Congressional Record—House H5483
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July 12, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5483 Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join gratulate President Ford, and extend best offered by the gentlewoman from with my colleagues today to pay trib- wishes to his family on this day of celebration. Michigan (Mrs. MILLER) that the House ute to former President Gerald Ford on President Ford’s public service began in suspend the rules and agree to the reso- the occasion of his 91st birthday and to high school, where he achieved the honor of lution, H. Res. 702. thank him for his service to our Na- Eagle Scout. He later earned ten battle stars The question was taken; and (two- tion. President Ford assumed the office as lieutenant commander in the Navy, served thirds having voted in favor thereof) of President under difficult cir- the State of Michigan in Congress for 12 the rules were suspended and the reso- cumstances and guided us with terms, eventually served as House Minority lution was agreed to. strength and steadiness that helped us Leader in 1965, and finally, he served our A motion to reconsider was laid on to regain confidence that we had lost country as the 38th President. As President, the table. in our Nation’s most important office. he lead America through the weakest econ- f Looking back on President Ford’s omy of the post-World War II period, con- SERGEANT FIRST CLASS PAUL life, it is easy to see that he would dis- fronting tough issues as rising levels of both RAY SMITH POST OFFICE BUILD- inflation and unemployment. tinguish himself as a leader. At the ING University of Michigan, he excelled After completing his term as President, he both at his studies and at football. He returned to Rancho Mirage—a region of south- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. received a law degree from Yale Uni- ern California that I have the privilege of rep- Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. 4380) to des- versity. When duty called, he enlisted resenting. Now, even at the age of 91, he con- ignate the facility of the United States in the Navy, where he earned the rank tinues to invest time, energy, and experience Postal Service located at 4737 Mile of lieutenant commander during World into improving our community. His investments Stretch Drive in Holiday, Florida, as War II. in the Rancho Mirage region helped to spark Following the war, President Ford unprecedented levels of economic growth that the ‘‘Sergeant First Class Paul Ray Smith Post Office Building’’. returned to his home State of Michigan began in 1983 and continue today. His com- The Clerk read as follows: and was elected to the House of Rep- mitments include support for the McCallum H.R. 4380 resentatives for his first of 13 terms. Theatre in Palm Desert, the Living Desert and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- An innate ability to lead helped Presi- Desert Museum, and the Eisenhower Medical Center and the Betty Ford Center. resentatives of the United States of America in dent Ford rise quickly through the Congress assembled, ranks of Congress. He was soon as- In 1997, Ford joined Gen. Colin Powell in Philadelphia for the formation of America’s SECTION 1. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS PAUL RAY signed to the influential Committee on SMITH POST OFFICE BUILDING. Appropriations and rose to became the Promise. In my district, he brought the goals (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the ranking Republican on the Sub- of helping young people to fruition by chairing United States Postal Service located at 4737 committee on Defense of the Com- an America’s Promise chapter in the Mile Stretch Drive in Holiday, Florida, shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Sergeant mittee on Appropriations. Coachella Valley. President Bill Clinton presented Ford with First Class Paul Ray Smith Post Office In 1972, Gerald Ford was nominated the Medal of Freedom in 1999, recognizing his Building’’. as Vice President. He became President role in guiding the nation through the turbulent (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, in 1974, following the resignation of map, regulation, document, paper, or other times of Watergate, the Nixon resignation and President Richard Nixon. Faced with record of the United States to the facility re- the end of the Vietnam war. Also in 1999, he many challenges when he took office, ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to received the Congressional Medal of Honor President Ford worked to repair the be a reference to the Sergeant First Class for, ‘‘dedicated public service and outstanding Paul Ray Smith Post Office Building. damaged relationship between the humanitarian contributions.’’ American people and its government The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- In my district, President Ford is heralded as ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from and the image of America with the rest a man who consistently puts country over po- of the world. Michigan (Mrs. MILLER) and the gen- litical party. He is a respected and honored tleman from Illinois (Mr. DAVIS) each Two of his historic accomplishments leader, who tirelessly and passionately fights were bringing an end to the Vietnam will control 20 minutes. for principles of freedom, hope, and justice. The Chair recognizes the gentle- War and facilitating improved rela- On a personal note, President Ford has pro- woman from Michigan (Mrs. MILLER). tions between Egypt and Israel. Im- vided me with advice and inspiration to better proved relations between Israel and serve the people of the 45th District of Cali- b 1500 Egypt would lead to a peace pact be- fornia. Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. tween the two rival nations, an unprec- Ford and his wife, Betty, continue to support Speaker, I yield myself such time as I edented step towards peace in the re- numerous local and national charities and may consume. gion. service projects. Despite Ford’s long list of GENERAL LEAVE On his inauguration day President honors, his humble spirit remains as a shining Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Jimmy Carter began his speech by say- example to us all. When asked about his and Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that ing, ‘‘For myself and for our Nation, I Betty’s unrelenting investment of public serv- all Members may have 5 legislative want to thank my predecessor for all ice, he simply responded: ‘‘We’re trying to do days within which to revise and extend he has done to heal our land.’’ our full share.’’ After decades of compas- their remarks and include extraneous While we all may not agree with all sionate leadership, President Ford remains a material on the bill under consider- of the decisions President Ford made trusted, proven leader, who views giving back ation. during his political career, we can all to the community as a civic responsibility of all The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. concur that he carried himself with Americans, not just the task of elected offi- TERRY). Is there objection to the re- dignity at a time when our Nation cials. quest of the gentlewoman from Michi- needed it most. On behalf of my constituents, the people of gan? Mr. Speaker, I again want to thank California, and the people of America, I am There was no objection. President Ford for his service. I com- pleased to honor a man who has dedicated a Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. mend the gentleman from Michigan for lifetime to public service on this very special Speaker, I yield myself such time as I introducing this resolution. day. Happy 91st Birthday, President Gerald may consume. Mrs. BONO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Ford. You are a continuous inspiration, ad- Mr. Speaker, H.R. 4380 commemo- honor a man who holds a distinguished record mired leader, and valued friend. rates the incredible bravery and patri- of life-long public service to the United States. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I otism of Army Sergeant First Class President Gerald R. Ford, the 38th President yield back the balance of my time. Paul Ray Smith. On April 4 of 2003, of the United States, celebrates his 91st birth- Mrs. MILLER of Michigan. Mr. Sergeant Smith of Holiday, Florida, day today. Since 1913, President Ford has Speaker, happy birthday to a great was tragically killed in action in Oper- been a diligent, humble steward of public serv- American, President Gerald R. Ford. ation Iraqi Freedom during a fierce fire ice to our great country. He is a role model for Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance fight near Baghdad. all of us involved with public office, and I am of my time. Mr. Speaker, Sergeant Smith was a fortunate to also call him a dear friend and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. member of the Bravo Company, Elev- constituent. It is with great pleasure that I con- TERRY). The question is on the motion enth Engineer Battalion of the Army’s VerDate May 21 2004 03:27 Jul 13, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K12JY7.023 H12PT1 H5484 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 12, 2004 Third Infantry Division. He enlisted For killing the enemy and defending He gave the orders to build a prison, after graduating from high school and his unit against attack, Sergeant First not knowing that the tower and sur- served an accomplished 13-year career Class Paul Ray Smith has received the rounding area was still occupied by in the Army. Sergeant Smith served Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He members of the Iraqi Republican valiantly in Operation Desert Storm, has been nominated for the highest Guard.