0 District Swachhata Plan

Beed District Swachhata Plan

Strategy and plan to make ODF by March 2018

UNICEF, PriMove,

1 Beed District Swachhata Plan


1. Introduction ...... 2

2. Enabling Factors and Bottlenecks ...... 5

3. The Strategy ...... 6

4. Strategic actions and activity plan ...... 7

4.1 Demand Management ...... 7

4.2 Demand Response Mechanism ...... 15

4.3 Oversight and Monitoring ...... 21

4.4 Sustainability Plan ...... 23

Institutional arrangements for implementation of the strategy ...... 24

Non-negotiables for the strategy...... 25

Activity Plan ...... 26

Financial Plan ...... 30

5. Annexure ...... 31

Annexure 1: List of Master Trainers and Motivators ...... 32

Annexure 2: GP wise status of Sanitation ...... 35

Annexure 3: Officials who participated in preparation of the plan ...... 79

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune

2 Beed District Swachhata Plan


1.1 State and District Vision The Government of Maharashtra (GoM) has recently announced its vision of making the state Open Defecation Free (ODF) by March 2018.1 In order to contribute to this vision of the GoM, Zilla Parishad, Beed decided to make the district ODF within stipulated period and developed an appropriate strategy and detailed action plan, outlined in this document.

The district aims at construction and sustainable use of toilets in all households in the district. The milestones in achieving this goal are-  To make all GPs selected under AIP (2016-17) ODF by March 2017  To make two blocks Dharur and ODF by March 2017  To implement special campaign for construction and use of toilets in additional families and families with defunct toilets The Beed ZP and DWSM aim to  To focus on sustainable use and maintenance of achieve total sanitation by initiating sanitation movement in individual and public sanitation facilities villages, qualitative toilet

construction through community 1.2 Current sanitation situation in the district participation and development of ideal villages. A snapshot of the sanitation situation, as of January 2017, with respect to baseline Survey 2012 (BLS-2012) is presented in Table-1 below.

Table-1: Sanitation coverage in Beed district: Total Units 11 Blocks 1020 3,84,692 hhs Gram Panchayats (GPs) Sanitation coverage 0 block ODF 60 (05.8%) 1, 33,293 hhs (34.6%) Target 11 960 (94.1%) 2, 51,399 hhs (65.4%)

1 Announcement by Hon Chief Minister of Maharashtra on 19/11/2016

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3 Beed District Swachhata Plan

1.2 The Targets 1.2.1 BLS 2012 Target An analysis of block wise status of sanitation 120 reveals that out of the 11 blocks to be made 100 ODF, two blocks have coverage between 40% 80 and 60%, and remaining 9 blocks have 60 coverage below 40%. The target of four

40 blocks (Ashti, Beed, , Georai) is above 30,000 IHHLs, and contribute about 56% of 20 the total target. Two blocks have target 0 between 19,000 and 29,000 and remaining four blocks have target below 15,000. IHHL Coverage % Target in % Following table presents the status of sanitation in Beed district.

Table -2: IHHL coverage and targets Sr. Block Total Total HHs ODF GPs % of ODF IHHL Target in No. GPs GPs Coverage numbers % 1. 100 37257 5 5.0 38 23123 2. Ashti 121 46360 12 9.9 29 33050 3. Beed 173 54106 6 6.9 32 37033 4. Dharur 55 21722 0 10.9 35 14172 5. 135 58111 11 4.4 33 38978 6. Kaij 113 44670 3 0.0 31 31012 7. 90 44531 10 0.0 37 27837 8. Parali V. 88 31635 5 12.5 39 19269 9. 59 18734 2 18.6 28 13437 10. Shirur K. 51 13061 4 5.9 59 5386 11. Wadvani 35 14505 2 8.6 44 8102 1020 384692 60 6.8 35 251399 Source: SBM data as on December 2016, data received from the district

Following map presents the block wise targets of IHHLs construction.

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4 Beed District Swachhata Plan

1.2.2 Additional families and defunct toilets: Two additional factors add to the target load. These are additional families and defunct toilets in Table-3 additional families in Beed the district. Sr. Total additional No Block families  Total 65,339 new households formed in GPs 1. Ambajogai 2548 after baseline survey do not have a toilet, and 2. Ashti 3584  Some toilets built so far are in some state of 3. Beed 7200 repair and are not in useable condition or used 4. Dharur 9402 for other purposes (defunct toilets). The data 5. Gevrai 9863 regarding defunct toilets is not presently 6. Kaij 5108 available with the district. A survey will be 7. Majalgaon 2552 conducted to find out the exact number of 8. Parali V. 6029 defunct toilets in the district. 9. Patoda 3452 These additional and defunct toilets need to be 10. Shirur K. 7280 covered to achieve complete elimination of open 11. Wadvani 8321 defecation. Block wise status of additional families Total 65339 in the district is presented in Table-3. Source: data received from the district

 Target of additional families and defunct toilets add to the target load in the district.  The total target (BLS 2012+ additional families without IHHLs ts) in the district is 3,16,738 IHHLs  Four blocks (Ashti, Beed, Kaij, Georai) contribute about 56% of the total target.

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5 Beed District Swachhata Plan


Beed district has done well in moving towards achieving 100% ODF status in the district. This achievement is due to a vibrant enabling environment, though bottlenecks exist in some aspects. The SWOT analysis for sanitation sector in the district is presented in the schematic below. In moving forward, this strategy aims to further build on the strengths, address the weaknesses, take up opportunities for the progress and minimize the threats.

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This section presents the strategy and action plan adopted by Zilla Parishad, Beed to achieve the goal of making the district ODF by March 2018. The goal of total sanitation will be achieved in three stages. In the first stage, toilet construction target of baseline survey will be completed. In second stage, toilets will be built in additional families and defunct toilets brought back in use. Efforts will be made to complete targets by organizing village level campaigns, capacity building of stakeholders, IEC/ BCC, supply chain management, convergence of government schemes, etc. Team work will be the core of the activities and the focus will be on construction of toilets. The third stage will focus on sustainability of structures. The strategy builds on; (i) Demand Management (ii) Demand Response Mechanism and (iii) Oversight and monitoring. Key elements of these pillars are explained in the schematic. Next section of this document details the key strategic actions followed by the action plan.

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The key strategic actions and a detailed action plan under the three strategic pillars are captured in this section. 4.1 Demand Management District While good efforts have been Swachhata taken in the district for Plan awareness generation in last 3 Oversight years, the awareness is not yet Demand and fully translated into demand Management because of many other practical monitoring ground level issues. Village level Demand sanitation movement through response mechanism Gaon mukkam mohim and qualitative toilet construction through community participation is necessary to address ground level issues. Hence, generating demand for building toilets among these sections is paramount. Second, creating demand for making the entire GP ODF is also equally important and hence demand creation is a non-negotiable in this strategy. The district would adopt three processes for this;  ODEP process- for generating demand for making the GP ODF,  Behaviour Change Communications (BCC) for generating demand for building toilets and using them, and  Effective engagement of elected representatives and other key stakeholders for proving overall leadership and oversight to the drive. This section presents the strategic actions related to generation, articulation and consolidation of demand for sanitation.

Demand Management  Strategic planning and prioritization IHHLs construction- (for BLS-2012 families, additional families and defunct toilets)  Rolling out ODEP process for generating demand for making GPs ODF  Behaviour change communication for triggering household’s demand for building and using toilets

 Engagement of elected representatives for effective leadership and overall oversight  Involvement of other stakeholders, as required

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4.1.1: Strategic planning and prioritization IHHLs construction All the 960 GPs will be targeted simultaneously but the achievement of ODF status is likely to spread in the next 15 months, based on the burden. While the GPs with very low burden are expected to become ODF earlier, focusing on high burden GPs is a non-negotiable. a. BLS-2012 families On the basis of GP wise data, planning for achieving ODF status of each GP was undertaken and plotted against monthly time frame. The 213 GPs with target less than 100 IHHLs will be targeted on priority. Then in second phase, the GPs targeted under AIP (2016-17) will be made ODF. The GPs with high targets will be concentrated in this period. Based on this, the likely time frame for each block to become ODF was also estimated. These details are presented in Table-4. As per the Zilla Parishad goal, the reamaining 960 GPs from the 11 blocks are to be made ODF by March 2018. Following is the detailed planning-  2 blocks Wadvani and Dharur are to be made ODF by March 2017  Patoda and Shirur blocks to be made ODF by August 2017.  Majalgaon block to be made ODF by November 2017 and Ambajogai and Parali blocks by December 2017  Kaij block to be made ODF by February 2018 and Beed Ashti and Georai blocks to be made ODF by March 2018

Monthwise target of GPs 236

99 88 79 72 74 53 55 39 37 32 20 19 23 24 10

Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18

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9 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Table -4: Month wise planning for making GPs and Blocks ODF

Block Total Already Month wise No. of GPs to be made ODF To be GPs ODF made Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Total ODF by 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18

Ambajogai 100 5 0 7 5 15 4 7 3 1 11 10 10 14 8 0 0 0 95 Dec-17 Ashti 121 12 0 9 4 12 2 3 1 1 5 3 10 5 15 9 19 11 109 Mar-18 Beed 173 6 0 7 4 26 2 2 4 5 5 13 23 38 34 2 1 1 167 Mar-18 Dharur 55 0 0 5 10 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55 Mar-18 Gevrai 135 11 0 14 2 41 1 1 3 6 6 8 13 2 6 3 6 12 124 Mar-18 Kaij 113 3 0 8 4 18 2 0 1 9 9 4 7 14 5 23 6 0 110 Jan-18 Majalgaon 90 10 2 2 7 31 0 0 0 1 3 3 14 17 0 0 0 0 80 Nov-17 Parali V. 88 5 0 7 6 16 3 1 1 3 6 14 11 9 6 0 0 0 83 Dec-17 Patoda 59 2 0 5 3 5 3 0 8 8 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 Aug-17 Shirur K. 51 4 0 7 3 13 3 5 2 5 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 Aug-17 Wadvani 35 2 8 1 5 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 Mar-18 Grand Total 1020 60 10 72 53 236 20 19 23 39 79 55 88 99 74 37 32 24 960 Mar-18 Source: data received from the district

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 10 Beed District Swachhata Plan b. Additional families and defunct toilets: As discussed earlier, additional families and defunct toilets add to the open defecation burden in the district. These families would also be targeted under the strategy. This exact status under these categories will be clarified and confirmed during ODEP process and the action plan for addressing such families will be finalized during the process itself. The MREGS functionaries at village and block level will be involved in the process, and a realistic plan will be developed. Additional families and defunct toilets will be targeted in the same time frame proposed in the above table for achieving ODF status. The process for addressing these families is elaborated further under the section on convergence. 4.1.2 Rolling out ODEP Process Open Defecation Elimination Plan (ODEP) is an effective tool for mobilizing community, triggering action and generating implementable plan for eliminating open defecation in the GP. The actual targets in each GP will be revisited during the ODEP process and realistic plans for target the GPs and Blocks will be drafted. Beed district has decided to roll out an ODEP campaign in the district. During the campaign, the ODEP process will be implemented in all target GPs simultaneously. The momentum for rolling out ODEP has already begun in the district. Four master trainers and eight motivators from Zilla Parishad, Beed have already been trained, and are ready to train other personnel at district/ block level. Additional 25 master trainers and 75 motivators will be trained through district and block level trainings on ODEP. A district level training has already been conducted for master trainers and all HODs at district and block level. During the training, status of sanitation, targets, relevant importance of ODEP to achieve the targets in specific period, etc. were discussed. Then, block wise roles and responsibilities of all officials were finalized. In the end, planning for the block level workshops was done and block wise groups for facilitation were formed. On the next day, block level trainings on ODEP were organized. BEOs, THOs, gramsevaks, ANMs, Anganwadi supervisors, etc. participated in block level trainings. District HoDs, BDOs, DWSM consultants and master trainers were chief facilitators of the block level trainings. During the training, status of sanitation coverage, deadline for achieving total sanitation was discussed. A GP wise schedule of ODEP process was finalized during the block level trainings. The ODEP process will be implemented in each GP as per the schedule. The master trainers and motivators along with GP level functionaries will be facilitators of the process. During the process, importance will be given to BLS list finalization, preparation of proposals for constructed toilets and triggering villagers for toilet construction. Main roles and responsibilities of the ODEP team are listed below.

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Rolling out ODEP process  Organization and facilitation of district and block level trainings and preparation of GP wise schedule for ODEP process  Facilitation during ODEP process in each target GP  Preparation of ODEP report and its consolidation  Monitoring the action plan implementation process in GPs Behaviour Change Communications (BCC):

 Support in preparation of BCC plan  Planning and conducting Home visits  Identifying some of the good ODF GPs for knowledge sharing Involvement of elected representatives  Support in sharing copies of the District Swachhata Plan with political leaders  Compilation and sharing Gat wise data Ensuring Quality of Toilets Construction

 Support during training of masons and village functionaries  Monitor toilet construction quality in each GP during and after construction Effective Convergence  Support during interdepartmental meetings for convergence  Efforts and support for allocation and disbursal of funds from MREGS and other schemes Supply chain management  Efforts for involvement of masons groups  Communication with the functionaries and villagers

 Support for the Helpline Fund flow  Cross verification of receipt of incentive amount by the beneficiary Oversight and Monitoring  Review of block wise/ gat wise progress Sustainability plan  Support implementation of the sustainability activities at GP level  Planning and monitoring of sustainability activities

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GP level

ODEP process Block level  BLS list finalization Block level training  triggering  Digging soak pits  Review of block  Supply chain District Level sanitation status management  Sanitation strategy and  Preparation of scheme District level training relevant planning wise proposals  Introduction to ODEP  Review of sanitation  Finalization of roles and status responsibilities of all  Sanitation strategy and stakeholders relevant planning  Formation of groups  Introduction to ODEP  Planning for supply chain  Planning for block level management and workshop convergence  Finalization of roles  Fund disbursement and responsibilities of  Filling information online all stakeholders

An ODEP kit will be prepared by the ZP for effective implementation of ODEP, which will contain rangoli, baseline survey list, IPC tools, etc. The ZP will ensure smooth flow of funds and involvement of all village level functionaries, for the process. The DWSM team and all block level HoDs will participate in the process. The district HoDs will monitor the process. They will organize field visit during the process and will also guide the concerned stakeholders. A report of the ODEP process will be prepared and submitted to the blocks. This report will be used as a monitoring tool by the block.

Summary of strategic actions for ODEP roll out  Implementation of the planning process in GPs  Distribution of ODEP Kits  Fund distribution for the ODEP process  Submission and consolidation of plans

 Implementation of the plans  Follow up and monitoring  Focus on proposal submission and toilet construction

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13 Beed District Swachhata Plan

4.1.3 Behaviour Change Communications (BCC): Beed district has been a leader in implementation of innovative IEC/BCC tools. Many activities have been proposed in the district for triggering people for construction of toilets, sustainable use of toilets and relevant behaviour change. The proposed BCC activities are listed below. District level Block level Village level  Nate jababdariche -Resolution of  ODF date declaration  Appeal letter to target families triggering/ helping at least one flex for toilet construction relative for toilet construction by  Good morning squads  Cycle rally for IEC government officials  Block Sanitation  Finalization of location and  Rakshabandhan upakram- toilet celebration toilet mark out construction for sisters by drivers  Display of BLS- 2012 final list and conductors of ST buses  ODEP process  Poster exhibition on sanitation at ZP  ODF date declaration  Felicitation of sarpanch and  Toilet construction resolution gramsevaks of ODF GPs during ZP of students review meeting  Pocket diary  Catch government functionary engaged in open defecation  Involvement of media

To better manage home visits for generating demand for construction and use of toilets, the home visit plan for the GPs will be formulated during ODEP process. Families will be divided between communication champions, AWW, ANM, teachers, sarpanch, Gramsevak and other interested villagers. The aim of the home visits would be to trigger people for toilet construction before given deadline.

Summary of strategic actions for Behaviour change communication

 Finalization of BCC activities  Home visits planning during ODEP process and its implementation

4.1.4 Involvement of elected representatives and other stakeholders

Table 5: No. of elected Making the district ODF in given time frame is a challenge representatives and involvement of all concerned stakeholders in required Designation Number for achieving this goal. Apart from the government officials, Minister (state) 1 involvement of elected representatives and other Vidhan Sabha 1 stakeholders is crucial. In all, there are about 199 elected Opposition Leader representatives at various levels (excluding GP level) in the MPs 2 MLAs 4 district and could provide leadership for the program. Apart MLC 4 from these, there are many NGOs and CNOs which are ZP members 69 working for sanitation at GP levels. Following table presents PS members 119 the details of involvement of elected representatives and Total 199 other stakeholders in sanitation work.

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Table 6: Involvement of elected representatives and other stakeholders in sanitation work

Component Elected ZP and PS government Social organizations Officials from other Press media representatives officials government departments/ schemes Details of State minister, MPs, All HoDs, BRCs, Consultants, Rotary club, Global Agriculture, Revenue, Health, Daily reporters, stakeholders MLAs, MLCs, ZP master trainers, motivators, all Foundation, Water Cup ST, Jivannoti Abhiyan, MREGS, 9 TV channels, members, PS field functionaries Foundation, Dhan Rural Health Mission, etc. All Radio, members Foundation, Watershed etc. Organization Trust, Narendra Maharaj Sangh, Police Department, etc. Aim  To trigger the  To participate in effective  Promotion of sanitation  Convergence of government  Promotion of people from their program implementation  Availability of sanitation departments sanitation constituency for  To monitor the program material  Convergence of government  Promotion of toilet construction implementation  Accelerate creation of schemes best practices and making GPs ODF  Participation in decision ODF GPs  Monitoring of sanitation  To accelerate the making  Behaviour change work at various levels program for  To accelerate program regarding sanitation achieving targets implementation within deadline Role  Gat wise review  Facilitation of GP level  GP level IEC/ BCC tools  Active participation in  Broadcasting  Appeal for making planning process  Support for material sanitation work latest news GPs from the  Trigger GPs for sanitation supply  Making the scheme about constituency ODF  Monitoring of Sanitation  Technical monitoring of approval process easier and sanitation  Felicitate the ODF works toilet construction less complicated  Preparation, GPs  Creation of ODF GPs  Facilitation of GP level  Review of sanitation work promotion of planning process during review meetings best practices Activities  Presentation of  Organization of district and  Organization of district  Organization of meetings of  Appeal for proposed for District Swachhata block level workshop and level workshop and HoDs and appeal for promotion of involvement Plan appeal for involvement appeal for involvement involvement sanitation  Appeal for  Organization of meetings  Finalization of GPs in  Finalization of roles of involvement and follow up project area stakeholders

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4.2 Demand Response Mechanism Beed district has a good demand response mechanism for sanitation and efforts would be made to build on this system. The key aspects that would be strengthened are; (i) monitoring technical quality of construction, (ii) strengthening/ supplementing financial resource mobilization, (iii) ensuring effective supply chain links, (iv) effective convergence, and (v) making available capable and optimal human resources. Following section presents the key strategic aspects of the response mechanism in the district.

Demand Response Mechanism  Supply chain management  Effective convergence of government schemes  Monitoring quality of toilets construction

 HR development and deployment to high burden areas  Effective fund flow mechanism

4.2.1 Supply chain management In next 15 months, the district needs to construct more than 2.5 lakh toilets. This also asks for huge amount of construction material for building toilets. If the required material is purchased in bulk rather than individually, it can save on time, energy and money. Blocks which are to be made ODF sooner, will require additional efforts for management of supply chain. Trained masons are necessary for qualitative toilet construction and groups of masons need to be formed for quick and qualitative construction. Availability of trained masons, availability and information about material suppliers and service providers and their management is critical. The decision of appropriate arrangement for supply chain will be taken by the GPs.

Following are the strategic actions proposed for supply chain management in Beed district-

 First of all, every block will prepare a list of trained masons, suppliers/ service providers available in the block. A block level workshop of service providers and suppliers will be organised immediately to inform them about the present need and their expected involvement and support. Critical aspects like timely availability of supplies, rate negotiations, transport facilities, etc. may be discussed with them during the workshop. Efforts will be made for  A training of masons has already been held in involvement and training of the blocks and a list of masons and their masons already functional in many contact numbers is available in the blocks. blocks/ GPs. However, the present availability of trained

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masons is not sufficient and more masons need to be trained for toilet construction. For this, a list of masons will be declared by the Gramsevaks and a technical training for these masons will be organized at cluster level. Masons who have experience and been doing good work in the block will be invited as resource persons. This activity will increase the availability of trained masons in the district.  Bulk purchase of construction material will be encouraged. For this a list of families willing to construct toilets will be prepared at GP level and will be motivated for bulk purchase.  Group of masons will be formed which will work in GPs on contract basis. These groups will be shifted to the high burden GPs after one GP is made ODF.  The GPs will support economically weak families in making the material available for toilet construction.  Availability of sand is an issue in the district. The BDOs will have a meeting with the Tehsildar office for making sand available by paying royalty.  There will be a ban on fitting pre cast toilets and incentives will not be given for such toilets.

Summary of strategic actions for supply chain management  Making a list of masons, suppliers/ service providers and appeal for quick availability of material in coincessional rates

 Making a list of untrained masosn and providing training to them  Promotion of bulk purchase  Formation of group of masons and toilet construction on contractual basis  Ban on pre cast toilets  Coordination with revenue department for availability of sand

4.2.2 Effective Convergence of Government Schemes The ZP proposes to develop an effective convergence between relevant government schemes and the same would be implemented, as shown below.

- The eligible families under SBM will be targeted under SBM. - All eligible additional families would be targeted under MREGS - Monitoring of the on-going constructions under Convergence of government IAY would be done rigorously schemes will mainly aim at - A district level meeting of officials from MREGS providing benefits to additional families and non- cell and NRLM cell will be organized where eligible families under SBM. discussions will be done on acceleration to toilet construction under these schemes, simplification

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of the proposal submission process and fund transfer process, etc. - A special workshop will be conducted for BRCs and DWSM team for informing the process of MREGS proposal submission, fund transfer and online- offline data entry, etc.

Summary of strategic actions for effective convergence  Monitoring of the ongoing constructions under IAY  District level meeting of officials from MREGS cell and NRLM cell  Workshop for BRCs and DWSM team on MREGS

4.2.1: Monitoring Quality of Toilets Construction Proper monitoring of the toilets during construction and quality assurance needs to be ensured for reducing the number of defunct toilets, in future and also for expediting the process of proposal submission, quality assessment and fund transfer. The following steps have been designed to ensure quality of toilets built;

 During the ODEP process, demonstration of toilet construction will be done by trained masons.  The film on qualitative toilet construction will be shown during various block level meetings Quality of toilets will be ensured  The communication champions or rozgar through demonstration of toilet sevaks will be given the responsibility of construction during ODEP process, location finalization and toilet mark outs quality monitoring during and after construction and efforts for  The toilet construction diary will be handed expediting the sanctioning process. over to each mason group  The BRCs, master trainers and motivators will monitor toilet construction quality in each GP during construction.  The GP wise data of toilet construction will be consolidated at block level. The responsible person at block level – EoPs, BRCs, branch engineers, etc. will assess the toilets. The functionaries at block level will also assess quality on random basis during their village visits, and will submit the assessment report to the block. This will reduce the time required for quality monitoring.

Summary of strategic actions for ensuring quality of construction  Demonstration of toilet construction during ODEP process  Communication champions or rozgar sevaks to finalize location and toilet mark outs  Quality monitoring by BRCs, master trainers and motivators  Efforts for expediting the sanctioning process

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4.2.3. HR development and deployment to high burden areas Adequate, capable and responsive human resources at all levels are necessary for a robust response mechanism. In Beed district, there are 19 positions of DWSM experts sanctioned, out of which 14 are filled. As far as BRC members are concerned, 40 positions in the district are sanctioned, out of which 34 have been filled.

Table 7: Status of HR at block level Positions Positions No Block Recruited No Block Recruited Sanctioned Sanctioned 1. Ambajogai 4 3 7 Majalgaon 4 2 2. Ashti 4 3 8 Parali V. 4 3 3. Beed 4 3 9 Patoda 3 2 4. Dharur 3 4 10 Shirur K. 3 2 5. Gevrai 4 5 11 Wadvani 3 4 6. Kaij 4 3 TOTAL 40 34 Source: Data received from the district

Considering the present availability of human resources in the district, the block level human resources from The block level human resources ODF blocks will be temporarily shifted to the high from ODF blocks will be burden blocks, in view of the high burden shouldered temporarily shifted to the high by the staff from non-ODF blocks. One BRC will be burden blocks, in view of the high retained in the block for regular work of the BRCs and burden shouldered by the staff remaining members will be shifted. Following from non-ODF blocks. schematic presents the HR transfer policy. HR DEPLOYMENT POLICY Ashti Majalgao 3 BRCs n 1 BRC Patoda Wadvani Beed 3 BRCs 3 BRCs Ambajogai

1 BRC Dharur Shirur K. Gevrai 3 BRCs 3 BRCs Parali V. Kaij 2 BRCs 3 BRCs

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Following are other activities to be implemented for involvement of HR from other departments, organizations, CBOs, etc. -

- The MREGS staff will help in accelerating the rate of toilet construction under MREGS. For this, the list of additional families will be given to the department and planning will be done for toilet construction for these families - The NRLM staff will be given the responsibility of involvement of women SHG members in sanitation work. They will attend various women melavas at block and district level for appealing to the women for toilet construction - The ODEP master trainers and motivators will be given the responsibility of SBM implementation - Specific campaigns like mukkam mohim, home visits etc. will be organized with involvement of district and block level HoDs and GP level functionaries - Efforts will be taken for involvement of organizations already working at village level and have good rapport with the villagers- e.g.- Water Cup Foundation, Dhan Foundation, Watershed Organization Trust, Narendra Maharaj Sangh,etc.

Summary of strategic actions for HR development and deployment  Transfer of HR to high burden areas  Involvement of MREGS staff for accelerating the rate of toilet construction under MREGS  Involvement of NRLM staff for involvement of women SHG members  Involvement of ODEP master trainers and motivators and organizations already working at village level

4.2.5 Effective Fund Flow Mechanism The following steps would be adopted by the ZP to enhance fund flow speed and effectiveness;

- The IEC activities will be organized at district level and the required material for IEC and IPC (flex, posters, etc.) will be prepared at district level. In case of any block level IEC activities, funds will be made available to the blocks in advance. - The district will transfer funds to the block in advance, and the block will transfer incentive amount to the beneficiaries - The availability of funds will be reviewed from time to time and fund demand note will be put up by the district to the state - Every week, the DWSM members will visit the blocks for reviewing the no. of proposals, funds transfers and online records, etc. Support will be provided to the blocks for simplifying and expediting the process of funds transfer

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- The ZP would dialogue with all the private companies situated in the district and try to raise CSR funds, to the extent possible. This fund will be mainly used for bringing defunct toilets in use - Care will be taken for timely payments to the government staff

Summary of strategic actions for efficient fund flow

 IEC activities organized by the district, funds transferred to blocks for

activities organized by blocks

 Advance funds to blocks for incentive payments

 Regular review of availability of funds

 Visit of DWSM team to blcoks for review and support

 Utilization of CSR funds for defunct toilets  Timely payments to government staff

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21 Beed District Swachhata Plan

4.3 Oversight and Monitoring The SBM gives importance to monitoring both outputs (Toilet Construction) and of Outcomes (Toilet usage). The district has proposed few steps to improve the speed and quality of monitoring. It is proposed that the monitoring responsibility will be shouldered by not only the concerned department staff but all officials from district and block level. The activities proposed for monitoring are described below and presented in the schematic.

 Daily telephonic monitoring- Daily monitoring will be done during Gaon Mukkam Mohim period. The gaon mukkam mohim will be organized once in every 3 months and review and monitoring of GP level progress will be done during the mohim. This will include verification of BLS data, number of toilets, number of proposals submitted, review of MREGS works, status of online data, fund transfer status, etc. The block Sampark Adhikari takes daily review of activities and progress in every GP on telephone and reports it to the BDO. BDO further reports the data to district HoDs, who in turn report it to Dy CEO (WATSAN) and the CEO.

 Weekly and monthly review- A monthly meeting of all HoDs will be held at district level. The GP wise target and achievement will be reviewed based on the District Swachhata Plan data. Innovative activities in the blocks will be discussed and Sarpanch and Gramsevaks of ODF GPs will be felicitated. Weekly review will be organized at block level where Block Samparka Adhikari, master trainers and motivators will be present. The review of progress

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22 Beed District Swachhata Plan will be taken, key issues in program implementation will be discussed and solutions will be finalized during the meeting.

 Online monitoring- Monitoring of the online data filled by the blocks will be done at district level. The blocks with slow data filling rate will be supported.

 Toilet quality monitoring- The responsibility of technical monitoring will be of the GP level functionaries, motivators and Gaon Saniyantran Samiti. Monitoring will be done through frequent site visits.

Summary of strategic actions for oversight and monitoring

 Daily telephonic monitoring  Weekly and monthly review  Online monitoring

 Toilet quality monitoring

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23 Beed District Swachhata Plan

4.4 Sustainability Plan

Sustaining ODF status is very crucial for realizing the intended benefits of SBM initiatives and the following activities are planned for the same;

 A sanniyantran committee will be formed in each GP. This committee will take care of maintenance of sanitation structures and will see to it that no villager is involved in open defecation.  The ZP would develop special IEC and BCC activities focusing on use and maintenance of toilets and would implement the same to influence individual/ hsousehold and community behaviours.  The OD status within GPs that achieved ODF status would be monitored and analysed periodically.  Village sanitation days will be planned and implemented and topics for discussion will be based on the context and specific need of the GP. Also, discussions regarding sanitation will be held during every gramsabha.  To ensure continued improvement in environmental sanitation, the ODF+ activities will also be promoted in all ODF GPs. These include activities for effective SLWM, personal hygiene, MHM, institutional sanitation etc.

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24 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Institutional arrangements for implementation of the strategy

Institutional arrangements Functions  Policy making at district level. D  Preparation of district level Plan including BCC and CB plan I  Staff deployment to high burden areas S  Efforts for involvement of political leaders, religious leaders, social leaders, etc. T  Organization of Capacity Building and Behaviour Change Communication activities R  Convergence of government schemes through inter departmental co-ordination I C  Disseminate all relevant information to all project stakeholders T  Monitoring physical and financial progress and process  Timely and efficient funds disbursal/ fund management  Reporting / accountability to WSSO  Organization of BCC and awareness, community mobilization and triggering activities Capacity building of GP members, VHNWSSC members, & other functionaries  Providing required support for village level implementation of NBA Transfer of funds to GPs and financial management under the project B  Disseminate all relevant information and instructions to all project stakeholders L  Efforts for involvement of political leaders O  Data management and submission of reports to the district in prescribed formats C  Technical support and Supply Chain Management K  Monitoring, support and consolidation of village level ODEP action plans  Review and monitoring of village level works through regular visits and meetings  Identifying some of the good ODF GPs for knowledge sharing  Uploading data online  Special attention on high burden GPs or clusters  Preparation and implementation of community led village level ODEP action plans  Awareness and behaviour change communication regarding sanitation through various campaigns, activities, rallies, home visits, meetings, IPC, swachhata din and sabha etc. G  Motivating villagers and ensure community participation in implementation P  Implementation of effective convergence

 Management of toilet construction  Creation and maintenance of sanitation facilities and monitoring  Village level data collection and management, social audit and participatory monitoring

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25 Beed District Swachhata Plan


District level  Organization of workshop for all HoDs, master trainers and motivators  Reassessment of BLS-2012 data

 Deployment of HR from ODF blocks to other blocks / high burden GPs  Involvement of elected reprsentives  Effective monitoring mechanism - Physical and financial progress

 Decisions for smooth functioning of ODEP process  Acceleration to toilet construction under MREGS Block level  Review of non-AIP GPs, preparation of proposals and fund

disbursal after April 2017  Making low burden GPs ODF on priority  Acceleration to toilet construction in high burden GPs  Involvement of all functionaries during ODEP process

 Fund disbursal within 10 days of proposal submission  Involvement of masons in sanitation works

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26 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Activity Plan

16 17 17 17 17 17

17 17 17 17 17 18 18

17 17 18


------Monitoring No. Activity Implementation responsibility


Jan Jan

Jun Oct responsibility

Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar


A Demand Management Strategic planning & A-1 DWSM Dy. CEO WATSAN prioritization A-2 Rolling out ODEP process Implementation of the planning Master Trainer & 1. Motivators & BRC process in GPs DWSM Master Trainer & 2. Distribution of ODEP Kits Motivators & BRC DWSM Fund distribution for the ODEP Dy CEO 3. HR, DWSM process (WATSAN) Submission and consolidation of Master Trainer & 4. Motivators & BRC plans at block and district level DWSM Sarpanch & Gramsevak & GP level Master Trainer, 5. Implementation of the plans Functionaries BRC & DWSM Follow up and Monitoring of the Master Trainer, 6. Champion & Motivator process BRC & DWSM A-3 Behaviour change communication

1. Finalization of BCC activities DWSM Dy. CEO WATSAN planning during ODEP process and Champion, Motivator, Sarpanch & Master Trainer & 2. its implementation Gramsevak & GP level Functionaries BDO Involvement of elected A-4 Dy CEO CEO representatives and other

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16 17 17 17 17 17

17 17 17 17 17 18 18

17 17 18


------Monitoring No. Activity Implementation responsibility


Jan Jan

Jun Oct responsibility Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May stakeholders Strengthening the Response B Mechanism B-1 Supply chain management Making a list of masons, suppliers/ 1. BRCs Master Trainer service providers Dialogue with masons, suppliers/ 2. BDO DWSM team service providers Formation of group of masons and 3. toilet construction on contractual BRCs/ EOP BDO basis Coordination with revenue Dy CEO 4. BDO department for availability of sand (WATSAN) B-2 Convergence Monitoring of the on-going 1. Dy CEO (WATSAN) CEO constructions under IAY District level meeting of officials 2. DWSM CEO from MREGS cell and NRLM cell Workshop for BRCs and DWSM Dy CEO 3. DWSM team on MREGS (WATSAN) B-3 Technical quality Demonstration of toilet 1. construction during ODEP process Communication champions or 2. rozgar sevaks to finalize location BRCs, Motivators Master trainers and toilet mark outs Quality monitoring by BRCs, 3. master trainers and motivators

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16 17 17 17 17 17

17 17 17 17 17 18 18

17 17 18


------Monitoring No. Activity Implementation responsibility


Jan Jan

Jun Oct responsibility Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May Efforts for expediting the Dy CEO 4. BDO sanctioning process (WATSAN) B-4 HR Development and deployment Transfer of HR to high burden 1. DWSM Dy. CEO WATSAN areas Involvement of MREGS staff for 2. accelerating the rate of toilet DWSM Dy. CEO WATSAN construction under MREGS Involvement of NRLM staff for Dy. CEO WATSAN 3. involvement of women SHG DWSM & HoD / CEO members B-6 Fund flow IEC activities organized by the district, funds transferred to 1. Master Trainer BDO blocks for activities organized by blocks Advance funds to blocks for Champion, Motivator, Sarpanch & Master Trainer & 2. incentive payments Gramsevak & GP level Functionaries BDO Regular review of availability of 3. BRC Dy. CEO WATSAN funds Visit of DWSM team to blocks for 4. BDO Dy. CEO WATSAN review and support Utilization of CSR funds for 5. DWSM Dy. CEO WATSAN defunct toilets Timely payments to government 6. Dy. CEO WATSAN CEO staff C Oversight and Monitoring

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16 17 17 17 17 17

17 17 17 17 17 18 18

17 17 18


------Monitoring No. Activity Implementation responsibility


Jan Jan

Jun Oct responsibility Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May BDO & Dy. CEO 1. Daily telephonic monitoring Master Trainer WATSAN BDO & Dy. CEO 2. Weekly and monthly review Master Trainer & DWSM WATSAN BDO & Dy. CEO 3. Online monitoring Master Trainer & DWSM WATSAN BDO & Dy. CEO 4. Toilet quality monitoring Master Trainer & DWSM WATSAN

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 30 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Financial Plan

Total funds Sr. No. Component Rate required (crore Rs.)

A. Swachh Bharat Mission

IHHL construction for eligible families 12,000 Rs. per IHHL 301.67 Total 2,51,399 IHHLs IEC + HRD (up to 5% ) 15.08 Revolving fund (up to 5%) 15.84 Administrative expenditure (up to

2%) 6.65 A. Sub -Total 339.24 B. MREGS IHHL construction for additional

families 12,000 Rs. per IHHL 78.41 Total 65,339IHHLs B. Sub -Total 78.41 Total (A+B) 417.65

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 31 Beed District Swachhata Plan


Annexure 1: List of master trainers and motivators in Beed district Annexure 2: GP wise data on status of sanitation Annexure 3: List of officials who participated in preparation of this plan

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 32 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Annexure 1 List of Master Trainers and Motivators

List of master trainers No Block Name Designation Mobile No 1 Aambajogai Kapse PP Extension Officer Edu 9096350575 2 Aambajogai Sawadh A M Extension officer 9422536059 3 Aambajogai Mane Extension officer Agri 9422087275 4 Aambajogai Pawar A S Extension officer IRPD 9422693973 5 Aashti Murumkar N M Extension Officer Edu 9403608715 6 Aashti Teakle V R Extension officer IRDP 7743975871 7 Beed More A S Extension officer 8975457616 8 Dharur Aagle B N Extension officer Agri 7038051502 9 Dharur Gadade D J Extension officer Agri 9421336768 10 Gevrai Savant V S Extensation Officer 9028464732 11 Kej Ashok Nirde Extension Officer 8605185555 12 Kej Jadkar BB Extension officer Health 9404732873 13 Majalgaon Rajendra Sanjay Baradkar Extensation officer 9604164471 14 Parali Bhable Extension Officer 8554011034 15 Parali Giri Ganesh Extension Officer Edu 8888984577 16 Parali Kadam G Zed Extension Officer Health 8623991680 17 Patoda Shinde N D Extension officer 757078147 18 Patoda Jadhav U S Extension officer 9850561933 19 Patoda Jadhav H D Extension officer Health 9765761939 20 Patoda Baglane G V Extension officer IRDP 9422743781 21 Patoda Pohner S A Extension officer Stat 9423505406 22 Shirur Bangar S K CDPO 9422742551 23 Shirur Shinde S A Extension Officer 9420785886 24 Shirur Kale A K Extension Officer 25 Shirur Unawane R B Extension officer Agri 9420168960 26 Shirur Tijore N R Extension officer Health 7888036152 27 Wadwani Raut B D Extension Officer 9420342773 28 Wadwani Jadhav G S Extension officer Health 9822684562 29 Wadwani Udhade R E Extension officer Health 9420029680

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 33 Beed District Swachhata Plan

List of motivators No. Block Name Designation Mobile No 1 Aambajogai Bhatane S S Gram Vikas Adhikari 9421270994 2 Aambajogai Dalvi G M Gramsevak 9423471618 3 Aambajogai Deshmane S S Gramsevak 9172291822 4 Aambajogai Pawar N B Gramsevak 9172291822 5 Aambajogai Rajendra Murlidhar Jadhav Sarpanch 9422078420 6 Aambajogai Smt Raut Supervisor 7 Aashti Garud S N Aaganwadi Sevika 9763896345 8 Aashti Gade S B Asha Motivator 9420413507 9 Aashti Dalvi L D GP Member 8793984142 10 Aashti Shahir P B Gramsevak 9421349189 11 Aashti Borde S R Gramsevak 9970334833 12 Aashti Kulkarni D M Health Employee 9403041256 13 Aashti Dinde T S Kendra pramukh 9423170900 14 Aashti Dhavan R S Sarpanch Sheri Bk 9975910755 15 Aashti R M Pakhare SHG Precedent 9527601430 Aanganwadi Helper 16 Beed Rajshree sanjay Kadam Loladgaon 17 Beed Shivram Jairam Ghodke Gp Member Loladgaon 9823827444 18 Beed S R Jogdand Health Employee Pimpalner 8275942959 19 Beed Mahajan N T Helper NRLM 9850936970 20 Beed Gosavi R R Helper NRLM 9421024925 21 Beed Panchshila Shuwraj Jadhav SHG Wasanwadi 9326249438 22 Beed joshi L M Supervisor 9423172733 Waghmare Goutam 23 Beed Keshwrao Trainer 9730323530 24 Beed Pimprikar B S Trainer 9075404151 25 Dharur Saraswati Puri Aanganwadi Helper 8605663541 26 Dharur Maya Dongre Aanganwadi Helper 9767477996 27 Dharur M K Dhakpade Gramsevak 9975446866 28 Dharur M S Dhure Gramsevak 9823224817 29 Dharur Balasaheb More Social Workar 9503272792 30 Dharur Pawal Pandurang Trainer 9764327558 31 Dharur Sanjay Tandle Trainer 9420577085 32 Dharur Khope G R Trainer 9175703961 33 Dharur Sayyed Nayum Papamiya Trainer 8275496129 34 Gevrai Chaya Ashruba Karle Aaganawadi Karyakarti 7350738609 35 Gevrai Darekar Ashok Bhigwan Dy Sarpanch 9604880500 36 Gevrai Ashabai Dattu Mule Helper 9623708333 37 Gevrai Kuchekar Vilas laxman Sarpanch 9604858700 38 Gevrai Alka Anil Maske Sarpanch 9665833046 39 Gevrai Pandurang Ghodke ShG Member 9623259980 40 Gevrai Kute deorao Bharat ShG Member 9764323161 41 Gevrai Shahin Aslam pathan SHG Precedent 9766491200

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 34 Beed District Swachhata Plan

42 Gevrai Kande Uma rambhau Supervisor Aanganwadi 8746475393 43 Kej Kagde savita nagnath Asha Motivator Jawalban 7447814184 44 Kej Warpe Rajabhau Gramsevak 9604733667 45 Kej Lomte K D Gramsevak 9823856413 46 Kej Tanvir Shaikh Gramsevak 47 Kej Ankushe V K Kendra pramukh Salegaon 48 Kej Sandipan Jogdand Sarpanch Aurangapur 49 Kej Sau Latpate Supervisor 9423471302 50 Majalgaon Sampat Ramsingh Chavan GP Member 9049813001 51 Majalgaon Mudhekar Gaikwad Gram Vikas Adhikari 52 Majalgaon Dhananjay J Kaire Gramsevak 9960293032 Sahebrao Mansingh 53 Majalgaon Chavan Gramsevak 9527063636 54 Majalgaon More Nitin Pandurang Gramsevak 8975168887 55 Majalgaon Ramkrishna yadav Gramsevak 9422804196 56 Majalgaon Dhoble Shivaji Kendra pramukh 9325077646 Takankhar Vasant 57 Majalgaon Govindrao Teacher 9403571666 58 Majalgaon Sunanda Pachankar Teacher 59 Parali Ashabai Munde Aanganwadi Sevika 9158361137 60 Parali Rode B U Aanganwadi Supervisor 9423472780 61 Parali Bhurke BG Gramsevak 62 Parali Gore V D Kendra Pramukh 63 Parali Navnath Munde Sarpanch 779821111 64 Parali Kantabai Shi Waghmare SHG Precedent 8390124085 65 Parali Mira G Satbhai SHG Precedent 66 Patoda Pawar H A Gramsevak 9921244985 67 Patoda Lomte D K Gramsevak Kusalamb 7588633555 68 Patoda Mhaske R S Gramsevak Tambarajuri 9623380383 69 Patoda Shirsat A T Supervisor 7875466643 70 Patoda Sondne P T ZP Headmastr Kuslamb 9673400928 71 Shirur Landge D B Gramsevak 8275875958 72 Shirur Deone B T Gramsevak 7722081572 73 Shirur Jawle S B Office Supritendent 9421280138 74 Shirur Sangle H S Sarpanch Sangrunwadi 75 Shirur Pravin Supekar Social Workar 76 Wadwani Pushpa Raut Aaganwadi supervisor 9421502521 77 Wadwani Deepali Nanaware CRP SHG 9403501296 78 Wadwani Koushlya Shirsat Marewad CRP SHG 9890436272 Dattatray Mahadev 79 Wadwani Munde GP Member 9405104255 80 Wadwani Ingle V K Gramsevak Salimb 9545317399 81 Wadwani Ramdasi G A Kendra pramukh 9423473604 82 Wadwani Mauli Surwase Sarpanch Devgaon 9422830320 Pimprikar bhaskarrao 83 Wadwani Shankar Social Workar

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 35 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Annexure 2 GP wise status of Sanitation Block Ambajogai

Remaining target


17 18



16 17

17 17 17 18

17 17

17 18


- 17 -



- -

- - - -

- -

Total - - GP name Additional Total - online

Online Jul

Jan Jan



Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar families May 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Daradwadi 132 0 0 0 Hanumantwadi 50 0 0 0 Nandadi 159 0 11 11 Nirpana 324 0 35 35 Salunkwadi 211 0 0 0 Apegaon 612 5 45 50 5 Dhuswadi 219 3 85 88 3 Shripatraywadi 124 3 0 3 3 292 19 17 36 19 Saigaon 397 26 0 26 26 Jogaiwadi 696 64 0 64 20 44 Tat borgaon 279 56 29 85 14 42 Tadola 152 29 0 29 10 15 4 Ujani 432 111 120 231 50 40 21 Patoda (m) 574 147 148 295 50 50 47 Dhaithana radi 157 34 4 38 34 Wakadi 62 14 4 18 14 Warapgaon 276 59 0 59 30 29 Makegaon 238 68 58 126 30 38 Sungaon 306 75 10 85 75 Sounda 85 73 184 257 30 30 13 Mamdapur 421 121 17 patoda 138 20 50 51 Chothewadi 147 45 12 57 45 Bagzari 305 108 76 184 108 Morewadi 663 191 0 191 50 50 50 41 Seluamba 177 64 37 101 34 30

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Remaining target


17 18



16 17

17 17 17 18

17 17

17 18


- 17 -



- -

- - - -

Total - -

- - GP name Additional Total - online Online


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar families May So.borgaon 250 97 29 126 50 47 Telghana 89 32 0 32 10 22 Waghala raadi 343 205 213 418 40 20 40 65 40 127 52 8 60 20 32 Kodri 197 142 170 312 40 20 40 42 Lo.sawargaon 522 249 71 320 40 60 149 Pus 679 335 32 367 40 40 70 150 35 Stephal 272 147 38 185 47 100 Hatola 395 215 51 266 100 100 15 Kumbephal 630 309 0 309 40 100 100 69 Chanai 867 447 25 472 50 50 50 150 50 50 47 Khapertone 360 183 0 183 183 Pimpladhali dhai 703 363 0 363 50 50 100 163 Dhanora (b) 552 286 1 287 50 50 86 100 Raditanda 169 88 0 88 88 Shep wadi 756 416 0 416 50 50 116 100 100 Dhanora kh 228 137 19 156 50 50 37 Talani 245 139 5 144 40 60 39 Walewadi 146 82 0 82 50 32 Gitta 217 127 4 131 50 50 27 Radi 736 431 0 431 50 50 50 50 50 50 131 Dattapur 108 75 18 93 30 45 Pokhri 360 216 0 216 50 60 56 50 Anjanpur 243 165 27 192 60 40 65 Digolamba 364 287 103 390 50 50 50 50 87 Magarwadi 323 240 58 298 50 50 0 50 90 Murambi 165 104 0 104 50 54 Mandwapathan 463 303 0 303 50 50 100 103 Bharaj 378 267 20 287 0 50 50 50 50 67 Talegaon ghat 450 315 12 327 50 50 50 50 115 Ghatnandur 1969 1364 0 1364 50 100 100 200 200 200 250 264 Dhawadi 205 155 17 172 50 50 55

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Remaining target


17 18



16 17

17 17 17 18

17 17

17 18


- 17 -



- -

- - - -

Total - -

- - GP name Additional Total - online Online


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar families May Devala 576 469 88 557 50 100 100 50 169 Warwati 507 402 58 460 50 50 50 50 202 Umrai 230 174 12 186 20 50 50 54 Babhalgaon 287 228 30 258 50 50 50 78 Dagadwadi 134 104 9 113 50 54 Kolkanadi 261 191 0 191 50 50 50 41 Sugaon 630 462 0 462 40 50 50 60 100 162 Limbgaon 512 378 3 381 50 50 50 50 178 Bardhapur 989 873 194 1067 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 273 Mudegaon 406 305 3 308 50 50 100 105 Ambaltek 135 108 8 116 50 58 Kusalwadi 215 180 21 201 50 50 20 60 Murkutwadi 267 258 70 328 0 50 50 50 108 Nawabwadi 124 95 0 95 50 45 Girwali (b) 665 567 74 641 50 50 50 150 100 167 Yelda 742 572 0 572 50 50 100 50 100 50 172 Kenrewadi 256 221 24 245 50 50 121 Dongarpimpla 524 425 4 429 100 150 175 Rajewadi 256 208 0 208 50 50 50 58 Mamdapur 182 154 7 161 50 50 54 Jawalgaon 1115 925 19 944 50 50 100 200 200 200 125 Hiwara kh 193 158 0 158 50 50 58 Bhatanwadi 274 246 24 270 50 50 50 96 Pattiwadgaon 914 774 12 786 50 100 150 100 100 100 174 Chopanwadi 202 169 0 169 50 50 69 Kopara 187 164 8 172 50 50 64 Sakud 751 641 0 641 50 50 100 100 200 141 Girwali (a) 267 229 0 229 50 50 129 Nandgaon 473 440 29 469 50 50 50 100 50 140 Kurnawadi 227 203 4 207 50 50 103 Murti 133 118 0 118 50 68 Jodwadi 193 188 18 206 50 50 88

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Remaining target


17 18



16 17

17 17 17 18

17 17

17 18


- 17 -



- -

- - - -

Total - -

- - GP name Additional Total - online Online


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Feb


Dec Dec



Mar Mar families May Chandanwadi 180 161 0 161 50 50 61 Bhavthana 593 534 0 534 50 50 100 100 100 134 Sonwala 470 425 0 425 50 100 50 100 125 Katkarwadi 231 220 11 231 50 50 120 Ambalwadi 307 286 0 286 50 100 50 86 Somanwadi 329 308 0 308 50 100 50 108 Kalwatilamn 381 358 0 tanda 358 50 100 50 158 Chichkhandi 420 408 5 413 50 50 100 50 50 108 Rakashwadi 195 190 0 190 100 40 50 Malewadi 323 316 0 316 50 50 50 50 116

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Block Ashti

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


- -


17 - 18

Total Remaining -

- -


- - -


- 17

- -


GP name Total online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 17 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Borodi 226 0 108 Chincholi 221 0 0 Dhirdi 113 0 0 Jamgaon 510 0 4 Kanadi (bk) 312 0 0 Karanji 151 0 0 Kasari 1100 0 0 Sumbewadi 97 0 0 Underkhel 96 0 74 Walunj 331 0 0 Watanwadi 146 0 0 Pimpri (ghumri) 294 11 11 Sheri bk 428 15 0 15 Hatolan 202 8 3 8 Thombalsangavi 175 15 0 15 Kumbephal 191 13 16 13 Rui (nalkol) 471 41 24 41 Koyal 249 29 124 29 Salewadgaon 358 36 162 16 20 Pimpalgaon dani 165 21 13 21 Karhewadgaon 267 37 6 20 17 Bhalvani 164 32 2 12 20

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17 18



16 17



17 17 18


- -


17 - 18

Total Remaining -

- -


- - -


- 17

- -


GP name Total online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 17 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Mangrul 436 64 189 34 30 Sakat 145 30 0 30 Limbodi 216 67 24 30 37 Bhatodi 121 33 0 33 Solapurwadi 273 82 23 82 Belgaon 229 69 13 69 Sheri khurd 270 200 10 60 80 60 Kanadi (kh) 166 69 42 69 Nandur 348 150 0 40 60 50 Mandwa 415 181 0 46 65 70 Pokhari 421 190 11 20 60 60 50 Kinhi 176 162 1 20 35 40 40 27 Wahira 340 168 0 22 30 40 40 36 Hajipur 109 54 0 25 29 Shekapur 174 173 46 30 35 35 40 33 Doithan 238 130 0 45 50 35 Hivra 358 264 34 30 40 45 50 50 49 Kada 2310 1408 0 100 120 120 130 130 150 150 150 150 158 50 Dhanora 644 388 112 25 30 40 40 45 50 50 50 58 Shedala 235 198 46 14 20 20 30 30 35 49 Sulemandevla 372 333 0 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 53 Hatola 676 442 165 150 150 142 Tavalwadi 267 179 0 15 20 30 30 40 40 4

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17 18



16 17



17 17 18


- -


17 - 18

Total Remaining -

- -


- - -


- 17

- -


GP name Total online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 17 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Ambhora 326 297 0 15 23 22 30 30 35 40 40 62 Loni (sd) 805 552 21 30 30 35 35 40 50 50 50 50 50 80 52 Daithana 561 475 0 20 25 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 60 70 291 234 75 15 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 9 Sabalkhed 463 360 5 80 120 160 Nimgaon chobha 422 308 2 100 100 108 Daulawadgaon 825 729 47 30 40 40 50 60 60 70 70 80 100 100 29 Devinimgaon 749 693 123 30 35 35 50 50 50 60 70 80 90 120 23 Pimperkhed 346 256 0 70 90 96 Dhangarwadi 120 10 (post pimpla 108 15 20 25 30 18 Pimpla 725 670 0 30 35 35 40 45 50 50 65 65 80 90 85 Balewadi 168 131 16 12 15 20 20 25 30 9 Pimpri (ghata) 237 204 0 15 15 20 20 25 30 30 30 19 Khadkat 546 435 0 30 30 45 45 50 50 50 50 50 35 Welturi 171 137 0 15 20 20 20 25 30 7 Hanumantgaon 281 262 0 12 20 20 25 30 35 35 35 50 Sangavi ashti 317 271 181 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 36 Ashta (h.n.) 613 500 26 40 40 45 45 50 60 60 70 70 20 Dongargan 500 444 64 20 20 30 35 40 40 50 50 50 50 59 Pandhari 410 336 1 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 50 16 Karkhel (kh) 252 246 0 15 20 25 30 30 40 40 40 6 Ghongadewadi 186 154 36 12 13 20 20 20 30 30 9 Ghata 349 297 0 15 20 20 25 30 35 35 40 40 37

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17 18



16 17



17 17 18


- -


17 - 18

Total Remaining -

- -


- - -


- 17

- -


GP name Total online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 17 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Hingani 287 238 0 12 20 20 25 30 30 30 35 36 Morala 713 617 0 30 30 35 35 40 40 50 60 70 80 80 67 Dadegaon 821 704 33 30 35 40 40 50 50 50 60 70 80 100 99 Gangadevi 195 164 14 12 17 20 20 30 30 35 Waghluj 334 281 0 80 90 111 Shirapur 398 341 29 20 25 25 30 35 40 40 45 50 31 Pangulgavan 260 246 0 20 20 25 30 30 35 40 40 6 Savargaon ghat 376 319 2 90 100 129 Deolali 492 429 0 20 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 45 50 79 Surdi 405 354 11 20 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 40 40 29 Nanda 124 106 0 30 40 36 Parodi 290 249 0 50 100 99 Shiral 708 614 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 45 50 50 70 70 109 Dhangarwadi(post 137 0 doithan 119 15 20 25 25 30 4 Dhamangaon 1591 1389 0 40 40 45 80 80 100 100 150 150 170 170 264 Pimpati ashti 355 336 16 20 30 35 40 40 45 50 55 21 Takalsing 513 455 48 20 30 40 40 45 45 50 50 50 50 35 Pundi 345 313 17 20 30 30 35 40 40 40 40 38 Matawali 430 391 29 20 30 35 35 40 40 40 45 45 45 16 Kapsi 240 230 0 15 20 25 25 30 35 35 35 10 Chinchpur 298 277 166 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 30 35 35 12 Salewadgaon 301 277 27 15 20 20 25 30 30 35 35 35 32 Fattewadgaon 220 195 88 15 20 20 25 30 35 35 15

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 43 Beed District Swachhata Plan

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


- -


17 - 18

Total Remaining -

- -


- - -


- 17

- -


GP name Total online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 17 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Nimgaon bodka 201 179 8 20 20 25 25 30 30 29 Takali (amiya) 464 416 11 20 25 30 35 35 35 40 40 40 40 76 Kohini 297 290 120 20 20 30 30 30 35 35 40 50 Chikhali 667 599 47 30 30 40 40 50 50 50 60 70 80 99 Chinchala 597 540 37 30 35 34 40 50 50 50 60 70 70 51 Pimpalgaon ghat 431 408 24 20 30 30 35 40 40 40 45 50 50 28 Lamantanda 167 12 (waghluj) 153 15 15 20 20 20 20 25 18 Kel 181 166 21 15 20 20 25 25 25 25 11 Kelsangavi 294 279 0 20 20 20 25 30 30 30 35 35 34 Sangvi (patan) 417 385 0 20 25 30 30 30 30 35 35 40 40 70 Patsara 341 330 88 20 20 25 25 30 35 35 35 40 40 25 Kerul 1586 1471 165 80 80 90 90 100 100 130 150 150 150 150 201 Bandkhel 179 167 29 15 20 20 30 30 30 22 Pangara 198 185 218 12 15 20 25 30 30 30 23 Pargaon(jo) 503 470 0 20 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 50 60 90 Karhewadi 237 228 6 20 20 25 30 30 30 30 30 13 Khuntephal 157 16 (watephal) 149 15 20 20 20 25 25 24 Bawi 478 455 149 20 25 30 30 35 40 40 45 50 60 80 Matkuli 489 466 12 20 30 30 35 40 40 40 50 50 60 71 Khuntephal 341 10 (pundi) 325 20 25 30 30 35 35 40 45 45 20 Desur 313 301 0 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 35 35 31 Kharadgavan 138 132 5 15 20 20 30 30 17

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 44 Beed District Swachhata Plan

17 18



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17 - 18

Total Remaining -

- -


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- 17

- -


GP name Total online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May 17 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Goukhel 102 98 0 15 15 20 20 28 Khilad 451 437 81 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 50 50 70 62 Beedsangavi 742 721 17 30 40 40 50 50 60 70 80 80 90 100 31 Mahinda 305 298 0 15 20 25 30 30 30 30 30 40 48 Deolgaon ghat 698 692 19 20 30 40 50 50 60 60 60 70 70 100 82 Karkhel 308 305 104 20 20 25 25 30 35 35 35 40 40 Aranwihira 376 370 16 20 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 40 40 35 Brhamgaon 0 0 0

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 45 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Beed


17 18



16 17


17 17 18



17 18


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- -


- - -

- Total Remaining -

- - GP name Total - online target


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Sep Feb

Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May Gundhewadi 138 0 56 Babhalwadi 313 0 262 Bhatsangvi 230 0 28 Loladgaon 434 0 50 Pargaonshiras 299 0 0 Pimpalwadi 257 0 0 Tadsonna 496 1 0 1 Umradkhalsa 241 1 10 1 Pipalgaonmajra 222 3 23 3 Ambasavali 138 6 90 6 Wadgaonkalsambar 163 8 34 8 Pipaladevi 269 16 10 6 10 Namalgaon 215 20 0 20 Aaherlimbgaon 138 24 0 24 Belgaon 89 25 0 5 5 10 5 Mahalasjavala 372 25 256 10 5 5 Shidod 281 32 3 12 20 Kukadgaon 455 33 120 33 Avvalpur 188 35 117 8 7 20 Gundha 213 38 0 18 10 10 Rajurinavgan 649 38 216 8 10 20 Sandarwan 165 39 25 39 Sawargaon[ghat] 102 41 25 11 10 12 8 Devibabhulgaon 139 45 0 25 10 10 Kurla 484 54 0 24 15 15 Barhanpur 148 57 25 17 40 Nagapur[bk] 106 58 59 18 30 10 Pategaon /muggav 149 58 0 10 30 18 Babhulkhunta 139 60 58 18 32 10

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 46 Beed District Swachhata Plan


17 18



16 17


17 17 18



17 18


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- - -



Total Remaining - - GP name Total - online target


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Sep Feb

Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May Kambi 153 61 38 10 10 30 11 Bahaddarpur 150 62 38 15 15 20 12 Surdithot 146 64 33 30 34 Somnathwadi 125 68 12 18 15 15 10 10 Masewadi 114 70 13 25 30 15 Jujgavan 196 71 6 71 Balapur 141 73 9 10 15 21 14 10 3 Waybhatwadi 152 75 0 25 21 29 Vanjarwadi 330 89 0 21 30 12 18 8 Bhandarwadi 153 90 0 10 12 14 27 16 11 Udandwadgaon 117 90 10 5 12 10 8 24 11 15 5 Anandwadi 152 91 11 10 14 16 18 13 19 1 Saundana 185 91 0 8 17 14 16 21 20 9 Dhawjyachiwadi 106 93 0 7 14 13 18 17 16 8 Mandavjali 110 94 10 3 9 6 7 10 17 19 23 Ranjegaon 196 94 126 25 29 40 Manewadi 108 100 13 16 24 18 14 19 9 Majanwadi 296 102 0 30 45 27 Belura 265 106 0 25 33 48 Pimparnai 275 106 30 38 37 31 Dhangarwadi 114 107 0 18 21 19 28 10 21 Aadgaon 396 111 6 25 26 60 Kutewadi 155 112 0 5 7 9 14 18 17 19 20 3 Kumshi 204 114 18 21 19 17 21 19 17 Ghosapuri 164 116 77 9 7 6 8 25 30 18 13 Pimpargavan 214 117 15 8 9 7 22 27 21 10 13 Tandalwadi haveli 143 118 52 4 9 8 19 27 23 13 10 7 Kathoda 195 120 3 50 30 40 Ketura 139 120 0 17 9 18 21 26 28 11 Sakhareborgaon 199 125 15 14 18 17 15 21 29 11 Shahajanpur[dagdi] 199 126 129 40 23 63 Khandala 237 128 14 12 25 18 23 27 10 13

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 47 Beed District Swachhata Plan


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17 17 18



17 18


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- -


- - -



Total Remaining - - GP name Total - online target


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Sep Feb

Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May Limbaruidevi 195 130 53 31 48 51 Aambilwadgaon 253 131 2 9 17 16 28 34 10 17 Rudrapur 141 132 0 7 16 19 27 29 24 10 Tandalwadibhill 164 134 26 18 17 25 37 21 16 Lonighat 392 136 6 8 12 21 18 30 28 19 Murshadpur[limba] 200 138 1 14 15 17 21 28 19 24 Nagzari 172 146 0 9 12 8 27 21 29 31 9 Wasanwadi 280 149 0 17 19 16 28 17 21 20 11 Wadhawana 175 150 2 5 17 19 24 28 21 25 11 Pendgaon 219 152 0 51 59 42 Golangri 174 153 68 25 30 24 17 30 30 Kolwadi 194 153 78 30 30 40 53 Manyarwadi 186 158 32 24 25 30 20 21 24 14 Laxmiaai tanda 164 159 53 16 38 37 19 31 18 Pandhraychiwadi 178 160 0 19 13 29 24 26 31 18 Aherwadgaon 189 162 304 18 27 21 23 29 21 13 10 Nathapur 212 167 417 18 14 23 27 21 29 24 11 Malewadi 224 169 1 29 38 67 Khadadighat 231 171 40 25 18 19 28 23 38 20 Chakarwadi 271 175 17 51 68 56 Mankurwadi 185 175 0 24 28 26 31 39 19 8 Gavalwadi 186 176 0 24 19 23 21 28 17 16 24 4 Nagapur[kh] 348 176 60 14 19 16 13 28 34 39 10 3 Wangaon 193 181 0 21 29 23 19 31 28 27 3 Ghatjawala, walipur 237 183 30 17 16 19 24 26 34 29 18 Pothra 213 184 199 21 18 21 26 27 34 28 9 Samnapur 217 184 0 17 19 19 17 24 26 28 31 4 Karchundi 201 187 44 8 24 29 27 31 25 36 7 Khardewadi 325 187 0 10 21 19 17 29 34 36 21 Karadwadi 217 188 0 9 17 21 29 27 23 29 24 9 Pimpalgaonmochi 253 191 0 9 7 6 21 19 21 28 21 17 25 10 7 Khapar pangri 261 192 0 5 18 17 21 31 29 28 23 10 10

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 48 Beed District Swachhata Plan


17 18



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17 17 18



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- - -



Total Remaining - - GP name Total - online target


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Sep Feb

Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May Bhavanwadi 206 193 14 7 5 27 18 31 26 35 24 20 Kandighat 204 194 125 7 9 24 21 28 27 38 24 16 Hingani[kh] 296 198 39 21 25 18 17 29 24 27 31 6 Wangi 368 198 0 12 9 17 6 21 27 23 26 27 20 10 Hingani[bk] 302 200 4 24 21 23 21 28 26 31 24 2 Borphadi 219 201 0 30 25 20 20 25 30 35 16 Palwan 307 201 10 50 61 90 Hivrapahadi 211 203 244 24 28 30 45 40 35 1 Aandhapuri[ghat] 240 207 36 30 24 18 25 17 25 27 24 17 Kumbhari 212 207 9 28 24 17 24 14 28 35 37 Katwatwadi 229 213 29 24 30 29 18 24 19 15 40 14 Pali 339 213 14 25 29 28 17 22 21 14 35 22 Ruilimba 266 215 436 27 30 28 16 24 18 21 32 19 Jarud 257 219 64 30 25 29 18 28 19 35 24 11 Jebapimpri 282 222 -12 19 25 22 24 35 25 14 30 28 Manzarihaveli 236 223 0 32 28 15 25 42 32 18 31 Pokhari 244 224 40 25 18 26 22 18 35 40 36 4 266 228 0 28 19 22 18 28 20 32 35 26 Pimpalgaonghat 249 230 0 30 25 18 25 22 26 35 24 25 Kakadhira 258 232 46 35 28 35 25 18 30 25 36 Belkhkandi patoda 249 237 48 28 25 30 22 19 25 35 36 17 Raulasgaon 288 237 14 8 16 17 24 25 34 39 37 17 20 Kolarwadi 254 238 36 28 26 34 38 34 39 27 12 Nalwandi 652 240 113 108 97 35 Shivani 298 242 10 27 29 31 38 37 36 29 15 Lonishajanpur 343 243 371 80 56 107 Mahalsapur 260 244 0 24 29 28 23 21 43 39 25 12 Palsingan 269 245 76 35 28 39 34 26 58 25 Limbarui 308 252 0 50 108 94 Pokhari 296 252 59 27 26 28 29 34 37 29 22 20 Kadamwadi 266 260 2 27 26 24 29 34 26 34 60 Kalsambar 274 263 34 31 28 24 26 23 34 39 46 12

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 49 Beed District Swachhata Plan


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17 17 18



17 18


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- - -



Total Remaining - - GP name Total - online target


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Sep Feb

Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May Tippatwadi 270 266 0 10 19 27 39 27 51 24 34 34 1 Safepur 274 268 20 21 28 24 34 36 28 39 41 17 Waknathpur 308 271 0 34 29 27 26 34 39 38 44 Malapuri 418 272 0 96 121 55 Talegaon 443 272 0 21 34 39 27 35 40 48 28 Bordevi, nawabpur 286 273 27 24 29 25 23 37 39 34 29 31 2 Karzani 295 282 0 28 34 39 35 37 38 29 21 21 Mulukwadi 377 282 36 31 29 34 38 27 34 37 28 24 Mandavkhel 299 286 0 34 39 31 38 34 41 28 31 10 Maujwadi 297 288 0 10 27 26 29 34 39 31 38 43 10 1 Rajurighodaka 313 292 58 30 31 38 39 41 25 46 42 Satra 328 306 87 24 39 31 37 29 64 27 39 16 Khadepargaon 366 309 10 35 40 25 28 50 35 42 36 18 Jirewadi 374 319 109 69 100 50 60 40 Umradjahangir 367 321 12 52 45 25 20 36 50 36 40 17 Dhekanmoha 402 333 0 100 80 120 33 (kesapuri) 391 334 11 70 100 52 36 56 20 Imampur 359 340 43 80 45 50 35 54 48 28 Wadgaon gundha 423 341 78 70 52 49 32 53 46 32 7 Sakshalpimpri 452 348 166 75 51 48 28 54 45 47 Limbaganesh 557 350 0 80 70 53 33 42 25 25 22 Patoda belkhandi 365 362 10 60 90 66 45 55 46 Eet 501 369 0 50 100 80 45 35 50 9 Mauj 390 373 233 55 25 40 38 52 48 50 45 20 Ghatsawali, bakarwadi 419 377 0 100 150 55 48 24 Mainda 393 391 24 91 85 45 26 28 65 42 9 Sanapwadi 415 406 82 85 72 65 47 35 45 57 Chincholimali 442 407 0 82 64 74 46 34 47 43 17 Anjanwati 436 411 17 92 68 79 55 37 49 15 16 Morgaon 544 416 0 102 88 58 51 25 48 26 18 Karegavan 431 418 0 122 81 58 66 35 44 12 Doiphadwadi 436 421 0 94 78 56 68 48 72 5

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 50 Beed District Swachhata Plan


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17 17 18



17 18


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- - -



Total Remaining - - GP name Total - online target


Jan Jan



Feb Apr Sep Feb

Dec Dec



Mar Mar

May Bhalwani 455 433 66 84 76 25 69 36 56 81 6 Charata 704 442 156 105 169 150 18 Tandalwadi[ghat] 457 446 19 9 27 29 34 48 64 61 49 47 57 21 Antarvanpimpri 575 475 23 34 49 57 59 61 48 57 46 64 Kam,kheda 615 483 81 31 61 55 49 57 61 46 53 23 47 Kalegaonhaveli 498 485 0 34 49 62 57 61 69 59 61 33 Manjarsumbha 572 496 52 28 54 53 67 69 58 51 43 47 26 Borkhed 636 543 0 23 51 59 57 61 49 48 49 53 93 Yelambghat 644 574 65 36 64 68 59 57 51 52 73 54 60 Warwati 618 580 0 35 39 61 76 81 61 54 68 58 47 Aaherchincholi 620 585 13 47 64 69 57 76 84 64 59 43 22 Nandur haveli 656 616 6 51 48 68 52 49 69 80 64 97 38 Bahirwadi 908 838 257 61 59 76 84 97 82 76 85 98 120 Pimpelner 1360 913 0 71 86 94 83 76 96 78 92 67 57 113 1278 1098 0 115 124 132 141 126 50 76 109 91 56 48 30 Neknoor 2080 1098 0 58 67 94 83 97 84 121 106 59 126 104 56 43

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 51 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Dharur





Total Remaining



17 18







GPname Total 17 17 18


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- 18




- - -


- 17 online target -


Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar PAHADI 259 14 DAHIPHAL 0 14 VARKATWADI 115 40 188 0 40 BODKHA 425 52 0 52 CHATEGAON 423 60 0 60 MAINDWADI 101 60 248 0 10 10 40 SURNARWADI 121 60 110 0 19 20 21 PANGRI 109 70 71 0 20 20 30 SANGAM 317 79 0 79 UMREWADI 191 86 80 0 86 KOTHIBIRWADI 157 91 99 0 60 31 CHIKHALI 188 103 120 0 60 43 KUNDI 289 106 52 0 106 SINGANWADI 211 107 98 0 30 27 50 WAGHOLI 198 117 98 0 49 40 28 SUKLI 197 155 110 0 50 50 55 KARI 353 172 374 0 172 GANGPUR 226 175 163 0 50 50 75 KHODAS 472 180 0 0 90 90 KOLPIMPRI 265 184 282 0 44 50 90 KOYAL 257 187 123 0 75 75 37 MUNGI 279 190 116 0 90 100 GHAGARWADA 229 195 113 0 75 75 45 FAKIR JAWALA 248 196 142 0 70 70 56 TALDALWADI 227 196 167 0 70 70 56

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 52 Beed District Swachhata Plan





Total Remaining



17 18







GPname Total 17 17 18


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- 18




- - -


- 17 online target -


Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar DHUNKWAD 346 198 112 0 60 78 60 GAVANDRA 239 204 242 0 70 70 64 PIMPARWADA 211 204 213 0 70 70 64 BHOPA 255 210 201 0 70 70 70 AARANWADI 308 242 90 0 75 75 92 CHNCHPUR 411 252 156 0 75 75 102 AWARGAON 360 254 27 0 85 85 84 KHAMGAON 310 258 111 0 85 85 88 MORPHALI 480 279 130 0 90 90 99 AMLA / NIMLA 391 289 171 0 95 95 99 KANNAPUR 543 307 292 0 100 100 107 SONIMOHA 510 311 250 0 100 111 100 CHORAMBA 662 321 0 0 321 HINGANI (KH) 433 340 70 0 140 100 100 MOHAKHED 420 347 354 0 100 100 147 AMBEWADGAON 395 348 148 0 122 112 114 GOPALPUR 374 101 492 0 47 54 RUIDHARUR 541 367 239 0 140 127 100 DEODHAIPHAL 487 383 248 0 143 140 100 KASARI 466 400 242 0 150 150 100 DEOTHANA 478 403 200 0 100 150 153 HINGANI (BU) 1124 408 546 0 119 289 CHONDI 462 444 110 0 144 145 155 PAHADI 634 459 198 PARGAON 0 150 150 159 JAHAGIRMOHA 611 472 218 0 162 160 150 ANJANDOV 573 494 442 0 156 169 169

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 53 Beed District Swachhata Plan





Total Remaining



17 18







GPname Total 17 17 18


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- 18




- - -


- 17 online target -


Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar AASOLA 578 525 103 0 201 210 114 ASARDHAU 740 526 235 0 201 201 124 CHARDARI 590 539 112 0 179 180 180 TELGAON (BU) 971 550 348 0 150 200 200 BHOGALWADI 962 862 348 0 320 342 200 21722 14172 9402 0 4979 5316 3877 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 54 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Georai


17 18



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17 17 18


- - Total Remaining 17

17 - 18


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- - -


- 17

- -

GP name Total - online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar BHENDTAKLI 0 0 KHAMGAON 266 0 0 MAHANDVLA 186 0 34 (BK) 317 0 14 MIRGAON 0 0 PATHARWALA (BK) 245 0 0 REVKI 553 0 186 SHAHAGANPUR 565 0 150 TAKALGAWAHAN 0 0 TALEWADI 268 0 30 VANGARWADI 224 0 8 THAKARADGAON 521 2 115 2 LUKHAMASLA 423 3 180 3 MIRKALA 278 4 4 AMLA 512 7 137 7 PIMPALGAON 224 7 173 7 (KANDA) SAIDAPUR 346 8 0 8 DOIPHODWADI 104 9 30 9 BABULTARA 130 13 56 13 KINGAON 190 17 26 7 10 POKARI 249 21 6 21 PADALSINGI 609 25 0 25 ERANDGAON 127 32 67 32 TALWATEBORGAON 442 35 0 35 MANMODI 151 52 4 12 18 22 CHOPDYACHIWADI 67 58 95 10 15 20 13 SURDI 180 58 120 58 BORIPIMPALGAON 175 59 17 31 28 MALEGAON (KHD) 497 62 0 32 30

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 55 Beed District Swachhata Plan


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- - Total Remaining 17

17 - 18


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- - -


- 17

- -

GP name Total - online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar TAKALGAON 108 75 167 20 30 25 JAWHARWADI 159 78 46 20 30 28 BHADANGWADI 109 85 3 35 50 HIRAPUR 324 86 87 86 BORGAONTHADI 131 96 0 11 30 25 30 AURANGPUR 246 109 230 20 45 44 (KUKADA) MULUKWADI 134 109 49 20 40 30 19 BHEND (BK) 284 112 10 25 50 37 ROHITHAL 417 130 130 30 50 50 KHARD (BK) 176 132 63 60 30 42 CHORPURI 171 133 0 40 50 43 BHOJGAON 258 140 26 50 40 50 ARDHAPIMPRI 176 142 30 40 20 60 22 HIWARWADI 161 149 120 34 25 40 50 SINDHFANA 160 150 51 25 25 50 50 CHINMCHOLI DEOPIMPRI 393 152 100 50 50 52 PANDARI 164 152 22 20 30 40 20 42 GOVIANDWADI 195 154 39 30 50 74 NIPANIJAWALKA 493 164 0 40 60 64 SAWALESHWAR 255 164 0 20 30 40 30 44 SANGAMGALGAON 204 167 0 22 25 20 20 50 30 TAKADGAON 347 169 86 25 80 64 KAJALA 207 172 100 50 50 72 GONDI (KH) 274 184 22 50 50 84 DHUMEGAON 324 186 357 50 50 50 36 SINDKHED 303 186 96 50 50 86 UKHADPIMPRI 285 189 0 50 50 89 PANDHARWADI 226 191 164 191 RASULABAD 301 191 0 50 50 91 KCATCHINCHOLI 238 194 18 20 30 50 50 30 14

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 56 Beed District Swachhata Plan


17 18



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17 17 18


- - Total Remaining 17

17 - 18


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- - -


- 17

- -

GP name Total - online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar GOPATPIMPALGAON 250 195 15 30 50 50 50 15 TALNEWADI 845 197 32 80 50 67 CHAVHANWADI 261 198 97 25 25 50 25 25 48 MANUBAIGAWALA 210 199 30 25 25 50 50 49 VADGAONDHOK 500 208 33 50 100 58 GAUNDGAON 258 209 0 50 50 50 59 DIMAKAHWADI 279 216 65 50 70 96 ANTARVALI (BK) 419 222 250 30 30 50 50 40 22 DHALEGAON 246 222 31 50 30 50 50 42 HINGANGAON 252 230 25 30 30 20 50 50 30 20 NAGZARI 387 235 29 60 80 95 BHAND (KH) 348 237 120 60 60 117 KURANPIMPRI 357 246 154 30 50 50 50 50 16 GUNTEGAON 304 250 0 40 50 50 50 60 KHERDAWADI 271 250 65 50 30 50 40 30 25 25 GAYAKWAD 296 251 96 25 25 50 40 30 50 31 GALGAON MAHARTAKLI 308 251 0 25 25 50 40 30 50 31 DHARWANTA 268 258 56 20 25 50 40 30 50 43 VAHEGAON 379 258 200 70 76 112 KUMBHARWADI 325 259 17 50 20 30 50 50 59 PANCHALESHWAR 339 265 120 100 100 65 ITKUR 319 268 108 40 40 40 40 40 40 28 DAITHAN 364 273 64 50 50 50 50 50 23 SURLEGAON 324 279 162 40 40 40 40 40 40 39 KOLHER 356 281 32 40 40 40 40 40 40 41 GOLEGAON 344 285 48 30 30 30 50 50 50 45 SUSHI 339 289 112 40 40 50 40 50 69 GADAI 844 297 60 100 100 97 SAVARGAON 329 297 10 40 40 40 40 50 40 47 KATHODA 389 311 83 50 40 50 30 50 40 30 21 RANMALA 393 317 150 50 100 167

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 57 Beed District Swachhata Plan


17 18



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17 17 18


- - Total Remaining 17

17 - 18


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- - -


- 17

- -

GP name Total - online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar BELGAON 388 322 29 40 50 40 70 60 50 12 BORGAON (BK) 436 340 0 40 40 50 50 40 60 60 MANYARWADI 361 344 48 40 50 50 40 60 70 34 BHOGALGAON 446 345 177 40 40 70 50 50 40 30 25 RANGANI 602 363 0 90 90 183 MUDAPURI 431 371 0 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 30 41 GANGAWADI 412 389 15 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 19 RAHERI 520 389 80 100 100 189 TANDLA 427 389 0 100 100 189 NANDALGAON 405 401 0 40 40 50 50 30 40 70 51 30 RURI 618 409 127 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 40 19 DHANORA 461 415 38 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 30 30 40 15 PAULACHIWADI 436 415 48 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 30 30 40 15 TAKALGAVAN 456 418 19 50 40 40 40 40 50 43 30 30 40 15 SELU 473 424 0 70 90 264 BHAT ANTARWALI 568 425 0 100 150 175 SUSHI VADGAON 483 430 51 50 50 50 40 40 50 50 50 50 KAMBI (MAZARA) 522 433 0 50 100 283 KAHALEGAON 509 437 124 40 50 40 70 60 40 50 50 37 KUMHEJALGAON 505 449 140 50 50 50 50 50 40 50 50 50 9 RAJAPUR 452 450 61 30 30 30 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 30 MARPHALA 491 451 0 70 90 291 GULAG 714 459 4 140 150 169 ARDHMASLA 513 470 119 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 AHERVAHEGAON 592 494 300 50 100 344 SIRASMARG 643 499 40 40 40 50 40 60 50 50 50 50 29 MATEGAON 561 503 76 150 150 203 RAKSHSBHUVAN 636 520 81 200 200 120 KOLGAON 670 542 126 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 12 AGARNADUR 555 549 0 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 29 MADALMOHI 1177 614 659 200 200 214 BANGALIPIMPILA 729 619 24 50 50 50 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 100 49

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 58 Beed District Swachhata Plan


17 18



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17 17 18


- - Total Remaining 17

17 - 18


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- - -


- 17

- -

GP name Total - online target

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar SHEKTA 700 636 2 200 200 236 BAGPIMPALGAON 701 651 78 200 200 251 KHANDVI 730 699 506 200 200 299 DHONDRAI 1276 799 35 50 50 100 80 99 70 150 50 50 50 50 UMAPUR 1056 836 39 50 50 50 100 100 50 100 100 100 50 36 50 CHAKLAMBA 1221 863 210 50 100 50 100 100 50 70 100 100 50 43 50 SIRASDEVI 997 925 18 50 100 50 100 100 50 70 100 100 50 100 55 KEKATPANGRI 1029 972 198 50 100 50 100 100 50 70 100 100 50 100 102 RAJPIMPRI 1180 1018 0 50 100 50 100 100 50 70 100 100 50 100 148 PACHGAON 1279 1021 201 50 100 50 100 100 50 70 100 100 50 100 151 TALWADA 1718 1257 343 87 100 100 100 100 50 70 100 100 50 100 300 RAMPURI 1466 1309 0 100 100 100 100 80 200 100 200 100 100 100 29 JATEGAON 1391 1348 159 90 100 100 100 200 100 140 160 100 120 120 18 58111 38978 9863 0 3460 3657 5454 2679 2968 3120 3231 3026 2446 2239 1877 1607 1068 1153 993

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 59 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Kaij


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- - -


- 17 Total Remaining - -

- GP name Total online target

Dec 16 Jan 17 Feb 17 Mar 17 Apr 17 May 17 Jun 17 Jul Aug 17 Sep 17 Oct 17 Nov 17 Dec 17 Jan 18 Feb 18 Mar 18 AURANGPUR 173 0 25 AWASGOAN 406 0 0 SUKLI 158 0 0 SATEPHAL 300 5 4 5 PITTIGHAT 132 6 31 6 LAHURI 621 9 21 9 ISITHAL 212 12 25 12 BANEGOAN 168 13 14 13 MOTEGOAN 85 42 25 42 SURDI 290 47 5 20 27 BAWCHI 90 52 133 15 20 17 PATHRA 130 57 70 20 16 21 ZOLA 62 61 137 20 20 21 BHOPLA 132 70 7 25 30 10 5 DHANEGOAN 294 71 27 15 15 20 21 MULEGAON 98 74 24 20 31 23 KASHIDWADI 190 79 6 20 20 39 DIPEWADGOAN 240 85 0 30 55 PALSAKHEDA 199 95 0 95 SARNI 430 104 0 52 52 PIRACHIWADI 148 109 0 27 50 32 SAUNDANA 247 112 37 50 50 12 BORISAWARGOAN 306 131 46 131 DARADWADI 167 133 29 20 50 63 SANGVI 154 136 18 5 10 20 20 35 26 20 SADOLA 220 140 73 10 20 30 20 30 20 10 SHIRAPURA 180 143 100 5 5 10 20 20 20 25 38 DOANGAON 198 146 2 10 10 20 20 30 30 26 KEKANWADI 223 150 27 20 30 20 20 40 20 SONESANGVI 277 155 17 10 10 20 20 30 20 20 25 HADGOAN 261 156 18 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 26

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 60 Beed District Swachhata Plan


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- -


- - -


- 17 Total Remaining - -

- GP name Total online target

Dec 16 Jan 17 Feb 17 Mar 17 Apr 17 May 17 Jun 17 Jul Aug 17 Sep 17 Oct 17 Nov 17 Dec 17 Jan 18 Feb 18 Mar 18 LAKHA 191 157 30 40 50 67 SHELGOANGANGI 234 160 2 5 5 10 20 20 20 30 30 20 BOBDEWADI 185 165 74 10 20 30 25 35 40 5 KEWAD 173 165 0 20 20 30 20 30 20 15 10 DHARMALA 202 169 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 19 GOTEGAON 266 171 29 50 50 71 ANEGOAN 277 175 0 10 20 20 20 30 35 40 NAGZARI 209 177 14 5 10 20 30 30 30 30 22 SARUL 231 177 63 10 10 10 10 15 20 30 25 47 DHOTRA 197 183 2 20 20 25 25 30 30 15 18 DAITHAN 211 184 42 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 35 19 DOKA 223 197 0 25 25 35 35 30 30 17 RAJEGOAN 230 197 8 30 25 20 10 30 25 25 15 17 KUMBEPHAL 353 198 109 60 80 58 KOTHI 223 200 83 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 NARWADI 212 207 10 10 10 10 20 30 30 30 30 37 KOLHEWADI 241 208 0 5 5 10 10 20 30 30 20 20 20 38 MUNDEWADI 310 209 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 19 252 210 167 10 20 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 PIMPALGAVAN 454 210 3 10 10 20 30 20 30 20 30 20 20 MALEWADI 249 224 0 10 20 30 20 20 20 30 30 30 14 KAUDGOAN 306 225 71 5 5 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 45 SASURA 233 225 0 5 5 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 45 MALEGOAN 257 226 108 5 5 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 46 ANDHALEWADI 263 228 0 5 5 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 48 BHALGOAN 288 230 0 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 10 KEKATSARNI 280 240 0 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 20 JANEGOAN 264 244 49 10 s 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 34 GHATEWADI 289 251 6 5 5 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 41 BORGOAN 390 258 0 10 10 10 20 30 30 40 40 40 28 JADHAV JAWLA 354 264 73 90 110 64 GAPPEWADI 294 269 114 80 120 69 SARNI ANAND 542 271 81 70 150 51

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 61 Beed District Swachhata Plan


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- 17 Total Remaining - -

- GP name Total online target

Dec 16 Jan 17 Feb 17 Mar 17 Apr 17 May 17 Jun 17 Jul Aug 17 Sep 17 Oct 17 Nov 17 Dec 17 Jan 18 Feb 18 Mar 18 BHATUMBA 368 280 28 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 20 30 30 40 SHINDI 403 282 15 10 10 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 22 HANUMANPIMPRI 332 283 13 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 40 40 53 KANDIBADAN 380 288 29 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 18 CHINCHOLIMALI 633 301 288 80 120 101 DHAKEPHAL 348 305 0 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 15 KASARI 346 309 23 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 39 ARANGOAN 351 320 0 5 10 15 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 KOREGOAN 367 320 7 5 10 15 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 30 PISEGOAN 409 326 18 5 10 15 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 36 LADEGOAN 436 327 30 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 37 AKURKA 381 330 0 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 BELGOAN 349 333 0 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 43 NAHOLI 404 338 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 48 DEOGOAN 371 348 11 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 50 48 SAWLESWAR 383 353 31 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 37 48 48 KORDEWADI 403 360 5 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 37 37 48 48 NANDURGHAT 1263 362 460 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 30 30 39 37 48 48 NAIGOAN 489 369 0 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 37 39 37 48 58 JAWALBAN 599 371 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 41 ANANDGOAN SA 460 376 16 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 46 CHANDANSAWARGOAN 468 378 7 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 48 SABLA 451 393 7 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 53 RAMESHWARWADI 437 395 167 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 55 WARAPGOAN 522 396 50 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 56 TARNALI 428 412 0 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 56 56 SALEGOAN 631 434 42 100 250 84 KALEGOAN 494 438 12 10 20 20 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 38 YEOTA 587 438 42 10 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 38 SONIJAWLA 657 446 0 10 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 46 MASSAJOG 619 454 117 20 60 70 75 84 75 35 35 UNDARI 645 457 16 57 70 50 60 50 70 70 30 BANKARNJA 598 460 155 100 360

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 62 Beed District Swachhata Plan


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- -


- - -


- 17 Total Remaining - -

- GP name Total online target

Dec 16 Jan 17 Feb 17 Mar 17 Apr 17 May 17 Jun 17 Jul Aug 17 Sep 17 Oct 17 Nov 17 Dec 17 Jan 18 Feb 18 Mar 18 MANGWADGOAN 520 463 17 40 60 70 80 80 90 43 LADEWADGAON 520 473 22 40 60 70 80 100 100 23 UMARI 590 479 109 110 220 149 KANDIMALI 627 502 55 20 40 60 80 100 100 102 DAHIFALWADIMAULI 536 510 34 20 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 60 60 60 20 JIWACHIWADI 568 539 37 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 70 74 100 SHIRURGHAT 596 566 47 0 30 40 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 26 BANSAROLA 1197 577 140 10 20 30 50 50 60 70 80 60 60 50 37 TAMBWA 728 592 0 0 20 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 50 60 50 60 22 WAGHEBABULGOAN 922 593 449 10 20 50 40 60 70 50 50 70 40 50 60 23 TAKALI 669 619 241 0 20 30 20 50 80 70 50 60 80 60 70 29 YUSUFWADGOAN 1033 640 93 10 20 50 60 70 50 80 90 40 60 70 20 20 ADAS 1446 682 100 140 310 232 HOAL 966 735 23 10 30 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 90 90 57 38 KALAMAMBA 886 776 0 0 20 30 50 60 80 90 90 80 90 90 96 VIDA 1180 1017 44 10 20 60 50 80 70 90 70 50 60 100 150 110 97

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 63 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Majalgaon

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar ABEGAON 480 0 85 CHATRABORGAON 305 0 45 KOTHRUL 378 0 65 LAHAMEWADI 210 0 62 LUKHEGAON 160 0 0 PIMPALGAON NAK 249 0 0 RAMPIMPALGAON 231 0 0 SHAHAJANPUR 208 0 0 SHAHAPURMAJRA 160 0 0 WANGI 813 0 0 TALEWADI 248 2 8 2 RENAPURI 115 9 0 9 BHATWADGAON 612 14 359 14 GAVANTHADI 235 20 27 20 CHOPANWADI 135 40 0 20 20 PHULPIMPALGAON 64 41 3 20 21 SHELAPURI 287 76 22 26 50 DEVKHEDA 227 87 0 40 47 PIMPARI(K) 274 87 44 40 47 UMRI 445 90 18 45 45 MANURWADI 350 122 0 22 100 ROSHANPURI 145 123 0 23 25 25 25 25 GOVINDPUR 182 128 0 28 25 25 25 25 GANGAMASLA 539 129 0 29 50 50 KHANAPUR 279 129 0 29 50 50

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 64 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


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17 - 18


- -


- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar NAGADGAON 219 138 16 38 25 25 25 25 DHORAGAON 238 146 7 46 50 50 PUNANDGAON 191 148 0 48 25 25 25 25 SHIDEWADI 198 153 0 53 50 50 EKDARA 566 154 28 54 50 50 CHOTEWADI 249 161 57 61 50 50 BRAMHGAON 273 169 0 69 50 50 SALEGAON 339 171 62 21 50 100 GUNJTHADI 362 175 0 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 BABHALGAON 403 178 61 28 25 25 25 25 25 25 GOVINDWADI 301 183 113 33 25 25 25 25 25 25 KHATGAON 256 187 13 37 25 25 25 25 25 25 DEPEGAON 293 188 0 44 44 100 SURUMGAON 209 189 0 39 25 25 25 25 25 25 DUBBAMAJRA 224 193 11 43 50 50 50 SOMTHANA 499 197 0 47 50 100 MOTHEWADI 508 206 0 56 50 100 KHARATADGAON 345 209 0 59 50 100 MAHATPURI 259 213 0 13 100 100 S.LIMBGAON 289 215 30 15 100 100 TELGAON (K) 328 220 0 20 25 25 25 25 50 50 SHINGARWADI 318 222 1 22 100 100 JADIDJAVALA 303 225 10 25 100 100 KALEGAONTHADI 286 226 48 26 100 100 SHINDEWADI(W) 342 230 0 30 100 100 NIPANITAKALI 495 236 0 36 100 100 DINDRUD 1099 255 359 55 100 100

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 65 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar SURDI 278 255 30 55 25 25 25 25 50 50 DHANGAR WADI 294 257 0 57 25 25 50 50 50 SIMRIPARGAON 454 263 108 63 100 100 SULTANPUR 507 292 0 92 100 100 CHINCHGAVHAN 697 298 0 98 100 100 415 298 129 98 100 100 RAJEWADI 426 303 0 25 25 50 53 50 50 50 SARVARPIMPALGAON 375 328 0 28 50 50 50 50 50 50 NAKALGAON 583 342 39 42 150 150 SANDASCHNCHOLI 395 342 0 42 50 50 50 50 50 50 KHERDA 429 344 0 44 50 50 50 50 50 50 HIWARA 474 350 0 50 50 50 50 75 75 SHIMPETAKLI 494 380 0 80 50 50 50 50 50 50 WAROLA 519 411 0 100 100 211 PHULEPIMPALGAON 494 418 29 118 150 150 LAUL 902 420 153 120 150 150 RIDHORI 551 421 0 21 200 200 MANJRATH 721 474 0 74 200 200 SONNATHADI 567 508 0 50 50 108 50 50 50 50 100 HARKILIMGAON 596 525 0 25 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 RAJEGAON 743 528 0 128 200 200 ANANDGAON 744 546 85 46 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 LONGAON 639 546 59 46 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 GHALATWADI 653 556 0 56 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 KESAPURI 634 562 0 62 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 MALIPARGAON 630 564 0 64 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 BELORA 676 567 0 67 50 50 50 50 100 100 100

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 66 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar WAGHORA 732 597 0 97 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 MANGRUL 723 644 0 44 100 100 100 100 100 100 SAWARGAON 808 678 0 78 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 PURUSHOTTAMPURI 783 709 0 109 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 TALKHED 1072 860 0 60 100 100 100 100 100 150 150 KITTIADGAON 1006 923 0 23 100 100 100 200 200 100 100 SADOLA 1208 1070 0 70 100 100 200 200 200 200 TAKARWAN 1283 1083 0 83 100 100 100 200 200 200 100 MOGRA 1544 1237 113 37 200 100 100 200 200 200 200 PATRUD 1822 1252 139 52 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 NITRUD 1937 1402 114 102 200 200 200 200 200 200 100

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 67 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Parali

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar ACHARYA 538 0 84 TAKALI BODHEGAON 529 0 0 DAUNDWADI 236 0 47 KAWALEWADI 273 0 55 SELU (S) 272 0 13 TAKALI ( 170 2 52 2 DESHMUKH) PADOLI 213 3 9 3 REWALI 176 6 302 6 LONARWADI 198 16 0 16 PIMPALGAON 549 23 108 23 GADE BRAHMAWADI 116 24 23 12 12 MALNATHPUR 78 24 80 24 WAKA 251 25 52 25 TAPOVAN 114 27 20 18 9 JALGAVHAN 187 38 10 38 KAUTHALI 585 46 57 23 23 VANJARWADI 62 49 20 10 25 14 MAMDAPUR 153 56 30 23 23 10 TALEGAON 351 56 45 23 33 PARCHUNDI 130 62 10 35 27

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 68 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar NATHRA 452 82 67 20 35 27 POHNER 514 83 242 20 30 33 SARAFARAJPUR 117 84 23 20 25 39 RAMEWADI 138 88 20 20 20 20 28 GARDEWADI 185 90 107 20 20 20 30 AURANGPUR 130 103 20 35 35 33 MALHIVARA 141 105 35 15 25 30 35 SANGAM 237 117 37 25 45 47 BHOJNAKWADI 141 118 13 15 25 78 TELASMUKH 241 124 23 25 45 54 BHILEGAON 155 125 11 5 10 10 25 20 30 25 INDAPWADI 192 127 95 20 30 77 BHOPALA 145 131 15 5 15 10 10 25 66 NANDAGAUL 219 135 539 15 15 10 15 20 25 35 WANTAKALI 158 135 22 2 10 23 25 25 25 25 BORKHED 168 136 24 6 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 JAYGAON 192 140 90 5 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 KAREWADI 287 144 29 20 30 94 CHANDAPUR 165 147 53 3 10 20 20 25 33 36 NANDNAJ 264 149 41 50 40 59 LENDEWADI 160 152 32 10 5 5 15 17 20 20 20 20 20 DAUNAPUR 195 155 27 5 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 WAGHBET 238 160 40 5 10 15 20 20 20 20 20 30

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 69 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar HIVARA 354 166 13 10 20 15 30 20 10 10 15 10 10 16 DIGRAS 250 177 53 10 35 35 35 40 22 TADOLI 201 180 43 20 20 10 30 20 40 40 SONHIVARA 207 185 30 10 10 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 LONI 399 191 41 20 25 146 KASARWADI 251 196 59 5 15 20 30 30 35 35 26 GUTTEWADI 208 197 47 5 15 20 30 30 35 35 27 LIMBUTA 272 202 30 10 15 17 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 WAGHALA 257 204 34 20 30 20 30 20 20 20 20 24 SARADGAON 261 206 50 6 10 14 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 36 MAINDWADI 219 211 23 10 10 10 10 30 30 35 36 40 SELU 259 60 26 10 20 30 ASWALAMBA 271 237 27 10 10 15 20 10 15 30 50 56 21 KAWADGAON 334 237 30 (SABALA) 60 40 40 50 47 BELAMBA 471 238 49 63 80 95 DHARMAPURI 745 238 528 20 20 15 20 30 45 45 43 WADKHEL 253 239 40 10 15 15 20 31 45 45 43 15 MARALWADI 291 242 45 10 15 15 15 40 40 40 40 27 HALAM 264 243 130 10 15 15 15 30 40 40 40 38 WANTAKALI 256 245 23 TANDA 10 15 15 15 30 30 40 40 40 10 JIREWADI 522 130 81 40 40 50 LADZARI 345 269 51 5 10 10 15 30 35 45 45 45 29

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 70 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar NAGDARA 305 271 156 50 0 50 171 MANDEKHEL 347 281 39 50 50 50 131 DAUNAPUR 361 310 40 25 25 100 50 110 INJEGAON 400 311 30 25 25 50 50 50 111 NAGPIMPRI 370 336 36 50 100 50 136 MIRWAT 405 353 61 50 50 50 100 50 53 DAITHANAGHAT 372 364 100 25 25 50 100 50 50 64 KAWADGAON 478 397 0 (GHODA) 25 25 50 50 50 50 147 PANGARI 463 407 74 50 50 50 100 50 107 DABI 498 408 90 50 100 50 75 25 108 MANDAWA 550 450 75 50 50 100 100 100 50 GOWARDHAN 579 510 110 25 25 50 100 100 100 110 HELAM 625 544 63 100 100 100 100 144 KHODAWA 611 557 57 SAWARGAON 50 50 0 25 175 100 157 MOHA 819 570 123 100 50 50 0 50 150 170 KANHERWADI 818 571 71 50 50 100 150 50 171 TOKWADI 739 574 52 50 150 100 100 174 PIMPRI 745 616 100 (BUDRUK) 200 50 100 50 216 WADGAON 811 626 84 (DADAHARI) 0 50 100 250 226 LAMANTANDA 777 664 29 50 50 100 100 100 100 164 NAGAPUR 1069 708 245 50 50 50 150 200 208

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 71 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


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17 - 18


- -


- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar KAWADGAON 841 747 50 (HUDA) 50 150 50 50 200 247 SIRSALA 1747 914 269 50 150 50 100 150 200 214 31635 19269 6029 0 947 1156 1592 1781 2040 882 924 2586 3215 2149 1323 674 0 0 0

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 72 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Patoda

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



17 17 18


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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar MANZARIGHAT 106 0 1 WAGHIRA 347 0 62 UKHANDA 148 4 30 4 GANDHANWADI 295 14 58 14 MAHASANGAVI 129 15 62 15 SAWAR GAONSONE 237 18 49 18 NAFAR WADI 183 22 29 22 UAIJALA 103 23 6 23 TALEPIMPALGAON 233 25 50 25 SUPPA 196 58 18 20 20 18 NIRGUDI 329 60 57 30 30 LAMBERWADI 136 74 20 20 20 20 14 NIVDUNGA 88 75 21 20 20 20 15 DHALE WADI 276 88 24 10 10 20 15 15 10 8 YEOLWADI 135 88 38 20 20 15 14 9 10 BEDARWADI 101 92 20 20 10 15 15 16 16 WAHALI 108 95 25 15 15 20 25 10 10 JAULALA 241 105 26 35 35 30 5 JADHAVWADI 244 107 51 22 15 14 20 25 11 KHADAKWADI 145 111 32 20 25 14 14 15 20 3 CHINCHOLI 154 114 29 11 14 12 20 23 22 12 ANAPATWADI 210 120 35 15 15 20 15 14 13 15 13 PACHEGAON 200 130 27 30 20 35 15 20 10 ANTAPUR 149 133 27 20 18 15 20 30 30 PITTHI 243 164 56 50 50 64 BHAYALA 194 165 39 20 30 40 20 30 25 DHANGARJAULKA 212 172 46 10 15 20 30 36 15 20 26 WADZARI 215 179 95 60 70 49 YEWALWADI 205 181 86 15 15 20 30 15 36 20 30

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 73 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar CHUMBLI 240 183 55 14 12 25 30 36 14 22 30 KARANJAWAN 199 185 41 15 14 20 30 25 26 30 25 TAMBARAJURI 285 191 68 60 60 71 CHIKHALI 242 215 81 15 15 20 30 40 40 45 10 KUSALMB 631 219 97 219 GAWALWADI 316 231 55 20 30 20 40 40 30 35 16 SONE GAON 253 234 33 20 25 30 35 40 50 15 19 PANDARWADI 254 242 51 20 22 25 30 40 40 40 25 KAKADHIRA 262 244 58 15 15 20 40 40 50 50 14 BENSUR 264 254 55 15 16 20 30 50 50 50 23 VAIDYAKINHI 374 275 61 15 16 30 40 50 50 50 24 NAIGAON 349 285 57 15 15 20 40 45 55 55 40 UMBERWHIRA 349 285 71 15 20 25 30 40 55 55 45 MUGGAON 450 303 75 15 16 55 55 60 50 45 7 PIMPALGAON 348 313 79 DHAS 15 16 50 55 70 70 30 7 KOTAN 350 317 73 55 60 60 80 45 17 ROHATWADI 324 319 80 14 17 55 60 80 80 13 KAREGAON 374 333 74 14 15 55 60 80 88 21 PARGAON G 487 333 83 40 47 80 55 60 40 11 PACHANGARI 424 374 57 15 20 80 80 80 80 19 NALAWANDI 394 380 64 14 50 40 80 80 80 36 SAVARGAON GHAT 392 386 91 25 30 40 80 80 80 30 21 DOMARI 437 410 84 14 25 60 80 80 80 50 21 PARNER 456 433 100 14 15 70 70 70 75 60 59 THERALA 482 453 112 17 40 40 45 80 80 80 71 DASKHED 703 592 106 50 60 70 75 75 90 90 82 DONGARKINI 808 645 146 50 50 80 80 90 120 120 55 AMALNER 864 658 69 40 55 80 100 120 120 100 43 SAUTADA 866 779 129 40 60 80 120 130 130 120 99 PIMPALWANDI 995 934 134 70 80 80 90 120 140 140 214 18734 13437 3452 0 1488 1424 1877 1927 2104 2108 1490 1019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 74 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Shirur K



Total Remaining

Dec GP name Total


17 18






17 17 18


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17 - 18


online target -


- - -


- 17

- -


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar BR YELAMB 268 0 50 0 DHIWANDI 297 0 116 0 POUNDUL(1,2,3) 184 0 76 0 RALESANGAWI 35 0 91 0 HAGIPUR 159 1 63 0 1 SANGALWADI 315 1 173 0 1 SAVAR GAON 272 1 0 CHAKLA 0 1 KOLWADI 46 5 112 0 5 AARVI 231 9 201 0 9 NANDE WALI 207 9 98 0 9 ANANDGAON 46 26 173 0 10 16 TAGADGAON 202 40 199 14 26 BAVI 480 46 149 30 16 WADALI 71 50 159 10 10 30 KANOBACHIWADI 198 51 76 10 10 31 TARDGHAVHAN 100 54 139 10 10 15 19 BORGON CHAKLA 121 63 59 12 26 25 HATKAR WADI 96 63 103 12 25 26 DHANORA 285 65 93 KAMLESHWAR 15 20 30 GHATSINPARGON 281 68 170 10 10 10 10 28

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 75 Beed District Swachhata Plan



Total Remaining

Dec GP name Total


17 18






17 17 18


- -


17 - 18


online target -


- - -


- 17

- -


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar KHOPATI 106 68 101 10 10 10 10 28 SHIRAPURGAT 167 68 88 15 15 20 18 MANUR 933 69 246 20 20 29 TEMBHURNI 133 73 120 10 10 10 10 20 13 PANGARI 127 88 105 15 15 20 20 18 TAKALWADI 132 89 94 20 45 24 MALEGAONCHAKLA 127 91 98 15 25 31 20 PHULSANGVI 101 97 162 10 20 20 25 22 YAWALAWADI 285 99 270 25 25 49 ZAPEWADI 156 99 70 99 JAMB 170 104 77 20 35 49 BHADKEL 140 118 78 10 15 25 35 33 BHANAKWADI 177 123 74 40 40 43 SHIRAPURDHUMAL 280 128 234 25 35 68 LIMBI 247 131 130 35 45 51 RAKSHISBHVAN 372 147 232 15 15 10 25 30 30 22 UKIRDACHAKLA 202 147 134 10 10 10 20 40 30 27 KOHKARMOHA 820 158 231 10 15 15 40 40 38 TINTARWANI 194 161 367 10 10 10 25 40 33 33 WARNI 307 161 342 10 10 10 25 25 30 33 18 NIMGAONMAYBA 249 168 178 10 10 10 25 35 35 43 GHOGAS PARGAON 247 171 56 10 10 10 25 30 30 30 26

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 76 Beed District Swachhata Plan



Total Remaining

Dec GP name Total


17 18






17 17 18


- -


17 - 18


online target -


- - -


- 17

- -


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar MATORI 283 185 152 10 10 10 30 30 30 40 25 KHALAPURI 316 201 142 10 10 10 35 35 35 45 21 PADLI 331 213 134 5 5 5 40 45 45 35 33 HIVARSINGA 392 224 163 5 5 5 40 40 45 45 39 GOMALWADA 313 225 217 5 5 5 50 50 60 50 LONI 338 258 229 5 5 5 30 30 70 70 43 RAIMOHA 628 313 195 20 145 148 PIMPALNER 426 315 80 5 5 5 30 35 65 75 95 JATNANDUR 468 342 181 5 5 5 65 20 85 70 87 13061 5386 7280 0 673 799 889 672 674 674 618 387 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 77 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Block Wadhwani

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



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17 - 18


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- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar KADIWADGAON 185 0 645 MORWADI 322 0 204 DEVGAON 241 3 3 KENDEPIMPRI 136 31 196 31 MOREWADI 161 35 161 35 BAHEGHAVAN 344 53 53 PARDI 265 55 198 55 KHAPARWADI 179 63 350 40 23 DEVADI 521 68 459 40 28 KHOTHARBUN 322 77 500 77 HIVARGHAVAN 176 90 320 70 20 CHIVCAN 422 92 399 92 PIMPAL TAKKA 200 107 146 57 50 PIMPARKHED 557 109 109 SONNAKHOTA 345 128 153 128 DUKADEGAON 276 129 82 70 59 PUSARA 289 169 118 72 49 48 PIMPALARUAI 218 179 177 82 52 45 RUAI PIMPLA 218 181 192 90 56 35 DHORWADI 310 206 148 95 62 49 LOALWAEL 316 216 303 98 67 51 SALIMBA 409 230 64 95 76 59 CHINCH WADGAON 455 246 489 97 71 78 TIGAON 398 253 98 110 98 45 CHINCHOTI 337 254 316 95 82 77 HARICHANDRA 464 261 253 PIMPRI 98 83 80 KANHAPUR 518 353 261 127 110 116 KHALVATNIMGAON 642 408 122 198 110 100

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 78 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Total Remaining 17

17 18



16 17



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17 - 18


- -


- - -

GP name Total -

- 17

- - online target -

Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar KAHADKI 650 448 336 210 117 121 KUPPA 696 499 346 223 146 130 KAWADGAOL (B) 735 560 245 287 176 97 CHINCHALA 716 577 204 242 182 153 CHKAL BEED 772 627 416 289 198 140 UPLI 860 681 247 288 192 201 DEWALA 850 714 173 298 210 206 14505 8102 8321 528 3426 2317 1831 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 79 Beed District Swachhata Plan

Annexure 3: Officials who participated in preparation of the plan

Sr. Name of Designation / District E-Mail Address Mobile No No. Participant 1 Arun Rasal Regional Coordinator 9423141005 2 R.M.Banale FCPO DWSM 9822216703 3 A.S.Jadhav Engineering Specialist [email protected] 96665635555 4 P.S.Sakhare E.O.(Agri) [email protected] 9689591475 5 B.S.Shinde E.O.(Panchayat) [email protected] 9822668595 6 Anil Chavan Anil Chavan Anil Chavan 7 E.O.(Panchayat) E.O.(Panchayat) E.O.(Panchayat) 8 Surekha k. Wani Social Scientist [email protected] 9272732067

9 S.A.Pandhare CC, Beed [email protected] 9763784897 10 S.M.Ade CC, Beed 8625974941 11 B.B.Pawar CC, Beed 8275942812 12 R.S.Kawade CC, Beed 9423201747 13 M.S.haikh CC, Gevrai 7385505786 14 A.K.Jadhav CC, Ambejogai 7385923959 15 R.S.Kawade CC, Ambejogai 16 S.R.Didwale CC, Ambejogai 9767864161 17 L.G.Waghmare CC, Wadwani 9763882864 18 S.B.Dhanve CC, Patoda 9975948349 19 U.S.Kadam BRC, Gevrai 8275690011 20 R.P.Pawar CC, Parali 9090106926 21 M.I.Shaikh CC, Gevrai 9665211506 22 P.V.Hadade BC Ashti 9145123393 23 R.D.Dube BC Parali 9881417281 24 J.K.Wani CC Ashti 8421641921 25 V.U. Bikkad CC Wadvani 9049429187 26 M.S.Kulkarni CC Dharur 9049539930 27 R.R.Karpe BC 9764452305 28 C.J.Kupkar CC [email protected] 976388976

29 V.B.Chavan BRC [email protected] 9403902479 30 G.K.Waghmare 9730323530 31 S.T.Jaybhay [email protected] 9421382275 32 S.R.Wankhade BRC 8482972267 33 A.V.Takanwar BRC 8888142194

34 S.K.Waghmare CC [email protected] 9156972502 35 D.J.Kare Motivator [email protected] 9960293032 36 M.R.Humbe 9922377042

37 N.R.Tijore [email protected] 9767566152 38 N.D.Shinde CC, Patoda 7507078147 39 V.D.Bhure BC, Dharur [email protected] 962315479

40 N.P.Sayed M.T, Shirur [email protected] 9130383731

41 M.K.Dhapade Gramsevak [email protected] 9975446866

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune 80 Beed District Swachhata Plan

UNICEF, Maharashtra PriMove, Pune