Parker Solar Probe Science Gateway

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Parker Solar Probe Science Gateway Parker Solar Probe SWG Telecon March 6, 2020 Project Status Helene Winters Project Science Nour Raouafi Payload Status SB,JK,DM,RH Solar Orbiter H. Gilbert/T. Nieves SOC Activities Martha Kusterer Payload SE Telecon Sarah Hamilton Theory Group M. Velli/A. Higginson Upcoming Meetings Nour Raouafi Science Presentation: Don Mitchell (APL): “Acceleration of energetic particles in Solar Energetic Particle events through confinement by parallel potentials coupled with heating by broad band waves produced by anisotropic electrons (Pressure Cooker mechanism): observations, and predicted signatures for future PSP observations” Parker Solar Probe Project Status SWG Telecon March 6, 2020 Project Manager: Helene Winters Deputy PM: Susan Ensor Project Scientist: Nour Raouafi Mission System Eng: Jim Kinnison System Assurance Manager: Luke Becker Parker Solar Probe Project Status Summary Jan Feb Mar COMMENTS All spacecraft subsystems performing nominally at end of this period, with the spacecraft in umbra orientation in encounter mode. TCM-11 was successfully executed 10 January; TCM-12 was cancelled; TCM-13 is scheduled for 11 July. The spacecraft was in orbit 4 encounter mode until 4 February. The spacecraft was downlinking status data at X-band since 4 February; and began a period of post encounter science data downlink in a series of Ka-band tracks 29 February – 9 March. Technical Y/G Y/G Y/G EPI-Hi data were prioritized for downlink in an early Ka-band pass in order that the team promptly review the data for closure of AR-873, confirming that the EPI-Hi flight software functions correctly. Turned from Y to Y/G, as housekeeping data is indicative of likely nominal instrument operation. Once successful instrument operation has been verified, the project technical risk will be returned to green. Spacecraft currently in umbra orientation Orbit 4 outbound TCM-12: cancelled Parker One Science Conference scheduled for March 23rd – 27th at APL: postponed in accordance with NASA recommendation based on the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) global outbreak. Schedule G G G 5th perihelion: June 7th TCM-13 June 22nd TCM-14: July 5th TCM-14c: July 6th Venus flyby 3: July 11th Preparing funding request data for the program office in preparation for PPBE; awaiting guideline. APL Project Office and Resources G/Y G/Y G/Y GSFC Program Office working with NRL to generate a PPBE overguide to cover additional instrument engineering and operational resources for WISPR. Phase E Science Augmentation proposal has been signed off and is being flowed down to instrument PI institutions/subcontractors. Thus, the change in status from green/yellow to green this month. NASA countered the FIELDS Co- Programmatic G G G Investigator proposal; preparing a response. PSP Project below GSFC cost reserve guidelines and has limited funds available to deal with unexpected anomalies throughout Phase E. G Good Shape Y Minor Problem R Major Problem Spacecraft Status Solar Distance: 0.535 to 0.626 AU↑ (Perihelion 4 0.130 AU 2020-029, Jan 29) Spacecraft/ 02/17- Subsystem 02/23 On-Going Issues Weekly Highlights All subsystems performing nominally at end of period; Spacecraft spacecraft at umbra orientation heading outbound in orbit 4 Fault Management & Autonomy Avionics Various issues with file handling, most notably playback of SSR files at high data rates via Ka- Flight Software band (SP-A-817, 821) Guidance and Control PDU (Power Distribution Unit) EPS (Electrical Power System) Propulsion SACS (Solar Array Cooling System) Exterior Component temperatures not matChing thermal model prediCtions at aphelion variable Thermal orientations (SP-A-844) Telecommunications Radio A reset prior to REM side switch (SP-A-877) Nominal performanCe during X-band telemetry tracks using (RF) Radio B reset (SP-A-880) radio A in this period Science Instrument Status Operational Commissioning Recorder Issues/ New Instrument Weekly Highlights Status Status Usage Constraints Anomalies Encounter 4 SSR usage as expected. Powered on and No Calibration of None EPI-Lo 41.5% None collecting science during X-band tracks through February Heavy Ions 28th and between Ka-band tracks starting February 29th. Powered on February 12th and collected science data SP-A-872 through X-band period. Powered off on February 29th and Autonomy No Calibration of will be powered on between Ka-band tracks starting on EPI-Hi 15.7% None None powered off EPI- Heavy Ions March 2nd. Instrument performance will be evaluated in Hi stale aliveness early March after the downlink of EPI-Hi SSR files via Ka- Band. AR-860 Excessive Noise Encounter 4 SSR usage as expected. Powered on and FIELDS on SCM Low 82.7% None None collecting science during X-band tracks through February Frequency Bx 28th and between Ka-band tracks starting February 29th. Channel Encounter 4 SSR usage as expected. Powered on and SWEAP 68.2% None None collecting science during X-band tracks through February 28th and between Ka-band tracks starting February 29th. Encounter 4 SSR usage as expected. Instrument is None powered off. Files the instrument team requested be WISPR 94.9% None promoted for earlier downlink from spacecraft SSR have been downlinked. Top 10 Risk Matrix as of 3/5/2020 Top Code Trend Title Ten 5- Very High 1 354 Unchanged Dust Penetration (Risk ID PSP-13) 4- High 2 358 Unchanged FIELDS SCM Bx LF Anomaly 3- Moderate PSP-R-358 3 352 Unchanged Phase E Project Reserve Levels 2- Low PSP-R-345 PSP-R-352 PSP-R-354 PSP-R-349 PSP-R-350 PSP-R-353 4 345 Unchanged Solar Array Degradation Prediction 1- Very Low PSP-R-351 PSP-R-356 Uncertainty PSP-R-357 5 349 Unchanged PSP Momentum Build Up 1 - Very 2 - Low 3 - 4 - High 5 - Very Low Moderate High 6 350 Unchanged G&C Model Functionality into Command Load Constraint Checker (CLCC) Increasing (Worsening) 7 353 Unchanged G&C Model Functionality into Command Load Constraint Checker Unchanged (CLCC) 8 351 Unchanged Spacecraft / Instrument Thermal Exceedances Decreasing (Improving) 9 356 Unchanged HGA Interference with SLS 7 NEW- New since last month 10 357 Unchanged SV Access via CRC Memory Dump Parker Solar Probe Project Science SWG Telecon March 6, 2020 Parker One Postponed • Due to restrictions on NASA and ESA personnel limiting travel for the time being we've decided to postpone the Parker One Meeting. • New date: October 12-16, 2020 • Potential Venue: “The Hotel at The University of Maryland” • We will reopen the registration and abstract submissions: new results from Orbits 4 and 5 and new data from Solar Orbiter • we will allow attendees to update their abstracts • Registered attendees can carry their registration into the fall meeting • Conference website will be update accordingly Data Workshop • A data workshop was scheduled on March 24, 2020, 6-10pm @ APL 200-E100 • What should we do next? o Keep the same date and have a virtual meeting? (may be less productive than an in-person meeting) o Have a face-to-face meeting later (April-May)? (more time to look through Orbit 4 data) o We can host the meeting at APL o Any suggestions? ApJS Special Issue (ApJS) ~55 papers submitted Early Results from Parker Solar Probe: Ushering a New Frontier in Space Exploration • Publication Date: February 3, 2020 • 48 papers accessible online • Few more papers still under review Corresponding authors: please speed up the reviewing process – Send me your submission info and the manuscript. • Print copies: o Order ~600 copies: Project 200 & 100 copies per science team o Still awaiting a quote from ApJ production service 3/6/20 10 Planning Orbit 5 Orbit 5 Orbit 5 Orbit 6 Orbit 7 Orbit 8 Orbit 9 Orbit 10 DCP 5 (a,a): Proposal Ka-band Downlink, Limited Time But Aggressive Downlink DCP 05A DCP 05A Beg Enc. 05 Ka DL RATVFBKa DL 05B Ka DL Enc. 06 200 75 100 Gbits Gbits Gbits 2020 Jul 09,11 2020 May 10 2020 Jun 01 2020 Jun 13 2020 Jun2020 28 Jul 05 20202020 Jul 17 Jul 20 20202020 Aug 14Aug 17 2020 Sep 212020 Oct 03 12 Orbit 5: Data Allocations (Gbits) DCP 5a: May 10 – Jul. 10*, 2020 DCP 5b: Jul. 10* – Aug. 17, 2020 200 Gbits 175 – 200 Gbits Allocations Allocations FIELDS 62.5 FIELDS 72.5** – 85*** SWEAP 62.5 SWEAP 72.5** – 85*** ISOIS 35 ISOIS 10 WISPR 40 WISPR 20 Includes 75 – 100 Gbits of Orbit 4 high-resolution data * This date may move to the left or to the right by a day or two ** Based on 175 Gbits downlink for DCP 5b *** Based on 200 Gbits downlink for DCP 5b Venus Gravity Assist #3 Science Teams’ Requests Instrument teams’ preferences: Good news: power won’t be an issue ISOIS: • No preference for the orientation of the spacecraft as long as the instrument suite is not in direct sunlight. General request: • Be as close to sun-pointing as possible. WISPR: • Want to image during approach, possibly until July 11th Beyond 15-20 degrees, the science data is • It doesn’t matter much whether Venus is in the inner or outer FOV (in compromised: case this helps w/ rotations). Be as close as possible to sun- o FIELDS: symmetry for the FIELDS electric • Be as close to sun-pointing as possible during the flyby antennas • For VGA2, the 15 deg off-point compromised our electric field o Have reliable measurements of the measurements (which are extremely sensitive to sun-symmetry). solar wind from SPC • Need 10-12 hours off-pointing (at 45 degrees if possible) to warm up the magnetometers (SPAN-B will likely overheat and shuts itself off. At 45 • +X points to the ram side to allow: degrees, this may take about 8 hours.
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