Akrura's Transcendental Journey - Part 4

Date: 2013-08-03 Author: Manohar suvarna

Hare Prabhujis and Matajis, Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudev!

This is in continuation of the previous offering on this topic titled, 'Akrura's Transcendental Journey'. So far we saw how:

1. Even demoniac king knew that only Akrura can bring Lord Krishna and to . 2. Akrura humbly wondered how although he was involved in sense gratification, he got the opportunity to have darshan of the Lord. 3. He thanked King Kamsa for his mercy in sending him to see lotus feet of Lord Hari. 4. Upon seeing Lord's footprints Akrura went into ecstasy, and jumped down from chariot and began rolling on footprints.

Today, we will see how Akrura is received by Lord Krishna and Balarama in Mathura.

Upon seeing Lord Krishna and Balarama, Akrura's eyes flooded with tears, his body exhibited eruptions of ecstasy and out of eagerness he could not speak a word. After his obeisance, Lord Krishna drew him close and embraced him. Lord was pleased to meet Akrura as he is one of the surrendered souls. Lord Balaram and Nanda Maharaja offered all the hospitalities to Akrura and enquired about the journey. Having been honored so much by Lord Balarama and Krishna, Akrura felt that all his desires he contemplated on the road, were fulfilled. Srimad Bhagavatam verse 10.39.2 is very wonderful which Sukadeva Goswami is sharing with Parikshit Maharaj.

kim alabhyaṁ bhagavati prasanne śrī-niketane tathāpi tat-parā rājan na hi vāñchanti kiñcana

My dear King, what is unattainable for one who has satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the shelter of the goddess of fortune? Even so, those who are dedicated to His devotional service never want anything from Him.

All that we devotees need to do is to satisfy Supreme Lord and rest is all assured. No anxiety, no fear and no lamentation. The first 2 lines of this verse is worth meditating since in this material world of desires, most challenging is how to get satisfied and contended. Most important thing is that how wonderfully first two lines of verses are linked to second two lines. When Lord is satisfied, devotees are completely satisfied and therefore, do not want anything from Lord. In other words, satisfaction is the appropriate measurement of our devotional service. The more we are advanced in Krishna consciousness, less are our wants.

Srila Prabhupada says, this Krishna consciousness movement is actually a purificatory process. sarvopādhi-vinirmuktaṁ . We become purified and when we are purified, our activities carried out by our purified senses make us perfect. That is the ideal perfection of human life. Modern civilization is rascaldom. Everyone is seeing daily that he is under control of material nature and still he thinks that, "I can do whatever I like". People say that, 'This life is all. After this life, everything is finished. I am free.' This is the problem and this is the position.

After Akrura's evening meal, Lord Krishna enquired about his journey and how Kamsa is treating His dear friends and relatives, whether all friends and relatives are happy and in good health. Lord here addresses Akrura most affectionately as, "My dear gentle uncle". This shows the exalted position of Akrura. Verse 10.39.6 of Srimad Bhagavatam which is spoken by the Master of the Universe, Lord Krishna is most touching and appropriate to His nature. Lord says, "Just see how much suffering I have caused My offenseless parents! Because of Me their sons were killed and they themselves imprisoned." Lord is the master of everything, proprietor of everything and is independent. He had descended on earth to protect His unalloyed devotees and to kill miscreants. Therefore, there is no need for Lord to feel guilty on anything. Yet, He feels so much love, reverence and compassion for His parents and emphasizes on the conscious duty of the sons towards parents.

Krishna willing, we shall continue to learn more about Akrura's transcendental journey in the subsequent offerings.

Thank you very much. Yours in service of Srila Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva, Manohar Suvarna Abu Dhabi.