CD: Single by (featuring )- Pop/Moderate Sequence: \Vait 32 Beats - Irmo - A - n C A - B - C I) -- Hrcak - C - Emi

Part A (32 Beats) Rock Around Ds S S S S R R(if) R(OLS) R(ib) R(ih) llrUr Ds S

Step J\' Hold S R 1L KUb) S K(np in front) Jagger Kicks K(ots) Hold S S K(ib) S K(ib) S **Turn~; 1 on ,Jagg€l" Kicks, put hamh straight 1 2, &.! (, gout l",hi'l(l y"u as yuu tum (like ,Jaggn)*"

**Repeat all to Faee Front**

Part B (32 Beats)

ChainlJp Ds S S S I S(ib) 'liS 1 S S lOs S R Macnamara R(it) R( i I) R(it) I" 1S R SUh) 1 S SIR Ds S V/alk Back H-\foyc til) to Len CUl'n('1'on Chain Up and

2 Basics mow hack to Center on Walk BackH

**Repe(lt the Chain Up, Macnamara, (111(_1\Valk Back to RIght Concr**

Hands Up S S -"'-Wave hands in the air, I.&R with ra"h slq), S S Counls for hand~ art' &1 &2 &3 &4H

Part C-Chorus (64 Beats) Stomp Dbl Stomp Us S R S Ds Ds S Os S S

Basic \Valk Ds R Ds Sed) S(ib) 1 Ds(xit) R 1 J)s R R Triple L &1 & 2 4 Fancy Obi Right HTum ~~Right "n Fan<,y

Jagger Chain R R R I_S S .Ylove Like J Ds S S S "Tum 360 Righion lhain'~ I S Hold (Look ULook ('Ciller) 5(,7 & X **On "[\Iow Like.l", put J(our wrist~ on YOU!-loack.. ,just above hips. :lud uu,,'e elbow~ hack

Pivot & Turn S(Il) S S Pivot illlrll ',R) Turn 112 R:,

**Rcpcat all to face front**

2012 Smoky .7\1ountain Encore - Page 84 MOVES LIKE JAGGER PAGE 2 Part D (64 Beats) Make a Box

Stomp Vine Ds Ds Stom12 S R Ds(xif) Stomp R Ds S **Turn % R on Stomps to face Left wall**

Dragger Dt S R HI Pull (front to back) S S Ds S HI Pull (fronl to back) S S R Ds R &1& 2&3& 4&567&8

Stomp Vine Ds Ds Stom12 S R Ds(xif) Stomp R Ds S HTurn ';' R Oil Stomps to face Back wall**

Joey Ds S R S R S(ill S Time Step R S S S(il) S R S 5 &6 & 7 &8

*Repeat all of 0 to complete box and end up at front*

Break (4 Beats)

Hands Up S S UWave hands in the air, T.&R with each step. S S Couilis for hands arc &1 &2 &3 &4**

Ending (8 Beats) Counts 1,2,3,4- Move Like J (from part C) facing the Left Wall-

Counts 5, 6, 7- 3 Steps (L, R, L) turning 1;.4 R to face front- **Keep hands on back as you do in "Move Like J"

Count 8- Keep feet in place and moves elbows back and front

2012 Smoky Mountain Encore - Page 85