Profile for St Martin’s Church, Worle

“A community centred on the living Jesus, growing, serving and reaching out in His name.” 2 Contents


2 Contents Page

3 Introductory Message

3 Vision for St Martin’s

5 Challenges facing the Church

6 Opportunities for our Church 7 We are looking for a Priest who… 8 Schools 9 Worship Pattern / Electoral role / Photographs 10 Additional Photographs

11 Our Parish and its Communities

12 Associate Priest / Lay Involvement

13 Lay Involvement (cont’d) / Finance 14 Finance (cont’d) 15 The Vicarage 16 More about Worle 17 Deanery Section 18 Diocesan Section 18 Parish Vacancy Prayer 3 Introductory Message

We warmly invite you to read through this profile for a vacancy for a Priest-in- Charge at St Martin’s Church in Worle, in this beautiful part of North , in ’s South West.

We hope that you find this pack both informative and inspiring. We pray that you may feel called to apply.

Vision for St Martin’s

The congregation of St. Martin’s has prayerfully considered its vision, particularly during these difficult times of the Pandemic, where apart from times of lockdown the congregation has continued to worship within the church building and care for its local community including offering online access to recorded services through its Facebook page.

A survey of our members was undertaken to understand their views of what the Church has to offer and what the future may look like. From that we have identified the following key messages

The Church has a dual calling:

✓ to serve God and ✓ to serve the Community

These are reflected in our mission statement - “A community centred on the living Jesus, growing, serving and reaching out in His name.” 4 The Church is developing this vision, and we are seeking a Priest who can guide and help us to fulfil our calling.

We are a welcoming Church, and community outreach is seen as a key priority. We want to grow and become more enticing in a location that offers great potential for mission and outreach, both of which we long to harness. As part of our survey, we also approached local community leaders who identified that we needed to further increase our profile in the area and ascertain how the Church can become more relevant to the local population.

Whilst many of our congregation love the “traditional” aspects of our worship, we have readily acknowledged the need to embrace change. Our church building has a large flexible area where creativity can be encouraged in the pursuit of any new ideas that a new Priest might bring with them.

There are established links to families through baptisms, weddings and funerals at St Martin’s, with many seeing it as a “traditional Church”, however, we want to be seen as more than that. We have offered a successful “Community Café” and “Toddler Group” in the Church building which were well received, but in current times it has not been possible to re-establish them. We introduced a more informal service at 11.15am on a Sunday, and that was fairly successful at drawing in new people, but has been difficult to sustain in this time of vacancy and Pandemic restrictions. At times, such as Christmas, the Church can be filled many times over, confirming that there is great potential.

Until recently our Church has been part of a Parish of three Churches, each offering different traditions. Whilst it has been agreed to reorganise the Churches into separate parishes in 2021 to allow them to focus more on local mission, we are very open to continue working closely with the members of those Churches as well as the other Denominations in the area to spread the “Good News” and “Hope” of Jesus Christ in the Community.

To support our members during times of “lock down” weekly emails have been sent out to parishioners, including prayers, highlighting services online for those able to access them, generally keeping in touch and offering support; we have used Facebook to upload services that have been recorded from Church, together with the service sheets. We are very open to increasing the use of Technology to reach more of the Community as we recognise that the future will be a mixture of using face to face dialogue and social media. 5 Our Church is a caring community

Challenges facing St Martin’s

• To re-ignite the congregation with the Love of God, particularly in the aftermath of Covid 19.

• Engaging with Church members and supporting those in the wider Community in the aftermath of their experiences with the Pandemic and their other personal difficulties.

• To encourage existing members to have confidence and the desire to serve the church and the Community, revitalising groups such as the “Community Café” and morning Toddler sessions.

• To help us find ways of making the local community feel that they will always be welcomed and stimulate their desire to be a part of the church family.

• Improving ways in which we connect with the wider Community.

• To look afresh at ways to develop a deeper knowledge and understanding of the Bible and faith in its teachings, such as rekindling Home Groups, etc.

• To encourage school age members of the church through attractive and stimulating activities.

• To provide opportunities for friendship in an appropriate environment.

• To challenge peoples’ thinking and spiritual growth.

• To establish community activities that will encourage Young People towards associating with the Church.

“Spiritual challenges can be compared to learning to use the hula hoop or any other activity that requires intentional practice” 6 Our Church is a caring community

Opportunities for our Church

• There are many areas for Community inter-action (E.g., Pubs, Cafes, the High Street shopping areas and Memorial).

• There are three Primary Schools who all welcome links with our Church.

• We have a professional musician retained as our organist whose work includes helping youngsters to develop musically. That talent could be harnessed to encourage young church members and the folk in the community to bring a fresh source of music to worship.

• St. Martin’s Primary School is our official link school and is willing for us to use its large facilities after the Pandemic.

• The Church has flexible seating areas at the back and North Aisle for events (E.g., Community Café).

• There is much local interest in the Historic Building and our ring of bells.

• We are planning to introduce Wi-Fi and office facilities into the building, and hope that these will be in place by the time a new Priest is appointed.

7 We are Looking for a Priest who

• Has the ability to communicate clearly, and with passion, the message of the Gospel through teaching firmly grounded in the truth and authority of Scripture.

• Together with the Lay Leadership will take responsibility for the care, development and vision at St Martin’s, through prayerful reliance on the Holy Spirit.

• Together with our Church members, will develop pastoral care within the church community and beyond.

• Will have strong organisational and leadership skills, with a vision to see others released into ministry and leadership.

• Has a deep love of people and the pastoral wisdom to meet individuals wherever they are in life. • Has an excitement to work with a diversity of ages – young and old – together with a proven experience of effective work with young people and schools’ ministry.

• Would be willing to continue the present strong links with St Martin’s Church of England School, with whom the church has an excellent relationship, and to maintain our links with the other schools.

• Will be open to embrace both modern and traditional expressions of worship.

▪ Will care for members of the congregation, especially older people and those who may feel marginalised.

▪ Will lead worship regularly, honouring the traditional liturgical pattern of the year.

▪ Will develop relationships that are made through preparation and follow up of the pastoral offices.

▪ Will re-energise pastoral, social and discipleship within the Church following this year’s traumatic lockdown and a lengthy Vacancy. 8 Schools

Within the Parish there are three Primary Schools

There are good relationships between these primary schools and St Martin’s, which is enjoyed as a venue for Christmas and Easter school celebrations.

Worle Village Primary School – St Martin’s Primary School adjacent to Church and offers – Church Link school with facilities for Church events Foundation governors

Mendip Green Primary School – the School has “Angels” made by children from Worle Village many events in Church and actively encourages School, hung in Church to look over us during our links together these difficult times of Pandemic 9 Worship Pattern prior to Covid(we are open for review)

1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 5th Sunday Thursday 8am Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Communion Communion Communion Communion Communion

9.30 Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy am Communion Communion Communion Communion Communion

11.15 Worship Worship Worship Worship Worship am Together Together Together Together Together 6pm Choral Informal Evensong worship

10.00 Holy am Communion

Electoral Roll

Electoral Roll Regular Electoral Roll Regular 2018 worshippers 2019 worshippers 2018 2019 109 95 108 69

Photographs of other recent activities

Christingle making

Church decorated for Christmas, showing the Crib 10

Easter Garden in porch, made by these two younger members of the congregation.

Preparations for the Harvest lunch, and collection of donations for the Food Bank.

Poppy display made by school children

Poppies made by those attending the Wednesday afternoon Cafe

Father Christmas visits Toddler Group 11 Our Parish and its Communities

St Martin’s Church is at the historic centre of Worle on the hillside. It is mentioned in the Domesday Book and was built in the 12th century, and extended in the 19th. It is known particularly by historians, for the Norman font and the 15th century stone pulpit carved in stone, symbol of “the Cup of Blessing.” The High Street is just below the Church and is a thriving mixture of shops, hairdressers,

Estate Agents, takeaways and Cafes. The Joining with other Churches for Community and the British Legion is proud of Good Friday outside the Co-Op in the War Memorial on the High Street next to Worle High Street the path leading down from the Church and this has been the source of positive links between the Church and the local community particularly at times of Remembrance. At Christmas, the Church sets up a crib scene inside the memorial. The High Street has three Public Houses, three cafes, three restaurants, together with the Century (social) Club, Lawrence Road Community Centre, and nearby there are two further Public Houses giving plenty of places for community contact near the Church.

In this year of the Covid 19 lockdown, activities and services have paused. In the past we have had regular social events: concerts quiz nights, films (attended by the whole community), Autumn Fayre, coffee mornings and we have enjoyed annual church holidays. All events are open to the whole Parish of Worle and other Church communities. We have reached out to the Community through carol singing at the local shops and in Pubs and Care Homes and would like Carol singing in the Nut Tree pub 2019 to see this return, as well as finding new ways to excite the local people about the Church and the love of Jesus. 12

Associate Priest

Our Associate Priest, Rev Dr Gilly Bunce, has been with the Parish for some years, and is now the Diocesan Healing Advisor. Her time commitment in the Parish will be reducing during 2021 as she focuses on wider Diocesan ministry.

Lay involvement

Lay leadership is through the PCC.

Zoom PCC Meeting - screen shot taken during “Lockdown” (1 missing member)

There are two Churchwardens, one PCC Treasurer, one PCC secretary, and elected members of the Church. We are looking to fund the appointment of a Church Administrator, having positive experience of that role when St Martin’s was part of a wider Parish.

Yvonne Criddle, licenced reader, who has strong links to St Martin’s contributes greatly to our services. 13 We are also very fortunate to have the services of organist and virtuoso pianist Richard Lennox.

Richard also holds fund raising concerts on our behalf as well as playing professionally elsewhere.

St Martin’s has a well-established choir who help to lead our main Sunday morning service, and monthly Choral Evensong. They are also very willing to assist at fund-raising concerts, and are often required to sing at weddings. We use Mission Praise and the NIV version of the Bible. The Church has good VDU and PA capabilities and the congregation is encouraged to follow the Worship using EasyWorship media presentations operated by our volunteers.

St Martin’s has a ring of six bells (tenor 9 cwt) and a strong band of ringers who ring regularly for the main services and on request at other special occasions.


St Martin’s budgeted for 2020 with the Church paying its full share of the Parish Quota to the Diocese, and on the General Fund showing a small overall surplus for the year.

With the Covid-19 pandemic, the monthly payments to the Diocese were reduced to a nominal amount in April 2020, however, through careful management and encouragement of our congregation to continue regular giving, which continues to be strong, this reached 84% of the budgeted figure for the six months to June 2020 and has remained consistent for the rest of the year 2020.

With the appointment of a new Parish Gift Aid coordinator, we completed claims for 2018 and 2019 which has enabled us to reduce the current deficiency on quota payments to the Diocese from the original Parish of Worle and meet the agreed portion from St Martin’s for 2020. We have budgeted for and expect to meet a 15% increase on this figure for 2021.

In 2019 major works were carried out to the Church building, relaying the roof of the south nave. This work was completed through existing resources and local fundraising, and the roof is once more secure.

In 2020, work involved following recommendations from the Quinquennial inspection have been commissioned and carried out, with the exception of work on the tower, which will be rolled forwards to 2021.

The PCC gives directly to charities as part of our Mission Giving. This direct giving includes one local charity and one national charity each nominated by members who 14 have a special connection, and we have recently given to the local Weston Hospice, RNLI and Parkinson’s Society.

Other charities that we have supported include:

Diocesan link to Zambia

The link between Bath and Wells Diocese and the five Anglican dioceses of Zambia was established in the late 1970s. Through this link, exchange visits, parish links and personal contact have strengthened the chain of prayer and fellowship.

Under this Link arrangement we have developed strong relationships with Bishop Derek of the Central Diocese who occasionally comes to worship with us. We have previously financed the construction of a new church near Ndola and along with Hands of Compassion charity have provided support for the Hands of Compassion School in Chipulukusu of which the bishop was chair of the local trustees.


The Vicarage

Address: 93 Church Road, Worle, Weston-super-Mare, BS22 9EA

Location: 3 to 4-minute walk to St Martin’s Church and approximately 10 minutes to Worle High Street – shops, bank, library etc.,


Lounge, dining room, kitchen, conservatory, downstairs toilet, 5 bedrooms, family bathroom and toilet. There is a garage and parking for 3 to 4 cars but the drive is steep. There is no disabled access. The front garden is large with a small grass area and then mainly laid down to parking. There is a mature back garden with patio area and greenhouse.

There is a large study, suitable for meetings and interviews, with its own external access.

Over the last few years the Vicarage has had a number of improvements, including an efficient gas fired Central Heating system, UPVC framed double-glazed windows and facias, and new kitchen. Solar panels have been installed. 15

More about Worle

Worle is just 10 minutes’ drive from the beaches of Weston super Mare and Sand Bay. It is close to J21 of the M5 and conveniently situated within easy distance of Bristol and the south west. Commuters can catch a train from Worle direct to London, Bristol, Bath or further locations north and south. Bristol Airport is within easy reach 30 minutes by car or bus.

Worle overall has a population of around 40,000 including Old Worle (Parish of St Martin). The newly created Ecclesiastical Parish of St Martin’s, Worle has a population of around 12,500, centred round the High Street and extends Southward to the railway line and beyond to the A370. It consists of a mixture of dwellings and business properties mainly developed during the 1960’s and 70’s._The boundary also includes much of the Locking Castle ‘Conventional District’ with Locking Castle Ecumenical Church serving the estates of Locking Castle and Weston Village;

The housing is a mix of old and new, owner-occupied, rented, and social housing. There are areas of affluence and relative deprivation. Worle is sought after as a place for retirement and first time buyers, but is also a great place for raising a family with its many parks, shops (including major Supermarkets), schools, health centres, dentists and transport services.

Weston-super-Mare has a main general hospital, shopping high street and miles of sandy beach, the area has many places for recreation, including golf courses, parks, areas to walk as well as the numerous hospitality businesses. We are sure that you will love this location and the friendly people that live here.


Parish Profile Deanery Section – Feb 2021

Thank you for taking the time to read this profile and praying about whether to apply to come to work with us in the Locking Deanery. This is an exciting time for both the Deanery and the Diocese of Bath and Wells. Although the pandemic has brought many challenges, the Deanery is looking forward to growth and change, with investment in Pioneer ministry, new housing, church revitalisation and placing mission and evangelism at the heart of everything we do.

The Locking Deanery is made up of 28 churches in – ‘a diverse family of churches sharing the love of God and embracing His Kingdom together’. We have an active Synod and DMPG leadership team, with a supportive Clergy chapter, and our mission action plan prioritises Youth and Children, Students and Young Adults, Seniors and the Ageing population and the Disadvantaged and Socially isolated under the banner of sharing life and inspiring mission. We have good Ecumenical links and value partnership working as we discern together what the Holy Spirit is calling us to do. For more information and to get a feel for the Deanery, please do visit

We are praying that these next few years will be a really fruitful and rewarding time to minister in the Locking Deanery and if you would like to find out more or would value an informal chat about applying please do call me on 07786 806640. With prayerful best wishes in Christ,


Revd Tom Yacomeni – Area Dean of Locking


Our vision

In response to God’s immense love for us we seek to be God’s people living and telling the story of Jesus.

Our vision speaks of the story of Jesus; his life, teaching and work, his death and resurrection; the story which is the context of our faith and the content of our message.

We seek to live this story as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world and to tell it, both in sharing the good news and by the way in which our lives speak about Him.

The diocesan strategy is built around three priorities:

1. To place mission and evangelism at the heart of all we do.

2. To re-align our resources towards mission.

3. To identify, develop and release the gifts of all our people.

The priorities provide a framework for decision-making and planning at parish, benefice, deanery, archdeaconry and diocesan levels.


Parish Vacancy Prayer God our Father You have welcomed each one of us in Jesus and called us to be His body here. During this on-going time of change and uncertainty we seek your guidance and ask that your Holy Spirit will guide and prepare us for the next steps in our journey with you. Give us wisdom and open hearts, as each of us, through prayer and discussion, seeks to discover your vision for us. May your people in our communities bring glory to your name. We ask this in the name of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.