. .. J. FOB SALE.HOirsn. FOB SALE.. 7011 SALE.H0XJSEaL FOB SALE.HOUSE8. FOB FOB STEAMSHIP8. OwMmt SALE.HOUSES. SALE.HOUSES. STEAMSHIPS. C.tlm.« ~ (Coatlmicd). m DISTRICT REALTY-CQMPANY*t'lfJc., For "colored. POSSESSION NOW. 302-3 inr bnngalowe, 9 roome, cellar; , VACANT. STAR BLDG. MAIN 3588. rente, electric llghta; Urge lot; col. ; OWNER OCCUPANT. M,«0. Easy term*. Take H at. car marked T , bath, h.w. beat, electricity, cat; . DOWNTOWN. ( tt. C. Line, get off 48th at. n.e.; walk aouth modern in every detail. Located conveniently OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY, OCT. 22. *15,000.within walking distance of business section: 16 rooms, 8 baths, atcam brat. Into Gleodale. Bee Mr. Greene. In northwest; detached; beautiful lawn; ,nd will lot one Gleodale. porch, screens, weather-stripped. Immense .. 2-story, 8-car brick . A that help pay Only three left. Only f. Desirable i as not , terms. WILLIAM P. IRVIN. COAL AND WOOD \' Salesman On the Premises. *8,000.Conrenlently located, press brick home of 11 rooms and bath, fnraace and gas. Phone Main MOB. 1410 G at. n.w. Terms and possession. Worth $9,500. Want Offer. PINEY BRANCH ROAD. tai^oma park. _ v uj uic uunnv 4707 New 6 rooms and oak C. C. LACEY.7IQ 14th St. N.W. -ANCHOPV bath; flNAR?, IB SOUTHEAST. btmaalow, 15,500.7 , and batb, yen, latrotw. cellar and larfe yard. A rare bargain. *! h w.fi. tMTMl wood lot nlpntv W SEMI-DETACHED. f»,000.Near Lincoln Park: 8 room a and 2 bathe, hot-water heat, porchea, and room lor of ahade. $8V2.%0. Terms. INSPECT THESE ^ MEDITERRANEAN 1 » garage. Act quickly on thta New bungalow, S rooms and bath; oak buy. I ; lot. NEW . sleeping porch; garage; large on Wlacoaaln Between Crittenden and Decatur Sts. PETWORTH. $7,900. Oaly $750 cash. Boaatlfully locited ithm. ^ C 112,500.Beautiful _ ^ New ft-room and bath home; slate : Hit loath of Maaaaehaaotts Awnm Heights, 1b aeml-detached. colonial type bon* of 8 large rooma and 2 comptete bathe, built-in balance the mklst of very handsome reildencei. SCYTHIA One block from st. cars and one block from 16th st. bus line. hot-water heat, electric lights,' hardwood floors and trim, * *« ana rear garage. $7,800. $800 cash, Nicely planned with Urge ; 14th . Inclosed sleeping porch, and garage. A real buj at this price.«pnt terms. hardwood floors; large yards. Overlooking $8,850.6 large rooms and bath, hot-water heat, electric lights, gas, porches, screens. 6-room and bath ; a.m.I.: garage; good Naval ground®. Seven bath hot-water awnings and room for A modern home In a ery pretty level lot; near 14th st. line. $6,000. Terms. Observatory rooms, (four ); heat, section of the garage. up-to-the-minute Several 4 and 5 room and bath new Don't Miss These Homes and sun city. ; a.m.I.; priced from $4,800 to $5,500.bungalows Seeing until 8 Fth. i». -" ^ electric light; sleeping porch parlor. *«v«ral good lots, priced right. Op«a and lighted dally p.m. NORTHEAST. C. W. TAN WAGNER, House: Information local agentt or 14,750.Near Oth and Florida are.: 6 room, and gee and two one-car Sample STONE & FAIRFAX, garages. Small bath, latrobe, 84 Cedar at., Takoma Park. D. C. cash payment. i Columbia 1851-W. Wisconsin Ave. N.W. New York Ave. Phone Main 2424. $5,500.Near car line; six rooms and bath, hot-water heat and room for garage. la gooa; 2547A convenient location near the city. 1342 condition. Price and terms are right. FROM OWNER. Writ* Cunard ft Anchor S. 8. Lima, 617 14th St. / k CHAS. D. SAGER. H.W., Waihinrton. An 8-room home; everything modern; one Owner and builder, ^ COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. block from Scott Circle. $0,300. Owner, 15th St. Main 88. $12,500.Near 13th and Harrard ets.; 10 large rooms and bath, hot-water| heat electric city, must sell. Call at 1410 N st. Phone 028 lights and brick and excellent leaving Headquarter® for New Home®." dltlon. Best garage; newly papered painted throughout; Ftsnklln 1317. 19TH STREET near Conn. ave. Brick, . buy in Columbia Ilelghts. con. ... I $8,800.West of 14th st., in moat desirable section; 6 reception and bath, NR. 38th & ALBEMARLE Sts. southern 2 nice steam rooms, COLORED. A fully detached home of the cottage type, exposure; eight rooms, baths;semi-detached; beat, electric lights, double rear porches, large cellar and 2-car brick Large house of 8 rooms and bath, in a good large six tile bath, (torch, garage. Terms arranged. near Circle. room®, sleeping A $10,500. locality; Iiupont Price, $5,000. living room with stone open , cement bargain, neighborhood. . Owner must sell at once. front porch, slate roof, dec. lights, h.-w.h., DISTRICT REALTY COMPANY, INC., GRANVILLE C. BRADFORD: hardwood floor®. Entire property is in KLINGLE ROAD, overlooking Zoo; detached; with 302-3 STAR 9508. 425 Bond bldg.M. condition. Large lot 50x103. Price,excellent BLDG. MAIN 3588. it-rni*. a large lot, 90x200 ft.; also detached and garage COLORED. fiu.ou. Aiiraru*e cars. A cannot be shut $150 cash, $30 per month, buys a Hedges & Middleton. Inc., for three very desirable home that BLOOMINGDALE.$7,350. NORTHEAST.$6,250. house, near 24th and F; large4-roomand-bethlots. 1384 H «t. n w. Phono Main 1028. Exceptionally good buy; large 3-room- Substantially built home, briek con-; GRANVILLE C. BRADFORD. in by other . $16,000. deep house, just off of North Capitol structlon, in a eery nice residential M. 5593. 425 Bond bldg. near Truxton Circle; within walking tion of northeast; 6 rooms, bath; modernlocast.. OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. distance of the Post Office WSACH PROPERTY. COLUMBIA ROAD N.W., near 13th. 10 rooms, 2 and the Department heating plant; spacious front porch and COLORED. COI.WXTAI, printing office; 6 rooms; new rear porch; room for garage. House Is Near 5th and N; 6 rooms and hath. Only HIVKR FROST COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS, servants' double rear porches; ample room for in good condition. Small amount of A for some one. baths; quarters; h.-w.h.; garage. $13,000. Easy garage. House is $8,100. bargain porches; furnished throughout: shade: In excellent condi- cash required, GRANVILLE C. BRADFORD. well; electricity; beautiful Hummerarteaian terms. tion, equipped with modern heating \ M. 6598. 425 Bond bldg. Box plant and other attractive features. \\tW AMilCTJIXTfyrOWIX tx 1 UJN home; terms reasonable. Address 201-T, Terms easier than rent. Htar office. ^ IRVING STREET near Filtration H EIGHTS-Sl COLORED. COITWTRY PROPERTY. I N.W., Reservoir; 16th ST. REET 1,500. $250 cash buys a good 7-room-and-bath house an to a home at verv reasonable HEIGHTS Exclusive home in a beautiful Ion Marlon at., near Que. 110 ACRES FINE HARDWOOD TIMBER. I opportunity get delightful nr\f\ hood, priced at the above figureneighborenfor WRANVILLK C. BRADFORD. 1 mile of R. R.; good road. Address I Vacation $83 .la>- O I «.- k Virginia. Tours, moeeKatea im«piO,UUU. 8=Day 6 hardwood 2 inclosed M. 5598. 425 Bond bldg. Box 109-P. Star office. I price. large rooms; floors; glass Overlooking l«th it.; wml-drUrhrd hilff complete "lath; h.w.h.. Her. light,; bouse of four bedrooms and cellent construction: elbrick fTohiua property. I 9 sleeping porches; elec.; gas; 2-car garage; tile bath; two sleep- semi-detached; COLORED. ^^ Days, $88.50 porch; tiled baths; real open dition perfect; front porch; deep lotconingto In the 700 block of 0 rooms and WONDERFI'D opportunity to»buy oh easy I l »til \ov. 30. *> fireplace; French Kenyon, on lie- I A 0\f / h.-w.h. $9,500. breakfast ; glass-Inclosed pared alley; space for garage. Terms bath; hot-water heat, electricity; large double terms beautiful home Dixie highway All porch; built-in refrigerator: can be arranged. garage; private ollej. Can be bought for $.700 tweeu Jacksonville and St. Augustine. Infor- II fcjB/V . *\ Including Expenses mp,e n>°,n 'or cash. A good buy for some one who will act (nation by communicating with Apt. 100, H CLEVELAND PARK above Mass. ave. Brick, Ln.""AunE«y ?era.:: CHEVY CHASE.$9,500. quickly. Cairo. 23* H (/'(SeBLA v\ ) Via Palatial Steamers With all the attractions of a C. * delightful yacht- 10 inclosed NEAR GRANVILLE BRADFORD. to a Y^j^fu/vSrJJ rooms, bath, h.-w.h., sleeping porch,semidetached, WASHINGTON x t»eti»V o«. M. 5598. 425 Bond » y ing trip qoaint foreign land. Jai/ t? »S>BhYng.tow"A'Y: bldg. inst. hot-water servants' double fTppT <£q OCA ^ lorge lot, sise 52x1.10; 5 rooms: floored S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" heater; quarters; porches, ; bath; h.w.h., elec. lights; COLORED. ^3&§>/ screens brick, corner residence, closed front real lnCenter-hall-plan AUCTION SALES. 1 S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" front and rear; and porch; open fireplace; near 0 rooms and awnings. $14,000. In an ideal location, within dls- fiwann 16th, bath; DAW. H Bailings Wed no*days and Satnrdays. tance of the walking hardwood floors and many other attrac-! condition. Reasonable terms. excellent yCTtBR xjTTDnrAvr IT mcru downtown section; 9 ttve features. House is In splendid GRANVILLE C. BRADFORD. ADAM A. WESOHDKB. AUCTIONEER. H All Land and Water >. batha; new beating plant. The dition. Small amount of cash conrooms. * Sports house is now required, M. 5598. 425 Bond bldg. /TjTN Modern Hotels.No i /^5 separated into three apart- Y DfVT IT PA PIT j. \ Passports 1326 New York Ave. N.W. M. 3150. ments of three rooms each. Excellent AKUI LH r Al\f\, ll/PQTW to 1 Sale of Two-Story, Attic and LM -Pi \ Sailing, Bathing, Cycling, Tennis, Biding, /y A ,"n" Driving.^ Golf. Fishing, Dancing, etc. QJ# j M NUK1H OF 16th ST..$16,500. McCARTER & McCARTER, Cellar Detached, Pebble-Dash W.ff^afcg-^/ Since 1899. COLUMBIA , Corner residence, one of the best Taloes Special Holiday Sailings Ka|tW it"17Tf*TJTC ciA CAA we haTe had In 7 rooms Dwelling, No. 4005 Garrison Leaving New York Dec. 20. 23 and 30 \_ JplU,3UU.O A months; (4 bed^^^ 417 11th at. n.w. Muin 8722. \f"R^Y<7/jr for Christmas or New Year in Bermuda "NO PLACE LIKE NO HOME LIKE OURS" On rooms). 2 tiled baths; batlt-ln tubs; buff HOME; Taylor street, just a few doors from brick construction; large concrete St N.W., With Garage. Book Now for Winter &, Holiday Sailings st.; new brick porch14th beautiful home, In virtue of vested in the colonial practically tapestry es: built-in heated garage (room for $18,000.A complete every By authority Bend for Special Tours Booklet. "EXHIBIT" 2822 CONNECTICUT AVE. home; 6 rooms, tiled' bath; two cars); built-in refrigerator; detail; easiest kind of terms; near I will offer for sale by public auction,undersigned 34 8T elec. lights; inclosed sleeping stantaueous water heater; unusuallyinh.w.h., Walter Iteed Hospital. in front of the premises, on MONDAY, THE FURNESS BERMUDA LINE Between Garfield and Cathedral. Finished and under porch and breakfast room; built-in ga- large space. House is thoroughly $18,000.A wonderful home in the n.e.; worth THIRTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1922, AT rage. Owner Is sacrificing at the above screened. Must be to a great deal more. Easy terms. FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. lot 13, aquare 1755. II Or Any Tourist Agent price for inspected fully lots and an 8-room house; Takoma Well located, designed and most newconstruction.homes. Immediate sale. Attractive appreciate. Tbone us at once before it $16,000.30 Wisconsin Avenue Park: 40-foot front, im- Ik complete terms. % is too« late. Park. Ensy terms. proved by 9-room. tiled bath, attic and cellar Two breakfast and inclosed three $3,750.3rd and II n.e.. a fine bargain; hot-water elec. light and ga- . stories, attic, sleeping porch, frame. Easy terms. dwelling: heat, WILLIAM S. with6roomrage. To l»e sold subject to first deed of trust baths, double brick garages, maid's room. Open to 8 p.m. PHILLIPS, $17,000.A 7-room bath and store, corner, for at 7%, due in 2*4 years, and second 1409 N. a going business: soda fountain and $5,000 TERMS Y. Ave. Phone Main 4600. * trust of $3,000 at 7%, payable $50 per month, $2,500 cash. $1S7 month. Save $131. $4,.TOO rash. $157 month. Save $104. stock. $8,000 cash. bal. easy terms. including interest. $3,500 cash. $172 month. Save $118. $5,000 cash. $140 month. Save $97. Terms: Over trusts cash. A deposit of $300 required at sale. All conveyancing, recording, 32nd AND CATHEDRAL AVE. (Woodley Rd.). HOMES. revenue stamps and notarial fees at cost of $5,000 purchaser. Terms to be complied with within ! ROUND THE"WORLD Finished and under contruction, in Massachusetts Park, MONTHLY. thirty days. CLARK'S 3$m YOURSELF TO INSPECT $35 ADAM A. WBSCHLER, Auct. 3rd CRUISE. JANUARY 22. 1923 WJL brick and central and side hall the Speciallychartered superb a. t/'EMPRESS OF FRANCE" 18.481 gross designed, detached, tile, differently $4,000 HOMES. oc21.dAd* tons.ByUnder personal direction of |jil Mr. Clark. originator of Round the World Iva homes, four and six two, three' and four baths. Lots '4"7 WOODLEY ROAD MONTHLY. onlyTourist who bedrooms, r'iiT | $28 PACKING & STORAGE Crudes Agent has ever run a Cruise.Round theWorid 50 to 115 feet front; heated MOVING, A and^the garages. $3,000 HOMES. ALLEN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., floating palace for the trip. Route: New York. Panama. San Francisco, 517 F ST. N.W. Hilo. Honolulu. 14 days in Japan. China. Manila, Java. Singapore. Burmah. y®Wl MIDDAUGH & $21 MONTHLY. Option of 19 days in India. 4 in ;[j|]|l SHANNON, INCORPORATED, BUILDER, us obtain these ixrag-oistance naming. weemy trips Between Ceylon, days Cairo, Naples, Havre, Southamp* Km II Let show you bow to through Washington and New York. Main 5637. 26* ton; Istop overs] Quebec, Ry. to Montreal and New York. 9 Main 6935. Tenth Floor. Woodward , 15th and H. our co-operative plan of $7 monthly (entire 4 MONTHS. $1,000 and ' payment) on each $1,000 used. our loans are LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING; op. including Hotels. Drives. Guides. Fees. etc. .!; made in any state iu America. Coll or write, satisfaction guaranteed; goods insured while REMARKABLE OFFERING IN NEW HOMES. 207 Machinist* bldg., Washington. D. C. * in transit. West 11955. Line. 3318. 23* OFF SIXTEENTH STREET. BY SPECIAL RATES t MEDITERRANEAN JUST OWNER. This Week to New York City. I, 10 SOLD IN 2 WEEKS. Built To Defy the Elements and Jest at Time. Gruver-built home. 6 rooms and bath, 2 CLARK'S 19tfa CRUISE. FEB. 3.1923 V| large inclosed sleeping porches, long lot t£» RED BALL TRANSIT CO. By Specially Chartered, Sumptuous S. S. "EMPRESS of SCOTLAND" oil A j! Exacting supervision, careful inspection ard selection of material*, exclusive location. Tile Roof, Copper Gutters and Downspouts, Concrete Porch, paved alley, front and rear entrance to National Household Movers. burner. 25,000 gross tons; 65 DAYS CRUISE. $600 and up; 19 days in Egypt EL 10 our new homes on - 11 contribute make Upshur and Varnum sts. the best buy in Washington. attic: convenient to car lines: .4 Woodward Bldg. Phone Main 2183, and Palestine: Spain, Italy. Greece, etc. : Gray tapestry brick and steel construction; broad, inviting concrete block front porch: Timbered. in SO days. Price. $0,850. Terms.possession Branch Offices In AH Cities. FRANK C. CLARK. Times fnl}! j New Y ork. sunny rooms: spacious hall: in room: room; Cypress Principal Bnfldliut. \ \ eight open fireplace living paneled dining 3020 13th n.w. Col. 9943-J. InquireCLEAN. DHT STOKE FOR FL'RNITURB OBER'S S. 6 .AGENCY, 1 Woodward bldg. 1 I two sets of French doors: breakfast porch and large with built-in refrigerator: two > FIDELITY TOURIST 1*06 H«w York »ve. ; tiled baths with built-in tub and shower: finished attic: hardwood floors throughout: Drive Out Connecticut Avenue to Cathedral Avenue, Thence and pianos. Estimate cheerfully given. 1'jijjl! CO., M AN U N U S U A L location. WESCHLER'S, 920 Pa. ava. and white trim: electrical fixtures of exquisite design; h.w.h.; laundry trays; servant'smahogany West to Road.Continue West to 3407. Main Convenient . I>eep lot. with ample garage space. Woodley TO SECUREOPPORTUNITYA n.wl Phone 12K2. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO. COME OUT TODAY AND BE CONVINCED! W. C. & A. N. MILLER DESIRABLE HOME AT MOVING. PACKING, SHIPPING. Reasonable Cash Pavment.$92.oO Monthlv. UN%A c? oBUH5 REASONABLE PRICE OF PHONES: U. 4229. F. 2423. FIREPROOF. INTEREST ON FIRST SEMI-ANNUALLY. geouoia ave., business zone llyasBipi^air TRUST ippft. GEORGETOWN. $4,500. Street Between 15th and 16th. splendid opportunity to obtain a Urge family house and two-family house and.twoAatom, STEAMSHIPS. Upshur corner home on terms of $300 cash and $100 showing: good investment return at low sale Varnum Street Between 15th and 16th. a month. It has 10 rooms, large bath, excel- price. ON KENYON ST. N.W. lent hot-air heating plant, Room for garage. UNION REALTY $9,000. Main CORPORATION, HOUSE.1508 STREET. ^ 841.3. EXHIBIT^ VARNUM PriceL _ 1410 G at. n.w. NEAR SOLDIERS' HOME. VIRGINIA OPEN AND LIGHTED UNTIL 9 P.M. Hedges & Middleton, Inc.. COLORED VACANT I>esirable 2-story brick, 22-ft. wide. 6 good 1834 H St. n.w. Phone '"-8- rooms and bath, hot-water cellar Main. Sereral 8-room bouaea. Frica and tenn'a heat; under THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO CO., ^6 XlO reaaonable. very entire house. Terms may be arranged. BEACH Owners and Builders. on Atlantic Ocean FOR FAMILIES. «U> Bfa «wr. IN BLOOMINGDALE. Directly 914 New York Avenue. TWO' Has no as an. Franklin 6918. Desirable n.e. section.2-story brick On Ton at. n.w., near 1st. a well arranged equal MEMBER WASHINGTON REAL ESTATE BOARD. containing 3 rooms and both on secondbuilding 7 rooms end bath home. In first-class ALL-YEAR RESORT floor and fl rooms and hath on first floor; *ep- | CORNER. BRICK HOUSE and 6-r. Metal garage on rear. Owner-occupantcondition. arate entrances: separate cellars and lieattag dwelling: 2-story brick adjoining; will deliver early possession. Price and terms Just cool enough In hot weather LUXURY STONE & FAIRFAX. plants: large porches: near cars. Live in one j central n.w.; good renter; closing reasonable. ! and warm enough In cold weather ' rent the other. This is a bargain. Ilea- tate. Want an offer on either or both,esand 1342 New York Avenue. Phone Main 2424. sonable terms. Terms. HOTELS and COTTAGES j _ ON E ST. N.E. NEAR OPEN' ALL THE YEAR on to DON'T FAIL TO INSPECT THIS HOME. So.000.> PARK" TrvrxTrccri? Atrr your np VIEW, within half a block of THE KIND OF A HOUSE YOU HAVE BEEN Georgia ave. n.w..First commercial zone; beautiful Soldiers* Home Grounds: AVL. NEW YORK AND JUST excellent 5-room^ house, with bath; h.-w.h., handsome, modern, practically new gas; lot, with garage for two cars; suitable. H-r. 3 PRICE, $5,500. LOOKING FOR. brick; porches: every 6 room* Fair brick and the Worlds kind as well as a resl- 2-story borne, large bath: BOSTON BY SEA Mwwwg£T any of business ienee; big lot; paved alley: convenfor V st. n.w. between N. and First sts. Six rooms, Owner will make attractive terms. i away** at $8,850. About $900**givedence.cash deep yard to Alley. Can be sublet to Cap. bath, takes if deal rod. advantage Information and Literature at lot to 20-ft. allev. 88.500. $9 500.j the equity; balance monthly. Reasonable terms arranged. City Ticket Office, 731 15th St. N.W. TTHOUSANDS of business men, h.-w.h.; deep Woodward Building. A PARK ROAD WEST OF 16th. Near 18th and rolumhia road n w.A highly BLOOMINGDALE. southern tourists, sightseers, students and rt-room colonial brick house, in the best sure; close to N. st carsexpomodern B. F. SACL CO.. Cap Bt n.w. are Ten rooms, 2 baths; maid's hot-water heat; of condition: very large lot. with garage. Martin's Church, etc.- monthly" Main 2100. 1412 Eye st. NORFOLK & WASHINGTON \ travelers making reservations notv quarters; garage. can be arranged. a ten'Terms ant; bargain at 86.800: $1,300 takes STEAMBOAT CO. guii urc ucw 4iiu Hid^uuiv.cui u. o. INVESTORS, ATTENTION! MONROE ST. N.W. t?'.w"ul.ty' " ' a" »o0 a month, In-1803 ...... , , ..... ciuuing interest. the World's for $80 Inspect this beautiful colonial brick home SEE MR. PETWORTH.850. Government ship6to great NORTHWEST.Renting per month; $6,850. Brick ami make a reasonable offer. It contain. 8 CBCIOLO, phono N. S685-W. 2329 lat at. n.w., 1 to 4 Fair at Rio de Janeiro! They choose of 11 rooms, bath; located. spacious rooms. 2 tiled baths: h.-w.h.: elect.: p.m., or with TODAY'S BEST centrally hardwood floors and trim: large : BUY. U. S. Government ships because these COLUMBIA HEIGHTS.13th and -*t ST. refrigerator many attractive features:builtin tt 'DXr/^XT rT\ yvr NOTICE THESE FEATURES ' Ten rooms, 2 hardwood sleeping porch; good size l»aek yard. Owner i\. KiUiN WW., llNV^., are the finest and fastest on the run baths; flooring throughout; tiled wili make reasonable terms. Main 4597.1423P St Half block from beautiful Soldiers* Home rear MARRY f. CHEW, I on 8 ; ; the very best hot-water heating plant; porches Main 1640. 205 Continental Trust bldg. Park, wide, pared street. large rooms, 11 to Rio a tiled bath, h.w.h., hardwood floors throughout, Days and garage. 3811 13th N.W..NEW MODERN HOME, r,/,\o pat tt cpg~\ t real fireplace, large pantry, extra-deep rear vacant, will give immediate possession. Price! J^wK oALll 1 U LULOKLD. porch and sleeping porch across entire house. If you are the send the LONGFELLOW NEAR 14th.PRICE, $11,500. r",sonablc- In,r*ct j Fine large yard to wide paved alley. Before planning trip, Don't before the best house ever "«*p.men"s SundaJ-1 PRICE. $6,500 TERMS. buying, see this beautiful home and compare MOANCHORunu information blank below for buy seeing offered in the Near 7th and F n.e,.2 substantial brick A large brick house, containing 8 elegant, with others. For inspection Sunday, call Col. SffiS 9 literature now. These are highest location in this beautiful subdivision; front homes. rooms and bath each. Low price large rooms, and tile bath, hot-water heat, elec- 1826-W. shipsdescriptive porch, and very easy terms. trie lights; space for garage. Located good Secular Sailinc* frne ». T.Beaten. first in conveniences porch, rooms and bath; breakfast622 M s.w..6 rooms and bath brick, large exclusive northwest section, Montreal. Tuea.Fastest Mail Service luxury, sleeping porch; eight large garage; lot to 15-ft. A and easy terms. STROHECKER & to alley. bargain ACI^ ^PHRWIS. M-1S..MP rA^HTHM METZLER. Sonthampton and Cherbourg. Thurs. and service; and they make screens and awnings. Colored.2138 L n.w..6 rooms, bath, with LAOrilUiN, Main 835. r~To Cobh (Qneenstown) & LtverpooL colonial porch. Low priced home on easy Main 5070. Continental Trust 14th Bats..-To Plymouth, Cherbourg. the fastest time! 11 3ll uuk cuMrbtir. Li3i ur ,Bm- 203 bldg., and H. To Londonderry & Glasgow Only days Fall * Hamburg. November 11th are ultra THE LOWEST Tffnc n WAT u'CH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Winter Sailings to MedLSpecial to Rip de Janeiro! They PRICED HOUSES BEING OFFERED IN Located on a very terranean. See jour local Canard Amrricam VVA.~n* prominent thoroughfare. A CCTl t ftp vHl. a Legion modern ton 812 H n.w. Main 7«*4o. 23* * THIS SELECT PART OF THE CITY. Very attractive colonial home, having 6 large H. GRUVER ~ 25th 21,000 displacement CADI PV rooms, tile bath, breakfast and sleeping B. HOMES & Anchor 8. 8. £fro«" M burners for the Governmentoilocember STONE & . r. CAIVJ^r, I .PR porches, open fireplace, elec. lights, h.-w.h.,! At 20th st. and Park road. »17 14th St. N.W., .X operated FAIRFAX, Reliable Real Estate Broker. hardwood floors. In condition. Room 8, 7 and 8 rooms. WMhioftes. Lines with - good the Munson I 1342 New York Avenue. Phone Main 2424. One and two baths. ""beember 7th ^y Steamship D. . BROOKLAND, C. ,or£rT Prl?' Garage in each house...... half a century ofsuccessful experience. charminfc ban*.iow^2808-2«io 17th Hedges & Middleton.0. Small Liberal Stopovera mIIL BbP aftlil meat Booklet giving travel facta. I am considering COI"Jlt'on: lmmc<1",e Price- . Oneat C. $9.500.GEORGIA AVE. NEAR WEBSTER ST. po*M"Ton- market value. It can be caah payment. OWNER. Address Box 101-T, Unexcelled Service a trip to Sooth America . Europe $2,000 cash; 8-r.. recep. hall., brick, with iioTw. bought Star odes. 22* 1 woold travel 1st dam C. 2d , Jd . b., porches; screens; newly papered ^ on vpfv roncAn^Kln Also Cabin accommodations ESHBtifc? MORTTTWR^T for ffcl * and A AX I "W »w» w«» painted throughout; in fine condition. * i v/ yxwjvwv X VUUVUUUIV on large freighters. On Hobart plsce. brick dwelling. 6 rooms tPrrnc OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. Write for Descriptive ST. NEAR 18th ST. and bath, h.-a.h., gas and space for garage: 10 Literature $12,500.EUCLID Price. Small cash .. First Time Offered. $1,500 cash. 10 r., b., brick; steam other good condition. 15,250. ",aIn Lamport & Holt Ltae heat, else.; modern features. payment, balance easy terms. DETACHED 42 Broadway, New York Brick home on 8th at. near O 7 rooms, LONGFELLOWST.N.W. NEW HOMES, at.. ^cxnarr'n« Anv Steamship or Tourist MD. bas 5 room frame house In rear, gas lights; CORNER Seven TOOITIS Crittenden St. M. S8.500.BETHESDA, 100,1 7ird,0,lle7-Price- and 1236-1238 N.W. Agent, or R. HICKS. Close to street cars and Wisconsin ave. boulevard; 6 r.. b.. frame; furnace heat, sun 1208 F st. n.w.. General elec.. gas; 2-car garage; attractive lot 50x150. $1,500 cash and easy terms. r7"o^Ter""c,MO"; bath (beautiful parlor) ; SAUL'S ADDITION. District Agent. w.h.; lot h.NORTHEAST.one Eight large rooms and bath; "EYE" ho,"0: ' f°°d inTe>t' electricity; 63x100; $20,000.101 ST. N.W. from 14th street car hot-water heat, oak Make an ofTer at once on this excellent eorner with large lot; best mJS?. ^Prtc'ls.sVo00 square line. electricity; For reservationt address type brick construction; 14 r. 2 b., extra property information regarding hdw. excellent lavatories; h.-w.h., else.; parquet SOUTHEAST. Not a house, but a home in a floors; colonial finish; attic over flooring; trim; condition. Ideal location for physician. Exceptionally fine brick home on D at. n.e.. "L " 6 rooms and double brick h. a.h. nomey section.cprtinn UrWiOPEN oUn entire house; spacious lot; shade Munson Lines bath; ' garage; Steamship INSPECT OUR LIST OF HOUSES FOR SALE Price. 16,750. all Priced 67 Street New York City _v' ' day day. Remember the trees; 3 porches. right. IN EVERY SECTION BEFORE YOU BUY. F. CARLEY, dress s.e.s e corner adP. Attractive 617 St. n.w. Franklin 6153. aress, corner OIof yin9th anaand Terms. Inewwrk] Managing Operators for a Longfellow streets n.w. W. C. DUVALL, MoEUROPE ALLAN E. WALKER & CO., INC. WOODLEY PARK. EXCLUSIVE AGENT, U. S. SHIPPING BOARD 813 15th St. N.W. Main 2430. ESS NEW NORTHEAST HOMES, WOODWARD BUILDING. ontLSQovcrnmentShips " room ^oigTNr^t'rn'S- tnAS&e Delightful airy homes nearing FRANKLIN caoc. INSPECTION. condition H«.»n«bie te . price. *i3.7eo. completion. Colonial type with .mmoMM TOURS. Hedges & Middleton, Inc., , NEAR THE CAPITOL. 1364 h at. n.w. phone Main 1028. large front porch, double rear And just off East Capitol street. A well To Plvmonth.CherlMirg.Bremen constructed three-story brick, having 10 rooms Qcorre V7n*hin»ton.. Oct. 23 Hot. 28 COMPLETE OCEAN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. porches; lot 20 ft. wide; contains and bath, excellent heating plant. In good Preafdent Fillmore.. .Hot. 4 Doc. J b rooms and elect. condition. Splendid rear yard with room for Araertoa Hot. 11 Doc. 18 TAKOMA. bath; h.-w.h., garage. Price, $10,750. Terms arranged. Proaidont Rooorvelt.HoT. 18 Doc. 88 8TEAMSHIP SERVICE C AND and Wel1 built houses in Proaidont Hardier Hot. 26 Doc. 30 TOURS CRUISESS NEAR PINEY BRANCH RD. gas- Hedges & Middleton, Inc., I To Cobh (Qncenttotcn).Plymouth. a 1884 H st. n.w. Phone Main 1028. Chcrbourir.London TERMS. g°od white section and only -Oct. 25 1 AROUND THE WORLD D. I Proaido&t Monroe _ < for 6Myy CHASE. C.. NEAR CIRCLE, _ open inspection. $7,500; $1,000 cash, and $75 school, etc..Modern; 7 rooms, 2 baths; large I Prootdont Adam* Hot. 1 Doc. J MEDITERRANEAN A home really worth the price asked. I Proaidont Van Boron.Hot. I Doc. 12 > < ju.At ^piV^^^UeT? S&SHSttXi month, including all interest. y terms. $15,000. I Proaidont Polk...... Hot. W Doc. 80 ** ^ Antsbed. large living room with open Are- Ttinc p TAPPET T E-ches.UNION BEAUTY I Proaidont Gardold Hot. 88 Doc. 27 # WEST INDIES place, large front porch, lndeaed aleeplng 1UOO. C.. J 8418. CORPORATION, ITo Bremen.Danzig SSl'Jsr < perch, built-in refrigerator, Pullman diner. 817 Main 1410 G st. n.w. Arthur Jan. « 00/ .v»vyoiy»»nnjyWOODWARDBLDG.. I Proaidont . I tlleJmtbWnd many other very attractive fea- HILL RED STAH To Aatamp. c*Hta« m I CAUFOI^-FLORIDA CAPITOL BARGAIN. -- lurcv. Aiua Wt-auwi » very utfimwew rn.au Ivi M I i\ /nn. *__*«_ _* ri.l.. !... Flmootfc mlCJierboocB,WmUtaillaei M « Modem brick home of 8 rooms and " - 11 1 DtKlTlUUA convenient. Inspection invited. . tapestry I of four .hip* br * | C> Eight rooms, tile bath; reception hall; maid's room, hath; oae block from Library; Just 4 years vmiraaHHsjunn . McLachlen FOR SALE.COLORED. old. Large brick garage. Excellent hot-water I Moore & McConn»ck Co.,Inc. I laQlmiA -s# For Particulars C breakfast porch; extra lavatory; h.-w.h., gas and Banking Corp'n, beating plant; electric conduit in the alley. I Booaerelt Stmmihip Co. Inc. I Write.Phone Call water Mi'n X have several modern homes High, dry, light and airy cellar. In perfect I 4ft Brofcdwmr. Itow T«* I AMERICAN UNB.To Hml I>aa tricity; instantaneous heater; hardwood floors;elecB «2"ETentaf»?. ®W ttrmm p ft piuv 81*-room, wml-lmntalow; lot 58x128; a.a.!.; & Inc.. .. a.*, faction; nneqnaled. Frank. 1320. Hedges Middleton, r ,R1 771? ct P.W.. w ogPoWcnltj . Lol. /U u Pboiw at ' XM4 it, 1,1, Mala i«yf, Jol/. Xvenyon v « » " * "'< \ ' * 1 *' "* ' V:'4 "» /. v- ; -fjGr. V. ... -r i -j-.- i-.V'