-Season Three –


CAPTAIN FLINT (Toby Stephens)

A former Naval officer, disgraced and betrayed, Captain Flint is now the face of grim death in the West Indies.


Exiled from her home and sentenced to hang, Eleanor is now London’s most notorious convict. Granted an opportunity to return to Nassau in the service of its new governor, her survival hinges on one question: can she let go of the past?

JOHN (Luke Arnold)

Once an outcast, now the beloved and respected of Flint’s crew. But when Flint’s campaign of terror crosses over into madness, it falls to Silver to locate the man within the monster, before it’s too late.

MAX (Jessica Parker Kennedy)

With Eleanor exiled, Max is now the nexus between the pirates and the street, a position of great power and influence. But when the return of civilization threatens to unseat her, Max sets a plan in motion that have dire consequences for the island, as well as her relationship with .

BILLY BONES (Tom Hopper)

Still mistrustful of his leadership, Billy must set aside his feelings for the sake of his crew’s survival. But when a new front opens in the war on civilization, Billy sees a different role for himself. One where he need never be beholden to Flint again.

CAPTAIN (Zach McGowan)

Allied with former enemies. Forced to betray his own values. Marked for death by civilization. For Captain Charles Vane, the costs of defending Nassau continue to mount. Is he strong enough to survive what’s coming?

JACK RACKHAM (Toby Schmitz)

Sitting atop a fortune in Spanish gold, Rackham is finally in a position to win friends, secure his reputation and preserve Nassau for the ages. But when civilization returns to reclaim its island, he will learn that money can only buy so much…

ANNE BONNY (Clara Paget)

A beacon of loyalty in a sea of shifting alliances, Bonny is caught between her partnership with Rackham, and her love for Max. But when upheaval on the island forces unpleasant truths to the surface, Bonny must choose once and for all where and with whom she belongs.

MR. SCOTT (Hakeem Kae-Kazim)

More than anyone, Scott recognizes the perils of a Nassau without Eleanor Guthrie. With the ground shifting beneath his feet, he must make a decision to protect that which he truly loves.

WOODES ROGERS (Luke Roberts)

The new face of civilization in the West Indies, arrives in Nassau backed by immense power, and armed with an insidious plan to end for good.

EDWARD TEACH (Ray Stevenson)

One of the most notorious pirates to have ever lived, Edward Teach, also known as , returns to the account to settle some unfinished business. But a great deal has changed in his absence, and to cement his legacy he will have to challenge Nassau’s most powerful… at sea. On land. And at the end of a sword.
