
Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models

Carlos Cinelli 1 Daniel Kumor 2 Bryant Chen 3 Judea Pearl 1 Elias Bareinboim 2

Abstract der to obtain causal claims. These assumptions are usually encoded as the absence of certain causal relationships, or Causal inference requires assumptions about the as the absence of association between certain unobserved data generating process, many of which are un- factors. Conclusions based on causal models are, therefore, verifiable from the data. Given that some causal provisional: they depend on the validity of causal assump- assumptions might be uncertain or disputed, for- tions, regardless of the sample size (Pearl, 2000; Spirtes mal methods are needed to quantify how sensitive et al., 2000; Bareinboim & Pearl, 2016). research conclusions are to violations of those assumptions. Although an extensive literature In many real settings, it is not uncommon that these assump- exists on the topic, most results are limited to spe- tions are subject to or dispute. Scientists may cific model structures, while a general-purpose posit alternative causal models that are equally compatible algorithmic framework for sensitivity analysis is with the observed data; or, more mundanely, researchers can still lacking. In this paper, we develop a formal, make identification assumptions for convenience, simply systematic approach to sensitivity analysis for ar- to proceed with estimation.1 Regardless of the motivation, bitrary linear Structural Causal Models (SCMs). the provisional character of causal inference behooves us to We start by formalizing sensitivity analysis as formally assess the extent to which causal conclusions are a constrained identification problem. We then sensitive to violations of those assumptions. develop an efficient, graph-based identification The importance of such exercises is best illustrated with a algorithm that exploits non-zero constraints on real example, which directly impacted public policy. During both directed and bidirected edges. This allows the late 1950s and early 1960s, there was a fierce debate researchers to systematically derive sensitivity regarding the causal effect of cigarette smoking on lung curves for a target causal quantity with an arbi- cancer. One of its most notable skeptics was the influen- trary set of path coefficients and error covariances tial statistician Ronald Fisher, who claimed that, without as sensitivity parameters. These results can be an experiment, one cannot rule out unobserved common used to display the degree to which violations of causes (e.g. the individual’s genotype) as being responsible causal assumptions affect the target quantity of in- for the observed association (Fisher, 1957; 1958). Techni- terest, and to judge, on scientific grounds, whether cally speaking, Fisher’s statement was accurate; data alone problematic degrees of violations are plausible. could not refute his hypothesis. Yet, although no RCT mea- suring the effect of cigarette smoking on lung cancer was 1. Introduction performed, currently there exists a broad consensus around the issue. How could such a consensus emerge? Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are considered the gold An important step towards the current state of affairs was standard for identifying cause-effect relationships in data- a sensitivity analysis performed by Cornfield et al. (1959). intensive sciences (Giffin et al., 2010). In practice, however, Their investigation consisted of the following hypotheti- direct randomization is often infeasible or unethical, requir- cal question: if Fisher’s hypothesis were true, how strong ing researchers to combine non-experimental observations would the alleged confounder need to be to explain all the with assumptions about the data generating process in or- observed association between cigarette smoking and lung 1Depts. of Statistics and Computer Science, University of Cali- cancer? The analysis concluded that, since smokers had nine fornia, Los Angeles, California, USA. 2Dept. of Computer Science, times the risk of nonsmokers for developing lung cancer, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 3Brex, San Francisco, the latent confounder would need to be at least nine times CA, USA. Most of this work was conducted while at IBM Research more common in smokers than in nonsmokers—something AI. Correspondence to: Carlos Cinelli . 1 th As noted by Joffe et al. (2010), “such assumptions are usually Proceedings of the 36 International Conference on Machine made casually, largely because they justify the use of available Learning, Long Beach, California, PMLR 97, 2019. Copyright statistical methods and not because they are truly believed”. 2019 by the author(s). Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models deemed implausible by experts at the time. experimental results corroborate its generality, show- ing canonical sensitivity analysis examples are a small Cornfield’s exercise reveals the fundamental steps of a sen- subset of the cases solved by our proposal. sitivity analysis. The analyst introduces a violation of a causal assumption of the current model, such as positing the presence of unobserved confounders that induce a non-zero This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews basic association between two error terms. Crucially, however, we terminology and definitions that will be used throughout the are willing to tolerate this violation up to a certain plausibil- text. Section 3 shows how sensitivity analysis in the context ity limit dictated by expert judgment (e.g., prior biological of linear SCMs can be reduced to a constrained identification understanding, pilot studies). The task is, thus, to system- problem. In Section 4 we develop a novel approach that atically quantify how different hypothetical “degrees” of allows researchers to systematically incorporate constraints violation (to be defined) affect the conclusions, and to judge on error covariances of linear SCMs. Section 5 utilizes these whether expert knowledge can rule out problematic values. results to construct a constrained identification algorithm The problem of sensitivity analysis has been studied through- for deriving sensitivity curves. Finally, Section 6 presents out the sciences, ranging from statistics (Rosenbaum & experimental results to evaluate our proposals. Rubin, 1983; Small, 2007; Rosenbaum, 2010; Cinelli & Ha- zlett, 2018; Franks et al., 2019) to epidemiology (Brumback 2. Preliminaries et al., 2004; Vanderweele & Arah, 2011; Ding & Vander- Weele, 2016; Arah, 2017), sociology (Frank, 2000), psy- In this paper, we use the language of structural causal mod- chology (Mauro, 1990), political science (Imai et al., 2010; els as our basic semantic framework (Pearl, 2000). In partic- Blackwell, 2013), and economics (Leamer, 1983; Imbens, ular, we consider linear semi-Markovian SCMs, consisting 2003; Oster, 2017; Masten & Poirier, 2018). Notwithstand- of a set of equations of the form V = ΛV +U, where V rep- ing all this attention, the current literature is still limited to resent the endogenous variables, U the exogenous variables, specific models and solved on a case-by-case basis. Consid- and Λ a matrix containing the structural coefficients repre- ering the ubiquity of causal questions in the sciences and senting both the strength of causal relationships and lack artificial intelligence, a formal, algorithmic framework to of direct causation among variables (when λij = 0). The deal with violations of causal assumptions is needed. exogenous variables are usually assumed to be multivariate Gaussian with covariance matrix E, encoding independence Causal modeling requires a formal language where the char- 2 between error terms (when ij = 0). We focus on acyclic acterization of the data generating process can be encoded models, where Λ can be arranged to be lower triangular. explicitly. Structural Causal Models (Pearl, 2000) provide such a language and, in many fields, including machine The covariance matrix Σ of the endogenous variables in- −1 −> learning, the health and social sciences, linearity is a popular duced by model M is given by Σ = (I − Λ) E(I − Λ) . modeling choice. In this paper, we focus on the sensitivity Without loss of generality, we assume model variables have analysis of linear acyclic semi-Markovian SCMs. We al- been standardized to unit variance. For any three variables low violations of exclusion and independence restrictions, x, y and z, we denote σyx to be the covariance of x and y, such as (i) the absence or presence of unobserved common σyx.z to be the partial covariance of y and x given z, and causes; and, (ii) the absence, presence or reversal of direct Ryx.z the regression coefficient of y on x adjusting for z. causal effects. Our contributions are the following: Causal quantities of interest in a linear SCM are usually en- tries of Λ (or functions of those entries), and identifiability reduces to checking whether they can be uniquely computed 1. We introduce a formal, algorithmic approach for sen- from the observed covariance matrix Σ. sitivity analysis in linear SCMs and show it can be reduced to a problem of identification with non-zero Causal graphs provide a parsimonious encoding of some constraints, i.e, identification when certain parameter of the substantive assumptions of a linear SCM. The values are fixed to a known, but non-zero, number. causal graph (or the path diagram) of model M is a graph G = (V,D,B), where V denotes the vertices (endogenous 2. We develop a novel graphical procedure, called PUSH- variables), D the set of directed edges (non-zero entries FORWARD, that reduces identification with a known of Λ) and B the set of bidirected edges (non-zero entries error covariance to vanilla identification, for which a of E). Missing directed edges represent exclusion restric- plethora of algorithms are available. tions—a variable is not a direct cause of the other. Missing bidirected edges denote independence restrictions, repre- 3. We develop an efficient graph-based constrained identi- senting the fact that no latent common causes exist between fication algorithm that takes as input a set of sensitivity two observed variables. When clear from context, we may parameters and returns a sensitivity curve for the ef- fect estimate. The algorithm is theoretically sound and 2Gaussianity is not necessary for the results of the paper. Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models treat model coefficients and their corresponding edges on z  z  z  zy zy zy zx zx λ the graph interchangeably. We use standard graph nota-   zy λ zx λ zx tion, where P a(y) denotes the parents, Ch(y) the children,

Anc(y) the ancestors, and De(y) the descendants of node y. x λxy y x λxy y x λxy y

(a) Model G (b) Model G (c) Model G 3. Sensitivity analysis and identification O A B Figure 1: Original model G and two alternative models, In this section we demonstrate the pervasiveness of identi- O G and G . In G any of the remaining parameters (λ , fication problems in sensitivity analysis in the context of a A B A zx  or  ) can be used as a sensitivity parameter for λ , simple example. Suppose a scientist hypothesizes model zx zy xy whereas G rules out  as a sensitivity parameter. Adding G shown in Fig. 1a with the goal of estimating the direct B zx O a bidirected edge x ↔ y in G does not prevent  from effect of a treatment x on an outcome y (structural coeffi- A zy being a valid sensitivity parameter, whereas in GB it does. cient λxy). By the single-door criterion (Pearl 2000), she verifies λxy is identifiable in GO and equal to the regression estimand Ryx.z, licensing her to proceed with estimation. Implementing this idea requires a precise definition of how Another investigator, however, is suspicious of the bold to measure the “strength” of the omitted confounders. In our assumption that no common causes (confounders) exist be- example, a possible candidate for measuring such strength tween z and x in GO. She goes on, therefore, and constructs is the structural parameter zx of the added bidirected edge an alternative model GA (Fig. 1b) such that the bidirected z ↔ x. The task then becomes: (i) to determine whether edge z ↔ x is included to account for that possibility. A knowledge of zx allows the identification of λxy; and, (ii) if question now naturally arises: how wrong could one be so, to find a parameterized estimand for λxy in terms of zx. using Ryx.z to estimate λxy if the true causal model were This 2-step procedure can be seen as an identification prob- 4 given by graph GA? Answering this question requires defin- lem with non-zero constraints (Def. 2). ing a measure of “wrongness” of the estimand, and perhaps Definition 2 (θ-identifiability). Let M be a linear SCM and the simplest such measure is its bias in the additive scale.3 θ a set of parameters of M with known (non-zero) values. A Definition 1 (Bias of ES with respect to Q). Let Q be a causal quantity Q is said to be θ-identifiable if Q is uniquely computable quantity given a fully specified linear structural computable from Σ and θ. causal model, and let ES be any estimand (a functional of the covariance matrix Σ). The bias of ES with respect to Q We call any functional of Σ and θ, which identifies Q, a is the difference between the two quantities, B = ES − Q. θ-specific estimand (or sensitivity curve) for Q with re- spect to sensitivity parameters θ. These estimands are the

In our example, the proposed estimand is ES = Ryx.z, workhorse for sensitivity analysis; they allow us to investi- the target quantity is Q = λxy, and to compute the bias, gate how strong certain relationships must be (as parameter- B = Ryx.z − λxy, one needs to identify λxy. Computing ized by θ) in order to induce significant bias in our estimates. the bias, thus, entails an identification problem (Prop. 1). In other words, identifying a bias function in terms of θ (and Proposition 1. The bias of estimand ES with respect to the observed data) for sensitivity analysis is equivalent to target quantity Q is identifiable iff Q is identifiable. the constrained identification problem of Def. 2 (Prop. 2). Proposition 2. The bias of ES with respect to Q can be In GA, however, the presence of the bidirected edge x ↔ z expressed as a function of θ (and Σ) iff Q is θ-identifiable. renders λxy unidentifiable, and computation of B is not possible. How could one circumvent this impediment? Going back to GA, it is indeed possible to construct an  -specific estimand for λ (see Sec. 4): As in Cornfield et al. (1959), the impossibility of computing zx xy the exact bias of Ryx.z with respect to λxy calls for another σxy − (σzx − zx)σyz strategy—expressing the bias as a function of the “strength” λxy(zx) = (1) 1 − (σzx − zx)σzx of the omitted confounders. In this way, the analyst can predict for any hypothetical strength of the confounders Eq. 1 allows one to compute the bias of Ryx.z with respect to whether it would be enough to change the research con- the target quantity λxy, for any given hypothetical value of clusions. This allows the analyst to bring new substantive zx, if the true model were given by GA. Similarly, it allows knowledge to bear, by submitting these quantitative results one to determine how strong the unobserved confounder to a judgment of plausibility and ruling out some scenarios. would need to be (as parameterized by zx) such that the as-

3Note this refers to the bias of an estimand (not an estimator), 4Note the relationship to z-ID (Bareinboim & Pearl, 2012), in and it is the difference between the proposed estimand and the which case constraints are imposed on experimental distributions desired (causal) target quantity in the population. in the non-parametric setting. Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models sociation Ryx.z is completely explained by the unobserved models with more than three or four variables, an informal, confounder (i.e., the value of zx such that λxy(zx) = 0). case-by-case approach to sensitivity analysis is simply infea- sible. Therefore, we need a formal framework and efficient Still, what if the analyst has no knowledge to plausibly algorithms to incorporate constraints in linear SCMs. bound the strength of zx? Even though the violation intro- duced in model GA was the addition of the bidirected edge x ↔ z, corresponding to zx, there is no reason to limit 4. Incorporating constraints in linear SCMs our attention to that parameter, and any θ-specific estimand Existing methods for identification in linear SCMs, could be used for sensitivity analysis. In fact, the two re- such as the QID algorithm from Chen et al. (2017), maining parameters of the model also yield valid θ-specific are able to incorporate constraints on directed edges estimands (Sec. 5 provides an algorithmic solution), and can be used to derive sensitivity curves such as the σxy − λzxσyz λzx-specific estimand of Eq. 2. The QID algorithm exploits λxy(λzx) = (2) 1 − λzxσzx a known edge λab by creating an auxiliary variable (AV) ∗ σzy − zy b = b − λaba (Chen et al., 2016). Subtracting out λxy(zy) = (3) σzx the direct effect of a on b in this way may help with the identification of other coefficients in the model. For Having a diverse option of sensitivity curves is important, instance, the λzx-specific estimand can be computed using because sensitivity analysis relies on plausibility judgments. ∗ AVs in the following way: (i) create x = x − λzxz; One could argue, for instance, that assessing the plausibility ∗ (ii) use x as an instrument for λxy, resulting in of zx could be hard because it involves judging the effect of 5 λxy(λzx) = σyx∗ /σxx∗ = (σxy − λzxσyz)/(1 − λzxσzx). confounders of unknown cardinality, and perhaps, previous studies give plausible bounds on the direct causal effect of However, neither the zx-specific nor the zy-specific esti- z on x (i.e., λzx), making a λzx-specific estimand more mands can be derived using QID; in fact, there is no current attractive. Regardless of the specific scenario, it is clear that identification algorithm that offers a principled and efficient the choice of sensitivity parameters should be guided by the way to exploit knowledge of bidirected edges.6 As this is availability of substantive knowledge. critical for the derivation of sensitivity curves (see Sec. 6), one of the core contributions of this work is the development Remarkably, several subtleties arise when deriving of a novel graphical procedure that allows one to systemati- θ-specific estimands, even in simple models with three vari- cally incorporate constraints on error covariances. ables. For instance, a natural approach for tackling the problem in our example could be the re-expression of Ryx.z Conventional linear SCMs already impose one type of con- in terms of the covariance matrix implied by GA, yielding, straint on error covariances: a lack of a bidirected edge be- tween two variables a and b encodes the assumption that the (σzx − λzx)zy zxzy structural parameter ab is zero. The identification problem Ryx.z = λxy − 2 = λxy − 2 (4) 1 − σzx 1 − σzx imposed by sensitivity analysis, nonetheless, sets a different One may surmise upon the examination of such expression type of constraint—the error covariance ab is fixed to a that two sensitivity parameters are needed. As shown in known but non-zero number. The essence of our method is Eqs. 1 to 3, this conclusion would be misleading. to represent this knowledge in the graph. These subtleties also appear when solving several variations Considering a graph G, covariance matrix Σ, and a known error covariance ab, our strategy consists of performing a of a model. Imagine the alternative model is now GB, in- “manageable” transformation of G such that the bidirected stead of GA, as shown in Figure 1c. Is zx an admissible edge a ↔ b is removed from the graph. By “manageable” sensitivity parameter in this case? Is the zy-specific esti- we mean the implied covariance matrix Σ0 of the trans- mand derived in GA still valid if the model were GB? If 0 we include another violation in both models, a bidirected formed graph G can still be derived from Σ and the known value ab; otherwise, we would have no connection between arrow x ↔ y, would the previously obtained zy-specific 0 0 estimands still be valid? Despite the apparent similarity of G and the data, making inference in G impossible. Once both models, the answers to these questions reveal their sen- this graphical transformation is applied, we can exploit any sitivity curves behave quite differently. The tools developed 5The QID algorithm extends generalized instrumental sets in this paper not only provide an algorithmic solution to (Brito & Pearl, 2002) using a bootstrapping procedure whereby these questions, but also allow researchers to swiftly answer complex models can be identified by iteratively identifying co- them by simple inspection of the graph. efficients and using them to generate new auxiliary variables. It takes as inputs a graph G, covariance matrix Σ and known directed The above examples demonstrate several of the identifica- edges D, and it returns the new set of identified directed edges. 6 tion problems entailed by a sensitivity analysis. If in small Methods from computer algebra offer a complete solution but models these tasks are already complex, once we move to are computationally intractable. See Sec. 6 and Supp. Materials. Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models existing graphical identification method on the modified z  z z  z  zy zy zy 0 0 zx zx zx λ zx λ model G , and solutions in G can be transfered back to so-    zy  zy zx λ zx lutions in the original model G. In short, we manipulate the λ graph to reduce an identification problem with a non-zero x λxy y x λxy y x λxy y x λxy y 0 constraint to a standard one. λzxzy xy = λzxzy λzxzy λzxzy

0 0 The easiest way to introduce our method, which we call (a) GA (b) GA (c) GB (d) GB PUSHFORWARD, is via an example. Consider again graph GA in Fig. 1b, and assume zy is known. Path-tracing Figure 2: Pushing forward zy in GA renders z a valid 0 (Wright, 1921) results in the following covariances, where instrument in GA. Pushing forward zy in GB renders z 0 the known parameter zy is highlighted in red, single-door admissible in GB.

σzx = λzx + zx (5)

σzy = λzxλxy + zxλxy + zy (6) This simple graphical manipulation also makes it clear why adding a bidirected edge x ↔ y as a further violation in σxy = λxy + λzxzy (7) the original graphs GA and GB has different consequences for the identification of λ . In G0 , z still remains a valid Ideally, we could create an alternative model G∗ where xy A A instrument even if the original graph had x ↔ y; this would the bidirected edge z ↔ y is fully removed from the graph. only change the value of the structural coefficient 0 , which For this to be useful, we need to be able to express the new xy would now read 0 =  + λ  . In G0 , however, implied covariance matrix Σ∗ in terms of the original covari- xy xy zx zy B A adding x ↔ y renders z inadmissible for single-door identi- ance matrix ΣA and the known error covariance zy. While ∗ fication of λxy, since this backdoor path cannot be blocked. expressing σzy in terms of ΣA and zy is straightforward ∗ (since, trivially, σzy = σzy − zy), it is not immediately Sometimes it might be necessary to prune variables from ∗ 0 0 clear how to write σxy = σxy − λzxzy = λxy in terms of G to guarantee Σ is computable. Consider again GA and ΣA and zy, for this requires identifying either λxy or λzx assume zx is known. Pushing forward zx results in Fig. 3b 0 in the original model. where, as before, we know σzx = σzx − zx. However, path-tracing of Fig. 3b shows the covariance of z with y Thus, rather than fully removing z ↔ y, we “push it for- would also need adjustment, σ0 = σ − λ  . Thus, ward” to the children of z, as shown in graph G0 of Fig. 2b. zy zy xy zx A we have two cases: (i) if λ is known, the adjustment is Note the bidirected edge is moved from being between xy feasible and we are done; (ii) if λ is not (yet) known, z and y to being between x (a child of z) and y, with new xy 0 0 the adjustment cannot be made; but, since y is a leaf node, structural parameter zy = λzxzy. Path-tracing of GA 0 0 it can be pruned from G (Tian & Pearl, 2003), avoiding shows its implied covariance matrix ΣA is exactly the same 0 this problem (Fig. 3c). In this case, note the pruned graph as ΣA, except for σzy, which can be obtained by subtracting is still helpful—now λzx can be identified. As previously zy from σzy, discussed, knowledge of λzx permits identification of λxy 0 σzx := σzx =λzx + zx (8) using AVs, giving us the zx-specific estimand of Eq. 1. 0 σzy := σzy − zy =λzxλxy + λxyzx (9) z  z  z  0 zy zy zy σxy := σxy =λxy + λzxzy (10)  zx  zx  zx λ zx λ zx λ zx 0 Since GA has the same structural coefficients as G and we know how to compute the covariance matrix induced by x λxy y x λxy y x λxy G0 from the known values Σ and  , we can use G0 to A zy A (a) G (b) Push forward  (c) Prune y identify the coefficients in our original model. In this case, A zx 0 z is an instrument for λxy in GA, resulting in the estimand Figure 3: Pushing forward  in G requires adjusting σ . 0 0 zx A yz λxy(zy) = σzy/σzx = (σzy − zy)/σzx of Eq. 3. If the adjustment is possible, y is kept in the graph as in

Applying the same logic to graph GB in Fig. 1c, assume Fig. 3b; if not, y is marginalized (pruned) as in Fig. 3c. zy is known. Since z has no other descendants except y, pushing forward zy simply removes the bidirected The graphical manipulation of PUSHFORWARD is general, 0 edge z ↔ y. This results in the modified graph GB and can be performed whenever we have knowledge of a of Fig. 2d with the amortized covariance of z and y, known error covariance. Theorem 1 formalizes the proce- 0 σzy = σzy − zy. Note zy enters in no other covariances dure to arbitrary models. Given any bidirected edge x ↔ y 0 of the system. The graph GB renders z single-door admis- with known value xy, we remove it from the graph and reg- 0 sible for the identification of λxy, giving us the estimand ister the new amortized covariance σxy = σxy − xy. Next 0 2 λxy(zy) = Ryx.z = (σyx − σxz(σzy − zy))/(1 − σxz). we repair the covariances of the descendants of x with y by, Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models    for every c ∈ Ch(x), adding (or modifying) the bidirected x xz z x xz z x xz z x xz z edge c ↔ y with the direct causal effect λxc times xy. λ λ λ  λ λ  λ

λ xz xz xz λxz  zy zy 0 zy zy zy zy Finally, for any descendant z of y, we either (i) amortize λ zy λ λ λ xy xy xy  xy    its covariance with x, if all edges that compose the total xy xy xy xy causal effect δyz of y on its descendant z are known, or y y y y (ii) marginalize z out by pruning the graph. The final output 0 0 00 0 0 is a modified model hG , Σ i where any graphical identifica- (a) G (b) Gz (c) Gy (d) Gy tion method can be applied; and, estimands in terms of Σ0 Figure 4: PF multiple edges in topological order. can be converted back to estimands in terms of Σ and xy. Theorem 1 (PUSHFORWARD). Given a linear SCM with graph G, covariance matrix Σ, a set of known di- manipulations can result in an algorithm with exponential rected edges D, and known bidirected edge xy, let the computational complexity, even when initially pushing for- 0 0 pair hG , Σ i be constructed from G and Σ as follows: ward a single bidirected edge xy. This happens because new bidirected edges are created for each c ∈ Ch(x) and, 0 λ 1. x ↔ y is removed and σxy = σxy − xy; if all the cx are identifiable, all subsets of those bidirected edges may be eligible to be pushed forward again. Thus, 2. ∀c ∈ Ch(x), c 6= y, the bidirected edges c ↔ y are here we propose an efficient procedure using topological 0 added if they do not exist, and cy = cy + λcyxy; ordering, which performed as well as a brute-force approach in our computational experiments (Sec. 6). 3. ∀z ∈ De(y), z 6= x, if there is an edge on any directed path from y to z that is not in D, then z is removed Consider the example given in Fig. 4a. The task is to de- 0 0 from G . For the remaining z, σxz = σxz − xyδyz, cide whether θ = (xz, xy, zy) (in red) is an admissible where δyz is the sum of all directed paths from y to z; set of sensitivity parameters for the target coefficient λxy (in blue) and, if so, to find the corresponding sensitivity 4. All other parameters and covariances remain the same. curve. Our strategy consists of, for each node v, listing its ancestors a ∈ An(v), and, in topological order, iteratively 0 Then, if λab is identifiable in G , it is push forward av if it is still known in the modified graph. (xy, D)-identifiable in G. By performing operations in this way, we are guaranteed to visit each ancestor of v only once. Starting with node v = z, We denote by PF(G, Σ, D, xy, x) the function that returns it has only one ancestor x and a single known bidirected 0 0 the modified model hG , Σ i as per Theorem 1. Pseudocode edge to be removed, xz. This can be handled with a one- for PF (which closely follows the steps of the theorem) as step PUSHFORWARD operation (pruning y), resulting in the 0 well as the proof can be found in the supplementary material. modified graph Gz of Fig. 4b, in which λxz can be trivially identified. Next, return to the original graph and consider 5. Algorithmic derivation of sensitivity curves v = y, with ancestors x and z. Following a topological or- der, we first push forward xy, giving us the modified graph In this section, we construct a graph-based constrained iden- 0 0 Gy of Fig. 4c with new bidirected edge zy = zy + λxzxy. tification algorithm for linear SCMs which systematically 0 Note all components of zy are known, we can thus push exploits knowledge of both path coefficients and error co- 0 0 00 forward zy in Gy, obtaining the graph Gy in Fig. 4d, in variances efficiently. Our algorithm relies on the PUSH- 00 which λxy is identified with sensitivity curve Ryx.z. FORWARD method to incorporate constraints on bidirected edges, and on the AV technique (via the QID algorithm) xy xy xy to incorporate constraints on directed edges. This allows y y y x λxy x λxy x λxy the algorithmic derivation of sensitivity curves for a target yz  yz  yz λ λ 0 λ query λ in arbitrary linear models, with an arbitrary set xz λ yw xz λ yw xz λ xy yz yz yz of directed and bidirected edges as sensitivity parameters. z λ  z λ  z λ  zw zw zw     0 xw zw xw zw  0 Although the graphical modification of PUSHFORWARD zw is defined for one bidirected edge, the modified graph G0 w w w is a valid model in which any graphical operation can be (a) Original Model (b) Push forward xw (c) Push forward yw performed. We can thus extend PUSHFORWARD to handle multiple bidirected edges by iteratively applying it whenever Figure 5: Instruments with ancestors and descendants. a bidirected edge of the modified graph is still known—what remains to be decided is the order in which to perform these In the previous example we demonstrated how to system- operations. Note that testing all possible orders of graphical atically deal with bidirected edges connected to ancestors Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models

Algorithm 1 CID(G, Σ, D, B) w

1: initialize VB ← Vertices(B) 2: repeat zw zw 

3: D ← D ∪ QID(G, Σ, D)  λ wy 4: for each v ∈ VB do 5: hG0, Σ0i ← hG, Σi  6: for each a ∈ An(v) in topological order do  zx z zy 0 λ zx 7: if av is known then 0 0 0 0 0 8: hG , Σ i ← PF(G , Σ , D, av, a) 0 0 9: D ← D ∪ QID(G , Σ , D) x λxy y 10: end if 11: end for (a) λxy is zw-identifiable (b) Sensitivity of λxy in terms of zw 12: end for Figure 6: In Fig 6a note that, although not connected to x 13: for each ab ∈ B do 0 0 nor y, zw is an admissible sensitivity parameter for λxy. 14: hG , Σ i ← PF(G, Σ, D, ab, a) Fig. 6b shows the sensitivity curve of λxy in terms of zw 15: D ← D ∪ QID(G0, Σ0, D) for a numerical simulation of the model in Fig. 6a. 16: end for 17: until all directed edges have been identified or no edge has been identified in the last iteration

the identification of λzx. Finally, still within QID, λxy is obtained using the auxiliary variable x∗ = x − λ z. of a node v; however, in linear models, descendants of v zx can also help with the identification of direct causal effects As discussed in Sec.3, the utility of θ-specific estimands is λav. Consider, for instance, Fig. 5a. The task is to find a to show how sensitive the target quantity of interest is to sensitivity curve for λxy in terms of θ = (xw, yw). Start different hypothetical values of the sensitivity parameters θ. with node w and, as before, push forward xw as in Fig. 5b. These results can then be submitted to quantitative plausi- Here, λzw can be identified with x as an instrument. Re- bility judgments, for instance, in the form of θ ∈ Θp, where turning to the original graph, now consider node y and push Θp is a plausibility region. To illustrate how one could de- forward the bidirected edge yw with its descendant w, as ploy this in practice, we provide a numerical example of the in Fig. 5c. Since λzw has been identified, we can create the causal model in Fig. 6a. Our goal is to assess how different ∗ AV w = w − λzwz which is a valid instrument for λxy. hypothetical values for zw affects inference of λxy. In a real context, this needs to be estimated from finite samples, These two cases illustrate our general procedure for han- and here we use a maximum likelihood estimator. Fig. 6b dling multiple bidirected edges, which in combination with shows the estimates for λxy (blue) for different values of the QID algorithm forms our constrained identification algo- the sensitivity parameter zw, along with the corresponding rithm CID, provided in Algorithm 1. Lines 4 to 12 perform 95% confidence interval (gray). If, for instance, we can PUSHFORWARD (PF) in topological ordering, each time ap- plausibly bound zw to be within 0.1 to 0.3, the plot reveals plying QID in the modified model to verify if new directed λ can be safely judged to be within -0.2 to -0.6. edges can be identified; lines 13 to 16 perform a single xy PUSHFORWARD operation on each bidirected edge, which may free descendants to be used as instruments as in Fig. 5. 6. Computational experiments Since new identified edges can help both PUSHFORWARD The identification problem in linear systems has not yet as well as QID, this process is repeated until all or no new been efficiently solved. Although there exists a complete so- directed edges are identified in the last iteration. The com- lution using computer algebra (García-Puente et al., 2010), plexity of CID is dominated by QID, which is polynomial these methods are computationally intractable, making it if the degree of each node is bounded (Chen et al., 2017). impractical for graphs larger than 4 or 5 nodes. Since we An interesting 4-node example is shown in Fig. 6a, rely on existing identification algorithms that are polyno- where zw, a parameter neither related to x nor y, is an mial but not complete (i.e., QID cannot find all identifiable admissible sensitivity parameter for λxy! Our algorithm parameters), we cannot expect the CID algorithm to find all derives an zw-specific estimand for λxy as follows. It first sensitivity curves as well. In this section, we report the re- pushes forward zw, and runs QID in the modified graph, sults of an extensive set of experiments aimed to empirically resulting in the identification of λzw. Next, the algorithm verify the generality of our approach. We have performed returns to the original graph, and runs QID, which uses λzw an exhaustive study of all possible queries in 3 and 4-node ∗ to create the auxiliary variable w = w − λzwz, enabling models, which are essentially the largest instances computer Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models

3-NODE MODELS 4-NODE MODELS IDALGORITHM Directed Bidirected Both Directed Bidirected Both

QID (AVs only) 19(100%) – (0%) 68 (21%) 14,952(95%) – (0%) 170,304(29%) CID (AVs + PF) 19(100%) 109(100%) 320(100%) 14,952(95%) 50,708(97%) 555,758(96%)

GROUND TRUTH 19 109 320 15,740 52,016 578,858

Table 1: Number of θ-identifiable sensitivity queries (only when θ 6= ∅) per type of sensitivity parameters θ.

algebra methods can solve through brute force.7 z zy m  λ λ my zy xy my A query consists of determining whether in model G, a λ zx xm λxy λzx λxy λ λ y xy target parameter λxy is θ-identifiable given a set of sensi- x z x y tivity parameters θ. For 3-node models, we have 50 con- x y  λ  nected graphs with 720 possible queries; for 4-node models, xy zy xy we have 3,745 connected graphs and 1,059,156 possible (a) Backdoor (b) IV (c) Mediation queries.8 For each query, we used algebraic methods to determine ground-truth identification and checked it against Figure 7: Canonical sensitivity analyses: (a) backdoor viola- the results of both QID and CID. Our interest lies in the tion with unobserved confounders independent of observed queries that are θ-identifiable only when θ 6= ∅. confounders (Carnegie et al., 2016); (b) putative instrumen- tal variable, where both the exclusion and independence The results are given in Table 1, where columns restrict restriction are suspected to be violated (Wang et al., 2018); sensitivity parameters θ to be: (i) subsets of directed edges; (c) randomized trial in which treatment x has side-effect m, (ii) subsets of bidirected edges; and, (iii) subsets of both and unobserved mediation-outcome confounding cannot be directed and bidirected edges. The results show that our CID ruled out (VanderWeele, 2010). For linear SCMs, these are algorithm correctly identifies all possible sensitivity curves special cases of all queries solved by our approach. for 3-node models. Among 4-node models, our method solves 96% of all identifiable sensitivity queries.

These numbers reveal that, in the context of linear SCMs, formed by PUSHFORWARD and the incompleteness of the canonical sensitivity analysis examples which have been identification algorithm for directed edges, QID. Separat- addressed on a case-by-case basis in the literature (e.g., ing the two can help guide efforts for future research. To Fig.7, target coefficient in blue and sensitivity parameters achieve that, we used algebraic methods to simulate how in red), are only a small subset of all possible sensitivity CID would have performed if it had access to a complete analyses exercises enabled by our proposal.When compar- identification algorithm for directed edges instead of QID. ing CID’s results to those of QID only, it is also clear that We found that CID would have identified over 99.99% of systematically incorporating constraints on bidirected edges 4-node sensitivity queries. This seem to suggest that: (i) the is essential for obtaining sensitivity curves. main bottleneck of CID is QID; and (ii) PUSHFORWARD with topological ordering can reap the benefits of improved A valid concern regarding CID’s current implementation is that the proposed topological ordering for processing bidi- identification algorithms for directed edges. rected edges could be less capable than a general search over all possible valid graphical manipulations. With this 7. Conclusion in mind, we performed a thorough comparison of our pro- posal against other ordering methods for all queries in 3 and We introduced a general algorithmic framework of sensitiv- 4-node models. Topological ordering proved to perform as ity analysis for linear SCMs. We reduced sensitivity anal- well as a brute-force search that recursively tests all possible ysis to a constrained identification problem and developed subsets of bidirected edges that can be pushed forward. a novel graphical procedure to systematically incorporate constraints on bidirected edges. We then devised an effi- Finally, the incompleteness of CID can stem from two cient graph-based algorithm for deriving sensitivity curves. sources: limitations of the graphical manipulations per- Exhaustive experiments corroborated the generality of our proposal. Such systematic tools can help analysts better 7We use Gröbner bases, which has a doubly-exponential comp. complexity (Bardet, 2002). See Supp. Materials for details. navigate in the model space and understand the trade-off 8For 5-node models, these numbers reach 1 million graphs and between the plausibility of assumptions and the strength of 11 billion queries. Ground-truth computations in 5-node models conclusions. Extensions to other types of violations and to using computer algebra can take hours for a single graph. nonlinear models are promising directions for future work. Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models

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