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324 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE February 1, 2000 CHAMPIONS ST. every day, when falling , gets is earning the minimum wage in the LOUIS RAMS back up. For the most valuable player NFL. I could go on. The resolution that Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I ap- in the Super Bowl, the most valuable I will propound not only talks about preciate this opportunity to make a player in the National Football but extols the greatness comment on an event which is very im- League, to understand that we can all of . These individuals portant to the State of , very learn from each other and we can learn are as great, or greater, off the field important to the city of St. Louis, very from even those in their heroic efforts than they are on the field. That is what important to this Senator. who have not the talents that we do is so inspiring—their commitment to It happens that over the weekend, but have the courage to get back up, community. the St. Louis Rams encountered a very that is a tremendous thing. caught 77 passes for 1,165 energetic and talented team, the Ten- It is with that in mind that I will yards and 12 in the regular nessee Titans, in to settle the talk a bit about the St. Louis Rams season and led the Rams to a Super issue of who would be the Super Bowl today, the Ram team, including Kurt Bowl victory with 6 receptions for 162 NFL champions this year. In a very Warner, and then Marshall Faulk, who yards, including a game-winning 73- hard fought game that represented the set the all-time record for combined yard reception that, frank- highest of effort by both teams, the yardage this year. I thrill to the fact ly, required him to make a very big ef- Rams prevailed. There are those who that there are youngsters in my State fort to come back and get the ball and from time to time ask me if I was nerv- and across America who are saying: I go get the score. What a tremendous ous at any time. I think they were hop- want to be like Marshall Faulk; I want inspiration it was. ing I would say I was never nervous. to be like Kurt Warner and this team On defense, led the Rams Well, I got pretty nervous toward the of individuals who are such out- with a regular season career high of six end of the game. But I was very pleased standing individuals; Isaac Bruce, who , including a touchdown. with the result because there is no has been so productive as a football He started in 97 straight games. Now, team more worthy of having won this player and such an exemplary leader in there is durability. Talk about having to go to work. That is the longest cur- game than the St. Louis Rams. our community. I will just say a few things about the There are statistics about this team. rent streak with the team. Rams’ linebacker ended St. Louis Rams, about that marvelous They won the West divisional title the very spectacular and heroic effort effort of a crew we call the ‘‘go to with a 13 and 3 record. They posted an of the Titans on the 2-yard work,’’ ‘‘gotta go to work’’ crew in St. undefeated record at home. That is line with the game-winning tackle as Louis. Different football teams are un- something special to me because that was in the TWA Dome. When I was the time ran out in the Super Bowl. derstood and known for different I could also talk about Governor of the State of Missouri, it things. The St. Louis Rams have a slo- Terry Holt and about Coach Dick was my responsibility to be involved in gan: Gotta go to work. I don’t think Vermeil, named NFL coach of the year, the construction of that dome and to there is a better slogan anywhere for a the oldest coach ever to win a Super see to it that it came in under budget sports team than a sports team that Bowl. He, of course, retired from coach- and on time and was a great facility. elevates the idea of work. It is work ing, but he came back because he still But no facility ever achieves greatness that brings us to any goal, to the had a burning capacity within him to achievements we enjoy. It is work that unless there are great things done motivate and help young people, and gives us successful families. It is work there—to have the team come and be the football team reached the max- that allows America to compete suc- undefeated there this year and, of imum of its potential. cessfully around the world. It is that course, have other great things there. It is with that in mind I wanted to work ethic, expressed by the St. Louis The Pope visited St. Louis and was at propound a resolution to congratulate Rams, that made them world cham- the TWA Dome, and Billy Graham not only the team, the St. Louis Rams, pions. came to St. Louis this year and was at but, frankly, the fans of St. Louis. No For me to have the opportunity to the TWA Dome. There are some people group of fans that I know of is more in- stand today and say a few words about who think it is important to invite the telligent, understanding of the game, the St. Louis Rams, the fact that they Pope and Billy Graham back next year and more supportive of a team than the had the work ethic necessary to prevail so we can go undefeated another time. fans in St. Louis. The fans came to- in the Super Bowl over an excellent We would be pleased to have them gether with the team over and over team from Tennessee, is something for come back because they bring the kind again. They stuck with the team in which we are all grateful. of presence to St. Louis that all of us previous years when we were the worst I will talk a little bit about the kind cherish and want. in the league and helped carry the of statistical year the Rams had. We To watch our , Kurt War- team when we were first in the league. had Kurt Warner, who is one of the ner, who enjoyed one of the best sea- That is very important. great Horatio Alger stories of America. sons ever by an NFL quarterback, be- I was at a tremendous celebration in People talk about . I coming only the second player in his- St. Louis, and the individual who an- don’t know if he has gotten to riches tory to throw more than 40 touchdown nounces the team onto the field in each yet. He was at the minimum wage in passes and to realize that he wasn’t game, who is also a disc jockey at KSD the before discovered as a starting quarterback FM, Smash, Asher Benrubi, was lead- they decided to give him a bonus this until this year’s circumstances thrust ing this rally. It became very apparent year, and I don’t know that he was in him into the position, it was an amaz- to me that the biggest contribution of rags, but 5 years ago he was bagging ing thing: completing 66 percent of his the St. Louis Rams is the contribution groceries in because he hadn’t passes; 10 300-yard games in the season; of community, because the community quite gotten the opportunity to dem- setting a new Super Bowl record for 414 has come together around this team in onstrate his skills in football. Maybe yards in passing. The offense of the a special way that unites us all. Unity this would be called from bags to Rams team: 526 points, the third high- is the most important characteristic of riches. est single-season record ever. any organization. When you can be uni- The truth is, it is a heroic story of an Of course, Kurt Warner was named fied and work together, that is some- individual who has not only great foot- the NFL player of the year. He took his thing to behold. ball skills but whose inspirational life $30,000 award and gave it to Camp It struck me at the time that the last is the kind of leadership we need more Barnabus, which is a camp for young five letters of the word ‘‘community’’ of in this country. When asked about people in southern Missouri. This are the word ‘‘unity.’’ Those things, his own inspiration, he said he gets in- wasn’t a $30,000 donation by someone those challenges in our lives, and those spiration from his family and the who is making the big salaries; this opportunities in our lives, those vic- handicapped member of the family who was a $30,000 donation by someone who tories and, yes, even defeats bring us

VerDate jul 14 2003 10:20 Jul 30, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S01FE0.000 S01FE0 February 1, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 325 together and are valuable to us. It is er to throw 40 or more touchdown passes in Frontiere and , and to the St. with that in mind I thank Smash for a season (41), recording the fifth-best passer Louis Rams’ , . his great leadership as the MC of that rating in league history, completing a Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I rally. I thank the fans of St. Louis. league-best 65 percent of his passes, modeling yield the floor. consistency with ten 300-yard games, and f setting a new Super Bowl record of 414 pass- f RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENT ing yards; RECESS OF THE ST. LOUIS RAMS IN WIN- The Rams’ offense produced 526 points, the third-highest single regular season total; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under NING SUPER BOWL XXXIV Rams’ quarterback Kurt Warner was the previous order, the hour of 12:30 Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I ask named the Miller Lite NFL Player of the having arrived and passed, the Senate unanimous consent that the Senate Year, donating the $30,000 award to Camp is in recess until the hour of 2:15 p.m. now proceed to the immediate consid- Barnabas, a Missouri-based Christian sum- Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:46 p.m., eration of S. Res. 250, submitted earlier mer camp for disabled children, and became recessed; whereupon, at 2:15 p.m., the only the sixth player to capture both the Na- Senate reassembled when called to by me, Senator ASHCROFT, along with tional Football League’s Most Valuable Senator KIT BOND and Senator PETER Player and the Super Bowl Most Valuable order by the Presiding Officer (Mr. FITZGERALD, and Senator DURBIN of Il- Player in the same season; INHOFE). linois. Rams’ Marshall Faulk, in the f The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without regular season, set an all-time record for BANKRUPTCY REFORM ACT OF objection, it is so ordered. yards from scrimmage with 2,429, became the 1999—Continued The clerk will report the resolution second player in NFL history with 1,000 by title. yards rushing and receiving in the same sea- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The assistant legislative clerk read son, had the highest average yards per rush question is on agreeing to the motion in the league and caught 87 passes, the to table the Wellstone amendment No. as follows: fourth highest in the NFC; A resolution (S. Res. 250) recognizing the Rams’ wide receiver Isaac Bruce caught 77 2537 to S. 625. Under the previous agree- outstanding achievement of the St. Louis passes for 1,165 yards and 12 touchdowns in ment, there will be 5 minutes equally Rams in winning Super Bowl XXXIV. the regular season and led the Rams in Super divided. There being no objection, the Senate Bowl XXXIV with six receptions for 162 Who yields time? proceeded to consider the resolution. yards, including the winning 73-yard touch- Mr. WELLSTONE. Mr. President, I Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I ask down in the fourth quarter; wonder whether I could ask unanimous Rams’ left corner back Todd Lyght led the consent that the vote be first on the unanimous consent that the resolution Rams with a regular season career-high six be agreed to, the preamble be agreed payday amendment. interceptions, including one touchdown, and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there to, and the motion to reconsider be laid has started in 97 straight games, the longest upon the table. current streak with the team; objection? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Rams’ linebacker Mike Jones had four Without objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. interceptions in the regular season, two of Mr. WELLSTONE. I thank my col- The resolution (S. Res. 250) was which he returned for touchdowns, and had leagues. I thank Senator GRASSLEY agreed to. the game winning tackle on the last play of from Iowa. Super Bowl XXXIV; Rams’ wide receiver The preamble was agreed to. AMENDMENT NO. 2538 set a Super Bowl rookie record The resolution, with its preamble, with seven catches for 109 yards in Super The PRESIDING OFFICER. If the reads as follows: Bowl XXXIV, including a nine-yard touch- Senator will yield for a moment, the S. RES. 250 down pass in the third quarter. question is on agreeing to the motion Whereas, in 1995 the re- Whereas, the St. Louis Rams Head Coach to table amendment No. 2538 by Sen- located to St. Louis, Missouri and became Dick Vermeil was named NFL’s coach of the ator WELLSTONE. the St. Louis Rams; year, and is the oldest coach to win a Super Mr. WELLSTONE. I thank the Chair. Whereas, the arrival of the St. Louis Rams Bowl; Mr. President and colleagues, I was ushered in a new era of unity in the St. Louis Whereas, the St. Louis Rams lead the on the floor earlier talking about this community fortified by the enthusiasm and league with 6 players chosen to start in the whole problem of payday amendments, 2000 ; and, energy of the St. Louis Rams’ fans and the payday loans, and car title pawns. To spirit and drive of the St. Louis Rams orga- Whereas, the St. Louis Rams won Super nization; Bowl XXXIV, defeating the valiant Ten- make a long story short, it is a very Whereas, the St. Louis Rams’ fans have in- nessee Titans 23–16 in the most exciting fin- unscrupulous practice. You have tar- corporated the unifying spirit of the Rams ish in Super Bowl history. Now, therefore, be gets of low-income, you have targets of into the community, making the St. Louis it women, you have targets of seniors area an even better place to live and work; Resolved, That the Senate who basically get a loan because of Whereas, the members of the St. Louis (1) commends the unity, loyalty, commu- something that happened in the fam- Rams’ team, including Kurt Warner, Mar- nity spirit, and enthusiasm of the St. Louis ily—medical emergency, you name it, shall Faulk, and Isaac Bruce, exemplify the Rams fans; character, sportsmanship, and integrity— (2) applauds the St. Louis Rams for their for $100, $200. It is rolled over and over both on and off the field—to which all Amer- commitment to high standards of character, again. They can end up being charged icans can aspire; perseverance, professionalism, excellence, 300, 400, or 500 percent a year—or a lien Whereas, the St. Louis Rams’ rallying cry, sportsmanship and teamwork; can be put on their car. The car can be ‘‘Gotta Go To Work,’’ embodies the great (3) praises the St. Louis Rams’ players and repossessed and sold. There isn’t a re- American work ethic, and symbolizes the organization for their commitment to the quirement in many States that these perseverance, dedication, talent and motiva- Greater St. Louis, MO community through families at least get back what they no tion of the St. Louis Rams football team and their many charitable activities; longer owe to these creditors. I don’t the St. Louis community; (4) congratulates both the St. Louis Rams Whereas, in the 1999–2000 season, the St. and for providing football know why, when it comes to bank- Louis Rams committed themselves to the fans with a thrilling Super Bowl played in a ruptcy, those lenders who in good faith motto, ‘‘Gotta Go To Work,’’ and achieved sportsmanlike manner; have provided loan money to people record accomplishments: (5) recognizes the achievements of all the should be crowded out. The Rams won the NFC West divisional players, coaches, and support staff who were This amendment simply says if you title with a 13–3 record; instrumental in helping the St. Louis Rams are charging over 100 percent in annual The Rams posted an undefeated record at win Super Bowl XXXIV; interest on a loan and the borrower home, winning all ten games in the Trans (6) commends the St. Louis Rams for their goes bankrupt, you cannot make a World Dome, the longest home winning victory in Super Bowl XXXIV on January 30 streak for the Rams since 1978; 2000; and claim on that loan or the fees from Rams’ quarterback Kurt Warner enjoyed (7) directs the Secretary of the Senate to that loan. one of the best seasons by a quarterback in make available enrolled copies of this resolu- This is all about whether we are on NFL history, becoming only the second play- tion to the St. Louis Rams’ owners, the side of a lot of vulnerable citizens—

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