2019 Edition


Half Term Newsletter

Message from the Headteacher SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT Dear Parents and Carers Together we are the body We have reached the end of an incredibly busy and of Christ In our school community somewhat long half-term! Our older pupils in years we will 10 and 11 are now not very far away from their  show our love by GCSE examinations. Pupils have been given their helping and forgiving examination timetables and I would ask that each other parents look at these together with their children  recognise that everyone with a view to planning their revision. On Monday is unique and celebrate evening this week, it was a privilege to meet with their differences Year 11 pupils to take them through some revision  value ourselves, develop our talents and tips and strategies. I want to thank parents for help others to develop turning up to support their children. theirs

 strive for excellence in Earlier in January we had some very pleasing everything we do Mathematics and Maths Numeracy GCSE results.  grow closer to God in Congratulations to those Year 11 pupils who have word, in Sacrament and in what we do now achieved their target grades. Half-term must  live in partnership with be viewed as an opportunity for both Year 10 and all those around us Year 11 to do some serious revision and I would  respond to Christ's call appreciate it if parents ensure that this is a to build His kingdom priority for their children next week.

Away from the classroom, we have also had many successes. Our various sports teams, our choir and various music groups continue to bring great credit to our school. The Gym and Dance evening last week was another amazing spectacle and pupils of all abilities wowed the audience with their talent, determination and support for one another. May I take this opportunity to thank the PFA for their unstinting generosity in giving their time on that evening and indeed on behalf of the various departments in Corpus Christi, to thank them for the donation of £100 to each department. As we are all only too well aware, school budgets are tight and so any extra funds are always gratefully received.

As we approach this season of Lent, we are called to spiritually prepare for the most important time of the Church’s year, Easter. Ashes will be distributed on Ash Wednesday here in school as a sign of our belief and faith in the cross as a sign of the reality of our redemption. During Lent there will be opportunities for our school community to enter into this penitential season through prayer, fasting and good works. There will also be the opportunity for pupils and staff to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I would like to thank in advance our Parish Priests for availing themselves, yet again, to our school.

Finally, may I remind parents that their children should be dropped off for school in the turning circle? This is for the safety of all our pupils, staff and visitors. After half-term, cars not belonging to staff or visitors will not be permitted onto the site. I know you will understand my real concerns regarding this issue. I would like to thank all of our parents for all that you do to support your children and the school.

Patrick Brunnock Headteacher ATTENDANCE

The whole school attendance total is currently running at 95.50%, which is lower than we would want it to be for this time of year. The Welsh Assembly Government’s target for pupil attendance is 95%. Anything under this figure could mean that the Educational Welfare Service will contact you to find out why your child has been absent from school.

Below is a current breakdown of each Year Group’s attendance: (14.12.18)

Year 7 96.80% Year 8 95.90% Year 9 94.80% Year 10 95.10% Year 11 95.00%

It is a parent’s legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school every day.  Parents responsible for children who exhibit poor attendance risk prosecution and a Fixed Penalty Notice fine being issued by the Local Authority.  Children are not allowed to go on holiday during term time.

Absences due to Illness or Medical Appointment

Although you may have contacted the school by telephone, E-mail or in person to notify us of your child’s absence, you are still required to provide a parental note, E-mail or appointment card in order for the absence to be authorised. In certain circumstances of illness medical evidence may be requested in order to authorise your child’s absence. WHY ATTENDANCE MATTERS

Attendance Absence Lessons Missed 100% 0 Days None  99.5% 1 Day 5 Lessons  97.4% 5 Days 25 Lessons  95% 10 Days 50 Lessons  80% 38 Days 190 Lessons 

 Missing lessons makes the work more difficult.

 For every day you are absent from school YOU fall behind in 5 Subjects.



FEBRUARY 2019 School Events School Events Day Evening Wednesday 20 Year 10 Parents’ Evening 4.00pm-7.00pm Thursday 21 Friday 22 Year 11 Photos 23 School Skiing Trip 24 Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Half Wednesday 27 Term Thursday 28

MARCH 2019 School Events Friday 1 2 WEEK B 3 Monday 4 Year 10 Exams Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 Thursday 7 Friday 8 9 WEEK A 10 Monday 11 Yr10 Art Music & Performing Arts Practical Exams

Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13 Thursday 14 Friday 15


MARCH 2019 School Events 16 WEEK B 17 Monday 18 Tuesday 19 Wednesday 20 Year 8 Parents’ Evening 4.00pm-7.00pm Thursday 21 Friday 22 23 WEEK A 24 Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Year 10 Welsh Oral Exams Thursday 28 Year 10 Welsh Oral Exams Friday 29 Year 10 Welsh Oral Exams 30 31 CALENDAR 2019

APRIL 2019 School Events School Events Day Evening Monday 1 Teaching & Learning Meetings(4) 3.30pm -4.30pm Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Year 11 Welsh Oral Exams Thursday 4 Year 11 Welsh Oral Exams Friday 5 Year 11 Welsh Oral Exams 6 WEEK A 7 Monday 8 Art GCSE Exam Whole Staff Meeting (2) 3.30pm -4.30pm Tuesday 9 Art GCSE Exam Wednesday 10 Art GCSE Exam Thursday 11 Art GCSE Exam Easter Liturgy 7.00pm Friday 12 Easter Liturgy School Finishes 1.30pm RE Pilgrimage to Lourdes departs 13 WEEK B 14 Monday 15 Tuesday 16 Wednesday 17 EASTER HOLIDAYS Thursday 18 RE Pilgrimage returns Friday 19 20 WEEK A 21 Monday 22 Tuesday 23 Wednesday 24 EASTER HOLIDAYS Thursday 25 Friday 26 27 WEEK B 28 Monday 29 Year 7 and 8 tests / National Tests from today Heads of Department Meeting (5) 3.30pm -4.30pm Tuesday 30 Yet again it’s been a busy term for the Home Economics department. Links have been made with the Park Inn hotel, where Mrs Gunningham’s Year 11 students were invited to enjoy a two course meal and a full tour of the hotel; front of house, back of house, food and beverage areas including the kitchen and restaurant areas and the bedrooms and conference facilities. This gave our pupils an excellent insight into the operations of a hotel which is a huge part of the Hospitality and Catering qualification they are studying for. Mrs Wilson’s pupils will be afforded the same opportunity in March.

Mrs Wilson held a full day’s course in school for Met University PGCE students who are training to be Design and Technology teachers. The course was an incredible success and the students really got into the swing of things leaving with apple muffins, rock buns, a pizza and a wealth of information. We have been asked to repeat this in the future.

Mrs Wilson attended CPD for the new Health, Social and Childcare GCSE qualification that will be running from September 2019. This brand new and exciting course will equip learners with a whole host of information for working in any of the sectors covered. Watch this space for more information as we develop the course here at Corpus Christi.

Upper school pupils are busy completing their controlled assessment tasks - keep up the good work! We have some fantastic work coming through and teachers are looking forward to the final outcomes. Pupils, please remember to see Mrs Wilson or Mrs Gunningham for after school catch up sessions.

Mrs S Wilson Head of Home Economics

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Pupils have just finished their assessment on ‘Who should be King in 1066?’ and are now starting to learn about the two major battles of that year – the Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings.

Year 8

Pupils have been learning about the Tudors and are currently studying Elizabeth I, looking at her religious settlement, why she had her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots, executed and why Britain won the Spanish Armada. After half term pupils will begin studying the Industrial Revolution. They will find out why this was such an important period in British History.

Year 9

Pupils have been studying the First World War, and are now beginning their studies learning about the Holocaust, an extremely important and significant topic.

‘Studying the Holocaust is about studying people, real-life individuals caught up in the destructive whirlwind of Nazi aggression. It is this human element and the poignancy of the individual narrative that compels one to study and to remember, so that “Never Again” becomes a reality’ – the Holocaust Centre

Key stage 4

Year 10

Pupils have begun their N.E.A, worth 20% of their final mark. They will be completing source evaluation essays on how WWI affected the lives of women, and on the British leadership during the war – Did General Haig deserve the title the ‘Butcher of the Somme?’

Pupils and parents please note: Their external examination for the Germany Transition paper is on Tuesday 6th June.

Year 11

Pupils should be busy at home completing revision for their forthcoming examinations. We are currently studying our final unit on ‘Health and Medicine’. Revision takes place after school with Mr Thomas on a Wednesday and Mrs Truby on a Thursday. Any students re-sitting the Germany paper are strongly advised to come along, as we will not have time to revise this in class.

Exam dates: Monday 3rd June – Unit 1 Depression War and Recovery Tuesday 6th June – Unit 2 Germany (Re-sit) Tuesday 11th June – Unit 3 Health and Medicine English Department

DEBATE CLUB Corpus Christi Debate Club were pleased to welcome new members on Monday 4th February. This is a great opportunity for students to develop their public speaking skills, learn to express opinions, listen to the views of others and make new friends. Oracy is an essential measure for both KS3 and KS4; the two GCSE speaking and listening tasks are worth 20% of the English Language qualification. Above all, participating in public debates gives our children a voice and teaches them how to use it. Debate Club meets Monday lunchtime in Room 219 (Mrs Little's classroom). ALL are welcome.

BBC Schools News Report

As part of BBC Schools News Report, eight of our budding journalists went to the BBC Studios for a workshop on Fake News. The workshop was led by experts to help students discern even the most convincing examples of Fake News in order to make them more perceptive readers and accurate reporters. The workshop was followed by an extremely helpful Q and A session by BBC Journalists providing insight into opportunities at the BBC and advice on how to get a career in journalism.

Currently, our Corpus Christi reporters are investigating topics that are important to them. The issues being reported on vary from mental health and animal testing to women's rights in the Middle East. Students are creating animations, podcasts and written articles as a way of delivering their stories.

Congratulations to 8O who took part in a mini saga writing competition before Christmas. 19 pupils have been successful in being selected to have their work published. More details will follow in the next newsletter. MUSIC DEPARTMENT music@corpus

Christmas Service

The Christmas service was a lovely opportunity to see our finest musicians. It began with our new department brass band performing as the audience arrived, led by our brass teacher Mr Hutchinson (Principle Cornet of the Welsh Cory Band). With an incredibly packed hall, we enjoyed some fantastic solo performances, ensemble, choral, orchestral pieces to get us into the Christmas spirit. This was also helped by some beautifully dressed Christmas themed music stands!

A MASSIVE thank you to Mr Morgan, all the instrumental teachers, CAVMS and a few parents and teachers who played in the orchestra!


Celebrated every Friday on the Music Department twitter music@corpus.

Well done to all pupils for their hard work and dedication. This half term’s winners are -

Summer P (Yr8), Vocal ensemble ‘Cantabile’, Marek R (Yr9), Ivan C (Yr 8) and Jay L (Yr11).


Our past GCSE Music and GCSE Performing Arts student Millie Davies had a very exciting Christmas, playing the leading role of Wendy in a professional pantomime production of ‘Peter Pan’ with Darren Day, Flawless Dance company and many more stars.

We’re immensely proud of her achievements and know that she is destined for great things. Well done, Millie!


Our Year 10/11 vocal ensemble ‘Cantabile’ have had a very busy Christmas and New Year. On Saturday 15th December pupils entertained Christmas shoppers for nearly 3 hours in Castle Arcade. The singing was phenomenal!

The group then went on to perform at the CAVMS Christmas showcase in the Gate that evening. They took this on with complete professionalism and received the most fabulous appreciation from the crowd.

On Saturday 26th January, Cantabile performed at Cardiff County Club at a dinner hosted by the Honorary Consul to the Ambassador of Slovakia, Nigel Payne. The group performed to a very distinguished audience which included the Rt. Hon. Lord Mayor of Cardiff amongst many others.

Students were treated to an opportunity to hear Simon Chalk (Chief Conductor of the Slovakian State Symphony Orchestra) perform on a rare Guaurneri violin worth somewhere in the region of £2 million! Pob Lwc…. Year 7 and 8 prelims for the Music Department’s contribution to the school Eisteddfod will be announced shortly. All pupils can take part in any of the instrumental or vocal competitions. More information to follow…..

Audition Dates Auditions for this year’s school production of ‘Billy Elliot’, the musical will be announced shortly and applications are then available from Miss King/Mrs Evans. The contract must be signed by parents/student and returned to staff by the closing date if you wish to participate.

Music Department Dates for the Diary Monday 4th March Yr 10 mock exam paper (am) Monday 11th March Yr 10 mock practical exam Saturday 6th April Cantabile Concert, Penarth (pm) PLEASE BE AWARE Sunday 7th April Choir perform in If you have instrumental Millennium Centre in the CAVMS lessons in school, please showcase. (2.30pm) ensure that you have checked Thursday 11th April Easter Liturgy (7pm) your time slot. There is a lot of time wasted searching for pupils who have missed lessons. If you are at all unsure, please see Mrs Evans. Timetables are on twitter and on the display outside the MUSIC IN THE VALE GALA CONCERT Music Department.

Congratulations to the winners of the duets and trio’s category from the competition which took place back in November. Aaliyah B, Frances F and Sophie B (Yr11) were invited to perform their two winning songs at the Gala Concert held at Stanwell school in Penarth on Sunday 27th January. Another stunning performance ladies!

Modern Foreign Languages Year 7 - We have 4 semi finalists for the National Spanish Spelling Bee competition - Carmelo C, Erin M, Gabriel A and Ellen H. They are working very hard in our lunchtime club every Monday lunchtime to get ready for the final in May 2018. It will involve pupils spelling Spanish words as quickly and as accurately as they can within a time limit. As previous Spelling Bee champions, we are keen to win again!

In lessons, pupils are creating their own role plays where they interview a 'celebrity', asking about their hobbies and interests.

Year 8 - Pupils have just completed their speaking assessment where they had to create a crime investigation in French, using the past tense. We have been so impressed with the quality of their work, their pronunciation and accent. The French trip to the Loire Valley is in May 2018 - all monies should be given to Miss Catherine ASAP.

Year 9 - After a very successful options evening, the MFL uptake at GCSE is fantastic. Unlike many schools around Wales, we are lucky that our pupils understand the importance of languages in the world of work. Year 9 are creating 'The Apprentice' style role plays in which they create a job interview in Spanish.

Year 10 - Year 10 mock examinations will be after February half-term. All pupils have received a revision list, they have vocabulary booklets and access to Pearson ‘Active Learn’ in which they can practise their listening and reading skills online.

Year 11 - Revision fever has hit CCHS! All pupils have been given a revision 'survival pack' booklet in which they can complete really helpful worksheets. There is a revision club every Friday lunchtime in room 55 and pupils have access to an online revision site Pearson ‘Active Learn’ in which they can practise their reading and listening skills and they can complete past papers via our CCHS One Drive.

Mrs Langdon Head of MFL Year 7 Year 7 pupils have been working with commitment to complete landscape painting in perspective, exploring colour mixing and the application of texture in their work. Some fabulous finished pieces have been produced. Year 8 Year 8 students have been looking at artefacts of Aboriginal, Oriental and African culture to inspire their own textiles designs. Year 9 Year 9 pupils have been looking at the work of Dean Russo to inspire their own portrait paintings. Some fabulous colours and patterns have been created. Year 10 Year 10 GCSE candidates have been working with enthusiasm in their sketchbooks to develop their coursework through individual and personal responses. Some very exciting work has been produced . Year 11 Year 11 pupils are striving to complete their coursework final pieces and sketchbook development work. Some very creative, imaginative and thoughtful outcomes have been produced so far.

The WJEC externally set exam questions will be sent home with the candidates after the Christmas break. Year 11

The Skills Challenge Certificate

The Skills Challenge certificate has been designed to equip all pupils in Wales with the skills necessary for college, university and the world of work. Our Year 10 pupils have almost completed their first Challenge of this Certificate: The Enterprise and Employability Challenge. The purpose of the Enterprise and Employability Challenge is to develop pupils’ enterprising skills and enhance their employability. In addition, pupils explicitly develop skills in Creativity and Innovation, Personal Effectiveness and Digital Literacy. The Brief assigned to pupils was to work together in a team of 3-6 members to design and develop an idea for a product to be sold at our school’s annual Eisteddfod.

Work began in September, where all pupils undertook a skills audit to assess their employability skills. Their results helped them to decide upon specific roles and responsibilities when applying for a placement in a team. All pupils were required to produce a letter of application and a CV.

Work then began on considering and designing a product; market research, SWOT analyses of current products, the writing of Team Meeting Minutes and the collaborative decision of a final product idea. This was swiftly followed by the creation of advertising materials, visual displays, MSPowerpoints and scripts.

Prior to the delivery of their pitches, pupils were visited by a representative of ‘Big Ideas Wales’. The speakers’ expert guidance, helped pupils to refine their presentations.

Finally, pupils presented their products via their extremely professional, effectively communicated and engaging pitches.

Yr Adran Gymraeg

This is quite a busy term for the Welsh Department with our KS4 students. Year 10 students will be taking their Unit 1 group speaking examination on March 27th, 28th and 29th, followed very quickly with the Unit 2 group speaking examination for Year 11 on April 3rd, 4th and 5th. Revision sessions are currently being held every Friday 3:30 – 4:30 with all members of staff. Please remember to sign up in advance of all sessions!

Our Year 7 and 8 students will have the opportunity to cheer for their houses in our annual St David’s Day Eisteddfod. Due to the way half- term, this will be held on March 12th. On and off stage competitions have been set by departments so we are anticipating that the Eisteddfod will be a huge success, as it always is. Approximately 72 Year 7 pupils will be attending the Urdd camp at Llangrannog in July. We will inform pupils when the rooms will be arranged and the hoodies can be ordered. GEOGRAPHY

Key Stage 3  Year 7 have studied Wales looking at landscape, climate, population and tourism. They have completed their second assessment and will be moving on to look at Kenya and making comparisons with developments in Wales.

 Year 8 have just completed their topic, World of Sport and will be moving on to look at ‘It’s Our Planet’. This will give an overview of the United Kingdom, Europe, and the world, helping pupils develop place knowledge.

 Year 9 have recently completed their second assessment in the Globalisation of Fashion and are learning about Population.

 All Key Stage 3 pupils have completed two detailed class assessments.

 Year 9 are on target to achieve some excellent Key Stage levels and will be in bench mark one.

Key Stage 4  Year 10 are coming to the end of Theme 2, Rural-Urban Links and will be moving onto their next topic Coasts. They have completed three class tests so far this year, one at the end of each topic.

 Year 11 are coming to the end of Theme 6, Development and will need to complete their final short topic, Theme 8.

 Year 11 have been given revision packs containing tips, topic overviews and past paper questions.

 The very few pupils who are under-achieving have been identified and parents have been contacted. Thank you parents for your continued support.

 Revision sessions have been running since the second week of January 3.30 -4.30 on a Wednesday with Mr Hayman and a Thursday with Mr Lewis.

 Room 254 has also been made available on a Wednesday lunch time for any pupils to attend and catch up on missed work and for help with revision.


Drama Club

Year 7 Drama Club is held every Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm. This term, pupils have being learning new games and developing their improvisation skills as well as bringing a few ‘puppet friends’ along.

At the end of last term, some of Drama Club performed a short Tableaux sequence of the Nativity in the Christmas Service.

Performing Arts Last term, the Year 11 Performing Arts class performed their own Devised Performance of families affected in World War One to an audience of Year 8 pupils. They also performed their dress rehearsal to friends and parents.

Keep an eye on Twitter for dates of their scripted performance of Hard to Swallow. (A play based on the true story of a girl who had anorexia.)

Drama The Year 11 GCSE Drama class all performed their Devised Examinations to an excellent standard. This year, (for the first year) parents, friends and Year 10 Drama pupils will be invited to watch their dress rehearsal. Keep an eye on Twitter for dates.

Billy Elliot (2019 Production)

Next term, audition letters and packs will be available for the 2019 production of Billy Elliot.

Past pupil Joe Fletcher came in to share his expertise on lighting with Year 10 pupils. We are more than grateful to Joe for giving up his time and helping prepare Year 10 for their exam. As a professional we were all fully engaged in this excellent session.

WALES U14 & U16 INTER-COUNTIES NETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS Corpus Christi were extremely successful this year in having a number of girls selected for the Cardiff & Vale U14 & U16 Netball Squads. Places are fiercely competitive with all the schools in Cardiff & Vale sending their players to trials and over one hundred girls attending.

Abbie P (Y11), Emily B (Y10), Katy B (Y9), Johannah R (Y9), Isabella W (Y9), Heda G (Y9), Lowri P (Y8) were all selected in September and have trained with the U16 & U14 Squads for the last six months in preparation for the Welsh Championships.

Abbie and Emily travelled to Bangor for the Welsh U16 Championships in January and played seven matches against all the other regions in Wales. Abbie playing in the A Squad only lost one game all day and were crowned Silver Medalists whilst Emily playing in the B Squad had an outstanding tournament to win the Welsh Championships.

Cardiff and Vale U16 Welsh Champs 2019 The Welsh U14 Championships were in Cardiff at the beginning of February, Katy, Johannah & Isabella were all part of the A squad which won six out of the seven matches to secure a Silver Medal. Lowri P was part of the B squad which won the Welsh Championships. Unfortunately, Heda who was part of the B squad, sustained a knee injury so was unable to play. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Cardiff and Vale U14 A Team

Cardiff and Vale U14 B Team Jan / Feb 2019

Netball Hockey Open Netball Club

Cross country running

Welsh Floor and Vault Competition

It has been the most successful year ever for the school gymnastics team and we have achieved some outstanding results.

In the Welsh Floor and Vault competition, the U14 Girls team of Katie C, Jea M, Annais M, Olivia L and Miska placed first overall and will now represent Welsh Schools in the British Schools Finals in May.

The U19 Girls team of Olivia G, Emily B, Abbie P, Ellie S and Lucy C, performed superbly to place first in a very competitive group. For the first time ever, Corpus Christi won the U19 team competition and will represent Welsh Schools in the British Finals in May.

It was the first time we have ever entered a mixed team in this competition and their all performed fantastically. The team of Catrin G, Mollie S, Callum L, Liam L, Jessica H, Lara F and Sienna T place 2nd overall. Well done to all those who took part. We are so proud of their achievements.

Milano Competition

We also had some fantastic results in the Milano Competition. This competition comprises a team of three gymnasts who have to perform an individual solo sequence, a vault and a trio sequence. Again, Corpus Christi performed amazingly and our U16 Team (Olivia G, Emily B and Katie C) and our U14 Team (Jea M, Annais M and Olivia L) were all crowned Welsh Champions and our U14 Mixed Team (Mollie S, Miska F and Liam L) finished second. All three teams will now go to Stoke in March to represent Welsh Schools in the British Finals.


Floor and Vault Champs

Milano Team Gymnastics Comp

Cardiff Tumble and Vault Competition

The Corpus gymnastics team had an excellent competition at the Cardiff Tumble and Vault.

The U19 girls team finished second and our U14 team girls won gold. Our gymnastics captain Olivia G lead by example. Olivia and Emily B individually finished in the top six places and will now go on to represent Cardiff and the Vale in the Welsh Schools Tumble and Vault competition.

There was equal success in the U14 team with Annais M placing 3rd and Jea M placing 2nd in the individual competition. These two girls, alongside Katie C who finished 4th will all represent Cardiff and the Vale in the Welsh Tumble and Vault competition. Liam L also competed in the U14 boys competition. He tumbled superbly and was placed 3rd overall. He will go on to represent Cardiff and the Vale on Friday 8th March.

Congratulations to all the girls who took part and good luck to those girls competing in the Welsh Tumble and Vault competition.

Gymnastics Tumble and Vault Champs Tumble and Gymnastics Vault Champs GYM AND DANCE EVENING 2019

Approximately 200 girls (and 1 boy!) took part in our annual Gymnastics and Dance Evening.

Each and every pupil performed absolutely superbly showcasing the huge amount of talent we have here at Corpus Christi.

Congratulations to all those who took part and helped out on the evening. Thank you to the PFA for their unstinting support.

GYM AND DANCE EVENING 2019 GYM AND DANCE EVENING 2019 GYM AND DANCE EVENING 2019 GYM AND DANCE EVENING 2019 ICT We have a number of pupils who have started the Duke of York Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA, which aims to equip people with digital and enterprise skills.

How iDEA works Learners take part in a series of challenges in order to win awards. There are badges which can help the pupils to be safe online, and pick up tips and techniques on topics such as web design, cyber security, cloud computing, animation and how to use colours in digital creations.

Digital skills are all about developing the ability to tell a computer what to do, to make, to build, to get creative and to gain confidence. Enterprise skills help set pupils up for success in the world of work.

Rowan F in Year 9 is the first pupil to gain the Bronze award. Well done, Rowan!

Coding Club by Edward N (Year 9)

At Corpus Christi there many clubs including coding club. This club takes place on a Thursday lunchtime in Mr Griffiths room. This term we have been building a drone. We had to build the controller for the drone and we have successfully managed to get it to fly!

Next term, we hope to build the ultimate robot, using a robot kit called the ‘Arm Tank’. We will have to build and code the robot ourselves, and we are planning to control it using an app. We are also hoping to enter a Raspberry Pi competition which could win us £1000! Watch this space….!!! Pupils involved: Edward N, Rowan F, Peter M, Johan C, Ella G

GCSE ICT and Computing Coursework Catch Up Computing and ICT catch up sessions are held at lunchtimes and after school. There are at least two sessions after school to give pupils the opportunity to attend at least one. Please contact Mr Griffiths or Miss Gatiss for details of the after school sessions, as they have to be arranged around meetings and parents’ evenings.

GCSE ICT Revision After February half term, there will be revision sessions for year 10 and 11 ICT classes leading up to the examinations in May. Dates will be given out as soon as the revision timetable has been finalised.

KS3 ICT – Digital Literacy Year 8 and Year 9 have been improving their digital literacy skills this term. They have had the opportunity to improve their researching skills and their collaboration skills. Year 7 have enjoyed some collaborative work combining their Welsh, English and History work with ICT. They are in the process of editing movies that have been made in conjunction with the Drama department.

Internet Safety Week February the 4th was Internet Safety Day, with the theme of Consent. As pupils are spending more time on the social media and the internet, the aim is to help pupils to become more aware of what they are sharing.

Well done to Ms Woods’ team of Internet Safety Pupils and 8H for hosting the assemblies that week to spread the message.

Advice for parents can be found on: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice -centre/parents-and-carers

Spring Grand Council at

Corpus Christi was invited to participate in a Grand Council Event to look at the new curriculum that’s being introduced into schools in Wales over the next few years. It is so important that young people have a say on how that curriculum is going to be delivered and that was the main purpose of the day.

One of the key areas in the new curriculum will be Science & Technology including Computer Science. Techniquest organised a series of workshops in which young people could sample and try out the new innovative ideas and ways of teaching through a variety of activities. The exciting workshops included: Data Analytics, Nanoscience, Smart Cities, Coding & Programming across the science curriculum and Astrophysics Our pupils had a wonderful time exploring these activities and gave valuable feedback to the organisers

Shannon O My favourite part of the day was the Astrophysics workshop and learning how the earth and other planets were made. I learned that you can use Nanoscience to make lots of cool objects, including a gel that can heal a wound in seconds! I also found out that you can create an invisibility cloak! I would also like to mention that the Planetarium was fabulous and a great and very interesting way of learning.

Jessa D I enjoyed learning about modern topics such as AI & Machine learning and Smart Cities. I enjoyed finding out how Cardiff Council are trying to make Cardiff a Smart City. It was a very fun experience and I’m glad I went. My favourite part was when the science rapper performed as it was really fun and I learned new information in a different way.

Summer P We took part in a variety of activities throughout the day, such as learning about how Machine Learning is used in everyday life. We also found out how meteors are made. I really enjoyed learning about the sun and comets through the science rapper. I enjoyed learning about Nanoscience and the weird and clever inventions that have been made using Nanoscience. I found the workshop, in the Planetarium, on stars, constellations and planets really exciting. I also found the Welsh Water workshop fun because it was interactive. Finally, we got to have our say on the new Techniquest extension that is about to be built; the team at Techniquest asked for our opinions on new interactive stations and the proposed design.

Eliot G The day consisted of multiple different workshops of around 25 minutes each, about various topics relating to science, technology, engineering and maths including nanoscience, astrophysics and data analysis. All of the presenters were effective teachers, being fun and engaging while also informative. However, some of the workshops were better than others – the astrophysics one, for instance, was very fun and interesting, explaining phenomena such as planet formation in an engaging and interactive manner with meteorite samples to look at. On the other hand, the machine learning workshop was rather poorly structured as very little was actually taught and the demonstrations didn’t work as planned, so I personally enjoyed it less.

Overall I quite enjoyed the day, and giving feedback about the new curriculum was quite the honour.

Young Carers Awareness Day 31st January 2019 at CCHS

Each year Carers Trust organises Young Carers Awareness Day.

The purpose of the day is to raise public awareness of the challenges faced by young people because of their caring role, and to campaign for greater support for young carers and their needs. This year’s Young Carers Awareness Day took place on 31 January 2019.

The theme focused on mental health and we used the annual day to help raise awareness of the mental health needs of young carers.

Young carers and young adult carers have spoken extensively about their mental health, and a simple message came back to those who can make a difference:


 “My mental health can be affected by the pressures of caring.”

 “The support I need isn’t always there.”

 “Even when I get support, the difficulties and challenges I face as a young carer are not always understood by professionals.” Support is growing and more is being done to support young carers, but as Young Carers Awareness Day highlighted, there is still more to do.

Our senior prefects: Nell M, Fursey B, Freya H and Sam T helped Mrs Llewellyn deliver assemblies to all Year groups to raise awareness about the wonderful work that Young Carers do to help their families.

We also wanted to encourage Young Carers to come forward and ask for help if/when they need it!

What support can school offer?

A Young Carer's #CareForMeToo poem

Pastoral Sessions

Year 7 have been looking at the types of learners they are and how to set targets. They have also looked at anti-bullying. In the first session they defined bullying and looked at how to prevent and reduce bullying. They also discovered what a bystander was and why they should never be one by ensuring that staff know what is happening and by looking out for anyone who maybe being targeted. The second session they had looked at Cyberbullying, being an ‘upstander’ not a bystander, and how to report online bullying.

Year 8 have followed the ‘B Word’ Programme produced by Radio One. They have discussed what bullying is, how it makes people feel and what you should do to prevent bullying.

Year 9 have completed the Job Matching Quiz on the Careers Wales website to help them to gain ideas of the types of employment activities that are open to them based on their skills and interests, as well as the qualifications they would need. This will also help inform their GCSE option choices. As with the other year groups in lower school they have also studied Cyberbullying.

Year 10 and 11 have continued on their Pastoral rota which lasts for the year. Included in the Year 10 rota was a very informative and engaging talk from Teenage Cancer Trust. The Year 11 programme included a session on Career Sector options (see below).

Careers Year 9 have been busy this term deciding their options. Steve Lester from Careers Wales, trained Year 9 Form Tutors to deliver and explain the Job Matching Quiz. Pupils were then given time during Pastoral to complete the quiz and further investigate the other features of the Careers Wales website to help them gain ideas of the options available to them based on their skills and interests, likes and dislikes With the support of Adrian Cole (Business Engagement Adviser) and Leigh Holtzhausen (Corpus Christi’s Careers Adviser) both from Careers Wales, all Year 11 pupils were able to take part in a Careers Information hour. We were fortunate to have input from a number of employers from eight different career sectors: Health & Medical, Sports, Armed Forces, Construction, Engineering, Business & Finance, Creative Industries and Customer Service. Pupils were organised into groups according to the careers they had identified on Career Check in Year 10 and via follow-up questionnaires in Year 11, as closely matched as possible to their career interests. They then had the opportunity to spend an hour with employers and specialists in these eight fields. Corpus Christi would like to thank the following employers for presenting the sessions and giving the pupils an excellent opportunity to discover more about their possible career choices:

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board The Paramedics TXM Welsh Water/Dwr Cymru The Army - especially Josh Plevey, a former pupil Willmott Dixon Welsh Financial Services Graduate Scheme Big Ideas Wales Entrepreneur – Julie Nobes Legacy Leisure (Cardiff International Pool) Rob Oyston from Sports Xtra Conduit Screen Alliance Wales

Careers appointments with Leigh Holtzhausen have been continuing with Year 11 pupils in need of guidance with their planning for their next steps and for their career paths. Pupils have been identified, in the first instance, for these appointments based on their responses on Career Check (completed in Year 10), relevant school data and in discussion with their Head of Year, Mr Roberts. Leigh will also endeavour to see any other Year 11 pupils who self-refer for guidance next term. A few Year 9 pupils have also been offered Careers guidance in choosing their GCSE options after self-referring for appointments at the Year 9 Options and Parents’ Evenings. All Year 11 pupils have also had Decision-Making and Post-16 Options talks delivered to them by Leigh though the Pastoral programme.

Boys’ Physical Education Department

Year 7

Pupils have played well in both football and rugby for the school and are looking forward to the next rounds of both cups. The rugby team is set to play High School in the quarter finals of the Cardiff Schools Cup this week and the Football boys are away to Ysgol Glantaf in the next round of the Cardiff and Vale Schools Football Cup. Year 7 pupils have been working on their Sevens Rugby skills in lessons this term ready for the Cardiff Schools 7s Competition next term.

Several Year 7 pupils have competed at the Cardiff and Vale Schools Cross Country event at Ysgol Bro Morgannwg. Well done to Kobe B, Toby E and Evan P. Kobe has been selected to represent Cardiff and Vales Schools in Cross Country at the Welsh Schools Championships in Brecon this term.

Gabriele B has been representing Cardiff and Vale Schools again at football this term. Both Gabriele B (Cardiff City) and Bobbie F (Newport County) are doing well on day release training.

Boys’ Physical Education Department

Year 8

This term the Year 8 teams have performed very well on both the rugby and football pitches by reaching the last sixteen of the Welsh Schools Cup in both sports. The rugby team is preparing for the home fixture against for the right to progress into the quarter finals. In the Cardiff Schools Cup the rugby team lost out 17-12 in the away quarter final match against Ysgol Bro Edern. The football team had an away trip to Ysgol Strade in the Welsh Schools Cup and produced a fantastic team performance to progress into the quarter finals where they play Croeyceiliog High School. In the Cardiff and Vale Cup the Year 8 football team are making the away trip to Cowbridge High School.

Josh H has been competing at the Cardiff and Vale Schools Cross Country event at Ysgol Bro Morgannawg.

Tom M has once again been representing the Cardiff and Vale Schools Football team and Newport County this term. Sam P has been playing well for Swansea City again this term travelling around the country. Charlie C has had a busy term playing some excellent football for Cardiff City and represented Wales superbly.

Boys’ Physical Education Department

Year 9 The Year 9 teams have also performed very well on both the rugby and football pitches by reaching the last sixteen of the Welsh Schools Cup in both sports. In the last rugby game, the team produced some fantastic running rugby with great team play to gain a win against Monmouth High School. The Rugby team is in preparation for the next home fixture against Welshpool High School from Powys for the right to progress into the quarter finals. For the boys football it was the first time of reaching the national stages of the Welsh Cup. After a full time score of two, the Year 9 boys unfortunately lost on penalties.

Rhys B has once again been in fine running form in the Cross Country races he has been competing in this term and represented Cardiff and Vale Schools at the Welsh Cross Country Championships in Brecon.

In football Morgan W and Callum J have all been training hard on day release with Cardiff City.

Year 10 The football team put in a fantastic performance in the Cardiff and Vale Cup drawing the match at full time but then unfortunately came out on the wrong side of the penalty shootout to St Richard Gwyn. In rugby the Year 10 boys stuck together well for the whole game but lost their Cardiff Schools Cup match to Ysgol Plasmawr.

Well done to Nigel A who has been playing for Cardiff Schools Rugby team this year and Joseph J who has represented the A team.

Boys’ Physical Education Department

Year 11

Year 11 pupils have had a busy term with the main focus of the department on preparing the boys for their GCSE practical exam on the 05/02/19. This was a fantastic day which saw the culmination of the 42 boys’ hard work and effort put on show for the WJEC examiner to watch. The department received very pleasing feedback from the examiner with regards to the work produced by pupils for their Personal Fitness Plans and quality of their practical performance. The department now looks forward to focusing on the theoretical part of the course in preparation for the theory exam in May 2019, through lessons and workshops to support the pupils achieving their potential.

The Football team is stilling performing well in the Cardiff and Vale Schools U16 Cup. The Year 11 boys produced a great team effort against and are now looking forward to the next round away to St Teilo’s High School.

This term has seen the Year 11 rugby team progress into the semi finals of the Cardiff Schools Cup by beating Ysgol Bro Edern. The team grouped together well and scored some great team tries to end up winners and now await the winners of Whitchurch High School and Ysgol Plasmawr.

After a successful performance by our Cross Country teams earlier in the year some boys have been competing for Cardiff and Vale Schools. Well done to Billy G and Jacob B who competed at Ysgol Bro Morgannwg in January and to Billy G who is competing on 13/02/19 for Cardiff and Vale Schools (Middle Boys Team) at the Welsh Schools Cross Country Championships in Brecon.

Year 11 cont’d

Well done to Jake L who has been playing in the Cardiff and Vale Schools Football team which has done so well in the Wales and England School Districts Cup.

The following Year 11 rugby boys: Immanuel F-W, David N, Josh N and Alfy J continue to perform well with the Cardiff Blues U16 regional team. They stood out with some great tries in the game recently shown on S4C.

Rhys P is progressing well in the sport of rowing and has trained hard with his crew that reached the British Schools Rowing Championships finals. Well done Rhys on 3rd place. Nathaniel D and Ioan O have experienced success in Judo with both boys performing well at recent National Championships in their respective weight categories.

Maths Department

University of South Wales Mathematics Masterclasses 12 MAT pupils in Years 9 and 10 have been nominated to attend the Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses being held at the Treforest Campus . Over the course of six Saturday mornings, pupils will learn how mathematics plays a crucial and fascinating role in not so obvious everyday life situations, e.g. investigating crime scenes, juggling, the rock guitar and horse racing, to name but a few. At the end of the programme, students will attend a presentation ceremony and receive certificates to mark their successful completion of the course.

Year 11 November GCSE Results Congratulations to those pupils who were entered for the November sitting of the GCSE Mathematics - Numeracy and Mathematics examinations. Results were extremely pleasing and the pupils and staff involved should feel very proud of their effort and achievements. Ardderchog pawb!

Year 11 GCSE Preparation With only 11 weeks to go before the first GCSE Mathematics-Numeracy examination on May 7th, it is crucial that your child attends Maths revision every week. If they are unable to attend their own class' session, they should attend an alternative session with another teacher. Go for it, Year 11. The hard work will pay off!

Set Tier Teacher Day 1 Higher/Additional Maths Ms Hesp Tuesday 2 Higher Ms Wood Wednesday 3 Higher Mr Jones Pritchard Tuesday 4 and 9 Higher/Intermediate Mr O’Neill Tuesday 5 Intermediate Mrs Ling Thursday 6 Intermediate Miss Bishop Tuesday 7 and 10 Intermediate Mrs Bussell Thursday 8 and 11 Intermediate/Foundation Mrs Donovan Wednesday (1.35pm Wk A, 3.30pm Wk B)

R. E. Department

The RE department is looking forward to the Pilgrimage trip to Lourdes during the Easter break. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs McKeever for organising the trip and Mrs Kelly for volunteering to assist Mrs McKeever and myself, to make the trip possible. I would ask you all for your prayers, to accompany those who are making the pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

As we rapidly approach the end of the first half of the Spring term, returning ready to observe the season of Lent, I would ask for your continued support with prayers and charitable donations in aid of CAFOD. During each week of Lent there will be an organised Hunger Lunch which continues to be popular with Corpus Christi pupils. Everyone is welcome to attend, staff and pupils alike.

The RE department is hoping to run a revision programme after the February half-term, for those Year 10 and 11 pupils who want to ensure success in the GCSE examination. There will be extra lessons provided most afternoons after the school day until 4.30pm. A timetable will follow and will be placed on the school website. The RE department wishes everyone involved in the school community a well deserved half-term break. God bless you all.

Mr Burke Head of RE Department STAR READERS

Our Star Readers have made exceptional progress with their reading since September. The most improved readers have been rewarded with Itunes vouchers and were invited to have breakfast with Mr Brunnock, the Headteacher, Mrs Bussell, Assistant Headteacher and Mrs Dooley, Librarian.

We are very proud of all the pupils' achievement and we are looking forward to celebrating more success in the summer.

Twisters Trampolining Competition A group of six pupils from Corpus Christi took part in a trampolining competition. They did exceptionally well, coming first. They were awarded a trophy and as you can see everyone had a fantastic time. Da iawn!