r r ,I POLITICAL ANIMALS: ANIMALS: A Study of the Emerging Movement in the United States

DAVID MACAULEY washingt.cn, D.C.


understandings of the term. First, it is a rejection of utilitarianism as a pragmatic, VII. Division in the Movement calculating and consequentialist way of operating an organization or approaching questions about treating humans and animals. Despite the similarities between Animalines' remark, "We are dismayed by the organizations which allow one to speak of passivity and utilitarian posture of the leading animal rights groups and an animal rights national organizations" depicts the meaning of movement proper, there are deep divisions this use of the term. 103 The organizations in within the ranks of the cause in a number of the movement also generally object to related areas. These include differences in utilitarianism as an ethical theory (in so far as philosophical position, disagreements they understand it) that prescribes the concerning strategies and tactics, and conflicts maximization of pleasure either qualitatively or

of interest, personality and organizational style. The effect of these divisions has been to hinder the long and short term coordination of efforts and hence to reduce the amount of change that can be brought about. In terms of philosophy, the movement is ACTIVISM/ ostensibly united in at least one sense: its opposition to utilitarianism. This stance COMMENT embodies a rejection of two related

BETWEEN THE SPECIES 124 iii - 57? ~'''W'i·i


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It does seem for Animals (SACA) expresses a deep hope in to be the case that individuals working within this respect - namely, that "there should be the AR movement have sometimes attempts to carryall welfare issues to their underemphasized or ignored the contributions of animal rights ideals."112 AW organizations which havlil been historically Finally, an ideological or philosophical responsible for helping to change public conflict exists between those who ask that perceptions, introducing humane education into activists completely exhibit the goals of AR in schools, caring for millions of stray and injured their life by not using animal products and those animals, and securing legislation to eliminate who are less stringent in their demands. Some many animal abuses, but as TSU notes, they organizations like The Animal Liberation may actually "reinforce the foundations of Collective have required their board members animal abuse by failing to act radically."110 to be vegans and suggest that activists become For example, in working to secure regulations vegans as well because some of the worst or legislation to make the living conditions of forms of animal suffering are perpetrated in animals in labs or factory farms more the dairy and egg industries. They seek, in effect, to eliminate all possible contradictions comfortable, welfare groups may, over time, between one's personal conduct and political make it more difficult for those seeking to question and challenge the institutions of work. Harriet Schliefer, speaking on behalf of and agribusiness in toto. Reform, in The Animal Liberation Collective asserts: this sense, is humanized inhumanity that only cleans up domination and makes it more Vegans in the movement are tired of attractive and better able to withstand attack. having lacto-ovo vegetarians project In this regard, it might be wise to keep a their guilt about their lifestyle onto remark by Raoul Vaneigem in mind. "Every us. It reminds one of the meat--eater, time slaves try to make their slavery more who accosts vegetarians with totally bearable," he said, "they are striking a blow unsolicited and irrational arguments ... for their masters. "111 It is time that vegetarians ceased Concerning the acceptability of AW defensively sniping at animals, and strategies and goals, the differences center on attended to the very real business of the degree rather than the mere existence of liberating animals from oppression, these elements in the AR movement. The range both personally and as political of attitudes varies from more ideological organ izers. 113 groups like ISAR and UAA which will not support legislation unless it has fairly sweeping The opponents of this view feel that such purity and far-reaching consequences to the more can keep away potential supporters. "In being pragmatic groups which work toward gradual too pure," claims Sally Gearhart, "we are not change and which tend to be more acknowledging in ourselves our capacity to be characteristic of AW organizations in structure anything less than our best selves."114 than other AR groups. This correlation between A second but related area of division an organization's willingness to accept gradual concerns the specific strategies and tactics tactics and moderate goals on the one hand and which might be used to bring about change, the its own structure and more moderate outlook on intensity, frequency and manner in which they the other hand suggests one tentative might be employed, and the animals who and conclusion: as the AR movement is more issues which these tactics might focus upon. narrowly defined so as to include only those Again, the positions on these matters fall along groups which most fully exhibit the features of a continuum, and they are usually indicative of AR organizations (as previously enumerated on the deeper philosophical disagreements the rough schema), then the philosophical and previously mentioned. On the whole, the other divisions within the movement as so movement is becoming increasingly more defined decrease dramatically and in some radical, and there has been a corresponding cases become non--existent. Put simply, as AR acceptance of as a legitimate form groups become more radical, they are less of political protest. Of the organizations likely to disagree with each other. A corollary included in this survey, most approve of illegal to this statement is that if the animal activities and destruction of property if


--c,-----­--c,------L ,' ' III't t ) WI n, - '....#kol".·*'_' .. iyr necessary and when animal and human lives are Act" (often referred to as the Dole Bill) fr0m not endangered. Nevertheless, there are some 1984 to 1986 was marked by a similar kind organizations which object to such activity controversy as the "Research MOdernization because, in their view, it can be inimical to the Act." public's perception of the movement and other A final area of contention with respect to groups which only advocate non-violent civil strategy and goals is related to whether the AR and economic pressure. movement should identify with other Dissension also centers around the kinds of progressive or radical social movements. It projects which groups spend their time and has been associated historically with feminism resources on. Many organizations feel that and, more recently, activists have launched while issues likelike seal and companion assaults on the military and supported the animal abuse are important, they are better peace and anti-nuclear movements. The ALF left to humane societies. They argue that AR and more direct action elements of the groups should focus upon the institutional movement often have an anarchist orientation exploitation which involves the largest number and approach as well, particularly in the United of animals and the greatest amount of suffering. Kingdom. 118 Along with an increasing number Similarly, some groups have questioned the of individuals, George Cave of TSU sees merit of large or national dedemonstrations, mo nstratio ns, "profound ideological connections between rallies and civil disobedience either because animal rights and these progressive they feel that the time and resources could be movements. "119 He claims that "the principle used more effectively at the local level or which these movements share at their roots is because the"sethe'se protests create a grand an ethic of reverence and respect for life as an 115 appearance but translate intointo little action. organic, interconnected whole, all the members of which are entitled to equal consideration and freedom from violence, exploitation and The length of time between when the need abuse."120 for action is detected and the planned realization of a corresponding goal is another matter of controversy. The debate over the The attack on the military is particUlarlyparticularly "Research Modernization Act" in 1979 which justified because each year the U.S. would have provided humane treatment before government kills and maims hundreds of and after but not during experimentation on thousands of animals in an effort to prepare animals is illustrative. Many organizations human beings for war. Monkeys, burros, pigs, supported this legislation because it cats and dogs are routinely used in experiments represented a "step" in the right direction that to test the effects of chemical and biological would hopefully lead to more encompassing toxins, atomic fallout and neutron bomb enactments in the future. More ideological radiation. The federal government, for organizations like UAA, however, opposed it in example, recently awarded 1.3 million dollars their lobbying efforts: to Brooks Air Force Base in Texas for a high-energy laboratory to test "Star Wars" The research literature doubles every weapons on animals with lasers, microwaves 10-15 years - which means that and particle beams and to study how such animal research also doubles in that weapons affect the animals' performance. time. How can you purport to be Over 4,000 primates have been killed at Brooks helping laboratory animals if you in studies on the ability of animals to still-fly a creep along 'step-Ly-step''step-liy-step' while simulated plane after having been exposed to vivisection is outracing yoU?116 radiation. A vast amount of animal suffering and UAA and other groups prefer to ask for too death can also be linked directly to the much and risk not getting it all in the political economic system of the U.S. which encourages arena rather than either asking for too little or the profiteering of agribusiness, the being ridiculed for not understanding the nature vivisection industry and the fur business. of the problem. "Simply stated," UAA claims, Cave's philosophy epitomizes one of the most "what you can 'ask for' depends on how much radical positions on this issue: "To work for you know."117 In this regard, UAA criticizes the liberation of animals here (human and organizations which develop policy without non-human alike) is thus to work for the thorough research. The debate over the overthrow of capitalism."121 Some activists "Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals view this association with other movements


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Mixing vitriol with his VISion,vision, he adds thatthat thethe University of Pennsylvania, thethe protest of "this"this isis where thethe futurefuture lies,lies, not with thethe thethe Pentagon's use of dogs inin theirtheir wound meat-eating hypocrites of thethe traditionaltraditional animal laboratorylaboratory and thethe rescuerescue of animals fromfrom welfare/humane movement."131movement.,,131 major researchresearch facilitiesfacilities around thethe country Thus amidst thethe tension,tension, therethere isis a have served as rallyingrallying points forfor thethe profound hope and even optimism about movement. However, these victories should not surmounting the differences that separate the overshadow the lessless glamorous work which organizations within the AR movement and needs to be undertaken everyday at the moving on to the essential task of confronting a grass-roots level.level. It isis this work which enables common opponent. a ground swell to be created and hence assures more visible actions a place in'in· thethe public eye. VIII.VIII. Toward Growth and Dialogue and critical discussion isis another area which must be emphasized. In addition to Unity the interactioninteraction between U.S. groups, dialogue exists inin at leastleast a minimal sense inin a number The methods for moving toward this unity, of different areas. First, there isis a if it is to emerge, will in all likelihood, parallel considerable amount of communication between those which have helped to strengthen the AR groups and philosophers defending a movement thus far: interaction, public conception of animal rights or animal liberation. successes, dialogue and direct action. , , Steven Sapontzis, Interaction between organizations to this point and Tom Regan are all active in the movement has mainly involved information, and to a large extent these individuals, along demonstrations and occasionally group with Stephen Clark in Scotland and conferences, but eventually it needs to assume Midgley in England, have been responsible for more substantial forms like resource sharing, providing the issue of AR with at least a small, more lasting coalitions and multi-group theoretical niche in contemporary ethical projects. Before disbanding, the coalition of debate. A more controversial area of dialogue about thirty organizations called Mobilization is between anti-vivisectionists and scientists for Animals was influential in this regard, or researchers who experiment on animals. uniting sentiment against vivisection; while the Some groups like the Coalition to Abolish the multi-group efforts to eliminate the LDso and multi-group efforts to eliminate the LDsO and LDsO' UAA and AFAAR are open and articulate Draize tests and to boycott selected companiescompanies with scientists because they feel it is like Gillette and restaurants like McDonalds and like Gillette and restaurants like McDonalds and necessary for gathering accurate information Burger King have been effective in initiating the the about alternatives to animal experiments and to introduction of alternative testing methods and and be properly informed when lobbying for foods, respectively. In California, too, severalseveral legislation. Other groups like ISAR view discussion as adversarial and a mistake, and networks have been established, such as the thus follow an ALF-type approach of Animal Rights Direct Action Coalition (ARDAC), which allow many individuals and groups to non-cooperation with animal users. Beauty work together. This kind of interaction not only Without Cruelty's method, on the other hand, enables activists to achieve important goals but provides a model for those groups which choose itit allows them to do so collectively, thereby to engage in discussion. Dr. Ethel Thurston helping to eradicate internal differences. relates in a letter: Interaction between groups which share similar concerns, despite their individual differences of We have scientific advisors who are opinion, necessarily involves coordination and people we have met at conferences itit would correspondingly provide a common and who have convinced us that they skeleton for the movement as a whole. are sincere with us. Scientific advice Successful interactioninteraction underscores the need for isis necessary ifif one isis to know which respecting the role of other individualsindividuals and research project isis likelylikely to provide a groups inin a way that breaks down distinctions feasible nonanimalimal alternative to an 132 and differences between largelarge and small, rights animal test. and welfare, moderate and radical organizations. Another possibility for activists to Continued legislative,legislative, legallegal and public advance the ideasideas of animal liberation,liberation, successes also tend to be unifying factors.factors. The especially among humanitarians and politica'i shutdown of Gennarelli's head injuryinju~ clinic ~~_~~:tS'=~I~~~~::at leftists, would be to stress the potential link ~

shutdown of Gonnarolli's hoad clinic 129 BEIWEEN THE SPECIES ....•.. I

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BEIWEEN 'lEE SPOCIES 130 -----_._--­ -

.. f' protecting endangered species and wild animals. The Political Palate, a feminist vegetarian Animals in Politics feels that environmental cookbook. Students, as many individuals in the organizations are AR allies only in as much as movement recognize, constitute a potentially the environment is perceived as inclUdingincluding formidable group of activists that has not yet animals, and the now-defunct Californians for fully. materialized either. The organization, Responsible Research has noted that Student Action Corps for Animals (SACA), and anti-vivisection is a "dirty word" to the numerous campus groups around the country .136 In opposing the AR resolution represent exceptions to this general rule. in California, the Conservation Fund of The peace movement is another potential America myopically declared: ally but, on the whole, anti-war activists have not expressed much interest in AR to this point, The exceedingly dangerous concept despite a number of attempts to enlist their aid. that animals should have legal rights Other possible allies include the alternative has gained a toehold in the U.S. The health community, naturalists and, as one push for animals represents an activist suggests, biologists in fields which do increasingly important strategy of the not perform animal research. Consumer anti- movements ... Rights is a special interest groups may join the struggle only once they realize that the AR movement is not word in this country ... It represents a against safety or science per 5e.se. "All of these principle sacred to us. To associate groups have potential," writes the American this word with lower animals is a desecration. 137 Anti-Vivisection SocietySociety,,"but "but conflicts arise from a basic misunderstanding of AR AR and environmental organizations, it should issues."141 "Some feel it is trivial in light of be noted, have worked well together on certain their own focus, and are unaware that major issues like the Alaska Lands Bill. A more oppression comes from a number of sources likely possibility for cooperation, though, lies which are frequently interconnected."142 with those individuals and groups which have In the last analysis, the potential for challenged the shallowness of movement growth brought about by external "environmentalism" - its patriarchal, forces lies mainly with human rights groups, anthropocentric, bureaucratic and reformist broadly construed, and their ability to see tendencies - and advanced more radical these connections. "The conflict," Animals in conceptions of ecology. These new thinkers and Politics notes, "is that they, too, exploit activists include bioregionalists, ·eco-feminists animals."143 Amnesty International, for and social ecologists, some of whom have taken example, while campaigning for the rights of an interest in the idea of animal Iiberation.liberation. 138 political prisoners was once instrumental in Except for a few groups, religious having painful tests performed on pigs in an organizations have not provided much support attempt to acquire information about torture. either, and in many ways they have contributed And, despite good intentions, many liberals to animal subjugation. As TSU asserts, establish and contribute toward charitable "Christianity is the fountainhead of organizations which direct a large portion of homocentric attitudes and abuse."139 Some their funds to vivisection. In 1984, the activists do not believe this to be the case, American Cancer Society spent $45 million on however, and are working to change attitudes "basic" research, much of it conducted on within western religious institutions. M 0 r e animals, rather than applying it to humans promising support might come from feminists through clinical and epidemiological studies. and college students. A strong philosophical Finally, the differing views of AR groups linkage exists between radical feminist ideas on the methods of achieving growth and unity and animal liberation in some of the political itself reveal the extent to which progress must literature, and there is mutual support for still be made and divisions overcome. AR these concerns in the San Francisco Bay area. groups have been divided over the question, "In Feminists for Animal Rights in Berkeley is one your. opinion, should smaller, more radical group of vegetarian women who believe that orgahizations infiltrate the leadership positions "violence towards animals is inherently the of the more moderate ones?" as presented to same type of violence that is directed against them by my survey. While many of the more wo men. ,,140 Another is the women of the radical organizations answered in the Bloodroot Collective in Bridgeport, Connecticut affirmative, some of groups would not condone who operate a restaurant and have published such action. ISAR replied that smaller groups

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followed by "questionnaire response". 128 UAA Newsletter, no date. 104 North Carolina Network for Animals, 129 Helen Jones, questionnaire response. questionnaire response. 130 George Cave, questionnaire response. 105 Rights tend to be atomistic and 131 Ibid; See also TSU's November, 1986 individualistic notions that have been grafted newsletter which criticizes animal welfare onto nature. In the words of naturalist John groups. Livingston, "rights have become institutional 1 32 Ethel Thurston, Letter to David substitutes for love, sharing, caring, and Macauley, May 1984. compassion." Utilitarianism, too, is a product of the liberal tradition, with its denatured 133 For an elaboration of this connection emphasis on instrumental reason. For a critique and a critique of agribusiness, see Frances of these philosophical extensions to animals, Moore Lappe', Diet for a Small Planet (New see John Livingston,livingston, "The Rightness of York: Ballantine Books, 1971) and Frances Rights?" Lomakatsi # 2 and James W. Moore Lappe' and Joseph Collins, Food First: Spickard, "Animal Rights Language and the Beyond the Myth of Scarcity (New York: Public Polity," 3/2 Ballantine Books, 1978) as well as Susan (Spring 1987), pp. 76ft. George, Feeding the Few: Corporate Control of Food (Washington, DC: Institute for Policy 106 Steven Sapontzis, questionnaire Food (Washington, DC: Institute for Policy Studies, 1979). response. 134 Animal Rights Resolution, introduced 107 PsETA, questionnaire response. into the California State Legislature, January 108 Helen Jones, questionnaire response. 19, 1979. 1 09 The Animals' Agenda 3/2 1 35 Senators Russel and Petris, (March/April 1983), p.5. respectively, quoted in "Make a Fist," a 110 TSU, questionnaire response. speech by at the Action for Life 111 Raoul Vaneigem, The Revolution of Conference, April 17, 1982. Everyday Life (Seattle: Left Bank Books), 136 Californians for Responsible Research, p.158. questionnaire response. 112 Rosa Feldman, questionnaire response. 137 Quoted in "Make a Fist," op cit. 113 The Animals' Agenda 3/2 (March/April 138 Some of these individuals have also 1983),1983), p.4. quite rightly criticized the idea of animal rights 114 The Animals' Agenda 3/5 (Sept./Oct. and animal liberation as being too shallow and 1983), p.5. reformist in simply extending traditional notions about ethics to the non-human world. 11 5 See, for example, "A Look at Civil notions about ethics to the non-human world. See, for example, Chim Blea, "Animal Rights Disobedience," Lomaksatsi #2, no pagination. and Deep Ecology Movements," Lomakatsi #1. 116 UAA Newsletter, no date. 139 TSU, questionnaire response. 117 Ibid. 11811 8 For more on this connection, see David Macauley, "Animal Liberation and Anarchy," Lomakatsi #1 and David Macauley, "Animals, Ecology and Anarchy," Lomakatsi #2. 119 George Cave, questionaire response. 120 Ibid. 121 Ibid. 122 International League for Animal·Animal' Rights, questionnaire response. 123 Rosa Feldman, questionnaire response. 124 Ethel Thurston, questionnaire response. 125 Ibid. 126 Tom Regan, speech at ISAR conference inin Washington, DC, January 1984. Carol Bel"ngerBelilnger Graft,on,Graft.on, 127 Ibid. Old-Fashioned Anilll,)lAnllll


~-~'-~""""'._"..""'" "~'-"""""""'=~~"'"'''',~:,,,,"·,=:f"''':'',",,~;='''i.'ft'\,.~''~ ,~>:.,.~,,:,,~\ .C':C7co:.';<~"",~i;;,;"";",;·;",,,~.'i'i:~''''I'.:f.': ·Y"'.W,"'k);",",,,,",,t '-":"."".,.;::",­ 140 Feminists for Animal Rights Newsletter 3/1-2 (Fall/Winter 1987), p.15. 141 AAVS, questionnaire response. 142 Ibid. 143 Animals in Politics, questionnaire response. 144 ISAR, questionnaire response. 145 Animals in Politics, questionnaire response. 146 Nellie Shriver, letter to David Macauley, February, 1984. 147 Murray Bookchin, Toward an Ecological Society (: Black Rose Books, 1980), pA8. 1 48 This study of the animal rights movement is by no means a complete one and undoubtedly suffers from a number of shortcomings that cannot be fully addressed here. Since conducting most of the original research four years ago, I have come to modify This is for Beauty my views about the movement substantially in This is for beauty light of my ongoing interactions with individuals the scientist said and groups working for animal liberation. taking off fur and Nevertheless, I feel this study can provide a some layers of skin initial basis for discussion. I sense a number of with a strong tape dangerous currents in certain parts of the painting it with Revlon rich and animal rights movement that have not been Really Red considered in this work, most notably the irritant red and fanatical single-mindedness, media pandering, itch moralism, managerial radicalism and and this is for beauty money-grubbing of certain groups. I believe they said now that individuals working cooperatively and spraying hair spray with extra hold directly can achieve as much, if not more, than in sensitive eyes established organizations who are often seduced in heads by a kind of bureaucratic epistemology and feel in little boxes that those concerned with animal liberation rows and rows might work to develop a deeper critique of the of cephelons, .mute way in which technology, commodity capitalism furry heads and consumer society affect our relationship and blistering eyes with nature. I remain optimistic, however, and that can not tear welcome comments from others on these this is for beauty matters. For some of my own thoughts, see they said "Animal Enslavement: Are there any insights and how much lip gloss from earlier Abolitionists," Lomakatsi #1 and would you have to eat "An Open Letter to the Animal Liberation for half of you to die? Movement," Lomakatsi #2. do not kick so this is for beauty they said and what would the beautiful think if they knew? - What would they think, ... the beautiful?

Elizabeth Newman