Liz Pulley

From: Margaret Goodman < Sent: 11 June 2015 09:23 To: Neighbourhood Planning Subject: Comments on The Neighbourhood Plan Attachments: Selsey_NHP_response_form MAG1.doc

This is my input to the consultation.

M.A Goodman


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Representation Form Selsey Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 - Regulation 16

Selsey Town Council has prepared a Neighbourhood Plan. The plan sets out a vision for the future of the parish and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.

Copies of the Selsey Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents are available to view on the District Council's website:

All comments must be received by 5:00pm on 11th June 2015.

There are a number of ways to make your comments:

• Complete this form on your computer and email it to:

• Print this form and post it to us at: Neighbourhood Planning, East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester P019 1TY

All comments will be publicly available, and identifiable by name and organisation (where applicable). Please note that any other personal information provided will be processed by Council in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

How to use this form

Please complete Part A in full, in order for your representation to be taken into account at the Neighbourhood Plan examination.

Please complete Part B overleaf, identifying which paragraph your comment relates to by completing the appropriate box.

PART A Your Details Full Name Mary Michaels Address 58 Grafton Road Selsey West

Postcode P020 OJB Telephone - Email Organisation (if applicable) Position (if applicable) - Date 09.06.2015 PART B

To which part of the document does your representation relate?

Paragraph Number Policy Reference:

Do you support, oppose, or wish to comment on this paragraph? (Please tick one answer) Support Support with modifications Oppose Have Comments-q

Please give details of your reasons for support/opposition, or make other comments here: Page 13 The inclusion of the plans to build an entertainment complex including observatory on the Oval Field which are a speculation by a developer, Selsey Costal Trust Limited (a public Company) and should not be included in the Neighbourhood plan.

It is inappropriate for a specific proposal by single developer to be included in a Neighbourhood Plan, forestalling any tendering procedure and circumventing the Planning Application process.

There is very strong local opposition to the building of anything on the Oval Field which most residents understood to have been secured from bricks and mortar in perpetuity when it was passed to the town by the developers of the former site. Selsey has few green public spaces and those we have should be preserved.

The plans in any case directly contradict the intention to designate the Oval Field as a green space under sections 76, 77, and 78 of the National Planning Policy Frame work stated on Page 70 Policy INF 1. I support the latter and consider that under it all reference to ANY Building on the Oval field should be removed from this document.

Page 76 Table of Infrastructure Projects (Appendix 1) With reference to the project to erect a solar and stellar observatory on the Oval field, as above; it is inappropriate for a specific proposal by single developer to be included in a Neighbourhood Plan, forestalling any tendering procedure and circumventing the Planning Application process. All reference to any building on the Oval field should be removed.

Page 77 I strongly object to the installation of an art work 'Star Disc'. Selsey already has a public sculpture — a cast of a wave by William Pye which stands at the entrance to the village on the B2145 — unvandalised but (as I write) partly submerged in overgrown weeds. It was installed in 2007, its £60,000 cost having been partly met by a housing developer and partly by the Coastal Partnership. The rationale of the acquisition was; "The sculpture is an ideal landmark because it links with the town's association with the sea." (Chichester Observer 6 July 2007) That the authors of the NP seem unaware of the sculpture's existence - it is neither featured in the illustratiops (although the Wel Mme to Selsey placard in front of it is shown!) — nor referred to in the text speaks volumes atout the value of such public artworks. However, we do have it and it does express the town's primary identity.

I suggest that the commitment to install a Star Disc is replaced by a commitment to tend the area round this existing sculpture so that it can be seen to better advantage. (Continue on separate sheet if necessary)

What improvements or modifications would you suggest?

Remove all reference to the Observatory on the Oval Field.

Remove all reference to a Star Disc artwork.

Acknowledge that Selsey Coastal Trust are a Public Limited Company and as such are acting as a developer like any other, and do not give weight to their projects and consultations over any other.

(Continue on separate sheet if necessary)

If you have additional representations feel free to include additional pages. Please make sure any additional pages are clearly labelled/ addressed or attached.

Mr and Mrs D Singleton The Barn Road Norton Chichester West Sussex P018 OJX Tel: 01243 544290

86 June 2015

Planning Dept (Selsey Neighbourhood Plan) Chichester District Council East Pallant Hiouse Chichester West Sussex P019 1TY

Re: Plot DI & D2 Ellis Square and strip of land between the eastern edge of Plots DI & D2 and Manor Lane, Selsey, West Sussex P020 SAY

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am following up from a conversation that I had with one of your planning officers regarding the neighbourhood plan.

We have all owned these plots for over ten years. Planning was granted for our plot Dlfor 20 x starter units in the summer of 2005. We have all been marketing our plots for approximately ten years as commercial land for development and been very flexible with what a prospective buyer would want, We have marketed at very competitive prices but to no avail. We therefore feel that we have exhausted the commercial avenue, and feel that it is better suited as a residential as it also shows on the Selsey neighbourhood plan, the plots as a potential residential site.

We have also spoken to the local residential neighbours who would also prefer to see housing there rather than industrial units.

So in summary, the location of the three plots measuring approx 2.2acres we strongly feel is better suited for residential as this would continue the residential line of houses instead of breaking up the line for commercial.

Best regards,

Mr and Mrs D Singleton