
March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12



President Wilson Will Resign to Head New England Foundation

Women's Basketball Team Climaxes Miracle Season

Campus Open Forums Slated on Accreditation Report

New Campus Public Safety Director to Arrive in Mid-April

1999 Staff Recognition Award Recipients


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March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12

President Wilson Will Resign to Head New England Foundation

Interim President Likely, Though Chancellor's Office Says New Hire Could Arrive by January 1

After six and a half years as president of Cal State Northridge, Blenda J. Wilson(right) announced March 2 that she will resign her position after the spring semester ends to become the first president and chief operating officer of Nellie Mae, New England's newest educational foundation.

The CSU Chancellor's Office estimated that it will take perhaps six months to name a new president, meaning a new chief executive could start work by January 1. Meanwhile, campus officials are expecting an interim president will be named and could arrive before Wilson departs.

Calling the move "a difficult personal decision," Wilson said she accepted the new post because it addresses "the most urgent issue of education in our time"-finding ways to assure that schools, especially in urban areas, prepare students for academic success in rigorous college programs.

Begun seven months ago, the Nellie Mae Foundation is among New England's largest charitable organizations focused exclusively on education. Through grants, research and policy initiatives, it aims to improve education in the region at all levels and for all ages, especially for under-served populations.

Wilson, who arrived in September 1992 as CSUN's third president, also was the first woman president in the campus' 40-year history and only the second African-American woman president appointed in the Cal State system. Previously she was the chancellor of the University of Michigan at Dearborn.

Under Cal State policy, the search for a new president will be led by a committee consisting of CSU Board of Trustees Chair William Hauck, CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed and three trustees picked by Hauck. The committee ultimately is supposed to recommend at least three candidates to the full board.

The process also involves an advisory committee consisting of the head of the campus Faculty Senate, two faculty representatives, a support staff member, a student, a campus advisory board member, an alumnus, a senior campus administrator and a president from another CSU campus selected by the chancellor.

Under CSU policy, advisory committee members can suggest potential candidates, review and comment on candidate applications and participate in candidate interviews prior to the selection of the publicly announced finalists, who

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typically visit the campus. Wilson, meanwhile, said the chancellor has plans to visit CSUN at some point to consult with faculty and student leaders about the appointment of the next campus president.

Reed earlier expressed surprise at President Wilson's announcement and reflected on her tenure. "Blenda has made an indelible impression at CSUN. First, she had the courage and vision to keep classes open in the aftermath of the devastating 1994 earthquake, which caused nearly $400 million in damage to the campus.

"Second, in directing the renovation, she has not only overseen the physical restoration of the campus, but has worked hard to ensure that CSUN will be an enhanced learning environment for students of all backgrounds into the 21st century."

The 6.9 Northridge quake devastated the campus. But Wilson's determination to bring the campus back and her slogan of that time- "Not just backŠbut better"-led to its reopening four weeks after the earthquake and only two weeks later than the original planned start of the spring semester. (right - President Wilson and her executive officers meet in a tend immediately after the Jan. 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake.)

The reopening has been followed by five years of demolition and reconstruction in accord with a campus master plan. Other landmarks of the Wilson administration have included:

An ongoing strategic planning process to position the university for the educational challenges of the new century; A rebound in enrollment, which had dipped 10 percent in the wake of the earthquake and fee increases, but now has returned to pre-earthquake levels; The start of development on the North Campus, ending years of unsuccessful attempts, with a planned biotechnology park that will provide not only income for the university, but research and internship possibilities for faculty and students; Instituting a shared governance approach in developing the annual university budget and ongoing strategic planning efforts; and Reinstating the university's Honors Program and creating the Presidential Scholars Program for high-achieving students.

The past years also have been marked by a series of controversies, the most heated of which was the decision to cut four men's intercollegiate sports for reasons of budget and gender equity. After continued community protests, the sports were later reinstated. Other controversies brewed over the activities of the campus move crew and still- unresolved plans for a new football stadium somewhere on campus.

In her inaugural address, delivered April 30, 1993, Wilson noted, "The issue which demands our most urgent attentionŠwill be creating a cohesive definition and community and individual dignity within our richly multicultural environment."

The president's championing of diversity, free speech, student-centered education, and minority and other first- generation college students also have been hallmarks of her administration.

-John Kroll

"The issue which demands our most urgent attentionŠ will be creating a cohesive definition and community and individual dignity within our richly multicultural environment."

-Blenda J. Wilson, President (inaugural address, 1993)

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March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12

Women's Basketball Team Climaxes Miracle Season

Lady Matadors Win First-Ever Big Sky Conference Title, Big Sky Tournament and NCAA Tournament Bid

Climaxing a miracle season, the Cal State Northridge women's basketball team rebounded from an uncertain start to win their first-ever Big Sky Conference title, Big Sky tournament championship and a trip to the NCAA tournament.

Capping a remarkable 21-7 regular season record, the women's team-which had not had an overall winning record since joining the NCAA Division I nine years ago-clinched the trio of firsts with a 79-65 home victory over Portland State on Saturday, March 6. (left - Team members celebrate their victory over Portland State.) The next day, as the team gathered at the Warner Center Marriott Hotel to watch the televised announcement of their NCAA tournament ranking, CSUN President Blenda J. Wilson revealed that interim head coach Frozena Jerro had been chosen as regular head coach.

"We still have goals we want to achieve," said sophomore guard Edniesha Curry (right- Curry received a plaque as Big Sky Conference Tournament Most Valuable Player from League Ast. Commissioner Ron Loghry). "We've gotten this far as a family and we have to stay together as a family to succeed in the tournament and in the future. Knowing coach will be with us is great news."

With tears streaming down their faces, team members then surrounded Jerro in a group hug. Jerro took a few seconds to collect her thoughts, and said, "You gave me the biggest opportunity of my http://www.csun.edu/~hfoao102/@csun.edu/csun98_99/csun0315_99/basketball.html[6/1/2012 11:27:54 AM] @csun.edu

life. We stood by each other and for each other through a tough season."

The remarkable turnabout came after a season that began with the departure and subsequent resignation of then head coach Michael Abraham. Jerro(left - Jerro celebrates the team's Big Sky championship after a March 6 victory over Portland State) shortly thereafter was named interim head coach and led the team through its best season ever in Division I play. Still, the Lady Matadors drew a No. 15 seed in the 16-team west regional of the NCAA tournament. Their first tournament game was Friday night, March 12, against No. 2 seed Colorado State (31-2) in Fort Collins, Colorado. The game was broadcast on ESPN2 and on KCSN-FM radio.

CSUN records showed only one prior game against Colorado State, a 67-52 loss in December 1992. Also competing along with CSUN in the first round of the NCAA west region tournament were women's basketball teams from UCLA (No. 3), Notre Dame (No. 5), Penn State (No. 8) and UC Santa Barbara (No. 10). The tournament has four regions totaling 64 teams.

Under the NCAA process, teams continue in the tournament as long as they win, but are eliminated with their first loss. The first and second rounds-Friday-Saturday and Sunday-Monday-were played at campus locations prior to the region semifinals this Saturday, March 20.

Last season, the Lady Matadors had a 14-14 overall record and a 9-7 mark in the Big Sky Conference, tying for third place and reaching the semifinals of the Big Sky Tournament. The 14-14 record had been the team's best since CSUN moved to the NCAA Division I level in 1990-91. The 1988-89 team had posted a 22-9 mark in Division II play.

Jerro became the team's second assistant coach in July 1997 and spent one season in that capacity. She came to CSUN after having served as the head girls basketball coach at King Junior High School in Berkeley, Calif., during the 1996- 97 season.

-Ryan Finney

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@csun.edu March 15, 1999

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March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12

Campus Open Forums Slated on Accreditation Report

Final Report Due to WASC by Summer, With Evaluation Visit Slated in the Fall

Cal State Northridge faculty, staff and students are invited to two open forums Monday, March 22, to offer their opinions of the first draft of the university's accreditation self-study report. A team of faculty, staff and students has spent the past year examining how well CSUN does its job in preparation for seeking reaccreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

The first draft of the WASC report is completed and available for review on the Internet at www.csun.edu /!wascreac/. Copies also are available in the Oviatt Library, the President's Office and in each college dean's and department chair's office.

"We are at a critical point now in the self-study," said Cynthia Rawitch, chair of the self-study committee(left). "We've spent a year studying and amassing data. And we've reached a point where it's now up to the faculty, staff and administrators to carefully read this draft report and give us feedback as to its strengths and flaws.

If we don't get good feedback, then we don't have a good report." The first forum is scheduled from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Grand Salon of the University Student Union. The second forum will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Grand Salon. Refreshments will be served.

More than 60 people from throughout the campus community have been meeting regularly for more than a year collecting data for the self-study. For the first time, the review is examining how the university measures up on three self-selected themes-student achievement, assessment and the utilization of technology-rather than the nine standards WASC has traditionally used to measure institutions during accreditation. The change was at WASC's request. For now, Rawitch said the draft paints an incomplete picture of the campus. "Because we don't have the feedback yet, the picture we are painting is not finished yet," she said.

"But what it shows so far is that a number of very impressive things are happening on this campus," Rawitch said, "including how far we've come on assessment and technology, and how we are weaving it [technology] into our academic programs and onto campus, and how we're striving to become better at one of the core issues, promoting student achievement."

Rawitch said the draft self-study also includes the results of a student survey indicating that students are happy with their CSUN experiences. "In particular, they are happy with what they are learning in the classroom and the contact http://www.csun.edu/~hfoao102/@csun.edu/csun98_99/csun0315_99/wasc.html[6/1/2012 11:27:57 AM] @csun.edu

they have with faculty," said Rawitch, who has titled the draft "They Like Us, They Really Like Us: Cal State Northridge Looks at Itself."

Once faculty, staff and student feedback has been incorporated, a final draft will be sent to WASC this summer in anticipation of a campus visit by the WASC evaluation team in the fall. WASC, one of six regional accrediting associations in the country, evaluates schools, colleges and universities in California, Hawaii, Guam and the U.S. Pacific Island territories. An institution must be accredited for its students to receive government financial aid or to transfer their credits to other colleges.

CSUN was first accredited in 1960 and was re-accredited in 1980 and again in 1990. The last time, the university received a generally favorable report that commended the administration, faculty, students and curriculum.

-Carmen Ramos Chandler

@csun.edu March 15, 1999

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March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12

New Campus Public Safety Director to Arrive in Mid-April

Ronald Seacrist Brings 29 Years Law Enforcement Experience at Campus and Municipal Levels

Ronald Seacrist, a 29-year law enforcement veteran and current police chief at the University of Texas-San Antonio, has been appointed as Cal State Northridge's new director of public safety by University President Blenda J. Wilson.

Seacrist, 50, whose background includes extensive campus and municipal law enforcement experience, is scheduled to start at CSUN on April 15. His hiring caps a 13-month transitional period for CSUN law enforcement since the Jan. 30, 1998 retirement of former director Ed Harrison.

"Chief Seacrist was the top choice of the university's search committee. He clearly understands the dynamics of campus law enforcement and has the depth and breadth of experience to succeed in the job," Wilson said. "I join with the rest of the campus community in welcoming him later this spring."

At CSUN, Seacrist will oversee a Public Safety Department that includes the campus policing function with 19 sworn officers; parking and transportation services; the student-staffed Community Service Officer (CSO) program; and campus environmental health and occupational safety programs.

The Public Safety Department had general fund expenditures last fiscal year of about $2 million. Seacrist began his law enforcement career in 1970 with a 101Ž2 year stint on the Tampa (Fla.) Police Department, but then shifted to a succession of university positions, including three police chief-level jobs prior to CSUN. "It's a much more positive environment," he said of campus policing.

"A campus is a unique environment," Seacrist said. "I believe the Public Safety Department and every employee in it is part of the university's learning environment. Our goal in the academic environment is to allow students to learn, and that's what we in public safety ought to be supporting."

Mary Ann Cummins-Prager, CSUN's assistant vice president for student affairs, operations and personnel, said Seacrist was chosen from more than 35 applicants, including five finalists who were brought to campus recently for interviews. Cummins-Prager chaired the search committee for the job.

CSUN Lt. Marc Hissong has been serving as the university's interim police chief since Harrison's retirement last year. Hissong retired from university service at the end of February but will continue as interim police chief until Seacrist's arrival, campus officials said. Seacrist has headed UTSA's police department since August 1994. The department has 43 sworn officers and 38 security guards, covering three different campus locations totaling nearly 20,000 students. He also oversaw health and safety, asset and risk management, and institutional compliance.

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Previously, he served as director of public safety at Valdosta State University in Georgia from October 1989 to August 1994, and director of risk management, safety and security at Manatee Memorial Hospital in Florida from February 1988 to October 1989. Before that, Seacrist was director of public safety at the University of Central Florida in Orlando from September 1982 to February 1988, and was assistant director of security at Tulane University in New Orleans from November 1980 to August 1982.

Among his other accomplishments, Seacrist has a master's degree in sociology (criminal justice administration) from Valdosta State and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He also has been certified as a security expert by the American Society for Industrial Security.

-John Chandler

@csun.edu March 15, 1999

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March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12

1999 Staff Recognition Award Recipients

Thirty-Five Years Knepper, Dorena R. Government Relations Perry, Charles C. Physical Plant Management Thirty Years Campbell, Raymond L. Physical Plant Management Craig, Jeffrey P. Network Communications Dawson, Terry R. Physical Plant Management Fuller, David L. Geography Kaufman, Lawrence A. Academic Technology Moreno, Hilda M. Library Technical Services Provin, Robert W. Geography Tibbetts, Dennis 0. Engineering & Computer Sciences Vallaire, Barbara C. Student Health Center Twenty-Five Years Angel-Lahr, Annette L, Psychology Arany, John A. The Career Center Bell, Charleen J. Accounts Receivable/Collections Benoit, Ginger C. Facilities Planning Cichon, Nancy C. Faculty Affairs Clark, Catherine Physical Plant Management Dupre, E. Nadean Financial Aid Garcia, Jessica Office of Human Resource Services Gearing, Jean A. Office of Human Resource Services Hekkers, Estelle K. Admissions and Records Lechuga, Francisco S. Academic Services Olson, Jeanette L. Fund Accounting Ringwald, Cynthia R. Admissions and Records Smith, Brenda A. Payroll Services Troutman, Linda L. Physical Plant Management True, Laura G. Admissions and Records

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Watkins Jr., William C., Student Affairs Whitaker, Michelle D. Admissions and Records Twenty Years Aghishian, Yervant A. Engineering & Computer Sciences Avila, Ruben R. Athletics Charles Jr, John R. Student Development & International Programs Christy, Marian E. Student Financial Services Crockette, Barbara L. Theatre Crowdy-Turner, Beatrice A. Admissions and Records Delafuente, Oralia R. Admissions and Records Donabedian, Judith A. Accounts Receivable/Collection Douglas, David W. Physical Plant Management Garcia, Rosie Marie Physical Plant Management Griffin, Janice M. Budget Management Hilmo, Lydia G. Admissions and Records Hughes, Lorna G. Chemistry Kuhn, Patricia A. Music Larson, Herbert W. National Center on Deafness Liggett, David L. Geological Sciences Palmberg, Beverly E. Technology Center Parham, Joseph N. Library Reference and Instructional Svcs. Poehlmann, Thomas D. Academic Technology Ramos, Carlos E. Technology Center Rein-Bernocco Deonna S. Admissions and Records Robinson, Martha C. Library Romero, Raymond Physical Plant Management Small, Sarah-Jane Business & Industry Services Soria, Mercedes C. Admissions and Records Stemm, M. Jacqueline Art Vardaman, Jan D. Graduate Studies Whitchuch, Deborah E. Systems & Technology Worden, Lawrence E. Residential Life & Conference Services Fifteen Years Abramson, Laurel F. Family Environmental Sciences Belcher, Linda E. Physical Plant Management Brunn, Michael Physical Plant Management Carlson, Linda S. Philosophy Castro, Reginald E. Physical Plant Management Chung, Pei-Jen Engineering & Computer Sciences Crase, Mark S. Information & Technological Resources/Library Currin, Susan E. Human Resource Services Fernandez, Leticia Q. Physical Plant Management Ferris, Trudy Athletics Department Givens, Joseph M. Academic Affairs

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Gonzales, Debra A. National Center on Deafness Hendler, F. Russell Library Technical Services Hosch, Parthenia A. Biology Hsiung, Gina R. Library Johnson, Douglas R. Admissions and Records Langworthy, Irving J. Physical Plant Management Levy, Stephanie B. Accounts Receivable/Collections Martinovich, Nicola Journalism Meehan, Daniel C. Technology Center Mendoza, Sandra D. Purchasing & Logistical Services Moore, Diane B. Library Technical Services Mozena, Elaine Accounts Receivable/Collections Nader, Gerald A. Education Ovadia, Debbie N. University Counseling Padgett, Bruce K. Financial Aid Pena, Antonia M. Anthropology Pencoff Jr, Nicholas Financial Aid Prager, Peter C. Information & Technological Resources/Library Rivera, Jose L. Engineering & Computer Sciences Sciortino, Kelly J. History Shields, Tracy J. Admissions and Records Sweeters, James B. Art Taylor, William J. Admissions and Records Ventuleth, Cindy L Library Westphal, Linda F. Admissions and Records Whiteley, Dona M. Purchasing & Logistical Services Williamson, Mika Human Resource Services Wood, Charles W. Physical Plant Management Ten Years Aguayo, Rechelle V. Communication Disorders & Sciences Alpert, Joan M. Public Safety Anderson, Kevin M. Admissions and Records Barksdale, Rosemarie The Career Center Barreiro, Vickie Admissions and Records Baylin, Lisa R. Systems & Technology Berreitter, Jan A. Technology Center Biederman, Jerry J. Journalism Bliman, Howard Student Health Center Brooks, Michael D. Physical Plant Management Brown, John R. Biology Burden, Joan D. Office of Academic Technology Byars, Gregory S. Physical Plant Management Calvert, Philip A. Music Carpenter, Hedy L. Graduate Studies

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Clark, Laura J. Library Technical Services Corral, Moncerrat V. Residential Life & Conference Services Cruz, Ronald P. Physical Plant Management Dabbour, Joseph J. LibraryReference and Instructional Svcs. Daleke, Judi Education Dibie, Daniele J. English as a Second Language Dodrill, Donna F. Physical Plant Management Dowling-Mertz, Deirdre D. Admissions and Records Edvalson, Thomas D. Physical Plant Management Elliott, Jennifer H. English Ellsworth, Vanessa Physical Plant Management Farzan, Fariba Humanities Flenniken, Ardis A. Extended Learning Garcia, Luz Maria Physical Plant Management Garrett, Steve B. Bookstore Ghorbani, Marivic N. Library Technical Services Gonzales, Alexander P. Technology Center Gonzalez Mendoza, Miguel Residential Life & Conference Services Green, Janet G. Business Administration & Economics Greene, James H. Academic Services Hansford, Denise L. Financial Aid Hernandez, Sandra Academic Services Inouye, Emily Facilities Planning Johnson, Janice D. Technology Center Johnson, Jodi L. Students with Disabilities Resources Jones, Linda D. Religious Studies Kemmerling, Robert G. University Counseling Kha, Thanh N.T. Student Affairs Kirkpatrick, Geraldine Resident Life & Conference Services Lafollette, Donna L. Library Technical Services Landon, Jeri E. Student Health Center Leggon, Brenda P. Academic Services Llanes, Linda L. Technology Center Maclachlan, Alethia D. Mechanical Engineering Martinez, Anna L. Physical Plant Management Metz, Mary T. Student Health Center Mitter, Narinder P.K. Library Reference and Instructional Svcs. Muniz, Rosemary Admissions and Records Newbury, Ann L. The Career Center Notaro, Julie Admissions and Records O'Connor, Lawrence C. Public Safety Ortiz, Isidro Physical Plant Management Parsa, Shiva Academic Services Rappe, Kenneth D. Education

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Sadafi, Sima Academic Services Salinas, Roxana Academic Services Santana, Ernesto Physical Plant Management Shropshire, Janice E. Library Technical Services Stambolis, Nicolette L. Communication Studies Steadman, Michael C. Extended Learning Tzeng, Phey-Whan Physical Plant Management Vo, Truyen V. Physical Plant Management Walsh, Cydney Admissions and Records Weinberg, Adrianne Financial Aid White, Jeanne T. Student Develop & International Program Willis, Eric P. Library Information and Technological Resources Young, Gary A. Resident Life & Conference Services Young, Susan B. Financial Aid Five Years Ainsworth, Faye M. Arts, Media, & Communication Aldana, Guadalupe Del Health Sciences Allen, Vicki M. Student Development & International Programs Alwerth, George R. Physical Plant Management Arnold, Dean Information & Technological Resources/Library Barrett, Cindy A. Engineering & Computer Sciences Basurto, Catalina Physical Plant Management Bohannan, Cynthia P. Physical Plant Management Boutin, Maria A. Education Boyle, Timothy K. Geography Burrows, David Network Communications Canales, Francis R. Physical Plant Management Cantu, Roland Physical Plant Management Cantu, Tony Physical Plant Management Cederbaum, Evelyn J. National Center on Deafness Chandler, Carmen R. Public Relations Chavirria, Maria Esther Physical Plant Management Combs, Sanford A. Health Sciences Compton, Shyra Financial Aid Craig, Janice W. Business Administration & Economics Dane, Jon Physical Plant Management Darin, Thomas F. Radio-Television-Film Donato, Rosemary G. Health & Human Development Dunner, Steven M. Health Sciences Duran, Armando Academic Services Dutton, Margo L. Budget Management Elisondo, Benjamin Jr. Physical Plant Management Espinosa, Vicente 0. Physical Plant Management Evangelista, Amaury Engineering & Computer Sciences

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Fairchild, William B. Facilities Planning Figueroa, Hector. Physical Plant Management Finney, Ryan D. Athletics Department Floback, Lauree S. Athletics Department Flores, Douglas Public Safety Flores, Jesse University Postal Services Fukuda, Tomoko M. Payroll Services Garner, Monica Lynn Academic Services Gil, Jose Luis Physical Plant Management Grant, Ralph G. Physical Plant Management Gray, Linda M. Music Greenfield, Carolyn R. Accounts Receivable/Collection Guerra, Rosi Extended Learning Habal, Jocelyn A. Health Sciences Hanchett, Nichole D. Public Safety Haran, John M. Public Safety Harding, Rashawn Learning Resources Center Haverstock, Frank Technology Center Henry, James L. Academic Services Holguin, Helen Payroll Services Hopper, Eric G. Physical Plant Management Horton, John B. Systems & Technology Hsing, Jenny Physical Plant Management Jackson, Kiera L. Pan-African Studies Johnson, Lorraine E. Student Health Center Johnson Henderson Rochelle E. Office of Human Resource Services Johnson-Majedi, Karla J. College of Engineering & Computer Kelley, Jennifer Geography Kroll, John University Relations Kwan, Lisa Athletics Department Labarre, Ouida J. Institutional Research Lafreniere, John T. Family Environmental Sciences Lam, Tuyet T. Physical Plant Management Layton, Laura Administration and Finance Lietz, Stacey R. Family Environmental Sciences Lopez, Gina Library Technical Services Lopez-Kraay, Lizabeth Humanities & Linguistics Lord, Timothy P. Physical Plant Management Lortscher, James P. Residential Life & University Conferences Svcs. Loy, Rosalie M. Physical Plant Management Maack, Stephen C. Institutional Research Magana, Erasmo Physical Plant Management Maher, Michael S. Physical Plant Management Mardis, Judith A. Financial Aid

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Martin, John L. Physical Plant Management Martinez, Mickey Info & Tech Resources/Library Monreal, Yvonne Student Financial Services Morales, Marvin Physical Plant Management Morariu, Pavel Physics & Astronomy Morrow, Wayne Physical Plant Management Mounger, Desmond G. University Relations Mulvey, Brian E. Purchasing & Logistical Services Newsome, Felicia S. Physical Plant Management Nunez, Guadalupe Physical Plant Management Oey, Prudence Urban Studies Ojeda, Leonides Physical Plant Management Pacheco, Abel Receiving Payette, Paul P. Kinesiology Penades, Joseph Physical Plant Management Perez, Marco A. Physical Plant Management Phung, Laura Lau Library Ref & Instructional Sr Piantek, Julie A. Kinesiology Portillo, Lidia M. Physical Plant Management Rex, Michael Public Safety Rice, Allan R. Kinesiology Rich, Edward P. Technology Center Roberts, William W. Business Administration & Economics Rodriguez, Agripina Physical Plant Management Rooney, Christopher T. Physical Plant Management Ryan, L Diane Financial Aid Salazar, Lucilo Physical Plant Management Sales, Lancelot Office of Human Resource Services Sanz De Acedo, Maria L. College of Education Schlotman, Kenneth K. Physical Plant Management Smith, Monai D. Academic Services Sontag, Paulette Suzanne Kinesiology Sosa, Mary G. Purchasing & Logistical Services Sowers, Carolynne Kinesiology Staudt, Loretta A. Education Strand, Paul Lee Network Communications Sullivan, William L. Physical Plant Management Swerkes, Henry V. Kinesiology Tan, Teddie University Postal Services Terrazas, Sergio Physical Plant Management Thompson, Renee L. Physical Plant Management Tibbetts, Debbie A. Kinesiology Torres, Heriberto Technology Center Tucci, Frank L. Physical Plant Management

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Uichanco, Mari Accounts Payable Villegas, Robert University Postal Services Wells, Leanna Budget Management Wells, Paul Public Safety Williamson, John Thomas Receiving Yi, Klaus Kinesiology Young, John L. Physical Plant Management Yu, Jennifer W. University Counseling

Please Note: Your name will appear on your award as listed above, unless you notify Rochelle Johnson, x 2119, of any change prior to Mon., March 22.

@csun.edu March 15, 1999

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March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12


For Your Information publishes announcements of public meetings, notices, events, deadlines and classes and courses of interest to the university community. The deadline for the April 5 issue is Mon., Mar. 29.

We will strive to include all items submitted by deadline occurring during the two-week period until the next issue. Items further in advance will be run on a space-available basis. Please submit items by sending them to mail drop 8242, faxing them to (818) 677-4909, or e-mailing them to to [email protected]. E-mail is the preferred method of submitting. Note: fmi-means for more information.

Public Meetings

Public Meetings

Personnel Planning and Review Committee Meets 2 p.m. Wed., March 17, President's Conference Room A.

Faculty Senate

Meets 2-4:30 p.m. Thu., March 18, Engineering Auditorium, Room 100.

Educational Policies Committee

Meets 2 p.m. Wed., March 24, Business Building, Room 2224.

Faculty Executive Committee

Meets 1-5 p.m. Thu., March 25, President's Conference Room C.

Campus Disabilities Board

Meets 2:30-4:30 p.m. Thu., March 25, USU, Thousand Oaks Room.

University Technology Council

Meets 3:30-5 p.m. Thu., March 25, President's Conference Room A.

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Jewish Religious Holidays

Provost Louanne Kennedy asks that faculty and staff be sensitive to students' religious obligations when scheduling course deadlines and activities during the Jewish Passover holiday, from Thu., April 1 through Thu., April 8. Special observances will occur on the last two days of Passover, Wed., April 7, and Thu., April 8. Campus policy permits eligible students to reschedule tests without penalty. fmi-x2957.

Faculty Senate Elections

The Faculty Senate will be holding elections from Thu., April 1, through Fri., April 23. All ballots must be in by 5 p.m. Fri., April 23. fmi-x3263.

Emerging Leaders

Applications are available in the Office of Student Development and International Programs (SD&IP) for students to serve as mentors in the 1999-2000 Emerging Leaders, a peer mentor program designed to facilitate the development of leadership skills for new and continuing students. Mentors gain confidence in public speaking, group facilitation, and presentation skills. They have the opportunity to dynamically impact another student's life. fmi-Vicki Allen, x2393 or e-mail [email protected]

Suicide Prevention Project

The University Counseling Service is sponsoring the Suicide Prevention Project. The program offers presentations to educate the campus community about suicide and its prevention. fmi or to schedule a presentation- Marshall Bloom or Tamara Klumpe x2366 or mail drop 8217.

Work-Study Meeting

All departments that plan to hire Federal Work-Study students in the 1999-2000 academic year must send a representative to the mandatory annual supervisors' meeting from 3-5 p.m. Thu., March 25, in the Engineering Auditorium. Departments that do not send a representative will not be eligible to participate in the 1999-2000 Federal Work-Study Program. fmi-Josie Carbajal, x3875.

Fire Extinguisher Training

A hands-on fire extinguisher training will be conducted from 10-11 a.m. and again from 2-3 p.m. Tue., March 30, in the north end of the Satellite Student Union. The training is conducted by the City Fire Department and allows participants to extinguish an actual fire. Anyone interested should contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office x2401 for reservations or more details.

NCOD Information

Q: When midterms/finals are scheduled in a class, will the service provider be present? A: Normally, notetakers and realtime captionists are not present for examinations. However, the student may want the interpreter to stay for the entire midterm/final, stay for the first ten minutes, or not come at all. The faculty member also has the option of requesting the interpreter to remain for the duration of the exam. If the interpreter is present, he or she may want to scan the exam to become familiar with the terminology that may

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come up in a question from the student. However, the interpreter is not there to fulfill the role of the proctor.

Summer Session Catalogs

Summer Session class schedules are available at the Matador Bookstore and in the College of Extended Learning office located at the main entrance of the Matador Bookstore. Mail-in registration begins Mon., April 5. Students need not be regularly enrolled at Cal State Northridge to take summer credit classes. Hundreds of university credit courses will be offered in three separate sessions beginning Mon., June 7. Summer classes also will be held at the university's Ventura campus, 2151 Alessandro Drive. fmi-x2786.

Our Deepest Sympathy

The campus extends its deepest sympathy to:

Janice Vogel Ackles (Health and Human Development) on the loss of her husband. The family of Sylvia Ayala-Uzzell (Associated Students/CSUN Children's Center) who served as secretary of the center for 21 years. Nancy Bernstein (English) on the loss of her mother Muriel Bernstein (Payroll). David Elder (Art) on the loss of his mother. Louise Lewis (Art) on the loss of her mother. Leah Holzman (Provost's Office) on the loss of her mother. Janet Sennewald (University Relations) on the loss of her mother.


Center on Disabilities Conf.

The Center on Disabilities is sponsoring its 14th annual international conference, "Technology and Persons with Disabilities," from Mon., March 15, through Sat., March 20, at the Los Angeles Airport Hilton and Towers and Los Angeles Airport Marriott hotels. The featured keynote speaker is Ted Kennedy, Jr. fmi-Center on Disabilities, x2578, www.csun.edu/cod.

Women's History Month

The Cal State Northridge Women's Center is sponsoring a series of events celebrating Women's History Month. The schedule of events is as follows:

Mon., March 15: Lecture titled "Feminist Approaches to the Bible" featuring Debra Orenstien. Co- sponsored by CSUN Hillel. From 11 a.m.-noon in Sierra Hall, room 307. Tue., March 16: Lecture by the Valley Trauma Center titled "How to Keep Our Children Safe" and featuring Dove Pook. Co-sponsored by the Children's Center. From 2-3 p.m. in Sierra Hall, room 241. Fri., March 19: A special presentation discussing how to help the community. From 1-2 p.m., Sierra Hall, rm. 241. Mon., March 22: Open house co-sponsored by the universal women's writing group titled "Free Your Mind and Soul." From noon-1 p.m. in the Women's Center, 9520 Etiwanda Street. fmi-x2780. Tue., March 23: Janice and Ben Reznik Equity Lecture titled "Gender Equity and White Privilege: Implications for Education" and sponsored by the College of Education. From 5-7 p.m. in the Engineering Auditorium.

Chemistry Seminars

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The chemistry department, with sponsorship from the Chemistry Club and the Southern California affiliates of the American Chemical Society, is hosting upcoming seminar speakers. Wednesdays, 4 p.m., in Science 2228 as follows:

March 17: Alan Balch from UC Davis on "Inorganic Fullerene Chemistry: from Crystalline Adducts to Amorphous Films." March 24: Paul Buonora from the University of Scranton on "Studies in the Synthesis of y-Dcarbonyl Compounds."

Online Teaching Tools Forum

In this "show and tell" style forum, faculty will discuss how they are using three online tools for instruction in their classes. With HyperNews, instructors may create a web based bulletin board for asynchronous communication. Internet Relay Chat enables synchronous discussion in a "virtual classroom." Quizmaker allows instructors to develop online testing and assessment in a variety of evaluation formats. The forum is from 2-4 p.m. Wed., March 17, in Education 2121B. Reservations are appreciated but not required. To save a spot, e- mail [email protected] or x2204. All faculty and staff are welcome. fmi- Nancy Page Fernandez, nancy.fernandez@csun .edu, x3566 or http://www.vcsun.org /~nancy/forum2spring99.html.

Open House

Cal State Northridge invites the community to the '99 Open House from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sat., March 20, in the Matador Bookstore Complex. Prospective first-time freshmen and new transfer students and their families will learn about academic departments and meet faculty, administrators, deans, staff and students. They can also meet representatives of student clubs, organizations and student services staff. Tours of laboratories, library, classrooms, residence halls and art gallery will be available. Prospective students must reserve by Mon., March 15, by calling Outreach and Recruitment x2967.

Used Book Sale

The Friends of the Oviatt Library will host a used book sale from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tue., March 23, in the lobby of the Oviatt. All proceeds go to purchase materials for the library. fmi-x2638.

Entertainment Industry Institute Discussion

The Entertainment Industry Institute, the radio, television, film department, and the Motion Pictures Editors Guild are sponsoring a discussion on film editing from 5-7 p.m. Tue., March 23, in the Speech/Drama Building, room 214. Guest editors from the entertainment industry will take questions from the audience. Space is limited. Signup in Speech/Drama, room 211. fmi-Lani Daniels, x3432, www.csun.edu/~entist.

St. Francis Dam Disaster Exhibit

The university library is sponsoring an exhibit and presentation on the St. Francis Dam Disaster of March 1928, which claimed the lives of over 400 people when the dam failed. David Rogers, geologist and civil engineer, will give a presentation on the causes behind the dam failure at 7 p.m. Tue., March 23, at the University Club. The exhibit will be displayed in the lobby of the Oviatt, through Fri., April 16. fmi-x2638.

Geological Lecture

The Department of Geological Sciences and the Geology Club will sponsor a lecture titled "A Tale of Three Channels and One River on the Orange County Coast" featuring Ivan Colburn from the geology department at

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Cal State Los Angeles at noon Wed., March 24, in Science 1, room 1231. fmi-x3541.

Volunteer Opportunity

The Career Center and Habitat for Humanity are sponsoring an "Alternative Spring Break Habitat for Humanity" project from Tue., March 30, through Fri., April 2, in Panorama City. Students, faculty, staff, and community members are encouraged to help build homes and assist low-income families fulfill their dreams of owning their own homes. fmi-x3260.

Women's Forum

The China Institute and the Women's Studies department are sponsoring a forum titled "Women's Roles in the United States and China" at 10 a.m. Fri., April 9, in the Education Building Conference Room 1214. Featured panelists include Angela Lew, Judith Marlene, Elizabeth Say, Wendy Wang, and Baorong Yao. Elliot Mininberg and Justine Su will moderate. fmi-Justine Su, x3801, [email protected].

Elderly Health Care Symposium

The Center for Sports Medicine will hold its second annual symposium, "Living Well Into the Golden Years," from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sat., April 10, at the Marriott Hotel in Woodland Hills. The day-long symposium will feature Christina Economos from Tufts University, Robert Gregor from Georgia Tech, and Mark Grabiner from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. Topics include arthritis management, aging eyes, IRA distributions and long term care, balance activities, pharmacist care, golden nutritional keys, aging hearing options, Alzheimer's, late-life depression, and live participatory sessions in strength training and Tai Chi. Application brochures are available in the Kinesiology department office. fmi-Bill Whiting, x4917 or Steven Loy, x3220.

Distinguished Alumni Awards

CSUN's Alumni Association recently announced the selection of four individuals to receive the 1999 Distinguished Alumni Awards. The awards will be presented Sat., April 17, at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in the roof garden.

The event-to be co-hosted by President Blenda J. Wilson and the past presidents of the Cal State Northridge Alumni Association-will honor four alums who have achieved a high level of success in their chosen fields of endeavor, thus bringing distinction to themselves, their community and their alma mater.

The event commences at 6:30 p.m. Sat., April 17, in the Sheraton's Roof Garden.

Tickets are $60 per person, or $550 for a table of ten. The 1999 honorees are:

Carol Vaness, internationally recognized opera star with the Metropolitan Opera. Frank Del Olmo, Pulitzer Prize winner and associate editor of the Los Angeles Times. Dirk Gates, President and CEO of Xircom and ethernet computer connectivity pioneer. Yvonne Chan, educational leader and innovator of charter school programming.

Fmi or to purchase tickets-Office of Alumni Relations (818) 677-2137.


Technology Training

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Information and Technology Resources (ITR) offers a variety of free information and technology training workshops to faculty, staff and students. The schedule of classes is as follows:

Tue., March 16: Excel 98 Basics (Mac). With T. Actis-Purtee from 9:30 a.m. to noon, Music Lawn, room 264. Tue., March 23: Using Netscape Mail 4.0. With J.S. Fleming from 2:30-4 p.m., Music Lawn, room 248A. Wed., March 24: Online Testing with QuizMaker. With J. Schutte from 2-4 p.m., Music Lawn, room 248A. Thu., March 25: PhotoShop Basics. With L. Choo from 1-4 p.m., Music Lawn, room 264.

Training and Development Programs

The Office of Human Resource Services is sponsoring workshops onn topics including accounting, career assessment, conflict mediation, employee relations, fee waiver, labor law, managing stress, new employee orientation, purchasing, retirement, tax-sheltered annuities, travel, and wellness. The schedule is:

Wed., March 17: Guidance for Supervisors: Laws Regarding Equal Employment Opportunity, Americans with Disabilities Act, and Sexual Harassment Issues. To discuss unlawful discrimination, hostile environment, and perceptions and stereotypes. With Marjorie Kantrowe. All deans, chairs, directors, and managers, and supervisors are invited. Thu., March 25: Human Resources Information Processing. To discuss payroll cut-off and processing, overtime and compensation time processing, and student assistant pay process. With Terry Castro-Oistad and presenters Andrea Polk and Mika Williamson. Tue., March 30: Overview of Optional Tax Deferred Retirement Accounts. To discuss 401k, 457, and 403 tax sheltered annuities. With John Fox.

Brochures are available online at www-hrs.csun.edu. fmi-Office of Human Resource Services, x3820.

Biotechnology Seminar Series

The colleges of Science and Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science, Health and Human Developments, and Social and Behavioral Sciences are sponsoring a seminar series exploring the interdisciplinary nature of biotechnology and presented by experts from academia and industry. One unit of credit can be applied by signing up for independent study course 499 (undergraduate) or 699 (graduate). The seminars will take place from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Fridays, in Science 2132. The first two seminars include:

March 19: Biophysics, featuring Science and Math Associate Dean Robert Park and Nirmal Mishra, Electrical and Computer Engineering. March 26: Biostatistics, featuring Donald Guthrie from UCLA.

Career Center Workshops

The Career Center is sponsoring two workshops in the Career Center. Reservations are recommended. The schedule is as follows:

Tue., March 16: Resume Workshop. With Debbie Gravelle from 1-2 p.m. Wed., March 17: Internet Job Search Strategies. With Ginny Hein from 2-4 p.m.

Academic Performance Enhancement Experience

University Counseling Services is sponsoring a results-oriented, academic success program to help participants become better students, learn more effective and efficient ways to read textbooks, take notes, and prepare for tests. Participants will also learn how to better manage time, avoid procrastination, and reduce stress. The

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program is conducted in two sections, each lasting five weeks at two hours per meeting. Section I will be held from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesdays, beginning March 9. Section II will be held from 1-3 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning March 17. Classes will meet in the University Counseling Services, UPA Building, 4th floor. fmi-x2366.


Presidential Experience Program

The Northridge Presidential Scholar Association is sponsoring the Presidential Experience Program, which will give three CSUN students the opportunity to experience the duties and responsibilities facing President Blenda J. Wilson on a daily basis by accompanying her on her itinerary for a day. The three students will be chosen based on evaluation of their essays. Faculty are urged to encourage students to apply, especially those who wish to gain a better understanding of the office of president and/or those who have a unique perspective as a student. Applications are available in the Student Development & International Programs office. Deadline to submit an application is Fri., March 19. fmi-x2393.

Research Involving Human Subjects

All faculty and students performing research that includes the use of human subjects must complete a Human Subjects Protocol Approval Form, available from the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects in Administration Park 706. The original form and eight copies should be submitted to the research office for review by the Standing Advisory Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects. The next deadline for submission of protocols is Mon., March 22, for a meeting on Mon., April 12. fmi-x2901.

Staff Service Recognition Ceremony

The Staff Award Ceremony will be held on Wed., May 19, in recognition of staff members' dedicated service to the University. The awards are given in five-year service increments. Those slated to be honored are listed on pp. 6-7 in this issue. If you believe your years of service should be recognized and your name does not appear on the least, contact Rocelle Johnson, Office of Human Resource Services, x2119. The deadline for submitting your name is Mon., March 22.

Clubs & Organizations Awards

The 1998 clubs and organizations awards will be held on Wed., May 5. Award application packets are now available in the Office of Student Development and International Programs. All chartered clubs and organizations are strongly encouraged to apply. The deadline to submit awards application packets is 4:45 p.m. Thu., March 25. No applications will be accepted after that time.

Outstanding Graduating Senior Award

Applications are now being accepted for the Outstanding Graduating Senior Award. This award will be presented to four graduating seniors during the Honors Convocation ceremony at 6 p.m. Tue., June 1, at the University Club. Each recipient will receive a cash award of $1,000.

A selection committee comprised of campus, community and alumni representatives will select recipients based on academic excellence, contributions to school and community, and exceptional achievements or personal life circumstances that have been overcome.

Applications must possess a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have a degree completion date of Fall 1998, Spring 1999, or Summer 1999. Candidates must complete an application form and submit two letters of recommendation by

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Wed., March 31. Application forms are available in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Administration Park, Dome 702. fmi-x2391.

Employee of the Year Award

The 1999 Employee of the Year Award recognizes a staff employee who has made significant contributions and provided outstanding service to the university, including its auxiliaries: the University Corporation, University Student Union, Associated Students, and California State University, Northridge, Foundation. Recognition will be awarded on an overall-university basis.

Any staff member (excluding faculty and members of the Management Personnel Plan) who has been employed halftime or more for a minimum of two years and has maintained a satisfactory or better work record is eligible.

The recipient is chosen on the basis of outstanding contributions to the university above and beyond what is expected for the position in one or more of the following areas: creativity or innovation, initiative, leadership, teamwork, and special contributions to the immediate work area or to the university as a whole.

A staff member may be nominated for this award by any supervisor or manager to whom the employee reports directly or indirectly, or staff or faculty who have direct knowledge of the employee's performance. All nominations must be completed and submitted to Lynne Rosengard, Office of Human Resource Services (mail drop 8229), no later than Wed., March 31.

Nomination forms will be mailed to the departments or can be picked up in the Office of Human Resource Services, benefits department. The recipient will be honored and the award presented by President Wilson at the Staff Recognition Ceremony on Wed., May 19, in the University Student Union, Shoshone Room.

Ruth Lencione Fellowship

The Family Environmental Sciences department has an outstanding fellowship opportunity for students who wish to work with young children and their families. The award is $5,000 given over two semesters. Undergraduates and graduates may apply. The deadline is Thu., April 1. Brochures and applications are available from the Family Environmental Sciences Office, "HD", x3051.

Graduate Studies Deadlines

Applications for various grants, awards, and theses are due in the Office of Graduate Studies are due on the following days:

Honors Award Applications due Thu., April 1. California Pre-doctoral Applications due Mon., April 12.

Thesis deadline: Fri., May 21. fmi-x2138.

Entertainment Industry Grants

The Entertainment Industry Institute provides funding for projects which promote interdisciplinary learning or research related to the creative, business, or technological aspects of the entertainment industry. A maximum of five projects for the 1999-2000 academic year will be funded. Projects should coincide with one or more of the following categories: research projects, classroom instruction, and interdisciplinary student projects. All faculty and staff are eligible for project support. The deadline for proposals is 5 p.m. Fri., April 2, in the Speech Drama Building, room 211, mail drop code 8236. fmi-x3432 or www.csun.edu/~entinst.

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March 15, 1999 Vol. III, No. 12


The Associated Students Ticket Office is in the University Student Union sells tickets to many events on campus, excepted for some held by outside groups. The ticket office is open from 9:30 a.m.-5p.m. Mon.-Fri.. For prices not given, call (818) 677-3093, or x2488.

Art Admission is free unless otherwide specified.

Jeroldean Smith

Featuring her paintings Dates: Fri., March 19, through Fri., March 26. Place: HH 1102 on Halsted St., east of the Art & Design Center Info & hours: (818) 677-2156

Inaugural MFA Class of CSUN

Sculptor David Feinner, muralist Wayne Healy, sculptor Russell McMillin, and ceramist Chris Turk are the first candidates to participate in CSUN's new Master of Fine Arts degree Program. Dates: Sat., March 20, through Sun., April 18. Times: Mon. & Sat: noon-4 p.m., Tue.-Fri: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Place: Art Dome, ML236 Reception: Sat., March 20, 5-7 p.m.

Paintings of Contemporary Haiti

Frantz Ewald's works are a commentary on the political upheaval in Haiti. Dates: Through Sat., May 29. Time: Noon to 2 p.m., weekdays and one hour before Performing Arts Center performances. Place: Performing Arts Center lobby

Athletics (home games)

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Doubleheader (DH)


March 30 UC Santa Barbara 2 p.m. April 4 Southern California 1 p.m.

Men's Volleyball:

March 17 Pepperdine 7 p.m. March 21 Ohio State 5 p.m. March 24 UC Irvine 7 p.m.


Doubleheader (DH) March 27 Pacific (DH) Noon March 28 Pacific Noon March 31 UCLA (DH) 1 p.m.

Men's and Women's Track and Field

March 27 Northridge Invitational 9 a.m. Cal Poly SLO April 3 San Diego State 11 a.m. Southern California


6th Annual Korean Culture Festival

Two nights of music, dance, exhibits, contests and ceremony presented by the Valley Korean-American Association. Dates & Time: Sat., March 27, and Sun., March 28, 6 p.m. Place: Performing Arts Center Admission: Free

Tony Tee's: The Dancer

Some of L.A., New York and Japan's hottest street dancers perform hip hop, jazz, house and more. Date & Time: Fri., March 26, 7 p.m. Place: Performing Arts Center Tickets: (818) 677-2488


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Star Trek, the Insurection Thu., March 18 8 & 10 p.m. Sat., March 20 8 & 10 p.m.

Beloved Thu., March 25 8 & 10:30 p.m. Sat., March 27 8 & 10:30 p.m.

Steel Magnolias Wed., March 17 8 & 10 p.m. Music

Admission to all music events (unless otherwise specified): $10 general, $7 faculty and staff, $5 students and seniors

Night of Diva Delights

Featuring work by some of L.A.'s finest artists, including Consuelo Flores, INLAKECH, Desborde, Anamarie Garcia, L.A. Coyotas and others. Dates & Time: Fri., March 19 & Sat., March 20, 8 p.m. Place: Performing Arts Center Admission: $12


Television and film comic Charo (right) presents her talents on classical guitar, along with guests Willie Tyler and Lester. Date & Times: Sun., March 21, 3 & 7 p.m. Place: Performing Arts Center Tickets: (818) 785-8885

American Guitar Society

International Concert Series features Lily Afshar, with roots in Iran and the U.S. Date & Time: Sat., March 20, 8 p.m. Place: Recital Hall Admission: $12

Joshua Redman Quartet

Featuring saxophonist Joshua Redman, young world-class jazz giant. Date & Time: Tue., March 23, 8 p.m. Place: Performing Arts Center Admission: $25

CSUN Wind Ensemble

Featuring Music Dept. chair Jerry Luedders performing the Husa Saxophone Concerto.

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Date & Time: Wed., March 24, 8 p.m. Place: Performing Arts Center

The Music Department

Featuring works by Frank Campo, Aurelio de la Vega, Daniel Kessner, Scott Robbins, and William Toutant. Date & Time: Fri., March 26, 8 p.m. Place: Recital Hall


The Marriage of Figaro

A tale of hearts fickle and true, of marriage and manners, of changed identities and blundering mishaps. Dates & Times: March 19-21, 26-28; Wed., 8 p.m. Thu.-Sat., and 5 p.m. Sun. Place: Campus Theatre, Speech/Drama building Admission: $12 general, $10 faculty, staff, seniors, $7 students

The Marriage of Figaro Alumni Assoc. Dinner Theatre

Dates & Times: Sat., March 20, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Performance begins at 8 p.m. Place: The University Club Admission: $30 per person RSVP by Thu., March 18 to Heather x2076.


An item in the last issue of @csun.edu stated that a Real Women Show would be the theater event for the Alumni Association Dinner Theater. The performance will actually be of The Marriage of Figaro.

@csun.edu March 15, 1999

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