Matthew 17:1-8 “The Transfiguration” – Closer Look Example I. Read Actively 1. Isolate The Literary Unit • Matthew 17:1-8 – The Transfiguration • Before – There is more heated animosity between and the /scribes (Mt. 15:1-9; 10-20; 16:1-4). Peter has just said that Jesus is the Christ (Mt. 16:16), he foretells his death for a first time (Mt. 16:21-23) • After – Jesus foretells his death a second time (Mt. 17:22-23), discourse for teachings of the Church 2. Read The Story Multiple Times 3. Identify The Setting and Characters • Setting – high mountain • Characters – Jesus, Peter, James, John, , , God the Father 4. Observe the Story • This text has always perplexed me about the significance of this story and especially what we are supposed to get out of it. • Jesus is referencing the transfiguration story in Mt. 16:28, saying that some of them won’t taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom. • After six days shows the time period between the above statement and this event. • Peter is one of them that is called up to the Mountain, he is undoubtedly one of Jesus’ closest disciples yet it seems that he fluctuates in his faith the most. • Peter recalls of this in :16-18. He recalls that they saw the Lord’s majesty and that Jesus received honor and glory from God the Father. • I have always wondered this would have looked like. It must have been an amazing scene that we have Jesus face shining (glory of the Lord). • Moses and Elijah appear to them. Both prominent figures in the Old Testament especially in an eschatological sense. Moses was buried by the Lord (Dt. 24:5-6) and Elijah was taken up to heaven by the Lord (2 Kings 2:11) • The two men that were with Jesus also have were often connected to Jewish eschatological thought. • Both Moses and Elijah went up on Mount Sinai to meet with God and see his glory (Ex. 24:15-18; 33:18-23, 1 Kings 19:8-13) (France, 648).1 • What were Moses and Elijah saying to Jesus? • What is the significance of Peter wanting to pitch 3 tents? (I remember hearing one (maybe two) sermons that this was putting Jesus in a box and putting him on par with Moses and Elijah and our view of Jesus should be bigger than this.

1 France, R. T., 2007. The of Matthew. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub.

1 Matthew 17:1-8 “The Transfiguration” – Closer Look Example Something about this just never seemed to fit right with me, hopefully with more examination I can work this out) • Bright cloud brings up the “glory of the Lord” with the Israelites and it also signifies the presence of Yahweh (in this case talking to his son, Jesus) • What a great verbal/physical testimony to Peter, James, and John. Peter has just confessed Jesus as the Christ (Mt. 16:16). For a voice from heaven, who was clearly God, confessing that this is his “beloved Son” and “listen to him” would have had to have a magnificent effect on each of them in solidifying their faith. • Their reaction is one where I think anyone would have the same reaction. • It seems weird that there was no kind of significant reaction to seeing Moses and Elijah there except Peter just saying “it is good for us to be here” and wishing to pitch a tent for each of them. • In the OT hearing God’s voice and falling on their face in fear is a common occurrence (Ez. 1:28, Dan. 8:17; 10:9; 15) (France, 650) • Jesus once again shows compassion to people by calming touching them and giving them confidence to be not afraid. • Why was the transfiguration so short, why isn’t there any mention of what Jesus was saying to Moses and Elijah, how did they know that it was Moses and Elijah? 5. Isolate The Different Scenes • Scene 1 – Mt 17:1 (After 6 days they go up the mountain) • Scene 2 – Mt. 17:2 (Jesus is transfigured) • Scene 3 – Mt. 17:3 (Moses and Elijah appear talking to Jesus) • Scene 4 – Mt. 17:4 (Peter speaks, wants to build booths) • Scene 5 – Mt. 17:5-6 (God speaks, disciples are terrified) • Scene 6 – Mt. 17:7 (Jesus comforts his disciples) • Scene 7 – Mt. 17:8 (Disciples reaction by looking up and only seeing Jesus) 6. Analyze the Narrative • The Rising Tension – Mt. 17:1-4 • The Climax – Mt. 17:5-6 • The Resolution – Mt. 17:7 • The Following Action/Interpretation – Mt. 17:8 7. Contexts • Acts, Cycles and Literary Structures • This story comes in the middle of several small pericopes which all point in some way to who Jesus is and why he came. (p. 834)”2

2 Green, J. B., McKnight, S. & Marshall, I. H., 1992. Dictionary of Jesus and the . Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.

2 Matthew 17:1-8 “The Transfiguration” – Closer Look Example • The whole Gospel context (intratextuality, four-fold Gospel, Jesus death and resurrection) • Intratextuality (a) This is the one of the many times that Matthew states that Jesus goes to a mountain. A common occurrence of these episodes is that either: 1) Jesus is going up the mountain to either be secluded (to pray, be tempted), to have a major encounter with his disciples or to preach. All of which are major events in the Gospel (Mt. 4:8; 14:23; 15:29; 17:1; 24:3; 28:16) (b) This is one of two occurrences when Jesus’ closest disciples go with Jesus go a more intense spiritual event. (Mt. 17:1; 26:36-37) (c) This is the second time a voice from heaven (God) says that “This is my beloved Son, with who I am well pleased.” (Mt. 3:17; 17:5) • Four-Fold Gospel (a) The four-fold Gospel account tells a very similar story with at first glace no major difference. Luke does mention that the disciples were in a heavy sleep and makes Peters comment seem like not the best choice. • Jesus Death and Resurrection (a) This pericope being in the center of pericopes saying who Jesus is and why he came brings about the importance of these disciples seeing Jesus here. His three closest witnesses God speaking and telling them that he is the Son of God. • The Kingdom-Focused, Redemptive-Historical Context Of The Whole Canon • The Israelites were led by a cloud, which was Yahweh. In this episode God reveals himself in a cloud once again. This would have awesome Peter, James and John recognizing that this is the voice of Yahweh telling them that the Messiah is in their midst. II. Articulate the Revelation and Identification 1. The Revelation of God in Christ • The fact that God says this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased is in fact saying this man is takes all my characteristics. It is hard to put into words but saying that this is my kin, this man is a part of me. Elsewhere Jesus reveals that he is in fact God.

3 Matthew 17:1-8 “The Transfiguration” – Closer Look Example 2. Identification of Character Traits to Be Emulated or Avoided • Peter is trying to be as much help as he can and he is quick to do so by providing a tent. We should always be quick to help out our leaders or other people in need whatever the situation. • The voice of God is a fearful and awesome thing. The disciples have the right response hear in falling in a reverent fear. Do I fear the voice of the Lord or do I take it for granted? • Jesus comforts his disciples. As leaders we should be giving comfort to those around us. We should have no fear because we worship a sovereign God who is in control. III. Identify A Fallen Condition, Redemptive Solution And Virtue Forming Goal 1. After reading and praying through this passage over and over it has been very difficult in finding a specific fallen condition trait. On the one hand you can look at Peter and say that he was putting God in a box but I don’t think that is the case. It seems to me that Peter is just trying to help out. After pondering I think what strikes me the most is the reaction of the disciples when they heard the voice of the Lord. They immediately went prostrate in reverent fear towards God. (FC) Since the Fall, our hearts have been turned against God and we in no way want to worship him. We have been imputed Adam’s sin which makes us reject the one true and holy God (Romans 5:19). So when I see the disciple’s reaction I think about my original depraved state, the one that does not worship the Creator. (RS) Through the blood of Christ, his righteousness has been given to me. I now have a new heart and a new spirit one that is inclined to worship God. Sin has been conquered in my life but I still have to fight it every day and this is only possible by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. I look into my own life and realize how much I take for granted the word of God. Granted, hearing the actual physical voice of Yahweh on mountain top is on a different scale than hearing and reading God’s Word but in my heart is the reaction the same. Do I truly revere the Word of God that I am blessed to be able to read and listen to everyday. I think not. So how do I work this out in my own life? (VF) I think first realizing that only by the grace of God do I even have a heart that is inclined to worship him and recognizing that it is by his grace that I do not hate God in my heart. One way to make this possible is to try to recognize that every time I hear or read God’s Word what an awesome privilege it is. My heart should be prostrate before God in reverent fear.