Out ThrMfold Aim: T* tk« N«w« af B«rM mi4 VkMty; The Citizen To RaMrd Um Rappaniaci of Pevo'tedl to tine Intereata of tlie L^o\xnteLln F>eoi3le y iv» r«nta Per Copy KKKKA, MADISON COUNTY, KFNTUCKY, PRCEMBER 8, IMl Om Mlw «a4 Ftfly Corti Pv T«ar No 3 lUSH DELEGATES {SECRET NAVAL World Newt

Br. J. R. Robartaoa. PrafaaHr IN SHIP WRECK PLAN SENT JAPS flt

Tokyo Appealed to by Fol- flf ShNi FdR Mts* Kato Ito Waa1iln(l*B WhenSti Meeting With conference are encotirariTiir at praa* SdMontr. and Balfour. ent alonir all line*. Japan haa beaa makinK a strong effort to Inrreana her allnttH ratio of flrst-claaa war- ships anri has B>f«in and- afrain been mEE OF CREW DROWNED TO BREAK RATIO DEADLOCK obliired to ahift her base of ariniinent until it looica aa tho she would final* ly fiira in. She u. m haa evidenUy baa* tryint to aacape scrappint bar r*«

eantly i M MMMtaM—Nippon Can- ew atmtoti iiaadtoaagMk ia afftaamant alw mmm to ka li rigiN for «H *«M*v af WnnfeiM to Dm. B.—Tkra* iiafci w tt Waahlaitoa, Oat. CMtoi atol fha nfNttewal tnm JCan- VMa pMM ttotasalluo, buWMl far chtiria by Japan. England and Prance alio irive up their leaaea near fey OMm i* UM MaMmw •( Ik* i^o the pntranoe to the Gulf of Pechile MIMi, JifM u«l which opena the way to noith China. fMtoa unto awk o( I atOrtM. JkOMMi MptanaMhwik II «u aaM. agrnd t« Articles of OHw taBMtf lifffltafflal kaMlasa Hi agreement have V9 ^ .ve>t 1- -Vipv- of thp great alrpiane ahow lu I'urla. Hhcmlng '.fO-pasaenger da luxa iftaiic — liiterlui oi Hbaataag aa4 alao, It ta rvportMl, of- drawn np aad aigaad aa bott aUhk tlienter. In fha burning of whIrh alx persona were killed and a<-orfS Injured- 8— Modal TiM Mik MaiBtM on board won fprod to tflacMa raUrvmoni fruio their Ha-i-n !ii.i'lon i>li-fure providtat Ikp 8 Keck. American acnlptar. (or aUtne to b* preaented by AoMrican people to Braill at that coaa- UiehMi OoiliMb SIM rota nlnUtor of MnHHtai frtvUagaa to by Lharlea Mak Biuuicai OMTft Uavaa D«lfy oimI Rr al kla* CJilMrm. Th«'y were on Ihelr neatly abaadoned. By tiiia w«y from Ixmlon tftrt >hp ivo'iii <-j<1 Tt-lopinrnta In ntYutlatlooa on th« AMBKICAN state but under the sovereignty 0«wrir and hln mhliwri mul hail Invu qiipNtloii of iih\hI THllo for Jaiiiin rfi> pracHaany af NEWSREVEINtf the •SpM-tiKl to lakr purl In IimIuvh i-mi n-ti'iitpil li> ilfii-KHtli'vii KpokPHiiicii nn Eniclish King and adherence to Tho nipmbem of the local poat of the group of lUlvrilinii tiy IIh' I'i.II KIroiin mi Jiini I fv Inti ciiUiiiNiii. iiltli<>iiKl> (lifir n> nations making up the in the TO A Ihorltloa at Um UriUah giiveninwnt lurr wan a riixu*!) icuanled i»m ret. IIih the Ameriran legion met Ma- British Commonwealth of nationa. The Kentucky aub al Chriatian latrai i»i|a«to Mr • 9mm Mttio- wbola niHlliT wa* vximm-ifiI to rvimilii sonic Temple on Main atreet, Friday CURRENTEVENTS The plan must receive the approral iD«nt. at KiHiKNtlll while Admiral fturmt for a good ao- College, Columbia, Mo., WtU given n pveninfr, Dererober 2, of the Parliament of both eeantriaa Tlw C'ambfli li twin nrrrw •trnin ToiuaHolMir.i katii ctininiunl<'Miiil fur- rial time and for the purpoae of or- a beautiful little luncheon thia waek to bat wftolkl to aat akpwto t Utator or ot iltvl nmatrurtliMi, :i.'»r. &.~MeMbon o( tha llo- t'lti'iMlcil illhi ii'<>>ii of tha ratio not latlalhll at Ih* MMaMNr tokia a attrring to the ten giria itom th* State of Doll BrawiD ralUiM-i aaotwiMod W con i|iH f«iliin at a riHitVrrno of tha ht-aiN Mi Lloyd G«orge may yet ba. aMa to apoB of prop- Kaktaeky, who arc attoadtac Ckrb- •Idor Ik* BfKMl g o. ilif I'nltcd Sliiiex. HrllUh ami Jui>- speech Ika kkpaatoMa to Mm Washington ttok tktva auckr dclfKBtloiiii )«*aterilH]r wan ItlH er organlnUon and ^ooparatloa Callai% tt mtto aftttataB to Tlie all the posts of the Amoricaa of Ika UnER'S STAMP 01 TROOPS M a matter uf only apeculatlon. amone President Obregon is about to ob- Chariea Httghaa, Ar- speack coafrrptMi. Rraoa Legion. After Mr. Wallcer'a serve the anniversary of his electioB J. Halfuur and Baroo Kato, aa the members present were divided in- inio*t* from tiiat Stata. Mf*. Moaa Hanlhira Siys Thay Muat B* Main- as President of Mexico. While it to mtit aa tha apnkeaiiMn for thair ra- These ia a native Kentuckian and aha was Manchuria Nagetlatlana to two membership groups. tainad m — true that the new order of thinga haa w/m tm MM«aateMo apavtlva dalagatlou, cootlnacd t^ were respectively the "Reds" president of Hamilton College for a tor a Moratorium far Oermanyfa ad- named not yet been raco l Da mam* AM Ml Mlatala illaMa a* I* wfeat now tn aad by tfto U. li* and the "Bluea." "Billie" Brooka ia number of years. It waa, therefore, Reparatlona Debt—Irlak trand tk* flky h*** lakan. AanwIaM natural that the following little verse Peace Plana All natvr* «-«'M UiM to bring Japan Into line for for whirh Iha Xlnn Kfln donaraaadlMMn HOW iiiii|iTilema be- railroads have been reorganizad un- lug out. I'Ulir, It I" qnaa Ikat tt* tire of one of these the der government woi^lit !>«• r»-<|iilr.i| i.> n'Hmlii in tlii- fore the armament conference waa management and the Ha* wt to4ba tlie parllaiiK'iii nl Icii-i •!» iiM.iitli« tn. you. Do not anrue queetlun last w«,-k ta Waahlnk^on. rolling stock improved. .\ large Ihr new MM* one minute, hand OTer the two Famous long in aong appruvliihle proyeaa In the mat- fOra wlOnli II v« H him That amount of land haa been aepaiatod to Ika i alUa. bat thia daTaioHMat Ha Is waa ancoaragtoa, tor Catfwniaaten to Fn Boundarlaa. dollara and help the Anwriran I^egion Kentucky; ter was made from Ihe large eatatca. or haeiandaat waa laabta* aay n«cui that "f v\ II I' lrn » mI. I'IvIit a mine yield the laland amplr* haa maay dalma lA rai* pat over a program. The contest Kield and and put in charge of~{Kri If aa t -.•i.iiriii. K"«>-miityiii Taaaa* It doea aet wUUngly laUatolab. Im 'indarlaa will close on Friday, December 16, In Kentucky. aad the way opened for a • oii'd ba d Umi of withdrawing foralga tfoopa ata proral af to* oadnr Mn. 8. R. Bakar'a atof*. Of KentockyT i«af Ika Vadaratto aha rnjoyo at pf^'n'. uiillv aouth Ira- tUinad to Cblaa. ibara daaw to Ma af 'Uto ItotollM Nat the wealth of bn land would ba gniniiMi riiwal fraadoin. ability that Ika far Oaly kiw U- k* toaad to d» fact Ikat Ma a gaat «tol af Of the pr«aa of Oei^ Una Taraloi. of Ika atm tanaa la ara condanned by and htittatire. whiek ta and by tba **rrl*nda of Irlab that tky «M «ttk Ik* Itoa rakiM la Ika BMay haa been progreeaiTo and Of ^'olkto'naMW far gkiafMni wmMtm AM aNaflaBco Thar*'* a Bl^^ to *** I* tb* IHak fraa atata. tba In Kentucky, optlmlam. rammlttii m**tlnga, diacuaalona by An Iriah convention is about to Her* ii Jnat oa* of Crowning aaint and hero- -fairaat. •Xpert advisory bodies and private meet in Paris. It will include rep- Mi I* Ik* kikc run into big of money. arkieh sums in Kentucky, "convematlona" were continuous resentatives of the twenty-flve mil- afMMMM, af ia Dacaaibar Thia taken from Um TU tlM M0THSB8, loyal MOTHERS throughout the week, and from the liona varioua maa far TIma. af lb* MaaMBg rail of Iriak liviag to corn* 1st nn progresH made It wan «iee<'. .V—Tbf can accomplish everytklag daalrad ta diato object to to behalf nf tha Itrliloli t.'"«ii*. out of th* qn«*tlon. a* PraaMaat a poalptmainent <>r itii- I.,aa4aa Tlmea from Tokyo quotea the received at the station by tho inahara- milk produetiaa. So aarWaa ia tiw auggaatlea that tkera ba a con- other subjecta which bear on nation- allow for a |kmuiIIiI<> ad ding* Mt only to Waaklagloo mrrrapwideiit of the JIJI i Jah. 8lr Oaiigha Singh. The populacf damage to kidaa ttiat tba Natioaal tinulag •*rlM af ma iaraawa to aaat- ality will not omitted. It is a. hut to [H-milt I'ra- be the Jualmi'iil of view iUilmpo aa aaytng that Ja|iaii, Oreat was moat aatboataailc ta lu raeiplloB to makr a hrtaf Tanners' Council ia taking atapa, in li« «Mk toeor 'iterary renaissance that has been at mlar l.loyd tirvrita Britain, tb* United Statea and rranm of the priaa* dtotog Ik* Ma* to Ika vlalt to the WaahlnKtoii ronfi'r»'nre. cooperation with the U. S. Depart- palace. the bottom of much of the political are negotiaUag a tvwly tka awmo- k* loan to* ptaa Ihf truif la alaec. Japa" Canaela Plato Ordara. preaent til* only plan that offer* r*- Ilar«'ey g. aa bad aa he conaldera the Leagoe of tariee Inland waa the most ctiltaaiA' Handaraan tcoraa Ul*t*r. Crawfonl. on.' of ihe Amaterdam. I>e London, Dac. S.—Dlatar'a attltad* In the Mlim- iniiiiufa<-turliig Courant says tliat Jiipan haa ranreled tha tNMMaa tmm fha kaeka of eaule induatry, holding entire approval becatiaa It it iicKoilutluna waa attacked bjr ttaa* af WiMtoiB «*•*< aapil kw to the plat* and died at IiIh hoim- here, aged sixty-nine larg* ordera tor armor aa looa a^ Ifear Mtiaaf. It U onderatood Germany aat laari* woald Arthur Haoderaun, aaciatarjr of tb* la- kM years, lie ««.< one of schoian to ottar mmmm al ito «k> wire In Qaraaay. the tlrnt mauu- Invited te send aach barbed believed t faa- be drtVaMk Ik bar part/, la an adiliMi opaalai a thai II aaMa mmn facturera to put a oamed quest of kinga. ahoe on the future conferences. / For tlie Brat time In two yaara China consented to treat directly with On Sunday Constantinople waa the Japan concerning the evacuation of center of interest by virtue of the Itlana Cammlaalan ln*l*ta an i Shantung. Secretary Uughea and Mr. election of the Patriarch of the Eaat- toa ito«p af ikM ummmm Balfour brought thia about, perauad- *rn or Greek branch of the Catholic VMM aal aavaa Otaiar. Ii fUe did* of tiM Aiig«li^ Ob Ing the delegatea of the two Aalatle over . to eaallnMab Giutch. Thara ara a . natlona to meet In tbair praaaace and Oaarga haa recelTai B.—According to the milUoa of Chfiattaaa that awa fHtotor Iiiv4 CmMaI of AMiika't threah out the complicated probleei. the reparattona coiimilaalon M aiauranr* from tba SIna P*to Tempa, ^ MMto that their doctaloa. If aaa* to tUt aktoak. Ik* «mbI «M (ieniian government It waa agreed that tba Iriah anulatlra will cootinu* haa sent the a they reaebad one, aboold be raferrad pertitalaily aaMU* ksaaaa* at Ap aftoet regardleaa of tb* ttoclaiak tt Itrui note ileniiiiiiling a deflnlte reply to on, ni. t* toa fPH watoraaWi Cktoa aitU fbet tM Ika ataHton waa by Pifaia Sinn Fein upon th* to Its receiil nuiiiiiunlratlon regarding :|h* laity as of .MN) (tiKI.OOO gold marka, aentatlTM tnm the well aa poaala It waa laamad. the payment ilergy, and the Turkish Sultan due aa repHmtloiia Jan. l.'S and of 27S,- the a*^ 00(1.000 gold iiiHfkB due Feb. 1.'. Tb* C'hu-ago la on Uie aid* of the angeia, a citj dreaming diaaaa aad had no power over the choice. No CUT VOTiO lY CARPEiTEM roiiiiiilaxloii soiiif time ago asked to viaioita aa ahe sita at th* gataa of the great Northweat, a city of col- such method has ever been employed log iwal af t>e Informed on ihla queatlim and, before. In the olden timea the elec- latandad to ^ lege! tad •( 9kiatiH<^ «< ^ Mr. Hanlbara aaya iapaa ta ready to having rcelvetl no reply, decided unan- Ukmk^LjM^ wi^f^ ky Chleaga BalMtaf agree to tbta escept to the caaa of tion took place in the famooa Cathed- Imoualy to aak Chancellor WIrtb la Afueriea'a i^inlRw! Cauwall. Manchuria. Ttiera be laalat^ the re- ral of 8t SopUa. Tha conqoeet af a note what Oenuany Intended to do. C hicago leada th* oountrj in the number of ooll<>{es within her bor- taotloo of Japaaeae traope and police CoMtaattoafla» kawawM. gave Tba Bote, aaya the Tampa, deciar^* Dae. S.— Unloa rarp*at*ra, d*n, with •»» of tkaai. wkila Naw York nmm aaeaad wiUi S» aod Boaton la abaelulely neceaaary to protect the tha eommlariaa la paraaaM that Oar- batldlMr I* Ika IMi, iki Ik hkk I objeclvra to the iMdla sone of the South Manchuria railway maay'a praaaal dtfbtaHtoa aaa taaadai tyi4 with M. Mo alkar eit| kw lik fl Ikk N Itodiac award, tendered tha ullva branch from bandlla Moreover, ba aaaerta. ratkar Ikaa aaaaaaria; aad ikat the h*r outakirta, and dM ito eiiiployliig i'»iilra<'tora with au ulfer Tortiti** on MM AMHiMMI It la In accord with tha treaty uf fe- frii to UM aala* af Ik* to arcvpt any wagu O. hps a* auajr libiviaai eing of lUOn. Japan, according to tha tott* Mtoy* af Ika will The problem of the German ltl|>ou for all liaalc delegate, withdraw Its truopa from i i ri lly. haath mm to toka tiaaly atapa to k mi4, CM«fe a* a aHy te li lnt n ^wU w wHk subject of larbltratloii board. Pbantung wheu tlUna la able to pro aratioiia is again the dla- tkakMpt M ia in the things ollkkiptrit The offer followed a referendum and breadth and \win\\t ^\ua]. HWMBunenw lUhsiun. Germany haa been trying Mtokp agree by the lti,OUU luenibara of 97 locala wall aa io litraatock and lupte. M wall ai in pig iron and altoL Berth CJilua whan tha powera in varioua placea to aacur* a larg* I M Oarpaatari' Ballding that caadltleaa wamat It. aad tnm Buiklag up tha wmi Ik^ aaaa aot of Waaaratbr Oui aallara aaaM oat loaa, but apparantly withoot sue****. Tradea council. The TOto waa aloMwl Cm mf toe Mae of the Oblaeoe Baaton raU- writar Th* valne of German aaoaoy haa aauluioua. of Chioagn? Ask Mencken and h* will tall you that if yoa dad * •larwi Partia Olaablad aiilp. goae doom and tha AUtoa an i lu tb* maanilaw. who I* induhitabljr American in nwj fnlm baat, as Amorioaa who haa Haalt Ht*. Marl*. MIrb, Oac. §^ Of Ika toMairt' inth the worai ai

Gneral CoUtg• Ntwt Berca G>lkge Alumni AMociation (Thli tpaet beloogi lo Ik* Ahmnl AMaclatlMi of llMta CoilMt. Anictaf, new* Iremt ind penonal tetter* frrm wtll bejmbllftMS In or Ir RR B1 CKristton slo^Mt Im4sis m m fradaale* Ml abilraci everr week. The AInmni Kdllor, Jame* M. Reinhardi, Berea lol. TAKMi with Nnrh noted mot m Dr. OiIIot, of lege. Berea, Kj., will be plOMatf lo roceWc any coMHaaakatloa ol Interet* —" Tho followltif t»tt#T, w»-ittpn hy Ix>tiiKvi1lr; Dr. Gouard, of Atlntat member* of I be A* >, Cara ki OdM-biHli. Eya. Noaa i MO S. Up- iin. Come in and tUIi an ••tsttlishmrni, which U a Irlend la I m UMrpool. V. AddioM. Oolaa*i^ A and In reach o' all ihe bobiff pfMMM Ir It would b« • frrnt pi Oi 9m Htrd.. CfauM of IM4 d«lF(riite, I'hT.li'tan W* pi*IMi II kMNW mm RoM- l«rr«, ^rowinit ( lam of 1901 County, Kan. BapUat ailniator PaaaL B. Hosva, M. I> Ph/iican tion at B«r«a. Wa aia glad to re- , Chapin. John r«Ivin, A.B. Atwatrr, HtM BtiaAaarN L. Lawi*. R. N., ^r^-—"- it haa tel la *• VlMMtoMkl MMb •( •- port tkat tka Norawl PapailMiM Miaa NatL GARaaa, R. N.. Head Nana O. Supt. of mhooid, Ulendale, O. Minn. Naekad tha IM jiwl mmk, Tkm% Rrsideni o, .\kron, O. Kmst, Howard M., A.B. Thompaon, CHANCE IN RATtS from iha Imm SdMcc DcpwtaMt ia to tar tbat ovaty mm hi Ww—1 Ewera, Or. Frank A.. Ralri for board and m,m of prirair patient* Will be |l| lO racaiber. B.U t'ttd- O. CMI EngkiM . The KubjMt "Why OMi Lmm la a paid «p T. IL 0. A. |>er K $J« week »j fio In <.,> |.er dar. I he IMM Mf pit* > •riclutown, O. PhjpaidM aid 'aar> >y. M ^ Hiinir." rolleire hat luttudad la corralling enia cared (ur In the warda |i $u per day. rvn. MmUmm, IM mHf MinR HoMrmfJp. Letter about SO (xTttTit of IMV Mn int) the By Order of fradeattol CaaMaNiea. B#H CollegJ^V Aln««,a Afaal. AddiaM. Aaak< "Tlif smnll tiiwn tyranny that nu'- pniil u|) iiiiMiilxTshlp Hat. Academy, ^^.'iHoopoo. Mary 0., PhA Ha Ava., Hamilton, O. ch8n:<«lly oppose and a foul wa'* uilled. The Vncation* la iatolenbli-. She Kli»:ht<r aihiiired for tho way they con- kt aiaa narrow than they, so many pnw to aid the younK men of Amen- B.L. Wb Ashfleld, and rulliani Cloud, Kan. Student Masa. Teacher in were out of the and, as I'" I'-l th. inM U. i while on the field, • spirit- in Yale. Miss., Wyo.. irame substi- Imfa bacaOM tkoy cannot do thintra a in sulvinK their moral and I Minintr Rxploration Idaho. Married Mr tutes were sc.Tne, the team was in 1 1"' ViK-ational .Sr>H I'iMatello, condition; event as a day of sport* ard fun. inataaea, daadat •* kavtac com> Y. M. C A. aall kolp oa, and lot oa rancher and bad however, our AddroM, CkMMaf ta holding Aeadeay The department acknowledgee ila pany. Every girl mail "kava kalp yoa Mi» tpM^ 1^ md Rkkawad, Xy. IHI Alle% ta tadebtedneas tn each player that kaa ance and thrills and if denied at koae Bo4y.' a Havtaa P.. RX. Oay a iMNa af T la C ta oar hnm. Ky. Tka Aradeaiy beya, Hka participated in tka different it is natural that she will seek it mm. New m Bankw la OeBegat tm iai clean playara, IVir namea are ae followa: "Sometimes irirls leave home b*-i CHRISTIAN BNDRAVOR Hat af N. T. Barw, Ky. and wa ai« n«a Aal on. Clai^ Pailiaa^ Magwiif, 01^ cause they are rot wanted. Aitain, I-ast Sunday evrnin>{ the Christian dress, IM Wait M. T. Caldwell, John K., B.U South Sa- a second gaaM arltk tkem woa|d kave City. lem, O. been one of friendly rivalry, abo may commit the tin that cruahes Endeavor held a Consecrati'm Meet- Student of Japanese Panaaleai Turner, Ara^tt, Gamer, .My|Shnick, Rev. Perry laniruak-e. International Ijiw. ! The moat inti-restintf ifanie of tho ker loal and la dMIMir laa avay toj infc—"Thy Will Re Done W>th K , B.L. Orville. In- O. t<"rpreter in Tokyo, "I*"'*' "'as' n was played on Thanlcs- Allen, Bonao, Woods, Taylor and Mc« Plans''— led by Miss Maude Johnson Union Theo. Scm.; CongrcRa- Japan. Aaat | l^ •>«» rendere.1 a service deal M.' I iM4 la eMaft Uw fhraa by away tA tte mmkm and lad. VtvL ki laA. Onai Waad. 0. AMt CaaUar. BarOT Bank. al playera. aeeinc tko folly of it worthy of oar commendation. Then, la add "ttM keaw-lewB Mka are fKandi af C C wwa Uapi iMlre. Nak, aai WMlgyaa Vnir. Dept. Be- aU. wo mnat not forget our faitkfnl coach, me.' " Next Sunday'a leader will ke Joe Hon- al lanfeid, U. of rea Collage. Addvoa. Baraa, Ky. reftaaed to pot on tkilr nilai kal a»> Mr. Bataeo. latereat and epMI dereon. and the topic, "FMato la the Va. and Tale. Addreee, Uni- McComla. Sanrael B.L. Bamrds- Um tt get tko aff. that ka pal tola tka Imm to a pawl Y. W. C. A. NOTES Pla%a Wa aia Likely la Wigtet." versity Place, Nab. ville, Ky. Teacher. Died. III. tame eaOad Ikay hM p that they aledkyaU. TW iliiiilli af 'r tketr ef UBl. Jamee Ball Y. W. C. A. Sunday eve- Harson, Anna Fay, B.L. (Married wriKht, Ky. eo info the hut in sp this l'""nt irame. te of I Parker waa the leader. Walter L. Albin). Berea Teacher. , «s, Paul T., A.B. Cbarlea- Those acquainted with Dr. Burr, handicap our team went on the fleld talk, krincing j Addreaa. Uairaraity Place. Nak. town. & C. aaaleter.j CAPTVU or Mmw datis 1 Professor-Emeritus of F^ducation in with rnttra eenMawa aa la tka out- Anaa K, Bl» flki Aaiaata.1 (Tk Aa OMaen) B«l«»it College, are glad to have him con' e. Wkiek win be Witfc n. thra tke waak.| Ma AddNa The death of Colore! Hudson a few ' in Berea agam this winter. His Nothing unusual happe^de^l until ftraai, Kenmierar. wkM M- Wyo. MIy D« Elk Married days H»ri> in Bro intercepted one of Nonaal'a Dr. ! TlM, Bath K.. B.L. (Married Harry Wm. 0. Bial. Addtaea, Berea. calls to mind the picturesque circum- BtmetlTa kal vary tatareattaB. Codd'ngton. Rarer, Rev. Harley M., B.L. raaaea and '«ada a ran for tka Baal> the girls. Mortery. Mass. Green- stances under which hia aaamlnattoa Kantncky I Oa tka Teac her in Wyo., field, O. Minister. Address. Two af Monaal'k back Md .•\t Ladies Hal! .Mis? Pizney lc. Roanoke, Va. St. Anthony Ave St. Paul, Minn the me<'tirK on "Christ on Our Camp-i, . ^, ,«,•_, .m j •'^""»»™ C'*'**!"^» „ „. . , lege and Normal Sckool ipialilled to krnt him eat of tkeir teach and with ' had previouslyi„ asked..I I M.Mr. ( lass of 1903 forwin, Eupheni a K I'h.B. I.ibrar- us. She ...... ^ , The New Tarit fill requiremento for the ad- I i: irnbs of sllrrin^ from hi*| sUte lan. Berea College. mud Edwin Fee to be with ua, and ia ioe p^^^ g, Addreaa. Be- followtac fifw al vanceil lertifiiato k'iven by the State. I feet he landed the h:ill safely behind Discipl^ re*" Ky. ^Minr erska ke tang "Baatrttfal Church preacher, miaaioMif I rhe tiaM Ma I kr Those who contein.ilato teaching v. ill the eoal lire. The ha'l was s-j wet Ida ef lianakMi * lir ka waa ary. Addreaa. Equator Miaatoa of|4Dn^ Miapart U te- 0, WL. be to know that they may I and heavy that there was no chance triad the F. C. M. S. W.C.. letaioJ «mA» ta l«aa. Dr. "Mr. Davia 'attempted to eecape in MMitai to kick a coal. B< fore the first quar- Beige Congo, Africa. p. OMMltait A4iNi% AkMiMa^ tile diagulse of his wife's duthing, a the State's approval when they have Clark broke thru the I ine of Berea wben there was only Racer, James M., A.B. New Martins-' Whl hood beinir drawn over his face and the reqnira-nenti kara, | time aad gained aboi-t 40 aae campus or "Green." He told aa burc, O. Editor of The Citizen, Osborne, hnvini; a bucket on hia arm. Hia Meaan. Scott, Keltar, PWda, Hart- Charlotte M.. A.B. Char-'yaHi. of the men of God who walked on student in wife accom|)anied him out of the tent Harvard, salaaman. I don, O. Teacher, ftddifaii. raaa aad Dediea i|Mal Balarday 1301 ! Um widi Vo. us of some that rampus, and reminded Addresa, SMf W. M, Otova*! laei iy Aaa,. and requested that her poor old nigkl aad Baaitoy w Ika —aaUin*. Wk M lakatMai^ Ol catlaral aBk'wive. who have so recently walked here, mother should lie permitted to go Tkay report a very pleaeant elkaate. ^ Mi HhI B, B.U AJ. ta ttKlnay gradaaBy Ikwad tka now do so. mentioning espe- or who PViaela IL, aftor some water: but a wide awaka We ara glad to aee Mlaa George BX. BarfM4| Btna. Kegiatrar hi Beraa. Mar- 1 tiam back until Blspkwtoea wag aUa cially Dr. Hutchins. By request he Ky. gnard aaw beoto aad out of the hospital, iftog a Imv da) a TeackMb kMmK felA»| ried Boward H. aark. Address, ' t" <-r<^*<" the line told ua of h a mother and of Mrs. ketaated ta aa < of rest there. apolls, Ind. 1t> 8. Pros pect St., Kent, In the third quarter the Normal Mmf O. I Ha aleaad wMh aa appwl to to a aland aai Piner Campbell had his tonsils re- ti am put forth every effort to Sreak ai aa our Davlib ka waa Ibiead to dtocloaa moved laat Saturday and apent the «nd ate the most del cious candy, thru the Vo<'ationul line, and at lime* MP himaelf under penalty of being shot week-end h "frved by Mrs Groves. Vtcntianal made consideralile i;aln gain in the hoapiUl. , ScMi kal k and waa coaducted back to kie Unt.** Woo Peung Kim entered College, Everyone enjoyed the social and all was their only reward. Y. M C. A. wai time ' lackinit The foothall season laat quarter the ball Monday. He cornea from Rynaoo, | is over. Our During the The Berea College Y. M. C. A. is Q|,i^ n,,, ^f,^ aaaaty.] Roaa Daltou, who U taackia* team haa done auch excellent work atovod on the Vocatioaal end of the lookint! forward to the SUt« ' Y ' Con-; h« taadii ta 9m IfeHMtaga Bta tTtk Big HOI, mm a ftallw IMM ttli,tkat we fed tkat tkey iiiim a waH Md. llMy wan kHMag kard. Nor- Vke lather laahlly' whkk ia to ba held at Win- of Naandtar. I week mi. |if pntoa aad canaaea4Bltoa. TkH mal. aa a kal fwtl la dtoak tka ad* t, 10, 11. We are eallad to tke Brat fcathaO teacher. "1 af tka ntaoM at Ue cational Sckool kaa kad fir tiTiigl -t tkair MiM^BtaM aakati^vtoa ker to taan to eeek aad aaw," ika •^a Ikal aka caa get haebaad.'* hNty wpeawataMm la BMtkar, returned to eckool Tuesday, yeara, an it waa very dHBeult to get but ttie ^HRHHFleain waa detor mm. a i aeafkr witk etadanta aad leaden For itne minute the teacher af — December 6. it properly organized. Our boys n'in when the opportune lime St the woman. Then all Kentucky some entinent a twlaklo and man Tho Senior Claaa entertained at Miss Fdna Gr (Tith, Miss Ruby were verv busy w th their studies so ' ao-e Farmer received the ball and, Into her eyes 'Y>h. I don't know from elsewhere. feel confident the We home of Profeeaor and Mrs. Ramie and Miss Bess Bourne, wiin at no time was 'ut that l>eln( so sure a way," aho that our orsranizat on will be greatly Groves Wedneaday in evening from 6:30 have been the hospital for few more f r. , it Nor- a than lureen or fifteen men . carried safely around lanabi>

Suitable G>urset Expenses To Maal AU Naada Cheaper than Staying at Homa Berra's Inends have made ii pok^ililr to provide Scicniilc and Phil an education al a ln« coat. All students do some I. College eaaraoe leadiag ta aaaal laber akich ia credited oa tkeir scboei drK-M- ol A 11 Asan?Kaliia Am, iwayeata. MNa wkile many earn much of their way. Theee UNnrmal •'">".••'• course, prrparInK lew expenites sre not secured by unworthy de- • IVUI lUai (,,r ttate crrliticalc T»o priVdtioM-. hut Mudrnls live comiortably al these yrHr. In iiiIiIimoM lend* tU Associate in I'rduKuKJ rates. Halt day tckool Ur UtM* who bring ImsI •y All anylicaals smmI - sb« room "' ratarva- f^v*^^*"y advaaae ky a deyoaH .1 faur d>ll*rt. mAfafl^mv• rtCOUCIUjr four yearn, Htlinx for Col- Icire Kiiifiioh coiir>r ul iwu «ritr> ur three years, for ibu>r ooi plHoning lu ciiirr C'ollriie. MB« WOMBa law i*M Coniinrri lul, Aierlcul- SMS IV. Vocitioiitl turaland Hume Science course*: Carpeniry, Prialing, Blacfcamllklng, *.M8akAUak_^ WeHvine. each Iwo years ia leagtk. Narsiag, ^ ih rer * r- *-'""*;:?HTa. Ta.- lacMMial Pre lac tana s w 4^, B'um laiut Hoard faf * V. FoimditioB wmka) . . . 14.^ 1,4a liraachea. with oiker aabjael* af Aaiuuui rfiw am of lerm | mim iuau I a «w>ka dw slddlc of lea U s* SPECIAL DEPARTMBITS

(a) RehaiM* KdasaHea Cuarses la Mor»l ^».l Huclal leadership.

|bi MitMc t 'iii»i Uripio, Piano, Singing, I'lirurv, Hand. Urcheslra. and oiurse lur laeclMrs Hon 1,! .IL .-! ilYTl l"lll — :

Dm-okiW R, 1M1

"1 Hxnlilii I MiiiKirr If Koiiia oft' ilown CHAPTKR XXIV. RioiM. Boon after the arrival of Kr. II • nmerlytirli He hi. In hla own waf^ till' airi-ei hiul Kr>t hlm lied to the eml I.lnroln'a letter hla doctor ga»e tha the rrentevt onilnr In ihe ci>nfer<>n(<% of a iMilr and la iialng hlm to awab off Whieb Deacrihaa a Pleaaant Hatlday young man w-hal he railed "an honor- T CONCERN IS allien he .iriit,.* m the wonU of ofliero hia wiMlB«%" aaM AN UBcalB wltb " and a Pratty ttratafam. ahle dlai'hiirge The maglc of youth and liMiiii -tlni. U f..ll.i« lii^' llieir utter a jrowt—tawd tiy to . JlBgli. "fV Man for JBd.of.JVd.alr had Two da\« later Hlin sugKeale)! thet Riice. ^^ < an erlynck l*l 'Ihri-e yi'Hra liRd piiaaeil MMkraM to Mb Mir II 1 coald kill iranataled worda. hnt IhRl fiilefiil morning on Ihe prai- B bear with my he does not rer- and anaaroaa Lincoln Rime JAPAN SHOULD BE SATISFIED laiBllito. AN no ognlaa anything etao. rie. Thrniifh the wlnlera he had lived dM hoBM my liked har better fBr tkat hlM^far dlaaar." tho Briaad la mbHi amaacd. for ho ptoi»^ Irving In a < oirifortiilile hiinler'a iiitnp on the By Bacneiier She Tialfa the Int- etirniimKed the of ty ahore nf l.nki- I'lRild. Siiminera he Ma WMrtd Nava MMwa aBNaaaiant. aa ha watehaa ler iukI InvKod hi* confldencp. The Tve got aaaagh latai i Imd »iinderi-d with n guide and I'aiioe •« «M «M WkM tunitlaa WHh fiBto CfeMorlyark raBaat M fii. I filled with They hlin a great Joy. la aw to llkB aat lharmgli Ihe lake* hiiiI rivera of Ihe a MBB wka aaa Briand, Balfour and ueiil hIxmii tiiiieiher. In the Rilwania baaiB, It thero^ wlldenie'^x hiintliiK and tlahlng and aoKktoi ftaltar." In tha p«r|..r he iiiiHleaily told her of hia Confaraneo. reading the law hooka which ho kBd didn't kBow hot yaa^ manner to a T. Ho wonM Mako a w.Tk iiT.fl lilx life plon She illlTered Fine of tar tho boBM at thoaa good a4^or of the klod which nllli Illm on iirtnln •mhleria uhlrh borrowed from Judge OsiMI^ •y BOWABD B. CtARK mininnalrea. take rlo«». to the frndttlnna burg. Rarb aammor ko worked dawn If yoa'ro wllltag to loB.—Cblna, nf the wiTr iiiifiii 1 miji I I'l I fiiii'liiiiifMal- llr" what cornea tho beat of it, maatera of the Bering enift. the oawegatrhia to that potot far b and make thaa HarttothM of anaaoMat or any He M thB dill mil Ikw lii r «a he liml Invert Ann ••tMr. ir«v«i t>> n. .'« fram Ui*lr bom* I'll give you a day that yon will ra- . lil< fi «t of the copter*. In hla capiMV vIhIi with hla new fMoM othar aak aaaM haforo tha garat la V«r|*nnM. \i . UM WMt. llM tantf Hill lier iiemotiiilitT pleiiHeil and faa- jm w BMaUier. Yon will hare to put up wltb li.\ II' friinviator at tunny mnfereneeB •< pl*nt> 1 1. air df .,lii>tl»ii M ika Cava- lory of every lotaraatloaM keen rlnate.l the voitng leiflaliitnr. One weak had fwifwaaia; kaa B very almple boepltallty, but I he hna watclied iin-n vpeak It N p« r- In her laMaaa had and, to aosM BMaaaiB, atUI to Iko mom evenltiK iimler the apell uf It he nakei) RIM and weultln't wonder If you'd enjoy It." hapa UIK'onacloiiMly that lu- doiililei up he hia ronnented. him at lha polata wkaaa ka waa waat upataadlBC rock of iroBMa to tka her lo wife. Hha "We will leave here day after to- their mnnnerx aa he doiiMc« up their tiavola. Ifeo tovara kad conrae aattto' Iwiriin to to feat la kla of paacofM coBfartaca Then he tbiBk II 9fm. morrow, (iiir liorvcH will he at the Dot loot tkeir ardor. Tlieira waa the ineotai II wna tike Lincoln IB Ma felatinna door at elKlit o'clock in tin- morning. Kate tlequent but Flowery. lore "that hopea and endurea and la Ttalay It aeoBM if tka Chineae Net CMAPTKH II Al with women to ret the rart before tha ^ We alinll iiike Rome li)ri< ln i'ii iind k uf patlMil." queatlona to the Barnn Katn. the Japaneae admiral, •Mt hnrae. ao to apeak. Tha point* upon aro to ha BBBWorad • xouih imiiir.i juha Mrivatl. wk* reach our di xi iimtlon late In Hie iifter- On a day In June. 1M1. be boarded Hiitlxfaction. or at any rate to the la an omfnr. hut there are no flowera 4«> i4m lo go to tit* luiiikinua ruunlry tor eon- wkMi tkaf diMMraM aaM a» nooii iiii'l return ncit ilny. It will AJI of th« parly m\itl%t from f«v«r and a atenmboal nl Otrilenahurg on bla way aeeiuiiiK NiiliitrHctlon. of the nattoo* of In Ilia oratory Me >i|ie:ilmpanl«a IM nliiK Nii'l f>iuml Siiinaon at the home MB vitally Intrreated In the outcome of the sailor like unit If yon will. a 1^ arter. Ha eoald ba Mad be like atndylng OHAPTKR lB«^>«Ba atoar fMa " t»int.> fl\e vi iira old A letter from ri»' iloi triiic rlk'lit in till' cHSlern xeiis. the adiiilriil N poiiiuliiit' something o«la M Naw Malam. •n4 Mm* bulMInc Hi Ma way. Bat iMlnly. hia mannera throagb with it" lioiiic lie houa* i-«1 nlecanre learned the fine arte of R|)ee>-li and kad aa Oak% a( wMcfc Abo nf the few Ja|Hinpap prpHetit at the of the water willow and (he white In fercm e llie Inli'iitloii l. aiNod by Intelleetaal foacoaaaa." the lor. Tha apMemle had aalaad kar bly will aaiiMfy Japan and will make givaa Iba Mfcakani aairtt aa a hotcun. Jabn McNtU, tha Trartora crarea and anienltle* of niltlvated "Obaervatloo yoong man remarked. for (K'nce tho adMlmra wofilt •ra rulfnote apa\»anQiial«>aat» la ifcai^it lite people. rightly Judged that hia toward tha teat of kar i In the eooferonce and for fo- S2J|*{*~ He la the only help been and mine bat ture peace Tho Brtttak. Ika rraack. tba Ja^ rrii.h neaa wnuld he a ronatani aonrre mmMtmm in tha world. moatly leleacoplc. Wo have managed ancoa aad tka othar raaraaiiiitatlTaa of igi I* mU tar aa. to proud Mar.v As had The oKpoctod haa happaBod ao far af Irrltailon the to keep oiiraelvea aeparated by a great wr aa prallarfaaiy plaaa to aattto tho CM- (OrelgB powoFi hara aaaomblod bavo tlieir aeqitalnlanee progrea»ed the even near dlatanie when we were bad aoaM little Iwstr ac l loa apparoatly hta ronylrtlon grew more ap neaa docatloa aro leacarBad. Batta tmth of each ntlier It hiia heen like looking tary from tbe American State department parent. Thia. howerer, did not ao Harry tw Hoghaa haa takaa awaaiaa to In- at a Rtiir with a very limited parallax. concerning Iheir dealings with Wnsb- aa lark of gym- thoaa Mttlo timate that iapBB ka aattafled much ronrem lilm her atile «ee wltb It'l a Jov tn he to you with Ington correspoiidenfa. They bavo pathy with aome of bla deepeat mo- told kar Ml to wony." tha kaowse the nalicil i ve." aoiarteot aad tovellaat sho ta been told thnt they can any anything cNArnm vil-wi tivea. derided that, after all, he "VoB MM Ika "OB Iko of He "You will have littlo to look at on la haal, BlMp In way. that they wish to the men who are aat jMr that to awrry kar looklBt craatnro that I svor aaw vkoni HarrrNwaaa M dM to** aad Ihia holiday kal pa BBi Bflitloned here as contlmiini: rorre- laga aaka for BiB'a aiy Ufa," raid Harry aftar ka kad kald wmM ka caaMBlMB^ifraat anld Illm. tattiar rtfua^ hia aaaMaL apondcnts, and cnn say it with every kar In hla anna a MOMeat. It tunia la M Loula. "I Hiink the pralrlea kB kaa to thin "But aec what happenad to me wU nss'iniMce that they will not he (|iioted Ufa MtowBd. MlB eiaa rtaBM gBva to'glvy a plan, lectrd. 1 nhaii wear my cavalry aal- ft tMs nnd that their liifomiatlon will not lie CHAI^ICK VIII - Blia aanraaaaa te do. look at my fn<-e," ahe aiiawered. hiM BB nial. Hb kaaw aat wkat to roupled with the that It Harrr ihai aha loraa Bl«fa. and tba form and try to get a pair of the baat used if tlicy declare in iidvance that It 1h more lieauilful ihnn ever," be rantil to dtarunaolata. UmuTn daildaa la Ha wnto a latiar to Mlaa TMld In prubahly woaM ho to the horaea In rhicago for the trip." is to lie lakcn as <'iinllilentlal. Hiild. "ThoKe iiiiirk)! hiive doiihliHl my It whtck ka Mvtowad the blatory »f hia JaiNinene. What ha arliiaa^ie- "Then yoa woold have to gat aitoa. result of this la that the KrItUh love for you. 'I'liey are iiit'dnla of The MB Ihe aahjeet of their mar- fore ia entirely SSaMViMMW BiS; thlnMag I have a handaoHO pahr af Mack pertlaaBt to tho Mtoa tlila one that I have fureKoiie their halilt of reticence lenderl.v «tHied honor helti-r llinii thai tialay. rliige and frankly hot young koraaa fraai OMb-nbI Mgh The extract of explanation CIIAIIKIt t\ I' aaa <-<.maa bark to \ and talk freely. The Japaneae havo «e.ir. I \Miiit to m.irr) ou hm KoI ilIt an hiania w^rwkr baaM (ran tb* her hnppliieaa tn BMITy hlm. Before •Kiiual privileges for trade " and wltb I MMwla'a tmik wiu kavB to Mka wkat oobmb from tho Irat Thay ara bacatotaB mMm ward to that Mince I wiik sixtieii «-iidii>K II he aubadttod th«:n. d«rralrd IB hia Tho day of their Joanoy arrlvad— Tho rroBCh aeom to toal that Ikaf^ Biarr.> .m>ii l i lorr .m>u hoVB B akBMB urr. 'lt,«>ifra l.<> .h*- t»ul VMiat dtt yoB tM«fc off NT* M' will lie entirely imrceahlc th# Naw hAifin are awra llbaral wltb iBfonnatioa, poBi ara arKirt^'l ittttl iha tahlara Wfiratad marrlagv." aald Saiuaon. "We've been man III tlic ii|uiil privllenes proposal niiil hapa, than tto othora Tho ItaMaaa' •| raaaling dowa at oar koaao to keep CHAPTKH Xl l.ini-oln. now poat Mi.iiM i.ier a-'iid n leiter like reudll.\ will lend flii-ir siiiiction. Joalab froia nranlag oC aad vetting follow tho rreack chiaMy ta Ikta toat* inaairr. da< id«a tn i un again for " ilv^ 'liiil to R hill.* Sjioed iin««erel*M]gr la ot>an)jr In ter of comMtiBlcatlvaaaaa. married. He'a engaged alraady." I'iiM.ij.v Mb* Mllh Jaha M' N-U. H* l-avra foi < oti fei'l ni> >oii v.iv. iro hihI tell her III, ( liuiii nii'aiis. lit course. i.r In tha "KiMPtgeai TowkoMr Harry aaked. M|^4i" Vj^- premlaiiig la ra 'o. Int iloii't put It In n bll-'t." t!iut -yl. ii:iM..ri uill lull,, ilic riifhl !• ' uoo and Bwrry Ann. Uacaia av- "Tb Aaaabal BrUaataad. Bho'a a rl»>e It ill eve trade III. I :ii..| - T.'m olii \ii-iii lo hi-r nil. I. T Hie v;inii' ronili \\- Nail. t ilttio oMar thaa ho la. Mm tooghod of the chief fiactora ta tho _ Aa confaaaaa la Aba nlTif Hill ri'iiiti ml to liln frii iid In a lloiis as nil oilii r nations Itiit otluT r«.Hi i>;tri>a la MrNaaMLT, aatf bar at him and promlaed to marry him of the HaritothM of anaanMBt. 8o (hr thai h> xill nol raiura. Lincoin more eheerftil mood. tliin.;s enter Into the matlcr t.-o 'laau rnd>-avora aa Buun aa he waa nominated for rreii- aa the alrplanaa ara cOncernod, tha* XkJa to raaaaiira ••nid ,\oii tell herT" SimniI aaked. uriiplilcal itgaition, which iiieaiis ruiicli hi "larta , Ibo'irn hrr mi«ir!\ liiga ideat by all hla frienda. She would use of them In war la so bound up IJrtaola »'na i.la •ait In til* lrai>latura "Yea. I told her." an umlerMtandlnK of the Chinese tcni BOW voM for hlm herself. He hiin with tlieir use for eomnierclal purposea' "Whnt hitplM-iieil?" eraiiient und an nndertiUindliit: mI.ho. <-|l4tnWi 3tn -Ann hrara frnffl Mc- beroiue a goiHl athlete and the lioat In |>eace that lliiiltiition of develop- I .thraw of I'hlneae conditions. Nan ar. «M Ma toii<'r to < "M and aba to "She barnn oat crylBK aad arliolar tn achool. He haa every ment prolialdy will he linposslliie. .An ' aT.iini ail aa doaa ni>i Inva Nrr Hha lalla my aruia arauBd har aad ktaMed her "Japan Is a cluae noighbur of China. Aba af hoa 4d>iIiI. an I ha rnnfaaaaa hia tioy and irlrl In the tlllnile unrkiiii: airplane llial Is servlcealile iii/>ler all to Japaneoo po- io»a anil uka I .^r t iIoimk';'' Harry Is serviceahh' for iiinst lohiliiluns In Wkat aa ninsttattaa af tha hwaaa- which they can raack aooreaa of aup- aaked war. tty aad cMralry of BBaaat Aba waa pllaa to CMno. aad aoMo other thing* •.MiikltiK Ili'-e iii « fiinnle.l tlilntta Kv cr,\ lioil\ coniiiTicil ulih ilic ron- 'IIMTII! MI! Iraplrrd by Klllah ta tha prM«adlB«! will giro to Japan spectal trada priv liirlferM. hiiild u laTclicc lili..u» I lull poKoli >;ii- lia.S I.I ^rjM\ Trai'i.r i4rrntiay hM K alavrn. a ata- tire In 11 ond »iili eiii. They cut come to Slav. It l» po'^sllile. of course, aplrtt cannot aojoy. words iloi. ou 111*" I It li*rkrii»inJ llallroMj." tngMhMr.'' aald Hpaad. "Yoor although the >pllnterii out of soft wood, dip their that its use ill win fare imi.\ he pru- la JeBkMH of aay on* likely to get In 'eqaal prlvlk>gfa' may ho wrlttea Inti ^'HAI'Th:!* XIV. -Ann agra^a to ntarry eiiila In l.rliiiKioin- wlildi .ha- leiirmd lilhiled, hut it Is known, lii-cause of \\t tut l.ar haallli li »ra. k..,! Tliraa Ita way. Bat ah* waat MWU fall Bay agroMaaBt" how to imikc nml piii tliein In a hot the necessities of llie coiiiiiierciui caae, runaway ai-«'kai-i'k 1 rayltir hi-l(>hi-lL> lit alavaa Trayltiraa Ut m lino aad do what aha eaa M kalp Naturally there w|ll be objections to a* aping Thar babaloor lo Idgira and lia t>M'ii tiniil the lu'immone la linked. that experimenis in cliemlatry will go comaaaa In puraull of Ihem 'ri>reatrnail roil." aome of the pn>|Mianl* aa they afTecl Then II M-rali'li will hrliiK H name. on. ami iluil hand In band with UmM rith arraalat for InrlUng ihr r>i I un Tray N.i«. R little lief.T.. thIa lltne. Henry Cblna. The Juiuineae will seek tnorc tar, ha Itoaa of lt>a tugiuvaa la Hini .liH- |iutM Iheiu up In hundlea and aella will k'o the study uf the pradttctkM Oaa of linvia a< ItoniM. baa kar bua- HrltiKilead and oiher rreilltora than il la Inleniled to clve them, hut Mm fM baa theui lo the men'honta aad calte than (loiBoii gaaaa wMah caa ka aaad la hnd KiMie to rhiriiico In Ihe iniiller of there In notlilni; lialny to show thut lurifer niutrboo. Ha baa kmatod a war. XT.-Dna& Ami Itetladaa lie n«llnfMrtli«> of Iheir hhlt'inent evenlinilly Japiiti's reprcseiitii lives will 'CHAmM raacbtne that wlU OM Bad diB a thoB- Tbe confereaa lay atraaa opaa 4^ •Ml* tar Aba. aM HaMianSr terawall agHlnHt hlm. Ileiir>- IimiI ilriMii a nol accept the prci|ios,ils vililcli hav« iThar >a priilrli'K iiml n ium 11, tide iiiiil wliicli, •atflai iilaMi iiiiirito as Mm Ha la A'Hgoli heen in some ineaa Anaahol to hi daaato." iiaa aiwpaalBd that a i aa taaaar "Afe" >» "A^wibfTJBaah." ing. hail liroiichi r.iin nml lu r inoilier ure, are liic .inerint's of Cliliiu ilHelf. Ha took a hMttar aal af Mi Itaalf af aaaiwk oT Ito atBMT to to hla home nml then lo Sprlm.'li'ld. of the Conference. 'OBAma «Tt-C»iraeiMb« Ma «aa- Oratory Hint and acfBlcksd It aa Om vaal tta taktag cara af MaaK to < aanilaaer. iJafiala ratviaa la Ma wark. It waa whllr ll'«'> were there The spiMkiiu- iicilioils of Ilriand ABaiinaaAbatiUi aaMMiaat la enrataltalac an« boot it ta attorkad. la ifca Mfia o( I Hnrry had •otne .lown to niiiitgo out and Kultoiir aic as unlike as the ha tbrawa btaMalt bit* tha movamanL at MB Tito Ui« Maiy Waa TaM ai Thay Tim, "ToB aaa of tile wooiIk 111 a ' 'indltlnii of health laiiKuak'es in ulildi they exjui s> ilieir CHAPTBR XVII.-Trarlor aalto hto tha #Ml«r HMBd «« pkw IB Mb la. nhli'h liiid ulHniied hla phyali'lan. The llioUKhts llrlami Is draniiitlc. while farm and moToa to dpHnyftoM IJnooln pr alana lo aaoura a divorca for In iHiler liHil iMil hlin on a atennilioat Bad Rim yenra of Biaaaatioii uii« lold ns tlu-y lliilfoiir 1« lu I r.iich alter his owti ordar thai aba mar atarrr Harrr Naadlaa. "I kaiM ahmya thought that Joe brsaktadt Ha Mil M «eni hiui KaaL He waa bound fartka ro fMAPTBH XVIII Ttaylor "We all aeoM to bo tknatoaad with and Harrr Bliii and her mother lalaraad to diai-redlted inun Henry ItriiimteHd oratory s<-cnilnKly running fast, anil Naailla* riali lha lioum" cllr of Chicago, Immediate and overwkatMBf kapBl- ta whara lilm. now tlia mothar of a aon, to i^hlrago on tbe aiage, tha tonaar to had got hla new plow on Ihe market with his gestures keeping pure with AHiiiaa kaaM af BMtMMn eiolalmed. I UvlB« with bar paranU 8ha kaa Boaa," BIm bar take a plaea in tha and waa proH|iertng hoyoiid all hla them, he se|iHr»tei< hla wurda ao mark- chtad af tka akoaM warfbrs mm divorca. Harrr laavaa for tha Hamlnola "The only thing In the way of mine |B uaaaruBMlaua, rich apacuUtar, B>iiuava of Baoaaoa'a j hopaa. Rll had barome a merchant eilly thai the Aine.lcan book student of Ika OMtai Matoa aray. BM» C ia the national debt that I have uccu- Harry waa ihraa yaan la IkB «M of unuRual ability and vMloB. Hta of l^onch can unilentnnd him. This AaMaA.fMaa «ka«toM«IMMi ' mulaled," Harry remarked. I tnrlag to rafalB Ui Btiuare dealing and good Btaaa kad MBkia It pleaaant (or ibooa af aa who maa aad at Ovaaaa t. 1 "I knew he'd titlok of aomeihlng. " CHAPTKR XXI IJnroln al SpHnfflald | done mock to kroak daa* tfaJadtaa caa raBd rraach (BIriy aaally. kai of tha rasarvi aorpa. a chaMlgt I to aniara Into hIa lif« work Hairy Naadlaa •old BIm ruefully. "If wanted against tko Jowa ta IkB iHBi rracy af wka ardlaartly aaaaot gat a ward ta kigk ataadtag, havo boaa Mada Mm comaa hnma and at Din'a aaaka Illm the noble inatitutlon of maiv fBcaivBd a abollah gBaaral auhjact of pataaa Mm «•« •( 11 ka tha Waat MiMi TMiylor waa gM* tka rapid kiB NBliaa a( a aa tka | ttlAITKK XXII - IJni'oln win* Hrlm- riage I'd make him chairman of tha ' tiBg waallk aad a r ipatottaa tor to gaaiHnaa pat to Mm aad Ito aaaa. to fact tha two h ataad a ault agaliiat r>avla, thoroughly *^ WByo and meaoa committee." dtarradltiiig tha apaculatnr Aa an out- tea *'iiiii m*SlMirki ice during' aware of. If It badn't been for lliat I I'lef of the same service return aoon and be a candidate for famUy WOM aat oaMlB M BaBBBaMB lo end It. Aboiii three wonia heforr was llie In we would be pludillng along ut Ihe expedltiuiiBry Ift' oM wlin luvfil bratily anil r* my aeai In the buuae. Ramaon will county. the end he piilx his hands in the nil the Aiiicrliiin forces dur- ••me old pare. We would not bare large lll>; 1 he II II r ipaeMd WOBIMI « he dlil, the Kniiv not do It, being eo buay with Agoota of the store were traveling with tlie lingers arranged fur a clinch felt tha aaad of ipeading up. It waa and rpfloamrai of Ihl* yoiiiiK Ixly l>ad Lffalra Toil are young You have In Wlaconaln, llllnola and Indiana Ing pro<-e»a Klnally after llir»-e oi There aeeins to he a wide puhllc lu- your mlajarlaaa that kraag^ BtM latu cl.\ ' |iolsoii a alnicular H|i|>eal. cuuiUeil. ua It waa. won diNtliirlloii III Ihe Kervlie of your aelllug ItR kuoiIn to country dealers four Kciiuli Ki.L'lisli crs he dia tareat Jual now in gaaea. Tha the atoB^ V Mm wBBli to MtfB aad with the iirfe iif hiN atroiiti. iiiuat iiiliie .oiintr> Voii lia>i' Rliidled ihe proh They carried with them tbe pru^jrcaa iwers the lair of the word lliat he conference In Wsalilugtuit, It ta kgBar^

it forth. iiHlure It »H« a revt'lHllmi He »uh Iniia of Hie il.\ ami the alale. Ive ami inlitilitened aplrlt of Ihe city waiilN. puli^ brlBBi It dBWn sliares Ihe gMHBl pgMM IMHMfe tSaZlTiB H.'Tm?'''' IB like a jriiiiiiK |iih'I K">»lf <•'" '"<" Suiiiiioii and Hiikir and 1 opn and and the iie»fc Kverywiiere they 111 and Klves It iHtcrHiire. the iiialter alaiuliird of li"n o(><>0 and aefliig for the tlmt time the ItrowiiliiK at;i"* »l licioiiic M k'ame wlHi his luar warfare. Il haa heen Huld hy (leneral ihlii riirve atruck <>r tl »i|ni-,iii', .lelliate. "Ab for ni.vKelf. 1 am going to bO roapert for hln ilrart was era to trv to lU tn adiiiiice on Hit l-'rle», in his Insik on Ihe auhject :

' every of the new iinmii In »|>rliig Ha he iiiHrrli-d 111 H .year or ao. I ahall hare oB the IInI. Thcv npread the word f"r which he |{ro|>ca Soiiieliiiie> "While siiine of Hie chemlcala de- of prurllce of the cuuutlug riMini (Nil to aeek hihI HtiKljr relliKHiiMil III KiM all iii\ time lo the lay religion uf the audience lilla II rlxht. and some velo|ied for u^e In war priur (o tha and Ihoiifhl, uf iiiiiiiiier, uf tlreaa. of ex the liiw I Hni miw In pHrlnerahlp Thoy wora a welcuma unifylag limes wrong', generally wrung, how- himlallce have Is-eii inude known tu preaaloii Me kneM ihal lia neeileil with Wli phen T l.ogun and am alowly MoBMag iuujm ever, for when the Hritlah stateamni' the world, a iiumlier of uHutm have alie ^ Uary. hul hail the feeling tha> I'leurliiK iii.v rouw lelii-e of debt. I Bnally Hilda his word It frequently not .Mole lliaii Mils, every nulloii uf fi>r louUl to foi wa* mil hliii have Uuiir what I for lb* atota proves be uii unusual ayaonym tlrsi > lti>N Importumv haa continued a aaar day. I aaly aaad a waak A woiiiaii who llvrd near Ihe Kil Lnd for Xaikguuiou cuuuty. It haant the word wblrii tbe audience tbinkr lu pursue, more or leaa energelli'ally, / to get aome ciotbea aad go OB to Mil > to la after. warda' houia had a Muall. hairy heen iiiu<-h. 1 want you take ai> ' ho atudlea Inlu chemical warfare Theaa waakee on a llltk' inattor of boslneas poodla dog. One day. aa Abe and Mary the biirdeu. If you (-an. until I got (roe Intorprotor Camoriynah'a Metbeda atudles will continue, and we uiual ex- 1 doB't know whether we'll give hliu ware walking along tba alraat. they my debta, at laaaL Bf Bad If I A g>> taiBtog thoM » Urn MMBBMIBI 1 '

I>M«ak«r I, Ifti

DR. J. K. ANDIUON Dlllard Grvcns and family and aUo nmt of the waek. Mr*. Rdwarda and family hare moved Mr. and Mra. Smith Oentiy tai BWM Buk A nm from Onter itract to Walnut Mm- viaitinv !>< mothar, Mra. D. W. JiMk* U Ob dow pike. •ML Ttmj plan to b«fta u* hi bstti* Mn.


t A Ki Mr. Mahon spMit tlia waak-eni la mf Bwninir Rervlre laat night One of the moat important steps in the upbuUd- Berca with Mra. Mahon and two SpHnira, la Wtln* hia brother, on the I/ird'i alda. iat o< rpur btiiiiuM is to aatabli^tta right bank- dauirht«ra. rharleii. Hear Jim Brown'* golden harp and ing ooMnclloR^**'^ 4ibI wMi B BaBk tkit in bM^ MiiR Anna Groiran, of Huntington, IJrhtA are beinir put up on Hannon pleadinir lonir. Come witneaa Bro tion to furnishing routine facilities takes an active W. Va., arrived Wednesday niirht for utreefc Fnx'ii tourhlnir denanriation of tin. of each a vii t with her siater, Mr«. J. E. Weat Rnd Sunday-aebool la Bvary day at 10 a'tloah, wmif aigM personal intersat in tha welfare and succeM Stronir. on Center atreet. rreaainit nirely aixl a gad Chi customer. Dr. DomM M4mmHa, aftar • tM antaftainmant ia bahiff plawaad. We invite four account on th ebasisof rendering daya' viaH just this Idnd service. As a member of FEDERAL Mrs. WM WAWflNOI PBOMICI POM BALB Am RESERVE SYSTKM with its inuneose resources of rilla, to MSI • I aar pi ipai lm mmttm ha hrid hr MHw ON* taaday- wIm hava na% thalv ovsr SIX BILLION DOLLARS we are abte tojx>-op- DR.LOGSDON poaitkm witk the Pablk HasHli paM M-hool, Saturdny, OaaMMbar 11^ at ica aa ajra, ear, noaa and tiirMt School, City and Tarvia Taxaa ftnr Srruirifii' rorrer— to ralat 8 fttnd for cnic wtth cnstOHKfB hi fBiBishiBg the higl^tt MB* DENTIST apecialiat 1920 and 1921, to be advertiaad in rommiinity Chrintman treo. racter of safety for their Dr. J. C. Gabbard has returned to The Citizen at nn early date. If yo« Frenh pnxiwtn of the furm and home 9mm hmm Ml a, l<4 a. upbuilding o<,their I Berea from Haiard, where he hat don't want to nee your name in the will be offered direct to the connumer been for leveral weeki, and will open delinquent list ard pay more roata at market prirea—regetableii, buttar,

Hm Pamt-Taaehata Aaaodation Berea National Bank win held Ita moating Friday after- tha data, Satarday, Da- J. L. OAY. Cashier Na. S noon at 2:00 in the achool auditoriom. 1% I^MW al M aWaek a. Bro. Hudapeth will hare charge of the devotionala. Some intereatinc ATTEN'nON! topics will ba diicnaaed. Parents all Christmas ia almost here and the PROG BBSS CLUB invited. Poet Office Department will be crowd- Prograaa Clab met December 1st Hava aa ta 4a ed during the next two weeka w'th at the home of Mra. C. N. ShuU with Local Page expreasions of love aad good wiU, in sixteen tnembera and one giiaat prea aflaiaooa , •< pady«n Mi laanta. II •at Tha aahjaat for tha «Mik wH ha At Honest Abe's Mava af aad TiaiaHy, Mv Shopk ha aMiM aartrta ia Mra. S» t, BriHt% a from a Tarlaty Lenaati ay day, Daeanhar Mfc. pri di of •f Saareca. 1W m in Berai tion on time. which will go for Christmaa baaketa old frienda. The Postmaster of Berea wishes for the poor. Deliciooa rafraah- Seed Rye, Timothy, Blue Grass, I Sam Portwood left Monday for to urire all his friends and neighbors aervad by oar lllinoia to be with hia grandmother to do their Chrstmas mailing aarly Red Top, and Orchard Grass at I Mafy Miiim. m»9tm$ aarly who la very aick. so that he may be given the chance A8A JONES niBa IN BRRRA NM Bma% Mana Tkaln- George Moore's to handle Chiial Asa Jonea, 63, of London, died at the lowest price. lav Caaraa, aow In eharga af the dwalUiw oo Eatill atreet la neariag promptly and gal llMa 0l the home of hia danghtar, Mra. Ar- FVaaJiiiau'a Hoapltal In. Lonisvine, ia hia fuaily will fal Wed- Also completest line of Hard- vlaiting friends in Berea. aM ffhl Rev. Jaa. Combs, of Nicholasville, MWlMM. Mr. Mra. B. 8. Mr. IcMa to virit hia ware and Queensware in town. Berea Normal 1901, and teacher of and Jakaaoa an at KKITAt hU mmm Oenaantown, O., papOa af daaghter aad hacaaw 01 af puMaio I thia walk la carpentry 1906-10, is vlsitinfc his ha wHk their daui^hter, Mra. wHl give the following prograai at nU laat Friday, which resulted in hia Most up-to-date Grocery stock brother, Henry Combs, and his moth- Jw % ia lerioualy the Christian Church, Friday, De- death Wedneeday. The body waa re- er, OB Center atNat, aad took part iU. in Berea. of all cember 9, at fi OO p,Wk. moved to Feeds kinds. In tte UnioB Wedafai^f MM LmJm Trio—Featival March for burial. Call and see. Keep your it eye BHD AW fKIlWlTI Johnaon, Ralk Beaidea Mra. Jefferiea he ia surviv- Lucille StepbMa ed by several clUldna aad hratlMra, trtliihid hi for the ' IMS The infart son of on us till after Xium^ Mr. and Mrs. Walta . some of whai etna ef inchrlatea (dnmkards) and Dave nirsons was ratbar aereraly Gaaara which has treated some 200,000 case', Simed last Sunday moraiaR hf taia- Hyan is now rioxed because Prohibition has g a cap of hot coffM aaar m hia dried up the supply of patients! TO OOMBCr A I have not rwaevad Dillard Greene moved Saturday to A. BnConiett & Sons MtU aai aapkaw left On November 15 I reopened the Rob- from Center street to the house va- Nb^ISS Monday fhr a vtaHlivtait H WmWeal Vhrgia'a. Oaa Bender inson Hoap:tal at Berea, and I am cated by E. H. Bartlett last week. Mrs. Lanra Dooley, of Humble, la 'a Blue permanently laaatad ktolh PhaM Ba- Mr. and Mra. Uater Hill and thair viaitlnir her mother, Mrs. Jane Cof- Wm. Holder re*, 141. Mia. Jaaala HU, af Barda- f»'y, this week. Two of Mrs. Cof- COBM Dance wtth Me (Maaad) B. F. BilhiiMb MA. hi Btaaa Maajay vlaHlHg fcv's (lauphter.'j from Brushy Creek Mataline Lewia •ad Mm*. visit<'() hf'r Sunday. la toa Mairth af May ... MOnCB TO MRS. BROWN Mr. ard Mra. R. C Bfavhaai aad Mrs. Nash, who haa been very sick rear last wtator eaal dyad daufrhter, Ruth, speal 9tui^ ftl Be- the paab week, is baMaik Walto haaaUfal new aakg mi Mia. LILY WHITE rea with relstives. FLOUR Uwla VaaWiakla. of C^aetaHWII. win iklak have • aaw, «• Robert P. Spenoe is Attending the fM Better than ever. It bakes everything haa booght Ika CBfl prcparty ia Waal aM. Ika Ma4il Pnm Ihap County Agenta' Conference at Lex- Brd mi la Wak Chr'nMB ia Rm agent for om of tha boat ington thta weak. KENTUCKY CORN Saftatfiai ia aMviag MEAL to tka Bvaning Bell ..r. Kallak dyeing cempaniee in the country. It John Bailey and Jonah James have Best ua the SM kci. Alwajra Ircih. Sold al naaiiashli cated hy Oaaaga Parrott Gladys WafHB will cost many, many times less than MOTod into the property recently Ta- pncaa aad gaaraalsad bjr aN poem Homar JMHIMI, of Bloomingtom, Curious Story '. Heller to buy a new coat and will look Juat Depot stTCit hy J. 8. Oatt. III., came llMi^r <» • «Wl WtMl hia MargaaalMMMI aa arail. mother. Rope Dance VanGael Mrs. Nannie Johnson, who has been BarhMi in Central Kartacky. WM here all summer with her sister, Mra First Waltses Schubert Berea Milling Compann^^^^^^^ Mrs. Adel'ne Herderson, her daugh- J. M. Jackson, has been very aick. Loeina ter, Miss Kate Tntiim -and grand- Use Your Old Tires Peto Wylia, wha hM haM hare fw DrMBi «f Ika dauirhter. Miss Nellie Tatuin, arrived aoRta tiaM. hiw valamad to R««a 4. taap last week from .Sani'ert Texas, for a WnHa OaMmn, af Oaaphallavilla, Waha hi B flat Time RABBIS' MAOAHMR AQICf visit with J. L. Baker and famMy DouUe who la hi acheal at DaavOla, vialtad Both Gardner Aay aawapaper aa aad other relativea in aad near Berea. hia aaat, Ilia. D. W. Daat—Walts Behr I do all kinds of first class rea. For particular* aae Mm H. C ! nished at loweat poaa bla price. Mra. Fannie DnncM, of LoaiavlIKi Baihars Welch, Mrs. Holder vulranizinK and retreading Wyatt, or phone No. 160. Mkke your own rluba ai d »avs by siibsrribinK BMto Dance Qreig at the lowest possible prices. thru me. E. F. I •I fha IhMn. Clara Chr nman All work ffuaranteed. FOR BALE—A new four-room ri«, Bixnif Tuvern liarber Shop, Mra. Jemia Leatar Rill with her I GUARANTEE house. For particulars aee l t«B flb Armourlt Baft Oilib (> Ikw BriM ATTOMitY*AT.LAW outh Rock Cockcrela for sale; IS.M Arrivee Berea S for 26c. Obn Mrtlaia 0%, M. Mvi P. liaWh If We have received a shipment of Practice 4C Bl^hjrM.B.C'bei«h LhI Ymt Plrap«r|r FOR 8A LB rice direct from the Southland. in al' Courta BkRBA. KY. account of leaving Berea, Airtais New stock, the quality is flne. Head On I will FOR SALE sell all incubators and brooders at a a go^ one, •• Ik. Brakan Boar (or write. T. J. wan elaaaad, sacrifice price; also one good bicycle liw BohereoB. A Ky.. R. Baiaaat fflial alt,, la »^ (or wla. Bartlatt. Do Yn Kmiw No. 2, Residenea Scr«gfs, Welch & Giy Lick Road. I Want to Do Your Imp Ma. uhLWAnmm tu fum sb music for all FOR SALE OR RENT—A aix- la WANTED Prunee, a very esxential aM fraMl occaaions. Wa feature the lateat room houae with running water la food, at a reasonnble to a pr ce. I6c lh.1 kitchen; large doahle lot; rt hite. Baaaoaable chargea. For good gar- Say, it is only My iteveiiteen daya an-' dia, bara and hen hooae; within kaewlidgi af laathrr aad Na aaaibar SO, or wrUa tea til ChristTtias. The Fxonomy force ia' F. L. MOORE'S beneflls Is the rreuli uf aiero IsiM. Ky. atosTfsr tail "l CAB *Vini anxious for you to visit the store and> than TWRNTY YRAK8 »r acie- PJ. Uui MMis to m mmtm •If TOU MOMRT aad give rear look our Candy I'na ovar, far «a ha- al expericiKC. Thi> i* unr rea- feet comfort. And ) «ant to lieve it is tha haat Unil wa Jtwtlry SUrt farther Mil, I am la puaiiion ii> gut ihe coaviace jm, thai ear hava hMl far Me and aoa ». RRAP DOWM | AfJENTS I want one HlfymRT, public Ike brai mairnal aiid LIVE REI*- work and maunal \» of the wry We ariN have a good RKSKNTATIVK in each Town, City orkMaMfclp la Shu* aad beet, cuuplad with ouirk aervt««, Rarly. Class year diacarded efothiag, ahoea, cle., asea Werk. Ql'K K PiM RapRMRf and Oiuiity in Kentucky. New at prkea aa higher ibaa yea >y lavlto Taa Viait to BM at Doe'i Barhar Shop on 8h>irt to mt BATWrAiTUlM AND Household Article. Sella on Sight. Streft and 1 will tell them * i<.u- Om BiK Kopeator. ACT AT ONCE BE- at commiaalon. I have for Fina I '*u» ol Jawalrp rOBE SOME ONE BEATS YOU TO sale,

I cheap, a '"^lot army goods.gooda. Claaa> . Bady, Dept. tl, 1^ ''"•P- * ^_ •f. acasA IT. H. SIS wJ ,|toB oa4 |naita|Mal|^^ ^"" Ke ^ ^ ^ : '

THE CITIZEN ORBAT BBTIVAl. I 9iWfy TlMirstfiiy ^rl:nrMfllSHINeTONNOW Tha twwiaaaly aaat a ftuatof prophat Berea Property For Sale aad a awcat ainger to be our eoMb> WORLD'S GAPITAL aaatoti. The Holy Spirit ia moving nta*riiiin-ioN RATn miffbtily upon the hearU of men. AU WMkV, ALL THI PtOM.Bt Good six ready there have been one handrad room dwellinf and store room •f TMB iANTN HAVB TNBIN and flfteaa addittoaa la oonbtocd. Located on AdaiM Street Cburth, : 75 jrwdB from the Depot,

of AaWindto LOOQINaS ARE HAHO TO Santa Claut it the Uuf. Aftkar Fta. tt FIM Commf PaiK Mf, Kktod place for frqperj story or restavr* Rii anxiety for soak begali ta him an Intenae eamestnesa of utterance. aunt. Bro. J. A Brown, of Dallaa, Texaa, ana Many Peratpn TiwgaM Make tha • IImJ*(~ kMi sings- -not the singer, nor the aong, Cliy Inteeeellnfl — Chtneee Prove but the glociout gospel of the bleaaed Thameaivae Clever Llnpulata. PHi 19 nybodjr In ttia eenfmanity. In order that w» m«y fx" fiod. Hia golden Gothic harp baa NN *at to m«kM hia amiMl rialt to aTery individual in th1« By tOWAMD •. CL^RK. drawn real erowda ta hnr tha wn4. town and rnmmanity, it mlckt be wall for ua to look about a Waatilngton.— WasliluKton now Ih In There ia aow l a aaiial aMi hi tlM bit There may be aome unfortniMta peraon in thia n«ifliborbood largest aenae the rapllai citjr uf •a IParM. la tmth. Waahington hex We So PAYNE who ha« been hit harder than wa think; and anl«M W« Avm M baia the Liwrnupulltan center of tbinga SanU the road to hia door, ha may b« pnaaaJ np. NotUnff wn«li to eaadat ahaaat* ever aince the World war begaa. Car- UVINGSTONtKY. nflact upon ua mora piUabiy than ta laarn, aftw ChriataMM to ta tha day aarrica at taa tahily the eyaa a< aH tha paiplaa «( •var, tkat aoM 1 o'eloak. A majerity of tha boaiaaaa aia aa tfeto goMaa br Baate CtaM. ctva IMUw M mmm Ih«M pf men of the town are closing - their shops and storea and worshipping the ttacartty uf ..< with us at this hour. Almost every Bent for the coiiferenf^ on the limita- j dHaa aad aalbM. tion (if moral force in Berea ia joined in thia a mm men I wMib apw MM B^ II appeara today aa If tbera «BI la gun Its sessions. It irark. 'I'haBka ba aalo dad ptoaty af paMlrlty tnr tho Today men uf ninny nations are alt- | aT tho oonfersiica. Tbera wfll ka 1 ling down together In an attempt to nitre ceaslons. of coarse, heranae IgM the worM. Millions of the aeaslonn ore neceKsary. There are CO*^ Tim RmAwwi earth'a people are watching the pro- tain things to be s«-t forth hy the ra^ MORDAT. miMnga and bndon as wall aa » will aet hotel Id thia city and Kiid. aay, two however, know and anderstand. '• Blind ia not adafy apon the many of our own great dttoa. or Itorea aeml-dlacanaolate atrangera, and the American delegation Is naado follow aato. ta aoan Maap wanMpa. Herah. tha op of men who are sympathetic with John wtm were waadering how they hap- Ika tiMt a« bagtaatac of A raHval meeting ia not intended wholly to ahow TMa to taa ninnera thair a«ar heard in Betaa. pened to land In a deaert. There were the cause In hand and who caa ba what aat at afl NghMp any ba mote iHist. already la forgotten. A iihlf to rteter- the conference, will tie In r^Hctoa. kaUt la thfa cowitrjr and in otiier Chriatian heart, aN bapa af tra we have ever had. vlaltor to this town la lucky toiUy If nilnc whether the riilerK and the dlplo- one alive again gone, that tha i caantriaa, mnat n altoa MmI revitrala have played a eery ran important All of thia given to aa a Cbrist- he And a place to la^ his head, iiiafi' and tlir "prcifpsKloiinl" ofllrlals of you wddler now resting In Arllngtoa ' • part in the ndvanea of Chri»tunrdlng shall previill. tirity under the influence of a raYival maatinf. Ilaay mmm all the dead hoy lying la Arlington apartment house Ill articles which have attempted to •var Ika Soath who have lived horaat Chiiattoa Uvw unknown lieyond the poaaiblllty of lb- m frequently give the WiLslilngton view of tho vari- to iwrival ture Idcntltlratlon he would not be ty- MM wdar tha iMdaiahto mt Wmi A saintly dame doth eal aa to apaed tha parttag gamL BMryone fonieading elements which enter ous ing there as the representative not To tell ia oa ta whar ha hM ta tha way uf Into the work In hand, rtie extreme me what ahaL only of (he unknown dead, liut of All pariflats. the dHllnrdi who wanTt tm- She Bays "YonVa the llvlntf. And yet there are other a iwlval aaatinc laavaa I aila baea V a eemmnnity mors brotherly, it ia HeU"— darstand, and the aiW l ta aB fathers and motliera who. not realising •ill waitk-wWla. We hope that the people of Berea are beini; Atoa UmI la krt^ that the government made ataolutHy Vnatly baneflted by the mectinga now being liald at tha Baptiat certain tliat the unknown forever waa Paoplaa of tite World There. Cbwcb ard that an a ranM Ikto tMm vM ka • batlar tam foa I am net fund of saintly damea. to remain unknown, are writing lettera yaara to come. And those that I have aean This is a pictnreaqut' place today, to the authorities In Washington ttxlay In way, to American It la Have made ma flat aad a eyea. asking for the measurements of the aort of H groteiM)' > place. The Beat body the dead unknown, asking the they of and tho Weal ard the middle laiida No Amtrican Suspicion of Jap^n. color of his hair, bis complexion and Aiainr Mrf Berea't G>ntecration Is BMt haroL Ona aeea itcnnge civ- It Is KoliiK to lie xoinelhriig of an whether there were such and b-k.rftilian gnib aad M«paaa aaUamMi Men Anierlcnn illploinntic tusk to keep the scars upr aimament." It can Sha ia not young and fair. eortata daaaltmwaa, that If m^and aadi ('«!•, and the K'r<'at4-r tha value of the deceaited to wWb a tha world, the rn-att-r aefmn to l>« tha aadneaa. But Kurh ii an She aapB'Taa'ra ariehad and nnwbelciwime 1 view of I fe, for the graater tha peraon who paaaca And aa into the Beyond, tha giaalai tha aaaiyltoMat. «aU aa tin 1^ That I will pray Are the peoplea ti tha warld hatal aponaibility that ia atH «pn ihH» vfta'an Ml la < Until yon da 00 for your anawar lato any aaa «t taa hotaia. You will bear French aa • tt alTeeta tho dominant language Id one, Japao- • «• M a aMMNMHr 1* taaiar Hhui Baraa ttat ia In thta unairtlon H ma ba aaM to- aaa in another. Itulinn in aiiotber. Slo- government The Paraen'a View. ta caaoMBwrata tha daatba of thrnialiis for thr Japanese to a And lifted up my eyes tol« a lie In yo' life 'bout uoy- Prea dent Hutrhina, waa better known to tlia atudent body of Iiitei|iretfr» are hire In cuiislder- to show us the conference pnn-eeils evere To see the sun above the hilla one." Berea Cnlleire and tha citiiena of the town than either of t|io alile iiuinherx *rhe trouhle with aouio whether or nol ti e faith of the Ainer Sit smiling in the skies. few of interiin'lerii Ih The parsoo smiled broadly. "Thank ethara. He lived an aetiva lifa and piaachad ana'af tha gtaalwt the they do not Iciiii state i!epartiiient Is inlsiilaced. " ." said, myaa't, I know how |o 'tiitei-ii Stiliie of them Tliere M>»'nis to b«' s recoKnIlloii In yo he "but ana of hia miniatry aa tha Bmmitf kaiM* Ma 4mMu It But lo, I met her as I looked. learned their Kiitiilsli In the hcIkniIh Wiisliiftoii of llie need of ,lii|uin for go fur aa dat—yo' aaa, I a good She flopiM'd her down and prayiMl, 01 ttieir iiMliM- lari';. iiiid h." tliere Is spHi e .icn'W hi I ! for tier Miirpliix popu- """ImIM laala aTMr^rMAm^mi tUna." And aevoial of my frienda came by viiM dinereiice l»"l«eeii n scliool- lation and fur enlarged trade coadl- baapoke yearn a thirty I man i And tauKht laiiKU-'tKe a:.>l a co ,<;!iiini|y. iloiiH w hich «BI Jnnior. Ma Taa, Dr. Rotrhiri will be mlaaad—miaacd by his tiiughl liiiii;iiiii;e. the dlttlniltU's of lieroua.

family, by tha atadanU and faculty . f Beroa College, by the mem- vonie tif the Inti'To elerv may he uii- MiHtaiy aad hen of the Union Chun h, \>y the i tizfhship of the town of BereT. derstiMid. Tlie.v are wlllliii: Kenriuinen, There ara But they ran ever rejnioe in the fart that they knew him, held but there are fre Kood <'o;iifi'ii. It In yonag aad aald that their naval men seeui tu be ailltng to cut among uiiT" artUanx laii leprnduie anytliliit: ou urmaiiientx, and so do American anny "Tou have no ruah hoars." who call aa ma earth, wlicn ome It ix [iieM-i teil to men. ulihout:h they know of the pox people had an latiaMta acqtuintanaa wtth the BafavMl Aia baOt that way. them for stuok tick and drab, t^Ul disability. But it should he Ills |iii|i I'imI Iroiisern to a CIHueiM trained to annx. The Antortcaa aailora school. remembered I breathe a Northern air that he waa one of the faithful pioneer luili>r l liliii father, prearhers of Hil ii-^ked to make hitn a have iugulescers of the new lioime ally vtB ia tnaMatad tato atamal ev- he Is sure iiiai lie of tlie sion of your go ji will aal esteem. A beautifully enfraved aa aynonymoua. liaa bralna. ahriink horrlhly. as Is the wjiy ery tonpue an earth, but drai thay wM modern ilixir made of noiisciiKoiied P> Into BngNah and than Imh Cttriatmas card hnariflt your namS will be mailed, free of

Mnat ree« li iiiioii iiii'i III for tha havo a heart fniniempl credit

aaal kalp aay wbfli II li < , |

Tn cmscif

Amenran to^erni.i. af there ehn^lA ho' AGRICULTURE strengthened. HOME DEPARTMENT MOUNTAIN A* fi»r linnie|)l*. noaMMbM* af Wa U TO ' over-hautinir and repack'ng. For a a misfortune In lln> AimTlcan petipie. a OW COT AND CVUE MBATg Wflftiaf^ atoi a ar nM Bver^r Should nili.l to of DIRT CHRAP Several rlonipnts are neifn's«, siKl .||« be kept thni warm weath- My about acnib slrM. He haa talked riiN. • i laiia A I Home draw from the Islnml* and teniiliiste •• writtwi ao nraak on tkla inpar- maintain her body and keep in good to old f By P, r. Trowbridge I er a day and a half for each pound md ear rHathmablp (here wttliout clvlng health; there must he sufficient of piece is preferable. It is not RibjKt UMrt l» to to «now then I If «Mt ^ the nnplnoa in* beet rhance poealbla (Continued from last week) Peee Swrng. feed to produce the yolk, the white ---- - convaniaat tka to ••jr ta hava aa to amoko maat Jaat He Hi) yoii liHxe hmfeas a# fMP ito taring bacon, hama, shnul- and tho abeli of tka la and whaa li tonatl af the agff. with KredT H paaparlp earadi II lagy ka lOiaeiiieiii dera, the farmer should decide upoa Tha lairtnc hanl iaa4,ahoaM aaa- loft in tha totaa tor farmera of tidt covntr: imlaatonera ni to ae1l| ety of gistoa mi ahivM iM4 iM> tor aeir gaeiraaisBi. b« iMhar thM In wana wator kafbra aondtag to tka Tha b^aa ptoAkMjf M^ptoto a Bft.T fattfnlnif. ly irround with' abaal aM>thM of Ha fhayhavaMlbaddtolrfltoMa 1M Oaf-WraaM. ma amoke boaaa or eloe the pieces may lack oiVMtaaea aad ntoad law Uttia lata attoatMit kal to Ml fBBitol* Siiiipi>.s(> you havi- Ix-on bropdinif wi'icht of meat aciapa or tankafia' mimt, « ba much too salty. For smoking the OMgraa to orgH to tta aadt ed aa ghrlng aa nresinous wood may be these rows to any reneral emor anthortty foaHMMMW the meat Whatever rare Is used, ety, either whole cir crackcil; (.1) lined, hickory l>eini; p«nii to be handy, and raiainf the with his the nio«t desira- j responsiblllttao, aad N la a wraek*faagto.~8rlaBaa aad the pieces of meat should first be grtiit, either oyster shells, grits ble or most coninionly Idad of caWaa that such breeding pearl rei-oinmendeil that la raaa af a dead used wood. thioi ly rubN'd with clean fine salt pwduc^a. OuffpMt you would like or crushed limaatona; (4) graan faed,' lock between the novemor goaernl aad The lenifth of time the meat should V'sibl* EvM ai'il parked on a table or in a barrel to niM WItar mNw. ta» wm4m If such as clover, rape, cal the I'Mlltiphie senate la ttie comffrma- be smoked should bo governed by tha "IVi vdiii loiisiitm tlon of iippoliiimenra tha Prealdeni or h"X for tweii\>' four hours. For II kt to turnips, oata or rye; (6) of inilividual taataa. Tha hmbI la al- ipmM win Hr roiiitr»'»«|oiinl lleri«nlT" Itio I iili.-cl .>ed, tied and on "Do yaa ounce of aalt petre ran bo used for . Thursday from now. While nobody Island Reds nriH Iye>rhom», is as fol- , handed down a ile- hiinir in a dry place where the years nl mica I isl.ii; |>rtHuiil|pitln|| I'Si one ineat, lows: Corn meal 66 lbs, bran 4 lbs., 148 new »>..rk h hundred pounds of knows what cattle will be bringing tiiiiehT" nnnot get at it. With meat thaa InK rules to gavern the sis railroad but it tenils to harden the meat and middlin(;s 4 lbs., and meat scraps 26 ttMt iw bull, all shop ^fia aad -Ortalaly aat; repliod Misa Cay handled thara ia aat aaad ad aagylaMtog tha aa> its only advanta^-e i« m that it irives lbs. Several pens of 30 birds each eniie. "I diiat pwiead to aaderaland beraa to kaa^ away ttoMl agiaeawat af Ikll. Tha raiaa Haa. the to the lean 'iieat a redder color. from both btaoda bava avangad inm waato tor Ika ah«p crafts modided pM af a I caaMdv. kal I Tka dry caia af tark anjop H.» Pack the meat thoroly, after it ia (a Mada to csMli^ vMi Msk m to US ana aptoto «Mh f«r •andoa it Ika opeu shop and. It la caaaaa a graatar Artokaga ta tka drainad from staadhig orar night, to or low, will go moatly to tha wm wkBa aa thia maak bellTTed. wW ivaoll to a aavtog a( cured maat, but gives to the meat a Waning HIa Chance. a barrel hartof aprtoMad a Mtto aaH who raise the better type of cattlo. Ib feeding bona tka naah, grits 9IMMno,OQO a yaar ta tha diatinctive character which Joe riiiint makes nnlaaa affaeted bava WHS the new hasller al in tha botoam a( «to ktotoL tprtakto All around, it looks like one of the and water should be before them all thaaa prmiucts usually till \iiiMk'e hotel, and he was being put demand a the time. Grain should be fed in a Uyav if mH kald— «Mk kf«r of THy baat times to get that pare-bred throiii:li Ills much higher price than the brine workers, boiler Initiation In the care of , meat aad nalfkd Uka flMBt datva with the litter so that the hens will have hor-ies cured meata. Mi Maw doaant HT workers, ear oiea. Here, again, a disUac* blafkaaiHha aad iuffl- to scratch for it, at the rate of 2 Tiie a board and a atoaa. Poor en lachlntsls The minute damMcatinn ' head gn><>m made a tour of la- tive cure is recommended ao that a ciei t of the so that the lbs. per day for 20 hens, one-half spectloii lo loe that all caaM krine KDINC. HENS FOR of »ork for the varlooa crafM Is hU uniformity of product may ba pia> lloiix liHil be«Mi meat is completely covered After pound in the morning and ooa and abolished hy the new rules. <»t>eTe flo lalior fornierly re- so-caltod Ifbftoto a«Na gtohw a dto* strlcted to m.Mril.ers of another Ero.iineil all >onr horses?" the top layer at the bottom of an- the bona g» to laaat. oraft. tiaeltoalr "^es Mir " aff' a«M< iaaor to «M Ti e l.oanl iiieiiil.ers stateil. hone>er, nii»«i'reil .l.ie promptly. other barrel. Cover with the sama ii great- Egga cu aMtato ana af the "llM»e >ou denned iMit their hoofst" laaat Tmr ana ttaaaad yaaada af that the prln, i(>l. of the ..|hmi Shop brine. If the weather has been mild ' the bona that bare tha beat eara in est sources of income on tha farm. |' ".No. maat mix thoroly now established sir. I can't do that yet a while. foilf poaato ad will be inor»' theo- enough so that the brine ap eara to aanteatloii, explained p fine salt, ten houaing and leading give We cannot afford to hare any ben retlcal than pniciLiil at the the novice. "Tliey ve t>e«'n clean pounds of trhito preatiil ha a UMto kaM, ahtoi aai aaol standing nn them all day. hut I've ranr, produeiag leaa than her maximom. time The Imanl |v iio« reaily to take been sugar, four pounds of whiti' pepper, watching pUMw Ik « Ike U& ri\>enr the white pepiHT, black p<'iiper questioned control of the Medlter- iheir iiUeL'ian. e lo the mav

I r.nvn I'.iini.'iin ile X ah ra "iiy ltie> I'l ij-i'.l rhi.4 IS entirely riiiii'iiii bacaaaa that la her pathway a matoto have (fono as fur ns tliej .ir «lll to India. lan . f indn i.liial taste. L-o and tli.MiL'h :it till' clo«i' of the A \ery choice (]uality of moat may pernicious anti-French pr»pa- week Hrltivh i-aliinel meinU-rs were TIIR Ik- produced by uaing h plata salt KHUda ( onductt^d by certain writaia searching enmestiv for some hithvrto ' lire and then aftar ,ln Washington tool: a aaw tara whea untitod avenue to afreoment. they were meat thoraly with aa I were cabled to Italy telling how Briaad had apokaa rovghly KbttM mslaasaa to tahiak ehmalttatly to Wgaar dchaaaar of ifhalovcr tha aUtt|B at the Irish or wkito pepper kaa ki Italiaa datagaitoa. TMa waa tor- aegotlatlona. Prewlor Uoyd Uonrgo Than aaek, tia aad hang. Sacvotary hBaBy aM dathr daalad bg would atart for Aiaortea aa toitarday In calculating on the i.i~t of dry Onvhaa, Kaaa Tlvtaal aad Baoator coaforeMia. to attend the anaaawat cured meat, the farmer sh. ul l have before the truth Sfhawr— himaalf, but At Stan Vato bia djiMrt sri to boadoa in ni'i I M urobaMe twenty percent catch with the falsehood caaM up It waa that aaah a moeo oa tho | aaM taken siiriiikaife over the ueiKth of the •erious antl-'French riots had part ag tha paamlar waaM aot ba fresh iiieul. The dry cured hams place In several Italian dtles. Brland's , viewad wMh gailiam ar wlthoai aaa- farewell Interview tn New York bIho Irtsb- may U' kept until they are two years | pieioa, tor tha maaa that If propaK»n'll«tH was so distorted liy llie Ameilcaa aappart waa weakened la old, and in the minda of a great BHtajT (llstliiclly that It was made to api>eur loiiMHiueni-e of the premier's visit to tba qaal'tjr ia tkaraky fffMMly la^ (Jrciit Itrltaln I'haucel unfrU'iicll> to the I'lilted > a note I be furcad to BMidUy tu daamad^ apaa t*^at to aadif to faadaaa a cured meal prolfst .II ltrlhiie in alpafo 15 Trade Marks two eoiinix fairs In the f..iir short •>- •oaUeverhoabtotosecaroaa Alaaliam fct aay Stinnea, tliose I'Uler an. I «i escept In yesrs of lier llf^. and tli.e|.< of the I to avpaara bttmw aad bar taoucb saaa to t*< SS trad* Barki Or wtiit h nuat ba Inm Biport aaa* "big show" grtviivl loT ilie l.nely KKlblr foa Bar haT« St trad* urk< la r^mi haass rtabl i Bora I Of WhlS* NapUa aad llM SI'KCIAL comiDltteo from tho ra Mda It Tarvjaay. M ar SMte Uoas arks T ^ ^ remaiodar ttom GraodsM'a flowers. fnill«, hiillixsis. everj thing to I'owdarad Soap ar Oral Paart ** ^ United States senate has arrlvod dasxle her yoiii>ifiii eyes, she liHiked SThT^JSiSi!*?*!^! &robably wlU favor tha plan, which 15 Trade Harks McCoraitck af llltaol% rhalrmM tt toa aaM. lbs totaadtd s Piaca tat ol Alaalaaa. approved by BIr John Bradbury, the Is coouaHtaa, toM tha Haitlaaa that Ika aad 95c Cash Britlah member of the roparatlons enataiB vara Ibaaa aa towarttol aad The ComplaleSeiConeMmof commission. The V iunch luetuber. M. haaalirnllr Mlnari Taa tattia aad a SC PaaalsdCaaka loyal apMI ad A eaaaiad ..... Waa tot •MMtod kg a rcrcolator —- Iwa aiaioaotiaaall). laU ir rsa sots wUk le sisit eat bp I>al>oti. Is oi'l'^^eil lu It. and If he CtllW aalr Mm Ciaba Parro- eollabaratiaa, to aaik • waldadaitdI aal aauaaa.. Tbaaa Ik lar, taaasliaad it Trada cannot b« ronM rie.i It umy h» the Alualaaaa »»ra oOara. Id addliisa tban tbrss iSodMi Marfet—Sal taattafwIiK-h buiI ba II aaart. I ^uanaadtaoart). Thaa tkai I decision win rtMt with ' Bawlsparl Barai ar WhiU Naptha of Bagtl and to diaeovor and aaaaro with II caa ba tMsd aa » a. who represents iho Iwltttin aad lha Ifslailir rram Oraadaia't tor aiatotalolng Id your midat Pawdaiad Caao ar Oral Psarl Soap. ths cummUalon Saad aaaar arSar ar cha< k and to iliu moraturtum la Trada Marks. CaBba ParroUlor will Au sltematlve b<^so^a»«a^oa^rapaid^^_^^ proposed by certain Frouch authorltlea. IW GUM SOAP OOMPANT, ChdMli. Olik This Is a receivership for Oermany as giBMBl caaitoaiaM ad tha a bankrupt, and uu auti Taa* rapaft af the Wsad WWhsa aria- you cam got IImm aoapo mU land to be eiploited kg tho PhlllpplBaa reparation purpoaea. iloa to wart mada public last week. The glat oT tha dsat Palacara haa liBr HaadUag Olifei tM dofuiueui Is that the Unltod toataa id ftoiBlHia #faB tkt StNBig... should withdraw vomplotoly fruos tha lalanda. or ela* that tho hand at tha O. T. Taii Dapal Mttal

D^cfmhrr R, 19tl MntOVD uiwoffinKnMMAL Wa aaa almn m*tI la Laeaal BimhI^ Daa. I^Tfea yaa* Consider East Kentucky G>rresponcience pla al Mi flM a* la flno caal wmitm. II to a Him MaySchool kininff Kpvtl and aomo of th« No^i^iere Else are uainir it. Minona rranrh tprnt R. R. fUfCUm News You Get — Panota V RBV. the weeli enil with hill mother.— Mr. ' Fanota, Dae. 6.—Quito a nnmbar Lesson and Mra. John Campbell ipent Sat- a. kail (My aav. r. a. nTSWATBR, o. urday with the latter* mother.

John Tampbell mada a buiineaa trip TUT.—CeaaMerHiro , ing art abaal avar^Waik li , frienda hj getting marriod Thanka- to Rirhmord today.—The young folkl int nirsljr on onr pika.—Rav. Rtoh Ki*in«.~XM latr* Mr. sad Mra. Jdl Fraack a aar- Pirrot and Baal ham McM ' " arrfson ban ptirrhaned two pair* of two oui«i«iik rensons rdii Dicamii tha i. 1. HUM ilM al Mm Mi •' There are mm Parrot, Pw. 5. AfU-r hRvins «urh miil.-f.. payinir 1350 and $225 per outstHiidliil for rotiKlderlni: Mini, two •r» Mat • kHlIN aaanri - CHRISTMAS ^RSSOW TMR VMir Ine autumn dayn the rhilly him etrts: gsid aad Horn, WW kilM In a mtoa at VWa Ooochland, D«c. 6.—W« art havinir fell and hmt her nrm la^t weak, bat n.1 myrrti -Matt, frtt. I reaaoo Inland City The Ont i'KIMAKY lOnO Wl wtfa aMl aMiiy cool damp weather at la laiiwaihn now.—>. S. Kelley and lan^ vaak. • I Ml t* oor lestlewoneaa lliitiv Jesus. laUnd City, Doc. 5.—Servicea at ralativaa to Moom. RIa My «aa P. Oattig to laa vartoat Jl'NtDK TOPIC—The ^ In the Sotttham Methodist San> Hiar. to hit fathar*! koaw aa4 to- tha Church under thr brouirht conditions* A dajr e ttad hjr tha Rar. A. D. Raw* INTBRHKPIAXa KPl itrrrpil in thr CnMiarti rrmetary Sun- wvsIImt mi4 is ss4 oada ragfal ta baaf af which wa an —The First chrMaaaa . al oiis Dny In lh« Yfiir <-i>iinty to People ith. lived aaajr trytag — niiil fminlv rrtiinifrt fri.m Illl- ' work arp aboot Oklahoma. Dr. Ijtnil formerly Um

thru ^-nth. rinif i-orii in tins spr-tlon. I Hon, - - ftnH practired h s profenmon near n«\n. .lohn <'iin«ifiii, our npik'htxT — 1. The King Earnestly Sought (vy. I Ben Rincham, of Bone Fork. Is sun»» meet from day ta day« What we aaed friont, wan shot nneen needed for quite a while.— Peto tpnii of court The (fe tM Kii hTii'ind re< ently in council a|i|ieiinini e of nn unusual atar at- Olin, Ky., and Ktef*! brathar, Earl, Joel Jones while in home.-The re near B<)one«b'>r».—Clay Wilson, who our fMlowa. Tao aflea wa ga from triuied their sttentloii. I'erhspa faw dajra ago that there with other men who iire interested in working at Irvine, apeat tlM weak- restlessness grow- shot Wm. Wa an wha is day to *iy wMk ear the Island City. Ihey were acipiiilnted with famooa ta kOlad la the oil industry at We lag Biore aad mere proiiouiiced until for rfglil ikarii aM ** aAMta proplieiy of Italanin (Num. 24:17). are in bepoa of early derelopmeat our nerves become aflfecteil and life Is bringing saeh mnrdaran la Jaatica. coaatf. It §8 S^ft ^^B^k ^^Sei(^^^JJ(|^S^P someihlng Poiiiiiiess ihrouRh the influence of tba han aa It anaan Mr. R»ana to ta- made a burden. We i»»««t<'. Seems Sff", h«*tog a atraka af Mck, Dec. 4. -The first snow iliialiited with the hope af a his sudileT> denth The hinlv of Mrs. ftila spirit within us. That Vomeiluug" Is dita, l' seedi and doing — af aar taat and unto him void (Isa. 56:11). The OARRARO COUNTf of Mr. and Mr- .Tames S. Bowman. heed the aabartodaa Santa R,rhmond, called on June Fowler Sat- uf the Bast mas is drawing near and old lie "fa leak at cast upon the waters !;ome- occnpied wHb Bha. Harmony —The weather has chnnfred urday.—Ballard Parks visited his daya. Clans to already delivering priiwi ts Him agate aad again," aa the word brouKhi farth fraU after maay Harmony, Pec. 5.—The people are whet. We are havinir snnw here to- Mr. and Mrs. by Pareal Paat Mi a. MalUa ttagle- p,^^^ weik'aad. the tau rfally means, will be found No work daaa tor tba Uid aawbtols com and com day. I.ee Pvtera, of KinKiton, Madi- of falls. mostly done gathering ton was al MaUiaa HaMfla lalarday j^ngg lladtlHI wan Rm ganta to ba tha aacrat ef fraadaai Irato both per barrel.- son roimty, is among relatives and X The grace of e out airain. - Clay I.ck struck terror to Herosls heart. He ridders in RoctKaatlo county, M'ss fer which He waa given. "When He. ihls. for all J 'rusnlein Rev. C. H PtN'k has moved to hi» ("lay I.iok, Dec. ri— Mr. and Mra. BLOW THAT SHOCKED MOOT was not aUine In Fthel McCain aad Mtoa Rthel the Spirit ef Tratb. to come. He will he recently houtcht over was triMibli-d with hlm. The lieifS tana that Thomas. Eggs are aaMlag at 60 J. T. Prather and 1 ttle son, J. W., of guide you Into all truth, for He shall — liave bniHirbt .loy. gllmpM -Isaiah .Saylor has ouKht to % in Ilatnln eovnty.- cents doiacl Nhw. epent Satuj^y nixbt w*!}! rtl- Bui speak of Himself: but whatsuerer pat ..doaMh^Rchifll ^ at tbe soo the greatest Inztury. and all. you .Ml things that ihe h'aiherhuth oftea whea he to Saaaa's home Charlto Vipufc Mai CaMatt to the house vacated by Melvln Lamb. caam dresaes. sumptuoua foaata, ! mine' therefore said I, that lie to the other are has bourht a atoa MMKiMla.—RO* son, John, of at alght. iiaca be Und etc., led to groaa lauMratltlaa. Ibay —O. M. Payre and i-hall take of tiilue aiiO shall show It CLAY COUNTY pan of taVBk he came In the triick. lie Bn-wer has been idek for some n!sputa-ta, spent last Saturday night did Dot want ber unto joii."— John 1(1:13-15. The family contlqaally twitted save tben^ time. Wi- nre proud to ssy he i» with Tine Wil'iams and family. The second reiiuirciiieiit is media- Malcom, Dae. R tdwto an taa- about It, eaying sucb things as "I waatod to ahle to hv out «(.'nin — Andy Staple- Mrs. Candace Robbins and baby are tion .Ml Ihe woiil of Cod The oijly proving bare-—Mia. TheaMM aad supiioae the nelghbori will tbtnk we're demaaSaS af tba ton, of Crab Onhard, was instantly vis ting her mother, Mrs. W. M. way the Hoi) Spirii ciiii perform Ills viaited Sarah Rrawnfaig having ear eoal infanaatlaa aa to daughter work In ilir..in;li line Word The reanon killed laat Thursday when a freight Stout.—M'ss Addle Williams, who is ^"'"^^^'^ll^^U^' Thuraday evoking.—8pence Lariford why we know so little cODCerntDg be 1 StotobS trato ran ovar him.—J. C. McWhort teaching at Nina, apnt Saturday and tty. bad a has moved and George Browninir is ( I'rlHt ts because we apend so little to very low at But one eveulnic even failier was ar, af Crab Orchard, Snrday yriHk bnmiiiMa, Mrs. Wal- _ af tba ifoini: to move in the house where he ten-yiar-old tluie over the Bible. The only we- this not aanalad to live. harrlfled when oiie of the wt forth wtiUac aad ter Oadd haa baaa vary aide bal to Bptilt employs le re- BO hnrt tar tba Satrtor used to live. Henry Mortran and >>iild iuno- Ulum the Uely of fat boys III tlii Miiil 0 ul Indioaraaw troe and fWlhAM all af Wa Mb aad It CMM. aad aa aaa atae gmteet abaaa aa la we are sorry to say, Uh ame mental- Hslev Ij»mb is spending a few days evenJug each week was ua old brew- aaa itum Him unto spiritual matters. had away frlaeda. Rto nawiaa ware ery trvck^-Hadiaaagalto Nawa ly demented nnd was sent ta with her s'sUr, Mrs. Ben Powall, of eiae Ml. ihs King Found (rv. B-12). laid to raat in the Moant OUaa aa. Wa aaad tbtaatm betase aH havinK oblslued the de- ton to tka State Infirmary. Cartersville.—John Fowler spent San- dally meditation upon <.he Ttie Wise Men vitii tba of bto to be In atov mt WILLIE sired iiifonnatliin, started liuinel> to lliid tbe KiTiK As siMin aa the> left Fawiar. Jaata Cartor, wba bgaJkaaa spiitt to i«ka af tba tbiact af Gbrbit Nina ILL COUNTY Uncle Isaac Was Just a LIttU Bit Tee the city the star which had guldud alek. to taipreatac.—Aaal OKarHa and ahaw than aato aa Hia Verdlet Con. rroiii Ihe h^ist appeart-d again Dec. Mra. J. E. WWUIad Natatd Bmphatle In tlieiii Nina. 6.— White, who has* been in poor boaMi Two Results. lead thi'iii on Not that It had Baapilt* liavinc to «aM tokan to Rta Rabtaaan t^Wa an all the summer, is better. Mrs. P. — Trom the above pioyruiu tl-e llrst re- dlsiijilieareil frinn Ihe sky. but the at Ram tost PrMar to aadirti aa al Ihto ft. Robbi-s and little .son, of Scran- Weary WUto sult will be a growing lli,eiies.H to dwelMiiKs of the city, no doubt, sliut oparaMoa.—M. C. Joaaa to very HI at to tkra tor, Pa . are makine an extended |iu« n-Hhop. Chrlat. Ah we nieditutc ii|>oii ilie \\ uril out Ihe sli;ht of It. Ofleiitliues our Mra. A. C. Ma'lock and gathering eora aad atripptag tobac hto boHM.— v'sit with her m ther, Mrs W. M 'Huw much will yoB give aw for (ruu> day to day tlieie will c'Hiie tu us splrltiiiil vision Ih iibacureit or hidden aons. Virgil and Charles O.es- ca. Com Is seMtac at 80 rents per l»>l« ..vercootr asked, producing a two It I.ec Hobinson was the guest! be an Increasing desire to know mora u( by the tliliii(8 of this world. The star t«'r, visited her father's, Mr. and Wrt. bushels, butter at 5f> cents per pound faded but neetly mendea garment ChilM. This desire the tloly 8| Irlt cnliti'd ibi'in to the place where the • f Miss Virifie Pinghton Tueaday. - near Paint l.ick, fro n and ei'irs a' cents p»'r il 'ze". Isaac lotiked at It critically. will Hailxfy aud with the satlsfacJuu Christ wa.s. Thoae who euriieaily J. B. Creech, M' rrv Kinard was the gueSt of his doUara," lald. all "^ilay Miss I>. -.- c ( lark Wi' kler. (.f Men er comity, and -Fowr ba will couie, perhaps uncuaackHWly si-ek .lesiis shall And lllui. though alt Friday till Tu. "osin. Krnest Berdette Sosday.— -Why," crtat Waaiy WUUa^ nbat ourselvos, incMsaslug re h.i" come to stay with fr'end, Mr. Porter, were the L'ue>ts tp au tranafwina- bell opiMise. When they fouud Him Spoonanv Mrs. Ki-ard gaart af Hary waa tka cMfa vattb MS V RH vaM^ a tloM tato tha charactar af Jbe l.ord tbey worshiiied Him. In thto tbay her aurt. Mrs. Terrill Anderaon, this of Mr. and Mra. Alford Winkler, Mary WiUarofd panayr Jeaaa. llMn wHi ba aaad af much displayed true (allh. TiMy did aal «tator.-Mr. ond Mrs. I.. C. ColTev Saturday liirht. -Clark Winkler add Tav*or waa tka guail of ROIta Vw- "1 Hilaaea. bat tba raaatt to aan. 'We oee any miraclea. oaly a babe, yat >rs. > A. C. Matlock's last Th , hie farm here t Jeff Johnaoa for lal vi„ki« Snrday.—Mra. WlOtom Ha*- Uha tkatr all wRb osaa fan babaldlag ao ta a they worahlped Him aa King. "Rleaaad day alght.-Mtoa Rartha aad Vinrlo| tlOS^r. aad Maa. p. P. WaRaa, of tare ar ualktaR* a( .^^ froai tfca Ibt*. an lha Lord, an ere tbey that ban aat ana. lad"yal Mbllaek apart TMay atehtiHth aaar FlHM^ •An yon aaw/tbara all lt% waMkr have beltoear (Jeba ^4S). j Mr. and Mia. MR Lamb. asked Willie. Mn. Terrill Anderson aad cbttdrsa.— i il^aghlir, Mn. W. L. Lav Satardav to story, ana aa by tba SpMt af Ood^ nraaSat pwldiaw ta "Four dollara," repeated Isaac. Mrs. T. A. Anderson and chldren aad nighl aad Snrday.—Mra. Rachel Wa'- Iba Laf«.«>-M Oar. Silft Harto "Well, here'e your $4," said Weary Dessic Spooiiamore vi-itcd Mra. A. C. fn is spending a few days with Mrs. Tba aseead malt win ba tte maa- Harta, Dec. B. We are very snrrr waa haogin' — Willie. "Thia overcoat fonaatlan af ear laretoa tato loam CMtaabS*. I( Thiirsiliiy afternoon. -Mr J. R. Garrett.- John Cox gave t'"e Miitlo. to aav our achool haa stopped a few yer shop, waa waa- outside aad I tbiag akta to that wbtab Jeaaa mm- ardartd aSain that Mrs. Sidney Baker visiti'il at v.'iinr f' !ks a partv Saturday nl«ht Vvf und (l'.v„ on account of Most derta' bow maeh It waa nally diohthera. m» nadwed. With ear —'—ring bnwM ta thai any to #n bMfe is Himan Baker's Saturday lo dit Mr>. and all report a fl-e time.— Rxy the children ban ban naeiaatad. gone, our powerlesoiiew "ff^t'lgrd lar and baby, Opal Fran- .\r\ine, who has had a felon on his Christian Name. Maad Harden We all are fl^lMag Hu strength, with full miiaan apaa way, J. E. Ai ger fur the last two waoka. Is out In a certiilu primary class the teach- ato, are viaiti"! bar father, af Patat the Holy Spirit, aud with uur dally by detaattac Herod^ wicked par er had lieea at great pains to explain RTbitted, aad Mra. O. again.—Gobn and Anderaon Wtair'.er meditation upon tbe Word, tliert. will gifu lata the al Ulaa Mi LVk._ _ to mavtag to ftma Jaat va- Tba Lard pat haada af the dlMlncllon between surnames and (lime tu us a new ability itol aaar tba a>- wan al lw- l» beyuud auy- and Mary before gotag la la BS , aa TaMdy Joaeph , m l M>«i»'* rated by Sam Robl-son -0. M iiuiiieH. klie called ('htl>ilHii Then lll'll^ "e ex el klievh. ulld llie ef a baby bap. ^awa to eaamtac total af R. A. WaTar- Ovrvice Kgypl. DouhtloM Ihia served a goad p,v„, .„d ,o„, j„h„, vi.it^ the upon itie chlldreu to give exuiuples uf wbUil p< I k tiiiiK e had liecuuie Irksoiue meeting ibeir es[ienaes dnr> —A. J. Kldd baa itluraid to baagea aad tea aagg kflnrg tbair purpose In ^ j ^ Sundav even'mj eu< li kind from their «>wo uaiues and will be milled lulu a JuyuuM 'Icllgbl llietr stay tb«-re. Truly "All ihiagt I but Wallacaton ayta^WaHea Uag aai bntbar. Layd WlaUai^ W iaital •. ottker their (am- H ^ , i^k,-, children were there tboMe uf luenibers of above all oilin lliingn our heuris tliid wnb taartbar tat aand to ibaai tbal - '11. lav evening except one pleasure In We «ill j;.. Mi2^£5'|^^JjEJJ^'2Sjj'J^J5jj|^J2^_^^^^^^__^^^^^^^^^^^ a-d that inrin iii>l lova Oa*" (RWb i^M. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ When CbariM waa aeked to tell la was Nannie U Hammond.—D. C, Uierel> wlIli llie desire to serve, but tbe ai e ataiemeat tba anrname and u 'luiei coiitblciuv of liavUig the Pidl ns of Pil eville, is apending a I Dedicating the W4II ef Jerusalem. ChrUtlaa aaato af bto tather, ha re- (iiiwer to MTve 'ocepiiibly mul faw dan at thto plan. Aadta RoH. ,\nit at Ihe de^llriitlon of 'h' wiill of speadad. altar ansa bwUattaa^''M]r will fuinil our Lord k purpos,- lor cs af us .lerusaleiii tbey no(il;IiI iIo I.cm out wheu he »aid: Ve have iioi clioarii THE COOK SMILES if alJ iheir plaivs to brlnif lliem 10 CaHaa I have ehuoeii e, but you and or- .leriisiileiii to keep the dedli.illoii wlih to anHI** that ye utiould dalDed you gu aiid briuv t:l.lllnc^^ iii'ili .vlth iliaiikN;:U'n;iN and Tka cook b all amilM. row ariU a bam wb'cb add maak lb lorib fruit and tlwt -.'11 viiiliuls Si. yaM Ml *nld (Villi M . lib PMiller(e% the anpoarance I' oirt' IS:1«L t Tho bread ia lipkt and gav. of hia place.—Rnv hen. and Willi hiiiiiK N' tii'iiilah 12:27. A tack of PotU' Gold Dttat Cadd niirchaa<>d quite a nice l"t of ed aid Feeti corn J. W. of Silv-r distarfeed by flaaer aatan ta tha algbt Rebel Ay ilntt the Lord. |rc tkat fn-m Johnson Oed'a Mercy. Th*y UU» tksRi wRjr "Dn yea pkiy tha aegaabaaer in Creek.—C. T Payne, of Wildia, God » iio icy la u holy ujeic>, which Neither say tbey their heart. 1.01 "Ma," iiaiato bto bai npaa- t wd iiH now rear ihe l ord our (Itid. thai ^t inped over t'l see relatives Tues- kuows lioA (•> all, II, ,t („ Ing a very haM For Sale By All Grocera baa4 HRitaS Ifea taan ,;lv. Ih rain In Ills seaoaa; be naervvib day evan'aa.—Mo'uiav was protract- t«ci II. It In II smjuuiii^ r<

* -*

first knew kar IMimately, an invalid Eipressioos of Love for Re?. Robert G. Hotchins Mrt. Elizabeth Embree Rogers indi-ed, but stin blesaed with inex- Re?. Beiutmni A. Dm tingniahable youth. Her last days Stadants and Workers ol B«rM College By Tba Iwina gning of Mra. Roffan who have not laid the apent at the hooae of her da«fh> iki waa ka arant tft lifMMMnca their treataaaa hi iMk Otaca agan MM, 1m Waa4* of Oentor alfeai« la* nU vkara aka iililirtii her spe of KI years «« OBN IMi • «( ^ k tft Mi MM ki im^ VMkav Rog- iM* n* OMm 1, hsd been a realdsnt tt* tehooto of B«rra Collaga, from'VM* •f ktr fMMoii a* almoat whole career, by a priia ara passing Inta M» fliW wnM the since 1914; and had won the reepect t*t9 laat heroir July. the FoundatJon up, nhowinK th« tiM aurvlvor af Aa irroup he was an underfrradvala. Weelay followinir and esteem of all who knew him. He ^ Rev. of Berea'n Foundem. twelve and besutiful Mt^em with which Hnm in filirewabiiry, Mass., MoT. Robert G. Hutchint held by (rod's opirit fell on him »n dew She wa« born at Embrpeville, on! while dtill in school. Wellinirton an. 1«r.« to IH7H. covered the Kti Klux Dr. wm 4. 1H.'I8; received the degree of thiii inatituUon. dropn on a rose. he to u», like the battlpfield Brandywine.j Lincoln won their victorif^ swrrt times, reconstnutii>n, the ntudentn of We And of the by and the preat Hachelor of .>rta from Amheret Col- lack of apace will not uacloaciL—Fannia near Philadalphia, In February. 1839, study and reflection before they wore efforts of President Fairrhild's ad- are sorry that a nm, Ua kawt lege ta MM, atndiad theology ta attended Obarlin Colleire with an twenty- five. all prefer t.o study ministration. Thru these stirrinu permit ui to pobliah all «( Iki lM*> We I'rinrata*) Okiaa. ami tkirt tmn MM iB. older brother and atatcr. where ahe the portrait of Tennyaon at S9 rather times ahe waa to her hvaband all that Maal, nwurly par- and married Rev. J. A. R. Rogem, then the Merlin-like faa* Andriomache waa ta WMi a Mf• M M met «f tmnf' fK'H Vttm ta he wMi kte to laUclaw Wa laM MMI ky la d-^ver ta lib^ and received tion aa a Oongregational minWtor bi jMBMy waa Is aae^Ml Napoleoa. bal tka ifMatHm hus- 18(M. at arpkaaa from PkOaMplila to the •t Ria* College who had it In kha band waa fflean to all her ee-trarkers He at once went to the then far Waall) aoltiiat wNk khu In tka bean- to becoma the imn duke. at Berea. CerUinly I felt it. tho she west and spent years of arduooa U- With hill kind word."! and pleasant tiftat Tillage of Reaement, TTI., and And a surprisinsr numlier of the was no longer n resident on our camp- bor in the hoaw eiiaaionary AeldB **d HutrhinB alwaya tanaa *o smiles, he made life briichter for ua leaving this for the work of Berea. trreat deeds tif history have been per- us. This infu-oil servile, this moilest Dr. filler oaMleaMnto of plainly. I always appreciated hia all.—Ruth Carry, Nonnal Depart- She died at the home of her aun- formed by those who were arally contribution thru another, is fitly lown, **d Witawiha. T. O. Dm^ talka, and I will alwayi remember in-law. PriMlpal mm, al Wood- young. Alexander arcomplished his commemorated in Father Roger'i MA laaa, ta Ma baak fBai *irk8 l» Goalair, Fe—datlae De< stock. III. conquest of the worid before he was dedication of his precious volume, grima of Iowa," spaito ta Ike high- There were present her three sons, R2. Newton discorered the law of •The Birth of Berea College." It ia est terma of Mr. Da**^ work in the Raphael, the iaeaator, Traatae of Bo- graritatio* at Si. Bryant wrola hia iaacrihad "^e her to wheat Berea Col Sioux country of Iowa, where he ra* Collogai /oaavkt JamdMt all •I M. laga la ani* hiMM lag Ha proa- m» I the second pioneer missionary, aay- any word of mine erhick 1} ABMbilM* jMnnaHat,! Ba nkM «* «aak af varHy ki Ma anly daya Mm* k» known iip nf him: "With his bap of booln tiiatnaai af oaf of q* t k > and V^aAar Rogara we Mnal aot a*p- to any ana euept Bw tempt to expreaa the — he went everywhere, eatehlishint Hutchins. His love and Rev. Hutchins could hia daughter. Mrt. Carol Hill Taylor. I pose that they were alwaya white- On her flrst return, after an ab- friend Dr. MHaV Sunday-achools, and eateblishing like sunbeam, sermons with somewhat recently a student in Be- haired patriarchs. When Mr. and sence of many years, my son, Wesley, cheered . a more rleameia and friendahip *t *t«ry charmed like a good story, inspired with more interest than any miniater rea. Mrs. Taylor's mother. Grace Mra. Rogers came to Berea he was took her in a wheeled chair to tYii like a brave leader, and guided like I ever heard. — Noah Gaathieau, Roirers Hill, died in 1914. and two and she 19, and Brother Fee was Tabernacle and back on Commence- After apending hto yoolh a heavenly vision. Hia tender love other Ropers, sons in younc manhood, then only 42, and Mrs. Fee 34. I

I Hto kal walk aa piratkm to me and thru hta beanti-* ^ her aa ' And let us diink of this «ir,-w..«.giri-vife. And today we imhrthink ofor hernor aa a*- waa ChriatUke Ufa I have Mlar yam*. W fnl « eandueted by'*! -rt* wHk yatk wklakwMrii iaia*al*al ka. wkM*k*1 I think of Doctor R. G. Hutchins The funeral waa «"rf ^ fhlth. nillMll aM to fade,flirfa. iM ill aanw f- of II ta.Mik* kta ta as a guiding star which cheered the PreaidentPrwident Hutchina,Hutchina. wko«te read amm>.lrappro- aMmU kM k* iHa* fcNH eeptlon in Beneen. * Mitatar if Dr. Hutchins haa shown to me the aoola of those with whom he came priate srripturaa, md fM. » ^i Why do we apeak ao aeldem of ttut tiM ITnlon rkonk aaf ao long aa Ma , led in prayer. . hawrty vt a Chriat-eaotnlM Ufa^ hi coatact.—Fhm G. Sparfca, Norma! . ^ . * '* Professor L. V. Dodge pave striV "y'.'y ** fuller world It is true that right health permitted, entererld and repreaaing Do** UVM Ml viB Ue* Department fail, and which d'd fail, and fail hia our anticipations of Ute world to Ky, wMhttal "kgain as the world counts failure. «• MMVki MB. A gaad rkUaiiO'l ia • prap- leal, II. Franeea. IS. VIrgtaia, 11. I have never looked at the noble I was always very appreciative of | God gave to each of the great Ibr MH*aa4 k*l tta eMM Tka oldor daughter, Mre. J. B. Ban*, face of Dr. Hutchins without feeling the wonderful sermons which Dr. R. of Baraa the one bkaaing which any PERPETI'AL YOVTH loeka forwaH to MaMMod with glad livee In Orland. ralifomia; Auatia, a deep longing to live up to the prin- G. Hutchins preached to us, and my ma* waeM ckoaaa ahort all othen, Thoughts on the Home-Going of Mrs. expectancy. Hito life to only our in- one of the older sons, resides In ciplaa of the foimdera of Baiaa OA- Ufa siehar by a baaellftfi tgnkti, w**4aifli Rogers, hy President Frost fancy; the future life will show what I/ouisville, Ky. Two other We knew tta alary af Vaat "And He showed me a river of our souls mi-Tv made to be. Phillip and Horace, live in New JTs ship. attendad a Ba Yet there is a hirkii ir doubt aria- water of life—Rev. XXII. I. .State All of hto sons vto'ited^hhn I eaaaMv U a tranl prhriloce to where coneerto were being lotel red Let ua renember Mr«. Rogers as inp frmii the fart that the endin,r of the week before hto dantk. wftfc-h aappliea Berea with apiritnal hare had a peraonal acquaintance with and heard Matilda Hamilton give her I this life seems sui a t reakinp ip she came to Baeea with her husbanattle againat the power of Dr. R. O. Hutchina. Dr. R. G. experience. God's help," said "By of all to whii h we are aciustimed and k«r BMa aaa. * Meomtagjriri of i One.—Chin K Hutchins impreased me as being a younp Fee, "I will win that girl for can explain icebergs to In this life the soul is deiendent up- savapes who '" man who belie\ed enough in what he . .. wife And the soul that he haf immortal possibili- AlkMlMi duat To deny the extotence of spirit mend. In this he was particularly! ties, unfulAlled cspacity, unsla-ked Or. HnlekhM gaea na a* And osrtk% brief atay la e'er; is to deny the most intimste of all thoughtful, and far turpaaaed moat aspiraUon, tao capability of limitleaa of a truly saintly life, combining He ia dwelling now in Celeatial Landa to a aMoor kaaaa ami Uh wNfc * knowlearrh brings no confuta- W and the next in a one-room cabin. And pillar of Are by uigkt handahakc of a conventional pastor tion of thto. and much conflrmatioa.. Itftar an abaadoaad lag-koaae waa He held the lamp of "Truth so high But on the other hand rnith has an act prompted by duty—but it was But we do not depend upon thoee Many aonia have aeon the licht. never Ix-en stilled. Faith in a future a cordial hajtdclaap of aa intaraatad •M if laagp Han and Reaaon and eonactooaneaa apeak with, A* the shepherd gave hia life for life is older than the Bible. Faith frienr. who waa willing to let aU other for in ua. Paul waa aot beaide hinnelf aheep, even ao Dr. Hutchins lived Tho many yean awy eo*M aad go il op kiOM^iopIng Ma gf*- in a future life built the Pyramids. With the flowinc of life'a river, themselves. Mrs. Rogera aald it was ha gar* for ua, giving every ounce of his It springs up of itaelf in every group happiest day of liar life when the atiancth and Miriam Hia meaaage of lore and hope wiU live the tket— Haynaa, a aarrel of human beinga. If alt believera if Hon forever. cracks were chinked, the walls white- h Iks SMB off the earth tomorrow Ikay were brinaalng full of were awopt •ia —Arthur Thomas to BM. washed, the plank floor covered In part And tUa quaint tka kaUif ta * fMo* Ufa waaM pre deep thought, humor, majea- with a rug, and she entered this man- table logic that makea immortality a waiM ta MmMMT gen- axplanatian of tic emotion, human intoreat; they sion as a home of her own in Ken- necessary part of any eration Joal tka a*Ma. M aaa have sparkled with brilliant illustrations tucky. Later came the Rogera Houae the universe, outruns all 8<-ripture no proof, and H aaka na proofs from from history, philusophy, literature, which we know, now greatly enlarged, texta and speaka even from heathen to know rery Id the actonce of duat, for it helonga to from many brarches of aclcnca. In oppoaito the Chapel, lipa. aonallty upon aa ki * w*y that different realm. And those who un- fact, hia illustrationa drawn a Sir were tt bhM kar* hi« hi IMi larkonse Edwin Amotd given an AiaVa the world about uj look entirely dif- dertake to deny that there is anything from almoat the whole range of ha- ion thoi^ilMgli Hia Ufa ia the ator to which all ferent from what it did before. Moat in the universe except duat and mat- lika af Baiw that knew him ahoold hitch their of them pasa bv and are aoon forgot- tar aUoMpt an impoaalble taak. Who II Moal kara He wk* ftai H Agw mmm ten, or are aaaily aa^ la**i*g no Im- tliat tlie aoul. bereft of L WklakHk Narmal ~ can aaaert ~ cheered only by toro aai tMb, that Ikto to eoaaiHl Ml Mi Mfafci pioaahm tlg| «i thto body, cannot liave other meaaa ai«a * fiw rare iawoia tm tka Rogera went to thoee prayer meotfaiga 'n^aithfal fria*4il IINMlhaaw fi* cdnytag on ito Ufa and aclionT of lllaakMM^ g gMi tliat aU the Fouadera commemorate I'ale and white and cold as snow; BM H WW Ml ta MMlka* taMgiaMia to to kia hearera. where they asked God to show taem And ye say, "Alxlallah's dead And another thinp which put him three things: Is a school needed Weeping at the feat and head. af ka*eJkaILa'«« SM MmI^ in a claas digerent from moot man here? Are we the onee to found it? Hut I ami^ and whtoper thia Ua genial BMile, aad kto we try deflnitaly ta pirtara ita waa the devotion in wliidi he 'I aM net tka tktag you kiia; ing peraonality. He iiiMid to kara w. Wo reallae^t tke goldan held by the yeong gaogla. I kava Ce**a ya* taan MMllal il Itat no disagreeable qualitiea. Hia hu- atreeto, the palms of victory, even had tho raactiaa of Ik* akitaii if II wm ata^ B ta aal L* Dr. HutehtaM great man (lualities were so real, ao natu- the great white throne, are all figures, an Tto • taal aM* I bm friend of mine. HU sermons always ral and Ku simple that they made hia poetry, aymbola. And we lack the 'k* Tto ai Ad me good, ai 4 I for- peraonality stand out in bold relief ehUdlike and phUoaophic spirit which Now the long, long wonder ends; «e« Ui aaiong men. that there are some trutha too . Tkaaa Ikhiga make wm IMak Mel I time of John Brown'i fiUL 1m Jaa Yet ye weep, my erring friendli Many af kta grant to h* ««MHai ta MiylMi^ •*• mMim ppabably never know another uary, 180