Q1. , and Calibri are called. A. B.variations C. sizes D. names

Q2.You insert a clip art and it is too big. To resize it you would. A.change it the same way you change the font size B.click on the clip art to show the handles anddrag a handle to resize it C.click the insert tab and choose resize D. click the Home tab and choose resize

Q3. What would you do to highlight a word? You position the cursor next to the word and then. A.drag the mouse while holding the left mouse button B.roll mouse around C.click the mouse three times

Q4. What happens in a document when the "cut" command is used? A.Only half the screen is seen. B.The application stops running. C.Selected text or graphics are removed. D. nothing happen

Q5. Which one is not a tab in Word 2010? A.File B.Insert C.Home D.Design

Q6. Which one of the following is not in the drop-down menu when you click the File tab in 2010? A.Save As B.Open C.New D.Backup

Q7. What tab do you go to for the spelling and grammar check? A. B.Review C.Insert D.File

Q8. Which tab would you choose to change the font size of a word from 12 points to 18 points? A.File B.Home C.Insert D.Page Layout

Q9. Which tab in Microsoft Word 2010 would you select to insert a shape in to a document? A.Insert B.Review C.View D.File

Q10.If you want to add a table to your document, which tab would you choose? A.File B.Home C.Insert D.Save

11. What is the function of this key ? A.Paste B.Copy C.Delete D.Undo

Q12. What is the function of this key ? A.Left Align B.Justify C.Center D.Right Align

Q13. You have created a table and you want to add 3 more rows to it. To add the new rows to the table, you would. A.Delete the table and start over B.Left click and choose insert rows C.Right click and choose insert rows D.Choose the Insert tab and click on ADD

Q14. To remove a portion of text from a document, you can. A.Cut it B.Pasteit C.Undoit D.Redoit