Arxiv:2011.02444V1 [Cond-Mat.Stat-Mech] 4 Nov 2020 Short in One Important Respect: It Does Not Consider a Jump Over Obstacles, We fix Their Radius As = 10
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Scaling study of diffusion in dynamic crowded spaces H. Bendekgey,1, 2 G. Huber,1 and D. Yllanes1, 3, ∗ 1Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco, California 94158, USA 2University of California, Irvine, California 92697, USA 3Instituto de Biocomputación y Física de Sistemas Complejos (BIFI), 50009 Zaragoza, Spain (Dated: November 5, 2020) We study Brownian motion in a space with a high density of moving obstacles in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions. Our tracers diffuse anomalously over many decades in time, before reaching a diffusive steady state with an effective diffusion constant Deff that depends on the obstacle density and diffusivity. The scaling of Deff, above and below a critical regime at the percolation point for void space, is characterized by two critical exponents: the conductivity µ, also found in models with frozen obstacles, and , which quantifies the effect of obstacle diffusivity. Introduction. Brownian motion in disordered media times. Most works, however, have concentrated on the has long been the focus of much theoretical and experi- transient subdiffusive regime rather than on the diffusive mental work [1, 2]. A particularly important application steady state. has more recently emerged, thanks to the ever increas- Here we study Brownian motion in such a dynamic, ing quality of microscopy techniques: that of transport crowded space and characterize how the long-time dif- inside the cell (see, e.g., [3–6] for some pioneering stud- fusive regime depends on obstacle density and mobility. ies or [7–10] for more recent overviews). Indeed, it is Using extensive numerical simulations, we compute an ef- now possible to track the movement of single particles fective diffusion constant Deff for a wide range of obstacle inside living cells, of sizes ranging from small proteins concentrations and diffusivities in one, two and three spa- to viruses, RNA molecules or ribosomes. One generally tial dimensions. Even though, in accordance with previ- considers the mean square displacement h∆r2(t)i (MSD, ous work [27, 28], no localization transition is observed, the average of the squared distance traveled by the parti- we find that the percolation point still holds a special cle) and tries to fit it to a law of the form h∆r2(t)i / tα. importance to define a critical scaling. In particular, the Some experiments in prokaryotic cytoplasms [11, 12] have value of Deff is controlled by two critical exponents: the found evidence for this behavior with α = 1, character- conductivity µ [31], which quantifies the approach to the istic of the classical Brownian (or diffusive) motion [13]. critical density, and an exponent , giving the scaling Many other works, however, have found signals of sub- with the obstacle diffusivity. diffusive (i.e., α < 1) transport [14, 15]. In eukaryotic Model and parameters. In our model, which we imple- cells, where the environment is considerably more com- ment in continuous spaces in spatial dimension d = 1; 2 plex, heterogeneous and crowded, the range of observed and 3, a volumeless particle takes a discrete-time ran- behavior is even wider [16–18]. dom walk and encounters obstacles that block its path. On the theoretical front, a celebrated framework The obstacles are uniformly-placed possibly-overlapping to generate anomalous diffusion is the continuum- d-balls, an arrangement that in two dimensions has been percolation or “Swiss-cheese” model [19]. In it, a large called the Swiss-cheese model [19], see Fig. 1. number of interpenetrating obstacles, usually spherical At each timestep, our tracer particle takes a step in in shape, are randomly distributed throughout the sys- a random direction (chosen isotropically) of length ex- tem (see Figure 1). The behavior of tracer particles tracted from a Gaussian distribution with standard devi- is controlled by the obstacle density. For low concen- ation . We set = 1 to define the unit length in the tration, the long-time behavior is diffusive. When the σp σp system. We are interested in unveiling the universal scal- percolation threshold [20, 21] is reached, however, the ing properties of the long-time behavior of the tracers, so system undergoes a localization transition [22–26]. The we do not need to model the interactions with the obsta- Swiss-cheese model is successful in generating (transient) cles in microscopic detail. We simply have the particle anomalous diffusion in a crowded environment. From stop if its proposed new location would be inside one of the point of view of cellular transport, however, it falls the obstacles. To avoid situations where the particle can arXiv:2011.02444v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 4 Nov 2020 short in one important respect: it does not consider a jump over obstacles, we fix their radius as = 10 . dynamic medium, while cells are constantly rearrang- R σp ing themselves. This shortcoming has recently been ad- The obstacles themselves also move, ignoring inter- dressed by considering Brownian obstacles [27–30]. In actions and always drawing their discrete steps from a this case, the localization transition disappears and nor- Gaussian distribution with standard deviation σobs ≤ σp. mal diffusion is reached at any obstacle density for long To deal with situations where the void pocket inhabited by a particle becomes entirely squeezed, obstacles can “step on” particles, in which case the particle stops all motion until the obstacle moves off of it. ∗ [email protected] We are interested in how well the particle can explore 2 nˆ = 0.359 ≈ nˆ c D D -2.4 obs/ p=10 0.8 p 0.19 D )/ t ( D 0.18 D 0.6 eff p D D D 20 25 30 )/ / 2 2 2 t obs p t ( D 0.4 10-1.0 10-1.6 10-2.0 10-2.4 0.2 10-3.0 10-3.6 10-4.0 10-4.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 2 2 2 t 2 2 2 FIG. 2. Time-dependent diffusion coefficient D(t), eq. (3), in FIG. 1. A particle traces a discrete-time random walk in two d = 2 at approximately critical obstacle density for various dimensions in green, blocked by frozen obstacles. At each obstacle diffusivities. Diffusivities are shown in units of the time interval it draws a proposal for its new location from a characteristic particle diffusivity Dp. In this representation, centered Gaussian distribution. If offered a new position in- diffusive motion is characterized by a constant D(t). Such a side a red obstacle, the particle stays put for that timestep and regime is always reached for long times in our model, no mat- attempts a new move at the following timestep. This arrange- ter the obstacle density, defining an effective diffusion con- ment of overlapping circular obstacles is commonly referred stant Deff. The inset shows a closeup of the approach to this to as the Swiss-cheese model [19] in the case of immobile ob- −2:4 steady-state behavior for Dobs=Dp = 10 . All curves in stacles. Here, we consider the obstacles to be also Brownian this plot are averaged over 24 independent simulations, each particles, diffusing independently from one another. with 360 tracer particles. the empty space, as measured by the mean square dis- when an infinite cluster partitions space into finite, dis- placement (MSD) after t timesteps, connected pockets [20, 21]. The critical scaling of Deff is 2 2 controlled by a conductivity exponent µ [23, 31, 33] h∆r (t)i = h[r(t + t0) − r(t0)] i: (1) µ Deff / (^nc − n^) ; (2) As discussed in the introduction, when the MSD grows linearly with time, we say the motion is diffusive and with Deff = 0 in the supercritical regime n^ ≥ n^c. For characterize by a diffusion constant D, defined through d = 2 and 3, the critical density has been calculated to be 2 the equation h∆r (t)i = 2dDt, where d is the spatial n^c = 0:359 [34, 35] and 0:839 [36], respectively. We also dimension. see that n^c = 0 trivially in d = 1, because localization The first control parameter in this model is the di- occurs once a single frozen obstacle appears. mensionless obstacle density, n^ = nRd, where n is the In our model with moving obstacles, as has been ob- number density of obstacle centers. In previous works served [27, 28], particles never become localized because in which the obstacles are frozen, at low obstacle densi- the obstacles themselves will eventually move out of the ties the MSD is governed by three different behaviors at way. We expect, thus, to observe these three time win- varying time scales [23, 25]. These time scales have also dows at all obstacle densities, matching the biological been observed empirically in biological systems [32]. observations. As we shall demonstrate, however, n^c still In these cases, at microscopic time scales, particles do carries a special significance, so we continue to refer to not encounter obstacles and diffuse freely. This gives n^ < n^c (n^ > n^c) as the subcritical (supercritical) regime. us another characteristic parameter: the short-term dif- The second control parameter is the diffusivity of the 2 fusivity of the tracers, Dp = σp=2d. If there were no obstacles, Dobs. This will generally be much lower than 2 obstacles at all, we would recover h∆r (t)i = 2dDpt. Dp (otherwise, with our rules, the tracers’ movement At intermediate time scales, the system experiences would become enslaved to the obstacles). To optimize subdiffusive motion, meaning h∆r2(t)i ∼ tα; α < 1. Fi- our simulations, we only move the obstacles every 10 2 nally, for long times the central limit theorem causes the time steps, giving us Dobs = σobs=20d. As Dobs ! 0 2 MSD to revert to linear growth, h∆r (t)i ∼ 2dDefft with we recover the frozen models [37].