Of Fire Commissione New South Wales
1947-48 PARLIAMENT OF NEW SOUTH WALES THIRTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONE NEW SOUTH WALES FOR 1947 Ordered to be printed, 13 May, 1948 T1JO Honourable J. ::\1. Baddel y, l\LL.•\., FIRE DISTR1CT' AXD ADDlTIO.·S. Colonial Secretary, Rix new fire districts "'ere created when the Act was applied SYDNEY. 1>y Proclamations to the Municipality of Bombala (Govcm ment Ga::ette, 27th June), and the towns of Culcairn and Sir, Henty in Culcairn Shire (Government Gazette, 31st October); The Board of Fire Commis iOllers of T ew South Wales also by Notifications to a fUI'ther part of Wyong Shire, viz., presents its report for the year 1947, in pU1'sua~lce of S~tioll The Entranco (Covenlment Gazette, 19th September), to a 19 (2) of the l!'ire Brigades Act, 1909-19H; beIllg the tlnrty further part of Gosford Shire, "l'iz., Terrigal (Got'ernment eighth annual report. Ca::etfe, 3rd October), and a further IJart of the hire of Kear Icy, embracing Bran.xton and Greta (Government Gazette, BO.\RD. .;th Reptember). In addition the boundaries of the Raymond The personnel of the Board remained the same as that of Terrace Fire Di trict were altered and ext~'nded to embrace the pre"l'ious year. ~riJ]er's Fore~t, being pm·t of the Lower IIunter Shire (Gov lI'lllllcnt Gazettc, 10th October). The Governor-in-Coullcil approved the re-appointment, as from 1st April, of the Honourable Thomas Januarius Smith Unde]' thcr provisions of the Local Government Act, the as President.
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