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Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

10-24-1880 Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 10-24-1880 J. H. Koogler

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Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Morning Gazette, 10-24-1880." (1880).

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23. cable- - , t Philip Ilolzman, Chicago, Oct. A News npplicalio of the diócesi; of Virginia prosperous future for t lio tn nip i IK G. Ward, TELEGRAPHIC. gram from London says Clara Louise for hu bihop. A rcsolulioi, White Oaks. -- IX- - asiu'aut DKALLU Kellogg is engaged to a Mar- - Contractor and Buildr.e French was adopted empowering the coin- - A special train of four coache quis, name not said there given, but mittee on expeuses to make nccessan conveying General Manager Stron;-an- LAS VEGAS, X. M. ' PATP I A has been a long correspondence and The Degrading Campaign arrangements with railroads for re a party of officials varimi-railroadt- , of ALFRED ii- - SAiiKH, irieuuvinp. dued fares, and to raise moiiev for passed tsoulh jesterday ii Chairman Itarnuiii is .' XjJLVJ A republican demonstration this traveling expensns to the next con the front. They are iuvestigaiin. ATTOEXEY A'J Cali yliig On. afternoon composed of the employes vention the resources of New Mexico, and be- Dold's Bulldin. TI oí the industrial manufacturing iu - j A resolution was unanimously fore going east a portion of them will LAS VEGAS. - - X. M stitutious was one hour and a quarter adopted that the general couveutioi visit White Oaks and report upon tin (J tu eral Urant on the Witness BIBLES! BIBLES! BIBLES! IfflRCHAHPB long and was very imposiu. Hund- - in 1883 be held in Philadelphia expediency of extending a branch in- Stand-arñel- d's Of err kind and style, - Chinese reds of wagons and thousandsof men A resolution wae offered by Rev fo that rapidly developing mii-era- at Her. D. W. Cal- i feo's. English and Spanish, or in any other Record. ou foot aud on horseback carrying Dr. Dix, and adopted, calling upon co u u try. language, fur sule chuap or tdven away. Corner of Centre Street and Grand banners, mottoes, and designs of ev- - the house tor information as to the M. MATTH1ESON, District Superintendent It. B. S. lor New Avcuue, East Las Vegas. ery imaginable conceit made a pictur ordination ot bishops. WANTED Mexico and Arizona. The esque scene which was thoroughly President and Parly at Los New York, Oct. 23. 1). B. Aeugor, ANTED. -- One or two furiUliud rooms enjoyed by oc w lor a lady. Enquire at this oftice. Andelos, California, on immense crowds that Postmaster at Washington, D. C, K.U. SKIP WITH. A i-- ... cupied places along the line to-da- ANTH) cfwul II vol v lu. 11.1, of march. writes to Marshall Jewell v. wdrugstore. sotl' As complete an assortment of Mer- the way South. It it estimated that 20,000 persous ,iiat no such canco! li tur stamo as that Physician & Surgeon, participated iu t ANTED. A r.iirse girl. Apply to Mrs. chandise as can be found anywhere the demonstration. showeu on what purports to be the Chas, llfeld. . OHice pos- James Doyle, the counterfeiter late- - envelope in which on over Herbert's Drug Store on which will be sold at the lowest Republican Rally Arrest Garfield's letter ANTED. good gardener. Apply to sible rates. of ly arrested here, was brought before Chiuese question' was, was in use in w mrs. uesmarals, J. us Veaa. the Plaza. Counterfeiters Rus-sia- n U. S. Commissioner llayue to-da- y, the Washington office ou tho 23rd of AN 1 ED. al the hotel of W. . - . . . ' vuillllllllQ, I, Ollll lU.lli;iI!lt and his cat continued to Thursday, is one good A. Desmonts, JVews. January, the date the letter claimed first cook and one good second cook ; Sania I?e Bakery also nre irond waiter. nfii)--- w under $25,000 bail. to have buen mailed. The lac simile Centre St., Eait La Vefn. HOUSE AND SIGN of the stamp appearing onjthe envelope FOR SALE. San Francisco, Oct. 23. A Los Everything in tho baker's line eonstat!j. A I N T E II. m question is totally unlike the oue ?in SALIO, Torco llrst-clas- a tots in the new P Augelos dispatch says I 1 Chicago, 111., that the Presi town, ou tho hill adjoining Ihe residence of on hand October 23. While in use office 23d .1 . t 9 at this on the of Jan W. Love on (he south. Bast Location in tho dent arrived there his morning at city. Frescoe, graining, calsomining, the Times editorially figures out that uary. It will therefore be seen Apply to A. .1. llongliton . ntf. HUBERT Y & AXOKLL, Prop'rs. etc. o'clock and was taken in charge bv that paper hanging, Leave orders Jewell's messages to Florida were re- A good with M. lleise on the plaza. ti, rnnnt; mm!ttn .,,,,1 ,u;Jtllc postage stamp, as well us Gar- - 1IOItSALK. saddle horse, bv Mrs ally indicative of Republican fraud it fieia's 8SnaliiP(l, is proven a EXCHANGE to Ornage Orchard and Vineyard ; forgery denounces Barnum for bad faith for I IMK KOlt SALE. Bv Moore A Huir, at the thence they were taken to the Agri- - St. Petersburg, October 23. There ' ..' Hot Spring's. Leav orders atltcrliert A publishing the public dispatches (Jo'sdnift, on tho plaza DININ G "BILLY'S'7 cultural Park, where they were re- - is ft well founded rumor nfioat that HALL, which he obtained surreptitiously or 111 consequence ot cei ved by the President and Directors court intrigues SALE. My house and land sitimted at through mistake. Its new York spec-iv- al FOR In Dold's Block. of the Agricultural Association. After "gainst General Melikofl" he will re- - Lhb Veifas, near he Jrind View howeer regards Barnum's claim llotel. Kor terms apply to the tiitdcrsifrncd, A. T. Hoover, Pl op. Northwest Cor. of the Plaza. a grand parade of stock they return- lire to the Caucuses, aud that the L:is eprns, N. M. D. PEREZ. as ridiculous and accepts Jewells ex- Sept. 25th, ISM). nSl-l- The moU elegant appointed saloon in ed to the Cosmopolitan Hotel, where compijny of ministers which isantng la planation as not only plausible but Kichnnse Hotel Building, n rfce the Southwest. The finest liquors in an immense crowd was assembled. onistic to MHikoff will be reorganized. TÍO It SALE. J00 head of r.ntl'r. Kor further , Las Veicns, X. M. IJ inlormullor. Jiiflji Vc-an- the country. Mixed a spec- correct. The feeling here is that Bar applv to Bros., Las d drinks Short speeches were made by Presi Ihe Russia has been suspended for A. Nelson A Co., Anton Chico. N. M.- mim'a campaign is degrading and al- ialty. Open day and night. dent Hayes, Secretary Ramsey and publishing the above. All the fort i Now open for Transient; most of despair as evidenced by ti e I7IOR SALE A pood sixteen lioise power Gen. Sherman and others. After hav lied posts on the Turkoman steppes are eiisine, till in running order and J. N. FURLONG, bogus Chinese letter written to a mau a six hirco vnoufth to run a flour mill. Anv person Guests and Regular ing visited the Agricultural Exposi prepared for months siege. Rama ilebiriiifrto sec it rtmnliifr can do so uiiv dav nt who never lived and addressed to a is to be my pinning mill at Lns Veens. Applv ' for tion they will be driveu to the mis- provisioned and fortified for I Boarders. uuiou which is a myth and shows by t"" JOHN II. W DOTEN. PHOTOGRAPHER. sion, San Gabriel, where, after visit- attack in less than a month. ;lí)-tr this last that it is a desperate and con- ing the Ranches, they will be met by Washington, Oct. 23. In Rrooklyn Dissolution Center Street temptible trick. The Democrats notice. Gallery in the Hear of the Exchange a train aud proceed to Arizona. to-da- y the secret service officers ar- 'I lie linn heretofore existing under the name Las Vegas. themselves unite in condemning such of l evy, Colin A Co., is this dny dissolved liv Hotel, We6t rested E. W. Brock- - mutual consent, II . St. Petersburg, Oct. 23. An ad- Spencer alias IJell Mr. Cohn remains sofe methods and agree that the cause of proprietor, and assumes all liabilities Htfulnst way, C. II. Smith, X. Jones, P. Ow the Conner BAKERY, is dress is being privately signed among llrm, ami collects nil outstanding the Democracy becoming hopeless - ;r. w. ns, charged with being conccrucd iu delils. I.kvt, Coiix A- Co.. love, indeed if it must be bolstered up by the students here, embodying a peti- 11. COIIX. 1 Las Vegas, 2 ISWl. 57-3- jiincli tion alreadv submitted to the rector. counterfeiting $100 uationnl bank Oct. And Comitor. Commission Merchant, such means. Some people accuse (Formerly Santa Fc Bakery.) fill' n Him mitilclcx. UOtCS, All tl U. S tlOOO coupon bonds Jewell laying a LI.LlU.l IYS 1111 111 I 1J 117 nfKJ 1 I Administrator' .N'ntioe. Las Vegas, New Mexico. of trap for Baruum 'I IS public instruction, of 1861 issue. Smith confessed he Notice is herebv criven lluit the Tl nil 1,nlifilA NOW BEADY FOR BUSINESS into which the latter easily and rap- which demtnds Court in and lor tho comity ol San Miguel, II AY, the va- anil the a engraved plates for those and territory of Sow Mexico, lina appointód the un- Largest Oven in the idly falls. The accession to the Dem- establishment of special student dersigned Territory. Will GRAIN, rious other counterfeits. Their ex- administrator of the estate of Frank ocratic ranks of known Democrats is corporation with the right They de Chapman, deceased. All persons indebted to supply Las Vegas and the Towns along amination is set said estate will mke immediate settlement: POTATOES, mand that no shall be subject for next Tuesday. and now numbered by the score. The student all persons having claims against said es-tn- lu the Road from Raton to San Marcial. will be will causes to summary treatment by the police Doyle brought from Chicago present Ihcm within twelve months. APPLES, chief re the agitation of the 31. BRUNSWICK, Orders by letter will receive prompt at- to be used iu evidence. lli.i- - y A i tariff question among manufacturers, without previous cognizance of the ti m n Uti'n ii.i Handled in Car Lots. La Vegas, N'. M., Feb. 7lh. m. tention. IIUBKKTY k AN ft KM. the solidity of the South, the disre rector. Santa Fe, Oct. 23. Deputy IT. S. Butter, Eggs and Poultry always on putable tricks resorted to by the De I he Golos has a long article on the Marshal Tony, who, sonic day's ago, "HOPPER BEOS,, V. HREEDKN. VV. C. hand. Cash paid on consignments. mocracy, the superiority of the State failure of the crops. It says the out killed a road agent, came in town to- HAZLKDIXK Dealer in BREEDEN & and National ticket and, perhaps look for Russia is very gloomy, and day. He reports that ho followed the HAZLE DINE, Staple and Fancy Groceries. W. Steele, more than all, the desire of the young will have to buy grain from abroad band for fifty hours when they doubl- ATTORNEYS f: COUNSELORS BOOTS & SHOES. JUSTICE OFTIIK l'KAOK lor Precinct Xo. voters not to throw away their first How to feed the peasantry the coming ed .back and escaped liini, but falling Produce h . Orders 11 led on hrt n 2!), Ktist Ln Vega. AT LAW. tire. PropriHors ot the Krai Estate, Colluding Agent anil Convey- vote on a losing winter is a problem occupying the se- iugiutothc bauds of Mexicans, who candidate who repre Albuquerque - - - New Mexico. ancer. rious were ou the outlook, owe was killed Delmonico Dueda, Mortgages ami Justices' lilunks lor sents not altogether the best elements attention of the government, ill pnetice iu the Sunrcnie and nil tln m Restaurant. SillU. is no in alight near aud tc nt courts of the Territoi y. Knst Venas, N. M. OHice on tlie hill between (tie old and now of society. It is believed that sur and there ground for expecting Glorictta. another towns. a good in was killed near the head of the Pecos. prising majorities will be given for harvest the future. The C. F. MASTSOIZ Iiepublicans in the November elec thousands of insects that defy all ef Only two of the band arc now left. The Best Place John C. Carris, tions and that they will gain six Con forts to exterminate them will lie hid Chicago, III., October 23. The TO 23TT3T THE. BOSS gressmcn in den under deep - Contractor and Builder the States of Iowa, lili the snow until spring Times says the Democratic Slate Cen- i NEW nois, Minnesota, when thev will renew their work of o U BUGGY Boot & Wisconsin and Mis tnil Committee Indiana moving Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and Shoemaker -- souri. destruction. t OR- OK for a comnlete of the fnniitu S.n Marcial. The Golos says the exnenscs for the perpetrated at tke late and New York, October 23. General )asf fiuancial year exceed the estimate issues an address to the Democrats jpi ANDUKWS, Opposite .J a flu Uros., guarantees satisfaction Crant appeared before the Warren and a periect nt or no pay. by 360,000 roubles. un-ino- - that Senator McDonald be county court of inquiry to-da- y as it Is from a Man thnt un SANTA witness New York, Oct. 23. Judge Law- - furnished the details of every case of FK, NKW MKXICO. but his recollection of most of 7 reuce, in the Supreme Court Cham- - perjury. derstands the rants Prices W. H. WHITELAW the events was not very clear as to the of lor Assaying (iold, $2.50; details of the battle of Five Forks, bers to-da- y, on application of the San Francisco, Oct. 23. While Mr. the Country. .Silver, $1.50; Lead. 1.50; Copper, Th Mexi-Th- Attorney at Law, lie was asked as '.o his order author- Western Union Telegraph Company. Bridges and wife, of Sau Fernandiuo, Only Carriage Shop in New e $3.00. Samples b mail will receive Will attend to all legal business promptly, izing General Sheridan to granted au order to show cause, re- - were attending a political m?etinffat co. only Full Stock of Carriage prompt attention Center Street, Kast Lai Vega, New Mexico. relieve turuable on the 27th iust., why an in- - that place, their house caught rire,and 179-- d. General Warren, but Mickney, War- Material in the West is kept by junction should not be issued to re- - their four children, the oldest 11 vears ren's attorney, opposed the personal If. . SIIUPP, Lax Vega, X. M. B U W E H Y SAL 0 0 $. opinion of the first soldier of the strain the the American National Com- - o'd, were burned to death. ftOTAKY PUKLIC, mittee from using or circulating litho ALBERT &. HERBER, Proprietors. country being given. There was a San FranciKco, Cal., October 23. tilt u graphic copies of dispatches of Mar betwa the attorneys and some The work-iugme- n Opposite Jaffa Bros., East Side. Democratic wing of the Alex. McLpan. Hobt. McLean . shall Jewell, chairman of the Repub 1ST. SEO-TTIR,- , Jon. McLean . Fresh Beer always ou Draught. Also dispatches were produced. General met last night and withdrew Fine Cigars and Whiskey. lican National Committee, sent to Triillcante en Grant could not say whether General Senator Enos, their candidate for Lunch Counter in Can. Florida, and given to the Democratic McLean Bros., Warren had suggested au attack on Congress and endorsed Gen. Rose- - nection Committee, through mistake of the ABARRO1 n Licores. the enemy's rear or not. He found crans, the Democratic candidate. Contractors and Builders. 3xr. that when officers undertook to think telegraph company. The original ap Luciano, plication San Francisco, Cal., October 23. Manufacturer of for themselves instead of obeying or- was for au injunction,which Frutas All kinds of Mason Work. Fine The Burkentiiie, from Port Madison, PROVISIONES. ders it generally led to defeat. He was not granted. The affidavit on Plastering a Specialty. Contracts MEXICAN JEWELRY with lumber, is ashore in a fog three Tabacos, Cigarros, did not like it and it had led to the which the order was obtaiued was ote,, taken iu any Part of the Territory. LAS VEGAS, - - - N. M madcbyNarvin miles south of the Ocean. House and Calle Segunda al Sur, - Las Vegas. discharge of one officer. (Heferring to Green, presiden' of Las Vegas, N. M. In Homero Rnlidinjr, Side or will probably be lost. East tho Plar.a. Warren). Stickney thereupon in the Western Uniou telegraph com London, Oct. 23. It is un lerstood sisted on this being stricken pauy. G. W. PUICIIAKI), OTERO & JEAGER, N. J. PETTIjOHN, M. D , out. This that a total ot 100.000 in will tin part of the testimony was struck out, "II.i.cago,- it, 1 . i . ' c5 Dealers in in., uciouer shinned from here tn-r-- t. -- for Am.rl. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, i J together with some other answers de o w..i.:..i : uuu iiBiuugiuii special says Jion ca. bteanier triscia from llavero, for GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, to . Hot Springy and Lai Vegas. rogatory General Warren. Jay llubbell, chairman of the Kcpub- t ir i LAWYER' Chronic Diseases and a ixew lorK, aiso iook out 1D,000 Corn, Hay nud Forage. Diseases ef Females ui-u- East Las Vegas, - New Specialty. Chicago, III., October 23. The uituuuui commmee recalls a francs, Mexico. conversation HOT SPRINGS - - - 8 to A. M Times says which he had with Gen. i editorially of the alleged Oct. 23. LAS VEGAS-Cent- ral C Garfield at a Dublin, The tenants of Lincoln, County. Drag Store, I to P. M letter of Garfield on the Chinese time when the public JOSE I). SENA, Mexle. opinion upon King Harmon, er of Parlia- - : tho Chinese nucstinn I , question The fabricator of that w M , , . - ATTORNEY AND JNO. F. BOS'TWICK. P. O, LY DON was in oí ouici laiutiorcis, COUNSELOR OTERO Y JEAGER, pernicious document was some huu its first formal stages iu the '0"'o, east. We recciea nonce no: to pay lull AT LAW, BOSTWICK LYDON gry ignoramus who did not know have said General Garfield 've Traflcantes en the rcnts u,uler penalty of Santa Fe - had ccrtaiu fixed and iust nrin.ini- bcin?shot Xew Mexico AttorneyatIjiw. difference between free trade and pro f lysv-- ... Oci. 23. ; tend to business in Ibimttx, Provisiones, O nice at Exchange Hotel Building. tection or possess ability to discrimi- which govern us in our treatment of Dublin, Tho indictments both Span M. immigrants those hgaiust the land league will ish Zacate, etc., por Fleteros. Las Vhoab, N. nate either from the result of the In- but only are proper include and English. Jy benelicianes of our w speeches, testimony of 3.w witnes- - J, FRANCO OH A VES, diana electiou or bribery which can Government be upheld by legal evidence. who come among us to stay and be- - 8CS an" various newspaper articles, LAS VEGAS AND VINITA Piulado do l.lnroln, ,1w Mexlr. The tamcness of the arguments of como part of us. We hare the same HOWISON A. FABIAN, Attorney at Law A lew days ago 1000 pounds of the average white stumper in compar- right to protect ourselves from bein" MAIL LINE. AUUJQUKRQUB. - - NEW IIome8take ore was run through ANDJX. General Comm'n Merchant! MEXICO ison with tho overrun by the hordes from Asia as the appeals of tho colored arrastra. The AN') SALKSMEN FOR against grass hoppers or any other ore was taken from the Why? campaigner is vividly shown by an tunnel , threatened danger. dump without retereuce to JtUNNIXU DAII.T FROM FOKT JIASCOM TO EASTEBU HU3E 3 Will you pay two prices to Irresponsible ped- extract from the speech of a colored Whether or not Knst side R. R. Are. opposite Browne A iera for tewing machines, when for one half there is dauger of quality. The sum of $41 was obtain- Manzanares. the money preacher in Indianapolis : "If you go such au event is FOItT KLLIOTT. you can buy liny first class machín ed from tha 1000 pounds of ore, made, and warrented from three to fle years, back on tho ticket next quite another question. thus M. among which are the Singer, the White, Do month I am showiug a and Kxpreni matter leavlnc Lm SALAZAIi. yield of $80 per to n. This Vegasl'aient"on Tuesday raestic. New American, etc. For price apply afeerd I shall miss you ou the riglu New Oct. 23. - morning will bo rorwardod to A. 1. Harrison, at Hammond's Hardware York, The Protest- test establishes the character on weekly bucklioard through to any point ia of the 11 llonse, Trinidad, Colorado. U-.l- hand of the ffreat white throne." Rut Epiicopal convention refused the Homestnke the Pn and! of Texas. Charges reasoimlde. mino and foreshadows a C. U. AUSTIN. Proprietor. LjAI Viab Las Vcs D:il Gaztte. j FÍTSt National Baill A. J. CEAWFOED, MEN DENHALL & CD J. H. KOCCLER. Editor. Oí' I.AS VKOAS. is ,Msiir tu lttiyn'lilí Brothers) ATES CF SUDsCRIPTIO ' lallv. I c:iV.. i" ! WHOLESALE & RETAIL ltÍlV. ll'lilOlil'i ' I lllulllll 1 "" Authorized capital, $500,000 I1T. r lfit'r-- i Lv rji-nc- ! any .rt l l!ic rlty. ekl, I :ll- DealersLiEin Horses and .Mules, ako Fine Uuggie and Crrigfg for Sale I - U cckl V , (i IIKillt lit Paid in capital. $50,000 Voy Ail -- ilifin l ili't iipiilr lu.l. II. lvci.'ulcr Rigs for the Hot Springs and other Points of Interest. The Fineat Livery I Surplus Fund - GROCER. ililor un l'r.iji r.M"i $10.000 Las Vegas, Ngav Mexico. Outfitiiu the Territory. Fall ?rd Y.'raps and Coats. HOl'.s ICSEHAL BANKINU BUSINESS Yinr Uw-l- f -- DEALER IN- - The shoulder vnn ami mantcletlcs iiiv worn will In; i ..phwt'tl Ik fore No- The Old R citable Di u$ vember by tin- lighter winter cohIs, Store. Established 1870. Fruits, Vegetables, &c., &c. These will iicvi ry loiiy; tliis h.v.soii , and tlie dolman tlic favonio sh:i.e. A & sh't-'VC- CO ( is in loor-- e ('(;) WÍtll ( 'hilICSC i al- HERBERT We carry everything that packed the so to in- - l iltll .i!l'r ÍH'W i !H Of t Slt iollrí Canned Goods Line! Theo do noi dillcr materially íruiu Smith 4V Harrison, Prop'rs. the kind worn hist, sentón. They are DRUGS, MEDICINES. free to all made in all the mixed cloths lor ordi- Goods delivered parts of the city. nary wear, and of the richest blade TOILET ARTICLES, Give Us a call. South side of the Plaza, la - Vegas, JV. M. brocade velvrt.--; coinbiiiod with satin de Lyons or ros grain lor more AND PERFUMERY. This House hns been Newly llcfittcd and Refurnished nd Affords tko 13e drei-s- y occasions. Quilted linings of of colored or black satin are appropri- Accommodations to the Traveling Public. ate for the fall months, and many O j 8 carefully 1 P ñ E S E prefer hem toihe fur linings, even lilPTIO LI YE T Compounded. O - during the winter. Fringes of che- AND- nille, with rope-lik- e strands, Jinisli the edges and sleeves of many outside HUSK & IBMODS. garments. They are trimmed with At Doctor Shout's Old Stand. o SALE STABLE fur bauds principally. The feather - jp33 trimming- of grebe and black mara- lPj tí CO EAST LAS VECAS, N. M. bout, live or si inches wide, trim j some i.l' the im-- recent importations O 8. Prop'r W while ot hers are linished with bands p J. luuc:m, of different luis from . A w Operative & 14 new idea in furs, is a fur collar, the 4 Carriages and Horses Let at Have a large and complete stock of all classes of Merchandise which they see ends of which are long enough to turn lechanioal. Reasonable Rates. at bottom prices for cash. ;:nd form a under mull'. Listening to the solicitation of many o A popular is tí fancy at preheat for a citizens of Las Vegas, Dr. F. II. Horses and ules Bo t and tiger's claw with gilt talons for a hat Detiraw will open an office M of Plaza, oruameni. i'htin and llat trimmings for the practice of Dent- Sold. istry. and materials arc little used in milli- Ü nery this season. The popular low, Painlss Extraction of Teeth. O V a. P round crowned 1í' bv a,;d few of tí -' Las Ye 1X23 s he new shapes in felts are :ún st, the 1 eeth Extracted, Plug- O- enly Sf exceptions. Where the bonnet ged Replanted. H ih not made e- - lire'y of cheaiüe or Sri'-CIAVI- IS F. C. :the: ! lilt; DOCTOR'S FIXE O Ogden, Propt'r. I vi ft li . tlio.--e material arc used for GOLD WO Hit. , trimming-- 0 S- (io! straw and lace and Dressed Lumber for Sale. fT v nsm t--. r-- - some ben!'"d crowns are seen. No Jioiittis ('ainiiuMl ami ailvioii given free o Lumber Surfaced to order. Elmpo it rxji i.' face i riuiinirgs i O F arc Fea hers ot SASH, DOORS, BLINDS aun ai in '.II kinds are i'i vogue, the ostrich lip Artificial Sets of Teeth on being thi favorite. iMack is no! the Celluloid. Styls oí MmiUlinix lending ANDRES SENA, Charles Ilfelsl, cohir in boi'.nets this seaswiu 1 hough there tue so ninnv occasions OFKICi; UOfli.S FliOM 8 A. 3t.,to 5 P. M. Turning of all Descriptions, Newell l Given. GENERAL MERCHANT, Posts, when it is appropriate that one black lioo .'creicticc All Work Wnrvanted. Balustrates, Scroll sawing. Vorth side of Sniro Lax Venas, an.d bran h store at La Ju i.'a. Oilier' mi North Siik' of t'laza. Open July hat is always included in a complete CONTRACTING AND JtHt, lS0. JST. M. BUILDING. , LOS ALAMOS, outtii. Velvet, phi-di- silk and hro :o: Work and Estimates from a dis-tm- ce cades iviil enter into their composi Also in Dealer will tion end trimmings, with receive prompt attention feathers .AS VEGAS CATTLE, SHEEP, Oce;isi..n,iliy i bunch of colored vel -- Axn- BLAFCÍIAKÜ. Y d flowers used, and strings ol'col WOOL, HIDES, -- DEA LEU 1 ored brocade ribbon, silk lined with LAS VEGAS 2 h i salín, or Ihoc liutferial.s doubled, m GftAIft AND ALL

1 lip I he ancy mm boiiiicls of nemv colored Kinds of PRODUCE plu-he.- -, fciiihcr.., (lowers, and bvo-cade- Assay Office mixed to nil I he cost nine of in dividual mMc are the mest fashion !;.'.!..-- ';iiy via I, a I.ii'ntlvi', CliniKirito, Galli OF HARDWARE, ni'S ( i''i í, .a Cinta, aii Hilario .anil Fort FREIGHTING. abb The bright olors scarlet. pure Freight teams always ready and freighting ohn blue, emerald green, and bright done to all parts of tho Territory. J Itobcrtson,F.S.A. i'a.v-i-nai.T- Gfoods e ami Kxpicss luallcr carrivil toanv Stoves ycliov--ar- Stove ,ot seen in and the best com ioint i. n t.iip niosl vi'usdnal.lo terms s llilii-l- y Assayer, Mining Engineer, binations, but the richest and most MACKLEY HOUSE, artistic bb'iidiugs of olive, J. SPECIAIjTY! niaoon, C. A. ' old gold, turquoise, blue, an like RATIIBUN Opposite tlie Depot, RAIL 110 AD AVE., The Elastic Joint Iron Roofing alwayss on hand, warm colors, are in liigheit favor. (Formerly the Robinson House) Opposite Browne Sc Manzanares' tinel-lhreade- CHICAGO The d brocades Invc not NEWLY REFITTED, REFURNISH- EAST LAS VEOAS, NEW MEXICO. BUY AMERICAN BARB WIRE. the tisu d gaudy appearance in these combinations, hut add to the general ED, AND AN ADDITION Assays of Ores Made with Accuracy and lua-- s oí' rich color. Hairpins; eight BUILT TO IT. Dispatch. Brompt Attention will be inches long, of gik and amber, often Fin;., i iualiiy of Cii.iloni Work dono in the lasteii the trimmings, or appear to do Tcriiloi'v. Paid to Orders Sent from the Various so. The mosl becoming and beautiful Mining Camps of the Territory. evening bats are of cream white pliish, A Full Line of M. D. Wulls &Co.'s ChicHgo GOOD A CCO MM OT)A 27 0 NS with pile half an inch deep, trimmed Mailt- Hoots A SIioim Constantly on Huml. Are offered to the traveling public at Examining and Reporting on Mines and Willi ostrich lips of the saine tint an." K Mining Claims a Specialty...... i ti i AST LAS VliGAS, N. Si. reasonable rates. 1 ,u meo. i ni;-;- , made upo t GhO TO TjEEIEj the "poke." dicker," or any of the J. A.MACKLEY, Proprietor '(iain.-horo- All Assays Considered " shapes, will suit any Confidential CENTRAL DRUG ivie ot leatnre or complexion. The CHAPMAN HALL. L. GEEEN, STORE! cap, or soft, (rovvn (nihil))-'- , have malí Billiard Parlor For Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Faint Oils, Patent ears, while those worn RESTAURANT lat & Room, Medicines, Sample -- A. were round. A pret ty fancy for AM)- 0. BOBBINS, Brushes, Combs, Fine Soaps, Perfum- i" a s:!k eries, Toilet "id mute Leaver with lKAI.'-;i- t IN Articles of every description, Whole- . i; i. i i i ,. i itniiiHM eiii '.eti orim oi swaudov. i). HP 013 sale and Children's hounet dose ti;tiin', AIL 5 Retail. sometimes with a coronet added. FUHNITUKK & Physicians" Prescriptions Acw i oik Hi raid. Something Good to Drink, a Specialíy I - THE MONARCH C9,üral Lunch at any hour from 8 till 11 A. M. DrU3 Kain 8t- - The Uiciiiiiond ytale . XSWAIlfi.j st3re' between East and West (Detn.) says: 'I lie Finest' Hcsort in AVcst Las Vejas where EAST LAS - - NEW QUE (enera! VEGAS, MEXICO Hancock, as we feared hi the Vovy llest Brands of Opposite Browne & Mamzanare. Las Vegas, New Mexico. i;a . , one migin, iiiicn isi Hlier too LIQUORS AND many. The pitcher has gone, to the CIGARS UNDERTAKING OHDEHS PHOMl'T ace Griswold, óc Co., " Prop'r At-- B. wed once too often, and has been l;eit on liajid. J. ALLEN'S bioken. Frightened ;.nd demoral- LY k TT li N f) K 1) TO. CLUB ized by the October elec't ions, in a PRIVATE ROOM IN OONNF.CTIOX. TAILORING panicky frame of mind, and all a! mm. Near the Bridge, West Las Vegas. IÍKNUY UHA.nsr, Proprietor. he catches at the lir.-- l straw that floats FRANCISCO BACA his way and oilers the s ighlest hhow Establishment, Irank J". Webber, I SANDOVAL, of safety. Located on the street in rear of National i.s m -- .. - lioia, No. 17, where he prepared to n In the de.-cri)ti- of the recent ban- do all kinds of work in his lino promptly A ONEER p .Tr, ti g P Ü1 Wholesale and Itetail Dptlertl quet, to (enera! (iraní, the Bomou and in a workmanlike manner at reason- able prices. Advertiser sav. : "There was a lib-er- Has ñ ü constantly on hand Horses, Mules, allowance of vrhic, a h u nan: CHOICE KENTUCKY sepárale d Harness Etc., and also buys and sells on , kind for every (i)iir.-i-', but it v. a-- not- !'"ineit in the City oí Las Vegas, T. J. FLEEMAf Commission. ,Salc of goods nnulo at any iceable that íícuera! (Irani drank lime. Will bo found on North-Eas- t n itiiing but v. MERCHANT TAILOR. corner of l'laza, or word may be left at WHISKIES. ÍO nil hill i: Maine 'VA ' in:M0umLr this office. í ALL KINDS OF tho lien who wear cov, . . h.i.itü are Li AS VEGAS AND V INI. TA Sol AkbiU la Nut Mexico far iY. II vi nr.:- lo i!.;' t i reotioac!. slandnrd ctttisfi & MeimiaiEag' 'i fiii'l are down on I hsincrat c fiisior, THE MONARCH MAIL AND - - DICK BROS., i'rii'st-c!as- EI Jj s DOUE TO OEDEE. -- ry bar where gentlemen will The Milwaukee paper.- - ay tlml. Sec-rcia- iind the liipaors. wines and ci- Shop in Dold's Block, Northwest Siiennaii rather likt s to he linet (; V. LK I MH' K connec- Corner of the Plaza. K . i i i . j gars in the Territory; also iu Ht'NNlNt.; ÜASCOM T(i called u n i i .lohe." and "'Oíd DAILY TIIOM rol.'T tion is a lunch counter. Drop in and Specie its. Important Notice. roiiT Kixrorr. see lis. J'orthebenelltofourciti.en who go east, the LAGER s BEER. lttte copies paper will lie kept on die PaH.snngei-- ( )n gen has givt II v. oiitrn the hal-- ! Open Day and Night. ol thi in thr anil Kxpivsn mnttor lcavlii ticket ollice of the ( liicHgn, llurlington ftQiau-c- y Vega on 'luencluy luumhifr will be l'urrimlel lot. Xow look out for a hig cinlgru-- j LOCK Elk, LOCK WOOD, rat rod, t 68 Cltirk etrtet, CIiIcrko, 111., on weekly bncklioard throntrli to uny point in ,X. U. LAI;TH wkert tlitr nr t culi read ike JNn HatjilU of ClinrjteB rpnaonalile. I nTllií Itlr.e. 'J'exni. ALBtfQUBltQlK, X. M. lion. 'Proprietors. C. 11. AUSTIN, Proiritor. SAN MIGUEL Las Ves Dailv Ga?ette NATIONAL BANK JAFFA BROTHERS GRAND VEW HOTEL, SUNDAY. OCTOI'.ER 24, 1880.

OF LAS VEGAS, DEALERS IN A. T. L S. F. RAILROAD TIME TABLE - VEGhAS, - HST- - M nn LAS VEGAS KM. iTAI IOS Went. Kant. JACOB GROSS, MIGUEL A. OTERO, erchandise, H. 12:40 3 40 a. m. 1.a Junta a. in. Cashier. President. lenera Dr. J. Sutfin Prop'r. 1:20 2 :40 I impas Iron Spring 2:04 :04 Tliaclier 2:.12 17 :1H AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $200,000. Kart e 8:40 12 :28 PAID UP CAPITAL, Í50.O00. 4:0í !l2 :0G lloehne 4:: :40 TrinMa'l j I.'!!"!!!..!! 4:5.1 12:25 E.1ST& JVESTL..1S VEG.1Ü. surkTlllo 5:1 10 :.W TJinECTOHS; The Best Accommodations that can he found Merlcy ft:Sl 10::2!l 6:12 U::40 Miguel A. OteYi Joseph Uosenwald South Sldlns flK)l :51 Emanuel Uosenwald V- - North Siding Jacob Gross. Having a nrc;u gíock oí L 7:10 0::00 Andres Sena, Lorenzo Lopez. received Vl.u in the Territory. 8::35 Raton 4 7:22 7:3! 8::18 David WiiiterniW. THING, otero 8:1(1 7::41 and bought as low as cash will buy Maxwell 8:50 7::07 DorBev 9:3H 6:.11 IiOSENWALD'S BUILDING, Springer 10:10 5::47 goods, they are now prepared to offer their OeaU ; 4::5fi Wagon Mnnnil 11:01 Tipton 11:34 4::2 Does a general banking business. customers and buyers generally BETTER 12 :2.t 3::27 FREE BUS Watrons 12:54 2::5S Drafts for 6ale on the principal cities Homero 1:30 2 :2 INDUCEMENTS vega 1 THAN EVER BEFORE. a 1:54 :54 of Great Britiau and of y 1: 11 Continent To FBI fPmfl 11j j SuUbacher . 2:37 iJJ THE 2:57 12: 51 Europe. Correspondents Having in i Rernal 3:31 13: 17 solicited established a Branch House Peco 11: Ful ton 3:57 51 4:27 11: 21 East Las Vegas gives on Kingman 4:58 10: 4 the people the Glorieta 9: 57 Prices to Suit the Times. Manzanares 5:47 5:53 9 50 East Side the advantage of SAVING TEME HiaUstoo .Junct'n j 6:0.-- 9 S8 1 anta Fe 7:0.-- 8 30 AND MONEY for purchasing their To Albuquerque. 6:2fl 9:30 a. m. goods. Galidtco p. J. C. BLAKE, Ortiz 7:0fi 8:44 11U1JUJJ l'alrillo 7:36 8:14 Please call and EXAUDE OUR GOODS Ullllll 1UU11UJJÍ1U 8:21 7:29 Manufacturer ami Dealer In Wallace 6:44 Alforfones 9:0fl , Bornalillo :4 6:00 AND PRICES; before purchasing else" A S V EG a S N E W M EXI CO . Allmquerqne 10:50 5:00 Albuquerque to San Marcial. SADDLES i HARNESS where. JAFF& ROS. T. F. CBB.1B1B.B. Froprleior Stations NorthjJSouth ... 6:ÍÓa m.!:3'i p m I. .1. Saniord, Manager. "Albuquerque. Il0:27 One Square South of on South Side o 1.a b Plaza, Lunas 10:54 Bi-le- 4:36 Pacific Street, & 1:08 ra J. GRAAF CO. First-Clas- s . a be kept BBoteJ. Socorro - Ifltt as a San Marc inl 1:10 2:30 ALBUQUKKQUE, j S"W MEXICO. Provdinga good table, good attention, fine Wines, and south passenger trains roak It A Y etc North Carriage Trimming Done to RESTAURANT AND CITY K tilt at Gallsteo. Junction for Order. close connections The Traeeling liiblin are ronlrmb invited. if anta Fe. tr.ranch to Santa Fe. NEW STORE! Cakes ot Tlxo St. IVTiotxolívsi Hotol. Xjtxfa "XTorm., 1ST. JVT. All freitrht for the North or South must be Fresh Bread and Fíes ait y. - -t- delivered at tne nepoi m t i". - ho cause of this is that freight cannot be blll- NEW GOODS! "AÍ.íldIÍM-m- will be open kinds. :o:- - & Wm. Gillerman, Browne Manzanares Church Notlcew. A CHURCH. -- Order of services lias opened a stock of WHOLES LH AND RK'I AIL. CATHOLIC First Mass, 6;80 a. m.j H.?h 9 vespers ai í . Mass, a.m.; i. O-EIfcTEIR-.- Low Mass ate p.m. . MtoL, WHOLESALE GROCERS, CHURCH. - West Las GROCERIES, TOBACCO AND CIGARS PKKSBYTERIAN every Sund y at 11 a. m. a . m. aud 7 u m. . Sabbath School at'H:45 Rev J. C. Eastman. Pastor. MERCHANDISE, To be found at the Parsonage adjoining the Confectioneries, Fruits, etc, etc., etc. Clmrh. Mr hod lot KpiseopiO jhnrcli.-Serv- Ic.' AND Sunday 11 a. m. and 7 n. tn. Sabbath scorn. very at (íalfee, at Fort lia .IMF SCt. School at 3 p. m. I. W. Pastor. WE IP Parsonage adjoining the church. New Mexico, Firm BftptUI Church. Services at 11 a. m. SAMUEL B WA'lliOUS JOSEPH II. WATROUS and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school 2 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend our services. COMMISSION Place of meeting In the building adjoining on north. Rev. M. 11. A Full Assortment in every line . .Tafia Bros. Store the IB. Watrou & gon., MurphTi pastor. which will be sold at Las Vegas -- DEADERS IV-- Todge No. 8 A. F. A- M Prices, Freight Added. CHAPMAN Wednesday of each month be-...- re moon at the Masonic Ha 1, MEKCHANTS the mil ot the ' entrnl Street, between Sonth 2d ana 3d atrts. IB, J. U. Koouler, Sec' v. ST03STE 1ST. IMI. AN VEUAN Iodee No. 4. I. O. O. F. LAS VEGAS, I"J meets every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock harn. Visiting brothers arecordially invited. on Old THOMAS GAItTRKLL, N. Ct. Stands the mm T. Rutkxbbck, Secretary. WhII Arrniuteineiits. The PoHt-OfU- wil Foundation Cattle, Hay, Grain, Flour, Town Lots, be opened dailv, except Sundays, from 7:30 a. m., until 8. p. m. Sundays, one hour after the arrival ot eaoft mail. WATROUS, N. M. Leaves OQlce at 11:30 a. m. Kuatern Mftll. : I J. & ConsI nmcnta of Freiglit and Catile lor and from the R i t Watvons ROSEN WALD CO Arrives at 3:30 ph., WcHtern Mail. VrjiveB at 12 a. m. Leaves Hall Road Depot. Good Roads from Red River via Algun Hill. Dist anee from Kort Uascnm at 2 p. u. to Watroiig 88 miles. leco MaU. Arrives at 8 A. m., leaves at 8 M. , V I lilla, Indina Terr'y and way Mall. PA.PEHI3NTG-- at 7:30 A.M., leaves at 3:30p.m. Arrives . flora Mall. Le&ves Friday at 8 a. m., arrives ti p. m. Saturday at b Alamos, Joya I.ttrgn, Loma Parda CONTRACTOR and Ft. Union Mail. -- Leaves Tuesday at LAS VEGAS. N. M. a. m ., arrives Wednesday 8 P. M. WÜ0LK3ALK AND RETAIL T. F. Chapman; Postmaster. Wholesa Why Maggie Mitchell is on the Stage. Eagle Saw Mills Dealer in Liquor & Cigars.

Maggie has beeu ou the stage for -- AND Sole agent in New Mexico IX thirty years, She acknowledges to forty-t- niOALFJl YAM). - hree, aud, as she has made a great LUMBEIt SJM'L. WAiNWIUQirr A- flO.'S Celehrnted liottled ,S. Louis lieer

deal of mouey, people wonder why -- BY- does is, General Merchandise and Outfitting Good. she not retire. The truth t KOMICItOA WOOI'I KN, that is, she is not as rich as she was, LAS VEt.AS, NEW MEXICO and her work now is for her children. Goal Wdesl Pelt and Produce fcnrrnlt houftht tnr Tad-doc- k, 4, Some years ago her husband, market .', bought the Forest Place at Long $U.00 Branch, paying $75,000 therefor, $40,-00- 0 FEB THOUSAND. M. BRUNSWICK, of which was cash down. Time tMoir Lxmber Yard, at the planning Millo run on and interest aud taias with it, Wholesale aud KetaiJ Dealer Iu but the little comedienne is in no JOhn 15, Wooten. cuse a biifincss women, and eo 6he CR (-r- e Rfl. left everything lo her husband. One 11 B. ST VRAIN, oí eral MercJiaiidise day the remaining $35,000 fell due and ffiTLeavc your orders at me stor; Wholesal and Iiolail Dealer in could not bo met. The place was sold T. Romero Bro'e., & Son. orf'mortgage. and brought less than -- AND Las Vegas. - Nkw Mkx her first payment, aud she awoke to a realization of the fact that she had a OUTFITING GOODS, General Merchandise, hard time before her, and bo the little 'THE WHITE" woman is still on the stage. Las Vegas, JVew Mexico Maggie Mitchell, ínce her first great Mora and Watrous N. JI. success in New York, nineteen years ago, has been a carryall for her entire Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. family. She feeds them, lodges them, MYER FRIEDMAN & BRO., aud clothes them. She has an old DEALERS IN father who is a veritable "Old Eccles," and the only way he can be kept frem WOOL, tero, Sellar , giving way to his weakuess lies in HIDES, PELTS AND FURS, locking him up and feeding him on regular rations i f whisky. WHOLESALE Iu spite of the familiarity with her OA"R3IA.O-"E3- S &o plays aud acting Maggie Mitchell is BUGGIES, still one ot the great paying stars of Las Vegas .Yew 1exico. Commission erchants the stage. She makes money constant- ly and everywhere, aud she deseives MARGARITO to. She has created a school in acting, ROMERO. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO. and in her jgjiool she is beyond imi- DEALER IN tation. Few women hare given as The Lightest running great pleasure to the public Cincin- Full Line of General Merchandise nati correipondent Denver Tribune. machine in the world. AlmoBt Noiseless. New and in Per Grener'l 3MCoro"tLo,ndLiso fect (JOOR3 SOLD STRICTLY TOR CASH AND AT A SMALL The ladies are taking an unusual Order. i'ROFIT. Orders from Southern Colorado, Mew Mexico WM. U. interest in politics. II. ALLISON. HAST LAfl VEGAS, BKANCII STORE, LA CUESTA, N. M. and Arizona solicited. Satisfaction GaurarUtm. forget about the offer to ffieuts, boys and ehiidrens ready Daily clothiiiir Las Ve o" s Gazette bring a woolen mill to Las Vegas by mado at Local Items. J. RÓSKXWAI.l) & Co. 41-t- f. Iowa parlies. We can a fib rd f o offer D 3m- -j L inducements to enterprises of that Two good carpenters wanted YOUR F E srxn.w. oi:r.!i 2. iso. i 'In1 pay ar came ycsierduy. mediately by ! kind. 41-t- Should be in FiíAMí Oodkn. f Insured a Reliable Company - Dick Dunn is down from Rincón. Ihe last c R?.d Luck. A stroll around plaza Tl.-- expense is so small ibat you will not feel the tax. We can, accommo- bus en- - j -- Singer is u new clerk at night iudicatcd a steady and gratify- O.L. Houghton ordered an I.a-- 'I V Albert date you liny of the approved plans. t iii'sil.n iiiurnii ii Ucv. I. outfit mi'ciiin with mot I 11 fold's. ing increase in trade. lJusiuess houses tire of tinners tools and 1 "Millt-iuu- . Ctdfeo . in a liv the name con- - . were full of customers and billiard ery and will open a tin .shop in You should insure against of Chandler sinned for I'oraita. Mr Cy. Ilysingcr U hack from San iiection wit Ii his store on the plaza. halls were crowded. j i!i'-oii1- i He will be to d all kind Calleo w ;i ging in his bug Murcia!. . prepared t . l t t i i t ' tin work, repairing, etc. Is - i , Burk, formerly of East of . wi.m-ii mv.k u;m .. ncs-- IJu,ilie8s is steadily al ,,u ikpot Vegas, came up from White Onks yes- cs :nm i coniincii mvo j i : t . The old friends and customers of ACCIDENTS.In the Travelers Insurance Company, Hie i easing, terday, where he is established, in bus- will be glad to They lct'l lure c:irly Tuesday morn- Philip Ilolznian learn Pleilfc'liig you any otirn from .1. V. will go to Puso iness. He will lay in a large stock of that he has opened out vviih a full as- ing and drove io( : noti Blanco, whore Aderton El . sortment of general 'merchandise in a few goods before rcturniii"-- 1,000 to in of death from they camped lor the night. .Wednes- in days, the rooms until recently occupied by 310,000 case and I The snow in day morning hey got an early start Mis. T. 15. Mills is hack from her blockade Minnesota Fraley's meat market on Ihe corner H5 to $50 a week in ease of bodily injuries. and madr a good di i ve. arriving at Southern trip. has not yet been raised. The Winona of Center sireet and Grand avenue If. the lirst lakes on llait roiile in time to and St. Peter railroad has at work Notice. WE U KPP.ES EXT THE -- Chills and lever is a peculiar com- ;'.irange their :. in good hape he-for- t! west of Sleepy Eye a force of three All persons m; ei plaint for this latitude. indebted to her dark. One oí' He- - horno was I ied hundred men and three engines. by nolo or account aro hereby notifi- I). P. is my BEST FIRE INSURANCE to the wheel, wh'i'.f I lie. other two Jaffa's are doing a rushing - Mitchell's Dramatic Company will ed that Shields Esq., only authorized agent ami attorney for COMIP-A-ILSrilE- were turned ioo-,,- ; to pasture. business in Albuquerque. Fe S. perforin in Santa this winter. collection of t lie same. Between and ten o'clock a $30,000 PAID IN LATE FIRE. 13,000 IN HOT SPRINGS FIRE. nine Heavy snows cau be expected iu They will perform in Las Vegas once C, E. Vy'ksche. tf. man wa seen to pas-- ; along the road a Combined Capital over $30,000,000. Losses Taid over $100,000,000. the mountains this winter. week, if suitable arrangements can and it was also observed that he paid be made with the Railroad Co marked at lent ion to the loose horses A largo amount of freight is now All persons indebted to me, either & HADLEY, - V. M. Schell, who has been pros on account or by note, arc hereby LLS hut passed on. In the morning Mr. onthe road to White Oaks. No-g- pecting for Holmes & Co., in the al notified that I). P. Shield, Esq., is my and Calico's horse one of Chandler's The Democrats in Indiana got country during the past summer, only authorized agent and attorney GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, was There is no doubt what- for collection of the same. roiie. what they wanted a change. came in yesterday. lie has secured ever hut what the horses wore stolen. 1168-t- l' C. E. Wksciib. Ga-zett- several very valuable claims for his Thursday all day was spent in Irving Jacob Manthe orders the e to employers. . ii. Lucas Manufacturer of Mexican to get some clue ani- Longview, Texas. to the missing Look out, ye who are wont to buy Filigree Jewelry. Pell & Cartan reported business mals but nothing could bo heard of cattle and horses at quarter their val good last night, all they could do. them. Friday morning di ho'ioof re- ue, from doubtful sources. Some of The manufacture of Filigree Jewel- coven ng ihe stuck was given up. P. Stoops, of ihe Western ry by native workmen being a special- your bargains may lead you to an ele my lTT Everything of import unco was nievi market, went south yesterday. ty in business, and many persons loaded vatcd position among the scenery of having expressed a desire to witness into the bimgy and the two men ar- M. Brunswick has in position a a wooded landscape. the process, I hereby extend a cordial rived in town laic last night, alter a invitation to all who may visit this new and large sale, a regular beauty. Horse stealing is now being car- tiresome drive of two day. This city to call (presenting this card) and Some one hundred Americans ried on at a lively rate, in the'southen an unlort uñate circumstance, give me the pleasure of conducting are registered in precinct number part of this couuly and the northern them through mv Factorv Santa 1 e as Mr. Cal ice's horse was a very val- ATI five. part of Lincoln county. Six horses N. M. uable on-- and he can illy afford In S. II. Lucas. were stolen at Ihe town of While ios him at thi- - particular lime. Cultivate a habit of going to Oaks Sunday night. church Sunday. It will do you no last Reopened. all and Winter Stock Mrs. Xewton Bradley ami two harm. The daily mail from Socorro to daughters, who were drowned in the Fort Stauton is now in full operation. Mr. Philip llolzman has reopened ALREADY AT THE -- Col. W. P. McClure is 111 wrecking of the Alpina on lake Mich- back from It is now being carried by riders, but his store ou the 4:1st side the cor- Topeka and will ner building formerly occupied by igan, wen; residents of Santa Fo. goto the White Oaks buck-boar- will be changed into a d Fraley's meat market where ho will Mrs. iiradley was the wilr! of Now ton to morrow. line as soon as the stations arc prop- be happy to see all his friends and ! Bradley, a banker at. Silver City. The Flciiterio Paca is home from his erly established and furnished. customers. tf. New York CI othing Store Chicaco lias Times the following: ranch and is laid up with sickness at O. L. Houghton, who is doing the A car load of bar iron will bo re- 'Mrs. Now I on Iiradley, of Santa Fe upper tow ii. hardware business for New Mexico, ceived in a few days by O. (.. llough-tou- . New Mexico, came t OF COURSE, AND. AT THE here with her Kisiler don't , anyihing for got back from St. Louis yesterday, n a 115. daughter Katie. ved to spend the being a Democrat! 1 1 o is a Democrat lie has any amount of money to bet A lo do summer. Shortly uier arriving hero from prim iole ! ou Garfield's electiou after fooling Ihe Wanted. woman general Khííc was Mnekon down with ty- i i II a . housework. Apply for information i iia-i- . iionmier went soulli ves- - pulse of the people in the States. phoid fever, and was very ill fur ma- to this office. t onlay to Socorro, after several days The Presidential party has start- ny weeks, and at one time report- w? in Las Vegas. ed for.Las Angelos frem San Francis- Miss L. R. Moore, late of Chicago ed dead. There is a deep feeling of The; ( i a.kttk has more local mat co and will come across the continent has recently brought from Eastern regret at the loss of Katie, cspoeially cities a lull stock of lashionable mil- ter every morning than half t lie week by the Southern route. We mud DON'T FAIL TO CALL. af'ter her lonir illness and final recov- linery and has oponed a store two lies in the states. prepare to give them a blow-o- ut and ery. She did not wish to go on 1 Ik-- . doors west of St. Nicholas Hotel, in at least take them out to the Springs Las Vegas, is prepared to boat on Friday bi t "Billy's" now was full of where she night, wished to to all Also Agents Co., jovial men last night: Ho wash and look around. 6uit customers who desire latest for Devlin remain here until she was stronger. has evi styles in either goods or work. All Her sister, Miss A. L. Bradley came dently got a good corner, A stranger looking over the hulies who desire anything in her hero only few weeks igo, to help T. Davis, yesterday shipped two Weekly Optic spied a half naked niau line are cordially invited to give her ;. call before purchasing elsewhere. nurse Katie, uní was looking forward ear loads of hides and pella to Obern, with a patch on his back, among ti e For Suits Made to Ordei to the homeward trip wi;h much ifosick fc Co., Chicago. advertisements. He wanted lo know was a Republican re- pleasure." -- Messrs. Scroll, Ellis, Btirk, Keeeh if that who had just Those ladies hats and bonnets' . ,, . escaped the belligerent ceived yesterday arc beauties indeed. o and W. (i. Kooglcr, came up from the from Democ The Republicans of Santa Fo racy. They are perfectly lovely. On exhi- Cottages to Rent. White ( aks yesterday. bition at J. Ro.skxwald & Co. county have nominated the followim; 't wo new Reliable Insurance Ib-ii- . The I. O. O. of II. meets at the cottages to rent at the ticket : F. Nolan, one of the loading Hot- to-da- Springs. Apply the Odd Fellow Hall y at 2 p. m., One hundred dozen ran h egg just to Now I For Probate Judge, J oso 11. Doran Republicans of Mora county, was in at York Clothing Store, East Las Yo- L VERPOOL LON- sharp. All of the I. O. O. F. wishing received A.J. Ckawfoiui'k. $ For Senator, Win, Brecdon. theeiiv vesterua v. I le goes home to gas. . to take degrees are requested be DON GLOBE. For Peprcseiitati day. lo ves. Jose Manuel present. Dissolution Xoüif . hidiiia Pottery. HOME, New Yorh. . of Sandoval. Edward F. Benm-lt- E. -- I'ai ricio Onega is out i The large.--t irtook, in the United IÍ. opening a By order of Tuos. B. Gaktrem,. The linn of Dotigher & l'aea this Salazar. in w saloon and dance hall in the day diss.ilv. il by mutual consent. Mr. Slates, of Indian pottery, both anci- SPRINGFIEJ.b, Fire Grand Sig. ent and modern, M. Gold's In- For Sheriff', Joe D. Semi. Felipe Lopez building on South First John Doughcr retiring from tin' same ai A. Ify. Grand y dian department, Fe, N. M. tl-t- f and Marine, Mass. For í. Hysingeu, sec'y. Mr. Francisco Paca Sandoval will Santa County Clerk, Jose )rü. Street. li- The parlies that left yesterday continue the wholesale and retail C. R. BRO WNIJVG, For Treasurer, Ana.-laei-o Sandoval. Building is quor business at the old stand, on his going rapidly forward for the lower Pecos in company Parlies desiring locations on which For County Couimis doners, Abra- with own account. in the new town. This line weather (o build house,- - ior business purposes ham Slnab. our Chief of Police, by special request Doi'liUKR, 1st district: Jus: A. is a great advantage in getting up JolIX or residences, would do well to call Offce in the new town. of the U. S. re- 2nd Bodri-gue- Postoflicc Depart mont. Fhancjsco l'.ACA v Sandoval, on Ortiz, district: Manuel z, adobe wails. the uiuiersigued, who will soil lots 3rd district. turned last night, having met with Las Yí'gas, N. M., Sept. 'Jó. at reasonable rates. All said lots are Pit KS1VYTKKIA N CJH'KCK. complete success as far as mis- dtuated 011 the cast sido of the rail- Coffins, Caskets For School Co ini doners, A their and J. pigs 1 sion 1 Pickled feel at A.J. Crawfords way opposite ho depot. For terms I'.-ie- Sunday morning service at 11 a. was concerned. They Undertaking s, in raveled Goods of. Triiehard, Pantalón, i .John etc., apply lo ii :' service at 7 p. about 130 miles in two Townseml. in. days. Lockhart & Co. have received a M. Salazak. all lands kept constant- For Cororcr, Tomas Quiniana. Sunday school at 9:1.3 a. in. According to Prof. Grimmer, largo stock of oils aud paints; also Oiliec north-eas- t corner of the ly on hand by "I loldens enainoi which is wa- p!.i?a. - - Ducks, goose, turkey, deer and there is a terrible seven years before oainl" ter proof and read v for 11.-- is con- FRANK OGBEN, l.'c.ii', us. The Apache war was are the leading varieties of game Asia will be depopulated, and .50-- brought stantly kept, y them. 1 1'. Holbrook's tobacco is the best. Las Vegas, N. M. about by : lion. Car! Schnrz :ml it brought in Imm lake and mountain Europe will become almost a desert . CMP!! ÍEíM'k. Fine Boots. Orders Promptly filled. should haw long ago taught that by thrt hunters. America will lose iifteen million in- Now is your timo lo goto Isidor W. Hanson f J. &Co., hereby inform Clean towels and razors gentleman Ihe importance of k,.(., Y . v orbelt is an independent habitants. There will be tempest sharp at Stem's. He must mark goods down the public, that they are now prepar- Judd's liarbor the promi-'o- s and No Shop, Exchange aftlm governmeiil when caudidaie for Probate ijlerk i.i Col inundations prophet could to make room for the mínense slock ed lo do all kinds of in Hotel. goods work their tf. they are nado to an Indian. Had fax count y. Jamos K. Hunt is the in- possibly be grimmer than this one. of now in transit. Every- lino. Fine work a specialty.' Shop thing will bo sold at Vietorio been allowed to cost until the on northwest corner of plaza. 16-tm Brick for sale in large or snip 11 remain np.v,, dependen! candidate for sheriff. The following People's Tbket has new stock arrives. Call carlv and the Hot Spring-- ; quantities, at Lockhart reservaiion, as was The Milwaukee papers say that been nominated in Lincoln county: late. I would respectfully call the atten- &os. promised him, Now tion of all persons to A Mexico would So; rotary Iikc3 Delegate the 47th going and from fresh assortment of gent's fura Sherman rather to be For lo Congress A largo and new stock of Ihe very Ihe Oak minos, have been saved a war of nearly a White and the. pub- isbing goods just received at the called "Resumption John," and "Old Miguel A. Otero; for member of the latest designs 111 wall paper just re- lic in I year and a half, general lo the fact that have store of C. E. Wesche. thousands of dollars Specie Payments." Territorial Council, D. M. ceived at Jakfa'Bkos. removed our to in Eastonjfor store from Tecolote properly, and most important of Representative Autor Chico, where 1 keep a com- All kinds of wohen goods - Hon. Tranquilino Luna is now in in Territorial Assem- Now boots and shoes, a largo just re. all. Ihe lives of over four hundred Mock, plete assortment of general merchan- ceived and for sa e at low figures, Sania Fo, lie, in company with Win. bly, Florencio Gonzales; for Judge of just received at Pros. at Jaffa dise; and make a 41-- tf iilon, women and children That Probate, S. D. Lacanipts; for Probate specialty of miners J. ROSKNWAI.D & CO. Breoi'en, will visit the Cerrillos and supplies, provisions ect. Anton Chi- broken promise has heen roMly Clerk, B. J. Baca; for Sheriff", George Flannels all at. Ribbons for the millions nt to No-- of colors co is on (ho direct route to the mines Placers shortly. Kimbrcll; for Treasurer, Jose Mon- 81 New Mexico. Now Mexican if Jaffa littos. aud I sell goods at the lowest rates. J. Rosenwald & Co. The Directors of the holt 1 will tano, for County Commissioner, F. C. David Blake, Lucio Archuleta, Franco Ro- All kinds of fab Wintkrnitz, Ladies suitj, silk, satin, cashmere In Ihe general' ,, meet at the o Hice of A. Dold, Monday and winter goods Anton Chico, N. M the convention (lt, mero y Lucra; for School Commis- just received at Bkos, most beautiful goods you can wish Proteslant evening at hnll-p- at seven o'clock. A Jaffa Episcopal church now sil- sioners, A. G. Lane. Estolauo San- "Wo are prepared to furnish all for at J. Rosen'wali) & Co. full is ting in New York, a memorial was attendance desired. chez, A. II. Whetstone. O. L. Iloiiiihlon has a regular nr kinds of building materials for con- fire-arm- s, Genis, introduced seual of the lvrgest stock in tractors. LoCKJIA UT Si ready made clothing, a large Thursday from Hie Free The finest carriage robes ever A car load of glass at Co. stock all the west. It is not a re- 21-t- f. at J. Rosen & Co. Church association, asking brought to Las Vegas can be only for wald ior an found at Rupe & Castle's. tail, but for a wholesale triide that he amendment of the church canons for. Jaffa llro.'s. They are of fox and is prepared. His advantages for buy- Wines and liquors of the best qual- Bools and shoes a complete stock at A car load of nails at bidding the consecration of any Persian goat and softly lined. ing enables him to sell this class 'of ity, and of the best brand at whole- J. Rosenwald & C: Rupe & goods as low as any- sale or retail at M. Iloise's, south side church where pews of sittings have Mr. Wise, who soon Castí.e's. they can begot commences of the plaza, Las Vegas, M. 353-t- f Go to M. been sold, and Mi'eli where. N. lIeisc,on the south side prohibiting sale ihe publication of a newspaper at A car load of pickets at of the plaza for line " An in ej wines, liquors and m mo i in ii o Interest th Evai3 Caal Mines fo Among other reasons W hite Oaks, will start for that Rupe & Boiled cider, a good gars. 253-t- f young Castle's. article, at Sale. set forth Ihe memorial savs t hat ' and nourishing city Bell & Cartan's. 'when churches are For heavv shawls. laekts. ohm La Go to Judd's Barber Shop and get consecrated In A consignment of hemp larials scarfs, nubias, cor8ci8,'flanncls, Quail, prairie chickens and ys Almighty Cod plaids, turki This coal mine is situated within scraped, Exchango Hotel. tf. they vel-vetiu- should, in no addressed lo Ihe Sec.'y of M Co. repellents, waterproofs, merinos, fresh trom Ihe plains of Kansas, at six miles of Las Vegas. Four seams sense, ho the a tickings.drilliugs, flan- A. of limited Stock Growers Protection Society ar- canton J. Crawford's. of coal have been exposed, in thick- Pickets for sale nt Lockhart & Co'a nels, 29-t- nunib'r of persons who have jeans, niching, white aud color- ness from one to four feet. is planing mill. f. bou. lit rived. Does that mean business? Another car load lie Shaft their ed wadding, go to C. E. Wksche, on of flour. best 15 feet down and 30 pews." in town, received by drift feet in. At (lie Republican Caucus of pre the plaza. Th'n is the only coal mine within lift v is heicby givcu (JllAFF & Notice that I Sambo's ''uli;t -- J. Co. miles or more of Las Vegas. is conscience begin to huí f '' Jso Monlova was uom A fresh lot of fancy groceries just Coal have at present 110 agent or agents him since the inated for justice in great demand here, prices ranging whatsoever and that all my business recent election in Indi- of the peace, and West-he'- s Something new ! I Self-- received at C. E. store on new new from seven 10 eight dollars per "ton. allairs be ana. A colored preacher, ISpifaiuo Gallegos for constable. the raising Buckwheat Hour at will managed by myself exhorting plaza. There are two lime kilns withiu three PllfWl' IIOI.ZMAN, the "broreriu." mil his foot on ..v. ll83lt J. CÍKAAK& Co's. hundred feet Indiana Democrats send out a of the coal shaft. For Las Vegas, Sept. 22. 49-t- f. Buckwheat Flour at - 1880. eossive bribery at elections and crush- - complaint Hint the of further particulars address northern hslf n83tf J. Fresh OyMers, Fresh Oysters, at G. -- Gkaaf &C o's. J. & F. E. EvaSs. ' i the tate is flooded with new nud crirp Ladies cloth, Merinos, Cashmeres, ' n3if J. & Co's. n81"tf Las "Dis tinir ho L. L, Ghaaf Vegas, N. M. in every variety at Jaffa Bros. says, "obgitin' a hun $1, $'J and $ó bills, while along the Howisou of the Model Store, '" M di ed dollars for a vote 'b all cast side, has a full assortment of If you wunt something good "ml "Wanted. Ten Kin wrong; Ohio river fresh $100 notes are com- - stone masoua. Good A full assortment, of IlonieopatbU icn uoiiar .. bootn and shoes which he sells nt the cheap in Ihe boot and shoe line, go to wages paid. Apply to D. C. h much as it's worf." mon. McGuire remedies constantly kept 0 hand lowest cash figures, gstf C. E. Weschc's store on the plain, Liu VcKaíf. N. M. 57tf. at th Ctttral Drug Urt. Sll-t- f.