I I I Landsat Linear Features and Mineral Occurtences I in Alaska M I I I I Aul A, Met2 I Mineral Industry Research Laboratory I I
I I KUZ Report No. 66. I I I Landsat Linear Features and Mineral Occurtences I in Alaska M I I I I aul A, Met2 I Mineral Industry Research Laboratory I I School of Mineral Industry I University of Alaska-Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska, 99701 I Octokr, 1983 I I I Individual mdsat fraes, linear features and rose diagrams Plates : I. Linear trends and nra jor mineral occurrences, northeast Alaska, sale 1:1,000,000 ................ (in pocket) 11. Linear trends and major mineral occurrences, southcentral east Alaska, scale 1:1,000,000 .............. (in pocket) 111. Linear trends and major mineral occurrences, southeast Alaska, scale 1:1,000,000 ................(in pocket) Iv. Linear trends and major mineral occurrences northwest Alaska, scale 1:1,000,000 ................ (in pocket) V, Linear trends and major mineral occurrences southcentral west Alaska, scale 1:1,000,000 .............. (in pocket) VI. hear trwds and nrajor mineral occurrences Bearing east Alaska, scale l:1,000,000 ................(in pocket) Abstract In order to dwelop a better understanding of Ishe regional structural controls of the metallic mineral deposits of Alaska, a detailed examination was made of the linear features and trends interpreted from Landsat image- ry. In addition, local structural features and alteration zones were examined by ratio analysis of selected Landsat images. The linear trend analysis provided new regional structural data for previously proposed mineral deposit models and also provided new evidence for the extension of the existing models. Preliminary evidence also suggests linear inter- section control of some types of mineral occurrences and that trend analysis may result in the definition of areas favorable for future mineral exploration.
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