Mandya District at a Glance 1987-88

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Mandya District at a Glance 1987-88 s::3 0 eg, S3 c 55 C S3 n 2> fO MANDYA DISTRICT AT A GLANCE 1987-88 22s7i ^0878^ sior(,35fr5>Ow^5ri<i B'sJeO, sjcod 2^03 sSOsS®^, •n«wOC3, o © w 6 n COMPILED BY : PUBLISHER: DISTRICT STATISTICAL OFFICE, ZILLA PARISHAT, MANDYA MANDYA ijoocs, sSsjs S50-3- ?Sj « )5 6 c* MANDVA DISTRICT AT A GLANCE. 1987-88 r^O^e), SjOOC^. iJcrai ssJesj3«, CO » w • CTO COMPILED BY:; PUBILIJSIBER : DISTRICT ST ATISTICAL OFFICE, NIEPA DC ZILILA PARISHAI. MANDYA MAINID'YA D04854 Sn'H/S. NAGARAJ ?5dre^gdo Director uqSF^ ?53(3^^tS ?i:lr:25?33O0jD DirccJ^rate of Economics & aScnsi^jaOo Statistic^, Bangalore S$fij^;National Sysjtei»» Nitibnal Institute of H^catibntl Pl;i ^ 14 , A mip istration X7-^.l i A * ■ i Wo Mttg,N«i»nclhi-1100U DOC. OltiB........ |;€ Sri K. G. Rama Prakash !3os^ ?jcr^ao?^p530ri«i3, District Statistical Officer s5i)c^. Mandya ^D«ll »;o. Ij S jsidJ dcdo.rfsddii DDCi d s^oo5l^c3jris;^o s:Socc3j 55(s3.cdo e?oe ?3c2Jr1^ ?5j8ei3s^ tSos^ ?io?^^?^sp5300josod eE^jjOcdo ^oDsJ a^odo ssD^rsi 25s3,crfogj^ ?3Dw«Kt5^ Eio% t5§>r^ ^i3os^U6r(«s* wsdojoo^ i:Jj52o37ls;*53ja^^rljsoadod 3^^l3E^ojo 1987-88d ?jo236ojoj5o^ sros^rKjo^d ?A)3jo3jaen^^ So;^ d/ssddO ^d;^dosnc3. «^ddgrf csiojso^ssDd sjs^Sovlojoo oSv/seticTOpssOrS^STljs, ?5c^^^nDciOrij5 6^rn)0^j3edg^;)or1<9r1js 5i4c.S33d tn)sjo3jseri6^ wdos^cJodo £)d:^02nc3. ^ dj3So3ojo?b^ tso^ do^Jd ^oaaSris;* t?05DOr(^od ddojousnd. '^ddoorljs 4 ^ ^ jd g dJj2odr1«£* dov^e) sjcoo^ 6j5j3odog ijsd o ^ n d . ?jo53Dj ?io?i,s^f^3P5sO rioo. cr3do3^5DS^d£jdo*:^r?d3^j3od sjD^dod SDdrs ^ s^^ueI ojd?;io ?o5S£;dg ^ d i^ d o o ?332;j^s3^nc5 <ciodo 3C?jt)o so&r^jo^ecS. ^ sli^i3?^ojo?ao.Wot-P ^:|,dor1j5«'?ood sort pdosori^Fl ?ic3s ?3;)^ri^<DdCO wosso ®tMittas Tiosjt. ^jsedojhd. ^ so:^ 2oJBd^d<Do. ?oj5^ ?j(!;so ?ie^, ?oSo^O^, dosadosjssd dJ3Sd dood^ sso^^dOs^s®" tjqi^gcj^d 6. A-orraDn^dddorl ri^ddrl^o. i3'00d. doo^^ s:DOjord$f ^ 5-10-1988 2505^ do(|d^. SjO S S c o n t e n t s 5^t3 S^oJl Particulars Page Nos SI. >^0. 1. ?3is3J5fj^ General 2. w?ixio53^ Area and Population 3. Rdnfall ^ 4. cjo Agriculture 5. 3:;2^.;ycnv^f3;fi Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services 10 Fisheries 7. g^n;)OD ed;^3 Industries and Mining 12 8. w:ix Xo3j^r Transport and Communication 13-14 9. Education 15-16 10. ^oi5octj Health and Family Welfare 17 11. ;^s:5id Co-opeiation 18-19 12. ?jo:oc%,^5:^jid:^^^ns;^o Regulated Markets 13. Banks ^1 14. ercs^rls;^ ssojcr^.do 20 Point Programme 22-26 15. 250-;, ^^c>r!^o Zilla Parishat Data 27-32 16. Agricultural Operational Holding 33-35 17. Source of Data 36-37 ts^ORef. Period (Nos.) Census 1981^ (?jo53 rls^g) ^odro sji3jf®ris?o Hoblies n^^ori^o rr^Ejori^o Towns 3[j025DCO^ris;*0 Munici- Inhabited Un-inhabited Mandal palitie^s Taluks villages villages Panchayats 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. o^5S^^as2£E3etS 6 28b 28 1 16 — Krishnarajapet 2" £^0cO\/^CJ0 4 156 6 1 18 1 Maddur 3. 4 168 18 2 17 1 Malavalli 4. s 5 176 7 1 19 1 Mandya 5. ?3:;ris;joorie:i 5 338 28 2 14 — Nagamangala 6 . eStlOC^a^e^Cj 3 144 27 2 11 I Pandavapura 7, ^eOoris:i3^r3 4 84 11 2 9 1 Srirangapatna Total 31 1354 125 11 104 ” ■ 5 Upto 31-3-88C s5c:^^ds: Electrified S5D^(1^3^ris;*o [ 03^50^ rl^v.'S rfe3^f^ns,-<o n^dor1s;*o (v\)£j 0sf^ris?o ?^eD] !5criar1%^o docDcSrt^'^o T owns n^5±)r1s;<J5 ?3cO) Police Stations Jails Fair Price Cinema Villages (inclu­ I.P. (including Outposts (including Shops Theatres ding hamlets) Sets. and Railway Police Lockups) Stations) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 324 1622 4 — 87 8 1 229 1926 4 — 109 11 2 238 3609 7 — 93 13 1 273 3123 9 1 128 22 2 408 1407 4 — 94 4 2 166 1827 3 — 53 6 2 112 833 5 — 48 11 il 1750 14^47 36 1 6i'7 75 2. £or->Xio 4 AREA AND POPULATION R ef-P eriod 1981 C ensus lotal Rural c3r>o s^des Urban ScxftsocJo TD ih d. 13 C<U 330j3^cris;^o ^xrls^g) rioc2?jdo 3ocri?ido rloc^^Jdo soori?oclo r1od?odo 3oor1?jo 6o?jrn)ddo?5.'0 ] p T aluks Area Males Females Males Females Males Females Workers (in Sq. (including q jg Kms.) Part-time g 5 ____________________________________________________________ w orkers) •tp 14 15 16 17 1 19 20 21 22 1. i. wo®-. s35^ 904.4 92982 93675 86259 87598 6723 6077 75211 1 114416 K . R. Pet 2. dodj^^do 618.4 125688 118782 H 6658 11G41Q 9030 8372 90950 153 5210 M a d d u r 3. 810.0 118315 lllUO 102152 95763 16163 15347 80410 14901 5 M alavalli 4. dood,_ a ' 715.9• 171940 159339 119423 111571 52517 47768 114305 216974 M an d y a 5. ?ror1docrto 1044.7 77853 80157 69189 72299 8664 7858 60854 9715 6 N ag am an g la 6. 540.4 69208 67042 60412 58716 8796 8326 51078 85172 Pandavapura 7. V^orlsjt3^ra 357.2 67688 64330 55250 52384 12438 11946 49298 8272<0 Srirangapatna Total 4961.0 723674 694435 609343 588741 114331 105694 522106 ^60^3 2. area and population w?frir9>l 1981 Census a (?^o53^n^O) Population (Nos.) 1971-81 25?i?j053gOjo Scheduled Scheuled Disabled (3^3 2£.-& Castes Tribs Density per Sq. Kms. 1971-81 dccade growth rate (percentage) 23 24 25 26 27 21257 295‘ 245 206 21.02 30742 I19r 500 396 24.04 43359 306. 437 283 20.98 41326 216- 383 463 25-81 15081 62> 306 151 20.81 13892 56 153 252 19.74 1713C 108' 183 370 25.12 1828.7 1165: 2z07 286 Ref. Period During 1987 cO 5^.0joF 5::;^^ S5D?^(D!i ?oDD?jO (:;)o.(DJ3.r!^g) T aliikssi^o Raingauge Stations Normal Rainfall Actual average Working (Nos.) (in MMs.) rainfall (in ^ Ms. ) 28 29 30 1. gsSDiSiiSjtS 3 742.0 875.9 K.R. Pet 2, cIjO cio 3 680.9 770.2 Maddur 3. 3 691.9 1216.8 M alavalli 4. doccs 4 688.5 826.6 Mandya 5. fjDridocrlc; 5 675.9 1006.0 Nagamangala 0* OCflSde^Ci 3 688.6 862.4 Pandavapura 7. ^edcrls:t5jf^ 3 670 6 640.7 Srirangapatna Total 24 691.2 885.5 AS.C.R. 1986-87^ sjo;^o 3d;5;)d (35o,edDr1s;^0 Hectares) edrSg ?jotJci;;s3^d ^ rd lan d not Other un-cullivable land Fallow land sdK-^ris;* s^e^d) Forests available for excluding fallow land Total Geograpiical cultivation Area (Accordiig to village records 31 32 33 34 35 91551 4767 12479 22422 8859 61846 20 19223 482 429 80949 12179 8492 11610 4176 71512 1507 12854 9432 6429 103885 2516 16128 29320 15838 52743 2051 7576 9033 7636 33758 725 5427 3801 2624 ;-r\ 498244 23765 82179 86100 ■ 45991 Ref. period A.S.C.R. 1986-87ci 2^sr;d Hectares) (:o^?3oDJid ?:)?D2dOo:5j.d Area Sown Net A^'ea irrigated by 2oCC3d^C2: s'5^;so 6dr1«od ziv 3ot^.^^2j50 £3D^ri«>0(:31 SjOJSO CO n^od Tanks wells To'tal Taluks Net More Total C anals Tube r.'s?od than once wells Others 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 V ts 43024 7962 50986 111C6 1540 1490 110 743 14989 K.K.Pet 41692 7912 49604 18^50 698 1001 19 257 20925 Madclur 44492 3319 47811 16829 716 1684 36 85 19350 Malavalli 41290 13260 54550 20845 1204 1109 13 188 23359 Mandya ?jDridjorio 4G083 3925 44008 290 4117 1536 6 76 6025 Nagamangala 26447 3828 30275 5647 228 891 —— 116 6882 Pandavapura ^edorlsjtijra 23181 10244 33425 11470 382 769 4 12585 Srirangapatna Total 260209 50450 310659 85097 8885 8480 184 1469 1041115 1987-88?3e jodaojo sScedrI (3o|^edD?is;^g) As per 1987-88 Reconciled Crop Area report (Hectares) uin 7i^, w Bengal Paddy Ragi Jowar Bajra Wheat Other cereals gram Tur 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 — 10541 16313 1482 — 102 166 415 — 13064 15245 90 — 77 50 211 — 5846 16668 1494 — 418 3 421 10167 16795 991 —— 377 90 628 4153 23798 2000 — — 661 502 4392 10864 834 — — 59 45 889 — 8574 2954 361 — — — 280 56737 102637 n m : — — 1694 •-^§34' 3346 1987-8B?3e [so^^edorl^g] Reference period As per 1987-88 Reconciled crop report (in Hectares) 2^13^^ ?30o <^^os:0 3^ojsi^o?is;*o Sugar Groundnut Cotton s5^ns;i Taluks Others cane Total High- pulses Yielding crops 53 54 55 56 57 1. 11159 1470 173 — 19982 K R Pet 2. d;dJ5 do 5510 m i 4195 — 36892 Maddur 3. 9246 1867 3010 — 19852 Malavalii 4. 11496 9057 1462 — 36388 Mandya 5. cot'iisjjorio 1 A A A 'J 347 209 „ 26528 Nagamangala 6. SJSOC^Sja^d 12740 2900 155 — 17364 Pandavapura 7. %^edorisjt3^r3 6593 2139 1825 15150 Srirangapatna Total 71187 23507 H026 — 172156 \ 1 — i-- Ai«)OwO rOSOr® 0300'^ 3o02) ^ido?1s;*o ?5:0] rJ^o rl^o ri^o rl^o Total Agril.
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