The Signal Editor’s Page November 2015 Editor’s Note I would like to thank everyone who sent in articles and photos for this issue. It contains stories of summer camps, award presenta- tions and international trips, which I am sure you will enjoy reading. Starting with this edition, the Signal has under gone a make over, however, this has not changed the content. We have updated our cover to ensure the National Brand Stan- dards are met. The other change that you will see are the Here is a photo of Bethany Deadline dates. These new dates are listed Roberts, Hannah Moores and below with the next one due on Dec 15 2015. Amber Chippett taken at their Please send any photos and/or stories you Brownie Advancement in Gorge have in order to continue to make The Park in Grand Falls-Windsor. “Signal” the great publication that it has be- Photo by Dawn Oldford come. and Story by Melanie Moores Stacey Adey The Signal Editor The Signal In this issue: The Signal will be published every three month with a total of sour P 3: Message from your PC issues per year P 4: Provincial News/Cookies Deadlines P 5-6 Cookies Dec. 15 P 7: Cookies/Area Highlights Mar. 15 P 8: How She Did It June 15 Sept 15 P 9: Twinning 2020 P 10-12: International Editor P 13: International /Program Stacey Adey P 14: International
[email protected] P 15: International/Area Highlights Provincial Office P 16-17: Area Highlights 63 Roosevelt Avenue P 18: Blast from the Past St.