Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management; Identification, Impact, Prevention & Control of Aquatic Invasive Species

By Megan Pistolese Ecological Education Outreach Coordinator for the SLELO PRISM

“Teaming Up to Stop the Spread of Invasive Species” Today’s Discussion

• What are invasive species and why do we care • What are PRISM’s • How did PRISM’s become established • What do they do • What is SLELO PRISM • Our 5 year strategic plan (ED/RR/Cooperation/Information Management/ Control/ Restoration/ Education • Priority Conservation Areas & Highly Probable Areas • Prevention is key and ways to help • SLELO Target and Watch Species • Ways to get involved and where to learn more What are Invasive Species and Why do we Care? Invasive species are defined as any plant, animal, or micro-organism that causes harm or is likely to cause harm to the economy, environment and/or human health.

• Invasive species almost always out-compete, damage or displace more valuable native species.

• Invasive species are among the most serious threats to native species, habitats, whole ecosystems and public health.

• Invasive species are a factor in the decline of 49% of all threatened or endangered

species. (1)

• The economic impact of invasive species in the U.S. is estimated at 120 to 138 billion

dollars annually.(1)

• Invasive species reduce agricultural crop yields and increase agricultural expenses.

• Invasive species such as giant hogweed and the west Nile virus can cause serious human health problems. 1(Pimentel 2004). PRISM’s: A New Approach to Fight Invasive Species In State Turning Recommendations into Reality

2006 2003 Request for EPF 2008 – 2011 PRISM’s funding Task Force provided via the funding was 1st Four PRISM’s Established NYS Environmental successful Established Protection Fund

2005 2008 2012-2013 T.F. Recommended Advisory Comm. Remaining to the state (DEC) a & I.S. Council Four PRISM’s PRISM Network Established Established “Teaming Up to Stop the Spread of Invasive Species” 1st Four PRISM’s : 2nd Four PRISM’s: APIPP Western NY CRISP Finger Lakes LIISMA Capital-Mohawk SLELO Lower Hudson PRISMS help to protect our beautiful places from the impacts of invasive species SLELO PRISM 7 Strategic Goals 1. Prevention: Prevent the introduction of new invasive species into the SLELO PRISM 2. Early Detection/ Rapid Response: Rapidly detect new and recent invaders and eliminate all individuals within a specific area (focused on PCAs and HPAs) 3. Cooperation: Share resources, including funding personnel, equipment, information and expertise 4. Information Management: Collect, utilize and share information regarding surveys, infestations, control methods, monitoring and research 5. Control: Control populations of invasives using containment, suppression and eradication strategies 6. Restoration: Develop and implement effective restoration methods for areas that have been degraded by invasives 7. Education/Outreach: Increase public awareness and understanding of invasive species issues SLELO PRISM 2012-2016 Strategic Plan Available at Prioritization of the SLELO PRISM

Priority Conservation Area’s (PCA’s): sites that are Highly Probable Areas (HPA’s) : Areas in considered Ecologically important and or sites that are which the introduction or spread of invasive considered to have conservation value. species is likely to occur. Some examples of PCA’s include but are not Some examples of HPA’S include but are not limited to: limited to:

Tug Hill Plateau 150K acres of mixed forest Trail Heads Boat Launches Chaumont Barrens Alvar barren grassland Ports/canal-ways Campgrounds Salmon River Reservoir 2,660 acres of freshwater Homogenous Vegetative Disturbed Areas Black Pond 526 acres of barrier Stands (construction zones) beach/dune/marsh/wetland Parking Areas Areas with low biodiversity

Tug Hill Plateau 150,000 acres mixed forest Fishing Access Sites Aquatic areas with slow moving water Control & Methods

Basic Levels of Control Control Methods • Eradication • Physical • Containment • Mechanical • Suppression • Chemical application • Biological Guidance for invasive plant species management can be found in the Nature Conservancy’s Invasive Plant Management Decision Analysis Tool (IPMDAT) at Or at You can Help to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Invasive Species

• Learn to identify invasive species • Learn how invasives can be spread • Take caution when participating in activities that could make you a vector of an invasive species introduction. There are 50 thousand exotic species (non-native) in the US, and 4,300 of them are considered to be invasive species (known to cause harm to the economy, environment and/or human health).

SLELO Target Species List SLELO Watch/Prevention Species List

Aquatic/Riparian Species Aquatic Species • Water Chestnut • Didymo • Eurasian Water Milfoil • Hydrilla • Hemimysis (bloody shrimp) • Starry Stonewort • Silver, Big Head and Grass Carp Other Target Species • New Zealand Mud Snail • (Black/ Pale Swallow-wort, Giant • Asian Clam Hogweed, Emerald Ash Borer, Japanese • Water Soldier Stiltgrass, Wild Chervil, Leafy Spurge, • Rusty Crayfish Phragmites, Purple Loosestrife, Japanese Knotweed, Glossy Buckthorn ) Other Target Species (Mile-A-Minute Vine, Asian Long Horned Beetle, Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, Kudzu, Feral Swine Porcelain Berry) TARGET SPECIES: Water Chestnut (Trapa natans) Native Range/Introduction Western Europe, Northeast Asia& Africa/ accidental cultivation

Ecological Threat - This fast-growing, floating perennial forms large mats that completely dominate surface waters. - Renders open waters unavailable to recreation. - Shades out native aquatic vegetation. - Reduces oxygen levels for fish and encourages sedimentation by restricting silt movement. - Hard, pointy seeds can cause injury to feet.

Best Control: Hand/ Mechanical Harvesting and Chemical application of 2,4-D and glyphosate (follow regulations.) Biological control agents are Because of the severity of its impacts, T. natans has been being explored (Galerucella sbspp.) listed in federal regulations prohibiting its sale and transportation. TARGET SPECIES: Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum)

Native Range/ Introduction Eurasia/ Accidental Ecological Threat: - Grows monocultural stands that out- compete native plant species - Reduces available aquatic habitat and biodiversity - Can create “dead zones” where oxygen levels are low enough to suffocate aquatic wildlife (due to plant die off) - Clogs water ways and impairs recreational activities - Causes high recreation-oriented financial losses and lowered property values. 4-5 Leaf whorls Best Control: Hand-pulling; Bottom barrios; chemical application 9-21 feathery of 2,4-D and Fluridone can be used with permit leaflet pairs and under strict conditions; and Biological control. that are limp when out of Listed as a noxious or otherwise restricted plant in 17 states (in water NYS Eurasian watermilfoil is classified as "prohibited"). TARGET SPECIES: Hemimysis/Bloody Red Shrimp (Hemimysis anomala)

Native Range/Introduction: Europe and western Asia/Ballast water

Ecological Impacts: Currently, the impacts of Hemimysis are not well understood. However, because they eat tiny plants and animals such as plankton and insect larvae, there could be impacts on the native food chain. Specifically, food availability may be reduced for young native fishes.

Best Control: Hemimysis invade canals, streams, lakes and reservoirs throughout Europe; therefore, they are considered a ‘high risk’ invader of inland lakes in the Great Lakes Region. To prevent their spread practice the Clean, Drain, Dry protocol when entering/leaving a new body of water. WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: Didymo (Didymosphenia geminate)

Native Range/Introduction: Northern Europe and parts of Northern North America/unknown

Ecological Threat: - Forms large mats on bottoms of rivers, streams and lakes - Destroys critical habitat for fish and their prey species and disturbs spawning areas - Easily transported on the bottom of fishing waders and in boat ballast water

Best Control: Prevention is the best control method. Anglers should clean/dry their equipment especially waders before entering/leaving a body of water. Locations Confirmed by the DEC to Have Didymo:

and one tributary (Washington County) • Kayderosserras Creek (Saratoga County) • East Branch below (Delaware County) • West Branch Delaware River below (Delaware County) • West Branch Delaware River below Delhi to Cannonsville Reservoir (Delaware County) • Mainstem Delaware River (Delaware and Sullivan Counties) • Mouth of Little Delaware River (Delaware County) • downstream of the Shandaken Portal (Ulster County) • West Branch (Westchester County) WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata)

Native Range/ Introduction Indian subcontinent, Korea/Imported Ecological Threat: -Aggressively spreads and dominates native, beneficial, aquatic plants. -Renders surface waters unusable for passive recreation and fishing. -Winter dieback may reduce dissolved oxygen Hydrilla has 4 or more leaves levels. per whorl and visible serrated leaf margins and tubers.

Look alike! Elodea has 3 leaves per whorl, no serrations and no tubers. Best Control: Mechanical harvesting and herbicide spraying are common control methods of controlling Hydrilla. Both are expensive and only moderately effective. WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: Starry Stonewort (Nitellopsis obtusa L.)

Native Range/ Introduction: Europe, Western Asia/ Ballast Water

Ecological Threat: - Forms dense mats of vegetation, that reduce biodiversity - Impedes movement of fish and other animals, and may decrease successful spawning activity of some fishes. - Act as a substrate for zebra mussels - Cause negative impacts on benthic dwellers

Best Control: Star-shaped bulbils are produced in the Manual removal of plant and bulbs is possible sediments, and give but difficult. Herbicides can be used but starry stonewort its requires permits. name. WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: Silver, Big Head and Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon spp.)

Native Range/Introduction: Asia/Intentional importation Note: Ecological Impacts: eyes located - Impacts food web (Can consume in lower half 20% of body weight/day) of the head Silver Carp - Displaces native species - Silver carp jump out of the water when startled and can injure boaters

Best Control: Prevention of sale/transport of Bighead Carp Asian Carp is the most effective method. Electric Barriers are being used in the Chicago Sanitary/Ship Canal to help slow the spread.

Video Clip:

Grass Carp WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: Water Soldier (Stratiotes aloides)

Native Range/Introduction: Europe and northwest Asia/Nursery trade

Ecological Impacts: - Creates dense mats of vegetation that displace aquatic plants - Alter surrounding water chemistry - Hinder recreational activities - The sharp serrated leaves can cause cuts on swimmers

Best Control: Small infestations can be managed through hand pulls. Extreme care and protection should be used when removing plants. WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: New Zealand Mud Snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)

Native Range/Introduction: Mollusk native to New Zealand. Introduced to Great Lakes via ballast water of ships.

Ecological Impacts: - Out-competes native snail species - Reduces biodiversity - Alters nutrient flows - Damage piping of power and water facilities

Best Control: Keep boats and equipment clean to help slow the spread. Biological control agents such as trematode parasites have shown positive results. WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea)

Native Range/Introduction: Asia/Intentional importation

Impacts: - Damages the water systems of electrical/nuclear power plants and industrial water systems - Competes with native species for resources

Best Control: Prevention of the transport of Asian clam is the most effective. Mollusks can be removed from piping through pressurized washing. Molluscicides and benthic barriers can be effective. WATCH/PREVENTION SPECIES: Rusty Crayfish (Orconectes rusticus)

Native Range/Introduction: This freshwater crayfish is thought to be native to the Ohio River Basin.

Ecological Impacts: - Causes severe changes to the aquatic food chain. - Displace native crayfish species - Reduce aquatic plant diversity and abundance - Reduces shelter and food for young game fish and aquatic invertebrates

Best Control: Prevent the spread by purchasing native bait fish and throwing out bait in the trash. Do not dump left-over bait in the waterways. For More Information and to Learn ways you can Help Visit the Following Websites

 SLELO PRISM website :

 New York Invasive Species Info:

 Cornell Cooperative Extension:

 iMapinvasives :

 ~SLELO PRISM Listserve Subscribe/unsubscribe: [email protected]