“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

Date and location (city) Time Topic/host organization/address

1 September Check in at Université Libre de Bruxelles Résidence (Wednesday) Gandhi, Campus de la Plaine , Boulevard du Triomphe, Brussels


15:00 Programme in Brussels – Preliminary to departure to Canada - Briefing on the EU, the EU-Canada relations and introduction to the Study Tour in Canada

Briefing at the EPP – CES, 20, rue du Commerce, Bruxelles

15:00 to Serge Jaumain (ULB): Welcome on behalf of the European 15:30 Association of Canadian Studies 15:30 to Alexandros Karides (European Parliament): European 16:30 Parliament, its development and changing role

16:30 to Coffee break 16:45 16:45 to Roland Freidenstein (EPP Centre for European Studies): 17:45 Importance of European Political Parties, European elections

17:45 to Don Sparling and Alexandre Berlin: Introduction to the 18:15 programme in Brussels

2 September (Thursday) 09:00 Inf@point, 1, rue Archimede, Brussels, European Brussels Commission presentations 09:00 to Alexis Loeber (European Commission, DG RELEX , 09:45 alternately Anne Marchal): Overview of EU-Canada relations from the European Commission perspective

09:45 to Bodo Richter (European Commission DG EAC): European 10:30 Commission education and youth programmes and EU- Canada relations

10:30 to Coffee break 10:45 10:45 to Johannes Schilling (EEA Brussels): Environmental issues in 11:30 the EU and in the pan-European region

11:30 to Kiryakos Revelas (European Commission, DG RELEX): 12:30 foreign policy


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

Canadian Mission to the EU, 2, Avenue de Tervuren, Brussels

13:45 to Ambassador Ross Hornby: Welcome 14:00 14:00 to Tamara Mawhinney: Summits, Canada-EU consultations, 15:00 external relations

15:00 to Cathy Dickson: Canada-EU Trade and Economic 16:00 Relationship which will include brief remarks on CETA

16:15 to European Commission (DG REGIO), Avenue de Tervuren, 17:45 Brussels

Nikki Johnston & Ann Myleus (European Commission, DG REGIO): Regional cooperation and regional programmes. 3 September (Friday) 09:00 to Council of the European Union, Rond Point Schuman, Brussels 10:00 Brussels

Stefan Tressing (Council): The Council , Arctic and relations with Russia 10:00 to Jan Alhadeff (Council): European Union defense policy 11:00 Inf@point (Council/European Commission) 1, rue Archimede, Brussels

11:15 to Willem Noe (European Commission DG ENLARG): 12:45 Enlargement of the European Union 13:45 to Jean-Louis Mercy (EUROSTAT, Luxembourg): 14:45 EUROSTAT – Social and cultural statistics

14:45 to Niels Bunemann (European Central Bank, ECB, Frankfurt): 15:45 The growing role of the European Central Bank, and its international context

15:45 to Coffee break 16:00 16:00 to Christopher Fretwell (European Court of Justice, ECJ, 17:00 Luxembourg ): The role of the Court of Justice and its impact on the global stage

4 September (Saturday) ULB Résidence Gandhi, Campus de la Plaine , Boulevard Brussels du Triomphe, Brussels

08:45 to Elisabeth Victoria Lasky (European Citizens Action 09:30 Service, EVS volunteer): A civic role for Youth in the European Union!!


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

09:30 to Timothy Bayer-Helm (European Parliament): The European 11:00 Union – past, present, and future prospects 11:00 to Projection of film produced by Intuit students – “Staking 12:00 the Claim - Dreams, Democracy and Canadian Inuit”—an introduction to the meeting with Inuit students on Monday, September 7, in Ottawa

12:00 to Don Sparling, Martin Kuester and Alexandre Berlin: Study 12:45 Tour preliminary briefing

12:45 on Free time 5 September (Sunday) 08:00 Departure by bus to the Airport Brussels ► Montréal ► Ottawa Travel to Canada (Montreal airport); coach to Ottawa; check in to hotel

Brussels to Montreal AC 0833 Depart 10:45 Arrive 12:25

Capital Hill Hotel & Suites (September 5 – 11) 88 Albert Street, Ottawa Website: www.capitalhill.com

6 September (Monday – 10:30 to Canadian War -guided tour Labour Day) Ottawa 12:30 100, rue Laurier Street, Gatineau, Québec


14:00 to Museum of Civilization – guided tour 16:30 www.civilization.ca

17:00 to Nunavut Sivuniksavut College 20:00 (Inuit College in Ottawa) 368 Dalhousie Street

Programme arranged by the Inuit students

Including demonstration of some traditional culture (music, dance, food). An opportunity for informal discussions with Inuit students. Students from previous Canadian EU Study Tour & Internship Program to attend.


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels


7 September (Tuesday) 09:30 to European Commission Delegation and Presidency of the Ottawa 14:30 EU (): EU- Canada Study Tour - Information Session for European Students

Embassy of Belgium, Boardroom, Constitution Square – Confederation Room – 2nd floor, 150 Kent Street, Ottawa

09:30 Welcome/opening remarks and introductions

H.E. Bruno van der Pluijm - Ambassador of Belgium to Canada (representing the presidency of the European Council)

H.E. Matthias Brinkmann – Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of the European Union (EU)

Don Sparling & Alexandre Berlin– Study tour organizers

10:00 The EU and the Belgian Presidency (followed by Q and A): Ambassador van der Pluijm

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 The EU Canada relationship and the Lisbon Treaty: Forging stronger ties (followed by Q and A): Ambassador Brinkmann

12:00 Light buffet lunch

13:00 The EU Canada trade relationship: Negotiations towards a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA): Head/Advisor (Cellini/Lapkowski), Economic, Commercial and Trade Issues, European Union Delegation

14:00 Coffee break: Coffee break and informal discussions with Representatives from the European Union Member States


14:30 Coach to Museum of Civilization

15:00 to Museum of Civilization 17:00 The Canadian identity in the context of the making of Canada: Dr. Victor Rabinovitch, President and CEO, Museum of Civilization


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

8 September 09:00 to Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Wednesday) Ottawa 12:00 (DFAIT)

08:55 Arrival at Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada Lester B. Pearson Building 125 Sussex Drive Ottawa Louise Dupéré will greet you at the reception area and escort you to the Robertson Conference Room

09:00 Arif Lalani, Director General Policy Planning Bureau - Canadian Foreign Policy - Afghanistan

10:00 Stéphane Jobin, Director, North America Relations Division - Canada-US Relations

11:00 Health Break

11:30 Jean Labrie, Deputy Director International Academic Programs International Education and Youth Programs Division


12:00 to Lunch (free time) 13:00

13:15 Coach to Gatineau

13:30 to Indian and Northern Affairs Organisation (INAC) 2 Montcalm Street, Gatineau 16:30 Holiday Inn, Plaza la Chaudière Room: Chateauneuf


1:00 - 1:20 Welcome Remarks & Introductions: Mimi Fortier, Director General of the Northern Oil and Gas Branch

1:20 - 2:00 Canada's Northern Strategy: John Kozij, Director, Strategic Policy and Integration, Northern Policy and Science Integration


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

2:00 - 2:20 Resource management and Impact on Arctic Development: Presentation on the environmental assessment process in the North: Eric Hopkins, A/Chief, Environmental Policies and Studies Division

2:20 - 3:00 Discussion – Qs and As

3:00 - 3:20 Role of Inuit Relations Secretariat: Sarah Cox, Director, Outreach and Liaison

3:20 – 3:40 INAC’s Circumpolar Engagement: Harald Finkler, Director, Circumpolar Liaison Directorate (CLD)

3:40 - 4:00 Overview of the Government of Canada's International Polar Year Program: Katherine Wilson, International Polar Year - Coordinator

4:00 – 4:20 Discussion – Qs and As

4:20 - 4:30 Concluding Remarks

4:30 Session Ends


9 September 09:00 to Bank of Canada, (Thursday) Ottawa 234 Wellington Street, 10:00 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G9

The Global Economic Outlook: A slow recovery after a deep recession: John Murray, Deputy Governor, and Philipp Maier, Deputy Chief, International Division


11:10 to Canadian Parliament – Tour of Centre block 12:00 www.parl.gc.ca/

12:00 to Lunch (free time) 13:00 13:00 to Canadian Council of CEOs – briefing on Canada and 15:00 international trade

Sam Boutziouvis, Vice President, Economics and International Trade


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

Location: Capital Hill Hotel & Suites 88 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1P 5E9 Tel: 613.235.1413 | Toll-Free: 1.800.463.7705


15:30 to Canadian Conference of the Arts 17:30 Arts and Culture in Canada: Policy priorities and issues: Alain Pineau, National Director

Arts Building University of Ottawa 70 Laurier Avenue East Building code: ART


10 September (Friday) 09:30 to Canadian Labour Congress, National Headquarters Ottawa 11:30 2841 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 8X7 t 613.521.3400 f 613.521.4655

Welcome and Introduction to Role of the CLC - Ken Georgetti, President

The Canadian labour movement responds to the global economic crisis - national and international dimensions - Andrew Jackson, Chief Economist and Director of Social and Economic Policy, CLC. (Addressing the domestic political agenda and the role of ITUC and TUAC at the international level.)

The CLC perspective on the proposed Canada - EU trade agreement: Teresa Healy, Senior researcher


11:30 to Lunch (free time) 12:30


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

12:30 to Assembly of First Nations – meeting and discussion with 15:15 representatives on background, current issues and policy

473 Albert Street, 8th floor Ottawa, ON K1R 5B4


15:30 to Official languages in Canada from the perspective of the 17:00 Commissioner of Official Languages / Les langues officielles au Canada du point de vue du Commissaire aux langues officielles

Graham Fraser, Commissioner of Official Languages / Commissaire aux langues officielles

344 Slater, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0T8 Tel./Tél. (613) 995-9736 / Fax/Téléc. (613) 943-2255


TBA (Tentative) Social by Alumni Association of the EU Study Tour & Internship Program; meet area alumni and some Network faculty (evening )

11 September Travel to Quebec City by coach ; check in at the hotel at (Saturday) Ottawa ► noon Québec Hôtel Delta Québec (September 11 – 13) 690, boul. René-Lévesque Est, Quebec City Website: www.deltaquebechotel.com

15:00 to Centre de la Francophonie des Ameriques 17:00 la Salle Benoît Pelletier, 2, côte de la Fabrique, Haute Ville

Visit to this new centre, with a presentation on its role and activities. and discussion of Québec’s role in the


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels


The sociological and geographic aspects of “francophone” in the Americas. Dean Louder, ( l’Université Laval).


12 September (Sunday) 09:30 Coach departs for Malachie Québec and Malachie

12 September (Sunday) 10:30 to PORTAGE: Residential drug treatment facility for youth Québec and Malachie 13:30 Visit the Centre

The drug policy of Quebec in the context of the drug policy of Canada and the approach taken by Portage. Claudia Savard and Serge Coneau


13h30 Coach returns to Québec After arrival: free time

13 September (Monday) 09:00 to 9:00 Rencontre au ministère des Relations internationales Québec ► Montréal 11:45 (MRI) et mot de bienvenu par la directrice Europe de l’Ouest et du Nord et Institutions européennes, Mme Rita Poulin

(Meeting at the Ministry of International Relations – Welcome by the Director of Western and Northern Europe and the European Institutions- Ms. Rita Poulin)

Lieu (Location) :

525, boul. René-Lévesque Est Salle Jean Chapdelaine – R.-C. Québec

9:15 Nicole McKinnon, Directrice Information et Diplomatie publique (MRI), Présentation du Québec à grand trait (Broad brush presentation of Quebec )

10:00 Break


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

10:15 Roger Ménard, Directeur Planification et Politiques (MRI),

L’action internationale du Québec (historique, capacité d’agir en tant qu’État fédéré et les grands piliers de la Politique internationale du Québec).

(The international action of Quebec – historical view, capacity to act as a federal State, major pillars of the international policy of Quebec)

11:00 Michel Frédérick, Directeur Politiques institutionnelles et constitutionnelles du Secrétariat aux affaires intergouvernementales canadiennes

Le modus vivendi entre Québec et Ottawa sur les grandes questions constitutionnelles

(Modus vivendi between Quebec and Ottawa on the major constitutional questions)


11:45 Départ pour l’Hôtel du Parlement

12:15 to Déjeuner au restaurant Le Parlementaire 13:30 (Lunch possibility at the Parliament)

13:30 to 13:30 Visite guidée de l’Assemblée nationale du Québec 16:30 (ANQ) (Guided visit of the National Assembly of Quebec)

14:15 Présentation sur le fonctionnement de l’ANQ et période de question (The functioning of the National Assembly)

15:15 Pause (break)

15 h 30 Présentation sur les relations interparlementaires et internationales de l’ANQ et période de questions (Presentation of the inter-parliamentary and international relations of the National 10

“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

Assembly of Quebec).


16:30 Travel to Montreal by coach; check into hotel

Hôtel L’Abri Du Voyageur (September 13 – 15) 9 Ouest, Rue Ste-Catherine Montréal, QC H2X 1Z7 Website: www.abri-voyageur.ca 14 September (Tuesday) 09:00 to Ministry of Immigration and Cultural Communities Montréal 12:30 Edifice Gérald-Godin 360, rue McGill salle RC-10, rez-de-chaussée

9h15 to 9h30 Jonathan Vidal, coordonnateur des relations internationales Welcome

9h30 to 10h15 Michel Charron, conseiller à la direction des politiques et programmes d’immigration

Les programmes et politiques d'immigration (sélection, grille de pointage, etc. -) (Programmes and immigration policies)

10h15 to 11h00 Roger Noël, conseiller à la direction de la gestion de la diversité et de l’intégration sociale Programmes et politiques d'intégration des immigrants (Programmes and Integration Policies for Immigrants)

11h00 to 11h45 Speaker to be confirmed

Les enjeux relatifs à la reconnaissance des diplômes et des competences (Recognition of diplomas and comptencies)

11h45 to 12h30 Louise Cantin, conseillère à la direction des politiques, des programmes, des partenariats et de


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

la promotion de la francisation

Les programmes de francisation (Programmes for French adaptation)


12:30 to Lunch (free time) 14:00

14:00 to Hydro ‐Québec (headquarters), 17:15 75, René ‐Lévesque Ouest

14:15 Welcome – Amphitheatre

14:30 Québec is unique in terms of electricity: Mr. Jean Hudon, Scientific Communicator, Hydro ‐Québec

15:30 Exchange and question period

16:00 Looking North: Challenges and Opportunities for Northern Québec and Nunavik: Mr. Joël Plouffe, PhD Candidate, Research Fellow; Raoul ‐Dandurand, Chair of Strategic and Diplomatic Studies, University of Québec at Montréal, UQÀM

Exchange and question period


17:15 Short walk to Quartier Latin : 318 rue Ontario Est

TBA Social by Alumni Association of the EU Study Tour & Internship Program; meet area alumni and some Network faculty (evening )

15 September 09:15 to Institute for Research on Public Policy (Wednesday) Montréal 12:00 1470 Peel, Suite 200 ► Toronto Montreal

Seminar style presentations and discussion

Overview of current public policy issues of concern. Mel Cappe President, IRPP, and France St.Hilaire, Vice President Research IRPP

Immigration, diversity & integration. Leslie Seidle,


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

Research Director, IRPP

Population aging and pensions – a complex public policy issue. Sarah Fortin, Research Director, IRPP and David Boisclair, Research Director, IRPP

Water – a precious commodity – public policy issues. David Boisclair, Research Director, IRPP

www.irpp.org 12:15 to Lunch (free time) 14:00

14:00 Travel to Toronto by coach; check in at the hotel

Delta Chelsea Hotel (September 15 – 19) 33 Gerrard Street West, Toronto Website: www.deltachelsea.com 16 September 08:30 to Government of Ontario Program (Thursday) 12:00 Toronto Galleria Boardroom Ontario International Trade Corporation (OITC) Ministry of Economic Development & Trade, 35th floor 250 Yonge Street at Dundas Street West (Meet in lobby)

The Ministries of • Economic Development and Trade • Training, Colleges and Universities offer presentations on current issues and policies. www.ontario.ca

13:30 to A Look at Health and Social Policy in Canada: 16:00 Dr. Ernie Lightman, Faculty of Social Work University of Toronto Faculty of Social Work building, 246 Bloor Street West (northwest corner of Bloor and Bedford), next to OISE, above Tim Horton’s. Room 346, third floor, directly opposite the elevators.

16:15 to European Union Chamber of Commerce in Toronto 19:15 t.b.a.

European Chamber of Commerce in Toronto (EUCOCIT), with the participation of the Chamber of Commerce of Toronto, Canada Europe Round Table (CERT) and the Canadian Youth Business Foundation (CYBF) – panel


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

discussion with a focus on Toronto as a business centre

Meeting, discussions, followed by a reception.


17 September (Friday) 09:30to Royal Bank of Canada Presentation and Tour Toronto 12:00 Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, 55 Dundas Street West, 9th floor, room 3-129

0930 - Presentation by the Royal Bank of Canada, Canada's largest bank. The presentation will include a description of the Canadian banking system and similarities and differences from European banking systems.

1030 - walk to RBC Tower, 200 Bay Street (at Front Street)

1100 - tour of RBC headquarters and visit to RBC's derivatives trading floor


12:00 to Lunch (free time) 13:00

13:00 to City of Toronto– briefing on Metro Toronto issues: social 16:00 policy, environmental sustainability and democratic governance

City Hall 100 Queen Street West, Suite C42 Toronto, ON M5H 2N2 www.toronto.ca

Columbus Centre, Centro Scuola 901 Lawrence Ave West (Larence & Dufferin) North York, Ontario M6A 1C3 (416) 789-7011 (416) 789-7011

Presentation: The Toronto Ethnic Communities – European (Italian): Alberto di Giovanni

Invitation to dinner follows.


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

18 September 09:30 to Canadian Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement – (Saturday) Toronto 12:00 briefing and discussion on youth issues: multiculturalism, social issues, youth engagement.

Boardroom Columbus Centre 901 Lawrence Ave West North York, Ontario M6A 1C3 (416) 789-7011 (416) 789-7011

12:00 to Lunch (free time) Columbus Centre restaurant available 13:00

13:00 to Multicultural History Society of Ontario 16:00 Boardroom Columbus Centre

Introduction to the Multicultural Historical Sociey of Ontario and its projects

The Toronto Ethnic Communities – Asian

The Toronto Ethnic Communuties – Latin Amercican & Caribbean

Guided tour on Toronto as a multi-ethnic community.


TBA (Tentative) Social by Alumni Association of the EU Study Tour & Internship Program; meet area alumni and some Network faculty (evening )

19 September (Sunday) Travel plus free time in Vancouver Toronto ► Vancouver Toronto to Vancouver AC 0181 Depart 11:00 Arrive 13:02

Holiday Inn & Suites Vancouver Downtown (September 19 – 25) 1110 Howe Street Tel: 604.684.2151 | Toll-Free: 1.800.663.9151 Fax: 604.684.4736 Website: www.holidayinnvancouverdowntown.com


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

20 September (Monday) 09:00 to Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada Vancouver 12:00 220-890 West Pender St Vancouver BC V6C 1J9 Tel: 604-630-1532 Fax: 604-681-1370

Briefing by Alexandra Ho, Project Manager, on Canada’s Pacific and Asian relations.

The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, created by an Act of Parliament in 1984, is an independent, not-for-profit think-tank on Canada’s relations with Asia. The Foundation functions as a knowledge broker, bringing together people and knowledge to provide current and comprehensive research, analysis and information on Canada’s transpacific relations. It promotes dialogue on economic, security, political and social issues, fostering informed decision- making in the Canadian public, private and non- governmental sectors. The Foundation also provides grants to support policy research and informed discussion on Canada’s relations with Asia.


12:00 to Lunch (free time) 13:00

13:00 to Aboriginal legal challenges: a review 16:00 Law Courts Education Society of BC Head Office 260-800 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C5

(Enter via Smithe Street )

Stuart Rush, Q.C. and Bruce Stadfeld, Barristers & Solicitors

1. Overview of Aboriginal Title and Rights in Canadian Law 2. Consultation and Accommodation and Resource Development in BC


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels



21 September 09:00 to Social issues: visit to Safe Injection site; harm reduction (Tuesday) Vancouver 12:00 discussion; safe injection site housing (Portland Housing Society)

Meet at: tbA




13:30 to David Suzuki Foundation – Briefing on Canada and 16:30 environmental issues: overview of sustainability in Canada; campaigns; post-Copenhagen


Liu Institute for Global Issues Multipurpose Room The University of British Columbia 6476 NW Marine Drive Vancouver, BC

16:30 on Option: Visit to UBC’s Museum of Anthropology, open until 21:00. Arrangements t.ba.

22 September Travel to Victoria by coach and ferry (Wednesday) Vancouver ► Vancouver Shuttle & Charter (September 22) Victoria ► Transportation from hotel to ferry terminal Vancouver 09:30 to BC’s Views on the Canada Europe Trade Agreement 10:45 www.gov.bc.ca/tted

11:00 to New Relationship with First Nations and Aboriginal 12:00 peoples - including treaties, reconciliation agreements, community development: Arlene Paton, Assistant Deputy Minister, Partnerships & Community Renewal Division, Ministry of Aboriginal Relations & Reconciliation


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

Room 504 (5th fl, 2957 Jutland) Victoria www.gov.bc.ca/arr/index.html

12:00 to Lunch (free time) 13:45

13:45 to Opposition politics in BC: With Adrian Dix, MLA, and 16:00 other members of the official opposition.

(Parliament Buildings, Opposition Caucus Room)



16:00 to (Tentative) Social by Alumni Association of the EU Study 19:30 Tour & Internship Program; meet area alumni and some Network faculty (evening )

07:30 Return to Vancouver by coach and ferry

23 September 9:00 to Honourable Iain Black (Thursday) Vancouver 10:00 Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development

British Columbia Showcase Robson Square 800 Robson Street (Lower Plaza) Vancouver, BC

10:15 to Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons – briefing by 12:00 Canada’s leading institution in this area.

Location t.b.a


12:00 to Lunch (free time) 13:00


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

13:30 to Multiculturalism: briefing on the Chinese, Japanese and 16:30 South Asian communities in Vancouver with a walking tour of historical Chinatown.

Strathcona Employment Assistance Services (SEAS), 4th floor of the Omni Television station building, corner of Pender and Columbia Streets

24 September (Friday) 08:30 to Leave hotel for Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, by Vancouver 09:15 public transportation (bus)

09:30 to The fait français in British Columbia: A panel 12:00 discussion

Simon Fraser University 8960 University High Street (room 198 B)

Names of presenters and titles of their individual presentations:

1. Dr. Kina Chenard, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University: The "French Fact" in British Columbia: Definitions, Challenges and Opportunities

2. Robert Rothon, Executive Director of Canadian Parents for French – BC & Yukon Branch: French Second Language programs in BC and the role of non-French-speaking parents.

3. Claire Trépanier, Director pro tem, Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs/Bureau des affaires francophones et francophiles (OFFA/BAFF) at Simon Fraser University: Post- secondary French-language studies in BC (part 1)

4. TBA, Educacentre College: Post-secondary French-language studies in BC (part 2)

5. TBA, Conseil scolaire francophone de la C.-B. (School District #93) : Title TBA.

6. Marie-Andrée Asselin, Executive Director, Fédération des parents francophones de la C.-B: Title TBA.


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

 9h30 to 9h40 o Arrival of EU delegation at 8960 University High Street ( room 198 B), Burnaby.  9h40 to 9h50 o Word of welcome on behalf of Simon Fraser University and the Consortium en Éducation.  9h50 to 10h50 o Individual presentations by members of the Consortium en education (10 minutes each) and Dr K Chenard.  10h50 – 11h45 o Q & A in panel format  11h45 to 12h30 o Lunch served in Room 198 B. EU delegation members mingle with SFU students from Dr Chenard’s class and other guests.  12h30 to 12h40 o EU delegation leaves building for bus loop and then departs SFU for their 13h30 appt. in Vancouver.

www.cpf.bc.ca www.sfu.ca/baff-offa www.csf.bc.ca www.fpfcb.bc.ca www.educacentre.com www.sfu.ca/politics

12:00 to Lunch at SFU (free time) 12:45

12:45 Return to Vancouver by coach (City Hall)

13:30 to City of Vancouver – urban issues—housing, homelessness, 16:00 environmental sustainability, development.

Overview of issues: Councillor Geoff Meggs

The Green City: Councillor Andrea Reimer

Committee Room 1, 3 rd Floor City Hall 453 West 12th Avenue


“Thinking Canada”: Program for the Europe-Canada Study Tour & Internship Programme (Version 15)

Notes: Location addresses are in italics. ► Indicates travel day to another city and change of hotels

Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4 www.vancouver.ca

TBA (Tentative) Reception by Alumni Association of the EU Study Tour & Internship Program; meet area alumni and some Network faculty (evening ). In cooperation with Capilano University.

25 September Departure for Brussels (Saturday) Vancouver ► Montréal Vancouver to Montreal AC0150 Depart 8:50 Arrive 16:31 Montreal to Brussels AC0832 Depart 19:45 arrive 08:35* ► Brussels Next day: September 26

26 September (Sunday) Arrive in Brussels Vancouver ►Montréal Montreal to Brussels AC0832 Depart 19:45 arrive 08:35 ►Brussels

Inquiries: Eduard M. Lavalle Chair, Department of Political Studies Capilano University Office: 604.986.1911 Ext. 3644 Mobile: 604.999.9082 [email protected] or [email protected]

Coordinator, Canada Program "Thinking Canada"--European Union Study Tour to Canada an activity of the European Network for Canadian Studies Sponsored by the European Commission www.thinking-canada.eu

Director (Administration) European Union Study Tour & Internship Program an activity of the Network for European Studies (Canada) www.capilanou.ca/europa