Meeting Comment Agenda Submitted Time Name: Comments: Date: Type Item I ask you to listen to the community's demand asking you to defund the SDPD. There have been so many reports that show that the SDPD disproportionately incarcerates, is violent towards, and inspires fear in our City Council 5/15/2021 8:24 Annika Schafer 5/17/2021 600 communities of color. They do not do the work of justice and they must be defunded. Last Wednesday, you Comment saw the gruesome violence that they exercise towards our unhoused community and POC.

My name is Sophia Conti and I am once again demanding that you do not increase the SDPD budget.

We've all heard Mayor Gloria's claims that he is not increasing the budget...with a big exception for a $19million dollar increase for legally obligated pension payments. If the Independent Commission for Police Practices, which is also a legal obligation rather than one of Mayor Gloria's own policies, can be funded by reallocating the police budget internally, why can't the pension payments also come from within the already enormous police budget? City Council 5/15/2021 9:17 Sophia Conti 5/17/2021 600 "But we can't reduce police services!" you might say. It's clear to us that in fact, you can. Just last week two Comment SDPD officers were caught on video attacking and assaulting an unhoused Black man, soon to be assisted by two more officers. If this is the best thing that four SDPD officers can do with their time, then they probably don't need to be on the payroll. You can use their salaries to fund those growing pension costs.

We're so tired of the SDPD being treated as indispensable while libraries, homeless services, and other community and youth services see their budgets slashed or stagnate. The SDPD is not creating the community we want to live in. Create a budget that reflects what San Diegans actually want.

Hi, my name is Rachel Baylor and I live in PB. The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises.It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually increasing the police budget. Our communities should have access to all City Council 5/15/2021 9:18 Rachel Baylor 5/17/2021 600 the resources they need to be safe and to thrive. This means that the City must invest in community-led Comment violence prevention programs, and ensure that the right professionals can respond to crises. SDPD should not respond to these crises. We must ensure that funding goes to the right services, like mental health professionals, safe housing, youth programs and more. We call on you to:

Fund Youth Violence Intervention Programs Create a Transitional Age Unit Re-allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions out of the Police Department. My name is Danielle, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies. Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La Jolla. How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not equipped to handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community? Police do nothing to prevent attacks, they respond when called upon. The fallacy that police keep us safe, especially City Council 5/15/2021 9:23 Danielle Bunch 5/17/2021 600 BIPOC individuals is just that, fallacy. A reactionary system that is ill equipped to react with empathy is not a Comment system of protection. Patrols don’t work, they lack mental health support services, and too many use their position for abuse of authority, an ego trip of power. We’ve got to do better. We can do better. Y’ALL have to want better. With great concern, The Granddaughter of Roosevelt Bunch, a pioneer Black detective of Vicksburg Mississippi’s “Magnificent 7” (look it up) who was directly taught to not always trust police from that same honored officer due to a history of violence and indigent behavior he directly experienced from his very own. Like many others in our community, I cannot stand by and accept that normal life will include video after video of police brutality in my city. If the police cannot bring humanity and compassion to the scene, then we need to invest in alternative solutions. Poverty is not a crime, it's a failure of society. Being a person of color City Council 5/15/2021 11:10 Julie Cakici 5/17/2021 600 is not a crime, it's a variation in melatonin levels. Force should be the last resort against violent attacks, not Comment the first resort to dominate those who have caused no harm. The city needs to ask itself who it is and what it stands for. I for one wish my tax dollars to be spend raising people up not beating them down.

My name is Jessica, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies. (pick one) Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La City Council Jolla. How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not 5/15/2021 12:40 Jessica Chavez 5/17/2021 600 Comment equipped to handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community?

My name is Alejandra, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies.' The police keep crying woo about their budget, while ignoring the fact that their budget ACTUALLY has increased every year for 11 years in a row, AND is the largest funded department in the city. With the proposed $19M increase for FY2022, their budget has grown $214.7M more than what it was in 2011. Alejandra Lucero- City Council 5/15/2021 13:02 5/17/2021 600 Meanwhile the funding for community services has been continually defunded and stagnant. Canaán Comment We the people want services that will bring positive quality of life, not policing. You cannot acknowledge the harm of the police done to our communities and talk about alternative to policing on one hand, while proposing an increase in their funding on the other hand. We need you to act, not giving us any more lip- services. Please defund the police and fund that money into social programs that will actually benefit those that are City Council 5/15/2021 13:16 tiana 5/17/2021 600 poor and homeless. Criminalizing homelessness and poverty is cruel. The police are not appropriate to handle Comment such people. Please show that you actually care about the poor and defund the police. What are we going to do about the excessive force of police and unhoused people? We need to defund the police and reallocate these resources into education, housing and food resources. This is unacceptable. City Council 5/15/2021 15:12 Miranda Aponte 5/17/2021 600 Comment

The police keep crying woo about their budget, while ignoring the fact that their budget ACTUALLY has City Council increased every year for 11 years in a row, AND is the largest funded department in the city. With the 5/15/2021 15:37 melody 5/17/2021 600 Comment proposed $19M increase for FY2022, their budget has grown $214.7M more than what it was in 2011. Meanwhile the funding for community services has been continually defunded and stagnant. My name is Katie Zeitz, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies. Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La Jolla. City Council 5/15/2021 15:48 Katie Zeitz 5/17/2021 600 How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not equipped to Comment handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community?

My name is Patrick, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies. When the police say there is no room in their budget to cut, it is hard to believe, especially when the City has ALWAYS managed City Council 5/15/2021 15:51 Patrick J Mullally 5/17/2021 600 to find cuts to essential programs that communities need. We demand that the City find areas of the police Comment budget to cut. We know you can do it! The cuts the mayor says he is making still amount to a $19 million increase. This isn't the way to make room for funding better access to community services, violence prevention, housing, food access, and things that really keep us safe. The city of San Diego is preparing to spend $599 million dollars on policing and continue runaway spending on policing which is up, on average, $31 million a year over the last five years. I'm calling on each council member and my own councilmember Joe LaCava to reallocate funding from the police to vital, life-sustaining social services and supports such as affordable housing, mobile crisis response teams, affordable healthcare, shelter, and support for all unhoused residents, healthcare, and more. The Community Budget Alliance has laid out a set of aligned priorities that include redefining public safety, investing in a people's economy, and democratizing power.

What opponents of reallocating out-of-control police spending will tell you is there has been an uptick in Andrew City Council 5/15/2021 18:04 5/17/2021 600 violent crime in San Diego in 2021. They don't, however, tell you the whole story. What they choose not to Matschiner Comment tell you is that historically in San Diego less than 5% of 911 calls are for serious violent crimes and only 15% of arrests are for serious, violent crimes. These statistics, documented by the New York Times, Vera Institute, and other organizations, are relatively consistent over time as well as across the country. That means that 95% of the time in San Diego police are responding to calls that DO NOT require force, violence, handcuffs, or guns. In fact, quite the opposite, police often escalate situations using these very methods.

So let's make the moral choice as well as the data-informed choice and reallocate funding to services, supports, and responses that actually address peoples' needs and root causes. Thank you.

My name is Cody Sloan, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies. Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La Jolla. How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not equipped to handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community? The Mayor Cody Donald City Council 5/15/2021 18:14 5/17/2021 600 claims he slashed $4.3M in the police overtime budget. However, the SDPD continually overspends from the Sloan Comment allocated overtime budget EVERY YEAR. A recent study showed that in the last ten years, SDPD has overspent by $61million in overtime alone. $61M could have been spent on many solutions and services for the homeless, but instead, we have spent it on the police to over-police impacted communities. We do not need to hire more police. We cannot keep feeding a white supremacist policing system that cannot be reformed. With more budgeted money, SDPD keeps getting fancier weapons and tools to kill us with. This proposed budget would agree to increase funding of the SDPD, which is already the most funded department in the city. Their funding has been increased for the 11th year in a row, while funding for other community services has remained stagnant. This is not equitable, nor what we want. The Mayor claims he slashed $4.3M in the police overtime budget. However, the SDPD continually overspends from the allocated City Council 5/15/2021 19:32 Sarah 5/17/2021 600 overtime budget EVERY YEAR. A recent study showed that in the last ten years, SDPD has overspent by Comment $61million in overtime alone. $61M could have been spent on many solutions and services for the homeless, but instead, we have spent it on over-policing impacted communities. Increasing police funding is not helping our city become a safer place. It is a disgrace to continue allocating funds to the police when there are other departments that greatly need more support. My name is Iliana, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies.

Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La Jolla. How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not equipped to handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community?

The police keep crying woo about their budget, while ignoring the fact that their budget ACTUALLY has increased every year for 11 years in a row, AND is the largest funded department in the city. With the proposed $19M increase for FY2022, their budget has grown $214.7M more than what it was in 2011. Meanwhile the funding for community services has been continually defunded and stagnant.

The police love to use fear tactics to scare people into agreeing with them about their budget. But fact is, City Council 5/15/2021 19:46 Iliana Reinhardt 5/17/2021 600 crimes have statistically fallen according to a San Diego City report on crime actuals since 1992. If crimes Comment have fallen, why is the City of San Diego committed to increase the San Diego Policy budget?

The Mayor claims he slashed $4.3M in the police overtime budget. However, the SDPD continually overspends from the allocated overtime budget EVERY YEAR. A recent study showed that in the last ten years, SDPD has overspent by $61million in overtime alone. $61M could have been spent on many solutions and services for the homeless, but instead, we have spent it on the police to over-police impacted communities. We do not need to hire more police. We cannot keep feeding a white supremacist policing system that cannot be reformed. With more budgeted money, SDPD keeps getting fancier weapons and tools to kill us with.

On April 15, the Campaign Zero report was reviewed by City Council, showing how SDPD is shaped by systemic racism: being more likely to stop, search and use force against Black, Brown, API, LGBTQ and disabled San Diego residents. Why do we keep funding racist police to do racist stops on marginalized communities?

The proposed budget maintains a dangerous status quo for San Diego and I oppose the increase in police budget by $19 million. More policing does not solve issues in our communities; it causes them. The disgusting activities by the SDPD in La Jolla are just a testament to that. Money needs to go to helping our communities City Council not racist policing. Improve the budget by including all CBA priorities! Move functions out of the police 5/16/2021 9:14 Trevor Malone 5/17/2021 600 Comment department to violence prevention efforts and funding actual professionals to handle calls where actual professionals not racist cops. Increased police training shows time and time again it is ineffective in solving these issues. Defund the police and actually support the lives of all San Diegans.

I am a resident of San Diego and a social worker. Please listen to your community and do not invest further funding into SDPD. Funding social services instead of punitive options WORKS to help San Diegans who are experiencing crises due to mental illness, dementia, and substance use. Programs like PERT are effective City Council 5/16/2021 9:25 Brooke Silveria 5/17/2021 600 because of the social workers and connections to social services involved, and because they divert people Comment from unnecessary incarceration. Fund those services instead. We need alternatives to policing and they should not be an afterthought. They should be at the forefront of what you are focusing on. Do the right thing for your communities. My name is Becca Rose and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies. Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers were caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La Jolla. How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not equipped to handle homelessness. Why do you keep funding them for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatize and do harms to the homeless community? The police budget has increased every year for 11 years in a row, AND is the largest funded department in the city. With the proposed $19M increase for City Council FY2022, their budget will have grown $214.7M more than what it was in 2011. Meanwhile the funding for 5/16/2021 13:34 Becca Rose 5/17/2021 600 Comment community services has been continually defunded and stagnant. We the people want services that will bring positive quality of life, not policing. You cannot acknowledge the harm of the police done to our communities and talk about alternative to policing on one hand, while proposing an increase in their funding on the other. We need you to act, not give us any more lip-services. Please listen to your constituents, who for the last year have overwhelmingly demanded defunding of the police and those resources re-allocated to social programs that uplift and protect our community, particularly our neighbors of color. This is why you were elected—to represent our needs. Please listen.

I support Mayor Gloria’s proposed SDPD budget. Please do not be engrossed by the emotional screams of the very small but exceedingly loud “defund the police” crowd. Their theoretical proposals do not work in the real world and are not supported by empirical applications of a significant enough nature to justify reducing the budget and hindering the police as they propose. Please do not make the same mistake that other cities like City Council 5/16/2021 14:14 Arash Fuladian 5/17/2021 600 Portland, Seattle, , San Francisco, and New York have made. Los Angeles and (and Comment likely others) have since realized the folly of their knee-jerk defunding and are now in the process of restoring funds. This all during a historic rise of shootings, other violence, and homicides nationwide, including here in San Diego. I—among many, many, many others who you will not hear from—support the proposed SDPD budget. Thank you. Any increase in the police budget is outrageous this year. I urge you to put that $19 million (and more) into parks that have been desperately needed for years in underserved neighborhoods and the staffing we all need right now to implement the Climate Action Plan. City Council 5/16/2021 17:16 Susan Duerksen 5/17/2021 600 In 2021, the climate crisis and the police violence crisis cannot be ignored. The Council must not pass a Comment status-quo budget.

I'm a retiree who has lived in San Diego for 36 years. I had high hopes for this new, more progressive City Council. Please don’t disappoint me and so many others in the community. City Council San Diego already spends1/3 of its money on police. We don’t need an increase in the police budget; instead 5/16/2021 17:17 Arthur Salm 5/17/2021 600 Comment I urge you to fund the community needs listed by the Community Budget Alliance. I live in District 2, and I am extremely disappointed by the budget proposal which expands the already massive, militarized police budget and cuts library funding, which would lead to closures and lost library jobs. By trimming a tiny percentage of the police budget, twice as many library jobs could be saved because they pay so much less. We should be investing in efforts that improve public safety like true Housing First homelessness services, trained mental health responders, community health centers, permanent supportive housing, more shelter beds, requiring and incentivizing more low- to moderate- income housing, wrap-around services, education, arts and youth programs and other true public safety efforts, including libraries. City Council 5/16/2021 18:36 Kathy Archibald 5/17/2021 600 Comment Additionally, in Pacific Beach, I hope we also invest in connecting the new trolley stop to the heart of PB. We need a safe bike connection between the trolley and Rose Creek Bike Path which is close, but still hazardous along Balboa and Santa Fe Street, and a quick, climate-friendly public transit option for that last mile from the station to the beach.

But most importantly, invest in real public safety, housing our unsheltered neighbors, and community health services, NOT militarized policing which results in harm to public safety. I don't want my tax money used to fund the police budget. I want my tax money to invest in the safety and Cody Donald City Council health of our communities. There are other, better options, especially when it comes to responding to mental 5/16/2021 19:55 5/17/2021 600 Sloan Comment health crises, serving our unhoused communities, and providing safety to our communities of color. Please do not increase the police budget. The Mayor is trying to make it sound as if the police budget is not continuing to inflate under this administration, while at the same time saying that it is increasing. Make the police pensions come out of the police budget, instead of taking resources away from the community. I and many others are not asking for the maintaining of the status quo. The status quo is killing people, harming people, and beating up a homeless man for public urination. I want SDPD to have LESS MONEY. PERIOD.

Many of you are trying to take credit for funding CPP as proof you is listening. You are obligated to fund that City Council by Measure B, which was supported by over 75% of the voters. 75% of the voters think that something is 5/16/2021 20:48 Adina Weinig 5/17/2021 600 Comment rotten in the police force, and it needs to be looked at by an outside commission. Why are we continuing to invest in an organization that is overtly racist and violent to the members of our community?

These reforms are weak, and will do nothing to improve the safety of our community. "Exploring alternatives" .... "reviewing policies". GIVE US SOME ACTION! This isn't it. All the training in the world isn't going to change this institution's behavior. All you're doing is pouring money down the drain. Put your money where your mouth is and INVEST in the community by DIVESTING from SDPD

My name is Emma Truchan, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist actions and blatant lies. Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La Jolla. City Council 5/16/2021 21:54 Emma Truchan 5/17/2021 600 How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not equipped to Comment handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community?

Hi, my name is Whitney Pepper and I live in Kensington. I am a mental health clinician and a member of Showing Up for Racial Justice San Diego. I am writing to oppose the Proposed Budget, which maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, like affordable housing, healthcare, and mental healthcare. not more policing. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. I urge you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long- term solutions. You can demonstrate this by ensuring this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, City Council 5/16/2021 23:20 Whitney Pepper 5/17/2021 600 improving people’s lives, and working for everyone. Our communities should have access to all the resources Comment they need to be safe and to thrive. This means that the City must invest in community-led violence prevention programs, and ensure that the right professionals can respond to crises. SDPD should not respond to these crises. We must ensure that funding goes to the right services, like mental health professionals, safe housing, youth programs and more. We call on you to: Fund Youth Violence Intervention Programs Create a Transitional Age Unit Re-allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions out of the Police Department. I expect you to listen to the people of San Diego, who are speaking loud and clear about their needs. It is your job to listen and use our tax dollars appropriately. Dear Councilmembers (and especially Stephen Whitburn as I live in district 3): The number of crimes reported in 2020 is the lowest number reported since 1968 (just based on the number). PER CAPITA, San Diego hasn't had this low a rate of crime since 1959, OVER 60 YEARS AGO! We are living in a unique time when crime is incredibly low. This coincides with 8 Democrats on the council as well as a Democratic mayor. There is a potential alignment here where the 8 of you (plus the mayor) can make history for San Diego and start us on the path towards a better future for our community. Shift some of the budget away from the SDPD and reinvest it in new alternative methods that provide safety for our communities. There are multiple City Council 5/16/2021 23:29 Kurt Wong 5/17/2021 600 examples of new programs around the USA that aim to serve (instead of traumatize) our mentally ill and Comment unhoused community members. We can also shift resources towards our poorest communities so that there are less reasons to turn to crimes of poverty. TAKE THIS MONUMENTAL OPPORTUNITY! Steer San Diego in a new direction! Place San Diego on the map for the great work that it's doing to serve its residents. Bring us into the good company of New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Las Vegas, Arlington, , Baltimore, Denver, , San Francisco, , Austin, New Orleans and many more who have shifted money away from their police departments in order to serve their communities better. Thank you.

Please listen to the hundreds of community voices and invest in communities! invest in crucial services such as housing and environmental justice, and do that by divesting from the police! Police account for 1/3 of our budget but produce so much less than that! I’m asking Stephen Whitburn to listen to his constituents, who City Council have been loud and clear that we ought to reallocate police funding to community and neighborhood services 5/17/2021 0:46 Carlos Sandoval 5/17/2021 600 Comment and programs. He brought up “violence in downtown” as a way to dismiss our voices but NO ONE called in to city council to talk about violence in downtown!

Adopt the People’s Budget proposed by the Community Budget Alliance. Hello, my name is Julie Hendricks, D7. I am writing in to again urge the City Council Members to listen to their constituents and revise the proposed FY22 Budget. Our city was put in the national spotlight last week when two "Peace Officers" violently attacked a houseless neighbor in San Diego - showing very clearly why throwing more money into the police budget does not make San Diego safer for its citizens. The FY22 proposed budget does not address needs of the people, as stated by the IBA, "Funding was not specifically reallocated, nor were services performed by the department reassigned to non-law enforcement service providers.” It is not enough to say we can't make rash cuts and decisions year after year. You have been hearing from your community members to fund alternative solutions to policing for years! Please strongly consider the priorities presented by the CBA and CPI - they have done so much of the work down to the City Council dollar amount to show how San Diego can actually invest in our community and show up for its people, 5/17/2021 6:36 Julie Hendricks 5/17/2021 600 Comment including more funding for youth violence-prevention programs and more youth services, mental health services and trauma care, a 24-hour crisis line, and funding for community partners who are on the ground, already providing community care. The Police Officers Association has publicly proposed an in-depth analysis to investigate reallocation of police funds - also admitting that this will probably require MORE money into the police budget for training and community policing. This is clearly a stall tactic and it has not worked in San Diego!! The police budget keeps going up and so has crime. And crime will continue to go up, if people have nowhere to go to urinate other than a public street corner, and then the SDPD turn around and beat them and arrest them for doing so. San Diegans deserve better and I urge the City Council to reject the proposed budget and reallocate money to fund the CBA priorities. Thank you.

Good day, I would like the Council to show the community how much you care about diversity and increase the Fire- City Council Rescue budget so we can have Black women join the department and life guards can have diversity as well. 5/17/2021 7:06 Francine Maxwell 5/17/2021 600 Comment Why is our department paying such a low range? Why does the police budget use 88% for staff and maybe 12% for equipment. We need new Fire-Rescue staff and their budget needs to change to recruit diversity. The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. kristin City Council 5/17/2021 7:16 5/17/2021 600 $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all schulmeister Comment community programs combined. This is ridiculous. When so many families are struggling and need more social safety nets, the city wants to give the majority of its money to policing?!?! To criminalizing our neighbors?! It’s wrong and it’s immoral. I live in District 5, and I urge you to include more CBA priorities in the budget rather than continuing to increase the police budget. Our communities need services and resources that can improve their lives, not more policing that disproportionately targets and impacts communities of color. Spending funds on the CBA Andrea City Council priorities will ensure that we have long-term solutions to problems that affect our community. For example, 5/17/2021 10:05 5/17/2021 600 Rodriguez Comment re-allocating police funds to mental health professionals, safe housing, and youth programs, and also funding parks and outdoor spaces in communities that need it most and creating street calming measures around the truck route to divert toxic air from Barrio Logan. Thank you for your time and consideration.

The SDPD budget is so outsized compared to city crime rates (which continue to fall) and compared to the budgets for social services desperately needed in this city. Services for our houseless neighbors are slashed repeatedly and as a result these people (they are PEOPLE just like you and me) are continually abused by their neighbors and police. They need HELP, not to be beaten by thug cops because they have no resources, no public restrooms (again, god forbid we provide them resources to live with dignity), no roofs over their Cambra Moniz- City Council 5/17/2021 11:06 5/17/2021 600 heads. I don't want my tax dollars paying for wannabe Rambos to play soldier on city streets and feel Edwards Comment empowered to treat residents (who already pay their salaries) as "The Enemy." The police already have a bad attitude and cowtowing to their union so they can have new toys every year while everyday people suffer is disgusting. Our city deserves better. For the San Diego city government to pretend to be "America's Finest City" while refusing essential services to our most vulnerable neighbors would be laughable, if it weren't so sad. My name is Jeff Bonine and I am a resident of San Diego's district 3. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist practices and blatant lies. On April 15, the Campaign Zero report was reviewed by City Council, showing how SDPD is shaped by systemic racism: being more likely to stop, search and use force against Black, Brown, API, LGBTQ and disabled San Diego residents. Why do we keep funding racist police to do racist stops on marginalized City Council communities? When the police say there is no room in their budget to cut, it is hard to believe, especially 5/17/2021 11:38 Jeffrey Bonine 5/17/2021 600 Comment when the City has ALWAYS managed to find cuts to essential programs that communities need. We demand that the City find areas of the police budget to cut. We know you can do it! We the people want services that will bring positive quality of life, not policing. You cannot acknowledge the harm of the police done to our communities and talk about alternative to policing on one hand, while proposing an increase in their funding on the other hand. We need you to act, not giving us any more lip-services. Thank you.

The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting City Council a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. I urge you to improve the budget 5/17/2021 11:55 Victoria Carrillo 5/17/2021 600 Comment by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions for all San Diegans. The People’s Budget principles of public safety reform, affordable housing, environmental justice need to be included and funded in this fiscal years budget.

We understand pension contributions are fixed, but beyond throttling overtime, how will the city council City Council respond to the community demand that the police budget be reduced so that we can fund alternatives to 5/17/2021 12:09 Greg Prieto 5/17/2021 600 Comment policing to improve genuine public safety. We are expecting a planned reduction of the SDPD as an organization. Please make a plan and reduce the SDPD budget today. Invest in Libraries! Libraries are essential to strong communities. More than just a place for books, they provide space and resources for children to learn, adults to acquire new skills, for seniors to socialize, and for communities to come together. They are safe spaces after school, on a hot day, or for folks who just need a place to sit for a while. Especially (but not only) in under-resourced communities, they provide access to the internet and computers which might not be available elsewhere, at least not without cost. Libraries enable City Council 5/17/2021 12:35 Pat Wilson 5/17/2021 600 people to build better lives for themselves and their families, and to dream big dreams. Comment Thank you for your support throughout this budget process. Now is the time to commit to move towards the promise of the Library Ordinance. Imagine what libraries could do if we resolved to fund them properly!

My name is Larry Stowell. I am a 35 year resident District 2 and a small business owner. I am opposed to the increase in the SDPD budget caused primarily by the pay increases and pension benefit coverage. The extra funds taken from the City budget to cover these shortfalls should not detract from other City services. The SDPD budget shortfall should be covered through improved efficiencies within the department. It’s time to City Council 5/17/2021 12:36 Larry Stowell 5/17/2021 600 make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding the City’s top Comment priority rather than continually increasing the police budget. Please do not pour additional funding into the Police budget, already 34.4% of the entire City budget. Please demand improved cost management within the Police Department and strengthen spending oversight.

I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011.

People are the economy. This budget provides one-time funding for small businesses, but we need to: Ensure those receiving relief are businesses that need it most - businesses with 10 or fewer employees including home-based businesses, street-vendors, and businesses with no payroll employees. Relief should go to businesses that adequately support their employees by practicing High Road Employer principles, like paying livable and fair wages.

City Council We need to improve our oversight of city, county spending matched with return on investment including that 5/17/2021 12:53 Peter G Kalivas 5/17/2021 600 Comment of our local legislators representing San Diegans in Sacramento that directly and indirectly impact our city fiscally including but not limited to labor laws that infringe on our freedom to choose how we work like AB5.

Also, a review of the historic chock hold relationship between local developers and our government that impedes fair market competition inclusive of our own locally based businesses including emerging business.

Lastly, SHELTER and serve the Homeless that live alongside our highways in dangerous, unhealthy conditions - their illness or inhumane deaths will be on you - irregardless of any of their mental, emotional capacity which is not always the case.

Please do NOT raise the police budget by 19 million. This will not keep the most vulnerable members of our City Council 5/17/2021 12:56 Felicia Tobias 5/17/2021 600 society safer. Instead please invest in homeless shelters, healthcare, and resources for San Diegans in need. Comment Programs which have been proven to lower crime rates and cost less in the long term I strongly oppose any increase to the police budget, especially one that can be measured in tens of millions. Meaghan City Council 5/17/2021 13:05 5/17/2021 600 That money needs to go towards the various services that actually increase public safety and well being, not Harrigan Comment policing. Hi, my name is Anna Sun and I live in District 1. The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. More police do not keep our communities safe. We know that SDPD stops and searches black people, Native American and Pacific Islanders at 3x the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also more likely to use force against Black San Diegans even after controlling for arrest rates. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from City Council 5/17/2021 13:08 Anna Sun 5/17/2021 600 having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job Comment opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. Instead of relying on the violent establishments of police and prisons, what if we created systems of support for each other in our communities? I urge you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions. You can demonstrate this by ensuring this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, improving people’s lives, and working for everyone. It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually increasing the police budget.

Hello City Council,

My name is Aury Washburn, pronouns: she/her/hers, Constituent of District 7, and member of SURJ SD. As requested last year by City Council, I and other San Diego constituents are joining this forum to share our values and priorities to be reflected in the San Diego City Budget.

I request that the SDPD budget be reduced in order to provide support for vital community services including housing and houselessness assistance, sustainability and climate change initiatives, and the creation and maintenance of parks and libraries. A 15% reduction in the SDPD budget would support essential improvements in all of these areas as well as others. City Council 5/17/2021 13:14 Auriel Washburn 5/17/2021 600 Comment The safest communities aren't those with the greatest police presence, they're the ones with the most resources. Leadership in other cities across the country have started to account for this by reducing or entirely eliminating spending on police. The City Council represents 1.4 million people. Please acknowledge that you are responsible for the choice to invest in our under-resourced San Diego communities or to uphold support for the SDPD, who Campaign Zero have demonstrated disproportionately stop, search and use force against Black, Brown, API, LGBTQ and disabled San Diego residents.

I look forward to your thoughtful consideration of this and other community priorities voiced today and your associated revisions of the proposed budget. Thank you for your time. I was deeply disappointed that the Mayor also left out many of our communities’ priorities in his proposed budget. Urge the City Council & the Mayor to support the CBA’s community budget demands for the Budget Amendment & May Revise.

I have already provided public comment on the inappropriate allocation of funds for the police compared to community-led programs and resources. What I want to comment on today is how the other priorities proposed by the CBA are also important for ensuring public safety. Long-term funding for youth opportunities & programs (including funding a Youth Violence Intervention Program), funding parks and libraries, additional funding to address homelessness, funding feasibility studies for long-term solutions like a rent registry and vacancy tax, cash aid for non-citizen immigrant workers, and many more. Alexandria City Council 5/17/2021 13:15 5/17/2021 600 Abrams Comment The City has already tried, and failed, to deal with our city's "problems" through the funding of police and other punitive systems. It's time to take a new approach- address homelessness by providing homes, address crime by funding community programs that include rental assistance, access to healthy and affordable food, and provide equitable job opportunities. I challenge our city to make real change.

In its current form, the Mayor's proposed budget continues the status-quo and will not address the inequities and concerns of the community. The City of San Diego MUST redefine public safety, ensure housing & tenants rights, commit to environmental justice, and democratize power to ensure everyone can engage in the civic process.

My name is Leah Ouimet, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist [expletive] and blatant lies.

City Council Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La 5/17/2021 13:21 Leah Ouimet 5/17/2021 600 Comment Jolla. How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not equipped to handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community?

Our communities should have access to all the resources they need to be safe and to thrive. This means that the City must invest in community-led violence prevention programs, and ensure that the right professionals City Council can respond to crises. SDPD should not respond to these crises. We must ensure that funding goes to the 5/17/2021 13:23 Erica Dierkes 5/17/2021 600 Comment right services, like mental health professionals, safe housing, youth programs and more. We call on you to:Re- allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions, such as the Homeless Outreach Team, out of the Police Department. I've moved beyond talking points.


Thank you for your time. Have a good evening. My name is Christopher Carter. I live in district 1. I want you to support the people’s budget.

The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. More police do not keep our communities safe. We know that SDPD stops and searches black people, Native American and Pacific Islanders at 3x the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also more likely to use force against Black San Diegans even after controlling for arrest rates. Christopher City Council Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from 5/17/2021 14:03 5/17/2021 600 Carter Comment having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. Instead of relying on the violent establishments of police and prisons, what if we created systems of support for each other in our communities? I urge you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions. You can demonstrate this by ensuring this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, improving people’s lives, and working for everyone. It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually increasing the police budget.

Hi, my name is Natalie Chen and I live in San Diego The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. More police do not keep our communities safe. We know that SDPD stops and searches black people, Native City Council 5/17/2021 14:19 Natalie 5/17/2021 600 American and Pacific Islanders at 3x the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also Comment more likely to use force against Black San Diegans even after controlling for arrest rates. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. I call on you to listen to what we really need and to re-allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions, such as the Homeless Outreach Team, out of the Police Department.

Please don’t squander the historic opportunity our City now has to redefine public safety, so that everyone who lives here is truly safe. You have the evidence in front of you every day – in the devastating report from Campaign Zero and in the daily news – that our city’s current system of policing is broken and is a danger for a significant portion of our population.

City Council The Mayor’s proposed budget ignores these facts, and ignores the need for systemic change in policing and 5/17/2021 14:39 Wendy Gelernter 5/17/2021 600 Comment public safety. I urge you to improve the budget by including more of the CBA’s priorities, and a re- assessment of police funding.

Finally, please ask yourselves – are any of us truly safe, when so many of our fellow San Diegans live in fear of the police? If the answer is no, then you must reject the increase in the police budget, and commit to a redefinition of public safety. The Mayor claims he slashed $4.3M in the police overtime budget. However, the SDPD continually overspends from the allocated overtime budget EVERY YEAR. A recent study showed that in the last ten years, SDPD has overspent by $61million in overtime alone. $61M could have been spent on many solutions and services for the homeless, but instead, we have spent it on the police to over-police impacted communities. City Council 5/17/2021 14:46 Alexi 5/17/2021 600 Comment Community members have already shared with the city council what our priorities are for this year's budget. Please do the right thing and reduce the police budget instead of cutting critical services like library hours. Thank you!

My name is Sam Mazzeo, a business owner and local advocate with Business for Good San Diego, the Green New Deal Alliance, and other orgs., I live in Golden Hill. I opposed the Proposed Budget, which maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing, not to mention a Mayor that stands with his promises and convictions, rather than pandering to a racist and murderous police force. Our communities should have access to all the resources they need to be City Council 5/17/2021 14:57 Sam Mazzeo 5/17/2021 600 safe and to thrive. This means that the City must invest in community-led violence prevention programs, and Comment ensure that the right professionals can respond to crises. SDPD should not respond to these crises. We must ensure that funding goes to the right services, like mental health professionals, safe housing, youth programs and more. We call on you to: 1) Fund Youth Violence Intervention Programs; 2) Create a Transitional Age Unit; and 3) Re-allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions, such as the Homeless Outreach Team, out of the Police Department.

FY 2021-22 BUDGET HEARING RE Consideration of a Budget whose Revenues have not been considered through a valid public hearing process

Dear Honorable Council, I am writing you to urge you not to adopt a new Budget premised or built on the excessive old fees and another 20 years of enslavement to the most expensive energy utility nationwide. It is wrong procedurally, to adopt a Budget based on Revenues that the Council has not yet considered under an upcoming series of public hearing for an ordinance to potentially award a 10+10 or 20 year effective enslavement of San Diego families and businesses to a private shareholder monopoly. {Even if that, non progressive vote went through, any agreement would still be contingent on approval by the California Public Utilities Commission and Court challenges}

Please think about this putting the cart before the horse or betting on a come. Any new Franchise is a John william City Council 5/17/2021 15:00 5/17/2021 600 Franchise De Novo and must be reviewed under the laws that have come to pass since 1970. I believe that, Stump Comment unlike the undergrounding fee, the Franchise Fee differential is more of a TAX than a fee and thus subject to Proposition 13 review and a vote of the people. Proposition 218 fee impositions are allowed because there is a demonstrated nexus between the fee and the direct resultant benefit. The collection of this new fee to fund the general budget does not seem to meet this exemption.

A wiser approach is to adopt a Budget not presuming or betting on an action for excessive SDGE payments before a series of public hearings. There is a palpable inference violation of the Brown act to do so.

Alternatively, next week the more prudent action is to extend for five (5) years the current agreement under the current and grandfathered terms.

All the best, John Stump, City Heights Resident, Taxpayer and SDGE Ratepayer Hi, my name is Jennifer Foxley and I live in Golden Hill.

* The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. * $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined.

* The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown $214.7M more compared to their number in 2011. * More police do not keep our communities safe. We know that SDPD stops and searches black people, Native American and Pacific Islanders at 3x the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also more likely to use force against Black San Diegans even after controlling for arrest rates. * Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes City Council 5/17/2021 15:03 Jennifer Foxley 5/17/2021 600 from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable Comment job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. * Instead of relying on the violent establishments of police and prisons, what if we created systems of support for each other in our communities? * I urge you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions. You can demonstrate this by ensuring this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, improving people’s lives, and working for everyone. * It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually increasing the police budget.

* Parks and access to outdoor spaces in our communities is critical so that everyone has safe and healthy neighborhoods. The Proposed Budget lacks any investment in new park spaces, some of which the community has been advocating for for years. We need you to: * Fund park development in the communities that need it most. Hello my name is Sarah and I live in district 1. The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. Our communities should have access to all the resources they need to be safe and to thrive. This means that the City Council City must invest in community-led violence prevention programs, and ensure that the right professionals can 5/17/2021 15:05 Sarah Davis 5/17/2021 600 Comment respond to crises. SDPD should not respond to these crises. We must ensure that funding goes to the right services, like mental health professionals, safe housing, youth programs and more. We call on you to fund youth violence intervention programs, Create a Transitional Age Unit, and re-allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions, such as the Homeless Outreach Team, out of the Police Department. Thank you. The Park and Rec budget isn't showing any monies to accommodate Pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports which is enjoyed by folks of all ages. One tennis court is typically utilized by 2-4 tennis players. When City Council also stripped for pickleball courts, this same space can accommodate 4 pickleball courts (4-16 players). I am 5/17/2021 15:19 Leslie Goossens 5/17/2021 600 Comment requesting that the Park and Rec FY 2022 budget include some monies to provide for the striping of four pickleball courts on at least one existing tennis court within each Community Plan Area Recreation Center.

My name is Stacey. I'm a district 3 resident and I, along with so many others, are urging you cut back from the police budget, one that has grown by $214.7 million since 2011. It’s time to make communities that have City Council been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually 5/17/2021 15:25 Stacey 5/17/2021 600 Comment increasing the police budget. I want to see that money go towards environmental justice like funding park development in communities that need it most, and towards housing and tenants rights like long-term solutions to houselessness in a rent registry. The Park and Rec budget isn't showing any monies to accommodate Pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports which is enjoyed by folks of all ages. One tennis court is typically utilized by 2-4 tennis players. When City Council also stripped for pickleball courts, this same space can accommodate 4 pickleball courts (4-16 players). I am 5/17/2021 15:37 Fred Goossens 5/17/2021 600 Comment requesting that the Park and Rec FY 2022 budget include some monies to provide for the striping of four pickleball courts on at least one existing tennis court within each Community Plan Area Recreation Center.

Restore the library budget. It is essential to all citizens across our city's socioeconomic spectrum. We are City Council underfunded when compared to equivalent libraries nation wide. Shame on SD and the City council for this 5/17/2021 15:44 KEvans 5/17/2021 600 Comment neglect. Again, restore the library budget and make our libraries and their staff the priority that they deserve to be. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. I urge City Council 5/17/2021 15:51 Kelsey Garcia 5/17/2021 600 you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money Comment in ways that will provide long-term solutions. You can demonstrate this by ensuring this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, improving people’s lives, and working for everyone. It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually increasing the police budget.

When you ask the overwhelming majority of San Diegans what they prioritize with the budget it’s housing. ms. Regina City Council Police are at the bottom of the list. Somehow our City is prioritizing police. Please stop listening to the 5/17/2021 16:15 5/17/2021 600 Sinsky Crosby Comment minority and support the needs of the majority. CBA has done the work. Please listen to their wisdom. The community is speaking! Hello. My name is Gwen Fish and I live in Golden Hill (District 3).

The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing.

I am especially concerned about the disproportionate policing of people of color in our city. We know that SDPD stops and searches Black people, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders at 3x the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also more likely to use force against Black San Diegans even after controlling for arrest rates.

Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and City Council 5/17/2021 16:44 Gwendolyn Fish 5/17/2021 600 implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. Comment I urge you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions.

In addition to supporting the CBA priorities on redefining public safety, I urge you to prioritize environmental justice. Parks and access to outdoor spaces in our communities is critical so that everyone has safe and healthy neighborhoods. The Proposed Budget lacks any investment in new park spaces, some of which the community has been advocating for for years. We need you to:

1- Fund park development in the communities that need it most. 2- Create street calming measures around the truck route to divert toxic air from Barrio Logan. 3- Ensure that there is adequate funding for equitable community engagement on the EJ Element. 4- Fund Grant Writer and Transportation Planner positions to support Climate Action Plan implementation.

Thank you for your time, and for your commitment to investing in our communities. “The Park and Rec budget isn't showing any monies to accommodate Pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports which is enjoyed by folks of all ages. One tennis court is typically utilized by 2-4 tennis players. When Donna DeAngelis City Council also stripped for pickleball courts, this same space can accommodate 4 pickleball courts (4-16 players). I am 5/17/2021 16:50 5/17/2021 600 Blaine Comment requesting that the Park and Rec FY 2022 budget include some monies to provide for the striping of four pickleball courts on at least one existing tennis court within each Community Plan Area Recreation Center.”

“The Park and Rec budget isn't showing any monies to accommodate Pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports which is enjoyed by folks of all ages. One tennis court is typically utilized by 2-4 tennis players. When also stripped for pickleball courts, this same space can accommodate 4 pickleball courts (4-16 players). I am City Council requesting that the Park and Rec FY 2022 budget include some monies to provide for the striping of four 5/17/2021 16:52 John Blaine 5/17/2021 600 Comment pickleball courts on at least one existing tennis court within each Community Plan Area Recreation Center. The city has closed indoor activities in the recreation centers so access to previous open play Pickleball courts is not allowed and the City has made no steps to replace those courts. Hi, my name is Karinna Gonzalez and I am with Hammond Climate Solutions.

We are opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. More police do not keep our communities safe. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on City Council the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. 5/17/2021 16:57 Karinna Gonzalez 5/17/2021 600 Comment I urge you to improve the budget by spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions. You can demonstrate this by ensuring this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, improving people’s lives, and working for everyone. It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually increasing the police budget.

Thank you, This week, the entire country just saw the SDPD punch a Black, unsheltered man while he was on the City Council ground. The SDPD does more harm to the community than good. They terrorize neighborhood. They point 5/17/2021 17:15 Ria Otero 5/17/2021 600 Comment their weapons at children. Voting to increase their budget is an overt act of violence against the Black and Brown community. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. This is unnecessary as time after time, police have enacted violence within our communities. Remember Dennis Carolino? He did not deserve to die in the hands of the police. There are so many issues in the community that will not be aided by short term fixes. At this point in a pandemic disaster where so many community members are without aid or access to resources? I OPPOSE the ridiculous $19 million dollar budget for police.We must ensure that funding goes to the right services, like mental health professionals, safe housing, City Council 5/17/2021 17:17 Jules 5/17/2021 600 youth programs and more. I encourage to fund Youth Violence Intervention Programs, create a Transitional Comment Age Unit re-allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions, such as the Homeless Outreach Team, out of the Police Department. Why is that when I walk through a small neighborhood, I see gigantic police militarize tanks drive by? why do they deserve such protection and money to build these forms of war weaponry? People are losing the very resources that could be provided by the city, and for it to unfairly fall into the hands of police is unsound. Hello my name is Hunter, I am a resident of Mission Valley, and member of the ACLU.

How much evidence needs to be presented before we stop increasing the budget of a systematically discriminatory institution? I know that the council has heard the presentation from campaign zero. I am sure that you all are aware of the study conducted by SDSU and the study conducted by the RIPA Board. All of which directly implicate the SDPD as an institution that currently penalizes marginalized communities at a much higher rate. Yet still we propose to increase the their budget by over 20 million dollars. City Council 5/17/2021 17:20 Hunter T Jensen 5/17/2021 600 Comment Back to work SD only got 15. The police oversight commission only got 1. Even combined this is less than the proposed increase in the police police budget, and if a dollar reflects our priorities then it is clear where the cities priorities stand: continuing systemic discrimination. I encourage the board to reflect on this, and take the 23 million dollar increase and put it instead into policies to reform policing like community led violence prevention programs. Otherwise we are directly investing in an organization that as it stands is a detriment to both our community and economy My name is Ilana Turner and I live in district 3. I am asking the city council to oppose Mayor Gloria’s budget and reallocate the $600million police budget to fund affordable housing, community based mental health services, universal basic income, education, and healthcare including harm reduction and mental health services. The proposed $19 million increase to the police budget is unwarranted at a time when crime is decreasing. Most importantly, we know that the safest communities are not the ones with the most police but Lindsay Ilana City Council 5/17/2021 17:22 5/17/2021 600 the ones with the most resources. Reallocating this money from police to community resources is imperative Turner Comment to create real public safety by addressing the root causes of social problems stemming from economic inequality and systemic racism. The recent police killings of Daunte Wright, Ma’Kiah Bryant, Andrew Brown, Adam Toledo to mention a few are painful reminders that the police do not value Black lives and do not keep our community safe. It’s time to develop real alternatives to policing based on care rather than on repression, violence, or the threat of violence. Our police department isn't built to meet the needs of our community. I contact them regarding two primary issues: interpersonal violence (domestic violence, human trafficking, or family violence) and severe mental health concerns. They don't use a trauma informed response when responding to either and actually inhibit the healing of our community members. While I think police are helpful in some situations, these situations City Council actually become more exacerbated with police involvement. Our criminal justice system hasn't caught up to 5/17/2021 17:22 Tessa Hemmi 5/17/2021 600 Comment responding to these issues appropriately.

We need to have more investment in community resources and emergency responses other than police. We need to expand mental health and interpersonal violence response that centers the person's needs. We do not need to increase funding for this system that's already so flawed. I am writing to urge you to adopt the Community Budget Alliance’s People’s Budget demands in the final budget for the City of San Diego.

The community has called on you to divest from policing and make huge changes in the City. However, the proposed budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. We urge you to improve the budget by including CBA priorities, and spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions. It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the existing inequities in household income, employment security, access to services, workplace safety, and housing. Previous policy decisions created systems where low-wage workers, immigrants, communities of color, as well as unhoused and incarcerated individuals, have been most impacted by the pandemic. San Diego should not “return to normal.” Increases to the police budget and irresponsible budget cuts are not the answer. Instead, we must be bold, create long-term changes and City Council 5/17/2021 17:24 Rachel Ayotte 5/17/2021 600 rebuild stronger by addressing inequities and ensuring a high quality of life for all our communities. Comment

By redefining public safety, improving environmental health, protecting tenants, increasing housing access, securing workers’ rights, and ensuring equitable access to services, San Diego can become a city that works better for everyone.

The final budget should: -Reimagine public safety by divesting from police and investing in communities and community-led programs. -Support housing for all by protecting tenant rights, preventing homelessness, and supporting housing affordability initiatives. -Increase civic engagement and access to opportunities . -Support immigrants & youth. -Support the fundamental right for all people to live, work & play in a safe & healthy environment.⠀ -Support a people’s economy that prioritizes workers’ rights and equitable access to good jobs. Hi, my name is Michael and I live in District 3. The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. More police do not keep our communities safe. We know that SDPD stops and searches black people, Native American and Pacific Islanders at 3x the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also more likely to use force against Black San Diegans even after controlling for arrest rates. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. Michael City Council Instead of relying on the violent establishments of police and prisons, what if we created systems of support 5/17/2021 17:26 5/17/2021 600 McDonald Comment for each other in our communities? I urge you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long-term solutions. You can demonstrate this by ensuring this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, improving people’s lives, and working for everyone. It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding, the City’s top priority rather than continually increasing the police budget. Our communities should have access to all the resources they need to be safe and to thrive. This means that the City must invest in community-led violence prevention programs, and ensure that the right professionals can respond to crises. SDPD should not respond to these crises. We must ensure that funding goes to the right services, like mental health professionals, safe housing, youth programs and more. We call on you to: fund Youth Violence Intervention Programs, create a Transitional Age Unit, re-allocate police funding to these initiatives and use the Proposed Budget to move functions, such as the Homeless Outreach Team, out of the Police Department.

I oppose the proposed budget. Time and time again the citizens of this community have requested that less funding be provided for policing that is largely ineffective. Yet, this budget proposal provides even more funding. The police do not need more funds when the existing funding is rarely beneficially used. Please City Council consider diverting this money to other support systems that actually foster safety: community support, food 5/17/2021 17:31 Beka Bewley 5/17/2021 600 Comment on the table, a healthy environment and equitable employment opportunities. Instead of spending more money on the police budget please support alternatives to policing that actually support the community. Other cities have diverted money away from the police budget successfully and we can, too!

Many Pickleball players need outside courts for play. Most Rec Center Tennis Courts are underutilized. 1 City Council 5/17/2021 17:33 Susan Lyerly 5/17/2021 600 Tennis Court can be converted to 4 Pickleball courts. 16 Pickleball citizens can be accommodated per Tennis Comment Court It looks like we have a NEW mayor but the same racist budget. Todd Gloria has taken $11,000 from the Police officer’s association and increased their budget by $18M. Is that all it takes to sell out for the mass City Council incarceration of our Black and Brown communities? Secure funds for the PrOTECT ordinance AND develop a 5/17/2021 17:33 Czeska 5/17/2021 600 Comment redefine public safety ACTION plan. Please secure $350,000 for the office of child and youth success and defund the police budget by $600M! Also for anyone listening tune in to and let’s get ourselves a better Council President. Make no cuts to the Library budget. City Council Make long-overdue new investments in materials, staff training, and programs. 5/17/2021 17:37 Sergio 5/17/2021 600 Comment Support Library efforts to overhaul an unsustainable staffing model which relies heavily on hourly, non- benefited workers. I'm a resident of District 5 and I urge the Council to adopt recommendations from the Community Budget Alliance regarding proper funding for the police department.

Their recommendations urge a focus on actual needed policing, and away from inappropriate practices. In particular, I am troubled by studies that compared statistics between stops just before sunset and just after sunset---basically the same time of day but different lighting. The results were not what we would like. The City Council statistics showed too many SDPD stops and searches that were inappropriately slanted against our residents 5/17/2021 17:54 Cyrus Bharucha 5/17/2021 600 Comment who are people of color.

Please ensure that this year’s budget reflects a commitment to equity, improving people’s lives, and working for everyone.

I urge you not to support the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. Please do not cut the library budget, this is a valuable resource to the community and one that I personally City Council 5/17/2021 17:56 Erin Shintaku 5/17/2021 600 use weekly. Comment Todd Gloria, by defunding libraries and awarding the police with an increased budget you have truly proved yourself to be a two faced traitor of the people. Your incessant bootlicking can only be explained by an allegiance to your own personal gain. Be assured that the people will NEVER forget this travesty and history will remember your sorry ass as a liar and a fascist pig. YOUR ACTIONS ARE CAUSING VIOLENCE!! LIBRARIES ARE NOT FOR TOURISTS OR THE RICH!!! MAKE THEM AVAILABLE FOR ALL WORKING PEOPLE!!!! Just last week we saw SDPD publicly humiliate and physically brutalize a man who was in search of a place to urinate. He was treated that way solely because of his race and appearance. To watch our tax dollars click by as more and more officers arrived to abuse this man I was absolutely sickened. SDPD is under the people's City Council watch and you have all the information you need to hold rouge officers accountable IMMEDIATELY! Summer 5/17/2021 17:58 indigo curtis 5/17/2021 600 Comment Stevens and Todd Gloria have committed violence against San Diegans by repeatedly failing to remove criminal police and to hold them accountable, allowing them to continue to run our streets like a racist gang and terrorize peoplw on and off camera. The list of crimes and disgusting acts they have committed both on and off duty have been continuous and shocking. To hear our mayor say that we don't have officers in San Diego who resemble Derek Chauvin was an unnecessary untrue and offensive statement to make over the radio on the night of the verdict where Chauvin was declared a murderer. We have murderers called SDPD and these shameful leaders continue to increase their pay and pat them on the back behind closed doors.

I oppose the proposed FY22 budget. The proposed $19 million increase in police department funding is not in the interest of public safety. SDPD disproportionately stops and searches Black people, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders at 3X the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also more likely to use City Council 5/17/2021 17:59 Sandra Oliva 5/17/2021 600 force against Black San Diegans, even after controlling for arrest rates. Just last Wednesday, we saw SDPD Comment brutalize a Black homeless man in La Jolla. This money would be better used by funding social services that support healthy, equitable communities. I urge you to finally listen to the demands of the people this year and improve the budget by including more CBA priorities. Regarding the special meeting for Fiscal Year 2022 Proposed Budget- Opposition to increase in SD Police Budget

Regarding the proposed increase in the police budget. The citizens of the county have clearly stated their opposition to the lack of oversight and restrain in excessive funding of the San Diego Police Department. This has ben articulated in the resolutions passed and publicly voiced opposition in 2020/2021. Mayor Todd Glorias budget and public explanation for the inappropriate appropriations completely disregards the mandate from the majority of the San Diego citizens and constituents that oppose the police departments level of funding. The role and utilization of public funds that are directed to the police department for social Ramon Whitney City Council 5/17/2021 18:05 5/17/2021 600 services action have clearly demonstrated their unqualified ability to appropriately serve needs of our Bieri Comment population of homeless, domestic abuse victims, and citizens in need of mental health interventions. It is evident in the statistical trauma and poor outcomes of those interactions that overwhelmingly provide the evidence that fiscal priorities need to be redirected away from the police department and towards mental health and social services department under the San Diego Department of Public Health. I sincerely hope and encourage the members of the San Diego City Council to vote against this budget and particularly the increased police department appropriation. Sincerely, Ramon W. Bieri

As a San Diego resident for over 20 years, I implore you to not make cuts to the SD library budget.

I am a combat veteran, with out the library services I would not be where I am today psychologically, physically, or in fiscal terms.

I visit the library often with my service dog, Orbit. We love our library visits and the hours that were available City Council 5/17/2021 18:05 Lori L. Lebruska 5/17/2021 600 (pre-COVID). I am sure other veterans feel similarly as I do. Comment Thank you for your time and attention. The library is a VALUABLE, LIFE-ENRICHING resource, please support this program by bolstering the budget and not cutting it.

With Gratitude and Respect, Lori & Orbit My name is Kandi from Asian Solidarity Collective. More police do not keep our communities safe. We must reimagine public safety that is created, developed and led by people impacted by police violence. Redefining Kandi Custodio- City Council 5/17/2021 18:05 5/17/2021 600 safety means that ew must develop alternative models to policing that are community based approaches Tan Comment with Transformative Justice at the forefront of its practices. Divest from funding the police and Reinvest in funding for most impacted and vulnerable communities! We demand that each City Council member to ensure that the communities they represent have a say in how this office is shaped. Kristina City Council 5/17/2021 18:06 5/17/2021 600 Mananquil Comment We demand that each City Council member to host AT LEAST 2 community listening events so that each City Council member can make the decisions that best reflect the needs of their community. Hi, my name is Amy and I live in Golden Hill. The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. The police budget has increased for the 11th year in a row, and grown by $214.7 million since 2011. More police do not keep our communities safe. We know that SDPD stops and searches black people, Native American and Pacific Islanders at 3x the rate of white people, according to Campaign Zero. They are also City Council more likely to use force against Black San Diegans even after controlling for arrest rates. 5/17/2021 18:09 Amy 5/17/2021 600 Comment Last Wednesday, we saw the SDPD police officers punch & beaten up a Black homeless man in La Jolla. They came to respond to a call of the man urinating. We do not need 8 police officers to respond to this kind of call. And especially, when the police cannot even de-escalate themselves. How about we provide public restrooms for the unhoused community instead of sending the police out to criminalize them. Redefining public safety means creating a system where everyone is truly safe. Safety at its core comes from having a home to live in, community support, food on the table, a healthy environment and equitable job opportunities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget into these areas and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma informed community-based responses to crises. Thank you!

Please defund the police. Take there $19million dollar raise and use it the fund office of child and youth City Council success, as well as keep libraries open. Thank you 5/17/2021 18:17 Richard Lund 5/17/2021 600 Comment

• Thank you Council President Campbell, members of the City Council and City Staff. • My name is CAPT John De Pree and I am the Commanding Officer of Naval Base Coronado. I’m here to respectfully request the City of San Diego to reenter its Memorandum of Understanding with the Port of San Diego and to fund enforcement of City Ordinance 0- 21066, which applies to vessel anchorage at the Zuniga Shoal. • As you all know, Zuniga is the last free anchorage located in San Diego, located within Council District 2, which is adjacent to Naval Air Station North Island, but outside the Navy’s jurisdiction. • Abandoned and unregistered boats congregate at this anchorage and wash ashore onto Navy property all year round, but particularly in the winter months. In the last 12 months, 10 boats have broken loose and washed ashore on Navy property, negatively impacting Naval Base Coronado’s mission. • Furthermore, in March of this year, Navy police arrested 2 individuals trespassing on federal property stemming from one of these vessels and seized an unserialized handgun, narcotics, and over $44,000 in cash. Illicit activity is occurring in the Zuniga Anchorage and beyond, to include the recent human trafficking event that occurred off Pt. Loma earlier this month. • The boats, once ashore, begin breaking apart almost immediately, and pose environmental and public safety hazards that threaten City Council water quality, endangered species, coastal resources, and the people that enjoy our Navy beaches. 5/17/2021 18:21 Anna Shepherd 5/17/2021 600 Comment • These boats often contain hazardous materials and debris, which the Navy is required to clean up at a cost of approximately $20k per vessel. In the last year this has cost Naval Base Coronado $200,000 -- funds that must be diverted from my base sustainment budget that are normally programmed for the upkeep and maintenance of military infrastructure on Naval Base Coronado. Diverting these limited funds to boat salvage, disposal, and HAZMAT cleanup negatively detracts from my mission to run the Navy’s Master Helicopter Base here at North Island. • From 2019 to 2020, $190,000 dollars were made available for enforcement funding of the restriction anchorage at Zuniga. This money was put to good use, accounting for 13 vessels impounded, of which 12 were destroyed and 1 was reclaimed by its registered owner. These preventative actions, which prevented the boats from washing ashore, are cost effective and require your attention for funding in this year’s budget. Quite impressively, the return on this investment in 2019/2020 was nearly 37% -- and saved the Navy approximately $260,000 in un-programmed cleanup costs. • The City of San Diego’s enactment and funding for enforcement of the ordinance in 2019 restricting unattended anchorages was effective; however, a permanent enforcement solution, or removal of the anchorage – either seasonally or in its entirety – is needed to continue our joint success to manage important natural resources and ensure public safety.

My name is Jesyka and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist bullshit and blatant lies. City Council 5/17/2021 18:32 Jesyka Menou 5/17/2021 600 Comment When the police say there is no room in their budget to cut, it is hard to believe, especially when the City has ALWAYS managed to find cuts to essential programs that communities need. We demand that the City find areas of the police budget to cut. We know you can do it! When the police say there is no room in their budget to cut, it is hard to believe, especially when the City has Stephanie PFFA 5/17/2021 18:46 5/17/2021 600 ALWAYS managed to find cuts to essential programs that communities need. We demand that the City find Guinnane Comment areas of the police budget to cut. We know you can do it! I am a San Diego downtown resident urging the city council and mayor to invest in the community City Council (preventative programs: arts, mental health, housing assistance) instead of funding the police & increasing 5/17/2021 18:52 Teresa Blenggio 5/17/2021 600 Comment their budget by 19 million. Again, invest in the community and help prevent violence ignited by policing marginalized groups; LGBT folks, Black and Brown people. My name is Claudia G. and I am a community registered nurse working with some of the most vulnerable populations in the south county. I see the needs at all levels of our communities. The suffering and the conditions these people live in are despicable not to mention the horrible health coverage they receive. Todd Gloria SHAME on you for trying to allocate 19 million dollars to the wrong fund!!! How can you add more City Council 5/17/2021 19:14 Claudia Gonzalez 5/17/2021 600 money to fund a racist police force that only protects and serves the wealthy and their property??? We Comment elected you because we thought you would be a voice for US, the people you represent!!?? Our communities need help not the police! DEFUND THE POLICE!!!! Shame on you Todd, pinche vendido!!

Last Wednesday, two SDPD officers was caught on video tackling and punching a Black homeless man in La Jolla. How much more evidence do the City Council and Mayor need to see that police officers are not City Council 5/17/2021 19:27 Clarence Pasion 5/17/2021 600 equipped to handle homelessness, nor should they, nor they want to. Why do you keep their funding for this Comment task when you can fund other programs that don't traumatizing and do harms to the homeless community?

San Diego's budget; not increase police funding by 19 million. Stop being racists and start listening and fund City Council 5/17/2021 19:41 Nathan singer 5/17/2021 600 the community. Comment Non- My name is Naomi Leon, and I am a resident of San Diego. I demand that you hear the community's voices 5/17/2021 20:13 Noemi Leon 8/12/2021 Agenda 600 asking you to defund the SDPD. We are tired of the police's racist bullshit and blatant lies. Comment Hi, my name is Kenzo and I live in San Diego The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much-needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. Instead of relying on the violent establishments of police and City Council 5/17/2021 20:24 Kenzo 5/17/2021 600 prisons, what if we created systems of support for each other in our communities? We need community Comment investment NOW and we need to ensure everyone can be engaged in the civic process, be able to voice their needs and concerns, and thrive in our city. We need you to: Invest in true language access and fund long- term youth opportunities & programs, including creating an Office of Child & Youth Success

I oppose the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing, with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. What does this money get us? The Campaign Zero study showed a pattern of systematic discrimination by the police against people of color, immigrants, and unhoused people. This isn’t surprising. The root model followed by our police department is based on slave patrols, and modern policing evolved to enforce white supremacy. City Council 5/17/2021 20:42 Alexander Kane 5/17/2021 600 It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding the Comment City’s top priority, rather than continually increasing the police budget. Public safety results from having housing, food, jobs, and other basic necessities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget to the social safety net and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma-informed community-based responses to crises.

I urge you to reconsider the increase in police department funding and hope you will join the countless San Diegans who support defunding the police. Thank you for the opportunity to provide my input. I oppose the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more policing. $1 in $3 City dollars is spent on policing, with the police getting a larger share of the City budget than all community programs combined. What does this money get us? The Campaign Zero study showed a pattern of systematic discrimination by the police against people of color, immigrants, and unhoused people. This isn’t surprising. The root model followed by our police department is based on slave patrols, and modern policing evolved to enforce white supremacy. City Council 5/17/2021 20:43 Linda Alves 5/17/2021 600 It’s time to make communities that have been impacted by systemic discrimination and underfunding the Comment City’s top priority, rather than continually increasing the police budget. Public safety results from having housing, food, jobs, and other basic necessities. To do this, we need to move money from the bloated police budget to the social safety net and implement alternatives to policing that provide trauma-informed community-based responses to crises.

I urge you to reconsider the increase in police department funding and hope you will join the countless San Diegans who support defunding the police. Thank you for the opportunity to provide my input. Hi, my name is Matthew Soler and I'm a social worker living in District 2. The Proposed Budget maintains the status quo rather than setting a long-term agenda for much needed change in the City. I am opposing the $19 million increase in police department funding. People need services that will improve their lives, not more City Council policing. Rather than increasing the police budget for them to handle issues outside their scope of practice, 5/17/2021 21:36 Matthew Soler 5/17/2021 600 Comment funding should be reallocated to professionals and programs capable of preventing and addressing issues related to mental health, houselessness, and minor criminal infractions. I urge you to improve the budget by including more CBA priorities, making it one that is bold, and spending money in ways that will provide long- term solutions. Thank you. I would like to speak today in support of the San Diego People's Budget. As with other speakers, I advocate for the examination of the police budget to identify services that are currently provided by police that could be better and more cost-effectively delivered by other agencies. Not only would this allow the Police to focus on their mission of public safety, the savings from these changes would allow the City to fund initiatives that Closed would improve the lives of all of its residents. Specifically, the City should invest in its Climate Action Plan to 5/17/2021 23:39 Geoffrey Hueter 5/17/2021 Session 600 create local green jobs and achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. Comment By prioritizing projects in Environmental Justice communities, the City could pair the benefits of climate action with increased wages for workers in these new high-value industries, which would not only improve the quality of their lives, but also help to alleviate the housing affordability challenges that many residents face today. *These comments, shaded in yellow, were submitted after the start of the meeting at 9am, and were added online and distributed to the Councilmembers after the conclusion of the meeting.