F.A.O. Journal Volume Iv, Number 2 June 1999
F.A.O. JOURNAL VOLUME IV, NUMBER 2 JUNE 1999 Dealing With Saddam Airport Survival in the Third World A Norte-Americano’s First Week Poland In NATO: Historical Dimension South Asia: Time For Reevaluation FAO’s: Full-Tracking Now A Viable Career Sub-Saharan Africa DISCLAIMER: FAOA Journal, a quar- terly professional publication for Foreign Area Specialists, is printed by the For- eign Area Officer Association, Spring- FAO JOURNAL field, VA. The views expressed are those of the authors, not of the Depart- A Professional Journal for ment of the Army, or any DoD agency. The contents do not reflect the DoD po- Regional Specialists sition and are not in any way intended to supersede information from official mili- tary sources. Use of articles or advertise- JUNE 1999 VOLUME IV, NO. 2 ments constitutes neither affirmation of their accuracy nor product endorsement by FAOA or DoD. PURPOSE: To publish a journal for INSIDE THIS ISSUE disseminating professional know-ledge and furnishing information that will pro- mote understanding between U.S. re- gional specialists around the world and ARTICLES improve their effectiveness in advising decision-makers. It is intended to forge a Dealing With Saddam by Ambassador Peck p. 3 closer bond between the active, reserve, and retired FAO communities. Airport Survival in the Third Word p. 7 by MAJ Comer Plummer SUBSCRIPTIONS / ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: Subscription to the Poland In NATO: Historical Dimension journal comes with membership in the by Krzsztof Suprowicz, Polish Ambassador to Yemen association. Membership information p. 8 may be obtained through FAOA, P.O. Box 523226, Springfield, VA.
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