力于成为中国基础设施可持续发展过程中不可或缺的一部 分,”GE运输系统集团中国区总裁兼首席执行官史威德说,“三一集 团作为领先的工程机械设备制造商,正在采矿业、风能和港口设备等 基础设施行业开展业务。很高兴能够与三一集团在基础设施产品和技 GE运输系统集团中国区总裁兼首席执行官史威德(前排左)与三一集团总裁 唐修国(前排右)签署谅解备忘录 术上开展合作。” Tim Schweikert, President & CEO of GE Transportation China, and Tang Xiuguo, President of Sany Group, sign the MOU 成立于1989年的三一集团是全球工程机械制造商50强企业。GE去年曾 为三一集团供应GE 240AC驱动系统,而此次谅解备忘录的签署对双方 来说则意味着更深层的合作和更多的机会。

GE Transportation, Sany Group Expand Multi-business Cooperation

On February 4, 2010, GE Transportation Systems signed a “GE is committed to be an integral part of China’s sustainable Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Sany Group Co. Ltd. infrastructure development,” said Tim Schweikert, President & CEO of in Changsha to expand strategic cooperation in finance, mining, GE Transportation China. “Sany, as a leading engineering equipment wind power generation and other new areas further leveraging GE’s company, is expanding its infrastructure business in mining, wind advanced technologies in these diverse fields. power generation, and port equipment. I am excited to expand the cooperation with Sany in infrastructure product and technology.” According to the MOU, GE will cooperate with Sany in various areas, including helping the group develop the 240AC mining truck; Established in 1989, the Sany Group is one of the top 50 construction explore opportunities in the mining sector, especially in underground machinery manufacturers in the world. GE supplied Sany with GE mining; as well as develop wind power generation in 1.5-MW and 240AC drive systems last year, and now, with the signing of this new above generators. In addition, GE and Sany will strengthen their MOU, the two parties will cooperate even closer and work together cooperation in the financing business and explore new ways to work to explore more mutually beneficial opportunities in the near future. together through strategic investments.

24 GE在中国 GE家电与日日顺签署分销协议

近日,GE家电中国与隶属于海尔集团的河南日日顺电器有限公司(日 们的战略是不断扩大我们在中国的市场占有率并进一步坚固我们在亚 日顺)签署了合作协议,日日顺将在中国销售GE牌和Hotpoint牌的冰 洲市场的影响力。” 箱、洗衣机和冷柜。GE将通过这次全新的合作模式,进入中国庞大的 农村市场,为亚洲区业务的发展提供新的增长点。 目前,日日顺拥有5,500个全国经销商,约30,000个县级专卖店以及超 过70,000个农村合作销售点,其在中国农村市场拥有大覆盖面的销售通 “多年来我们一直寻找一个突破性战略以进入中国这个庞大的市 路、高效率的物流系统以及良好的售后服务。本次与日日顺的合作, 场。”GE家电亚洲区总经理任隽达强调:“这次我们改变了游戏规 是继去年9月GE家电在中国引入Hotpoint家电品牌后的又一战略性举 则,选择与日日顺合作,相信不只在中国,即使是在整个亚洲地区, 措,而且这次授权给日日顺销售的产品同时也参加了中国政府的“家 这次合作也是GE家电的一次革命性突破。在拓展农村市场的同时,我 电下乡”项目。 们继续积极推进GE家电在中国大型城市的中端和高端市场的拓展。我

GE Signs Appliance Distribution Agreement with Gooday Mart

Recently, GE Appliances China signed an agreement with Gooday Mart, a member of the Haier Group, to distribute GE branded and Hotpoint branded refrigerators, washers and freezers. This latest move gives GE greater access to the vast rural markets in China while boosting business growth in Asia.

“We have been seeking a penetration strategy into China’s vast marketplace for years,” said Ranjan Damodar, General Manager of GE Appliances Asia. “We believe this deal is a game changer for GE Appliances in Asia, not just China. In addition to this distribution expansion, we will continue with the development of the middle and high-end appliance business in larger cities in China as well. Our strategy is to enlarge our market share in China and firmly establish our footprint in Asia.”

Gooday Mart currently has 5,500 county-level stores, about 30,000 town-level stores and more than 70,000 village contact points with a vast and complete sales network in China’s rural markets, as well as an efficient logistical system and good after sales service. This new agreement follows the launch of GE Appliance’s Hotpoint brand last September and the products that will be distributed through Gooday Mart are also on the Chinese government’s "rural rebate" list.

GE IN CHINA 25 业务发展 Business Highlight


2010年3月22日,CNBC再次成为博鳌亚洲论坛的官方合作机构,支持 于4月9日至11日在中国海南举办的博鳌亚洲论坛2010年年会。

作为合作的一部分,CNBC全程录播了4月11日举行的主题为“亚洲 2010”的电视辩论会,主持人由CBNC著名财经主播宋马丁担任。此 外,CNBC亚太地区总裁兼董事总经理萨德佩·布瑞奇受邀参加了4月9日 的“青年领袖圆桌会议”;宋马丁则应邀主持了4月10日举行的主题为 “海外并购:实现与目标的差距”的分论坛。

萨德佩·布瑞奇表示:“中国是我们的一个重要市场,作为全球领先的 财经媒体,CNBC一直致力于推动该地区的蓬勃发展,博鳌亚洲论坛为 我们和中国商业界建立紧密联系提供了良好机会。” CNBC著名主持人宋马丁(左一)与塔塔集团执行董事R. Gopalakrishnan(左二),耶 鲁大学教授陈志武(右二),以及日本经济学家山崎养世(右一)在2010年博鳌电视 博鳌亚洲论坛已经举行了十届,是一个非政府、非营利的国际组织, 辩论会上激烈讨论 目前已成为亚洲以及其它大洲有关国家政府、工商界和学术界领袖就 Martin Soong (first from left), CNBC famous anchor, talked with R. Gopalakrishnan (second from left), Executive Director of Tata Sons, Chen Zhiwu (second from right), Professor 亚洲以及全球重要事务进行对话的高层次平台。今年的年会于4月9日 at Yale University, and Yasuyo Yamazaki (first from right), Representative of Yamazaki 至11日在海南博鳌举行,主题为“绿色复苏,亚洲可持续发展的现实 Associates on Boao TV Debate 2010 选择”。

CNBC Supports Boao Forum for Asia

On March 22, 2010, CNBC again became the official supporting Boao Forum for Asia, now in its tenth year, is an international non- partner for this year’s Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference governmental, non-profit organization which has become a high- 2010. This year’s forum was held from April 9 to 11 in Hainan Province. end platform for dialog on important issues effecting Asia and the global community. Participation is drawn from related national As part of this partnership, CNBC televised a debate themed “Asia governments, businesses and academic institutions from around Asia 2010” which was hosted by CNBC’s award winning anchor, Martin and other continents. This year’s forum was held under the theme of Soong. Martin Soong also hosted an affiliate session themed “Merger “Green Recover: Asia’s Realistic Choice for Sustainable Growth”. and Acquisition: Ideal vs. Reality” on April 10. In addition to these debates, Satpal Brainch, President & Managing Director of CNBC Asia Pacific, attended BFA’s Young Leaders Roundtable on April 9.

“China is an important market for us and this is a great opportunity to build closer ties with the Chinese business community and reinforce our commitment to the region as the world leader in business news,” Satpal Brainch expressed.

26 GE在中国 特别报道 Special Report

GE IN CHINA 27 特别报道 Special Report


作为美国馆首席合作伙伴,GE亮相本届上海 GE参与世博会的历史可追溯至1876年,GE的 本届上海世博会的主题是“城市,让生活更美 世博会,并在美国馆和城市未来馆展示多元化 创始人托马斯·爱迪生在费城世博会上展示了 好”,关注城市多元文化的融合、城市经济的 环保和医疗技术,包括可再生能源、水处理、 他的发明——电报机。爱迪生的一系列杰出发 繁荣、城市科技的创新、城市社区的重塑,以 智能电网、环保机车和飞机发动机,以及数字 明诸如发电机、留声机和电灯泡也在之后的几 及城市和乡村的互动,本次世博会也是史上首 医疗诊断成像解决方案。 届世博会上相继亮相。 次在发展中国家举办。

与美国馆“拥抱挑战”的主题相呼应,GE展 134年之后,GE将创新精神和传统带到2010年 示了互动式“绿色创想墙”,参观者可以亲身 上海世博会,为美国馆建设提供了一系列创新 体验创造绿色的乐趣,通过风力、阳光和生物 技术解决方案,包括照明、配电、水处理和安 沼气制造能源、净化水质,并感受绿色机车和 防,并在美国馆步行展览区域展示了为世界环 飞机发动机带来的节能低碳之旅。 境和健康挑战所提供的解决方案。

同时,GE借助其先进的医疗诊断成像技术的 GE董事长兼首席执行官杰夫·伊梅尔特表示: 灵感,呈现了“透视你自己”空间,参观者可 “我们非常自豪能够以美国馆首席合作伙伴的 以通过神奇的影像技术观察自己身体内部。每 身份参与上海世博会这样一个全球最大的综合 当参观者做出一个动作时,大屏幕上的3D模 性博览会,GE将向全球展示我们正致力研发 型将实时模拟出每个动作过程中肌肉系统、神 的最新医疗和节能科技。同时,上海世博会无 经系统、心血管系统和骨骼系统的状况。这个 疑也是探讨中美两国在清洁能源以及可持续发 互动体验充分体现了“健康创想”的“让更多 展领域如何开展合作的绝佳平台。” 人更健康”主题。 GE大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民说: 富含科技的展示同样也赢得了美国国务卿希 “很高兴能够在美国馆内展示我们的‘绿色创 拉里·克林顿的赞赏和亲自参与。2010年5月25 想’和‘健康创想’解决方案以诠释上海世博 日,希拉里来到世博园区美国馆进行参观, 会‘城市让生活更美好’的主题。这也体现了 GE的“绿色创想墙”和“透视你自己”展示 GE业务广度和技术优势与中国重点发展领域 吸引了她的注意。她对“绿色创想”战略的理 的完美结合。” 念和积极意义赞赏有加,并饶有兴趣地在“透 视你自己”空间前面亲自试验,观看人体骨 另外,GE中国研发中心和张江集团在浦西世 骼、肌肉和神经的连动。 博区的城市未来馆联合展示了数字化诊断设备 和远程诊断技术,以及智能电表技术。

28 GE在中国 GE Brings Innovation Spirit of Thomas Edison to EXPO 2010 Shanghai

As a founding partner of the USA Pavilion, showcasing. She recognized GE’s industry “We are excited to showcase GE's GE kicked off its EXPO 2010 Shanghai leading vision under the ecomagination ecomagination and healthymagination participation in the USA Pavilion and Future initiative, and even tried out the "Visible solutions at the USA Pavilion which echo the of the City Pavilion, by showcasing its You" scanner. As she waved her arms, she EXPO's theme of ‘Better city, Better life’. This renewable energy, water treatment, smart was very impressed by the vivid simulated demonstrates the perfect alignment of GE's grid, greener locomotives, eco-friendly movements of her muscles, nerves and business portfolio and technology strengths aircraft engines, and digital medical imaging bones. with China's development priorities which and diagnostic solutions. are shared by both the government and our GE’s World EXPO participation stretches back customers,” said Mark Norbom, President Embodying the “Rising to the Challenge” to Thomas Edison, GE’s founder, when the and CEO of GE China. theme of the USA Pavilion, GE has developed inventor brought his telegraph to the World an interactive ecomagination wall where EXPO in Philadelphia in 1876. His Other In addition, the GE China Technology visitors can get an up close view of GE’s inventions, such as the power generator, Center also joined the Zhangjiang Group to solutions and experience the benefits of gramophone and light bulb were exhibited in showcase the digital diagnostic technology generating energy from wind, sun light subsequent EXPOs. and remote diagnosis system, as well as an and biogas, as well as purifying water and illustration on energy distribution in a smart embarking on voyages powered by fuel- After 134 years, the spirit of innovation grid system at the Future of the City Pavilion efficient, greener locomotives and eco- extends to Shanghai as GE participates in the on the Puxi side of the EXPO site. friendly aircraft engines. EXPO 2010 Shanghai, where GE has provided lighting, electrical distribution, security and EXPO 2010 Shanghai’s theme is "Better City, GE is also exhibiting the “Visible You” 3D water solutions for the USA Pavilion’s building Better Life," and focuses on blending diverse virtual scanner, which was inspired by its facilities, while exhibiting the company’s cultures, economic prosperity, innovations of advanced medical imaging technology. ecomagination and healthymagination science and technology and the remodeling The scanner displays a real-time 3D model solutions in the Sustainability and Health and of communities in the city as well as the of visitors’ bodies and cycles through Nutrition Post Show Areas. interaction between urban and rural areas. simulations of their muscular, cardiovascular and nervous systems. “Visible You” is “We are proud to participate in the EXPO a project of healthymagination that is 2010 Shanghai as a Founding Partner of the committed to bringing better health solutions USA Pavilion,” said Jeff Immelt, Chairman to a greater number of people. and CEO of GE. “GE will show the world its healthcare and energy efficient innovative These two exhibitions were praised by US technologies. The EXPO is also an opportunity Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. On her visit for the United States and China to seek even to the USA Pavilion on May 25, 2010, she stronger cooperation in the areas of clean toured GE booths and showed particular energy and sustainable development.” interest in the leading technologies GE was

GE IN CHINA 29 特别报道 Special Report

追求梦想,不断超越 ——GE携手中国花样滑冰队共创辉煌

2010年2月15日,当两对中国花样滑冰队队员站到温哥华冬奥会领奖台上,当太平洋体育馆内回荡起中国国歌的时候, 无数人为之鼓舞、为之欢腾。经过三十年的奋斗,中国花样滑冰队终于成功突破了由其他国家经营46年的双人滑壁垒, 在温哥华圆了冬奥冠军梦,以完美的表现谱写了包揽冬奥会花样滑冰双人滑金、银牌的历史传奇。作为中国花样滑冰队 的官方合作伙伴,GE见证了中国花样滑冰队的出色表现,GE的13,000多名员工更是为其感到骄傲。这是GE自都灵冬奥会 后再次携手中国花样滑冰队,双方两年的友谊为花滑队和GE员工都留下了深刻的印象。

庞清/佟健 张丹/张昊 Pang Qing/ Zhang Dan/Zhang Hao 申雪/赵宏博 /

Successful Cooperation between GE and Chinese Figure Skating Team

On February 15, 2010, when the two pairs of the Chinese Figure Skating Team stood on the award podium of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics with the sound of the Chinese National Anthem reverberating within the Pacific Coliseum, millions of people exulted and rejoiced for this honorable victory. After a thirty year struggle, the Chinese Figure Skating Team broke the longstanding barriers of pairs figure skating built by other countries and made their dreams come true. They won the gold and silver medals at the Winter Olympics, a historical breakthrough for the team. As the official partner of the Chinese Figure Skating Team, GE was privileged to experience their outstanding performance and all of GE’s 13,000 employees were thrilled to be part of this piece of figure skating history. This marked GE’s second time partnering with the Chinese Figure Skating Team since the Torino 2006 Games, and this partnership has left a deep impression on both the Chinese Figure Skating Team and GE’s employees.

30 GE在中国 GE授誉,共同感动

在温哥华冬奥会上,姚滨教练所带领的中国花样滑冰队完成了历史性的 突破。申雪和赵宏博摘取了中国花样滑冰项目的首枚奥运金牌,他们的 队友庞清和佟健亦喜获银牌,张丹和张昊也取得了第五名的好成绩。

获得喜讯后,作为中国花样滑冰队的官方合作伙伴,GE先后在加拿大 和北京举行了特别活动授誉中国花样滑冰队,共同庆祝他们取得的优 异成绩。

加拿大的活动在2010年2月17日于温哥华市中心罗宾逊广场的GE贵宾接 待中心举办。GE在为中国花样滑冰队举办的颁奖暨庆祝仪式上分别授 予中国滑冰协会“体育与商业共赢合作大使”、中国花样滑冰队“功 勋战绩卓越团队”,以及姚滨教练“成就功勋战绩名誉顾问”称号, 长罗品信、任洪国、中国滑冰协会副秘书长王玉民、罗邦民和 以示对多年合作伙伴关系的高度认可。 GE加拿大总裁兼首席执行官Elyse Allan也作为嘉宾一并出席。

GE大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民参与了活动,并表示:“我们非 温哥华市长罗品信表示:“温哥华与中国的关系源远流长。现 常荣幸能够与中国花样滑冰队建立长期的合作伙伴关系,并见证他们 在正值中国农历新年,中国花样滑冰队由于征战冬奥会而远离家 收获奥运金银牌,创造历史圆梦温哥华。希望他们能够再接再厉,勇 乡,我们希望在庆祝运动员们优异成绩的同时,与他们共同欢庆 创佳绩。” 虎年佳节的到来。”

国家体育总局冬季运动管理中心副主任任洪国表示:“我们很高兴能 任洪国与姚滨教练从罗品信市长手中接过温哥华市旗,继而与市 够搭建起GE与中国花样滑冰队合作的桥梁。从都灵到温哥华,中国花 长共同开启了传统新年舞狮表演的序幕。姚滨教练接着谈道:“中 样滑冰运动的成长与GE多年的支持密不可分。” 国花样滑冰队在本届冬奥会上取得历史性突破,作为他们的教练 我倍感自豪,同时也非常荣幸温哥华市和GE公司能够认可我们的表 随后,GE、温哥华市政府携中国滑冰协会在温哥华市中心的GE广场举 现。温哥华是一座热情好客的城市,给了我们家一样的感觉,我和 行了新年庆祝仪式,中国花样滑冰队主教练姚滨率领申雪/赵宏博,庞 队员们很开心能够在这里庆祝中国新年。” 清/佟健和张丹/张昊集体亮相,并与当地华人共庆中国年的到来。期间 队员们还奉献了精彩的花滑表演以纪念这一特殊时刻。此外,温哥华市 与中国花滑队在温哥华共度温馨中国年后,GE于3月14日再次在北京 为他们举办了“冠军之路,与你同行”的接风暨庆功宴,中国花样 滑冰队主教练姚滨和弟子申雪/赵宏博、庞清/佟健和张丹/张昊都参加 了此次活动。会上,GE为队员们准备的礼物——一幅以花滑队队员为 原型的原创油画,深得队员们的喜爱。同时,GE与中国花样滑冰队还 在热烈而又温馨的气氛中共同回顾了双方携手一路走来的点点滴滴。

温哥华市向中国花样滑冰队赠送市旗(由左至右:温哥华市长罗品信,中国 花样滑冰队主教练姚滨,国家体育总局冬季运动管理中心副主任任洪国) Chinese Figure Skating Team accepts the City of Vancouver flag (from left to right: Gregor Robertson, the Mayor of Vancouver, Coach Yao Bin and Ren Hongguo, Deputy Director of the Winter Sports Center of the China State General Sports Administration)

GE IN CHINA 31 特别报道 Special Report

GE Honors Chinese Figure President & CEO of Skating Team GE Greater China. “It’s been our great pleasure During the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, watching them become Coach Yao Bin led the Chinese Figure a gold medal winning Skating Team to a breakthrough in Chinese team since the Torino figure skating history. Shen Xue and Zhao 2006 Olympic Winter Hongbo won the first Olympic gold medal Games and we look and their teammates, Pang Qing and Tong forward to their future Jian, won silver medals, while Zhang Dan successes.” and Zhang Hao took fifth place in the competition. Ren Hongguo, Deputy Director of the Winter Sports Center of the After accepting the City of Vancouver After the historic achievement of the China State General Sports Administration, flag from Mayor Robertson, Coach Yao Chinese Figure Skating Team, GE, said: “We are happy to build the bridge of Bin and Ren Hongguo joined the Mayor the team’s official partner, hosted cooperation between GE and the Chinese to help introduce a traditional New Year’s celebrations in both Canada and Beijing Figure Skating Team, and GE has proven Lion Dance. “I am exceptionally proud of to honor the figure skating pairs and itself a strong partner by supporting the the team’s success during the Vancouver their coach. team’s growth from Torino to Vancouver.” 2010 Olympics, and am honoured to have the City and GE acknowledge the team’s On February 17, 2010, the celebration Later in the day, GE, the City of Vancouver and performance,” said Yao Bin. “Vancouver has in Canada was hosted in the heart the CSA gathered in central Vancouver at GE made our team feel right at home and we of downtown Vancouver at the GE Plaza to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Coach are excited to celebrate the Chinese New Welcome Center in Robson Square. Yao Bin, Gold medal winners Shen Xue and Year with this great city.” During a private ceremony earlier Zhao Hongbo, and silver medallists Pang Qing in the day, GE honored the Chinese and Tong Jian, joined their teammates Zhang After jointly celebrating the Chinese New Figure Skating Team by awarding Dan and Zhang Hao at the event. During the Year in Vancouver, on March 14, GE hosted the title of “Ambassador for Sports celebration, the figure skating pairs put on a celebration under the theme “A Journey Partnership” to the Chinese brilliant performances to mark this special with You” in Beijing, welcoming the team’s Skating Association (CSA), occasion. The Mayor of Vancouver Gregor honorable return. Coach Yao Bin, figure “Ambassadors of Performance Robertson; Ren Hongguo; Deputy Secretary skating pairs Shen Xue/Zhao Hongbo, Pang Excellence” to the Chinese General of the CSA Wang Yuming; President Qing/Tong Jian and Zhang Dan/Zhang Hao Figure Skating Team and & CEO of GE Canada, Elyse Allan; and Mark all attended the celebration. As an added “Honorary Advisor of Norbom also participated in the celebration. surprise, GE prepared a special gift for the Performance Excellence” to three pairs of skaters – an oil painting of the Coach Yao Bin. “The City of Vancouver shares a rich heritage entire Chinese Figure Skating Team, which and connection with China, and I know many was well received by all six members. The “GE is happy to have of our citizens are cheering for both Canada celebration did not only mark the team’s a long-standing and China during these historic games,” said triumphant return, but also reviewed the partnership with Gregor Robertson. “We want to recognize the successful road travelled by GE and the team. the Chinese Figure outstanding accomplishments made by the Skating Team,” Chinese figure skating team and join them said Mark in welcoming the Lunar New Year while they Norbom, are so far away from home.”

32 GE在中国 通力合作,激情碰撞

2005年2月24日,GE与中国花样滑冰队首次合作,正式成为第一个以指定赞助商的身份支持中国冬季运动项目的跨 国企业。4年后,双方在2009年3月18日再次携手,达成合作伙伴关系。从2006年的都灵冬奥会到2010年的温哥华冬奥 会,GE见证了中国花样滑冰队的努力和进步。在两次合作中,GE不仅为中国花样滑冰队提供了有力的训练及比赛支持, 而且与其在人才激励和培养上展开互动交流,还针对中国市场推出了一系列营销活动,在客户、员工及合作伙伴间广泛推 广花样滑冰运动以及双方的合作伙伴关系。下面让我们由近及远,共同追溯双方的合作历程。

Build Partnership and Share Passion

On February 24, 2005, GE signed an agreement with the Chinese Figure Skating Team, becoming the first appointed multinational enterprise to sponsor a Chinese winter sports team. Four years later, on March 18, 2009, GE renewed its partnership with the Chinese Figure Skating Team. From the Torino 2006 Olympics to the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, GE watched the Chinese Figure Skating team work hard and grow. In both periods of cooperation, GE not only supported the Chinese Figure Skating Team in all their competitions and trainings but also worked to help the team’s great talent blossom. In addition, GE actively launched an array of activities for employees, Chinese customers and partners to promote the sport of figure skating and the strong partnership between the two parties. Now, let’s take a look back and trace the path of successful cooperation taken together by GE and the team.

GE IN CHINA 33 特别报道 Special Report

2010年3月14日,GE在北京为中国花样滑冰 2010年2月17日,在温哥华市中心罗宾逊广场 2009年9月12日,在GE中国科技园家庭日活 队举办了“冠军之路,与你同行”的接风暨 的GE贵宾接待中心,GE为中国花样滑冰队举 动中,中国花样滑冰队总教练姚冰携队员庞 庆功宴,中国花样滑冰队主教练姚滨和弟子 办了颁奖暨庆祝仪式。GE分别授予中国滑冰 清、佟健参加,并同GE员工及他们的家人进 申雪/赵宏博、庞清/佟健和张丹/张昊都参 协会“体育与商业共赢合作大使”、中国花 行了现场游戏互动,众多员工在花滑许愿墙 加了此次活动。会上,GE为队员们准备的 样滑冰队“功勋战绩卓越团队”,以及姚滨 前留下祝福,并与两位队员亲密合影。这次 礼物——一幅以花滑队队员为原型的原创油 教练“成就功勋战绩名誉顾问”称号,以示 活泼有趣的公司活动拉近了花滑队员与GE员 画,深得队员们的喜爱。 对多年合作伙伴关系的高度认可。 工的距离。

On March 14, 2010, GE hosted a celebration On February 17, 2010, at the GE Welcome On September 12, 2009, Yao Bin, together themed “A Journey with You” in Beijing, Center in Robson Square in Vancouver with Pang Qing and Tong Jian were invited welcoming the team’s honorable return. Canada, GE honored the Chinese Figure to the GE CTP Family Day and interacted Coach Yao Bin, figure skating pairs Shen Skating Team by awarding the title of with GE employees and their families. Many Xue/Zhao Hongbo, Pang Qing/Tong Jian “Ambassador for Sports Partnership” to GE employees wrote good luck cards to and Zhang Dan/Zhang Hao all attended the CSA, “Ambassadors of Performance the Chinese Figure Skating Team and took the celebration. GE also prepared a special Excellence” to the Chinese Figure Skating photos with them in front of a wishing wall. gift for them – an oil painting of the entire Team and “Honorary Advisor of Performance This interesting activity brought the figure Chinese Figure Skating Team, which was Excellence” to Coach Yao Bin. skating pairs and GE employees closer well received by all. together.

2009年9月11日,作为中国花样滑冰队的金牌教练,姚滨第二次登上GE讲台为100多名 GE员工进行演讲,通过对优秀领导授权之道的解读,姚滨与大家分享了其关于领导授 权的丰富经验。

On September 11, 2009, Yao Bin came to GE and delivered a speech for the second time to more than 100 GE employees. During this meeting, Yao Bin shared his rich experience on the great responsibility that comes with leadership.

2009年8月8日和22日,GE分别在北京和上海举办了题为“创想冰世界”的客户活动,近 六百名GE客户、员工,以及他们的家人参与了两地的活动。此次活动不仅深化了GE和中 国花样滑冰队之间的合作伙伴关系,同时也为GE的客户和他们的家人提供一个与顶级运 动员互动、近距离观看他们表演的难得机会。

On August 8 and 22, 2009, GE held a series of “Skating with Champions” customer events in Beijing and Shanghai, with a total of 600 participating attendees. The event offered GE customers and their families an opportunity to watch world-class skating performances and interact with some of the world’s top skaters, while further consolidating the partnership between GE and the Chinese Figure Skating Team.

2009年4月2日,为了表彰GE对中国花样滑冰运动的长期支持与贡献,中国滑冰协会特 别授予GE副总裁、大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民“中国花样滑冰队荣誉领队”称 号,这也是中国滑冰协会首次授予合作伙伴此项殊荣。

On April 2, 2009, the CSA conferred the title of Honorary Chinese Figure Skating Team Manager to Mark Norbom, President & CEO of GE Greater China, for GE’s continuing support and contribution to Chinese figure skating. It was the first time the association awarded any partner this honor.

34 GE在中国 2006年4月4日,为庆祝中国花样滑冰队在2006年都灵冬奥会以及2006 年加拿大花滑世锦赛上取得的优异成绩,GE与中国花样滑冰队在北京首 都体育馆滑冰馆举办了“冠军之夜”活动。观众在现场不仅欣赏了精彩的 花滑表演,也分享了中国花样滑冰队成功的喜悦。 On April 4, 2006, to celebrate the great achievements of the Chinese Figure Skating Team during the Torino 2006 Olympics and 2006 World Figure Skating Championships, GE held an event themed “An Evening with Champions” in Beijing. The performances were excellent and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the show.

2006年2月25日,在都灵冬奥会闭幕的前一天,都灵市政府、都灵冬奥组委会 以及北京2008奥组委的领导在都灵市中心的GE冰雪广场上,为中国花样滑冰队 和总教练颁奖,以表彰他们在都灵冬奥会取得的出色成绩。

On February 25, 2006, one day before the closing of the Torino 2006 Olympics, the City of Torino, TOROC and the Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Olympics gathered at the GE Ice Plaza in the heart of Torino’s historic city center, and honored the remarkable achievements of the Chinese Figure Skating Team and their coach during the Torino Games.

2005年11月2日,赵宏博在训练中受伤,GE员工代表来到北京首都体育馆中国 花样滑冰队训练基地向中国花样滑冰队转交了1000多只精致的纸鹤。这些纸鹤 由GE的客户和员工的孩子们亲手折成。GE希望通过这种特殊的方式,表达对花 样滑冰的喜爱,对赵宏博早日康复的祝福,以及对队员们在都灵冬奥拼搏勇夺 佳绩的祝愿。

On November 2, 2005, since Zhao Hongbo was injured during his training, GE sent over 1,000 paper cranes to the Chinese Figure Skating Team as a gift of goodwill. These cranes were hand made by the children of GE’s customers and employees. They wished Zhao could recover soon and the team have a great performance in the Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games.

2005年7月30日,GE和中国滑冰协会在首都体育馆联合举办了“爱上 滑冰”联谊活动。GE希望通过该活动在青少年中进一步普及花样滑冰 的知识,让更多人来关注中国的花样滑冰运动。中国花样滑冰队为现 场观众做了精彩表演。GE各业务集团的客户、GE在京员工以及他们的 家属共三百多人出席了这次联谊活动。

On July 30, 2005, GE held the “Fall in Love with Skating Customer Hospitality” event. GE hoped it would help children have a better understanding of figure skating and attract more people’s attention to the sport. Over 300 families of GE’s customers and employees enjoyed the wonderful performance of the Chinese Figure Skating Team and interacted with them on the ice.

2005年6月23日,中国花样滑冰队总教练姚滨在位于上海张江的GE中国培训与 发展中心“基础领导力培养”课堂发表了精彩演讲,与参加GE领导力培训的经 理们分享了发现人才、培养人才的经验和体会。

On June 23, 2005, Yao Bin visited the GE China Learning Center to teach “Building Essential Leadership Skills”. During his lesson, Yao Bin shared his experience in challenging personal limits, and finding and developing talent with dozens of GE managers.

GE IN CHINA 35 特别报道 Special Report

领先技术,助力奥运 域的资源、商业运作经验和技术,为奥运会创造全面解决 方案,从电力、水处理、运输系统、安防、照明、医疗和 GE成为中国花样滑冰队的官方合作伙伴,与中国花样滑 媒体转播等多个领域全面呈现了一届可持续发展的2010年 冰队的合作是建立在奥运赞助的大平台上的。作为一系列 温哥华冬奥会和残奥会。此外,GE旗下的NBC环球,是奥 产品和服务的奥运会独家供应商,GE通过与奥运会举办 运会在美国唯一的电视转播机构和媒体合作伙伴。现在, 国家、举办城市和组委会的密切合作,向奥运会场馆提供 GE期待着2012年伦敦奥运会的到来,并已着手为当地的 创新的产品和全方位服务。GE与奥林匹克的合作开始于 奥运基础设施提供环保及其它领域的技术。同时,GE还会 2005年1月,并将一直延续到2012年伦敦奥运会。 提供最先进的医疗设备来帮助运动员取得更好的成绩,全 力支持2012年伦敦奥运会的公众与教育计划。 此次温哥华冬奥会,在延续了赞助2008年北京奥运会 的成功经验与技术后,GE与温哥华奥组委、温哥华 从都灵到温哥华,GE伴随着中国花样滑冰队共同谱写了一 市政府及其他合作伙伴合作,为温哥华冬奥会的 段感人的记忆;从北京到伦敦,GE将始终如一为奥运增添 举办提供了有力的支持。GE通过应用环保领 浓重的一笔。让我们记住曾经的精彩,迎接美好的未来。

GE Advanced Technology Supports GE is looking forward to the London 2012 Olympic Olympics Games, where it is already providing environmental and other technologies to build infrastructure for the Games. Before becoming the official partner of the Chinese GE is also supplying cutting edge medical equipment Figure Skating Team, GE was already established as to help athletes perform better and supporting London the Worldwide Partner of the Olympic Games. As an 2012’s community and education programs. sponsor of the Olympic Games, GE offers a wide range of innovative products and services by working closely From Torino to Vancouver, GE has left a trail of beautiful with host countries, cities and organizing committees. memories behind with the Chinese Figure Skating Team, The partnership between GE and the Olympics started and from Beijing to London, GE will maintain its great in January 2005 and extends through the London 2012 support of the Olympics. The past is gone, but a bright Olympic Games. future awaits us ahead.

Based on the successful technologies and experience staging the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, GE supported the Vancouver 2010 Olympics through closely cooperating with the Vancouver Olympic Committee, the city of Vancouver and other partners. With its rich resources, experience and technologies in commercial operation, GE helped stage a sustainable Vancouver 2010 Olympics by providing infrastructure solutions related to power, water treatment, transportation, security, lighting, and healthcare equipment. In addition, NBC Universal is the exclusive U.S. media partner of the Olympic Games.

36 GE在中国 健康创想 Healthymagination

GE IN CHINA 37 健康创想 Healthymagination

GE中国推出“健康我先行”项目, 工作场所将全面禁烟

作为GE“健康我先行”(HealthAhead)全球 大战略的一部分。该战略的主要内容是,GE 康诊所,激励员工尽量利用这个资源;为员工 计划的一部分,GE中国近日推出了工作场所禁 将投入60亿美元,凭借自身的先进技术和研 提供个人健康记录项目,方便跟踪自己健康状 烟项目。公司承诺在明年3月1日前,所有GE中 发能力,为全球民众带来质量更高、成本更 况,控制风险;把工作场所变为无烟区;通过 国的工作园区及户外工作场所将全面禁烟。 低的医疗机会。 这些努力,降低公司医疗成本,增强竞争力, 等等。 在GE实施工作场所禁烟,是“健康我先行” 去年10月27日,GE开展了全球首个“全球健 项目的重要组成部分。为此,公司管理层及 康日”活动。当天,包括香港、台湾在内的 中国科技园诊所自2008年9月启用以来,已为 人力资源和医疗团队还将推出一系列与工作 GE中国51个工作场所超过4,700名员工放下手 4,000多人次提供了及时的医疗咨询及服务。 场所禁烟相关的员工健康项目。 中的活,腾出两小时参加各种促进员工健康 诊所拥有三位专业医疗人员,向员工提供常 的活动,比如测量血压和骨密度,听营养讲 见病医治及紧急治疗。 GE大中华区总裁兼首席执行官罗邦民在4月的 座,进行乒乓球比赛,做颈椎保健操等等。 动员会上说:“我们相信员工的健康是GE公 在硬件方面,中国科技园600平方米的健身房 司最重要的财富。让我们携手远离吸烟的危 今年4月,作为GE中国总部所在地的GE中国 自2008年启用以来,超过2,000名员工注册了 害,为彼此营造更加健康的工作环境。” 科技园已率先成立了“工作场所健康委员 会员,每天有150多人在锻炼,每个会员都能 会”,为申请获得公司推出的“健康我先 得到专业教练的现场指导并量身定制了运动 实际上,无烟工作场所只是GE中国“健康 行”工作场所认证书而努力。委员会分八个 计划。自从“全球健康日”以来,更多的员 我先行”计划中的一项内容。该计划除了戒 小组,有三十多名成员,由罗邦民挂帅,GE 工踊跃地加入了体育锻炼大军之中。 烟,还涉及体育锻炼、合理营养、压力管理 大中华区人力资源总监程静 等内容,主要关注改善员工、退休人员及家 任委员会领导,致力于在园 一切资源都已到位,很多项目马上就要出 人的健康。 区内打造健康文化,提高员 台,越来越多的员工已经行动起来,在饮 工及其家人的健康意识。 食、锻炼及减压方面越来越关注自己的健 “健康我先行”是GE去年五月份在全 康,努力培养一种健康的生活方式。 球发起的更为宏伟的“健康创想” 为了配合“健康我先行”的开展, 中国科技园工作场所健康委员会落实了 正如GE董事长兼首席执行官杰夫·伊梅尔特在 一系列措施,比如,将医疗中心变成健 健康日当天说的那样:“我们通过‘健康创 想’,正专注在全球推动一种文化,即,过 更健康的生活。而这,仅仅是GE公司文化转 变的开始。”

38 GE在中国 GE China Rolls out HealthAhead Campaign, Worksites to be Tobacco-free

GE China has recently rolled-out a tobacco- technologies and strong research and Since the inauguration of the CTP clinic in free campaign for all its worksites in China development capabilities. September 2008, more than 4,000 people as part of GE’s global HealthAhead plan. have received its advanced medical services. The company is committed to making all GE GE launched its first global Employee "Stand The clinic is staffed with three professionals facilities in China, including outdoor areas, Up For Your Health" Day on October 27 offering medical care that ranges from tobacco-free by March 1 of 2011. last year. On that day, more than 4,700 common diseases to emergency treatment. employees in 51 sites across China including Making all GE campuses completely free Hong Kong and Taiwan took a two-hour On the hardware side, the 600-square- from tobacco is one of the key components "breather" to participate in a range of health meter fitness center in the CTP has more of the HealthAhead plan. To this end, GE related activities including blood pressure than two thousand registered members leadership, HR and medical teams will launch and bone density check-ups, lectures on since opening in 2008 and is frequented by a series of courses promoting a healthier nutrition, table-tennis contests, and neck 150 members every day. Each member has tobacco-free lifestyle. and shoulder exercises. received onsite guidance from professional coaches, who have also helped tailor-make “We believe healthy employees are our This April, GE China’s headquarters, the plans for each member. Since the "Stand Up biggest asset,” said Mark Norbom, President China Technology Park (CTP), took the lead For Your Health" Day, more employees are & CEO of GE Greater China. “Let’s give up by setting up a Site Wellness Committee to enthusiastically taking part in the physical smoking and join hands to create a healthier work through the HealthAhead Worksite exercises. work environment for each and every one Certification process. The committee, which of us,” he urged at an employee meeting in is composed of eight teams of more than With a broad range of resources deployed April. 30 members, with Mark Norbom as China and with even more programs in the pipeline, HealthAhead Champion and Senior HR an increasing number of employees are Promoting a tobacco-free lifestyle is only Manager Cheng Jing as Site Committee focusing on improving their diets, exercising one part of the HealthAhead initiative which, Leader, strives to create a culture of health regularly and relieving stress in an effort to apart from smoking cessation, also includes and wellness and make employees and their lead healthier lives. fitness, nutrition and stress management, families more health conscious. among others, aiming at improving the “This is just the beginning of a culture health of all employees, retirees and their To facilitate the implementation of change taking place at GE as we all focusing families. HealthAhead, the CTP Site Wellness on becoming healthier and driving better Committee has taken a series of steps health globally through healthymagination,” HealthAhead is part of the broader, more beyond creating a smoke-free workplace. For GE Chairman & CEO Jeff Immelt pointed out ambitious USD 6 billion strategy called example, turning clinic centers into health during his remarks at the Employee Day of healthymagination launched in May 2009. centers that give employees the means to Health. GE is fully committed to making high quality track their own health records and control health care accessible at lower costs to more risks. These steps enhance the company’s people around the world through advanced competitiveness by reducing medical costs.

GE IN CHINA 39 媒体看点 GE in Media

健康管理 泛数据化

GE致力于将健康的管理所有动作尽可能量化,这样的 好处是,可以让管理层看到投资与收益,同时也增强 了他们将健康管理持续做到底的信心。

就紧急救护来说,他们在训练急救队伍时也是有严格数据标准的。GE 的急救队是各个部门推选的志愿者,他们需要每年都进行一次急救培 在汉威大厦的GE北京办公室,前台旁边的小桌子上放置了一个绿色的 训,其中包括出血、触电、摔伤处理等等,公司还会在防火演习时安 急救箱,这个简单的小箱子,完全可以应对常见的紧急需要。不过GE 排这些急救队员进行演习,而对急救队员人数的选择上,GE要求他们 大中华区医疗总监吴瑾希望做到的远不止这些。“今年开始我们将陆 的分布密度可以在急救的“黄金3分钟”之内到达急救地点。 续在GE所有的办公区和工厂装备AED(自动心脏除颤仪),医疗管理 不是乱花钱,我们的标准是,在紧急医疗状况下要让所有的员工可以 前端下沉更重要 在4分钟之内用到这个设备。” 幸运的是,在GE,员工的健康管理有着很高的公司地位。GE也成为为 4分钟是国际化的标准。事实上,紧急情况下4分钟之内使用AED可使 数不多的在华专门设立医疗总监职位的企业之一,而且他们的医疗健 存活率高达80%,而超出这个4分钟则存活率迅速下降至50%。在GE这 康管理不仅停留在职业安全层面,已经上升至系统而专业的健康管理 个4分钟的标准是经过医生的综合评估来完成的。分析过所有数据以 层面。 及考察过周边医院设施及救护车到达时间后,GE要求在所有的工作场 所都安装这样价值两三万人名币的除颤设备并进行相应人员培训。每 GE大中华区医疗总监吴瑾表示:“健康就是生产力,健康高效的员工是 年,GE的医疗部门都会将完善的数据呈现在健康管理的各个角落。 企业的核心竞争力。”吴瑾领导的团队正在积极推进“健康创想”在

40 GE在中国 3分钟 急救队员需要到达急救点 30人 上海公司门诊每日接待人数

0 吸烟 中国员工战略部分的实施,其中包括不断完善医疗保险和体检制度, 每天蔬菜水果种类 在公司中国总部设立诊所,为员工提供直接、快捷的医疗服务,定期 5 进行工作场所的环境健康安全检查,保证员工的职业健康,推行办公 10 每日走路1万步 场所全面禁烟措施,为员工缓解工作压力提供专业的咨询服务等等。 25 体重指数最大值 而这一切的目的就是希望可以在健康管理上将早期预防做到更加科学 系统化。吴瑾表示,“在所有的健康管理中,我们还是希望可以将工 经经过了摸索尝试,有了较好的实践,如何配备医护人员,这些人需 作做在前面,因为80%的慢性病是可以预防的。”而让员工真正锻炼 要经过怎样的培训,和保险公司保持什么关系,这些都是我们愿意分 起来在健康管理中是最为有效的。 享给国家和社会的,这也是GE企业社会责任的切实体现。”

在GE,几乎所有的员工都了解“0、5、10、25”这几个数字的含义, 跑赢CPI 也就是0吸烟、每天5种蔬菜水果、每天走路1万步和体重指数小于25。 实际上,这属于公司健康管理中的宣教部分,GE的工程师很多,他们 面对社会上的医疗难题,GE更希望将自己的健康管理服务做到一流, 对数字更加敏感,GE会用适合他们的方式告诉大家怎样可以更健康。 就公司的诊所来说,最初营运的时候来就诊的人并不多,而现在仅就 此外,GE还外包了健康电子管理系统,将日常的生活习惯和生理指标 总部上海的诊所而言,每天就会接待近30余名员工来看病治疗。 输入其中,就可以直接生成专业的体检测评报告。 GE诊室的医生的服务也比普通公立医院优秀很多,当员工来到诊室 “目前看来,我们的健康管理的架子已经搭建的相对完善和成熟了, 后,会设有专门的等待区,有护士将其带领到诊室,而且医生都是经 在健康管理领域也是非常领先的,未来,我们希望可以更有针对性的 过公司专门培训的。“我们不仅考察医生的专业能力,还会重点考察 把项目做到精深,比如针对每个人,日常应该如何注重饮食营养等 医生的服务意识、沟通能力和影响力,我们的诊室要让员工感觉信任 等。毕竟健康是非常个人化的命题,每个人都要有不同的解答。” 和舒服,现在很多人都认为我们的服务质量完全可以媲美外资医院 了。” 与决策层更多互动 GE公司在北京和上海园区诊所的运营都是由保险公司出资的,而且今 去年11月,中国疾病预防控制中心与GE一起开展了“工作场所健康促 年GE上海总部的诊室又新增了一名化验员,这名员工的费用也是保险 进与慢性病预防控制研讨会”,这也是疾病控中心首次单独与一家企 公司来承担的,而且保险公司还承担了很多小型设备的费用,虽然对 业一起进行研讨。之所以他们有这样的选择,正是因为GE在疾病的预 方的投资增加了,但GE今年的医疗保险费用依然维持在原有水平,这 防与控制中曾经做出的一些成绩。 在CPI持续上涨的今天是非常难得的。

国家的医疗改革以及“健康中国2020”项目中,致力于推广全面的健 “这是一个三赢的过程,员工享受到健康服务、公司节省了成本,而 康管理理念,为的就是让更多中国企业也参与到工作场所健康管理的 保险公司也降低了成本。公司对我们的要求是,和CPI持平,但我们今 模式中。 年在健康投资方面的增幅极小,而且质量会比往年做得更好。”

可以很好为医疗改革提供的经验是,吴瑾在GE实践了全套的健康管理 吴瑾的说法和公司高层的想法还是很一致的,事实上,健康管理并非 项目,覆盖了整个健康产业链,从预防、早期发现到治疗和慢性病管 一味增加费用,而是要找到这样的双赢或者多赢的解决策略。GE公司 理4个部分。比如在戒烟项目中,是否有良好的执行,执行到怎样的程 全球副董事长约翰·赖斯表示,“GE要将把175所医疗中心变成健康诊 度,GE都是有量化标准的,这些标准会具体到每一项给出多少分值, 所,并激励员工多加使用这些诊所和决策帮助平台,从而增进健康与 再依照分数做出健康管理指导,这些为国家在健康促进层面提供了很 加强预防,帮助员工以及退休人员改善健康,并控制成本。”GE希望 好的量化管理范本。 通过这些努力来使其医疗成本增长率低于通货膨胀率,这将使GE的很 多工作场所在全球市场上更富有竞争力。 “国家在医改中的投入是巨大的,我们的诊所相当于一级医院,我们 也致力于将80%的疾病消化在我们的诊所里,而且在管理上,我们已 (节选自首席人才官《健康管理泛数据化》 责任编辑:蒋艳辉)

GE IN CHINA 41 媒体看点 GE in Media

Health Management in GE

Every health management move made by GE is backed by figures that demonstrate a clear return on investment, giving decision makers the evidence they need to implement these health management projects with total confidence.

At GE’s Beijing office in Hanwei Plaza, a green at any time. In addition, by considering the All of these measures make the early first-aid kit is placed by the front desk, a distribution and location of emergency team prevention of disease possible. Jean Wu said: simple box containing items that can provide members, GE makes sure they can reach “Throughout the implementation of health common medical treatment. However, Jean emergency sites within three minutes. management, we try to make sure everything Wu, Medical Director of GE Greater China, is ready before hand because 80% of chronic wants to accomplish something that goes far Preventing Chronic Disease diseases are preventable.” One of the most beyond the boundaries of this little box: “We effective ways to prevent disease is to will be installing AEDs (automatic cardiac Health management is of great importance encourage employees to exercise. defibrillator) in every office and factory this at GE, which is one of very few companies year. For health management, this is not a that set the medical director position in In GE, almost everyone knows the phrase “0, waste of money, but a way to ensure that all China with a health management that goes 5, 10, 25” which means zero smoking, five employees can reach this life saving piece of beyond the occupational safety level to kinds of fruits and vegetables per day, ten equipment within four minutes if needed.” reach the systematic and professional levels. thousand steps each day and a body mass

Four minutes is an international standard. In 健康管理的优劣并不见得是和投资呈正相关的,我们可以将能量化的数据进行 fact, using an AED within four minutes of an 量化,让管理层看到我们的投资回报,看到健康管理在企业中的价值。 emergency raises survival rates by up to 80% compared to use after four minutes which is Good health management doesn’t always mean increasing investment. By only 50%. At GE, the four minute standard is a quantifying data and showing return on investment we can demonstrate the result of comprehensive evaluations made by importance of health management for the company. doctors. After analyzing data and surveying nearby hospitals and the time intervals before ambulance arrivals, GE decided to place this Jean Wu said: “Health is the key to index less than 25. But this only forms the RMB 20,000 to 30,000 worth of equipment productivity, so healthy employees are educational part of health management. around GE and ensure employees are trained key to the company’s competitiveness.” GE has a lot of engineers who are very how to respond in an emergency. Every year, Jean Wu is leading her team to promote sensitive to numbers, so GE uses these each segment of GE medical department healthymagination among all employees in figures to illustrate how to become healthier. improves health management. China in various ways, such as improving In addition, according to daily habits and medical insurance and health checkup physiological indices, GE’s outsourced digital As for emergency aid, GE has strict standards systems, establishing a health clinic at GE health management system can produce a backing up its emergency training. The GE China’s headquarters providing direct and professional medical evaluation report. emergency team consists of select volunteers responsive services to employees, regular who get trained on how to treat bleeding, work site safety inspections which ensure “We are making great progress towards electric shocks and other injuries every year. employees’ occupational health, making all GE building a health management structure These volunteers are prepared to perform campuses(本文来源 tobacco:市场导 free,报 作 as者 well:袁 as华 providing明) that will advance the health management maneuvers during fire prevention exercises professional consulting for stress relief. field. In the future, we hope we can make

42 GE在中国 3 Minutes Interval before emergency team reaches the accident spot 30 employees The number of employees visit health clinic in Shanghai each day.

0 Smoking the structure more detailed and targeted for each employee, providing guidance on 5 Kinds of vegetables and fruits each day dieting, nutrition and more. This is important because health conditions vary from person 10 Ten thousand of steps each day to person.” 25 Maximum body mass index

Communicating with China’s medical personnel, training them and dealing facility. Many pieces of small-sized medical Decision Makers with insurance companies. We would love equipment are also paid for by the insurance to share this experience with the whole of company. Although the investment made by Last November, as GE continued to make society. This is just another great way to the insurance company has increased, GE’s great achievements in disease prevention show GE’s high level of corporate social medical insurance expenses remain stable and control, the Chinese Center for Disease responsibility.” Jean Wu said. this year, which is incredible when noting CPI Control and Prevention (CCDC) and GE held a is constantly increasing. seminar called “Improving Health: Preventing and Controlling Chronic Disease in the Staying Ahead of CPI “This can benefit all three sides by providing Workforce”. This was the first time the CCDC There are still some medical problems that medical services to employees while reducing held a face to face seminar with a company. remain to be solved in China. GE hopes that GE and the insurance company’s long-term its medical service can be perfect. After costs. GE requires our investment rate to be Ongoing healthcare reform in China and the the opening of the health clinic, more and level with the CPI. But this year our investment “Healthy China 2020” project both focus on more employees are visiting the facility’s in health management has decreased, but we promoting health management, and aim to highly trained doctors. For example, at have still managed to provide better results encourage more companies in China to build GE’s headquarters in Shanghai, around 30 than before.” Jean Wu said. up health management systems. employees visit the health clinic each day. Jean Wu and GE realize that better health Jean Wu has already implemented a full The health clinic provides better service management doesn’t mean increasing series of health management projects in than regular public hospitals. It features a investment, it means finding ways to best GE, from prevention and early detection to comfortable waiting area staffed by a nurse benefit the parties involved. Vice Chairman treatment and chronic disease management, that leads patients to the proper department. of GE John Rice said: “GE will turn 175 health covering the whole health industry chain. For Each and every one of the doctors is centers into health clinics and encourage example, during the tobacco free project, GE professionally trained. “Besides possessing employees to use them in order to increase made use of standards for measuring the professional skills, our doctors are required their health and enhance disease prevention successful implementation of the project. to have high service standards, great while maintaining the company’s low cost.” These standards scored each phrase of communication skills and a strong influence GE hopes that through efforts like these, the project and identified which processes on the patient. We want our employees to the rise of medical cost will fall below the worked best. This practice has yielded trust our health clinic professionals and be inflation rate making GE’s worksites more excellent examples for how best to advance comfortable in the facility. They view our competitive around the world. health management systems in China. service to be on the same level as the best medical facilities in China” Jean Wu said. Adapted from Health Data Management edited by “China has invested a lot in healthcare reform. The operation of the health clinics in Beijing Jenny Jiang, as published in CHO Magazine Our(Written health by clinic Yuan is Huaming, on par with as firstpublished class in Market Guide) and Shanghai is paid for by the insurance hospitals and we are committed to treating company, which is also covering the cost 80% of all diseases. This commitment has of a new chemical analyst in the Shanghai provided us with rich experience in staffing

GE IN CHINA 43 媒体看点 GE in Media

纳尼:GE重生 全球经济被重置,GE顺势完成业务结构的调整

44 GE在中国 纳尼·贝加利—法尔科精力很充沛,有一张标 金融危机之前,GE金融服务和工业业务的比 在美国本土以外,GE的机会在于快速进入或 准的意大利人的面孔,如果不是一头没加掩饰 重差不多各占50%,降低金融业务的比重后, 者扩大市场,增加市场渗透力。“在中国市 的白发,你肯定想不到他已经60岁了,而且, GE的波动性和风险性也随之减少,到2012 场的进一步渗透,对GE的重生来说非常重 至今仍有80%时间在差旅中度过,奔走于世 年,GE希望金融和工业的比重,达到1:2的合 要。”在纳尼的海外扩张版图中,GE当前非 界各国,为GE(通用电气公司)寻找商业机 理水平。 常重视三个国家:巴西、印度尼西亚和沙特阿 会。他笑称自己是“GE公司的外交部长”。 拉伯,希望这些市场带来如同中国的良好表 “事实上,金融服务从未亏损过,只是经历了 现,为了接近这个目标,GE制定了“企业政 纳尼在GE工作已经35年,人生一多半时间都 收入下降,规模变得更小。”纳尼特意强调 府战略合作伙伴”计划,“我们在中国也是执 为GE打拼,现任通用电气公司高级副总裁、 说。未来,金融和工业,两大业务的整合将得 行了这样一个方案。GE旗下业务部门众多, 国际业务总裁兼首席执行官,掌管着美国本土 到加强,譬如,能源部门有设备购买需求, 我们希望能够和政府建立全面的合作,这也是 以外的所有市场,占GE总收入的60%。过去 GE金融就会为他们提供设备融资服务。 世界上的很少的能这样做的公司之一。” 的2009年,他带领的海外市场持续增长,确 保了GE公司整体的安全性,各项变革得以顺 很短时间内,GE裁减了相应的金融资产及雇 向中国市场进一步渗透 利施行。 员。“当时采取这些措施,是为了使GE走出 危机,并且在未来成为一家更好的公司”,对 “中国是GE非常重要的市场之一,我不会再 纳尼说:“GE将2009年定义为重生之年。” 于GE来说,最重要的是,从金融或者财务的 把中国称之为新兴市场。从工业发展的角度来 角度来保证公司的安全性。 说,中国已经是非常发达的工业国家。在首都 金融危机发生后,占GE收入约50%的金融服 机场T3航站楼看看四周,人们的举止和穿着, 务业务受到很大冲击,有可能危及整个GE公 纳尼说,在确保公司安全后,就要保证下面所 你看不出和纽约有什么区别。”纳尼说。 司的安全。“我们的第一反应,就是要战略性 有业务,在运营方面保持优越性,这是GE公 缩减金融服务业务,将风险降到最低。”这是 司内部的标准,这对业绩表现非常重要。“我 对于“中国外商投资环境恶化”的言论,他持 纳尼感觉最糟糕的时刻,雷曼兄弟倒闭,世界 们的确在公司的一些部门或一些层面做了成本 反对态度,他说:“我不能从其他公司的角度 经济瞬间停滞。GE开始反思,也更加明确, 削减,但在技术研发和全球化两大重要领域, 来做出判断。但从GE来说,GE的外部环境有 自己应该倾向于做一家工业公司,而非金融公 GE一直保持了投资。在经济危机期间,技术 显著好转。GE在中国和很多国有企业成立了 司。之后,开始采取减少金融资产及雇员,减 研发部门的预算是惟一没有被削减的预算。” 合资公司,这个数字也是不断增长的。” 持NBC环球股份等措施。 同样非常重要的是,危机期间要保持与外界的 纳尼还特意列举了两个近期合资的例子。其 收缩金融业务,直接导致GE总收入和净利润 有效交流,比如不断鼓励和激励雇员,使顾客 一,是GE和中国航空工业集团公司共同成立 大幅下降,但是,得益于工业及海外市场的 做到知情。 的航空电子合资企业。在这次合资中,GE走 增长,GE实现总收入1570亿美元,其中,大 出了非常重要的一步:提供GE的技术。另外 中华区总收入增长14.3%,达到53亿美元, 2009年,GE将股东的股本提高了130亿美元。 一个非常重要的合资公司例子,是和中国南车 而中国大陆地区的收入增长高达18%。全球2 这完全得益于大幅度削减运营资本,工业业务 集团戚墅堰机车有限公司成立合资公司,生产 万亿美元规模的经济刺激计划,至少给GE带 产生近170亿美元的现金流。一些已经宣布的 机车柴油发动机。 来1000亿美元的销售机会,并将在2010年和 资产处置交易,在下一年将再为GE带来100亿 2012年的业绩中体现得越来越明显。 美元现金。截至2009年底,GE拥有的现金量 “GE正在把美国最先进的技术带到中国。” 为720亿美元。 这也是纳尼所说的,加强向中国市场进一步 调整业务比重化解危机 渗透的重要步骤。除此之外,GE正在加大中 重生的关键在新兴市场 国西部开发的战略,从去年开始,GE在中国 全球经济被重置,GE顺势完成自身业务结构 开办了7个地区总部,新雇佣了700名销售人 的调整。在纳尼的左手腕上,系着一条象征重 “有人问,你觉得全球经济最糟糕的时刻已经 员。GE第二大研发中心设在上海,会保持在 生的红绳。“我属牛,去年是牛年,按照中国 过去了吗?我会很谨慎地说,是的!”纳尼 技术层面的稳定投入。GE通过与现有合作伙 (Written传统要戴 by一 个Yuan红色 Huaming,的东西。 牛as年 published年底,我 in过 了Market说 Guide):“西欧和日本虽然增长放缓,但在世界上 伴的合作,一方面能够渗透到中国市场中去, 60岁生日,按照日本风俗,60岁这年是重生 还有很多的国家都在增长,比如中国、印度、 同时使GE在华合作伙伴,能够借助GE打开海 的一年,我就戴了这条红绳。” 澳大利亚,还有中东、拉美。这已足够使世界 外市场。 的经济有所增长。” (本文来源:经理人 作者:陈振烨)

GE IN CHINA 45 媒体看点 GE in Media

Nani Beccalli-Falco: GE’s Renewal On the back of global economic reset, GE has restructured its business strategy.

Nani Beccalli-Falco has the face of a true business to be bigger than its financial Before the crisis, GE was half financial Italian. Were it not for the grey hair on his services business. To meet these needs, services company and half industrial head, you would never believe this energetic employment numbers were minimized, company. With the proportion of financial was in his sixties. Beccalli-Falco still spends financial capital reduced, and a portion of business cut down, volatility and risks within 80 percent of his time on business trips stock in NBC Universal sold. GE as a whole have been decreased. seeking business opportunities for GE. He has appointed himself as GE’s minister of Downsizing the financial business resulted in “Interestingly, GE’s financial services never foreign affairs. a significant decrease in total revenue and lost money, they just experience a net net profit. GE, however, received USD157 decrease in income,” stressed Beccalli-Falco. Beccalli-Falco has worked for GE for more billion in revenue from manufacturing and The financial services will be synchronized than 35 years - more than half of his overseas markets. Revenue from Greater with the industrial businesses, pairing, for life. He serves as President & CEO of GE China increased by 14.3 percent to USD5.3 example, energy business equipment with International. Beccalli-Falco is in charge of billion while revenue from the Chinese energy financial services. all markets outside the United States, which mainland increased by as much as 18 account for 60 percent of GE’s total revenue. percent. USD2 trillion in incentive programs In a short span of time, GE had to cut down The overseas market has continued to grow throughout the world created at least its financial capital and reduce employment in 2009 under his leadership, assuring GE’s USD100 billion in business opportunities for numbers. “These actions were taken to get survival and the success of the company’s GE, and is set to increase in 2010 and 2012. out of the crisis and emerge as a better restructuring. company,” explained Beccalli-Falco. From Adjusting proportions of business to a financial perspective, the most important “2009 is the year of renewal for GE,” said alleviate possible risks thing GE needed to do was make sure the Beccalli-Falco. company was safe from the crisis. Beccalli- GE is restructuring its businesses in Falco believes that in order to ensure The financial crisis hit GE particularly hard alignment with the aftermath of the global safety, forceful business actions need to in its financial business, which accounted economic reshuffle. Beccalli-Falco wears be taken. This belief is aligned with the for about 50 percent of the company’s a red bracelet around his left wrist that company’s crucial goals of achieving better total revenue. This posed a real danger to symbolizes renewal. “I was born in the performance. “We strategically cut down GE’s survival. “The first response was to Year of the Ox, and according to Chinese costs in a few businesses and at some downsize the financial business strategically tradition, I have to wear something red. In certain levels. GE, however, has maintained to minimize the risk,” said Beccalli-Falco, addition, at the end of last year, I turned 60, its investment in research and globalization. who added: “The worst moment within the and according to Japanese tradition, the In fact, the research budget was the only financial turmoil was when Lehman Brothers 60th year of your life is the year of rebirth, division of our business that didn’t receive Holdings Inc. collapsed, that’s when things and during the year of your rebirth, you have any cuts during the crisis.” fell apart, and it happened suddenly and to wear something red. So that's the reason with little warning.” GE needed its industrial why(本 文I wear来源 :these市场 red导报 things.” 作者:袁华明)

46 GE在中国 Throughout the financial turmoil, it was important to maintain very strong communication with our key stakeholders. This was accomplished by keeping employees motivated and keeping customers informed.

In 2009, GE increased employee equity by USD13 billion, a result made possible by a significant decrease in operating capital which resulted in an increased cash flow of approximately USD17 billion from the 美国本土以外,GE的机会在于快速进入或者扩大市场, 增加市场渗透力。 manufacturing business. The liquidating To sharpen its competitive edge, GE must seek business of a few assets is expected to bring GE an opportunities by rapidly penetrating or expanding in additional USD10 billion next year. By the end markets outside the United States. of 2009, GE had USD72 billion in cash in hand. these countries - an approach that GE has with state-owned enterprises is constantly Emerging markets are critical to already taken in China. “GE is one of the increasing.” renewal few companies in the world that can do this because of the breadth of our government Beccalli-Falco gave two examples of “If someone asks me, ‘do you think the worst customers,” said Beccalli-Falco. joint ventures: one between GE’s aviation of the global economic crisis has passed?’ business and China’s AVIC, a very important I would respond with a cautious yes,” said Further penetration into the China step towards creating a new entity with Beccalli-Falco. “There are many parts of the market technology contributed by GE. The second world that are experiencing strong growth: example was a joint venture with another China, India, Australia, the Middle East, “As China has become one of GE’s most Chinese company for the manufacturing of and Latin America; while other parts of the important markets, I wouldn't refer to China diesel engines for locomotives. world, like Western Europe and Japan, are as an emerging market anymore. China is, experiencing very weak growth. But when industrially speaking, very well developed. “GE is transferring the most advanced you combine the two together, there should When you look around Beijing Capital technology of the United States to China,” be enough strength to yield net global Airport's Terminal 3 and you see the people, Beccalli-Falco said. And the company growth.” the way they are dressed, and the way they is definitely going to continue exploring behave, you can't tell you're in Beijing. You new opportunities in the China market. In To sharpen its competitive edge, GE must could be in any major international hub, addition, GE began implementing a “Go seek business opportunities by rapidly like Kennedy Airport in New York City or West” strategy by opening seven regional penetrating or expanding in markets outside Heathrow in London,” said Beccalli-Falco. priorities and hiring over 700 new sales the United States. “Penetrating the China people last year. A second technology centre market is very important for GE’s renewal,” Beccalli-Falco is opposed to the idea that located in Shanghai will safeguard steady Beccalli-Falco said, adding that he is also China presents an adverse environment revenue growth from a technical perspective. paying particular attention to three other for foreign investors. “I cannot judge what Partnership between GE and Chinese countries outside the U.S. - Brazil, Saudi is happening to other companies; I can companies is allowing GE to penetrate the Arabia and Indonesia. He hopes that these speak only for GE, and I think that for us, the China market and allowing these companies markets(Written bywill Yuan have Huaming, the same ascheery published prospects in Market environment Guide) has been great, and constantly to meet their goals of having a presence in as China. GE has implemented a unique improving. The number of joint ventures overseas markets. approach called “Company to Country” in and business partnerships we're making (Written by Chen Zhenye, as published in Manager Magazine)

GE IN CHINA 47 酷科技 Cool Technology


DVD刚刚宣判了VCD的死刑,蓝光光碟就跳出 来重新定义娱乐业的未来。索尼和松下的蓝 光战争进行了六年,最终以松下落败,付出 数百亿日元告终。

2003年,GE也加入了光学储存研究领域。 那一年,蓝光光碟刚刚到了大规模生产的前 夜,而GE给自己的目标竟然是把单碟的容量 提升至500G。这是一个令人瞠目的指标。从 技术原理看,增容光盘的研究方向主要有三 种:缩短波长、增加激光头的聚焦以及增加 反射层层数。蓝光技术几乎已经找到了不被 光碟吸收的最短波长,现有技术也让聚焦能 力接近极限。

最初,科学家打算利用多层光盘来储存,一 张光碟厚度1毫米,储存数据的感光层却只有 十几纳米。理论上,在间距适当的情况下, 反射面能在碟片里累积100层。但是,光盘层数越靠里激光的反射强度 GE再将自己得意的全息储存技术应用到这块材料上,就可以轻易读取 就越低,就会导致信号超过可读范围的错误。 到内部20层。不用膜,而且不贵。2009年5月,第一张全息储存材料光 碟终于在GE实验室里诞生。这种普通CD尺寸的全息光碟,容量可以达 接下来,他们希望借在每层反射面后增加金属膜以加强反射,但最佳 到500G,相当于20张单面蓝光光碟或1000多张DVD。 效果也仅仅停留在16层。这还只是一个实验室成果,因为这种层数越 多成本越高,出产合格率也越低,很难成为一款产品。“就像在大学 按照史晓蕾的预计,大规模生产后,全息光碟的成本会比蓝光光碟还 里搞研究,”项目负责人之一史晓蕾博士说,“我们会反复测试某块 低。虽然该产品的市场化还需要3到5年,可是索尼已经开始和GE合 材料的物理机制,淘汰一种材料可能要花上两三年。” 作,重点研究全息光碟的驱动器。更多产业链上的伙伴正在聚拢,下 一场战争已经开始布局,这次GE成了先行者。 好在付出是值得的,当科学家们不再执迷层次数量,而在反光材料上 寻找突破口时,老天给予了馈赠,一种让人满意的材料终于被发现, (本文来源:第一财经 作者:商勤硕) 它的强项是拥有一定的预值,只有光超过一定强度后,信号才会被读 写。这克服了反光材料一贯过于敏感的毛病,不会在第二层上读写 时,抹掉第一层的信息。

48 GE在中国 GE Micro-holographic Storage Discs Upgrade Disc Capacity to 500G

Just as the 4.7G DVD replaced the VCD; Blu-ray discs have redefined the future of the entertainment industry. The six-year “Blu-ray war” between Sony and Panasonic ended with Panasonic’s costly defeat measured at tens of billions of yen.

Back in 2003, GE also delved into optical storage research. Before mass production of Blu-ray discs began, GE set the incredible goal of upgrading single disc capacity to 500G. Technically, there are three ways to increase optical disk storage capacity: shorten the wavelength, reduce the size of the laser point, or increase the number of reflective layers. Blu-ray technology has almost found the shortest wavelength that cannot be absorbed by the CD-ROM. The existing focusing technology is near maximum capacity.

At first, scientists intended to use multi-layer discs, each 1 mm thick, but the thickness of the data storage layer is only about a dozen nanometers. Theoretically, at an appropriate distance, reflective layers can accumulate up to 100 levels. However, the closer the disc layers the lower the reflection intensity which might cause signal errors, leaving the disc out of readable range. GE combined its excellent micro-holographic storage technology to Next, they hoped to enhance the reflection by adding metal film on this material yielding discs with 20 layers that can easily be read. The each reflection layer. During lab tests, 16 layers yielded the best lab discs have no film and are inexpensive. In May 2009, the first micro- results, adding more meant higher costs and poorer qualifications, holographic storage disc was finally born in a GE lab. This average CD- making it unviable commercially. “It was just like doing the research sized holographic disc with 500G of storage capacity holds as much and experiments at school,” said Dr. Shi Xiaolei, one of the project information as 20 single-sided Blu-ray discs or more than 1000 DVDs. managers. “We tested the physical mechanism of a piece of material over and over until, after two or three years, we eliminated it.” According to Dr. Shi Xiaolei's estimate, the cost of holographic discs might be lower than Blu-ray discs during mass production. Although Fortunately, the painstaking research paid off. The scientists saw three to five more years are needed before bringing this technology past the layers to see other fine reflection materials, and one of to the market, Sony has already begun cooperating with GE. The joint these materials in particular stood out from the others. The material research will focus on the holographic disc drivers. This time GE will has certain pre-value, allowing the signal to be recorded only in a be the forerunner in the next race, accompanied by industrial chain certain light intensity. This kind of material overcomes the reflective partners keeping pace alongside. material’s weakness of being too sensitive, allowing it to store information on the second layer without erasing that on the first. (Written by Shang Qinshuo, as published in China Business Network)

GE IN CHINA 49 酷科技 Cool Technology

USM Go,中国“智”造 服务中国 走向世界

2009年9月,由GE传感与检测科技中国技术团 产品开发工作。2009年8月,USM Go一上市, Go的成功。其实,USM Go只是越来越多“立 队设计的USM Go系列超声波探伤仪正式在全 就引起了业界的关注。不到1千克的重量,更 足中国,服务中国”项目产品之一。从2008 球市场同步推出。这款重量不到1千克的超声 加人性化的人体工程学设计,宽屏显示,更加 年开始,为了更好地满足中国客户的需要, 波探伤仪不但是市场上最轻、最便携的,而且 友好的图形导航界面……这款最轻最便携的超 在不断加大研发投入的同时,GE专门从CEO 还有着许多很“炫”的功能:可以单手操作, 声波探伤仪让从事检测工作的工程师们即使在 资金中拨款支持“立足中国,服务中国”项 功能键自定义,屏幕不仅是同类中清晰度最高 恶劣的环境下进行全天工作也不会造成负担。 目,2008年、2009年及2010年分别为1500万 的宽屏、全防水设计,而且可以翻转显示。 美元,3000万美元和3000万美元,项目涵盖 USM Go产品虽小,但是用途很广,从电力和 说到USM Go的开发过程,GE传感与监测中国 能源、水处理、医疗诊测设备、传感与监测和 石化行业的焊缝检测、腐蚀壁厚度测量,到汽 技术团队经理洪海洋不无骄傲地说道,“USM LED照明等众多领域。随着各个项目的展开, 车行业的精准厚度测量,到铁路上的铁轨检 Go的设计目标是体积更小、重量更轻,这同 我们将看到更多由中国本土研发团队开发的、 测,甚至到航空航天中的复合材料检测,USM 时也意味着技术上更大的难度和挑战。在USM 针对中国市场需求量身订制的产品诞生。GE Go都可以出色地完成。 Go的开发过程中,我们中国的技术团队负责了 中国研发中心的科学家和工程师正用他们的智 全部的机械和电子设计工作,出色地完成了新 慧让中国“智”造服务中国,走向世界。 在USM Go之前,GE拥有一款在欧美市场广受 产品开发”。此外,本土化的设计和生产还使 欢迎的USM 35/USN 60系列超声波探伤仪。但 USM Go比USM 35系列的价格降低了20%以上。 是对于需要在艰苦环境作业或者登高工作的工 程师来讲,USM 35近3公斤的重量给长时间的 由于亚洲人对于产品的重量体积等指标敏感度 检测工作,特别是需要登高的检测工作带来了 较高,USM Go的初衷主要是为中国等亚洲国 很大的负担。看到中国消费者的这种需求, 家设计。但是令人意想不到的是,产品在欧洲 2004年GE传感与检测科技中国技术团队成立 进行测试时却得到了欧洲消费者的极大兴趣。 后,便开始着手针对中国市场改进现有的产 自2009年9月上市的不到半年时间,USM Go在 品。2006年,经中国本土改造升级的一款重 全球已经售出近400台,在中国的销量也预计 量更轻、价格更低的USM 33系列产品面世并 在2010年得到高速的增长。USM Go已经成为 在中国市场获得了初步成功。 了传感与检测集团众多产品中一颗耀眼夺目的 璀璨新星! USM 33让传感与检测的工程师们看到了中国 市场对便携式超声波探伤仪的巨大需求。2008 中国本土研发团队与中国业务团队紧密结合, 年,在得到“立足中国,服务中国”项目资金 实时听取中国客户、中国本土供应商和生产 的专项支持后,他们开始了一个颠覆市场的新 商的反馈。这一系列本土化的运作造就了USM

50 GE在中国 USM Go Technology Designed in China for the World

In September 2009, the ultrasonic flaw 33 series achieved great success through unexpectedly, the products attracted detector USM Go series, designed by the local upgrades in the China market. European consumers during the testing GE Sensing and Inspection Technologies The great success of the USM 33 series phase in Europe. Since September 2009, China technical team, was officially showed sensing and detection engineers about 400 sets of USM Go have been sold launched around the globe. Weighing a huge demand for portable ultrasonic around the world within six months while less than one kilogram, the USM Go is flaw detectors. Having received In China sales performance in China is expected extremely portable and features many For China (ICFC) support funds, the team to grow rapidly in 2010. The USM Go has other “sparkling” advantages: one-hand began to develop new products in 2008 already become a dazzling star among the operation, customized function keys, high – the portable, cost-effective ultrasonic products of the Sensing and Inspection resolution wide-screen and is completely flaw detector USM Go. The release of this team. water proof. USM Go is small, but versatile. innovative device drew a great deal of From applications in the electric power, attention at the “USM Go Release” event Thanks to the close communication between petrochemical, and automotive industries, in August 2009. With a weight of less than the China R&D and commercial teams, to weld checks, corrosion thickness and one kilogram, improved ergonomic design, and based on feedback from local clients, precision thickness measurements, railway wide-screen display and friendly graphical vendors and manufacturers, the USM track checks, and composite materials navigation, this portable ultrasonic flaw Go has met great success. However, the testing for aviation, all of which are easily detector is easy for engineers to use in even USM Go is only one part of the ambitious accomplished by the USM Go. the harshest work environments. “ICFC” projects. Since 2008, these projects have aimed at providing better services Before the launch of the USM Go series, When talking about the development of to Chinese clients, and through increased GE had a popular ultrasonic flaw detector the USM Go, GE Sensing and Inspection R&D investment totaling USD 75 million available in Europe and the USA – the Technologies China technical team leader (USD 15 million in 2008, USD 30 million in USM 35/USN 60 series. But for engineers Hong Haiyang said proudly: “Our design 2009 and USD 30 million in 2010) from CEO who need to work in tough and varied target for the USM Go was to innovate a Capital to support “ICFC” projects covering environments, the weight of the nearly three device with a smaller size and lighter weight. energy, water, healthcare, sensing and kilogram device can become burdensome During the R&D process, our team was fully inspection, LED lighting and more, this aim after hours of testing. In 2004, GE started responsible for all mechanical and electrical has been reached. With a strong dedication focusing on meeting the demands of design.” In addition, the local design and to technological advancement, more Chinese consumers’ demands, and did so production made USM Go 20% cheaper than and more products will be developed by by improving existing products especially the USM 35 series. the local R&D team on a continual basis. for the China market through the hard work These GE CTC scientists and engineers are of the newly established GE Sensing and Given this market’s demands for lighter, innovating technology that pushes China to Inspection Technologies China technical more portable products, the USM Go was the frontlines of world leading technological team. In 2006, the lighter and cheaper USM initially designed for this region. However, development.

GE IN CHINA 51 GE发电设备与水处理 水处理及工艺过程处理酷科技 Cool Technology


GenGard化学药剂 GE专利的耐苛刻条件分散剂(STP) 在中性和碱性的pH条件下都有卓越效果 卤素稳定性 在线或离线都可进行测试 不含重金属

TrueSense 冷却水在线监测系统 直接测定分散剂含量 不受背景荧光影响 无需添加化学辅助药剂 测定简单 无需添加钼酸盐示踪剂

绿色创想 GE的承诺

52 GE在中国 GE ZeeWeed®超滤解决方案助力 中国石油四川石化实现水资源高效利用

2010年3月,GE水处理及工艺过程处理集团为 成废水的循环使用,从而实现水资源的高效利 中国石油四川石化有限责任公司提供高效的 用。该系统的节水量将达1404m3/h,峰值为 ZeeWeed®超滤污水回用解决方案,项目总值达 1585m3/h。同时其最小化供货模式将会更好地 350万美元。这一协议是在中国石化行业大力实 满足客户的实际要求。 行节能减排、减少对环境负面影响的背景下达 成的。 中国石油四川石化有限责任公司是由中国石油天 然气股份有限公司和成都石油化工有限责任公司 GE的ZeeWeed®超滤系统是中国炼化行业最大 共同投资兴建的大型炼化企业,规划设计生产能 规模的三级处理应用,用于处理炼油和乙烯 力为1000万吨/年炼油和80万吨/年乙烯。 混合废水,其特有的废水处理系统,能够完

GE Water Solution Helps PetroChina Sichuan Project

In March 2010, GE Water & Process process industry and treats the combined The PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Technologies provided highly-efficient wastewater from the refinery and ethylene Co., Ltd. is a large petrochemical ZeeWeed® UF solution to PetroChina processes. This solution possesses a enterprise jointly established by the Sichuan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., valued unique wastewater treatment system PetroChina Company Limited and at USD 3.5 million. This agreement was which reuses wastewater, realizing the Chengdu Petrochemical Company encouraged by calls to make China’s highly efficient use of water resources. Limited. The company has a designed petrochemical industry more energy and GE’s UF system saves product water productivity capacity of 100 million tons water efficient. 1404m3/h, maximum at 1585m3/h and per year of refinery and 8 million tons per has a minimum UF scope of supply mode to year of ethylene. GE’s ZeeWeed® UF Solution is the biggest better meet actual needs of the customer. tertiary application in China’s hydrocarbon

GE IN CHINA 53 GE医疗发布Signa HDe至臻版1.5T磁共振

2010年1月23日,GE医疗集团在北京发布了全 解决方案中的类PET体检中心运营解决方案采 合,不断开拓先进的疾病检测技术及产品,以 新的Signa HDe至臻版1.5T磁共振及其整体解 用“类PET扫描”成像技术,可获得与PET/CT 更低的成本为更多的中国用户提供可靠、高质 决方案,实现了绿色环保理念与领先科技的完 高度一致的可靠性影像结果,但费用降低近 量的医疗服务。目前,中国政府正在逐步加大 美融合。Singa HDe至臻版整体解决方案可使 70%,为患者降低了就医成本。同时,其包括 医疗改革的力度,作为医疗行业的领导者,我 医院运行成本降低超过40%,同时类PET成像 的医院临床个性化需求解决方案和磁共振质控 们将继续致力于落实‘健康创想’战略,从降 等高级功能的应用大幅降低了患者检查费用, 和诊断解决方案能满足不同专科医院、不同科 低医疗成本、增加医疗可及性以及提高医疗质 真正解决了患者检查难、检查费用高的根本问 室的个性化需求,并能通过远程医疗模式为偏 量三个方面为中国医改作出贡献。” 题。这一整体解决方案将引领磁共振技术进入 远地区患者带去高质量的医疗服务。此外, 倡导绿色节能理念的全新时代。 Signa HDe至臻版磁共振还采用了绿色节能技 此次推出的Signa HDe至臻版1.5T磁共振是GE 术,不会对反复接受磁共振检查的患者造成任 于2007年推出的Signa HDe的升级版。进入中 长期以来,降低医院运营成本和患者医疗费 何压迫或噪音危害,尤其不会对听力系统构成 国市场三年多以来,Signa HDe获得了包括来 用是中国医改和整个医疗界的关注所在。经 任何损害。 自协和医院、天坛医院等知名专家、学者的高 过五年研发革新而成的Signa HDe至臻版磁共 度认可,并成功入驻奥运村医院,出色完成了 振消耗明显低于其它超导MRI,使运行费用降 GE医疗集团大中华区副总裁陈雁表示:“这 为2008年奥运会保驾护航的重任。 低40%、装机时间缩至7天,同时场地面积缩 是核磁共振领域的一次全新突破。一直以来我 小20%,大大降低了医院运营成本。其整体 们都致力于将创新科技与绿色环保理念相结

54 GE在中国 New Signa HDe 1.5T MRI Launched in Beijing

On January 23, 2010, GE Healthcare Similar-PET technology that is incorporated cost for more users in China. The Chinese launched the innovative Signa HDe 1.5T MRI into the Operating Similar PET Medical government is gradually increasing the System and its integrated solutions in Beijing. Center Solution, one of the Signa HDe 1.5T intensity of medical reform, and as a leader The new product combines environmental solutions, can produce the same PET/CT in the medical industry, GE Healthcare friendliness and cutting-edge technologies to imaging results, but at only 30% of the plays an important role in accelerating that bring down hospital operation cost by over expense for patients. Its Individual Clinic reform. We will continue our commitment 40%, as well as the cost for patients by using Imaging Demands Solution, the solution for to implementing the ‘healthymagination’ the Similar-PET Imaging and other advanced MRI quality control, diagnosis, and scientific strategy and to lowering healthcare costs, technologies. The Signa HDe 1.5T MRI System research, can meet various requirements increasing accessibility and quality of solves the widespread problems associated from different hospitals and specialists, and healthcare.” with inadequate and overly expensive body enable long distant medical care for patients scanning services, leading MRI technology in remote areas. In addition, this new MRI, The new version Signa HDe 1.5T is an into a more public, more environmentally adopting power conservation technologies, upgraded version of the Signa HDe GE friendly, and more economical era. allows patients to spend more time getting launched in 2007. After operating in the scanned without putting their hearing at risk China market for more than three years, the For years, reducing hospital operation costs as a traditional MRI would. Signa HDe has received tremendous praise and patients’ expenses has been a major from experts and scholars at Peking Union concern of China’s ongoing healthcare Vice President of GE Healthcare Greater Medical College Hospital, Tiantan Hospital, reform and the entire medical industry. China Chen Yan stated: “This is a and other notable medical facilities around After five years of innovation and R&D, breakthrough in the field of nuclear magnetic China. In 2008, the Signa HDe was selected the most updated Signa HDe consumes resonance. We have always been committed by the Olympic Village Polyclinic, where it significantly less power than other MRI to combining innovative technology with a performed very well throughout the Beijing machines and reduces operational costs green philosophy, and constantly developing Olympic Games. by 40%. In addition, this new and improved advanced disease detection technology model takes only seven days to install and and products so as to provide reliable, has 20% less of a physical footprint. The high-quality medical services at a lower

GE IN CHINA 55 88台GE风机中标河北、山西项目

2010年1月12日,GE能源集团宣布与河北建投新能源有限公司签订了 GE 1.5兆瓦风机是全球风电领域应用最为广泛和可靠的机型,到目前为 88台风机的供货合同。河北建投新能源有限公司是国内领先的风能开 止已有12,000多台GE 1.5兆瓦风机在全球运行。河北建投新能源有限公 发企业,GE的88台风机将用于河北省和山西省的三个新建风电项目, 司在2008年采购了66台GE 1.5兆瓦风机,现已经并网运行。GE本次提 这将有力推动中国在风能领域投资的迅速增长。 供给河北建投新能源有限公司项目的风机配置了先进的低压穿越技术 和风电场管理系统,进一步提高风机的可靠性和电网的稳定性。 新建的三座风场将为中国增加132兆瓦的风电装机容量。中国目前的风 电装机容量位居世界第四,排在美国、德国和西班牙之后。截止到目 前,GE已在中国销售了895台1.5兆瓦风机,以支持中国的积极的可再 生能源计划,即到2020年,中国的可再生能源发电将增加至全国总发 电量的15%。 New Wind Energy Deal Signed for Hebei, Shanxi Projects

GE has signed contracts to supply 88 wind turbines GE’s 1.5-MW wind turbine is currently the most reliable to HECIC New Energy Co., Ltd., one of China’s leading and widely deployed wind turbine in the global wind wind energy developers. The turbines will be used in industry. More than 12,000 of these machines have three new projects in Hebei and Shanxi Provinces. The been installed for projects all around the world. In 2008, projects will support the rapid growth of wind energy the HECIC New Energy Co., Ltd. purchased 66 of the investments in China. turbines for projects which have since been completed. The wind turbines for the HECIC New Energy projects will The new wind farms will add 132 megawatts of wind be equipped with Low Voltage Ride-Through and Wind power capacity to China’s wind power production, Farm Management Systems, which are advanced which currently ranks fourth in the world behind only grid-friendly connection technologies that greatly the United States, Germany and Spain. To date, GE has enhance the reliability and stability of the wind committed 895 units of 1.5-MW wind turbines to China turbines. in support of the country’s aggressive renewable energy program. China is aiming to increase power generation from renewable resources to 15 percent of the nation’s total by 2020.

56 GE在中国 GE人物 GE People

GE IN CHINA 57 GE人物 GE People


CSN是GE“把中国作为第二故乡”战略的重要组成部分。未来两年GE 将在中国省级和地市级城市招募1000名左右销售及服务人员,进一步 推进GE在产品、运营和人才领域的本土化进程。新建立的销售和服务 队伍将大大强化GE在内陆二三线城市的市场覆盖。

问:首先恭喜您被任命为GE中国首席商务官。在GE,这可谓一个全新 的角色,同时GE也推出了全新的CSN计划,那么您怎么看待这一职位的 职责?您怎么定义CSN,该计划将会为GE中国未来的发展带来什么?


首先,我要带领我的团队把GE在中国的业务扩大到中国的每一个角 落。GE在中国的一线城市已经取得了一定的成功并拥有了很好的客户 群。但是为了更好地推进本土化进程,除了北京和上海以外,我们还 希望把GE的业务扩展到中国的西部、中部、东北部和南部地区。例如 GE医疗已经走在前面,在往农村和二线城市发展。当然不局限于医 疗,我们的目标是把所有GE先进的产品和解决方案带到需要这些服务 的中国用户手中。

其次深度发展大客户关系,了解并关注他们所在的行业,因时制宜, 为他们量身定制能够帮助他们解决最棘手问题的解决方案。这也是我 们一直以来强调的“立足中国,服务中国”的体现。

所以CSN就是一项帮助GE扩大业务覆盖面,同时为GE的客户开发和提 供解决方案的商务计划。该计划的成功执行,将有利于GE在中国营 业额的增长,并让GE能够为政府和中国的主要行业提供最佳解决方 黄克强,香港大学电机工程学士,香港中文大学工商 案,从而使其成为中国真正的合作伙伴。具体来讲,CSN战略重点在3 管理硕士。 个方面,即业务扩展,解决方案和销售精英。CSN计划将进一步推进 GE“将中国作为第二故乡”这一战略的实施,并通过本土化产品、解 黄克强于2000年3月加入GE,先后在GE工业系统集团 决方案和人员配备来带动中国经济的发展。 及GE传感与检测科技业务任职,并于2006年12月被任 命为GE传感与检测科技业务的中国区总裁。随后他于 业务扩展 解决方案 2008年1月兼任GE企业解决方案集团中国区总裁。 二三线城市/农村 大客户 西部/北部 主要行业 2010年1月1日,黄克强再度迎来全新的挑战,成为GE 直销网络 “立足中国,服务中国”解决方案 中国首席商务官,领导GE中国业务部门的商务活动, 其第一要务即为当前正进行得如火如荼的GE中国商务 销售精英(平台) 发展团队计划(China Sales Network,简称CSN)。 招聘,储备,发展,合规管理 销售效能

58 GE在中国 问:您上任之后已经招募了不少精英加入CSN团队。能否简单介绍一下 大经济体,那么CSN是不是能帮助GE从产品或解决方案方面利用这个机 现有的队伍以及您对这个队伍的期望是什么? 会,制定出更好的战略,真正地成为本土化的公司,把中国变成第二故 乡,从而发挥出增长的全部潜力呢?我想,这将是CSN最大的挑战。 黄克强:首先,包括GE医疗在内的多个业务部门已招募了200多名针对 农村市场的销售人员,同时我们针对各个区域招募了区域经理,他们 问:您已经带领团队前往了一些城市宣讲CSN,哪些事情让您印象深刻? 可谓各个行业的精英,已在西南、华南和泛渤海等地区上任。他们负 责执行每个区域的分销战略,同时维护大客户,处理相关业务。除了 黄克强:在过去一个月中,我走了很多城市,比如广州、深圳、成 销售人员,现已上任的还有市场总监,他负责市场细分,制定针对不 都、重庆、沈阳、武汉和西安,今后还会去其它更多地方,比如青 同行业的营销战略。接着是商务运营总监,他主要在GE内部建立基本 岛、哈尔滨等。我很喜欢到各地跟不同的员工接触,尤其是新招进来 的平台和衡量绩效的机制,从而帮助整个团队提高商业运营绩效。当 的销售同事,正是他们辛苦的奔波给GE带来了很多机会。 然我们还有人力资源总监来负责人员的录用、上岗和人才保留,以及 负责人才输送管道的发展、人才商务竞争力的加强等。另外就是法务 在上海和北京以外的华西、华北、华南、西南和西北地区,GE有很多 主管,我们要在中国建立一个法务主管网络来保证我们的工作符合环 的机会。但是在这些非沿海城市,人们并不熟悉GE这个名字。所以好 境、健康与安全的相关规范等。 的方面是我们有很多任务亟待完成,困难的则是如何让这么多对GE几 乎一无所知的人们接受我们。在每个讲演所到之处,我们都得到很多 可以说我们队伍中的每个人都是自己行业里的精英。我对这个队伍的 反馈。最多的反馈是GE的知名度还不高,在农村地区的销售资源配备 期待是希望它不是一个空的架子,而是实际地与各业务集团的具体业 还不到位;还有,若GE要拓展农村市场,我们的产品和解决方案首先 务接轨,能够通过与他们的合作为GE创造增长。 必然要做出相应调整。所以我们第一步是走进这些区域,汇总整理反 馈信息,从而制定我们下一步的发展方向。 问:您对CSN当前和未来的发展有怎样的规划?目前和将来的侧重点是 什么?CSN以及您个人在开展工作中有哪些挑战? 问:千人招聘计划目前进展如何?您认为该计划在为GE在各地增强优 势的同时,还能为当地带来哪些影响? 黄克强:刚才已提到,CSN的工作方向是“建立分销网络”和“开发 针对中国的解决方案”,在这样的目标下,我们具体分解为3个方面: 黄克强:截止今年四月底,我们已经面试了约1000人,录用了其中的 1)业务扩展;2)解决方案;3)销售精英。在当前来看,我们更侧重 200人,这些人分布在超过12个城市。可以说千人招聘计划目前进展得 人员,即千人招聘计划。从行业来看,我们首先针对流动性的产品, 很好,招聘和入职培训也进行得很顺利。下一步是需要看这些新同事 这就涉及GE医疗集团、GE家庭与商业解决方案集团、GE传感与检测科 遇到哪些困难和挑战,我们如何协作处理。我们会在今后12到18个月 技,以及GE水处理及工业处理等。 招募750个农村销售岗位,主要集中在中国的西部、西南和东北地区; 此后还会招募更多的销售人员,基本覆盖中国的所有二线城市。显然 无论何时,我们都和GE中国研发中心(CTC)保持良好的合作。销售团 这些招聘可以给当地带来更多的就业机会。而更重要的是,这些销售 队和技术研发的接轨非常重要。GE CTC主要负责产品开发,而我们在 人员在到达各地后,可以把GE优秀的产品、解决方案、人才培训理念 前端则能把客户的需求传达给CTC的工程师们,他们能够在此基础上设 和合作伙伴等带到当地,造福当地。同时GE的“绿色创想”和“健康 计新品,随后再由我们的销售人员进行推销。CSN更接近市场、了解市 创想”也将推动每个区域的可持续经济发展。 场,所以对GE的产品研发和销售将起到推动作用。 问:在通过千人招聘计划发展销售团队时,我们可以看到似乎空缺岗 因此目前的挑战主要也在于将全国的销售网络搭建起来,以农村医疗 位中GE医疗集团的比重较大,这是否是GE为响应中国医改做出的积极 为开端建立GE的直销网络。而说到长远挑战,GE近几年在中国已经取 部署? 得了很好的增长,但是在中国还有很多的机会,GE有着更大的发展空 间。所以我们是否可以通过为各个行业提供解决方案来使GE在中国的 黄克强:当然,GE的“健康创想”跟中国医改是完全接轨的。“健康 业务额获得新的突破? 假如中国在十年、二十年后一跃成为世界第一 创想”是从三个方面着手,即降低医疗成本、提高医疗机会与医疗质

GE IN CHINA 59 GE人物 GE People

量。这些都与当前开展的中国医改的目标不谋而合,因此GE医疗走在所有业务的最前端。中国 部找到资源并合理利用是最好的解决问题的 的医院有几万家,与GE合作的只有顶尖的几千家,很多医院分布在二三线城市和农村,所以GE 办法。这也是我们为什么非常重视招募、培 有很大的发展潜力。而且GE医疗已积极地针对中国农村市场推出产品,这就需要我们销售人员 训以及人才的维持和发展,人才是我们的核 来进一步对这些产品进行推广,让它们惠及更多的人们。 心优势。

问:您在GE工作的十年中,可以说在所任岗位都带领团队实现了业务的增长,并在去年获得GE 我不敢说我胜任每一个岗位。其实在GE,每 董事长兼首席执行官杰夫·伊梅尔特颁发的“增长英雄”奖。您认为是哪些因素促成了这些业绩 个岗位都很有挑战,每个岗位的做法也不尽相 的取得?您怎么把这些经验应用到CSN战略中?您又有哪些理念或信条帮助您在众多角色转换 同。但不变的是GE有很多资源可以利用,有 中获得成功? 很多同事帮助我们。所以关键是要善用GE的 人才,在本土化的方向下,建立本土化的产 黄克强:如果一定要列举的话,那就是在GE的10年中我认识到在GE,有很多有激情、有能力的 品、解决方案和人员储备,这样才能把GE的 员工,如果能把他们调动起来,给予他们正确的工具,让他们发挥出自己的激情,同时让他们 全球领先技术更好地运用到中国的机遇当中。 学会利用GE的长处和身边的资源,那么他们将能做出非常优秀的成绩。所以我一直认为在GE内 例如我在GE企业解决方案部门工作时,我们 整个队伍包括领导层都是中国人。经过三年多 的时间,我们从一个简单的队伍发展成为专业 的销售团队;在常州,我们仅用了一年的时间 就建立起了自己的工厂。我们之所以能够快速 地完成这些事情,均在于工作过程中我们能够 利用资源自己做出决定并立即实施。

问:最后,您是否要借杂志再次对CSN战略进 行一下推广,鼓舞更多人才加入GE?

黄克强:我在这套用GE副董事长约翰·赖斯 的一句话,“在中国建立一个世界级的商务 架构”。这句话就是我现在的工作方向:招 募有才能的销售人员、建立优秀的商务团 队、并通过他们的努力扩大GE在中国的业务 覆盖,最终帮助我们的客户解决最棘手的问 题。中国市场在不断发展,GE在中国将面临 很多机遇和挑战,在这样一个历史时刻,我 们队伍担当的角色非常重要。如果你有这方 面的能力和热情,如果你相信自己的能力, 你就应该参与到这一极具挑战的旅途中来。 我们正处在中国的发展洪流当中,我们所做 的工作是划时代的,我们在改变时代而这需 要大家的激情!如果大家有兴趣接受这个挑 战,就赶快加入我们吧!

60 GE在中国 Meet the Leader: Albert Wong

The CSN is an important part of GE’s “Making China a Second Home” strategy. In the next two years, GE will recruit around 1,000 sales men in China’s secondary cities, further promoting the localization of GE’s products, operation and people. The newly established sales and service team will expand GE business coverage in these secondary cities.

Q: First of all, congratulations on your recent appointment as GE’s Chief Commercial Officer in China. This is a brand new position at GE, and comes hand in hand with GE’s the CSN expansion strategy. How would you define the responsibilities of this position? And how do you define the CSN and what will it bring to GE’s development in China?

Wong: There are two key responsibilities in this brand new position.

First, I will lead the team to expand our commercial coverage to every corner of Albert Wong holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University China. GE China has been successful in the of Hong Kong and MBA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. top tier regions, but with our strong push for localization, we want to expand to Western, Albert first joined GE in March 2000, having worked in GE Industrial Systems and Central, Northeastern and Southern China. GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies. In December 2006, he was named President We have to expand beyond Shanghai of GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies Greater China. Beginning January 2008, and Beijing. For example, healthcare is Albert held the leadership position of GE Enterprise Solutions Greater China. making great progress into rural areas and secondary cities and almost all GE product Later in his successful career, on January 1, 2010, Albert was given a new challenge lines will follow in the successful footsteps of as he was named GE’s Chief Commercial Officer in China. This position puts him healthcare. In fact, our goal is to bring all of in charge for GE’s sales in China as well as the task of overseeing GE’s China Sales our advanced products and solutions to the Network (CSN). Chinese users who need them.

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Second, we need to develop relationships with key accounts and focus and pipeline development, as well as commercial competency on key verticals in order to provide customized solutions to our clients’ enhancement. In addition, compliance leaders are also important. most challenging problems. This embodies “In China, For China” which We will be setting up a network of compliance leaders across the we emphasize all the time. country to ensure our work complies with related standards of the environment, health and safety. The CSN is a commercial plan which helps GE expand business coverage while developing and providing solutions to GE’s customers. Every team member is an expert in their industry. The biggest The successful implementation of the plan will increase GE’s turnover expectation of this team is that we will be responsible for working in China and help GE provide the best solutions to China’s industries closely with each of GE’s businesses, be partners with them and be of focus so that GE could become the nation’s true partner. The CSN is able to create growth in China. focusing on three areas: Expansion, Solutions and Commercial Talents. The CSN will further promote the strategy of “Making China a Second Q: What strategies have you outlined for the CSN for both now Home”, and lead the economic development of China through the and the future? What are the priorities? What challenges do you localization of products, solutions and employees. foresee?

Wong: As mentioned before, the aims of the CSN are “building a EXPANSION SOLUTIONS distribution network” and “developing solutions for China”, which can be divided into three areas: Expansion, Solutions and Commercial Go-Blue / Rural Key Accounts Talents. Currently, we give priority to people, namely, the CSN West / North Verticals recruitment campaign. We first focus on Flow Products, which include Direct Sales Force “In China For China” Solutions GE Healthcare, GE Home & Business Solutions, GE Sensing & Inspection Commercial talents (platform) Technologies, GE Water & Process Technologies and others.

Hiring, Retention, Development, Compliance But we need to maintain strong cooperation with GE China Technology Commercial Effectiveness Center (CTC). The integration between the sales team and technology research and development is very important. GE CTC is responsible for Q: Since taking on this new role, you have recruited a lot of talents product development. We can convey the needs of customers to the for the CSN team. Can you give us a brief introduction of your engineers of CTC so that they can design new products accordingly. team and what your expectations are? Then, our sales team sells the new products. This in turn gives the CSN more chances to approach and gain knowledge of the market, Wong: We have already recruited more than 200 sales associates allowing it to promote products, R&D and sales. aiming to expand our presence in the rural market across GE’s different businesses which include GE Healthcare. In addition, Therefore, the current challenge is building the sales network in China. regional sales directors have been recruited. These professionals are We will take rural healthcare as the first step in building GE’s direct elites from their respective industries and have already taken offices marketing network. Though a very long-term goal which has already in the southwest, south, and Pan-Bohai regions of China. They will been partially met, GE aims to further develop and grow with China. each be responsible for distribution in their respective regions. They Can we provide business growth breakthroughs to GE in China through will also be covering key accounts in their areas and dealing with providing solutions for each industry? If China becomes the biggest related businesses. Apart from sales, our marketing director has also economy in the world within the next two decades, can the CSN help taken office. He will be responsible for segmentations and marketing GE use the opportunity that arise from new products and solutions to strategies for various industries. We have also recruited a commercial make better strategies, become a truly localized company and make operation director who will be creating the tools and mechanisms China its second home, thus realizing growth potential? This will be the needed to measure and improve commercial effectiveness. We of biggest challenge for the CSN. course also need our HR director, who is responsible for helping and hire talent and who will also take charge of commercial talent

62 GE在中国 GE IN CHINA 62 Q: You have led your team to promote the resources for remote areas are not enough. recruit even more sales associates to cover CSN in various cities. What impressed you If GE wants to explore the rural market, our almost all second-tier cities in China. This most on your tour? products and solutions need to be adapted. level of recruitment will obviously bring more Therefore, our first step is to go into these career opportunities to those cities. Moreover, Wong: In the past month, I have visited areas, get more feedback, and then establish sales can bring excellent products, solutions, many cities, such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, the next steps of our developmental direction. talent development and all the benefits of GE Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenyang, Wuhan, and partnership to these cities. At the same time, Xi'an. Later on I will go to other cities such as Q: How is recruiting going so far? While GE’s ecomagination and healthymagination Qingdao and . I like to see employees enhancing GE’s presence all around will promote the sustainable economic in different cities, especially the new recruits. China, what influences do you think will be development of each region. It’s their hard work that brings GE so many brought to local areas? opportunities. Q: Looking at opening positions, we can see Wong: By the end of April, after screening over that a high proportion of jobs are available Beyond Beijing and Shanghai, there are many 1,000 CVs, we have recruited over 200 new in GE Healthcare. Is this intended to echo opportunities for GE in Western, Northern, commercial employees in 12 cities. The CSN with healthcare reform in China? Southern, Southwestern and Northwestern recruitment campaign is going well and the China. But in these inland cities, people are hiring process has been proceeding smoothly. Wong: Of course, GE’s healthymagination not familiar with GE. Therefore, the advantage Now, the next step is to help and deal with the is in line with China’s healthcare reform. is we have many opportunities to work on, difficulties and challenges our new colleagues GE’s healthymagination will reduce costs, while the disadvantage is how to make people may encounter. We will recruit 750 rural sales expand accessibility and improve the quality accept GE. We got a lot of feedback during associates over the course of the next 12 to of healthcare. These all comply with the goal our road shows. The most common feedback 18 months, mainly in Western, Southwestern of the ongoing healthcare reform in China is that GE’s name is not well-known; the sales and Northeastern China. In the future, we will and that is also why GE Healthcare is rapidly

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What do you think retention then apply GE’s global leading has contributed to technologies in order to fully take advantage these achievements of the many opportunities in China. and how do you further apply them For example, when I worked in GE Enterprise to the CSN strategy? Solutions, all team members, including Are there any leaders, were Chinese. However, over the particular principles course of three years, we rapidly developed or credos that you from our modest beginnings to become followed or helped a highly skilled professional sales team. you overcome In Changzhou, we built a factory in just challenges? one year. The reason that we can rapidly finish these tasks is because we can use Wong: If there is our resources, make good decisions and one thing I learned implement them immediately. over the past ten years in GE, it would Q: Coming to the end, why don’t you use be the availability this opportunity to promote the CSN of very talented strategy – say something to encourage and passionate more talented professionals to join the employees. If we GE family? put them in the right position, give Wong: I want to quote the words of GE Vice them the right tools, Chairman John Rice: “Building a world-class challenge them and commercial structure in China”. That is also teach them how to my current task which is recruiting talented use the advantages sales associates, building an excellent and resources of GE, commercial team and making the effort to making progress among other businesses. they will make the differences. So I always expand business coverage in China for GE, There are tens of thousands of hospitals in consider that the best solution is finding through these resources that ultimately helps China, GE has been successful only with the the best resources in GE and pushing them our customers handle the toughest problems. top thousands. Many hospitals are in second to reach their great potential. That is why China is developing, and this development or third-tier cities, so GE has huge potential to the recruitment, training, retention and will bring many challenges and opportunities further develop in these areas. GE Healthcare development of commercial employees are to GE. At this historic moment, the role of our is already actively promoting products so important. Talent is our core advantage. team is crucial. If you have the passion and specifically tailored to China’s rural markets, if you think you are good in what you do, you which requires our sales team to further I dare not say I’m capable of every position. should join this challenging journey. We are promote these products so as to benefit an In fact, each position in GE is challenging on the forefront of development in China and even greater number of people. and the ways to do each job are different. our job is changing the times, and we need What would not change is that there are a your passion, we need your help! If you are Q: During your ten years at GE, you lot of available resources we can use and interested in this challenge, come and join us! brought growth to almost every business many colleagues who can help us. The key you’ve worked for, and last year you were is to make use of GE’s talented teams of granted a 2009 “Hero of Growth” award professionals, develop localized products from GE Chairman & CEO Jeff Immelt. and solutions and build localized employee

64 GE在中国 业务动态 News Flash

GE IN CHINA 65 业务动态 News Flash

GE RNP技术助力中国航空

近期,GE航空集团下属的纳沃斯公司设计的性能基导航(PBN)程序,先后在中国东方航空公司 的波音737和中国南方航空公司的A319飞机上成功完成了在拉萨贡嘎机场的验证飞行。该程序使用 的是PBN的一种高级形式“所需导航性能”(RNP)技术。该技术为世界最高、最具挑战的机场之 一——拉萨贡嘎机场提供了高效节能和全天候起降的航迹,使飞机在复杂飞行条件下实现安全的进 境和离场。

RNP程序能够应用于任何机场,确保准确的飞行航路。除此之外,其精确的设计能够缩短飞机所飞 距离,并减少噪音、降低油耗和废气排放物。也正是因为RNP的精确性和可靠性,空中交通管制人 员也可以运用该技术,减少航班延误并缓解空中交通的拥挤。作为GE航空集团的一部分,纳沃斯公 司是发展和实施基于性能导航的全球领导者,为世界多个国家提供PBN解决方案。

GE RNP Technology Supports Chinese Aviation

Recently, China Eastern and China Southern Airlines successfully completed their PBN validation flights on the Boeing 737 and Airbus A319 at the Lhasa Gonggar Airport. The PBN procedures, developed by Naverus Inc., a part of GE Aviation, use an advanced form of PBN, known as Required Navigation Performance (RNP), to provide fuel-efficient, all-weather arrival and departure paths at one of the world’s highest and most challenging airports, allowing aircraft to arrive and depart the airport at challenging time and situation.

RNP procedures can be deployed at any airport and ensure precisely-defined paths. The procedures’ unique design can reduce flight distance, noise, fuel consumption and emissions. Air traffic controllers can take advantage of the RNP’s accuracy and reliability to reduce flight delays and ease heavy air traffic. As a part of GE Aviation, Naverus is a global leader in the development and implementation of PBN and provides PBN solutions to many countries all over the world.

66 GE在中国 GE医疗参加中国国际医疗器械博览会, 推出四大解决方案

2010年4月18日,GE医疗参加了在深圳举办的 户量身制定低成本的全方位融资方案;“心体 展览会,吸引了来自全世界的医疗设备厂商, 第63届中国国际医疗器械博览会。会上,GE 验,享所愿”系列服务解决方案主要支持中国 也为医疗专业人士提供了接触最新技术、产品 推出了行业领先的四大医疗解决方案及其它世 医院的可持续发展,能结合医院的实际情况为 和解决方案,了解行业最新发展趋势的机会。 界先进的产品和技术。 其提供设备和资产管理的服务平台。

展区内,GE展示了基础医疗解决方案、疾病管 GE还推出了全新的OEC9900 Elite产品,它具有 理解决方案、整体融资解决方案和“心体验, 成像质量高、操作简单和放射量低等特点,可 基础医疗 享所愿”系列服务解决方案。基础医疗解决方 以帮助实现卓越的手术室解决方案。另外, Primary Care 案配合中国医改的政策,发挥GE的优势,从 GE还展出其它技术和创新解决方案,如GE医 疾病管理 多个角度为中国三级医疗体系提供了创新解决 疗新一代诊断X射线技术(DXR Technology) Disease 方案;疾病管理解决方案专门针对疾病诊断中 等,显示了其在医疗设备领域的领先地位。 Management 复杂的诊断需要,专注于提高肿瘤患者的医疗 质量,减少家庭和社会的负担;整体融资解决 始建于1979年的中国国际医疗器械博览会已成 整体融资 Loan Financing 方案利用GE在商务融资领域的专业经验,为客 为亚太地区最大的医疗器械及相关产品、服务 “心体验,享所 愿”系列服务 GE Healthcare Participates in CMEF, Service Pack Highlights Four Solutions

On April 18, 2010, GE Healthcare participated requirements of disease diagnosis and hospitals with an advanced solution for in the 63rd China International Medical focuses on improving the medical service the operating room. In addition, other Equipment Fair (CMEF) in Shenzhen, of cancer patients while reducing costs for technologies and innovations were also highlighting four solutions launched by GE both patients and society. The loan financing unveiled, such as GE Healthcare’s brand new Healthcare among its other world leading solution, using GE’s expertise in business diagnostic x-ray technology (DXR), which products and technologies. financing, is designed to customize full showcased the company’s industry leading financing solutions for clients. The service strength in the medical equipment market. During the fair, GE announced four pack solution provides equipment and advanced solutions: the primary care, resource management for hospitals and Established in 1979, the CMEF has become disease management, loan financing and supports the sustainable development of Asia Pacific region’s biggest exhibition service pack solutions. The primary care Chinese hospitals. serving the entire value chain for the solution, echoing goals set during China’s medical devices market. It attracts medical ongoing healthcare reform, provides In addition to these solutions, GE also equipment manufacturers from all over the innovative solutions to Chinese primary launched the brand new OEC9900 Elite, world, and provides the opportunity to see medical systems based on GE’s strong featuring high image quality and simple the latest technologies, products, solutions advantages. The disease management operation combined with low doses of and main trends guiding the professional solution is designed to meet the complex radiation. This brand new unit provides medical field.

GE IN CHINA 67 业务动态 News Flash

GE Motors与太钢签订3000万美元设备供应合同

2010年4月30日,GE Motors经过4年的竞标,与中国太原钢铁有限 GE的Quadramatic电机通过了绿色创想认证,能降低运营成本并减少对 公司(太钢)成功签订了价值3000万美元的合同,为其提供18台 环境的影响,其在整个开采周期中有望每年节省超过价值200万美元的 Quadramatic电机。这些电机将被用于开采太钢的铁矿,该铁矿将成为 能源。太钢是生产能力强、工艺技术装备水平高、品种规格全的不锈 中国最大、全球产量最多的铁矿之一。这是GE Motors同等型号产品中 钢生产企业,是集铁矿开采、钢铁生产、加工、配送和贸易为一体的 最大,也是在华销售额最高的订单。这些Quadramatic电机将于2011年 大型钢铁联合企业,其综合实力位居中国钢铁行业前列。 中期制造完成。

整个竞标过程中,GE一直致力于达到更高的技术效率,以便减少开采 成本,并降低能源消耗。为了更好地了解铁矿的基本特征和多样性, 以及其对电机运转速度的影响,GE组织了其在中国及加拿大的专家展 开工作,并与SGS Lakefield Research进行合作。凭借着对工程应用、技 术和测试深刻的理解,以及优秀、资深的团队致力于为客户提供最优 的系统解决方案,GE的努力最终得到了太钢客户的认可。

GE Motors, TISCO Sign USD 30 Million Supply Contract

On April 30, 2010, GE Motors, after a lengthy four-year bidding detailed understanding of engineering applications, technology and process, won a USD 30 million contract to supply 18 Quadramatic testing, and its exceptional team of experienced professionals, GE motors to the Taiyuan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. (TISCO), China. The motors has maintained its strong commitment to providing the best solutions will be used in the company’s iron-ore mine, which will be the largest to its clients; and in the end, this commitment was recognized by in China having one of the highest outputs in the world. The order is receiving this large contract from TISCO. the largest of its kind for GE Motors, as well as the largest in China. The Quadramatic motors will be completed by mid 2011. GE’s quadramatic motors are ecomagination certified, meaning the product exhibits improved operating costs and a reduced Throughout the bidding process GE focused on driving greater environmental footprint. Over the life of the mine, energy savings technology efficiency in order to reduce costs and energy are expected to exceed USD 2 million annually. As a huge stainless requirements associated with the use of motors in the mining steel enterprise equipped with huge capacity and most up-to-date industry. GE worked with specialists from across the company and technology and equipment, TISCO has developed into a premier iron two continents located in China and Canada, as well as the SGS and steel complex in China, which integrates mining with iron and Lakefield Research facility to better understand the nature of the steel production, processing, delivery and trading. mine’s ore samples and the impact they have on motor speed. With

68 GE在中国 GE参加中美水环境利用与保护(武汉)经贸合作会议

2010年2月4日,GE在武汉参加了由美国贸易发展署、美国驻华使馆及 武汉市人民政府共同举办的中美水环境利用与保护(武汉)经贸合作 会议,来自武汉市发改委、环保局和水务局的有关领导和武汉市众多 知名企业的代表出席了会议。会上,GE作了题为“GE的废水处理与回 用解决方案”的演讲,具体介绍了GE在污水处理和回用方面的先进技 术和工程实践。会后,GE团队还与武汉本地企业在水处理及环保方面 的具体合作进行了一对一的项目洽谈。

作为华中地区发展最迅速的城市之一,武汉是GE巩固华中市场的重要 基地。借本次会议,GE积极与武汉政府部门及业界在湖水治理、市政 供水和污水处理等领域展开互动,携手推进武汉地区水处理行业在环 保和节能两大主题下的可持续发展。

GE水处理及工艺过程处理集团华中区销售总监孙义 Oliver Sun, Central China Sales Director of GE Water & Process Technologies

GE Attends US-China Cooperation on Water Utilization and Conservation Forum

On February 4, 2010, GE attended the US-China Cooperation on Water Utilization and Conservation Forum in Wuhan which was organized by the U.S. Trade Development Bureau, U.S. Embassy and the Wuhan municipal government. Government officials from the Wuhan Development and Reform Commission, Wuhan Environment Protection Administration and Water Resource Bureau, and representatives from Wuhan’s local enterprises also participated in the forum. GE delivered a presentation entitled "GE Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Solutions" which introduced cutting- edge technologies and engineering practices that GE has implemented in the area. After the forum, GE and Wuhan local enterprises held individual talks on the details of cooperating on water treatment and environmental protection.

As one of the fastest developing cities in central China, Wuhan is a key city for GE’s regional development strategy. Through the forum, GE actively held exchanges with the government of Wuhan and local enterprises on issues such as water treatment for lakes, municipal water supply and wastewater treatment aiming to jointly make progress in promoting the sustainable development of the water treatment industry in Wuhan.

GE IN CHINA 69 业务动态 News Flash


2010年1月7日,GE水处理及工艺过程处理集 团(GE水处理)再度荣获慧聪网2009年度中 国水工业行业十大名膜企业之首。自2007年 来,GE水处理已连续三次荣获中国水工业行 业十大名企的殊荣。此荣誉不仅是对GE水处 理在中国水处理行业内所起到的积极推动作 用的肯定,同时也是对GE致力于开发和推广 开源、节流、环保的水处理解决方案的高度 认可。

此次活动由慧聪水工业网主办,旨在表彰在 中国水工业领域有突出贡献的企业和团体, 颁奖典礼在北京钓鱼台国宾馆举行。

GE Ranks China Top Ten International Membrane Company

On January 7, 2010, GE Water & Process Technologies (GE W&PT) was listed as the number one company in “2009’s Top Ten Membrane Enterprises in the Water Industry in China” by HC360. This is the third time for GE W&PT to win the title since 2007. The award recognizes not only GE W&PT’s contribution to China’s water process industry, but also its commitment to research and promotion of water process solutions that combine new technology, energy conservation and environmental protection.

The selection was conducted by HC360 with the purpose of recognizing enterprises or associations which have made outstanding contributions to the sustainable development of China’s

Z-MOD water industry. The award ceremony was held in Beijing Diaoyutai Z-MOD膜生物反应器整机机组 State Guesthouse.

70 GE在中国 GE全息光盘技术获“年度最炫技术奖”

2010年3月24日,GE全球研发中心开发的“全息光盘”技术在《第一 财经周刊》主办的“炫@商业2009评选盛典”上,荣获了“年度最炫 技术奖”。这种“全息光盘”能够以普通CD尺寸存储500GB的数据, 相当于20张蓝光碟、100张DVD光盘以及一部大容量硬盘的容量,“全 息光盘”的出现让大容量存储技术登上了新的台阶。

《第一财经周刊》隶属于中国最大财经媒体第一财经传媒,自2008年起 每年主办“炫@商业”评选活动。本次是GE继“数字心脏”后,第二次 摘得“炫技术”桂冠。

Kelvin Wang (fourth from right), General Manager of GE Global Research Center in Shanghai, received the crystal prize on behalf of GE at the awards ceremony. GE全球研发中心上海部总经理王军文(右四)代表GE领奖

GE’s Micro-Holographic Disc Named Coolest Technology of 2009

On March 24, 2010, GE’s “Micro-Holographic Disc” technology, developed by GE Global Research Center, won the “Coolest Technology of 2009 Award” at the Cool Business Awards Ceremony hosted by China Business Network Weekly. The recently developed Micro- Holographic Disc can support 500 gigabytes of storage capability in a standard CD-sized disc, equal to that of 20 single-layer Blu-ray discs, 100 DVDs or a large-capacity hard drive. GE’s breakthrough is considered a huge step forward in mass storage technology.

China Business Network Weekly is run by the China Business News Group, China’s leading business media, and they have presented the “Coolest Technology of the Year” since 2008. This is the second time GE received this prestigious award after the company’s “Digital Heart” received the award in 2008.

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2009年12月27日,GE中国研发中心在上海 浦东新区“幸福生产力·人文关怀”优秀企 业颁奖典礼上荣获“生产力创新奖”。根据 GE“绿色创想”和“健康创想”两大战略计 划,研发中心以节能环保技术、电子电力等领 域为重点,为社会提供了多项高科技成果。同 时,研发中心和上海市科委共同出资,与上海 市肺科医院共同开发的尘肺病早期检测技术为 中国的职业病筛查做出了贡献。

“幸福生产力·人文关怀”优秀企业评选活 动由上海浦东新区科学技术协会、浦东新区 人力资源工作协会等单位共同主办,以“倡 导人文关怀,推崇幸福生产力,共创和谐社 会”为宗旨。其中“生产力创新奖”颁发给 具有优秀的创新管理模式,并致力于开发节 能环保、促进健康等有益于社会发展的新产 品和新技术的企业。

GE CTC Receives "Productivity Innovation Award"

On December 27, 2009, GE China Technology Center (GE CTC) The Enterprise Excellence Awards were jointly organized by the received the "Productivity Innovation Award" at the "Healthy Pudong Science and Technology Association, Pudong Human Productivity, Care for Humanity" Enterprise Excellence award Resource Association and other organizations in Shanghai and ceremony in Pudong New District. According to GE’s ecomagination aimed to introduce new ways of caring for humanity, encourage and healthymagination initiatives, GE CTC focuses on areas such healthy productivity and build a harmonious society. The as eco technologies and electronic devices and systems and has "Productivity Innovation Award" is presented to enterprises that provided society with many high-tech achievements. In addition, with operate with excellent and innovative management and are co-funding from the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, proactive in addressing high-tech challenges in areas such as energy GE CTC is cooperating with the Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital to conservation and health. develop an advanced computer-aided detection technology for pneumoconiosis screening, which has greatly contributed to the screening of China's occupational diseases.

72 GE在中国 GE中国研发中心被授予 GE中国研发中心位列年度 “环境诚信绿色企业”称号 最佳企业研究院

2009年12月3日,GE中国研发中心获得了由浦东环境保护和市容卫 最近,GE中国研发中心被《环球企业家》杂志评为年度最佳企业研究 生管理局授予的“环境诚信绿色企业”称号,并将向研发中心发放 院。GE中国研发中心凭借其在中国持续增长的研发投入,在健康创 20,000元奖金,用于企业未来的环境保护工作。环保部门对研发中心 想、绿色创想方面的基础研发实力,以及与中国合作伙伴的紧密合作 的监察性环境监测也将减半。 等在众多企业研发中心中脱颖而出。《环球企业家》杂志在2010年2 月的创新特刊中特邀学术界、咨询公司及设计界各方专家,结合数字 GE中国研发中心因其在无排放超标和违规作业、遵循环境法规要 指标进行筛选,对外资在华研发中心和中国领先企业的研发机构的综 求、积极从事减少废弃物污染排放,以及良好的社区关系方面取得的 合表现进行定量化评价,共有20家研发中心获此殊荣。 成绩而获此称号。2009年,在浦东新区多家企业中,共有7家企业获 得此项荣誉。 GE CTC Named 2010 Best GE CTC Receives “Green Corporate R&D Center

Company Award” from Global Entrepreneur named GE China Technology Center (GE CTC) the Best Corporate R&D Center of 2010. GE CTC was Pudong EPB recognized for its ongoing R&D investment in China, fundamental research capability on ecomagination and healthymagination, as well as the cooperation with Chinese partners. The magazine On December 3, 2009, GE China Technology Center (GE CTC) also emphasized the role of GE CTC played as a reverse innovation received the “Green Company Award” from the Pudong engine. 20 companies got the honor including both foreign and Environmental Protection Bureau (Pudong EPB). The Pudong EPB local corporate R&D centers. will award 20,000 RMB to GE CTC for its future environmental protection activities. GE CTC’s sampling and monitoring work will also be halved by local EPB offices.

The “Green Company Award” was given to GE CTC for its excellent achievement of zero violations in discharge standards and regulations, compliance to related environmental regulations, active efforts in reducing waste discharge, and fostering good relations with community stakeholders. In 2009, seven companies were recognized as “Green Companies” in Pudong New District.

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GE石油天然气集团上海工 GE智能平台推出Proficy® 厂荣获“安全生产诚信五 Change Management 星级企业”称号 SmartStart产品

近日,GE石油天然气集团上海工厂通过了上海闵行区安全生产监督 2010年1月28日,GE智能平台推出新型Proficy® Change Management 局“安全生产诚信星级企业”的评定,顺利地完成了安监局组织的现 SmartStart软件和服务解决方案。新产品结合了功能完善的软件和快 场检查、现场审核及专家组的现场验证,获得了“安全生产诚信五星 速介入模型,能够快速实现自动化并提高变更管理过程效率。用户可 级企业”称号,并在上海市闵行区全区范围内通报表扬。 通过SmartStart在30天内全面了解和评估Proficy®的功能,最大限度 降低前期成本或定制风险。通过评估,公司将仅需投资于入门服务, “安全生产诚信星级企业”评定由上海闵行区安全生产监督局举办, 在评估期间可免费获得最新的软件许可证。 旨在通过表彰在安全生产方面成绩突出的企业和团体,增强企业安全 生产责任意识,建立健全企业安全生产长效管理机制,营造守法、规 Proficy® Change Management有助于机构评估、监控和管理,并降低 范、诚信、有序的生产经营环境。 软件和设备管理相关成本,同时还提供变更跟踪和通知,有助于提高 工作人员的效率,从而提高生产力。SmartStart采用经过认证的模板 化方法,以低风险、极高速的方式对工厂系统执行自动变更管理。 GE Oil & Gas Shanghai Site GE Intelligent Platforms Awarded as Work Safety Launches Proficy® Change Integrity Star Enterprise Management SmartStart

Recently, GE Oil & Gas Shanghai site was awarded the title of On January 28, 2010, GE Intelligent Platforms launched the new "Work Safety Integrity Star Enterprise" by the Shanghai Minhang Proficy® Change Management SmartStart software and service District Administration of Work Safety Bureau after the successful solutions. The new product integrates well-featured software and a completion of an onsite audit, evaluation and verification. The rapid intervention model to realize rapid automation and improve recognition was publicized widely throughout the district. management alteration progress efficiency. Users can gain a comprehensive understanding and evaluation of Proficy® in just 30 days by SmartStart, which greatly minimizes up-front costs or The title of "Work Safety Integrity Star Enterprise" is organized custom risk. During the SmartStart assessment period, companies by the Shanghai Minhang District Administration of Work Safety only need to pay for the primer service, and can acquire updated Bureau and aims to raise safety awareness, build long-term safety software licenses for free. management mechanisms, and create the perfect operational environment for manufacturing through highlighting companies Proficy® Change Management helps organizations evaluate, that show excellence in production safety. monitor and manage while lowering software and equipment management costs. The software also offers alteration tracing and notices that help improve workers’ efficiency and productivity. SmartStart implements a proven template method to execute automatic alteration management of the factory at low risk and high speed.

74 GE在中国 GE智能平台获产业钜献奖及管理精英奖

近日,GE在“工控十年自动化经营管理论坛 暨颁奖典礼”上获得两项大奖。其中,GE智 能平台的PACSystems控制器荣获产业钜献 奖,而GE智能平台大中华区总经理黄家裕被 授予管理精英奖。PACSystems控制器拥有 内存空间大、内存访问延迟低及访问速度快 等特点,同时具有卓越的灵活性和可靠性。 黄家裕从2006年任职至今,坚持GE“立足 中国,服务中国”的战略,适时调整销售框 架,使公司销售业绩保持每年平均两位数的 高速增长,总业务量增长超过了40%。

本次评选活动由中国工控网举办,旨在借网 站成立十周年之机,共同回顾和纪念工控业 十年的发展。活动评选出中国自动化十年产 业钜献奖、领军企业奖、成长新锐奖、新兴 品牌奖、领袖人物奖和管理精英奖等奖项。

GE Intelligent Platforms Wins Industrial Contribution and Management Elite Awards

Recently, GE Intelligent Platforms won two and successfully increased the company’s awards at a ceremony held for the “10 Year sales by an average two-digit increase every Review - Industrial Control Automation year, a total business volume growth of more Management Forum”. The two separate than 40 percent. awards included the “Industrial Contribution Award” for PACSsystems and the The ceremony and selection was “Management Elite Award” for Oscar Wong, held by to mark its 10 General Manager of GE Intelligent Platforms. year anniversary and to review and PACsystems Control Memory Xchange commemorate the development of industrial features large memory space, low access control over the past decade. Many latency and high visiting speed, as well as awards were issued including the Industrial excellent flexibility and reliability. Oscar Contribution Award, Leading Enterprise, Best Wong, since taking his management position New Company, Emerging Brand, Best Leader in 2006, has been navigating the business and Management Elite Award among others. under GE’s strategy of “In China, for China”,

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76 GE在中国 全球著名财经主播伯恩·哈德罗重归CNBC

2010年3月1日,CNBC财经电视台宣布伯恩·哈德罗将重新回到CNBC, 成为驻香港演播厅的主持人。CNBC表示伯恩·哈德罗引人入胜和极具亲 和力的风格将是CNBC团队的有益补充,他的加入将会保证CNBC继续 以一流的团队为亚太观众提供高水平的新闻服务。就职后伯恩·哈德罗 将负责每日核心商业节目以及每周30分钟的谈话节目。

CNBC亚太区总裁兼董事总经理萨德佩·布瑞奇表示:“我对于伯恩·哈 德罗重回CNBC感到十分兴奋,他在这一行业内有二十多年的经验,他 的经验和见解会是我们巨大的财富。这一最新举措证明了CNBC对观众 的承诺。”

过去的六年,伯恩·哈德罗一直是彭博新闻社香港地区的主要主持人, 在此之前他也曾就职于CNBC电视台香港地区,主持多档品牌节目。这 次伯恩·哈德罗的重新加入是CNBC亚太总部近几个月来一系列战略举措 中的最新一步。

CNBC Announces Return of Bernard Lo

On March 1, 2010, CNBC announced that Bernard Lo will rejoin the network as an anchor based out of the broadcasting company’s Hong Kong Studio. Bernard Lo’s engaging and accessible style will perfectly complement the already strong news team and ensure CNBC continues to best serve the Asian viewership with the most capable people in the industry. Bernard Lo’s new assignment will include coverage during core business day programming, as well as a weekly 30-minute talk show.

“I am thrilled to welcome Bernard Lo back to the CNBC family,” said Satpal Brainch, President & Managing Director, CNBC Asia. “With two decades in the industry, his experience, access and insight will be a tremendous asset to our organization. This latest move continues to highlight CNBC’s commitment to our viewers and to the region.”

Over the last six years, Bernard Lo has been the lead anchor on Bloomberg television based in Hong Kong. Prior to that, he was with CNBC, also based in Hong Kong, where he hosted several flagship programs. This is the latest in a series of strategic moves made by CNBC Asia over the last several months.

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2010年2月4日,11个GE品牌和27个Hotpoint®牌的冰箱、洗衣机和冷 柜中标最新一轮“家电下乡”项目。Hotpoint®品牌由GE家电于2009年 9月引入中国,该品牌产品不仅具有高品质和高耐用性等特点,同时能 帮助GE更好地贴近中国农村市场的需求。此次中标确保了GE家电在中 国农村市场中相对于其它国际品牌的竞争优势,同时加大了GE家电在 中国的市场份额。

“家电下乡”项目是中国政府运用财政和贸易政策,对购买指定家电 产品的农民予以一定比例财政补贴的措施,旨在激活农民购买能力、 扩大农民消费,促进内需。

GE and Hotpoint® Branded Appliances Win Bid for “Rural Rebate” Program

On February 4, 2010, 11 GE and 27 Hotpoint® branded refrigerators, washers and chest freezers won the bid for the latest “Rural Rebate” program. Hotpoint®, a brand known for its quality and durability, was introduced by GE Appliances in last September to meet the needs of China’s rural market. The biding not only establishes GE’s advantages over other global brands, but also enhances GE’s market share in China.

The “Rural Rebate” program, launched by the Chinese government, is designed to boost consumption in the rural market by rebating the appliance’s sales to farmers who buy the designated models.

78 GE在中国 爱心满中国 GE in Community

GE IN CHINA 79 爱心满中国 GE in Community


2010年2月3日,GE在“环球人物榜2009跨国企业年度人物评选”颁奖典礼上被授予“社会责任 奖”。2009年,GE继续推进“绿色创想”战略,在全球范围内启动“健康创想”战略,并坚持 实施“将中国视为第二故乡”的本土战略,致力于通过发展多元化合作伙伴关系与技术创新助 力中国经济的可持续发展。为此,GE获得了该项荣誉。

“环球人物榜2009跨国企业年度人物评选”活动由人民日报社《环球人物》杂志主办,旨在回 顾跨国企业在2009年对中国经济和社会进步方面产生的积极影响。此次评选吸引了16万网民的 投票,由经济学家、媒体负责人和政府官员担任评审。评选颁发了“先锋领袖奖”、“年度企 业奖”、“社会责任奖”等11个奖项,充分肯定了跨国企业在中国做出的贡献。

GE Receives “Global People 2009” Social Responsibility Award

partnerships and introducing innovative technologies throughout 2009.

The “Global People 2009” selection, organized by Global People Magazine, a publication issued by People’s Daily, reviews the positive economic and social impacts that international corporations have made in China in 2009. This selection attracted 160,000 online votes while the formal judge GE中国政府事务副总裁陈然峰(左一)在颁奖典礼上 panel included economists, media leaders Roger Chen (first from left), Vice President of Government Affairs, GE China at the award ceremony and governmental officials. A total of 11 On February 3, 2010, GE was granted a strategy, launch of healthymagination awards were granted, and included the prestigious award for its contributions in worldwide, demonstrated commitment Pioneering Leadership, Annual Corporation, social responsibility at the “Global People to China through the “Making China a Social Responsibility and other awards. All 2009” award ceremony held in Beijing. GE Second Home” localization strategy, and of these awards aim to fully recognize the received this recognition for the continued the overall dedication to China’s sustainable contribution international enterprises have implementation of the ecomagination development through forging diverse made in China.

80 GE在中国 GE支持中国灾区

作为视中国为第二故乡的优秀企业公民,GE积极对在中国发生的灾情 问和敬意;5月3日,GE航空集团下属的纳沃斯公司宣布捐赠其设计的 做出回应。2009年秋季以来,中国西南地区遭受严重旱灾;2010年4月 玉树导航航迹——新的基于性能导航(PBN)航迹,它将提升中国向玉 14日,青海玉树地区又发生强烈地震。为支持灾区,3月31日,GE向中 树灾区进行空中救援的运输保障能力,并将改善运送救援物资和人员航 国红十字会总会捐助二十万人民币帮助西南三省灾区人民抗旱救灾;4 班的飞行可靠性和频率。由于玉树机场地处边远山区,给救援运输带来 月19日,GE基金会通过中国红十字会向青海玉树地震灾区捐款一百万 了极大的困难和不确定性,但是RNP能够使飞机具备安全导航、全天候 人民币,用于拯救并帮助失去家园的灾区人民,同时也通过中国红十字 及夜航的能力。 会转达GE中国13,000名员工对灾区人民和奋战在抗震救灾一线人员的慰

GE Responds to Disaster Relief Efforts in China

As a socially responsible corporate citizen in Qinghai Province. GE hopes this donation Province and will also immediately improve that sees China as its second home, GE will help save lives and help those who lost the reliability and frequency of relief flights actively responds to disasters that strike in their homes in the Yushu earthquake. GE also carrying aid, humanitarian workers and China. Since last autumn, many provinces in asked the RCSC to convey the best wishes government officials. Because the airport Southwest China have been suffering from of GE's 13,000 employees in China to the is located in a remote, mountainous region, severe drought, and on April 14, 2010, Yushu people in the earthquake zone as well as access is challenged due to inclement was hit by a devastating earthquake. To show those working adamantly on disaster relief. weather and airport restrictions that allow its support, GE donated RMB 200,000 to the Then on May 3, Naverus, part of GE Aviation, daytime-only aircraft operations. But RNP is Red Cross Society of China (RCSC) on March announced that it has donated advanced able to guide safe, all-weather, day and night 31 to support disaster relief efforts during the navigation paths at Yushu Airport. The new aircraft operations at mountainous airports ongoing aftermath of the severe drought. PBN (performance-based navigation) paths such as Yushu. Later, on April 19, GE Foundation made a will allow Chinese air carriers to speed relief donation of RMB 1 million to support ongoing supplies and emergency response efforts emergency relief efforts for the earthquake to the earthquake stricken area in Qinghai

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中国民用航空总局 感 谢 信


2010年4月14日,我国青海省玉树地区发生了7.1级强烈地震,地震造成了巨大的人员伤亡和财产损失。地震发生后,按照我国政 府的统一部署,中国民航局立即组织航空公司以最快的速度投入到抗震救灾行动之中。但由于玉树机场地处青海高原,海拔高, 地形复杂,适航的机型较少,使用传统导航程序飞行,安全与业载方面都面临很大的压力。可喜的是,贵公司去年为东航制作的 RNP飞行程序此次大显身手,充分体现了航行新技术的价值!

考虑到灾后重建后续运输任务仍十分繁重,中国民航局于4月23日要求中国国际航空公司西南分公司尽快建立玉树机场的RNP运行 能力,为实现常态化飞行支援灾区重建做好准备。显而易见,玉树机场的RNP飞行程序成了关键,为此,我局飞行标准司与贵公 司联系,希望得到你们的配合。

接到来自中国民航局的电话后,贵公司第一时间做出积极响应。基于紧急人道主义援助的考虑,贵公司决定为国航西南分公司制 作并无偿捐赠玉树机场的所需导航性能(RNP)飞行程序。在项目实施期间,贵公司有关工作人员加班加点,任劳任怨,积极配 合国航西南分公司RNP项目小组,在短短不到一周的时间就完成了验证飞行的全部准备工作,并于4月29日成功地进行了国航A319 玉树机场的RNP验证飞行,在响应速度方面创造了RNP历史上的新奇迹。至此,国航继东航后又具备了执行玉树机场RNP运行的能 力,为玉树灾后重建提供了一支新的航空主力军。

中国民航自2004年开展RNP技术研究和应用以来,先后在拉萨、林芝、九寨、邦达、玉树等高原机场多次成功实施了RNP项目,美 国纳沃斯公司(现在为美国通用电气公司所属)积极参与这些项目并予以大力的支持,为中国民航RNP技术的推广和普及做出了 积极贡献。这次为玉树灾后重建捐赠的玉树机场RNP飞行程序属于紧急人道主义援助,不但体现了贵公司“人的生命高于一切” 的高尚道德理念,也充分显示出贵公司多年来在与中国民航的真诚合作中建立了深厚的友谊。此外,Steven Fulton先生4月20日代 表贵公司就玉树地震发给中国民航局的慰问信业已收悉,我们非常感动。在此,我谨代表中国民用航空局并以我个人的名义向贵 公司表示诚挚的感谢并致以崇高的敬意!

李健 中国民用航空局副局长 2010年5月18日

82 GE在中国 CAAC Appreciates GE for Navigation Assistance in Yushu Earthquake Disaster Relief

General Administration of Civil Aviation of China Letter of Appreciation


On April 14, 2010, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck Yushu, Qinghai province, causing extensive casualties and property loss. After the earthquake, according to the unifi ed deployment of our national government, CAAC immediately organized airlines to join the rescue action with the quickest response. However, since the Yushu airport is located on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau at a high altitude with complex terrain, very few aircraft were suitable to operate there. Using the traditional fl ight procedures brings big pressure on safety and payload. Luckily, RNP fl ight procedure was developed for the Yushu airport by Naverus last year which makes use of the latest technology and overcomes challenges created by the airport’s altitude and geography.

Considering the heavy transportation task of rebuilding Yushu after the earthquake, on April 23, 2010, CAAC requested Air China’s Southwest Branch to build Yushu RNP capabilities as soon as possible in order to assist overall reconstruction efforts in Yushu through fl ight normalization. Apparently, Yushu RNP fl ight procedure became the key point. Therefore, our Flight Standard Department contacted Naverus to expect your cooperation on this.

After receiving the phone from CAAC, Naverus sprang into action. In addition, Naverus decided to graciously donate Yushu RNP fl ight procedure to Air China’s Southwest Branch as a means of offering humanitarian relief. During the development of Yushu procedure, Naverus employees worked overtime and actively cooperated with RNP project team of Air China Southwest and completed all preparation work relating to fl ight validation. On April 29, 2010, Air China A319 Yushu RNP validation fl ight was successfully completed. This quick response truly is a miracle in the history of RNP. The successful fl ight also made Air China the another airline to build RPN capabilities, after China Eastern, which provided a new aviation main force for Yushu post-earthquake reconstruction.

Since fi rst developing and applying RNP technology in 2004, CAAC has successively and successfully implemented RNP projects at high elevation airports including Lhasa, Linzhi, Jiuzhai, Bangda and Yushu. Naverus of America (Now GE–Naverus) has actively participated in these projects and offered a great deal of support, which in turn has helped promote RNP technology in China’s civil aviation. The kind donation of Yushu RNP fl ight procedure demonstrates Naverus’ responsibility and understanding of emergency humanitarian relief, which captures the company’s strong moral conception of “putting human life fi rst”, as well as the deep and long lasting friendship between Naverus and CAAC. In addition, the Letter of Sympathy written by Mr. Steve Fulton on behalf of Naverus to CAAC regarding the Yushu earthquake has been received and it truly moved us. I now, on behalf of CAAC, would like to express our sincere thanks and admiration to Naverus!

Mr. LI Jian Vice Minister CAAC

GE IN CHINA 83 爱心满中国 GE in Community


2010年3月26日,GE在《商业价值》杂志主办的“2010中国企业社会责任(CSR)竞争力”论 坛暨颁奖典礼上凭借其对环境、健康与安全(EHS)理念的推广而入选“2010中国CSR竞争力杰 出案例”。GE通过推广企业环境保护、生产安全和员工健康的EHS理念,协助提高了整个社会 对于EHS理念的理解和认识,同时为自己营造了更加和谐的生存环境,并降低了采购风险和管 理成本,增强了自身产品的竞争力。

本次评选旨在推进在中国特定的社会与商业环境下,如何用创新的方式与可借鉴的模板,让 更多企业把CSR由概念转为切实的行动。《商业价值》杂志是面向中高层管理者的商业管理月 刊,是中国商业管理领域中一本思想新锐、为高端商业人群提供商业趋势判断的新型媒体。

GE Recognized as Outstanding Case in CSR Competitiveness in China 2010

On March 26, 2010, GE was recognized for driving the most competitive and outstanding CSR initiative by promoting “Environment, Health and Safety” (EHS) at the China CSR Competitiveness 2010 Forum hosted by Business Value magazine. By promoting EHS, GE provided the whole of Chinese society with a better understanding of EHS while giving the company an even more harmonious standing by decreasing its procurement risks and management costs, thus making products more competitive.

This forum aims to encourage innovative CSR initiatives and highlights the most outstanding cases to serve as references for other organizations operating in the current social and commercial environment in China. Business Value is a new monthly publication that shares commercial trends with China’s high level business community.

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