© Floyd Matcham (Dorset) Ltd 2016




1. ENSURE THAT THE COPY HAS BEEN PRINTED/PLOTTED ON THE STATED SHEET SIZE WITH THE PLOTTING SCALE SET TO A CORRECT RATIO SOFT LANDSCAPE WORKS SPECIFICATION 2. ENSURE THAT AN ADEQUATE ALLOWANCE (DEPENDANT ON THE STATED SCALE) IS MADE FOR THE INEVITABLE Planting Schedule PREPARATION SEEDING TREE PIT NOTES DISTORTIONS INTRODUCED BY PLOTTING/PRINTING AND Growth and development: Healthy, vigorous grass sward, free from the visible effects of Excavations for tree pits will be 1500mm x 1500mm width and 640mm deep ( allowing for a Trees SUBSOIL SURFACE PREPARATION Loosening: - Light and non-cohesive subsoils: When ground COPYING PROCESSES Number Girth Height Specification Density conditions are reasonably dry, loosen thoroughly to a depth of 300 mm. - Stiff clay and cohesive pests, weeds and disease. 40mm drainage layer at the base). 336 No. Acer campestre 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.45Ctr Triple Staggered at 0.45m offset subsoils: When ground conditions are reasonably dry, loosen thoroughly to a depth of 450 mm. Appearance: A closely knit, continuous ground cover of even density, height and colour. 9 No. Acer campestre 2.0-2.5m Feathered tree 2.4Ctr General: Carry out the work while soil and weather conditions are suitable. Trees planted at 12-16cm girth in soft landscape areas will be planted with underground 5 No. Acer campestre 14-16cm 2.5-3.0m RB Counted IMPORTED TOPSOIL (TO BS 3882) Provide to fill planting beds Grade: To BS 3882, Multi Purpose Boundaries: Mark clearly. guys, irrigation pipes and backfill. 196 No. Acer campestre 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr Grade. Source: Submit proposals. Submit: Declaration of analysis including information detailing Delineation: In straight lines or smoothly flowing curves as shown on drawings. 4 No. Alnus glutinosa 12-14cm 2.5-3.0m RB Counted Trees planted at 12-16cm girth in soft landscape areas in close proximity to roads, 5 No. Betula pendula 2.5-3.0m Feathered Counted each of the relevant parameters given in BS 3882, clause 6 and table 2. 8 No. Betula utilis 'Jermyns' 14-16cm 3.0-3.5m CG Counted PREPARATION footpaths and service runs will have the addition of a root deflector. 166 No. Carpinus betulus 1.2m Feathered 0.3Ctr SPREADING TOPSOIL Layers: - Depth (maximum): 150 mm. - Gently firm each layer before SEED BED CLEANING BEFORE SOWING FOR AREAS OF PLACED FILL 11 No. Carpinus betulus 'A Beeckman' 14-16cm 3.0-3.5m RB Counted spreading the next. Depths after firming and settlement (minimum): 450 mm for planting and Operations: Kill pernicious weeds with selective contact herbicide. Trees planted in hard landscape areas will have the addition of underground root cells for 670 No. Crataegus monogyna 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.45Ctr Triple Staggered at 0.45m offset 150mm for lawn Crumb structure: Do not compact topsoil. Preserve a friable texture of separate Light cultivation of soils to form seed bed their growth and ArborResin tree pit surface. 26 No. Crataegus monogyna 80-90cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.5Ctr Double Staggered at 0.75m offset visible crumbs wherever possible. 391 No. Crataegus monogyna 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr SEEDING 622 No. Fagus sylvatica 1.2m Feathered 0.3Ctr 8 No. Fagus sylvatica 14-16cm 3.0-3.5m RB Counted FINISHED LEVELS OF TOPSOIL AFTER SETTLEMENT Above adjoining paving or kerbs: 20 mm. Shrub 40 No. Frangula alnus 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr areas: Higher than adjoining grass areas by 25 mm. Within root spread of existing trees: Unchanged. WETLAND AND POND SEED MIX 225 No. Ilex aquifolium 50-60cm CG 0.45Ctr Triple Staggered at 0.45m offset Adjoining soil areas: Marry in. Thickness of mulch: Included. Supplier: Emorsgate. 5 No. Ilex aquifolium 50-60cm CG 2.4Ctr Mixture reference: EP1. 39 No. Ilex aquifolium 80-100cm 0.45Ctr TIMES OF YEAR FOR PLANTING Deciduous trees and : Late October to late March. Conifers Application rate: 5g/m². 1 No. Malus 'Evereste' 14-16cm 3.0-3.5m CG Counted and evergreens: September/ October or April/ May. Herbaceous : September/ October or 5 No. Malus sylvestris 2.0-2.5m Feathered tree 2.4Ctr QUALITY OF SEED FOR ALL SEEDED AREAS 49 No. Malus sylvestris 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr March/ April. Container grown plants: At any time if ground and weather conditions are 5 No. Prunus avium 2.0-2.5m Feathered tree 2.4Ctr favourable. Ensure that adequate watering and weed control is provided. Freshness: Produced for the current growing season. 30 No. Prunus avium 12-14cm 2.5-3.0m RB Counted Certification: Blue label certified varieties. 2 No. Prunus avium 'Plena' 12-14cm 2.5-3.0m CG Counted CLIMATIC CONDITIONS General: Carry out the work while soil and weather conditions are suitable. Standard: EC purity and germination regulations. 2 No. Pyrus calleryana 'Chanticleer' 14-16cm 3.0-3.5m RB Counted Do not during periods of frost or strong winds. Official Seed Testing Station certificate of germination, purity and composition: Submit 13 No. Quercus robur 14-16cm 3.0-3.5m RB Counted when requested. 40 No. Salix cinerea 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr 1 No. Sorbus intermedia 'Brouwers' 12-14cm 2.5-3.0m CG Counted PLANTING SHRUBS AND FEATHERED TREES 4 No. Tilia cordata 'Green Spire' 14-16cm 3.0-3.5m RB Counted SOWING Total :2918 No. STANDARD : The National Plant Specification General: Establish good seed contact with the root zone. Plant Stock: Materially undamaged, sturdy, healthy and vigorous of good shape and without Method: To suit soil type, proposed usage, location and weather conditions during and Shrubs elongated shoots. Hardiness: Grown in a suitable environment and hardened off. after sowing. Number Species Pot Size Height Specification Density Health: Free from pests, diseases, discoloration, weeds and physiological disorders. Distribution: 2 equal sowings at right angles to each other. 32 No. Abelia grandiflora 3L 20-30cm 3/4 brks 3/m² 33 No. Aucuba japonica 'Salicifolia' 5L 60-80cm 3 brks 2/m² Root system and condition: Balanced with branch system. 35 No. Berberis thunbergii 'Red Chief' 3L 30-40cm 3 brks 3/m² Plant species: true to name and native species to be of local provenance as defined in the SOWING SEASON 46 No. Choisya 'Aztec Pearl' 5L 60-80cm 5 brks 3/m² National Plant Specification. Wildflower seed generally: September -October and March to April. 74 No. Cistus 'Silver Pink' 3L 20-30cm 3 brks 3/m² 28 No. Cornus alba 'Sibirica' 3L 60-80cm 3 brks 3/m² PLANT HANDLING, STORAGE TRANSPORT AND PLANTING CLEANLINESS 80 No. Cornus sanguinea 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr To CPSE 'Handling and establishing landscape plants' standard. Protect plants from frost and Soil and arisings: Remove from hard surfaces. 11 No. Cornus sanguinea 'Anny's Autumn Orange' 3L 30-40cm 3 brks 3/m² General: Leave the works in a clean, tidy condition at Completion and after any Soft Landscape Key 91 No. Cornus sanguinea 'Midwinter Fire' 3L 20-30cm Bushy 3/m² handle plants with care. Protect from mechanical damage and do not subject to 14 No. Corylus avellana 80-90cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.5Ctr Double Staggered at 0.75m offset shock, e.g. by dropping from a vehicle. Planting: Upright or well balanced with best side to front. maintenance operations. 98 No. Corylus avellana 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr 80 No. conspicuus 'Decorus' 3L 20-30cm 3 brks 3/m² PLANTING PITS FOR NATIVE SHRUBS AND FEATHERED TREES MAINTENANCE 89 No. Cotoneaster flocossus 5L 60-80cm 3 brks 2/m² Excavate 1-2 days (maximum) before planting. Pits should be wide enough to accommodate roots FAILURES OF SEEDING/TURFING Proposed trees 301 No. Cotoneaster franchetii 5L 60-80cm 3 brks 2/m² when fully spread and 75 mm deeper than root system. Duration: Carry out the following operations from completion of seeding/ turfing until: the 13 No. Crataegus monogyna 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 2.4Ctr Pit bottom improvement - break up to a depth of 150 mm, incorporating 25 g of slow release end of the rectification period. 160 No. Crataegus monogyna 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr Defective materials or workmanship: Areas that have failed to thrive. 57 No. Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' 10L 80-100cm 3 brks 0.45Ctr fertilizer per planting pit 34 No. Escallonia rubra 'Crimson Spire' 10L 80-100cm 3 brks 0.45Ctr Proposed front lawns 175 No. Euonymus jap. 'Green Rocket' 3L 20-30cm 3 brks 3/m² ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS/ HERBACEOUS PLANTS MAINTAINING GRASSED AREAS WITH PERENNIAL WILD 114 No. Euonymus japonicus 10L 80-100cm 3 brks 0.5Ctr To planting plan layout and density/centres as shown. Excavate 2 days (maximum) before Duration: Carry out the following operations from completion of seeding until: the end of 58 No. Genista lydia 3L 10-20cm good bushy plants 5/m² planting. Pits to be 150 mm wider than roots when fully spread and 300 mm deep. Pit bottom the rectification period. Existing grassland retained and 253 No. Griselinia littoralis 10L 80-100cm 3 brks 0.5Ctr improvement Break up to a depth of 150 mm, incorporating 25 g of approved slow release fertilizer Preparation: Before each cut remove all litter and debris. managed to create meadows 56 No. Hebe 'Sutherlandii' 3L 10-20cm Bushy 4/m² Cutting method: tractor/ ride-on mower or strimming in inaccessible or wet areas 132 No. Hebe ochracea 3L 10-20cm 3 brks 4/m² per planting pit. Backfilling material: topsoil 108 No. Hypericum moserianum 3L 20-30cm Bushy :5 brks 3/m² Height and frequency of cut in first growing season: 103 No. Ilex crenata 'Convexa' 10L 60-80cm Bushy 0.45Ctr CONTAINER GROWN PLANTS/ TREES Growing medium: With adequate nutrients for plants to thrive Time of first cut: June/ July. Proposed shrub planting 229 No. Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote' 3L 20-30cm Bushy :5 brks 3/m² until permanently planted. Plants: Centred in containers, firmed and well watered. Root growth: Height of first cut: 75 mm. 152 No. Lonicera nitida 'Baggesen's Gold' 3L 30-40cm 3/4 brks 3/m² Substantially filling containers, but not root bound, and in a condition conducive to successful Frequency of subsequent cutting (minimum): Every 6-8 weeks until autumn. 360 No. Lonicera pileata 'Loughall Evergreen' 3L 30-40cm Bushy 3/m² transplanting. Hardiness: Grown in the open for at least two months before being supplied. Height of growth permitted (maximum): 150 mm. 215 No. Mahonia aquifolium 'Apollo' 3L 30-40cm main leader well branched 3/m² Height and frequency of cut in second growing season: Proposed hedges 58 No. Olearia macrodonta 'Major' 7.5L 60-80cm 3 brks 2/m² Containers: With holes adequate for drainage when placed on any substrate commonly 605 No. Pachysandra terminalis 3L 10-20cm 3 brks 7/m² Time of cut: Single cut in late July/ early August or later if flowers have not set seed. 230 No. Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Blue Spire' 3L 10-20cm 3 brks 4/m² AFTER PLANTING Height of cut: 100 mm. Hard Landscape Key 90 No. Philadelphus microphyllus 3L 30-40cm 3 brks 3/m² Watering immediately after planting, thoroughly and without damaging or displacing plants or soil. Injurious and pernicious weeds: remove by hand pulling or spot-treatment by translocated 93 No. Potentilla fruticosa 'Goldfinger' 3L 30-40cm Bushy :3 brks 3/m² Lightly firm soil around plants and fork and/ or rake soil, without damaging roots, to a fine tilth with herbicide Proposed 1.8m timber CB fence 87 No. Prunus laurocerasus 'Zabeliana' 3L 30-40cm compact bushy plants 3/m² gentle cambers and no hollows. Trimming: All edges. 501 No. Prunus lusitanica 'Myrtifolia' 10L 80-100cm 3 brks 0.5Ctr Arisings: Remove after 2-7 days to allow seed to be shed. 336 No. Prunus spinosa 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.45Ctr Triple Staggered at 0.45m offset Proposed 1.8m brick walls 14 No. Prunus spinosa 80-90cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.5Ctr Double Staggered at 0.75m offset PROTECTION OF NATIVE TRANSPLANTS INCLUDING FEATHERED TREES 196 No. Prunus spinosa 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr Tubex shrub shelters colour green. Round Biopolymer and Oxo-bio polypropylene. Proposed 1.8m timber panel fence 225 No. Rhamnus cathartica 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.45Ctr Triple Staggered at 0.45m offset 600m high x 144-200mm diameter supported by a single timber stake and two nylon ties. 49 No. Rhamnus cathartica 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr Ensure that protection methods do not impede natural movement of shrubs or 27 No. Rosmarinus off. 'Sissinghurst Blue' 3L 20-30cm 3 brks 3/m² restrict growth. Use larger diameter shelters for shrub species including holly and yew. 105 No. Rosmarinus offi.'Miss Jessop's Upright' 5L 60-80cm 3 brks 0.25Ctr Proposed 1.2m post and 3 rail fence 122 No. Rosmarinus officinalis 'Severn Sea' 3L 10-20cm 3 brks 6/m² 19 No. Sarcococca confusa 3L 20-30cm 4 brks 3/m² SPECIMEN TREES: 1500 x 1500 x 900mm deep pits. Apple Orchard Varieties Metal estate fencing 63 No. Sarcococca hookeriana digyna 5L 30-40cm 3 brks 3/m² Sides and base of pits cross-ripped at 450mm/cs to open subgrade for rooting. Beauty Of Hants. A dual purpose apple very similar to Blenheim 193 No. Skimmia confusa 'Kew Green' 3L 30-40cm 3 brks 3/m² Pits backfilled with loam topsoil ameliorated with 100 litres planting compost, 50 litres Orange.http://www.keepers-nursery.co.uk/ 55 No. Viburnum davidii 3L 20-30cm 3 brks 3/m² water retention granules and 900 gm slow-release fertiliser. Herringbone concrete blocks (roads & driveways) 225 No. Viburnum lantana 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.45Ctr Triple Staggered at 0.45m offset All planting from boards to prevent puddling. 225 No. Viburnum opulus 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 0.45Ctr Triple Staggered at 0.45m offset Claygate PearmainThis nutty, aromatic eating apple was very popular in Victorian England and REV No 9 No. Viburnum opulus 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 2.4Ctr was often planted in the orchards of manor houses at the time. It originates from the village of TREE STAKING: 80 No. Viburnum opulus 80-100cm 1+2 :Transplant 1Ctr Claygate, Surrey, U.K, in 1821. It has variable russetting with pink/red flushes over green, giving Rev A 20.12.16 55 No. Viburnum opulus 'Compactum' 5L 40-60cm 3 brks 0.35Ctr Underground guys. Tarmac surfaced roads with PCC Kerbs. a silver tinge. Its flavour has a good balance of sugar and acidity and as a variety Claygate (Tarmac on driveways to have block edging) Hard landscape added and 197 No. Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' 10L 60-80cm 3 brks 0.45Ctr Pearmain offers excellent disease resistance. It will do well for organic growers and for those in 202 No. Vinca difformis 'Jenny Pym' 2L 3 shoots from pot level 4/m² MULCHING TREE PITS IN SOFT LANDSCAPE: minor amendments to planting colder or higher rainfall areas.http://www.crown-nursery.co.uk Total :7292 No. Form a 1m diameter bed around the base of each tree planted in grassland. http://www.talatonplants.co.uk Rev B 21.12.16 Herbaceous Tarmac surfaced footways Minor amendments MULCHING SHRUB PLANTING BEDS Material: Medium grade bark mulch. - Purity: Free of pests, Number Species Pot Size Density Howgate Wonder. This is a dual purpose cooker/eater that is also good for juicing. It produces disease, fungus and weeds. Preparation: Clear all weeds. Water soil thoroughly. Coverage: 50 mm Rev C 08.02.17 565 No. Geranium macro. 'Ingwersen's Variety' 2L 5/m² very large apples - currently holding the title for heaviest apple on record. Due to its large size it 67 No. Liriope 'John Burch' 2L 6/m² depth. Finished level of mulch: 30 mm below adjacent grassed or paved areas. Amendments to latest makes an impressive baked apple when brought to the table! It was raised on the Isle of Wight Surface 6-10mm gravel rolled into hot spray 201 No. Liriope muscari 'Munro White' 2L 6/m² in 1916, and has proved to be a healthy and vigorous tree producing regular heavy crops. It is a bitumen with Conservation kerbs to these lanes architects layout 227 No. Pulmonaria longifolia 'Bertrum Andersun 2L 4/m² TREATMENT OF TREE WOUNDS more hardy variety than some, making it suitable for growing in colder parts of the 43 No. Stachys byzantina 'Silver Carpet' 2L 5/m² Cutting: Keep wounds as small as possible. 270 No. Tellima grandiflora 2L 5/m² country.http://www.crown-nursery.co.uk Cut cleanly back to sound wood using sharp, clean tools. 709 No. Waldsteinia ternata 2L 6/m² http://www.talatonplants.co.uk Rural path surface - Total :2082 No. Leave branch collars. Do not cut flush with stem or trunk. Limestone dust over type 1 base Set cuts so that water will not collect on cut area. Cooking Reverend W.WilksReverend W.Wilks is named after the distinguished vicar of Shirley Climbers Fungicide/ Sealant: Do not apply unless instructed. Number Species Height Pot Size Density parish, Surrey and RHS secretary between 1888-1919. It is the perfect selection for people Paths - 450mm x 450mm PC slabs wanting a compact, slow growing tree for the garden as it will never get out of hand, and yet 1 No. Parthenocissus henryana 60-80cm 3L Counted SURPLUS MATERIAL Total :1 No. bears heavy crops of large green apples. It cooks to a pale lemon coloured puree, light and Subsoil, stones, debris, wrapping material, canes, ties, temporary labelling, rubbish, Rumble strips - Granite setts sweet, and is an excellent apple for baking as its natural sweetness requires little added sugar. prunings and other arisings: Remove. FLOYD MATCHAM Conifers In fact, it has been noted as the finest cooking apple of them all - quite an Number Species Pot Size Height Density CHARTERED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 600mm high Hardwood bollards URBAN DESIGN & MASTERPLANNING 74 No. Pinus mugo 'Mops' 10L 40-60cm 2/m² accoladehttp://www.talatonplants.co.uk/- Adam's Apple http://www.keepers-nursery.co.uk/ PARSONAGE FARMHOUSE, TODBER, STURMINSTER NEWTON Total :74 No. DORSET, DT101JB, T 01747 838041, F 01747 838098 E [email protected] Dual Purpose Blenheim OrangeBlenheim Orange is a dual purpose variety that is sweet and nutty to taste and can also be used for apple sauces. The tree itself is strong limbed and DRAWING NAME produces heavy crops. This variety was found near Blenheim, Oxfordshire in 1840.http://www.talatonplants.co.uk/ Planting Plan - Sheet 6

Cooking Hambledon Deux-ansAn 18th Century cooking apple originating from Hampshire and CLIENT popular in the Victorian era.http://www.keepers-nursery.co.uk/ Gleeson Strategic Land


JOB NO DWG No TD838 TD838_06C

SCALE DATE 1:250@A1 12.16